Wealth Generator

September 29, 2017 | Author: correia_vasconcelos | Category: Consciousness, Wealth, Awareness, Evolution, Causality
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Becoming an Evolutionary Wealth Generator...


Becoming an Evolutionary Wealth Generator

Becoming an Evolutionary Wealth Generator “As we live the greatest shift in power, wealth, technology and beliefs the world has ever seen, our personal choices of cooperation and sharing become our collective answer to the crises of our shift.” -- Gregg Braden “We are the product of the process of evolution, and…we have become the process itself, through the emergence and evolution of our consciousness, our awareness, our capacity to imagine and anticipate the future, and to choose form among alternatives.” -- Jonas Salk “The progression of the evolution of consciousness is accelerated by the combination of intention plus attention. It is comparable to the setting of the compass of a ship, in which destiny (i.e. 'the future') becomes dominant and influences the decisions of the present by virtue of underlying intention. The influence of spiritual intention can therefore be over one thousand times stronger than ordinary intellectual effort. Thus the spiritual devotee need not be an apologist to the skeptical materialist but instead merely explain that they are simply applying the Heisenberg principle for the benefit and betterment of self and the world." -- Dr David Hawkins

Program Goals: a) To liberate you from your enmeshment with the limited, conditioned “extractor” paradigm and b) Recalibrate your internal operating system to sync you up with an expanded - and profoundly more fulfilling - level of being, doing and having. In short - every element of this multi-dimensional program has been meticulously designed to support your embodiment of the “wealth generator” energies so that you can expand your capacity to thrive in the new economy.

Becoming an Evolutionary Wealth Generator The Evolutionary Wealth Generator has a vastly different experience of his or her life:

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Instead of feeling limited and at the “effect” of life, the Evolutionary Wealth Generator knows that he or she is the central force in his/her dynamically unfolding life story. Instead of focusing on scarcity, survival or dependency, the Evolutionary Wealth Generator attends to his or her emotional security and self-reliance and becomes irresistibly attractive to people, ideas, opportunities and events that will enable him/ her to thrive. Instead of looking to outside circumstances, people or events to “fill the emptiness”, the Evolutionary Wealth Generator seeks out opportunities to participate in the cycle of contributing and receiving. Instead of focusing on what has existed in the past, the Evolutionary Wealth Generator is able to create and generate outcomes that are light years beyond what the average person could allow him/herself to imagine.

If you choose to sync up with the expanded perspective of the Evolutionary Wealth Generator: a) You will be able to consciously direct your life and build wealth in a way that is fulfilling and sustainable. b) You will experience life as an adventure - knowing that every positive experience can get even better and that every challenge can be transformed. c) Best of all - you will know that you have the tools, the capacity and the awareness to direct your life into ever more expanded possibilities - and you will never be at the effect of life trying to navigate it through fear or insecurity. If you do not sync up with the expanded Evolutionary Wealth Generator story: a) You will remain trapped in a world of fear, lack, limitation and powerlessness. b) You will continue to experience a sense of wanting what you do not have and having what you do not want. c) And, worst of all, you will not have any sense that you can change the direction of your life . Every experience of success will be followed by some degree of failure - and no matter how hard you try you won’t be able to control or escape that cycle. So this is the time to officially issue this invitation to you: •

It is an invitation to shift your allegiance from a false and disempowering story of who you really are and to anchor yourself in a liberating and exponentially more powerful story.

It is an invitation to evolve beyond the limited definition that your conditioning has led you to believe is the ceiling for all of us – our sense of “well that’s just the way that it is” - so that you can now step into an entirely new orientation and create a new world for all of us to inhabit.

Moving forward in this program indicates your willingness to consciously evolve yourself…and to bring everyone else on the planet along with you.

Module 1: Evolve Your Paradigm “For hundreds of years we have acted against nature by defining ourselves as separate from our world. What is now called for, in the midst of the continuing crises in our current way of life, are measures far more radical than individual instances of economic, political or ecological reform. We now require nothing less than a revolution in our thinking, in our entire paradigm.” -- Lynne McTaggart “The relationship to the world that modern science fostered and shaped [with its "unconditional faith in objective reality and complete dependency on general and rationally knowable laws"] appears to have exhausted its potential. The relationship is missing something. It fails to connect with the most intrinsic nature of reality and with natural human experience. It produces a state of schizophrenia: man as an observer is becoming completely alienated from himself as a being. Classical modern science described only the surface of things, a single dimension of reality. And the more dogmatically science treated it as the only dimension, as the very essence of reality, the more misleading it became. We may know immeasurably more about the universe than our ancestors did, and yet it increasingly seems they knew something more essential about it than we do, something that escapes us.” -- Vaclav Havel, President of the Czech Republic "Humanity’s future depends upon getting completely out of the 3D Matrix by switching out of a mortally skewed, scattered, unenlightened, and limited consciousness about everything (particularly about ourselves and money…) into unconditioned consciousness, regardless of the world external, what we’ve been told, or what we tell ourselves that is not the Truth about our current conditions." -- Maureen Moss, http://Worldpuja.org Foundational support for these concepts: • Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here Bruce H. Lipton and Steve Bhaerman • A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose - Eckhart Tolle • The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe - Lynne McTaggart • Evolutionary Enlightenment: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening - Andrew Cohen • The Storm Before the Calm - Neale Donald Walsch Top Five Reasons Not to Trust The Current Paradigm I. Not Your story II. Does not jive with current level science III. Obviously more beyond visible IV. Paradigm reflects reality or marks limits? V. Takes you out of your “knowing” New Orientation a) Not fixed but constantly evolving in sync with edges of awareness. b) Not mind-centric but mind in service and support of something bigger. c) Not reductionist due to evidence of an underlying field of intelligence that we have is accessible to us. Therefore we can live in the question - asking, exploring, and allowing next levels of awareness to be revealed to us. d) Not oriented based on other people’s stories or experiences of the past. Our ability to discriminate between Truth and lies become our new navigating system

