We Found Love in a Hopeless Place

April 20, 2017 | Author: fazriyahputri | Category: N/A
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We Found Love In A Hopeless Place

a taeny story.. inspired by tiffany's version of we found love. so passionate. contains strong languages.

doing this job wasn't that bad, i am proud of it... not everyone can take this..not everyone can do this..

being a prostitute requires a lot of will and fucking to do. yeah call me what you want.

i am sure your soul was also burning in the fucking purgatory. i am also sinful ... we are living in hell...

....but we found love in this hopeless place.

Chapter 1

“CANDIES!!!!!” the stupid look out was on the loose. There’s the signal, cops are on hunt...Fuck! Why in so many instances why now? Aish!!! “RUN! FASTER!” the man behind me shouted. “we must part ways!” I shouted. “see you to the wrong path under the mountain.” He said. I got it. it’s the codename of our hideout... I am exhausted... I think they followed him there’s no one behind me now. *gasps* I put a halt, guess I am right; there’s no one behind me. “FREEZE! Raise your hands up!” I blink a numerous times.

Oh my f**king a**hole. I was not that lucky today. Looks like next year was not good for me. I raise my hands up as defeat. “you have the right to remain silent.” A manly voice said. Wait it sounds familiar… I turn my back to see who it was. “hahaha…got you! Bam!” he said his leaning on the wall at this dark alley while his hands are gestured like a gun. “ YAH! leetuek OPPA AISHHH!” I said as I grunted and kick the wall. “hahahaha, you should see your face.” He said still laughing. “you’re not fucking funny!” I said annoyed. “You are so slow… tsk tsk tsk.” He said while nodding sideward. “Whatever… why are you here anyway?” I asked. “I was just around the corner until I saw you. Just want to say HI, haha well I have some business meeting, I see you when i see u ,I got to go bye” he bid goodbye and answer his phones. He scared me for a moment there, he handles the drug dealing. That was his meeting was all about.

Because of the poverty that we experience since my father’s business burns to ashes I became a shadow. Don’t take it literally. I live during night when the sun sets, my job was not that easy but I help my family to survive. oppa was in jail because he was charged guilty for killing someone, yes, false accusation, appa was gone, he has a lot of credits and loans that he’d left…my younger sister was always sick, umma was the one whose taking care of her, now it’s only me that can help to survive my family, now they reside in jeonju they knew that I work as an underground composer/singer that’s why I earned a lot. But the truth was…

I am a member of a syndicate, an organization where drug transaction, robbery, smuggling, gambling, prostitution and almost all illegal activities was involved. I am one of those low-levels. We are tasked to do ruthless things, sometimes drenching our hands with bloods. But like earlier we can also do some deals with others for extra income. I wanted to stop doing this but I can’t back out; it will take a lot of time to untie myself with them so I am still dealing with it. Or else I can live to hell. I guess I need to get to our hideout.


“Thanks for tonight.” a handsome man with a milky skin said to me showing his charms with his thick eyebrows that’s suits him unbelievably. Leaving me for he has his own businesses while I have mine. I was wearing my clothes back. He then handed me a tip for exchange of my service. We are not allowed to receive tips but no one’s watching so be it.

Being a slut was no joke, you need to have a lot of stamina. Yeah, seriously… But don’t give me those dreadful stares of your eyes, I am not that kind of whore. I am a classy one. Don’t underestimate me for my services are applicable for celebrities only. Yes exclusively… mainly rather specifically are idols and actors. You probably know they are the one who was in need, if you think they don’t have romantic life rather sex life, then think again for our agency was design and made for them. We also have contract and regular check-up’s well health is another wealth for them and us too. As I finish dressing myself, I was good to go. My schedule for this week was done. Looks like I can have my week-off. I think I earn quite a lot for this month…

As I stood out of the luxury hotel freezing breeze of the winter air welcomed me. I felt like walking… It was a cold night it’s suiting for me, yeah tomorrow will be the last day for this year. I should be partying and celebrating New Year’s Eve with my family. Yeah… family… I wish I had one… Wait, i guess I can have one… Maybe we can see each other tomorrow…

Chapter 2 Today is New Year’s Eve, guess what?! My younger sister was in the hospital again. Great way to celebrate the New Year, she’s admitted again and I can’t do anything about it. If only I completed the deal last night I wouldn’t be worrying right now. i guess I will be needing her help. It’s been almost two months since I last saw her.. I walked to her apartment…

*buzz!! *buzz!! *buzz!! It’s too early maybe she’s still asleep. I was about to back off. Then the door was opened… “taetae…” she called me. I lowered my head and looked at the ground. “sorry to disturb you at this time but-“ she grab my hand. “come in.” she said as she pulled me inside her apartment. “sit down, what do you want? Coffee, tea, soju?” she asked. “I am fine thank you.” I said as I sat at the soft couch. “okay.. so what are you thinking visiting me at this time? Did you miss me that much?” she asked raising a brow.

“I needed help; she’s at the hospital again right now.” I said. “you could at least pretend that you’ve missed me… *sigh* I understand, how much? ” she asked as she sat beside me. “I am not that sure how much but I guess it will be about... a hundred thousand and fifty.” I said.

“okay. Wait for a moment.” She said as she left then a few moments later she handed me a check. “its two hundred... Just make sure to see me tonight.” She said and kissed my cheeks. “I missed you, I really really do.” She said as she smiles, a megawatt smile that she rarely shows. I did not say anything instead I pulled her and hug her tightly. “I am sorry I know you are supposed to be sleeping right now… and I know you’re tired. You should go back to rest, don’t worry after sending the money I will get back as soon as possible.” I said. “It’s alright as long as it’s you.” She said and kissed me again and I let go of our embrace. “I better get going so I can finish things a little faster in able for me to get back as soon as possible.” I said as I stand up. “Be sure to get back tonight, I have my week off.” She said still and hold my hand. “Don’t worry. I will.” I said but she still holds on. “tae…one more, please.” She pleads as I leaned in close again and i kiss her forehead. After taking care of things I return to our hideout… Its 7pm..

“taeng he was looking for you.” “I’ll be there, is it about yesterday?” I asked him, he has a bruised on the side of his mouth. “uhhmm…yeah, and be ready for he is not happy about it. Don’t talk back. And here … I guess you will need it.” He said as he handed me something. “okay, thanks eunhyuk…” I said as I walked in.

our hideout.

It wasn’t an old building as you can see in the movies rather it was a cozy villa. It has four rooms in it where we can stay, but I prefer living on a bed spacer rather than sleeping there.

[Flashback “we are waiting for u I thought you got caught.” Eunhyuk said laughing. “sorry, I just saw teukie on my way.” I said as I scan around the room. A blonde woman was busy inhaling some cocaine she’s too high as she was on her own world.

“where’s heechul?” I asked seeing that he wasn’t around. “he got caught.” Oh shit, we are dead. “but he don’t have anything on him. That’s why it’s cool. The only thing to worry is siwon, he won’t be happy knowing that heechul got caught because of helping us dealing behind closed doors.” He said. “but he will get out eventually, right?” I asked. “yeah, he will in a few days. Tomorrow siwon will be back, we better prepare ourselves for his most precious heechul had gone to jail.” Eunhyuk said, joking the last part. I laugh a little. “ja, you need to go rest, we need energy to stand until the whipping. While I am going to release my stress for a bit.” He said getting back to the blonde girl. “yeah, I think I should. Oh, here are some of the packages.” I said handling him the unsold solvents. “oh one more thing…clean your mess when you wake up.” I told eunhyuk and left our hideout. End of flashback.]

I am ready a few slaps won’t hurt that much. As I enter another door,

SMASH!!*sound of the broken glass can be heard*

A flying glass flown at my side smashing the wall that turns it to hundred pieces. I saw there’s some drops of blood at the wooden floor. It wasn’t me, maybe it’s from eunhyuk.

“NEVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN! You are doing things recklessly.” He said furiously. He walked close to me and grabs my shirt. “both of you are at fault. I don’t want to see you two until he returns. GOT THAT. Put that to your brainless f*cking head” He said. It was not our fault if he was too slow running and getting caught. He doesn’t want to see us which means there will be no work for us until heechul gets back. I glared at him. Don’t talk back- I remember eunhyuk’s words. I wanted to curse him back. But I try to keep my mouth shut. It’s for the better. “do you want me to pull those f*cking eyeballs you b*tch.” He slaps my face and pushed me off the wall. “LEAVE NOW! Before I fu*cking kill you.” he said.

I do as he said. I walk out the room… Then I remember I have one more thing to do… my last resort. Eunhyuk was right, I will need this. ~

I am still waiting for her… She’s not a family, a friend, nor my lover… I don’t know either what she felt for me, when she’s in need of money she always asks for my help. I know some of her story; she use to tell me like her family background... why is she a part of that organization, why did she help me. But I don’t really know her… I don’t even have her number… Her full name was also a mystery for me… I just know her name taeng/taengoo as that’s what they often called her…

I wanted to see her, I plan to roam around the night hoping that I could see her around the alleyways. But luckily she needed me and end up visiting me. Though I don’t know why I am contented just having to see a glimpse of her and the sense of she only uses me for money.. one thing is for sure I love her… This morning she asked again for my help. I ask her to be with me since it’s been like two months since I last saw her. Her job was a lot harder than mine. *knock on the door* She’s back… I open the door and hugged her immediately. “are you alright?” I asked her she nodded; she’s not looking like one.

I knew this state of hers… “taeng..did you just? Aishh…” I said as I held her shoulders to lead her at the couch. “sorry, I need to have some, I didn’t in take all of it just a small amount.” She said, I am glad she was on her right mind. “have you taken your dinner?” I asked her and turn my gaze looking at the clock it’s almost midnight.

“i didn’t, I don’t want to. just lost my appetite.” She said, maybe she did something else aside for being under the influence of drugs. “okay let’s go to the bedroom, I helped you clean up.” I said and again pull her and drag her to my bed. “I will take a shower; if it’s okay…I need to disinfect myself.” She said. I nodded and handed her some towel. I prepare her clothes and give it to her. When she’s done I told her that I will help her to dry her hair. She did let me. I observe her flushed face. Then I notice some bruise on her left cheek. I took some ointment and applied it on her. “does it hurt?” I ask as she didn’t show any reactions. She was still quiet. After applying the remedy on her cheeks I continue drying her hair. “do you feel sleepy?” I asked her. “no, I guess I will be wide awake Until the sun came out.” She said. Yeah the drugs took effect on her… she won’t be sleeping and her job requires sleepless nights. “ I am happy you came here. “ I said and brush her hair. “how about you? Do you want to take a sleep?” she asked.

“no I am fine, I don’t have my schedule for a week.” I said then she took the brush from me. She places it at the nightstand. She looks at me and stares for me at a moment which caught me off guards, those eyes of her. It shows repentance. “I am sorry.” She said as she kissed my forehead. No one ever did that to me since I remember... “it was not your fault, you’re the one who helped me.” I said, I hope she won’t start this kind of conversation again. “you said you have a week off, can I stay here?” she asked as she lay down on the bed. Can you tell how happy I am? This is too much. “it will be my pleasure.” I said and giggle hoping to lighten our atmosphere. “come here..” she said as she patted the space beside her. I lay beside her as she embraced me tightly, “I will watch you sleep. so if your that sleepy just close your eyes, I promise that I will be here when you woke up.” She said, I snuggle closely to her neck inhaling her scent that I have missed so much. this isn’t a dream, I know. And if this was a dream, don’t dare wake me. “tae…” I called her. She parted a gap as she looks at me. “kiss me.” I said. I held the back of her neck as she leaned in to me. She gives me a quick peck on my cheeks like teasing me. “tae~~~” I whined. She laughs.

“hey, I am still in my consciousness, just save it.” She said and laughs again. I am glad that she laughs; I hope that she moves on. “Seriously tae…kissu.” I said and pouted my lips. “happy new year by the way.” She said. “happy new year too.” I replied. And shows her my eyesmile. Then she kissed me again… this time it’s not just a peck on my cheeks but she kissed me on my lips... I guess her being high was an advantage for me. This is the first time I felt those lips of hers. It’s very tempting.

Chapter 3 She was still beside me… it’s 9:00 am. I wonder what time she let her eyes off. I hugged her causing her to squirm a little. “I wonder what you think of me taetae… am I just a need for you? Can I expect more from you…” I said. I am thinking if it wasn’t because of her where would I be right now?.... She helps me from those people. She saved me. But then she never thought of it as I was. She always blames herself for putting me in this contract… in this job. “Being a prostitute requires a lot of will and fucking to do. Hate how it sounds but that’s reality.” Taeyeon one’s told me those words. Funny isn’t it.no she never been on being one. But being one was much better than doing her job. I look at her peaceful face. She was so beautiful. Then my eyes looked at the bare milky skin that was showing from her over extra-large shirt. Then something caught my attention.

The burn. It’s the syndicates way of welcoming there member. A scar that will be the indication or acknowledgement of being a part of them. Looking by it I can’t imagine how pain and hurt she suffered. Being drugged and being used. It’s like living in the underworld. She told me that she was no longer alive. Her soul was burning in hell.

I guess I am overreacting. I felt my vision gets blurry as water was threatening to fall from the corner of my eyes. I use my free hand to wipe it. She squirms a little more… I stiffened as I am afraid that she will wake up. I know she needed more time to sleep. but she moves and suddenly opened her eyes. She was gasping trying to catch her breath. I was shocked to see her jolted up. she had a bad dream. she looked at me still gasping “sorry, did I wake you up?” she asked. “no I am already awake but not too long. Bad dream?” I said as I sat up and rubbed her back.

“yeah.” She said, suddenly she removes the comforter and went straight to the bathroom. I can hear her from the door, she was vomiting. Then I heard splash of water then the shower. “are you alright? I will just get some medicine for you; I will leave some clothes on the bed so you can change.” I said as I head to the kitchen. She didn’t eat last night and now she’s gagging all her insides out. After getting some sandwich, medicine and a glass of water I get back to her. She’s done changing. “here, have something to eat first and take this, it will help you.” I said. She was looking at me she took the medicine but she didn’t finish the sandwich she just took a bite and drink the glass of water, she sat at the edge of the bed. While I took the empty glass and place it at the nightstand. “good morning~” she greeted. “are you feeling better? Go back to bed and sleep more, I know you didn’t have enough sleep.” I said as I sat at the bedside. “no, I don’t feel like it. I might have the haunting dreams again. And I know you wanted to talk to me. You said yesterday how much you’ve missed me.” She said, now she’s showing her dorky side.

