Way of Gray - Love Your Core

April 13, 2017 | Author: Dewi Wangsa | Category: N/A
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CONTENTS Welcome to Month 1! 


Everything You Need to Know About These Workouts 


Full Length Follow Along Videos


Written Workout Plans 


What's up Next Month? 


Welcome to Month 1! You’re here! Welcome—my name is Sophie Gray. This month, get ready to Love Your Core! As a Certified Personal Trainer and Registered Holistic Nutritionist, I create wellness plans that work. I get it—motivation wanes. “Boring” is not a word you want to describe your workouts, so this monthly subscription plan is designed to mix things up—keeping exercise interesting while you target problem areas and work toward the fitness results you desire. These workouts aren’t easy but they’re fun, dynamic and we’ll do them side-by-side. Each of the 15 workout blasts in the Love Your Core bundle will activate your abs and thoroughly transform your core. Let’s get started!

xo, Sophie

Month 1: Love Your Core | 2

Way of Gray is all about delivering health and wellness content to you. Seriously, I come up with so much I sometimes don’t know what to do with it all!

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Want to make sure you never miss a , , or ? My Facebook page is where I share everything Way of Gray—start tuning in here!



Facebook lets you choose what shows up in your feed, so when you like my page, make sure to choose “receive all notifications” so you can know the second I announce a giveaway or upload a free eBook!

Everything You Need to Know About These Workouts 1. Awe s o m e a d d - o n s t o yo u r r o u t i n e These 15-minute workout blasts are specifically designed to be done after one of the workouts from my three month Love Yourself Workout Guide. Haven’t signed up yet? Learn more here. If you’re following a different program that you plan to continue, simply add the workout blast to the end of your regular workout.

2. Mix it up! There’s no specific order you have to follow. Pick and choose which workout you want to do, and when you want to do it!

3. Easy to follow along I’ve made a full-length, high-quality video for each workout so it’s easy to learn the moves and follow along. For those days great Wi-Fi can’t be found, you can stay on track with the written guides also included here.

4. It’s important to warm up and cool down My recommendation is to use these workouts as a supplement to a full program like the Love Yourself Workout Guide. But some of you may choose to do them as stand-alone workouts. If you’re doing these routines on their own, give yourself a few extra minutes to properly warm up your body at the start, and to cool down at the end.

5. Have fun! This is the most important part: have fun! Your efforts are making a positive change in your life. Stand proud!

Month 1: Love Your Core | 4

Full Length Follow Along Videos Make the jump here to access the full-length follow along videos where you and I can get fit side-by-side! password: yourcoreisgoingtohurt

You deser ve to love living a healthy life, and I’m here to walk this path by your side! This is why I now release a free eBook every month, sharing my recipes, tips and tricks for staying on track.

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Stay in the know and be the first to . Follow my Facebook page here.

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Facebook lets you choose what shows up in your feed, so when you like my page, make sure to choose “receive all notifications” so you can know the second I announce a giveaway or upload a free eBook!

Written Workout Plans Written guides for your workouts are here to help you on the days you don’t have a good Wi-Fi connection!

Love Your Core Workout #1 Side Plank Crunch Right Side (30 seconds) Side Plank Right Side (30 seconds) Side Plank Crunch Left Side (30 seconds) Side Plank Left Side (30 seconds) Front Plank (30 seconds) Front Plank Elbows To Hands (30 seconds) Rest (1 minute) Side Plank Crunch Right Side (30 seconds) Side Plank Right Side (30 seconds) Side Plank Crunch Left Side (30 seconds) Side Plank Left Side (30 seconds) Front Plank (30 seconds) Front Plank Elbows To Hands (30 seconds) Rest (1 minute) Breast Stroke (30 seconds) Superman In & Out (30 seconds) Scaption Push Ups (30 seconds) Snow Angels (30 seconds) Rest (1 minute) Breast Stroke (30 seconds) Superman In & Out (30 seconds) Scaption Push Ups (30 seconds) Snow Angels (30 seconds)

