Watershed Models

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Published in 2006 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group No claim to original U.S. Government works Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 International Standard Book Number-10: 0-8493-3609-0 (Hardcover) International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-8493-3609-6 (Hardcover) Library of Congress Card Number 2005044000 This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use. No part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http://www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC) 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users. For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Singh, V. P. (Vijay P.) Watershed models / Vijay Singh, Donald Frevert. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p.). ISBN 0-8493-3609-0 (alk.paper) 1. Watersheds—Mathematical models. 2. Watershed Management—Mathematical models, 3. Hydrologic models. I. Frevert, Donald K. II. Title, GB980.S626 2005 551.48 – dc22


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Dedicated to watershed modelers around the globe.

Contents Preface






Section 1: Preliminaries 1.



Vijay P. Singh and Donald K. Frevert


History and Evolution of Watershed Modeling Derived from the Stanford Watershed Model (SWM)


Anthony S. Donigian, Jr. and John Imhoff


Regional Calibration of Watershed Models


Richard M. Vogel

Section 2: Large Watershed Models 4.

Large Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


Mustafa M. Aral and Orhan Gunduz


Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets Using a Macroscale Hydrological Model for the Upper Mississippi River Basin


Rajagopalan Srinivasan and Venkat Lakshmi

Section 3: Streamflow Models 6.

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model: A Model for Simulating Diverse Streamflow-Producing Processes


Charles W. Downer, Fred L. Ogden, Justin Neidzialek, and Siqing Liu


USGS Modular Modeling System (MMS) – Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS)


George H. Leavesley, Steve L. Markstrom, and Roland J. Viger


The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform Liliang Ren and Fei Yuan



Section 4: Streamflow and Water Quality Models 9.

A First Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


Gour-Tsyh Yeh, Guobiao Huang, Hwai-Ping Cheng, Fan Zhang, Hsin-Chi Lin, Earl Edris, and David Richards


Flexible Integrated Watershed Modeling with MIKE SHE


Douglas N. Graham and Michael B. Butts


Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS)


Paul B. Duda, Jack L. Kittle Jr., Anthony S. Donigian, and Russell Kinerson


MEDIFIS: A Physically Based, SpatiallyDistributed Runoff and Erosion Model for Extreme Rainfall Events


Joao P. Nunes, G. Nuno Vieira and J. Seixas


BAYMOD: Modeling Irrigated Catchments Using the 315 Streamflow Integral Approach Luke D. Connell, M. Gilfedder, and Russell Mein

Section 5: Urban Watershed Models 14.

EPA Storm Water Management Model, SWMM5


Wayne C. Huber, Lewis A. Rossman, and Robert E. Dickinson


IDEAL: Integrated Design and Evaluation Assessment of Loadings Model


Bill J. Barfield, J.C. Hayes, S.L. Harp, K.F. Holbrook, and J. Gillespie




Bill J. Barfield, J.C. Hayes, E. Stevens, S.L. Harp, and A. Fogle

Section 6: Agricultural Watershed Models 17.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation Keith E. Saxton and Patrick H. Willey




The APEX Model


Jimmy R. Williams and R.C. Izaurralde


GAMES: The Guelph Model for Evaluating the Effects of Agricultural Management Systems on Erosion and Sedimentation


R.P. Rudra

Section 7: Planning and Management Models 20.

Use of Distributed Models for Watershed Management: Case Studies


M. Arabi, Rao S. Govindaraju, M. Sophocleous, and J.K. Koelliker




Edith A. Zagona, Tim Magee, H. Morgan Goranflo, Terrance Fulp, Donald K. Frevert, and Jerry L. Cotter


A Parsimonious Watershed Model


James F. Limbrunner, Richard M. Vogel, and Steven C. Chapra


MODSIM: River Basin Management Decision Support System


John W. Labadie


Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) Modeling System


Ralph A.. Wurbs


Hydrological River Basin Environment Assessment Model (Hydro-BEAM)


Toshiharu Kojiri


The State of Colorado’s Stream Simulation Model (StateMod)


Ray Alvarado and Ray Bennett




PREFACE There are dozens of mathematical models of watershed hydrology available today in the world, but these are not found in one place. In 1995, Vijay Singh edited a book entitled Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology which contained 26 popular computer models from around the globe. In 2002 Singh and Donald Frevert edited two books entitled Mathematical Models of Large Watershed Hydrology and Mathematical Models of Small Watershed Hydrology and Applications. Clearly, there were several worthy models that were not included in these books. The motivation for putting together this book stemmed from the desire to provide, under one cover, a comprehensive account of some of those popular mathematical models of watershed hydrology that were not included earlier. The objective of this volume is to include a variety of models that span a range of characteristics, such as representativeness, comprehensiveness, broad-based applicability, and use of modern tools. Based on these considerations, 24 models were selected for inclusion in this volume. It is hoped that these models fulfill the intended objective. Because there is a large number of models available these days, any number of combinations of the models could satisfy the intended objective equally well. Therefore, in any model selection, personal bias is unavoidable, and the models included here may reflect our personal bias. This model selection in no way implies an endorsement of the models included or a rejection of those not included. We personally have used and like very much some of the models not included here. The subject matter of this volume is divided into seven sections encompassing 26 chapters. The first section contains three chapters. Beginning with introductory remarks on watershed modeling in Chapter 1, a history and evolution of watershed modeling derived from the Stanford Watershed Model (SWM) is presented in Chapter 2. It traces the refinement of SWM and its coupling with the Agricultural Runoff Management Model (ARM) and Nonpoint Source Pollutant Loading Model (NPS) into Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF), and goes on to describe successive enhancements of HSPF up to the most recent


Release No. 12 in 2001. It then discusses the software tools, such as Interactive hydrologic analyses and data management (ANNIE), Watershed Data Management (WDM), GENeration and analysis of model simulation SCeNarios (GenScn), and Expert system for calibration of HSPF (HSPEXP) products, developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), which have greatly enhanced watershed modeling in general and HSPF in particular. Integration and enhancement of the strongest features of HSPF and these USGS software products culminated in the Environmetal Protection Agency’s (EPA) Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) modeling system. Furthermore, HSPF has been integrated into the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s Watershed Modeling System (WMS). The chapter concludes that HSPF/BASINS serves as a focal point for cooperation and integration of watershed modeling and model support activities between the USGS and the EPA, and provides an opportunity for the use of common tools and methodologies by federal agencies. Chapter 3 reviews numerous approaches for the regionalization of watershed models, and introduces a new methodology for the regionalization of watershed models. The approach involves concurrent calibration of a watershed model to many sites in a region. Large-scale watershed modeling constitutes the subject of Section 2, comprising two chapters. Chapter 4 discusses a hybrid surface/subsurface flow and transport model that blends the powerful distributed parameter models with relatively simple lumped parameter models. This hybrid formulation decreases the computational requirements and at the same time provides a representative description of the watershed flow processes. Chapter 5 presents a macroscale hydrological model to understand the water and energy balance for the Upper Mississippi River basin. It shows that the spatial and temporal variability of droughts and floods can be analyzed using the model-simulated soil moisture regimes. The subject of Section 3 is streamflow models and encompasses three chapters. Chapter 6 presents a physics-based, distributed parameter Gridded Surface and Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis model (GSSHA) simulating diverse streamflowproducing mechanisms. This model is a successor of the two-


dimensional, physically based Hortanian model CASC2D and has been coupled to the Department of Defense Watershed Modeling System (WMS). Chapter 7 presents the Modular Modeling System (MMS) of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) developed by the USGS. MMS is an integrated system of computer software to support the development and integration of a wide variety of hydrologic and ecosystem models, whereas PRMS is a physics-based hydrologic model. The integrated system includes spatial data analysis using geographical information system (GIS), statistical and graphical analysis tools, and a variety of parameter estimations, sensitivity analysis, and optimization capabilities. Chapter 8 presents the latest version of the Xin’anjiang model on a digital platform. The discussion includes input requirements, procedures and assumptions used, output capabilities, and two case studies illustrating its application. Section 4 deals with streamflow and water quality models encompassing five chapters. Chapter 9 focuses on a Numerical Model of Water Flow and Contaminant and Sediment Transport in WAterSHed Systems of 1-D Stream-River Network, 2-D Overland Regime, and 3-D Subsurface Media (WASH123D). It addresses particular features of WASH123D in the treatment of interactions among media interfaces, the inclusion of various types of control structures and pumps, the formulation of reaction-based water quality simulations, and the implementation of optional hydrodynamics in river network and overland regime. The design capability and demonstrative examples ranging from seconds to years in temporal scale and from meters to hundreds of kilometers in spatial scales are presented. The physically based, distributed, integrated hydrological and water quality modeling system (MIKE SHE) is the subject of Chapter 10. It is a modular modeling system that allows mix-andmatch of simple, lumped-parameter or water balance methods with advanced, physically based, finite-difference methods for each of the hydrologic processes. MIKE SHE is directly linked to both, a 1-dimensional river flow modeling module (MIKE 11) and a module for modeling of urban sewer systems (MOUSE). MIKE 11 is used in applications ranging from simple routing of surface water to fully dynamic channel flow with dynamic flow control structures. MOUSE is used with MIKE SHE to study the


interaction between urban infrastructure networks and surface/ subsurface hydrology, in either steady-state or fully dynamic applications. Chapter 11 discusses BASINS developed by the EPA’s Office of Water to facilitate examination of environmental information, to support analysis of environmental systems, and to provide a framework for examining management alternatives. It is a multipurpose environmental analysis system for use by regional, state, and local agencies in performing watershed- and waterquality-based studies. BASINS is designed to be flexible, supporting analyses at a variety of scales using tools that range from simple to sophisticated. Chapter 12 presents the process-based, spatially-distributed hydrological and soil erosion model (MEFIDIS) runoff and erosion model. This model simulates a single extreme event, taking a raster-based approach to spatial distribution, and is dynamic in time. Model performance and robustness are analyzed using a large number of measured events. Chapter 13 presents an alternative to spatial distribution for physically based process modeling of catchment flow and solute transport. The approach is based on an integral relation for catchment streamflow which describes the accumulation through the stream network of the hillslope contributions. The model is tested through application to an irrigated catchment. Section 5 deals with urban watershed models and is comprised of three chapters. Chapter 14 presents the EPA’s Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) widely applied in the United States, Canada, and around the world since 1971 for analysis of complex hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality problems associated with urban drainage. It provides a brief description of the history of the program leading to the development of the most current version: SWMM5. The SWMM5 graphical user interface is described as well as algorithms used to simulate rainfall-runoff, conveyance (system hydraulics), water quality, and treatment processes. Information is also presented about parameter input and estimation, output options, sensitivity and optimization, and user resources. Chapter 15 presents the model IDEAL developed to predict runoff and pollutant loadings from urbanized watershed and to


evaluate the impact of stormwater structural BMPs on the loading. Chapter 16 presents a lumped model SEDIMOT III developed to predict runoff and sediment loadings from watersheds in transition from undisturbed to disturbed conditions and to evaluate the impact of stormwater and sediment structural BMPs on the loading. The model makes calculations for a single storm based on user inputs of precipitation and watershed characteristics. Section 6 deals with agricultural watershed models comprising three chapters. Chapter 17 discusses the Soil-Plant-AirWater (SPAW) computer model which simulates the daily hydrology of agricultural fields and ponds including wetlands, lagoons, and reservoirs. Data input and file selection are by graphical screens. The program and descriptions include theory, data requirements, example files and applications, and operational details. Chapter 18 deals with the Agricultural Policy/ Environmental eXtender (APEX) model developed for evaluating various land management strategies considering sustainability, erosion (wind, sheet, and channel), economics, water supply and quality, soil quality, plant competition, weather, and pests. The individual field simulation component of APEX is taken from the Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model. The APEX model extends the EPIC capabilities to whole farms and small watersheds with the addition of components for routing water, sediment, nutrients, and pesticides across complex landscapes and channel systems. The APEX components (subarea, routing, reservoir, groundwater, grazing, manure management, and feedlot dust emission and distribution) are described. GAMES, the Guelph Model for Evaluating the Effects of Agricultural Management Systems on Erosion and Sedimentation, constitutes the subject matter of Chapter 19. It was developed as a screening tool for watershed management. The application of this modeling concept to small agricultural watersheds can be used to identify areas of excessive soil loss and sources of sediments, selection of remedial strategies, and developing cost-effective monitoring programs. The model concept has been extended to include phosphorus in a sister version of the GAMES model called the GAMESP. Section 7 deals with applications of hydrologic models to watershed planning and management and is comprised of seven


chapters. Chapter 20 deals with case studies using distributed watershed models for watershed management. Experiences primarily with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model over several watersheds in Kansas and Indiana are described. Chapter 21 discusses a general river and reservoir modeling tool, called RIVERWARE, developed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) for operational scheduling and forecasting, basin planning, policy evaluation, and other analysis and decision processes. Solution procedures include data-driven simulation, rule-based simulation using user-specified logical policy statements, and linear goal programming optimization, and can include water ownership accounting. RIVERWARE is used by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), USBR, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other agencies to facilitate decisions ranging from operational schedules to Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analysis. Chapter 22 presents a parsimonious daily water balance model in that it has only four adjustable parameters. It combines empiricism and mechanistically based elements, following in the tradition of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (now the Natural Resource Conservation Service) Curve Number (CN) Method. The model simulates daily variations in evapotranspiration, soil moisture, saturated groundwater, groundwater outflow, snow accumulation, snowmelt and streamflow. Chapter 23 deals with a Generalized River Basin Management Decision Support System (MODSIM) which is used for problems ranging from short-term water scheduling including flow routing to long-term operational planning for helping to resolve conflicts between urban, agricultural, and environmental concerns. A powerful graphical user interface connects MODSIM with the various data base management components, and a state-of-the-art network flow solver assures that water is allocated according to physical, hydrological, and institutional/legal/administrative aspects of river basin management. MODSIM is coded in the new MS.NET framework, which allows customized vb.net scripts to be prepared by users and embedded into MODSIM without recompilation of the MODSIM code. This allows interfacing of MODSIM with complex operational rules, water quality models, artificial neural networks for stream-aquifer response modeling, and geographic


information systems. Several case studies are presented documenting ongoing use of MODSIM in the United States and abroad. Chapter 24 presents a Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) model which simulates management of the water resources of a river basin or multiple-basin region under a prioritybased water allocation system. The model facilitates assessment of hydrologic and institutional water availability/reliability for water supply, environmental instream flow, and hydropower requirements with specified reservoir storage and conveyance facilities, operating practices, and institutional arrangements for managing water resources. The WRAP model is a component of the Texas Water Availability Modeling (WAM) System, which is routinely applied in local, regional, and statewide planning and administration of the statewide water rights permit system. Chapter 25 discusses a Hydrological River Basin Environment Assessment Model (Hydro-BEAM) which is a meshtyped multilayer runoff model for performing the environment assessment with GIS technology representing the temporal and spatial distributions. The last chapter, 26, deals with the State of Colorado’s Stream Simulation Model (StateMod), which is a monthly or daily water allocation and accounting model capable of making comparative analyses for the assessment of various historic and future water management policies in a river basin. It is designed for application to any river basin. This book will be of interest to those who are engaged in the practice of hydrology, civil engineering, agricultural engineering, environmental science, forest and range science, climatology, or watershed science. Professors who are engaged in graduate instruction and research as well as graduate students in these areas will find this book to be useful. This book will be of special appeal to hydrologic modelers and model users. V. P. Singh Baton Rouge, Louisiana D. K. Frevert Denver, Colorado


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The editors express their deep appreciation to all the contributors who enthusiastically embraced the idea of this book and who spent much time, effort, and resources to write their contributions. The book reflects their collective effort and dedication. There are thousands of people who have long been engaged in developing and applying mathematical models of watershed hydrology. Without their efforts we would not have the models that we take for granted these days. We all owe a debt of gratitude to all these people for their unselfish work and devotion to advance the science and practice of hydrologic modeling. This book is dedicated to all of these people. Mr. Hemant Chowdhary of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Louisiana State University played a key role in bringing the book to a presentable form. Without his support, it would have been difficult to complete the book in time. His help is gratefully acknowledged. Finally, the editors’ families are acknowledged for their unwavering support of this project.


Contributors M. Arabi, Ph.D.

Jerry L. Cotter, Ph.D.

School of Civil Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana

Water Management Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ft. Worth District, Texas

Mustafa M. Aral, Ph.D.

Robert E. Dickinson

School of Civil & Environmental Eng. Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia

Camp Dresser & McKee Tampa, Florida

Anthony S. Donigian, Jr.

Ray Alvarado

AQUA TERRA Consultants Mountain View, California

Colorado Water Conservation Board Denver, Colorado

Charles W. Downer, Ph.D.

Bill J. Barfield, Ph.D.

So. Florida Natural Resources Center Homestead, Florida

Biosystems & Agricultural Eng. Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma

Paul B. Duda

Ray Bennett

AQUA TERRA Consultants Decatur, Georgia

Colorado Division of Water Resource Denver, Colorado

Earl Edris, Ph.D. Engineering Research and Dev. Center U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg, Mississippi

Michael B. Butts DHI Water & Environment Hørsholm, Denmark

A. Fogle

Steven C. Chapra, Ph.D.

Kentucky Geological Survey Lexington, Kentucky

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng. Tufts University Medford, Massachusetts

Donald K. Frevert, Ph.D.

Hwai-Ping Cheng, Ph.D.

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Denver, Colorado

Engineering Research and Dev. Center U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg, Mississippi

Terrance Fulp, Ph.D.

Luke D. Connell, Ph.D. CSIRO Petroleum Resources Victoria, Australia

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Boulder City, Nevada

J. Gillespie Soil and Water Conservation District Greenville, South Carolina


Contributors M. Gilfedder, Ph.D.

Wayne C. Huber, Ph.D.

CSIRO Land and Water Queensland, Austrailia

Department of Civil Engineering Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon

H. Morgan Goranflo, Ph.D. River Operations Tennessee Valley Authority Knoxville, Tennessee

John Imhoff

Rao S. Govindaraju, Ph.D.

R. C. Izaurralde, Ph.D.

School of Civil Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana

Joint Global Change Research Inst. College Park, Maryland

Douglas N. Graham DHI Water & Environment Hørsholm, Denmark

Orhan Gunduz, Ph.D. Dept. of Environmental Eng. Dokuz Eylul University Izmir, Turkey

S.L. Harp, Ph.D. Biosystems & Agricultural Eng. Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma

J.C. Hayes, Ph.D. Agricultural and Biological Eng. Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina

K.F. Holbrook Woolpert Charlotte, North Carolina

AQUA TERRA Consultants Ouray, Colorado

Russell Kinerson, Ph.D. U. S. Environ. Protection Agency Washington, D.C.

Jack L. Kittle, Jr. AQUA TERRA Consultants Decatur, Georgia

J.K. Koelliker, Ph.D. Biological & Agricultural Eng. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

Toshiharu Kojiri, Ph.D. Water Resources Research Center DPRI, Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan

John W. Labadie, Ph.D. Department of Civil Engineering Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado

Venkat Lakshmi, Ph.D. Guobiao Huang, Ph.D. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng. Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania

Department of Geological Sciences University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina


Contributors George H. Leavesley, Ph.D.

Fred L. Ogden, Ph.D.

USGS, Water Resources Division Denver, Colorado

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng. University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut

James F. Limbrunner, Ph.D.

T. Pagano, Ph.D.

Department of Civil & Environ. Eng. Tufts University Medford, Massachusetts

Natural Resources Conserv. Services U.S. Department of Agriculture Portland, Oregon

Hsin-Chi-Lin, Ph.D. Engineering Research and Dev. Center U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg, Mississippi

Siquing Liu So. Florida Natural Resources Center Homestead, Florida

Liliang Ren, Ph.D. College of Water Resources and Env. Hohai University Nanjing, P.R. China

David Richards, Ph.D.

Tim Magee, Ph.D.

Engineering Research and Dev. Center U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg, Mississippi

University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado

Lewis A. Rossman, Ph.D.

Steve L. Markstrom, Ph.D.

Water Supply and Water Res. Div. U.S. Environ. Protection Agency Cincinnati, Ohio

USGS, Water Resources Division Denver, Colorado

Russell Mein, Ph.D. Department of Civil Engineering Monash University Victoria, Australia

Justin Neidzialek So. Florida Natural Resources Center Homestead , Florida

João Pedro Nunes, Ph.D. Faculty of Science and Technology New University of Lisbon Caparica, Portugal

R. P. Rudra, Ph.D. Water Resources Engineering University of Guelph Ontario, Canada

Keith E. Saxton, Ph.D. (Retired) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Pullman, Washington

J. Seixas, Ph.D. New University of Lisbon Caparica, Portugal


Contributors Vijay P. Singh, Ph.D., D.Sc.

Jimmy R. Williams, Ph.D.

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng. Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Texas Agricultural Experiment Station

Rajagopalan Srinivasan Department of Geological Sciences University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina

M. Sophocleous, Ph.D.

Temple, Texas Patrick H. Willey, Ph.D. Natural Resources Conserv. Services U.S. Department of Agriculture Portland, Oregon

Ralph A. Wurbs, Ph.D.

Kansas Geological Survey Lawrence, Kansas

Department of Civil Engineering Texas A&M University College Station, Texas

E. Stevens, Ph.D.

Gour-Tsyh Yeh, Ph.D.

Biosystems & Agricultural Eng. Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma

G. Nuno Vieira, Ph.D. Faculty of Sciences and Technology New University of Lisbon Caparica, Portugal

Roland J. Viger, Ph.D. USGS, Water Resources Division Denver, Colorado

Richard M. Vogel, Ph.D. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng. Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng. University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida

Fei Yuan, Ph.D. College of Water Resources and Env. Hohai University Nanjing, P.R. China

Edith A. Zagona, Ph.D. CADSWES University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado

Fan Zhang, Ph.D. Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng. University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida


Section 1: Preliminaries

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Vijay P. Singh and Donald K. Frevert

Watershed models simulate natural processes of the flow of water, sediment, chemicals, nutrients, and microbial organisms within watersheds, as well as quantify the impact of human activities on these processes. Simulation of these processes plays a fundamental role in addressing a range of water resources, environmental, and social problems. The current generation of watershed models is quite diverse and varies significantly in sophistication and data and computational requirements. Newly emerging technologies are being increasingly integrated into watershed models. This chapter introduces some of these technologies as well as the theme of the book. 1. APPLICATION OF WATERSHED MODELS Today it is difficult to think of an environmental or a water resources problem whose solution does not involve application of some kind of a watershed model. Indeed watershed models have become a main tool in addressing a wide spectrum of environmental and water resources problems, including water resources planning, development, design, operation, and management. Flooding; droughts; upland erosion; streambank erosion; coastal erosion; sedimentation; nonpoint source pollution; water pollution from industrial, domestic, agricultural, and energy industry sources; migration of microbes; salinity and alkalinity of soils; deterioration of lakes; acid precipitation; disappearance of beaches; desertification of land; degradation of land; decay of rivers; irrigation of agricultural lands; proper management of water resources; conjunctive use of surface and groundwater; reliable design of hydraulic structures; and justifying the need for river training works are some of the critical environmental problems which are solved using watershed models. These models are also employed in military operations. For example, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) employs watershed simulation to support military as well as civilian operations, in environmental management of approximately 200,000 km2 of land on military installations in the U.S., and flood control and river improvement (Downer and Ogden, 2004). Watershed models help understand dynamic interactions between climate and land surface hydrology. For example, vegetation, snow cover, and the permafrost active layer are some of the features which are quite sensitive to the lower boundary of the atmospheric system. The water and heat transfer between the land surface and atmosphere significantly influence hydrologic characteristics and yield, in turn, lower boundary conditions for climate modeling (Kavvas et al., 1998).



Watershed Models

Assessment of the impact of climate change on national water resources and agricultural productivity is made possible by the use of watershed models. Water allocation requires integration of watershed models with models of physical habitat, biological populations, and economic response. Estimating the value of instream water use allows recreational, ecological, and biological concerns to compete with traditional consumptive uses, such as agriculture, hydropower, municipality, and industry (Hickey and Diaz, 1999). Watershed models are utilized to quantify the impacts of watershed management strategies linking human activities within the watershed to water quantity and quality of the receiving stream or lake (Mankin et al., 1999; Rudra et al., 1999) for environmental and water resources protection. 2. INVENTORY OF WATERSHED MODELS In 1991, the Bureau of Reclamation prepared an inventory of 64 watershed hydrology models classified into 4 categories, and the inventory has been updated over the past several years. Burton (1993) compiled the Proceedings of the Federal Interagency Workshop on Hydrologic Modeling Demands for the 1990s, which contains several important watershed hydrology models. Singh (1995b) edited a book that summarized 26 popular models from around the globe. The Subcommittee on Hydrology of the Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data (1998) published proceedings of the First Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference which contains many popular watershed hydrology models developed by federal agencies in the United States. Wurbs (1998) listed a number of generalized water resources simulation models in seven categories and discussed their dissemination. Singh and Frevert (2002a, b) edited two books that contain 38 models. There are still some popular models which have not yet been presented under one cover, and that constitutes the rationale for preparing this book. 3. DEVELOPMENT OF WATERSHED MODELS The digital revolution started with the advent of computers in the 1960s. The power of computers has since increased exponentially. The digital revolution also triggered two other revolutions, namely, numerical simulation and statistical simulation. As a result, advances in watershed models have occurred at an unprecedented pace since the groundbreaking development of the Stanford Watershed Model (SWM) by Crawford and Linsley in 1966. SWM was the first attempt to model virtually the entire hydrologic cycle. During the decades of the 1970s and the 1980s, a number of mathematical models were developed. Indeed there has been a proliferation of watershed hydrology models since, with growing emphasis on physically based models. Examples of such watershed hydrology models are Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) (Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., 1971), Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) (Leavesley et al., 1983), National Weather Service (NWS) River Forecast System (Burnash et al., 1973), Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation



(SSARR) (Rockwood, 1982), Systeme Hydrologique Europeen (SHE) (Abbott et al., 1986a, b), TOPMODEL (Beven and Kirkby, 1979), Institute of Hydrology Distributed Model (IHDM) (Morris, 1980), and others. All of these models have since been significantly improved. SWM, now called Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF), is far more comprehensive than its original version. SHE has been extended to include sediment transport and is applicable at the scale of a river basin (Bathurst et al., 1995). TOPMODEL has been extended to contain increased catchment information, more physically based processes, and improved parameter estimation. Development of new models or improvement of the previously developed models continues today. Today, many federal agencies in the United States have their own models or some variants of models developed elsewhere. Singh and Frevert (2002c) traced the evolution of watershed models before and during the computer era. 3.1 Currently Used Watershed Models There are several well-known general watershed models currently in use in the U.S. and elsewhere. These models vary significantly in the model construct of each individual component process partly because these models serve somewhat different purposes. The Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) is considered the standard model in the private sector in the U.S. for design of drainage systems, quantifying the effect of land use change on flooding, etc. The National Weather Service (NWS) model is the standard model for flood forecasting. HSPF and its extended water quality model are the standard models adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency. The Modular Modeling System (MMS) model of the USGS. is a widely used model for water resources planning and management works, including a number of those under the purview of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. The University of British Columbia (UBC) and distributed hydrologic model (WATFLOOD) are popular in Canada for hydrologic simulation. The runoff routing model (RORB) and WBN models are commonly employed for flood forecasting, drainage design, and evaluating the effect of land use change in Australia. TOPMODEL and SHE are the standard models for hydrologic analysis in many European countries. The HBV model is the standard model for flow forecasting in Scandinavian countries. The ARNO, LCS, and TOPIKAPI models are popular in Italy. The Tank models are well accepted in Japan. The Xin’anjiang model is a commonly used model in China. 3.2 Comparison of Watershed Models The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) sponsored three studies on intercomparison of watershed hydrology models. The first study (WMO, 1975) dealt with conceptual models used in hydrologic forecasting. The second study (WMO, 1986) dealt with an intercomparison of models used for simulation of flow rates, including snowmelt. The third study (WMO, 1992) dealt with models for forecasting streamflow in real time. Except for the WMO reports, no comprehensive effort has been made to compare most major watershed hydrology models. However, efforts have been made to compare models of


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some component processes. Also, developers of models have usually compared their models with one or more other models. 3.3 Strengths There exists a multitude of watershed models, and their diversity is so large that one can easily find more than one watershed model for addressing any practical problem. Thus diversity is one the major strengths of the current generation of models. Many of these models are quite comprehensive in that they can be applied to a range of problems. In many cases models mimic reasonably well the physics of the underlying hydrologic processes in space and time. They are also distributed in space and time. Several of the models attempt to integrate ecosystems and ecology, environmental components, biosystems, geochemistry, atmospheric sciences, and coastal processes with hydrology. This reflects the increasing role of watershed models in tackling environmental and ecosystems problems. 3.4 Deficiencies Although watershed models have become increasingly more sophisticated, there is a long way to go before they become “household” tools. The most ubiquitous deficiencies of the models are their lack of user-friendliness, large data requirements, lack of quantitative measures of their reliability, clear statement of their limitations, and clear guidance as to the conditions for their applicability. Also, some of the models cannot be embedded with social, political, and environmental systems. 4. DATA SYSTEMS The data needed for watershed models are hydrometeorologic, geomorphologic, agricultural, pedologic, geologic, hydraulic, and hydrologic. Hydrometeorologic data include rainfall, snowfall, temperature, radiation, humidity, vapor pressure, sunshine hours, wind velocity, and pan evaporation. Agricultural data include vegetative cover, land use, treatment, and fertilizer application. Pedologic data include soil type, texture, and structure; soil condition; soil particle size diameter; porosity; moisture content and capillary pressure; steady-state infiltration, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and antecedent moisture content. Geologic data include data on stratigraphy, lithology, and structural controls, depth, and areal extent of aquifers. For confined aquifers, hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, storativity, compressibility, and porosity are needed. For unconfined aquifers, data on specific yield, specific storage, hydraulic conductivity, porosity, water table, and recharge are needed. Geomorphologic data include topographic maps showing elevation contours, river networks, drainage areas, slopes and slope lengths, and watershed area. Hydraulic data include roughness, flow stage, river crosssections, and river morphology. Hydrologic data include flow depth, streamflow discharge, base flow, interflow, stream-aquifer interaction, potential, water table, and drawdown. Each data set is examined with respect to homogeneity,



completeness, errors, and accuracy. Storage, handling, retrieval, processing, management, analysis, and manipulation of data are other important issues in data processing. Observed data frequently correspond to different space and time scales. Booij (2003) discussed determination and integration of appropriate spatial scales for river basin modeling. 4.1 Remote Sensing and Space Technology Remote sensing and radar and satellite technology are being increasingly utilized in obtaining synoptic data regarding spatial distribution of meteorological inputs, soil and land use parameters, and initial conditions; inventories of water bodies, such as dams, lakes, swamps, flooded areas, and rivers; mapping of snow and ice conditions; and water quality parameters (Engman and Gurney, 1991). Digital imagery provides mapping of spatially varying landscape attributes. The Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), Multispectral Scanner (MSS), or Systeme Probatoire d’ la Terre (SPOT) produce satellite imagery which, in conjunction with aerial photos and terrain data, provide data for mapping and classification of land use, and vegetative land cover. The airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) technology is providing accurate real-time flood inundation maps. The Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD), Weather Surveillance Radars-88 Doppler (WSR-88), among others, are being employed to near realtime high-resolution precipitation volume and intensity over space and time. The Soil (now Natural Resources) Conservation Service collects real-time data on snowpacks from a network of about 500 snowpack telemetry sites (SNOTEL) located in remote mountainous areas of the western U.S. These point measurements are augmented by satellite remote sensing to provide spatial and temporal distribution of snowpack properties. The National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center of the National Weather Service provides data on real-time snow water equivalent for river basins in more than 25 states through its airborne gamma radiation measurements, and maps areal extent of snow cover for more than 4000 river basins nationwide through satellite data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES). With the vastly improved capability to observe hydrologic data, remote sensing and space technology are being increasingly coupled with watershed models for real-time flood forecasting, weather forecasting, forecasting of seasonal and/or short-term snowmelt runoff, evolution of watershed management strategies for conservation planning, development of reporting services for drought assessment and forecasting, mapping of groundwater potential to support the conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater, inventorying of coastal and marine processes, environmental impact assessment of large-scale water resource projects, flood-damage assessment, and development of a remote information matrix for irrigation development, to name but a few. Walker et al. (2003) argue that these hydrologic observation tools require concurrent advances in hydrologic assimilation in order for the vast amounts of data to be useful for hydrologic models.


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4.2 Digital Terrain and Elevation Models Digital mapping represents the three-dimensional nature of natural landscapes. Digital terrain (DTM) or digital elevation (DEM) models automatically extract topographic variables, such as basin geometry, stream networks, slope, aspect, flow direction, and so on from raster elevation data. Three schemes for structuring elevation data for DEMs are triangulated irregular networks (TIN), grid networks, and vector or contour-based networks (Moore and Grayson, 1991). The most widely used data structures are grid networks. Although most efficient, Mark (1978) remarked that grid structures for spatially dividing watersheds are not appropriate for many hydrologic and geomorphologic applications. The grid and vector networks are useful for planning purposes. Hydrologic models with a spatial structure are being increasingly based on DEMs or DTMs (Moore et al., 1988). 4.3 Chemical Tracers Tracers can provide a wealth of information on the flow of water, its origin, source, flow paths, etc. Stable isotopes have been used for defining conceptual models of water flow (Stewart and MacDonnell, 1991). Radiogenic isotopes, both natural and anthropogenic, have been used as tracers (Rose, 1992). Chlorofluorocarbons have been employed to trace flow paths in groundwater systems (Dunkle et al., 1993). 4.4 GIS and DBMS Geographical information systems (GIS), data base management systems (DBMS), and graphic and visual design tools are employed for processing of large quantities of data (Singh and Fiorentino, 1996). These are being integrated with watershed hydrology models for designing, calibrating, modifying, evaluating, and comparing watershed hydrology models. The use of GIS permits subdividing a watershed into hydrologically homogeneous subareas in both horizontal and vertical domains. With GIS, it is possible to delineate soil loss rates, identify potential areas of nonpoint source agricultural pollution, and map groundwater contamination susceptibility. GIS enhances the ability to incorporate spatial details and with much better resolution of terrain, streams, and drainage areas, and the ability to delineate more appropriate grid layers for a finite-element or finite-difference watershed model is enhanced. Vieux (1991, 2004) discussed several aspects of the use of GIS in watershed modeling. 4.5 Spatial Description of Topography The various methods of simplifying watershed geometry can be divided into (1) grid methods and (2) conceptual methods (Singh, 1996). Either method subdivides the watershed into subareas that are linked together by routing elements. A grid method attempts to maintain model flow patterns similar to those in the prototype watershed response. This concept was introduced by Bernard in 1937. These days, different types of grid structures, such as the finite-element grid, rectangular grid, boundary-fitted coordinate grid, etc. are used, depending on the numerical scheme of a model.



Conceptual methods represent watershed geometry using a network of elemental sections, including plane, triangular section, converging section, diverging section, and channel. Each element represents a particular portion of the watershed. These elements may be arranged to provide a detailed representation of the gross topographic features of a watershed, regardless of its geometric complexity. Lane and Woolhiser (1977) suggested a statistical procedure to select an appropriate geometric simplification of a watershed. 5. MODELING TECHNOLOGIES 5.1 Artificial Neural Network (ANN) ANNs have an ability to capture a relationship from given patterns, and this makes them suitable for employment in the solution of large-scale complex problems, such as pattern recognition, nonlinear modeling, classification, association, and control. Because ANNs have the ability to recursively learn from data and can result in significant savings in time required for model development, they are particularly suited for modeling nonlinear systems where traditional parameter estimation techniques are not convenient. Preliminary concepts and hydrologic applications of ANNs have been detailed by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (2000a, b). The book edited by Govindaraju and Rao (2000) contains a variety of applications of ANNs to hydrologic modeling. In hydrologic applications, a three-layer feed-forward type of artificial neural network is commonly considered. In a feed-forward network, the input quantities are fed into input layer neurons, which, in turn, pass them on to the hidden-layer neurons after multiplication by a weight. A hidden-layer neuron adds up the weighted input received from each input neuron, associates it with a bias, and then passes the result on through a nonlinear transfer function. The output neurons do the same operation as does a hidden neuron. The backpropagation algorithm finds the optimal weights by minimizing a predetermined error function (E). The network learns by adjusting the biases and weights that link its neurons. Before training could begin, a network’s weights and biases are set equal to small random values. Also, due to the nature of the sigmoid function used in the back-propagation algorithm, all external input and output values are standardized before passing them into a neural network. Without standardization, large values input into an ANN would require extremely small weighting factors to be applied, and this could cause a number of problems (Dawson and Wilby, 1998). 5.2 Fuzzy Logic (FL) A general fuzzy system has basically four components—fuzzification, fuzzy rule base, fuzzy output engine, and defuzzification. Fuzzification converts each piece of input data to degrees of membership by a look-up in one or more of several membership functions. Intuition, inference, rank ordering, angular fuzzy sets, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and inductive reasoning are among many ways to assign membership values or functions to fuzzy variables. The


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fuzzy rule base contains rules that include all possible fuzzy relations between inputs and outputs. These rules are expressed in the IF-THEN format. All the uncertainties, nonlinear relationships, and model complications are included in the descriptive fuzzy inference procedure in the form of IF-THEN statements. The fuzzy inference engine takes into account all the fuzzy rules in the fuzzy rule base and learns how to transform a set of inputs to corresponding outputs. Defuzzification converts the resulting fuzzy outputs from the fuzzy inference engine to a number. There are many defuzzification methods, such as center of gravity (COG) (centroid), bisector of area (BOA), mean of maxima (MOM), leftmost maximum (LM), and rightmost maximum (RM), etc. (Jantzen 1999; Sen 1999). The details of the FL algorithm are available in the literature (McNeill and Thro 1994; Jantzen 1999; Sen 1998, 1999; and Tayfur et al. 2003). 5.3 Genetic Algorithms Genetic algorithms are search techniques employing the mechanics of natural selection and genetics. The search algorithm is formed by combining the concept of survival of the fittest among string structures having a structured yet randomized information exchange with some of the innovative flair for human search (Goldberg, 1989). The genetic algorithms differ from traditional search techniques in many ways (Buckles and Petry, 1994) and have attractive advantages. Simpson et al. (1994) compared genetic algorithms to other techniques for pipe optimization. Wang (1991) developed a genetic algorithm for calibrating conceptual rainfall-runoff models. Srivastava et al. (2002) employed a genetic algorithm for watershed optimization of best management practices. Savic et al. (1999) developed a genetic programming approach to structured system identification for rainfall-runoff modeling. Sen and Oztopal (2001) presented algorithms for the classification and prediction of precipitation occurrence. Tang and Mays (1998) employed genetic algorithms for optimal operation of soil aquifer treatment systems. Gentry et al. (2003) discussed the efficacy of genetic algorithms for investigating small-scale aquitard leakage. 6. MODEL CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION Recent advances in automated watershed model calibration have focused on four main issues: (1) development of specialized techniques for handling errors present in data, (2) search for a reliable parameter estimation algorithm, (3) determination of an appropriate quantity of information-rich data, and (4) efficient representation of the uncertainty of the calibrated model (structure and parameters) and translation of uncertainty into the model response. Critical issues pertaining to calibration data are the amount of data necessary and sufficient for calibration and the quality of data resulting in the best parameter estimates. However, our understanding to address such issues is less than complete. To account for data errors, maximum likelihood functions have been developed for measuring the closeness of the model and the data. Optimization methods have been developed for parameter estimation. A typical automatic parameter estimation methodology requires four elements: (1)



objective function, (2) optimization algorithm, (3) termination criteria, and (4) calibration data. The choice of an objective function influences parameter estimates as well as the quality of model results. Rao and Han (1987) analyzed several objective functions in calibrating the urban watershed runoff model. Diskin and Simon (1979) proposed guidelines and made recommendations for selecting an objective function in model calibration. Sorooshian and Gupta (1995) discussed several optimization methods, including direct search methods, gradient search methods, random search methods, multistart algorithms, and shuffled complex algorithms. The first two are local search methods and the remaining are global search methods. The shuffled complex evolution (SCE-UA) global optimization algorithm has, however, been found to be consistent, effective, and efficient in locating the globally optimum hydrologic model parameters. Termination criteria are needed in an iterative search algorithm to determine when the slope of the function response surface is zero and the function value is minimum. Criteria include the function convergence, parameter convergence, and maximum iterations and their limitations. Proper choice of calibration data may mitigate difficulties encountered in model calibration. Gupta et al. (1999) discussed the status of automatic calibration for hydrologic models. They presented a global optimization algorithm and compared it with multilevel expert calibration. Their analysis suggests that simple split sample testing of model performance is not adequate and more robust model evaluation criteria are needed. Watershed models are verified using a split-sample approach, Monte Carlo simulation, assessment of model uncertainty, and propagation of errors. Wagener et al. (2002) presented a toolkit for development and testing of hydrologic models. Eight objective functions were discussed. The toolkit permits quick implementation and evaluation of model structures to identify the most suitable one for the task under consideration. Recognizing the model uncertainty and critically analyzing the limitations of the existing model testing methods, Kuczera and Franks (2002) developed a probabilistic framework for model testing, including a Bayesian paradigm, articulation of errors, and data augmentation strategies. What is usually not done is to assess the validity of the model for a range of conditions or for a variety of data sets and to delineate limitations for which the model is valid. Madsen et al. (2002) compared three different methods for calibration of rainfall-runoff models. The methods employed various calibration strategies utilizing multiple objectives and permitting user intervention on different levels and different stages during calibration. Vogel and Sankarasubramanian (2003) validated a model without calibration. They argued that traditional approaches of model validation based on goodness of fit between model predictions and observations might lead to misleading results. They proposed an approach based on the evaluation of the ability of a model to represent the observed covariance structure of the model input and output. Loechle and Ice (2002) reviewed criteria for evaluating watershed models. Various goodness of fit statistics typically used to evaluate the performance of a model are valid only when a


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single output variable is tested. They then proposed a Pareto set approach for calibration and evaluation of multicriteria models. 7. EXPERT SYSTEMS Although the area of artificial intelligence is very appealing, it somehow has not attracted much attention in the hydrologic community. Gashing et al. (1981) probably were the first to develop a knowledge-based expert system for water resource problems. Underlying this system was SWM/HSPF. Simanovic (1990) described an expert system for selection of a suitable method for flow measurement in open channels. 8. MODEL RELIABILITY When a model is used outside of the conditions for which it was calibrated and verified, the question often arises: How reliable is the model output? Melching (1995) provided a comprehensive review of reliability estimation of watershed models. Central to determining the overall model reliability is the determination of uncertainty inherent in modeling. There are four types of uncertainty: (1) natural randomness, (2) data, (3) model parameters, and (4) model structure. The model output reliability is a function of these uncertainties. Monte Carlo simulation, Latin hypercube simulation, mean value first order second moment method, advanced first order second moment method, Rosenblueth’s point estimation method, and Harr’s point estimation method are some of the popular estimation methods (Melching, 1995; Singh, 2004). 9. EMBEDDING OF WATERSHED MODELS With growing technologies triggered by the information revolution, remote sensing, satellite technology, geographic information systems, visual graphics, and data base management, hydrologic models are getting increasingly more sophisticated and are being integrated with environmental and ecological management and other process models. The future of watershed hydrology models will be shaped by increasing societal demand for integrated environmental management; growing need for globalization by incorporation of geological, biological, chemical, and physical aspects of the hydrological cycle; assessment of the impact of climate change; rapid advances in remote sensing and satellite technology, GIS, DBMS, and expert systems; enhanced role of models in planning and decision making; mounting pressure on transformation of models to user-friendly forms; and clearer statement of reliability and risk associated with model results. Application of watershed hydrology models to environmental management will grow in the future. The models will be required to be practical tools— readily usable in planning and decision making. They will have to be interfaced with economic, social, political, administrative, and judicial models. Thus,



watershed models will become a component in the larger management strategy. Furthermore, these models will become more global, not only in the sense of spatial scale but also in the sense of hydrologic details. Increasing fusion of biological and chemical courses in undergraduate curricula emphasizing hydrology is a healthy sign in that direction, and will help achieve this goal. 10. FUTURE OF WATERSHED MODELS Watershed hydrology models will have to embrace rapid advances occurring in remote sensing and satellite technology, geographical information systems, data base management systems, error analysis, risk and reliability analysis, and expert systems. With use of remote sensing, radar, and satellite technology, our ability to observe data over large and inaccessible areas and to map these areas spatially is vastly improved, making it possible to develop truly distributed models for both gauged and ungauged watersheds. Distributed models require large quantities of data which can be stored, retrieved, managed, and manipulated with use of GIS and DBMS. This is possible because of the literally unlimited computing capability available these days and will be even more so in the future. If watershed hydrology models are to become practical tools, then they will have to be relatively easy to use with a clear statement as to what they can and cannot do. They will need to assess the errors and determine how they propagate, define the reliability with which they accomplish their intended functions, and require the user to possess only a minimal amount of hydrologic training. Furthermore, the models will have to “learn” from the user as well as from empirical experience. Many of these functions can be performed by the use of expert systems in watershed hydrology modeling. Usually, the user is interested in what a model yields and its accuracy, and how easy it is to use, not the biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and hydrology it is based on. The models will have to be described in simple terms such that the interpretation of their results would not tax the ability of the user. They must be designed to serve a practical end, and their constituency is one of users. After all, hydrologic models are to be used, not to be confined to academic shelves. Thus, model building will have to gravitate around the central theme of their eventual practical use in integrated environmental management. Although much progress has been made in mathematical watershed hydrology models, there is still a long way to go before the models will be able to fully integrate rapidly evolving advances in information, computer, and space technology, and become “household” tools. Hydrologists are being challenged but we have no doubt that they will meet the challenge. Although much progress has been achieved in watershed hydrology models, there is a greater road ahead. A basic question is: What modeling technology is better? Because of the confusion, the technology developed decades ago is still in use in many parts of the world. This state of affairs is partly due to the lack of consensus as to the superiority of one type of technology over another. Also, we have not been able to develop physically based models in a true sense and define


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their limitations. Thus, it is not always clear when and where to use which type of a model. 11. OBJECTIVE OF THIS BOOK This book contains those models that have not been reported in the earlier books. Clearly, there were several worthy models that were not included in these books. The motivation for putting together this book stemmed from the desire to provide, under one cover, a comprehensive account of some of those popular mathematical models of watershed hydrology that were not included earlier. The objective of this volume is to include a variety of models that span a range of characteristics, such as representativeness, comprehensiveness, broad-based applicability, and use of modern tools. Based on these considerations, 24 models were selected for inclusion in this volume. It is hoped that these models fulfill the intended objective. Because there is a large number of models available these days, any number of combinations of the models could satisfy the intended objective equally well. Therefore, in any model selection, personal bias is unavoidable, and the models included here may reflect our personal bias. This model selection in no way implies an endorsement of the models included or a rejection of those not included. We personally have used and like very much some of the models not included here. REFERENCES Abbott, M. B., Bathurst, J. C., Cunge, J. A., O’Connell, P. E., and Rasmussen, J., 1986a. An introduction to the European Hydrologic System-Systeme Hydrologique Europeen, SHE, 1: History and philosophy of a physically-based, distributed modeling system. J. of Hydrol., 87:45-59. Abbott, M. B., Bathurst, J. C., Cunge, J. A., O’Connell, P. E., and Rasmussen, J., 1986b. An introduction to the European Hydrologic System-Systeme Hydrologique Europeen, SHE, 2: Structure of a physically-based, distributed modeling system. J. of Hydrol., 87: 61-77. ASCE, 2000a. Artificial neural networks in hydrology. 1: Preliminary concepts. J. Hydrol. Engrg., ASCE, 5(2):115-123. ASCE, 2000b. Artificial neural networks in hydrology. 2: Hydrologic applications. J. Hydrol. Engrg., ASCE, 5(2):124-137. Bathurst, J. C., Wicks, J. M., and O’Connell, P. E., 1995. The SHE/SHESED basin scale water flow and sediment transport modeling system. Chapter 16, in Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology, edited by V. P. Singh, Water Resources Publications, Littleton, CO, pp. 563-594. Bernard, M. 1937. Giving areal significance to hydrologic research on small areas. in: Headwaters control and use. Paper presented at the Upstream Engineering Conference in 1936 in Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C.



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CHAPTER 2 History and Evolution of Watershed Modeling Derived from the Stanford Watershed Model Anthony S. Donigian, Jr. and John Imhoff

Watershed modeling, or hydrologic simulation (sometimes termed rainfallrunoff modeling) began in the 1950s and 1960s with the advent of the digital computer. The Stanford Watershed Model (SWM) was one of the first such programs, developed to replace the tedious manual computations performed by hydrologists of that time, to predict streamflow, given observed precipitation (and other meteorological variables) at short time scales compared to conventional practice. Over the 40-year evolution of the SWM, it was transformed into its current embodiment as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF) within the U.S. EPA Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) system. This technological evolution was a prime example of government agencies, universities, and private organizations pursuing cooperative efforts, both research and application, to meet a public need for advanced tools for water resource systems analysis and management. From the initial funding of the SWM development under National Science Foundation (NSF) grants, the guiding philosophy has been to provide a public domain, operational tool for comprehensive state-of-the-art watershed planning and assessment. The primary focus of this chapter is to review the evolutionary process that has advanced the Stanford Watershed Model, and its fundamental concepts, from the model’s beginnings four decades ago to its embodiment in HSPF/BASINS today. In developing this discussion, we reflect on how and why HSPF has evolved in the direction and form that it has taken. These 40 years of model development and evolution have required the conceptual efforts, ingenuity, and programming skills of dozens of individuals from both the academic and professional communities. This paper recognizes many of these contributors, either directly or through its citations. 1. HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF WATERSHED MODELS The evolution of digital simulation watershed models has been closely tied to cyclical variations in federal environmental priorities and legislation, and to rapid advances in computer technology and resources. Figure 2.1 presents a timeline of 40 years of parallel development activities for SWM-derived watershed models and support tools, along with advances in model science (shown in the left half of the figure). These advances correlate with interrelated milestones in federal legislation, and in the exponential development and growth



Watershed Models

of the computing technology and capabilities necessary to develop, support and apply the models (shown in the right half of Figure 2.1). In 1970, the creation of EPA and the first Earth Day (April 1970) marked the birth of environmental consciousness and established the environmental movement of the 20th century. PL 92-500 and the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1975 mandated assessment and control of both point and nonpoint pollutants at a watershed scale, but the modeling tools and computing resources were not sufficiently developed or available for widespread use. These recognized needs were subsequently addressed through major advances in model development and water quality research over the next 20 years, and supported by the exploding achievements in computing speed, memory, and power. Although Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) were mandated in the 1972 PL-92-500 legislation, when they were ‘rediscovered’ in the 1990s the convergence of model science and model development activities, and GIS and computing capabilities, provided the needed tools to address water quality concerns. SWM/HSPF activities spanned this time period and were highly directed and influenced by these events. Over the years, development activities and model enhancements, along with lessons learned from model applications, have continued to improve the SWM/HSPF model capabilities and preserve the status of HSPF as a state-of-the-art tool for watershed analysis. In the early 1960s the SWM was instrumental in introducing the civil engineering profession to the concept of continuous hydrologic modeling. By the early 1970s the developers of SWM expanded and refined SWM to create the Hydrocomp Simulation Program (HSP), which also included general nonpoint source loadings and water quality simulation capabilities. During the early 1970s EPA sponsored development of the Agricultural Runoff Management (ARM) and the Nonpoint Source (NPS) pollutant loading models to address pollution from agriculture, urban, and other land uses; the SWM approach was selected as the hydrologic foundation for an expanding suite of models of nonpoint pollution impacts. With wide distribution and application of the SWM in the late 1960s, civil engineers recognized the value of digital continuous simulation for hydrologic applications. By the early 1970s Hydrocomp had demonstrated the utility of quantity/quality simulation by modeling a range of water quality constituents in a large basin in Washington state. In the late 1970s EPA recognized that the continuous process simulation approach contained in all these models would be needed to analyze and solve many complex water resource problems. Grant money from the agency to Hydrocomp resulted in the development of the HSPF, a nonproprietary system of simulation modules in standard FORTRAN that handled essentially all the functions performed by HSP, ARM, and NPS and was considerably easier to maintain and modify. HSPF simulates the hydrologic and associated water quality processes on pervious and impervious land surfaces and in streams and well-mixed impoundments. Since the first public release (Release No. 5) of HSPF in 1980, the model has undergone a continual series of code and algorithm enhancements producing a succession of new releases, leading up to the most recent Release No. 12 in 2001.

History and Evolution of Watershed Modeling Derived from the SWM


In 1981, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began to develop software tools that facilitate watershed modeling by providing interactive capabilities for model input development, data storage and data analysis, and model output analysis including hydrologic calibration assistance. The ANNIE (Interactive Hydrologic Analyses and Data Management), WDM (Watershed Data Management), HSPEXP (Expert System for Calibration of HSPF), and GenScn products developed by the USGS have greatly advanced and facilitated watershed model application, not only for HSPF, but also for many other USGS models. In 1994 efforts began to develop EPA’s BASINS modeling system. The BASINS system combines environmental databases, models, assessment tools, pre- and postprocessing utilities, and report-generating software to provide the full range of tools and data, integrated into a single modeling package, needed for performing watershed and water quality analyses. HSPF was incorporated into BASINS as the core watershed model. Since 1998 BASINS has benefited from considerable efforts to integrate and enhance the strongest features of HSPF and the USGS software products (including GenScn) within a common framework. HSPF has also been integrated into the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Watershed Modeling System (WMS), providing a further opportunity for the use of common tools and methodologies by federal agencies, as well as other modeling professionals. The current resurgence of government concern for nonpoint source issues and problems and the focus on watershed scale assessment and management, as catalyzed by various sections (e.g., TMDL assessment) and amendments to the Clean Water Act in the United States, has intensified interest in nonpoint source and comprehensive watershed modeling. The comprehensive nature of HSPF, and its flexibility in allowing consideration of the combined impacts of both point and nonpoint source pollutants at the watershed scale, has led to unprecedented interest in model applications. In addition, the model’s use within a multimedia framework, such as that used in the Chesapeake Bay Program, and linkage with numerous estuarine, multidimensional hydrodynamic/water quality models, and spatially explicit groundwater models has further advanced its utility for sophisticated environmental analyses. 2. THE MODEL CORE: PROCESS ALGORITHM DEVELOPMENT Hydrologic simulation (sometimes termed rainfall-runoff modeling) began in the 1950s and 1960s with the advent of the digital computer. The purpose was to predict streamflow, given observed precipitation (and other meteorological variables) at time scales short compared to catchment storm response times. Among the various applications of hydrologic simulation models are streamflow forecasting, design and planning (e.g., for flood protection), and extension of streamflow records. The first models were spatially lumped, meaning that the models represented the effective response of an entire catchment, without attempting to characterize spatial variability of the response explicitly.


Watershed Models

Precipitation forcings were usually represented as mean areal precipitation, and typically were obtained by spatial averaging of gauge observations. MODELS & SUPPORT TOOLS
















0.2 MHz


1975 CWA




5 MHz




HSPF 8.0













200 MHz


1.0 GHz BASINS 3.0, HSPF 12.0


2000 WINDOWS XP 3.0 GHz

Figure 2.1 Evolution of watershed modeling, 1960–2004.

2.1 Stanford Watershed Model The foundation for hydrologic-response simulation, as we know it today, was set in place at Stanford University, under the leadership of the late Professor

History and Evolution of Watershed Modeling Derived from the SWM


Ray Linsley, parallel to the advent of high-speed digital computers in the early 1960s. The most well known of the early models developed at Stanford is the “Stanford Watershed Model” (Crawford, 1962; Crawford and Linsley, 1966). Crawford and Linsley (1966) capture the essence of hydrologic-response simulation with the following statement: The objective of the research is to develop a general system of quantitative analysis for hydrologic regimes. The most effective way for doing this has been to establish continuous mathematical relationships between elements of the hydrologic cycle. The operation of these mathematical relationships is observed and improved by using digital computers to carry the calculations forward in time. As mathematical relationships are developed, every attempt is made to realistically reproduce physical processes in the model. Experimental results and analytical studies are used wherever possible to assist in defining the necessary relationships. The first decade of watershed model development is best told directly by Norman Crawford (personal communication, 2002): Work on hydrologic modeling started in the summer of 1960 when Ray Linsley asked me to “go over to the electrical engineering department and find out what a ‘digital computer’ was.” I was working on an MS at the time, and had a research assistantship. Ray had a project underway for several years before I went to Stanford to study flood peaks on small streams, and the project was getting nowhere. So with only a couple of hundred dollars left, Ray was looking for some different way to spend the last of the money. I wrote a daily interval water balance model; we published it, but I felt it did not work well. The next year I proposed working on a Ph.D. to try to write a model that would work. Two years later, and with another computer generation, I had a working model and I clearly remember going into Ray’s office and showing him simulated/observed plots not that different from what we could do today. His reaction was “people have been trying to do this for a long time.” The 1962 model (my thesis) ran on hourly intervals, and included almost all of the hydrologic functions and algorithms that are still in use (snow melt was not included). We had a lot of graduate students who would later be influential in water resources, and we were clearly onto something, so we obtained a series of NSF grants to expand and extend simulation modeling. One of the first extensions was a thesis to model radio nuclide transport (Huff, D.D. 1967). There were at least a dozen Stanford Ph.D.s in the period of 1962 to 1970 who expanded, tested, or applied simulation modeling, and contributed to its popularity. Simulation was controversial during this time. Some people felt that ‘calibration’ was improper, and some people at technical meetings actually said the results that we were getting were ‘impossible.’ Many


Watershed Models

people did not understand what was going on. This changed in the summer of 1966 when Technical Report 39 was published. We gave a two-week workshop that summer at Stanford for 35 university professors. They in turn made modeling popular around the country. The 1966 Stanford Watershed Model IV was widely distributed; more than 10,000 copies were printed by the university, and many more were distributed by University Microfilms. The refinements from 1962 to 1966, apart from inclusion of snowmelt routines (Anderson and Crawford, 1964), were aimed at reducing the number of parameters that needed to be calibrated and at using more physical processes (e.g., Crawford integrated kinematic wave routing into SWM) rather than empirical processes. Figure 2.2 shows the flowchart of the SWM, with a few selected refinements developed subsequently, but structurally unchanged from its 1966 origin. By the early 1970s Crawford and Linsley had founded Hydrocomp, and SWM was expanded and refined to create the Hydrocomp Simulation Program (HSP), which included nonpoint load and water quality simulation. The water quality code was based on work by Lombardo (1973). Shortly after Hydrocomp started, the firm undertook a project for King County, WA that successfully simulated a range of water quality constituents including plankton in the Lake Washington drainage; this pilot project demonstrated the efficacy of quantity/quality simulation programming running on large basins. 2.2 Contributing EPA Pollutant Models The 1970s and the early 1980s were a period of increasing recognition of pollution sources and the need for remediation and cleanup efforts. The U.S. EPA was created, the first Earth Day was held (April 1970), and a number of federal agencies began to sponsor the development of mathematical models to both characterize the pollutant loadings and water quality impacts, and evaluate alternative means of control. During this period the EPA, through the AthensERL, sponsored a number of model development and testing efforts, primarily for agricultural pollutants, that eventually provided an expanded set of process algorithms for HSPF, as described by Barnwell and Johanson (1981). The early work in this program incorporated two approaches, one using distributed parameter hydrology and the other a lumped parameter model. The distributed parameter model, called SCRAM (Adams and Kurisu, 1976) required two hours of IBM 360/145 CPU time to simulate a 4-month growing season, thus limiting its utility as a management tool. The lumped parameter tool, the Pesticide Transport and Runoff (PTR) model, was developed for EPA by Crawford and Donigian (1973). PTR ‘piggybacked’ sediment erosion and applied pesticide onto the movement of water as predicted by the Hydrocomp Simulation Program. Overland sediment transport in PTR was based on work done by Negev (1967) at Stanford as an extension of the original SWM research. PTR incorporated semiempirical process descriptions of pesticide transport and fate to simulate adsorption/ desorption, volatilization, and degradation mechanisms.

History and Evolution of Watershed Modeling Derived from the SWM


Modifications, testing, and further development of PTR produced the ARM model (Donigian and Crawford, 1976). ARM simulated runoff, snow accumulation and melt, sediment loss, pesticide-soil interactions, and soil nutrient transformations. ARM was further improved (Donigian et. al., 1977) through refinement of algorithms related to soil moisture and temperature, pesticide degradation, nutrient transformations, and plant nutrient uptake, and tested on small (field-scale) watersheds in Michigan and Georgia. At this point, ARM was considered to be an operational tool and a user’s manual (Donigian and Davis, 1978) was developed.


Potential ET Precipitation Temperature Radiation Wind,Dewpoint

Actual ET

Output Storage Decision ET - Evapotranspiration

* n

Snowmelt 2



Interception Storage Direct Infiltration








Lower Zone Storage

Deep or Inactive Groundwater


Delayed Infiltration INFILT*


Parameters Order taken to meet ET demand

Overland Flow UZSN*

Upper Zone Storage DEEPFR* AGWETP*






Groundwater Storage BASETP*

To Stream

Figure 2.2 Flowchart for Stanford Waterhed Model IV.

During the development of ARM, it was recognized that a simpler version of the model using algorithms compatible with current urban models such as Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) (Metcalf and Eddy, 1971) and STORM (Hydrologic Engineering Center, 1976) was needed. This need was embodied in Section 208 of the Clean Water Act, which required comprehensive assessments of pollution sources in major metropolitan areas — essentially a precursor to the current TMDL effort by the EPA. To meet this need, the EPA sponsored Donigian and Crawford (1976b) to develop the NPS model. As in ARM, the hydrologic algorithms in NPS were based on the SWM and HSP. The simulation of nonpoint source pollutants was based on sediment as a pollutant indicator; “potency factors” were used to establish the relationship between


Watershed Models

sediment and associated pollutants, and multiple land use sources within a watershed could be represented. 2.3 HSPF Release 5.0 (1980) In the late 1970s EPA recognized that the continuous simulation approach contained in the models highlighted in the previous section would be valuable in solving many complex water resource problems. Grant money from the agency to Hydrocomp resulted in the development of a highly flexible, nonproprietary FORTRAN program that contains the capabilities of the HSP, ARM, and NPS models, plus many extensions. The late Robert Johanson had the task of pulling together all of these codes to create the Hydrological Simulation ProgramFORTRAN, or HSPF. HSPF incorporated the field-scale ARM and NPS models into a watershed-scale analysis framework that included the capabilities needed to model nonpoint loadings from the land, in addition to fate and transport in one-dimensional stream channels. The basic watershed modeling approach embodied in SWM and HSP was chosen, a highly modularized code design and structure was developed, and all the individual models were re-designed and recoded into FORTRAN to make the resulting package widely useable and available to potential users. As Table 2.1 illustrates, the structure of HSPF features four major “application modules” (PERLND for pervious land segments, IMPLND for impervious land segments, RCHRES for river reaches and well-mixed reservoirs, and Best Management Practices (BMP) for simulating constituent removal efficiencies associated with implementing management practices). By combining these capabilities, HSPF became the only comprehensive model of watershed hydrology and water quality that allowed the integrated simulation of land and soil contaminant runoff processes with instream hydraulic and sediment-chemical interactions. HSPF was first released publicly in 1980 as Release No. 5 (Johanson et al., 1980) by the U.S. EPA Water Quality Modeling Center (now the Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling). Since its initial release, the model has maintained a reputation as perhaps the most useful watershed-scale hydrology/water quality model that is available within the public domain. Throughout the 1980s, 1990s and into the new millennium, HSPF has undergone a series of code and algorithm enhancements producing a continuous succession of new releases of code, culminating in the recent release of Version No. 12 in 2001 (Bicknell et al., 2001). Throughout this period the continuity of HSPF was assured by careful attention to version control and model maintenance. Software maintenance of HSPF has been supported by the EPA Athens Laboratory in Georgia, and, since the late 1980s, cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, Virginia. Since the initial release in 1980, almost all of the actual maintenance effort has been performed by two firms: Anderson-Nichols, Inc. and its successor, AQUA TERRA Consultants. These maintenance activities have included maintaining a list of software errors, correcting errors, implementing enhancements, adapting the code to new computer environments (hardware and operating system), testing, and providing

History and Evolution of Watershed Modeling Derived from the SWM


new versions to EPA and USGS for distribution to users. At the same time a continual flow of academic contributions have assured that HSPF maintained a strong scientific basis. The following sections provide a summary of what we believe are the milestones in HSPF enhancement over the period of greater than 20 years between the first release of HSPF and now. These milestones are viewed as a whole in Table 2.2. 2.4 HSPF Release 8.0 (1984) Concurrent with the early development of HSPF, a second software package named the Chemical Migration and Risk Assessment (CMRA) methodology (Onishi et al., 1979) was developed under the joint sponsorship of Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories and EPA Athens-ERL. The CMRA methodology provided more detailed procedures for instream simulation of sediment and chemical (primarily toxics) transport and interactions than those available in HSPF Release 5.0. In addition, CMRA enabled the combined use of chemical frequency-duration data with toxicity data to assess the frequency of acute and chronic toxic conditions to aquatic organisms. Table 2.1 HSPF Application Modules















Any constituent simulated in PERLND, IMPLND or RCHRES











Carbon Plankton

During 1979 to 1983, HSPF and CMRA were utilized by EPA to support the Iowa Field Evaluation Program (FEP); the purpose of the FEP was to demonstrate the agricultural best management practice (BMP) evaluation,


Watershed Models

selection and implementation process. Since both HSPF and CMRA included the ARM model functions and identical statistical capabilities, there was some duplication in the models. During the FEP, HSPF was enhanced to include two components (SERATRA and FRANCO) of CMRA. The SERATRA model enabled detailed instream sediment transport, contaminant decay mechanisms, and sediment-contaminant interactions. FRANCO enabled the assessment of acute and chronic toxicity conditions. With the addition of these new capabilities, HSPF provided a single comprehensive system to analyze water quality and toxic conditions for assessing the aquatic impact of candidate BMPs. Table 2.2 Historical Progression of HSPF Releases





5 6

Initial public release Performance and portability enhancements

Johanson et al. [16]




Anderson-Nichols (unpublished, 1981)



Special Actions enhancements Initial PC version

Johanson et al. [19] Donigian et al. [20]



WDM implementation PC version distributed

CEAM documentation (unpublished, 1988)



Sediment-nutrient interactions Mass-Link/Schematic Acid-pH Module

HSPF Rel. 10 Manual (Bicknell et al. [21])



Enhanced Special Actions Water regulation/accounting Atmospheric deposition HSPF/DSS linkage (COE) Increased operations limit Forest Nitrogen Module

HSPF Rel. 11 Manual (Bicknell et al., [22])



Wetland & shallow water tables Land segment links Irrigation modeling capabilities Simplified snow simulation Box model of flow and sediment BMP and Report modules

HSPF Rel. 12 Manual (Bicknell et al. [17])

In 1984 HSPF Version 8.0 (Johanson et al., 1984) was released. In addition to incorporating the CMRA capabilities described above, the release was notable for being the first PC version of the model, and for significantly expanding the capabilities for what came to be known as “SPECIAL ACTIONS.” The SPECIAL ACTIONS enabled in Release 8.0 allowed HSPF modelers to either

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reset the value of a variable, or increment the variable by a specified value. This capability can be used to reflect the impact of natural or human interventions that are not represented by process algorithms, such as tillage operations, fertilizer and nutrient applications, frozen ground conditions, and so on. 2.5 HSPF Release 10.0 (1993) HSPF Version 10 (Bicknell et al., 1993) featured two noteworthy enhancements to process algorithms, and a significant improvement to the methods used to specify model configurations. By the late 1980s it became evident that the instream nutrient algorithms of HSPF had deficiencies that, under certain conditions, precluded effective modeling of nutrient loadings to endpoint receiving waters. The process representation limitation of greatest concern was the inability of HSPF to account for instream sediment-nutrient interactions such as adsorption/desorption and advection and deposition/scour with sediment. To correct these model deficiencies, the EPA Chesapeake Bay program sponsored a model enhancement project in 1990 to 1991 that resulted in a much more robust representation of sediment-nutrient interactions. An additional enhancement was sponsored by the USGS in response to the Survey’s need to model acid mine drainage from Pennsylvania coal mines. A new generalized module was designed and implemented in HSPF for performing user-defined instream chemical computations. The module enables modeling of acid mine drainage and acid rain-affected waters by considering the effects on pH of aluminum and carbonate equilibria; extended alkalinity; and the possible effects of iron complexation and competition with aluminum. The enhancements were based on earlier computer code developed by Gherini (Gherini et al., 1984). In HSPF Release 10, two new blocks were added to the input file to facilitate the definition of the watershed network. The SCHEMATIC and MASS-LINK blocks allowed users to specify the basin structure and linkages in a more logical and consistent manner than was possible in previous versions of the model. The SCHEMATIC block contains the global specifications of the watershed structure; i.e., connections of land segments to stream reaches and reach-reach connections. The MASS-LINK block contains the specific time series or material quantities to be transferred from one watershed unit to another. 2.6 HSPF Release 11.0 (1997) Needs for expanded modeling capabilities to address specific environmental and planning issues resulted in continued development and integration of new process algorithms for HSPF during the mid-1990s. Perhaps the most intensive application of HSPF during this period supported ongoing EPA efforts to establish a nutrient management plan for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. As the agency gained a better understanding of the nitrogen sources that play a significant role in the Chesapeake Bay, it became apparent that improved modeling capabilities were required to represent three critical sources: atmospheric deposition, agricultural fertilizers, and forested lands. To accommodate modeling of atmospheric deposition, HSPF was enhanced to


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accept atmospheric deposition inputs (wet and dry deposition) to all water quality constituent state variables, both on land surfaces and in water bodies. These enhancements were also designed to facilitate linkage of the model with atmospheric transport models, such as EPA’s Regional Acid Deposition Model (RADM) (Chang et al., 1987). In Version 11.0 the plant uptake algorithms in HSPF were expanded to be a function of crop needs and expected yields, in addition to available soil nitrogen. This modification eliminated a hypersensitivity of simulation results to fertilizer and manure applications, and enabled more accurate representation of the plant uptake phenomena. The yield-based algorithms were added and tested on selected segments of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed model (Donigian et al., 1998), and provided the template for extending the approach throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed area. Because forests are a dominant fraction of watersheds in many parts of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, as well as watersheds throughout the country, EPA and USGS perceived a need to improve the representation of nitrogen cycling in forest systems and estimates of nitrogen loads to receiving waters from forested lands. Consequently, Oak Ridge National Laboratory was asked to review the available literature on forest nitrogen export with a specific focus on the capabilities needed within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model (Hunsaker et al., 1994). Upon completion of the review, AQUA TERRA (Bicknell et al., 1996) implemented the recommended algorithmic enhancements. These changes included expanding the single N compartment to allow both particulate and dissolved fractions of both labile and refractory organic N; providing both below- and above-ground plant N compartments; allowing the cycling of aboveground plant N to the soil through a litter compartment; allowing cycling of below-ground plant N to the soil organic N; and providing options to use saturation kinetics for immobilization and plant N uptake. The new algorithms were initially tested on selected small watersheds, and then larger model segments within the Chesapeake Bay drainage to provide the procedures for applying the detailed forest algorithms throughout the region (Donigian et al., 1998). In many river basins in the western U.S., the entire flow is allocated to various owners, such as municipal suppliers, farmers, ranchers, and industrial facilities, who can utilize their allocations at specific times of the year. In order to improve the ability to analyze such basins, the HSPF instream module was enhanced to keep track of the ownership of water within the reach network. This capability is implemented as a set of water “categories” that represent ownership. A user can assign the ownership of water inflows and outflows from each stream segment. The ownership of outflowing water can be defined in the form of specified priorities or percentages, or they can be proportional to the current mixture in the stream segment. The initial application of this feature was the Carson-Truckee River system in California and Nevada, where the U.S. Geological Survey has developed allocation and water quality models of the basins.