“really? I just can’t remember that I said that.” I answered then she move close to my side which makes me blush. “jeezzz…you’re getting old.” She teases me and laughs. “YAH!” I exclaimed and slap her shoulder. “what?? It’s memory gap sign of aging.” She said and continues giggling. I frowned. “aish... don’t give me that face come on… smile.” She said sweetly while putting her thumb at the corner of my lips and lifted it upwards forcing it to form a smile. “there, it doesn’t… suit you continue sulking.” She said. She likes teasing me this dork. I give her another cuff. “hey if you continue hitting me I will leave.” She said. I glared at her. “as if you can, why did you want to stay for a week??” I asked…she really doesn’t do that, usually when she came for me she just stays for a while, or a day, then she leaves. this will be the first time that she actually ask for it I wonder why. “why? Am I bothering you??” she asked. “ no, it’s just that i-“ she didn’t let me finish. “oh, But you said you have a week off. In any possibility do you have your date??” she asked. “huh?” I asked what is she talking about?

“you know…boyfriend...Dates… going out, having fun.” She elaborated. “no, I don’t have any.” I answered. “come on tell me as if I am going to kill him.” She joked half-heartedly. I just look at her quizzically… “on second thought.. maybe I will.” She said and I swear I saw a glimpse of darkness when she said that. “just kidding… is he a celebrity? An idol?” she continues talking. “finally, someone can take you out of this hell.” She said and looks at the floor. “taetae…can you let me talk?” I asked until she stops. “Listen and look at me when we are talking. Okay?” I said then cupped her cheeks so she is facing me. She nodded. “first of all…I DON’T HAVE A BOYFRIEND and don’t plan to have one. Then you are talking nonstop, second I don’t like you joking about taking lives and ignoring what I am going to say. Third, I didn’t say you’re a bother I even say it’s my pleasure to have you here in this cold room, I was just asking because this IS the FIRST time that you insist of staying at my place. And lastly you have some explaining to do… why are you under drugs again? I thought you’d stop. You promised. ” I said as calmly as I can.

She grabs my hand and removes it from her cheeks.

“I see…I am sorry about that, I guess I am overdoing it... about staying here I change my mind, I will leave when the night comes. It’s just I have a bad business, to put it up it’s like I am on halt.” She answered but leaving my last question unanswered. “no, you’re staying until I kick your ass, so you did something to make you on break. And what about the promise…” I asked. She fidgets at the moment… “you wouldn’t want to know.” She answered. “tae~ I hate it when your leaving things unsaid, come on you know you can count on me. And you promised, I am supposed to be mad about you breaking your promise.” I said. I guess it’s something very unpleasant. “I have this last minute business… I needed to have it for it won’t do any good to finish it abundantly mindful.” She answered but still giving me indirect answers. “aishhh….fine if you won’t tell then don’t. I don’t care anymore” I said I wanted her to feel guilty so she will spill. “hey come on, don’t be mad.” She said sensing that I am not happy to hear her whys and wherefores. I huffed. “pany-ah, it wasn’t good so I better not tell, but because of doing that I can pay my debts to you by the next day when I will get my proceeds.” She said and smiles. “yah! It’s that big?? Taeng what did you do?!”I asked.

“why? Am I that buried from obligations that I won’t able to pay you? I just ran to you a few times.” She resorted. “yes, but the last few times you owe me a half a million.” I answered. “woah, so it’s that much how many few times can you calculate all of it?” She said, nice sneaky little dork, trying to get away from my question and by passing the topic by her debts. “I didn’t remember all of it but I didn’t ask you to pay me. You are no longer a stranger to me tae now back to my question what did you do that you are doing all this reasoning just not to say it to me.” I asked again now with a tine of authority. “I told you it was not bearable.” She said hardheadedly, why so stubborn. “it’s that bad? did you return to your old business?” I asked, why am I pushing her to this? She hates talking about it but I needed to know. I don’t want her to be like that again… She sighed and nodded. “fuck this!…since when?” I ask her annoyed. She probably knows that I am angry. “few days ago. i receive an offer, last day I accepted it. Saying no was not a good thing.” She said. “I never asked any in return when you asked for my help! Or complain, you know I always do anything for you, to pay you back even all of my fucking savings! Just don’t go back to them. I even sign another contract in able to earn for us so you

may leave sooner.” I said unable to control my anger, I said something that I know she will get mad off… “YOU WHAT??” she shouted…

Chapter 4

“YOU WHAT??” I shouted raising my voice. I don’t want to believe what I just hear. “I signed for another year. New contract.” She said weakly. “why did you f*cking do that s***!? Another year, you will throw another year of your life. For heaven’s sake tiffany! You are supposed to be free by that time!” I said. I grabbed her arm and hold it tightly. "i am doing this for us." she said looking straight at me. "stop it. i don't need your help anymore…" i said. “doing this job wasn't that bad, i am proud of it. not everyone can take this.. not everyone can do this..” she said proudly, she’s insane.

“can you hear yourself? Your proud being a fucked up slut?” I said, as I look at her face she was looking hurt. I just can’t control this madness… “yeah call me what you want.” She said. “that’s not what I mean." i said. i know my words hurt her. "I’d rather liked this fucking bitch’s job than doing soulless jobs, getting drugged or drugging someone, beating crap, stealing and worse taking lives! STUPID!” tiffany said in anguish. She let go of my hold. She stands up and get out of the room… "hey where are you going?" i said which makes her stop, i walk immediately close to her. "don't touch me. i am dirty." she said. "i will be back late at night. There’s a money on my cabinet use it to buy your food." she said i didn't hesitate. I pulled her and hugged her. My words had gone far… "stop” i mumbled as i leaned my forehead against her, she was crying. "i am sorry.. i am such a pabo.." i said, she continued crying.. "pabo! pabo! pabo!" she said continuously and hit my back repeatedly. I try to calm her down since she’s crying her heart out.

“stop now…we might get drowned if you keep on crying.” I said trying my best to comfort her and to lighten things up. *sniff *sob “sorry alright, we always argue about our job. You know there’s nothing we can do, so stop using yourself for me, please?” I said. I wanted her to stop when her contract was finished. She earns a lot but thinking that she’s doing that for me was not right anymore. I know I asked her for help…but it’s because I know that she has many. And I was going to pay her back. But she wanted to pull me up and make me stop and leave the org. which in any turn of the spinning world was impossible. The only thing that can make me cut my ties with them was death. I don’t want her to be like us. That’s why I did my best to put her somewhere safer. And because of that she turns to be like this. She stopped hitting me, I carry her back to her room. “yah, bring me down! Aissshh!” she resisted then when we are near her bed I throw her on it. “ssssshhhhhhhh!” I hushed her. Her nose is all red and her eyes are puffed too. “you are not leaving this bed. I know you’re mad, and I broke my promise, don’t do silly things, where do you think you’re going? It’s freaking cold outside.” I asked.

“I wanted to freeze to death.” She said, this conversation was no point at all. “I said I’m sorry, what else do you want to hear, stop being so childish.” I said. “I am not being childish here taetae, I am upset to myself.” She said. She stopped crying now. “don’t be you have nothing to do with it, I did that so blame it on me.” I said. I don’t want her to feel bad about her job. Eventhough it’s impossible for her not to… “no, I am not upset because of that, I am upset because your such a pabo!” she said. Does she have her period? “I don’t have anything to do with my job. So just accept the fact.” I said. “your so dense!” she exclaimed and pulled me to her we lay flat on her bed I am on top of her while she was pulling my neck to get closer to me. Then I felt a soft and warm sensation on my lips. It felt so good…I tried to ignore it but… I can’t resist anymore… she’s kissing me,I close my eyes… I kissed back as she’s asking for a permission to give in. I do so and let her, she’s skilled in this thing…which I am lacking off. What? I just know how to do bad business and not pleasuring anyone.

Is this how she does it to everyone she’s being with. Wait why I am thinking things like that… crap… I wanted more… more from her. “mmnggg” I couldn’t believe I just let out a moan. I can hear the sound of our mouth clashing… her hands was roaming around my waist… Then she stops. ~ I open my eyes to see her face that was having her pleasure, I couldn’t believe that this is happening, is she still under the influence of drugs?? No I doubted it. I stop kissing her. She opened her eyes and looks confused. I laugh… she removes herself from our sexy position. “your face was just epic!” I said and laugh more… She’s flustered. “don’t make fun of it...yah! why did you kissed me?” she asked. “just a payback from last night you owe me one…I just gave it back.

You kissed me first.” I said… she’s blushing mad. “what? I didn’t know that…sorry for that I guess..” she said. “stop saying sorry, it won’t do anything.” I said. “stay there, I will go and buy us some food.” She said. “hmm….you will cook?” I asked. “yeah, just be a lazy bum for today…is there anything in particular that you want??” she asked. “well I like…” I sat up and touch her cheeks. Then I put my arms around her, “I like this” I pointed to her lips that makes her more red. “stop, playing around.” She said and removes my arms that’s wrapping around her. “I am not, but I want something hot and a chocolate too.” I said. “alright I’ll be back. Oh here,” she said and handed me a phone?? “what am I supposed to do with this??” I asked. “I thought I am the stupid one, put your number in it.” She said… I mouthed an o shape in my mouth… “there.” I said and smiles. Finally we are moving to a next level! Progress was now on 40%.

“I’ll go now.” She said and left… I check my phone and I saw a message... Miss tiffany hwang…save mine too- kim taeyeon. Omo! It’s her real name?! taeyeon… She finally opens up… kim taeyeon~

Chapter 5 “uwahhh~ it’s so cold~ taeyeon-ah~” I said and called her. We are outside the hotel walking around in this unfamiliar place for me, we decided to enjoy the night since we rarely appreciate its beauty because of our work. “pany, your calling my name again and again. Lower it down will you?” she said. “alright taeyeon~” I said but in a lower tone. She just smiles at my act. “hey hold my hand…it’s cold.” I said and gladly she did.

“taetae~ don’t stop seeing me…” I said, she got her money yesterday and both of us went to a vacation immediately. She wanted to pay some of her debts but I said a few days of vacation weren’t that bad to be a payment for all of it. She said it’s not enough, but for me being with her was more than enough. “I am not sure…but I guess getting you out of your contract was more a priority for now. Once we return back to Seoul I will do everything to make that contract illicit.” She said and held my hand tightly. “let’s go back to the hotel, I want to visit umma tomorrow morning and buy something for her” She said. In case you’re wondering we are currently in jeonju. She wanted to see her sister too. “alright, taetae~ I want to have something to drink, Just to unwind.” I said. “can we just drink tomorrow? After visiting umma and hayeon.” She said. “of course no problem, I got four more days to be with you giving some to your family won’t be that much.” I said and flash my eyesmile. “thank you pany-ah…” she said as we went back to the hotel.

The next morning….

We visited taeyeon’s family… they were nice, they missed taeyeon so much. her mother was so worried but glad at the same time. Seeing her daughter from a very long time. it’s been 2 years since they last seen each other… She introduce me to her mother.. Mrs.kim told me that taeyeon rarely bring a friend, last time she bring a friend was 2 years ago. I wonder who’s that friend of taeyeon…but anyways as my jealousy was to be subsided. Hayeon was now awake, she looks around until she saw taeyeon…a tear escapes her eye… she tried to sat up but taeyeon didn’t let her… she’s really caring and protective to her sister. Hayeon looked at me as she saw me standing beside her mother. “annyeong” I greeted. “she’s my friend, she insisted to come” taetae said as she brush hayeon’s hair using her hand. Then hayeon, used a hand gesture… I was confused, is it because of her oxygen mask that’s why she can’t speak… “she said thank you..” taeyeon said. “oh, you’re welcome.” I said. Then she gestures again while looking at taeyeon. “hayeon-ah, she’s the one who helps your sister a lot.” Mrs.kim said.

“I just don’t want too.” Taeyeon answered childishly. Hayeon gestures again it’s like she’s scolding her sister. “and she said your very pretty.” Taeyeon’s umma said while she giggles. “oh, thank you. Why didn’t you tell me that taetae~” I said as I saw hayeon nodded. “I don’t want to.” She repeated. Then another sign language… “what did she said this time?”I asked. “nothing…” she said coldly taeyeon’s mother giggles again. “aigoo…tiffany-sshi did my daughter always treating you this way?” mrs. kim asked. I pouted my lips a little and furrowed my brows and nods. “yah! You’re not cute.” Taeyeon suddenly said. “kim taeyeon stop doing that to tiffany I did not raise you to be like that, she’s really nice.” Mrs’kim said. I merong at taetae. “and tell her what hayeon said earlier.” Mrs.kim said, I looked at hayeon and she was smiling and giggling. “b-but…aish…alright…” taeyeon said. “hayeon said thank you for taking care of me.” Taeyeon said. I was going to say thank you but.. “and what else taeyeon?” her mother said. I look at her again.

“and…she said that…I should take care of you and be nicer to you,she was scolding me for being rude to you.” She said. “taeyeon-ah, do you want me to pull your ears just to finish your words.” Taeyeon’s mom said, this time the atmosphere seems to get heavy. “……i…-I am sssorry for being rude. But you do insist to come, I told you I won’t stay long…” she answered. “it’s because I want you not to be in a hurry when you’re here.” I said and crossed my arms. “okay enough both of you…” mrs.kim said. “taeyeon-ah, you must be very lucky to have a very special friend like tiffany-ah. She cares too much about you and us. Thank you tiffany..” mrs.kim said and bows. “oh, it’s nothing mrs.kim.” I said and bow too. “just call me umma…” mrs.kim said and smiles. “o-okay thank you umma.” I smile and flash my eyesmile. When lunch time comes we all ate inside hayeon’s room. We eat sandwiches, fruits and have some coffee. Taetae talked to someone on the phone. After a few hours taetae bid goodbye to the both of them as well as me, She left a kiss to her family and hugged them tightly. I take a look at them and I was feeling a little jealous then mrs. Kim gestures for me to come and she hugged me.