Month 1: Love Your Core | 8

Love Your Core Workout #2

Love Your Core Workout #3

V Sit Lower Leg Raises (30 seconds)

Iso Hold Crunch (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Scissors Up & Down (30 seconds)

Twisted Side Oblique Crunch Left Side (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Lying On Back Leg Raises (30 seconds)

Twisted Side Oblique Crunch Right Side (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Half Jackknives (30 seconds)

Russian Twists (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Scissors Over Under (30 seconds)

Russian Twists Arms High (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Push Ups (30 seconds)

Lying On Back Leg Lifts (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Elbow & Heels (30 seconds)

Legs Spread Crunch (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

ATYT (30 seconds)

WY (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

V Sit Lower Leg Raises (30 seconds)

Overhead To Rows (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Scissors Up & Down (30 seconds)

Alternate Arm & Leg Superman (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Rest (1 minute)

Lying On Back Leg Raises (30 seconds)

Iso Hold Crunch (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Half Jackknives (30 seconds)

Twisted Side Oblique Crunch Left Side (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Scissors Over & Under (30 seconds)

Twisted Side Oblique Crunch Right Side (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Push Ups (30 seconds)

Russian Twists (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Elbow & Heels (30 seconds)

Russian Twists Arms High (30 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

ATYT (30 seconds)

Lying On Back Leg Lifts (30 seconds) Push Ups (10 seconds)

Month 1: Love Your Core | 9

M o n t h 1 : L o v e Yo u r C o r e | 10

Love Your Core Workout #3 Continued

Love Your Core Workout #4

Legs Spread Crunch (30 seconds)

Top Ab Crunch (30 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Burpees With Climber (30 seconds)

WY (30 seconds)

Inchworm To Push Up (30 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Pike Drive (30 seconds)

Overhead To Rows (30 seconds)

Front Plank (30 seconds)

Push Ups (10 seconds)

Backflies (30 seconds)

Alternate Arm & Leg Superman (30 seconds)

Full Jackknives (30 seconds) Knee Tucks (30 seconds) Push Up Position To Walk Out (30 seconds) Over Shoulder & Out (30 seconds) Elbow & Heels (30 seconds) Rest (1 minute) Top Ab Crunch (30 seconds) Burpees With Climber (30 seconds) Inchworm To Push Up (30 seconds) Pike Drive (30 seconds) Front Plank (30 seconds) Backflies (30 seconds) Full Jackknives (30 seconds) Knee Tucks (30 seconds) Push Up Position To Walk Out (30 seconds) Over Shoulder & Out (30 seconds) Elbow & Heels (30 seconds)

M o n t h 1 : L o v e Y o u r C o r e | 11

M o n t h 1 : L o v e Yo u r C o r e | 12

Way of Gray knows that happy, healthy living can be ef for tless and sustainable. Each week you’ll find easy, to the point tips on nutrition, exercise and mental wellbeing on our YouTube channel. We keep it quick—each video is only about 3 minutes to keep you informed, enter tained and on your way.

So what are you waiting for? right now. Join the

Way of Gray YouTube community

The weekly videos cover it all, workouts, making raw chocolate, even sharing ways to reduce bloating.

Love Your Core Workout #5

Love Your Core Workout #6

1 Leg Supported Crunch Right Side (30 seconds)

Plank (60 seconds)

1 Leg Supported Crunch Left Side (30 seconds)

Plank Elbows To Hands (60 seconds)

Fast Bicycle (30 seconds)

Plank (60 seconds)

Side Reach Crunch Right Side (30 seconds)

Pike Drive (30 seconds)

Side Reach Crunch Left Side (30 seconds)

Side Plank Right Side (60 seconds)

Windshield Wipers (30 seconds)

Side Plank Left Side (60 seconds)

Superman Side To Side (30 seconds)

Elbow & Heels Plank (60 seconds)

1 Leg Jackknives Right Side (30 seconds)

Back Bridge Pull (60 seconds)

1 Leg Jackknives Left Side (30 seconds)

Windshield Wipers (30 seconds)

