Waxing Moon Initiation

October 22, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Waxing Moon Initiation of “The Muses” LightWorker™ Series

Written & channelled by Lisa Center Layout by Jens Söeborg

Waxing Moon Initiation of “The Muses” (LW™ Series) This manual is written and channeled by Lisa “Ladywolf” Center who is mainly working with animal's and nature's spirits. It is a part of the series of Lunar Goddesses. Front page picture: The Muses Clio, Euterpe and Thalia painted 1652-55, Oil on wood, 130 x 130 cm, by Eustache le Sueur (1616 - 1655). Now in Musée du Louvre, Paris. LightWorker™ Lunar Goddess Initiations (All originals from Lisa Center) Full Moon Goddess Initiation (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Goddess Arianrhod Initiation (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Goddess Brigit Initiation (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Goddess Cardea (summer solstice) Initiation (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Goddess Demeter (fall equinox) Initiation (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Goddess Hecate Initiation (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Kali Ma New Moon Initiation (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Goddess Marian (winter solstice) Initiation (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Goddess Persephone (spring equinox) Initiation (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LW™ Series) Waning Moon Goddess Initiation (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Waxing Moon Initiation of the Muses (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) You will also find Lisa in ….. LightWorker™ Animal Empowerments (all originals) Albatross Empowerment (Carol Ann Tessier) (LightWorker™ Series) Armadillo Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Bear Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Cougar Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Coyote Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Deer Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Fox Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Friends of Sea Empowerment (Carol Ann Tessier) (LightWorker™ Series) Great Blue Heron Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Hawk Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Racoon Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Swan Empowerment (Nan Fahey) (LightWorker™ Series) Turkey Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Turtle Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Vulture Medicine Empowerment (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Wolf Empowerment (Lisa Center & Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series) LightWorker™ Animal Healing Series (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center & Jens Söeborg) Bear Healing (Lisa Center & Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series) Dolphin Sekhem-Seichin-Reiki (Carol Ann Tessier) (LightWorker™ Series) Orca Healing (Lisa Center & Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series) Tiger Healing (Lisa Center & Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series) LightWorker™ Earth Medicine Series (all original attunements) Activation of the Labyrinth (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Activation of the Medicine Wheel (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Activation of the Shaman (Lisa “Ladywolf” Center) (LightWorker™ Series) … and much more is to come ……

The Lunar Phases - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lunar phases refer to the appearance of the illuminated portion of the Moon as seen by an observer on Earth. The lunar phases vary cyclically as the Moon orbits the Earth, according to the changing geometry of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. One half of the lunar surface is always illuminated by the Sun, but the portion of the illuminated hemisphere that is visible to an observer can vary from 100% (full moon) to 0% (new moon). The phases of the Moon have been given the following names, which are listed in sequential order: • • • • • • • • • •

Dark Moon - Not visible New Moon - Not visible, or traditionally, the first visible crescent of the Moon Waxing Crescent Moon - Right 1-49% visible First Quarter Moon - Right 50% visible Waxing gibbous Moon - Right 51-99% visible Full Moon - Fully visible Waning gibbous Moon - Left 51-99% visible Third Quarter Moon - Left 50% visible Waning Crescent Moon - Left 1-49% visible New Moon - Not visible

The Waxing Moon “The Waxing Crescent Moon rises after sunrise and sets after sunset - it is only seen in the night sky for a short time after the sun goes down. The Waxing First Quarter Moon rises about at noon and sets about at midnight. The Waxing Gibbous Moon rises in the middle of the afternoon and sets before well before sunrise.” http://www.luckymojo.com/moonphases.htm


The Waxing Moon Spiritually “During the Waxing Moon, we witness the “growing” of the crescent moon. This phase resonates with the energy of springtime, the building of momentum, the seeds reaching up through the dark soil and into the light. The Waxing Moon invites us to be aware of the focus and direction of our energy and attention. What are we nourishing and growing in our lives? What are we feeding with our energy and attention? Are we getting distracted from our intentions and commitments? The Waxing Moon teaches us about sacred pace in the unfolding, about being at peace with who we are right where we are, honoring the beauty and purposefulness of all that is as we learn and heal and grow.” *Walking the Spiral Path-Awakening Power and Passion JoAnn Dodgson

The Muses The Muses represents a special form of Goddess energy and personification. They are the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. Mnemosyne was the daughter of Uranus and Gaia. It is said the nine daughters were of one mind though each has specific talents attributed to them. Their hearts were full of song and they were free spirits. They enjoyed comforting as well as inspiring people. They used song and dance to heal. Hesiod said of them, “Though a man has sorrow and grief in his soul- when the Muses sing at once he forgets his dark thoughts and remembers not his troubles”. They were born at the foot of Mount Olympus and this later became their sanctuary. Apollo, Greek God of music, the light and the sun was said to have been a teacher to them and they were often seen in his company. The Muses enjoyed all manner of praise and were known to be a bit arrogant. Pierus once said that his own daughters were better singers than the Muses. The ladies learned what he had said and turned his daughters into magpies, ducks, finches and other birds. Thamyris, the Minstrel, challenged a contest with the Muses. He lost. The challenge suggested Thamyris’s belief that he was just as good as the Nine. This angered the Muses. They blinded him and made sure he could not challenge anyone again. They took his memory from him so he could no longer remember the music or words to songs he had travelled and sang his entire life. They were once entrusted with the care of Pegasus. This lively animal was so excited to meet and be in the presence of the ladies he kicked at the mountains behind him. Spring water rushed out of the places he had kicked. Thus the Muses sacred symbol has often been said to be springs and wells.