“welcome to our family, you can visit us anytime you like, I want to cook food for you tiffany-ah to give my thanks so if hayeon was out of here and everything is better, I would be glad if you and taeyeon will visit at home and I will cook something special for the both of you.”she said and patted my head. She also told me that hayeon wanted to hug her too. And I did. It’s warm inside, but taeyeon’s embrace is warmer but it has a same effect, I felt importance and loved when they embraced me. Having a family was the most cherished things that I want. And now I felt it… a tear escapes my eyes as I was very touched, I wipe it off,,,I am very happy right now I felt I finally have my own family. ~ We get back to the hotel… It’s afternoon already… I promised her to have a drink. “pany-ah..what do you like to drink?” I asked her. Her face lit up. “you still remember..awww… soju will be fine.” she said and clings to my arm. “is it okay if we will be here? Or you rather want to go and drink outside?” I asked again. “anything is fine as long as I am with you.” She said, seriously she’s too show-off. I order some soju on the room service menu…I was tired already… hayeon was not that fine, I can see it in her eyes. I missed them so much, I am happy that I see them. I want to stay longer but I can’t I am sure that umma will ask about how did

I get the money that much in order to have hayeon’s surgery I don’t want to tell more lies to her. hayeon… She’s having a heart transplant… “tae~” she called my name while she slumped at the bed. “hayeon’s goona be alright…right?” she asked. “yeah she will..she’s brave.” I said as I sat the bed beside her. “well…let’s go visit them again like what umma said…I wanted to taste those home cooked delicacies. I am sure it’s mouthwatering.” She said as she roll over until she lay at my lap. “get off… your too happy, well umma was a very very kind person.” She said. “yeah,she welcome me to your family…taey~ hayeon can’t speak right?” she asked.. “uhhmm..obviously.. no” I said and she flicks my nose. “awww…is it inborn?” she asked while rubbing her nose.. “no, it’s because of traumatic experience…bullying perhaps because of my father’s downfall.. she lost her words...” I said. She frowned. “sorry to hear that..” she said. I pinch her nose. “TAEY~ stop flicking or pinching it. I needed my nose you know. It’s very useful.” She said and sat up she punch my arm lightly… “stop…” I said as she continues punching my arms…

“no~” she continues. “aishhh…pany-ah!” I said aloud and held her hands. She smirks and pulled me closer to her, her face was inching closer to mine…I can feel the air from her nose… I look at her eyes that were digging up a hole on my lips… she moves closer and closer… Until… *knock on the door. “room service for room 909, 1 liter of soju.” Someone yelled outside. “I think, I better get that” I said and stood up. She let go of my hands and sigh… “here… I order some food and sweets too…” I said while pushing the food cart. I open the soju and put it in the glass. “yey. I haven’t had a chance to drink for quite a while… cheers!” she said. *clinks* “ahhhhhh… so good…you know tae~ i am a good drinker…how about you?” she asked and sat closer to me she tilted her head waiting for my reply. “well…I am not that a drinker. But I think I can handle myself very well.” I said. She smiles. “ohhh…how about we drink and get drunk. Let’s see who will last.” She said raising her glass.

“I don’t want to, it will just cause hang overs.” I said. “taey~ I din’t know your such a chicken.” She said, chicken? Me? “whatever, I won’t buy you” I said .. she’s up to something again. “hmm…coward! Chicken chicken chicken..taeyeon’s a chicken bok bok bok..” she said and gesture like one using her arms like how a chicken uses its wings, she’s noisy and shes getting to my nerves. “stop it. I said no and it’s final.” I said. She stops and drinks another glass of soju. “aish~ no fun..ahjumma!” she teased again. “tippany.. if you won’t stop I’ll leave you this instance.” I said. This time she didn’t budge to talk and just eat a piece of meat and drinks her soju. ~ Chapter 6

“yah! Byuntae! What the-“ I exclaimed she grabs my dear buns. She ran back to the bed and sat. “ahahaha…nnice ass~” she said, obviously she’s not on her usual self. Yep…your right… she is… “Your drunk taetae. Go to sleep, your no match against me.” I said and flick her forehead as I sat beside her to wipe her face with a damp towel.

“nno…I a-am not dddd-runk…you aare” she said and passed out. “yeah I am drunk…love drunk…haha…it’s funny how I am saying this in front of you right..here we are …so close yet so far, when will you realize huh?? Pabo taetae…” I said I guess a little intoxication helps to release stress and boosts one’s confidence...wondering how she end up like that??

[flashbacks…] “tippany.. if you won’t stop I’ll leave you this instance.” she said. I know she’s pissed off. She doesn’t like drinking…but her job requires all the vices in the world. I pretended to be hurt, and just keep drinking silently. She’s looking at me and right now maybe she’s feeling a little guilty. Just how I plan it to be. “fany-ah I didn’t mean it.” She said. She held my shoulder. I just ignore her and continue drinking… “alright…fine…ignore me for the rest of the vacation.” She said. I still ignore her. “oh come on pany..i am sorry.” I said. still ignoring her. “alright if thats what you want.” She said and held the bottle of soju.

“I’ll drink all of this if you will continue ignoring me.” She said, as if she will do that. “three…two….” She’s counting down. “one.” She ended her own countdown; I look at her and realize she’s really gulping the bottle of soju. What is she doing? She’s insane. I try to get the bottle from her but she didn’t let go of it. Now this is out of my plan… “alright stop it…I’ll talk to you.” I said and she let go of the bottle. She laughs and her face was turning red. Her ears looks like about to explode. “I know you can’t ignore me forever…” she said proudly. “whatever…” I answer back but.. it’s true I can’t afford to ignore her. Nor not seeing her for so long. “do you want to know something? You’re planning to intoxicate me right?” she said suddenly. “me??? Ahhh…of course not…” I denied. “really? I doubt it… you’re not planning to rape me are you?” she said and scooted beside me. Her face was close to mine her eyes was staring at me. Those eyes… It makes me speechless whenever she’s looking at me like this, Full of sincerity and compassion.

“Silence means….yes… so you’re planning to rape me, omo I should have called the police.” she said snapping me out of my lose insanity. “yah! DORK! I should be the one saying that…” my plan was to make her tipsy so I can know what she really thinks about me. But now it’s like I am busted. “so tell me, why do you keep insisting to make me drink until I drop. If you won’t tell I will stick to my first conclusion.” She said. “fine..go and think whatever you want to. Happy.” I said sarcastically. “don’t rape me…please….” She said and act like an abused child. “shut up!” I said and pushed her toughly. She falls off the bed. I laughed. “ouch…that hurts..if umma and hayaeon sees this part of you..they won’t take your side.” she whines. “aww…poor little kid…then go and tell them…let me help you” I teased her…I held her up but she pulled me down. She makes things hard for me. I was awkwardly on top of her. She laughs… “I see… you want to stay there for the rest of the night?” she said. She’s teasing me. I stand up and sat back to the bed. “so full of yourself… kim taeyeon.” I said while getting another round of my soju. I pour some on her glass. “why? Am I mistaken?” she said. She knows that I like her… I remember that I told her.

“………” don’t know what to say. I turn around. “guess not… so…back to my question… do you want to know something?” she said. I do, I want to ask a lot different things about you. But your always stick to your cold exterior when I am asking things involving your feelings. “well I want to ask something….but I wanted to ask you later about that when you’re dead drunk.” I said. “okay…so what do we do know??” she asked. “how about let’s have a toast and finish this bottle up.” I said. She nodded… [End of flashback]

“how could you answer my question now that your sleeping huh?? *sighs* anyway… i will ask you someday… when I am ready… so even if it’s rejection, I can accept it open heartedly…” I said while staring at her face…. “thank you taetae…you’re the first person that I can call my family before but I wasn’t sure about it but now…I guess I can consider it right?… and thank you for bringing me to your family…now my family gets bigger… and it’s because of you.

You are still the same Just like how you save me.” I said… she’s sleeping peacefully. I lay next to her… it’s so comfortable … a wonderful night... My byuntaeyeon~ ~

I can feel she was resting beside me… Calling me a pabo… and now thanking me… You are a pabo… I didn’t save you. You can call it like that But out of guilt. In fact, I was the one who brought you to this hell. This hopeless place. ………

I pretended to be asleep and acted like a drunken retard. Just to avoid what I believe is an inappropriate thing to the world we are living in.

No strings attached. That’s how we must live. Earlier before we arrived I receive a message…. it’s from the org. I have business to do… The time right now was 9:00 pm. We started drinking around 5 pm this afternoon. And she drinks a lot. No wonder she’s deep asleep right now… I can hear her breathing… I need to get back to seoul…before the sun rises. I have business to do. Heechul was release this afternoon. Now that I am sure she’s in slumber…I got up and fix my things…carefully so she won’t be awake. I admit that I am a little dizzy but this will fade out soon. I will leave the money on her hands for I know she can take care of it. And tomorrow I ought to prepare myself to meet a hellfany. ~

chapter 7 “Aww..ouch! ouch! CAREFUL!” eunhyuk said. “they say that no pain no gain.” Heechul said while applying a first aid to eunhyuks injury. “your such a pabo! Fucking stupid! running and turning to a place where many people can see you. Aish… why did you run into the club?” I said. “because it’s easier to hide with many people around.” Eunhyuk defended himself. “yeah and getting into a fight because of bumping someone’s girl.” Heechul said.

“blah blah blah-“ eunhyuk teased heechul. “OUCH!” eunhyuk whined. “serves you right.” I said. My phone rings… “yo, taeng could you please answer whoever the shit was. Your phone was beeping nonstop since earlier.” Eunhyuk said. “OUCH!” he whines again. I hit his head. “haha..serves you right. But seriously taeng… I guess you should answer that or better put it in the silent mode.” Heechul suggested. “no, not gonna… I guess I should do my business now.” I said. “taeng wait, always take care. And the princess is back here in seoul, she said that she wanted to see you.” Eunhyuk said. “really? Tell her that I am too busy, because yeah I am too busy.” I said. The way I said sounded a little bitter. “okay then.” He said. “got to go now. See you later.” I said and heads off. I arrived at my destination. Fany still calls non-stop. I guess I regret giving her my number. I didn’t return earlier that’s why my phone keeps on ringing. Now it’s time to turn it off.

But I promise her to spend the whole week. But events turns unexpectedly. Still I have my words but it will be a hell day. Four down to three days.. Before that I need to finish this one. His bald head was very easy to distinguish even in this huge gathering. Looking at the window. Target locked. I took the heavy metal equipment in the bag. If I fail now. It will be my end also. Now on my count…




Now Left my place as quickly as I can. The car is waiting for me. I rode it. The driver from the org quickly step in the pedal and as fast as the speed of sound. “same place?” he asked. “yea, as always.”I answered “did you know that she’s looking for you?” he asked. “yeah.eunhyuk told me.” I said. “I see. It’s been a long time right. Do you feel the same?” he asked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. “ I said. I can see him smiling. “I must be mistaken, noona take care of yourself okay.” He said. “of course kyu, thanks for being a help. You are a lifesaver.” I said. “just doing my job. And I owe a lot to you taeng noona. It’s the least I can do.” He said and stopped the car. “see you until the next assignment .”I said and exited the car. I needed some pills for this night will be sleepless for me. The tall woman approached me as I opened the door. “oh, taeng..so you needed pills again?”she asked.

“yeah..but I wanted sleeping pills. Last time fucking eunhyuk gave me a different one.” I said. “since you’re here why don’t you come inside for a while.” She said. “no, I guess not just give me the pills.” I said. “come on taeng.” She said. “she’s there am I right soo?? I have something else to do.” I said. She frowned. “fine, here is the pills. Eunhyuk told me earlier that you will probably drop by today.” She said. “thanks I got to go, tell him that I will just see him tomorrow. bye” I said and get out from there. I needed to see fany-ah… ~

Taeng left me at her hometown, fuck it. And she didn’t say a word about it. That’s why I get off and now I am back to my apartment, still waiting for her, and I am waiting since yesterday, Now it’s almost 9pm. I am calling her nonstop since yesterday but she didn’t even budge to answer. Now her phone was out of reach.

Kim taeyeon your dead. I close my eyes I guess she’s not coming today either. Then a loud knock on my door wakes me up. It’s her right… I open the door seeing the short girl with a weak smile. She’s holding some chocolates and pink stuffs. “I am not late am i??” she said. I hugged her not caring about the stuffs that she had. “I guess I don’t need this stuffs to make your madness drain out, I will bring myself only.. next time.” She said. “yah! Theres no next time. And where in hell did you go?” I asked. “ah….here chocolates for you. Beautiful ms.hwang.” she said and smiled ignoring my questions. “fine if you don’t want to answer but still you are not forgiven. And because of that … my vacation will be extended which means your’s will be extended too.” I said. “hmmmm… do I have any choice?” she asked. “hm..not that I know of.” I said and smiles. “well it’s much better than a hell fany- I mean it’s better for you can have a rest.” She said. Reasoning out.

“aigoo~ have you taken your dinner?” I asked. “well I haven’t have mine and this chocolates won’t satisfy my grumbling tummy, now let’s go.” I said and dragged her outside again. “aish~ fine…” she said, her hands are trembling. “taetae” I called her and kissed her cheeks. “calm down, I am here so please, leave your worries behind.” I said. She looked at me and like a magic she stops the trembling of her hands. ‘‘I see, your such a good girl. Now let’s hurry up” I said. She did something again this time, and I am a hundred percent sure it’s not pleasing again. chapter 8

"hey~" she said as i walk pass to her. "wait,taeng."she called my name and i stop but i am not looking at her. "i heard that your mad...at me." she said as she walk to face me. "yeah you heard them right." i said and continue walking. "taeng, taeyeon!" she shouted but still i ignored her. then i hear some footsteps and i realize that something made an impact to my body. rather...someone.

"i wont let you go until you talk to me." she demanded while tightening her hold on my body.i didnt say a word. "taeyeon..i dont have any choice. if i will refuse we will both die. you know that. i cant escape from him. theres no way but death right?" she said. "i will kill him." i said. the most impossible thing to happened. "yeah go ahead you cant even hold a gun. stop being so childish for once," she said and from her tone shes pissed off. "me. childish. yeah. go fuck with him." i said then she slaps me. so hard that i almost lost my balance. "shit! why did you do that?" i asked but she hugged me suddenly. "pabo! stupid! fuck you. i wont ever come back." she said as she let go of me, her eyes are teary. "maybe we can runaway.." i said without thinking, i didnt thought of my family because right now she matters the most. "what about your family? you know there’s no other way. It’s now or never." she said. It’s my fault after all. Because if we aren’t that close there’s no way he can deceive her. and its all because of me.. Threatening her that i will be killed if she doesnt agree to his demands. fuck him. if i know how to kill then definitely i will kill him.

forget the morals and human code. because this world i am living in defy all the rules. "just let me die. dont risk your happiness to me." i said. she smiles and cupped my cheeks. "silly, until now you’re so dense. aisshh..what’s wrong with you, listen taeng you are my happiness, now if anything happens to you i will just blame myself. and think of your family." she said. "no, lets run..all of us. together all of us will be happy being a family." i said. she giggles. "i am happy that we have met you’re a dork. No take that back you are super dork, taeng." she said and continue laughing. "What? i am serious." i said. she started to walk.. "Tomorrow 5 am. I’ll wait at the station okay." she said then left me. so we are running away. Alright.

the next day..

i am ready to go to the station. then when i open the door i saw her. she has a bruise on the corner of her mouth. "what happened?" i said as i hugged her. "he knew our plan, he sent someone to follow me. they heard us. now if we will able to make this again he told me that he will kill you in front of me." she said trembling a little. i dont know what to say..shes so scared shes never been this scared. shes always tough. "i am sorry, i am such a fool." i said. While hugging her burying her to my embrace. "taeng..i am sorry too it’s not your fault." she said. "it’s his fault.now calm down. Everything will be fine. i promise." i said. "taeng.."she said as she continue crying to my chest damping my clothe. "ne." i said while soothing her back as we leaned to the couch "promise me you won’t change no matter what." she said to me. i kiss her cheek. "promise" "be safe always taeng. i love you." she said. we stay like that for sometimes. there’s some gang members waiting outside.