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Increasingly complex modeling requirements for the USGS Carson-Truckee River project and the EPA Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model project led to significant enhancements to HSPF SPECIAL ACTIONS in Version 11.0. The Carson-Truckee project required, and funded, expanded capabilities to represent the operational rules of complex diversions, and an equally complex system of water allocations. In the late 1990s, Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model applications were hindered by the need to individually specify thousands of SPECIAL ACTIONS in order to represent each application of a chemical to a land segment in a very large basin containing large numbers of land segments with different crops, soil types, and meteorologic regions. In Version 11.0 several enhancements were added to the program to significantly reduce the number of SPECIAL ACTIONS instructions (Jobes et al., 1999) required in complex basins. The enhanced capabilities that were developed to support these two projects were: • •

Repeat — Each SPECIAL ACTION can be “repeated” at regular time intervals. This facilitates application of chemicals several times per year and each year of the simulation. Distribution — A SPECIAL ACTION can be “distributed” over time (equal time increments) with a user-defined pattern that is based on fractions of the total amount. This is useful in representing the activities of multiple farmers applying chemicals on different days when all of the farms are represented by a single PERLND. User-defined — Several SPECIAL ACTIONS can be combined as a single “user-defined” action which can be invoked multiple times for different PERLNDS and at different times. This reduces the number of actions required to represent incorporation of chemicals in two or more soil layers as a result of plowing and application of multiple chemical species, e.g. commercial fertilizers and manure. Conditional — In addition to the enhancements designed to reduce the userinput requirements of SPECIAL ACTIONS, conditional SPECIAL ACTIONS are possible in which an action can be dependent on the value of some other variable in the model. This can be useful for deferring agricultural operations that are dependent on rainfall or soil moisture, and for reservoir operations that are dependent on river flow or reservoir volume.

2.7 HSPF Release 12.0 (2001) During recent years, a variety of enhancements to the HSPF process algorithms have been made under the sponsorship of numerous agencies. These model development efforts were performed for various clients by AQUA TERRA Consultants in collaboration with various private groups. Most enhancements are available in the 2001 release of HSPF Version 12.0 (Bicknel et al., 2001). Refinements that allow better representation of wetlands hydrology have been made to the land surface hydrology simulation section of HSPF (i.e.,


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PWATER) under the sponsorship of the South Florida Water Management District (Hydrocomp, Inc. and AQUA TERRA Consultants, 1996). The wetland module tracks dynamic variation in groundwater level; models interaction between groundwater storage, soil storages, and infiltration/runoff processes; accommodates ponded conditions on the land surface; allows evaporation from ponded surface storage and surface runoff; and allows additional options for surface runoff when it is not gravity driven. The refinements were made with minimal changes to existing routines, and they allow for smooth transition between ‘normal’ hydrologic conditions and ‘water table influence’ effects. The ability to link water quality outputs from a pervious or impervious land segment as inputs to another pervious or impervious land segment was implemented within HSPF under the sponsorship of the Minnesota Pollution Control Authority. This capability enables effective modeling of buffer strips, riparian zones, grass waterways and other control measures. Refinements to HSPF included in Version 12 also allow the representation of irrigation waters applied to pervious land segments (AQUA TERRA Consultants, 1998). Applications may be defined by the model user either in terms of a defined schedule, or they can be triggered by crop-specific moisture needs. Irrigation water may be provided by extraction from a lake or channel segment, extraction from the groundwater associated with a land segment, or from a source outside of the modeled system. Version 12 includes an option for simplified snow simulation (Jobes and Donigian, 1997). The new option allows use of a ‘temperature index/degree approach.’ Snowmelt is computed by applying a user-specified rate per degree to the difference between a reference temperature (often 32 degrees F) and ambient air temperature. As compared to the more detailed energy balance computations used by the alternate snowmelt method contained in HSPF, this method greatly reduces the need for meteorological time series data. (Only precipitation and air temperature data are required.) A one-dimensional box model of flow and sediment transport has been developed under the sponsorship of the EPA’s National Exposure Research Laboratory’s (NERL) Ecosystem Research Branch (Hayter et al., 2001). As compared to the flow/sediment modeling capabilities contained in the instream module of HSPF, the new model offers a broadened scope of process representation including consideration of downstream boundary conditions, longitudinal dispersion, bidirectional flow, buoyancy effects, multiple bed layers of mixed sediment classes, and variable channel cross-sectional areas. The box model was developed and tested as a stand-alone model, and is undergoing further evaluation for possible integration into HSPF. Two new modules (BMP module, REPORT module) have been developed for HSPF under the sponsorship of CH2M Hill to support TMDL activities in the state of Georgia. The purpose of the BMP (i.e., ‘best management practice’) module is to allow a broader level of capabilities and support for users to represent the effects of pollution control measures such as detention ponds, swales, filter strips, and stream buffers. The BMP module includes a built-in default database of ‘% reduction’ values, with references, for various BMP

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alternatives. Users have the option of using or modifying these default values. Input of constant or time-variable removal efficiencies is enabled, and the module keeps track of the amount of pollutant that is being removed by the control measure. Additional BMP characterization methods are under consideration. A REPORT module for HSPF has been developed that enables users to customize and view model output in the formats that are most useful for their specific modeling analyses. Examples of the types of output that will be enabled include the following: • • •

Annual and average annual values for the components of the water budget for individual land segments/types Annual pollutant information (per acre load, total load, % load) for individual land segments or land uses Total annual loads from a subwatershed for all water quality constituents

The BMP and REPORT modules have been completed and tested and were integrated into HSPF Version 12. 2.8 HSPF Linkage to Other Models During the last decade, the utility of HSPF had been further enhanced by the development and application of methods for linking the model to other models that have their strengths in environmental media other than the land surface and immediate subsurface. The major linkage efforts have usually involved using HSPF to provide freshwater and land contributions of flow and pollutants to complex estuarine and riverine systems and groundwater. Numerous watershed assessments have included the need to determine both the land and river loads to an estuary, large water body, or complex riverine system that can not be accurately represented by HSPF. The Chesapeake Bay effort is a prime example of HSPF providing watershed loads to the tidal tributaries and Chesapeake Bay proper, that are then modeled with a 3-D hydrodynamic and water quality model (Linker and Thomann, 1996). Similar linkages have been developed for other models and other sites, including ongoing studies in the Pacific Northwest and PCB studies on a highly meandering river with contaminated bed sediments in western Massachusetts (Beach et al., 2000). Linkage procedures have been refined to account for spatial and temporal connections between models, unit conversions, and correspondence of differing water quality state variables between models. In regions with shallow water tables, interactions between surface water and groundwater are often critical in accurately representing the watershed behavior and response to both natural events (i.e., storms) and intervention by man (e.g., well pumping). These interactions can be extremely complex, dynamic, and difficult to accurately model, especially when water tables are rising and falling above and below the land surface. In Florida, where these conditions are common, HSPF has been linked to the USGS groundwater model MODFLOW (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1984) to assess the impacts of pumping (SDI


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Environmental Services, Inc., 1997 and 1999) and mining procedures (Ross et al., 1997) on groundwater levels and wetlands. Although further refinements are ongoing, the linked modeling systems are being used for both operational and planning purposes with recognition of the continuing need for improvements in linkage and process understanding. 3. OTHER MODELING SYSTEM COMPONENTS From the beginnings of watershed model development, the core model of scientific and engineering process algorithms have been only one of the components needed to allow practical use of digital computer simulation. The complexity of the systems that are modeled and the requirement to use and interpret a vast amount of data, particularly time series data, have kept the needs for data management and user interaction with both models and data at the forefront. Early recognition of the need for data management and analysis tools to complement hydrologic models is evidenced in Franz and Linsley’s technical report describing the development of time series data plotting software (Franz and Linsley, 1971). Concurrent with the enhancement of the Stanford Watershed Model, as it grew to become the Hydrocomp Simulation Program, was the development at Hydrocomp of HSP Library, a data management tool, and HSP Utility, an early collection of pre- and postprocessing routines. Unfortunately, in the early years of hydrologic modeling, methods and technology had not yet been developed that would allow expedient user interaction. Early modelers first bore the burden of wrestling with computer card decks, and later of developing batch input sequences on a line-by-line basis. Many years would pass before model setup and use became “interactive,” beginning as characterbased packages and evolving to today’s graphical user interfaces (GUIs). At the conclusion of the 1970s, Dr. Alan Lumb (retired) left Hydrocomp, became an employee of the United States Geological Survey, and continued to pursue hydrologic modeling and support services within the USGS. Since 1981, under Dr. Lumb’s influence, the U.S. Geological Survey has been supporting the development of software tools to facilitate watershed modeling by providing interactive capabilities for model input development, data storage and data analysis, and model output analysis including hydrologic calibration assistance. Most noteworthy of these tools, which have been developed by collaboration between Alan Lumb and Jack Kittle of AQUA TERRA, are the ANNIE/WDM, HSPEXP, and GenScn products; each has greatly advanced and facilitated watershed model application, not only for HSPF, but also for many other USGS and EPA models. 3.1 ANNIE/WDM ANNIE (Lumb and Kittle, 1984) is noteworthy both as one of the earliest interactive computer programs written to support a hydrologic model, and as one of the few successful attempts by a software developer to name an enduring software product after his wife. ANNIE was created to help users interactively store, retrieve, list, plot, check, and update spatial, parametric, and time-series

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data for hydrologic models and model analyses. A binary, direct-access file was, and is, used to store data in a logical, well-defined structure and is called the WDM file. HSPF and a number of other hydrologic and water quality models and analysis tools developed by the USGS currently use either ANNIE or the WDM file, or both. The WDM file provides the user with a common data base for many applications, thus eliminating the need to reformat data from one application to another. 3.2 HSPEXP In the early 1990s a stand-alone version of the HSPF land surface hydrologic computations was developed as an expert system for calibrating watershed models for drainage basins. The resulting product, called HSPEXP (Lumb and Kittle, 1993), represents an effort to make the knowledge of experienced surface hydrology modelers available to general model users. The ‘knowledge’ component of HSPEXP consists of a set of hierarchical rules designed to guide the calibration of the model through a systematic evaluation of the model parameters. The estimation procedure consists of the statistical representation of the observed hydrograph in terms of the system parameters that drive the precipitation-runoff process. The system has been applied successfully to numerous watersheds throughout the United States. 3.3 GenScn GenScn (Kittle et al., 1998) came as a response to the need to make HSPF input sequences easier to build and HSPF output easier to analyze. The requirements for the software were refined based on experiences with ANNIE and the HSPEXP. The scenario generator provides advanced, GUI-based interaction with the HSPF input sequence and integrated analysis capabilities. The program provides an interactive framework for analyses performed using HSPF. The results of different scenarios can be easily compared and analyzed because the model and analysis tools are linked in one package and use a common database. A map (shown in Figure 2.3) is available to specify locations where results are to be analyzed. Analysis tools included in the software consist of graphs, tables, statistical measures of comparison, analysis of the duration of events exceeding critical levels, and analysis of frequency of events. An animation option provides a means of viewing time-series data on a map over a specified time span, allowing the user to see where, when, and how long critical conditions exist. 3.4 BASINS In 1994 Tetra Tech began efforts on the development of EPA’s BASINS modeling system (Lahlou et al., 1998). The BASINS system combines environmental data bases, models, assessment tools, pre- and postprocessing utilities, and report-generating software to provide the range of tools needed for performing watershed and water quality analyses. HSPF was incorporated into BASINS as the core watershed model. A graphical representation of the current


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BASINS components (Version 3.0) and their operating platform is provided in Figure 2.4. The BASINS physiographic data, monitoring data, and associated assessment tools are integrated in a customized geographic information system (GIS) environment. The GIS used is ArcView 3.2 developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. The simulation models are integrated into this GIS environment through a dynamic link in which the data required to build the input files are generated in the ArcView environment and then passed directly to the models. The models themselves run in either a Windows or a DOS environment. The results of the simulation models can also be displayed visually and can be used to perform further analysis and interpretation. Since 1998 BASINS has benefited from considerable efforts to integrate and enhance the strongest features of HSPF and the USGS software products (including GenScn) within a common framework. HSPF has also been integrated into the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WMS, providing a further opportunity for the use of common tools and methodologies by federal agencies, as well as other modeling professionals.

Figure 2.3 Opening GenScn Screen showing interface to an HSPF application.

The BASINS development effort has resulted in additional stand-alone products that facilitate the use of HSPF. Three such products (HSPFParm, WDMUtil, WinHSPF) are described below.

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3.5 HSPFParm A stand-alone, interactive database of HSPF model parameters, named HSPFParm (Donigian et al., 1999), has been developed under the sponsorship of the EPA Office of Science and Technology. The database includes sites at all scales, throughout North America, where HSPF water quality simulation has been performed and calibrated parameters are available as of September 1998. In addition to the actual model parameter values, HSPFParm includes 17 types of coarse characterization data (e.g., drainage area, HUC code, land use types, channel types, chemical sources) for each site and modeling scenario. The purpose of HSPFParm is to provide modelers with the best starting point for developing appropriate parameter values for new applications. HSPFParm is currently linked to BASINS 3.0 so that model users can access calibrated parameter values, extract them from the database, and directly insert the values into their own model input as starting values for calibration.

Figure 2.4 BASINS 3.0 modeling system.

3.6 WinHSPF AQUA TERRA recently developed WinHSPF (Duda et al., 2001), a graphical user interface to the full capabilities of HSPF and the data provided with BASINS. WinHSPF enhances the usability of HSPF by providing assistance with initial HSPF input sequence setup, simulation management, and


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parameter modification for calibration and evaluation of watershed management strategies. It includes tools for interacting with the HSPF input sequence at various levels of sophistication. The main window of WinHSPF (Figure 2.5) contains a schematic diagram of the watershed. Displayed within this watershed schematic are graphical representations of the amount of each land use contributing to each reach. Point sources and meteorological segments are also visible through this schematic. A direct manipulation capability allows the user to select any HSPF operation and edit the tables associated with that operation. HSPF operating logic is included in the interface, so that when a user turns on a new operating module, graphic displays indicate prerequisite tables and time series. Other interface tools include a reach editor, a simulation time and meteorological data ‘specifier’, a land user editor, a HSPF option editor, a pollutant selector, a point source editor, an input data editor, and an output manager. The WinHSPF output manager and a direct linkage to GenScn facilitate the creation of output time series for multiple simulation scenarios, which can then be analyzed for developing watershed management strategies. 3.7 WDMUtil Another recent software product developed to support the BASINS effort is the WDM Utility (WDMUtil) program (Hummel et al., 2001). WDMUtil was created to provide a graphical user interface to WDM files. The goal of WDMUtil was to provide an interface to build new meteorological data sets and store them on a WDM file. To facilitate data manipulation activities, WDMUtil is directly accessible from BASINS 3.0. An essential feature of WDMUtil is the capability to import time series data from files external to WDM. Once the data have been imported, they may be stored on the WDM file and further analyzed and manipulated. WDMUtil contains several tools for analyzing time series data. One such tool provides the ability to locate and summarize missing, accumulated, or faulty data values. The list tool allows listing of time series values at any constant time step. The graph tool contains a suite of time series plots useful in visualizing data. WDMUtil also contains several tools for manipulating time series data. A suite of meteorological algorithms allows for computation of new constituents based on existing related constituents (e.g., computing solar radiation based on cloud cover). Similarly, a suite of meteorological algorithms allows for disaggregating a daily time series to an hourly (e.g., generating hourly temperature values based on daily min/max values). Another suite of mathematical computation and transformations is also available to create new time series. 4. CLOSURE The 40-year evolution of the SWM to its current embodiment as HSPF Version 12 within the EPA BASINS system is a prime example of government agencies, universities, and private organizations pursuing cooperative efforts, both research and application, to meet a public need for advanced tools for water

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Figure 2.5 WinHSPF main screen. resource systems analysis and management. From the initial funding of the SWM development under NSF grants, to the privatization and commercialization of HSP by Hydrocomp, to the EPA research grants that produced HSPF and the continuing support of both the USGS and EPA, the guiding philosophy has been to provide a public domain, operational tool for comprehensive state-of-the-art watershed planning and assessment. With recent advances in user interaction, GIS and database technology, as reflected in the HSPF/BASINS system, the HSPF model user population is rapidly expanding to number in the hundreds, and possibly thousands in the coming years, as public agencies wrestle with the mandate and requirements of the TMDL program. This explosion in the user population is a double-edged sword; it will likely bring additional resources to bear for continuing refinement and advancement of the HSPF code and process algorithms, along with the demands to make it easier to use. There will be a need for HSPF and supporting software to continue to grow. Improvements in process algorithms, enhanced and broadened capabilities to interact with a wide variety of environmental data, and more powerful user interaction will all be required. The challenge that faces us will be to match the level of science in the algorithm refinements, with an equal commitment to user support, user interaction, and training to ensure that appropriate and proper application procedures are followed for comprehensive watershed assessment. REFERENCES Adams, R.T. and F.M. Kurisu. 1976. Simulation of Pesticide Movement on Small Agricultural Watersheds. EPA-600/3-76-066. U.S. EPA Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA.


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Anderson, E.A. and N.H. Crawford. 1964. The Synthesis of Continuous Snowmelt Runoff Hydrographs on a Digital Computer. Technical Report No. 36, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. AQUA TERRA Consultants. 1998. Addition of Irrigation Module to the HSPF Model. Prepared for the South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL. Barnwell, T.O. and R. Johanson. 1981. HSPF: A Comprehensive Package for Simulation of Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality. In: Nonpoint Pollution Control: Tools and Techniques for the Future. Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, Rockville, MD. Beach, R.B. et al. 2000. Modeling Framework Design-Modeling Study of PCB Contamination in the Housatonic River. DCN:GE-100500-AADX. Prepared by R.F. Weston, Inc., for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Concord, MA, (USACE Contract No. DACW33-00-D -0006) and U.S. EPA, Region I, Boston, MA (EPA Contract No. 68-C-98 -010 with AQUA TERRA Consultants). Bicknell, B.R. et al. 1993. Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN. User’s Manual for Release 10. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA. Bicknell, B.R et al. 1996. Modeling Nitrogen Cycling and Export in Forested Watersheds Using HSPF. Prepared for U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Athens, GA and U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Surface Water, Reston, VA. Bicknell, B.R. et al. 2001. Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF). User’s Manual for Release 12. U.S. EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory, Athens, GA, in cooperation with U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Reston, VA. Chang, J.S. et al. 1987. A Three-Dimensional Eulerian Acid Deposition Model: Physical Concepts and Formulation. J. Geophys. Res. 92(14):681-700. Crawford, N.H. 1962. The Synthesis of Continuous Streamflow on a Digital Computer. Ph. D. Dissertation, Stanford University, CA. Crawford, N.H. and A.S. Donigian, Jr. 1973. Pesticide Transport and Runoff Model for Agricultural Lands, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-660/2-74-013. Crawford, N.H. and R.K. Linsley. 1966. Digital Simulation on Hydrology: Stanford Watershed Model IV. Stanford University Technical Report No. 39, Stanford University, CA. Donigian, A.S., Jr., D.C. Beyerlein, H.H. Davis, Jr., and N.H. Crawford. 1977. Agricultural Runoff Management (ARM) Model - Version II: Testing and Refinement, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/3-77-098. Donigian, A.S., Jr., R.V. Chinnaswamy, and P.N. Deliman. 1998. Use of Nutrient Balances in Comprehensive Watershed Water Quality Modeling of Chesapeake Bay. Technical Report EL-98-5. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. p.118. Donigian, A.S., Jr. and N.H. Crawford. 1976a. Modeling Pesticides and Nutrients on Agricultural Lands, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/3-76-043.

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Donigian, A.S., Jr. and N.H. Crawford. 1976b. Modeling Nonpoint Pollution from the Land Surface, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA-600/3-76-083. Donigian, A.S., Jr. and H.H. Davis, Jr. 1978. User’s Manual for Agricultural Runoff Management (ARM) Model, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA600/3-78-080. Donigian, A.S., Jr. et al. 1998. Refinement of a Comprehensive Watershed Water Quality Model with Application to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Technical Report EL -98-6. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. p. 244. Donigian, A.S., Jr., J.C. Imhoff, and J.L. Kittle, Jr. 1999. HSPFParm: An Interactive Database of HSPF Model Parameters. EPA-823-R-99-004. U.S. EPA Office of Water, Washington, DC. Duda, P.B., J.L. Kittle, Jr., M.H. Gray, P.R. Hummel, and R.A. Dusenbury. 2001. WinHSPF — An Interactive Windows Interface to HSPF: User’s Manual. U.S. EPA Office of Water, Washington DC. Franz, D.D. and R.K. Linsley. 1971. An Interactive Time Series Plotting System for Classroom Instruction in Hydrology. Technical Report 143, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Gherini, S.A. et al. 1984. The ILWAS Model: Formulation and Application. In the Integrated Lake-Watershed Acidification Study. Chapter 4: Summary of Major Results. Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. for the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA. Hayter, E.J. et al. 2001. One-Dimensional Hydrodynamic/Sediment Transport Model for Stream Networks. Technical Report in Support of APM 125, Complete Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Modeling Application and Sampling Procedures for Sediments in Streams, U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, Athens, GA. Huff, D.D. 1967. Simulation of Hydrologic Transport of Radioactive Aerosols. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Hummel, P.R., J.L. Kittle, Jr., and M.H. Gray. 2001. WDMUtil — A Tool for Managing Watershed Modeling Time-Series Data: User’s Manual. U.S. EPA Office of Water, Washington DC. Hunsaker, C.T., C.T. Garten, and P.J. Mulholland. 1994. Nitrogen Outputs from Forested Watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin. Draft. ESD Publication No. 4275. Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Oak Ridge, TN. Hydrologic Engineering Center. 1976. Storage, Treatment, Overflow, Runoff Model (STORM), Computer Program 723-58-L7520. Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA. Hydrocomp, Inc. and AQUA TERRA Consultants. 1996. Modifications to HSPF for High Water Table and Wetlands Conditions in South Florida. Prepared for the South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL. Jobes, T.H. and A.S. Donigian, Jr. 1997. Temperature Index Method for Modeling Snow Accumulation and Melt in the U.S. EPA HSPF Model. U.S. EPA Office of Water, Office of Science and Technology, Washington, DC.


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Jobes, T.H., J.L. Kittle, Jr., and B.R. Bicknell. 1999. A Guide to Using Special Actions in The Hydrological Simulation Program – Fortran (HSPF). U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Surface Water, Reston, VA. Johanson, R.C. et al. 1984. Hydrological Simulation Program – FORTRAN (HSPF): User’s Manual for Release 8.0, U.S. EPA, EPA-600/3-84-066, Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA. Johanson, R.C., J.C. Imhoff, and H.H. Davis, Jr. 1980. User’s Manual for Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF). Research Grant No. R804971- 01. Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. Kittle, J.L., A.M. Lumb, P.R. Hummel, P.B. Duda, and M.H. Gray. 1998. A Tool for the Generation and Analysis of Model Simulation Scenarios for Watersheds (GenScn). WRI Report 98-4134. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston VA. Lahlou, M., L. Shoemaker, S. Choudhury, R. Elmer, A. Hu, H. Manguerra, and A. Parker. 1998. Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources – BASINS 2.0 User’s Manual, EPA-823-B98-006, U.S. EPA, Office of Water, Washington, DC. Linker, L.C. and R.V. Thomann, 1996. The Cross-Media Models of the Chesapeake Bay: Defining the Boundaries of the Problem. Watershed ’96: A National Conference on Watershed Management, Baltimore, MD. Lombardo, P. 1973. A Critical Review of Available Water Quality Simulation Models. Hydrocomp, Inc., Palo Alto, CA. Lumb, A.M. and J.L. Kittle. 1984. ANNIE, an Interactive Processor for Hydrological Models, in: Emerging Computer Techniques in Stormwater and Flood Management, pp. 352365. American Society of Civil Engineers. New York, NY. Lumb, A.M. and J.L. Kittle, Jr. 1993. Expert System for Calibration and Application of Watershed Models, in: Proceeding of the Federal Interagency Workshop on Hydrologic Modeling Demands for the 90s, U.S. Geological Survey, WRI Report 93-4018, pp. 4:1-7, Reston, VA. McDonald, M.G. and A.W. Harbaugh. 1984. A Modular Three-Dimensional FiniteDifference Groundwater Flow Model. Open-File Report 83-875, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. p. 528. Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., University of Florida and Water Resources Engineers, Inc. 1971. Storm Water Management Model, vols I-IV. Report No. 11024DOC04/71. EPA Water Quality Office, Washington, DC. Negev, M. 1967. A Sediment Model on a Digital Computer. Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Technical Report No. 76. p. 109. Onishi, Y., et al. 1979. Methodology for Overland and Instream Migration and Risk Assessment of Pesticides. Prepared for U.S. EPA Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA by Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA. p. 20. Ross, M.A. et al. 1997. FIPR Hydrologic Model: User’s Manual and Technical Documentation. Prepared for Florida Institute of Phosphate Research and Southwest Florida Water Management District. Depts. of Environmental Engineering and Geology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.

History and Evolution of Watershed Modeling Derived from the SWM


SDI Environmental Services, Inc. 1997. Water Resource Evaluation and Integrated Hydrologic Model of the Central Northern Tampa Bay Region. Final Report. ISGW/CNTB Model SDE Project No. WCF-690, Prepared for West Coast Regional Water Supply Authority, Clearwater, FL. SDI Environmental Services, Inc. 1999. Update to Integrated Hydrologic Model of the Central Northern Tampa Bay Area: ISGW/CNTB Model Run No. 121. Prepared for Tampa Bay Water Authority, Clearwater, FL. p. 87.

CHAPTER 3 Regional Calibration of Watershed Models Richard M. Vogel

As watershed models become increasingly sophisticated and useful, there is a need to extend their applicability to locations where they cannot be calibrated or validated. It is only natural that as watershed models, computer technology and hydrometeorologic data sources continue to evolve, there will be an ever increasing need to apply watershed models where streamflow data are unavailable for calibration. Without streamflow data, a watershed model cannot be calibrated or validated, hence regional methods are needed which relate easily measured watershed characteristics to watershed model parameters. The focus of this chapter is on a review of the various approaches which have been taken for estimating watershed model parameters in situations where streamflow data are unavailable for model calibration and validation. In the past decade, there has been a significant increase in research relating to the regional calibration of watershed models to enable their use at ungauged sites. The increased importance of regional methods for estimating watershed model parameters is influenced by and related to the following emerging themes: Regional Calibration is a Fundamental Hydrologic Challenge: Transfer of hydrologic characteristics of watersheds from data-rich to datapoor environments is one of the most fundamental challenges in the field of hydrology. If a defensible watershed model can be developed for a site, the resulting model can be employed to solve an extremely wide class of hydrologic problems. Sivapalan (2003) argues that the new IAHS decadal initiative on “Predictions in Ungauged Basins” (PUB) (see Hubert et al., 2002) represents a grand challenge for the field of hydrology that forces us to deal with questions that are “deep, grand and practical”. Sivapalan (2003) further argues that “PUB, sans calibration, remains a difficult, unsolved problem, demanding urgent resolution and requiring significant new breakthroughs in data collection, process knowledge and understanding.” Assimilation of Hydrometeorological Data: An important impetus for the recent interest in new approaches in the regionalization of hydrologic processes stems from the newly available sources of hydrologic data such as spatial digital geographic coverages and meteorological data including satellite and radar datasets. These new sources of hydrometeorological data combined with new developments in geographic information systems and database management systems have stimulated a significant research effort into the assimilation of these new sources of data into



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watershed model structures and land-surface schemes for regional climate models and general circulation models (GCMs). These developments have led to multi-institution partnerships such as the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) which seeks to validate regional calibration schemes for a number of distributed hydrologic models (Mitchell et al., 2004). The Land-Atmosphere Interface in Atmospheric Models: Over the past few decades, there has been a tremendous amount of research relating to the improvement of numerical weather predictions based on regional climate models and GCMs. Since the land-atmosphere interface in these models has been shown to be very important to the accuracy of GCM model predictions, significant attention has been given to improving the performance of land surface schemes. As expected, investigators have found that land surface schemes in GCM models can perform well when data are available for model calibration and perform poorly when data are unavailable for model calibration (Gupta et al., 1999). Interestingly, Wood et al. (1998) conclude that the problem of how to transfer model parameters of land surface schemes from calibrated regions to uncalibrated regions is still unresolved. There are many new developments associated with regionalization approaches for land surface schemes which pertain to this chapter (Devonec and Barros, 2002; Huang et al., 2003); however, a review of land surface schemes and GCMs is outside the scope of this chapter. Nevertheless, one can expect innovations from that literature to be quite useful for the regional watershed model calibration problem. Advances in Regional Statistical Hydrology: The problem of calibrating a watershed model to an ungauged watershed is analogous, and many ways identical, to the problem of estimating the probability distribution of flood flows at an ungauged site or to the problem of reconstructing a record of streamflow at an ungauged site using nearby gaged streamflow information. All such regional hydrologic problems require a hydrologic model combined with some form of regionalization method for transfer of the hydrologic model parameters from nearby hydrologically similar gauged watersheds to the ungauged watershed. Interestingly, nearly every regional hydrologic problem which has traditionally been addressed using regional statistical hydrologic methods can also be addressed using a watershed model. For example, one sees evidence of this in studies which employ watershed models for estimating design floods at ungauged sites (Calver et al., 1999; Blazkova and Beven, 2002; Lamb and Kay, 2004). Advances in the regionalization of watershed models should benefit from the relatively long and rich history associated with the development of regional statistical hydrologic methods. Most advances in regional statistical hydrology were introduced for the problem of estimating a flood frequency model at an ungauged site. Estimating a flood frequency distribution at an ungauged site is an obvious analog to the problem of estimating the parameters of a watershed model at an ungauged site. Most advances in regional statistical hydrology have

Regional Calibration of Watershed Models


now been applied to the regional watershed model calibration problem. Some examples of regional statistical hydrologic methods developed for the ungauged flood frequency problem include regional hydrologic regression methods (see Kroll and Stedinger, 1998, for review), index flood methods for estimating design floods at ungauged sites (Bocchiola et al., 2003), homogeneous regional pooling methods (Castellarin et al., 2001), Bayesian estimation of a joint flood frequency distribution (Campbell et al., 1999) and hydrologic record augmentation (Vogel and Stedinger, 1985), and extension (Hirsch, 1982) and reconstruction (Hirsch, 1979) methods for the transfer of hydrologic information from one site or region to another. Later sections of this chapter discuss how these and numerous other regional statistical methods can be employed to estimate regional models of watershed model parameters. The emphasis of this chapter is on regionalization methods for estimation of parameters of continuous rainfall-runoff watershed models. However, the reader is encouraged to explore the related literature dealing with the development of regional hydrologic relationships for estimating a wide range of other hydrologic statistics such as flood quantiles, low flow quantiles, constitutent loads, average streamflows, flow duration curves, and unit hydrographs. 1.


There are now numerous studies which provide brief reviews of the use of regional hydrologic methods for estimating watershed model parameters at ungauged sites including: Bloschl and Sivapalan (1995); Abdulla and Lettenmaier (1997a); Sefton and Howarth (1998); Xu and Singh (1998); Seibert (1999); Post and Jakeman (1999); Xu (1999); Fernandez et al. (2000); and Kokkonen et al. (2003). Previous regionalization studies have focused on a wide range of hydrologic models ranging from complex hourly and daily watershed models to the more parsimonious monthly water balance models. Although each previous study attempted to regionalize a different watershed model, nearly all studies to date (with the exception of Fernandez et al., 2000) follow the same general approach. First a watershed model is calibrated to whatever climate and streamflow data are available for the region of interest. This step is followed by the application of a regional hydrologic method which attempts to relate the optimized watershed model parameters to watershed characteristics. Most studies apply a single regional hydrologic method which makes comparison among methods difficult. Some recent studies by Vandewiele and Elias (1995), Fernandez et al. (2000), Kokkonen et al. (2003), and Merz and Bloschl (2004) do enable comparisons among several methods of regionalization. The following sections describe each of the regional hydrologic methods which have been used to estimate watershed model parameters at ungauged sites. Following those sections, a summary is provided to ascertain which methods of regionalization hold the greatest promise for the future.


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1.1 Regional Hydrologic Regression for Watershed Model Calibration The most common regional hydrologic method employed to date is bivariate and multivariate regression. As discussed above, the application of regional regression methods is not limited to the problem of regional watershed model calibration. In fact, there is an even greater literature on the use of regional regression methods for estimation of flood flow statistics, hence the reader is encouraged to consult that literature as well as the literature discussed in this section relating to watershed model calibration. The following studies have employed multivariate regression methods to relate watershed model parameters to watershed and climate characteristics: Jarboe and Haan (1974); Heerdegen and Reich (1974); Magette et al. (1976); Weeks and Ashkenasy (1985); Weeks and Boughton (1987); Institution of Engineers Australia (1987); Karlinger et al. (1988); Servat and Dezetter (1993); Post and Jakeman (1996); Tung et al. (1997); Abdulla and Lettenmaier (1997a,b); Kull and Feldman (1998); Post et al. (1998); Post and Jakeman (1999); Fernandez et al. (2000); Mwakalila (2003); Xu (2003); and Merz and Bloschl (2004). Most of the above cited studies involve development of regional regression relationships for estimation of parameters of continuous rainfallrunoff watershed models; however, similar methods have been applied to estimation of event-based regional unit hydrograph models (for example, see Heerdegen and Reich [1974]; Burn and Boorman [1993]; Kull and Feldman [1998]; and Tung et al. [1997]). Post et al. (1998) document that incorporation of a regional relationship between annual runoff and forest density into model calibrations led to significant improvements in model application at ungauged locations. Servat and Dezetter (1993) found that it was easier to relate watershed model parameters to landscape attributes for parsimonious watershed models than for watershed models which are overparameterized. Merz and Bloschl (2004) found that the regression approach performed better than use of globally averaged parameter values, but not better than kriging and other methods described in the next section. Even when one attempts to regionalize a very reasonable and parsimonious watershed model, results are still mixed (Post and Jakeman, 1999) which led Fernandez et al. (2000) to introduce a new approach which involves estimating the watershed model parameters at all the sites in a region as well as the regional regression relationship simultaneously. Abudulla and Lettenmaier (1997a, 1997b) attempted to improve upon previous efforts by increasing the number of catchments in the region (34) and by using a more powerful calibration algorithm, termed shuffled complex evolution, developed by Duan et al. (1992). Schaake et al. (1997) further demonstrated that a very large number of watersheds are necessary to obtain a meaningful relationship between watershed model parameters and watershed characteristics. To address this issue, Schaake et al. (1997) compiled over 100 watersheds for the GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project (GCIP) which is now available for the scientific community and for the Model Parameter Estimation experiment (MOPEX) project study. Interestingly, Schaake et al. (1997) found that the watersheds in which regionalization

Regional Calibration of Watershed Models


methods performed best corresponded to those watersheds in which the best calibrations were obtained. 1.2 Clustering, Kriging, Neural Networks, and Hydrologically Homogeneous Regions The simplest regionalization approach is to simply fix watershed model parameters to average values for a region. Merz and Bloschl (2004) found that using the same parameter set (either preset parameters or global average values of parameters) for all catchments in a hydrologically heterogeneous region led to the poorest regionalization results for their analysis of 308 catchments in Austria. A more promising approach in data-sparse environments is to assign a priori values to the watershed model parameters using some generalized homogeneity classification of watersheds based on land use, soil types, climate conditions, runoff ratios, and so on. The idea is to cluster or group watersheds into ‘hydrologically homogeneous’ regions. A number of studies have shown that such an approach can lead to very poor watershed model performance (Gupta et al., 1999 and Nijssen et al., 2001) unless the watershed clustering approach is effective. Huang et al. (2003) introduce the use of a self-organizing neural network map and a K-means clustering algorithm as a framework for transferring watershed model parameters to regions without data. Burn and Boorman (1993) showed that use of a watershed clustering algorithm to quantify watershed similarity led to improvements over the use of multivariate regression for estimation of two parameters of a unit hydrograph at ungauged sites in the United Kingdom. Vandewiele and Elias (1995) and Merz and Bloschl (2004) found that kriging led to an improvement over multivariate regression for estimation of parameters of monthly water balance models at ungauged sites. Merz and Bloschl (2004) found that use of average parameters of immediate upstream and downstream neighbors led to best performance among all regionalization methods tested. 1.3 Promising New Hybrid Approaches to Regional Calibration of Watershed Models So far all previous watershed model regionalization studies have met with limited success. Kuczera and Mroczkowski (1998) suggested that attempts to regionalize watershed model parameters for the purpose of application to ungauged catchments will be virtually impossible due to the existence of multiple optimal model parameter sets and a high degree of correlation among model parameters. As a consequence, there exist many possible model parameter sets which produce virtually indistinguishable simulated streamflow sequences. The above literature review reveals that methods for grouping catchments on the basis of their hydrologic homogeneity provide a promising approach to the regionalization of watershed models. There is a relatively rich literature on this subject relating to the regionalization of models of flood frequency (Tasker, 1982; Nathan and McMahon, 1990; and Burn and Boorman, 1993). For example, the “region of influence” (ROI) approach introduced by Burn (1990)


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for regional flood frequency analysis allows each site to have a unique set of catchments belonging to its “region.” This approach may have promise for regionalization of watershed models. Another promising approach to hydrologic regionalization involves the use of hybrid methods such as in the study by Yu and Yang (2000) where first cluster analysis and principal component analyses were employed to break the region into three hydrologically homogeneous regions. Next, drainage area was used to develop a regional flow duration curve model which was in turn used to calibrate the watershed model at an ungauged site. Such a hybrid approach can benefit from advances relating to the definition of hydrologically homogeneous regions as well as from advances relating to the development of regional flow duration curve models for ungauged sites. Another hybrid approach is the regional calibration approach introduced by Fernandez et al. (2000) which is described in more detail below. Ideally, the regional calibration method described below would be combined with one of the methods for choosing a hydrologically homogeneous region described previously. 2. THE REGIONAL CALIBRATION APPROACH All previous regionalization studies have taken the following approach. Initially a region is defined and a watershed model is calibrated to each catchment in that region. Next, regional relationships between watershed model parameters and basin and climatic characteristics are developed. The regional calibration approach involves fitting the watershed models and the regional regression models simultaneously. The idea is to choose among the virtually indistinguishable watershed model parameter sets so as to maximize the ‘goodness-of-fit’ of regional relationships between watershed model parameters and drainage basin characteristics. Instead of choosing parameters which minimize the model residuals alone, the goal is to both minimize model residuals and maximize the goodness-of-fit of relations between model parameters and basin characteristics, concurrently. Naturally this approach is computationally intensive, because all sites in the region must be calibrated concurrently; however, recent advances in computer technology and nonlinear optimization algorithms enable us to readily implement this approach. This methodology can be applied to any watershed model and could also be applied to the regionalization of other hydrologic models including flood frequency, low flow frequency, and stochastic streamflow models. Since Fernandez et al. (2000) found this approach to be so attractive, a case study is provided below to summarize the approach. 2.1 Case Study This case study focuses on the regionalization of a four-parameter monthly water balance model for a region made up of 33 sites in the southeastern U.S. shown in Figure 3.1. Further details can be found in the study by Fernandez et al. (2000).

Regional Calibration of Watershed Models

# ## # # ## # # #

Y Y # ## ## # ### #







315 # # ## #






Figure 3.1 Location of the 33 U.S. Geological Survey HCDN Stream Gauges located in Region 3 within Subregions 314, 315, and 316.

2.2 Description of Watershed Models Alley (1984), Vandewiele et al. (1992), Vandewiele and Ni-Lar-Win (1998), and Xu and Singh (1998) compared the performance of numerous alternative monthly water balance models and concluded that a three-to-fiveparameter model is sufficient to reproduce most of the information in a hydrologic record on a monthly scale in humid regions. In those comparisons, all monthly models performed credibly and none stood out as clearly superior. This study employs the “abcd” model introduced by Thomas (1981) and Thomas et al. (1983) because it is comparable with other water balance models and each of its parameters has a physical interpretation. Vandewiele et al. (1992) found that the “abcd” model compares favorably with several other more recent monthly water balance models. The “abcd” model is a nonlinear watershed model which accepts precipitation and potential evapotranspiration as input, producing streamflow as output. Internally, the model also represents soil moisture storage, groundwater storage, direct runoff, groundwater outflow to the stream channel, and actual evapotranspiration. Since the mathematical structure of the “abcd” model is described by Thomas (1981), Thomas et al. (1983), Alley (1984, 1985), Fernandez et al. (2000), and Sankarasubramanian and Vogel (2002), complete details are not provided here.


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2.3 Regional Physical Relationships for Model Parameters The goal here is to present a new method for the calibration and regionalization of watershed models. An effort was made to use as much information as is available to relate watershed model parameters to basin characteristics. Normally, when one attempts to regionalize a watershed model for use at ungauged sites, one only includes landscape attributes which are easily measured from digital elevation maps, soil maps, climate atlases, and other existing sources of information. This enables estimation of watershed model parameters at ungauged sites, where presumably no streamflow data are available. The main objective of this case study is to describe a methodology for the regionalization of a watershed model, hence the need to develop usable relationships at ungauged sites is not considered as a goal here. Instead, this study uses several basin descriptors which require an analysis of streamflow data. The “abcd” model has four parameters a, b, c, and d, each having some physical interpretation. The parameter a (0≤a≤1) reflects the “propensity of runoff to occur before the soil is fully saturated” (Thomas et al., 1983). Fernandez et al. (2000) found, as did Alley (1984), that the parameter a falls in the range [0.95,0.99] across broad regions of the U.S. One expects runoff to decrease as soil permeability increases, hence the parameter a is modeled using the regional regression model

a = αa − βa ⋅ P


where P is basin permeability and αa and βa are regional regression model parameters. Values of P are obtained from a digital grid of soil characteristics developed for the conterminous United States by Wolock (1997). The parameter b is an upper limit on the sum of actual evapotranspiration and soil moisture storage in a given month. Presumably this parameter depends on the ability of the catchment to hold water within the upper soil horizon. In this case study the parameter b is modeled using the physical relation

b = αb + βb ⋅ P

(3.2) where P is basin permeability and αb and βb are regional regression model parameters. The parameter c is equal to the fraction of streamflow which arises from groundwater discharge in a given month. Over the long term c is then defined simply as the baseflow index (BFI), an index used commonly in studies which develop relationships between drainage basin characteristics and groundwater discharge to a stream channel (see, for example, Gustard et al., 1992). An algorithm developed by the Institute of Hydrology (1980) is employed to estimate the average annual BFI from the same records of daily streamflow used to calibrate the monthly water balance models. This algorithm is not based on the theory of groundwater outflow, hence one would not expect c to exactly equal BFI. Instead c is modeled using

c = α c + β c ⋅ BFI


Regional Calibration of Watershed Models


where αc and βc are regional regression model parameters. Gustard et al. (1992) reviewed numerous studies which document the value of the BFI in regional flood and low flow studies. Burn and Boorman (1993) also found the BFI useful for estimation of unit hydrograph parameters at partially gauged sites. One can easily show that the reciprocal of the parameter d is equal to the average groundwater residence time. Vogel and Kroll (1992, 1996) and others have shown that during baseflow conditions when direct runoff is negligible and when groundwater outflow is linearly proportional to groundwater storage, the groundwater residence time is linearly related to the logarithm of the baseflow recession constant Kb. The regional regression for d is then

d = α d − β d ⋅ ln( K b )

(3.4) Estimates of the daily baseflow recession constant Kb are obtained for each of the rivers in this study using the estimator Kb5 introduced by Vogel and Kroll (1996). This estimator assumes that the groundwater aquifer acts like a linear reservoir as does the “abcd” model. This estimator of Kb was favored among several baseflow recession estimators compared by Vogel and Kroll (1996). 2.4 Data Sources The “abcd” model requires time-series of monthly precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, and streamflow to enable calibration. The following sections describe these data sources. 2.4.1 Monthly Streamflow Data The streamflow dataset consists of records of average monthly streamflow at 33 sites located in the southeastern region of the United States. Figure 3.1 uses the symbols # and Y to illustrate the location of the 30 calibration and 3 validation sites, respectively. Streamflow data were obtained from the hydroclimatologic data network (HCDN), developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (Slack et al., 1993). Streamflow gauges included in the HCDN are intended for use in climate-sensitive studies and represent only a small subset of all streamflow data available in electronic form from the U.S. Geological Survey. The record lengths for the 33 stations ranged from 19 to 37 years with an average of 30.4 years. Drainage areas ranged from 155 to 39,847 km2 with an average drainage area of 3031 km2. The average watershed elevation ranged from 60 m to 584 m with an average value of 207 m above mean sea level. 2.4.2 Monthly Climate Data The average annual precipitation for the 33 watersheds ranges from 1316 mm to 1640 mm with an average value of 1435 mm. Spatially weighted monthly time series of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration over the period 1951 to 1988 were developed using a geographic information system, a digital elevation map, and digital monthly time series grids for precipitation and minimum and maximum monthly temperatures. The monthly precipitation, minimum monthly temperature, and maximum monthly temperature time series were obtained from 0.5-degree digital time series grids using the PRISM


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(parameter-elevation regressions on independent slopes model) (Daly et al., 1994, 1997) climate analysis system. These grids were resampled to 0.1 degree using bilinear interpolation. Spatially averaged values of each climate characteristic over each basin were obtained using the PRISM digital time series grids and watershed boundaries derived from a 1-km digital elevation map of the U.S. The digital precipitation and temperature time-series grids were generated using the PRISM modeling system (Daly et al. 1994, 1997). PRISM is a climate analysis system that uses point data, a digital elevation model (DEM), and other spatial information to generate gridded estimates of annual, monthly, and eventbased climatic parameters. 2.4.3 Monthly Potential Evapotranspiration The spatially averaged time series of monthly temperatures were combined with estimates of extraterrestrial solar radiation for each basin to obtain time series of monthly potential evapotranspiration (PE) for each basin using the Hargreaves (Hargreaves and Samani, 1982) method. Extraterrestrial solar radiation was estimated for each basin by computing the solar radiation over 0.1-degree grids using a method introduced by Duffie and Beckman (1980), and then summing those estimates for each river basin. Even though it is only based on temperature and solar radiation measurements, numerous studies have shown that the Hargreaves method performs well when compared with other more complex methods. For example, the Hargreaves method was the highest ranked temperature-based method for computing PE reported in the ASCE Manual 70 analysis (Jensen et al., 1990). Allen (1993) showed that the Hargreaves method performs well in a wide range of latitudes and climates for periods of 5 days or longer, without significant error. Among all temperature-based methods, the Hargreaves method is the only one recommended in the Handbook of Hydrology by Shuttleworth (1993). 2.5 Watershed Model Calibration Approaches Traditional approaches to model calibration assume that the primary objective is to obtain a “best fit” to the streamflows at each site, thus the objective function tends to focus on the model residuals at each site. The traditional calibration objective function treats each site independently even if the goal is to obtain a regional hydrologic model. Our idea is to modify the objective function to reflect the fact that ones interest is in both a ‘best fit’ to the streamflows at each site and a ‘best fit’ to the regional relationships which relate model parameters to watershed characteristics. Two approaches to model calibration are compared: (1) traditional automatic calibration, which estimates model parameters at each site which yield a “best fit” to streamflow observations, and (2) a regional calibration methodology which estimates model parameters at all sites concurrently in an effort to obtain a good fit to streamflows at all sites while simultaneously obtaining a good fit to the relationship between model parameters and watershed characteristics.

Regional Calibration of Watershed Models


2.5.1 At-Site Calibration Calibration algorithms have evolved considerably and it is now common practice to use a specially designed optimization algorithm, such as the shuffled complex evolution (SCE) algorithm developed at the University of Arizona for calibration of a watershed model (Duan et al., 1992). Unfortunately most algorithms such as the SCE algorithm are suited to calibration of a hydrologic model at a single site and are not suited to the computational burdens posed by the regional calibration methodology introduced later in this study. Instead a generalized reduced gradient nonlinear programming algorithm available as an extension to Excel (Premium Solver Plus Version 3.5, 1999) is employed. The Premium Solver Plus Version 3.5 is an extension to the standard Microsoft Excel Solver, with the capacity to solve much larger problems, up to 1000 variables, at speeds anywhere from three to 100 times faster than the standard Solver. This algorithm is employed to calibrate the ‘abcd'’ model to the climate and streamflow traces at each of the 30 watersheds. This approach is termed the ‘At-Site’ calibration methodology. In this case the objective at each site is to Minimize

∑ (ln(Qt ) − ln(Qˆ t ) ) n

t =1



where Qt is observed monthly streamflow in month t and Qˆ t is modeled monthly streamflow in month t and n is the number of months of data available for calibration. The sum of the difference between logarithms of observed and modeled streamflow is minimized so as to give roughly equal weight to wet and dry months. Otherwise, without taking logarithms, reproduction of monthly mean flows during the dry summer months is poor. At each site, the initial soil moisture storage So and the initial groundwater storage Go are constrained to equal their average modeled values during the month of September, because model simulations always begin at the start of the water year on October 1. Therefore Go and So represent the average ending groundwater and soil moisture storage, respectively, in September. This approach is physically plausible and avoids the need to optimize two extra model parameters, instead treating them as model constraints. 2.5.2 Regional Calibration The traditional at-site approach described above treats each site independently in an effort to obtain the best possible calibration at each site. The regional calibration approach attempts to get the best possible calibration at each site while simultaneously obtaining the best possible regional relationships between model parameters and basin characteristics. In this case the objective is to 2 2 2  2  1 m 2   R a + Rb + R c + R d  Maximize  ∑ Ri  +   4  m i =1     (3.6)


Watershed Models

where there are m = 30 sites in the region and Ri2 represents the coefficient of determination for site i which measures the goodness-of-fit of the logarithms of the modeled flows at site i and Ra2, Rb2, Rc2, and Rd2 represent the coefficient of determination associated with each of the regression models for the model parameters a, b, c, and d given in equations (1), (2), (3), and (4), respectively. The idea of the objective function in (6) is to maximize the average goodnessof-fit of the “abcd” model across all sites as well as to maximize the average goodness-of-fit of the four regional regression models. The coefficient of determination is used as a measure of the goodness-of-fit not because it is the best overall criterion, but because it provides a simple and equal weighting scheme for our two concurrent objectives. To implement the regional calibration approach one could use the SCE algorithm (Duan et al., 1992); however, since there are now 30(4) = 120 model parameters to optimize, this approach is computationally infeasible. Instead a generalized reduced gradient nonlinear programming algorithm available as an extension to Excel (Premium Solver Plus Version 3.5, 1999) was employed. 2.6 Calibration Results Figure 3.2 compares the “goodness-of-fit” of the monthly streamflows generated by the ‘abcd’ model using the traditional at-site calibration approach and the regional calibration approach introduced in this study. Figure 3.2 uses three different statistics to represent the goodness-of-fit of the calibrated monthly flows to the observed flows: (a) the coefficient of determination R2; (b) the coefficient of variation of the model residuals computed using Cv(ε)=σε/µQ, where ε denotes model residuals and Q denotes streamflows; and (c) the percentage bias. Since the model residuals ε should have mean zero, σε/µε is undefined. Instead, the Cv(ε)=σε/µQ is computed by dividing by the mean of the monthly flows so that Cv(ε) represents the standard deviation of the residuals as a fraction of the mean monthly streamflow. One observes from Figure 3.2 that in terms of both goodness-of-fit statistics R2 and Cv(ε), the at-site calibration approach is nearly always an improvement over the regional calibration approach. This is to be expected because the objective function in the at-site calibration algorithm seeks to obtain the best possible fit at each site. Nevertheless the goodness-of-fit values corresponding to these two different calibration approaches are quite similar. Figure 3.2c documents the percent Bias computed using the formula % Bias = 100  Qˆ − Q  Q where Qˆ represents the 

mean of the model-generated flows and Q represents the mean of the observed flows. Both calibration methods often result in bias because it is possible to obtain high values of R2 even for a biased model. Overall, the regional calibration approach led, on average, to unbiased models for the entire region, while the traditional at-site calibration approach resulted in upward bias. For individual sites, both approaches led to roughly the same variability in %Bias.

Regional Calibration of Watershed Models






At-Site This Study

0.65 0










Watershed (a)

Cv (ε )=σε / µQ


At-Site This Study

0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0





% Bias

(b) 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20

At-Site This Study 0




Watershed (c)




Figure 3.2 Comparison of the Traditional At-Site Calibration and the Regional Calibration Approach Introduced Here Using the Goodness-of-Fit Statistics (a) Coefficient of Determination R2, (b) Coefficient of Variation of Model Errors, Cv(ε)=σε/µQ , and (c) Percent Bias.


Watershed Models

At-Site a

This Study, a

1 0.98 0.96 0.94


R =.99 a=.993 - .00021(P)

0.92 0.9 0



1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9


R =.34 a=.9964 - .0001(P)









R =.90 b=321.6 + .759(P)









Permeability, P

0.4 0.2


0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0 0







1 0.8

At-Site d

1 0.8 0.6 0.4








This Study, d


R =.63 c= -.210 + .917(BFI)


At-Site c

This Study, c

1 2

R =.99 c= -.108+.935(BFI)



Permeability, P

1 0.8


R =.24 b=316.8 + .742(P)


0 0


Permeability, P

At-Site b

This Study, b

Permeability, P

d= -.084 - 7.00lnKb

0.6 0.4


R =.67


d= -.0799 - 5.96lnKb


0 0



-ln(K b)








-ln(K b)

Figure 3.3 Relationships Between ‘abcd’ Model Parameters and Watershed Characteristics Corresponding to At-Site (right-hand panels) and Regional Calibration (left-hand panels) Approaches.

Regional Calibration of Watershed Models


Figure 3.3 illustrates the remarkably precise relationships between calibrated model parameters and watershed characteristics which result from using a regional calibration strategy. When an at-site calibration strategy is applied, the right-hand panels of Figure 3.3 illustrate that the relationships between ‘abcd’ model parameters and watershed characteristics are extremely weak. This result is consistent with the dozens of previous watershed model regionalization studies cited by Servat and Dezetter (1993), Abdulla and Lettenmaier (1997a,b), Sefton and Howarth (1998), Xu and Singh (1998), Post et al. (1998), Xu (1999), Seibert (1999), Post and Jakeman (1999), Fernandez et al. (2000), Mwakalila (2003), Xu (2003), Merz and Bloschl (2004), and many others. In the left-hand panels of Figure 3.3 it is apparent that the regional calibration approach can produce extremely accurate regional regression relationships between watershed model parameters and watershed characteristics, while maintaining the goodness-of-fit between modeled and observed streamflows which is nearly as accurate as the best fit one can possibly achieve using an at-site algorithm. As is shown below, these nearly perfect regional regression relationships obtained using the regional calibration approach are misleading, because they do not result in improvements in our ability to calibrate a watershed model at an ungauged site! 2.7 Model Validation Research on hydrologic watershed models has evolved considerably, along with our awareness that model structures and their associated model parameter sets are not unique and that infinite plausible mathematical representations exist. It is now generally understood that one can never validate a watershed model, rather, one can only invalidate it (see Kirchner et al., 1996; and Vogel and Sankarasubramanian, 2003). In an effort to invalidate the watershed models estimated using the regional calibration approach described here, the methodology is evaluated using three basins which were not used to calibrate the model. The regional relationships between model parameters and watershed characteristics illustrated in Figure 3.3 were used to estimate watershed model parameters and to generate monthly streamflows at three validation sites, and the results are illustrated in Figure 3.4. Here one observes that the traditional twostep regionalization approach produces nearly identical results to the regional calibration introduced in this study at all three validation sites. This result stems from the fact that the regional regression relationships between the model parameters and basin characteristics reported earlier in Figure 3.3 produce very similar regional relationships. So in spite of the fact that the traditional two-step regionalization approach leads to weak relationships between model parameters and basin characteristics, the relationships that do result are roughly equivalent to the tighter relations produced by the regional calibration method. Fernandez et al. (2000) show further that both the traditional two-step regionalization approach and the regional calibration approach introduced in this study reproduce the observed mean monthly streamflows with about the same accuracy at all three validation sites.


Watershed Models

Shoal River, FL 02369000


Observed 2 Traditional R =.67 Cv(ε)=.34 Bias=20% This study R2=.69 Cv(ε)=.34 Bias=12%

Q (mm)

150 100 50 0 50






Time (months)

Town Creek, MS 02436500 Observed 2 Traditional R =.93 C v(ε)=.35 Bias=4.3% This study R 2=.93 C v(ε )=.35 Bias=-0.5%

Q (mm)




0 200








Time (months)

Mulberry Fork, AL 02450000 Observed 2 Traditional R =.91 Cv(ε)=.40 Bias=15.1% This study R2=.90 Cv(ε)=.46 Bias=9.7%

Q (mm)




0 50




Time (months) Figure 3.4 Comparison of Simulated and Observed Monthly Streamflows Corresponding to the Traditional Regional Approach and the Regional Calibration Approach Introduced in this Study for Three Validation Sites.

Regional Calibration of Watershed Models


Fernandez et al. (2000) also documented that both regionalization approaches tend to underestimate the standard deviation of the monthly streamflows. This is a general problem with all watershed models, which can be proven as follows. Regardless of the model structure or temporal scale, streamflow can be expressed as:

Qt = f ( Pt , PEt θ ) + ε t = Qˆ t + ε t

(3.7) where f ( P, PEt θ ) denotes the deterministic watershed model with inputs Pt and

ˆ denotes modeled and Q t streamflow. When model error is independent of the model as it should be: PEt model parameter set


and model error


Var[Qˆ t ] = Var[Qt ] − Var[ε t ]

(3.8) so that in general, Var[Qˆ t ] < Var[Qt ] with the inequality becoming more important as model error increases. Therefore only a perfect watershed model without an error term ε t will be able to reproduce the standard deviation of the observed streamflows. 3.


Given the increasingly widespread usage of watershed models for solving environmental problems, the regionalization of watershed models may be one of the most challenging and fundamental problems within the entire field of hydrology. One important impetus for the recent interest in new approaches to the regionalization of watershed models stems from the newly available sources of hydrologic data, such as spatial digital geographic coverages and meteorological data including satellite and radar datasets. Another impetus for the interest in watershed model regionalization results from recent advances relating to numerical weather predictions based on regional climate models, hydrologic land surface schemes and GCMs. As expected, investigators have found that hydrological land surface schemes in GCM models perform poorly when data are unavailable for model calibration (Gupta et al., 1999) and the problem of how to transfer model parameters of hydrologic land surface schemes from calibrated regions to uncalibrated regions is still unresolved (Wood et al., 1998). Previous regionalization efforts have used a two-step approach where (1) the hydrologic model is fit to each site in a region and then (2) hydrologic model parameters are related to watershed characteristics. Dozens of such regionalization attempts have been made by previous investigators for hourly, daily, and monthly watershed models, all producing mixed results. Invariably the relationships between watershed model parameters and watershed characteristics are extremely weak as was illustrated again in this study in the right-hand panel of Figure 3.3. This chapter and Fernandez et al. (2000) introduced a new approach to the regionalization of a hydrologic model. The


Watershed Models

approach, termed regional calibration, attempts to calibrate the model at all sites in a region simultaneously, while concurrently attempting to achieve the best possible regional relationships among watershed model parameters and watershed characteristics. This approach led to remarkable improvements in the precision of the regional relationships between watershed model parameters and watershed characteristics when compared to the traditional two-step approach. However, the “remarkable” regional relationships corresponding to the regional calibration approach were later shown to be misleading, because validation experiments documented that both the traditional two-step approach and the regional calibration approach produce roughly equivalent streamflow simulations at three validation sites. It is well known that there exist a very large number of watershed model parameter sets which can produce physically realistic simulations. The regional calibration approach provides an attractive approach for reducing the feasible subspace over which the watershed model calibration is performed. Kuczera (1997) documented that the addition of such constraints can lead to significant efficiencies in the overall watershed model parameter optimization problem. Even the regional calibration approach, with its inherent ability to reduce the feasible subspace of model parameters, results in a nonunique set of watershed model parameters. This apparent, yet ubiquitous, nonuniqueness of watershed model parameter sets will always confound our ability to estimate regional relationships between watershed model parameters and watershed characteristics. It is unclear on the basis of this initial experiment whether the regional calibration methodology introduced here will ever lead to significant improvements in our ability to regionalize a watershed model over the traditional two-step approach. The regional calibration methodology introduced in this study could be extended to any problem involving the regionalization of a hydrologic model. The following recommendations should result in improvements in the regional calibration approach introduced here: 1.

The regional calibration approach can lead to dramatic improvements in the goodness-of-fit of regional relationships between watershed model parameters and basin characteristics. However, such remarkably good regional relationships imply significant underestimation of the uncertainty associated with resulting watershed model parameter estimates at ungauged sites. Future attempts to implement the regional calibration strategy need to properly account for the statistical properties of the model error and the multicollinearity among the watershed model parameters and the multicollinearity among the basin descriptors to properly account for the uncertainty associated with the resulting regional relationships.


Previous regionalization studies have taken a different approach than this study. Most previous studies have considered as their primary goal estimation of watershed model parameters at ungauged sites. The results of such studies are rarely definitive because one never knows whether the

Regional Calibration of Watershed Models


goodness-of-fit of the regional relationships between watershed model parameters and basin characteristics could be improved by gathering better drainage basin information or by reformulating the structure of the regional relationships between watershed model parameters and basin characteristics. This study takes a different approach because it only sought to develop regional relationships between watershed model parameters and basin characteristics under idealized conditions when streamflow records are available for estimating some of the basin characteristics. If one cannot solve this ‘data-rich’ problem, one cannot hope to solve the ‘data-poor’ (ungauged site) problem. It was found that even though the regional calibration method introduced here appears to offer significant potential for improving relations between basin characteristics and watershed model parameters, it will not necessarily offer improvements in our ability to estimate model parameters at ungauged sites. If this experiment had been attempted for the ‘data-poor’ (ungauged site) problem, we could not have proven this point. Future researchers should consider solving the ‘data-rich’ problem described here, or a variant thereof, before attempting to solve the ‘data-poor’ problem which exists at a purely ungauged site. 3.

Some of the most significant improvements in watershed modeling over the past few decades resulted from improvements in our ability to conceptualize and model hydrologic processes. Ultimately, improvements in our ability to regionalize watershed models will only come after hydrologists begin to conceptualize and model regional physical relationships between watershed model parameters and watershed characteristics. As was clearly demonstrated by Wallis (1965), multivariate regression methods are unable to uncover basic physical laws. In other words, until hydrologists formulate the basic theoretical (physical) relationships between watershed model parameters and watershed characteristics, regionalization studies will continue to produce mixed results. Vogel and Kroll (1996) demonstrated this concept to the analogous problem of estimating regional hydrologic models of low flow. They showed that improvements in regional models of low flow can be obtained by formulating spatial theoretical relationships among watershed model parameters and landscape attributes. One could provide citations to hundreds (possibly thousands) of different physically based watershed simulation models. Interestingly, we are unaware of any studies which formulate physically based regional hydrologic relationships between watershed simulation model parameters and their associated landscape attributes. Given this fact, it should come as no surprise that previous watershed model regionalization studies have met with limited success.


Of all the regional methods attempted to date, regression is the most widely used approach for relating watershed characteristics to watershed model parameters. Regional regression models can be quite misleading because even when the regional relationships exhibit a high degree of fit, those


Watershed Models

relations are not necessarily effective for generating calibrated watershed models at ungauged sites with good predictive capability (see Fernandez et al., 2000 and Kokkonen et al. 2003 for examples of this phenomenon). It is not enough to focus on goodness-of-fit associated with the regional regression models; one must also capture the covariance structure among watershed model parameters. Kokkonen et al. (2003) found that ignoring the covariance structure of the watershed model parameters in the development of regional regression relationships led to a significant decrease in the performance of the regionally “calibrated” watershed models. 5.

A literature review reveals that methods for grouping catchments on the basis of their hydrologic homogeneity provide a promising approach to the regionalization of watershed models. Examples of this approach include use of kriging, neural networks, and the ‘region of influence’ (ROI) approach introduced by Burn (1990) for regional flood frequency analysis. The ROI approach allows each site to have a unique set of catchments belonging to its ‘region’.