Arcs of True Cause Dr. David Hawkins describes the distinctions between our current perspective of “success” and how life is experienced by an individual who knows him/herself to be a “wealth generator”... "The truly successful identify with the ABC (true cause on the invisible plane.) They realize they are a channel acted through to create success in the outer world. Inasmuch as they identify with the source of success, they have no fear of losing it. But a person who views his success in the realm of a → b → c [the material level] will always be insecure because its source is ‘out there.’ Solid confidence comes from the knowledge that the source of success is ‘in here.’ By believing that the source of power lies outside oneself, one becomes powerless and vulnerable and, therefore, defensive and possessive. True success originates within, independent of external circumstances."

Paradigm Your Story of What is “True”

Mindset Your Story of What is “Real”

Potency Capacities - Who You Know Yourself to “Be”

Actions How You Operate in the World - “Do”

Outcome Results - What You End Up “Having”

Access ConsciousnessTM (Find at


The purpose of Access is to create a world of consciousness and oneness. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. It is our target to get you to the point where you receive from Access the awareness of everything, with no judgment of anything. If you have no judgment of anything, then you get to look at everything for what it is, not for what you want it to be, not for what it ought to be, but just for what it is. The Access ConsciousnessTM Clearing Statement:

Gary Douglas

Right and wrong, good and bad, pod poc, all nine, shorts boys and beyonds Right and Wrong, Good and Bad: What’s good, perfect and correct about this? What’s wrong, mean, vicious, terrible, bad, and awful about this? What’s right and wrong, good and bad? POC: Is the point of creation of the thoughts, feelings and emotions immediately preceding whatever you decided. POD: Is the point of destruction immediately following whatever you decided. It’s like pulling the bottom card out of a house of cards. The whole thing falls down.

Dr. Dain Heer

All Nine: Stands for nine layers of blocked energy that we're taking out. It’s blockages that you’re generating yourself, which is the bad part. The good part is because you created it, you can change it. Shorts: Is the short version of: What’s meaningful about this? What’s meaningless about this? What’s the punishment for this? What’s the reward for this? Boys: Stands for nucleated spheres. Have you ever been told you have to peel the layers of the onion to get to the core of an issue? Well, this is it—except it’s not an onion. It’s an energetic structure that looks like one. These are pre-verbal. Basically these have to do with those areas of our life where we’ve tried to change something continuously with no effect. This is what keeps something repeating ad infinitum… Beyonds: Are feelings or sensations you get that stop your heart, stop your breath, or stop your willingness to look at possibilities. It’s like when your business is in the red and you get another final notice and you say argh! You weren’t expecting that right now.

It’s Time... It’s time to expand your story to the growing edge of awareness – and to expand your ability to discriminate truth from lies. To do this we are going to be unlocking releasing lies and anchoring Truth using the Access ConsciousnessTM Clearing Statement (see page above.) For now, understand that you don’t have to follow the words that I am saying. In fact they are unlikely to make any sense to you as the statement has been designed to bypass your cognitive mind. Your role here – as stated before – is to be deliberate with your intentions and your attention. When you ask a question, you can’t help but know what is true. We are using questions here to pierce through judgments and conclusions that you have been making real so that we can unlock the lies and bring the Truth to the surface. Your intention comes online when you state “yes” – out loud or in your mind – when I ask about your willingness to release a limitation. If you have the intention to let go, the clearing statement will do the work of vacuuming up the constricted energy which will free you to move into greater levels of truth and awareness. You attention will be useful in noticing signs that you are moving into an expanded perspective. Use the tracking sheets at the end of this section to note what you have noticed so that you invite the energy to continually unfold. Section 1 - Intention 1. Truth – are you willing to relinquish the limited story that you have been holding that leads you to believe that scarcity and separation really exist? 2. Truth – are you willing to relinquish the limited story that you have been holding that leads you to believe that you are powerless to affect your reality? 3. Truth – are you willing to relinquish the limited story that you have about money that has put a cap on what you can earn and what you can receive? 4. Truth – are you willing to relinquish the limited story that you have been holding that puts a limit on what you can do, be and achieve? 5. Truth – are you willing to relinquish the limited story that you have been holding that blocks you from knowing the Truth of who you really are? We bring up the concept of Truth before each statement, because Truth will set you free. In the light of Truth you don’t have to free yourself from lies – lies will let go of you.

Section 2. Expansion Feel into these Truths. Feel the lightness of the following statements and allow yourself to expand • Truth - There is more to my experience on this planet than i have allowed myself to know. • Truth - There is more to this experience than others have reflected to me. • Truth – I’ve had to work really hard and expend a great deal of energy to convince myself that I am small and powerless. • Truth – I have extraordinary untapped power. • Truth – I have extraordinary untapped potential. • Truth – There are a multitude of possibilities for generating wealth that are beckoning to me. • Truth – The Universe wants to gift to me to help me expand my experience here. • Truth – There is a new way of orienting myself in this world that will bring me greater ease, joy and expansion. • Truth - When I synch up with this new way of being, doing and having I will create outcomes for myself than are grander than any I have previously imagined. • Truth – I know this inside. I have always known this. • • Truth - The time has come for me to let go of my false story. • Truth - The time has come to generate a new reality where money and wealth serve me, rather than the other way around. • Truth - A completely new reality is possible when I live as a generator and function from choice, capacity and possibility. • Truth - I make the choice to claim this new way of being - NOW!

