WB Unit 5 Comy Fly With Us

June 12, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Hrnllnr; tfo pnssdvo Uabn`ugnry; ndrpart enbdgdtdos, soburdty prabomuros Zraeossdaing scdggs; mongdih wdtf mdeedbugt sdtuntdais Bnso stumy; movogap ndrpart diernstrubturo

NBPARR =  ]faso pgnios pgnios nr o QQQQQQ ndrbrnet. ]foy nro mosdhiom ta bnrry haams iat pnssoihors. (?) ? Rdibo tfo o ovoits voits ae 4/>>, 4/>>, ndrpa ndrpart rt QQQQQQ fns `obalo tdhftor. (6) 8 ]fo gaw-bast ndrgdio egdos ta n gnrho iul`or ae mdeeoroitQQQQQQ di Ourapo nim tfo Ldmmgo Onst. (>0) 4 Znssoihors nro aigy porldttom ta tnco aio dtol ae fnim QQQQQQ ai ta tfo pgnio wdtf tfol. (8) >> ]fo ndrpart fns fns oxboggoit oxb oggoit QQQQQQ , dibgumdih sfaps, rostnurnits nim n bfdgmroi's pgny nron. (4) >2 Dt wns n gaih-fnug gaih-fnug egdhft eral Rymioy ta Gaimai, wdtf aio QQQQQQ ta roeuog. (6) >? D baugmi't edim n spnro guhh nh nho o QQQQQQ niywforo nim wns a`gdhom ta bnrry ly bnsos. (8) >5 @nm wontfor bni bnuso egdhf egd hf t QQQQQQ sdibo pgnios bniiat tnco aee uimor bortndi wontfor baimdtdais. (>2) >6 Taur guhhnho QQQQQQ fns ngg ae yaur egdhft diearlntdai ai dt, dibgumdih yaur mostdintdai. (2) >4  >4  N QQQQQQ ds ni ndrpart wfdbf lniy ndrgdios uso ns n stapavor ar trniseor padit ai gaih-fnug egdhfts. (2) 0:  0:  Znssoihor Znssoihorss nro roquostom ta rolndi di tfodr sonts wdtf tfodr sont`ogts enstoiom murdih tnco-aee nim QQQQQQ .(8)

MAXI > @nhs tfnt ma iat edt di tfo avorfonm gabcors wdgg `o pgnbom wdtf tfo atfor guhhnho di tfo QQQQQQ . (=) (=) 0  ]fo `ost `os t ndrparts `oioedt eral enst nim bfonp ta tfo bdty boitro. (4, ?) 2 Znssoihors ear Znrds sfaugm praboom ta QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ >? wforo tfo ndrbrnet ds wndtdih ta mopnrt. (4, =) ? N QQQQQQ ronms tfo iul`ors ae yaur guhhnho `nr bamo. (8) 5 Ndrparts nro struhhgdih ta dibronso dibronso tf od odrr QQQQQQ ta fnimgo ovor-hrawdih iul`ors ae pnssoihors. (6) 6 N bgonr nim baisdsto bai sdsto it QQQQQQ systol ds ossoitdng ta fogp poapgo edim tfodr wny nrauim tfo ndrpart. (8) (8) >: Ndr >: Ndr trneedb baitraggors nim hrauim stnee lust oisuro tfnt tfo QQQQQQ ds bgonrom ear tnco-aee. (5) >0 Ni >0 Ni ndrpart QQQQQQ ds n `udgmdih wforo pnssoihors trniseor `otwooi hrauim trnispart nim tfo enbdgdtdos tfnt nggaw tfol ta `anrm ndrbrnet. (6) >=  >=  Roburdty ngorts ngort s nro iat aigy vory strosseug, tfoy bni bnuso n gaih QQQQQQ ta yaur egdhft. (?) >8 Dt ds tfo ka` ae tfo QQQQQbrow ta gaac netor pnssoihors murdih tfo egdhft. (?)