Laying On Back Bridge (30 seconds)

Full Jackknives (30 seconds)

ATYT (30 seconds)

Rest (1 minute)

Rest (1 minute)

Push Ups (30 seconds)

1 Leg Supported Crunch Right Side (30 seconds)

Rest (30 seconds)

1 Leg Supported Crunch Left Side (30 seconds)

Push Ups (30 seconds)

Fast Bicycle (30 seconds)

Rest (30 seconds)

Side Reach Crunch Right Side (30 seconds)

Push Ups (30 seconds)

Side Reach Crunch Left Side (30 seconds) Windshield Wipers (30 seconds) Superman Side To Side (30 seconds) 1 Leg Jackknives Right Side (30 seconds) 1 Leg Jackknives Left Side (30 seconds) Laying On Back Bridge (30 seconds) ATYT (30 seconds)

M o n t h 1 : L o v e Yo u r C o r e | 14

M o n t h 1 : L o v e Yo u r C o r e | 15

Love Your Core Workout #7

Love Your Core Workout #8

Full Bicycle (30 seconds)

Full Side Crunch Oblique Right Side (30 seconds)

Iso Holds (30 seconds)

1 Leg Raise Back Bridge Right Side (30 seconds)

Iso Hold Crunch (30 seconds)

Full Side Crunch Oblique Left Side (30 seconds)

Half Jackknives (30 seconds)

1 Leg Raise Back Bridge Left Side (30 seconds)

Lower Leg Raises (30 seconds)

Side Reach Crunch Left Side (30 seconds)

Twisted Side Oblique Crunch Right Side (30 seconds)

Side Reach Crunch Right Side (30 seconds)

Twisted Side Oblique Crunch Left Side (30 seconds)

Windshield Wipers (30 seconds)

Over Shoulders & Out (30 seconds)

2 Feet On Ground Bridge (30 seconds)

Prone In & Outs (30 seconds)

Russian Twists Arms Out & Straight Up (30 seconds)

Alternate Arm & Leg Superman (30 seconds)

1 Leg Raise Back Bridge Left Side (30 seconds)

Rest (1 minute)

Russian Twists (30 seconds)

Full Bicycle (30 seconds)

1 Leg Raise Back Bridge Right Side (30 seconds)

Iso Holds (30 seconds)

Legs Spread Crunch (30 seconds)

Iso Hold Crunch (30 seconds)

2 Feet On Ground Bridge (30 seconds)

Half Jackknives (30 seconds)

Laying On Back Over Shoulder & Down (30 seconds)

Lower Leg Raises (30 seconds)

2 Leg Back Bridge Knees In & Out (30 seconds)

Twisted Side Oblique Crunch Right Side (30 seconds)

WY (30 seconds)

Twisted Side Oblique Crunch Left Side (30 seconds)

Overhead Row (30 seconds)

Over Shoulders & Out (30 seconds)

ATYT (30 seconds)

Prone In & Outs (30 seconds)

Scaption Push Ups (30 seconds)

Alternate Arm & Leg Superman (30 seconds)

M o n t h 1 : L o v e Yo u r C o r e | 16

M o n t h 1 : L o v e Yo u r C o r e | 17

Love Your Core Workout #9

Love Your Core Workout #10

Breast Stroke (30 seconds)

Lower Leg Lifts (30 seconds)

Alternating Arm & Leg Superman (30 seconds) Push Ups (30 seconds)

Lying On Back Leg Raises (30 seconds) Full Jackknives (30 seconds)

Snow Angels (30 seconds)

Half Jackknives (30 seconds)

Rest (1 minute)

Plank Hands To Elbows (30 seconds)

Breast Stroke (30 seconds) Alternating Arm & Leg Superman (30 seconds) Push Ups (30 seconds)

Elbows & Heels Plank (30 seconds) ATYT (30 seconds) Lower Leg Lifts (30 seconds)

Snow Angels (30 seconds)

Lying On Back Leg Raises (30 seconds)

Rest (1 minute)

Full Jackknives (30 seconds)