Section 3 - Getting in Sync with the Evolving Wealth Paradigm

1. Scarcity to Sufficiency For all the ways in which I’ve blocked myself from knowing, trusting and believing in the fundamental Truth of Sufficiency (while I’ve been locked in the myth of scarcity), am I now willing to reconfigure, recalibrate and reconstruct my paradigm of reality? If yes, we release, uncreate, de-story everything that stands in the way of this. Right/wrong, good/bad, POD/POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. Now take a deep breath, count to three and allow yourself to become entrained with the Truth of Sufficiency that is calling to us from the evolving wealth paradigm. 2. Separation to Interconnectedness For all the ways in which I’ve blocked myself from knowing, trusting and believing in the fundamental Truth of our Interconnectedness (while I’ve been locked in the myth of separation), am I now willing to reconfigure, recalibrate and reconstruct my paradigm of reality? If yes, we release, uncreate, de-story everything that stands in the way of this. Right/wrong, good/bad, POD/POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. Now take a deep breath, count to three and allow yourself to become entrained with the Truth of Interconnectedness that is calling to us from the evolving wealth paradigm. 3. Victim to Chooser For all the ways in which I’ve blocked myself from knowing, trusting and believing in the fundamental Truth of my power as a Chooser (while I’ve been locked in the myth of myself as a victim), am I now willing to reconfigure, recalibrate and reconstruct my paradigm of reality? If yes, we release, uncreate, de-story everything that stands in the way of this. Right/wrong, good/ bad, POD/POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. Now take a deep breath, count to three and allow yourself to become entrained with the Truth of Being a Chooser that is calling to us from the evolving wealth paradigm. 4. Conditioned to New Mind For all the ways in which I’ve blocked myself from knowing, trusting and believing in the fundamental Truth of my mind’s tremendous capacities (which are far more impressive and expansive than the myths that my pre-conditioned thinking would lead me to know), am I now willing to reconfigure, recalibrate and reconstruct my paradigm of reality? If yes, we release, uncreate, de-story everything that stands in the way of this. Right/wrong, good/bad, POD/POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. Now take a deep breath, count to three and allow yourself to become entrained with the Truth of Upgrading to a New Mind that is calling to us from the evolving wealth paradigm. 5. Neediness to Contribution & Receiving For all the ways in which I’ve blocked myself from knowing, trusting and believing in the fundamental Truth of the power of Contribution and Receiving (while I’ve been locked in the myth of neediness and martyrdom), am I now willing to reconfigure, recalibrate and reconstruct my paradigm of reality? If yes, we release, uncreate, de-story everything that stands in the way of this. Right/wrong, good/bad, POD/POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. Now take a deep breath, count to three and allow yourself to become entrained with the Truth of Contribution and Receiving that is calling to us from the evolving wealth paradigm.

6. Limitation to Holistic Perspective For all the ways in which I’ve blocked myself from knowing, trusting and believing in the fundamental Truth of the power of having a Holistic Perspective while I’ve been locked in the illusion of my limited perspective), am I now willing to reconfigure, recalibrate and reconstruct my paradigm of reality? If yes, we release, uncreate, de-story everything that stands in the way of this. Right/wrong, good/bad, POD/POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. Now take a deep breath, count to three and allow yourself to become entrained with the Truth of the power of a Holistic Perspective that is calling to us from the evolving wealth paradigm. 7. Duality to Altitude For all the ways in which I’ve blocked myself from knowing, trusting and believing in the fundamental Truth of the power of Achieving Altitude (while I’ve been locked in limitations of dualistic thinking), am I now willing to reconfigure, recalibrate and reconstruct my paradigm of reality? If yes, we release, uncreate, de-story everything that stands in the way of this. Right/ wrong, good/bad, POD/POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. Now take a deep breath, count to three and allow yourself to become entrained with the Truth of Navigating Change that is calling to us from the evolving wealth paradigm. 8. Status Quo to Navigating Change For all the ways in which I’ve blocked myself from knowing, trusting and believing in the fundamental Truth of the power of Navigating Change (while I’ve been locked in the desire to maintain the status quo), am I now willing to reconfigure, recalibrate and reconstruct my paradigm of reality? If yes, we release, uncreate, de-story everything that stands in the way of this. Right/wrong, good/bad, POD/POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. Now take a deep breath, count to three and allow yourself to become entrained with the Truth of Navigating Change that is calling to us from the evolving wealth paradigm. 9. 5 S’s (Stress, Struggle, Striving, Sacrificing and Selling out) to Creating through Ease and Flow For all the ways in which I’ve blocked myself from knowing, trusting and believing in the fundamental Truth of the power of Creating through Ease and Flow (while I’ve been locked in the myth of stress, struggle, striving, sacrificing and selling out), am I now willing to reconfigure, recalibrate and reconstruct my paradigm of reality? If yes, we release, uncreate, de-story everything that stands in the way of this. Right/wrong, good/bad, POD/POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. Now take a deep breath, count to three and allow yourself to become entrained with the Truth of Creating through Ease and Flow that is calling to us from the evolving wealth paradigm. 10. Hiding to Truth, Transparency & Trust For all the ways in which I’ve blocked myself from knowing, trusting and believing in the fundamental powers of Truth, Transparency and Trust (while I’ve been locked in the myth of hiding, manipulating and defending), am I now willing to reconfigure, recalibrate and reconstruct my paradigm of reality? If yes, we release, uncreate, de-story everything that stands in the way of this. Right/wrong, good/bad, POD/POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds. Now take a deep breath, count to three and allow yourself to become entrained with the Truth of Contribution and Receiving that is calling to us from the evolving wealth paradigm.