Improvements in regionalization methods for the calibration of watershed models are expected to result from the use of hybrid regionalization methods. Hybrid regionalization methods will combine recent advances in regional hydrologic statistics and the determination of hydrologically homogeneous regions with the regional calibration methodology introduced by Fernandez et al. (2000). To enable a proper accounting of the impact of both the serial and spatial covariance structure of watershed model residuals, future developments in the regionalization of watershed model parameters will need to draw upon analogous developments in regional hydrologic methods introduced by Kroll and Stedinger (1998) and others. Tung et al. (1997) documented the importance of accounting for the covariance structure of the watershed model parameters when fitting regional regression models. The generalized least squares regression method (see Kroll and Stedinger, 1998) enables a proper accounting of both the spatial covariance among flow, climate, and watershed characteristics as well as the temporal covariance associated with flow, climate, and model residuals. Analogous developments are needed to enable improvements in the regionalization of watershed models. Future research will hopefully combine the regional calibration idea introduced here with methods such as seemingly unrelated regression (Tung et al., 1997) and generalized least squares regression (Kroll and Stedinger, 1998). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

I am indebted to both William Fernandez and A. Sankarasubramanian who prepared the case study summarized here and in Fernandez at al. (2000). I am also indebted to Ian Wilson and Chris Daly for their assistance in the

Regional Calibration of Watershed Models


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Regional Calibration of Watershed Models


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Section 2: Large Watershed Models

CHAPTER 4 Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling Mustafa M. Aral and Orhan Gunduz

Analysis of large-scale watershed processes and the development of efficient and integrated modeling platforms which can be used for this purpose has been an important research focus for hydrologists over the past several decades. In particular, in this research area, our activities have focused on the development of modeling tools that can be used in the simulation of the overall response of a watershed based on a localized or distributed hydrologic event which may be identified as input. As is well known, this objective can be achieved through the use of empirically based lumped-parameter models or physics-based distributed-parameter models. The main difference between these two approaches lies in the physical representation of the system (Gunduz, 2004). In the lumped-parameter representation, a watershed is considered to be a single unit behaving in accordance to a completely empirical or quasi-empirical response function with little or no dependence to the analytic description of physical processes and spatial heterogeneity. On the other hand, the distributedparameter representation is based on the idea of treating the system as a discretized set of small homogeneous units that address the spatial heterogeneity with full reference to the analytic representation of physical processes that act on each unit. These differences in turn reflect not only on the simplicity of the model formulation but also on the model’s implementation. Typically, lumpedparameter models provide a general understanding of the system but do not give a comprehensive coverage of the details, whereas physics-based distributed models supply the much-needed detail pertaining to the watershed system. This is most probably the main reason for the preference of the distributed-parameter models over the lumped-parameter models in the hydrological modeling community. This is despite all limitations associated with data availability and the computationally intensive nature of these platforms. In most applications, the large-scale spatial and temporal extent of watershed processes that is modeled necessitate a compromise between the limited insight obtained from a lumped-parameter model and the large amount of data and computational power required by a distributed-parameter model. In general, the spatial heterogeneity and physics-based description of the watershed are the two main reasons for the increased demand on the computational speed and memory to fulfill the hydrologic modeling in a distributed manner. In this regard, a hybrid modeling concept is introduced in the literature (Aral and Gunduz, 2003), to resolve some of the problems associated with the fully physics-based representation of all subsystem processes of a watershed while providing a much better and sophisticated interpretation than can be provided by an empirically based lumped-parameter model.



Watershed Models

1. WATERSHED PROCESSES AND SCALE ISSUES The study of watershed hydrology is based on the analysis of flow pathways in the surface and subsurface domains. These major pathways are generally accepted to be the open channel flow and overland flow on the ground surface and the unsaturated zone and saturated zone groundwater flow below the ground surface. These distinct flow pathways experience entirely different time and space scales (Aral and Gunduz, 2003). These differences have a direct impact not only on the numerical discretization of these subprocesses but also on the overall compatibility with each other from a purely numerical point of view (Gunduz, 2004). One of the most evident of these differences is the time scale dissimilarities between the overland flow and the saturated groundwater flow. While the former is a much faster pathway requiring time steps in the order of seconds, the latter is a fairly slow process and calls for much larger time steps in the order of days or even months. These differences often create problems in the numerical solution procedures. It is also known that such problems are even more pronounced when the two subsystems are solved in an integrated fashion (Aral and Gunduz, 2003). Similar concerns await the modeler in the spatial discretization of various domains. An example of a space scale problem is experienced in the unsaturated zone. Space scale requirements of the unsaturated zone models are several orders of magnitude smaller than their saturated zone counterpart, which becomes a major concern in integrated watershed modeling (Aral and Gunduz, 2003). In addition to varying special scale requirements of subprocesses, the modeler also faces the critical issue of a representative time scale that is suitable to all watershed flow pathways. This directly leads to the problem of assigning a time frame for the overall analysis of the processes. For long-term simulations (i.e., seasonal or annual simulations) the existence of the more dynamic subprocesses as opposed to more static subprocesses and the time scale preferences in either becomes an issue. An example is the overland flow process that only exists during a very short time frame compared to the other pathways. Additional problems are present in the simulation of overland flow when one considers the boundedness nature of this subprocess in spatial and temporal dimensions. For a localized hydrologic event, it is not easy to identify welldefined temporal and spatial extents of the overland flow pathway. Thus the long-term simulation of a large-scale watershed clearly presents significant numerical difficulties when overland flow is included in a watershed model as a physics-based distributed submodel (Aral and Gunduz, 2003). 2. THE HYBRID MODELING APPROACH The problems associated with the scales of subprocesses and their coupled counterparts are probably the most significant difficulty in physics-based integrated watershed modeling. It is theoretically possible to couple all processes if computational cost and data availability do not impose significant

Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


limitations (Gunduz, 2004). However, for large-scale applications such as catchment modeling, the small-scale requirements of overland and unsaturated zone flow domains exhibit severe limitations on efforts of fully integrating the system (Aral and Gunduz, 2003). Consequently, a hybrid modeling approach is more suitable in which distributed- and lumped-parameter models are essentially linked and blended to obtain a semidistributed watershed model. In such models, the overland flow and unsaturated zone models are replaced with their lumpedparameter semiempirical counterparts in an effort to simplify the overall analysis (Gunduz, 2004). When issues such as computational limitations, proper mathematical formulation of physical processes, and data requirements are addressed accurately and sufficiently, these systems would ultimately be included in the analysis. Based on the discussion above, a hybrid watershed modeling system is developed at Multimedia Environmental Simulations laboratory at Georgia Tech, where the physics-based distributed-parameter models of open channel flow and saturated zone groundwater flow are integrated with the semiempirical quasi-lumped-parameter models of overland flow and unsaturated zone models to yield a computationally efficient hybrid watershed model (Gunduz, 2004). In this hybrid model, the semiempirical quasi-lumped-parameter modeling of overland flow and unsaturated zone modeling of groundwater flow are provided with the well-known Hydrologic Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF) model, which is a comprehensive, continuous, lumped-parameter model developed for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to simulate watershed hydrology and water quality (Donigian et al., 1995). The fully coupled open channel flow–groundwater flow system forms the core of the proposed hybrid modeling framework. The outputs of the HSPF model support this system in terms of providing the necessary data including the overland flow discharges to the river and infiltration fluxes to the groundwater. In this regard, the lumped-parameter modeling provides the necessary data that the distributed-parameter model requires for a complete simulation of the hydrologic cycle (Gunduz, 2004). It is, however, important to note that although there exist completely dynamic fully coupled interactions between the open channel flow and the groundwater flow components of the system, the overland flow and unsaturated zone interactions are static. The interactions are unidirectional and do not incorporate any feedback towards overland flow and unsaturated zone domains. While this assumption might be a concern for strongly interacting system with high water table levels that are close to the ground surface, it would always provide better results than the ones that totally ignore such interactions. 3. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION 3.1 One-Dimensional Open Channel Flow Model The mathematical model for the one-dimensional open channel flow is given by the continuity and momentum equations that are modified to include the effects of natural channel geometry and characteristics of rivers (Fread,


Watershed Models

1993). This study uses the model developed by Gunduz (2004), which solves the open channel flow and saturated groundwater flow equations in a simultaneous manner. This approach is an extension of Fread’s model with fully dynamic groundwater interaction routines included in the integrated system. The open channel flow component of the model is formed with continuity and momentum equations given below where the momentum equation is based on the complete dynamic wave form of the unsteady nonuniform Saint-Venant equations: ∂sc ( A + Ao ) ∂Q + − qL1 − qL 2 = 0 ∂t ∂x


∂sm Q ∂ ( β Q 2 / A)  ∂h  + + gA  r + S f + Sec  + M L1 + M L 2 = 0 x ∂t ∂x ∂  


where x is the longitudinal coordinate representing the distance along the open channel/flood plain, t is the temporal coordinate, sc and sm are sinuosity factors for continuity and momentum equations, respectively, A is the active crosssectional area of flow, Ao is the inactive (off-channel storage) cross-sectional area of the channel/floodplain, Q is the discharge, qL1 is the lateral seepage flow per channel length (positive for inflow and negative for outflow), qL2 is the lateral overland flow per channel length (positive for inflow and negative for outflow), β is the momentum coefficient for velocity distribution, g is the gravitational acceleration, hr is the water surface elevation in the river (i.e., stage), ML1 is the momentum flux due to lateral seepage inflow/outflow, ML2 is the momentum flux due to lateral overland inflow/outflow, and Sf and Sec are channel/floodplain boundary friction slope and contraction/expansion slope, respectively. The momentum flux due to lateral seepage and overland flows, contraction/expansion slope, and open channel/flood plain boundary friction slope are evaluated as: 0  M L1 =  QqL1 − 2 A  M L2

 − βυ x qL 2  =  QqL 2 − A 

Sec = Sf =

for seepage inflow for seepage outflow


for overland inflow for overland outflow

K ec ∆ (Q / A) 2 2 g ∆x

nc2 Q Q c12 A2 Rh 4 / 3




(4.5) (4.6)

Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


where υx is the velocity of the overland flow in the direction of open channel flow, Kec is the expansion/contraction coefficient, ∆x is the reach length, c1 is a unit system dependent constant (i.e., 1.0 in SI unit system and 1.486 in British unit system), nc is the Manning’s roughness coefficient in open channel, K is the flow conveyance factor, and Rh is the hydraulic radius. The hydraulic radius is defined as the ratio of cross-sectional area to wetted perimeter but is approximated in this study as the ratio of cross-sectional area to top width for large rivers. The lateral flow that provides the link between the open channel flow model and the saturated groundwater flow model is defined as:


hr − hg  − K r wr mr  = − K w hr − ( zr − mr )  r r mr 

hg > ( zr − mr )

(4.7) hg ≤ ( zr − mr )

where Kr is the river bottom sediment hydraulic conductivity, mr is the thickness of river bottom sediments, zr is the river bottom elevation, wr is the wetted perimeter of the river bed, and hg is the groundwater hydraulic head as shown in Figure 4.1. It can be seen from the expression given in Equation 4.7 that lateral flow is a function of water surface elevation and groundwater head, and provides the coupling mechanism between the surface and subsurface flow systems.

RIVER wr hg hr



Impervious Layer



Figure 4.1 Channel flow / groundwater flow interaction.

In order to start the transient solution, initial values of the unknowns (i.e., discharge and water surface elevation) are to be specified along the onedimensional open channel domain. The initial conditions can be obtained from: (i) field data; (ii) a previous unsteady model solution; or (iii) solution of steady, nonuniform flow equation. In any case, the initial conditions are given as:


Watershed Models

Q ( x, 0 ) = Q0 ( x )


hr ( x, 0 ) = hr 0 ( x )


where Q0 and hr0 represent the discharge and water surface elevation in the channel at the beginning of the simulation, respectively. In addition to the initial conditions, the boundary conditions must also be defined to perform transient simulations. The one-dimensional channel flow model requires two different types of boundary conditions specified at (i) external and (ii) internal boundaries of the domain. The external boundary conditions are given at the most upstream and downstream points of the channel network, whereas the internal boundary conditions are specified at internal junction points of the channel network. 3.1.1 External Boundary Conditions In this study, the model is capable of modeling a network of river channels. The tree-like network is composed of several upstream and internal channels and a single downstream channel. Therefore, the model can accommodate several upstream boundary conditions and a single downstream boundary condition. In this regard, the model does not solve looped channel networks. At any upstream boundary, a discharge or a stage hydrograph can be used as the boundary condition. These conditions are expressed as discharge and stage time series and are given as: Q ( 0, t ) = Qu ( t )


hr ( 0, t ) = hu ( t )


where Qu and hu represent upstream boundary discharge and water surface elevation values, respectively. Similarly, the boundary condition at the downstream boundary can also be defined as a discharge or a stage hydrograph and specified as: Q ( Ld , t ) = Qd ( t )


hr ( Ld , t ) = hd ( t )


where Qd and hd represent downstream boundary discharge and water surface elevation values, and Ld is the total domain length. In addition, it is also possible to define the downstream boundary condition as a single-valued rating curve, a looped rating curve, or a critical depth section. The single-valued rating curve maps a particular stage value to a corresponding discharge value and can be expressed by using linear interpolation within a table of stage-discharge data: Q ( Ld , t ) = Q k +

Q k +1 − Q k hrk +1 − hrk



− hrk



Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


where Qk, Qk+1, hrk, and hrk+1 are consecutive tabular data sets of the rating curve and hd is the stage at the downstream boundary. A looped rating curve, on the other hand, maps a stage value to several possible discharge values depending on the hydraulic conditions of the channel and can be expressed using the Manning’s equation: Q ( Ld , t ) =

c1 ARh2 / 3 S 1/f 2 nc

where Sf is given by the modified momentum equation as: 1 ∂Q 1 ∂ (Q 2 / A) ∂hr Sf = − − − gA ∂t gA ∂x ∂x



Finally, it is also possible to use critical depth as the downstream boundary condition when the most downstream point of the modeling domain is a controlling structure such as a weir. In this particular case, the critical depth is mapped to the critical discharge via the following equation: Q ( Ld , t ) =

g 3/ 2 A B


where B is the cross-sectional top width of the channel. 3.1.2 Internal Boundary Conditions Any two or more channels intersecting within a channel network form a junction where internal boundary conditions are specified to satisfy the mass and energy balances. In this study, the proposed model does not allow for looped networks and requires that there is always a single outflow channel from a junction. The mass balance equation at a junction can therefore be specified as: m

∑ Qk − Qo = k =1

dS dt


where m is the total number of inflowing channels to the junction, Qk is the discharge at the end of the kth inflowing channel to the junction, Qo represents the discharge at the beginning of the outflowing channel from the junction, and dS/dt corresponds to the change in storage within the junction. For many modeling applications, it is a common practice to assume that the change in storage within a junction is negligible compared to the change in storage within a channel (Akan and Yen, 1981; Fread, 1993; Jha et al., 2000). Consequently, the mass balance equation reduces to a simple continuity equation. On the other hand, the energy equation at a junction is written as:


Watershed Models

( hr )k +

Vk2 V2 = ( hr )o + o + hT k = 1, 2,K , m 2g 2g


where (hr)k and Vk are the stage and flow velocity at the end of the kth inflowing channel to the junction, (hr)o and Vo are the stage and flow velocities at the beginning of the outflowing channel from the junction, and hT is the total headloss in the junction. When all the flows in all the branches joining a junction are subcritical and the head lost in the junction is negligible, the equation simplifies to:

( hr )k = ( hr )o

k = 1, 2,K , m


and is commonly used in modeling channel networks (Akan and Yen, 1981; Fread, 1993; Jha et al., 2000). 3.2 Two-Dimensional Saturated Groundwater Flow Model The governing equation of two-dimensional vertically averaged saturated groundwater flow is obtained by vertically integrating the general threedimensional conservation of mass and momentum equations describing subsurface flow (Aral, 1990), modified later on by Gunduz (2004) to include the effect of a line source/sink. For an anisotropic, nonhomogeneous, unconfined aquifer with principle permeability directions not matching the coordinate directions, the governing equation of vertically averaged saturated groundwater flow is given by: Sy −

∂hg ∂t

∂   hg − zb ∂x 


∂   hg − zb ∂y 


)( K g ) xx

)( K g ) yx

∂hg ∂x

∂hg ∂x



+ hg − zb

+ hg − zb

)( K g ) xy

)( K g ) yy

∂hg   ∂y 

∂hg   ∂y 


+ ∑ Qw, k δ ( x − xw,k ) δ ( y − yw,k )  k =1

2 2 1   dg x ,m   dg y ,m   δ ( x − g x,m ( u ) ) δ y − g y ,m ( u ) du  + I = 0 + ∑ ∫ qL1,m  +      du   du  m =1 0   (4.21) nr



where x and y are the spatial coordinates in the horizontal domain, t is the temporal coordinate, Sy is the specific yield of the unconfined aquifer, hg is the vertically averaged hydraulic head, zb is the top elevation of the bottom impervious layer, Kg is the anisotropic saturated hydraulic conductivity, nw is the number of wells in the domain, Qw,k is the well flow rate of the kth well located at (xw,k,yw,k) in the domain (i.e., positive for a discharging well and negative for

Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


an injecting well), δ is the Dirac Delta function, nr is the number of river channels in the domain, qL1 is the lateral flow at the river-bottom interface defined by Equation 4.7 (i.e., positive for lateral outflow from the aquifer and negative for lateral inflow to the aquifer), gx,m and gy,m are the Cartesian coordinate components of the parametric equation defining the mth river channel in the domain, u is the dimensionless parameter of the parametric equation, and I is the infiltration/exfiltration rate (i.e., positive for exfiltration and negative for infiltration). The initial values of the hydraulic head, hg0, are specified as the initial conditions of the groundwater flow model: hg ( x, y, 0 ) = hg 0 ( x, y )


which can be obtained from: (i) field measurements, (ii) a steady-state flow simulation, and, (iii) a previous unsteady model solution. Three different types of boundary conditions can be specified along different external boundaries of the groundwater flow domain. Type-1 or specified head boundary conditions are used to model boundaries with known hydraulic head values. This is also known as a Dirichlet boundary condition and is given as: hg ( x, y, t ) = hgD ( x, y, t )


where hgD is the known hydraulic head value. Type-2 or specified flux boundary conditions are used to model boundaries with known flux values. This is also known as a Neumann boundary condition and is given as:



qN ( x, y, t ) = −n ⋅ hg − zb K g ⋅∇hg



where qN is the known flux value and n is the unit normal to the boundary. Finally, Type-3 or head-dependent boundary conditions are used to model boundaries on which the conditions depend on the changing hydraulic head such as streams, rivers, or lakes at the external boundaries of the domain. It is also known as a Cauchy boundary condition and is given as:



qC ( x, y, t ) = −n ⋅ hg − zb K g ⋅ ∇hg hr − hg  − K r wr mr  = − K w hr − ( zr − mr )  r r mr 

) hg > ( zr − mr )


hg ≤ ( zr − mr )

where qC is the head-dependent flux value and is similar to the lateral seepage flow term defined internally in the domain as shown in Figure 4.1 and given in Equation 4.7.


Watershed Models

4. PROPOSED NUMERICAL SOLUTION SCHEME As a general rule of thumb, iterative (implicit) and noniterative (explicit) coupling techniques are commonly used to establish the interactions between the surface and subsurface flow systems (Gunduz, 2004). While iterative algorithms are considered to be the most advanced coupling mechanisms for today’s modeler, they can be computationally costly for large systems due to the extra iteration loop necessary in the solution. Moreover, they may be inaccurate at times when the convergence criterion is set at a high value to reduce computational run times. Considering the limitations of current coupling mechanisms, a new simultaneous coupling technique is proposed by Gunduz and Aral (2003a, 2003b, 2005) in an effort to link surface-subsurface flow systems at the river bed interface. The idea of the method is based on the simultaneous solution of the discretized forms of the two systems rather than the sequential solution that both the iterative coupling method implements. Gunduz (2004) describes the details of the simultaneous solution procedure as a series steps to be followed. The initial step is the discretization of the analysis domain in which the open channel network is discretized first considering the stability requirements of the open channel flow model, followed by the discretization of the groundwater flow domain considering the heterogeneity of the aquifer. During the discretization of the groundwater flow domain, each node of the open channel flow model is selected such that it coincides with a node in the groundwater flow model. This one-to-one correspondence of the nodes along the open channel network is essential for the proposed simultaneous solution of the coupled model (Gunduz and Aral, 2003a, 2005). If there is a requirement for finer discretization of the groundwater flow domain at any point along the open channel network due to highly variable aquifer properties, the discretization of the open channel flow model must also be modified to satisfy the one-to-one correspondence of the nodes. In this regard, the simultaneous solution of the coupled model is always based on finest discretized domain that either submodel enforces along the open channel network. For any other point in the analysis domain, the discretization is solely based on the requirements of the groundwater flow model. The only exception to the one-to-one correspondence of nodes is observed at the channel junction points. At any junction with k inflowing channels and one outflowing channel, the numerical discretization of the channel flow model requires that k+1 nodes are used to properly represent the k downstream boundary nodes of the inflowing channels and one upstream boundary node of the outflowing channel. Since all k+1 nodes physically represent the same junction point, they all correspond to a single point in the groundwater flow model. Therefore, at junction points, k+1 nodes of the channel flow model corresponds to one node of the groundwater flow model (Gunduz and Aral, 2003a, 2005). The second step of the simultaneous solution of the coupled model is to write discretized equations of open channel and groundwater flow equations. The discretized equations of the open channel flow and saturated groundwater flow models are written according to the Preissmann’s four point scheme and

Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


the Galerkin finite element method, respectively. The detailed derivations of the discretized equations and their solution procedures are given in Gunduz (2004). When these equations are written for all nodes of open channel and groundwater flow domains, a system of equations is obtained for both open channel and groundwater flow system. Then, the systems of equations obtained from the open channel flow and groundwater flow models are assembled together within a single matrix system so that they can be solved together in a simultaneous manner inside a single global matrix structure as shown in Figure 4.2.








Figure 4.2 Global matrix equation and component blocks.

In Figure 4.2, AGW and ARIVER are the coefficient matrices of the groundwater and channel flow models, respectively. Similarly, BGW and BRIVER are the load vectors of the groundwater and channel flow models, respectively. It is important to note that these matrices and vectors are obtained from the corresponding numerical discretization schemes (i.e., the Preissmann’s scheme for channel flow model and the finite element method for groundwater flow model). Finally, xGW and xRIVER are the unknown vectors for groundwater and channel flow models, respectively. The detailed derivations of the components of these matrices and vectors are given by Gunduz and Aral (2003a, 2005) and Gunduz (2004). Once these matrices and vectors are formed, they are assembled in the global matrix as shown in Figure 4.2. While the global matrix is shown in its full-matrix format in this figure, the calculations are performed using a banded matrix structure to reduce computer memory required to store and solve the system. The total bandwidth of the global matrix depends on the relative magnitudes of the bandwidths of channel flow and groundwater flow models. Therefore, the size of the global matrix is determined by the size of the bigger bandwidth. In general, the bandwidth of the groundwater flow model is bigger than the bandwidth of the channel flow model. It is important to note that since the global system is nonlinear due to the nonlinearities in open channel flow and groundwater flow, it is solved several times for each time step until sufficient convergence is achieved for the unknown parameters. Hence, the global matrix solution involves an iterative


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portion to handle the nonlinearity of the governing equations of both models. However, this iterative nonlinear solution does not affect the simultaneous solution behavior of the overall coupled system. The iterative solution is only used to treat the nonlinearity in the two subsystems. The convergence of the nonlinear solution is checked using two separate criteria for open channel flow and groundwater flow components. Therefore, although the systems are solved together, the convergence of the solution is tested with respect to different criteria since the degree of the nonlinearity in open channel flow is generally much higher than the degree of nonlinearity in groundwater flow. Typically, 2 to 3 iterations are found to be sufficient for the convergence of two subdomain models (Gunduz and Aral, 2003a, 2005). The two hydrologic pathways are fully coupled in this model. However, they have significantly different time scales. In order to solve these systems simultaneously, a common time step must be used in the numerical solution. Since the hydraulic behavior of an open channel flow model is generally more dynamic than the overall response of a groundwater flow model, this constraint could occasionally create long simulation periods with the proposed algorithm. However, it is always faster than the iterative solution approach that utilizes the same time step size (Gunduz and Aral, 2003a, 2005). 5. MODEL APPLICATION: ALTAMAHA RIVER WATERSHED The proposed hybrid model is applied to the Altamaha River basin, which is the largest watershed in the State of Georgia, draining about 25% of the state’s area. It is formed by the confluence of the Ocmulgee, Oconee, and Ohoopee rivers (Figure 4.3). From the confluence point of the Ocmulgee and Oconee rivers down to the Atlantic Ocean, the river system is known as the Altamaha River. The project area covers an area of about 2500 square kilometers with an average elevation of 50 m and an average annual precipitation of approximately 115 cm. At the most downstream point (i.e., U.S. Geological Survey Gauging Station, Doctortown, GA), the long-term mean annual flow of the Altamaha River is measured to be about 400 cubic meters per second. The project area displays the characteristics typical of lowlands with gentle slopes. The maximum elevation difference between the lowest and highest points of the watershed is approximately 90 m, representing a very mild topography. The main features of the drainage network show a gently meandering pattern in this low land area with a relatively mild slope. This pattern is reflected in the Altamaha River with an average slope of 0.0002 m/m below the confluence point of Ocmulgee and Oconee to Doctortown, GA. Although the Altamaha River is the main drainage feature of the lower Altamaha watershed, the drainage pattern becomes extremely complex, particularly in the coastal plains downstream of Jesup, GA. In this particular section, the Altamaha River does not have a significant drainage area but rather resembles a ‘conduit’ composed of several interconnected open channels to convey the combined flows of Ocmulgee, Oconee, and Ohoopee.

Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


Figure 4.3 Altamaha river drainage area and project area.

The project area covers a portion of the lower Altamaha watershed drainage area bounded by the U.S. Geological Survey stream gauging stations located at Baxley, Reidsville, and Doctortown (Figure 4.4). The drainage pattern in this region is governed by the Altamaha River which is later confluenced by the Ohoopee River about midway between Baxley and Jesup. The sections of the Altamaha-Ohoopee river system within this area have a total reach length of about 90 km within a sinuous open channel of about 115 km. To implement the proposed model, this area is discretized by 6828 quadrilateral finite elements giving a total of 7031 nodal points as shown in Figure 4.4. The average element side length along the river sections varies from 150 m to 400 m and about 1000 m elsewhere. On the other hand, the river network that is formed by three channels (i.e., the upstream channel of the Altamaha River before the Ohoopee confluence, the Ohoopee river channel and the downstream channel of Altamaha after the Ohoopee confluence) and a single junction is discretized by 391 river reaches, giving a total of 394 nodal points. Three boundary conditions are specified for the open channel flow model. The upstream nodes of the upper channel of the Altamaha as well as the Ohoopee River is modeled with a discharge time series that are obtained from the Baxley and Reidsville river gauging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey as shown in Figure 4.4. At the most downstream point of the network, a depth-discharge rating curve is used as the boundary condition. The initial discharge and stage conditions in the river network are determined by running


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the model for sufficiently long periods of time with time constant boundary conditions. The Manning’s roughness coefficients varied between 0.020 to 0.030 within the main channel and 0.030 to 0.070 along the floodplain. An unconfined surfacial aquifer overlying the Upper Floridian aquifer is considered to be present in the entire project area, with an average thickness of about 40 m. The groundwater flow domain is assumed to follow the surface drainage boundary line. Hence, the watershed boundary is also believed to be a flux boundary for the groundwater flow domain.

Ohoopee River at Reidsville, GA USGS 02223500

Altamaha River at Baxley, GA USGS 02225000

Altamaha River at Doctortown, GA USGS 02226000

Figure 4.4 Discretized map of the project area in the Altamaha River basin.

Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


An unconfined surfacial aquifer overlying the Upper Floridian aquifer is considered to be present in the entire project area, with an average thickness of about 40 m. The groundwater flow domain is assumed to follow the surface drainage boundary line. Hence, the watershed boundary is also believed to be a flux boundary for the groundwater flow domain. The soil types in the aquifer were determined using the State Soils Geographic Database (STATSGO) of Georgia developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (STATSGO, 1998). Accordingly, the surfacial aquifer consists primarily of unconsolidated, well-sorted sand and silt soils. The spatially distributed soil map of the project area is presented in Figure 4.5. The saturated hydraulic conductivities of these soils are assumed to follow the statistically averaged values provided by Carsel and Parrish (1988). The conductivity values used in this study were selected to be 1.25E-6 m/s for silt loam soils, 4.05E-5 m/s for loamy sand soils, and 1.23E-5 m/s for sandy loam soils. In addition, a 0.3 m thickness of river bottom sediments is estimated to be uniformly present along the open channel system with a hydraulic conductivity of 6.94E-7 m/s, representing silt material deposited in channel bottoms. The Altamaha river system is modeled as a head-dependent line source that creates lateral in/out flow to/from the groundwater flow domain according to the relative values of the river stage and groundwater head. The natural and artificial lakes and ponds in the basin are modeled as constant-head boundary conditions. Moreover, the external watershed boundary is simulated as a no-flux boundary condition except for the immediate vicinity of the Altamaha River near the Doctortown gauge that is mostly characterized as marshland and modeled as a constant-head boundary condition.

Figure 4.5 Soil type distribution in simulation area.


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The overland flow contributions to the model are obtained from the simulation results of HSPF. The results from the overland flow and unsaturated zone flow pathways are then used as input data to the simulations of the proposed model. The overland flow generation scheme of HSPF is used to obtain the flow of several small creeks and tributaries discharging to the Altamaha and Ohoopee rivers (Valenzuela and Aral, 2004). A total of 28 point loads representing the main tributaries of the Altamaha and Ohoopee rivers are used in model simulations. The locations of these inputs of overland flow associated with small tributaries and creeks are shown in Figure 4.6. The HSPFsimulated discharge hydrographs for the three major tributaries are presented in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.6 Overland flow input points to the open channel network.

The simulations are performed over two different time periods. The first phase covers a three-year period starting with 01/01/1988 through 12/31/1990. The second phase, on the other hand, covers a four-year period starting with 01/01/1991 through 12/31/1994. While the first phase is used as the calibration period, the second is used as a verification period (Gunduz, 2004). In all calibration and verification simulations, a maximum time step of 86400 sec is used to run the coupled flow model. The minimum time step below which the model is coded to stop simulations is selected to be 1 sec for this particular application. All simulations initially started with a time step value of 86400 sec, which is later modified dynamically within the simulation according to the convergence requirements of the open channel flow model as well the number of iterations performed to converge. Commonly the model experiences a wide range of time steps during a simulation depending on the characteristics of

Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


the boundary conditions and the flood wave in the open channel. The groundwater flow model generally did not impose any limits on the time step due to the relatively slow response times in aquifers. In this regard, the coupled flow model is limited by the time step requirements of the open channel flow model. The simulations are performed on an Intel Pentium IV computer with a clock time of 2.4 GHz and 1.0 GB RAM. The Altamaha River simulations take about 5secs per iteration. On the other hand, the number of iterations per time step and the value of the time step are highly variable and are a strong function of the flood wave that is routed in the open channel as well as the boundary conditions. The time-weighing parameter used in the four-point Preissmann scheme of the open channel flow model is also important in the total number of iterations required for convergence. In this study, a weighing parameter value of 0.72 is used during calibration and verification periods. 120 Cobb Creek Ten Mile Creek Beards Creek

Discharge (cms)



0 8/11/87





Figure 4.7 Discharge hydrographs of three major tributaries of the Altamaha–Ohoopee system simulated by HSPF model.

Simulations in calibration and verification periods revealed the fact that the lower Altamaha River watershed is mostly a boundary condition-driven system and the model is highly sensitive to boundary condition data. Therefore, the accuracy of the boundary condition data is very critical for successful simulations of the watershed. In addition, several test runs in the watershed also revealed that the model is also relatively sensitive to other parameters including the Manning’s roughness coefficient in open channel flow domain and hydraulic conductivity in subsurface flow domain.


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6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In all simulations, the model calibration and verification are performed with respect to the Doctortown gauging station at the most downstream point of the domain (Figure 4.4). The simulated vs. observed values of the three-year-long calibration period is given in Figure 4.8. As seen from this figure, the proposed coupled model provides very good results when compared to the observed values at the Doctortown gauge. The detailed comparisons further verify the high level of accuracy achieved by the model. Both the timing and the magnitude of the flood waves are properly captured. Slight deviations are observed at the peak values which are known to be high flow periods by definition. During these extreme events, the overland flow discharges from the small creeks and tributaries reach to considerable levels that would influence the simulation results. During these periods, a more sophisticated overland flow module is necessary to fully capture the flood peak values. It is clear that, in such high flow periods, the watershed becomes a critical contributor to the river flow in the system as opposed to the general boundary condition-driven nature of the system (Gunduz, 2004). As there are no groundwater data to verify the model results, the groundwater head distribution in the watershed is presented only for demonstration purposes as shown in Figure 4.9. The hydraulic head distribution in the figure corresponds to a snapshot data point at the end of 1988. 2000

Observed Simulated

Discharge (cms)





0 12/29/87









Figure 4.8 Observed vs. simulated results in the calibration period (01/01/1988 – 12/31/1990).

Following the calibration runs, a verification run is also performed to validate the proposed coupled flow model. The verification period covers a four-

Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


year period between 1991 and 1995. The simulated vs. observed values of the verification period are given in Figure 4.10. As can be seen from this figure, the model performs accurately in the verification run as well. The flood wave is properly routed in the open channel system. The discrepancies between observed and simulated extreme events are still visible in the verification run. Considering relatively insignificant, directionally variable contributions of groundwater seepage, these discrepancies are mainly attributed to the lack of an accurate overland flow simulator. The contribution of overland flow becomes particularly important in extreme events where even small tributaries could carry large discharges.

Vector legend (m/s) 3560000








3500000 360000








Figure 4.9 Simulated hydraulic head distribution in the watershed at 12/31/1988.

Overall, one could conclude that the coupled surface/subsurface flow model performs satisfactorily. About 4 to 8% of peak flows are missed at the most downstream location of the watershed where the calibration and verification are made. This discrepancy is expected to be lower in any intermediate point within the system. Nevertheless, this level of agreement is deemed normal for a largescale modeling effort such as the one discussed here. It is further believed that these discrepancies are mainly attributed to the relatively inaccurate overland flow discharge values used in this study that are obtained from HSPF. Once


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proper mathematical formulation and cost-effective numerical simulation of overland flow are achieved, the large-scale watershed modeling efforts would most likely yield better results.


Observed Simulated

Discharge (cms)



0 12/13/90












Figure 4.10 Observed vs. simulated results in the verification period (01/01/1991 – 12/31/1994).

7. CONCLUSIONS In this study, a hybrid watershed model is proposed for large spatial scale applications. The model combines the physics-based distributed-parameter models of open channel flow and saturated groundwater flow with the easy-toimplement semiempirical lumped-parameter models of overland flow and unsaturated groundwater flow for optimum prediction performance with manageable computational power and data requirements. The model performs fully dynamic coupling at the river-aquifer interface, allowing two-way interactions, whereas it only allows one-way input at the ground surface interface (i.e., between overland flow and unsaturated groundwater flow) and at groundwater table interface (i.e., saturated-unsaturated groundwater flow). A simultaneous coupling procedure is implemented to provide fully dynamic interactions at the river-aquifer interface. The model results indicated good predictive capability of combined surface-subsurface systems. Therefore, it can be used as a tool for analyzing the surface/subsurface interactions and general hydrologic pattern in watersheds.

Large-Scale Hybrid Watershed Modeling


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is partly supported by the Georgia Sea Grant of the National Sea Grant College Program. The authors would like to thank Dr. Mac V. Rawson, Director of Georgia Sea Grant, for his continuous support throughout the study. REFERENCES Akan, A.O. and Yen, B.C. (1981). Diffusion-wave flood routing in channel networks. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. HY 6, pp. 719-732. Aral, M.M. (1990). Groundwater modeling in multilayer aquifers: Unsteady flow. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI, p. 143. Aral, M.M. and Gunduz, O. (2003). Scale effects in large-scale watershed modeling. In Advances in Hydrology — Proceedings of the International Conference on Water and Environment: WE-2003, edited by V.P. Singh and R.N. Yadava, Allied Publishers Pvt. Limited, Bhopal, India, pp. 37-51. Bear, J. (1979). Hydraulics of Groundwater. McGraw Hill, New York, p. 569. Carsel, R.F. and Parrish, R.S. (1988). Developing joint probability distributions of soil water retention characteristics. Water Resources Research, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 755-769. Donigian, A.S., Bicknell, B.R., and Imhoff, J.C. (1995). Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran. In Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology, edited by V.P. Singh, Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, CO, pp. 395-442. Fread, D.L. (1993). Flow Routing. Handbook of Hydrology, edited by D.R. Maidment, McGraw-Hill, NY, pp. 10.1-10.36. Gunduz, O. (2004). Coupled Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling in Large Watersheds. Ph.D. Dissertation. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, pp. 464. Gunduz, O. and Aral, M.M. (2003a). A simultaneous solution approach for coupled surface and subsurface flow modeling. Report no: MESL-02-03, Multimedia Environmental Simulations Laboratory Report, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, p. 98. Gunduz, O. and Aral, M.M. (2003b). Simultaneous solution of coupled surface water/groundwater flow systems. In River Basin Management II, edited by C.A. Brebbia, WIT Press, Southampton, UK, pp. 25-33. Gunduz, O. and Aral, M.M. (2005). River Networks and Groundwater Flow: Simultaneous Solution of a Coupled System, J. Hydrol., Vol. 301, No. 1-4, pp. 216-234. Jha, R., Herath, S., and Musiake, K. (2000). River network solution for a distributed hydrological model and applications. Hydrological Processes, Vol. 14, pp. 575-592. STATSGO (1998). State soil geographic (STATSGO) database of Georgia. Georgia GIS Data Clearinghouse: http://gis1.state.ga.us Valenzuela, C. and Aral, M.M. (2004). Application of HSPF to the Lower Altamaha River Basin. Report no: MESL-02-04, Multimedia Environmental Simulations Laboratory Report, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, p. 80.

CHAPTER 5 Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets Using a Macroscale Hydrological Model for the Upper Mississippi River Basin Rajagopalan Srinivasan and Venkat Lakshmi

We have used a macroscale hydrological model (Variable Infiltration Capacity [VIC] 3-Layer) implemented to understand the water and energy balance for over a period of 50 years (1950 to 1999) for the Upper Mississippi River basin, and also evaluated in detail the performance in the complete spectrum of droughts and floods. Simulations have been carried out between January 1950 and December 1999 at daily time-step and 1/8º spatial resolution for the water budget and at hourly time-step and 1º spatial resolution for the energy balance. The water balance simulations show seasonal variability of soil moisture, and more importantly the variability of soil moisture during the period of flood (1993) and drought (1988). Model-simulated soil moistures for the state of Illinois were validated with measured soil moisture data from the Illinois State Water Survey. The model-simulated streamflows were compared with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured stream-gauge observations at the basin outlet at the Mississippi River at Grafton, IL and the Illinois River at Valley City, IL, which showed a 15% relative bias. Model validations for the hourly surface temperature were performed for a period of 20 years (1980 to 1999) by comparison with TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) surface temperature. These comparisons show a good correlation coefficient of around 0.8 with a low bias of 1 to 2K and a root mean squared difference of 6 to 7K. The model-simulated deep soil moistures have been analyzed to understand the spatial and temporal variability of droughts and floods. 1. INTRODUCTION The study of land surface schemes has evolved over the years from simple linear parametric relationships to recent successes in better understanding the underlying physical processes of balancing the various components of the hydrological cycle. These developments have resulted in a distributed approach in modeling the response of the precipitation events on watersheds and basins to simulate the various components of the hydrological cycle. The land surface hydrological model used in the study is a Variable Infiltration Capacity 3-Layer (VIC-3L) model (Liang et al., 1994, 1996a, 1996b, 1999), a macroscale hydrological model that carries out complete water and energy balance on a grid cell basis. The VIC-3L Model is based on a 3-layer Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer Scheme to model different surface conditions. The model has been successfully validated and implemented on a



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variety of climatic conditions and basins worldwide, including the Columbia and Delaware Rivers (Nijssen et al., 1997), the Arkansas and Red Rivers (Abdulla et al., 1996), the Weser River, Germany (Lohmann et al., 1998a, 1998b), the Upper Mississippi River Basin (Cherkauer and Lettenmaier, 1999; Cherkauer, 2001), and the Mississippi River Basin (Maurer et al., 2001a, 2002). The model has also been used to simulate runoff and soil moistures at continental scales (Schnur and Lettenmaier, 1997). Liang et al. (1994) described in detail the formulation of the 2-layered version of the model. We chose the VIC-3L model because of its successful application for numerous basins around the world wherein it solved the comprehensive water and energy balance. In addition, our choice of VIC-3L is centered round the fact that (a) it is a well-studied model (b) in terms of model complexity, it ranks in the upper middle of the spectrum (Biosphere Atmosphere Transfer Scheme [BATS] [Dickinson et al., 1986] or Simple Biosphere Model [SIB] [Sellers et al., 1986]) and not too simple on process representation such as the Bucket model (Manabe et al., 1965; Manabe and Bryan, 1969). VIC-3L is a physically based model with a low number of parameters. This reduces the model calibration problem that in the case of numerous parameters may result in nonunique parameter values. Prior studies and comparisons showed that the VIC-3L model performs well compared to other models (Chen et al., 1997). We follow the precedence set by prior studies on validations of the model using multiple land surface components including soil moisture, streamflow, and surface temperature. We try to evaluate the model characterization of extreme events, such as, droughts and flood, using a land surface perspective. We do not carry out any model improvements or model development in this study. Instead we focus on comparison of the soil moisture for the two extreme cases of a drought and a flood year. Initiated by modeling studies by Charney (1975), numerous studies (Walker and Rowntree, 1977; Ratcliffe, 1981; Shukla and Mintz, 1982; Rowntree and Boloton, 1983; Sud and Fennessy, 1982; Sud and Smith, 1985) indicate the significance of soil moisture in partitioning of the various components of the hydrological cycle by affecting the surface heat flux (Oglesby and Erickson, 1989) and hence the ratio of the sensible heat flux and latent heat flux altering the surface conditions. Namais (1958, 1962, 1978, 1988, 1989) studied the effect of reduced soil moisture conditions in the late winter/early spring months in the amplification of dry and warm summer conditions. High extremes in soil moisture relate to severe droughts and flood (Georgakakos and Bae, 1994). Studies by Huang et al. (1996) showed that inferred soil moistures are significantly correlated with surface temperature measurements observed several months later. Conversely, studies (Kunkel et al., 1994; Lakshmi and Susskind, 2001a; Lakshmi and Schaaf, 2001b) have shown near-saturated conditions of the soil in the Mississippi River basin to be one of the most significant impacts on the great flood of 1993. In this chapter, we relate the status of the extreme events, the drought of 1988 and the flood of 1993, to the soil moisture as calculated by the hydrological model. There have been numerous connections established in the

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


previous stated literature in the above paragraph between soil moisture and climate extremes. However, these works approach the problem from a climate perspective. In this work we use macroscale hydrological modeling to link hydrology to climate extreme of droughts and floods. In Section II, a brief outline of the model and the description of the model and their sources are presented. Section III provides detailed analysis of the validation and also the model characterization of the extreme events, both droughts and floods. Lastly, Section IV presents the conclusions and discussion of the study. 2. MODEL DESCRIPTION, DATA, AND STUDY AREA 2.1 Model Description The model has been extensively discussed in detail in the literature (Liang, 1994, 1996a, 1996b, 1999; Nijssen et al., 1997; Abdulla et al., 1996; Lohmann et al., 1998a, 1998b; Cherkauer and Lettenmaier, 1999; Cherkauer, 2001; and Schnur and Lettenmaier, 1997) and hence a very brief outline of the model is only provided. The current implementation of the model consists of three soil layers; a top layer of 10 cm thickness and two bottom layers around 30 cm and 100 cm thickness each. We have utilized a predetermined thickness for each of the soil layers. The top layer characterizes dynamic behavior of soil column response to precipitation events and the bottom layer represents storm-soil moisture behavior responding to precipitation events only after the top two layers are wetted. The last layer (100 cm thick) responds to the long-seasonal time scales and displays greater inertia than the top layers. One of the main distinguishing features of the model is its subgrid variability of soil moisture (Zhao et al., 1980; Wood et al., 1992). The model incorporates the various surface conditions to be described by n = 1, 2, 3…N types of vegetation as well the (N+1)th type, corresponding to the bare soil type. Their different Leaf Area Index (LAI), canopy resistance, root fraction depth, and distinct soil moisture characteristics define each surface during each time step. Also all the calculations of infiltration, base flow, and runoff are carried out for each of the (N+1) land cover types. Figure 5.1a depicts the various components of the hydrological cycle in the model. The amount of infiltration is controlled by a variable infiltration curve, which is based on the available moisture content of the top two layers. The water that cannot infiltrate is removed from a grid cell as runoff. The infiltrating moisture fills the top layer and then infiltrates into the lower layers. The bottom layer loses water by both transpiration and base flow generated using an empirical relationship based on the soil moisture of the bottom layer (Liang et al., 1994). The model is then implemented using a grid mesh for the entire basin. Evaporation, runoff, and base flow are predicted independently for each grid cell. Streamflow is then generated at specified locations by routing runoff and base flow from each grid cell using the linearized Saint-Venant method as discussed by Lohmann et al. (1998a, 1998b, 1996).


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The water balance can be described by the following set of Equations 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3,


∂θ 1 = P − R − E − α 1T − Q1, 2 ∂t ∂θ z 2 2 = Q1, 2 − Q2,3 − α 2T ∂t ∂θ z3 3 = Q2,3 − Qb − α 3T ∂t

(5.1) (5.2) (5.3)

where z1, z2, and z3 are the thickness of the three layers; θ1, θ2 , and θ3 are the volumetric soil moisture content for the layers; Qb is the baseflow; Q1,2 and Q2, 3 are the exchanging fluxes between layers 1,2 and 2,3, respectively; P is the precipitation; R is the surface runoff; E is the bare soil evaporation; T is the transpiration; and α1, α2, and α3 are the fraction of transpiration from layers 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The surface temperature for each hourly time step is initialized from the ground heat flux and is iteratively determined by solving for the energy balance and by minimizing the residuals. Due to the combined solution of water and energy budgets by the model, the surface temperature estimates are dependant on the soil and vegetation types and also on the external forcings such as precipitation and air temperatures. 2.2 Model Parameters and Input The meteorological, soil, and vegetation data and terrain characteristics, used as input to the model, are described below. 2.2.1 Soil and Vegetation Parameters Soil data for the continental United States are obtained from Penn State’s Earth System Science Center’s State Soil Geographic Database (STATSGO) data (STATSGO, 1994; Miller and White, 1998) at 30 arc second resolution. For each of the available layers, most of the parameters including saturated hydraulic conductivity, porosity, soil moisture at field capacity, and wilting point are obtained based on the soil texture classes (Rawls et al., 1993). The STATSGO dataset consists of georeferenced digital map data along with attribute data to include the texture classes — percentage of sand, silt, and clay. The compiled soil maps were created using the USGS 1° × 2° topographic quadrangles (1:250,000 scale) as base maps, which were then merged on a state basis. The approximate minimum map unit area delineated in the STATSGO database is about 625 hectares (1544 acres). The number of delineations on each of the quadrangles is around 100 to 200, but also with values ranging to 400. The data were obtained (STATSGO, 1994; Miller and White, 1998) at 1/8° spatial resolution and the parameters were also aggregated to 1° pixels. The top

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


11 layers of data, of about 1.5 m total depth (depths below are not available for the majority of regions), are aggregated to 3 layers – 0 to 10 cm, 10 to 40 cm, and 40 to 140 cm, respectively. The limitations in availability of field data for soil texture classes below 1.5 m depth limits the appropriate characterization of depth to bedrock. The vegetation classification data were obtained for the Land Data Assimilation Scheme (LDAS) domain (scaled up to a 1/8° spatial resolution) based on the University of Maryland (UMD) classification system (Hansen et al., 2000). The LAI were obtained from Myneni et al. (1997) and the fraction of vegetation cover within each 1/8° pixel as described by Maurer et al. (2001a, 2001b). The classification has 13 major classes and the data are static, i.e., time invariant. Terrain characteristics include the Digital Elevation model (DEM), stream-network and basin boundaries based on Pfafstetter codes (Pfafstetter, 1989) were extracted from the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) EROS Data Center HYDRO1K Data at 30 arc second resolution (Verdin and Verdin, 1999). 2.2.2 Model Forcings Meteorological data include daily precipitation, air temperature, wind speed, humidity, and incoming short-wave and long-wave radiation. Precipitation and air temperature data were obtained at daily time intervals from Cooperative Summary of the Day data, National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), Asheville, North Carolina (National Weather Service, 1987; Reek et al., 1992) for the period 1950 to 1999, to include all the measurement stations within the study area. These observations have undergone quality control with internal consistency checks, comparisons against climatological limits, serial checks, and evaluations against surrounding stations. The point measurements were gridded using an interpolation routine SYMAP (Shepard, 1984) at 1/8° spatial resolution. Similarly the subdaily (hourly) precipitation data for the energy balance forcings were obtained from the NCDC Hourly Precipitation dataset (National Weather Service, 1987). The raw data were then gridded to the model resolution of a 1/8° grid cell (approximately 140 km2). Short-wave radiation, long-wave radiation, and vapor pressure are internally parameterized in the model from air temperature using methods described by Thornton and Running (1999), Bras et al. (1990), and Kimball et al. (1997). The model preprocessing includes lapsing the temperature data to the mean grid elevation at a rate of 6.5K/km and the gridded air temperatures are disaggregated to a time step of 1 hour by assuming that the minimum temperature occurred at dawn and the maximum temperature occurred at two-thirds of the interval between dawn and dusk (Maurer et al., 2002; Rhoads et al., 2001). The daily average 10 m wind speed data were obtained from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Reanalysis output was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA (Kalnay et al., 1996).


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Figure 5.1 (a) Simple VIC-3L model schematic (redrawn from Lettenmaier, 2003). (b) Upper Mississippi River basin, major rivers, and the discharge measurement stations.

2.3 Illinois Soil Moisture Measurements In situ observations of soil moisture at 17 Illinois Climate Network stations were initiated in 1981 by the Illinois Water Survey (Hollinger and Isard, 1994; Robock et al., 2000). Direct gravimetric measurements for each site were used to calibrate the Troxler Neutron Depth Probe. Soil moisture measurements are measured at the top 10 cm and then for every 20 cm layer to a depth of 2 m. All observational sites are grasslands. Observations are made at each site at least twice each month (at the middle and end of the month) during the warm season (March through September) and only once a month (the last week of the month)

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


during cold seasons (October through February). The observations of the layers were aggregated to match VIC-3L model simulation layer thickness. 2.4 TOVS Surface Temperature Data TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) missions have flown on polar orbiting satellites TIROS-N, NOAA-6 through NOAA-12, and NOAA-14 from late 1978 to the present. Depending on the satellite, TOVS has equatorial, at nadir, daily overpass times of either 0230 and 1430 local time (LT), or 0730 and 1930 LT. The exact times for each pixel varies with distance from the equator and up to ± 1 hour for off-nadir observations. TOVS is composed of HIRS2 (High Resolution Infrared Sounder), MSU (Microwave Sounding Unit), and SSU (Stratospheric Sounding Unit). Susskind et al. (1984) used an algorithm that calculates surface temperature using a 6-hour forecast of atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles produced by a 4° × 5° version of the Goddard Earth Observation System data-assimilation system. An iterative relaxation of atmospheric conditions is carried out on the basis of the difference between the modeled and observed clear sky radiances until convergence is obtained or the retrieval is rejected. Retrievals can be made with up to approximately 80% cloud coverage and are gridded on a 1° × 1° spatial grid, and for this reason the estimated surface temperature should be considered an average of the cloud-free areas of the scene. Lakshmi and Susskind (2001a) conducted direct comparisons of TOVS land surface temperatures to field observations collected during the First International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP) Field Experiment (FIFE), the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS), and the Hydrologic-Atmospheric Pilot Experiment (HAPEX). Standard deviations of TOVS surface temperatures with ground observations were 4 to 5 degrees and a bias of nearly zero for the duration of the experiments, which were 1 year (HAPEX), 2.5 years (FIFE), and 3 years (BOREAS). 2.5 USGS Measured Streamflow Data The daily streamflow measurements were obtained from USGS Water Resources data. The two stations chosen were the basin outlet of the Mississippi River at Grafton, IL and the Illinois River at Valley City, IL, for the period of 50 years (1950 to 1999) (U.S. Geological Survey, 1995). The stream discharge data are provisional and may have errors due to instrument malfunctions and/or physical changes at the measurement site. Figure 5.1b depicts the location of the two stations in the Upper Mississippi River basin. 2.6 Study Area: Upper Mississippi River Basin The Mississippi River basin is made up of five major subbasins – the Upper Mississippi River basin, the Missouri River basin, the Red River basin, the Arkansas River basin, and the Ohio River basin. The area of study, the Upper Mississippi River basin, is shown in Figure 5.1b. The major rivers in the basin are the Mississippi River, the Illinois River and the Wisconsin River. The basin


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encompasses parts of Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin and the basin area is approximately 443,475 km2. The average elevation of the basin is 310 m, with highest elevations around the northern regions of about 600 m; and the southern region has an elevation of around 130 m. The soil is primarily sandy/sandy loam. The most predominant vegetation type in the southern part of the basin is cropland (UMD class 11) and grasslands (UMD class 10), and predominantly deciduous broadleaf forests (UMD class 4) in the northern part of the basin. The basin receives an average annual precipitation of about 800 mm (averaged over the period 1950 to 1999). 3. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Calibration and Model Parameterization Most of the soil and vegetation properties, i.e., baseflow parameters and aerodynamic and stomatal resistances, were obtained from the long-term hydrological data for the continental United States (Maurer et al., 2001a, 2001b), except for the soil layer thickness that were chosen to be 10 cm, 30 cm, and 100 cm deep, respectively. Other parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and pore-size distribution were estimated directly from the measured soil property index and were assumed to be constant. Furthermore, the routing scheme was assumed to be linear, taking into account the relatively flat slope within the basin area. The values of the velocity parameter (C) and the diffusivity parameter (D) of the Saint-Venant’s equation were obtained by calibration for the years 1950 to 1954 with the USGS measured streamflow values at the basin outlet at Mississippi River at Valley City, IL. The average values of C and D obtained for the basin were 1.5 m/s and 800 m2/s. 3.2 Model Validations The three-layer VIC model simulations for the water and the energy balance were carried out over a period of 50 years (1950 to 1999) using daily forcing — precipitation, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and wind speed — at daily timestep. The water balance simulations were performed at daily time step at 1/8° spatial resolution and the simulations for the energy budget were carried out at an hourly time step and 1° spatial resolution. Disaggregation of precipitation is carried out using the procedure in Maureret al. (2002). The VIC3L results were analyzed for the Upper Mississippi river basin over a period of 50 years (1950 to 1999) as well as separately for the range of drought year 1988 (and adjacent years 1987 and 1989) and the flood year 1993 (and adjacent years of 1992 and 1994). 3.2.1 Streamflow Comparison over a Period of 50 Years (1950 to 1999) The streamflows were compared for the basin outlet of the Mississippi River at Grafton, IL and the Illinois River at Valley City, IL. The Valley City station is located on the stretch of the Illinois River just before its confluence

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


with the Mississippi River. The locations of these two stations are shown in Figure 5.1b. The daily streamflow scatter-plot for the Mississippi River at Grafton, IL (Figure 5.2a) between USGS measured discharge and model-simulated streamflow for the period 1950 to 1999 shows a reasonable R2 value of 0.74 and a bias of 32,438 cfs. The value of bias gives an indication of systematic departures whereas the R2 values give us an estimate of the linear correlation between two quantities. The percentage difference of the mean flow for the bias (bias/mean flow) translates to around 15%. Figure 5.2b shows a reasonably good monthly streamflow comparison between the measured and simulated streamflow. The model simulation of the peaks and also the overall performance over a period of 50 years is presented in Table 5.1. Similarly, Figure 5.3a depicts the daily scatter-plot between the model-simulated streamflow and the USGS measured discharge for the period 1950 to 1999 at the Illinois River at Valley City, IL. The comparison gave a lower (compared to the basin outlet) R2 value of 0.61 and a bias of 2719 cfs. The monthly discharge comparison over the 50year period for Valley City, IL shows overestimation by the model. The streamflow comparisons for the Mississippi River at Grafton, IL with the USGS measured stream discharges are more consistent than those for the Illinois River at Valley City, IL. There could be a possible effect of aggregation at the outlet. In addition, the Illinois River basin has watershed regulations that would affect the streamflow at the outlet. Also, routing models have limitations and the input data may have sources of error, specifically when we interpolate the rainfall input for the various 15-km × 15-km grid cells. Errors due to gridding the model could have contributed to the streamflow errors. Table 5.1 tabulates the percentage differences in monthly streamflow comparisons over a period of 50 years at the Mississippi River at Grafton, IL. In general the months of late winter and spring have the maximum percentage errors and also the largest absolute differences, and the summer and early fall months have the least difference, similar to the results of the study by Maurer et al. (2002). The overall difference in the modeling over a period of 50 years (1950 to 1999) is about 13%. 3.2.2 Comparison with Illinois Soil Moisture Observations Figures 5.4a-d depict the individual monthly average soil moisture comparisons for the different soil layers with the Illinois State Water Survey Board measurements for a period of 19 years (1981 to 1999). The top two soil moisture layers (0-10 cm, 10-40 cm) show greater variation in the observed data compared to the model simulations, whereas an inverse (greater variation in model than observed data) is seen in the case of layer 3 (40-140 cm). The aggregated soil moisture for the 140-cm layer simulations (0-140 cm) is depicted in Figure 5.4d. The differences can be attributed to the fact that the model-simulated soil moistures are average over a cell of approximately 15 km × 15 km area whereas those from the Illinois Water Survey data are point measurements. The scatter plots for the different layer comparisons are shown in


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Figures 5.5a-d. The values of R2 improved with the depth of the layers from about 0.3 for layer 1 (0-10 cm) to 0.6 for the aggregated layer (0-140 cm). The comparisons from the integrated soil water for the simulated 0 to 140-cm layer (Figure 5.4d) exhibit the same seasonal pattern as the observations. This highlights our ability to model water movement and conserve moisture.



y = 0.87x + 25676 R2 = 0.74 Bias=32580 cfs RMSD=43946 cfs

Measured Discharge in cfs




0.00E+00 0.00E+00





Simulated Discharge in cfs 6.00E+05



Discharge in cfs



4.00E+05 3.00E+05 2.00E+05 1.00E+05 0.00E+00 Oct-54











Figure 5.2 (a) Scatterplot of daily streamflow at the Mississippi River at Grafton, IL, 1950–1999. (b) Monthly mean streamflow at the Mississippi River at Grafton, IL, 1950– 1999.

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


Table 5.1 50-year monthly average streamflow distribution table for the Upper Mississippi River at Grafton, IL

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Measured (cfs)

Simulated (cfs)

65650 63046 93630 156389 186777 145997 112320 72025 72952 78850 84562 79287

71321 88974 144880 199612 187979 146414 126370 84962 75571 77357 83244 77551

Difference (SimulatedMeasured) (cfs) 5671 25928 51250 43223 1201 416 14050 12937 2618 -1492 -1317 -1736

% Difference ((SimulatedMeasured)/ Measured) x 100 9 41 55 28 0 0 13 18 4 -2 -2 -2 Average % Difference = 14

The standard deviation of the Illinois measurements for layer 1 (0-10 cm) is 5.46 mm in comparison to 1.93 mm of the model-simulated soil moisture for the layer. The coefficient of variation (standard deviation / mean) of the Illinois observations is 0.19 and those for the model simulations are 0.08. In the case of layer 2, the variation is much higher for layer 2 (10-40 cm) for the Illinois measurements (coefficient of variation = 0.14, standard deviation = 13.7 mm) than those of the model simulations (coefficient of variation = 0.08, standard deviation = 5.7 mm). Conversely, the third layer (40-140 cm) displays lower variation in soil moisture for the observations as compared to the model (coefficient of variation for simulated soil moisture = 0.16 and for observations = 0.06). For the aggregated layer (Figure 5.4d), the coefficient of variation for the Illinois observation (about 0.14) is in the range of the model simulations (about 0.10). However, it is true that one explanation would not suffice for the two, i.e., both have over- and undervariability. Our only explanation would be that in some way the model physics for the deeper layer (layer 3, 40-140 cm) are much more active than they should be. However, it should be noted that the three-layer aggregate, i.e., 0-140 cm, soil moisture coefficients of variation are reasonably close for observations (0.14) and model simulations (0.10). The overprediction of streamflow (Figure 5.3) is probably the cause for the underprediction of soil moisture (Figure 5.4). We acknowledge that the present scheme of calibration of the streamflow parameters is not comprehensive, yet, for our purpose of studying the changes in the soil moisture (specifically the


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third layer, 40-140 cm) in the spectrum of floods and droughts, it is adequate as demonstrated by the comparisons with the Illinois soil moisture data. 2.50E+05


Measured Discharge in cfs


y = 0.73x + 8383 R2 = 0.62 Bias=2719 cfs RMSD=12941 cfs




0.00E+00 0.00E+00






Simulated Discharge in cfs 1.00E+05 9.00E+04





Discharge in cfs

7.00E+04 6.00E+04 5.00E+04 4.00E+04 3.00E+04 2.00E+04 1.00E+04 0.00E+00 Oct-54











Figure 5.3 (a) Scatterplot of daily streamflow of the Illinois River at Valley City, IL, 1950–1999. (b) Monthly mean streamflow of the Illinois River at Valley City, IL, 1950– 1999.

3.2.3 Surface Temperature Comparisons with TOVS The model-simulated surface temperatures were compared with TOVS surface temperature data for the basin for a period of 20 years (1980 to 1999) for both the morning and afternoon overpasses of the satellite. The time of observation for each pixel is different depending on the latitude and distance from nadir. The exact time of each observation is included in the data. The VIC-

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


3L model-simulated surface temperatures, for the individual pixels were matched with the exact time of TOVS observations. If the TOVS data were not available, no comparisons were made for that particular record or pixel. Daily surface temperature comparison between the TOVS and VIC-3L simulated results for all the years from 1980-1999 for both morning and afternoon overpasses are given in Table 5.2. The R2 values range from about 0.72 to 0.89 and the average bias is around 1.3 K. The root mean squared difference (RMSD) of about 6.77 K was obtained from the study. The statistics for the 20-year comparison (shown in Table 5.2) indicate a consistent model performance in simulation of land surface temperature. The spatially averaged surface temperatures for the basin are shown in Figure 5.6 a, b for a period of 20 years for the morning (R2 value of 0.87 and a bias of 0.64 K) and the afternoon overpasses (R2 value of 0.86 and a bias of 2.53 K), respectively. The surface temperature patterns averaged over space are more agreeable with the average TOVS observations over the region. The comparison of modeled and observed land surface temperatures for 4 days, March 21, 1999; July 22, 1999; September, 22, 1999; and December 22, 1999 (chosen on/around the spring, summer, autumn, and winter solstices) are shown in Figure 5.7 for a particular 1° pixel (42.5N latitude, 93.5W longitude). The satellite overpass for the particular pixel occurred around 10 am and 10 pm. On an hourly time step, the TOVS surface temperature differs from the model simulations (as seen in Figure 5.7), but on a monthly scale the simulations are closer in value to the observations. The comparison of TOVS vs. VIC-3L monthly mean surface temperatures shows good spatial agreement for the summer months of the years 1988 and 1993 afternoon overpasses (Figures 5.8 and 5.9 respectively). The north to south temperature gradients, as well as the seasonal warming-cooling cycles, are well displayed for both the years. The months of May and August for the year 1988 afternoon satellite overpass show comparable spatial variations in surface temperature with those of model simulation (Figure 5.8). The range of variation of surface temperature in the TOVS data is higher in a few pixels. This could be a result of inadequate representation of vegetation classes for the particular year, as a static or nonvarying monthly average Leaf Area Index and vegetation cover have been assumed in the VIC-3L model simulation. The months of July and August 1993 (afternoon satellite overpass) show a lower temperature than the corresponding months in 1988, which could be attributed to the higher amount of soil moistures during the midwestern floods (Figure 5.8). Figure 5.8 and 5.9 also depict the difference between the VIC-3L and TOVS surface temperature for the two years 1988 and 1993. The VIC-3L simulated surface temperatures were higher than TOVS observations by around 3-5 K during the flood period of summer 1993. During the droughts of summer 1988 the TOVS surface temperatures are slightly higher than VIC-3L simulations.


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Figure 5.4 Illinois State averaged monthly soil moisture comparison, 1981–1999.

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


Best Fit Line y = 0.21x + 17.50 R2 = 0.35 Bias = 5 mm RMSE=7 mm


Best Fit Line y = 0.35x + 245.90 R2 = 0.54 Bias = 27 mm RMSE= 47 mm



Best Fit Line y = 1.68x - 28.10 R2 = 0.49 Bias = 21 mm RMSE=24 mm


Best Fit Line y = 0.6259x + 205.74 R2 = 0.62 Bias = 46 mm RMSE= 60 mm

Figure 5.5 Scatterplot of Illinois State averaged monthly soil moisture comparison, 1981– 1999.

At individual pixels and at a daily time scale, there are large variations of surface temperatures. They could be attributed to the errors in TOVS surface temperature retrievals and also due to the fact that TOVS retrievals were performed at even 20% cloud free conditions. The TOVS data are not error free and have a low (0-1 K) bias and 4-5 K standard deviation when compared to field observations of surface temperatures collected in field experiments (FIFE, HAPEX, BOREAS) (Lakshmi and Susskind, 2001a). Therefore TOVS provides good datasets to compare spatial averages over grid cells (which is what a model simulates) compared to point observations. In a philosophical discussion of actual comparisons of satellite data with point observations, Lakshmi and Susskind (2001a) have found that there is an almost constant difference in the root mean square sense of 5 K and a zero bias that is independent of the region of study. Therefore, in that light, the results obtained in this study are consistent with those (Lakshmi and Susskind, 2001a) findings.


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340 y = 0.90x + 27.80 R 2 = 0.87 Bias=0.64 K RMSD=4.14 K

VIC Surface Temperature (K)






(a) 220 220







TOVS Surface Temperature (K)


VIC Surface Temperature (K)


y = 0.95x + 17.28 R 2 = 0.86 Bias=2.53 K RMSD=5.6 K





(b) 220 220







TOVS Surface Temperature (K)

Figure 5.6 Upper Mississippi River basin averaged surface temperature (a) morning overpass and (b) afternoon overpass.

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


Figure 5.7 Hourly surface temperature comparison between VIC and TOVS for 4 days in the year 1999 for a 1° pixel (42.5N latitude, 93.5W longitude).


Watershed Models

(a) TOVS

(b) VIC

(c) Difference









Difference VIC – TOVS (K)










Figure 5.8 Surface temperature comparison – TOVS vs. VIC Year 1988, afternoon overpass column (a) is TOVS, column (b) is VIC, and column (c) is the difference between VIC and TOVS.

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets

(a) TOVS

(b) VIC


(c) Difference









Difference VIC – TOVS (K)










Figure 5.9 Surface temperature comparison – TOVS vs. VIC Year 1993, afternoon overpass column (a) is TOVS, column (b) is VIC, and column (c) is the difference between VIC and TOVS.


