Wealth - Swara

April 23, 2017 | Author: suleman786 | Category: N/A
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Swara Yoga...


What is the connection between breath, love and wealth? LAST UPDATED ON THURSDAY, 9 JUNE 2011 12:52 WRITTEN BY ADMIN WEDNESDAY, 8 JUNE 2011 09:32 We know that we can not live without breathing, love and money. What is correlat ion between these three important life requirements? I would like to share with you my view of what I have learned and practiced from my GuruJi Shiva Swara Yoga is an ancient science about breath, nose, nostrils, life longevity an d interestingly it stands above the Prana Yama (yogic breathing) of which you ma y have heard if you practice Yoga. In Swara Yoga you can learn how to understand the energy flow through your nostrils (Swara) in relation to the environment wh ich allows you to be in charge of the events in your life. Swara Yoga emphasises that we breathe via alternate nostrils, sounds strange? If you check the flow o f your nostrils you may feel that there is more flow through the one of them at a time and after a while it will change. This is the crucial attribute of the Sw ara Yoga and in accordance to that you are able to predict events, only by liste ning to your nostrils!!! And here is some example the way Swara Yoga would inter pret events: suppose you receive a job offer, Swara yoga can give you possibilit y to evaluate this proposal to accept or not. Another example, lets say the pres ident of the company you work for offered you £1,000,000 premium at the time when your correct nostril was opened, that could be an indication that this offer can bring you stability without any bad consequences. But would you become rich aft er somebody has given you this amount of money? That is another question Yoga about Money says that wealth is a state of consciousness. What is our consc iousness? How do we know? Yoga says that the state of our consciousness is deter mined by the amount of energy we have been given, moreover it is determined by o ur Karma (the Law of actions). In this instance Jyotish (ancient Vedic science o f astrology) allows you to see causes of the events of your life firstly. It als o provides you with remedies how to change it. All together Swara Yoga, Tantra Yoga and Jyotish are very powerful sciences that allows you to understand yourself, your life and gives you tools on how to impr ove your consciousness and consequently your life by increasing the amount of th e energy you have. If we increase the amount of a constant flow of energy in our life we feel more comfortable, positive, happy and wealthy, because the conscio usness has changed, and it changes everything in our life. That is transformatio n of our consciousness as it is the purpose of our life. It also can be called a state of unconditional love in our consciousness as it creates the flow of the energy as opposed to blockages. Speaking about Love: we always are looking for l ove, but do we actually know what love is? Sometimes we think if we could FIND s omebody who would LOVE us? How does that sound to you? Do you think you are able to find something you are not able to provide? Pratipaksha Bhavana says that yo u must love yourself in the first instance in order to attract similar energy to wards yourself. Another question may arise how do I love myself? I believe that if you are able to understand a term unconditional love , than it is a good start J Another correlation to our energy aspect is Maithuna. What is Maithuna? Maithuna is Authentic Ancient Tantric technique which provides you indescribable bliss, fulfilment, sound health and solutions for the problems in your life. It is dire ctly related to your energy and your breathing pattern. You learn how to generat e more energy, improve your health and wealth of your family and transform your consciousness much quicker. By reading this you might have not noticed that you already know the correlation between breathing, love and wealth isn t it? If not or you want to find out more

come and join us for all this and much more. We are meeting in June my GuruJi Sh iva who will answer any questions in depth. Shiva is a foremost authority of Yog a, Tantra, Vedic science and Vedic astrology. He is the head of the Shiva Centre in Riga (Latvia) and Salt Lake City (USA). Don t miss out, sign up for the semina rs. (Go to the Events page, or click here).

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