Module 2: Recalibrate Your Mindset “It may be important, even essential for the survival of the planet, that we acknowledge and cultivate an intelligence within us that somehow guides the other seven, making sure that their use is directed toward the common good of humankind. That intelligence may be outside of ourselves, as it was conceived of in ancient and medieval times, in a transpersonal, religious, or celestial realm. It may even be located deep within the soul of the earth, as supporters of the Gaia hypothesis have proposed. Or it may be in ourselves – but located in our hearts rather than our minds. However we conceive of it, to cultivate such a supraordinate intelligence may be the single most intelligent thing we will ever do.” -Thomas Armstrong “These levels [of consciousness] profoundly influence all aspects of life. The degree of difference is almost equivalent to describing two different, contrasting civilizations with different levels of the quality of interpersonal relationships, pleasure, happiness in life, worldly success, philosophies, politics, and most importantly, the level of spiritual awareness and enlightenment." -- Dr. David Hawkins “We need a collective intelligence of a kind that may not have characterized the human species in the past; but we see no reason to believe that…a whole population cannot reach a stage of mature self-consciousness much as an individual does.” -- Paul Hawken, James Ogilvy and Peter Schwartz "We can't create a win-win world with a win-lose mind." -- Leslie Temple-Thurston Foundational support for these concepts: • Busting Loose From the Money Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Changing the Rules of a Game You Can't Win - Robert Scheinfeld • The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources - Lynne Twist • God Wants You to Be Rich: How and Why Everyone Can Enjoy Material and Spiritual Wealth in Our Abundant World - Paul Zane Pilzer • Money Isn’t the Problem, You Are – Gary Douglas, Access ConsciousnessTM • Conscious Evolution: Awakening Our Social Potential – Barbara Marx Hubbard I. Things to know about your mindset • While your paradigm is the container for what is True for you, your mindset determines what is “real” for you. • If evolving your story is like upgrading to a new operating system, evolving your mindset is like engaging an antivirus program. • Your mindset sets the parameters and defines what is possible for you. • Shifting your mindset involves breaking through the barriers of your false construction of reality. • As you liberate yourself from faulty conditioning and recalibrate your mindset you will reveal ever expanding capacities. • You want to anchor your paradigm in Truth with a capital “T.” You want to recalibrate your mind to constantly shed false, antiquated, obsolete programming.

• False constructs have seemed “real” to you, leading you to navigate “reality” with a faulty map. • When you were 0 - 6 years old your mind was operating in a brain wave state that would be similar to going through your day under hypnosis. Everything that you experienced was internalized without discrimination or consideration. • Most of us never question our thoughts or limiting beliefs. We are in a prison of our own making and we don’t see the bars. • The invitation here is to deliberately recalibrate every false construct and limiting belief to allow more of “you” to come online. • The process of dismantling builds momentum. Like a rocket requiring most fuel at the beginning of the journey to get out of earth’s gravitational field, the greatest expenditure of energy to recalibrate your mindset is required in the beginning - when all of the constructs are rigidly locked in place. II. Practices and processes to shift consciousness in key stuck places A. Who Does This Belong To You are far more empathic, psychic and aware than you allow yourself to know. According to Access ConsciousnessTM 98% of your thoughts, feelings and emotions don’t belong to you. Becoming aware of this and using this understanding to disentangle yourself from others people’s thoughts is an essential element of freeing you to have clarity about your own Truth and awareness. How to use the process: This is the first question to ask yourself when you are aware of a thought, feeling or emotion in your space. When you ask “Who Does This Belong To” and the energy lightens up it means that the energy isn’t yours. You can then simply say, “Return to sender, consciousness attached” which means that you invite the thought, feeling or emotion to return to its point of origin - bringing with it a packet of consciousness that will enable the person who has been expressing the thought that you were picking up to unlock all the false constructs connected with the thought. A great place to go to get a better understanding of this tool is Dr Dain Heer’s website. If you visit: http://drdainheer.com/free-stuff/ and scroll down to the middle of the page you’ll find free downloadable audios explaining “Who Does This Belong To?” and the Access ConsciousnessTM Clearing Statement. (While you are there, check out all of the other free stuff. Dr. Dain is a brilliant treasure and he introduced me to Access ConsciousnessTM .) You can find a full range of recorded products on every topic (from money, to business, to health, to relationships) along with live and online classes at the Access ConsciousnessTM web site.