0 Balpgoto tfo toxt n`aut n`aut ndrpart soburdty  soburdty  prabomuros wdtf tfo pnssdvo earl ae tfo  tfo  vor`s di `rnbcots di tfo nppraprdnto toiso  toiso   nim nspobt. ]foro lny `o laro tfni aio  aio  passd`go niswor. Ear tfo gnst mobnmo, strdbt soburdty rohugntdais >QQQQQQQQQQ (oiearbo) di ditorintdaing ndrparts. Znssoihors fnvo hat usom ta 0 (su`ldt) ta tdlo-baisuldih bfobcs nim sonrbfos. Rfaos 2QQQQQQQQQQ (lust/rolavo) nim ngg gnptaps nim gdqudms tncoi aut ae pnssoihors' fnim guhhnho nim pnssom tfrauhf n sbniior. Di pnrtdbugnrgy soburdty-baisbdaus soburdty-ba isbdaus stntos, trnvoggor trnvoggorss =QQQQQQQQQQ (lny/nsc) ta rolavo tfodr bgatfos ta `o tfarauhfgy sonrbfom. Fawovor, poapgo nro `ohdiidih ta balpgndi tfnt iaio ae tfo sbrooidih prabomuros tfnt?QQQQQQQQQQ (dlpgoloit) uitdg iaw nbtunggy lnco us eoog sneor3 tfoy kust lnco egydih laro strosseug. Di enbt, sdibo subf prabomuros 5QQQQQQ Q Q (mos (mosdh dhi) i) ta loo loott yostormny's tfronts, tfoy nro gdcogy ta `o uisubbosseug pratobtdih useuturo. nhndist]fo tfo uipromdbtn`goditfronts ae tfo torl 'soburdty tfontro'8QQQQQQQQQQ (divoit) ta mosbrd`o prabomuros tfnt lnco poapgo eoog sneo `y sfawdih tfnt 'salotfdih 6 (ma)' ovoi wfoi ia lonsurn`go dibronso di soburdty govogs 4 (nbfdovo). Xfnt ds last warrydih ds tfnt iow ndrpart ndrp art torlding torl dingss >: (mosdhi (mosdhi)) purogy nrauim soburdty, rntfor tfni nrauim baleartn`go nim baivoidoit trnvog. Fawovor, soburdty oxports nssuro us tfnt rnmdbng bfnihos di ndrpart soburdty >> (pgni) nim iow systols nro di movogaploit. Di tfo euturo, tfo bfobc-di prab praboss oss > >0 0QQQQQQQQQQ (stronlgdio) nim wndtdih tdlos hrontgy romubom.

Gdstoi ta Codtf Knbcsai eral tfo  tfo  Ditorintdaing Ditorintda ing Ndr ]rnispart Nssabdntdai mdsbussdi mdsbussdih h tfo tfo   euturo ae ndrpart soburdty. Xfnt nro tfo inlos ae tfo  tfo   ]FPOO passd`go rautos tfrauhf soburdty di tfo 'tuiiog  'tuiiog   systol' fo mosbrd`os1

=   Lntbf tfo soitoibo `ohdiidihs >-5 wdtf tfo oimdihs  oimdihs   n-e. ]foi gdstoi nhndi nim bfobc. > Di tfo agm mnys, ni nvornho ae 2?: poapgo 0  ]fo systol wo fnvo di pgnbo nt tfo laloit 2  Dt wdg wdggg `o passd`go ear ndrgdio pnssoihors pnssoiho rs ta hot tfodr `anrmdih pnssos

 B   A L O  E  G  T  X D   ]  F L O  O 

= ]fo iow systol wo nro movogapdih ?  Oqudploit di onbf tuiiog wdgg wdgg sbni pnssoihors ns tfoy wngc tfrauhf, 5 Xo'ro tostdih tfoso systols iaw `ut n usdih edihorprdit ar rotding sbnis nim pnss tfrauhf tfo soburdty bfobc iai-stap. ` wo'ro hadih ta ioom n `dt laro tdlo `oearo wo bni stnrt mopgaydih tfol. b lonidih ia laro x-rny lnbfdios, olptydih pabcots ar rolavdih sfaos nim knbcots. m tronts ovory pnssoihor ns n patoitdng suspobt, o waugm iarlnggy ha tfrauhf soburdty di ni faur, e wdgg baisdst ae pnssoihors pnssdih tfrauhf aio ae tfroo toi-lotro-gaih tuiiogs. ZPAI_IBDN]DAI

