Weather Watch Unit Test Multiple Choice: choose ONE answer for each, worth 1 mark each 1. In a room like our classroom, that is close to the oot room an! has no win!ows, "ust a !oor to the hallwa#, where woul! #ou fin! the col!est temperature in the winter$ a% Near the ceiling in the middle of the room % In a closet near the back of the room c% Under a desk at the front of the room !% Near the floor by the door
&. Where woul! #ou fin! the warmest temperature outsi!e in the summer$ a% In the sun over dark asphalt (road) % In the sun over the water c% In the shade over light coloured sand !% In the shade over the grass
'. If #ou ha(e one room that is warm an! the room esi!e it is col! an! #ou open the !oor etween them so the air can mo(e, how woul! the air mo(e$ a% he air in the cold room would sink and the warm air from the other room would rush in! % he air in the warm room would rise and the cold air from the other room would rush in! c% he air in the cold room would rise and the warm air from the other room would rush in! !% he air wouldn"t move because it is indoors and there is no fan!
). What t#pe of weather instrument is this$ a% #ind gauge % $nemometer c% #ind vane !% %ompass
hort 2nswer: Make sure #ou answer in enou0h !etail 1. 3escrie the !irection 4from the water to the t he lan! or from the lan! to the water% the win! will 0o in this picture in the !a#time. 51
E6plain wh# this happens. 5&
&. 3raw a picture of what what the outsi!e of a 0lass of col! col! water woul! look like on a hot !a#. 51 E6plain wh# this happens. 5&
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