Watershed Models

Table 5.2 VIC vs. TOVS surface temperature comparison 1981–1999


Approximate Overpass Time am/pm

Best Fit Line


Bias (K)

Root Mean squared Difference

1981 1981 1982 1982 1983 1983 1984 1984 1985 1985 1986 1986 1987 1987 1988 1988 1989 1989 1990 1990 1991 1991 1992 1992 1993 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 1998 1999

8 am 8 pm 8 am 8 pm 3 am 3 pm 3 am 3 pm 8 am 8 pm 3 am 3 pm 8 am 8 pm 8 am 8 pm 8 am 8 pm 8 am 7 pm 3 am 3 pm 3 am 2 pm 3 am 2 pm 8 am 8 pm 8 am 8 pm 8 am 8 pm 8 am 8 pm 8 am 8 pm 3 am

y = 0.82x + 51.61 y = 0.90x + 31.39 y = 0.75x + 72.48 y = 0.86x + 43.89 y = 0.73x + 76.45 y = 0.84x + 48.56 y = 0.73x + 75.56 y = 0.87x + 38.65 y = 0.75x + 71.79 y = 0.84x + 50.77 y = 0.79x + 59.67 y = 0.86x + 44.04 y = 0.85x + 42.00 y = 0.92x + 27.28 y = 0.79x + 59.85 y = 0.89x + 31.81 y = 0.83x + 48.66 y = 0.92x + 24.29 y = 0.85x + 41.68 y = 0.89x + 35.76 y = 0.79x + 60.06 y = 0.83x + 53.02 y = 0.74x + 73.52 y = 0.75x + 73.29 y = 0.76x + 67.97 y = 0.84x + 47.57 y = 0.74x + 72.54 y = 0.88x + 37.09 y = 0.84x + 46.75 y = 0.89x + 34.44 y = 0.72x + 78.46 y = 0.80x + 59.50 y = 0.73x + 75.54 y = 0.83x + 50.58 y = 0.81x + 58.24 y = 0.83x + 60.23 y = 0.81x + 53.82

0.72 0.85 0.73 0.83 0.82 0.82 0.79 0.78 0.83 0.78 0.81 0.74 0.77 0.87 0.82 0.88 0.78 0.86 0.75 0.81 0.82 0.74 0.77 0.68 0.80 0.69 0.75 0.83 0.78 0.84 0.75 0.80 0.76 0.80 0.82 0.79 0.82

1.01 4.38 2.29 4.17 2.12 4.07 1.22 2.98 1.86 4.62 0.54 4.39 0.08 3.83 0.14 3.45 0.29 3.21 0.09 3.33 1.45 3.36 1.85 2.93 1.83 2.42 1.16 3.13 1.00 2.62 1.33 2.42 0.83 2.11 0.79 3.16 0.49

6.85 6.45 7.57 6.91 5.60 8.14 5.47 7.69 5.54 8.92 4.94 8.96 6.04 5.92 6.46 6.11 6.56 6.14 6.22 6.12 5.05 8.86 5.12 8.76 5.40 8.30 6.96 6.26 6.29 6.09 7.17 6.92 6.28 6.55 5.69 7.89 4.40

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


4. MODEL CHARACTERIZATION OF EXTREME EVENTS – DROUGHT AND FLOODS 4.1 Soil Moisture Characteristics The VIC-3L model simulated soil moisture for the Upper Mississippi River basin were studied in detail to characterize the extreme events such as the Midwestern drought during summer 1988 and the Upper Mississippi flood during July 1993. The anomalies in soil moisture patterns when compared with the 50-year average simulated soil moisture were analyzed in detail for the three layers 1, 2, and 3 (Figures 5.10a-c, respectively). All three layers depict distinctly lower soil moisture during the summer of 1988 and higher soil moisture during summer of 1993 in the basin. As other studies (Namais, 1988, 1989) indicated, the late winter and spring soil moisture during 1988 were significantly lower, which could have possibly enhanced warmer, dryer conditions during summer/early fall of 1988. The average soil moisture (over a 50-year period) for the basin tends to lie between these two extremes. The more sensitive top layer displays greater frequency of variation but of lower amplitudes (due to its lower capacity) when compared with the lower two soil layers. The lowermost layer characterizes the extreme events in a more distinct manner. In the case of layer 2, the difference in soil moisture during summer between the drought and flood events is around 30 mm with the 50-year mean being around 70 mm (Figure 5.10b). Whereas in layer 3, the difference for the same period is as high as 200 mm with a 50-year average soil moisture of about 250 mm (Figure 5.10c). VIC-3L simulations show that during the 1988 drought the average soil water content in the top 140-cm thick soil column was as low as 250 mm, as compared with a 50-year mean of about 350-370 mm during the same period (Figure 5.11). Also, during the Mississippi River floods of summer 1993, the moisture increased to around 500 mm in the 140-cm layer. This accounts for 250 mm or more of difference in the soil water content in the 140cm thick soil layer, between the flood and the drought year. Figure 5.13 depicts the spatial distribution of third-layer (40-140 cm) soil moisture in the Upper Mississippi River basin for the month of July, for the drought year 1988 and the flood year 1993. The monthly average three-layer aggregated soil moisture for the years 1988 and 1993 along with the 50-year average is summarized in Table 5.3. The annual average soil moisture in the basin during the drought year 1988 was about 346 mm as compared to 458 mm during the flood year 1993, and the 50year average was about 403 mm. During the month of July, the deficit in soil moisture in the drought year of 1988 when compared to the 50-year average was as much as 125 mm; whereas during the flood year of 1993 for the same month the aggregated soil moisture for the basin was about 95 mm higher than the average for the 50-year period. This underscores our point of contention, vis-à-vis, the deep layer (third layer in this case) soil moisture is a good indicator of climate extremes. In the case of the land surface, the third layer soil moisture is a reflection of all the hydrological processes occurring in the soil-atmosphere column. These are


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precipitation, infiltration, runoff, evapotranspiration, and vertical movement of moisture between the soil layers. Therefore, the analysis of the third layer soil moisture is a hydrological process integrated indicator of droughts and floods and differs from other climate indicators, e.g., precipitation (one process only) and PDSI (Palmer Drought Severity Index) – an ad-hoc indicator. Table 5.3 Upper Mississippi River Basin averaged monthly soil moisture (0-140 cm)

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average

Aggregated Basin Averaged Soil Moisture in mm 1950-1999 1988 1988-(19501993 1999) 404 398 −6 436 408 406 −2 433 428 426 −2 444 452 433 −19 484 450 405 −45 472 427 332 −95 479 391 265 −126 485 357 252 −105 455 353 263 −90 459 373 289 −84 454 396 325 −71 450 406 355 −51 453 404




1993-(19501999) 32 25 16 32 22 52 94 98 106 81 54 47 55

4.2 Discharge Comparisons for the Flood and Drought Period Daily streamflow simulation at the Upper Mississippi River at Grafton, IL during the period 1992 to 1995, the period of flood (Figure 5.13a), shows good agreement with the USGS observed stream discharge during the period (R2 = 0.81, bias = 14664 cfs, RMSD = 50150 cfs), with some overprediction during the peak flood during the third week of July. The simulated streamflows during the period of drought differ for the most part from the actual USGS measurements (R2 = 0.47, bias = 14056 cfs, RMSD = 62942 cfs) (Figure 5.13b). The largest difference is in March of 1989. The result suggests the need for proper calibration of the routing parameters and the need to verify soil moisture comparisons during the period to study model behavior during the extreme events. The model performance in terms of streamflow simulations for the period of flood is much better in comparison with that for the drought period. Table 5.4 summarizes the stream-discharge comparison for the drought (1988) and flood (1993) years along with the 50-year averages for the Mississippi River at Grafton, IL. The overall difference in streamflow simulations with the USGS measurements during the flood year 1993 is less than 5% as compared to 19% for the drought year 1988. The period of data chosen for calibration was predominantly wet compared to the 50-year average precipitation, which accounts for better model performance during flood periods. In both the events

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


as well as the overall 50-year average the model-simulated discharge was for the most part overestimated than the USGS observations. Layer 1 (0-10cm)

(a) 35

50 Year Average (1950-1999)

Soil Moisture (mm)

Drought Year (1988) 30

Flood Year (1993)

25 20 15 0





Julian Day

Layer 2 (10-40cm)


Drought Year (1988)

100 Soil Moisture (mm)

50-Year Average (1950-1999)


Flood Year (1993)

80 70 60 50 0





Julian Day

Layer 3 (40-140cm)

Soil Moisture (mm)


50-Year Average (1950-1999)


Drought Year (1988)


Flood Year (1993)

300 250 200 150 100 0





Julian Day

Figure 5.10 Upper Mississippi River averaged soil moisture (a) layer 1 (0-10 cm), (b) layer 2 (10-40 cm), and (c) layer 3 (40-140 cm).


Watershed Models

550 50 Year Average (1950-1999) Drought Year (1988) Flood Year (1993)


Soil Moisture (mm)






200 0





Julian Day

Figure 5.11 Upper Mississippi River averaged soil moisture aggregated layer (0-140 cm). 8.00E+05 Simulated




Discharge (cfs)

6.00E+05 5.00E+05 4.00E+05 3.00E+05 2.00E+05 1.00E+05 0.00E+00 07/15/92








Year 3.50E+05 Simulated 3.00E+05



Discharge (cfs)

2.50E+05 2.00E+05 1.50E+05 1.00E+05 5.00E+04 0.00E+00 07/07/86









Figure 5.12 Mississippi River at Grafton, IL daily streamflow comparison (a) 1992–1994 and (b) 1987–1989.

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


(a) July 1988 Mean = 185mm Standard Deviation = 52mm

(b) July 1993 Mean = 376mm Standard Deviation = 47mm

Soil Moisture (mm)

Figure 5.13 Upper Mississippi River Basin monthly average soil moisture (a) July 1988 and (b) July 1993 – Layer 3 (40-140 cm).


Watershed Models

Table 5.4 Upper Mississippi River at Grafton, IL monthly streamflow comparison 1950-1999 Measured (cfs) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sum

65650.39 63045.54 93629.50 156388.70 186777.30 145996.90 112319.70 72024.88 72952.48 78850.28 84561.68 79287.28 1211485

Simulated (cfs) 71321 88974 144880 199612 187979 146414 126370 84962 75571 77357 83244 77551 1364235

1988 % Diff. 9 41 55 28 1 0 13 18 4 −2 −2 −2 Av. =13

Measured (cfs) 76527 109434 75266 97557 59272 23150 24748 37187 28914 35713 34164 24624 626556

Simulated (cfs) 86910 101100 107200 131200 69140 36310 30420 37230 37850 28040 34390 34670 734460

1993 % Diff. 14 −8 42 34 17 57 23 0 31 −21 1 41 Av.= 19

Measured (cfs) 150882 103471 126155 325393 332041 277454 556973 265817 289694 213954 131015 127763 2900612

Simulate d (cfs)

% Diff.

161000 113600 210400 342100 333300 244200 469300 416900 309900 201900 139900 113900 3056400

6 9 40 5 0 −14 −19 36 7 -6 -12 Av.= 5

CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION In this paper, we used a hydrological model (VIC-3L), and applied it to the Upper Mississippi River basin for the time period 1950 to 1999. The model outputs were validated using observations of discharge, soil moisture, and surface temperature. We studied in detail the range of land-atmosphere conditions from droughts to floods. In particular, the distribution of soil moisture at all depths (0-10 cm, 10-40 cm, 40-140 cm) for both these extreme conditions examined in detail and we evaluated the model characterization in depicting extreme conditions like droughts and floods. In this paper we have studied the temporal dynamics exhibited by the deep-layer soil moisture. Model-simulated streamflows were validated with comparisons with USGS gauging station streamflow with reasonable accuracy. The streamflow simulations were seen to be within acceptable limits of around 15% for monthly comparisons and for daily comparisons the simulations were successful in predicting the discharge peaks and were within the range of about 27% over a period of 50 years. The work of Maurer et al. (2002) shows a percent root mean square error for streamflow at the outlet (for the Upper Mississippi Basin) as 25.6% and a percentage bias of 13.8% with comparisons carried out for a 10year period. Our corresponding calculations show reasonable comparisons with these values of 33% and 13.5%, respectively, for RMSE and bias over a 50-year period. The actual differences could be attributed in part to the period of comparison (10 years versus 50 years) chosen. Sensitivity studies of spatial resolution on streamflow simulations carried out by Haddeland et al. (2002) indicated a greater degree of dependence. Lundquist (2002) suggests the use of diurnal cycles of streamflow in understanding the various hydrological components viz. snowmelt, evapotranspiration, and infiltration. The study including seasonal changes in diurnal variations would provide further insight in

Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets


evaluating the various hydrological components described. Studies by Maurer et al. (2001a, 2002) and Cherkaue and Lettenmaier (1999) over the Upper Mississippi River basin provides similarly reasonable success in model performance in evaluating the various components of the hydrological cycle. The model-simulated soil moisture was compared with Illinois Soil Water Survey Board soil moisture measurements. The seasonal patterns and the patterns in soil moisture variations were captured and the performance was reasonable for the aggregated layer (0-140 cm). With a fewer number of point measurements over the state of Illinois, difficulties were encountered in performing a more detailed validation study. The simulated surface temperatures were validated by comparison with satellite observations, TOVS surface temperatures, over a period of 20 years (1980-1999), with reasonable agreement. The simulated daily values were within about 10-15% for the morning overpass and about 15-20% for the afternoon overpass. The performance during the afternoon overpass is significant in terms of the peaks in energy flux exchange between the surface and atmosphere during the period. The surface temperature simulations at hourly timestep were comparable with similar works in the Red-Arkansas River Basin by Rhoads et al. (2001) where the comparisons were found to be within 25%. In their study (Rhoads et al., 2001) over the Red-Arkansas Rivers at 1° spatial resolution and 3-hour time-step, model yielded a regression coefficient of 0.76, a bias of 3.16 K, and an RMSE of 8.33 K for the year 1985 and also showed similar trends in spatial distributions. To summarize, the comparison with TOVS data was better at both monthly average (temporal average) and basin average (spatial average). It is significant to note that the individual errors in the surface temperature observations by TOVS and the model-simulated surface temperature have not been accounted for in these comparisons. In general, with several successful field campaigns for TOVS surface temperature validations including FIFE and SAHEL as suggested earlier, TOVS-observed surface temperature data could be used as a basis of reality for spatial averages over a degree pixel. The present study is significant in terms of providing a reliable strategy to characterize meteorological droughts and floods in a more consistent and hydrologically quantifiable manner. Also, the limitation in obtaining the lowerlayer soil moisture by measurements or observations suggests the use of such detailed distributed land-surface schemes as possible sources of data. The model discharge simulations during the flood events were much better than those during the drought periods. This may be attributed to the period of calibration chosen which was predominantly wet and also possibly due to dependence of the flow characteristics on the mass of the water transported as described by the non-linearized version of the Saint-Venant’s equation. The current work has several limitations in the need to calibrate for the coefficients in the Saint-Venant’s equations, possibly at subbasin level, more accurately for better streamflow prediction and the use of time-varying vegetation data to improve the surface temperature estimates. This in turn would


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help in characterization of model representation of land surface used in the modeling scheme. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author gratefully acknowledges the support of NASA and their Land Surface Hydrology Program, NAG5-8875, and the Program Managers associated with this project since its funding; Dr Dennis Lettenmaier, Dr Eric Wood, Dr Paul Houser, Dr Michael Jasinski, and Dr Jared Entin. The authors would like to thank Drs. Keith Cherkauer, Bart Nijssen, and Ed Maurer, and the hydrological modeling group at the University of Washington, Seattle, for providing the VIC-3L model and datasets. REFERENCES Abdulla, F.A. et al., Application of a macroscale hydrologic model to estimate the water balance of the Arkansas-Red River Basin, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7449, 1996. Bras, R.A., Hydrology: An Introduction to Hydrologic Science, Addison-Wesley, Boston, 1990. Charney, J.G., Dynamics of a deserts and drought in the Sahel, Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 101, 193, 1975. Chen, T. et al., Cabauw experimental results from the project for intercomparison of landsurface parameterization schemes (PILPS), J. Climate, 10, 1194, 1997. Cherkauer, K.A., Understanding the hydrological effects of frozen soil, Report 197, Water Resources Series, University of Washington, Seattle, 2001. Cherkauer, K.A. and Lettenmaier, D.P., Hydrological effects of frozen soils in the Upper Mississippi River basin, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 19599, 1999. Dickinson, R.E. et al., Biosphere atmosphere transfer scheme (BATS) for the NCAR community climate model, Technical Note TN275+STR NCAR, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, 1986. Georgakakos, K.P. and Bae, D.H., Climatic variability of soil water in the American Midwest: Part 2. Spatio-temporal analysis, J. Hydrol., 162, 379, 1994. Haddeland, I., Matheussen, B.V., and Lettenmaier, D.P., Influence of spatial resolution on simulated streamflow in a macroscale hydrological model, Water Resour. Res., 38, 1124, 2002. Hansen, M.C. et al., Global land cover classification at 1km spatial resolution using a classification tree approach, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 21, 1331, 2000. Hollinger, S.E. and Isard, S.A., A soil moisture climatology of Illinois, J. Climate, 7, 822, 1994. Huang, J., van den Dool, H.M., and Georgakakos, K.P., Analysis of model-calculated soil moisture over the United States (1931-1993) and applications in long-range temperature forecasts, J. Climate, 9, 1350, 1996.

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Section 3: Streamflow Models

CHAPTER 6 Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model: A Model for Simulating Diverse Streamflow-Producing Processes Charles W. Downer, Fred L. Ogden, Justin Neidzialek, and Siqing Liu

The Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) model is a reformulation and enhancement of the two-dimensional, physically based Hortonian (Horton, 1933) model CASC2D (Ogden and Julien, 2002). In addition to Hortonian runoff (infiltration excess), the GSSHA model is capable of simulating streamflow generated from saturated source areas, exfiltration, and groundwater discharge to streams. GSSHA is intended to provide watershed analysis capability in a wide range of hydrologic conditions, and provides an alternative to lumped-parameter models such as HEC1 (HEC, 1985), for use in complex catchments where heterogeneities and predictions of flow path are important. GSSHA also provides an alternative to the use of closely coupled surface water groundwater models capable of solving complex groundwater and flow and transport problems, such as ADH (Howington et al., 1997), WASH123D (Yeh et al., 1998) or MODHMS (Panday and Huyakorn, 2004). The complexity of these closely coupled models comes with a large computational burden and input data requirements. Furthermore, the use of models with multidimensional representations of the unsaturated zone may suffer problems with aspect ratio when applied to simulate infiltration and associated hydrologic fluxes (Talbot et al., 2002). GSSHA is a comparatively simpler and faster, robust, physically based hydrologic model that can perform watershed analysis in regions with varied flow-generating processes. GSSHA is developed to provide hydrologic predictions in the widest variety of places and conditions. For this reason, the model uses existing sources of digital data, and is supported by the Watershed Modeling System (WMS) interface (Nelson, 2001). Due to the differing levels of information that may be available in different regions and projects, the model has a number of options for many processes. The model employs mass conserving solutions of partial differential equations and closely links the hydrologic compartments to assure an overall mass balance. The model has been applied in a number of basins and has demonstrated utility for investigating the important streamflow-producing processes in a watershed, and determining the contributions of surface water, saturated groundwater, and unsaturated groundwater to the overall water balance. The model has been shown to provide useful predictions of streamflow, sediment transport, surface inundation, and soil moistures. In this chapter we will describe the GSSHA model, detail its formulation, discuss ongoing developments, and highlight the applicability of the model with a series of illustrative examples.



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1. FORMULATION 1.1 Overall Model GSSHA is a physically based, distributed-parameter, structured-grid, hydrologic model that simulates the hydrologic response of a watershed subject to given hydrometeorological inputs. The watershed is divided into square grid cells that comprise a uniform finite difference/finite volume grid. Processes that occur before, during, and after a precipitation event are calculated for each grid cell and then the responses from individual grid cells are integrated to produce the watershed response. All processes, both point and integrated, are represented by first principle equations, i.e. conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. Many significant simplifications are made to the basic conservation equations as implemented in the GSSHA model to make the model both computationally efficient and robust. Major components of the model include precipitation distribution, snow accumulation and melt, precipitation interception by plants, infiltration, evapotranspiration (ET), microtopographical retention, surface runoff routing, channel flow routing, vadose zone flow, saturated groundwater flow, overland sediment erosion, transport and deposition, channel routing of sediments, and reactive transport on the overland and in the channels. A number of watershed structural features are also simulated in the model, including: lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, detention basins, detailed hydraulic structures, and the influence of roadways, berms, and dykes. Computational speed is an issue with process-based models. The GSSHA formulation includes variable time steps to reduce simulation time. Each process selected for simulation has its own time step and an associated update time. Each overall model time step the update time of each process selected by the user is checked against the current model time, and when they coincide the process is updated, and updated information from that process is transferred to dependent processes. The update time or time step of dependent processes may be modified as part of the process update. This formulation permits the efficient simultaneous simulation of processes that have dissimilar response times, such as overland flow, ET, and lateral groundwater flow. 1.2 Point Processes Point processes occur at the grid cell level for every cell in the active domain. In general, point processes are updated first and the updated cell values are used to simulate integrated processes. Point processes in GSSHA are not iterative; they are calculated based on the most current boundary conditions available at the update time. 1.2.1 Precipitation Distribution Precipitation is input into the model using point rain gauge or radar estimates. Precipitation events must be defined in the model input. A precipitation event is defined as a number of temporal points where the time and rainfall are prescribed for each rain gauge or radar pixel. As the time is specified at each point, the precipitation increments can be at uneven time intervals. An

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


unlimited number of gauges and points can be used, and the number of gauges can change between events. Precipitation is distributed over the grid using either Thiessen polygons or by inverse distance squared interpolation. When the model is run in continuous mode, hourly temperatures are required input, and precipitation is assumed to be frozen when the air temperature is at or below 0ºC. Frozen precipitation is not available for infiltration, ET, or runoff, until such time as it melts, as described below. In lieu of gauge data, precipitation may be applied as uniform rain rate over the basin for a fixed period of time. This feature is particularly useful as a tool to aid in initial model setup. 1.2.2 Rainfall Interception Inception of precipitation by vegetation is simulated in GSSHA using a three-parameter model that includes an initial volume of retention upon the initiation of rainfall and then a variable rate of retention based on precipitation rate, as described by Ogden and Julien (2002). Often in practice, interception is not explicitly simulated; rather, the effects of interception are included in the overland flow retention depth. 1.2.3 Infiltration Ponded water on overland flow plane cells will infiltrate into the soil as dictated by soil hydraulic properties and antecedent moisture conditions, which may be affected by previous rainfall, run on, ET, and the location of the water table. The unsaturated zone that controls infiltration may be simulated with a 1D formulation of Richards’ equation (RE) (Richards, 1931), which simulates infiltration, ET, and soil moisture movement in an integrated fashion. Infiltration may also be simulated using traditional Hortonian Green and Ampt (GA) (Green and Ampt, 1911) approaches. RE is a general equation and can be applied in any type of watershed or conditions. The GA methods represent significant simplifications of infiltration, as compared to RE. Calculation of infiltration with the GA methods also decouples the processes that occur in the unsaturated zone. GA does not provide detailed soil moisture profiles, and vertical movement of water from the groundwater table to the unsaturated zone cannot be simulated. Because solution of the nonlinear RE is computationally expensive, the simpler methods based on the GA equation are preferred when runoff is Hortonian, i.e., occurs due to infiltration excess, where the rainfall/run-on of water is greater than the possible infiltration rate. For fine-textured soils the Green and Ampt with distribution (GAR) method has been shown to closely mimic the RE solution (Ogden and Saghafian, 1997), and when applied in basins identified as Hortonian, the GAR method has been shown to produce results comparable with the RE (Downer and Ogden, 2003). However, when Hortonian flow is not the predominant streamflow-producing mechanism, application of GA type models is ill advised and can result in erroneous results (Downer et al., 2002a). For cases where Hortonian flow is not the predominant process generating streamflow the RE should be used, and coupled with the saturated groundwater solution as appropriate.


Watershed Models Richards’ Equation Processes in the unsaturated zone primarily occur in the vertical direction (Refsgard and Storm, 1995) and GSSHA solves the one-dimensional (vertical direction) head-based form of RE: C (ψ )

∂ψ ∂ ⎡ ⎛ ∂ψ ⎞⎤ − ⎢ K (ψ )⎜ − 1⎟⎥ − W = 0 ∂t ∂z ⎣ ⎝ ∂z ⎠⎦


where: C is the specific moisture capacity, ψ is the soil capillary head (cm), z is the vertical coordinate (downward positive) (cm), t is time (h), K(ψ) is the effective hydraulic conductivity (cm h-1), and W is the source/sink term (cm h-1). The head-based formulation is often used in hydrologic models because it allows solution of RE in both saturated and unsaturated conditions (Haverkamp et al. 1977), and rainfall, ET, and groundwater recharge can be simulated without a change in variable. Mass balance problems associated with solution of the head-based formula are avoided by using flux updating (Kirkland et al., 1992). Two different methods can be used to describe soil water retention curves: the Brooks and Corey method (1964) as extended by Hutson and Cass (1987), and the method of Havercamp et al. (1977) as modified by Lappala et al. (1987). The Havercamp method requires field or laboratory data to fit coefficients. Brooks and Corey parameters may be fit, or estimated from literature values. The upper boundary condition varies depending on the state of the top (zero) cell: specified flux if there is no surface ponding, or specified pressure (head) when there is surface ponding. The zero cell in the column is located above the ground surface, and a pressure is always specified for this cell. For a flux boundary condition, the pressure in the top cell is zero and the flux is added to cells via the source term, W. In the case of a head boundary condition, the pressure in the top cell is equal to the depth of ponded water, and water that enters the top cell is infiltration. Infiltration at the land surface is controlled by K, which is dependent on the soil moisture. For a flux boundary condition the cell-centered value of the first cell (cell below the zero cell) is used. If ponding occurs, the cell-centered value may be used, or K at the soil surface may be assumed to be the saturation value (Ks), or an average of Ks and the cell-centered value. The use of these alternatives to the cell-centered method may allow the use of larger cell sizes in the unsaturated zone without seriously affecting calculated hydrologic fluxes (Downer and Ogden, 2003). Three different lower boundary conditions can be specified. When the effect of the water table on processes in the upper soil column is negligible the lower boundary condition is a zero head gradient. The lower boundary can also represent a water table located a fixed distance from the soil surface, and the last cell is placed at the saturated groundwater table. The head at the top of the cell is zero, and the head at cell’s center is positive. In the third case, the groundwater table elevation is allowed to vary, and the size of the last non-boundary cell and the number of cells changes as the water table rises and falls. Complete details

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


of implementation of RE in GSSHA can be found in Downer (2002) and Downer and Ogden (2004a,b). Green and Ampt-Based Methods There are three optional GA-based methods to calculate infiltration for Hortonian basins: (1) traditional GA infiltration, (2) multilayer GA, and (3) GAR. While the simple GA method has been shown to be useful for simulating infiltration in many soils, extension of the GA model to three soil layers allows several important common natural phenomena such as layered soils, nonuniform initial soil moistures, surface crust, lenses, and high water tables, to be treated with a similar, simple approach. The traditional GA and multilayer GA approaches are used for single-event rainfall when there are no significant periods of rainfall hiatus. The GAR approach is used when there are significant breaks in the rainfall, or for continuous simulations. The GAR method expands the capability of GA by redistributing soil moisture during periods of no- or low-intensity rainfall. This allows infiltration capacity to recover for the next burst of storm intensity, and makes the GAR method suitable for simulating multiple rainfall events in series. To accommodate the coupling of the unsaturated and saturated zones the implementation of GAR in GSSHA is slightly different than in CASC2D. In GSSHA GAR infiltration does not stop at the end of events; rather, infiltration ceases when the overland flow cells are dry. Formulation and application of the GA model is well described in other sources (e.g., Maidment, 1993) as well as the GAR method (Ogden and Saghafian, 1997). The GA models as implemented in GSSHA are described in Ogden and Julien (2002). Formulation, solution, and application of the multilayered GA model as applied in the GSSHA model are presented in the GSSHA User’s Manual (Downer and Ogden, 2004c). 1.2.4 Evapotranspiration Senarath et al. (2000) demonstrated the need for computing initial soil moistures for predictions of episodic runoff. ET represents a major source of soil water loss. In GSSHA potential evapotranspiration (PET) may be computed using two different options: bare-ground evaporation from the land surface using the formulation suggested by Deardorff (1978), and ET from a vegetated land surface using the Penman-Monteith equation (Monteith, 1975). Variants of these two representations are widely used in land-surface schemes of climate and distributed hydrologic models (e.g., Dickinson et al., 1986; Beven and Kirkby, 1979). The ET calculations used in GSSHA have been described elsewhere (Senarath et al., 2000; Ogden and Julien, 2002). In general, the Penman-Monteith method is most suitable for vegetated watersheds as it accounts for vegetation shading, wind resistance, and transpiration through leaves. In the northern hemisphere temperate zone ET is subject to strong seasonal variations due to changes in climatic conditions and the vegetative cover. The seasonal variability of climatic conditions is reflected in the model with the hourly hydrometeorological inputs (Senarath et al., 2000). In GSSHA vegetative


Watershed Models

cover is represented with simple land use/land cover indexes, such as forest, pasture, etc. Senarath et al. (2000) determined that the distributed, watershedscale application of the Penman-Monteith equation is most sensitive to the value of canopy resistance, and is quite insensitive to the other model parameters. Since leaf area and canopy resistance can vary by several hundred percent over the course of the year for crops, grasses, and deciduous forest in temperate regions (Monteith, 1975; Doorenbos and Pruitt, 1977; Federer and Lash, 1978), seasonal vegetative variability is incorporated into GSSHA by varying the canopy resistance. Mid-growing season values of canopy resistance are input. For each month an amplification factor is used to represent the change in the canopy resistance related to plant growth and dieoff. Downer and Ogden (2003) describe both the details of the method and the resulting improvements in predictions of soil moisture and outlet discharge for periods outside the growing season at the Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed (GCEW) in north Mississippi. Regardless of the method used to calculate potential ET (PET), the actual ET (AET) is computed from the PET by adjusting the PET for the soil moisture in each cell. How this is done depends on the method used to simulate the soil column as described in the next section. 1.2.5 Soil Moisture Accounting If a uniform soil column is simulated with GAR as the selected infiltration method, then the bulk soil moisture from the specified root depth is used to adjust the ET as described by Ogden and Julien (2002). Soil moisture accounting begins at the end of the rainfall event, when the outlet discharge falls below a user-specified amount. The bulk soil moisture is computed as the total amount of soil moisture in the specified root depth at the end of a rainfall event. This soil moisture is reduced hourly by the AET to compute the initial soil moisture to be used at the beginning of the next rainfall event. Soil moisture is adjusted due to AET only. Even though some small amount of water may remain on the overland flow plane, flowing and infiltrating, this does not affect the soil moisture accounting calculations. When RE is chosen to simulate the soil column any water ponded on the surface of a cell is used to satisfy all or part of PET. Any water ponded on the land surface is reduced by PET. Any remaining PET demand is then applied to the unsaturated zone down to the specified root depth. AET is removed from the cells in the root zone in proportion to the size of each vertical computational cell. Similar to the methods used by Ogden and Julien (2002) for GAR, AET is calculated from PET using the relationship when θwp ≤ θ ≤ 0.75 θs ⎛ ⎞ θ − θ wp ⎟ AET = PET ⎜ ⎜ 0.75(θ s − θ wp ) ⎟ ⎝ ⎠



where: θ is the soil water content, θs is the saturated water content, and θwp is the wilting point water content. AET equals PET when θ > 0.75 θs, is increasingly

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


less than PET as the soil approaches θs, and becomes zero at the θwp. The AET for each cell is added to the source term, W, in the RE solution (Equation 6.1). 1.2.6 Snowmelt Precipitation that occurs at air temperatures below 0°C is added to a snowpack in each cell. The water in the pack becomes available for infiltration and runoff as it melts. The simplest representation of the snowpack is used; each 80 calories of heat added to the snowpack results in the release of 1 cm3 of meltwater (Linsley et al., 1982; Gray and Prowse, 1993). Hourly values of hydrometeorological variables allow both seasonal and diurnal variations in climatic conditions to be included in the heat balance. The amount of heat, H (cal cm-2 hr-1), available is computed from the components of the energy balance. In GSSHA the following components are accounted for: net radiation, heat in precipitation, heat transferred by sublimation and evaporation, and sensible heat transfer due to turbulence. Precipitation accounts for the greatest addition of heat to the simulated snowpack. For nonprecipitation periods the net radiation is typically the dominant source of energy for melting of the snowpack (Gray and Prowse, 1993). The net radiation is computed using Stefan-Boltzmann’s law, with the assumptions that incoming radiation can be computed from the ambient temperature, Ta (C), and outgoing radiation is computed assuming the snowpack is at 0°C (Bras, 1990). The reader is referred to Downer (2002) and Downer and Ogden (2004a, c) for more details. 1.3 Integrated Processes 1.3.1 Surface Water Routing GSSHA uses similar, two-step, finite-volume schemes to route water for both a one-dimensional (1-D) channel and a two-dimensional (2-D) overland flow, where flows are computed based on heads and volumes are updated based on the computed flows. Explicit Channel Routing Explicit channel routing in GSSHA follows the same methods described by Ogden and Julien (2002), with some advancements to increase stability. Flows are still computed based on Manning’s equation, with the friction slope substituted for the land slope in the equation. Computations follow from upstream to downstream. The upstream node water depth is used to calculate the flow area (upwinding). In GSSHA the head gradient, and thus the flow direction, is determined for each channel node for every channel update and the up-gradient depth is used to calculate the flow according to Manning’s equation. If adverse flow occurs (flow in the topographically upstream direction), the head in the downstream cell is used to calculate the flow. This “up-gradient” approach makes the scheme stable in channels with adverse slopes at the beginning of runoff and allows backwater effects. The current scheme also incorporates a variable time step. During highly transient periods the channel


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routing time step may become just fractions of a second, and then increase as conditions stabilize. Details of the method are presented in Downer and Ogden (2004a). Another significant improvement in GSSHA is the use of vectors rather than rasters to describe the connection between channels and overland flow grids. This allows more accurate representation of channel length and slope. Overland Flow Routing Overland flow routing in GSSHA employs the same methods described for 1-D channel routing, except the calculations are made in two dimensions. Overland flow may be solved using a purely explicit cell-by-cell method where intercell discharges per unit width in the x and y directions are computed from the depth from the previous time level using Manning’s equation, with spatially varied roughness coefficients. In addition to this original formulation in the CASC2D model, two new solution schemes have been added, an alternating direction explicit scheme (ADE) and an ADE scheme with an additional predictor-corrector step (ADE-PC). Both the ADE and ADE-PC methods employ the up-gradient difference technique for calculating flows. Fluxes other than intercell fluxes, direct evaporation, infiltration, and exfiltration are accounted for before overland routing is computed. For all methods a retention depth may be specified below which routing does not occur. The details of these methods are presented in Downer and Ogden (2004a). The overland flow routine employs a similar time step limitation as used for channel routing. Linear impediments to flow, e.g., roads and dikes, can be placed on the overland flow plane at user-specified locations. Since overland fluxes are routed in the x,y orthogonal directions only, dikes have the effect of disallowing fluxes that have a directional component perpendicular to the dike face, except in locations where the user specifies “low spots” where overtopping can occur. The user must specify the hydraulic geometry of the low spot using either a horizontal or parabolic broad-crested weir. 1.3.2 Saturated Groundwater Routing GSSHA solves the 2-D lateral free surface groundwater flow equations as presented in Equation 6.3 below:

∂E ws ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂E ws ∂ ⎛ ⎜⎜ T yy ⎜ T xx ⎟+ ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ ∂y

∂E ⎞ ⎟⎟ = S ws + W ( x, y, t ) ∂t ⎠


where: Txx and Tyy are the transmissivities (m2 s-1) in the x and y directions, respectively, Ews is the water surface elevation (m), S is the storage term (dimensionless), and W is the flux term for sources and sinks (m s-1). This equation is approximated using a block-centered finite difference five-point implicit scheme solved by line successive overrelaxation (LSOR). The transmissivities and storage terms are iteratively solved by Picard iterations. The transmissivity is calculated based on the updated saturated thickness, b, determined from the heads, so that:

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model

T k +1 = K gw b k +1



where k connotes the iteration level, and Kgw is the groundwater hydraulic conductivity. Boundary conditions around the watershed edge can be specified as either constant head or constant flux. The lower boundary is a flux term that represents a leaky aquifer. Possible internal boundary conditions include constant head or constant flux which is used to represent pumping wells of constant rate. When a 1-D channel flow is simulated, grid cells containing stream channels may be represented as either head or flux boundaries. 1.4 Coupling of Systems

1.4.1 Overland and Channel When the water surface elevation in the channel is below the water surface elevation on the overland plane, lateral inflow to the channel is controlled by a simple broad-crested weir equation. When the water surface elevation in the channel exceeds the bank elevation water can spill out of the channel back onto the overland flow plane using a submerged-weir equation. The flow is adjusted to account for degree of submergence. Water going back onto the overland flow plane is routed according to the overland flow equations. 1.4.2 Overland and Groundwater The overland and groundwater are coupled through the simulation of the unsaturated zone. The groundwater may be coupled to the surface by simulating the unsaturated zone with the 1-D RE or the GAR approximation. While RE provides the closest link between the surface and subsurface, the GAR method allows for much quicker simulations. In general, application of GAR should be limited to analysis, and not used for design. Coupling with RE In GSSHA the bottom of the unsaturated zone is the top of the saturated model. As the groundwater table rises and falls the size of the unsaturated zone contracts and expands. The size and number of cells in the unsaturated zone is allowed to vary. The storage term used in the saturated groundwater solution does not account for the water in the unsaturated zone. After solution of the saturated zone equations, an extra step is required to account for the influence of water present in the unsaturated zone. Fluxes from the saturated zone to the unsaturated zone are added to the source term of the next to last unsaturated cell during the next update for the unsaturated zone. The same procedure is used for fluxes to the saturated zone from the unsaturated zone. The upper boundary condition for the saturated groundwater zone is the flux derived from solution of RE. During and after periods of rainfall, the unsaturated zone provides a positive recharge flux to the saturated zone. During dry periods when drainage has ceased and ET is dominant, low soil pressure heads create a flux from the saturated groundwater zone to the unsaturated zone.


Watershed Models Coupling with GAR The infiltration calculated by GAR can be used to provide a rough estimate of groundwater recharge to the 2-D saturated groundwater flow simulation. Chen et al. (1994) found that a spatial ensemble of GA solutions mimics the RE solution. The groundwater recharge for each time step is equal to the infiltration computed by GAR. The storage term in the saturated groundwater calculations is the effective porosity of the cell minus the initial moisture. The initial moisture is updated at the beginning of each rainfall event. See Downer et al. (2002b) for complete details of coupling of GAR to the saturated groundwater model. Exfiltration When the water table rises to or above the ground surface of an overland flow cell, that cell becomes an exfiltration cell. Once a cell becomes an exfiltration cell, unsaturated groundwater calculations are no longer performed, and the overland flow plane becomes linked directly to the saturated groundwater. The flux in an exfiltration cell can be into or out of the soil depending on the relationship between the groundwater surface elevation and the soil surface elevation plus the overland flow depth. 1.4.3 Channel and Groundwater A channel node may be connected to the saturated groundwater by specifying the cells containing stream nodes as either head boundaries or flux boundaries in the groundwater domain. For a head boundary, the elevation of the water surface in the stream node is used as a specified head in the groundwater solution. In the case of a river flux boundary condition, the flux between the groundwater cell and stream node is calculated during each channel routing update. The stream bottom sediment and hydraulic conductivity are specified for each channel node and the Darcy flux through the bottom sediments is computed based on the groundwater surface elevation and the surface elevation of the water in the stream node according to the methods used in McDonald and Harbaugh (1988). This flux is accumulated until the next groundwater update, where the total is passed to the groundwater solution as a source term, W in Equation 6.3. Details of the implementation of saturated groundwater in GSSHA can be found in Downer and Ogden (2004a,b) and Downer (2002). Channel losses through the stream bed can be computed using this same relationship, even if groundwater is not being simulated. 2. NEW DEVELOPMENTS 2.1 Fate and Transport Modeling The event-based Kilinc-Richardson (1973) model of soil erosion and transport capacity coupled to Yang’s method (Yang, 1996) in-stream sediment transport employed in CASC2D suffers from limitations related to parameter assignment and the potential for physically unrealistic volumes of sediment being transported (Ogden and Heilig, 2001; Ogden and Julien, 2002; Kalin and

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


Hantush, 2003). To correct the documented problems in the formulation and provide for general transport in the GSSHA model, the transport capacity concept was replaced with a more general transport equation. In addition to the rill erosion predicted by Kilinc-Richardson, raindrop and surface detachment effects were investigated (Liu and Ogden, 2004), leading to improved predictions of in-stream sediment transport, especially for large rainfall events. 2.1.1 Routing methods For in-stream routing of dissolved or suspended constituents, the 1-D form of the advection dispersion equation is solved. ∂( ρV ) ∂ (Q x ρ ) ∂ 2 ( Aρ ) + + Dx + κ ( ρV ) = W (6.5) ∂t ∂x ∂x 2 where: ρ is concentration, V is volume, Qx is discharge in the x direction, A is cross-sectional area, Dx is the diffusion coefficient in the x direction for the constituent of concern, κ is the decay coefficient, and W is the term for all sources and sinks (Downer, 2004). For each constituent simulated, this equation is solved with a simple three-point explicit finite-difference scheme that proceeds from the most upstream node to the channel outlet. For overland flow, the two-dimensional form of the general transport equation is solved for each constituent simulated with a five-point ADE-PC method

2.1.2 Source and Sink Terms The source and sink terms for particulate (sediments) and dissolved components are treated differently, as described below. Particulates For overland soil erosion the source term consists of two major sources, soil detached by raindrop impact and soil detached by surface runoff due to rill erosion (Foster, 1982). This portion of the erosion can be calculated according to the Englelund-Hansen (1967) method, the Kilinc-Richardson method, or by a general shear formula. When the sediment transport capacity is insufficient to transport the sediment in suspension within a grid cell, sediment is deposited on the surface. Sediment deposition in each grid cell is calculated for each of three size fractions using a trap efficiency relation, analogous to particle settling (Johnson et al., 2000). For channel routing Equation 6.5 above is used to transport silt and clays, whereas Yang’s method is still employed for larger particles. Dissolved Constituents For dissolved components on the overland flow plane the mass of each constituent available in each cell is specified along with a first-order uptake coefficient. When water ponds in a cell the constituent enters the water at a rate dependent on the uptake coefficient and the dissolved concentration. The portion of constituent dissolved is subtracted from the amount available in the cell.


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Other sources include specified point sources and over-bank flooding from the stream network. Decay is controlled by another first-order reaction with a separate user-specified decay coefficient. Dissolved constituents on the overland are also lost due to infiltration, flow into the channel network, or in flow that exits the watershed boundary. Within the channel network the constituents are lost due to decay, over-bank flooding, through the stream bottom, or by exiting the watershed. 2.2 Lake, Reservoirs, Detention Basins, and Wetlands The ability to simulate major hydrologic storage units — lakes, reservoirs, detention basins and wetlands — is seen as a necessary component of hydrologic models. In the context of GSSHA a lake is a natural water body with no means of control at its outlet; a reservoir is a lake that is used for the storage of water, and has a means of control; a detention basin is an engineered structure consisting of a storage area and an outlet with known discharge characteristics; and a wetland is conceptualized as an expansive, low-gradient area with dense vegetation of limited height, with depressions that can retain water when there is little or no net flow through the wetland. Lakes, reservoirs, and detention basin outlet flows are calculated based on upstream and downstream heads using either rating curves, rule curves, scheduled releases, or geometric descriptions of weirs or culverts. The outlet structure flow calculation routines are quite sophisticated and have been verified using field and laboratory data for flows over roadways and through culverts (Hebert et al., 2001). Lakes, reservoirs, and detention basins are assumed to be uniformly mixed and level-pool routing is used. Lakes and reservoirs require input parameters of initial, minimum, and maximum water surface elevations, as well as bathymetry. Each is allowed to interact with the overland flow plane, channel network, and subsurface modules and may exchange an incremental volume of water at each module’s process update time. Based on a volume/area relationship derived from the digital elevation model (DEM), the areal extent of the lake is then updated according to the GSSHA main time step. Depending on whether the area of the lake is increasing or decreasing, overland flow cells and river nodes can dynamically be added or removed. The growth and shrinkage of detention basins are treated in the same way as lakes, except they are assumed to be initially dry. Wetlands are treated as special overland cells. Input parameters for each wetland include: initial storage depth, maximum retention depth, retention subsurface lateral hydraulic conductivity, vegetation height, vegetation hydraulic conductivity, and the inundated Manning’s roughness coefficient. Lateral fluxes between adjacent wetland cells occur through three areas: the subsurface, through the vegetation, and above the vegetation. Each of these flows is calculated separately. When the water depth in the wetland is less than the retention depth, fluxes are calculated according to Darcy’s law using the value of lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity, and the difference in water surface heads between adjacent grid cells. When the water depth is greater than

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


the retention storage depth, but less than the vegetation height, two calculations are required: a) the subsurface Darcy flux plus b) a Darcian flux through the vegetation, which depends on a vegetation hydraulic conductivity parameter. This approach assumes that velocities are very small, and the vegetation density is high. When the depth exceeds the vegetation height, a third flux calculation is made based on Manning’s equation. The total flux is calculated as the subsurface flux plus a weighted average of the Darcian flux through vegetation and the Manning flux calculated above the vegetation. Once the depth exceeds twice the vegetation height, the surface flow is assumed to be dominated by the Manning equation; subsurface lateral flows are calculated as before. Wetlands may be coupled to groundwater through RE or may have a constant infiltration rate. 2.3 Full-Dynamic Channel Routing Accurate simulation of the hydrodynamics of low gradient systems, systems with tidal forcing, and steep streams with trans-critical flow requires solution of the full-dynamic form of the de Saint-Venant equations. In GSSHA fulldynamic simulations can be conducted with the “MESH” scheme (Meselhe et al. 1997), a robust, one-dimensional mass-conserving solution of the conservative form of the Saint-Venant equations. The method can accurately simulate transcritical flows, such as hydraulic jumps, and permits a range of unsteady boundary conditions. For details of the MESH scheme, the reader is referred to Meselhe et al. (1997). 2.4 Storm Drainage Module Smith et al. (2002) indicates that the increase in flood magnitude due to urbanization is more closely related to the increases in storm drainage connectivity and hence hydraulic efficiency than to the increases in impervious area. The inability to explicitly simulate storm drainage networks is seen as a major limitation in the application of GSSHA in urbanized areas. To address this issue the SUPERLINK storm drainage scheme (Ji, 1998) was added to GSSHA (Zahner, 2004). The SUPERLINK scheme is a mass-conserving full-dynamic solution of the de Saint-Venant equations. SUPERLINK can simulate flow through multiplylooped pipe networks, or head or flux boundary conditions. Ji (1998) compared the SUPERLINK scheme with the EXTRAN scheme used in Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) (Huber and Dickinson, 1988) and found that it gave comparable results with a significantly longer computational time step. Interaction between GSSHA and the subsurface is allowed to occur in a number of ways, controlling the end boundary conditions for SUPERLINK. Inflow to the subsurface is permissible via culverts and grate openings in the roadway. The potential inflow to the subsurface network (qin) in each node is given as a percentage of the total ponded volume (Vponded) in the GSSHA grid cell per time step (dt) and the number of grates per node (N = 1 to 4):


Watershed Models

qin =

NαV ponded dt


where α = 1/Nmax. This conceptualization is necessitated by the fact that GSSHA planar grid cells are not typically small enough to accurately describe the microtopography of curb depressions on crowned roadways where grates are located. It is assumed that a cell with four grates would be capable of intercepting all ponded water for grid sizes on the order of 10 to 30 m. At each SUPERLINK update time, the routine determines if there is sufficient capacity to accept inflows at each the inlet structures. If there is insufficient capacity, the inflows are limited. SUPERLINK discharges to channels are input during channel updates, as the channel time step is always smaller than the SUPERLINK timestep during storms. Any drop inlets with heads greater than the ponded water surface elevation will result in flow out of the storm drainage network onto the overland flow plane. For complete details of SUPERLINK and GSSHA integration see Ji (1988) and Zahner (2004), respectively. 3. MODEL USABILITY ISSUES 3.1 Input Data Development GSSHA model input development and output visualization are supported by the WMS interface. Because the model is intended to be used in a variety of places and situations GSSHA and WMS have both been developed to take advantage of available spatial and temporal data, and GSSHA models can be constructed from readily available data sets, e.g., STATSGO soils coverages, USGS DEMs, and Surface Airways Hydro-meteorological data. Data availability varies greatly from region to region, and from study to study, so GSSHA input needs are flexible to accommodate varying levels of input complexity. Most spatially distributed parameters can be input as a single uniform value, as a table of values referenced to different areas in the domain using index maps, or a different value for each grid cell. Typically, the information needed to prescribe an individual value for each cell is not available. The combination of tables and index maps provides the typical level of knowledge available for parameterization, and the combination readily lends itself to the application of automated calibrations, as described in Senarath et al. (2000) and Downer and Ogden (2004a, b). Temporal data are input in standardized tables, as described in Downer and Ogden (2004c). 3.2 Model Output GSSHA always outputs run summary and outlet hydrograph files. Optional output from GSSHA can include time series of maps of a number of variables including: surface water depth, infiltration rate, cumulative infiltrated depth, spatially varied rainfall, soil moistures, groundwater heads, and others. Time series of several variables, such as soil moisture or groundwater head, may be output at selected points in the 2-D grid. Additional variables, such as discharge, depth, and sediment concentration can be produced at any node in the channel

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


network. The user specifies the desired output frequency. Results can be read back into WMS for postprocessing. WMS has capabilities to contour, shade, and animate the results for the entire 2-D grid. Using information from the time series of maps, WMS can display time-series graphs of output variables at any chosen cell. 3.3 Graphical User Interface The WMS interface, developed at the Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory (EMRL) at Brigham Young University, is recommended for developing input files and viewing output from the GSSHA model. The WMS produces GSSHA-specific files from general Geographic Information System (GIS) data as well as other spatially explicit data types such as standard U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) DEMs. WMS does not replace the functions of a GIS, though it can exchange information in a variety of GIS formats. WMS can also make use of Environmental Systems Research Institute’s (ESRI) ArcObjects extension to natively read ArcGIS file formats. Users of ARC/INFO and ARCVIEW can export data to GSSHA through the WMS interface. 3.4 GSSHA Documentation and Other Instructional Materials GSSHA documentation consists of the GSSHA User’s Manual (Downer and Ogden, 2004c). A primer has been developed that provides a summary of features and model functions (Downer and Nelson, 2003). Tutorials exist that give examples of model setup using WMS, with sample applications. Documentation for GSSHA can be downloaded from: http://chl.erdc.usace.army.mil/GSSHA. 3.5 Computer Requirements GSSHA runs on a variety of computer platforms including Windows, Linux, and a number of UNIX systems. GSSHA uses dynamic memory allocation. Computer resource needs depend on the size of the watershed, grid size, and processes simulated. GSSHA models that solve RE for the unsaturated zone demand the most resources both in terms of physical memory (RAM) and computational power. 3.6 Model Availability Precompiled GSSHA executables for Linux and Windows are available for download from the Watersheds Group of the Hydraulic Systems Branch, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center: http://chl.erdc.usace.army.mil/GSSHA. 4. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 4.1 Goodwin Creek Simulations of Discharge, Sediment Transport, and Soil Moisture The Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed (GCEW), a small (21.2 km2) agricultural watershed located in northeast Mississippi, has been used as a test


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bed for many of the features in GSSHA. The watershed is instrumented to measure rainfall, hydrometeorological variables, soil moisture, and stream water and sediment discharge (Figure 6.1).

Figure 6.1 Location of sampling instruments at GCEW (after Downer and Ogden, 2004b).

Land use in the catchment consists of active cultivation (14%), pasture (44%), forest (27%), and gullied land (15%) (Blackmarr, 1995). Soil textures in the watershed consist of silt-loam (80%), clay-loam (19%), and sand (1%). The main channel of Goodwin Creek is incised two to three meters and has an average slope of 0.004 (Bingner, 1996). The observed discharge measurements show that the base flow at the outlet of the catchment is typically less than 0.05 m3 s-1. Groundwater does not contribute significantly to runoff in the GCEW; streamflow is generated due to the Hortonian (infiltration excess) mechanism (Senarath et al., 2000). A GSSHA model of the basin was constructed from 90 m USGS DEM data, spatially aggregated to 125-m resolution, resulting in a finite-difference overland flow grid with 1357 cells. Streamflow calibration/verification was performed using a split-sample 80-day period of record from May 22 to Aug 9, 1982 using the nonorthogonal channels developed for GSSHA 2.0; results are in Figure 6.2. For the storms that produce discharge the forecast Nash-Sutcliffe (1970) efficiencies are 94%, 80%, 60%, and 96% for the calibration period, and 91% and 93% for the verification period. These results indicate that the new nonorthogonal channels formulation gives improved predictions of discharge compared with the original orthogonal channel routing formulation used in both CASC2D and GSSHA 1.43f (Senarath et al., 2000; Downer and Ogden, 2004b). Sediment discharges for the same period, using the new methods described above, are shown in Figure 6.3. The new methods resulted in increased accuracy of sediment discharge, especially for intense rainfall events, as compared to the methods employed in CASC2D (Johnson et al., 2000; Ogden and Heilig, 2001).

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


Figure 6.2 Observed and predicted discharge at GCEW outlet.

As described in Downer and Ogden (2004b), the GSSHA model using RE to simulate infiltration and soil moisture accounting was calibrated and verified to stream discharge. This resulted in an improvement in summary statistics compared to CASC2D using GAR and the bucket method of soil moisture accounting. Forecast efficiencies for peak discharge and event volume improved from 87.1% to 93.5% and from 75.6% to 85.2%, respectively. Significantly, the bias was reduced from 19.0% to 1.9% and 32.3% to 10.4%, for the same two measures, respectively. Although calibrated to discharge only, the model also displayed skill in predicting soil moisture at the two measurement sites (Figure 6.4). In the figure the solid line indicates the measured values; the dashed line indicates the predicted values. The root mean square error (RMSE) for all depths at both locations is approximately 0.1. 4.2 JD31 Watershed - Simulation of Coupled Groundwater Surface Water System with Uncertain Subsurface Properties The Judicial Ditch 31 (JD31) watershed covers 23.3 km2 in southeast Minnesota. Once, the region was dominated by prairie and pothole wetlands. Row crop agriculture is now the predominant land use in the watershed. The hydrology of the JD31 watershed has been drastically altered by structural changes to promote drainage of soils in the watershed. The natural stream network was replaced by a large, incised, uniform ditch. An extensive tile drain system drains water from areas that were previously wetlands to the ditch. Very little is known about the geometry of the tile drainage network. The soils are silty loams and the subsurface is glacial till. No on-site subsurface characterization was available. Precipitation and flows were recorded near the JD31 outlet. Flows were recorded for the period of May to September 2000, and precipitation was recorded from June to December 2000.


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Observed Englelund-Hansen Kilinc-Richardson Stream power

Figure 6.3 Observed vs. predicted sediment discharge at GCEW outlet.

The JD31 watershed was modeled in GSSHA using a 90-m grid size. The 90-m grid size effectively captured the spatial variability of land use in the watershed and preserved land surface slopes. The JD31 ditch was represented with a 1-D stream network of 7 trapezoidal cross-section links with 196 nodes. The channels are incised into the landscape a vertical distance from 2.0 to 2.5 meters. The large tile drains were represented with a series of narrow (0.33 m), rectangular channels that drain the low areas that would otherwise produce extended surface ponding. For this study the GAR infiltration routine was used to provide estimates of recharge to the 2-D lateral groundwater simulations. The active soil layer, which controls infiltration and ET, was modeled as a single layer consisting of silty clay loam. This single soil is representative of soils in the region, which vary from silty loams to clayey loams. Groundwater simulations assume the bottom of the aquifer is impervious. Approximate bedrock elevations were taken from a 1963 USGS report (Rodis, 1963) describing the subsurface geology of the region in cross-sectional view. The watershed was surrounded by a no-flow boundary, and the watershed boundary was extended to the northeast to where a reasonable groundwater divide was located. Initial water surface elevations were obtained from wells outside the watershed (USGS, 2001) interpolated to the grid, and then adjusted to maintain a depth to groundwater of at least 2 m. Repeated groundwater warm-up simulations driven by June-July rainfall and hydrometeorological data resulted in smooth beginning initial condition for the groundwater surface elevation. Stream channels in the JD31 ditch network interacted with the groundwater through a Darcy flux. Stream channels representing the tile drain network in the extended channel network were not identified as internal boundary conditions for groundwater simulations so that they did not interact with the groundwater.

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


Figure 6.4 Predicted vs. observed soil moistures from all depths at two GCEW sampling locations (after Downer and Ogden, 2004b).

The model was calibrated using data from June to July 2000, and the results are shown in Figure 6.5. As shown in the figure the model was capable of simulating both the fast response of the watershed to rainfall and the slower response due to the subsurface drainage. For the calibration period the NashSutcliffe forecast efficiency using 15 minute data was 82%; the root mean square error (RMSE) of 3.2 m3 s-1 was 56% of the mean flow, 5.6 m3 s-1. No additional streamflow data were available to verify the calibrated model. The accuracy of the model was deemed more than sufficient for the purpose of the study, which was to estimate the effect of selective wetland restoration on streamflow and overland surface ponding in the watershed. Complete details of the study are available in Downer et al. (2002b). 4.3 University of Connecticut Study – The Advantages of Using GSSHA to Compute Peak Discharge in Urbanized Watersheds One longstanding criticism of distributed models, such as GSSHA, is that despite increased data inputs significant performance improvements as compared to lumped models have not been realized. To address this issue the


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performance of GSSHA was compared against that of HEC-1 for predicting runoff from a small urban watershed.

Figure 6.5 Observed vs. predicted outlet discharge for the JD31 watershed.

Urbanized watersheds frequently experience exacerbated flooding as compared to undeveloped watersheds because of the increased presence of impervious areas and modified drainage networks. The 0.98 km2 study watershed is situated on the northern and eastern portions of the University of Connecticut at Storrs campus. The primary land uses are urbanized, agricultural, and deciduous forest. Impervious areas cover approximately 42% of the basin. Basin slopes are small in the central portion of the basin and moderately steep to the north and southwest. The campus watershed contains a natural stream network, but in the urbanized areas, the channels have been covered over and replaced with subsurface pipes. Most of the runoff produced on campus is carried through a storm drain network to a short channel reach at the western edge of the campus. In the nonurbanized upland areas (corn field and deciduous forest), several small ephemeral streams drain the landscape. Rainfall and runoff have been recorded continuously in the basin since January 1999. Both GSSHA and HEC1 were calibrated to the peak discharge of the same rainfall event. Model performance was determined through the simulation of an additional 37 rainfall-runoff events. The performance measures were: peak discharge, time to peak discharge, total event runoff volume, and goodness of fit as measured by the Nash-Sutcliffe and RMSE coefficients. The results shown in Table 6.1 indicate that on average, the hydrodynamic formulation of GSSHA outperformed the lumped, conceptual formulation of

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


HEC-1 by every measure when simulating the complex spatial organization of an urban environment. This result has important implications for the thoughtful development of advanced techniques for runoff modeling, flood prediction, and planning in urbanized areas. For details see Niedzialek and Ogden (2003).

Figure 6.6 Land use and land cover for the university campus watershed.

Table 6.1 Summary statistics of 37 simulations of the university watershed Average Statistic Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency RMSE Peak discharge error Storm volume error Time of peak discharge error

GSSHA 68% 16% 19% 36% 7.8%

HEC1 36% 28% 52% 44% 21.8%

4.4 Dead Run Study – The Relative Influences of Impervious Area and Drainage Network Modifications on Runoff from an Urbanized Catchment Zahner (2004) tested the relative importance of changes in imperviousness vs. changes in storm drainage network efficiency due to channel straightening and construction of the subsurface storm drainage network in the Dead Run Watershed located in Baltimore, MD (Figure 6.7).


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Figure 6.7 Surface (dark) and subsurface (light) Dead Run watershed drainage features.

Figure 6.8 Relative importance of impervious area and increased conveyance at Dead Run.

The watershed contained a storm drainage network consisting of multiple loops and many discharge points to streams. Storm drainage network construction information was obtained from subdivision drawings that specified drop inlet locations, junctions, and pipe diameters. Pipe invert elevations were

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


drop inlet locations, junctions, and pipe diameters. Pipe invert elevations were estimated. The SUPERLINK module, Section IIID, was used to simulate the pipe network flows. As postulated by Smith et al. (2002), results of GSSHA simulations by Zahner (2004) confirm that changes in imperviousness may not always be the primary cause of increased stormflows from urbanized watersheds (Figure 6.8). The engineered subsurface storm drainage network is most important for storms with smaller return periods. However, storms with greater return period push the network to its capacity. 5. SUMMARY This chapter highlights the capabilities and performance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) model. While it is certain that simpler conceptual and lumped hydrologic models continue to play a valuable role in hydrology, models such as GSSHA are becoming increasingly important in analysis and design where flow path and transport are important, or in watersheds that have been heavily modified. The primary advantage of the distributed modeling approach is the ability to explicitly simulate both natural and man-made spatial variations in watershed characteristics. REFERENCES Belmans, C., J.G. Wesseling, and R.A. Feddes, 1983, Simulation model of the water balance of a cropped soil: SWATRE, J. Hydrol., 63: 271-286. Bingner, R.L., 1996, Runoff simulated from Goodwin Creek watershed using SWAT, Trans. ASAE, 39: 85-90. Beven, K.J. and M.J. Kirkby, 1979, A physically based, variable contributing area model of basin hydrology, Hydrol. Sci. Bull., 24(1):43-69. Blackmarr, W.A., 1995, Documentation of Hydrologic, Geomorphic, and Sediment Transport Measurements on the Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed, Northern Mississippi, for the Period 1982-1993, Preliminary Release, Agricultural Research. Service: Washington, D.C., p. 141. Bras, R.L., 1990, Hydrology: An Introduction to Hydrologic Sciences, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Brooks, R.H. and A.T. Corey, 1964, Hydraulic properties of porous media, Hydrol. Pap. 3. Fort Collins, CO: Colorado State University. Chen, Z., R.S. Govindaraju, and M.L. Kavvas, 1994, Spatial averaging of unsaturated flow equations under infiltration conditions over areally heterogeneous fields 1. Development of models, Water Resour. Res., Vol. 30, No. 2, doi: 10.1029/93WR02885. Deardorff, J.W., 1978, Efficient prediction of ground surface temperature and moisture, with inclusion of a layer of vegetation, J. Geophys. Res., 83, 1889-1903.


Watershed Models

Dickinson, R.E., A. Henderson-Sellers, P.J. Kennedy, and M.F. Wilson, 1986, BiosphereAtmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) for the NCAR Community Climate Model, National Center for Atmospheric Research, NCAR/TN-275+STR, 1986. Doorenbos, J. and W.O. Pruitt, 1977, Crop water requirements, Irrigation and Drainage Paper, 24, UN Food and Agricultural Organization, Rome. Downer, C.W., 2002, Identification and Modeling of Important Streamflow Producing Processes in Watersheds, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Connecticut. Storrs-Mansfield, CT. Downer, C.W., 2004, Watershed scale TMDL model, multi-dimensional sediment erosion, fate, and transport, ERDC RSM TR-, in press. Downer, C.W., F.L. Ogden, W. Martin, and R.S. Harmon, 2002a, Theory, development, and applicability of the surface water hydrologic model CASC2D, Hydrol. Process., 16: 255-275. Downer, C.W., W. James, A. Byrd, and G. Eggers, 2002b, Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Simulation of Hydrologic Conditions and Restoration Scenarios for the Judicial Ditch 31 Watershed, Minnesota, ERDC WQTN AM-12. Downer, C.W. and J. Nelson, 2003, Primer, Using WMS for GSSHA Data Development: for use with GSSHA 1.42b and WMS 6.1, ERDC/CHL TR-03-2. Downer, C.W. and F.L. Ogden, 2003, Prediction of runoff and soil moistures at the watershed scale: Effects of model complexity and parameter assignment, Water Resour. Res., 39(3): 1045-1058. Downer, C.W. and F.L. Ogden, 2004a, GSSHA: A model for simulating diverse streamflow generating processes, J. Hydrol. Eng., 9(3): 161-174 Downer, C.W. and F.L. Ogden, 2004b, Appropriate Vertical Discretization of Richards’ Equation for Two-Dimensional Watershed-Scale Modelling, Hydr. Proc., 18:1-22. Downer, C.W. and F.L. Ogden, 2004c. GSSHA Users’ Manual, ERDC/CHL TR-04-, in press. Englelund, F. and E. Hansen, 1967, A Monograph on Sediment Transport in Alluvial Streams, Teknisk Forlag, Copenhagen, p. 65. Federer, C.A. and D. Lash, 1978, BROOK: A hydrologic simulation model for eastern forests, Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center, Research Report No. 19. Foster, G.R., 1982, Modeling the erosion processes, In: Haan, C.T., H.P. Johnson, and D.L. Brakensiek, eds., Hydrologic Modeling of Small Watersheds, An ASAE Monograph Number 5 in series published by ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, pp. 297-380. Gray, D.M. and T.D. Prowse, 1993, Chapter 7 Snow and floating ice In: Maidment, D.R., ed. in chief, Handbook of Hydrology, McGraw Hill, New York. Green, W.H. and G.A. Ampt, 1911, Studies of soil physics: 1. Flow of air and water through soils, J. Agric. Sci., 4:1-24. Haverkamp, M.V., J. Vauclin, J. Touman, P.J. Wierenga, and G. Vachaud, 1977, A comparison of numerical simulation models for one-dimensional infiltration, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 41: 285-294.

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Hebert, K.J., E.A. Meselhe, and M.H. Noshi, 2001, Laboratory Measurements of Unsteady Flows through Culverts, Proc. World Water Congress 2001, D. Phelphs and G. Sehlke, eds., May 20-24, 2001, Orlando, FL. Horton, R.E., 1933, The role of infiltration in the hydrologic cycle. Am. Geophys. Union Trans. 14: 446-460. Howington, S.E., J.F. Peters, T.H. Illangasekare, and R.S. Maier, 1997, Discrete Network Modeling for Field Scale Flow and Transport Through Porous Media, Technical Report 97-21, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Huber, W.C. and R.E. Dickinson, Storm Water Management Model User’s Manual, Version 4, EPA/600/3-88/001a (NTIS PB88-236641/AS), Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA, 1988, pp. 595. Hutson, J.L. and A. Cass, 1987, A retentivity function for use in soil-water simulation models, J. Soil Sci. 38: 105-113. Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package, Users Manual, Davis, CA, issued September, 1981. Ji, Z., 1998, General hydrodynamic model for sewer/channel network systems. J. Hydraul. Eng., 124, 307-315. Johnson, B.E., P.Y. Julien, D.K. Molnar, and C.C. Watson, 2000, The two-dimensional Kalin and Hantush, 2003, Assessment of two physically-based watershed models based on their performances of simulating water and sediment movement, In conference proceedings, 1st Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds (ICRW), Benson, AZ, October 2003. Kilinc, M. and E.V. Richardson, 1973, Mechanics of soil erosion from overland flow generated by simulated rainfall: Hydrology Paper No. 63, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Kirkland, M.R., R.G. Hills, and P.J. Wierenga, 1992, Algorithms for solving Richards’ equation for variably saturated soils. Water Resour. Res. 28: (8): 2049-2058. Lappala, E.G., R.W. Healy, and E.P. Weeks, 1987, Documentation of computer program VS2D to solve the equations of fluid flow in variably saturated porous media, US Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report 83-4099, US Geological Survey Water Resources Division: Reston, VA. McDonald, M.G. and A.W. Harbaugh, 1988, A modular three-dimensional finitedifference ground-water flow model, Book 6, Chapter A1. In Techniques of WaterResources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Scientific Software Group, Washington, D.C. Linsley, R.K., M.A. Kohler, and J.L.H. Paulhus, 1982, Hydrology for Engineers, Third Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. Liu, S. and F.L. Ogden, 2004, Two-Dimensional Watershed-Scale Erosion Modeling: Importance of Detachment Limits, J. Hydrol. (submitted December, 2004). Maidment, D.R., Editor in Chief, 1993, Handbook of Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, New York. Maidment, D.R., 1993, Editor in Chief, Handbook of Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York.