" i love you too." i said. a tear escapes through my eyes. and that was the last time we have seen each other. i tried to know where she is but it’s not that easy. Until i forget about her. but forgetting her was just a pigment of my pride. i never did and i never will. ~

last night was fun. taetae open up something again. it’s about how she end up being into this mess. it was a sad story to hear. but if it didnt happened then we will never have met. and i am will not be a hopeless fool waiting for her to love me. no,i am not that pathetic because she needed me sometimes. i am not the only one whose in need. she was the same but somehow different from me. are you wondering how we have met?? she always says that it’s her fault why i am her. and it’s really her fault but not at the same time.


my hands are tied up. the ropes are tight and my hands are getting numb. blind folded. i have no family nor parents, i was raise by an orphanage, now i work as a waitress. but right now, i was abducted. i am waiting for the worst ending. rather should i say i am one of the unlucky person living. death, i am ready.


how many hours was it when i last hear the scream and cries of the hopeless person that they chose. it’s like they ripped someone’s eyes. and from the voice it’s a woman for sure. i am scared. damn scared but there’s nothing that i can do about it.

*door clacks*

*floor squeaks*

fuck they are here again.. maybe i am the next one i hear them close. here someone held my hand i am expecting the puncture of the needle entering my skin. maybe.. it’s a drug. making us high with those injections.

are we going to be raped, i dont want to think anymore. i am so weak my legs are numb and so my limbs. i can feel my tears running down my cheek. then a hand held my cheeks and wiped my tears. i can feel a breath tickling my mouth. someone is trying to kiss me. or should i say raped me instead. "wait,dont." i tried to say it too but i know it won’t do any good. "shes pretty." Someone said and based on the voice it’s a she.

i hear someone said that i am lucky to have my face. but i dont care. i am in a middle of life and death, now tell me does my face matter anymore? "what you like her?" the voice this time was very manly. "no, but shes pretty, it will be a waste if she will just became like us." she said. what does she mean.. thank you whoever you are i was saved from this maniac in front of me. "hmm..okay i guess i can let this one slips away for you. and i won’t tell the princess about this." the man said.

"Fucked off. i don’t care about her anymore. Now go away and play with the others." the woman said. Then my tears, i realize that it’s still flowing. then I am afraid to die. "aishhh..your no fun. okay bye miss pretty lucky to have taeng see you whenever." the man said and left. so what left was her. then she remove my blind folds. the light was blinding. i was expecting to see a ugly old warehouse but seems like i was wrong. then someone interrupted my thoughts. "miss whoever, follow me and wipe your eyes." she said. "thank u." i said i was facing her back. "save your words, you won’t like to see and know what’s next." she said. then she held my hand and she walks faster. we enter the door and i was shocked to see things.. rather events. "hmmf.." i was going to scream but she cupped my mouth. then she grabbed and drag me to lean on the wall tightening the cupped on my mouth.

"shh.." she hushed me. My eyes are open wide as i was resisting while she’s hushing me. "calm down, choose now, sell your soul or burn in hell." she asked what does she mean by that i tried to be calm. Then i look at her as i wipe my eyes. "Kill or be killed, you choose” she asked. "I’d rather be killed and burn in hell" i said. She smirks. "Then see me tomorrow. I’ll explain everything tomorrow." she said and walk me outside. "be careful." she said . ...

"i don’t know what happened, i can be free by now, run away from them but i choose to comeback.

Her eyes are shining but i can see sadness. Those brown eyes. "Why are you here?" she asked. "I choose to live in hell right?" i said. i dont know what has gotten into me but last night.. the moment i saw her face, i saw her loneliness, and when she hugged me and say to be careful. i feel like she needed me. as well as i need her. thats how it started.. and thats how i start to realize day by day that i was captivated by her. she and her brown eyes.

chapter 9 taetae was not beside me anymore when i woke up. aishh.. i stand up and went to the bathroom. after cleaning up i decided to grab some breakfast. then i saw something on the table. theres a lot of food. and theres a note.

-goodmorning. i will be back by tomorrow. i made you something. hope you will like it. taeng.-

i dont know what to do anymore.

i am mad seeing her not around and knowing shes doing that fucking job of her. but shes just too sweet, doing this and giving her time to me. we dont hold into anything. no strings attached nor friends with benefits. but when we are together i always act like i was her lover or something. and doing that was something i like so much. she never complained about that. i even re-new our deal of staying with me for a week. and its okay with her. this is the first time that i felt like what obsession was about. no, take that back. i was so use to her, i don’t want her to be apart off me anymore. i miss her warmth already. she was my custom addiction. and doing those deals was like digging a hole on the ground. i had fallen from my own traps. which is not good for me. i was fallen so deep that no one can save me from drowning.

not even hell can stop me. no one will ever be. not even taeyeon. i decided to send her a message.

>_< how dare you, leaving me without even saying goodbye. better make it up to me. okay?i miss you already. XP uhmm take care always taeyeon my hubby~. ~

"all was set and everything was delivered." i said. its 9 pm already. it’s about time. *beep* i receive a message saying that it was canceled. thats good but i already in take some drugs to make me feel a little light headed. anyway, i don’t have any glass to break. maybe i can get something for tiffany. what does she like..hmmm..i am not sure but she likes pink.

hmmm..i guess this will work. ...

i am ready to leave the hideout. since the princess often visits. And i can’t avoid her forever. i walk out then in front of me was someone i was avoiding. "i didn’t know you like pink now." she said mockingly. i just averted my gaze at her. but she does what she usually do. she hugged me. just like the days back then. "i miss you so much." she said. she cupped my cheeks i try to push her away. "i better get going." i said coldly and started to step forward. "are you that mad .. taeng come on, stay with me. Let’s talk for a while." she said. i dont want to talk to her anymore.

why? because i dont want to hear her reasons anymore. she gave up for a long time as well as me. "sorry." i said and walk pass by her. then one of her guards held my arm. "let go of me." i said but still they don’t let me go unless the princess will say so. "Free her." she commanded and the minions follow. "i hope we can see each other again, taeng and you will hear me out." she said. i just dont mind her. and start leaving again.

... It’s supposed to be a surprise , but she’s right there outside the door. Looks like she’s waiting for someone. she beams her smile, she’s beautiful as always. "taetae!" she called me as she widens her smile seeing my over rated pink shirt. "you’re so pretty. i love it." she said.as she hugged me. she looked at me for a moment and seeing her reaction, i knew that she'd already know this state of me.

"where you waiting for someone?" i asked. "yeah." she said. She’s not pleased. "okay..i guess i will be at my place for tonight see you tomorrow." i said then she laughs. "whats funny?" i asked confusedly. "you. you are funny. dork." she said as her arm flung around me. "me?" i asked. "yeah you, i was waiting for you." she said our forehead was brushing to each other. i was moving mine to avoid closeness but it end up like we are swaying slowly. "i see, but i told you i will be here by tomorrow." i asked her. she bit her lower lips while looking at me. is she seducing me?? because if she does..i swear it's working. "i know but i just feel like waiting." she said. she’s too close. i pushed her that leads to the door. and open it we got in and we stay at our position it’s like she’s teasing me. "did you receive my message?" she asked i nodded. "now how will you cope up?" she asked. i can see shes looking at my lips.

"are you checking me out...huh? pany?" i said. i move my face closer as if i am going to kiss her. "no, you wish." she said. then she stop looking at my lips when i told her. "oooookay, if you say so."i said and then she look at me this time seriously. "now how will you make it up?" she asked while puffing her right cheek. pouting. i poke her cheeks. and smiles. "hmmm..i dont like pink. but you do thats why i wear it. see." i said. she nodded. "and.." she continued. " so what i was saying is that I will be your gift for today. is it enough to make it up to you" i said. "ofcourse my hubby~" she said and shows her eyesmile. "your more than enough" she said and slowly she kissed me.

we often kissed each other since i stay over. but this time it’s not just a kiss. its more than a kiss. Way more than a kiss. we continue doing our session while roaming towards her room. this feels so good.. she’s too skilled at this.. now i was thinking how she does this things again which is inappropriate , it just makes me to want her more i can't stop myself. i continue kissing and nipping. she releases some moans as well as i. could it be the drugs. maybe it is.. . or maybe

i just wanted this to happen... it’s a part of my desire. a lust.

~ chapter 10 "your more than enough" i said and slowly i kissed her. she responds to my kiss. which surprised me. it’s a new side of her. shes taking the lead but i won’t let her win that easily. we continue battling, she's being the dominant one. maybe it’s because of drugs. Just like the first time she kissed me. she continue kissing me until we reach my room. shes biting my lips a little which eventually i gave in. should i thank the drugs again? for at last i can have her. this felt so damn good. she then went lower reaching my neck. i released some moan which eventually triggers to unleash the monster within her. she slowly pushed me to lay down on my bed. shes on top of me now. she continue kissing me until undressing me. she suck my neck leaving a mark. i dont know, i have been with so many man doing this thing making out but this felt so different,

Unique, distinct.

she reached my chest, giving me pleasure. "taeyeon~" i called her out of pleasure. which turn out to be a very bad thing. i am half naked lying down breathing heavily, her eyes was somewhat regretting. she stop like snapping out of her revere. she immediately get off me. she sat at the bedside not facing me. what the heck happened?? "i i-am sorry" she said. fuck this. what sorry!? "taetae what are you saying?" i asked. it’s been doing good. "i am sorry i lose control, i shouldn’t went here when i am in this state." she said.

shes still giving me her cold shoulder. then she handed me my cloth. "no" i said. "pany-" she called me. "NO" i said while slapping her hands that was giving me my clothes. "dont. dont say sorry. i want it too." i said. then i took my blouse that was on the ground and manage to wear it. shes still standing while looking at the ground. "why did you stop? are you disgusted? is it because of my job." i asked. "fany-ah! you know i never think that way.its just, i don’t want you to think that i am like those guys who after your body. i won’t take you for granted." she said i held her hand. take me for granted, i smiled at those words. "taetae.. dont regret nor hesitate next time i won’t let you off that easily." i said. she kissed my forehead. she often does that. "come lets sleep, its late already." she said as she lay beside me, i smiled and laydown i hugged her while my head leans on her chest, i can hear her heart beating. "taetae..your heartbeat, i can hear it clearly. its beating peacefully." i said to her. then she intertwined our hand filling the gap of mine to hers.

"now what can you hear?" she asked, then i listen closely to her chest again. it wasnt the peaceful beat anymore. could it be.. "goodnight pany-ah" she said then she drifted off to sleep. "taetae could it be...is it possible to love me back." i whispered. ~

its morning already, fany was still sleeping here at my chest. shes so beautiful.. and after last night i dont want to see her going back to her stupid job. i know it’s my fault, shes fucking, fucking since two years ago. just to save her soul but i took away her innocence. out of my conscience... i have to do something about it i know i can but i needed help. and there’s only one person that can help me...

the last person i least wanted to talk to... the princess... jessica.

[flashback.. i was desperate to see her, i went to different places just to hear something from her. shes a sister to me. i saw their place but she’s not there. a year ago,i gave up looking for her. then one day i hear some news. she killed the boss. i am not surprise by that i know she can do it but... the news was wrong ... i was the one who killed him. i was the one who did it. with my bare hands. end of flashback]

tiffany also saves me. she didn’t know but she did. that time when i have no hope at all. now it’s my turn to take her away from here, this hell we are living in. i am going to do everything for her.

chapter 11

as the sunshine touches my eyes i decided to wake up. looking at the pink white ceiling i decided to sat up but i can’t move, shes still there at the same place and our hands was intertwined against each other. i looked at our hands closely. i try to release my grip but she tightens it. she stirs a little cuddling even more at my chest. i guess she enjoys being there. i look at her and kissed her forehead like how i used to do it. that face.. this pretty face whom save her, because this face resembles a lot about her... my miyoung. "mi-young...i miss you" i murmured then i look back at the ceiling. again for the nth time, i mentally slap and lectured myself. she is not her. stop it. stop. she will never be her. im gone mad, talking to myself. then after knocking myself from illusions i finally stood up. she immediately open her eyes as the thought that i will leave. "tae~ " she said . that husky voice. thats the only thing that makes her relevant from miyoung.

"hey sleep more, i will just meeting someone. i will be back i promise." i said assuring her that i am going back to her.she nodded. and i pull the cover up.and left.... i have no idea where in seoul could she be. so i went to our hideout. then i saw different faces. there are beers and weeds all around. maybe they have gone wild last night i can smell bleaches all around. seeing no hope to talk to someone i left immediately and went to our other hideout..... this place was more decent. "taeng?? What brings you here and at this time??" the giant whom i know asked. She was there at her sacred place. Sipping her coffee. "Oh, Good morning. Sorry did i disturb you?" i asked. "No, of course not, you want coffee or something?" She asked. She was getting a mug. I didn’t even say yes. "So why are you up so early, oh? Do you need some pills??" she asked. "No i am fine, thanks for this." i said as she handed me the coffee." I just wanted to ask if you know where i can see the princess. i know she was a friend of yours." i said and take a sipped at the coffee. It’s very suiting.

"I am not sure where on Seoul she could be. But i can give you her digits." she said. She gets her phone and ran through it. "here." she handed me her phone. "I am a little surprise knowing that you’re looking for her. i think she misses you a lot. And she will be glad to see you." she said and smiles.

"Yeah, thanks." i said as i give her phone back. "Oh i better take my shower; i don’t want to be late. Talk to you some other time." she said and smiles. "And when i said the other time i am not referring about the pills. Just a normal chat like before." she follows up. "Yeah of course, thank you, by the way the coffee was very delicious. It’s very suiting just like the old times." i said and smiled at her. "Great see you next time. I will just clean this up when i am done and i will get going." i said. "Okay, and i miss that smile. You should wear that at least when you will meet her. bye." she said and finally left me. i finished my coffee and wash the mug before leaving. *yawns* "hey." i said to the man who was walking half asleep.

