Waves That Heal (Mark Clement)

March 12, 2017 | Author: THE NIKOLA TESLA INSTITUTE | Category: N/A
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During January, 1924, I began to build, according to this theory, and with the purpose of therapeutic applications, an a...



THE WAVES THAT" HEAL The New Scienceof Radiobiology. A shortaccountof the theorlesof G. Lakhovsky with r€sults obtainedin the treatmentof plants, animalsandhumsnbeings, llith 20 illustrations by




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THE WAVES THAT HEAI . The conquest of dis6a,8owithout operations or drugg is a,n a,chievcmentih8,t alweys commandsattention er;d stirs the imacinetion. Road how this hae been atta,ined in plantr, animals and huma,n beings that were in the throes of di8easeand woro rapidly reotored to he<h. io eimplo and clear la.nguagerho new soienceot _ -JIT: iB prese-ntedto tho publio $.ith asronishing I:1llot"r:Sy. photographs t&ken boforo and sfter rro&lm€nt, TIIE WAVES THAT IIEAL is a conoise and factual accountof ono of tho moet impodent eeientiffodigcove,ie. of our timo. ft opensup &n ontiroly now 6eld ofresea|ch &!d. troatment, giving freeh inspiration to those wbo 6ght against disoasoand reviving hope among countlempeoile wtro suror &nctsoek helD iD v&in. Speci&l atteDtion is drawn to tho romorkablo rosults obtained in tre&ting animals which should commond tbom. solvosto all a,nimallovorr. TEE WAVES TEAT EEAL ie o unique book that.uo ono can afrord to mirs reading.





The New Scienceof Radiobiology A shortaccoutrtof the iheories of G. Iakhovsky with rcsults obtainedln the teatm€trt of phnts, animalsand humanbeings. Wirh 20 ilhtsttutions



CONTENTS Irrnooucrros I. LAKHOVSKY'S GENERAL THEORY II, T,IEDICAL REPORTS ON LAKHOVSKY'S OSCILLATING CIRCUITS l. f)r. PaulAraujo'sReport ?, Professor S.Attilj,s Report 3, Dr, D. Marcus'Report 4, Dr. F. Barinque'sReporr .5. Dr. B. de Sandfort's Report 6. Dr. C. Perineau,s Report 7. Red CrossDispenrary-St. Joseph'eOrphanarc, Deauville.France. Repor.tsby'sistcr Marie "de t Annoncutron 8. Dr. N, Vaccaro'e , Report 9. Dr. E, Cincin'sReport III. THE MULTIPLE WAVE OSCII.I,ATOR r L Medical Reports (a) Cancer (b) ExophthalmicGoitre (") EnlargedProstate (d) Gastro-duodenal ulcer and other afrectioar ?. Dr, N. Gentile,s Report 3. Dr. AlexanderFrancis,s Reporr 4. AmedcanReports IV. REMARKABLE EFFECT OF OSCLI,ATING CIRCUITSQN ANIMALS V. FUTURX DE\,'ELOPMENTS OF LAKHOVSKY'S THEORIES Corctusrox Appendix iii

LIST OF I LLUSTRATIONS I'LAIE t,-Phorographof ce.nnium rrearedr,).means or rn open osciUaringc;rcuir ll-Photorraph ot same(;eranium afler cr.rc III-Ph,rroqraph rt sanr. ceranium, rhrce lrars rtrer rreatnrenr wirlr Lakhovsk)\ orciltari;gcircuir, snowrr,qremarkaltpdevel.,pmerr _

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,,t varn,u!ctenrcDr. cuLc Dg rnro rnf Uomposjrjonofa CcU 2.-.Lalhovsky: Mutriplc Wavc Os(itlaror 3.-Lakholskv s Mrlriplc Wavc ()iciUaror. Clscu_por. t ranimrtt.r in at,inn. ,howiD,{,r[zr. rerectrlcr)rush) 4.-ca,e L Madamc C. B.loft 7 mt,tprt. 5.-(las€ r. MadarneO. AIta 1.ruatnv,tt, _ . 6.--Cascz. t\Ir. M. \1. Beth Trcanenr 7-.Sin. Casc. .After lcvcn applications ot rhe -Uuhiplc Wave Osci aror ': 8.-Samr Casc. 'I hrec rhonrhsalier r€:lmenr _ q.--Cast 1. Ltadamc S. E.Iont Trrattu t ro.--Caser. Nladam€S. .,fid T/ea,n. . r r.-Ca3e 4. Ntr..). S. D.rn. Tftat k,t. re.- CAse4. Mt..l.s, Ajta Tl.atne, f 3.-Casc 5, R^di\m bur -- ucJ&. ,rpah.,tt I4.- Casc5. Radilumbvn-Atta T.atMnt rs.-Casc 6. Exophthalmi.Coirrc. D.faft Tcatnuttt r6.-Case 6. ExophthalmicGoitre. A.ltN Tt.atn t '7. -?iEiT showinqwhe.. orci ar;ns .ircuir. 3nould ba wo.n



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