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Meselhe, E.A., F. Sotiropoulos, and F.M. Holly, Jr., 1997, Numerical Simulation of Transcritical Flow in Open Channels, J. Hydraul. Eng., 123(9):774-783. Monteith, J.L., 1975, Vegetation and the Atmosphere, Vol. 2, Case Studies, Academic Press, New York. Nash, J.E. and J.V. Sutcliffe, 1970, River forecasting through conceptual models, part I – a discussion of principle, J. Hydrol., 10: 282-290. Niedzialek, J.M. and F.L. Ogden, Physics-Based Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Modeling of Urbanized Watersheds with GSSHA, Proc. EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Paper No. 785, June 22-26 2003, Philadelphia, PA. Nelson, E.J., WMS v6.1 HTML Help Document, Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 2001. Ogden F.L. and P.Y. Julien, 2002, CASC2D: A Two-Dimensional, Physically-Based, Hortonian, Hydrologic Model, in Mathematical Models of Small Watershed Hydrology and Applications, V.P. Singh and D. Freverts, eds., Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, ISBN 1-887201-35-1, pp. 972. Ogden, F.L. and A. Heilig, 2001, Two-dimensional physically based watershed scale erosion modeling. In: Harmon, R.S. and W.W. Doe III, eds, Landscape Erosion and Evoluion Modeling, Kluwer Academic Press, NY. Ogden, F.L. and B. Saghafian, 1997, Green & Ampt infiltration with redistribution, J. Irrig. Drain. E-ASCE, 123(5), 386-393. Panday, S. and P.S. Huyakorn, 2004. A fully coupled physically-based spatiallydistributed model for evaluating surface/subsurface flow. Adv. Water Resour. 27:4 361381. Refsgard, J.C. and B. Storm, 1995, MIKE SHE, In: V.P. Singh, ed, Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology, Water Resources Publications, Highlands Ranch, CO. Richards, L.A., 1931, Capillary conduction of liquids in porous mediums. Physics 1: 318333. Rodis, H.G., 1963, Geology and occurrence of groundwater in Lyon County Minnesota, U.S. Geological Survey, Supply Paper 1619-N, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Senarath, S.U.S., F.L. Ogden, C.W. Downer, and H.O. Sharif, 2000, On the calibration and verification of distributed, physically-based, continuous, Hortonian hydrologic models, Water Resour. Res., 36(6): 1495-1510. Smith, J.A., J.E. Morrison, P. Sturdevant-Rees, D.F. Turner-Gillespie, and P.D. Bates, 2002, The regional hydrology of extreme floods in an urbanizing drainage basin. J. Hydrometeorol., 3, 267-282. Talbot, C.A., C.W. Downer, H.C. Lin, S.E. Howington, and D.R. Richards, 2002, Computational methods for simulating interaction between surface & subsurface hydrologic systems, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, 23-28 June 2002, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model


USGS, 2001, Ground water for USA: Water Levels, by Lat-Lon Box, Latitude 44° 18′ 0′′ to 44° 15′ 0′′, Longitude 96° 7′ 30′′ to 96° 0′ 0′′. NWISWeb, United States Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, http://water.usgs.gov/nwis/gwlevels. Yang, C.T., 1996, Sediment Transport: Theory and Practice, McGraw Hill, NY. Yeh, G.T., P. Cheng, R. Cheng, J. Lin, and W.D. Martin, 1998, A Numerical Model Simulating Water Flow and Contaminant and Sediment Transport in WaterSHed Systems of 1-D Stream-River Network, 2-D Overland Regime, and 3-D Subsurface Media (WASH123D: Version 1.0), Technical Report CHL-98-19, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Zahner, J.A., 2004, Influence of Storm Sewers, Drainage Density, and Soil Moisture on Runoff From an Urbanizing Catchment, Master’s Thesis, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 06269 USA.

CHAPTER 7 USGS Modular Modeling System (MMS) – Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) George H. Leavesley, Steve L. Markstrom, and Roland J. Viger

The Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) (Leavesley et al., 1983; Leavesley and Stannard, 1995) is a modular-design, distributed-parameter, physical-process watershed model that was developed to evaluate the effects of various combinations of precipitation, climate, and land use on watershed response. Response to normal and extreme rainfall and snowmelt can be simulated to evaluate changes in water-balance relations, flow regimes, flood peaks and volumes, soil-water relations, sediment yields, and groundwater recharge. PRMS was originally developed as a single FORTRAN program composed of subroutines, each representing an individual process in the hydrologic cycle. For the processes related to temperature distribution, solar-radiation distribution, evapotranspiration, and surface runoff, two or more computational methods were included in the subroutines. A specific method was selected at run time using the model parameter file. This concept enabled the creation and application of a model that was most appropriate for a given application. A long-term goal was to expand the available process simulation capabilities of PRMS over time. While reasonable in concept and computationally efficient, experience with adding process components to the original code proved the modular-design and user-modifiable features of that version to be less than adequate. As a result, the architecture and modular structure of PRMS were redesigned. The new design formed the basis for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Modular Modeling System (MMS) (Leavesley et al., 1996), in which PRMS now resides. The basic hydrologic process formulations in PRMS described by Leavesley and Stannard (1995) were maintained in the MMS version. However, the use of MMS has enabled the addition of new process algorithms and the enhancement of many of the features and capabilities of PRMS. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of MMS-PRMS, its modular components, model support and analysis capabilities, and selected applications. More detailed discussions regarding individual components can be found in the module documentation and cited references for each component. 1. MMS A basic premise in the development of MMS, as with PRMS, is that there are no universal models. The optimal model for a given application is one in which the process conceptualizations in the model are most appropriate for the



Watershed Models

problem objectives, data constraints, and spatial and temporal scales of the application. A central component of MMS is a master library that contains compatible modules for simulating a variety of water, energy, and biogeochemical processes. A model for a specified application is created by coupling appropriate modules from the library. If existing modules cannot provide appropriate process algorithms, new modules can be developed and incorporated into the library. This modular approach to model design and construction provides the ability to develop, select, integrate, and apply a set of process modules that best meet the optimal model selection criteria. MMS was developed to (1) support development, testing, and evaluation of physical-process modules; (2) facilitate integration of user-selected modules into operational physical-process models; (3) facilitate the coupling of models for application to complex, multidisciplinary problems; and (4) provide a wide range of analysis and support tools for research and operational applications. MMS is a modular modeling framework that uses an Open Source software approach to enable all users to collaboratively address the many complex issues associated with the design, development, and application of hydrologic and ecosystem models. While MMS was created based on the conceptual design of PRMS, MMS is much more than simply an extension of PRMS. MMS supports the integration of models and tools at a variety of levels of modular design. Design levels include individual process models, tightly coupled models, loosely coupled models, and fully integrated decision support systems. A variety of geographic information system (GIS), optimization and sensitivity-analysis, forecasting, visualization, and statistical tools are provided to support model development, application, and analysis. The integration and application of these tools with PRMS are discussed in more detail in the following sections of this chapter. 2. PRMS 2.1 Space and Time Concepts Distributed-parameter capabilities are provided by partitioning a watershed into units, using characteristics such as slope, aspect, elevation, vegetation type, soil type, and precipitation distribution. Each unit is assumed to be homogeneous with respect to its hydrologic response and to the characteristics listed above; each unit is called a hydrologic response unit (HRU). A water balance and an energy balance are computed daily for each HRU. The sum of the responses of all HRUs, weighted on a unit-area basis, produces the daily watershed response. Watershed response can be simulated at both a daily and a storm time scale. In the daily mode, hydrologic components are simulated as daily average or total values. Streamflow is computed as a mean daily flow. In the storm mode, selected hydrologic components are simulated at time intervals that can range from less than one minute to 60 minutes. The time step must be constant within a storm but could be different for each storm. Continuity of mass is maintained as the model moves from daily mode to storm mode and back to daily mode.



Storm hydrographs and sediment yields for selected rainstorms can be simulated in storm mode. Sediment-modeling capabilities are provided only in the storm mode. For storm-mode computations, a watershed is conceptualized as a series of interconnected flow-plane and channel segments. An HRU is considered the equivalent of a single flow plane. The shape of the flow plane is assumed to be rectangular, with the length of one side of rectangle equal to the length of the channel segment that receives runoff from the flow plane. The flow-plane width is computed by dividing the HRU area by the channel segment length. All flow planes are assumed to connect to a channel segment. Cascading flow planes are not currently supported, but a module to support this capability is being developed. 2.2 PRMS Process Modules The process components simulated in PRMS are shown schematically in Figure 7.1. The processes shown are generic in name. Thus Figure 7.1 is a template for model design and not a flowchart describing a unique set of process algorithms. In the MMS design, process selection is now a component part of the model-building process. Each alternative computational method for a given process is a module that can be combined with other process and accounting modules to build a unique model for a specific application. Model building in MMS is accomplished using an interactive model builder graphical user interface (GUI) termed Xmbuild. Xmbuild enables the user to select and link modules to create a model. Modules are designed so that the output from one module is the input to other process modules. Xmbuild enables users to view inputs and outputs for each module and to search the module library for all modules that provide the necessary inputs for a selected module. Using this search and select procedure, a user-defined model can be constructed. Module inputs and outputs include a units attribute that can be checked to ensure module compatibility. Plans include the development of an expert system to assist users in module selection based on future research to identify the most appropriate modules for various combinations of problem objectives, data constraints, and spatial and temporal scales of application. A detailed description of the computational methods and equations used in PRMS was provided in Leavesley et al. (1983) and Leavesley and Stannard (1995). This material has been rewritten and is included in detailed documentation for each PRMS module. This documentation is provided with the distribution of MMS-PRMS and is also available on the MMS web site. Module documentation includes the listing and definition of all parameters and variables used in the module, the equations used in the computational algorithms, and a text description of the module process and function. A major difference between the old and new documentation is that parameter and variable names have been changed in the new version to make them more descriptive of their function and use. The length of parameter and variable names in the original version of PRMS was limited by the available version of FORTRAN 77 to six characters. In the new module distribution, current versions of FORTRAN 77 enable the use of much longer names.


Watershed Models

Translation tables to go from names in the original code to the names in the new code and vice versa are available on the MMS web site. New PRMS users should start with the MMS-PRMS module documentation to avoid confusion. A summary description of PRMS process components is provided below. For a detailed description of individual process modules and the equations used, the reader is referred to the PRMS module documentation. The modules associated with each process component are highlighted in brackets [ ].The modules for PRMS daily mode are listed in Table 7.1.

Figure 7.1 Schematic diagram of the conceptual watershed system and its inputs. (Modified from Leavesley et al., 1983.)



Precipitation amount on each HRU is computed by multiplying point measurements by a monthly correction factor. The correction factor attempts to account for a number of sources of measurement variability and error including the effects of elevation, spatial variation, topography, gauge location, deficiencies in gauge catch due to the effects of wind, and other factors. One distribution method enables the user to identify the precipitation gauge most representative of an HRU and to specify the monthly correction factor to be used to compute HRU precipitation amount [precip_prms.f]. A second method is similar in that the gauge most representative of an HRU is selected. However, a second gauge is also selected for use in computing the monthly correction factor as a function of the ratio of the mean monthly precipitation at each station and their difference in elevation [precip_plaps_prms.f]. A third method uses a multiple linear regression (MLR) approach to distribute daily measured precipitation data from a group of stations to each HRU based on the longitude (x), latitude (y), and elevation (z) of the measurement stations and the HRUs (Hay et al., 2000; Hay and Clark, 2000) [xyz_dist.f]. To account for seasonal climate variations, the MLR equation is developed for each month using a set of independent variables of x, y, and z (xyz) from a user-selected set of climate stations within and outside a basin. The monthly MLR equations describe the spatial relations between monthly precipitation and the independent xyz variables. To estimate the daily value of precipitation for each HRU, a mean daily value of precipitation for all, or a userdefined subset, of the climate stations, and the corresponding mean x, y, and z for this set of stations, is used with the “slope” of the monthly MLR equation to estimate a unique y-intercept (b0) for that day. Using this b0 value and the x, y, and z values for each HRU, the MLR equation is then used to compute precipitation on each HRU. A monthly adjustment factor for rainfall and for snow can also be user-specified to modify the mean daily value to account for the sources of measuement error list above. When the xyz procedure is selected for precipitation distribution, it is also used to compute maximum and minimum air temperature on each HRU. The climate station set selected for temperature computation, however, may be different than the climate station set selected for precipitation distribution. Precipitation form (rain, snow, or a mixture of both) on each HRU is estimated from the HRU maximum and minimum daily air temperatures and their relation to a base temperature (Willen et al., 1971). The base temperature is the temperature at or below which snow is assumed to occur. Measured shortwave radiation, on a horizontal surface, is adjusted to estimate daily shortwave radiation received on the slope-aspect combination of each HRU using a method described by Swift (1976). Missing shortwave radiation data are estimated using one of two methods. The first is a modification of the degree-day method described by Leaf and Brink (1973) [ddsolrad_prms.f]. This method was developed for a section of the Rocky Mountain region of the United States. It is most applicable to this region where predominantly clear skies prevail on days without precipitation. The second procedure uses a relation between sky cover and daily range in air temperature demonstrated by Tangborn (1979) and a relation between solar radiation and


Watershed Models

sky cover developed by Thompson (1976) [ccsolrad_prms.f]. This procedure is applicable to more humid regions where extensive periods of cloud cover occur with and without precipitation. Table 7.1 PRMS Daily Mode Modules Process



Basin definition Observed data Temperature distribution

basin_prms.f obs_prms.f temp_1st_prms.f

Basin and HRU features Read observed data Use one climate station and a monthly lapse rate for each HRU Use two climate stations to compute daily lapse rate for each HRU Uses latitude, longitude, and elevation of climate stations and HRUs Use one climate station and a user-defined correction factor for each HRU Use two climate stations to compute correction factor for each HRU Uses latitude, longitude, and elevation of climate stations and HRUs Compute potential solar radiation on horizontal surface and each HRU slope-aspect combination Estimate actual solar radiation on each HRU using daily air temperature range (max-min) Estimate actual solar radiation on each HRU using daily maximum air temperature ddsolrad version for use with xyz_dist.f Compute Hamon PET

temp_2st_prms.f xyz_dist.f Precipitation distribution

precip_prms.f precip_laps_prms.f xyz_dist.f

Solar radiation computation


Solar radiation distribution

ccsolrad_prms.f ddsolrad_prms.f

Potential evapotranspiration

ddsolrad_xyz_prms.f potet_hamon_prms.f potet_jh_prms.f potet_epan_prms.f potet_ep_not_prms.f



Snow Surface runoff

snowcomp_prms.f srunoff_carea_prms.f srunoff_smidx_prms.f

Soil zone Subsurface Groundwater Streamflow (flow and reservoirs) Soil zone Summary

smbal_prms.f ssflow_prms.f gwflow_prms.f strmflow_prms.f smbal_prms.f basin_sum_prms.f hru_sum_prms.f

Compute Jensen-Haise PET Compute pan evaporation PET Compute pan evaporation PET and no temperature data available Compute net precipitation and interception storage and loss Compute snowpack accumulation and melt Compute surface runoff using linear contributing area method Compute surface runoff using nonlinear contributing area method Soil zone accounting and AET computation Subsurface reservoir and flow Groundwater reservoir and flow

Soil zone accounting and AET computation Basin summary computations HRU summary computations Land-phase Components Interception is computed as a function of vegetation cover density and the storage available on the predominant vegetation type of an HRU [intcp_prms.f]. Vegetation types are defined as bare, grass, shrubs, and trees. Variations in



cover density by season, and variations in interception storage by vegetation type and season are considered. Precipitation amount is decreased by interception and becomes net precipitation delivered to the watershed surface. Intercepted rain is assumed to evaporate at a free-water-surface rate. Intercepted snow is assumed to sublimate at a rate that is expressed as a user-defined percentage of potential evapotranspiration. Net precipitation reaches the snowpack or soil surface where it accumulates in the snowpack or is available for surface runoff and infiltration. Daily surface runoff from rainfall on pervious, snow-free HRUs is computed using a contributing-area concept (Dickinson and Whiteley, 1970; Hewlett and Nutter, 1970). Net precipitation not becoming surface runoff infiltrates the soil surface. The percent of an HRU contributing to surface runoff can be computed as either a linear [srunoff_carea_prms.f] or a nonlinear [srunoff_smidx_prms.f] function of antecedent soil moisture and rainfall amount. Surface runoff from snowmelt is computed only on a daily basis. Snowmelt runoff from pervious areas is assumed to occur only when the soil zone of an HRU reaches field capacity. At field capacity, a user-defined, daily maximum infiltration rate is assumed. Any daily snowmelt in excess of this maximum infiltration rate is assumed to become surface runoff. For impervious areas, snowmelt first satisfies available retention storage, and the remaining snowmelt becomes surface runoff. The soil and subsurface components of a watershed system are conceptualized as a series of reservoirs, the responses of which combine to produce the total watershed response. The soil-zone reservoir represents that part of the soil mantle that can lose water through the processes of evaporation and transpiration. Average rooting depth of the predominant vegetation covering the soil surface defines the depth of this zone. The maximum available water-holding capacity of the soil-zone reservoir is the difference between field capacity and wilting point of the profile. The soil-zone reservoir is treated as a two-layered system. The upper zone is termed the recharge zone and the remaining profile is the lower zone. Evaporative losses from the recharge zone occur from evaporation and transpiration; losses from the lower zone are assumed to occur only through transpiration. Water storage in the soil-zone reservoir is increased by infiltration of rainfall and snowmelt and is decreased by evapotranspiration [smbal_prms.f]. A choice of three procedures is available to compute potential evapotranspiration (PET). One procedure uses daily pan-evaporation data and a monthly pan-adjustment coefficient [potet_epan_prms.f; potet_ep_not_prms.f]. A second procedure uses the Hamon method to compute PET as a function of daily mean air temperature and possible hours of sunshine (Hamon, 1961) [potet_hamon_prms.f]. The third procedure is a modified Jensen-Haise technique (Jensen et al., 1969) that computes PET using air temperature, solar radiation, and two coefficients that can be estimated using regional air-temperature, elevation, vapor-pressure, and vegetation data [potet_jh_prms.f]. Actual evapotranspiration (AET) is computed as a function of soil type, water currently available in the soil-zone reservoir, and the storage capacity of


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the soil-zone reservoir using an approach developed by Zahner (1967) [smbal_prms.f]. When available water is nonlimiting, AET equals PET. PET is first satisfied from interception storage, retention storage on impervious surfaces, and evaporation/sublimation from snow surfaces. Remaining PET demand is then applied to the soil-zone storage. AET is computed separately for the recharge zone and the lower zone using the unsatisfied PET demand and the ratio of currently available water in the soil zone to its maximum available water-holding capacity. AET computed for the recharge zone is used first to satisfy PET; any remaining demand is attempted to be met from the lower zone. Relations between AET and available soil moisture are defined for three soil types: sand, loam, and clay. The active transpiration period is user-defined by a beginning and an ending month. The specific date of the start of transpiration is computed for each HRU using a threshold accumulated degree-day approach. The sum of the maximum daily air temperatures is accumulated for each HRU, starting on the first day of the month transpiration is assumed to begin. When this sum exceeds a user-defined threshold value, transpiration is assumed to begin. Transpiration is assumed to end on the first day of the month specified as the month transpiration ends. Infiltration to the HRU soil zone must fill the recharge zone before water will move to the lower zone. When the soil-zone reservoir reaches maximum storage capacity, additional infiltration is routed to the subsurface and groundwater reservoirs. The apportioning of soil water in excess of the maximum storage capacity to the subsurface and groundwater reservoirs is done using a user-defined daily groundwater recharge rate [smbal_prms.f]. Daily groundwater reservoir inflow may be equal to or less than the recharge rate, depending on the magnitude of soil-water excess. When soil-water excess is larger than the recharge rate, the difference becomes subsurface reservoir inflow. The subsurface reservoir simulates the relatively rapid component of flow that may occur in the saturated-unsaturated and groundwater zones during periods of rainfall and snowmelt [ssflow_prms.f]. The subsurface reservoir can be defined as being linear or nonlinear. The groundwater reservoir simulates the slower component of flow from the groundwater zone [gwflow_prms.f]. It is conceptualized as a linear reservoir and is assumed to be the source of all baseflow. Inflow to the groundwater reservoir can be from both soil-water excess [smbal_prms.f] and one or more subsurface reservoirs. The vertical movement of water from a subsurface reservoir to a groundwater reservoir is computed as a function of the current volume of storage in subsurface reservoir and a linear routing coefficient [ssflow_prms.f]. The movement of water through the groundwater reservoir to points outside the surface drainage boundary is treated using a groundwater sink which is computed as a function of storage in the groundwater reservoir and a linear routing coefficient. The shape of the baseflow recession of the simulated hydrograph will be affected by the relative proportion of groundwater recharge from the two source terms. Recharge from the soil zone occurs only on days when the maximum



storage capacity of the soil zone reservoir is exceeded while recharge from the subsurface reservoir occurs every day that water is available in the subsurface reservoir. Snow Components The snow components simulate the initiation, accumulation, and depletion of a snowpack on each HRU [snowcomp_prms.f]. A snowpack is maintained and modified on both a water-equivalent basis and as a dynamic-heat reservoir. A snowpack water balance is computed daily and an energy balance is computed twice each day for 12-hour periods (designated day and night). The energy-balance computations are a combination of equations and functional relationships taken or derived from several sources. The conceptual model for the snowpack system and its energy relations is one described by Obled and Rosse (1977). The conceptual snowpack system and the components of the snowpack energy balance are shown in Figure 7.2. Shortwave net radiation for the snow surface is computed as a function of slope and aspect of the HRU, the albedo of the snow surface, and the transmission coefficient for the vegetation canopy over the snowpack. Surface albedo is computed as a function of the number of days since the last snowfall and whether the snowpack is in an accumulation or a melt phase (U.S. Army, 1956). The transmission coefficient is computed as a function of the winter cover density of the vegetation canopy over the snowpack. The relations between cover density and the transmission coefficient were developed from relations presented by Miller (1959) and Vézina and Péch (1964). Longwave net radiation is computed using the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The computation considers the longwave exchange between the air and the snowpack and the exchange between the vegetation canopy and the snowpack. Emissivity of the air is a function of the moisture content of the air and ranges between 0.757 and 1.0 (U.S. Army, 1956). In the absence of humidity data, air emissivity is assumed to be 1.0 for days with precipitation and a user-defined parameter for days without precipitation. The full equation for computing latent and sensible heat flux includes terms for temperature, vapor pressure, wind speed, and diffusivities of heat and vapor (U.S. Army, 1956). However, wind and vapor pressure or humidity data are generally not available. Therefore, computation of the latent and sensible heat terms is simplified to be only a function of temperature and is computed only on days with precipitation. The computed value is reduced by one-half for HRUs with a cover-type of trees. The snowpack is assumed to be a two-layered system. The surface layer consists of the upper 3-5 centimeters of the snowpack, and the bottom layer is the remaining snowpack. Heat transfer between the surface layer and the snowpack occurs by conduction when the temperature of the surface layer (Ts) is less than 0°C. The conduction of heat between the surface and the snowpack is computed as a function of snowpack density, effective thermal conductivity, and the thermal gradient between the layers. Effective thermal conductivity is computed as a function of snowpack density (Anderson, 1968) and snowpack density is computed daily using a procedure developed by Riley et al. (1973).


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Conduction of heat from the soil surface to the snowpack is assumed to be negligible compared to the energy exchange at the air-snow interface. When Ts equals 0°C, heat transfer occurs as conduction when the net energy balance at the air-snow interface is negative; but heat transfer occurs as mass transfer by surface melting when the net energy balance is positive. Heat transfer from precipitation also occurs as a mass-transfer process. When snowmelt or rain-on-snow occurs, the temperature of the snowpack controls the distribution of the melt. If the snowpack temperature is less than 0°C, the meltwater is refrozen and decreases the cold content of the snowpack. When the snowpack becomes isothermal at 0°C, snowmelt is first used to satisfy the freewater holding capacity of the snowpack. Any remaining melt leaves the bottom of the snowpack to become infiltration or surface runoff. When melt reduces the snowpack water equivalent below a user-defined threshold, the snow-covered area of an HRU is decreased using the areal-depletion-curve approach developed by Anderson (1973). Up to 10 different depletion curves may be user-defined. Evaporation and sublimation from the snow surface are assumed to occur only when there is no transpiration from vegetation above the snowpack. Loss from the snow surface is computed as a percentage of the daily PET value. The daily percentage is a user-defined parameter. Channel Reservoir Components There is no explicit routing of channel flow in PRMS daily mode. However, channel reservoir components can be used to simulate the storage and routing response of channel reservoirs [strmflow_prms.f]. Reservoir inflows are computed as the sum of the streamflow contributions from all HRUs and the parts of subsurface and groundwater reservoirs above the channel reservoir. Reservoir inflow also can include the outflow of up to three upstream channel reservoirs. Two types of routing procedures are available for simulating reservoir outflow. Both are based on the equation of continuity. One is a linear-storage routing procedure in which outflow is computed as a linear function of storage. The second is a modified-Puls routing procedure (U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971). 2.2.2 PRMS Storm Mode A watershed is configured into flow-plane and channel segments for storm-mode computations. An HRU is considered a single flow plane. The watershed drainage network is characterized as a system of channel, reservoir, and junction segments that jointly describe the drainage pattern. Each channel segment can receive upstream inflow from as many as three other channel segments. In addition, each channel segment can receive lateral inflow from as many as two flow planes (left bank and right bank). The PRMS modules for storm mode are listed in Table 7.2.



Table 7.2 Storm Mode Process Modules Process Infiltration Flow-plane routing (flow and sediment) Channel routing (flow, reservoirs, sediment) Streamflow Summary

Module grnampt_infil_prms.f krout_ofpl_prms.f

Description Green-Ampt infiltration Kinematic overland-flow routing


Kinematic channel-flow routing

strmflow_st_prms.f basin_sum_st_prms.f

Streamflow summation Basin summary computations Channel Flow Channel flow is routed through the watershed channel system using the kinematic-wave approximation for channel flow described by Dawdy et al. (1978) [krout_chan_prms.f]. Routing through channel reservoirs can be computed using the same linear routing scheme or modified-Puls routing procedure available for the daily mode. Sediment Sediment detachment and transport from flow planes is computed using a rill-interrill concept approach presented by Hjelmfelt et al. (1975) [krout_ofpl_prms.f]. Rainfall detachment is computed as a nonlinear function of rainfall rate and the mean depth of flow on the plane using a relationship described by Smith (1976). Overland flow detachment is assumed to occur in the rills and is computed as a linear function of the difference between sediment transport capacity at the current flow depth and the current sediment transport rate using a relationship described by Hjelmfelt et al. (1975). Sediment delivered from a flow plane is currently transported as a conservative substance in the channel system; detachment and deposition are not included. 3. MMS ANALYSIS AND SUPPORT TOOLS 3.1 Watershed Delineation and Parameter Estimation The delineation, characterization, and parameterization of a basin and its associated HRUs can now be accomplished using geographic information system (GIS) technology. The GIS Weasel is a interface for applying tools to delineate, characterize, and parameterize topographical, hydrological, and biological basin features for use in a variety of lumped- and distributedmodeling approaches. It is composed of ArcInfo (ESRI, 1992) GIS software, C language programs, and shell scripts. HRUs can be delineated within a watershed to reflect the variation in spatially distributed attributes, such as elevation, slope, aspect, soils, and vegetation. The GIS Weasel also delineates a drainage network and computes the connectivity of HRUs with this drainage network. The location of datacollection sites can also be overlaid with the HRU map to define associations between HRUs and the data sites. Parameter estimation methods are implemented using ARC macro language (AML) functions. Digital databases used for parameter estimation in the USA include: (1) USGS digital elevation models; (2) State Soils Geographic


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(STATSGO) 1-km gridded soils data (US Department of Agriculture, 1994); and (3) Forest Service 1-km gridded vegetation type and density data (US Department of Agriculture, 1992). Spatially distributed parameters estimated using these databases include elevation, slope, aspect, topographic index, soil type, available water-holding capacity of the soil, vegetation type, vegetation cover density, solar radiation transmission coefficient, interception-storage capacity, stream topology, and stream reach slope and length. 3.2 Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis Optimization and sensitivity analysis tools are provided to analyze model parameters and evaluate the extent to which uncertainty in model parameters affects uncertainty in simulation results. Two optimization procedures are available to fit user-selected parameters. One is the Rosenbrock technique (Rosenbrock, 1960), as it is implemented in the original PRMS. The second is a hyper-tunnel method (Restrepo and Bras, 1982). The Shuffled Complex Evolution Optimization algorithm (Duan et al., 1993) and the Multi-Objective COMplex Evolution algorithm (Yapo et al., 1998), which is capable of solving multi-objective optimization problems, are currently being incorporated into the MMS tool set. Sensitivity-analysis components allow the user to determine the extent to which uncertainty in the parameters results in uncertainty in the predicted runoff. Two methods of sensitivity analysis are currently available. One is the method developed for use with the original PRMS, the output of which includes measures of the relative sensitivity, error propagation, joint and individual standard errors, and correlation among user-selected model parameters. The second method evaluates the sensitivity of any pair of parameters and develops the objective function surface for a selected range of these two parameters. Other sensitivity analysis methods to address the questions of parameter and prediction uncertainty are being evaluated for incorporation in MMS. Currently the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) procedure (Beven and Binley, 1992) is being added to the MMS tool set. 3.3 Forecasting Tools Forecasting capabilities are provided by the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) procedure (Day, 1985). ESP uses historic or synthesized meteorological data as an analogue for the future. These time series are used as model input to simulate future streamflow. The initial hydrologic conditions of a watershed, for the start of a forecast period, are assumed to be those simulated by the model for that point in time. Typically, multiple hydrographs are simulated from this point in time forward, one for each year of available historic data. For each simulated hydrograph, the model is reinitialized using the watershed conditions at the starting point of the forecast period. The forecast period can vary from a few days to an entire water year. A frequency analysis is then performed on the peaks and/or volumes of the simulated hydrograph traces to evaluate their probabilities of exceedance. The ESP procedure uses historical meteorological data to represent future meteorological data. Alternative assumptions about future meteorological



conditions can be made with the use of synthesized meteorological data. A few options are available in applying the frequency analysis. One assumes that all years in the historic database have an equally likely probability of occurrence. This gives equal weight to all years. Years associated with El Nino, La Nina, ENSO neutral, Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) less than -0.5, PDO greater than 0.5, and PDO neutral have also been identified in the ESP procedure, and the years in these groups can be extracted separately for analysis. Alternative schemes for weighting user-defined periods, based on user assumptions or a priori information, are also being investigated. 3.4 Visualization and Analysis The MMS GUI provides the links to a variety of MMS features that support the application of PRMS and the visualization and analysis of model results. These features include the ability to (1) select and edit parameter files and data files using spreadsheet functions; (2) select a number of model execution options such as a run with a graphical and/or spatial visualization output, an ESP run, an optimization, or a sensitivity analysis; and (3) select a variety of statistical and graphical analyses of simulation output. One of the MMS analysis tools is the Object User Interface (OUI). OUI is a Java-based, multipurpose MMS component developed jointly by the FriedrichSchiller University, Jena, Germany, and the USGS. OUI is a map-based interface for acquiring, organizing, browsing, and analyzing spatial and temporal data, and for executing models and analysis tools. The functional components of the OUI are a hierarchical data tree, a map window for display of one or more data-tree themes, and pull-down menus. The data tree provides users access to a variety of data layers that typically include basin boundaries, model response units, stream reaches, meteorological and streamflow gauge sites, and other map-based features of interest for model application and analysis. It also provides menu options to initiate model applications, evaluate model results using a variety of statistical and graphical tools, and analyze associated spatial and temporal data. The contents of the data tree and pull-down menus are specified using the eXtensible markup language (XML). Thus OUI is easily adapted and applied to any basin by creating or modifying the XML control file. 4. PRMS MODULE MODIFICATIONS As noted above, the PRMS schematic in Figure 7.1 is considered a template withinin which the appropriate set of process modules can be selected to construct the optimal model for a specific application. When the library of PRMS modules listed in Tables 7.1 and 7.2 were not appropriate, new modules have been developed. To model the Yakima River basin in the state of Washington, Mastin and Vaccaro (2002) created 13 new PRMS modules by modifying the existing groundwater, interception, precipitation, soil, snow, surface runoff, and temperature-distribution modules and developing new modules to simulate irrigation diversions and return flows and daily channel


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routing. A frozen-soil algorithm developed for the original version of PRMS (Emerson, 1991) is also being written as a module for this application. A PRMS application in the prairie pothole region of the state of North Dakota required the modification of the PRMS basin, interception, surfacerunoff, soil, subsurface, and groundwater modules to better represent the wetland conditions of this region (Leavesley, 2002; Vining, 2002). 5. PRMS APPLICATIONS The modeling system as discussed above has been applied around the world in a variety of climatic and physiographic regions. Reported applications range from the investigation of selected process components, to streamflow simulations, to the integration of PRMS with a variety of water- and environmental-resource management models to constructed decision support systems. A few selected examples are provided below. The snowmelt runoff component has been a focus area of investigation. A synopsis and comparison of the PRMS snowmelt algorithms with nine other models was presented Melloh (1999). The use of a remotely sensed snowcovered area to evaluate model performance was presented by Leavesley et al. (2002). Simulation improvements and implications for snowmelt runoff forecasting in two Sierra Nevada basins based on the use of satellite estimates of snow-covered area and improved estimates of solar radiation were presented by Simpson et al. (2004). The groundwater recharge component has also been a focus area of interest. Steuer and Hunt (2001) looked at the effects of urbanization and other land uses on groundwater recharge as well as flood peaks and runoff volumes. The simulated HRU recharge rates from this study were then used as spatially explicit input to the groundwater model MODFLOW (Hunt and Steuer, 2000). Average annual groundwater recharge rates were computed for a mountain-front watershed in Colorado for the purpose of defining groundwater pumping limits for residential use (Bossong et al., 2003). Evaluation of the effects of climate variability and change on water resources is another area or application. The effects of transient climate change on runoff variability in the Arno River, central Italy, were evaluated by Burlando and Rosso (2002). Hydrologic responses of river basins in the Sierra Nevada of California were evaluated by Dettinger et al., (2004). The hydrologic response of a tropical terminal lake in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley to changes in climate and human activities was reported by Legesse et al. (2004). The use of downscaled atmospheric model output for PRMS simulations were reported by Wilby et al. (1999) and Hay et al. (2000, 2002). The storm-mode components were used to evaluate the use of radar rainfall data and modeled quantitative precipitation forecasts to simulate a flash flood from a watershed that had recently been partially burned in a forest fire (Yates et al., 2000). The storm-mode was also used to extend stream-gauging station records to improve peak-streamflow statistics for select stations in Vermont (Olson, 2002). Application of sediment detachment and transport components to tephra deposits from the eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington, was



reported by Leavesley et al. (1989). Other reports focusing on the sediment components of PRMS were presented by Carey and Simon (1984), Reed (1986), and Rankl (1987). Model parameter estimation, particularly for applications to ungauged basins or the assessment of the impacts of land use of climate change, where parameter calibration is not possible, is current area of research using PRMS and the GIS Weasel. An evaluation of a priori parameter-estimation methods available with MMS-PRMS was presented by Leavesley et al. (2003). PRMS has been used extensively for water management applications. Modeled river basins in the western United States include the Willamette in Oregon (Laenen and Risley, 1997), Truckee in California and Nevada (Berris et al., 2001), Feather in California (Jeton, 2001), Gunnison in Colorado (Leavesley, et al., 2002), Yakima in Washington (Mastin and Vaccaro, 2002), and the Methow in Washington (Ely, 2003). PRMS is also being used in a cooperative program between the USGS and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) to develop and deploy a database-centered, decision-support system to address multiobjective, resource-management problems on BOR-managed projects (Leavesley et al., 1996, 2002). These problems include simulating watershed runoff, reservoir inflows, and the impacts of resource-management decisions on municipal, agricultural, and industrial water users, environmental concerns, power generation, and recreational interests. 6. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS With continued experience gained from PRMS applications in different climatic and physiographic regions, the number and variety of PRMS process simulation modules will continue to grow. As new modules are tested, reviewed, and documented, module documentation and source code will be made available on the MMS web page. Links to modules created by developers outside the USGS will also be provided on the web page but with the disclaimer that the USGS assumes no responsibility for the quality assurance of these modules. The modeling support and analysis capabilities of MMS will also continue to expand. As features and tools are added, they will be made available for use to all PRMS applications. Further information on MMS-PRMS can be obtained at the MMS Web site: http://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/mms/. REFERENCES Anderson, E.A., Development and testing of snow pack energy balance equations: Water Resour. Res., 4, 19, 1968. Anderson, E.A., National Weather Service river forecast system—Snow accumulation and ablation model: NOAA Tech. Memorandum NWS Hydro-17, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Silver Spring, Maryland, 1973. Berris, S.N., Hess, G.W., and Bohman, L.R., River and reservoir operation model, Truckee River basin, California and Nevada, 1988, U.S. Geol. Surv. WRIR 01-4017, 2001.


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Beven, K.J. and Binley, A., The future of distributed models: model calibration and uncertainty prediction. Hydrol. Process., 6, 279, 1992. Bossong, C.R., Caine, J.S., Stannard, D.I., Flynn, J.L., Stevens, M.R., and Heiny-Dash, J.S., Hydrologic conditions and assessment of water resources in the Turkey Creek watershed, Jefferson County, Colorado, 1998-2001, U.S. Geol. Surv. WRIR 03-4034, 2003. Burlando, P. and Rosso, R., Effects of transient climate change on basin hydrology. 2. Impacts on runoff variability in the Arno River, central Italy, Hydrol. Process., 16, 1177, 2002. Carey, W.P. and Simon, A., Physical basis and potential estimation techniques for soil erosion parameters in the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS), U.S. Geol. Surv. WRIR 84-4218, 1984. Crawford, N.H. and Linsley, R.K., Digital simulation in hydrology, Stanford, Calif., Stanford Watershed Model IV, Tech. Rept. 39, Civil Eng. Dept., Stanford Univ., 1966. Dawdy, D.R., Schaake, J.C., Jr., and Alley, W.M., Distributed routing rainfall-runoff model: U.S. Geol. Surv. WRIR 78-90, 1978. Day, G.N., Extended streamflow forecasting using NWSRFS: J. Water Resour. Plan Manag. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 111, 157, 1985. Dettinger, M.D., Cayan, D.R., Meyer, M.K., and Jeton, A.E., Simulated hydrologic responses to climate variations and change in the Merced, Carson, and American River basins, Sierra Nevada, California, 1900-2099, Climatic Change, 62, 283, 2004. Dickinson, W.T. and Whiteley, H.Q., Watershed areas contributing to runoff, IAHS Publ. no. 96, 1.12, 1970. Duan, Q., Gupta, V.K., and Sorooshian, S., A shuffled complex evolution approach for effective and efficient global optimization. J. Opt. Theory Its App., 76, 501, 1993. Ely, D.M., Precipitation-runoff simulations of current and natural streamflow conditions in the Methow River basin, Washington, U.S. Geol. Surv. WRIR 03-446, 2003. Emerson, D.G., Documentation of a heat and water transfer model for seasonally frozen soils with application to a precipitation-runoff model, U.S. Geol. Surv. Open-File Report 91-462, 1991. ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute), ARC/INFO 6.1 User’s Guide, Redlands, CA, 1992. Green, W.H. and Ampt, G.A., Studies on soil physics, I—Flow of air and water through soils: J. Agric. Res., 4, 1, 1911. Hamon, W.R., Estimating potential evapotranspiration: J. Hydraul. Div. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 87, 107, 1961. Hay, L.E. and Clark, M.P., Use of Atmospheric Forecasts in Hydrologic Models in Mountainous Terrain: Part 2- Application to Hydrologic Models, American Water Resources Association’s Spring Specialty Conference “Water Resources In Extreme Environments”, Anchorage, AK, May 2000. Hay, L.E., Clark, M.P., Wilby, W.J., Gutowski, W.J., Leavesley, G.H., Pan, Z., Arritt, R.W., and Takle, W.S., Use of regional climate model output for hydrologic simulations, J. Hydrometeor., 3, 571, 2002.



Hay, L.E., Wilby, R.L., and Leavesley, G.H., A comparison of delta change and downscaled GCM scenarios for three mountainous basins in the United States, J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc., 36, 387, 2000. Hewlett, J.D. and Nutter, W.L., 1970, The varying source area of streamflow from upland basins, in Proceedings of Symposium on Interdisciplinary Aspects of Watershed Management, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, 65, 1970. Hjelmfelt, A.T., Piest, R.P., and Saxton, K.E., Mathematical modeling of erosion on upland areas, in Proceedings of Congress of the 16th Int. Assoc. for Hydraul. Res., Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2, 40, 1975. Hunt, R.J. and Steuer, J.J., Simulation of the recharge area for Frederick Spring, Dane County, Wisconsin, U.S. Geol. Surv. WRIR 00-4172, 2000. Jensen, M.E., Robb, D.C.N., and Franzoy, C.E., Scheduling irrigation using climate-crop-soil data, in Proceedings of the American Society of Engineers National Conference on Water Resoures Engineering, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1969. Jeton, A.E., Streamflow forecasting using the modular modeling system and an object user interface, in Proceedings of 69th Annual Meeting of the Western Snow Conference, 2001. Laenen, A. and Risley, J.C., Precipitation-runoff and streamflow-routing models for the Willamette River basin, Oregon, U.S. Geol. Surv. WRIR 95-4284, 1997. Leaf, C.F. and Brink, G.E., Hydrologic simulation model of Colorado subalpine forest, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Research Paper RM-107, 1973. Leavesley, G.H., The Devils Lake basin wetlands model, in Vining, K.C. Ed., Simulation of streamflow and wetland storage, Starkweather Coulee Subbasin, North Dakota, water years 1981-98, U.S. Geol. Surv. WRIR 02-4113, 26, 2002. Leavesley, G.H., Hay, L.E., Viger, R.J., and Markstrom, S.L., Use of a priori parameterestimation methods to constrain calibration of distributed-parameter models: in Duan, Q., Gupta, H.V., Sorooshian, S., Rousseau, A.N., and Turcotte, R., eds., Calibration of Watershed Models, Water, Science and Application 6, American Geophysical Union, 255, 2003. Leavesley, G.H., Lichty, R.W., Troutman, B.M., and Saindon, L.G., Precipitation-runoff modeling system—User’s manual, U.S. Geol. Surv. WRIR 83-4238, 1983. Leavesley, G.H., Lusby, G.C., and Lichty, R.W., Infiltration and erosion characteristics of selected tephra deposits from the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington, Hydrol. Sci. J., 34, 1989. Leavesley, G.H., Markstrom, S.L., Brewer, M.S., and Viger, R.J., The modular modeling system (MMS) – The physical process modeling component of a database-centered decision support system for water and power management, Water, Air Soil Pollut., 90, 303, 1996. Leavesley, G.H., Markstrom, S.L., Restrepo, P.J., and Viger, R.J., A modular approach to addressing modeling design, scale, and parameter estimation issues in distributed hydrological modeling, Hydrol. Process., 16, 173, 2002. Leavesley, G.H., Restrepo, P.J., Markstrom, S.L., Dixon, M., and Stannard, L.G., The modular modeling system—MMS: user’s manual. U.S. Geol. Surv. Open File Rep. 96151, 1996.


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CHAPTER 8 The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform Liliang Ren and Fei Yuan

Topography is of great importance to the description, quantification, and interpretation of land surface processes, such as water and energy fluxes, evapotranspiration and soil erosion (Beven, 1989 and Moore et al., 1991). Topography varies from one location to another and topographical variability affects the apparent slope, flow path, land cover and soil formation. Moreover, topography is easily available from earth surface information. Extracting topographical information for a watershed by conventional and manual operation might be tedious, time-consuming, and errorprone. Research over the past decades has demonstrated the feasibility of extracting topographical information directly from raster-based digital elevation models (DEMs) (Doyle, 1978; O’Callaghan and Mark, 1984; and Jenson and Dominique, 1988). In the field of hydrology and water resources, automatic evaluation of DEMs has mainly focused on watershed segmentation, definition of drainage divides, and identification of river networks. This automatic extraction of network and subwatershed properties from the DEM represents a convenient and rapid way to parameterize a watershed (Garbrecht and Campbell, 1997). The world is changing from A (Atomic age) to B (Bit age) due to C (Computer). Bit, as a basic unit of information, is replacing atom, and becomes a basic element of the human society. In 1998 the concept of Digital Earth was proposed, which is a multiresolution, three-dimensional representation of our living planet. Terrain is regarded as only one of the many kinds of data with which we can interact. The development of computer science and digital techniques such as DEMs provide a solid technical foundation for the revolution of hydrological modeling (Ren and Liu, 2000). The spatial distribution of land surface characteristics, such as topography, land cover, soil, watershed divide, drainage network, or catchment area, could be expressed digitally, so as to avoid using the conventional manual method. Thus the digital hydrological model emerges (Ren and Liu, 2000b). The digital hydrological model is a modern, physically based modeling technique containing a large amount of information. It is a DEM-based distributed model, and the combination of grid-based runoff generation model with streamflow routing model. In this chapter, the latest version of the Xin’anjiang model (Zhao, 1992) on the digital basin platform will be introduced, including input requirements, procedures and assumptions used, output capabilities, and two cases illustrating its application. This chapter is organized as follows. Section 1 presents a brief description of the Xin’anjiang model. In section 2, an application of digital



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approach to hydrological processes modeling for HUBEX/GAME project is described. Section 3 demonstrates an application of remote sensing information about land use and land cover in flood forecasting with the Xin’anjiang model. Preliminary conclusions and suggestion based on sections 2 and 3 are provided in section 4. 1. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE XIN’ANJIANG MODEL The Xin’anjiang model (Zhao, 1992) was proposed in the 1960s, developed in 1973, and modified in 1980. It has been used widely in China since 1980, mainly for flood forecasting, but more recently also for other purposes. Its main feature is the concept of runoff formation as a dependent variable of repletion of storage, i.e., runoff is not produced until the soil moisture content of the aeration zone reaches field capacity, and thereafter runoff is equal to the rainfall excess without further loss. This concept is useful up to a point. The curve of soil tension water storage capacity was introduced by Zhao (1992) in the 1960s, expanding the Xin’anjiang model to include catchments. In this research, a parabolic curve is applied to each subcatchment. Three kinds of spatially heterogeneous distributions are taken into consideration in the Xin’anjiang model: (a) uneven distribution of tension water storage capacity throughout the subcatchment is expressed by a parabolic curve for partial-area runoff generation; (b) nonuniform distribution of free water storage capacity over partial areas where runoff has been produced is also expressed in terms of a parabolic curve for separation of runoff into surface flow, interflow, and groundwater flow; and (c) the amount of free water storage is represented by a linear reservoir structure to account for the different velocities of different runoff components. The Xin’anjiang model is a rainfall–runoff distributed basin model for use in humid or semihumid regions. The evapotranspiration component is represented by a model of three soil layers. Runoff concentration to the outflow of each subcatchment is determined by means of unit hydrograph or the lag and route method. The damping effect in the river channel system connecting the subcatchments is represented by the Muskingum routing method. In this chapter, the Xin’anjiang model is applied for the development of the digital rainfall–runoff model in each subcatchment or grid element that is generated and numbered automatically by the Digital Elevation Drainage Network Model (DEDNM) (Martz, W. and Garbrecht, 1992). 2. DIGITAL APPROACH TO HYDROLOGICAL PROCESS MODELING FOR HUBEX/GAME PROJECT Techniques for solving hydrological problems are borrowed from several disciplines, such as mathematics, statistics, operations research, computer science, and information theory. Based on solution techniques, hydrology can be

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


subdivided into different branches. Thus digital hydrology results from the intersection of computer science and hydrology. Intrinsically, being digital connotes being discrete in space or in time. In such a sense, it seems to us that digital hydrology focuses our attention on the spatial separation of a catchment as gridded cells or subcatchments, and the temporal discretization of hydrological processes within each cell or each subcatchment. Therefore, state values and instantaneous values of hydrological elements could be modeled at any site and at any time step, so as to show the whole hydrological process. In order to attain this goal, rainfall, as the input to the hydrological model, is of great importance, especially for short-duration flood hydrograph modeling according to the past experience of rainfall–runoff modeling. The spatial variability of precipitation is very significant for runoff computation. Radar-based rain data have an advantage over highly spatial and temporal resolutions. Such an advantage may be fully and completely utilized in the grid-based hydrological model. In addition, the spatial and temporal distributions of state variables, such as soil tension water at any cell within the catchment at any time step, could be obtained by the model. A catchment may be partitioned spatially as grid elements by the DEDNM. Thus a grid element on the ground within the catchment matches the atmospheric input, such as precipitation and evapotranspiration. It is of theoretical significance and of practical value to apply radar-measured rain data to digital hydrological modeling. 2.1 Construction of Digital Basin 2.1.1 Case Study Area The Shiguan River Basin within 31°12′ ~ 32°18′ north latitude and 115°17′ ~ 115°55′ east longitude is selected for case application. Jiangji Station (see Figure 8.1) is the outlet of that Catchment with 5930 km2 of area. The Shiguan River is the first-order southern tributary of the Huaihe River Basin. There are two large reservoirs in the catchment. One is called Niyushan Reservoir that has 0.916 billion m3 of total storage capacity, and controls 924 km2 of drainage area. The other is Meishan Reservoir with 2.338 billion m3 of total storage capacity and 1970 km2 of drainage area. There are various kinds of topographical situations, not only highly mountainous and hilly areas with the maximum elevation of 1576 meters above sea level where the streamflow goes very fast, but also low alluvial plain where the drainage network is developed well. Therefore the Shiguan River Basin is selected as the intensified observation field for the HUBEX (HUaihe River Basin EXperiment)/GAME (GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment) Project supported financially from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2.1.2 DEM Creation The ARC/INFO software is used as a platform to create a raster-based


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digital elevation model. Firstly, the Arc Digitizing System (ADS), a subsystem of the ARC system, is utilized to digitize topographical information into the computer, and to edit points, contour lines, and polygons. A coverage is the most fundamental information storage unit in ARC/INFO, like a file in a computer. In a topographical map, most elevation information is expressed in the form of contour lines. But the elevation value at the summit of a mountain or hill appears in terms of a point because of map scale. In order to improve the precision of digitization, not to lose useful and practically existing elevation information, the elevation value at the vertex should be input into the computer by the digitizer as a label point. Each label point could be represented in terms of User-Identification (ID) code and a pair of coordinates (x, y), and stored in the polygon or point attribute table (PAT) file with the same name as the corresponding coverage.



Meishan Huangnizhuang

Figure 8.1 Overview of the Shiguan River Basin.

After the digitization is finished, the ‘ARCEDIT’ or ‘ARCTOOLS’ module in ARC/INFO may be used to correct and to edit the digitized coverage, so as to serve for later topological generation. An effective check approach is to take two layers of coverages, viz. river network and watershed divide ridge, as backgrounds or references of the topographical coverage. In general, the elevation of the location where a river streamline exists is lower than that of the upstream slope around the river. And the watershed divide has a higher value of elevation than its surrounding area. Those principles are very useful for checking whether the User-ID code numbers of contours are rightly made or not. The topological relation and/or structure could be built once the edition or correction to the coverage ends. Then, the topographical coverage may be converted to and stored as the TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) data format. Finally, the GRID (cell-based) format, the specific raster-based format in ARC/INFO, can be obtained from the TIN format.

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


2.1.3 DEM Data Preprocessing In this procedure, the DEDNM (Martz, W., and Garbrecht, 1992) is used to perform DEM preprocessing, which is strictly limited to cells of depression and flat surfaces so as to minimize the impact on the over information content of the elevation data. Depressions are probably real storage volumes such as reservoirs or ponds, though some may be artifacts of the horizontal and vertical DEM resolution, DEM generation method, or elevation data truncation. There are two types of depressions: sink depressions and impoundment depressions (Martz, W., and Garbrecht, 1992). Sink depressions are recognized as a group of raster cells at a lower elevation than that of the surrounding landscape. Impoundment depressions are identified by a narrow band of raster cells of higher elevation across drainage paths, similar to an obstruction or dam across a stream. As remarked before, there are two large reservoirs in the Shiguan River Basin. So impoundment depressions probably exist. The depression is identified as an impoundment depression if the program scans the width of a narrow band of raster cells of higher elevation across drainage paths equal to the length of a cell. Also the program can lower the elevation value of the obstruction or dam by breaching, so that the flow passes the obstruction or dam. Any remaining depression after the breaching is considered to be a sink depression, which is treated in the conventional manner by raising the elevations within the sink depression to the elevation of its lowest overflow cell. As regards the flat surfaces produced by depression-filling, as well as those inherent to the DEM, such as level valley floors or plateaus at watershed divide, it is necessary to make further rectification, so as to ensure unambiguous downslope drainage at every location in the DEM. The relief imposition algorithm reported by Martz and Garbrecht (1992) is taken to generate a realistic, topographically consistent and convergent drainage over those surfaces. 2.1.4 Drainage Network Generation Both a Critical Source Area (CSA) and a Minimum Source Channel Length (MSCL) should be specified before the program of drainage network generation runs. Considering specific topography, land cover, soil, and rock of the Shiguan River Basin: the southern upstream part of two reservoirs consist of high mountains with a forest cover rate of 65% while the northern area is smooth cropland. The catchment is partitioned into four subareas, each of which are designated different CSA and MSCL values, so as to reflect spatial variability of factors affecting drainage network development (see Table 8.1). On the basis of DEM preprocessing, the steepest downslope path method (Fairfield and Leymarie, 1991) is applied to the determination of flow vectors on each grid by the DEDNM. Figure 8.2 shows the visual flow vectors over the upstream area of the Shihe Catchment controlled by Huangnizhuang Station. The drainage area can be calculated in terms of the number of cells, watershed divide boundary delineated, drainage network generated, and indexed step by step (Garbrecht and Campbell, 1997). Figure 8.3 shows the drainage network


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and watershed divide within the Shihe Catchment upstream of Huangnizhuang Station, which is almost the same as that shown in a 1:50, 000 topography map. Table 8.1 Specified Values of Critical Source Area (CSA) and Minimum Source Channel Length (MSCL) Designated to Four Subareas Covering the Shiguan River Basin No.

North Latitude

East Longitude

CSA (km2)

MSCL (km)


31° ~ 31°40′

115° ~ 116°




31°40′~ 32°

115° ~ 116°




32° ~ 32°20′

115°30′~ 116°




32° ~ 32°20′

115°~ 115°30′



Huangnizhuang Station

Figure 8.2 Raster-based flow vectors in Shihe Catchment upstream of Huangnizhuang, produced by steepest descent method.

2.1.5 Topological Evaluation of Catchment Drainage Network The Strahler order of each channel link could be determined once a well-connected channel network is produced, and the optimal executive sequence for cascade-type flow routing through the channel link may be determined according to the procedure described by Garbrecht (1988). Finally the topological relationship amongst network nodes, channel links, and subcatchments can be obtained, including the source drainage area of the first Strahler order channel, the direct contributing drainage area of the left and right sides of each channel link, the node elevation and slope of the channel link, and related connected information. Table 8.2 gives an example.

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


Figure 8.3 Drainage network and watershed boundary in Shihe Catchment, generated by the DEDNM.

2.2 Runoff Modeling Using Rain-Gauge Data A digital rainfall-runoff model can be established over each subcatchment that is generated and numbered automatically by the DEDNM. In this presentation, the Xin’anjiang model is applied to each subcatchment, which is more or less homogeneous, for runoff production with different parameters in different subareas. Those subareas are connected to the drainage network where runoff is routed by the Muskingum method from the outlet of each subcatchment to the specified outlet on the basis of the topological relationship of river network structure produced by the DEDNM.

Table 8.2 Topological Relation and Routing Execution Sequence of Drainage Network in the Shihe Catchment Upstream of Huangnizhuang Station


Strahler Execution







Drainage Area (km2)





















































(2) Index



………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34

































Note: The value ‘−1’ in the Table indicates term not applicable.


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The Shihe Catchment upstream of Huangnizhuang Station and the Shiguan River Basin upstream of Jiangji Station are selected for case application of digital hydrological modeling. Figures 8.4 and 8.5 show some of the simulated results. The further analysis will be made as follows. It can be seen that the digital hydrological model performs well for hourly flood hydrograph at Huangnizhuang Station in Figure 8.4. It simulates the peak values better than the low values of the daily discharge hydrograph at Jiangji Station (the outlet of the Shiguan River Catchment) in Figure 8.5 during the wet season of 1998. The reason is that there are several man-made irrigation channels along the upstream of Jiangji Station, which draw water from the Shiguan River as it does not rain. However, the amount of water drawn from the river is not available. Therefore, the simulated discharge is a little bit larger than observed in Figure 8.5. Because numbering of drainage network nodes and segmented subcatchments, and generation of topological relation of drainage network are done automatically by the DEDNM, the digital hydrologic model can operate very conveniently in the aspect of spatial positioning, i.e., hydrographs and state variables at any site within a catchment would be given by the digital model. Meanwhile, discharge component parts at any station from its upstream tributaries might be simulated by the digital model. Figure 8.6(a) and Figure 8.6(b) show the spatial distribution of rainfall over the Shiguan River Catchment on July 2 and 3, 1998. Figure 8.6(c) and Figure 8.6(d) show the spatial distribution of corresponding runoff depth over the Shiguan River Catchment on July 2 and 3, 1998. Figure 8.7 shows the comparison among discharges from the upstream tributaries of Jiangji Station during the wet season of 1998. It can be seen from Figure 8.7 that the peak discharge at Jiangji Station on July 2, 1998 resulted mainly from the Shicaohe River and the Jiliujian River, which corresponds to the darker area in Figure 8.6(c).

700 600 500 400


800 Observed 系列1 Simulated 系列2

300 200 100 0 Hour Date Month

Time(hr) 8 13 May

8 25 May

8 6 June

8 18 June

8 30 June

8 12 July

8 24 July

8 8 8 5 17 29 August August August

8 10 Sept.

Figure 8.4 Comparison between observed and simulated discharges at Huangnizhuang Station from May 1st through September 15th of 1998.

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform



1000 800 600

Observed 系列1 Simulated 系列2



400 Time(day)

200 0 Date 22 30 7 15 23 1 Month May May June June June July

9 July

17 July

25 2 10 18 26 3 11 July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept.

Figure 8.5 Comparison between observed and simulated discharges at Jiangji Station from May 15th through September 15th of 1998.

2.3 Flood Simulation Using Radar Data 2.3.1 Study Area and Data The Shihe Catchment within 31.2–32.3°N latitude and 115.25–115.75°E longitude is selected for the case study. The Huangnizhuang Station is the outlet of that catchment with an area of 805 km2. The Shihe River is the first-order southern tributary of the Huaihe River basin. There exists a highly mountainous area where the streamflow goes very fast. The Shihe catchment is selected as the intensified observation field for the HUBEX/GAME project supported financially from the National Natural Science Foundation of China during the ninth Five-Year Plan. Radar reflectivity data were obtained from a C-band weather radar device with 5 cm of wavelength. It lies at 32.93°N latitude, 115.83°E longitude in Fuyang, Anhui Province. Fuyang radar scans a radius of about 250 km, within which the Shihe Catchment lies. Radar reflectivity data are continuously observed by the volume scanning method. The radar scans one volume per 10 min with 1 km of spatial resolution. Every volume data set has 14 to 16 PPI. All PPI data were filtered and averaged within 1 h, after eliminating noise and correcting obstruction from cluster. 2.3.2 Methodology On the basis of DEM preprocessing, the steepest downslope path method is applied to the determination of flow vectors on each grid. Figure 8.2 shows the visual flow vectors over the Shihe Catchment. The Xin’anjiang model is applied to each grid element of the upper area of Huangnizhuang Station within the Shihe Catchment where rain data measured by weather radar at Fuyang station are used as the input of the hydrological model after correction. Those elements are connected by flow vectors with the outlet of drainage catchment, in which runoff is routed by the Muskingum method from each grid element to the outlet.


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Figure 8.6 Spatial distribution of rainfall or runoff over the Shiguan River Catchment, the darker indicating the larger value of rainfall or runoff. (a) Rainfall distribution, 20:00~23:00, July 2, 1998; (b) Rainfall distribution, 17:00~20:00, July 3, 1998 when the discharge peak appeared; (c) Spatial distribution of runoff depth, 20:00~23:00, July 2, 1998; (d) Spatial distribution of runoff depth, 17:00~20:00, July 3, 1998.

The Xin’anjiang model (Zhao, 1992) is applied for runoff production in each grid element where rain data measured by radar at Fuyang station (Liu et al., 2000) are used as the input of the hydrological model. The time step is taken as 1 h for radar-measured rain data. Hence, the time step is 1 h for the computation of the Xin’anjiang model. Those elements are connected by flow vectors (as shown in Figure 8.2) with the outlet of drainage catchment where

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


runoff is routed by the successive subreaches of the Muskingum method from each grid element to the outlet, according to the channel length (see Table 8.3) between each grid and the outlet. The length is obtained by summing up the length of gridded cells along the raster-based flow vectors as shown in Figure 8.2. Assuming that runoff flows at the speed of 1 m s-1, the number of successive subreaches in the Muskingum method is obtained by the length divided by 3600 (see Table 8.3), since the time step is taken as 1 h. Discharge(m 3/s)

600 500 400 300 200

Shanyanghe 1 系列 2 Jiliujian 系列 Shicaohe 系列3



0 Hour Date Month

20 13 May

8 26 May

20 7 June

8 20 June

20 2 July

8 15 July

20 27 July

8 9 August

20 21 August

8 3 Sept.

Figure 8.7 Comparison among discharges from the upstream tributaries of Jiangji Station from May through September of 1998.

Table 8.3 Number of Subreaches and Length of Channel between the Outlet Huangnizhuang Station and Each Grid Element within the Shihe Catchment Grid ID

Length (m)

No. of subreaches

Grid ID

Length (m)

No. of subreaches





























































2.3.3 Result Analysis As shown in Figures 8.8 and 8.9, the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970) is up to 92.41% from 31st May until 3rd


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August 1998, and 85.64, 86.62, 92.57, and 83.91%, respectively, for the first, second, third, and fourth flood event during the whole computational period. The comparison of model efficiency coefficients was made as radar-measured and rain-gauge data were used in simulating hourly hydrograph at Huangnizhuang Station in the Shihe Catchment, respectively. It is seen from Table 8.4 that the values of model efficiency coefficient R are higher as radar-measured data were used both for the whole computational period from 31 May to 3 August and for four specific flood events. Therefore, the index of model efficiency improvement of Model 2 (radar-measured rain data being used) over Model 1 (rain-gauge data being used), expressed by r, arrives at 51.22% during the whole computational period, and is positive from 27.56% to 69.39% for four flood events. This shows that radar-measured data are superior to rain-gauge data as the input of hydrological modeling (Ren et al., 2003). In addition, spatial distribution and time series of state variables, such as rain, runoff depth, and soil tension water storage on each grid, could also be obtained from the Xin’anjiang model. It can be seen from Figure 8.10 that runoff depth is temporally in agreement with rain and soil tension water storage. In Figure 8.11, more runoff is generated where there is more soil tension water storage. 200 Observed 系列1 Computed 系列2

150 100 50 0 Month Date Time(BT)

June 8 16:00

June 17 0:00

June 25 8:00

July 3 16:00

July 12 0:00

July 20 8:00

July 28 16:00

Figure 8.8 Comparison between observed and computed discharges at Huangnizhuang Station from May 31 until August 3, 1998, with 92.41% of model efficiency coefficient.

2.4 Simulation of Soil Moisture 2.4.1 Measured Data of Soil Moisture During the Intensified Observation Period (IOP) of HUBEX from May to September in 1998/1999, besides observation of rainfall, evaporation, and runoff, soil moisture content was measured in terms of volumetric percentage by apparatus made by ICT Company, Australia, at Nianyushan, Meishan, and Jiangji stations (see Figure 8.1). The measurement was made at land surface and

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform



1 Observed 系列 2 Computed 系列

60 50 40 30


90 80 70

Discharge(m /s)


Discharge(m /s)

at 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 cm below the surface. The values of tension water storage can be obtained in terms of depth (in millimeters) by the hourly Xin’anjiang model based upon the principle of water balance.

20 10 0

200 150 100 50 0

Month June June D ate 1 2 Tim e(BT)16:00 2:00

June June 2 2 12:00 22:00

June 3 8:00

June June 3 4 18:00 4:00

Month June June June June July July July July 2 1 1 1 30 30 29 Date 29 Tim e(BT)8:00 18:00 4:00 14:00 0:00 10:00 20:00 6:00



200 150 100


80 Observed 1 系列 Computed 2 系列


Discharge(m /s)


Observed 系列1 Computed 系列2

60 40 20

50 0 Month July Date 3 Time(BT) 6:00

1 Observed 系列 2 Computed 系列

July 4 2:00

July July 4 5 22:00 18:00


July July 6 7 14:00 10:00

0 Month Date Time(BT)

July July July July July July July 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 1:00 11:00 21:00 7:00 17:00 3:00 13:00


Figure 8.9 Comparison between observed and computed discharges at Huangnizhuang Station from June to July in 1998, with 85.64, 86.62, 92.57, and 83.91% of model efficiency coefficient, respectively, for the first, second, third, and fourth flood events as shown in (a), (b), (c), and (d).

2.4.2 Simulation and Comparison of Soil Moisture Figure 8.12 shows a comparison and correlation between computed and measured soil moisture at Meishan Station during the IOP in 1998. Figure 8.13 shows comparison and correlation between computed and measured soil moisture at Nianyushan Station during the IOP in 1999, which corresponds to the situation expressed in Figure 8.14. Their correlation coefficients are 0.85 and 0.84, respectively. It is seen that temporal variation of computed tension water storage is almost in agreement with that of measured soil moisture content. It is shown that the values of tension water storage in the Xin’anjiang model could represent temporal variability of soil moisture state variable, i.e., reflecting wet or dry situations within the catchment. Soil water storage can indeed stand for


Watershed Models


Runoff depth (mm)


30 60


90 10

0 Month Date Time(BT)


1 depth 系列Runoff 3 water 系列Soil 4 系列Rain


Rain or soil water (mm)

the index of soil moisture. In this research, both runoff process and soil moisture state variable are verified. From one aspect, this justifies the structure of the soil moisture module in the Xin’anjiang model when it is applied to the humid or semihumid areas.

180 210

June 8 16:00

June 16 24:00:00

June 25 8:00

July 3 16:00

July 11 24:00:00

July 20 8:00

July 28 16:00

Figure 8.10 Time series of rain, runoff depth, and soil tension water storage in the tenth grid cell within the Shihe Catchment.

3. APPLICATION OF REMOTE SENSING INFORMATION ABOUT LAND USE–LAND COVER IN FLOOD FORECASTING WITH THE XIN’ANJIANG MODEL Distributed hydrological models have become popular in recent years as a means of thoroughly investigating a hydrological cycle driven by natural factors and under the influence of human activity. Traditionally, the parameters of a hydrological model are calibrated from precipitation, evaporation, and discharge data measured over a studied catchment for flood modeling. These calibrated parameters do not reflect the actual spatial variability of land surface characteristics within the catchment. Land cover has a significant influence on the mechanism of runoff production (Bronstert et al., 2002). To research the hydrological response induced by land use, it is necessary to build a model that can describe the spatial variability of model input, parameters, and hydrological processes. The parameters should be determined directly or indirectly using physiographical characteristics of the land surface, rather than being calibrated from measured rainfall–runoff data. Remotely sensed data can play an important role in the determination of model parameters. Moreover, partial parameters can be transplanted from gauged basins to ungauged basins with the help of remote sensing data. 3.1 Establishment of a Digital Basin Grid-based digital elevation data covering the Hanjiang River basin were downloaded from the Internet through the National Geophysical Data Center of

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


America (global land one-kilometre base elevation [GLOBE] data with a spatial resolution of 30″ of latitude or longitude and available from http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/topo/globe.shtml. The DEDNM was used to determine grid-based flow vectors, delineate the watershed divides automatically, and generate and number the river network and subcatchments. The DEDNM was also used to establish the topological river network structure in which the CSA was taken as 50 km2, and the MSCL was taken as 6 km.