"Good morning soo. Take care on your way to school." he said as he sat at the couch lazily. "yah,teukie i think you better wash your face first." i said and leaves. i wonder whats his reaction. when he will saw sooyoung again.so this is my second hideout. leetueks place. they arent like me. they are the one that deals with the drugs around the org. yes,leetuek was the head while sooyoung was his assistant. as you can see they are not the one who uses it ,they are just dealers bigtime dealers.. they are member of the second degree division. sooyoung was in fact a med student. while leetuek was a licensed pharmacist. yeah believe it or not. Requirement to be on the second degree division needs a high educational attainment perhaps a college student at least. which i was not qualified. .... I try to contact her. I dialed her number. Ringing..


"hello, taeng is that you?" she asked. how did she know??? "yes, can i talk to you, in person." i said directly. "Yeah, sure. Right now??" she asked. "if you want to." i answered. "okay, where are you? Wait; let’s just see each other.at the cafe downtown, the usual. I will be there by .. an hour." she said "okay. bye" i said then hung up.


Jessica.. It’s been a long time. i think she will help me through this. She has no other choice i waited at the usual cafe. This cafe was very nostalgic. miyoung used to work here before. My miyoung. i remember how jessica gets my attention whenever we are here. thats a nice thing to remember.

[flashback.. "tae, i will borrow hayeon later and i already ask umma." that eyesmiling monster said. "thats good, then i will be with taeyeon the whole day,right taey~ you will help me right?? you promised." the auburn haired said while holding my hand. "yeah i will, miyoung take care alright." i said "ofcourse hayeon is safe with me." she said proudly while flashing her smile at me. "yah taeyeon!! your smiling too much." the jealous princess said. "no i am not." i answered. then the usual clapping can be heard. It’s her way of laughing. She’s happy which a good thing. "guys i need to go. I will pick hayeon now see you later." she said. she kissed my cheek and so as the princess. "bye take care." i said and jessica too.

"sica what else do we need to do. i dont want to continue this anymore. i will send hayeon and umma back tomorrow at jeonju, okay. and keep this between us." i

said. at that time we are just getting started, working at the org. my oppa was inside the prison a few days ago. and my mother and sister doesn’t know anything about it. tomorrow i will send them to jeonju and tell them the truth about oppa. i dont want them to get involved. "tae..your spacing out. dont worry everything will be alright." jessica said squeezing my hand. "i hope so." i said then the most hated part happened something that change my whole being. end of flashback.]

"hey your spacing out." she said as she held my shoulder. i look up to her. "i was just..thinking." i said. "should we change location?" she ask. "no its fine here. you want anything?" i said.

"no thanks. so you finally miss me?" she asked. i was pissed. it’s like shes teasing me. "i guess not. but i do miss you" she said and smiled shortly. "i would like to ask something. i know you can do something about the fourth division." i said then i look at her. "i see. she looks like her right." how does she know?. "you look surprised. i decided to follow you last night. it just happens that i saw how she welcomed you." she said. i just kept quiet and look at her. "you feel the same? or its just out of guilt?" she asked. i didn’t answer her question. "i guess you don’t want to talk to me still. so what do you want me to do?" "get her out of that fucking job." i said, shes not happy about my request. "why will i do that? i dont even know her." she said. But i knew she will help me i just need to say this... "you will do it for me. you owe me your life " i said. she looks away then she let out a smirk "fine. are you going to do this all the time? making me remember how i turn you into like that. i said i am sorry. and when will you learn to forgive me. because i dont want to continue being like this." she said and now she held my hand. "just do what i want. i will learn to forget it. i will try to take it back before it all went wrong." i said and remove my hand from her grip.

"tae..theres no way you can escape" she said. "thanks in advance. i am counting on you." i said. "will you talk to me now. like the usual. Let’s talk about us." she said. "what about us?" i said. "you know what im talking about ,us." she insisted. "let’s go somewhere else. somewhere more private." i said. for what we will discuss was not far from the usual. ~

i was waiting for taeyeon. she hasn’t come back and its almost lunch time. where is she. i took my phone and dialed her number. shes not picking up.. it just kept on ringing.. tiffany relax.. be patient. "hello?" at last she answers. "taetae.. where are you i am starving." i whined. "i am heading home do you want something in particular?" she asked. "hmmm..you. i want you." i said like a kid.

"pany-ah.." she said in a scolding tone. "ne taeyeon..i am craving for some pizza. i will just call for a delivery so get back here immediately i am bored. i got no one to talk too and the tv shows are full of drama. it makes me cry tae..so come here and comfort me." i said. i wonder how she reacted. that may be cute. my cute taetae... "ill be there fany..bye " she said. taetae.. i heard someones name earlier.. miyoung.i hear it clearly. she missed miyoung. is she the one that taetae meet up. miyoung who is she..aigoo i think i am a little jealous my taetae. sorry for being a jelly monster. i know i have no rights but what can i do. . . nothing. i will just be a jealous freak. and watch them break apart. because i know i will have her.

i will do everything just to be with her. i am decided. I know i can take that burn. it’s just one cry ahead. being on the fifth division. i will sell my soul too. so I can be with her. A partner in crime. and to leave that fucking job. for she doesnt want it.i will follow my taetae. all of her wishes. for shes my only family.the only thing i want to call mine. chapter 12

"taetae i am waiting for you and i was dying from hunger. where you from??" i asked annoyedly faking a little mad. "i told you, i just arranged few business." she said and sat at the opposite side of the sofa. "come here.....closer." i said. then i hugged her. "you really like snuggling to me arent you??" she said. this dork such an arrogant person.

"no, its just that i know you will like it." i said cheekily. then i just stay there having her scent. "your pizza was taking too long. I’ll make you a snack if you want to" she said. "no, just stay here, having you was enough." i said while tightening my embrace. "tiffany..if ever you will get out from this place we are living in, dont ever comeback." she said suddenly. she kissed the crown of my head. "tae, i will leave my job but not let go of you. i will stay at the org." i said stubbornly. i know she will get mad because of that. i was still embracing her. i dont want her to leave. she didnt say anything until the doorbell rang. it’s the pizza man. "ill go get it....and try to remember the first day you saw the real hell before thinking of staying." she said and walks to get the pizza. that cold exterior was back.

[flashback someone was getting killed. ...i was crying and was afraid.

while the next scene was giving the birthmark of being a member. a scrutinizing scream and cry that burn it hurts like hell i swear. i was frightened. then she calm me down. she asked me something i was confused.. "kill or be killed, you choose your destiny." she asked again. having this sight. i dont want to kill. i am not a monster. "I’d rather be killed and burn in hell" i said. she smirks. i know i am a coward. she showed it to me. the hell and the hopeless place. it does exist. Worse than i have ever imagine. she saved me from being a monster. She’s really kind behind those brown eyes, she set me free. Despite having that cold exterior she comfort me. end of flashback]

i know what she mean.

i also remember...

[flashback "why are you here?" she whisper grabbing my arms. There’s another pair of eyes watching us. "i choose to live in hell right?" i said. “crazy.” She said without looking at me. end of flashback.]

i remember that time when i felt that she needed me. those hallow eyes it’s a bit different now .. "hey dont look at me as if you'll kill me." i said in a scolding tone. "let’s eat i know you’re hungry, you’re thinking too much." she said while walking to the dining area. i sat down as she already prepare everything.

i know shes mad. just a little or rather upset. she handed me a slice of pizza,i cut mine into pieces on my plate, i notice there’s only one plate, i will be the one whose eating. "are you that mad that you dont want to eat with me?" i asked. "no, i just dont feel to eat pizza." she said. and sat opposite my place. she was there watching me. i want to take a slice and feed her but since she said she doesnt want to then i wont force her. after eating she took my plate, shes serving me like i am her princess. after cleaning we sat back to the couch. i cuddle to her and she did not do anything she just let me. "tae..kiss~" i said and wait for her.i close my eyes.she held my nape and head.then she kissed my forehead.i open my eyes and saw a smirking taeyeon. "yah!!! why are you smiling like that?!" i said and frowned. "what is it bad to smile, i was just happy that i kiss you." she said, and that makes me flush in red. "y-you call that a kiss? what am i your grandmother?" i asked and looks away trying to hide my blushing face "no, but i respect you like one. now look at me." she said as she held my chin and guide me to face her.

"if ever you have the chance to run away from here just do it, dont think about of staying because of me. i dont care how much you like me. i won’t ever needing you anymore." she said. those last words was like earthquake for me. "you can stay with umma and hayeon if you like. just dont stay with me." she said. i let out a tear, i cant hold it any longer. "dont cry." she said and kiss my tear away. "taetae"i said and hug her. "fany-ah..be good okay." she said. it seems like we will never see each other anymore. "what are you saying tae,i was just asking for a single kiss. if you dont like its fine with me,no need to say this things." i said and hugged her tight. she chuckles. "be careful always." she said and pull away from my embrace so she can kiss me. this time it’s not on my forehead anymore. It’s on my lips, gentle and sweet. ~

after the kiss she continue crying. she fell asleep from crying. i think she knew what i am trying to imply. thats why she cried.

it was not my intention to make her like me. i just wanted her to stop and leave this hopeless place. maybe jessica was right. i was doing this because i am blaming myself from the past and seeing tiffany that looks like miyoung was a way of doing things out of guilt and conscience.

chapter 13

[flashback jessica and i went to her place. its beautiful, it looks exactly her dream house. "wont you ask me anything? i know you have something in mind " she asked. is she teasing me?

"why?" i said. she smiles. "taeng you know i cant just leave you and be free." she said. she get some wine and glasses. "thats way better than getting back in here."i said. "here." she said handling me a glass of wine. "i dont like,its too early for that and your still not answering my question." i ask again. "i turn you into something unpleasant. you know what i am trying to say right?" she said. she put the glasses down. she sat at her sofa and she ask me to sit beside her. "jessica,i did it because i wanted to ,that day when i already gave up, because i want you to live." i said. she pull me into a hug. "you and your ambitions. if you just stayed like you use to be it could have gone much better. i was waiting for the right time. but you mess it up. i am thankful for what you did but if i was the one who take his life then you should be free by now and not turned into this." she said. "this is not the way i wanted it to be. i was prepared and ready to face them i know i will be caught no matter what. i give up but you showed up and claimed to be the killer. why did you do that?" i asked. "because i love you. are you still that stupid?" she said and looks at me.

"aish,you still are. look at me." she said and i did. "good. now close your eyes." she ordered again. "i dont like. i told you before i love you but not in that way." i said. she laughs. "you know in some ways you are still the same..dork kim taeyeon. Arrogant and cold.but i manage to kiss you twice." she said and winks "it’s just once. as far as i can remember." i said. "really ??" i asked. this is how we use to talk before.i am happy that we are back to normal. Even though i was not pleased by her presence. it will be much better if she stayed there. "you dont remember? aish its because you dont treasure it like i do. first was when we are about to runaway. second was...you really dont remember?" she said.i really have no idea. "and why are we talking about ki- " yeah you know probably what happened. she kissed me. but i did not kissed back. "see now you remember." she said proudly. "yah! you trick me!" i said she laugh. "dork!" she teases. then my phone rings. it wasnt fany but its my assignment. "i better go."i said to jessica.

"is it miyoung??" she giggles. "ok see you around, i am happy to see you and talk to you kim dork. and i guess i need to meet that miyoung look alike. because your giving her that much of attention." she said and merongs..am i?? “I guess we are okay huh??” she asked.


“awwww!!” she pinched my sides and laughs. “I miss this. I miss us.” She said. I rub my side that was throbbing. “theres no US” I said allowed. “yeah and it will always be~” she said seductively. end of flashback.]

i am driving back. sica and i are in good terms again. it was a hell back then.

miyoung,. what happened? she died. she died saving jessica and me. she just an innocent and ordinary person.but because of that incident. we lost her. i carry the grudge to myself up until now. thats why i am very kind to tiffany. she resembled miyoung. but shes much noisier. jessica. she was still the same . we havent seen each other since two years ago. the last time was the day that made me into a soultaker. a monster.

[flashbacks i was desperate looking for sica. i went places to places. i havent heard from her. but i hear news from the others. it wasnt a good news.that man. i will kill him. i knew i can. i already gave up my insanity and i know sica, she already gave up a long time ago.i hear that sica was outside the country. she was with that man somewhere in europe. there will be a big gathering for the main dealers. yes, selling sex slaves. and it will be held in seoul.

when i already gave up, here comes the opportunity.i do my best to know where jessica could be. and it will be easy for me.because i had lost my insanity.and i did found her. but not literally her. rather the place. it was the rest house of the foolish boss. There’s guards around but they are like there boss. Stupid. It’s his private place.. i had been here before but they aren’t here. but now i am certain. i will wait for them. for tonight i know i can overcome this craziness. for jessica. Few hours of waiting until the door opens. i hide behind the sofa.it was 12 mn. "i want to take a bath " that awful voice. his talking like he owns sica as a slave. jessica did went upstairs. "great day today. A round inside the tub will be nice. ahhh" he said. i can’t imagine how gross that was for jessica fucking this fucking old dirty man. i waited a little bit more. not realizing that my presence was transparent. "who is there?!" he said and move closer from my view i can see he has a gun already with him. "get up." he said i got caught.

i held my gun at my back and stand up. he laughs. "woah, the midget? how did you get in? oh are you visiting your friend?" he said mockingly. he put his firearms down. "no. i am here because i wanted to have jessica." i said then he frowned. "go home. you know your place. she wont come to you either. shes my slave." he said and those words are enough to pull my strings. "jinjja?? fuck you." i said and pull the trigger. it was a triple shot the gun he was holding landed on the ground.. i went closer to have a view i smiled. shoulder,chest and stomach area. "fuck you bitch!" he screams. i grab the collar from the body at the soaking bloody mess. "this is for sica." i kick his crotch. scrutinizing pain. "and this is for miyoung."i punch his face. agony. "fuck you, i should have killed you" he said. i took the gun . "yeah you should. oh and this is for calling me a midget." then i pulled the trigger. i went upstairs and the bathroom was there. jessica was inside it shes already naked. i hate seeing her like that.

"sica,"i said i dont know what i looked like but i know i am not pleasing. she looked at me surprised.a tear escapes her eyes. "omo." she said and she cry even more. "pabo! what did you do?!" she said as she sees me,i walk closer and get a robe i give it to her. "dont look at me." she said.shes crying. "sorry i guess i am a little late." i said. theres a mirror in front of us and i have blood on my face. "sorry.i am a little ...messy?" i said and wash my face. as i am washing my face at the sink she hugged me.i faced her.then she hit me continuously. "i am not miyoung! why are you here." she ask. "because you are jessica." i said and smiles dorkily. "you have gotten too far. i am sorry this happens. i have made you into this."she said now shes leaning to me while crying. "you have your life now."i said. and smile again. "aish,you really are stupid." she said and hugs me tighter.