Breast Stroke (30 seconds) Alternating Arm & Leg Superman (30 seconds) Push Ups (30 seconds)

Half Jackknives (30 seconds) Plank Hands To Elbows (30 seconds) Elbows & Heels Plank (30 seconds)

Snow Angels (30 seconds)

ATYT (30 seconds)

Rest (1 minute)

Lower Leg Lifts (30 seconds)

Bicycle Feet Planted (30 seconds) Knee Tucks Raise In Opposite Direction (30 seconds) Scissors Over & Under (30 seconds)

Lying On Back Leg Raises (30 seconds) Full Jackknives (30 seconds) Half Jackknives (30 seconds)

Scissors Up & Down (30 seconds)

Plank Hands To Elbows (30 seconds)

Rest (1 minute)

Elbows & Heels Plank (30 seconds)

Bicycle Feet Planted (30 seconds) Knee Tucks Raise In Opposite Direction (30 seconds)

ATYT (30 seconds)

Scissors Over & Under (30 seconds) Scissors Up & Down (30 seconds)

M o n t h 1 : L o v e Yo u r C o r e | 18

M o n t h 1 : L o v e Yo u r C o r e | 19

D o yo u w a n t $ 10 0 wo r t h o f w e l l n e s s s w a g ev e r y m o n t h f o r a s l i t t l e a s $ 19 ? T h e L o v e s t y l e B o x p r o v i d e s h e a l t h a n d w e l l n e s s p r o d u c t s t h a t will cause you to fall in love with the Way of Gray healthy lifestyle.

best wellness

If you’re ready to start receiving the out there, learn more here!


When it comes to the stuff you consume, if you’re rubbing it on your skin, washing your hair with it, brush your teeth with it, whatever; I want you to use only the absolute best! There are lots of wellness products on the market today. How can you tell if a product is as healthy as it claims? I only use the best for me, and I created the Lovestyle Box to share the best with you.

Love Your Core Workout #11

Love Your Core Workout #12

Twisted Side Oblique Right Side (30 seconds)

Laying On Back Leg Raise (30 seconds)

Side Plank Right Side (45 seconds) Twisted Side Oblique Left Side (30 seconds) Side Plank Left Side (45 seconds)

Scaption Push Ups (15 seconds) 1 Leg Supported Crunch Right Side (30 seconds) Dips (15 seconds)

Front Plank (45 seconds)

1 Leg Supported Crunch Left Side (30 seconds)

Plank Elbows To Hands (45 seconds)

Push Ups (15 seconds)

Pike Drive (30 seconds)

Full Jackknives (30 seconds)

1 Leg Back Bridge Left Side (45 seconds)

Rest (15 seconds)

1 Leg Back Bridge Right Side (45 seconds)

Scissors Over & Under (30 seconds)

Rest (1 minute)

Scaption Push Ups (15 seconds)

Twisted Side Oblique Right Side (30 seconds) Side Plank Right Side (45 seconds) Twisted Side Oblique Left Side (30 seconds) Side Plank Left Side (45 seconds)

Push Ups (30 seconds) Close Grip Push Ups (15 seconds) Prone Over Shoulders & Out (30 seconds) Dips (15 seconds)

Front Plank (45 seconds)

Backflies (30 seconds)

Plank Elbows To Hands (45 seconds)

Rest (1 minute)

Pike Drive (30 seconds)

Laying On Back Leg Raise (30 seconds)

1 Leg Back Bridge Left Side (45 seconds) 1 Leg Back Bridge Right Side (45 seconds)

Scaption Push Ups (15 seconds) 1 Leg Supported Crunch Right Side (30 seconds) Dips (15 seconds) 1 Leg Supported Crunch Left Side (30 seconds) Push Ups (15 seconds) Full Jackknives (30 seconds) Rest (15 seconds) Scissors Over & Under (30 seconds) Scaption Push Ups (15 seconds) Push Ups (30 seconds) Close Grip Push Ups (15 seconds) Prone Over Shoulders & Out (30 seconds) Dips (15 seconds) Backflies (30 seconds)