Figure 8.11 Spatial distributions of (a) runoff depth and (b) soil tension water storage in each grid cell at 17:00 h (BT) on 19 June 1998 (the darker area indicates the larger value of runoff or soil water).

Table 8.4 Comparison of Model Efficiency Coefficients as Radar-Measured and Rain-Gauge Data Were Used in Simulating Hourly Discharge Hydrograph at Huangnizhuang Station in the Shihe Catchment, Respectively Model efficiency coefficient R (%): Computational

Rain-gauge data

Radar data

Improvement index (%)




r = (R2 – R1)/(1 – R1)



First flood event



Second flood event




Third flood event




Fourth flood event







During the whole period from 31 May to 3 Aug.


Watershed Models

Tension water storage (mm)


Computed 系列2 Measured 系列1

100 80

60 50 40



40 20 0 Date Month


Time (day) 5 June

21 June

7 July

23 July

8 24 August August

20 10

Soil moisture content (%)



(a) 140 Computed (mm)

120 100 80 60 40

R = 0.85


Measured (%)

0 0






Figure 8.12 Comparison and correlation between computed and measured soil moisture at Meishan Station during IOP in 1998. (a) Time series; (b) correlation analysis.

3.2 Extraction of Land Use–Land Cover Data Grid-based data, with each cell representing 1 km × 1 km of land use-land cover in China, were derived by interpretation of Landsat thematic mapper (TM) images according to the present situation of land use-land cover, including 25 layers of coverage (Liu et al., 2002). Each layer refers to the spatial distribution of one type of land use-land cover. The value within any squared grid cell of any given coverage is the percentage of real area occupied by the specified type of land use-land cover in the square kilometer corresponding to the grid element. The percentage was checked against local socioeconomic statistical data (Liu et al., 2002). According to the objectives of the study, nine layers of coverage were selected, namely woodland, shrubbery land, sparse timberland, other forest land, rivers and open channels, lakes, reservoirs and ponds, urban areas, and other areas for construction. 3.2.1 Spatial Matching Owing to the inconsistency in resolution between the GLOBE DEM data

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Date Month

40 30 20 2 系列 Computed Measured 1 系列 16 May

1 June

17 June

3 July

10 Time(day) 19 July

4 Aug.


20 Aug.

Soil moisture content (%)

Tension water Storage (mm)

(30 s) and the raster-based land use-land cover data (1 km), land use-land cover data must be matched spatially with digital basin information derived from the GLOBE data to have the same scale.

(a) 140 R = 0.84 Computed(mm)

120 100 80 60 40


20 0


10 15 20 25 30



Runoff or Storage (mm)

140 120 100 80 60 40

Precipitation Prec. E Runoff Runoff


ST_Water Soil Moisture Stroage

0 Date Month

15 May

29 May

12 June

26 June

10 July

24 July

7 Aug.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

21 Aug.

Figure 8.14 Precipitation, runoff, and tension water storage within the subwatershed nearby Nianyushan Station during IOP in 1999.


Figure 8.13 Comparison and correlation between computed and measured soil moisture at Nianyushan Station during IOP in 1999. (a) Time series; (b) correlation analysis.


Watershed Models

First, the coverage of the upstream channel network of the Huangjiagang Station in the Hanjiang River basin (see Figure 8.15) was extracted from a raster-based 1 km × 1 km dataset of land use-land cover in China. Second, these raster-based cells of land use-land cover data, which control water flow over the whole Hanjiang River basin, were taken as the control points. Third, on the basis of the control points acquired previously, the raster-based mesh data of land use-land cover were rectified by ERDAS Imagine® software (Leica Geosystems GIS & Mapping, Atlanta, GA) to bring them into agreement with the digital river network produced by DEDNM from the GLOBE DEM data. Fourth, these integrated, gridded data in nine layers of selected coverage could be obtained within the same spatial range as the channel network coverage extracted in the first step. Lastly, on the basis of the control points taken in the second step, the raster-based land use-land cover data in nine layers of selected coverage can be rectified with the aid of ERDAS Imagine to determine the parameters of the Xin’anjiang model.

Baohe River

Main stream of Hanjiang River Huangjiagang Hydrological station

Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

Figure 8.15 Raster-based channel network (thick lines) in the coverage of the land use-land cover dataset, matched spatially with the digital river network (thin lines) generated by the DEDNM from the GLOBE DEM data.

3.2.2 Computation of Ratios of Impervious Area and Forest Land Area Ratio of impervious area IMP is the ratio of impervious area to total subcatchment area. Impervious area consists of rivers, open channels, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, urban areas, and other areas for construction. Traditionally, IMP is equal to the coefficient of runoff generated from light rain after a dry period. Alternately, IMP can be measured directly from the map with the detailed information. The latter is not operable. In this presentation, the value of IMP can be derived directly from the

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


land cover data derived from remotely sensed data according to the following formula: N


∑ (R i =1


+ Li + P i +U i + C i ) N


where Ri, Li, Pi, Ui, and Ci are the percentage of rivers and channels, lakes, ponds and reservoirs, urban areas, and other areas for construction, respectively, in the ith squared-grid element; N is the total number of grid elements within a subcatchment. The value of the parameter IMP is determined from Equation 8.1. Thus, IMP becomes a physical parameter, and it is not necessary to calibrate it from measured rainfall-runoff data. Ratio of forest land area to subcatchment area Four layers of coverage relating to forest land were adopted. The ratio of forest land area to subcatchment area, F, is expressed as follows: N


∑ (S i =1


+ Wi +T i +Oi ) N


where Si, Wi, Ti, and Oi are the percentage of shrubbery land, woodland, sparse timberland, and other forest land, respectively, in the ith squared-grid cell; N is the total number of gridded cells within a subcatchment. 3.3 Development of the Hydrological Model There are 15 model parameters, of which the model is particularly sensitive to six, including the parameter SM. Optimization of the parameters is achieved with different objective functions according to the nature of each parameter. The annual precipitation over the Baohe River catchment is about 830 mm. The mean value of annual runoff depth is 498 mm. Hence, the Xin’anjiang model is suitable for the Baohe River catchment. The Xin’anjiang model is applied to measure runoff produced over each subcatchment generated by the DEDNM. Then, the Muskingum method is used for river flow routing with the aid of the topological structure of subcatchments and the river network, also produced by the DEDNM (Martz and Garbrecht, 1992; Ren et al., 2003; and Ren and Liu, 2000). 3.3.1 Catchment Data The Baohe River is the first tributary of the Hanjiang River in Shaanxi Province. It lies at 33°12′ to 34°30′N, 106°30′ to 107°30′E. Figure 8.16 shows that the topography within the catchment is complex. The elevation ranges from


Watershed Models

470 to 3408 m. The annual runoff coefficient is close to 0.6. The Madao hydrological station controls 3415 km2 of the Baohe River catchment. Figure 8.17 shows the river network and 22 subcatchments generated by the DEDNM, accompanied by the spatial location of 13 rain-gauge stations within the Baohe catchment.

Figure 8.16 Three-dimensional map of the Baohe River catchment.

The following data measured within the Baohe catchment from 1980 to 1985 are used for the simulation of daily runoff and hourly discharge (flood hydrograph): precipitation at 13 rain-gauge stations; pan vaporation at Jiangkou station in the middle of the catchment; and discharge at Madao station, the outlet of the catchment. It should be noted that the intermediate computational values of state variables in the daily mode are taken as the initial values in the hourly mode for simulation of the flood hydrograph. It should be pointed out that Landsat TM images in the period of 1989-1992 were used for interpretation as grid-based land use-land cover data. It is true that the time delay has an impact on the simulation of the flood events during the period from 1980 through 1985, but the impact is not significant in the Baohe catchment because the study area lies in the source area of the Hanjiang River basin (see Figure 8.15). Most of the study area is mountainous (see Figure 8.16). The ratio of forest land area to total catchment area is up to 58.53%. The following computation and analysis are based on the supposition that the impact of human activity on land use and land cover would be negligible in the periods 1980–1985 and 1989– 1992. 3.3.2 Model Algorithms Two algorithms are adopted in this study. One is called the lumped

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


subcatchment algorithm and the other the semidistributed algorithm. The former assumes that the inputs to the Xin’anjiang model, such as precipitation and evaporation, are different among the 22 subcatchments, whereas the parameters of the Xin’anjiang model are identical for all subcatchments. As mentioned previously, there are 13 rain-gauge stations within the Baohe catchment. For the subcatchments with no rain-gauge station, the precipitation measurements from the closest rain-gauge station are used as the input data. Pan evaporation data at Jiangkou station are used for over 22 subcatchments.

Figure 8.17 River network and 22 subcatchments generated by the DEDNM from the GLOBE data, accompanied by the spatial distribution of 13 rain-gauge stations denoted by dots within the Baohe River catchment.

The semidistributed algorithm differs from the lumped subcatchment algorithm in two parameters, namely the ratio of impervious area to total subcatchment area (IMP) and soil free water storage capacity (SM). In the daily mode, the value of the parameter SM is identical in all the subcatchments, and the value of the parameter IMP is determined from Equation 8.1. That is to say, IMP is derived directly from remotely sensed data so as to become a physical parameter. It is not necessary to calibrate IMP by some optimization method. The value of IMP is different for each of the 22 subcatchments. In the hourly mode, IMP and SM are both different within the 22 subcatchments. The method used to determine IMP in the hourly mode is the same as that used in the daily mode. The method used to compute SM is described in the section titled Semidistributed algorithm.


Watershed Models

3.3.3 Parameter Calibration The methodology for calibration of all parameters in the two model algorithms is alike in both the daily and the hourly mode, except for parameters IMP and SM. Therefore, the procedure of the lumped subcatchment algorithm is introduced in the following section. Lumped Subcatchment Algorithm Twenty-four flood events from 1980 to 1985 were selected for calibration. They consist of different orders of floods, with the maximum peak magnitude of flood discharge being 5810 m3/s and the minimum peak value of flood discharge being 211 m3/s. They also include flood events with double peaks or compound peaks (more than two peaks). In fact, the parameters in the daily mode should first be optimized by the objective method (Zhao, 1992). The intermediate result computed in the daily mode at the specific date is then taken as the initial value in the hourly mode, where the time step is 1 h. In actual operation of the hourly mode, there are three parameters of the Xin’anjiang model that must be calibrated: SM, KI (the outflow coefficient of free water storage to interflow), and CI (the recession constant of the interflow storage) (Zhao, 1992). Other parameters can be determined with reference to the value of parameters calibrated in the daily mode. The procedure for calibrating SM, KI, and CI is stated as follows: (1) The trial and error method is used on 24 flood events for the calibration of model parameters. In comparison with the observed discharge hydrograph, different values of SM, KI, and CI can be taken to simulate each flood event optimally within the range of permitted error. It was found that the values of KI and CI did not change very much among the 24 events. Thus, the magnitude of KI or CI can be obtained by averaging the calibrated values of each of the 24 events. As a result, KI is taken as 0.5, and CI as 0.8. (2) To keep KI and CI fixed, the trial and error method is also applied to the 24 events for the calibration of the parameter SM. The result shows that the magnitude of SM is kept at about 23 mm in most events. Hence, SM is taken as 23 mm for the lumped subcatchment algorithm in the hourly mode. (3) Other parameters are modified slightly to maximize the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient. If necessary, the error of the volume of flood runoff resulting from storm rainfall might be set larger within the permitted limit. Semidistributed Algorithm The determination of parameter SM is given in this section for the 24 flood events with a time interval of 1 h, since other parameters are calibrated as described previously. A comparison is made in a subsequent section between the two algorithms in the hourly mode, when two parameters, SM and IMP, are

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


different within 22 subcatchments in the semidistributed algorithm while the other parameters are kept the same as in the lumped subcatchment algorithm. SM, the area mean free water storage capacity of soil layers within a subcatchment, represents the maximum possible deficit of free water storage (Zhao, 1992). SM is used for the separation of runoff into three components, namely surface flow, interflow, and groundwater flow. To provide for a nonuniform distribution of free water storage over the partial area of the subcatchment producing runoff, a parabolic curve is introduced to the free water storage. Surface runoff is sensitive to the value of SM. For thin soil, SM may be approximately 10 mm, increasing to 50 mm for thick and porous surface soil. In addition, the value of SM is influenced by the time step during which rain data are uniformly distributed, so rain intensity becomes lower. When the computational time interval decreases, the value of SM needs to increase. Interflow, as one runoff component, results from the subsurface. Soil texture depends mainly on the status of the vegetation in the soil. There is a good relation between SM and the ratio of forest land area to subcatchment area (Jing, 2002 and Ren et al., 2004). Under the condition of similar soil permeability, as the ratio of forest land area to subcatchment area increases, the humus in the soil becomes richer, the soil porosity increases, the volume of free water stored in the soil layers increases, surface runoff decreases, subsurface runoff increases, the flood hydrograph becomes fatter, and the value of SM increases. Conversely, as the ratio of forest cover to subcatchment area decreases, especially in areas of soil erosion, the free water storage decreases, the surface flow increases, the flood hydrograph becomes sharper and thinner, the number of flash floods increases, and the value of SM decreases. The linear regression equation in Figure 8.18 was established on the basis of seven sample datasets from the Yangtze River basin (Jing, 2002 and Ren et al., 2004) and the sample point from the Baohe River catchment. Figure 8.18 shows that the correlation coefficient (R) is up to 0.87. Therefore, the value of SM can be computed for each subcatchment according to the regression equation in Figure 8.18: SM = 40.5F – 6.8, in which F is the ratio of forest land area to subcatchment area and is computed from Equation 8.2. The value of SM is taken as 23 mm if F is close to zero. This situation occurred only for the eighth subcatchment of the 22 subcatchments within the Baohe catchment. 3.4 Analysis of Results The two algorithms provide very similar results in the daily mode because of the small ratio of impervious area to total area of the Baohe catchment and the long time step of 24 h and because the value of SM was unchanged throughout the 22 subcatchments. The Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficients and runoff errors do not affect the results of each year or of the whole computational period from 1980 to 1985, so these results are not listed in detail.


Watershed Models

Figure 8.18 Correlation between the parameter SM and F, the ratio of forest land area to subcatchment area.

Table 8.5 shows a satisfactory result in the hourly mode in that the semidistributed algorithm performs better than the lumped subcatchment algorithm. Obviously, the semidistributed algorithm produces a higher coefficient of Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency than the lumped algorithm for most flood events. There is a significant improvement upon the lower value of flood peak discharge computed by the lumped algorithm. Specifically, the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients of 15 flood events increase, those of five events do not change, and those of four events decrease if the result computed by the semidistributed algorithm is compared with that computed by the lumped algorithm. The relative errors of 22 flood peaks decrease remarkably, those of four peaks barely change, and those of four peaks increase. To summarize, different values of SM given to different subcatchments have a notable impact on the simulation of a flood hydrograph. This sufficiently justifies the sensitivity of the parameter SM. With regard to the computational result, the sensitivity of SM to flood peak discharge is greater than that to the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient. This conclusion is in agreement with the physical meaning of the parameter SM. Figure 8.19 shows the hourly discharge hydrograph of flood event 8307 in July 1983. The peak discharge is 777 m3/s by the semidistributed algorithm, very close to the recorded peak of 782 m3/s, whereas by the lumped algorithm it is 668 m3/s. In addition, the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient increases by 3%, and there is little difference between the errors of runoff volume computed by the two algorithms. Figure 8.20 shows the hourly discharge hydrograph of flood event 8404 with compound peaks in April 1984. The hydrograph computed by the semidistributed algorithm is closer to the observed hydrograph than that computed by the lumped algorithm, especially at peak discharge and at the time when the peak appears. The relative error of runoff volume computed by the

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


semidistributed algorithm is –0.34%, and that computed by the lumped algorithm is 0.45%. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient computed by the semidistributed algorithm is 0.93, and the coefficient by the lumped algorithm is 0.87. Table 8.5 Comparison between the Result Computed by the Lumped Subcatchment Algorithm and that Computed by the Semidistributed Algorithm with Respect to the Nash-Sutcliffe Model Efficiency Coefficient and the Relative Error of Flood Peak Discharge for 24 Flood Events Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency Relative error of flood peak discharge Peak coefficient (%) Flood discharge No. Lumped Semidistributed Improvement Lumped Semidistributed 3 (m /s) Improvement algorithm algorithm algorithm algorithm (%)a


−27.62 8.54 0.62 7.80 7.18 2.34 13.24 −15.58 8004 0.87 0.88 1 −18.80 0.06 18.86 8005 0.88 0.86 −2 −30.50 −23.85 6.65 8101 0.84 0.91 7 −0.07 −0.07 0.00 8102 0.80 0.81 1 −0.60 0.17 0.77 − 21.06 − 13.26 7.80 8103b 0.67 0.67 0 6.10 −6.24 −0.14 2.04 −45.83 −43.79 −16.78 −3.24 13.54 8104b 1110 0.84 0.88 4 20.54 1260 −33.53 −12.99 8201 516 0.70 0.70 0 0.49 0.36 0.13 8202 607 0.78 0.71 −7 0.74 0.51 0.23 8203 289 0.88 0.86 −2 −14.29 0.33 14.62 8301 540 0.94 0.94 0 0.69 13.06 −12.37 9.04 8302 787 0.70 0.72 2 −18.06 −9.02 1.66 8303 883 0.74 0.77 3 −19.86 −18.20 8304 1700 0.74 0.74 0 −28.14 −28.79 −0.65 8305 722 0.85 0.85 0 0.21 0.76 −0.55 14.29 8306 882 0.80 0.83 3 −33.49 −19.20 14.02 8307 782 0.91 0.94 3 −14.60 −0.58 9.78 8401 592 0.76 0.83 7 −19.62 −9.84 8402 292 0.60 0.66 6 2.89 −17.46 −14.57 8403 558 0.67 0.69 2 −14.22 −19.02 −4.80 0.35 −12.67 13.02 8404b 602 0.87 0.93 6 14.62 663 −17.27 −31.89 8504 211 0.91 0.85 -6 0.04 3.95 −3.91 10.36 2.84 8505c 367 −7.52 0.61 0.66 5 374 −1.07 −1.51 0.44 Averaged value 0.78 0.80 2 6.46 −14.89 −8.43 Note: The negative relative error of flood peak discharge means that the computed value is smaller than the observed value. The negative values in the Improvement columns indicate that the error increases, viz. the accuracy decreases, as the result computed by the semidistributed algorithm is compared with that computed by the lumped algorithm. a Semidistributed algorithm minus lumped algorithm, bCompound peaks, cDouble peaks. 8002 8003b

3090 575 595 693 710 568 1550 3200 3490 5810








Watershed Models

Figure 8.19 Hourly discharge hydrograph of flood event 8307 at Madao station in 1983.

Figure 8.20 Hourly discharge hydrograph of flood event 8404 with compound peaks at Madao station in 1984.

Two examples of hourly discharge hydrographs are shown in Figures 8.19 and 8.20. To sum up, the relative errors of runoff volume of seven flood events decreased notably, the relative errors of 11 events did not change, and the relative errors of six events increased, if the result computed by the semidistributed algorithm is compared with that computed by the lumped subcatchment algorithm. Also, the errors of the appearance times of eight flood peaks decreased, the errors of 16 peaks did not change, and the errors of six peaks increased. The main reason for this is that the recorded time duration was greater than 6 h in the recorded rain-gauge data measured in the field. The

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


quantity of storm rainfall was equally divided temporally when the rainfall data with different record durations, most of which were equal to or greater than 6 h, were processed by an interpolation algorithm into data with an equal time interval of 1-h. This method of rain data preprocessing with respect to specific situations may cause a time delay in the flood peak. There is just one pan evaporation station at Jiangkou within the Baohe catchment. The recorded duration of measured evaporation data is 24 h. As these data were interpolated into 1-h interval data for the simulation of flood discharge, computational error could have been introduced. The flood event with double or compound peaks also adds to the difficulty of flood simulation. The single-peak flood was better simulated than the double- or compound-peak flood. Table 8.5 shows that the former peak discharges of double- or compound-peak floods are modeled very well, whereas the latter peak discharges of double- or compound-peak floods are lower than the recorded peak discharges. In addition to imperfection of real recorded data, the use of other model parameters without consideration of their spatial variability will certainly result in error in the flood simulation. Further research may illuminate methods for taking spatial variability into account. In any case, for this experiment, the longer recorded duration of storm rainfall data was not a neglected factor. 4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION The name of digital hydrology matches the reality, only as a catchment is spatially divided into grid elements and the whole hydrological process is recognized at any space/time scale (Ren and Liu, 2000b). It is well known that rainfall plays an important part in hydrological process modeling. The spatial variability of precipitation is very significant for runoff computation. Radar can meet the requirement of hydrological modeling, which offers rain data with high spatial and temporal resolutions. Such an advantage may be fully and completely utilized in the grid-based hydrological model. After a catchment is segmented spatially as grid elements by the DEDNM, a grid element on the ground within the catchment matches the atmospheric input, such as precipitation and evapotranspiration. The grid-based hydrological model provides a good platform for runoff computation, in which radar-measured rain data are taken as the input of the hydrological model. In Section 2, the model developed above performs better when radar-measured data, instead of rain-gauge data, were used in simulating hourly hydrograph at Huangnizhuang Station in the Shihe Catchment. In addition, the spatial and temporal distributions of state variables, such as soil tension water at any cell within the catchment at any time step, may be obtained by the model (Ren et al., 2003). It should be pointed out that radar-measured data used in Section 2 have been modified according to topographical characteristics and data observed by rain-gauge stations (Liu et al., 2000). It is true that radar-measured rain data have an advantage of highly spatial and temporal resolutions. However, the


Watershed Models

greater the distance from the radar station, the lower the accuracy of rain data. It is worth being studied further. An approach to this problem is to build more radar stations, so that the stations can cover the whole study area. When an attempt is made for radar data to be used for the mesoscale or large-scale area, more investment is necessary. In such cases, the equilibrium point between investment and economic loss/risk should be found. In addition, discharge hydrographs at any site or from the upstream tributaries of any site, spatial distributions and time series of hydrological elements such as precipitation, evaporation, runoff, and state variables (soil moisture) could be easily obtained by the digital hydrological model, and displayed with the help of GIS software (Ren and Liu, 2000). That is different from conventional hydrological models. As a result, the digital approach provides a good methodology for hydrological processes modeling, and also provides a good platform for runoff computation or water resources assessment, which could improve accuracy of flood forecasting, and enhance the length of the prediction period. In Section 3, research has been conducted on two parameters in the Xin’anjiang model from the viewpoint of physical causes. On the basis of land use-land cover information interpreted from remotely sensed data, the parameters IMP and SM can be determined directly or indirectly over each subcatchment. Thus their physical meanings are clear and they may be extended from gauged catchments to ungauged catchments according to surface characteristics over the catchments. SM is a sensitive parameter, and IMP is a physical parameter in the Xin’anjiang model. The semidistributed algorithm performs better than the lumped subcatchment algorithm, as different values of SM and IMP are set over 22 subcatchments within the Baohe River catchment. The method described here has proven to be effective in improving the accuracy of flood forecasting. Because land use-land cover has temporal variability, it is necessary to obtain land use-land cover information from multiple years. The impact of human activity, such as land use, on the hydrological cycle can be investigated using the semidistributed or distributed hydrological models. Such research can be conducted not only on the positional impact of human activity on hydrological processes within subcatchments, but also on the quantitative impact of land use-land cover change within some subcatchment on the water cycle over the whole catchment. The semidistributed or distributed hydrological model is of practical value to the description of the water cycle and flood forecasting, in which land use-land cover data could be fully utilized, the spatial variability might be taken into consideration, and the relation between model parameters and land surface characteristics could be established on the platform of a digital basin. The Hanjiang River is one of the largest tributaries of the Yangtze River and is a source for the middle section of the route involving the transfer of water from south to north in China. It is likely that this research can be helpful in the operation of China’s water supply system and the development of the middle route of the north–south water-transfer project.

The Xin’anjiang Model on Digital Basin Platform


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 40171016 and Grant No. 49794030, and the National Key Basic Research Development Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, the People’s Republic of China through Project 2001CB309404. The authors are grateful to Prof. Jiyuan Liu for access to the grid-based 1 km × 1 km dataset of land use-land cover in China. The authors would like to give thanks to Prof. Jurgen Garbrecht for his technical support, and to Xiaoyang Liu for providing radar data. REFERENCES Beven, K., Changing ideas in hydrology—the case of physically-based models, J. Hydrol., 105, 157, 1989. Bronstert, A., Niehoff, D., and Büger, G., Effects of climate and land-use change on storm runoff generation: present knowledge and modeling capabilities, Hydrol. Proc., 16, 509, 2002. Doyle, F.J., Digital terrain models: an overview. Photogram. Eng. Remote Sens., 44, 9, 1978. Fairfield, J. and Leymarie, P., Drainage networks from grid digital elevation models, Water Resour. Res., 27, 29, 1991. Garbrecht, J. and Campbell, J., TOPAZ: an automated digital landscape analysis tool for topographic evaluation, drainage identification, watershed segmentation and subcatchment parameterization, TOPAZ User Manual, U.S. Dept. of Agric.-ARS, Oklahoma, USA, 1997. Garbrecht, J., Determination of the execution sequence of channel flow for cascade routing in a drainage network, Hydrosoft, 1, 129, 1988. Jenson, S.K. and Dominique, J.O., Extracting topographic structure from digital elevation data for geographical information system analysis, Photogram. Eng. Remote Sens., 54, 1593, 1988. Jing, L.Y., Real-time flood forecasting in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River based on GIS, M. Eng. thesis, Hohai University, Nanjing, People’s Republic of China, 2002 (in Chinese). Liu, J.Y. et al., Establishment of land-use spatial–temporal database and its relative studies in China, Geoinf. Sci., 4, 3, 2002 (in Chinese). Liu, X.Y., Mao, J.T., and Li, J.R., Comparison of runoff simulations from radar-estimated rainfall and raingauge measured rainfall in rainfall–runoff model, in Proc. Int. GAME/HUBEX Workshop, GAME/HUBEX Project Office, Institute of Low


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Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2000, 147. Martz, W. and Garbrecht, J., Numerical definition of drainage network and subcatchment areas from digital elevation models, Comp. Geosci., 18, 747, 1992. Moore, I.D., Grayson, R.B., and Ladson, A.R., Digital terrain modeling: a review of hydrological, geomorphological and biological applications, Hydrol. Proc., 5, 3, 1991. Nash, J.E. and Sutcliffe, J.V., River flow forecasting through conceptual models, Part I—a discussion of principles, J. Hydrol., 10, 282, 1970. O’Callaghan, F. and Mark, D.M., The extraction of drainage networks from digital elevation data, Comput. Vision, Graphics Image Process., 28, 323, 1984. Ren, L.L., Li, C.H., and Wang, M.R., Application of radar-measured rain data in hydrological processes modeling during the intensified observation period of HUBEX, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 20, 205, 2003. Ren, L.L. and Liu, X.R., Application of digital elevation model to topological evaluation of drainage system, Adv. Water Sci., 10, 129, 2000 (in Chinese). Ren, L.L., and Liu, X.R., Transformation of hydrological modeling techniques in the digital era, J. Hohai Univ., 28, 1, 2000b (in Chinese). Ren, L.L. and Liu, X.R., Hydrological processes modeling based on digital basin, J. Nat. Disasters, 9, 45, 2000 (in Chinese). Ren, L.L. et al., Application of remote sensing information about land use–land cover in flood forecasting with the Xin’anjiang model, Can. J. Remote Sensing, 30, 788, 2004. Zhao, R.J., The Xin’anjiang model applied in China, J. Hydrol., 135, 371, 1992.

Section 4: Streamflow and Water Quality Models

CHAPTER 9 A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D Gour-Tsyh Yeh, Guobiao Huang, Hwai-Ping Cheng, Fan Zhang, Hsin-Chi Lin, Earl Edris, and David Richards

The approaches to watershed-scale modeling can be classified into three broad groups: parametric methods, stochastic approaches, and physics-based mathematical models. In the past 30 years, the watershed modeling communities have employed parametric-based models, of which the most famous is the Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) (Bicknell et al., 1993); all other parametric models are similar to HSPF, e.g., Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) (Huber and Dickinson, 1988), Chemical, Runoff, and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems (CREAMS) (Knisel, 1980), STORM (Hydrologic Engineering Center, 1977), Areal Nonpoint Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation (ANSWERS) (Beasley and Higgins, 1981), and Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins – Water Quality (SWRRBWQ) (Arnold et al., 1991) for watershed management and assessment including ecological exposure assessments and total maximum daily load (TMDL) calculations. Evolved from the pioneer model STANFORD WATERSHED IV (Crawford and Linsley, 1966), HSPF has dominated watershed simulations for more than 20 years. Physics-based, process-level chemical transport and hydrological models have been practically nonexistent until recently. It is easy to understand that only the physics-based, process-level fluid flow and thermal, salinity, sediment, and biogeochemical transport models have the potential to further the understanding of the fundamental biological, chemical, and physical factors that take place in nature. It is precisely for this reason that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ecological research strategies (EPA, 1997) had clearly stated that the first-principle, physics-based models should be used in ecological system assessment on a watershed scale. Progress in the development of first-principle, physics-based models for individual processes of infiltration, evapotranspiration, recharge, moisture redistribution in the vadose zone, groundwater flow, surface runoff, and river flow has been remarkable. These individual processes must be dynamically coupled over various spatial and temporal scales. In the past, each individual process was often investigated assuming other coupling and influencing processes were a priori. For example, to model overland flow (surface runoff), it was often implicitly assumed that the infiltration was known and the feedback from groundwater flow and river flow were not explicitly enforced. Integrated approaches to modeling coupled processes have gained momentum recently. Many integrated models have achieved the coupling via external or internal



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linkage of individual process level models. As a result, these models often have to introduce undue empiricism. This chapter specifically focuses on a first-principle, physics-based model, WASH123D (Yeh et al., 2004). The development of an integrated numerical model of the aforementioned processes is presented. A rigorous coupling of these hydrological and biogeochemical processes is achieved by imposing the continuity of fluxes and state variables. In this integrated model, any process between two media is the natural consequence of interaction and feedback between processes occurring in individual media. For example, infiltration and recharge are spatially and temporally varied and are the consequence of interacting flow processes on the land surface (overland) and in the subsurface media and rivers. The theoretical bases are heuristically derived. Numerical implementations of the theoretical coupling are conceptually and briefly discussed. Particular features of WASH123D in the treatment of interactions among media interfaces, the inclusion of various types of control structures and pumps, the formulation of reaction-based water quality simulations, and the implementation of optional hydrodynamics in river network and overland regime are addressed. The design capability and demonstrative examples ranging from minutes to years in temporal scale and from meters to tens of kilometers in spatial scales are presented. The potential applications of the model to watershed modeling for various temporal and spatial scales are emphasized. 1. BACKGROUND This chapter presents the development of a first-principle, physics-based watershed model. A watershed includes an overland regime including management structures such as storage ponds, pumping stations, culverts, and levees; a river/stream/canal network including natural junctions and control structures such as weirs, gates, culverts, and pumping; and subsurface media including management devices such as pumping and injecting wells, drainage pipes, and drainage channels. The model is composed of hydrologic and hydraulic flow, thermal and salinity transport, and reactive water quality transport. Three options are included in modeling flow on the land surface and in river/stream/canal networks: kinematic-wave, diffusion-wave, and dynamicwave approaches. Flow through subsurface media is described by the Richards’ equation where vadose and saturated zones are considered a unified media system. Transport equations based on the principle of energy and mass balance are used to describe temporal-spatial distributions of temperature, salinity, suspended and bed sediments, and water qualities. A generic paradigm using reaction-based approaches is employed to model biogeochemical processes. In this paradigm, the system is completely defined with a reaction network. The reaction network is diagonalized with the Gauss-Jordan decomposition so that a linearly independent reaction is measured by a kinetic variable.

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


For surface water flow simulations, the numerical method that is most appropriate for a particular approach is used. In kinematic-wave approaches, the semi-Lagrangian method (backward particle tracking) is used to numerically approximate the kinematic-wave equation. In the diffusive-wave approach, either the Galerkin finite element method or the semi-Lagrangian method is employed to numerically solve the diffusion equation governing the transport of water surface elevation. In the fully dynamic-wave approach, the primitive continuity and momentum equations are transformed into characteristic wave equations and the hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element method is applied to approximate these equations in a finite element discretization. Thus, first water depth and velocity are computed with the backward method of characteristics. Then the Galerkin finite element method is applied to the Lagrangian form of eddy-diffusion equation. For subsurface flow simulations, the Galerkin finite element method is used to discretize the Richards’ equation. The Picard method is applied to deal with the nonlinearity of flow equations. For transport simulations (including thermal, salinity, sediment, and water quality), two options are provided to discretize the governing sediment and biogeochemical transport equations: hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element methods or conventional finite element methods. The fully implicit sequential iteration approach, the operator splitting method, and the mixed predictorcorrector and operator-splitting scheme are employed to handle the coupling between the hydrologic transport and biogeochemical reactions. The NewtonRaphson method is used to solve the set of algebraic equations and ordinary differential equations describing the evolution of all biogeochemical species. Several example problems are presented to demonstrate the design capability of the model. These problems have varied spatial-temporal scales, ranging from minutes to years and from meters to tens of kilometers. 2. MATHEMATICAL BASIS In this section, we give governing equations, initial conditions, and boundary conditions for simulating density-dependent flow and sediment transport and reactive biogeochemical transport in watershed systems. 2.1 One-Dimensional River/Stream/Canal Networks The governing equations to simulate density-dependent flow in a river/stream/canal network include one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations and thermal and salinity transport equations. These equations can be derived based on the conservation law of water mass, linear momentum, energy, and material mass (Singh, 1996), as described below. Saint-Venant Equations. The Saint-Venant equations for one-dimensional flows in a river/stream/canal network include one continuity equation and one momentum equation. The continuity equation is derived based on the conservation of water mass:


Watershed Models

∂A ∂Q + = S a + S r − S e − S g + S o1 + S o 2 ∂t ∂x


where t is the time [t]; x is the axis along the river/stream/canal direction [L]; A is the cross-sectional area [L2]; Q is the flow rate [L3/t]; Sa is the man-induced artificial source [L3/t/L]; Sr is the source due to rainfall [L3/t/L]; Se is the sink due to evapotranspiration [L3/t/L]; Sg is the sink due to groundwater infiltration [L3/t/L]; So1 and So2 are the source terms contributed from overland flow from bank side 1 and 2, respectively [L3/t/L]. The momentum equation is derived based on the conservation of linear momentum, ∂Q ∂VQ + = ∂t ∂x ∂ ( ZO + h ) gAh ∂∆ρ ∂F Bτ s − Pτ b − gA − − + ( M a + M r − M e − M g + M o1 + M o 2 ) + ∂x c ρ ∂x ∂x ρ


where: V is the velocity [L/t]; g is the gravity constant [L/t2]; Zo is the bottom elevation [L]; h is the water depth [L]; ∆ρ = ρ - ρo is the density deviation from the reference density (ρo), which is a function of temperature and salinity as well as other chemical concentrations; c is the shape factor of the cross-sectional area; F is the momentum flux due to eddy viscosity [L4/t2]; Ma is the external momentum-impulse from artificial sources/sinks [L4/t2/L]; Mr is the momentumimpulse gained from rainfall [L4/t2/L]; Me is the momentum-impulse lost to evapotranspiration [L4/t2/L]; Mg is the momentum-impulse lost to the groundwater due to infiltration [L4/t2/L]; Mo1 and Mo2 are the momentumimpulse gained from the overland flow [L4/t2/L] through river banks 1 and 2; ρ is water density [M/L3]; B is the top width of the cross-sectional area [L]; τs is surface shear stress [M/t2/L]; P is the wetted perimeter [L]; and τb is bottom shear stress [M/t2/L], which can be assumed proportional to the flow rate as τb/ρ = κV2 where κ = gn2/R1/3 and R is the hydraulic radius (L) and n is the Manning’s roughness coefficient. 2.1.1 Fully Dynamic Wave Approaches Equations 9.1 and 9.2 written in conservative form are the governing equations for one-dimensional flow in river/stream/canals. Depending on the simplification of the momentum equation, one can have three approaches: fully dynamic wave, diffusive wave, and kinematic wave. For the fully dynamic-wave approach, all terms in Equation 9.2 are retained. Under such circumstances, the conservative form of the governing equations may be used or they may be cast in the advection form or in the characteristic form. In this chapter the characteristic form of the fully dynamic approach will be used because it is the most natural way and amenable to the advective numerical methods, e.g., the upstream approximation or the Lagrangian-Eulerian method. The characteristic form of the Saint-Venant equations can be written as (Yeh et al., 2004):

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D

DV + c (V + ω )

∂(V + ω ) ∂(V + ω ) g + (V + c ) = R1 + R2 + D Dτ ∂t ∂x c ∂(V − ω ) DV − c (V − ω ) ∂(V − ω ) g ≡ + (V − c ) = − R1 + R2 + D Dτ ∂τ ∂τ c ≡


(9.3) (9.4)

in which: h


gA g 1 ∂F 1 ∂  ∂V  ∂V ; ω=∫ ds; D = − =  Aε  and F = − Aε B c (s) A ∂x A ∂ x  ∂x  ∂x 0


1 a V ∂A# S + S r − S e − S g + S o1 + S o 2 ) − ( B B ∂x


R1 =

 −V ( S a + S r − S e − S g + S o1 + S o 2 ) +   ∂Z 0 gh ∂ (∆ρ) 1  s b R2 = − g − +  A ( M a + M r − M e − M g + M o1 + M o 2 ) + Bτ − Pτ  ∂x cρ ∂x ρ  


where: A# is a function of the water depth h(x,t) and the axis along the river/stream/canal direction x. Equation 9.3 simply states that the positive gravity wave (V + ω) is advected by the speed (V + c) while Equation 9.4 states that the negative gravity wave (V - ω) is advected by the speed (V - c). The system of Equations 9.3 and 9.4 is identical to the system of Equations 9.1 and 9.2 on the differential level. They offer advantages in their amenability to innovative advective numerical methods such as the upstream finite difference, upwind finite element, or semi-Lagrangian scheme. Furthermore, the implementation of boundary conditions is very straightforward. Only when the wave is coming into the region of interest, is the boundary condition required. For the wave that is going out of the region of interest, there is no need to specify a boundary condition. For transient simulations, water depth (or water stage) and the crosssectionally averaged velocity must be given as initial condition. In addition, appropriate boundary conditions need to be specified to match the corresponding physical system. A total of six types of boundary conditions can be specified. They correspond to (1) open upstream boundary, (2) open downstream boundary, (3) closed upstream boundary, (4) closed downstream boundary, (5) internal boundaries at all junctions, and (6) internal boundaries at all control structures. The setup of governing equations for all global boundaries and internal boundaries can be found elsewhere (Yeh et al., 2004). 2.1.2 Diffusive-Wave Approaches In a diffusive-wave approach, the inertia terms in the momentum equation is assumed negligible when compared with the other terms. By further assuming negligible eddy viscosity and Ma = Mr = Me = Mg = Mo1 = Mo2 = 0, we approximate the river/stream/canal velocity with the following equation (Hergarten and Neugebauer, 1995),


Watershed Models

    R −a  V= n   ∂Z 0 2    1 +    ∂x  


1 h ∂∆ρ Bτ ∂H + − Agρ ∂x cρ ∂x S

 ∂H h ∂∆ρ Bτ S    − + Agρ   ∂x cρ ∂x


where: n is the Manning’s roughness coefficient [t/L1/3], a is a unit-dependent factor (a = 1 for SI units and a = 1.49 for U.S. Customary units) to make the Manning’s roughness coefficient unit-independent, R is hydraulic radius [L], and H = h + Zo is the water surface elevation. Using the definition Q = VA and substituting Equation 9.8 into Equation 9.1, we obtain:


∂H ∂   ∂H h ∂∆ρ Bτs   a r e g o1 o2 − K + − =S +S −S −S +S +S ∂t ∂x   ∂x cρ ∂x Agρ  


in which:


a A R2/3 1 2/3 n   ∂Z o  2  1 +       ∂x  

1 h ∂∆ρ Bτ s ∂H − + ∂x cρ ∂x Ag ρ


To achieve transient simulations, either water depth or stage must be given as the initial condition. In addition, appropriate boundary conditions need to be specified to match the corresponding physical system. Five types of boundary conditions may be specified depending on physical configurations of the boundary. These boundary conditions are addressed below. The first type of boundary conditions is the Dirichlet boundary condition. On a Dirichlet boundary, either the water depth or stage can be prescribed as a function of time. The second type is the flux boundary condition. On a flux boundary, a time-dependent flow rate is prescribed as a function of time. The third type is the water depth-dependent condition, where a prescribed rating curve must be given. This condition is often used to describe the flow rate at a downstream river/stream/canal boundary at which the flow rate is a function of water depth (Yeh et al., 2004). The fourth type of boundary condition is internal boundaries at junctions. This condition is applied to a boundary of a river/stream/canal reach that is connected to a junction (Figure 9.1). For the junction complex consisting of NJ river/stream/canal reaches (e.g., in Figure 9.1, NJ = 3) and one junction (say J), we have (NJ + 1) unknowns, which are flow rates, QIJ (QIJ is the flow rate from the I-th reach to junction J), and water stage at junction J, HJ. Therefore, we need to set up (NJ + 1) equations. The first equation is obtained by applying the continuity of mass at the junction to result in:

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


NJ dVJ dhJ N J = ∑ QIJ =∑ VIJ AIJ dhJ dt I I


for the case when the storage effect of the junction must be accounted for or NJ




∑ QIJ = ∑ VIJ AIJ = 0


when this effect is negligible. The other NJ equations can be obtained by assuming that the kinetic energy in the junction is negligible to result in


1J J 3J

Figure 9.1 A River Junction 2

1  QIJ    + H IJ = H J , I ∈ N J 2 g  AIJ 

 ∂H h ∂∆ρ Bτ s  where QIJ = − K  + −  Ag ρ   ∂x cρ ∂x



where HIJ is the water stage at the internal boundary node IJ of the I-th reach connecting to junction J. Equations 9.11 or 9.12 along with Equation 9.13 provide (NJ + 1) equations to solve for (NJ + 1) unknowns. The fifth type of boundary conditions is the internal boundaries adjacent to structures (weir, gate, culvert). For any structure (S), there are two river/stream/canal reaches connecting to it. The node 1S located just upstream of the structure is termed the controlled-internal boundary of the upstream reach while the node 2S located just downstream of the structure is called the controlled-internal boundary of the downstream reach (Figure 9.2). Specification of boundary conditions for the internal boundaries for the diffusive wave approach is given as:  h Bτ s  −n ⋅ K  ∇ H + ∇ (∆ρ ) −  cρ Ag ρ  


 h Bτ s  = Q S ( hup , hdn ) = − n ⋅ K  ∇ H + ∇ (∆ρ ) −  cρ Ag ρ  



where QS is the discharge over the structure, which is a given function of water depths hup at Node 1S and hdn at Node 2S. The flow configuration around a structure and its surrounding reaches may be very dynamic under transient flows. Both of the water stages at nodes 1S and 2S may be below the structure;


Watershed Models

both may be above the structure; or one below the structure while the other is above the structure. When both stages are below the height of the structure, the two reaches connecting the structure are decoupled. When at least one of the stages is above the structure, two reaches are coupled via the structure discharge. The structure discharge, QS, can be obtained by solving the continuity and Bernoulli equation between Nodes 1S and 2S. The discharge formulae for a variety of structures under various stage conditions were given elsewhere (Yeh et al., 2004). S Reach 1

Reach 2 2S


Figure 9.2 A Control Structure

2.1.3 Kinematic-Wave Approaches In a kinematic approach, all the assumptions for the diffusive approach hold. However, the velocity is given by a modified Equation 9.8 with ∂Zo/∂x replacing ∂H/∂x. Substituting the modified velocity equation into Equation 9.1 and using the definition Q = VA, we obtain:

∂A ∂VA + = S a + S r − S e − S g + S o1 + S o 2 ∂t ∂x


It is noted that Equation 9.15 represents the advective transport of the crosssectional area, A [L2]. It is a linear advective transport equation, an ideal equation amenable for numerically innovative advective transport algorithm. To achieve transient simulations, either water depth or stage must be given as the initial condition. In addition, appropriate boundary conditions need to be specified to match the corresponding physical configuration. In a kinematicwave approach, boundary conditions are required only at upstream boundaries. An upstream boundary point can be an open boundary or a closed boundary. On an open upstream boundary, either the cross-sectional area (equivalent to water depth or water stage) or the flow rate can be specified. The flow rate through a closed upstream boundary point is by default equal to zero. 2.1.4 Thermal Transport Equation The thermal transport equation is derived based on the conservation principle of energy,

∂ ( ρ CAT ) ∂t


∂ ( ρ CQT ) ∂x

∂  h ∂T D A ∂x  ∂x

−S − S +S +S +S e h

s h

g h

o1 h

o2 h


 a  = Sh + S  c h

r h

+ S hn − S hb


A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


where: ρ is the water density [M/L3]; C is the heat capacity of water [L2/t2/T]; T is the temperature [T]; Dh is the apparent thermal conductivity including the effect of dispersion, diffusion, and conduction [E/L/t/T = ML/t3/T, where E is the unit of energy]; Sha is the heat source due to artificial injection/withdraw [E/t/L=ML2/t3/L]; Shr is the heat source due to rainfall [E/t/L=ML2/t3/L]; Shn is the heat source due to net radiation [E/t/L=ML2/t3/L]; Shb is the heat sink due to back radiation from water surface to the atmosphere [E/t/L=ML2/t3/L]; She is the heat sink due to evaporation [E/t/L=ML2/t3/L]; Shs is the heat sink due to sensible heat flux [E/t/L=ML2/t3/L]; Shg is the heat source due to exfiltration from subsurface [E/t/L=ML2/t3/L]; Sho1 is the heat source from overland flow via bank 1 [E/t/L=ML2/t3/L]; Sho2 is the heat source from overland flow via bank 2 [E/t/L=ML2/t3/L]; and Shc is the heat source due to chemical reaction [E/t/L=ML2/t3/L]. To describe thermal transport, in addition to the initial conditions, boundary conditions must be specified for the temperature. Four types of global boundary conditions are provided here. The first type is the Dirichlet boundary condition where the temperature is prescribed as a function of time. The second type is the variable boundary condition where the temperature gradient is zero if the flow is directed out of the system. If the flow is directed into the system, the energy flow rate is given by the product of the time-dependent incoming-fluid specific energy and the water flow rate. The third type is the Cauchy boundary condition where the energy flow rate is prescribed as a function of time. The fourth type is the Neumann boundary condition where the energy flow rate due to the temperature gradient is prescribed as a function of time. Two internal boundary conditions must be specified: one for the junction and the other for control structures. At any junction, the principle of energy balance and the formulation of energy fluxes from joining reaches to the junction are used to yield the governing boundary equations. At any control structure, the continuity of energy fluxes and the formulation of energy fluxes across the structure form the basis to yield the boundary equation (Yeh et al., 2004). 2.1.5 Salinity Transport Equation The salinity transport equation is derived based on the conservation principle of salt,

∂ ( AS ) ∂t


∂ ( QS ) ∂x

∂  s ∂S  a r g ol o2  D A  = Ms + Ms + Ms + Ms + Ms ∂x  ∂x 


where: S is the salinity [M/L3]; Ds is the longitudinal dispersion coefficient for salinity [L2/t]; Msa is the artificial source of the salt [M/t/L]; Msr is the salt source from rainfall [M/t/L]; Msg is the salt source from the subsurface [M/t/L]; Mso1 is the salt source from overland via river bank 1 [M/t/L]; and Mso2 is the salt source from overland source via river bank 2 [M/t/L]. Four types of global boundary conditions and two types of internal boundary conditions are similar to those for


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thermal transport with “salt flow rates” replacing “energy flow rates” and salinity replacing “temperature”. 2.1.6 Sediment Transport Equation Both bed and suspended sediment transport processes are considered in WASH123D. The governing equations for bed sediment are derived based on the mass balance of sediments on river beds while those for suspended sediments are obtained based on the conservation principle of sediments as:

∂ ( PM n ) = P ( Dn − Rn ) ∂t


∂ ( AS n ) ∂ (QS n ) ∂  ∂S  + −  AD n n  = M na + ( Rn − Dn ) P + M no1 + M no 2 ∂t ∂x ∂x  ∂x 


where: P is the river/stream/canal cross-sectional wetted perimeter [L], Mn is wetted perimeter-averaged concentration of the n-th bed sediment in mass per unit bed area [M/L2], Dn is the deposition rate of the n-th sediment in mass per unit bed area per unit time [M/L2/T], Rn is the erosion rate of the n-th sediment in mass per unit bed area per unit time [M/L2/T], Sn is the cross-sectionally averaged concentration of the n-th suspended sediment in the unit of mass per unit media volume [M/L3], Dn is the longitudinal dispersion coefficient [L2/T] for the nth fraction of suspended sediment, Mna is the artificial source of the nth suspended sediment [M/t/L], and Mno1 and Mno2 are overland sources of the nth suspended sediment from river banks 1 and 2, respectively [M/t/L]. To complete the mathematical description of sediment transport, initial conditions for every bed sediment fraction must be given and both initial and boundary conditions for every suspended sediment fraction must be prescribed. The initial conditions can either be obtained from the simulation of steady-state version of Equation 9.18 and Equation 9.19 or from field measurements. The same four types of global boundary conditions and two types of internal boundary conditions described for salinity transport are included for each suspended sediment fraction. 2.1.7 Biogeochemical Transport Equation From a mathematical point of view, the temporal-spatial distribution of the M biogeochemical species in a river/stream/canal system is described with a set of reactive transport equations as: ∂A ρ i C i + α i L ( ρ i C i ) = M ia + M ir + M ig + M io1 + M io 2 + Ari ∂t ∂Q ρ i C i ∂ρ i Ci  ∂  where L (C i ) = − AD c ∂x ∂ x  ∂ x 



where: ρi is the density of the phase associated with species i [M/L3]; Ci is the concentration of the i-th species in mass per unit phased mass [M/M]; t is the

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


time [t]; αi is 0 for immobile species and 1 for mobile species; L is the advection-dispersion/diffusion transport operator; Mia, Mir, Mig, Mio1, Mio2 are the source of the i-th species due to artificial injection, rainfall, groundwater, overland input through river banks 1 and 2 in mass rate per unit x-length [M/t/L]; ri|N is the production rate of the i-th species due to N biogeochemical reactions in mass rate per unit medium volume [M/t/L3]; V is the velocity [L/t]; and DC is the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient for chemical species [L2/t]. The determination of ri|N is a primary challenge in water quality modeling. Instead of using an ad hoc method to formulate ri|N, we use reaction-based formulations. In a reaction-based formulation, ri|N is given by the summation of rates of all reactions in which the i-th species participates,




d ρi Ci dt


= ∑ (ν ik − µik ) Rk , i ∈ M


k ∈N

where: νik is the reaction stoichiometry of the i-th species in the k-th reaction associated with the products, µik is the reaction stoichiometry of the i-th species in the k-th reaction associated with the reactants, and Rk is the rate of the k-th reaction. Substituting Equation 9.21 into Equation 9.20 results in transport equations of M species as:

∂Aρi Ci + α i L ( ρi Ci ) = ∂t M ia + M ir + M ig + M io1 + M io 2 + A ∑ (ν ik − µik ) Rk , i ∈ M


k ∈N

Equation 9.21 governs the dynamics of immobile species while Equation 9.22 governs the transport of mobile species subject to biogeochemical reaction processes. Either a primitive approach or a diagonalization approach can be employed to integrate Equation 9.22 to give spatial-temporal distributions. In a primitive approach, after reaction networks are hypothesized and their reaction rates are formulated, they are substituted into Equation 9.22 to form a set of transport equations, which are then integrated to yield the distributions and evolutions of water quality in a region of interest. When some of the reaction rates are infinite, i.e., some fast equilibrium reactions taking place in the system, this approach is not adequate (Fang et al., 2003). Here, we will take a diagonalization approach, in which Equation 9.22 is reduced to three subsets of equations with the Gauss-Jordan decomposition of the reaction matrix (νik -µik), M

Rk = ∞ ⇒ Kk e = ∏ ( Ai )ν ik i =1


∏ ( A )µ i =1



, k ∈ NE



Watershed Models

∂AEi + L( Eim ) = ∂t   Eia + Eir + Eig + Eio1 + Eio 2 + A  Dik Rk + ∑ Dij R j  , k ∈ N KI , i ∈ M   j∈N KD ( k )  

∂AT j ∂t

+ L(T jm ) = T ja + T jr + T jg + T jo1 + T jo 2 , j ∈ N C , i ∈ M



where: Kke is the equilibrium constant of the k-th fast reaction; Ai is the activity of the i-th species; NE is the number of equilibrium reactions; Ei and Eim are the concentration of the i-th kinetic variable and its mobile composition, respectively, resulting from the decomposition of the reaction matrix; Eia, Eir, Eig, Eio1, and Eio2 are the source of the i-th kinetic variable from artificial addition, rainfall, groundwater exfiltration, overland bank 1, and overland bank 2, respectively; Dij is the i-th row and j-th column of the decomposed reaction matrix; NKD(k) is the subset of linearly dependent kinetic reactions which depends on the k-th linearly independent reaction; NKI is the number of linearly independent slow kinetic reactions; Tj and Tjm are the concentration of the j-th component and its mobile composition, respectively, resulting from the decomposition of the reaction matrix; Tja, Tjr, Tjg, Tjo1, and Tjo2 are the source of the j-th component from artificial addition, rainfall, groundwater exfiltration, overland bank 1, and overland bank 2, respectively; and NC is the number of components. Equations 9.23 through 9.25 along with initial and boundary conditions form the basis of a computational model. For every mobile species, the same four types of global boundary conditions and two types of internal boundary conditions specified for salinity transport are included. From the boundary conditions for biogeochemical species, the boundary conditions for kinetic variables and components can be derived. 2.2. Two-Dimensional Overland Flow Regime The governing equations for two-dimensional density-dependent overland flow and reactive biogeochemical transport over the land surface can be derived based on the conservation principle of mass, energy, and momentum just as in the case of one-dimensional rive/stream/canal networks. These governing equations, which correspond to Equations 9.1 and 9.2, 9.8 through 9.10, 9.15, 9.16, 9.17, 9.18 and 9.19, and 9.23 through 9.25, can be obtained without a laborious derivation, i.e., they can simply be had based on one-dimensional equations. This is achieved by (1) replacing the cross-sectional area A with the water depth h, (2) replacing the top width B with 1 (one), (3) replacing the wet perimeter P with 1 (one), (4) replacing the hydraulic radius R with 1 (one), (5) replacing the discharge Q with Vh (where V is the depth-averaged velocity vector), and (6) replacing the partial differential operator ∂()/∂x with the divergence operator ∇xy⋅() if it operates on a vector or with the gradient operator ∇xy() if it operates on a scalar (the subscript xy is meant to operate over the x and y coordinates). In addition, all source terms in the one-dimensional equations, which are due to the contribution of overland, should be dropped in

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


their corresponding two-dimensional equations. Three characteristic equations of the fully dynamic-wave approach in modeling two-dimensional sheet flow can be derived in a manner similar to the case of one-dimensional river flow (Yeh et al., 2004). All types of global boundary conditions that are included in the onedimensional cases are included in the two-dimensional cases. The internal boundary conditions of control structures (mainly culverts) are also included. The internal boundary conditions of junctions are not needed in the case of twodimensional problems. However, a new type of internal boundary conditions on the interface between the overland regime and river/stream/canal networks is implemented. This is done (1) by settling two-dimensional fluxes equal to onedimensional source terms and (2) imposing the equality of water surfaces across the interface between the overland regime and the river when they are continuous or by formulating the fluxes when they are not (Yeh et al., 2004). 2.3 Three-Dimensional Subsurface Media

2.3.1 Density-Dependent Flow The governing equation of subsurface density-dependent flow through saturated-unsaturated porous media can be derived based on the conservation law of water mass (Yeh et al.,1994). It is written as follows,

 ρ  ρ* ρ ∂h F = − ∇ ⋅  V  + q, ρo ∂t  ρo  ρo ρ  θ dS V = −K ⋅  o ∇h + ∇z  , F = a ' e + β ' θe + ne ne dh ρ 


where: ρ is the density of water [M/L3]; ρo is the reference density of water [M/L3]; F is the water capacity [1/L]; h is the referenced pressure head [L]; ρ* is the density of source water; q is the source and/or sink [L3/t/L3]; V is the Darcy velocity [L/t]; K is the hydraulic conductivity tensor [L/t]; z is the potential head [L]; α’ and β’ are the modified compressibility of the medium and water [1/L]; θe is the effective moisture content [L3/L3]; ne is the effective porosity [L3/L3]; and S is the degree of saturation. Five types of boundary conditions are taken into account. The first type is the Dirichlet boundary condition where the pressure head is prescribed as a function of time. The second type is the Cauchy boundary condition where the volumetric fluxes are prescribed as functions of time. The third type is the Neumann boundary condition where the pressure-gradient fluxes are prescribed as functions of time. The fourth type is the radiation boundary condition where the volumetric fluxes are proportional to the difference between the pressure head and river depth. The fifth type is the variable boundary conditions where either a Dirichlet boundary condition or a flux boundary condition is chosen by the model using a cyclic iteration approach. The fourth type boundary condition is used only when the subsurface flow is not coupled to the river flow and the


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fifth type of boundary condition is used only when the subsurface flow is not coupled to the overland flow. 2.3.2 Thermal Transport The thermal transport equation is derived based on the conservation of energy, ∂  (ρC θ + ρbCm ) T  ∂t

+ ∇ ⋅ (ρCVT ) − ∇ ⋅ ( D h ⋅ ∇T ) = H a + H c


where: θ is the moisture content [L3/L3]; ρb is the bulk density of the media [M/L3]; Cm is the heat capacity of the matrix [L2/t2/T]; T is the temperature [T]; Dh is the apparent thermal conductivity tensor including the effect of dispersion, diffusion, and conduction [E/t/L/T = ML/t3/T, where E is the unit of energy]; Ha is the heat source due to artificial injection/withdraw [E/t/L3 =M/L/t3], and Hc is the heat source due to biogeochemical reaction [E/t/L3=M/L/t3]. In addition to the initial boundary condition, boundary conditions must be specified for the temperature. Five types of global boundary conditions are provided. The first type is the Dirichlet boundary condition where the temperature is prescribed as functions of time. The second type is the Cauchy boundary condition where the heat flux is prescribed as a function of time. The third type is the Neumann boundary condition where the temperature gradient is prescribed as a function of time. The fourth type is the variable boundary conditions where the temperature gradient is zero if the flow is directed out of the region. If the flow is directed into the region, the heat flux is given by the product of the time-dependent incoming fluid temperature and discharge. The fifth type is the energy budget condition applied at the atmosphere-land interface,

− n ⋅ ( ρCV T − D h ⋅ ∇ T ) = H n − H b − H e − H s


where: Hn is the heat source from net radiation [E/t/L2=M/t3]; Hb is the heat sink due to back radiation from the surface to the atmosphere [E/t/L2=M/t3]; He is the heat sink due to evaporation [E/t/L2=M/t3]; and Hs is the heat sink due to sensible heat flux [E/t/L2=M/t3]. Besides the five types of global boundary conditions, two interface boundary conditions may be specified: one for the exchange of energy/heat flux between the subsurface media and river/stream/canal networks and the other for energy/heat exchange between the subsurface media and the overland regime. Detailed mathematical descriptions of these two types of interfacial boundary conditions can be found elsewhere (Yeh et al., 2004). 2.2.3 Salinity Transport The salinity transport equation for three dimensions is similar to Equation 9.17 of one-dimension:

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


∂ ( θS )

(9.29) + ∇ ⋅ ( VS ) − ∇ ⋅ ( θDs ⋅∇S ) = M sa ∂t where: S is the salinity [M/L3]; Ds is the longitudinal dispersion coefficient [L2/t]; and Msa is the artificial source of the salt [M/t/L3]. The same four types of global boundary conditions for one dimension and two dimensions are included in three dimensions. In addition, two interface boundary conditions may be specified: one for the exchange of salt flux between the subsurface media and river/stream/canal networks and the other for salt exchange between the subsurface media and the overland regime. Mathematical descriptions of these two interfacial boundary conditions can be found in Yeh et al. (2004).

2.2.4 Reactive Biogeochemical Transport Reactive biogeochemical transport equations for three dimensions are similar to those for one dimension and are given below (Yeh et al., 2004), ∂θ i ρ i C i + α i L ( ρ i C i ) = M ia + ri N ∂t where L ( ρ i C i ) = ∇ ⋅ (V ρ i C i ) − ∇ ⋅ θ D c ⋅ ∇ ( ρ i C i ) 




d θ i ρ i Ci dt



∑ (ν

k ∈N


− µik ) Rk , i ∈ M

∂θ i ρi Ci + α i L( ρi Ci ) = M ia + ∑ (ν ik − µik ) Rk , i ∈ M ∂t k ∈N M

Rk = ∞ ⇒ K k e = ∏ ( Ai )ν ik i =1


∏ ( A )µ i =1



, k ∈ NE

  ∂θi Ei + L( Eim ) = Eia +  Dik Rk + ∑ Dij R j  , k ∈ N KI , i ∈ M   ∂t j∈N KD ( k )  

∂θ i T j ∂t

+ L(T jm ) = T ja , j ∈ N C , i ∈ M


(9.31) (9.32) (9.33) (9.34)


where: θi is the volume fraction of the phase associated with the i-th species; Ei and Eim are the concentration of the i-th kinetic variable and its mobile composition, respectively, resulting from the decomposition of the reaction matrix; Eia is the source of the i-th kinetic variable from artificial addition in mass per unit medium volume; Tj and Tjm are the concentration of the j-th component and its mobile composition, respectively; Tja is the source of the j-th component from artificial addition in mass per unit medium volume. Equations 9.33 through 9.35 along with initial and boundary conditions form the basis of a computational model for reactive transport in subsurface media. For every mobile species, the same four types of global boundary conditions for one dimension and two dimensions are included in three dimensions, from which the


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global boundary conditions for Ei and Tj can be derived using the definition of Ei and Tj. 2.4 Coupling of Flow and Transport among Various Media One of the critical issues in a first-principle, physics-based watershed model is its treatment of coupling among various media. There appear a number of watershed models that have dealt with each component medium on the bases of first principle in the past decade: MIKE SHE (Refsgaard and Storm, 1995), SHETRAN (Ewen et al., 2000), MODFLOW-HMS (HydroGeoLogic, 2001), InHM (VanderKwaak, 1999), GISWA (Wigmosta and Perkins, 1997), South Florida Regional Simulation Model-Hydrologic Simulation Engine (SFRSMHSE), and WASH123D (Yeh et al., 2004). However, rigorous considerations on coupling among media seemed lacking. For example, a linkage term is normally formulated between the river/stream/canal dynamics and subsurface fluid flow, e.g., MODNET (Walton et al., 1999), or between overland and subsurface flows (e.g., MIKE SHE). The linkage term usually introduces nonphysics-based parameters. As a result, such watershed models have degraded even though each media-component module has taken a first-principle, physics-based approach. A rigorous treatment of coupling media should be based on the continuity of mass, momentum, and state variables across media interfaces. This is the approach taken here. Mathematical statements on coupling between pairs of media are too long to cover in this chapter. Only conceptual statements are briefly presented; detailed mathematical representations to translate these statements can be found elsewhere (Yeh et al., 2004).

2.4.1 Coupling between River/Stream/Canal Networks and Overland Regime The fluxes between overland regimes and the canal/stream/river network are dynamic and depend on the water surface elevations in the vicinity of the interface between the canal/stream/river and overland regime. The basic principle of coupling is to impose continuity of fluxes and the state variables (water surface elevations, temperature, salinity, and chemical concentrations in the overland regime and in the river/stream/canal network), if these state variables do not exhibit discontinuity. If the state variables exhibit discontinuities, then linkage terms are used to simulate the volumetric fluxes and simplified equations are used to calculate the heat, salinity, sediment, and biogeochemical fluxes. When a levee is present on the bank of a canal, there are several possibilities of dynamic interactions between overland flow and canal flow dynamics. If water surfaces in both the overland regime and the canal are below the top of the levee, the two flow systems are decoupled. When the water surface in the overland regime is above the top of the levee and in the canal is below the top of the levee, the fluxes of water, heat, salt, and biogeochemical species are functions of the water depth in the overland regime. On the other hand, when the water surface in the overland regime is below the top of the levee and in the canal is above the top of the levee, the fluxes are functions of the water depth in canals. When the water surfaces in the overland and canal are

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


above the top of the levee, then the continuity of water flux and water surface must be imposed. For scalar transport (including thermal, salinity, and biogeochemical species) either continuity of state variables and mass fluxes may be imposed or the mass fluxes may be formulated based on the flow direction considering only the advective transport. When a levee is not present on the bank of the river, there are two possibilities of dynamic interactions between overland flow and river flow dynamics. If the water surface in the river falls below the bank, fluxes are either zero if the overland flow is not present or are nonzero and directed from the overland into the river if overland flow is present. When the water surface in the river is above the bank, the direction of flow can be either from the overland into the river or from the river into the overland, depending on the flow dynamics in the overland and in the river. The water flux is obtained by imposing the continuity of the water surface. Fluxes for scalar transport can be obtained either by imposing the continuity of state variables or by formulating fluxes considering only the advective transport. 2.4.2 Coupling between Overland Regime and Subsurface Media The volumetric flux between overland regime and subsurface media is obtained by imposing continuity of fluxes and state variables, if these state variables do not exhibit discontinuity. If the state variables exhibit discontinuity, then a linkage term is used to simulate the flux. Let us consider the interaction between the overland and subsurface flows. There are two cases: in one case, there are no impermeable layers on the ground surface and, in another case, there are thin layers of very impermeable layers such as pavements or sediment deposits on the ground surface. For the case of no impermeable layers on the ground surface, it can easily be seen that the pressures in the overland flow and in the subsurface media will be continuous across the interface. Thus, the interaction must be simulated by imposing continuity of pressures and fluxes. For the case with thin impervious layers, one can include the impervious layers as part of the subsurface media or exclude these layers from the modeling. If one includes the thin layers, then it is obvious the pressures in the overland flow and in the layer are continuous across the interface, thus continuity of pressure and flux must be imposed to simulate the interaction. On the other hand, if the thin layers are not included, it is obvious that the pressures in the overland flow and the subsurface are not continuous across the removed layers. Then a linkage term is used to model the flux across the interface. The parameters in the linkage term are the material properties and geometry of the removed layers. These parameters, in theory, can be obtained independent of model calibration. The coupling of scalar transport between the overland regime and subsurface media can be achieved by assuming advective transport only if the state variables are discontinuous across the interface. Otherwise, the coupling must be made by imposing the continuity of state variables across the interface to yield appropriate fluxes. 2.4.3 Coupling between Subsurface Media and River/Stream/Canal/Networks The coupling between subsurface media and river/stream/canal/networks is


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almost identical to that between the subsurface media and overland regime. 3. NUMERICAL APPROXIMATIONS

One of the most critical issues in a first-principle, physics-based watershed modeling is the use of appropriate numerical methods to approximate the governing equations. For research applications, the model needs to use accurate and robust methods. For practical applications, it needs to employ efficient and robust methods. For hyperbolic-dominant transport equations such as the fully dynamic-wave approach of flow and the advection-dominant scalar transport, it is well known that the semi-Lagrangian (SL) method is most efficient in discretizing the advection transport while the conventional second-order finite element or finite difference methods are sufficient to approximate the diffusive/dispersive transport. Considering that there can be wide ranges of flow and transport conditions for real-world problems, we provide many numerical options in WASH123D. For surface water flow simulations, the numerical method that is most appropriate for a particular approach is used. In kinematic-wave approaches, the semi-Lagrangian method (backward particle tracking) is used to numerically approximate the kinematic-wave equation. In the diffusive-wave approach, either the Galerkin finite element method or the semi-Lagrangian method is employed to numerically solve the diffusion equation governing the transport of water surface elevation. In the fully dynamic-wave approach, the hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element method is applied to approximate the method of characteristic (MOC) form of wave equations. First, water depth and velocity are computed with the backward method of characteristics. Then the Galerkin finite element method is applied to the Lagrangian form of an eddydiffusion equation. For subsurface flow simulations, the Galerkin finite element method is used to discretize the Richards equation. The Picard method is applied to deal with the nonlinearity of flow equations. For transport simulations (including thermal, salinity, sediment, and water quality), two options are provided to discretize the governing sediment and biogeochemical transport equations: hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element methods or conventional finite element methods. Three schemes are employed to handle the coupling between the hydrologic transport and biogeochemical reactions: fully implicit sequential iteration approach, operator splitting, and mixed predictor-corrector and operator-splitting. The Newton-Raphson method was used to solve the set of algebraic equations and ordinary equations describing the evolution of all biogeochemical species. Details of the aforementioned numerical methods can be found elsewhere (Yeh et al., 2004). 4. DEMONSTRATIVE EXAMPLES

Five example problems are used to demonstrate the design ability and flexibility of WASH123D to solve a variety of problems. Example 1 involves

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


one-dimensional flow problems with three cases to illustrate the capability of the model to simulate subcritical, mixed subcritical and supercritical, and hydraulic jump problems and to assess the adequacy of using diffusive- and dynamicwave approaches. Example 2 is a two-dimensional overland flow problem used to compare the simulations with kinematic, diffusive, and fully dynamic-wave approaches. Example 3 is a three-dimensional density-dependent subsurface flow problem. Example 4 is a flow problem in an integrated one-dimensional canal network, overland regime, and subsurface media system demonstrating the successful coupling based on physics. Example 5 is a reactive biogeochemical problem in a canal illustrating the generality of the paradigm in modeling water quality. 4.1 One-Dimensional River/Stream/Canal Flow Problems Three cases are presented for the one-dimensional problems in the river/stream/canal system. Case 1 is a steady-state subcritical flow problem, which shows there are some errors in the diffusive-wave approximation even for this simple problem. Case 2 is a steady-state mixed subcritical and supercritical problem, which is designed to demonstrate the magnitude of errors introduced with the diffusive-wave approximation. Case 3 is a steady-state, mixed subcritical and supercritical problem with a hydraulic jump. This problem demonstrates that the diffusive-wave approximation is not adequate for this complicated problem. In all three cases, steady-state simulations were achieved via transient simulations with constant boundary and source conditions.