B. Recalibrating Your Mindset We will set the deconstruction process into motion by dismantling the top ten (plus) stuck places where you have likely been limiting your natural orientation to be a wealth generator. We’ve chosen to begin with the eleven most highly charged sticking points around money and wealth (based on Evolutionary Wealth upgrade participants survey reports) and twelve stuck places around acknowledging your value and self worth. We will lead you to use the Access ConsciousnessTM clearing statement “Right and wrong, good and bad, pod poc, all nine, shorts boys and beyonds” to uncreate and destroy the energies that have been holding the false constructs in place 1. Money and Wealth • • • • • • • • • • •

Deprivation Stress, struggle, striving, sacrifice and/or "selling out" Fear of losing money Fear of being overcome by debt Fear of being thought of as greedy Feeling a split between being "spiritual" and being materially abundant Having guilty money secrets Having a pattern of "just getting by" Envy, jealousy or resentment related to money Belief that having money requires hard work Negative impact on relationships that has been related to money

2. Value and Self-Worth: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Feeling unworthy or undeserving Feeling unlovable Feeling that I am not enough Comparing myself Judging myself Not trusting myself Patterns of perfectionism, procrastination and/or self-sabotage Patterns of feeling paralyzed, confused, overwhelmed and/or indecisive Unresolved feelings of guilt, shame or despair My tendency to hold back and "play small" My tendency to put myself last My tendency to go it alone

C. Continuing the Unlocking Now that we have gotten the process underway, you have everything you need to continue deconstructing the knots in consciousness that created the veil of separation that you currently inhabit. Every time you come to a stuck place - around any topic in your life - you have the power to disengage yourself from the stuck energy. Ask a question that pulls the energy into your space and simply say: “Everything that is keeping me trapped in the thought/feeling/experience of _____________ , am I willing to destroy and uncreate all of that please? Right and wrong, good and bad, pod poc, all nine, shorts boys and beyonds.”

Module 3: Activate Your Full Potency (Capacity / Being) “To be/work/love from a place of true and pure authenticity catalyzes a state of grace beyond linear explanation. It’s a kind of spiritual alchemy… When all stops at the center. When the noise of material life fades and all distracted motivations dissolve… In this place, one sees clearly and choices cannot help but be authentic. You stand at the cocreative edge and hold hands with the universe.” -- Barbara Fields “The harmony of natural law…reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.” -- Albert Einstein "Why is true success so relatively effortless? It might be likened to the magnetic field created by an electric current running through a wire. The higher the power of the current, the greater the magnetic field that it generates. And the magnetic field itself then influences everything in its presence." -- Dr. David Hawkins Foundational support for these concepts: • Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires – Esther and Jerry Hicks • Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior – Dr. David Hawkins • The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy - Gregg Braden • The Physics of Miracles: Tapping in to the Field of Consciousness Potential – Dr. Richard Bartlett • Being You, Changing the World – Dr. Dain Heer

5 Paradoxical Shifts 1. You are not who you think you are... a. Are you ready to evolve your story of your capacity? b. Are you a particle or are you also a part of the wave? c. What are you “attracting” through the law of attraction - fullness or deprivation? 2. You donʼt choose things for the reasons you think you do a. Have --> Do --> Be = Lie b. Cause --> Effect is a mental construct c. Force and effort cause us to disconnect from the field 3. You have been expending way to much energy for temporary, limited return a. In lower levels of the Arcs of True Cause, great amounts of energy are expended b. “Doing” requires effort to set something in motion and to keep the motion going c. Generation revolves around setting something into motion that continues without new energy required d. When you come from the energy of “generator” you focus on contributing to what is already in existence and use that to generate more e. Doing requires effort. Generation takes place through consciousness. f. Connect to the field of untapped potential and choose the energy you’d like your life to be.

4. The Secret missed the most important elements of Asking and Receiving a. Evolution is based on asking and receiving b. Asking of one generation is typically available to future generations c. Ask = Choice Point. No longer on default. Setting new direction. d. To Receive = Line up your energy with what youʼve been asking for and clear the static in between 5. Youʼll never achieve fulfillment through the “give to get” philosophy a. Evolutionary leap - For the first time in history we have the capacity, understanding and technology to sync up with the evolutionary imperative to direct our own unfolding. b. Evolution speeding up - can catch up to and receive what weʼve asked for in our own lifetime. c. New game to play - harness these forces on behalf of self and everyone else on the planet. d. Cultivate developmental leap beyond giving and getting to “being a wealth generator” e. Receiving: The Universe supports you when you realize that you don’t have to support yourself. f. Most significant question “Where are you coming from” g. Paradox: Being a “wealth generator” is the greatest gift to everyone

Unlocking the Potential of the Evolutionary Wealth Generator I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me exist in a world of scarcity and fixed limits, I operate within a worldview of expandable resources and abundant time. I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me function from fear, insecurity or personal pressure, I am attuned to a higher plane of expanded awareness and Trust. I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me are competing with or comparing themselves to others, I am aligned with my inherent worthiness and my own “unique brilliance.” I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me allow their futures to be a replica of the past, I own my capacity to generate my preferred future. I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me need a step-bystep map of the future, I know that success comes from trusting my own guidance and “navigating the flow.” I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me are steeped in problems and questions, I find myself to be magnetic to answers, possibilities and solutions. I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me go into denial and self-sacrifice in their relationships, I nurture myself and stay attuned to my own needs and desires while relating to others. I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me are copying others, hiding their gifts and playing small, I continually step into greater and greater capacity and I recognize the significance of my presence as a leader, contribution and catalyst. I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me try too hard to impress others and often overgive, I do my best to recognize my own deservability and innate value. I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me are crippled by resistances and anxieties that represent the past, I build my courage by moving through my fears. I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me are efforting, struggling and “pushing” through, I take daily “inspired actions” to generate my life. I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me have a limited focus on short-term gratification, I concentrate on the big picture, interconnectedness and my own legacy. I am an Evolutionary Wealth Generator. While most people around me are isolating themselves and trying to do everything alone, I extend my reach and my capacity with partners and team and I know that the universe supports me from all angles.