Month 1: Love Your Core | 21

Month 1: Love Your Core | 22

Love Your Core Workout #13

Love Your Core Workout #14

Fast Bicycle (30 seconds)

Full Side Crunch Oblique Right Side (30 seconds)

1 Leg Jackknives Right Side (30 seconds)

1 Leg Raise Back Bridge Right Side (30 seconds)

1 Leg Jackknives Left Side (30 seconds)

Full Side Crunch Oblique Left Side (30 seconds)

Half Jackknives (30 seconds)

1 Leg Raise Back Bridge Left Side (30 seconds)

Lower Leg Raises (30 seconds) Forward Lunge Side Reach Right Side (30 seconds) Forward Lunge Side Reach Left Side (30 seconds) WY (30 seconds)

Legs Spread Crunch (30 seconds) Windshield Wipers (30 seconds) 2 Feet On Ground Bridge (30 seconds) Inchworm to Push Up (30 seconds)

Prones In & Out (30 seconds) Alternate Leg & Arm Superman (30 seconds) Rest (1 minute)

1 Leg Raise Back Bridge Left Side (30 seconds) Russian Twists (30 seconds) 1 Leg Raise Back Bridge Right Side (30 seconds)

Fast Bicycle (30 seconds)

Full Bicycle (30 seconds)

1 Leg Jackknives Right Side (30 seconds)

2 Feet On Ground Back Bridge (30 seconds)

1 Leg Jackknives Left Side (30 seconds)

Knee Tucks Leg Raise Opposite Direction (30 seconds)

Half Jackknives (30 seconds)

Back Bridge Knees In & Out (30 seconds)

Lower Leg Raises (30 seconds) Forward Lunge Side Reach Right Side (30 seconds) Forward Lunge Side Reach Left Side (30 seconds) WY (30 seconds)

WY (30 seconds) Overhead To Row Superman (30 seconds) Backflies (30 seconds) Close Grip Push Ups (30 seconds)

Prones In & Out (30 seconds) Alternate Leg & Arm Superman (30 seconds)

Month 1: Love Your Core | 23

Month 1: Love Your Core | 24

Love Your Core Workout #15 Elbow To Knee Crunch (30 seconds) 1 Leg Supported Crunch Right Side (30 seconds) 1 Leg Supported Crunch Left Side (30 seconds) Full Jackknives (30 seconds) Half Jackknives (30 seconds)

What's up Next Month? Every month, we’ll target a different area of the body.

Next month focuses on your legs!

Russian Twists Arms Raised (30 seconds) Pike Drives (30 seconds) Standing Swing Crunch Right Side (30 seconds) Standing Swing Crunch Left Side (30 seconds) Scissors Over & Under (30 seconds) Scissors Up & Down (30 seconds) Top Ab Crunch (30 seconds)

Keep working towards your desired results with next month’s series of videos and w r i t t e n e x e r c i s e p l a n s . E a c h 15 - m i n u t e workout is designed to make your legs stronger, more flexible and leaner. All you’ve got to do is stick around!

Rest (1 minute) Elbow To Knee Crunch (30 seconds) 1 Leg Supported Crunch Right Side (30 seconds) 1 Leg Supported Crunch Left Side (30 seconds) Full Jackknives (30 seconds) Half Jackknives (30 seconds) Russian Twists Arms Raised (30 seconds) Pike Drives (30 seconds) Standing Swing Crunch Right Side (30 seconds) Standing Swing Crunch Left Side (30 seconds) Scissors Over & Under (30 seconds) Scissors Up & Down (30 seconds) Top Ab Crunch (30 seconds)

Month 1: Love Your Core | 25

You will reach your goals. I believe in you. You will start to walk with a new sense of confidence and learn to love the skin you’re in. I know you will. If you become discouraged or unmotivated, please remember that you are worth it. You are worth the time and efforts you are investing in your health. I believe in your victory. Keep me in the loop as you go, tagging your sweaty

#wayofgray #lovethelifestyle.

workout pictures with

xo, Sophie


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