All Nine Muses Calliope was the eldest and wisest of the 9 Muses. She was the most excellent Muse of all, accompanying respectable royalties on their way. In depictions Calliope can be seen crowned with gold, holding a writing tablet or a volume of Homer's Odyssey in her hand. Calliope was the favorite Muse of the Greek poet Homer; many even consider Calliope being the actual mother of Homer. Clio (Clieo) was the goddess of epic poetry and history and is also considered to be the inventor of the guitar. Clio once fell madly in love with the King of Macedonia, Pierus and with Pierus she created the beautiful Hyacinth, the lover of Greek god Apollo. Clio is often depicted dressed in purple with laurels on her hair, in the one hand holding a cornet and in the other a book, the book Clio used to write history. Erato was the muse of lyric love poetry, hymns and wedding songs. She is often shown with a wreath of myrtle and roses, holding a lyre, or a small kithara, a musical instrument that Apollo or she invented. Other representions may show her holding a golden arrow, reminding one of the "eros", the feeling that she inspires in everybody, and at times she is accompanied by the god Eros, holding a torch.

Euterpe, the so-called "Giver of Pleasure", was the Muse of Music. At classical times, Euterpe became also associated with Lyric Poetry and was many times depicted holding a flute. The Greek river Strymon lied with Euterpe and they created a son with the name Rhesus. Rhesus was a hero of Homer’s Iliad who was killed by Diomedes during the Trojan War. Melpomene was the Muse of Tragedy, despite her joyous singing. She is often represented with a tragic mask and wearing the cothurnus, boots traditionally worn by tragic actors. Often, she also holds a knife or club in one hand and the tragic mask in the other. On her head she is mostly shown wearing a crown of cypress.

Polyhymnia was the Muse of the divine hymns, sacred poetry, geometry and mimetism. Polyhymnia is often depicted like a very strict and thinking deity, with a wrath of daphne in her hair, looking up to the sky and expressing herself with gestures while playing the lyre.

Terpsichore was the muse of the Dance and the Dramatic Chorus mother. She is usually shown sitting down, holding a lyre, accompanying with her music to the dancers' choirs. Terpsichore was also considered to be the mother of the Sirens.

Thalia was the Greek muse of comedy and pastoral poetry. She is often depicted holding a comic mask. The main attribute of Thalia was a shepherd's crook.

Urania was the muse of Astronomy and Astrology as she was able to foretell the future by the position of the stars. She is usually shown having a globe in her left hand and a peg in the right, and her foot on a turtle, symbol of silence. She is able to foretell the future by the position of the stars. She is often associated with Universal Love and the Holy Spirit. She is dressed in a cloak embroidered with stars and keeps her eyes and attention focused on the Heavens. http://www.greek-gods.info/ancient-greek-gods/muses/

Long given credit for ideas that come in the night, lyrics and sentences woven out of air or music that transcends oneself where the instrument and player are one. Call for assistance from the muses in all creative endeavors. Robert Graves wrote in his classic, The White Goddess. "The reason why the hairs stand on end, the eyes water, the throat is constricted, the skin crawls and a shiver runs down the spine when one writes or reads a true poem is that a true poem is necessarily an invocation of the White Goddess or Muse, the Mother of all Living."

Receiving the Initiation You can begin with creating a circle of light around you. You may light a candle in honor of Lunar light. The candle can be blessed by rubbing the scent of your choice into it and saying prayers of intention while doing so. You do not have to bless your candles but some prefer more ritual in their practice and can do this if they wish. As you light the candle state your intention to be initiated to this energy. You can have soft music playing if this helps you relax. It does not matter if you choose to lie down or sit as long as you feel comfortable. Once you have grounded or anchored your energy and become centered, you may call whatever guides, Ascended Masters or Divine you may want for assistance. You may also call your protection animals or place gemstones within your circle. Use the ritual that feels right to you. The waxing moon is a time of building and drawing things to you that you want present in your life.. This can be in reference to love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck, health, protection, divination. If you feel what you desire or working on could use extra power it can be done now. This is the time for learning new things, beginning a new course of study, manifesting your abundance, working through legal situations and watching your dreams.

New beginnings, creating the life you want or just a project that you are working on…call on the Muses. They will comfort your soul with song and dance and help you feel lighter. They may take you along for a break from it all. Have fun and enjoy the company of the entertainers of the ancient Greek gods. When you have completed the initiation, remember to give thanks to all who assisted you.

Passing on the Initiation To pass the initiation to others follow the same process as above. Make it your intention to pass this on to another and trust that The Muses have heard your request and will grant it. Give thanks to the goddess and all who you asked assistance of and the initiation is complete.

List of Muses paintings • • • • • • • • • •

Muses together at Mt Olympus - Wikipedia Muse Calliope painted by Simon Vouet, 1634 - Wikipedia Muse Clio, Johannes Vermeer, 1665, Wikipedia Commons Muse Erato or Allegory of Music, c. 1500, Staatliche Museen, Berlin Muse Euterpe, painted by Camiile Roqueplan - several sources Melpomene, The Muse of Tragedy, Elisabetta Sirani (1638-1665) - NMWA Polyhymnia Muse of Eloquence, Simon Vouet (1590-1649), Louvre, Wikipedia commons Terpsichore, Muse of Dance, painting by Jean-Marc Nattier, 1739, Wikipedia Commons Thalia, Muse of Comedy, Jean-Marc Nattier (1685 - 1766), Wikipedia Commons Urania - part of Euterpe and Ourania, painting by Pompeo Battoni , Wikipedia Commons


http://www.uranias9thhouse.com/blog/blogpics/goddess_of_life.jpg All other sources are listed after information derived from that source.

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