Recommendation: Put this processing sequence on a loop in your mp3 player.

Module 4: Operate in a New Field (Actions / Doing) “The future of business will be forged by those brave enough to embrace a new union of formerly rival ideas: conscience and commerce; meaning and measure; tolerance and conviction...logic and love” -- Kathleen Gardarian "The ladder of success seems to have three main steps. Initially, it is what we ‘have’ that counts; status depends upon visible signs of material wealth. As one progresses, status is afforded by what one ‘does,’ rather than has. At this level on the ladder, one's position and activities bring significant social status. But the attraction of social roles loses its glamour as one achieves mastery and matures; it is what one has accomplished that is important. Finally, one is concerned only with what one has become as a result of life's experiences. Such people have a charismatic ‘presence’ that is the outer manifestation of the grace of their inner power. In their company we feel the effect of the powerful attractor energy patterns with which they are aligned and which they reflect. Success comes as the automatic consequence of aligning one's life with high power energy patterns." -- Dr. David Hawkins "Every problem that we face right now, whether it’s war, terrorism, social injustice, economic disparities, or global warming, would be creatively addressed by our collective consciousness moving to a new level.” -- Deepak Chopra Foundational support for these concepts: • Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization – Dave Logan et. al • Reflections on Evolutionary Activism: Essays, poems and prayers from an emerging field of sacred social change - Tom Atlee • Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition - Charles Eisenstein • Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends – Tim Sanders • Screw Business as Usual – Richard Branson This is the unit that is the biggest practical “game changer.” Dr. Maria Nemeth coined the phrase “trouble at the border” in her book The Energy of Money. Most people “do” to “have.” This is a big fiction we need to turn around. Central Truth of the entire program: You will never feel wealthy (happy, successful or fulfilled) based on what you get - you will only feel wealthy based on what you become and what you give. Tony Robbins to Oprah Winfrey “Life isn’t about getting what you want. Life is about becoming more. What you get is not going to make you happy because success without fulfillment is failure. It’s not what you get, it’s who you become.” (Note: Review similar quote by David Hawkins at the top of the page.)

Evolutionary Wealth Generators take actions that advance their sense of who they are becoming and what they are contributing in the world. A “generator” is someone who is constantly evolving and sharing more and more of themselves with the world as a result. The impetus to be a generator comes from the inside and is expressed outwardly. Becoming an Evolutionary Wealth Generator is about committing to this “inside-out” path to happiness and wealth with two priorities: 1) evolving (so you can contribute more) and 2) contributing more (so that you continue to evolve.) You are a miracle looking for a place to happen. Key: Not just what you are doing but “why” - the energy behind your actions. Evolutionary Wealth Generators operate from a bigger “why” than most people on the planet. We want you to use a bigger “why” to propel you. Truth: • any action taken from state of powerlessness --> reinforce feelings of powerless • any action taken from state of scarcity or lack --> counterproductive • anything built on foundation of lies --> will become unstable and will collapse Developmental leap from “giving and getting” to “contributing and receiving.” Note: You can’t skip giving to get. You need to clear whatever contradictory energy you have about the give to get paradigm. (Return to “mindset” processes from Module 2.) Evolutionary Wealth Generators act from a “generative” space: • dormant capacities get activated • begin to unlock/reveal true potency • become aware of what we are truly made of • actions become infused with a higher order energy • we are fueled by a greater sense of who we are, how we fit into the bigger picture and “why” we are doing what we are doing Examples of evolutionary leaps that are calling to us: I. New “Why” of Business Paradigm shift from profit at all costs to a bigger “why.” “Each level of consciousness is in accord with and a reflection of a dominant attractor field of consciousness by which meaning and value are contextualized. Each person therefore lives in a world of their own making, reinforced by seeking agreement and a variety of rationalizations.” - Dr. David Hawkins

Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization – Dave Logan et al

Stage five: “Their language revolves around infinite potential and how the group is going to make history - not to beat a competitor, but because doing so will have a global impact.” “Stage Five outperforms Four, which accomplishes more than Three, which gets more done than Two, which is more effective than One...In short, companies with tribes at the later stages earn more, employ better performers (and upgrade the performers they have), serve their markets, and have a blast doing it.” II. New “Why” of Partnering Important element revealed in Tribal Leadership research is the shift in ways people collaborate at different levels within an organization. At higher levels observe organically birthed new forms of relating. New forms of alliances (shared core values and noble cause) “Triads” - one = isolated, two = unstable, three = strongest form Work together for a common goal - brains start to act in synchrony Spiritual partnering - bringing in higher purpose in relating. In all relationships. Gary Zukav defines Spiritual Partnership as, “partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.”

III. New “Why” for Change Agents: Teachers, Trainers, Therapists, Consultants, Coaches and Healers The expert/ guru model is losing potency. As Tribal Leadership describes evolving business we see that businesses and organizations are evolving to non-hierarchical forms. The focus becomes “we are all in this together.” Evolutionary Wealth Generators - Gandhi’s “Being the change you wish to see in the world.” Charles Eisenstein, author of Sacred Economics: Our unique historical moment is the movement from separation to connection A leader: "One who holds the story of what-is-to-be" A leader: "One who creates opportunities for others to express their gifts"