?  Zut tfo warms di armor ta lnco ballai pnssoihor  pnssoihor   soburdty quostdais. > pnbc / tfoso / yau / yaursoge / `nhs / Mdm 0 norasags / Nro / hogs ar / yau / bnrrydih / niy

2 guhhnho / a`kobts / niy / yau / di / Ma / yaur / sfnrp / fnvo = ditoreorom / `nhs / fnvo / Baugm / wdtf / yaur / niyaio ? hdvo / niyaio / Mdm / ta / ai ta / pgnio / yau / niytfdih / bnrry / tfo

     L      @      L

))) ?.0

Gdstoi nim bfobc yaur niswors. Zrnbtdso  Zrnbtdso  snydih tfo soitoibos, pnydih nttoitdai ta tfo stross  stross  nim tfo wny tfo warms nro rui tahotfor.




   O    L    F    ]    D    X    T    G    E    O    L    A    B

Bfaaso tfo `ost warm ta balpgoto wfnt egdhft nttoimnit Mnvdin Mog Laito snys   n`aut mongdih wdtf pnssoihors. @anrmdih ds pra`n`gy tfo last strosseug laloit ae n egdhft ear egdhft egdhft nttoimnits `obnuso de tforo ds n >mogny >mogny / ditorruptdai / ditorruptdai / suspoisdai suspoisdai ar  ar n lobfnidbng pra`gol, tfoi pnssoihors aetoi hot  z  zups ups ot  / oxb dtom / iorvau iorvauss nim sfaut nt us. Dt's salotfdih yau hot usom ta nim aibo tfo edrst sfabc ae tfo `nm iows ds avor, last pnssoihors 2ho t `ott or  / lnco up /bngl / bngl mawi mawi qudto  qudto qudbcgy `ut dt's iat ni onsy stnrt ta tfo mny. Xo ngg fnvo ta mong wdtf sordausgy Ynssortdvo / n`usdvo n`usdv o   /suppart  /sup partdvo dvo pnssoihors  pnssoihors nt salo padit `ut dt maosi't fnppoi ovory mny nim wo nro haam nt suppartdih onbf atfor wfoi tforo's n sordaus ?fnppoidih / dibdmoit   // ovoit. Ai Ai n  n mny-ta-mny `nsds, aio ae tfo tfdihs D edim last 5erustrntdih 5erustrntdih /  / ensbdintdih ensbdintdih /  / mdsnppaditdih mdsnppaditdih   ds tfo wny pnssoihors stny pguhhom dita tfodr


ogobtraidb 8sots / movdbos movdbos /   /  pas ts. ts. Xfoi  Xfoi D nsc n quostdai, ia aio niswors niylaro; D eoog gdco D'l tngcdih ta lysoge! Dt's ngsa dibronsdihgy mdeedbugt ta hot poapgo ta swdtbf tfdihs aee murdih tnco-aee nim gnimdih. Dt's aio ae tfo eow tfdihs D fnvo 6warms 6warms /  / mdsbussdai mdsbussdai /  / raws raws wdtf  wdtf pnssoihors n`aut. Iat aigy bni tfoy 4fagm up / ditoreoro  ditoreoro    /rostrd  /ro strdbt  bt  wdtf   wdtf tfo pgnio's ogobtraidbs `ut de D'l iat di ly sont ear tnco-aee `obnuso D'l stdgg mongdih wdtf n pnssoihor wfa wai't swdtbf aee tfodr dZnm, D hot> hot >:ediom / puidsfom /s usp oim om  `y  `y tfo ENN. ]fo laioy ds momubtom eral ly sngnry nt tfo oim ae tfo laitf nim D'l iat fnppy n`aut dt! ]fo ditorostdih tfdih ds tfnt (uitdg roboitgy) ia ogobtraidbs di egdhft fns ngwnys `ooi tfo rugo. Dt's iovor `ooi tfo rugo tfnt's n pra`gol, kust salo pnssoihors' nttdtumo tawnrms dt.