4.1.1 Subcritical Flow This is the test problem published by MacDonald et al. (1997), where an analytical solution for the problem is available. The channel is rectangular with a width of 10 m. The total length is 1000 m. A constant flow of 20 m3/s passes through. The flow is subcritical over the entire channel. A water depth of 0.748409 m is specified at the downstream outlet. The Manning’s n value is 0.03. The bed slope is given by an analytical function of the water depth. Simulated steady-state profiles of water depth with diffusive-wave (DIW) and fully dynamic-wave (FDW) approaches are given in Figure 9.3. It is seen that the FDW approach yields excellently accurate results while the DIW approach produces some errors. 4.1.2 Mixed Subcritical and Supercritical Flow This test case was described in MacDonald et al. (1997). A 1000-m rectangular channel with a width of 10 m is given a constant flow rate of 20 m3/s. The bottom slope is variable such that the flow condition at the inflow is subcritical and is supercritical at the outlet. The Manning’s n value is 0.02. For the dynamic-wave approach, one inflow boundary condition is specified at the upstream and no boundary condition is needed at the downstream since supercritical flows occur therein. For diffusive-wave model, two boundary conditions must be given: one is the upstream boundary condition where the inflow rate is prescribed as in the case of FDW approach and the other is the


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downstream boundary condition. In this case, the known water depth at outlet is specified as the Dirichlet boundary conditions. The dynamic-wave model is able to solve this mixed flow problem with good accuracy (Figure 9.4). No numerical instabilities have been encountered. The diffusive-wave model also provides satisfactory results (4% error in water depth). The Froude number profile plot not shown here confirms the mixed flow condition. It is interesting to note that the DIW model requires more input data than the FDW model, yet yields poorer simulations. 1.15

Exact Dynamic Wave Diffusion wave

1. 1

Water Depth (m)

1.05 1 0.95 0. 9 0.85 0. 8 0.75 0. 7 0











Distance (m)

Figure 9.3 Comparison of Simulated Water Depth Profiles with Exact Solution. 1.00

Water Depth (m)

0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 Exact


Diffusion wave


Dynamic wave

0.65 0.60 0






Distance (m)

Figure 9.4 Comparison of Simulated Water Depth Profile with Exact Solutions.

4.1.3 Mixed Subcritical and Supercritical Flow with Hydraulic Jump This test case was described in MacDonald et al. (1997). The channel is trapezoidal with a total length of 1000 m. The upstream inflow is a constant discharge of 20 m3/s. At the downstream outlet, a specified water depth of

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


1.349963 m is applied. The side slope of the trapezoidal cross-section is 1:1. The Manning’s n value is 0.02. There is an abrupt change in the bed slope at x = 500 m, causing a hydraulic jump. The bottom elevation and bed slope were given in MacDonald et al. (1997). Both inflow and outflow boundaries are subcritical. This is a nontrivial problem with source terms (roughness and bed slope) and is more realistic in testing the performance of the FEM-based method of characteristics. As expected, the accuracy of the diffusive-wave approximation for this mixed flow case is not satisfactory. The error induced by diffusive-wave approximation is high at the supercritical zone (Figure 9.5). 1.40 Exact Diffusion wave

Water Depth (m)

1.20 1.00

Dynamic wave

0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0






Di stance (m)

Figure 9.5 Comparison of Simulated Water Depth Profile with Exact Solution.

4.2 Two-Dimensional Overland Flow Problems A rainfall-runoff process on an impervious curved surface is simulated (Figure 9.6). The domain is 150 m × 40 m. The bottom elevation ranges from 0.11 m to 0.31 m over a horizontal length of 150 m. The overland domain is divided into 80 elements and 105 nodes. A specified water depth of 0.1 m is applied to the downstream end boundary. All other sides are assumed to be noflow boundaries. A Manning’s n value of 0.02 is used. The rainfall intensity is 3.0−5 m/s for 1800 seconds (30 minutes). The purpose of this numerical experiment is to compare the simulation results obtained with different computational methods for 2-D overland flow and validate the numerical implementation for dynamic-, diffusive-, and kinematic-wave models. The average bottom slope is 0.00133. The fully dynamic-wave equations and diffusive-wave and kinematic-wave approximations were applied to this problem. The simulation results were compared. The computed water levels at Node 28 (x = 20 m, y = 30 m, Zo = 0.152 m) were compared (Figure 9.7). This location is close to the downstream end. The maximum value of the water level, found to be 0.173 m, 0.180 m, and 0.181 m, was obtained with fully dynamic-wave (MOC), diffusive-wave (SL), and kinematic-wave (SL) approaches. The difference between the dynamic-


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wave and diffusive-wave models is about 6%. This may indicate the diffusivewave approximation is not accurate for this problem. Similar conclusions can be made for the kinematic-wave model. Water levels at Node 88 (x = 20 m, y = 130 m, and zo = 0.278 m), which represent the flow at the upper part of the surface, were compared (Figure 9.8). The maximum water depth at this site is 0.01124 m, 0.0094 m, and 0.00776 m for FDW (MOC), DIW (SL), and KIW (SL), respectively. The differences between the fully dynamic wave and diffusive/kinematic wave models at the upstream nodes are smaller than those at the downstream nodes as expected.

Water Level (m)

Figure 9.6 Topography of the Land Surface. 0.185 0.180 0.175 0.170 0.165 0.160 0.155 0.150

Kinematic w ave Diffusion w ave (Particle Tracking) Dynamic w ave 0







Time (sec)

Water Level (m)

Figure 9.7 Comparison of Simulated Water Levels. 0.300 0.295 0.290 0.285 0.280 0.275 0.270 0.265

Dynamic wave Kinematic wave Diffusion wave (Particle Tracking) 0






Time (sec)

Figure 9.8 Comparison of Simulated Water Levels.


A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


4.3 Three-Dimensional Density-Dependent Flow in Subsurface Media Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) injects surface water into an aquifer and then recovers it for later water use. The simple case of a single ASR well is simulated. Some data refer to the 1989 ASR pilot project at Lake Okeechobee, Florida (CH2M Hill, 1989), but overall it is for demonstration purposes only. Three-dimensional density-driven flow and transport are simulated. The injected fresh water is stored and mixed with the brackish water in the aquifer. The diameter of the ASR well is 24 inches. The screened area is located at 1300 ft to 1600 ft below the land surface. The storage zone is in the artesian aquifers with a confining layer of 400 ft over it. The saturated hydraulic conductivity is 177.6 ft/day. The effective porosity is 0.25. Only the storage zone will be simulated. The thickness of the aquifer is 300 ft. A rectangular area of 1600 × 1600 ft is chosen for the modeling domain. The boundary is to be set away from the ASR well, so that injected water is stored within the domain. Specified head boundary conditions are assigned in the direction of natural groundwater flow to represent the background groundwater flow. Variable boundary conditions are specified at the perimeter of the ASR well. The boundary condition at the screen of the ASR well can be specified head or flux depending on the injection pumping pressure. The 3-D finite element mesh contains three layers. The total number of subsurface nodes is 3280 and the total number of elements is 4674. The size of the elements is designed to be finest within the vicinity of the well (Figure 9. 9).

Figure 9.9 Finite Element Discretization for the ASR Problem.

The injection/recovery processes were simulated for 720 hours. The injection stopped at time = 360 hours and then recovery started until the end of the simulation. The total head and saline concentration distributions at different times were plotted (Figure 9.10 and Figure 9.11). The spatial distributions of total head and concentration demonstrated the impacts of background flow and density effect.


Watershed Models

Figure 9.10 Total Head Distribution (t = 2 [upper left], 359 [upper right], 362 [lower left], and 720 [lower right] hours).

Figure 9.11 Concentration Distribution (t = 12 [upper left], 359 [upper right], 520 [lower left] , and 720 [lower right] hours).

The total heads reach steady-state quickly, within two hours of beginning the injection and within two hours of starting the recovery (Figure 9.10). This is due to the fact that the storativity of media for water under saturation flow

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


conditions is from the compressibility of water and the compressibility of the matrix, which are very small. Had these compressibilities been set to zero, the steady-state simulations would have been achieved instantaneously at the starts of injection and recovery. Since the storativity of the media for chemicals is the porosity, the variation of salinity is gradual with time (Figure 9.11). 4.4 Coupled Canal, Overland, and Subsurface Flow This is a subregional scale modeling effort for the South Florida wetlands. The Dade model domain extends from four miles west of the L-67 Extension dike to the western shore of Biscayne Bay and from one mile north of the Tamiami Canal south to Florida Bay. Horizontally, it covers an area of approximately 1200 mi2. Vertically, it extends from the land surface to the bottom of the surficial aquifer. Some characteristics of this model are strong interaction of overland flow, groundwater flow, and canal flow in South Florida, and complex hydraulic structure operations. The 3-D finite element mesh for subsurface media (Figure 9.12) is complex: there are 37,760 global nodes and 65,429 elements. There are 7 layers in the vertical direction and levees are incorporated as part of the subsurface media.

Figure 9.12 Subsurface Finite Element Mesh.

The boundary conditions for subsurface flow were determined from the SFWMM 2 × 2 model output for the northern boundary and from structure operation records for the other sides of the boundaries.


Watershed Models

The surface water flows (2-D overland and 1-D canal flows) were simulated with the diffusion-wave approach using the Galerkin finite element method. The 2-D overland flow domain consists of 4720 nodes and 9347 triangular elements. Levees are included in the computation domain (Figure 9.13). Boundary conditions were determined from structure operation records along the boundary. The canal network as simplified in this simulation includes: 560 canal nodes, 506 canal elements, 55 river reaches, 20 canal junctions, and 11 interior gates (Figure 9.13). The upstream is specified a flux boundary, providing the inflow into the canal network. The downstream are specified stage boundaries, which are given by the structure operation at downstream ends.

Figure 9.13 2-D Overland Mesh and 1-D Canal Network.

The 1-D/2-D/3-D coupled flow simulation was first begun with a steady state of subsurface flow. Then the steady-state condition was used as the initial condition of the transient flow simulation of the coupled system. Figures 9.14 and 9.15 show the simulation results of a model run. Since the levee and dike are included as part of the subsurface media, it is demonstrated that the groundwater flow from the northern boundary can bypass the less permeable levees via their underlying permeable media. It is also obvious that the canals recharge the groundwater.

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


Figure 9.14 Total Head Distribution (feet) (time = 13,680 minutes = 9.5 days).

Figure 9.15 Overland Water Depth (feet) (time = 7000 minutes = 4.9 days).

4.5 One-Dimensional River/Stream/Canal Water Quality Transport Problems To demonstrate the flexibility and generality of the paradigm to model water quality employed in WASH123D (Yeh et al., 2004), the eutrophication models in QUAL2E (Brown and Barnwell, 1987), WASP5 (Ambrose et al., 1993), and CE-QUAL-ICM (Cerco and Cole, 1995) can be recast in the mode of


Watershed Models

reaction networks. From the networks, the number of water quality and the number of biogeochemical reactions vary with these three widely used models. Table 9.1 lists the comparison of the three models via a reaction point of view. In the original reports, there are 9, 16, and 41 water qualities simulated in QUAL2E, WASP5, and CE-QUAL-ICM, respectively. In the context of reaction network, there should be 19, 27, and 66 constituents involved in QUAL2E, WASP5, and CE-QUAL, respectively. The differences between the original reports and reaction-based approaches are reconciled in the following two paragraphs. In the case of QUAL2E, all rate equations depend on only the first 9 constituents, thus, the other 10 constituents can be decoupled from the first 9 in any simulation. Had evidence indicated that the rate of the 16 kinetic reactions also depends on the other 10 constituents in a system, then all 19 constituents should have been modeled simultaneously. Therefore, when QUAL2E is applied to any system, the first order of business is to check if the rate formulation for the 16 kinetic reactions is valid. If it is, then one can consider other issues involved in applying the model to his/her system. If any of the 16 rate equations is invalid, then one should not apply the model to his/her system. In the case of WASP5, the issue is more complicated. First, rates of the 32 kinetic reactions as given in WASP5 were assumed not to be affected by the last five constituents. Thus, these five constituents can be decoupled from the other 22. Thus, one only needs to simulate 22 constituents simultaneously from the reaction point of view. The question is then why WASP5 only considered 16 water quality state variables. Examination of six fast equilibrium reactions would reveal that the adsorption reactions of aqueous CH2O, CH2O(b), ON, ON(b), OP, and OP(b) onto sediments were formulated with a simple partition. Furthermore, rate equations are only functions of the aqueous fractions of CH2Ot, CH2Ot(b), ONt, ONt(b), OPt, and OPt(b), not functions of 12 individual species. Thus, if we eliminate these 12 species using the 6 partition equations and 6 equations defining the total, the reaction-based approach would yield 16 identical equations as those in the WASP5 report. In our reaction-based approach, we prefer to model all 22 species. This allows us, if necessary, the flexibility of more mechanistically modeling the sorption reactions and formulating the rate equations as functions of all individual species. Similarly, for CE-QUAL-ICM, we prefer to model 48 species out of the total 66 species, rather than 41 constituents. This reaction-based approach alleviates the need of modeling seven sorption reactions with a simple partition as done in WASP5. In the decomposition of the reaction matrix, the elimination of seven fast equilibrium reactions is performed automatically rather then manually. Ideally, one should model all of the 66 species if some of the reaction rates are affected by the other 18 species. To demonstrate the general paradigm, we apply WASP5 to a canal reach. The canal considered is 15,545 ft long with width ranging from 15 to 40 ft. It is discretized by nine elements with variable size of 1690 to 1801 ft. The flow pattern was simulated using the one-dimensional flow module of WASH123D. The calculated water depth ranges from 7.15 to 9.22 ft and river/stream velocity

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


from 0.193 to 2.9 ft/s. Manning’s roughness is 0.01. To focus on reactive biogeochemical transport, the depth of the canal bed is assumed 0.5 ft, the temperature is 15˚C, the suspended sediment concentration is 1 g/m3, and the bed sediment concentration is 15 g/m2 throughout the canal. Dirichlet boundary condition is applied to the upstream boundary node. Flow-out variable boundary condition is applied to the downstream boundary node. Initial concentrations of all species and Dirichlet boundary concentrations of mobile species are listed in Table 9.2. The longitudinal dispersivity is 300 ft. A 12-day simulation is performed with a fixed time step size of 6 minutes. Table 9.1 QUAL2E, WASP5, and CE-QUAL-ICM from a Reaction Point of View Model Number and types of reaction

No. of species in the report

No. of water quality from the reaction point of view

QUAL2E 16 kinetic and 0 equilibrium reactions: Algal kinetics: 4 Dissolved Oxygen Balance: 4 Nitrogen Cycle: 5 Phosphorus Cycle: 3 9 O, L, Chla, N4, N1, N2, N3, P1, and P2.

19 (9 modeled) O, L, Chla, N4, N1, N2, N3, P1, P2, O(b), L(b), Chla(b), N4(b), N(1b), P(1b), P(2b), CO2, H2O, and O2(g)

WASP5 32 kinetic and 6 equilibrium reactions: Phytoplankton Kinetics: 11 Dissolved Oxygen Balance: 9 Nitrogen Cycle: 11 Phosphorus Cycle: 7

CE-QUAL-ICM 83 kinetic and 7 equilibrium reactions: Plant and bacterial Kinetics: 14 Dissolved Oxygen Balance: 16 Nitrogen Cycle: 20 Phosphorus Cycle: 21 Silica Cycle: 16 Metal Cycle: 3

16 NH3, NH3(b), NO3, NO3(b), OPO4, OPO4(b), PHYT, PHYT(b), CH2Ot, CH2Ot(b), O2, O2(b), ONt, ONt(b), OPt, and OPt(b).

41 Bc, Bd, Bg, DOC, LPOC, RPOC, NH4, NO3, DON, LPON, RPON, PO4t, DOP, LPOP, RPOP, COD, DO, SU, SA, TAM, POC1(b), POC2(b), POC3(b), NH41(b), NH42(b), NO31(b), NO32(b), PON1(b), PON2(b), PON3(b), PO41(b), PO42(b), POP1(b), POP2(b), POP3(b), COD1(b), COD2(b). SU1(b), SU2(b), SA1(b), and SA2(b) 66 (48 modeled) Bc, Bd, Bg, DOC, LPOC, RPOC, NH4, NO3, DON, LPON, RPON, PO4d, PO4p, DOP, LPOP, RPOP, COD, DO, SU, SAd, SAp, TAMd, TAMp, POC1(b), POC2(b), POC3(b), NH41(b), NH42(b), NO31(b), NO32(b), PON1(b), PON2(b), PON3(b), PO4d1(b), PO4p1(b), PO4d2(b), PO4p2(b), POP1(b), POP2(b), POP3(b), COD1(b), COD2(b), SU1(b), SU2(b), SAd1(b), SAp1(b), SAd2(b), SAp2(b), CO2, H2O, N2, O2(g), Bc(b), Bd(b), Bg(b), TAMp(b), BPOC, BNH4, BNO3, BPON, BPO4, BPOP, BCOD, BSU, BSA, and BTAM

27 (22 modeled) NH3, NH3(b), NO3, NO3(b), OPO4, OPO4(b), PHYT, PHYT(b), CH2O, CH2Op, CH2O(b), CH2Op(b), O2, O2(b), ON, ONp, ON(b), ONp(b), OP, OPp, OP(b), OPp(b), CO2, H2O, H+, N2, and O2(g).


Watershed Models

Table 9.2 Chemical Species Included in the Eutrophication Simulation Species Ammonia Nitrogen Benthic Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Benthic Nitrate Nitrogen Inorganic Phosphorus Benthic Inorganic Phosphorus Phytoplankton Carbon Benthic Phytoplankton Carbon Dissolved Carbonaceous BOD Particulate Carbonaceous BOD Benthic Dissolved Carbonaceous BOD Benthic Particulate Carbonaceous BOD Dissolved Oxygen Benthic Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Particulate Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Benthic Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Benthic Particulate Organic Nitrogen Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Particulate Organic Phosphorus Benthic Dissolved Organic Phosphorus Benthic Particulate Organic Phosphorus

Notation NH3 NH3(b) NO3 NO3(b) OPO4 OPO4(b) PHYT PHYT(b) CBOD CBOD(p) CBOD(b) CBOD(bp) DO DO(b) ON ON(p) ON(b) ON(bp) OP OP(p) OP(b) OP(bp)

Initial 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.035 0.015 0.035 0.015

Boundary 1 1 0.1 2 10 10 2 2 0 0.35 0.15 -

Units mg N/L mg N/L mg N/L mg N/L mg P/L mg P/L mg C/L mg C/L mg O2/L mg O2/L mg O2/L mg O2/L mg O2/L mg O2/L mg N/L mg N/L mg N/L mg N/L mg P/L mg P/L mg P/L mg P/L

Figures 9.16 through 9.19 plot the concentration distribution of PHYT, DO, PHYT(b), and DO(b) at different times. The similar pattern in concentration of PHYT and DO indicates that the concentration change of these mobile species is mainly controlled by the advection-dispersion transport rather than the biogeochemical reactions (Figures 9.16 and 9.17). However, the concentration change of immobile benthic species PHYT(b) and DO(b) is mainly affected by the biogeochemical reactions. In the benthic immobile water phase, the concentration change of PHYT(b) is due to its decomposition and PHYT settling. Figure 9.18 shows increasing concentration of PHYT(b), indicating that the settling rate of PHYT is greater than the PHYT(b) decomposition rate. The concentration change of DO(b) is due to its consumption by oxidation and it production by diffusion from DO. Figure 9.19 shows decreasing concentration of DO(b) at upstream. This indicates that at the upstream the diffusion rate from DO is less than the consumption of oxidation. As the simulation time increases, there is more DO downstream. Figure 9.19 shows an increasing concentration of DO(b) downstream, demonstrating that the increased diffusion rate from DO is greater than the consumption by oxidation.

PHYT [mgC/L]

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D

7 6 5 4 3 2 4321 1 0 0

1 2 3 4

time = 1 hour time = 6 hour time = 6 day time = 12 day 4 3 2

4 2 3 1





4 4

4 3 2

4 3 2







3 2

3 2

3 2










8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 X [ft]

DO [mgO2/L]

Figure 9.16 Concentration Distribution of PHYT.

7 6 5 4 3 2 4321 1 0 0

1 2 3 4


time = 1 hour time = 6 hour time = 6 day time = 12 day 4 3 2

4 3 2 1



4 3 2 1


4 4 4 4 3 2

3 2




4 3










2 1

8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 X [ft]

Figure 9.17 Concentration Distribution of DO.

PHYT(b) [mgC/L]


1 2 3 4

20 16 12 8 43 2 41



time = 3 day time = 6 day time = 9 day time = 12 day

4 3 2 1



4 3 2

4 3 2

4 3 2









4 3















8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 X [ft]

Figure 9.18 Concentration Distribution of PHYT(b).


Watershed Models

DO(b) [mgO2/L]

0.4 0.3 1 2 0.2 3 4

2 1 3 4

2 1 3 4

2 3 1 4

2 3 1 4

3 2 4 1




3 2 4 1 1 2 3 4

0.1 0

4 3 2 1


4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1

time = 3 day time = 6 day time = 9 day time = 12 day

8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 X [ft]

Figure 9.19 Concentration Distribution of DO(b).


A first-principle, physics-based computational model has been developed that integrates multimedia of one-dimensional river/stream/canal networks, twodimensional overland regime, and three-dimensional subsurface media and that integrates multiprocesses of flows, thermal transport, salinity transport, sediment transport, and reactive biogeochemical transport in watersheds. Surface water flows in river/stream/canal networks and overland regime can be modeled with fully dynamic-wave, diffusive-wave, or kinematic-wave options. Vadose zone and saturated zones are considered an integral system of the subsurface media in which variably saturated flows occur. Thermal and salinity transport are coupled with Saint-Venant equations in surface waters and with Richards’ equations in subsurface media to provide density-dependent flow simulations. Bed sediment balance and suspended sediment transport are included to affect reactive biogeochemical transport and constitute an integral set of water quality modeling. A diagonalization approach is applied to reactive biogeochemical species transport equations to yield three subsets of governing equations that may greatly reduce the number of transport equations and that allow the formulation of reaction rate one by one. To allow the application of the model to both research and practical problems, various numerical methods are applied to discretize the governing equations. These include characteristics-based semi-Lagrangian methods for fully dynamic wave flows, finite element methods or semi-Lagrangian methods for diffusive wave flows, and semi-Lagrangian methods for kinematic wave flows in surface waters. For subsurface flows, the Galerkin finite element method is employed. For scalar transport (including thermal, salinity, sediment, and reactive biogeochemical transport), the hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian method is used. Three optional schemes are implemented to deal with the interactions between transport and biogeochemical reactions. Five example problems are used to demonstrate the design capability of the model. They also serve the purposes of need of various approaches to model surface water flows. The example of reactive biogeochemical transport shows the generality and flexibility of the diagonalized, reaction-based paradigm in

A First-Principle, Physics-Based Watershed Model: WASH123D


modeling water quality. The three widely used water quality models can be cast in the mode of reaction networks. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

This research is funded by U.S. EPA’s Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Program Grant #R82795602 with the University of Central Florida. REFERENCES Ambrose, R.B., T.A. Wool, and J.L. Martin, 1993. The water quality analysis simulation program, WASP5 Water version 5.10. Part A: Model documentation. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA. Arnold, J.G., J.R. Williams, R.H. Griggs, and N.B. Sammons, 1991. SWRRBWQ – A Basin Scale Model for Assessing Management Impacts on Water Quality. USDA, ARS. Grassland, Soil, and Water Research Laboratory, Temple, TX. Beasley, D.B. and L.F. Higgins, 1981. ANSWERS [Areal Nonpoint Sorce Watershed Environmental Response Simulation] User’s Manual. EPA905/9-82-001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, Chicago, IL. Bicknell, B.R., J.C. Imhoff, J.L. Kittle, A.S. Donigian, and R.C. Johanson, 1993. Hydrologic Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF): User’s Manual for Release 10.0. EPA 600/3-84-066. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA. Brown, L.C. and T.O. Barnwell, Jr., 1987. The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Models QUAL2E and QUAL2E-UNCAS: Documentation and User Manual. EPA/600/3-87/007. Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. EPA, Athens, GA. Cerco, C.E. and T. Cole, 1995. User’s Guide to the CE-QUAL-ICM. Release Version 1.0. Technical Report EL-95-1. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Stations, Vicksburg, MS. CH2M Hill, 1989. Construction of and Testing of the Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) Demonstration Project for Lake Okeechobee, Florida. South Florida Water Management District. Prepared by CH2M Hill, 800 Fairway Drive, Suite 350, Deerfield Beach, FL. Crawford, N.H. and R.K. Linsley, 1966. Digital Simulation in Hydrology: Stanford Watershed Model IV. Technical Report No. 19, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, pp. 210. EPA, 1997. Compendium of Tools for Watershed Assessment and TMDL Development. EPA/841-B-97-006. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, D.C. Ewen, J., G. Parkin, and P.E. O’Connell, 2000. SHETRAN: Distributed River Basin Flow and Transport Modeling System. J. Hydrol. Eng., 5(3):250-258. Fang, Y., G.T. Yeh, and W.D. Burgos, 2003. A Generic Paradigm to Model ReactionBased Biogeochemical Processes in Batch Systems. Water Resour. Res. 33(4):10831118.


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Hergarten, P.S.G. and H.J. Neugebauer, 1995. An integrated model for the surface runoff and the infiltration of water, EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union. Vol. 76, No. 46, F320. Huber, W.C. and R.E. Dickinson, 1988. Storm Water Management Model [SWMM] Version 4, User’s Manual. EPA 600/3-88/001a. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. HydroGeoLogic, Inc., 2001. MOD-HMS: A Comprehensive MODFLOW-based Hydrologic Modeling System. Version 1.1. Document and Users Guide, HydrolGeoLogic Inc., Herndon, VA. Hydrologic Engineering Center, 1977. Storage, Treatment, Overflow, Runoff Model, STORM, User’s Manual. Generalized Computer Program 723-S8-L7520. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA. Knisel, W.G. (ed.), 1980. CREAMS, A Field Scale Model for Chemicals, Runoff, and Erosion from Agricultural Management System. USDA Conserv. Res. Rept. No. 26, p. 643. MacDonald, I., Baines, M.J., Nichols, N.K. and Samuels P.G., 1997. Analytic Benchmark Solutions for Open-Channel Flows, J. Hydraul. Eng., Vol. 123, No. 11, November. Refsgaard, J.C. and B. Storm, 1995. “MIKE SHE” in Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology, V.P. Singh, ed., Water Resources Publications, Littleton, CO, pp. 809-846. SFRSM-HSE, South Florida Regional Simulation Model-Hydrologic Simulation Engine. http://www.sfwmd.gov/org/pld/hsm/models/sfrsm/index.html http://www.sfwmd.gov/org/pld/hsm/models/sfrsm/hse/hse.html. Singh, V.P., 1996, Kinematic Wave Modeling in Water Resources, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. VanderKwaak, J.E., 1999. Numerical Simulation of Flow and Chemical Transport in Integrated Surface-Subsurface Hydrologic Systems [InHM]. Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Earth Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Walton, R., E.J. Wexler, and R.S. Chapman. 1999. An Integrated Groundwater / OpenChannel Flow Model. Technical Report, WEST Consultants, Inc., Bellevue, WA and Gartner Lee Ltd., Toronto, Canada. Wigmosta, M.S. and Perkins, W.P., 1997. A GIS-Based Modeling System for Watershed Analysis [GISWA]. Final Report to the National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, p. 160. Yeh, G.T., H.P. Cheng, G.B. Huang, F. Zhang, H.C. Lin, E. Edris, and D. Richards, 2004. A Numerical Model of Flow, Heat Transfer, and Salinity, Sediment, and Water Quality Transport in WAterSHed Systems of 1-D Stream-River Network, 2-D Overland Regime, and 3-D Subsurface Media (WASH123D: Version 2.0). Technical Report CHL. Waterways Experiment Station, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS. Yeh, G.T., J.R. Chang, J.P. Gwo, H.C. Lin, W. Martin, and D. Richards, 1994. 3DSALT: A Three-dimensional Salt Intrusion Model in Saturated-Unsaturated Media. Instruction Report HL-94-1. Waterway Experiment Station, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS.

CHAPTER 10 Flexible Integrated Watershed Modeling with MIKE SHE Douglas N. Graham and Michael B. Butts

This chapter presents a flexible integrated modeling scheme using a physically based, distributed, integrated hydrological and water quality modeling system (MIKE SHE). MIKE allows each hydrologic process to be represented according to the problem needs at different spatial and temporal scales. Furthermore, each process can be represented at different levels of complexity. MIKE SHE has a modern, Windows-based user interface that includes advanced tools for water quality, parameter estimation, and water budget analysis. 1. BACKGROUND Hydrologic modeling has become an essential tool in watershed management, with two fundamental roles. The first role is to improve our understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological processes within a watershed and the way they interact. The second, more practical, role is to apply this understanding to manage and protect our water resources and the water environment. Many challenges remain on both fronts. 1.1 The Role and Challenges of Hydrologic Modeling of Watersheds The water resources around the world are under increasing pressure due to rapid population and economic growth, aggravated by a lack of coordinated management and governance (UNESCO, 2003). Water shortage, deteriorating water quality, and flood impacts are among the most urgent problems that need attention. However, surface water and groundwater have been, by tradition, managed separately — often in completely different branches of government. It is now recognized that water resources problems cannot be treated in isolation. The problems are seldom isolated and their solution requires a holistic approach to water management that must address different, often conflicting, demands for water. Problems like wetland protection or the conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater resources require the integrated management of surface water and groundwater together with the water chemistry and ecology. Nor does water movement follow political boundaries, which creates conflicts and further fragments management activities (Jensen et al., 2002; Refsgaard et al., 1998). Increasingly, water resources are being managed on a watershed basis, while addressing problems at the local scale. For example, the European Water Framework directive requires water resources to be managed independent of international boundaries (Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council). In Canada, the Ontario provincial government is implementing



Watershed Models

watershed-based source protection for drinking water resources (Smith et al., 2004). Changing to a watershed-based water management system challenges not only our management structures, but it also requires new and more sophisticated tools. Traditional groundwater and surface water models were not designed to answer questions related to conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water, water quality impacts of surface water on groundwater, impact of land-use changes and urban development on water resources, and floodplain and wetland management. Instead, fully integrated hydrologic models of the watershed behavior are required. These models must not only describe the water flow processes in an integrated fashion, but they must also be able to describe the movement of sediment, chemicals, nutrients, and water-borne organisms and their role in watershed habitats and ecology. The increasing demand for water resources also challenges our ability to understand and describe the underlying hydrologic processes. For example, the simple fact is that the spatial scales of the processes involved range over many orders of magnitude (e.g., from the size of soil pores to regional groundwater aquifers of many 1000s of square kilometers). The inherent heterogeneity of natural systems makes it difficult to represent these processes accurately (Grayson and Blöschl, 2000). The impacts of human-induced changes due to agriculture, urban development, and water pollution are by no means fully understood. Furthermore, the growing focus on climate change has provoked increased research into understanding the complex feedback between the atmosphere and the terrestrial hydrological cycle. In this chapter, we look at a comprehensive watershed-modeling tool, MIKE SHE. MIKE SHE can treat many water management issues in an integrated fashion, at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. The first section provides a general background of the MIKE SHE model including a range of applications that document the flexibility of its process-based approach. Next, we review the hydrologic processes included in the MIKE SHE modeling framework and the mathematical descriptions of these processes. Finally, we provide a summary of the ongoing developments for MIKE SHE. Demonstration versions of MIKE SHE can be downloaded from the MIKE SHE Web site, www.mikeshe.com, along with more detailed technical information. 1.2 Hydrologic Modeling and MIKE SHE In the hydrological cycle, water evaporates from the oceans, lakes, and rivers, from the soil, and is transpired by plants. This water vapor is transported in the atmosphere and falls back to the earth as rain and snow. It infiltrates to the groundwater and discharges to streams and rivers as baseflow. It also runs off directly to streams and rivers that flow back to the ocean. The hydrologic cycle is a closed loop and our interventions do not remove water; rather they affect the movement and transfer of water within the hydrologic cycle. In 1969, Freeze and Harlan (Freeze and Harlan, 1969) proposed a blueprint for modeling the hydrologic cycle. In this original blueprint, different flow processes were described by their governing partial differential equations. The

Flexible Integrated Watershed Modeling with MIKE SHE


equations used in the blueprint were known to represent the physical processes at the appropriate scales in the different parts of the hydrological cycle.

Figure 10.1 Hydrologic processes simulated by MIKE SHE.

From 1977 onwards, a consortium of three European organizations1 developed, and extensively applied, the Système Hydrologique Européen (SHE) based on the blueprint of Freeze and Harlan (Abbott et al., 1986a, b). The integrated hydrological modeling system, MIKE SHE, emerged from this work (see Figure 10.1). Since the mid-1980s, MIKE SHE has been further developed and extended by DHI Water & Environment. Today, MIKE SHE is an advanced, flexible framework for hydrologic modeling. It includes a full suite of pre- and postprocessing tools, plus a flexible mix of advanced and simple solution techniques for each of the hydrologic processes. MIKE SHE covers the major processes in the hydrologic cycle and includes process models for evapotranspiration, overland flow, unsaturated flow, groundwater flow, and channel flow and their interactions. Each of these processes can be represented at different levels of spatial distribution and complexity, according to the goals of the modeling study, the availability of field data, and the modeler’s choices (Butts et al., 2004). The MIKE SHE user interface allows the user to intuitively build the model description based on the user’s conceptual model of the 1

The Institute of Hydrology in the United Kingdom, SOGREAH in France, and the Danish Hydraulic Institute in Denmark (now called DHI Water & Environment).


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watershed. The model data are specified in a variety of formats independent of the model domain and grid, including native GIS (Geographical Information System) formats. At run time, the spatial data are mapped onto the numerical grid, which makes it easy to change the spatial discretization. MIKE SHE uses MIKE 11 (Havnø et al., 1995) to simulate channel flow. MIKE 11 includes comprehensive facilities for modeling complex channel networks, lakes and reservoirs, and river structures, such as gates, sluices, and weirs. In many highly managed river systems, accurate representation of the river structures and their operation rules is essential. In a similar manner, MIKE SHE is also linked to the module for modeling of urban sewer systems (MOUSE) (Mark et al., 2004; Lindberg et al., 1989), which can be used to simulate the interaction between urban storm water and sanitary sewer networks and groundwater. MIKE SHE is applicable at spatial scales ranging from a single soil profile, for evaluating crop water requirements, to large regions including several river catchments, such as the 80,000-km2 Senegal Basin (e.g., Andersen et al., 2001). MIKE SHE has proven valuable in hundreds of research and consultancy projects covering a wide range of climatological and hydrological regimes, many of which are referenced in Table 10.1. The need for fully integrated surface and groundwater models, like MIKE SHE, has been highlighted by several recent studies (e.g., Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., 2001; Kaiser-Hill, 2001; West Consultants Inc. et al., 2001; Kimley-Horn & Assoc. Inc. et al., 2002; Middlemis, 2004, which can all be downloaded from the MIKE SHE Web site). These studies compare and contrast available integrated groundwater/surface water codes. They also show that few codes exist that have been designed and developed to fully integrate surface water and groundwater. Further, few of these have been applied outside of the academic community (Kaiser-Hill, 2001). 1.3 Application Areas in Different Countries MIKE SHE has been used in a broad range of applications. It is being used operationally in many countries around the world by organizations ranging from universities and research centers to consulting engineering companies (Refsgaard and Storm, 1995). MIKE SHE has been used for the analysis, planning, and management of a wide range of water resources and environmental and ecological problems related to surface water and groundwater, such as: • River basin management and planning • Water supply design, management, and optimization • Irrigation and drainage • Soil and water management • Surface water impact from groundwater withdrawal • Conjunctive use of groundwater

• Ecological evaluations • Groundwater management • Environmental impact assessments • Aquifer vulnerability mapping • Contamination from waste disposal • Surface water and groundwater quality remediation • Floodplain studies • Impact of land use and climate change

Flexible Integrated Watershed Modeling with MIKE SHE

and surface water • Wetland management and restoration


• Impact of agriculture (irrigation, drainage, nutrients, and pesticides, etc.) • Contamination from waste disposal

Table 10.1 is a list of some easily accessible references for many of the application areas listed above. The flexibility of MIKE SHE is demonstrated in the next sections by three examples that illustrate surface water modeling for floods (Blue River, USA), groundwater modeling for well head protection areas (Island of Funen, Denmark), and integrated surface and groundwater modeling for wetland management (Everglades, USA). Table 10.1 Selected Literature References for Application Areas of MIKE SHE Application areas General MIKE SHE References (Distributed hydrologic modeling and applications) River Basin Management and Modeling Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Groundwater Modeling Groundwater Pollution, Remediation, and Water Quality Modeling Wetlands Soil Erosion Modeling Agricultural Management Irrigation Remote Sensing – Weather Radar and Satellite Land use change and anthropogenic effects Model Parameter Estimation, Calibration, and Validation

References Abbott & Refsgaard (1996), Abbott et al. (1986 a & b), Havnø et al. (1995), Refsgaard et al. (1998), Refsgaard & Storm (1995), Storm & Refsgaard (1996) Andersen et al. (2001), Christensen (2004), Henriksen et al. (2003), Jain et al. (1992), Jensen et al. (2002), Refsgaard & Sørensen (1994), Refsgaard et al. (2003, 1998, 1992), Sandholt et al. (1999), Vazquez (2003) Graham & Refsgaard (2001), Kaiser-Hill (2001), Olesen et al. (2000), Refsgaard et al. (1998), Sørensen et al. (1996) Christiaens and Feyen (2001, 2002), Madsen & Kristensen (2002), Sonnenborg et al. (2003), Refsgaard et al. (1998) Brun and Engesgaard (2002), Brun et al. (2002), Christiansen et al. (2004), Hansen et al. (2001), Refsgaard et al. (1999, 1998), Sørensen and Refsgaard (2001), Thorsen et al. (1998) Copp and Ananta (2004), Jacobsen et al. (1999), Lasarte et al. (2002), Refsgaard et al. (1998, 1994), Refsgaard & Sørensen (1994), Thompson et al. (2004), Yan et al. (1999) Lørup & Styczen (1996), Morgan et al. (1999, 1998), Nielsen et al. (1996), Storm et al. (1987) Boegh et al. (2004), Hansen et al. (2001), Refsgaard et al. (1999), Styczen & Storm (1993a,b,c), Thorsen et al. (2001, 1998) Carr et al. (1993), Jayatilaka et al (1998), Lohani et al. (1993), Singh et al. (1999a &b, 1997) Andersen et al. (2002a &b), Boegh et al. (2004), Butts et al. (2004a &b), Sandholt et al. (2003, 1999) Lørup et al. (1998), Refsgaard & Knudsen ( 1996), Refsgaard & Sørensen (1997, 1994) Butts et al. (2004), Christiansen & Feyen (2002a & b, 2001), Madsen (2003), Madsen & Kristensen (2002), Mertens et al. (2004), Sonnenborg et al. (2003), Refsgaard (2001a & b, 1997a & b), Refsgaard et al (1998), Refsgaard & Butts (1999), Refsgaard & Knudsen (1996), Vazquez (2003), Vazquez et al. (2002)

1.3.1 Distributed Surface Water Modeling for Floods The 1232-km2 Blue River Basin is located in south central Oklahoma, USA. The watershed is semiarid, with a significant number of convective rainfall


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storms that are characterized by their high intensity and limited lateral extent. This type of rainfall is difficult to characterize with a traditional, sparse network of rain gauges. The Blue River Basin is particularly interesting because of the availability of NEXRAD distributed radar-based rainfall data (see Figure 10.2a). The NEXRAD data are available at hourly intervals with a spatial resolution of 4 km by 4 km. The Blue River Basin is one of the test basins in the Distributed Modeling Intercomparison Project (DMIP) organized by the Hydrology Lab of the National Weather Service (NWS) (Smith et al., 2004 and www.nws.noaa.gov/oh/hrl/dmip/). Since MIKE SHE allows different hydrologic process descriptions to be linked together, multiple combinations of the process models can be evaluated based on essentially the same set of input data. The range of model structures included both lumped and distributed routing, lumped, subcatchment-based and distributed rainfall-runoff models, grid-based modeling using physics-based flow equations, different conceptual process descriptions, and lumped, subcatchment-based and gridded NEXRAD radar-rainfall input (see Butts et al., 2004a,b).

Figure 10.2 Blue River Basin project: (a) The eight subcatchments used in conceptual modeling, as well as the 4-km NEXRAD grid used for the grid-based modeling. (b) The output hydrographs from MIKE SHE for each of the different model structures, compared to the measured hydrograph, including the measurement uncertainty.

The results showed that model performance is strongly dependent on model structure (see Figure 10.2b). Distributed routing and, to a lesser extent, distributed rainfall were found to be the dominant processes controlling simulation accuracy in the Blue River Basin. It was further found that for practical hydrological predictions there are important benefits in exploring different model structures as part of the overall modeling approach. 1.3.2 Stochastic Delineation of Transient Well Head Protection Areas Well head protection areas (WHPAs) are a common planning tool for reducing the risk of contamination to drinking water supply wells (Smith et al., 2004). Typical WHPA delineation involves steady-state groundwater flow modeling with deterministic backward particle tracking. This is used to

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determine the area that contributes water to the well within a prescribed time period — typically two to ten years. The WHPA then becomes subject to landuse restrictions to minimize the risk of contamination. However, WHPAs based solely on steady-state groundwater models ignore or simplify processes outside of the saturated groundwater zone and neglect important dynamic and transient effects.

Figure 10.3 Example of Monte Carlo analysis. (a) Probable well field capture zone in lower aquifer. (b) Probable infiltration zones on the ground surface. (85 transient simulations; 14 parameters; Darker areas equal higher probability.)

MIKE SHE is increasingly being used to determine more realistic WHPAs that take into consideration such factors as distributed seasonal variations in evapotranspiration (ET) and net recharge, unsaturated zone storage and delayed recharge, dynamic surface water boundary conditions, high volume recharge during storms, variable pumping rates, and demand and land-use changes. Such models can be used for real-time, on-line management to ensure a safe and continuous water supply. MIKE SHE was recently used in Denmark, to evaluate the uncertainty associated with WHPA delineation, which is ignored in traditional, deterministic WHPAs delineation. MIKE SHE’s automatic calibration and Monte Carlo utilities were used to determine the areas that most likely contribute water to the well and, thus, optimize planning restrictions for stakeholders (see Figure 10.3). 1.3.3 Wetland Management Recent decades have seen significant loss and degradation of wetland areas. There is a growing realization that wetlands are not only important ecological and wildlife areas, but also provide a range of other benefits. Wetlands are sensitive, complex systems with tightly integrated surface water and groundwater. For example, relatively minor changes in groundwater level can have a significant impact on wetland function and extent by altering the groundwater-surface water exchange. Furthermore, the relation between groundwater and surface water is essentially dynamic and dominated by lowflow and high-flow events.


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In the Florida Everglades, there is a pronounced interaction between surface water and groundwater. Nearly all areas of the Florida Everglades are either partially or completely controlled by drainage canals that provide important economic and flood control functions. MIKE SHE is being used extensively in Florida to assess the impacts of irrigation, flood control, and wetland restoration that includes both the surface water and groundwater regimes (see Table 10.1). 2. PROCESS-BASED HYDROLOGIC MODELING MIKE SHE, in its original formulation, could be characterized as a deterministic, physics-based, distributed model code. It was developed as a fully integrated alternative to the more traditional lumped, conceptual rainfall-runoff models. A physics-based code is one that solves the partial differential equations describing mass flow and momentum transfer. The parameters in these equations can be obtained from measurements and used in the model. For example, the St. Venant equations (open channel flow) and the Darcy equation (saturated flow in porous media) are physics-based equations. There are, however, important limitations to the applicability of such physics-based models. For example, • it is widely recognized that such models require a significant amount of data and the cost of data acquisition may be high; • the relative complexity of the physics-based solution requires substantial execution time; • the relative complexity may lead to overparameterized descriptions for simple applications; and • a physics-based model attempts to represent flow processes at the grid scale with mathematical descriptions that, at best, are valid for smallscale experimental conditions. Therefore, it is often practical to use simplified process descriptions. Similarly, in most watershed problems one or two hydrologic processes dominate the watershed behavior. For example, flood forecasting is dominated by river flows and surface runoff, while wetland restoration depends mostly on saturated groundwater flow and overland flow. Thus, a complete, physics-based flow description for all processes in one model is rarely necessary. A sensible way forward is to use physics-based flow descriptions for only the processes that are important, and simpler, faster, less data-demanding methods for the less important processes. The downside is that the parameters in the simpler methods are usually no longer physics meaningful, but must be calibrated based on experience. The process-based, modular approach implemented in the original SHE code has made it possible to implement multiple descriptions for each of the hydrologic processes. In the simplest case, MIKE SHE can use fully distributed conceptual approaches to model the watershed processes (Figure 10.4). For advanced applications, MIKE SHE can simulate all the processes using physicsbased methods. Alternatively, MIKE SHE can combine conceptual and physics-

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based methods based on data availability and project needs. The flexibility in MIKE SHE’s process-based framework allows each process to be solved at its own relevant spatial and temporal scale. For example, evapotranspiration varies over the day and surface flows respond quickly to rainfall events, whereas groundwater reacts much slower. In contrast, in many noncommercial, researchoriented integrated hydrologic codes (e.g., MODFLOW HMS, Panday and Huyakorn, 1998; InHM, Sudicky et al., 2002), all the hydrologic processes are solved implicitly at a uniform time step, which can lead to intensive computational effort for watershed-scale models. The rest of this section outlines the hydrologic processes included in MIKE SHE and a brief description of each of the current methods available for each process (see Figure 10.5 for a schematic overview of the processes and methods in MIKE SHE). More detailed mathematical descriptions of the processes are available in the MIKE SHE Reference manual, which can be downloaded from the DHI web site. Further information on more specialized functions, such as macro pore flow, can also be found here. More general information on the hydrologic processes can be found in relevant hydrology textbooks (e.g., Maidment, 1992). The processes are presented in the following order: 1. Precipitation and Evapotranspiration 2. Unsaturated Flow 3. Overland Flow 4. Channel Flow 5. Pipe and Sewer Flows 6. Saturated Groundwater Flow 7. Agriculture, and 8. Water Quality, plus a brief description of the parameter estimation and water budget tools. 2.1 Precipitation and Evapotranspiration The atmospheric processes that drive the hydrological cycle are generally not modeled explicitly in watershed models. This is the case with MIKE SHE, although coupling of MIKE SHE with numerical weather models is being explored in current research projects. Precipitation is usually a direct input in MIKE SHE, whereas radiation and water vapor transport in the atmosphere are typically bound up in evapotranspiration (ET). Evapotranspiration refers to the sum of the processes of direct evaporation from free water surfaces and transpiration of subsurface water either directly or via plants. Evapotranspiration is an important component of the water balance. Evapotranspiration can be 70% of rainfall in temperate climates and even exceed annual rainfall in arid areas (Bedient and Huber, 2002). Evaporation occurs from all free water surfaces, which not only includes lakes and rivers, but also rainfall trapped on leaves, as well as snow surfaces. Evaporation from the soil is controlled by the soil wetness, soil hydraulic properties, and the location of the groundwater table. Transpiration, on the other


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hand, is strongly related to plant physiology — the depth of the roots, the ability of the roots to extract water from soils, and the characteristics of the leaves. Plants can regulate their transpiration depending on the availability of water, which means that transpiration is also a function of the soil moisture content in the unsaturated zone. Thus, ET can have a high degree of spatial variation that changes daily and seasonally, but also in response to climate and land use change. ET and infiltration to the unsaturated zone together determine the timing and magnitude of groundwater recharge, as well as overland flow generation. MIKE SHE calculates the Actual ET. This is different from the Potential ET and the Reference ET. Potential ET is the theoretical maximum amount of ET — that is, the amount of evaporation from a large open body of water under existing atmospheric conditions. Reference ET is the theoretical maximum ET from an idealized reference grass crop that has as much water as it needs (Shuttleworth, 1992). The various ET methods in MIKE SHE differ only in their data requirements and the way they determine Actual ET. 2.1.1 Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) This MIKE SHE land surface model is a two-layer system (soil and canopy) linked together by a network of resistances (Shuttleworth and Wallace, 1985; Shuttleworth and Gurney, 1990). The model consists of a single, semitransparent canopy layer located above the soil layer, such that the only way for heat and moisture to enter or leave the soil layer is through the canopy layer. According to the resistance analogy, the fluxes of latent and sensible heat between nodes are driven by differences in humidity and temperature, respectively, and controlled by a number of resistances. The resistances depend on the internal state of the land-surface-vegetation system as well as the atmospheric conditions. Compared to the original model structure proposed by Shuttleworth and Wallace (1985), MIKE SHE’s two-layer model has been extended to include evaporation and sensible heat flux from ponded water on the soil surface and on the leaves. Two-layer models have been successfully tested for many different types of vegetation and under different climatic conditions (e.g., Daamen, 1997; Iritz et al., 1999; van der Keur et al., 2001; Lund and Soegaard, 2003; Boegh et al., 2004). The primary advantage of such a model is that Actual ET is calculated directly from standard meteorological and vegetation data. Reference ET is not a required input. 2.1.2 Kristensen and Jensen Method The Kristensen-Jensen model (Kristensen and Jensen, 1975) is based on empirically derived equations, determined through work done out at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL) in Copenhagen, Denmark. The empirical equations in the model are based on field measurements. The required input includes time series for the Reference ET, the leaf area index and the root depth, plus values for several empirical parameters that control the distribution of ET with the system (Refsgaard and Storm, 1995). First, net rainfall is calculated by subtracting water intercepted by the leaves. Net rainfall is added to the ground surface where it either infiltrates or

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ponds. Evapotranspiration is first removed from intercepted rainfall, followed by ponded water at the Reference ET rate. If the Reference ET is not yet satisfied for the current time step, then water is removed from the root zone via transpiration. The actual soil moisture content, soil field capacity, and wilting point in each vertical cell are used to control the amount of transpiration. The vertical distribution of transpiration is controlled by the root depth and a root shape factor to distribute the ET within the root zone. The Kristensen and Jensen method can only be used with the Richards equation and gravity flow methods in the unsaturated zone. 2.1.3 Two-Layer Water Balance Method MIKE SHE also includes a simplified water balance method for both the unsaturated zone storage and ET. The Two-Layer Water Balance model divides the unsaturated zone into a root zone, from which ET can be extracted, and a zone below the root zone, where ET does not occur (Yan and Smith, 1994). Similar to the Kristensen and Jensen model, ET is extracted first from intercepted water (based on the leaf area index), then ponded water, and finally via transpiration from the root zone, based on an average water content in the root zone. In the absence of ET, the average water content in the root zone decreases linearly with depth. However, ET reduces the water content in the root zone, creating unsaturated zone storage. The minimum water content in the root zone is the wilting point water content, but this can only occur when the water table is below the root zone. The Two-Layer Water Balance ET method requires time series for the root depth and the leaf area index, as well as the Reference ET. The main purpose of the Two-Layer Water Balance ET method is to provide an estimate of the Actual ET and the amount of water that recharges the saturated zone. It is primarily suited for areas where the water table is shallow, such as in swamps and wetland areas. The model does not consider the flow dynamics in the unsaturated zone and, thus, is less suitable for areas with deeper and drier unsaturated zones. However, it is possible to calibrate the input parameters so that the model performs reasonably well under most conditions. 2.2 Unsaturated Flow The unsaturated zone is usually heterogeneous and characterized by cyclic fluctuations in the soil moisture as soil moisture is replenished by rainfall and removed by evapotranspiration and recharge to the groundwater table. Unsaturated flow is assumed to be primarily vertical, since gravity dominates infiltration. Therefore, to reduce the computational burden, unsaturated flow in MIKE SHE is calculated only vertically. Although this is sufficient for most applications, it may limit the validity of the flow description in some situations, such as on steep hillslopes, or in small-scale models with lateral flow in the unsaturated zone. The inherent heterogeneity of natural soils means that any unsaturated flow description must either ignore subgrid variations and processes or devise strategies to account for them. As there is very little measurement information available at the grid scale, different strategies have been devised to


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derive large-scale or effective parameters from small-scale measurements (Refsgaard and Butts, 1999). Thus, the flow description in the unsaturated zone is effectively conceptual. There are four solution options in MIKE SHE for calculating infiltration through the unsaturated zone: • the full Richards equation, which requires relationships for both the moisture-retention curve and the effective conductivity; • a simplified gravity flow procedure, which assumes a uniform, vertical unit gradient and ignores capillarity; • a simple two-layer water balance method for the root zone and the zone between the roots and the water table; and • the calculation of net recharge by other means, which is then input directly as recharge to the saturated zone. The full Richards equation is the most computationally intensive, but also the most accurate when the unsaturated flow is dynamic. The simplified gravity flow procedure provides a suitable solution when you are primarily interested in the time varying recharge to the groundwater table based on actual precipitation and evapotranspiration and not the dynamics in the unsaturated zone. The simple two-layer water balance method is suitable when the water table is shallow, groundwater recharge is primarily influenced by evapotranspiration in the root zone, and the delay between precipitation and recharge to the saturated zone is small or not of interest. The direct input of net recharge is typically used when a more sophisticated model is required, such as DAISY (Hansen et al., 1990; Abrahamsen and Hansen, 2000) — a soil-plant-atmosphere model that is well suited for agricultural-related studies. 2.2.1 Richards’ Equation For vertical flow, the driving force for transport of water in the unsaturated zone is the vertical gradient of the hydraulic head, which includes both a gravity and a pressure component. In the unsaturated zone the pressure head is negative due to capillarity. Based on the continuity equation and Darcy’s law, vertical flow in the unsaturated zone can be described by the so-called Richards’ equation. The Richards’ equation requires two functions — one for the pressure head as a function of saturation and the other for the hydraulic conductivity, also as a function of saturation. Evapotranspiration acts as a water sink in the upper soil layer and root zone portion of the unsaturated zone. MIKE SHE calculates the unsaturated flow using a fully implicit finite difference solution (Refsgaard and Storm, 1995). For each time step, the upper boundary condition is either a constant flux (the rainfall rate at the ground surface), or a constant head (the level of ponded water on the ground surface). In most cases, the lower boundary is a pressure boundary determined by the water table. MIKE SHE includes an iterative coupling procedure between the unsaturated zone and the saturated zone to compute the correct soil moisture and the water table dynamics in the lower part of the soil profile. Particularly in this part of the model, it is important to account for the variable specific yield above

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the water table, as the specific yield depends on the actual soil moisture profile and availability of that water. 2.2.2 Gravity Flow Gravity flow is a simplification of the Richards equation, where the pressure head term is ignored and the vertical driving force is due entirely to gravity. In this case, the continuity equation is solved explicitly from the top of the soil column downward. The flux out the bottom of the soil column is accumulated over the unsaturated zone time steps and added as a source to the saturated zone calculation at the start of the next saturated zone time step. The input to the model requires only the conductivity-saturation relationship. Compared to the Richards’ equation, the gravity flow solution is several times faster and unconditionally stable. It is primarily used for coarse soils (capillary pressure is small) and when you are primarily interested in accurate evapotranspiration and delayed recharge to the groundwater table. 2.2.3 Two-Layer Water Balance The Two-Layer Water Balance method divides the unsaturated zone into a root zone and a zone below the root zone. Infiltration discharges immediately to the saturated zone whenever the unsaturated zone storage is zero. The method simply calculates the amount of water that recharges the saturated zone, while accounting for unsaturated zone storage but ignoring the delay. This method is described in more detail in Section 2.1.3 of this chapter. 2.2.4 Lumped Unsaturated Zone Calculations In principle, unsaturated flow should be calculated individually for every soil column in the model domain. However, for large models the unsaturated flow calculations can become the most time-consuming part of the solution. The number of unsaturated zone calculations can be reduced by solving the flow equations once and applying the results to all similar cells (e.g., to those with the same rainfall, soil type, and depth to the groundwater table). Such lumping preserves the water balance, but may represent local dynamics less accurately. 2.2.5 Coupling to the Saturated Zone The saturated and unsaturated zones are linked by an explicit coupling. That is, they are solved in parallel, rather than being solved in a single matrix with an implicit flux coupling of the unsaturated and saturated flow differential equations. The great advantage of explicit coupling is that the time steps for the unsaturated and saturated zones can be independent. This means that MIKE SHE can take advantage of the difference in the time scales of unsaturated flow (minutes to hours) and saturated flow (hours to days). The coupling between the unsaturated zone and the saturated zone is limited to a coupling between the entire unsaturated zone and the top calculation layer of the saturated zone. If the water table is below the bottom of the top saturated zone calculation layer, a free drainage boundary for the lower unsaturated zone boundary is assumed.


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2.3 Overland Flow Ponded water can occur, for example, when rainfall cannot infiltrate fast enough, when groundwater flows onto the surface (e.g., in wetlands), or when streams flood over their banks. Ponded water is routed downhill as surface runoff. The flowpath and quantity are determined by the topography and flow resistance, as well as losses due to evaporation and infiltration along the path it takes. Water flow on the ground surface is calculated using a finite-difference, diffusive-wave approximation of the Saint-Venant equations, or using a semidistributed, slope-zone approach based on the Mannings equation. 2.3.1 Finite Difference Method For two-dimensional (2-D) surface water flow, it is common to simplify the governing equations by neglecting momentum losses due to lateral inflows, and local and convective accelerations. This is known as the diffusive-wave approximation, which is implemented in MIKE SHE using a 2-D, finitedifference approach. Net rainfall, evaporation, and infiltration are introduced as source/sinks, allowing the surface to dry out in more permeable soil areas. The solution assumes a sheet flow approximation, which may be crude for regional applications. Local depressions in the topography, as well as barriers, such as roads and levies, are conceptually modeled as detention storage. Detention storage restricts overland flow and allows water to more easily evaporate or infiltrate. Ponded water is transferred to and from the other hydrologic components at the beginning of every overland flow time step. Normally, overland flow is solved using the same time step as the unsaturated flow, whenever unsaturated flow is included in the model. Otherwise, the overland flow is calculated using the saturated flow time step. However, overland flow can be calculated using a completely independent time step, if necessary. 2.3.2 Semidistributed Overland Flow The semidistributed model for overland flow in MIKE SHE is based on an empirical relation between flow depth and surface detention, together with the Manning equation describing the discharge under turbulent flow conditions. Such a method was implemented in the Stanford Watershed model (Crawford and Linsley, 1966) and its descendants, such as hydrologic simulation program – FORTRAN (HSPF) (Donigian et al., 1995), and has been applied in other codes such as the WATBAL model (Refsgaard and Knudsen, 1996). This semidistributed conceptual overland flow uses a simplified representation of flow down a hillslope to describe surface flow within a topographical zone. The drainage of overland flow from one topographic zone to the next, and from the catchment to the river channels is represented conceptually as a cascade of overland flow areas. In the semidistributed method, the current level of surface detention storage is continually estimated by iteratively solving the continuity equation. Overland flow interacts with the other process components, such as evapotranspiration, infiltration, and drainage

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to the channel network. These interactions are treated in the same manner in both the semidistributed and the 2-D finite-difference methods. 2.4 Channel Flow Topography channels overland flow into small rivulets, streams, and eventually rivers. Since streams and rivers are found in low-lying areas, they also tend to be discharge points for groundwater. If topography and streambed bathymetry are known in enough detail, then channel flow can be calculated as two-dimensional surface flow (e.g., Sudicky et al., 2002). However, this requires very detailed elevation data and a large computational effort, even for small watersheds. The alternative is to assume that rivers are one-dimensional, which leads to a uniform surface elevation and flow rate across the channel. This is reasonable for most cases but may be untenable in detailed studies of river scour, bank erosion, and other local phenomena where a detailed velocity distribution is important. In MIKE SHE, the one-dimensional (1-D) assumption is used and 1-D channel flow is calculated by DHI’s MIKE 11 program. MIKE 11 computes unsteady water levels and flow in rivers and estuaries using an implicit, 1-D, finite-difference formulation. In the most advanced case, the complete nonlinear equations of open channel flow (Saint-Venant) are solved using the six-point Abbott-Ionescu method (Havnø et al. 1995). Alternatively, the diffusive-wave, kinematic-wave, and quasi-steady state approximations can be used. The program can be applied to branched and looped networks, and to quasi twodimensional flow on floodplains. It is applicable to vertically homogeneous flow conditions ranging from steep rivers to tidally influenced estuaries. Both subcritical and supercritical flow can be calculated, depending on the local flow conditions. The flow over a wide variety of structures can also be simulated, such as broad-crested weirs, culverts, regulating structures, control structures, bridges, and user-defined structures. MIKE 11 also includes simple hydrologic routing methods, which are suitable when the detailed flow dynamics in the river are not of interest. The routing methods included in MIKE SHE are the Muskingum and the Muskingum-Cunge methods, as well as instantaneous flow routing. The former two methods account for the time it takes for a water pulse to move downstream, whereas the instantaneous method routes the flows through the system in a single time step. 2.4.3 Coupling between MIKE SHE and MIKE 11 The MIKE 11 river network is made up of digitized points (chainage locations) and calculation nodes (cross-section points). This river network is interpolated to the edges of MIKE SHE’s rectangular grid for overland and saturated flow exchange with MIKE 11. Since the exchange occurs on the edges between grid cells, the more refined the MIKE SHE grid is, the more accurately the spatial distribuion of the exchange will be represented. The entire river system is always included in the hydraulic model, but MIKE SHE will only


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exchange water with the subset of the MIKE 11 river model that intersects the MIKE SHE overland flow/groundwater grid. The calculated exchange flows are fed to MIKE 11 as lateral flow to or from the corresponding calculation points. Where floodplain inundation is allowed to occur, the water levels at the MIKE 11 calculation points are interpolated to specified MIKE SHE grid cells to determine if ponded water exists on the cell surface. If ponded water exists, then the unsaturated or saturated exchange flows are calculated based on the ponded water level above the cell. 2.5 Pipe and Sewer Flows Urban drainage systems, sanitary and storm sewers affect surface and subsurface hydrology in urban areas. They can drain both overland flow and groundwater, and they can cause contamination of both surface water and groundwater. MIKE SHE can be coupled to the MOUSE sewer model (Mark et al., 2004; Lindberg et al., 1989) to simulate the effect of urban drainage and sewer systems on the surface/subsurface hydrology. MOUSE can simulate 1-D, unsteady flow and water quality in branched and looped pipe networks, with a mixture of free surface and pressurized systems. Groundwater in MIKE SHE can be coupled to MOUSE’s pipe network, based on the wetted perimeter and a leakage coefficient. MIKE SHE’s overland flow can drain to open sewer canals and unsealed manholes. Lastly, drainage from MIKE SHE’s saturated zone and paved areas can be discharged to specific manholes. 2.6 Saturated Groundwater Flow Groundwater plays a significant role in the hydrological cycle. During drought periods groundwater discharge sustains streamflow. Irrigation and abstraction can influence natural recharge and discharge, thereby changing the flow regime in a catchment. However, watershed-scale models for planning purposes typically do not require detailed knowledge of water movement but information on water balances and trends. On the other hand, subwatershed models for assessing wetland impacts of a new water works will require detailed analysis of groundwater/surface water interaction. This range of detail can be handled in MIKE SHE by using a fully implicit, three-dimensional (3-D) finitedifference scheme similar to MODFLOW, or a conceptual, linear reservoir approach. 2.6.1 Finite Difference Method In MIKE SHE, the spatial and temporal variations of the hydraulic head in the saturated groundwater zone is described mathematically by the 3-D Darcy equation and solved numerically by an iterative implicit finite difference technique. There are two groundwater solvers available: a successive overrelaxation (SOR) technique and a preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) technique, which is nearly identical to the one used in MODFLOW (Hill, 1990). Also similar to MODFLOW, MIKE SHE includes subsurface agricultural drains. However, by routing the water collected in the drains to streams or

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sewers, MIKE SHE is able to use the drainage function to conceptually model the impact of near surface drainage on the surface water hydrograph. 2.6.2 Linear Reservoir Method Representing natural catchments with detailed groundwater models is often problematic due to data, parameter estimation, and computational requirements. In this case, subsurface flow can often be described satisfactorily by a conceptual approach. The conceptual method can be viewed as a compromise between limitations on data availability, the complexity of hydrological response at the catchment scale, and the advantages of model simplicity. In the linear reservoir method, the entire groundwater catchment is subdivided into groundwater subcatchments. Each subcatchment is divided into a series of serial, shallow reservoirs, plus one or more deep baseflow reservoirs. Each baseflow reservoir is further subdivided into two parallel reservoirs. The parallel reservoirs can be used to differentiate between fast and slow components of baseflow discharge and storage. Water will be routed through the linear reservoirs as interflow and baseflow and subsequently added to the river as lateral inflow in the lowest interflow reservoir. 2.7 Agriculture Pasture and crops take up 37% of the Earth’s land area, and approximately 70% of all available fresh water is used for irrigation (UNESCO, 2003). However, in most settings water for irrigation is neither metered nor easily forecast because irrigation is applied only when it is required. Irrigation is further complicated by water rights and complex management rules. MIKE SHE's Irrigation Module can simulate a wide range of irrigation practices with multiple sources. Irrigation management can be simulated using distributed temporal crop water demand. It includes the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater with the option of setting irrigation priorities and control strategies based on soil moisture levels. MIKE SHE is also frequently used with DAISY, a detailed soil-plantatmosphere model (Hansen et al., 1990; Abrahamsen and Hansen, 2000). DAISY has been optimized to work as an open and flexible agro-ecosystem modeling system, well suited for agricultural-related studies. DAISY can be used to model changes in crop yield as a function of water and nitrogen availability, irrigation optimization, and nitrate and pesticide leaching. When used with MIKE SHE, DAISY replaces MIKE SHE’s unsaturated zone and vegetation/ET processes. 2.8 Water Quality Advection/dispersion methods are used to address problems where the exchange of contaminants between the hydrologic processes is important — that is, transport in and exchange among overland flow, channel flow (MIKE 11), unsaturated flow, and saturated groundwater flow. The advection/dispersion equation is solved by the explicit QUICKEST method (Leonard, 1979). MIKE SHE can simulate transport of water and solutes in macropores, with exchange


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to the surrounding bulk matrix. It can also simulate equilibrium and kinetic sorption (including hysteresis), first-order decay that depends on soil temperature and soil moisture content, sequential biodegradation, and plant uptake with transpiration. In addition to the advection/dispersion method, a random walk particle tracking method is also available for the saturated groundwater zone. Ecological modeling is a relatively immature discipline that involves many different processes and networks of interacting subsystems. To this end, a general ecological modeling tool (ECOLab) has been developed that enables engineers and ecosystem experts to develop their own ecosystem models appropriate to site-specific ecological conditions. ECOLab is now linked to MIKE 11, to address problems such as eutrophication, and the retention and removal of nutrients and pollutants in wetlands. 2.9 Parameter Estimation, Autocalibration, and Sensitivity Analysis A deterministic model will be subject to uncertainty. The uncertainty arises because the mathematical process descriptions are not true reflections of the underlying physical processes. Add to this measurement error, subgrid scale variability of parameters, and inexact initial and boundary conditions. This inevitably leads to a range of possible models that are equally probable yet may have quite different outcomes. MIKE SHE includes a set of tools for automatically adjusting model parameters in response to model outcomes (Madsen, 2003). MIKE SHE’s autocalibration tool is based on the global search, Shuffle Complex Evolution (SCE) algorithm. Global search methods are particularly well suited to hydrologic models because the objective function is rarely smooth with respect to the parameter values, which can cause trouble for gradient-based methods. MIKE SHE's AUTOCAL tool can calibrate to multiple objective functions, with automatic weighting. Also available is a set of tools for automatically distributing the model simulations across an office network to efficiently take advantage of unused computer resources. 2.10 Water Budgeting The hydrologic cycle is all about water exchange and the analysis of this exchange is the water budget. Questions regarding sustainability and environmental impacts are directly related to the water budget. Since MIKE SHE includes all of the processes in the hydrologic cycle, MIKE SHE includes a sophisticated water-budgeting tool for summarizing, mapping, and plotting the exchange of water between all of the hydrologic processes. 4. LOOKING AHEAD MIKE SHE continues to be extended and enhanced by DHI to meet the needs of its growing user community. Some of the more important developments are described below.