Implanting Energetic Resonance with Circulating and Receiving Wealth Recalibrating: Truth - Struggle, sacrifice, and doing things just for the money make it more difficult to become wealthy Truth - Often times people who are rich work less hard than people who are poor Truth - Many people with little money worry a lot, and many people with a lot of money worry a lot. Therefore financial freedom cannot simply be achieved by accumulating money. What the experience of financial freedom is truly about is overcoming worries and anxieties over money issues. Truth - The most impressive achievements in history have been undertaken out of love and a sense of purpose. Rarely have the most significant things been done specifically for the money. Truth - Financial freedom lies in defining yourself by who and what you become - not by what you do or have. Implanting Energetic Resonance with Circulating and Receiving Wealth • I’m at cause over money • I have enough time, energy, wisdom and money to accomplish all of my desires • The more I benefit the more I desire to see others benefit. The more I see others benefit, the more I benefit. • I am my own source of my love, self worth and value and I reflect this out into the world. • I’m willing to allow more love, wealth and unity into my life • My presence alone produces valuable results • It’s fun to be wealthy • Allow others to support financial success • My wealth contributes to my freedom and my freedom contributes to my wealth • I have the power to contribute massive value to other people on a daily basis. It’s fun for me to be a wealth generator • I am a miracle looking for a place to happen. I am here to change the world.

Module 5: From Surviving to Thriving: A New Way of “Having” “There’s a sense in which final causes – purposes and goals – have this kind of attractive quality. They draw things toward them…. This is completely different from the model of things being pushed from behind in the mechanical universe.” -- Rupert Sheldrake “What are we really saying when we say that something is “impossible”? In essence, we are simply saying that because a proposition about a future possibility does not align with our past experience, our prevailing belief system, our values, our habits, and our expectations about the future, then such a proposition is impossible. It cannot happen.” -- Nicanor Perlas "Eventually, the apparent 'extraordinary' becomes a new reality as though one now lives in a different dimension in which the seemingly impossible manifests effortlessly as though orchestrated. The power of the field autonomously facilitates the emergence of karmic potentiality into a manifested actuality in a harmonious unfoldment. The dynamics are nonlinear and therefore incomprehensible to the intellect, which presumes the limitations of the linear Newtonian model of causality and is unable to conceptualize emergence, Divine Order, or Harmony." -- Dr. David Hawkins Foundational support for these concepts: • Effortless Success: How to Get What You Want and Have a Great Time Doing It Michael Neill • Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence - Vicki Robin • Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment – Martin Seligman • Creating Money: Attracting Abundance - Sanaya Roman • How to Be Cherished: A Guide to Having the Love You Desire - Marilyn Graman I. A New Orientation As you have been experiencing, this program is designed to catapult you into a new orientation - to the world, to yourself, to others, and to the idea of “wealth.” The beautiful thing about this approach is that, as we “zoom” out to expanded levels, the levels underneath tend to take care of themselves. As we move into the emergent paradigm we discover that “miracles” and a sense of receiving universal support become common. We have access to the ultimate leverage - because within this field 1 + 1 can equal 4. The focus of this module is two-fold: wisdom and daily action II. Evolutionary Approach to Daily Life Move from “particle” orientation (individual, isolated, on your own) to participate in an interconnected field. Experience how every molecule of consciousness on the planet is in support of you.

III. Asking and Receiving Questions draw answers. Problems draw solutions. Critical question - which side of the equation are you aligned with: How does it feel to shift your focus from sitting in the incompleteness of the question to lining up with confidence to receive answers? How does it feel to shift your focus from the pain of the problems to lining up with the satisfaction of the solution?’ IV. Evolutionary Imperative This is the evolutionary imperative for the planet at this time. We must shift to the “answer” side of the equation if we want to receive the new levels of consciousness, wisdom and solutions that will enable us to turn the trajectory of our planet around. At this very moment there is wisdom being streamed towards us in answers to our grandest questions related to the future of humanity. We are drawing towards us an energy vortex containing practical and viable solutions to our energy crisis, global warming, disease, poverty, aging, hunger, homelessness, war, and every other challenge we are facing. Every one of us who is asking and trusting that the answers are on their way to us is enhancing the power of this field. In order for you to be of greatest value to humanity at this time, you must make the shift that we are encouraging - the shift from identifying yourself as a small, limited, isolated particle alone in an unfriendly universe to embodying the fullness of who you really are and lining up expectantly to receive support. And the same stance is required to receive money in the most grace-filled ways... Which is where the “generator” energy comes in. V. Becoming an Evolutionary Wealth Generator The dictionary definition of generator is: a device that converts energy from one form to another. When you think of yourself as a generator you convert the energy that flows through your consciousness into other forms of energy that are expressed in the outside world. When you have a sense that you have plenty of energy moving through you, that is what will present itself in your external experience. So we must be attuned to fullness within us first. Most people experience emptiness inside.

Most people live absent of an experience of potency, sufficiency and interconnectedness. When these people focus on money it comes from a sense of yearning or “neediness” and a feeling one needs to “make” money in order to prove something to themselves or in order to survive. When that is your paradigm, all you believe that you can do is to use your physical energy (effort) to bring in the money and the things you desire. In the “Wealth Generator” paradigm, the wealth that comes to us is a reflection of the fullness inside of ourselves and the awareness that we are part of that flow. If you are full inside, your life experience will reflect that fullness. If you are empty inside, your outer world is going to seem empty and you are going to have to effort and strive to make ends meet because everything around you is emptiness and you can only find fullness through hard work - by expending energy and having that come back to you. When we believe in lack, it makes us want to hoard, save, and protect what we do have as we experience anxiety about a future time when we may not have. VI. Receiving: The Most Important Skill for the 21st Century Receive: to bask, and savor and have no obligation of return. 180 degrees from deprivation. Real receiving is a muscle to be exercised and a skill to be developed How well do you receive? Ask for help - practice receiving The universe supports you when you realize that you don’t have to support yourself through manipulation and control. When we believe that we have to work to earn or to prove or to have, we have denied the universe the opportunity to support us. Let yourself receive from the universe - do not have to depend on your own resources anymore. VII. Having Have to let go of everything to have everything. Uncreate and destroy everything every evening. Note: Things that are not a match to your new field of resonance will get shaky and will likely drop out. Must have primary commitment to self and evolution. Can’t play small and try to hold on when your Soul is bringing you to a new place.