Bdrbgo tfo amm aio aut di onbf hraup. > nrhuloi nrhuloitt / mdsp mdsputo uto / sot sottgoloi tgoloitt / mdsnhrooloi mdsnhrooloitt / ra raw w 0 n`usdvo /disugtdih /aeeoisdvo /rumo / rosp rospobteu obteugg 2  mdstur`nibo mdstur`nibo /dibaivoidoibo /dibaivoidoibo /dibdmoit /dibdmo it / iudsnibo iudsnibo =  edrom edrom /snbcom /snbco m / rodistntom rodistntom /suspoimom /got ha ?  `gnbcgdstom /`niiom /gdb /gdboisom oisom /tfrawi aut aut 5 erustrntom erustrntom /niiayom /aeeoisdvo / upsot /drrdtntom


Balpgoto tfo niiauiboloi niiauiboloits ts ear `roncdih `roncdih `nm iows  iows  wdtf tfo warms di tfo `ax. nmvdsom nvndgn`go bniboggntdai bniboggntdai mognyom enstoiom dibaivoidoibo diearlom rohrot roturi suspoimom suspoi mom wontfor wontfo r zaio



Xo waugm gdco ta diearl ngg pnssoihors ta @orgdi tfnt, muo ta tfo >QQQQQQQQQQ ae  ni onrgdor egdhft, tforo nro ia laro sonts 0QQQQQQQQQQ uitdg talarraw laridih.

Xo 8QQQQQ .ta diearl pnssoihors tfnt Egdhft 865 ta Bfdbnha fns `ooi bniboggom. Xo npagahdzo ear niy 6QQQQQQQQQQ bnusom ta aur pnssoihors nim wdgg coop yau 4QQQQQQQQQQ ae  eurtfor movogaploits. Zgonso gdstoi ear eurtfor niiauiboloits.

Znssoihors nro 2QQQQQQQQQQ tfnt tfo mopnrturo ae egdhft 280 ta Luidbf wdgg `o =QQQQQQQQQQ ear nppraxdlntogy tfroo-qunrtors ae ni faur.

]fds ds ni dlpartnit pnssoihor niiauiboloit. Awdih ta nmvorso ? baimdtdais, bfobc-di ds burroitgy 5QQQ

Gnmdos nim hoitgoloi, wo wdgg sfartgy `o pnssdih tfrauhf n >:QQQQQQQQQQ ae  tur`ugoibo. tur`ugo ibo. Zgonso >>QQQQQQQQQQ ta yaur sonts nim coop yaur sont `ogts >0QQQQQQQ ]fnic yau.




Ponm tfo toxt n`aut tfo prapasom oxpnisdai ae Fontfraw ndrpart di Gaimai.  Gaimai.   Faw ldhft tfo ndrpart `o oxtoimom1 Xfa appasos tfo pgni1

Fontfraw pgniidih ta hraw1 ]fo prapasng ta oxpnim Gaimai's Fontfraw ndrpart, ngronmy n lnkar ditorintdaing fu` nim aio ae tfo gnrhost nim `usdost ndrparts di tfo wargm, fns `ooi tfo su`kobt ae edorbo mo`nto. mo `nto. Fontfr Fontfraw's aw's enbdgdtdos woro ardhdinggy mosdhiom ta nbballamnto n lnxdlul ae ?? ldggdai pnssoihors niiunggy `ut tfo iul`or ae pnssoihors pnssdih tfrauhf ds iaw nppranbfdih ionrgy 4: ldggdai nim tfo ndrpart fns `ooi brdtdbdsom di roboit yonrs ear dts avorbrawmdih nim mognys. Di 0::8, n ]rdpNmvdsar survoy vatom Fontfraw tfo wargm's gonst envaurdto ndrpart ngaihsdmo Bfdbnha's A'Fnro ndrpart. ]fo apoidih ae ]orlding ? di 0::6 rogdovom salo prossuro ai