"promise me. we never met and you wont comeback. i will take over from here."i said. she just nodded. end of flashbacks.]

she didnt do what i said. shes really a hardheaded girl. stubborn one. just a few months and she showed up again. claiming to be the killer.i hated her for doing that and she knew it. but i cant hate her forever. a little while was enough.and i need to talk to her again,i must know how she end up being the princess of the 3rd division, the gambling collectors. getting me out of my past was a call from tiffany. shes waiting for me.

chapter 14

i could not concentrate i can’t leave her seeing so hurt and her eyes are swollen.. i have my work for today.

"fany i am sorry. mianhe."i said. i slowly release from her hug. carefully,i do not want to wake her. i think i already said what i have to. i will just wait for jessica. i know she can do something about tiffany.she was one of the boss. i wonder what happened to her. we never talk about it. i didnt even ask her if shes fine.i need to know things from her. shes jessica after all.


"you okay??" kyu asked me. his driving madly. "yeah,just a little graze." i got hit. but it wasnt that bad. jessica will be mad about this. she doesnt know that i am back doing this soulless job. ~

i woke up and again taeyeon wasnt here. will she ever comeback? i look at the clock and its 11pm.maybe shes somewhere out and doing her business. thats why i waited. i cant sleep anymore,i decided to have a walk. just a little walk.

taeyeon if shes here she will get mad at me. she always told me that its dangerous to walk at night and its still cold. i wish i could see her. i started recalling her words. and it makes me sad again. she doesnt need me anymore. i felt my tears and i wiped them immediately. i dont know where she lives. i should have asked her before.but i guess its too late now. "hey~ fany-ah??" that voice. i was frozen. i turned around recognizing the voice. "what are you doing here?" she asked me. its her. its really her. "i- i was just walking. i cant sleep so i decided to walk a little." i said, "aish, i told you not to go out this late." she said and i notice she had a bandage on her shoulder and she has someone beside her. "taeng what happened to your arm?!" i asked hysterically. "kyu,thanks for taking me here.i can manage from here." taeyeon said to the man beside her. "take care noona." he said and bows.then he leaves. "its nothing fany,its cold out here. lets get inside." she said. i nodded.

.... "aigoo,taetae what can i do??" i said while taking her coat off. "pany,relax alright.i am fine this is no big deal. well i wanted to take a bath,but since i have this,can you get me a damp towel?" she asked while sitting at the bed. "i can help you take a bath if you like."i said.i am willing to help and serve my taetae. "a-anniyo, i can do it myself tomorrow. its just that the anesthesia was still taking effect." she said i notice shes blushing. "ah, hey,i-its not what you think,i-i was just trying to help,i have no intention of taking advantage from you."i said. "i wasnt thinking like that, aish pany..just get the towel." she defended herself. "o-okay" i said and get the towel and damp it with warm water. "i will do it."i said and sat beside her. she was unbuttoning her long sleeves. the right arm sleeve was ripped off already her arm was covered in bandage. now i was the one doing it for her and as i was unbuttoning her blouse her inner cloth shows up. Revealing her milky like skin.i slowly take it off leaving her on her sleeveless shirt with a blood stain on it.. "fany what are you thinking, i can do it myself." she said. "what?? i didnt do anything."i said. "your blushing madly." she said.

"taeng!! stop joking around" i said and slap her arm. "woah, hey be careful." she said. "can i take this off?? theres a stain on it." i asked pointing to her sleeveless. "yea,just get a hold to yourself."she said teasing. "you wish!" i said.shes teasing me. "yeah, YOU really wish" she said. this arrogant was so cocky. but i carefully remove it. now theres only one more thing covering her.her sports bra. wait! what am i thinking?? "you like the view?" she teases again. she like teasing me. but i was staring at it i admit. "aish.go and clean yourself!" i said. she laughs. "pany~ah, fany~ tippany~ "she was calling my name with a mellow. "what??" i said annoyed.this person can really make a cuteness out of her without her knowing it. "i guess i can spend the rest of the week with you. after that we can go to jeonju." she said. i dont know but i was happy to hear that from her. "tae,about staying with umma and hayeon i think i cant." i said. "i cant tell lies to them and i c-" she cutted me.

"i understand. just stay away from the org and the people around it. including me." she said. "you know i cant do that either." i said with an annoyed tone. "you can. slowly you can. you are used not seeing me before right? it take us some months before meeting again. so you can do it,get used to it again." she said. "no, it wasnt like that.at that time i am sure that we will see each other. because you needed me but now you said earlier that you dont need me anymore. there is no reason for you to see me.taeyeon." i said i was holding my tears.she held my chin up to face her. shes looking at me. "tippani. i kim taeyeon promised to visit you whenever i can. " she said. i like this moment. she always keep her promise. "taetae." "i swear. now can you help me wear my clothes?" she said. i am more than happy to hear that. now i feel like pay time. "sure its my pleasure" i said then i sat on her lap. i took her oversize shirt from her. "pany what are you doing?" she asked confusedly. "i think i might take advantage this time. you cant move your arm right?" i said and winks. "aish~tippany!" she yelled. "taetae~"i whispered on her ears and i lean my forehead against hers.

"tiffany." she said it correctly this time. "ssshhh...this wont hurt." i said and kissed her.she kissed back.i put my arms around her neck and tighten the gap. her hand supports my back.i swear i cant stop myself i want more from her.i kiss her more going deeper and downwards kissing her neck and leaving some mark.i sat up and scooted closer. then i lost my balance. "aahhh!!" she screamed in pain.we fell on the bed i am lying on top of her. and her arm was hurt. "taetae i am sorry. sorry." i said and stand away from her. "aish,it hurts..aww"she whines. "omo taetae.. i am sorry."i said again. "its okay,i guess the numbness was gone already. i pretty much feel the pain." she said. "i wish i could do something about it. taetae what do you want?" i asked her. "what i want?? hmmm....can you sing me a song?" she asked. "song?what kind?" i asked. "anything you like." she said. hmm.. what song could it be??

chapter 15 Shine a light through an open door Love and life I will divide Turn away 'cause I need you more Feel the heartbeat in my mind It’s the way I’m feeling I just can’t deny But I’ve gotta let it go we found love in a hopeless place.. we found our love in a hopeless place..

"not bad." she said. "its actually good." she continues. "thanks for making me stay tiffany. somehow you make me feel at ease. i like this feeling.lets just stay like this." she said. stay like this. i know what she mean. theres no hope for more right. "taetae..cant you just leave,lets runaway together. i have my savings and for a mean time we can support umma and hayeon. and i know we can look for a much fine work." i said. "tiffany,theres no other way than death for me but..you, you have the freedom to do so. dont obligate yourself because of me." she said.

"but taey-" she cut my words again. "tiffany, lets not argue about this again.please. lets just take a rest." she said. "alright taetae.mianhe" i said i dont want us to argue too. so i stop talking. "sorry too fany." she said then she kissed my forehead. after that i fell asleep. having her with me makes me at peace. i want us to stay like this too.


the next morning shes still beside me. i decided to make a breakfast. so i went to the market. when i reach the floor of my apartment theres a woman standing in front of my door, i dont know her.but she looks gorgeous i tell you. "excuse me, may i help you?" i asked as polite as i can. "yes thank you,taeyeon she said that she lives here, i am a friend of her. do you know her?" she asked. of course i know her she is my taetae. wait,did she said taeyeon?she really are a very close friend of taetae.wait could it be.. "yes she is, i also live here, by any chance are you miyoung?" i asked. she looked surprise. maybe i am right.

"uhmm... how did you know?" she ask. "taetae i guess i hear her say your name. oh please come in lets talk inside." i said as i let her into our apartment "shes still sleeping,have you eaten yet?" i asked "yes i am,thank you,i will just wait for her i am not in a hurry anyway,sorry to bother."she said. "i will just prepare this,i havent eaten yet,oh and feel at home." i said. she smiled. shes really pretty and i am getting a little unease,whats her relation to taetae. "i can help you if you want." she said. she followed me here at the kitchen. "thank you but i can manage. uhmm did you know her for a long time?" i asked. well i think she knows taeyeon so well. "yes,but we havent seen for a long time so we are making up for it. we just seen each other recently.but i need to ask something from her thats why i am here. how about you two? " she said. i am almost done preparing this sandwiches. "ahhmm..me and her met almost two years i think. but we rarely see each other,its just recebtly that she promised me to accompany me thats why she move in here." i said proudly. "so,you know everything about her?" she asked. this is an intimidating question. "well not really,recently i went to her familys place at jeonju and its my first time to meet them, they are very kind.it overwhelms me. sorry i think i talk too much." i said.

"no its fine and now you said that its been a long time since i last saw them. they are really kind and caring. its been how many years." she said and gives a lonely smile. "i see, here i am done. lets wake taeyeon if you dont mind." i said trying to change the mood. then we go to where taeyeon is hibernating. chapter 16

my arm was throbbing, the pain was there and it was more painful than earlier. i look at the clock and tiffany was not beside me anymore. i can smell something good. i stand up and look at the bandage at my arm. it was bleeding the shirt i am wearing has a stain of blood already. thankfully tiffany wasnt here. i took the first aid kit. and as i was about to remove the bandage.. "taeng." a voice that was pretty familiar called me. no it wasn’t the eyesmiling princess. its the other way around. "omo!! taetae your arm!" and now its tiffany she hurriedly place the tray shes holding at the bed and dashed beside me.. "aish why didnt you call me?? " she asked worriedly as she took the first aid kit from me.

"so caring, anyway good morning taeng,you have some explaining to me if you mind. privately." she said ,yes, its jessica. jessica?! why is she even here?? "miyoung-ss came early and was looking for you." tiffany said. "miyoung??" i look at jessica then to tiffany.what was jessica thinking.... we are sitting at the sofa while tiffany was keep on peeping at us.this girl.tsk tsk.shes too obvious! "so, you are a member of the monster division and you didn’t told me??what’s wrong with you??" she said angrily. Her mood was cold and it send some shiver to me. "its better that you didnt know." i said and then she gets madder. "better?, TAEYEON! your insane!! you should have told me!! and you think you can hide this forever?" she said. her look is digging my soul. "now you know,what will you do? you will told me that it will be fine then you will do stupid things,you know that i dont like this place and i dont like the way i am living. thats why i did those things in the past. and you are part of them,i dont want to lose anyone anymore." i said in a scolding tone. a tear escapes her eye. now shes really mad. "i know that ,thats why i am angry at you.i gave up my position just to fulfill your request. and now knowing that your in that division i regret doing that. what will miyoung say about this? she will not be happy and your the first person to know it"

she said and sobs controlling her anger. i hold her hand. i know she will blame herself because of this. "i am so sorry. its my fault." she said and cried leaning to my shoulder. "you shouldnt.its for the sake of us." i said. she hugged me this time and my arm hurts.but i can tolerate the pain.

*clank* a disturbing sound coming from the kitchen i look at it and tiffany was the source. "looks like miyoung was a little jealous." jessica said.she tightened our embrace and i cant bare the pain anymore. "my arm.." i whined. she move backwards and checked my arm. "uhhm,sorry. miyoung was still looking at us," she whisper. and shes right. "miyoung shes not her. and you said you gave up your position?"i ask. "well,yeah, she costs a lot. and i dont want to be in that place anymore its boring. every week we have this meeting and i am sick of it. but now that i give my division i have no responsibility but i have no power anymore and you will be responsible to me." she said. "i will but i can’t live with you." i said. "why?? is it because of her?" she asked and she was now scooting closer

to me. "well,for now its a yes. i promised her . its just a week." i said. "cant wait~"she kissed my cheek and i swear tiffany was looking at me like she will kill me. '’taetae you should eat first." she said loudly its more like of a command. she was walking abruptly towards us then she stop in front of me. "eat your breakfast its cold already." she said. shes scary.



Chapter 17

i dont know but that woman was kind when we first met earlier, i cant hear them clearly i dont want to conclude things.but now looking at her getting clingy to my taetae...eventhough she was crying shes getting into my nerves and i cant take this anymore. holding hands,hugs and kiss. i thought we could be good friends but i doubt it now. taeyeon thats it. shes coming with me and will eat this sandwich that i made. 'taetae you should eat first."i said loudly its more like of a command. i was walking abruptly towards them then i stop in front of taeyeon. "eat your breakfast its cold already." i said. "i guess i need to go. see you some other time." taeyeons friend said she was neating her dress. "jessica." taeyeon called her,i thought shes miyoung? when jessica stop she face taeyeon and taeyeon hugged her sincerely. i dont know how to react. i have never seen her like that aside from me. "thank you." she said in a low tone but i still can hear it.. theres an inflicting pain in my chest. its like a hundred pieces of needles puncturing me. i hate it. i walk off to my room and get inside the bathroom i open the shower and soaked myself from the falling water. i hate this feeling. i hate it more than being a slut. the water was cold but theres warm water that also flows from my eyes..

~ tiffany was standing beside me then she walks out. jessica bid farewell, i dont get that girl,i didnt had the chance to introduce them to each other properly. she didnt even say goodbye to jessica and i dont even told her about the good news yet. maybe shes inside her room. i went to the kitchen remembering her sandwich,i didnt had the time to eat it earlier since jessica wanted to talk to me asap. now i need to eat this and criticize it. the first time she make me one was awful. i hope this one was better. i take a big bite and try to finish everything in just a seconds but as i chew the food she made,it taste really good.i savor it and i am thinking what praise i can give her. i know shes a little jealous. i guess. i clean the mess she made then i walk to her room. shes not here but i can hear the water from the shower room. "aigoo~ i also want to take my bath. can i join you?" i am teasing her just to brighten up the mood. "tippany, i will get inside now~" i said and still she wasnt answering. maybe shes not in a good mood. "fine i will take a bath when your done." i said and still i didnt hear anything from her.


i am glad that everything was almost done. i take a deep breath and exhale. its so calming to hear the running water just like a river. *sobs* omo,is there someone here aside from me,a ghost?? theres someone crying.


its coming fron the bathroom? tiffany?? "tippany? are you crying?"


i take that as a yes.

"tiffany!? are you okay?? did you hurt yourself?" i asked and she didnt answer.

*sobs* "tiffany!! i am getting in!" i said and open the bathroom door it wasnt locked. "tiffany!!" i called her shes standing soaking under the cold water. "what are you doing?" i asked while turning the shower off.she slap my hand and turn the shower on again. i turn the heater on. "are you killing yourself fany-ah!" i called her shes crying,she will have a cold ,its freaking cold outside and shes soaking in a freezing cold water. "tiffany,tippany,stop."i said as i hugged her with the towel. but shes still resisting. tiffany,stop. please stop." i said as i am hugging her tightly. "leave me alone.taetae...leave me alone."she said still crying and resisting from my embrace. "tiffany why are you like that?" i asked and she just cried. she now hitting my chest.but it doesnt hurt. "i hate.you...i hate,hate...i hate this.."she said and now shes hitting herself directly at her heart. "tiffany, stop,dont hurt yourself."i held her wrist. my arm was bleeding i can feel a warm liquid trickling down.