Living the Concept of Wealth Generation: Practices to Enhance A Sense of Fullness 1) Book of Positive Aspects from http://www.abraham-hicks.com “You are upon the brink of magnificent, deliberate creating. You have been the creators of your experience from the day that you emerged into this body. Now you will be the deliberate creators of your experience. Trust that which comes forth from within you. If you will buy a new notebook, and call it your Book of Positive Aspects, and spend 10 minutes each day writing positive aspects about your home, your body, your work, your relationships...If you will wake up every morning...look for reasons to feel good...it is our absolute promise to you, that -- within 30 days -- you will see such a dramatic turn of events in your life experience, that you will not believe you are the same person." -- Abraham Suggested topics to write Positive Aspects: • Situations (People, Experiences, Opportunities) that are going well for you (the better it gets, the better it gets!!!!) • Situations (People, Experiences, Opportunities) that you want to show up for you in a new, bigger way. Send out positive, expectant energy in advance around all related topics - for example, if you are wanting to attract more money, positive aspect the experiences of abundance that you have right now. If you are wanting to attract a new romantic partner, positive aspect all of the wonderful partners you have had in the past (only their positive qualities), positive aspect the people in your life right now (love surrounds you!) and find positive aspects of all the new people you meet. This will create a vacuum that the Universe will have to fill. • Situations (People, Experiences, Opportunities) that are NOT going well for you so that you can turn the tides and begin the creation in a positive direction. 2) Celebration Celebrate other people’s good fortune. Move out of false stories of winners and losers as there is no Truth there. The more that you celebrate other’s “receiving,” the more attractive you become to similar experiences. The Truth is - winning can be contagious. 3) Random Acts of Generosity When you experience your self to be a wealth generator for others, you activate it more in yourself. Not only occasional grand gestures but practice regular small ones where you can generate a sense of enhanced well-being - as well. Try: smiles, compliments, paying someone’s bridge toll, etc. Ideas at: http://www.helpothers.org 4) Create Experiences of Connection and Generation in the Field Beyond the Physical. In this new paradigm, contribution and receiving happens simultaneously. The more you give (from a sense of fullness) the more you will receive. To get a taste of this, join one of the ongoing experiments at: http://www.theIntentionExperiment.com You can also break down barriers of separation simply by offering smiles and prayers. Express the following to strangers in passing cars and in subway stations: “The light in me honors the light in you.” Or join global prayers at http://www.glcoherence.org/.

Using the Arcs of True Cause to Generate your Life 1. Choosing: Stand in a place of choice “I am going to make a new choice here. I don’t know how it is going to happen, but I am now willing to have something new. I am going to be open every day to every way that this can come to me.” 2. What do I want? Focus on something you would like to have. 3. Why do I want this? List all the reasons “why” you want to have it. 4. Reviewing the list Review your list of “why’s” and eliminate all the “whys” that come from old paradigm

Special: Soul-Aligned Business Program. Receive a $75 discount for the SoulAligned Business program (description at http://sabc.kajabi.com/sp/6861-specialinvitation) with Evolutionary Wealth Generator coupon code: evolve.

thinking. Examples: • I want this because it is lacking in my life (I don’t have “enough.”) • I want this because I need external validation (I don’t feel like “enough.”) • I want this because I don’t like the way that it is (I’m focusing on what I don’t want.) 5. Clearing the old, conditioned energy Use the clearing statement to destroy and uncreate all of the lies that are inherent in each of the above statements. 6. Rewriting my list Rewrite your list in a more positive, generative format and use the clearing statement to destroy and uncreate everything that does not allow you to know this and to be this. 7. Bigger why’s Expand your list by adding “whys” that are bigger than you as an individual being by asking yourself, “how can my attaining this goal support me in being a greater contribution?”’ (Suggestion - review the implanting statements from Module 4 to get into the “wealth generator energy” and envision what is truly beneficial for all of us from this perspective.) 8. Generative questions Ask some generative questions about how you can line up with receiving this.

9. Essences Get clear about how it will feel (the essences of) having what you are asking for. 10.Generating the life that I choose Focus on “generating” those energies everyday so that you will be a match to having what you want. (Be -> Do -> Have) Example: One million dollars 1. Choosing “I am going to make a new choice here. I don’t know how it is going to happen, but I am now willing to have something new. I am going to be open every day to every way that this can come to me. Everything that does not allow me to know this and be this, I destroy and uncreate all that please. Right and wrong, good and bad, pod and poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds.” 2. What do I want? I imagine that I’d like to have one million dollars. 3. Why do I want this? The reasons that I think I want to have one million dollars are: • • • • •

I don’t want to worry about money ever again I want to pay off my debt Having one million dollars will prove that I am a success I want to be able to buy anything that appeals to me I don’t want to have to go to my lousy job anymore

4. Reviewing the list • • • • •

I don’t want to worry about money ever again
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