torlding enbdgdtdos3 `ut sdibo Fontfraw aigy fns twa ruiwnys, aporntdih nt avor 46% ae tfodr bnpnbdty, bnpnbdty, tforo kust dsi't niy raal ear laro egdhfts. Ruppartors ae tfo sbfolo ta oxpnim `y `udgmdih n tfdrm ruiwny nim n sdxtf torlding bgndl tfnt dt ds ossoitdng ta dibronso tfo iul`or ae rautos ta olorhdih lnrcots, wdtf egdhfts ta Bfdin pnrtdbugnrgy dlpartnit. tfo wdgg uso nggaw ae gnrhor ndrbrnet subf ns tfoNgtfauhf Ndr`us N26: salo dibronso di pnssoihor iul`ors, dt ds mdeedbugt ear ndrgdios ta a`tndi gnimdih sgats ta oin`go tfol ta dibronso tfodr sorvdbos eral tfo ndrpart. Mospdto wdmospronm appasdtdai eral gabng rosdmoits nim oivdrailoitng hraups, dt gaacs ns tfauhf tfo pgnis ear Fontfraw's tfdrm ruiwny lny wogg ha nfonm.

0 Ponm tfo toxt tox t nhndi nim bfaaso truo (] (])) ar ar engso (E). > ]fo ndrpart ndrpar t bni aigy aigy onsdgy nbballamnto up ta 4: 4: l ldggdai dggdai pnssoihors. ]/E 0  Fontfraw fns fns fnm uienvaurn`go rovdows ai ai ]rdpNmvdsar di roboit yonrs. ]/E 2  ]fo apoidih apo idih ae ]orlding ? fn fnss lnmo dt onsdor ear ndrgdios ta dibronso tfodr sorvdbos sorv dbos eral tfo ndrpart. ]/E =  Fontfraw ngronmy fns twa ruiw ruiwnys nys nim edvo torldings. ]/E ]/ E ?  ]fo prossuro p rossuro ai torlding enbdgdtdos fns rosugtom di pra`gols ear @rdtndi's trnmo rrogntdais ogntdais w wdtf dtf Bfdin. ]/E 5 _sdih gnrhor ndrbrn ndrbrnet et fns fns fogpom ta dibronso pnssoihor bnpnbdty. ]/E ))) ?.2 Gdstoi ta ni ditorvdow wdtf Hoarho Uortdni, wfa gdvos ionr Fontfraw. Npnrt eral oivdrailoitng   baiboris nim pu`gdb fongtf dssuos, wfnt nro fds ]XA lndi a`kobtdais ta tfo oxpnisdai1 = Gdstoi nh nhndi ndi nim nim balpgoto tfo stntoloits wdtf wdtf up ta EA_P warms. >  Zgniidih porldssdai ear ]orlding ? wns soburom `y hunrnitoodih hunrnitoo dih tfnt tforo wa waugm ugm `o ia nttolpt t a QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQ . 0  Fuimroms ae tfausnims ae poapgo nro ngronmy neeobtom `y ` y QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ . 2  ]fo dibronso d ibronso di tfo govog ae bnr`ai oldssdais QQ QQQQQQQQQ Q  =  Ndr


paggutdai avor Gaimai ds n`avo O_ gdldts gdldts,, nim tfo havoriloit


? Fontfraw ds stdgg Ourapo's gnrhost fu` ndrpart ear QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ . 5  Rlnggor mdrobt egdhfts baugm `o lavom, eroodih up Fontfraw ta apornto ns tfo QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .

8 Aur rosonrbf ssu uhhosts tf tfnt `u `usdioss tr trnvog ds nbtunggy Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q . 6  Rdibo wo` tobfiagahdos lnco dt sa onsy ear poapgo ta balluidbnto wdtf onbf atfor enbo-ta-enbo,

`usdioss poapgo nro snvdih tdlo nim laioy `y egydih QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .


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