"sorry,you have been through a lot because of me." i said she stop doing what she does and she looks at me.and now she hugged me. "you are free now,starting today. you are no longer a member of any division. i am sorry it takes time." i said. "taetae..taeyeon.." she cried. i hugged her back and rubbing her back. "hey lets get you change,you might catch a cold." i said she smiled.we got out of the bathroom i made her sat at the wooden chair facing the dresser. "taeng,your arm." she notice it. "dont think about it go change your clothes." i said. "taetae,sorry." she said. shes pouting and i find it cute. "just go change and after that help me to change my bandages." i said as i kiss her forehead. i took some clothes also and change inside the bathroom.when i am finished i walk out and i saw her with the first aid kit again. "sit here." she said patting the bed space beside her.i gladly did. "taetae,sorry i make a scene. and i was mad when i saw you hugging that woman i thought miyoung. i am jealous." she said as she carefully cleaning my wounded arm.. "you are really outspoken.but it doesnt matter,sorry if i hurt you. and shes not miyoung. wait where did you here the name miyoung??" i asked.

"ahhh,you where sleep talking and you call her name and told her that you missed her. whos miyoung taetae?" she asked what should i say.. "she..she was a..shes a very special someone for me and sica. oh and the woman earlier was jessica. shes a close friend of mine."i said. "awww!" that stings. "ss-sorry." she said and she put the covers now.a moment of silence. "by the way the food tastes great. daebak!" i said she looked at me and smiles. "there done. now ..i think i deserve some reward for my good deed in cooking." she said touching her lips and tapping it. "okay~ lets go out tomorrow." i said. she frowned but smiles a little. "fine,but you should kiss me first? why.." "because you made me kick out of my job,you should be responsible for it.comfort me taetae~" she said ,i lay down to bed. "yah! you’re not listening." she slap my thighs "come here lay beside me,i will hugged you and let you borrow my attention for the whole day you can even cry on me if you feel like it. but i wont kiss you because you will like it." i said. she look at me and shes giving me her childish look.

"taetae,i won’t stop until you will lay your lips on me today." she said and crawled towards my side. "tippany,i am injured dont play around." i said. "i,dont. care." she said and hover on top of me. i think i am so dead right now.

Chapter 18

[flashback… A black car stopped in front of us. “MIYOUNG!!” I screamed it was night and miyoung was abducted. And I am sure this had something to do to the org. I try to catch up by running which is impossible. My hands and feet are trembling. Today was my birthday, hayeon and miyoung surprised me, everyone close to me are there we had a little party. It was fun. Tomorrow umma and hayeon will be moving to jeonju. Hayeon’s life wasn’t that good anymore. She’s getting bullied a lot, and lately her heart condition turned worst. I am gasping.. my mind was a bliss, we just wanted to take a little walk, spend more time with each other. Why did has to happen? Jessica. I immediately dialed sica’s number. “j-jessica! Miyoung…miyoung was abducted! Help!” I said. “taeyeon-ah, that’s not a funny thing to say, I am doing our job now so youre not helping at all, since it’s your birthday I am doing this as a gift for you-“ I cutted her and shouted.

“a black car! What to do??! what to do??!!!” I said panicking. “where are you? Where is she?” Jessica asked. “I don’t know..” my eyes starting to cry. “taeyeon!! Listen carefully.” She said I wipe my eyes and try to collect myself. “I am listening” I said and listen to her. “never call a police. They are part of the org remember? Miyoung she’ll be fine. I will call ahjussi he will help us” she said. I am nodding still shaking. “where are you? Let’s see each other at the hideout” I said and starts to go there. “I am almost done. I will be there. Theres a reason for this. Okay? Calm down, I’ll call again” she said and I obey. Miyoung..if ever they will lay even a finger on you I promise I will kill them.

It’s been two hours. Jessica said that ahjussi will help. He won’t help without anything in return. Jessica what did she do? I arrived to another hide out. “taeng!” she called me and I saw her. She was alive.

“miyoung?”I am confused what is she doing here in our hideout. “very well.” Ahjussi, I hear his voice. “sica called me, she asked for a help” he said “she told me thank you. Where is she?” I asked the not so nice man in front of me. he looked like a dirty perverted man. “at the room” he pointed at the closed door he laughs. My eyes widens. “she decided to join the org whole heartedly. She’s a very good friend. You should be thankful” he said with a smile. “very well. i need to go home to my family, be more careful next time. You are lucky your friend decided to ask help from me” he smiles and starts to leave with his bodyguards around him. “miyoung!” I called her and hugged her tight as I can, she is crying now. “did they do anything bad to you?” she shake her head. “it’s okay I am here now, Jessica was here now” I said then the door where Jessica is opens she got out from it and smile at me. “I told you everything will be fine.” she said. “jessica” I said and look at her with an awe I let go from the crying miyoung and walk towards her and hugged her too. I kiss her cheek that make her smile a lot more.

“why are you like that? Miyoung was there don’t make her jealous kim dork.” She said and pushes me away. “sica I owe you a lot.” I said. “anni, I did it for miyoung” she said. we look at miyoung who was still in shock. “miyoung..” I called her and still hug her. “let’s go home now” I said to miyoung. She nodded. “taeyeon, we should report this to the police.” She said. I shake my head and she was still lost. “I am sorry.. miyoung..but we can’t” Jessica said as she look down/ “sica..” I called her trying to stop her from saying more. Miyoung has nothing to do with this. She looked at me and understands what I wanted. “taey, why are we here? Why did they do that? i am scared” miyoung said then I pat her shoulders for comfort. “I’ll tell you when we got home, you still owe me a sleepover right? And we will send umma and hayeon to jeonju.” I said and kissed her cheek lovingly. “come on let’s go home now.” I said and the three of us walk out from the hide out. “you are alright now miyoung?” sica asked her we are walking at the side ways. “I am fine, just still confused about things.” Miyoung said.

“do you want me to ease your confusion miyoung? I’ll give you my special kiss~” I asked her teasingly just to lift up the mood. “yah! Taeng! Shame on you! How could you cheat on me” sica shouted and there she is with her hands clapping and laughing at us, she really like this kind of scenario where sica and I act like lovers in quarrel. “you know taeng you are better with sica, I think you two suit each other well” she said smiling with her eyes. “what? Miyoung for real?! Please, no. not sica.” I said then sica smack my head. “awww” I whined and there she is laughing again, I am happy that she seemed forgetting the incident earlier. “you two I am happy that I met you” miyoung said and hugged the both of us flashing her eyesmile at us. I smiled, there’s a car pass by then we hear a loud bang. It’s a gunshot. My heart pounds again…I look at miyoung falls down in the middle of us, there’s a blood all over the ground. “miyoung!!!!!!!” sica shouted, I was looking at the bloody ground and the one that I love was gone. End of flashback]

chapter 19

I woke up. Panting. It’s another bad dream. I sighed. I tried to close my eyes and calm myself. Then I feel something that restrained me from moving, then it gets tighter. Miyoung. No. it’s her replica. It’s really amazing having that face beside me it haunts me. beautiful. now that I thought of it maybe, could it be that they are twins? eyesmiles are common but it looks best with her. Miyoung and tiffany, they really alike the only thing that differs was there voice. Tiffany has a husky one. Maybe they are twins. Tiffany never knew her parents, but miyoung knows them though they died in an accident. Another thing in common was they like color PINK. She stirred and cuddles close to my neck, I can feel her breath on my skin. It’s warm and it tickles. I was so lost thinking about her and miyoung. Her eyes that was twinkling whenever she’s happy and turns into a crescent shape. Whenever she laughs she claps her hand. The thought make me smile.

“yah stop staring at me byun taeng!” I remember whenever I look at her and give this dorky smile to her. She will say that im a byun. “byun taeyeon!” see, she really calls me like that. “why are you staring at me like a dirty old man huh? Byun-tae-yeon~” she ask then held my cheek and make me face her. This is not a flashback nor a story. “i-im not” I looked away and tried to sat up. “no,running away from me.” she pulled me back making me fall beside her again. “awww~” I whined. She sat up and hovers on top of me. “yah~ what are you whining at byuntaeyeon?” she asked. “hmm.. my arm??” I said acting like a hurt kid. “yah! Your arm was fully healed pabo-ah” she said and hit my shoulder. “oh, yeah right I forgot about that.” I chuckled and smiles. It’s been a month after the gunshot incident I am overstaying at tiffany’s place for three weeks, within those weeks we act like a newlywed couple like a husband and wife. I enjoy being pampered by tiffany and her getting jealous every time Jessica visits. “now get off me..before..” I warned. “before what taey?” she asked smirking and leaning close her hands is beside my head supporting her weight and now she’s inch close with a sexy smirk on her face. And swear I like it.

“so, are you seducing me?” I asked looking at her and bit my lips. Well I can tease too. She nods. Honestly I didn’t expect that. “okay. You should have said so, and by the way. I am not a byun taeyeon. And if ever I am I know you’ll like it.” I said. “glad you know” she said seductively and kiss me roughly. I can feel her biting my lips hard. Okay we aren’t still an item. My phone was ringing non-stop, but tiffany didn’t mind and was still kissing me non-stop. “fa-…hmmm…tiff…mmm” my words are muffled by her tongue and lips. Okay without a cue of giving up I tried to find my phone right beside at the night stand searching using my hands I manage to find it. “no.” she said and continues kissing me, this time she’s nibbling my bottom lip and sucking it, continuing it downwards. i take a glance at the caller and it’s sica. I kiss back and when she gives up her needing on my mouth I took the chance to answer the phone. “sica” I said breathing. I look at tiffany who was pouting childishly. I sat up as tiffany gets off over me. “it’s early in the morning baby and your cheating on me?” Jessica said and laughs. “what are you saying??” I said trying to act innocently. “come on..your trying to catch some air. I miss you~” She giggles aish this girl.

“yah~ stop it. Im not. Okay?! Miss your face!! Why did you call?” I asked then I receive a pillow thrown and plunge to my face. I look at tiffany whose pouting more. “arasso~ well, I receive a call from the org. they want me back to my old duty, and I need a partner, hmm…you perhaps? If you agree to be with me, you’ll receive triple of your worth now.” she chuckles. “plus I can give you what you always wanted and what was long you restrained for.” She’s saying this in a sexy low tone. “fuck me~” she said playfully. Aish jinjja!! Early morning with sexy teasing between this two. Great way to start my day. Kill me please. “cut it out! Or I will cut the line” I exclaimed, she laughs. “fine..hehehe, goodmorning taengoo~ so do you agree? Approve?” she asked I can imagine that she’s raising a brow with an unsure look on his face. “what time?” I asked. “see you in an hour then! I’ll drop by tiffany’s place so clean your mess before I got there.” She said and put the phone down before I can answer. I sighed. Now I can feel a bad aura looming beside me. “tiffany~” I called her sweetly. “what?!” she said aloud. “you hungry?” I ask.

“go to your sica if you want to eat I won’t budge to do any breakfast for you.” She goes to her side of the bed and covers herself with a blanket. “fine, I will” then it’s like a meteor falling on my back as I turned against her. Pillows are hitting my back and my head harshly. “yeah, go have fun with her. F*ck her all you want. C*nt.” She said angrily. I was just teasing her. But her words ring to my ears. “what did you say?!” I ask in a loud tone and walk in front of her she kneeled by the bed as we face each other. “she’s a flirt.” Tiffany said. “your such an immature. I can’t believe you.” I said as I try to push my anger away. I turn around and start to walk. “she’s a bi***.” She said again. “so are you.” Bad choice of word. But she started it first. “that b**** was a freaking flirt, calling you in the morning?!, what does she want huh? Is she feeling a little cold and horny? Is she asking you to fuck her? Yeah maybe and you wanted too, that’s why you’re going to leave right?!! Your sica is a CUNT.” She looked at me, I faced her and her eyes rolls it sarcastically she’s mad furious crazy jealous. “ENOUGH!!” I said and glared at her. “bi*ch.” She said again. This time I didn’t know how to stop her, I slapped her face making her stumble to our bed. I stop as I saw her not facing me and breathe

hardly like a dragon that will about to breathe fire, I hurt her. Can you blame me? she sat back get off to bed and pushed me hard, I didn’t budge to stop her. I deserve that. I’ve hurt her. She keeps on pushing me and slaps my face too. Okay that’s even. she’s strong, I can taste a metallic liquid on my mouth. She stopped. And I was too. Controlling ourselves I think. We had hurt each other. With no words spoken she lifts my head half of her face was covered by her messy hair I can’t see if she’s about to cry or glaring at me for hurting her. Fine, this won’t hurt as how much she got hurt right? “I am sorry.” She slapped me then she lift my face again. That’s twice even. “I am a jealous freak and you know that. how could you toy with my feelings.” she said, I was about to say sorry too then her hand slapped me again. That’s thrice even. no it’s not even. this is odd. “tiff..” I called her. I looked at her and brush her hair away from her face, her eyes are black, dull. This is my fault. “I am a bitch too.” She slapped me again. “I am a cunt too.” She slapped me, okay I believe that I will be needing my cheeks too. “stop!” I said and hugged her, why? That slaps are freaking painful. “this bitchy fucking cunt loves you, don’t you know that?” she said and began to sob. “tiffany..im sorry.” I said in my most sincere tone.

