1. I have one date object which is Evaluation Date and i created two cond itions Begin date and date and End date on date on that object which takes user input,Now i want to display both begin date and End date on the report title how can i do that can you tell me the syntax for that
Sol: Use the UserReponse() function to get the value entered by a user in a report prompt 2. lease advice,if it is possible to make link from the column values to the image! i have "ebi report with column #efID and each ID has a image associated with that! Is it feasible! $urrently i%m keping all the images on my local folder!
Sol: I think you can! $reate a variable to define the Image name based on the #efID! ut this variable in the cell which should contain the image! $hange the property of the cell %#ead cell content as% to Image URL! URL!
3. #ight now I am getting the &' user id through $urrentUser() function! &ut I want to display the user first name and user last name! *indly help me to get the first and last name of &' login details!
Sol: I havent seen a way to do th is! &ut if you get the name, here is the formula to seperate first name and last name Code: First Name =Substr([Name =Substr([Name];1;Pos([Name] ];1;Pos([Name];" ;" ")-1)
Code: Last Name = Substr([Name]; Substr([Name];Pos([Name];" Pos([Name];" ")-1;Length([Name])-Length([First ")-1;Length([Name])-Length([First Name])1)
+ope you get the earlier problem solved!
4. I have filleter condintion on table ysDeploylan-inish!!!!!!!!!universe object D Date!!!! I created variable (user suppose to select date or enter) DE Date!!!!!! I created variable (user suppo se to select date or enter) .ysDeploylan-inish/ between .riorDeploytartDate/ and .riorDeployEndDate/ I tried as below If.D-/between.DD/ and .DED/ then 010 Else 0N0
Sol: 2fter you enter the dates in the prompt for Start Date and End Date! Date! 1ou need to create variables to capture those dates using the UserResponse function UserResponse function in the reports and then use those variables in the If statement you statement you have! Code: V_PDSD = Todate(Userresponse("user Todate(Userresponse("user suppose to select Start date or enter:");"")
Code: V_PDSE = Todate(Userresponse("user Todate(Userresponse("user suppose to select End date or enter:");"")
-inally Code: If([SDPF] Between ([V_PDSD];[V_PDED])) ([V_PDSD];[V_PDED])) then "Y" Else "N"
I have this situation!!! +opefully someone can help! 3y scope of analysis is set to 4 5evel6 5evel7 5evel8
level4 In my report I have 8 columns 6st column 9 level6 7nd column : if drillfilter(.5evel6/) : 00 then .5evel7/ else if d rillfilters(.5evel7) : 00 then .5evel8/ else if drillfilters(.5evel8) : 00 then .5evel4/ 8 3easure object! 3y problem I drill on column 6, the second column changes and displays level7 info, 2gain drill on col 6 gives level8 info in col7 and so on!! &ut when I drill up then last level info remains while the col6 drills up to 5evel6! ;!
Sol: $reate this variable and put it in a blank cell! :$oncatenation(05evel 0ab /ame #ou %ant to open? ! ;4! I am trying to compare the days between two dates and if that value is greater than 4P to return the sum of an order Cuantity to my table for the specific ales erson! I have the following formula built but I am receiving 0LL3ultivalue0! :If(Days&etween(.5arge hip "indow/!.#eCuest hip Date/
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