“uhmmm~~..mmm~” she moans she’s nibbling on my ears, I am not saying anything because she’s not her right now.. “fuck me.” said as she whispered on my ears in the most sexy voice that she has. It sends shivers to my spine. Then she licks my earlobe and pushed her bossoms against mine while her knee was lifted up and was between my legs leaning against my dearest pussy. She started to kiss me harshly biting my ruined lips as her hand was roaming under my shirt. This sensation..it’s full of negativity. Full of lust.

chapter 20 "hmm.." moans are heard. i cant stop her. shes grinding her body against mine. "tiffany.." she was out of herself. and im not a saint to stop her. i have my limits too.and im about to reach it. "taeyeon..ahhh" she shouted as she was grinding her love bud on my thigh and i can feel the dampness. she was on top of me straddle at my lap i dont know but i find it fucking sexy. "ahh~taey i need u" she held my hand guiding it in her pussy. "take me my love." she said and she lashed her lips against mine. she pushed my finger on her clit and keeps on pushing it. her other hand guide my ther hand on her breast.

i did it. in response to every word she said. i squeeze her mound as we kiss sloppily. added another finger in her cunt and thrust it. fucking her in a sitting position. "ngghh..ahhh..ahh" shes moaning so loud beside my ears that was such a turn on. she kissed nd let her own moan muffled by my mouth she bit my lip again and swear i got two cut on my bottom lip already. it hurts but it felt pleasing i also let lust take over me. She ask for more and i gave her more. putting up another finger and thrust her deeper she get a gripped on my hair spread her legs wider bucking and moving her hips as her breast was overwhelming in front of my face she was pushing it in my mouth and so i swallowed and sucked on it. "aahhhh..nggghh...ahhh" she was squirming in pleasure i can feel the cum oozing in my hand. "dont stop!" she pushed me making us laydown i continue sucking on her breast. i hover on top of her flipping our position. pulls my hand that was already drenched by her cum. "fuck me harder taey..ahhmmm" its like euphoria everytime she was calling my name and i keep on doing whatever she says.. hypnotic. sweats and pants are evident beautiful mess. she cum for a numerous times now im laying beside her. i hear the door ring. i snap out at my reverie.. "taeng its me sica" i sat up. covered the naked tiffany by the blanket. i run to the door. "wait me at the car" i said. "your not yet done.jeez." jessica said in her annoyed tone. "ill meet u there. ttyl" jessica said coldly. i immediately get my towel and take a shower.as i got out she was still in bed. she was watching my every movement i was wearing my

clothes. "im sorry.." she said and her voice was like about to break. i look at her as i finished zipping my pants i walk towards her hugged her and kiss her forehead. "its okay..i love you" ~ after saying i love you she left. she said i love you.and i didnt respond because up until now my brain was trying to wake up and realize that this is reality. i love you. i love you. taetae said i love you. " she loves me. fuck yes ..mary jesus thank you lord god heavens!!!" i squealed jumps on our bed repeatedly rolling and i keep on shouting from happiness. she fucked me.. she love me.. what more can i have. i got wealth. im the most perfect girl right now. but shes not here with me... i pouted. taetae come back sooner.. i miss you already.

chapter 21 ~ she was there and with the way she was looking at me this is going to be tough. "hey.." i said and she was just glaring. "get in" she said. i follow and sat at the passengers seat. "what will be our business?" i asked. she wasnt looking at me she start the engine and drives to a place. "today was a crystal gem shipping it was a big deal for the dealers and theres an auction. i have heard that she was there." she said.

"she who???" i asked. "miyoung. im not sure though." my eyes widens and i faced her. "what is wrong with u?!" she show me some pictures. "how come?? this isnt true. she died in front of us!" i said. "but we never attend her burial and we didnt had the chance to see her grave.thats why we are going. she was called stephanie. she is the leader of the said deal. its your task to kill her."she said it calmly. "why did you accept this kind of a deal" i asked her with my voice getting louder. "i didnt know until i recieved the pictures this morning. and if its her. do you want her dead again?" she ask. she look at me and her eyes are about to shed tears. i swallowed a lump on my throat "but...." i cant say it. "what taeng?" i look away from her gaze. "i..i love tiffany..." she knows me well she hugged me. "like how you love miyoung." she said and shes right. ~ kim taeyeon will be dead for real. where the hell did she go. the fact that shes with that jessica makes it worse. i hate this... i called her and all i got was answering machine. maybe a little nap is helpful. i lay on the bed and close my eyes. i count little kittens so i can easily fall asleep but it wont work..shes all i need to be at peace.. i woke up and the light was blinding i try to hug the person beside me. "fuck!" shes not around. i immediately get my phone hoping to recieve any message or call but there is nothing again. where the heck is she? i fix myself i dont know where to go but i do get out and look for her. i dont know where she is. and shes with that bitch. i sigh again. its one whole freaking day. i am pissed because of her. same phone stories waiting for her to reach me. three days after.. i was a mess. its like i feel like im a sh*t..after being used im thrown like a trash...im a messed a living one..hoping for

her safetiness... then like a miracle someone knocked on my door. i immediately open it prepared to rant and scold the hell out of her. "i am taengs friend." his the one i saw before. the guy. "oh my name is kyuhyun." he bowed politely "taeng shes not around." i said he nod like he knows. "shes at a jail downtown." he said like it was nothing. my eyes widened. "w-what?! jail?! how??" i asked before he could answer i panicked and went to the jail. "she said she will be fine.." he said as i left him. "youre so in trouble taeng" i said and drives off. as i reached the jail i already saw her like shes bailed already. "taetae!!" i said aloud she looked at me with her eyes looked shocked. "tiffany.." she mouthed. i hug her not minding what others will think. "what are you doing here??" she asked in a low tone. "pabo!" i said and hug her tight. "you make me worried. dead worried." i looked at her. she nodded. "sorry." she said. "where is sica?" she asked. "im still alive.didnt know your concerned "there she is. walking with a grin on her face. i was about to say something but taetae hugged me and kiss my cheek she whisper something that make me blush. "i am happy to see you. i miss you". ~

chapter 22

~ i was lucky. and as well as jessica. we messed up big. i was thankful to see her there nd save us. but i hated the fact that shes back and being one of us. she remember everything. but she knows something that i didnt, how did she end up being like us. "taetae..."that husky voice. i look at tiffany she really looks like her. "yes pany?" i asked. "what happened to you why did u end up behind the bars??" she asked. its something i cant tell her.. i sighed.. "we just caught in a very wrong way. we are making a deal. im sorry i make you worried." i said she scoot closer and hugged me by my waist .placing her chin on my shoulder then slowly kiss my lips as i looked at her. "i told you to live with me and lets leave." she said. the last time i hear those words someone died but eventually ressurected. i cant afford to lose her. not a chance. "if thats what you want then. live to jeonju." i said. her eyes widens and she kissed me repeatedly on my cheek. "you know taetae you make me so happy right now." she said teary eyed. i kiss her lips and smile. "i always want you to be happy." i said and hug her tight.


its been a month and guess what? me and my taetae was living with umma and hayeon. yes we are. though sometimes taey needs to left for days or week for her job. i just hope that she will always be safe. oh and i am pursuing another career. im a commercial model now. no more hoe deeds.

oh and did i told you that sica..yeah the bitch i hate was with a cop. amazing right? i know i know im right about my judgement but thats a very good thing for me. no more.blonde sica flirting my taetae.

shes mine. only mine....

though right now shes on seoul...oh i need to pick hayeon..

got to go.


"ahhhh~ hmm~" moans and muffled whimpers.

"taeng~ there..ahh..yes~ hmmgh~ " shes loud. louder than tiffany. i pulled the fake cock off of her and its dripping..

she pulled me and kiss me before making me lean on her chest.

"taeng...thanks.." she says. i was tired and close my eyes i can feel her caressing my stomach.

"that..tickles miyoung." i said. yes miyoung. shes alive. how? she survived a year of coma grew up under the rule of the gang in order to live her family agree to turn her over. its like giving there daughter the throne of hell.

"my twin sister..how is she?" she ask as she peck my head.

"shes fine.no need to ask. she will always be fine." i said coldly and move to lay beside her my head on the pillow.

chapter 23 "its funny how you love her like the way you love me before. and now it turns out that im the desperate one... " she said and giggles i sat up and wear my clothes. "dont leave yet..." she whined. "im sorry. but they are waiting" i said. "alright...see you next week?" she asked. i nodded. she sat up.

"taeng....happy birthday. i love you." she said and smile sincerely flashing her eyesmile. "thanks.." i said and smiled. "here..."she gave me a blank check. "i dont need this." i said but she insisted. "okay just keep it. its my gift." she said. "alright..take care bye." i said and left. "ayo~" a little cute petite figure standing beaide my car. "had fun? " she ask with a mischievous smirk. "get lost." i said. "yah!! meanie!!" she said and laughs "happy birthday taeng. i guess you owe me drinks~" she said. "maybe next week when i get back." i said smiling.

"ill count on that. i better check miyoung now..bye and take care." she said. "bye..take care too and her." i said as i get in my car she waves at me as i drive off. this bunny... shes miyoung trusted assistant. sunny. i drive back to jeonju. i smell like a fucked up maybe i should take a shower first before tiffany smell and make hell out of me. after few hours of driving i reached home i spray some perfume on me and as i open the door a pop up explodes right in front of me. "happy birthday!!!!" they said.

chapter 24 "happy birthday!!!!" they said. tiffany ,umma, hayeon, sica, kyuhyun, soo, leetuek, and that cop sica and i bump with its..yuri. yeah i am happy as i blew the cakes candles. they clap ..

"thanks " i said and bows lightly. we spent the night chatting drinking eating taking pictures. it was almost 9 pm and one by one they are leaving. i thanked them for the surprise and gifts. as the guest left we started cleaning. i ask my umma fany and hayeon to take a rest and leave the mess to me. they hesitated but i insist.

i was placing the dishes at the sink and a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and she leaned her head on my back.

"i told you take a rest.." i said.

"i know but i cant since you are here..i miss u. can you blame me?" she said tightening her hold as she whisper to my ear.

"ill wait for you at our room" she said seducing me as she kiss my cheek. a smirk formed on my lips. i hold the hands around me and face her then kiss her lips passionately i pulled away as i saw hayeon frozen blushing in front of the fridge.

"i-i was going to get some water..sorry to interrupt. c-continue unnies" she said and run to her room.

i was also shocked and embarass then i hear a giggle.

"poor hayeon. corrupted by her unnies." she said before capturing my lips again.

"i hope you wont be that loud pany you dont want to make them stay awake right?" i teased as she was eager and dragged me to her room locking the door and pull me to her bed.

"just make me feel good already arasso?" she said stripping her clothes leaving in a sexy lingerie she winks and kiss me again.


i woke up in my taetaes arms. i look at her face thats sleeping soundly. this cute dork never fails to amaze me.

"i love you~" i said and give her a light peck on her lips. she shifted her position shes really tired. i decided to stand up and make breakfast for her. i yawn and stretched my hand. i can feel my lower region was a bit sore from the wild taetae.

"pabo taetae~ " i mumble and giggle wear clothes and head to the kitchen.


[ flashback "we are from the downtown river we are here to get the gems." sica said as she get the bag of money in exchange of the gems. it was really her.

it was miyoung no doubt. "yes sure you can have it. i miss you taeng. sica. but before that can i talk to you? taeng.. dont worry no one will gonna hurt you nor sica" she asked more like a command i say yes and she excuse both of us. sica didnt know how to react. i knew how surprising this is. "how are u? " she asked.shewas looking at me like her eyes can saw through me. "i m fine." thats all the word i can mutter. she walks closer and hugged me. this feeling is very nostalgic. "ive been longing for this moment..dont move okay? even for a while." she said as she inhaled my scent and rest her head on the crook of my neck. "please say this isnt a dream." she plead. "you are not dreaming m-miyoung." i said stuttering. she giggles. "still the same." before i knew it i was hugging her back tightly wrapping my hands around her waist as hers on my neck. slowly she leaned in and kiss my lips. i close my eyes. this feeling..its all coming back. slowly she pulled away. i open my eyes. "i am sorry i havent fulfill my promise to stay by yourside." she said with her teary eyes. "no..its okay i am sorry i didnt know..i didnt protect you."i said i wiped her tears. " its too late i know but please dont push me away what i feel for you it was still the same." she said. i thought you are gone, dead. i cried hard until no tears is being shed. i blame myself for not protecting you. i continue to destroy my life in hell for thinking that i deserve but then you are here. wealthy and healthy. i dont know how to feel. mad.

frustrated. happy i guess all of the feelings that can be feel is here coiling inside me now.

last chapter

"taeng..p-please come here" the last line i hear from sunny her voice was quivering and shaky shes sobbing.

i immediately went to Seoul i look at her..sunny was crying she hugged me tight and keep on crying "she's gone" she said. as of that i started to feel numb. "taeng. .what will i do now.." i look at her and i felt theres a tear flowing.

"she lost it . . " she hugged me tight.

"why did she do that...miyoung" as i say her name it started raining.

the investigation was done and she really commited suicide. at the last will there my name was called with tiffany and sunny. she left us bunch of richness. but whats the worth of it. shes not here anymore.

its just very funny that i cried over a person that i thought died already. then when she died for real the pain doesnt even reduce a bit.


i never knew what its like to have a family until i met taeyeon. it was a safe feeling a very comforting one. i got a mom and a younger sister. never felt so much better. one day taetae told me that she will leave just for two to three days. i know its about that business of her. she never stop. i always pray for her safetiness i dont know what eill haopen to my world if ine day she will be gone. i hate that fact so much. "unnie dinner is ready!" i was called by hayeon. . today was the day she will be back..i waited for her..taetae you are late you will be punished. i always have that thought when shes late i got to do all i want because of her being late. but today she never came back..but still i waited till two three four week weeks months had pass...no words we receive. its like she vanish...everynight i still pray that she will return. umma and hayeon cried..i lost count as i try to be strong i am still holding on to your word. though sometimes i cry i still think that you are around. i can feel it. i know...and of the time comes she will be showing herself i am gonna castrate her.

five years had pass and no sign of taetae...the only thing that is weird is that my bank account got loads of money i work as a model now but i didnt earn that much.

see i told you the byuntae of mine is still there and i will wait for her.


"till when are you going to watch from a far?" the blinde bunny asked me.

"as long as i can.." i answered. since miyoung died i take over to her place. its dangerous that i needed to be far from them like i said there is no escaping. unless youre like jessica who marry a cop safe as a bulletproof .

"dont prolonged your agony. miyoung doesnt want that and she let you go i am sure of it. this isnt what she wanted to happen" she bragged again.

"stop meddling." i said coldly she pouted and sulk. her typical way. sunny she stood beside me. like how she support miyoung. she turned to be my bestest friend "stupid. its your birthday next week i am sure they missed you so much. go back before its too late 5 years is just a short time. make it up for them " she said.

"shut up" i mutter and left

"happy birthday!!" myfriends together with umma and hayeon celebrated my birthday it was fun as they sing me a song i make a wish that i have been wishing for the past 5 years. as i blow the candle they clap. by the end of the day i found myself happy. but theres always missing..i miss her so much. i went out to get some air..then i hear some barking. i look around and there a dog was keep on barking. i walk close its a cute one. i lift him up and he his smell was very nostalgic. "taetae" i mutter and i shed my tears... "taeyeon" i cried and hug the puppy it seems like his symphatizing . the pupoy continue barking i wioe my eyes.shrugging all the loneliness i feel. "maybe youre hungry lets make u a food" i was talking to him. i entered the house and gives him milk in a bowl he drinks it and i smile. "what should i call you?" i ask him like he was gonna speak. "prince" i look at the pully ..no dog can talk...and as i turn around that dorky smile was plastered on her face and i yelp as tears of joy pours down my eyes.

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