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MIKE SHE, together with MIKE 11, is being used to meet the growing need for flood modeling, flood forecasting, and flood hazard assessment. MIKE SHE, together with MOUSE, is being used to calculate the impacts of urban flooding. However, the propagation of flood waves and detailed 2D surface flow is difficult on flat terrain when infiltration is important. To address this problem, we are linking 2D surface water models (using MIKE 21) to MIKE SHE. Several initiatives are in progress to keep up with the advances in computer architecture. These include migrating the code to the new 64-bit processors, optimizing the code for parallel processing, adding faster multigrid solvers, and upgrading the numeric engines to run on alternative operating systems. The ECOLab tools add complete flexiblity for water quality calculations in surface water. The same flexibility will be available for all of the hydrologic processes in MIKE SHE when the ECOLab toolbox is fully implemented in MIKE SHE. Significant advances have been made in MIKE 11 to account for a variety of ice conditions, as well as freezing and thawing in the river channel. We are working to add important processes for spring flooding, such as latent heat and the moisture content and temperature of the snow pack, as well as the influence of frozen soils on runoff generation. Many users want to link MIKE SHE to their own codes to simulate specific processes, such as vegetation growth code, or economic optimization. This will be possible in the near future thanks to the HarmonIT project (www.harmonIT.org) of which DHI is one of the lead partners. The HarmonIT project is an European Union- (EU) sponsored research initiative to create and prove an Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI), which is a set of standards and tools for linking disparate hydrologic modeling codes together. For example, the OpenMI concept is being used to couple MIKE SHE to meteorological models to examine atmospheric feedbacks in the hydrological cycle. 5. SUMMARY It is no longer acceptable to manage groundwater and surface water independently of one another. Advances in data collection and availability, as well as computer resources, have now made distributed, physics-based watershed modeling feasible in a wide range of applications. MIKE SHE is one of the few commercially available codes that has been widely used for integrated hydrologic modeling. MIKE SHE’s process-based framework allows each hydrologic process to be represented according to the problem needs at different spatial and temporal scales. This flexibility has allowed MIKE SHE to be applied at spatial scales ranging from single soil profiles, to the field scale, and up to the watershed scale. Furthermore, each process can be represented at different levels of complexity. MIKE SHE has a modern, Windows-based user interface that includes advanced tools for water quality, parameter estimation, and water budget analysis. MIKE SHE is continually being developed and extended and will soon be capable of detailed flood modeling, include more


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advanced water quality models, and be part of a growing community of OpenMI compliant hydrologic modeling tools. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues at DHI Water & Environment and the contributions from the U.S. National Weather Service, the County of Funen, Denmark and the South Florida Water Management District for the case studies shown here. REFERENCES Abbott, M.B., Bathurst, J.C., Cunge, J.A., O’Connell, P.E., and Rasmussen, J., An introduction to the European Hydrological System—Systeme Hydrologique Europeen, SHE. 1 History and philosophy of a physically-based distributed modelling system, in J. of Hydrol. v87, 1986, pp. 45–59. Abbott, M.B., Bathurst, J.C., Cunge, J.A., O’Connell, P.E. and Rasmussen, J., An introduction to the European Hydrological System—Systeme Hydrologique Europeen, SHE. 2 Structure of a physically-based distributed modelling system, in J. of Hydrol. v87, 1986, pp. 61–77. Abbott, M.B. and Refsgaard, J.C., eds., Distributed Hydrological Modelling, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1996. Abrahamsen, P. and Hansen, S., Daisy: An Open Soil-Crop-Atmosphere System Model, in Environ. Model. Software v15, 2000, pp. 313–330. Andersen, J., Sandholt, I., Jensen, K.H., Refsgaard, J.C., and Gupta, H., Perspectives in using a remotely sensed dryness index in distributed hydrological models at the riverbasin scale, in Hydrol. Process. v16, 2002, pp. 2973-2987. Andersen, J., Dybkjaer, G., Jensen, K.H., Refsgaard, J.C., and Rasmussen, K., Use of remotely sensed precipitation and leaf area index in a distributed hydrological model, in J. of Hydrol., v264, 2002, pp. 34–50. Andersen, J., Refsgaard, J.C., and Jensen, K.H., Distributed hydrological modelling of the Senegal River Basin – model construction and validation, in J. of Hydrol., v247, 2001, pp. 200–214. Bedient, P.B. and Huber, W.C., Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Sadle River, NJ, 2002. Boegh, E., Thorsen, M., Butts, M.B., Hansen, S., Christensen, J.S., Abrahamsen, P., Hasager, C.B., Jensen, N.O., van der Keur, P., Refsgaard, J.C., Schelde, K., Soegaard, H., and Thomsen, A., Incorporating remote sensing data in physically based distributed agrohydrological modeling, in J. of Hydrol., v287, 2004, pp. 279–299. Brun, A. and Engesgaard, P., Modelling of transport and biogeochemical processes in pollution plumes: literature review and model development, in J. of Hydrol., v256, 2002, pp. 211–227. Brun, A., Engesgaard, P., Christensen, T.H., and Rosbjerg, D., Modelling of transport and biogeochemical processes in pollution plumes: Vejen landfill, Denmark, in J. of Hydrol. v256, 2002, pp. 228–247.

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Singh, R., Subramanian, K., and Refsgaard, J.C., Hydrological water balance modeling of a small watershed using MIKE SHE for irrigation planning, Agricultural Water Management Journal, 41, 1999, pp. 149–166. Singh, R., Refsgaard, J.C., and Yde, L., Application of irrigation optimisation system (IOS) to a major irrigation project in India, Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 13(3), 1999, pp. 229–248. Singh, R., Refsgaard, J.C., Yde, L., Jørgensen, G.H. and Thorsen, M., Hydraulic hydrological simulations of canal-command for irrigation water management, Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 11, 1997, pp. 185–213. Smith, M.B., Seo, D.J., Koren, V.I., Reed, S.M., Zhang, Z., Duan, Q., Moreda, F. and Cong, S., The distributed model intercomparison project (DMIP): motivation and experiment design, J. of Hydrol., v298(1-4), 2004, pp. 4–26. Smith, J., Wood, G., Holysh, S., Goss, M., Sharpe, D., Fitzgibbon, J., Joy, D., Hawken, H.J., Hodgins, E., Kamanga, D., MacDonald, K.B., Rudolph, D., Puschak, R., MiskeEvans, M., Clay, R., Brodsky, M., and Robin, M., Watershed-Based Source Protection Planning, Science-based Decision-making for Protecting Ontario’s Drinking Water Resources: A Threats Assessment Framework, a report to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Canada, Queen’s Printer for Ontario, PIBs4935e, 2004, p. 320. Sonnenborg, T.O., Christensen, B.S.B., Nyegaard, P., Henriksen, H.J., and Refsgaard, J.C., Transient modeling of regional groundwater flow using parameter estimates from steadystate automatic calibration, J. of Hydrol., vol. 273, 2003, pp. 188–204. Storm, B., Jørgensen, G.H., and Styczen, M., Simulation of water flow and soil erosion processes with a distributed physically-based modelling system, in Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management Proceedings of the Vancouver Symposium, August 1987, IAHSAISH Publ. No. 167. Storm, B. and Refsgaard, A., Distributed physically-based modelling of the entire land phase of the hydrological cycle, in Distributed Hydrological Modelling, Abbott, M.B. and Refsgaard, J.C., Eds., Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands ,1996, pp. 55–70. Styczen, M. and Storm, B., Modelling the effects of management practices on nitrate in soils and groundwater, in Nitrogen Fertilisation and the Environment, Bacon, P., Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1993, pp. 537–564. Styczen, M. and Storm, B., Modelling of N-movements on catchment scale - a tool for analysis and decision making. 1. Model description, Fertilizer Research, v36, 1993, pp. 1–6. Styczen, M. and Storm, B., Modelling of N-movements on catchment scale - a tool for analysis and decision making. 2. A case study, Fertilizer Research, 36, 1993, pp. 7–17. Sudicky, E.A., VanderKwaak, J.E., Jones, J.P., Keizer, J.P., McLaren, R.G., and Matanga, G.B., Fully-integrated modelling of surface and subsurface water flow and solute transport: Model overview and applications, in Proc. of the Dubai International Conference on Water Resources and Integrated Management in the Third Millennium, February 2–6, 2002, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Sørensen, H.R., Klucovska, J., Topolska, J., Clausen, T., and Refsgaard, J.C., An Engineering Case Study – Modeling the Influences of the Gabcikovo Hydropower Plant on the Hydrology and Ecology in the Slovakian Part of the River Branch System of Zitny

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CHAPTER 11 Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) Paul B. Duda, Jack L. Kittle, Jr., Anthony S. Donigian, Jr., and Russell S. Kinerson

Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) is a multipurpose environmental analysis system designed for use by government agencies at all levels as well as private entities in performing watershed and water quality-based studies. This system makes it possible to quickly assess large amounts of point source and nonpoint source data in a format that is easy to use and understand. Installed on a personal computer and leveraging the power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), BASINS allows the user to assess water quality at selected stream sites or throughout an entire watershed. This invaluable tool integrates environmental data, analytical tools, and modeling programs to support development of cost-effective approaches to watershed management and environmental protection, including the development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), as required by Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. 1. BACKGROUND Unlike the watershed models discussed in this book, BASINS is an environmental modeling system. As such it encompasses a suite of watershed models, from sophisticated broad-spectrum watershed models to agricultural models to planning and management level models, plus supporting tools and data, all within one package. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Office of Water developed BASINS (US EPA, 2004) as a multipurpose environmental analysis system. As a multipurpose system, BASINS was designed to support watershed and water quality-based studies by facilitating examination of environmental information, by supporting analysis of environmental systems, and by providing a package to examine management alternatives. State and local agencies are finding that water quality standards cannot be met merely by controlling the point source discharges into that waterbody. Therefore agencies are deciding that a watershed-based approach is the only way to meet water quality standards. BASINS is configured to support environmental studies by including information and tools applicable to the entire watershed. The system is designed to be flexible by including a wide range of tools so that it can support analyses for study areas of widely varying size and composition. The user has the flexibility to choose the model and tools best



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suited for the requirements of the study, for example from a screening-level tool to a full continuous simulation watershed model. One of the major driving forces behind the need for watershed-based approaches is the legal requirement of Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act, which requires states to develop TMDLs for waterbodies that do not meet water quality standards. TMDLs are developed by assessing both point and nonpoint sources of pollutants into a waterbody. Because of its watershed-based approach, BASINS can differentiate and quantify the impacts of point and nonpoint sources. Thus the system allows users to explore and research different techniques for reducing the impacts of those pollutants, while facilitating the exploration of alternative management scenarios. The main interface to BASINS is provided through a GIS (Figure 11.1). GIS provides tools to display and analyze spatial information. Because GIS combines mapping tools with a database management system, it provides the integrated framework necessary to bring modeling tools together with environmental spatial and tabular data. Through this GIS foundation, BASINS has the flexibility to display and analyze diverse data at a user-chosen scale. That scale can range from one or more USGS 8-digit Hydrologic Units down to a site of only a few acres. BASINS includes tools that operate on large or small watersheds, and thus BASINS is flexible in its support for a broad user community. Adding locally developed, high-resolution data sources to existing data layers is an additional option that expands the local-scale evaluation capabilities. BASINS brings together a suite of interrelated components for performing a complete environmental analysis. The components include: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

national databases utilities to organize and evaluate data watershed delineation tools assessment tools for watershed characterization a simplified GIS-based model that estimates nonpoint loads on an annual average basis (6) a GIS-based hydrologic modeling system geared toward the arid southwestern United States (7) and two watershed loading and transport models The assessment and modeling tools work together, allowing users to evaluate study areas quickly and easily. The assessment tools provide means to identify and prioritize water bodies with water-quality issues. As point and nonpoint sources are characterized and evaluated, the appropriate level of modeling may be considered. Once a model has been used to simulate loadings and in-stream processes, potential control strategies can be compared for effectiveness. At each step of the process the tools within BASINS provide graphics and tabular results useful for communicating and explaining results and recommendations to stakeholders.



The latest release of BASINS is Version 3.1 (http://www.epa.gov/ waterscience/basins/). This version provides some significant enhancements and functions beyond those provided by the earlier releases of BASINS, Versions 1.0 through 3.0. The continuing modification and enhancement of the system reflects the extensive comments and input provided by the user community since the initial versions, as well as the responsiveness of EPA to those comments and recommendations. Enhancements have included adding additional types of data, higher-resolution data, additional models, and analysis tools. In addition to those types of enhancements, in the future the system will be enhanced to accommodate additional GIS platforms.

Figure 11.1 BASINS Geographic Information System interface.



Development of GIS technology through the early 1990s followed more than two decades of development of watershed models for personal computers, along with rapidly expanding public databases. Through the early 1990s researchers at institutions around the world recognized the potential for linking watershed models with GIS systems and databases. Concurrently, awareness of water quality issues and needs was growing as the Clean Water Act was enforced through TMDLs. BASINS was conceived during that time as a system that could combine models and data through GIS to make watershed assessment and TMDL development possible for agencies across the United States.


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BASINS was developed to be a fully comprehensive watershed management tool, assisting the user through all of the steps typically involved in a watershed-based assessment. The system greatly reduces effort needed to prepare data, summarize information, and develop maps and tables. The GIS interface provides a conduit through which data can pass, setting up models of varying scopes. The system not only helps the user apply the model, but it helps interpret the model output as well. Instead of performing each step of a watershed assessment using a series of independent and informally connected computer programs, BASINS coordinates and integrates those steps, resulting in improved efficiency and greatly reduced user effort. As the analysis time is significantly reduced, the user is freed to answer a greater variety of questions in more detail. BASINS has always been a dynamic system, with increased capabilities added as technology and needs demand. Version 3.1 of BASINS was released in August 2004. Version 3.1 builds upon Version 3.0 and earlier versions of the system. The first version of BASINS, Version 1.0 (Lahlou et al., 1996), was released in May of 1996. BASINS 2.0 (Lahlou et al., 1998), released in January 1999, significantly improved upon that version by adding new base data sets including EPA Reach File Version 3 Alpha, the State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) database, digital elevation model (DEM) data, other base cartographic data, and water quality observation data. BASINS 2.0 also added a utility for manually delineating a watershed, and another producing a series of watershed characterization reports. User demands led to expanded model capabilities, especially the in-stream portions of what was then the nonpoint source loading model, and a postprocessing program was added for evaluation of model output. Subsequent to the release of BASINS 2.0, GIS technology developed to a point where watersheds could be delineated automatically using grid-based DEM datasets. A tool was developed for BASINS to delineate watersheds in that way, allowing users to specify study areas with much greater precision and detail, both for modeling purposes and for watershed characterization. Other developments after the release of BASINS 2.0 included the continuing maturation of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) (Arnold et al., 1998) developed by the USDA Agriculture Research Service (ARS), and increased demand for a more powerful user interface to the Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) (Bicknell et al., 2001). Those developments led to the development of BASINS 3.0 (US EPA, 2001). BASINS 3.0 was released in June 2001. The most significant enhancements included the automatic delineation tool, incorporation of SWAT, and the new HSPF interface, now known as WinHSPF (Duda et al., 2001). WinHSPF added enhanced graphical displays and editing capabilities so that users could access all features of HSPF. Other changes were made to support these enhancements, such as the addition of grid datasets, and a projection tool for projecting grid datasets. Additional flexibility was added for users wanting to import their own



data layers. A tool for automatically downloading and adding layers from the National Hydrography Dataset was added. To support the new modeling tools, a USGS software program known as GenScn (Kittle et al., 1998) was added to BASINS as a postprocessor. GenScn works with data in a variety of formats including Watershed Data Management (WDM) files, SWAT output files, and BASINS observed water quality files, and provides sophisticated data analysis tools. A utility program for managing WDM files known as WDMUtil was also added. WDMUtil was designed to help manage the large volumes of time-series data used with HSPF, as well as to add additional time-series where needed. A pollutant loading program known as PLOAD, developed by CH2M-Hill, was also added to BASINS 3.0. This model was added to satisfy a need for a simple loading model. PLOAD estimates nonpoint sources of pollution on an annual average basis, for any user-specified pollutant, using either the export coefficient or simple method approach. A number of factors led to the incremental release of Version 3.1. The most significant of the changes to the BASINS system is a shift in data distribution. BASINS had traditionally been distributed as a set of CDs containing data for each EPA region. With unlimited data available on the World Wide Web, the static picture of data on CDs is no longer adequate. BASINS 3.1 takes advantage of the power of Internet connections to provide the users with much more dynamic data. The new web data extractor provides a tool for dynamic downloading of BASINS data from a variety of sources. In addition to the increased availability of dynamically updated data on the World Wide Web, several other trends influenced the development of BASINS 3.1. BASINS is dependent upon proprietary software from Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), as most of the interface is built using the scripting components of ArcView 3.x. Since ESRI is changing the customization environment for its latest release of desktop GIS software (now known as ArcGIS), the BASINS development team observed that BASINS system components will be most reusable in future releases if components evolve away from use of proprietary software tools. The core GIS functionality was separated from the rest of the BASINS system components, which will lead to a smoother evolution to the additional GIS platforms as well as managing changes in ESRI’s software. Other significant enhancements in version 3.1 include a new tool to archive and restore BASINS projects, a tool to update the BASINS software interactively, refined BASINS web data holdings, 30-meter DEMs from the National Elevation Dataset (NED), a new extension to a GIS-based modeling tool known as Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) (Semmens et al., 2004), and a new report tool based on the Watershed Characterization System (WCS) developed for EPA Region 4. 3.


The BASINS system combines national environmental databases with watershed characterization and assessment tools, watershed models, and other


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supporting software. These components are linked together through the BASINS customized GIS environment. ArcView version 3.x, developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., is the GIS platform upon which BASINS is built. The customized GIS platform is created using the Avenue scripting language which is a standard part of ArcView. Many of the tools and supporting BASINS utilities have been created entirely using Avenue scripts. The more sophisticated models, such as HSPF and SWAT, are integrated through Avenue scripts that build input for the models and then invoke the models themselves. The Avenue scripts pull data from the national databases and feed that data into intermediate text files. Those text files are then read and converted into the input format of the model itself. With this design, the models run in the native language of their development. Thus, in the case of HSPF, for instance, the original FORTRAN code base of HSPF is maintained. The sophisticated watershed models are fully integrated, and yet they remain separate from the core BASINS system for development purposes. One of the most significant design achievements of the BASINS system is the extension architecture that was engineered for version 3.0. Prior versions of BASINS had all customized components of the GIS interface combined into one ArcView project file. A number of serious consequences sprang from that design decision. The project file was quite large, and it was slow to load. Perhaps more importantly, the original design required extensive coordination among BASINS developers, and it restricted the ability to provide updates to existing BASINS projects. Starting with version 3.0, all customized components of BASINS were developed as independent extensions, loaded through an extension manager (Figure 11.2). One BASINS tool could be developed independently of another BASINS tool, greatly increasing the potential for independent groups to develop compatible BASINS extensions simultaneously. Another important implication is that users then had the capability to load only a subset of the BASINS extensions, so they could load only those needed for their BASINS project. This extension architecture also allows the BASINS system to operate at several levels of hardware and software sophistication. Some BASINS extensions require additional ArcView extensions, or ‘add-ins’ from ESRI. With this extension architecture different BASINS users can make different decisions about how advanced an ArcView configuration they would like to have, based on the BASINS extensions they would like to use. These users can purchase only those ArcView extensions needed to support those BASINS extensions. A very common example of this flexibility is related to the ArcView Spatial Analyst extension. Users sometimes decide not to acquire Spatial Analyst if they do not intend to use BASINS components that require Spatial Analyst, for instance if they already have watersheds delineated at a level appropriate for modeling and thus do not need to use the BASINS automatic delineation extension. Another major benefit of the BASINS extension architecture is that this design has allowed other groups not directly affiliated with the BASINS



development team to develop tools for the BASINS system. The PLOAD model and the AGWA system are examples of extensions that were developed with very limited coordination and support from the BASINS development team. Those extensions are now distributed with BASINS. Another example of a model extension added to BASINS through the benefits of the extension architecture is the AQUATOX model (US EPA, 2004). This model is distributed independently of BASINS, yet if a user has both BASINS and AQUATOX installed, the user can proceed from the BASINS GIS directly into AQUATOX.

Figure 11.2 The BASINS extension manager.

An additional design consideration influencing current development is the transition within ESRI away from ArcView 3.x to ArcGIS. The customization environment is completely different at the next generation of ArcView. Throughout the more recent BASINS development efforts, a design goal has been to perform only those operations dependent upon GIS within ArcView. Utility tools and model interfaces have been created using other programming languages. While these components are invoked seamlessly through the Avenue scripts, the component code is not dependent upon the GIS environment. This design decision will have a considerable payoff when BASINS components are migrated to new GIS platforms. 3.1 Data The BASINS system includes a tool, known as the BASINS Data Download tool, for downloading and extracting a set of databases that facilitate watershed analysis and modeling. Some of the data downloaded using this tool


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has been preprocessed for use in BASINS. These prepared data are known collectively as the BASINS data holdings. Other data that can be downloaded using the Data Download tool has not been preprocessed and is extracted directly from the agency responsible for collecting the data. 3.1.1 The BASINS Data Holdings These national databases, hosted on an EPA Web server, were compiled from a wide range of federal sources and selected for inclusion in BASINS based on relevance to environmental analysis. The data prepared for BASINS provide a starting point for watershed analysis, but users are encouraged to add additional datasets where locally derived data may be at a higher resolution or compiled more recently. The BASINS databases are compiled into compressed files according to geographic location, according to the 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUCs) established for the United States by the U.G. Geological Survey (USGS). A BASINS user begins a project by specifying one or more HUCs of interest, and data for those HUCs are downloaded and extracted for the project. The types of data prepared and hosted for BASINS can be grouped into one of four classifications. These classifications include base cartographic data, environmental background data, environmental monitoring data, and point sources or loading data. Each type is described briefly below. Base Cartographic Data The base cartographic data in BASINS includes political and administrative boundaries (such as states and counties), hydrologic features and drainage boundaries, and major road systems. These data are useful for providing the base mapping data that give the user a frame of reference for the rest of the data. Through this data the user can define and locate study areas, and begin to further define watershed drainage areas. Environmental Background Data Environmental background data provide spatially distributed information to support watershed characterization and environmental analyses. These data include information on soil characteristics, land uses, topography, and stream hydrography. The BASINS tools use this information in performing technical assessments of watershed conditions and loading characteristics. To cite a common example, the BASINS topographic data are often used to determine subwatershed drainage boundaries using the BASINS delineation tools. Those boundaries are then combined with the land use layers to determine how much of each land use type is in each subwatershed, which is a critical piece for watershed modeling. Environmental Monitoring Data Several existing national databases of environmental observations were adapted and converted into BASINS data sets. These databases were converted into spatial data layers so the user can see where these observation stations are



located in a given watershed, which facilitates the assessment of water quality conditions. Examples of these types of databases include the water quality monitoring data summaries, the water quality observation data from the EPA Storet system, USGS flow data locations, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) meteorologic data locations. The water quality datasets can also be used to prioritize and target water bodies and watersheds for remediation, as well as to assess the current status and historical trends. Point Source/Loading Data BASINS also includes data related to direct pollutant loading from point source discharges. The estimated loadings are provided along with the location and type of facility. These data were extracted from EPA’s Permit Compliance System (PCS) database. The primary purpose of this loading data is to provide input for watershed models to represent the point source component, or point load allocation, of the pollutants. 3.1.2 Dynamically Downloaded Data Since version 3.1 the BASINS system has also included a tool for dynamically downloading data from an additional set of sources. In addition to downloading the BASINS data from the EPA Web server, the Data Download tool (Figure 11.3) provides links to the federal agencies where certain data types are hosted, as well as tools to download the data and convert them into forms usable by BASINS. Since data available on the web are not static, this tool allows a user to check for more recent data and update the BASINS project data as appropriate. When the Web Data Download tool is started, a window appears listing all of the available data types that the tool may add or update. The list of data types is determined at run time, so this list may expand as new data-type components are created. The user chooses as many of the data types as desired, and the tool accesses the specified data through the World Wide Web and adds the data to the BASINS project. A key feature of BASINS Web Data Download tool’s architecture is the separation of the list of data types into individual components. For each data type available for downloading, there is a unique Dynamic Link Library (DLL). This design allows the list of data types to be populated at run time, but it also greatly enhances the maintainability of the Web Data Download program. Very often the way the data are hosted on a web site changes over time. With this design, if a data type’s web storage is changed, only the DLL for that data type will need to be updated and distributed, not the whole Web Data Download program. This tool provides great flexibility in pulling data from a variety of sources. Instead of distributing all BASINS data through a specially compiled BASINS data holding, the data can be retrieved from the source of the data directly. This design makes the BASINS system easier and less expensive to maintain, since it eliminates having another copy of each dataset in the BASINS data holdings. In


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addition, updates to the data are available as soon as the agency producing the data makes the update available, making the most updated data available directly to the user.

Figure 11.3 The BASINS Data Download tool.

Data types that are available for dynamic download include USGS flow data, the EPA PCS discharge data, the modernized EPA Storet system, the USGS water quality data, the National Hydrography Dataset, and the National Land Cover Database. Other data types will be added for dynamic download over time as resources allow. 3.2 Models Watershed models predict loadings into surface waterbodies. Through the use of watershed models, one can simulate various point and nonpoint source loading scenarios and predict the impact of these loadings on the receiving water body. The most sophisticated watershed models operate on a continuous simulation basis, which is to say that the models run at a given time step (usually hourly or daily) for a number of years. Continuous simulation modeling is critical for watershed assessment because continuous simulations take into account both point and nonpoint loadings at a complete range of flow conditions. In an ideal world one performing a watershed assessment would have an unlimited number of measurements of pollutant levels and flows both in the water body and exiting the land surface at an infinite number of locations for a very long period of record. With that amount of data, one could evaluate whether water quality criteria are being met, how often those standards are not being met, the duration of those exceedances, as well as investigate allocation



scenarios that might lead to the standards being met in the future. Since that amount of data is impossible to obtain, continuously simulating values through a model is the best way to obtain the full range of data needed to perform a watershed assessment. While continuous simulation models are the most powerful tools for assessing watershed loadings, they have some significant disadvantages. These models require large amounts of input data, including observations over periods of many years. The learning process involved in using these models is significant, and of course there is uncertainty inherent in input data, algorithms, and modeling assumptions. BASINS reduces the disadvantages of using continuous simulation models by addressing each of these issues. BASINS provides a tremendous amount of input data so that the data gathering process is much less daunting. BASINS includes graphical user interfaces to the models to make the models easier to use, as well as analysis tools to help make model output easier to understand. And BASINS provides a suite of watershed models with a broad range of sophistication and complexity, so that the user can choose the model most appropriate for a given study or assessment. Three models are integrated into BASINS to allow the user to simulate the loading of pollutants and nutrients from the land surface. These three models are spatially distributed, lumped-parameter models, or in other words they may be used to analyze watersheds by subdividing the study area into homogenous parts. When deciding which model to use, one should consider factors such as the amount of data available, the processes to be modeled, the spatial and temporal resolution required, and how the output results will be used. The integration of each model into BASINS is discussed individually below. The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) and GenScn extensions, while not models, are also discussed below as supporting tools for modeling. 3.2.1 HSPF The Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) (Bicknell et al., 2001) is a continuous simulation watershed model that simulates nonpoint source runoff and pollutant loadings for a watershed and performs flow and water quality routing in stream reaches. HSPF can be used to estimate nonpoint source loads from various land uses as well as fate and transport processes in streams and lakes. The Windows interface to HSPF, known as WinHSPF (Duda, et al., 2001), was created for BASINS and works with the EPA-supported HSPF model (Figure 11.4). WinHSPF supports the full suite of the HSPF model capabilities. BASINS contains an extension that allows the user to open WinHSPF directly from the BASINS user interface, extracting appropriate information for the preparation of HSPF input files. WinHSPF is designed to interact with the BASINS utilities and datasets, including the BASINS watershed delineation tools. The reach network is automatically developed based on the subwatershed delineations. The model requires land use data, reach data, meteorological data, and information on the


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pollutants to be modeled. Users can modify and enhance input files based on other locally derived data sources through WinHSPF. WinHSPF works with postprocessing tools to facilitate calibration as well as display and interpretation of output data. The HSPF User’s Manual is available for reference as a Windows-compatible Help file.

Figure 11.4 The WinHSPF interface.

While HSPF is fully integrated into BASINS through the WinHSPF interface, the code base of HSPF is maintained separately. This separation is accomplished by compiling the HSPF model as a DLL, called by WinHSPF for running a simulation. Maintaining HSPF as a separate DLL means that it can be enhanced independently of WinHSPF and BASINS. A revised DLL can be copied into place on the user’s computer and the user will have access to the latest HSPF features. Input meteorologic data is provided to HSPF through the use of WDM files. One input meteorologic WDM file is provided with BASINS for each of the 48 contiguous states, and each WDM file contains data at many geographically dispersed stations. BASINS includes a utility, known as WDMUtil, to maintain and update these WDM files. BASINS contains an extension that allows the user to open WDMUtil directly from the BASINS GIS interface. 3.2.2 SWAT The SWAT model version 2000, (Arnold, et al., 1998), is a physically based continuous simulation watershed model developed by the USDA ARS. With its agricultural roots, it is most often used to predict the impact of land management practices on water, sediment, and agricultural chemical yields. The model can be used on complex watersheds with varying soils, land use, and management



conditions. The model combines these loadings with point source contributions, and performs flow and water quality routing in stream reaches. The SWAT Extension in BASINS is designed to set up SWAT input files using BASINS watershed delineations and datasets. BASINS data including land use, soils, reach data, meteorologic data, and pollutant characteristics can be used, or the user can provide custom data. SWAT input files can be modified through BASINS to facilitate the calibration of the model based on site-specific conditions and data sources. The BASINS SWAT Extension works with postprocessing tools to facilitate display and interpretation of output data. The SWAT Extension is an ArcView extension, built using the Avenue scripting language. The SWAT Extension provides input files that are sent to the SWAT executable file for simulation, and the SWAT model itself is distributed with BASINS in its native language. This design provides a fully integrated SWAT model, while still preserving the SWAT algorithms independently so that they can be maintained and enhanced outside of BASINS. 3.2.3 PLOAD PLOAD is a simplified GIS-based model developed by CH2M Hill for calculating pollutant loads from watersheds. PLOAD estimates nonpoint loads (NPS) of pollution on an annual average basis, for any pollutant specified by the user. The NPS loads may be calculated using either the export coefficient or the EPA’s Simple Method approach. Best management practices (BMPs) and point source inputs may also be included in computing total watershed loads. PLOAD results can be displayed as maps and tabular lists, and the model facilitates comparison of multiple scenarios. PLOAD was designed to be simple so that it can be applied as a screening tool in typical watershed assessment or reservoir protection projects. As it operates on an average annual basis, it is not a continuous simulation model. The PLOAD application requires spatial land use data, subwatersheds, pollutant loading rate tables, impervious terrain factor tables, and optional spatial and tabular BMP and point source data. Land use and point source data are provided with BASINS, and subwatersheds can be provided using the BASINS watershed delineation tools. Unlike the other models in BASINS, PLOAD is entirely an ArcView extension. There is no executable model underneath the PLOAD interface running in its native language. PLOAD was coded entirely using custom scripts written with ArcView’s Avenue scripting language. 3.2.4 AGWA The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) (Semmens et al., 2004) tool, developed by the U.S. ARS’s Southwest Watershed Resource Center, is a multipurpose hydrologic analysis system for performing studies ranging from watershed to basin scale. This tool was designed by ARS for use by watershed, water resource, land use, and biological resource managers and scientists. It provides the functionality to conduct all phases of a watershed


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assessment using SWAT and another model geared toward the arid southwest known as KINEROS2. The BASINS AGWA extension is designed to interact with the BASINS utilities and datasets to provide the data needed by AGWA to parameterize either the KINEROS2 or SWAT model. AGWA is implemented as an ArcView extension, which facilitates the transfer of data from BASINS to the core models. As with the HSPF and SWAT implementations in BASINS, these models are kept separate from the ArcView extension for maintenance and enhancement. The AGWA extension demonstrates the strengths of the flexible design of the underlying BASINS architecture. Recognizing the power and convenience of the large databases provided through BASINS, ARS decided to adapt AGWA to be a BASINS extension so that AGWA users would have convenient access to BASINS data. With very limited support from the BASINS development team, the AGWA developers were able to adapt AGWA to be fully incorporated into the BASINS system, making that convenient access possible. 3.2.5 The GenScn Postprocessor BASINS includes the program GenScn (Kittle et al., 1998) originally developed by the U.S. Geological Survey. GenScn stands for Generation of Scenarios, which was the original intent of the software as it was developed by the USGS, but it was included in BASINS because of its excellent functionality for analyzing model simulation results including multiple model scenarios. GenScn facilitates the display and interpretation of output data derived from model applications (Figure 11.5). This tool allows users to select locations of interest and time periods and displays results in graphical and tabular form. GenScn handles a broad range of data formats, including HSPF simulation output, BASINS water quality observation data, USGS flow data, and SWAT output data. It also performs statistical functions and data comparisons. Due to its ability to display and compare observed and modeled data, this postprocessor is a useful tool in model calibration as well as environmental systems analysis. GenScn is distributed with BASINS, and may be invoked through the BASINS GIS interface as well as through the WinHSPF interface. While it is fully integrated into BASINS, it is kept independent of the core BASINS system as its own separate executable program for maintenance and enhancement. 3.3 User Support and Training User support and training for BASINS is provided by EPA, often through a qualified contractor. Users receive responsive support related to all aspects of BASINS, including models, GIS, and BASINS utility programs. Web-based Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and BASINS Technical Notes are available on the BASINS web page. EPA sponsors BASINS workshops periodically, in various locations throughout the United States. The scopes of the workshops vary, with different workshops placing varying amounts of emphasis on BASINS components. Some of the workshops are general BASINS workshops, while many others focus on use



of a particular model within BASINS. Recent workshops have focused on the use of HSPF, SWAT, or AQUATOX through the BASINS system.

Figure 11.5 The GenScn postprocessor.

The most frequently held type of BASINS workshop in recent years has been the BASINS/HSPF workshop. The purpose of these workshops is to provide training on the use of HSPF through the BASINS modeling system to engineers, scientists, and planners active in water resources and water quality management. The workshops begin with consideration of a BASINS/TMDL case study. Topics addressed for the remainder of the workshop typically include building a BASINS project; watershed delineation and segmentation; data development using WDMUtil; watershed hydrology; reach/reservoir hydraulics; nonpoint source modeling; water quality modeling; and simulating best management practices (BMPs) and analyzing impacts. Hands-on experience with BASINS and HSPF is provided during the extensive computer work sessions on data management and analysis, model input preparation and interpretation, model calibration, and review of model simulation output. 3.4 Future Directions The design of the BASINS 3.1 components lends itself to a more significant restructuring in the next release, to be known as BASINS 4.0. One of the major challenges in the development of BASINS 4.0 is the accommodation of both ArcView 3.x and ArcGIS as GIS analysis tools, while removing ArcView software as prerequisite to the use of BASINS (Duda et al., 2003). A new


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software product in BASINS 4.0 will tie all of the BASINS components together through a single software component without any run-time licensing. This new software component will be known as the BASINS System Application. The BASINS 4.0 System Application will encompass all of the existing BASINS components and more into a single new interface. As in BASINS 3.1, independent access to individual components will still be available, but these components will be tied together into one interface. The System Application will identify which (if any) GIS software products are available on the user’s computer, and will thus indicate the GIS-based functionality available to the user. This design provides a migration path from the ArcView 3.x components to the newer ArcGIS components. The dominant graphical feature within the BASINS 4.0 System Application will be an interactive map of the United States. The map will show 8-digit HUC boundaries along with state and county boundaries, highlighting those 8-digit HUCs where BASINS projects exist on the user’s computer. Selecting a particular HUC (or in some cases an existing project within a HUC) allows the user to proceed into any of the BASINS components. A key advantage to this approach is the removal of ArcView 3.x as a prerequisite to the use of BASINS, while allowing its continued use. The BASINS system will be available with limited GIS functionality to a user without either ArcView 3 or ArcGIS. All of the functionality from the BASINS ArcView interface will still be available, while components for ArcGIS can be developed over time and rolled out to the user community. Specific BASINS functionality will require prerequisite GIS products, just as Spatial Analyst is indicated as prerequisite to some functions of BASINS version 3. REFERENCES Arnold, J.G., R. Srinivasan, R.S. Muttiah, and J.R. Williams. 1998. Large area hydrologic modeling and assessment, Part I: Model development. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc. 34(1):73-89. Bicknell, B.R., J.C. Imhoff, J.L. Kittle Jr., T.H. Jobes, and A.S. Donigian, Jr. 2001. Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF). User’s Manual for Release 12. U.S. EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory, Athens, GA, in cooperation with U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Reston, VA. Duda, P.B., J.L. Kittle, Jr., M.H. Gray, P.R. Hummel, and R.A. Dusenbury. 2001. WinHSPF — An Interactive Windows Interface to HSPF: User’s Manual. U.S. EPA Office of Water, Washington, DC. Duda, P.B., J.L. Kittle, M.H. Gray, P.R. Hummel, R.S. Kinerson, P. Cocca, D. Wells, M. Wellman, E. Partington, and L. MacWilliams. 2003. BASINS 4.0 — Flexible Integration of Components and Data for Watershed Assessment and TMDL Development. WEF TMDL 2003, November 16-19, 2003. Chicago, IL. WEF Specialty Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM. Kittle, J.L. Jr., A.M. Lumb, P.R. Hummel, P.B. Duda, and M.H. Gray. 1998. A Tool for the Generation and Analysis of Model Simulation Scenarios for Watersheds (GenScn).



Water-Resources Investigation Report 98-4134. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. p. 152. Lahlou, M., L. Shoemaker, M. Paquette, J. Bo, S. Choudhury, R. Elmer, and F. Xia. 1996. Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources, BASINS Version 1.0 User’s Manual. EPA 823-R-96-001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, DC. Lahlou, M., L. Shoemaker, S. Choudhury, R. Elmer, A. Hu, H. Manguerra, and A. Parker. 1998, Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources – BASINS 2.0 User’s Manual, EPA-823-B98-006, U.S. E.P.A., Office of Water, Washington, DC. Semmens, D.J., S.N. Miller, M. Hernandez, I.S. Burns, W.P. Miller, D.C. Goodrich, and W.G. Kepner. 2004. Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) — A GISBased Hydrologic Modeling Tool: Documentation and User Manual, Version 1.4. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, ARS-1446. US EPA, 2004. AQUATOX Release 2 – Modeling Environmental Fate and Ecological Effects in Aquatic Ecosystems. EPA-823-C-04-001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, DC. US EPA, 2001. Better Assessment Science Integrating point and Nonpoint Sources — BASINS Version 3.0. EPA-823-B-01-001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, DC. US EPA, 2004. Better Assessment Science Integrating point and Nonpoint Sources — BASINS Version 3.1. EPA-823-C-04-004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Washington, DC. Available at http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/basins/.

CHAPTER 12 MEFIDIS: A Physically Based, Spatially Distributed Runoff and Erosion Model for Extreme Rainfall Events Joao Pedro Nunes, G. Nuno Vieira, and J. Seixas

This chapter presents the MEFIDIS runoff and soil erosion model (MEFIDIS: Modelo de Erosão FÍsico e DIStribuído – Physical Distributed Erosion Model). It was developed to assess the consequences of extreme rainfall events for flooding and soil loss in medium-sized watersheds, and to evaluate the consequences of climate and land use changes to catchment response. It provides distributed results in space and time to allow the analysis of withincatchment properties and time-variable hydrographs. Two examples of the model’s capabilities are also presented. Model robustness for climate and land use change is assessed in part 2 of this chapter, using outlet measurements for a small rangeland catchment, Lucky Hills 103 (USA). The model’s capacities in assessing the consequences of climate change is exemplified in part 3 with an application to a medium-sized agricultural catchment, Alenquer (Portugal). 1. THE MEFIDIS RUNOFF AND SOIL EROSION MODEL MEFIDIS simulated runoff and soil erosion caused by extreme rainfall events. The simulation approach is deterministic, physically based, spatially distributed, and dynamical in time. The model is forced by rainfall; the main state variables are surface runoff and detached soil. 1.1 Modeling Approach The spatial distribution scheme used by MEFIDIS is shown in Figure 12.1. The simulation area is divided into an orthogonal matrix of square cells (1); watershed properties inside each cell are assumed to be homogenous. Runoff generation and soil detachment are computed individually for each grid cell (Foster, 1982); resulting overland flow and suspended sediment are routed between neighboring cells following the steepest slope (3). Spatial dynamics are handled with a finite difference scheme, while temporal dynamics are handled by solving the model’s governing equations in discrete time steps. Runoff generation takes into account Hortonian and saturation excess processes following Chow et al. (1988) and Foster (1982); these processes dominate runoff generation in Mediterranean catchments (Ribolzi et al., 2000). Runoff routing is computed using the kinematic wave approach (Chow, 1988).



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Evapotranspiration and subsurface flow are not simulated, as these processes occur on a time scale greater than the single event (Chow, 1988). The simulation of soil detachment and transport is coupled with the surface runoff modeling, following Wu et al. (1993). Sediment detachment is simulated as the result of both rain splash in interrill areas and flow erosion in rill areas. Sediment routing results from the overland flow transport capacity (Foster, 1982). Gully erosion processes are not simulated due to the uncertainty surrounding current mathematical formulations (Nachtergaele et al., 2001; Jetten et al., 2003).

Figure 12.1 Spatial distribution approach used by MEFIDIS: 1. Division of target watershed into a matrix of orthogonal grid cells. 2. Computation of runoff generation and detachment for each grid cell. 3. Routing overland flow and suspended sediment following the steepest slope.

1.2 Mathematical Formulation 1.2.1 Runoff Gereration and Routing Runoff generation and routing are simulated using the St. Venant equations (Chow, 1988). The continuity is solved with a finite difference approximation using a Forward-Time Backward-Space (FTBS) explicit scheme (Huggins and Burney, 1982):

∆Vs = Qi + r ⋅ Acell − i ⋅ Vcv − . f ⋅ (1 − Pcv ) − Qo ∆t


where: Vs – water storage volume within cell (m3), t – time (s), Qi – inflow rate to cell (m3.s-1), r – rainfall rate (m.s-1), Acell – surface area of a single model grid cell (m2), i – interception rate (m.s-1), Vcv – fraction of cell covered by



vegetation, f – infiltration rate (m.s-1), Pcv – fraction of cell covered by pavement, and Qo – outflow rate from cell (m3.s-1). The interception rate is calculated from the maximum interception storage capacity (Imax) and the rainfall rate using an exponential relationship, following Linsley et al. (1975). The model calculates the infiltration rate using the GreenAmpt method, which relates the infiltration rate with the soil hydraulic properties and accumulated water within the soil (Chow, 1988) as follows:

 ψ ⋅ (1 − s e ) ⋅ θ e  f = K + 1 F  


where: f – infiltration rate (mm.h-1), K – soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm.h-1), ψ – soil suction below the wetting front (mm), se – effective soil saturation at the beginning of the rainfall period, θe – effective soil porosity, and F – cumulative depth of water infiltration into the soil (mm). Saturation excess runoff is simulated by stopping infiltration if the water in the soil reaches the maximum storage capacity. The outflow rate for surface runoff is calculated using the kinematic wave approach, which is commonly used to simulate runoff routing over a watershed (Chow, 1988). First, a fraction of surface runoff is held in depression storage, estimated from a maximum storage capacity (Dmax) and the effective lateral inflow (rainfall minus interception and infiltration) using an exponential relationship, following Linsley et al. (1975). The remaining surface runoff is then routed downstream. Momentum conservation is calculated with the Manning-Strickler equation (Chow, 1988), as follows:

  h flow ⋅ w flow  Qo = n −1 ⋅   h + 2⋅w flow  flow 

2  1 3  ⋅ S 0 2  ⋅ (h flow ⋅ w flow )    


where: Qo – outflow rate from cell (m3.s-1), n – Manning’s roughness coefficient (s.m-1/3), hflow – average flow height (m), wflow – average flow width (m), and S0 – terrain slope (m.m-1). Average flow width is estimated from the fraction of the cell covered by water, approximated by the ratio between current water volume within the cell and the maximum volume of water that can be stored in surface depressions. In cells containing channels, MEFIDIS uses a constant channel width (wchannel) instead. The model calculates the outflow rate for each cell; inflow rates are the outflow rates from neighboring upstream cells. 1.2.2 Soil Detachment and Transport Soil detachment and transport are simulated using the continuity equation described by Foster (1982) and Chapra (1997). The solution with a finitedifference approximation, using a FTBS explicit scheme, is:


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∆M s = Qsi + Ds + Dr − Qso ∆t


where: Ms – suspended sediment (Kg), t – time (s), Qsi – sediment inflow rate (Kg.s-1), Ds – delivery rate of sediment from interrill zones (Kg.s-1), Dr – rill erosion rate (Kg.s-1), and Qso – sediment outflow rate (Kg.s-1). Sediment delivery from interrill zones is assumed to equal splash erosion (Foster, 1982; Toy et al., 2002). Detachment rate per unit area is simulated following Sharma et al. (1991; 1993):

  i − ic   Ds =  K P ⋅ E ⋅    ⋅ Rh ⋅ As 3600   



K p = 0.001 ⋅ σ oc


⋅ exp(3.88 − 0.037 ⋅ S clay )


E = 33 − 853 ⋅ ec


ic = 5.5 + 763.4 ⋅ ec


ec = 1.3 ⋅ 10 −5 ⋅ σ oc + 5.0 ⋅ 10 −6 ⋅ S clay


where: Ds – interrill sediment delivery rate (Kg.h-1), Kp – soil detachability by a raindrop (Kg.J-1), E – effective kinetic energy per unit rainfall (J.m-2.mm-1), ic – critical rainfall intensity for soil detachment (mm.h-1), Rh – ratio of erosion dampening by ponded water, As – effective rainfall splash area (m2), ec – critical kinetic energy for soil detachment by a raindrop (J), σoc – critical detachment shear stress (kPa), and Sclay – clay mass fraction (%). The ratio of erosion dampening by ponded water is estimated based on the work of Ferreira and Singer (1985); splash erosion occurs only inside the limits of ponded water height equaling one-third and three times the average raindrop diameter, which is estimated from rainfall intensity (Lencastre and Franco, 1992). Finally, the effective rainfall splash area is the ponded fraction of the area of each cell minus the area covered by pavement and vegetation (below which no rain splash erosion is assumed to occur). The soil transport capacity of the water flow, dependent on stream power, determines whether soil erosion in rills is positive (detachment) or negative (sedimentation) (Foster, 1982). Soil transport simulation follows the work of Govers (1990):

Tc = ρ p ⋅ c(ω − ω c )










 d ⋅ 10 3 + 5  c =  50  0.32  


 d 50 ⋅ 10 3 + 5  d=  300  




where: Tc – soil transport capacity (Kg.m-3), ρp – soil particle density (2650 Kg.m-3), ω – stream power (cm.s-1), ωc – critical stream power for soil transport (cm.s-1), and d50 – soil median particle diameter (mm). Stream power is calculated from outflow velocity and local slope. Critical stream power for soil transport is calculated using Neill’s equation (Lencastre and Franco, 1992). This is implemented in the model as follows (Rauws and Govers, 1988):

Dr = Y ⋅ (Tc − C sed ) ⋅ u sed ⋅ w flow ⋅ wcell




1 0.89 + 0.56 ⋅ σ oc


where: Dr – delivery rate of sediment from rill zones (Kg.s-1), Csed – sediment concentration in the water stored inside the cell (Kg.m-3), Y – efficiency factor for rill detachment, used – particle sedimentation velocity (m.s-1), wflow – average flow width (m), and wcell – cell width (equals spatial resolution) (m). The efficiency factor for rill detachment is 1 when sedimentation is occurring (Rauws and Govers, 1988). Particle sedimentation velocity is given by Stokes’ Law (Chapra, 1997). The model assumes that rills form over the entire length of the cell along the flow width, and that sedimentation also occurs over the rill. Rill detachment is limited by the difference between transport capacity and sediment concentration; for sedimentation, only the sediment in excess of the transport capacity will settle. Sediment inflow and outflow rates depend directly on water inflow and outflow rates, and of the sediment concentration inside the originating cell. Soil loss within each cell is calculated by adding sediment delivery rates; negative values represent net deposition. 1.3 Implementation The parameters required by the model equations are shown in Table 12.1. The model is forced by rainfall; the spatial distribution of rainfall is represented directly. The model also accepts as input data time series of precipitation for several points within the watershed; values for each point in the watershed are interpolated with the Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) method (Isaaks and Srivastava, 1989) at each time step.


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The spatial distribution of effective soil moisture saturation is also represented directly. MEFIDIS accepts either a single constant value for the entire watershed, or effective soil moisture saturation maps. These maps can be either measured directly or estimated using methods such as the wetness index (Beven, 2000) ; an example of the latter case will be demonstrated in section 3 of this chapter. Table 12.1 Parameters Required by MEFIDIS Surrogate parameter


rainfall intensity

effective soil moisture saturation at the beginning of

Input units





simulation land use

Manning’s roughness coefficient



ratio of vegetation canopy cover


ratio of pavement cover

soil type


maximum depression storage capacity



maximum interception storage capacity




effective soil porosity soil saturated hydraulic conductivity



soil suction below the wetting front



soil median particle diameter



critical detachment shear stress



soil depth







amount of clay in the soil composition channel section altimetry

channel width Manning’s roughness coefficient



terrain slope



flow direction

MEFIDIS accommodates the spatial distribution of interdependent parameters by using maps containing surrogate information (Grayson and Blöschl, 2001). The surrogate classes shown in Table 12.1 (land use, soil type, altimetry, and channel section) must be provided to MEFIDIS as grid-based maps. The user also provides a table listing model parameters for each land use, soil class, and channel section. Care should be taken to represent spatial information at a high resolution to ensure good model performance (Jetten et al., 2003; Braun et al., 1997; Schoorl et al., 2000). For example, Walker and Wilgoose (1999) suggest that a resolution of 100¯100 m or better in altimetry maps is required to capture local topographic details. Temporal resolution should be related with the spatial resolution to minimize numerical dispersion; the Courant condition can be used as a guideline when selecting the size of each model time step (Chapra, 1997).



MEFIDIS provides spatial results for runoff generation (in mm) and accumulated soil loss per unit area (in Kg.m−2) at the end of the storm event, in the form of grid-based maps. The model also generates time series of averaged results for the entire watershed; the parameters are shown in Table 12.2. Finally, the user can obtain time series for the parameters detailed in Table 12.2, for selected points within the watershed. In this case, the model also provides time series for instant flow velocity (in mm.s−1) and solid flow (in Kg.m−2.s−1). Table 12.2 Results Provided by MEFIDIS – Time Series for the Entire Watershed Output parameter

Output units

Instant surface runoff height


Accumulated infiltration


Accumulated runoff outflow


Instant suspended sediment


Accumulated interrill erosion


Accumulated rill erosion


Accumulated sedimentation


Accumulated sediment outflow


2. MODEL ROBUSTNESS ASSESSMENT FOR THE LUCKY HILLS 103 CATCHMENT (USA) The quality of predictions made by physically based watershed models, including MEFIDIS, is very sensitive to input parameters (Wu et al., 1993; Jetten et al., 1999, 2003). Model results can generally be improved by adjusting the parameters through calibration, but an excessive calibration for a small collection of events does not imply that the model will perform well for events whose characteristics differ from those used in the calibration exercise (FavisMortlock et al., 2001). Furthermore, models used for prediction and management purposes are usually applied to simulate conditions which do not exist and therefore cannot be accounted for during calibration (Beven, 2000; Morgan and Quinton, 2001). A model used for these purposes must be assessed in terms of robustness, i.e., its capacity to reasonably perform with similar parameter values, including highly dynamic ones, for the widest possible range of conditions (Toy et al., 2002). This section assesses the robustness of MEFIDIS for a small semiarid watershed. The model was run using a single parameter set for the catchment and was applied to a highly variable range of events. Runoff and erosion models are usually very sensitive to the assumed initial soil moisture at the beginning of each event (se in Table 12.1) (Jetten et al., 1999, 2003). In this exercise a simplified assumption was made, where soil moisture was considered at full capacity when an event equal or greater than 10 mm occurred in the six hours prior to the event, and at field capacity in the remaining cases.


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2.1 Study Area – Lucky Hills 103 Lucky Hills 103 is a small (3.7 ha) instrumented catchment nested in the Walnut Gulch test watershed in Arizona, USA. The area is occupied by a semiarid rangeland consisting of shrub vegetation. The soil is homogenous throughout the area, consisting of a gravelly sandy-loam soil with 50% covered by rock fragments. The spatial data for Lucky Hills 103 consisted of a 5×5 m altimetry map; land use and soil were considered homogenous throughout the catchment. Initial values for the parameters described in Table 12.1 were taken from measurements where available. Dmax was calculated from random roughness following Kamphorst et al. (2000). Imax was calculated from Leaf Area Index values compiled by Scurlock et al. (2001), following Hoyningen-Huene (1983). Values for d50 were calculated from soil texture measurements using a fractal approach (Bittelli et al., 1999). Soil texture was used to estimate θe and ψ (Chow et al., 1988), while n was selected based on land cover (USDA, 1986). Rock fragment cover was represented by Pcv. All information was provided by the USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center. 2.2 Model Robustness Assessment 2.2.1 Model Calibration MEFIDIS was applied to Lucky Hills 103 using a spatial resolution of 5×5 m and a temporal resolution of 1 second. The model was evaluated using runoff and sediment data collected at the outlet. A split-sample calibration/validation test was performed by taking nine events for calibration and eleven for validation; event characteristics are shown in Figure 12.2. Calibration events were selected to represent the largest possible range of measured conditions, as model performance usually diminishes for events outside the calibration interval (Favis-Mortlock et al., 2001). Test variables were total runoff, peak runoff rate, and net soil loss. Calibration focused mainly on Ksat, Dmax, and d50 (see Table 12.1). 2.2.2 Model Validation Figure 12.3 compares the model results for runoff, peak runoff, and soil erosion with the 1:1 line of agreement. The correlation (r2) between the simulated and observed results is quite good, showing that MEFIDIS performs well in predicting the relative consequences of storms. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency index (Beven, 2000) provides an indicator of model performance, with values above 0.5 being considered as satisfactory, while values above 0.7 are not expected due to the uncertainty inherent to field measurements (Morgan and Quinton, 2001). In this case the index indicates a good agreement between simulated and observed results, with 0.61 for runoff, 0.85 for peak runoff, and 0.58 for soil erosion. MEFIDIS performs better in terms of accuracy than in terms of precision; Figure 12.3 (left) shows that the results have a significant dispersion around the



Event duration (min)

1:1 line of agreement. The coefficient of variation (CV) is an unsigned error measure, calculated by dividing the unsigned errors by the sum of the measured and simulated values (Nearing et al., 1999). The average CV ranges from 0.30 (runoff) to 0.33 (erosion), showing the dispersal of results. It should also be noted that, while for the calibration events the results were reasonably accurate, the model tended to overestimate runoff and erosion for the validation events. 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

calibration validation





Rainfall inte ns ity (m m /h)

Figure 12.2 Characteristics of events used for model calibration and validation.

2.2.3 Discussion and Conclusions Model performance must be evaluated taking into account the variability in catchment response to similar natural conditions. Nearing et al. (1999) found that the CV in measured soil erosion from replicated plots, under similar rainfall, soil, and surface conditions, decreased with increasing magnitude of soil loss, from 1.50 for a measured soil loss of 0.1 ton/ha to 0.14 for measured soil loss of 200 ton/ha. Figure 12.3 (right) shows a decrease of the CV with event magnitude for runoff (r = -0.47, p < 0.05), peak runoff (r = -0.56, p < 0.01), and erosion (r = -0.52, p < 0.02). These results indicate that a part of the model error can be explained due to variability in processes not accounted for by the model and which are difficult to estimate with precision. One significant factor for the lack of model precision can be the simplified assumptions taken for initial soil moisture, a parameter to which most runoff and erosion models are highly sensitive (Jetten et al., 1999, 2003). The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of the simulations, however, is still small compared with the variability within measured conditions for both watersheds: 2.3 mm for runoff (range: 0.3 – 15.6 mm), 4.5 mm/h for peak runoff (range: 1.9 – 47.7 mm/h), and 0.5 ton/ha for erosion (range: 0.1 – 3.1 ton/ha). This result, coupled with the ones presented above, shows that MEFIDIS can robustly predict the magnitude of runoff, peak runoff, and erosion for extreme events in Lucky Hills with this calibrated parameter set and simplified assumptions on soil moisture. For large events the model can also predict the


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values for these variables, but the quality of simulations significantly decreases for smaller events. r 2 = 0.84 p < 0.01





1.00 coefficient of variation

simulated runoff (mm)


0.60 0.40 0.20

validation 0

0.00 0

5 10 15 20 m e as ure d runoff (m m ) r 2 = 0.86 p < 0.01

40 30 20 10

calibration validation



10 20 30 40 pe ak runoff (m m /h)



1 2 3 4 ne t e ros ion (ton/ha)


0.60 0.40 0.20

4 3 2 calibration

1.00 coefficient of variation

simulated erosion (ton/ha)



r 2 = 0.80 p < 0.01


10 runoff (m m )


0 10 20 30 40 50 m e as ure d pe ak run. (m m /h) 5


1.00 coefficient of variation

50 simulated peak run. (mm/h)


0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20

validation 0

0.00 0

1 2 3 4 5 m e as ure d e ros ion (ton/ha)

Figure 12.3 Comparison between simulated and observed results (left); comparison between the simulation’s coefficient of variation and measured values (right).

Finally, it should be noted that Lucky Hills 103 is a watershed with very homogeneous land use conditions throughout the year. In areas with larger temporal variability such as agricultural areas, parameter sets must vary



according to the growth stage of crops, and therefore more events are needed for calibration and validation, as shown by Nunes et al. (in press). 3. EVALUATING THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE FOR THE ALENQUER WATERSHED (PORTUGAL) The anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases is expected to significantly increase the global average temperature during this century, leading to changes in global climate patterns (McCarthy et al., 2002). Although the extent of these changes is still uncertain, Global Circulation Models (GCMs) have commonly been used to develop plausible climate change scenarios (McCarthy et al., 2002). One common result is that a warmer climate will lead to a more intense hydrological cycle, leading to more frequent occurrence of extreme rainfall events in many locations, with an increase in storm runoff and floods (Bronstert et al., 2002; Milly et al., 2002; Senior et al., 2002). This problem could also lead to a significant increase in soil erosion rates (McCarthy et al., 2002). In southern Portugal, soil erosion and land degradation have been a problem for many decades, leading to the abandonment of unproductive lands and consequently to desertification (Vandaele et al., 1997; Roxo, 1999). Therefore, there is the need to estimate the impacts of changes in climate patterns on surface runoff and soil erosion. The MEFIDIS model was used to analyze this issue in the Alenquer watershed (Portugal). The current lack of data on soil erosion for Portugal makes modeling a good option to analyze this problem. 3.1 Study Area – The Alenquer Watershed The Alenquer watershed, in Portugal (Figure 12.4), is a medium-sized watershed (120 km2) occupied mostly by active and abandoned agriculture, leading to poor soil cover. Since the soils are shallow and lack cohesiveness, strong rainfall events have severe consequences for soil erosion. The rainfall regime follows typical Mediterranean patterns; average yearly precipitation is 800 mm, falling mostly during the wet season (late autumn to early spring) in the form of extreme events. The INAG (Portuguese Water Institute) classifies Alenquer as a dry subhumid watershed in moderate risk of desertification. 3.1.1 Model Parameterizaion Altimetry for Alenquer was derived from 1/25000 topographical maps published by the Army Geographical Institute, resulting in raster data with a resolution of 30x30 m. Land use data were acquired using an airborne Daedalus Thematic Mapper Simulator (TMS) radiometer with a resolution of 3x3 m and 11 spectral bands. The survey flight was made in February 1998 so as to derive land cover prevailing in the rainy season (autumn–winter). A supervised classification (Chuvieco, 1986) was carried out to distinguish 8 land use classes with an overall accuracy ratio of 0.81. Soil maps with 25x25-m resolution and 12 soil classes were provided by the Ministry of Agriculture.


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3 km

Figure 12.4 The Alenquer watershed.

Initial values for the parameters described in Table 12.1 were taken from measurements where available. Dmax was estimated from the values given by Linsley et al. (1975), and n was selected based on land cover (USDA, 1986). Imax was calculated from Leaf Area Index values compiled by Scurlock et al. (2001) following Hoyningen-Huene (1983). Soil texture, K, and θe values were taken from Cardoso (1965); σoc values were measured in the field using a torvane. Values for d50 were calculated from soil texture measurements using a fractal approach (Bittelli et al., 1999). Finally, ψ values were calculated with the pedotransfer equations developed by Brakensiek (1977). 3.1.2 Soil Moisture Estimation Modeling a study area of the size of Alenquer required spatially distributed data on soil moisture to simulate saturation excess runoff generation. Soil moisture deficit maps for the beginning of a specific storm were obtained from altimetry and initial base flow using the TOPMODEL approach (Beven, 2000). This approach is based in the spatial distribution of the topographic wetness index, which estimates relative values of soil moisture for a particular point i within the watershed, as follows:

a 

γ i = ln i   S 0i 


where: γi – topographic wetness index value for point i, ai – area draining to point i per unit contour length (m2/m), and S0i – slope gradient at point i (m/m). The wetness index can be used to determine local values of soil moisture deficit when the average soil moisture deficit for the watershed is known, by using a transmissivity decay with soil profile (m) parameter:



Di = D + m(γ − γ i )


where: Di – soil moisture deficit for point i (m), D – average soil moisture deficit for the watershed (m), m – transmissivity decay with soil profile (m), and γ – average topographic wetness index value. In this exercise, soil moisture at the beginning of each event was divided in two classes: when Di = 0, the soil was assumed to be saturated with water, while for the other cases soil moisture was assumed to be at field capacity. This procedure can be conceived as a way to provide spatially distributed estimates, contrasting with the simple assumptions made for the Lucky Hills 103 catchment (see above). Average soil moisture deficit at the beginning of each storm (D) can be estimated from the average wetness index value and the river flow in the beginning of each storm (Beven, 2000). Although there were no data to validate this index for Alenquer, topographic controls of soil moisture in semiarid watersheds have been observed during the rainy season (Puigdefabregas et al., 1998; Gómez-Plaza et al., 2000), and soil moisture patterns estimated by topography appear reliable at the watershed scale in Mediterranean catchments (Gómez-Plaza et al., 2000). 3.2 Model Calibration and Validation 3.2.1 Calibration MEFIDIS was calibrated using a series of field rainfall experiments using the equipment described by Cerdà (1998). This approach was selected since the irregular nature of rainfall in semiarid environments makes natural rainfall analysis unfeasible (Cerdà, 1998). Each rainfall simulation had a rainfall intensity of 50 mm.h-1 during 60 min. This procedure was repeated for six sites with different soil types and land uses, and performed at least twice for each site; altogether, the soil types tested represent 91.4% of the total watershed area. Shear stress resistance was measured for each soil type using a torvane (60 samples per site) to parameterize σoc. Observed results showed a good agreement with simulated results, performed by a single-cell version of the model, as shown in Figure 12.5. 3.2.2 Validation The application of MEFIDIS to the Alenquer watershed was validated using data from three storms (Table 12.3). They represent three different flow conditions in the Alenquer River, from the negligible impact of the 2003 storm to the flood caused by the 1988 storm (de Macedo, 1996). Rainfall data came from rain gauge measurements provided by the INAG for three stations located inside the watershed. Average soil moisture deficit D at the beginning of each storm was estimated based on initial outlet flow as described above. For the 1988 storm, antecedent soil moisture appeared to be more important than total


Watershed Models

rainfall or rainfall intensity in runoff generation, a process also observed by Cerdà (1988) for Mediterranean watersheds. Validation at the watershed scale was made by comparing simulated and measured flow hydrographs, total storm flow, and total sediment export. Flow measurement at the outlet came from an automated sampling station operated by INAG. Sediment export by the watershed was estimated for each storm using a sediment-discharge curve based in measurements taken by INAG (r = 0.76, p < 0.01).

b) 100


observed (g)

observed (mm)







0 0








expected (g)

expected (mm)

Figure 12.5 Comparison between modeled and observed results for total runoff (a) and soil loss (b, in logarithmic scale) for six rainfall simulation experiments.

Table 12.3 Simulated and measured results for three events in the Alenquer watershed. Rainfall (mm)

Event duration (hr)

Runoff (mm) sim.


Peak flow (m3/s) sim.


Erosion (ton/ha) sim.





























The simulation results and measured values are shown in Table 12.3. They show that MEFIDIS provides satisfactory predictions for runoff, peak flow, and erosion for a large range of storm conditions. The simulated and measured hydrographs for these storms (Figure 12.5) are also in good agreement. While these results are not sufficient to estimate the simulation error or to assess model robustness for Alenquer, they nonetheless show that MEFIDIS can reliably simulate runoff and erosion for the study area under very different conditions.



70 simulated 60



Runoff (m 3.s -1 )

50 40 30


20 11-Mar-2003 10 0 0







Tim e (m in)

Figure 12.6 Comparison between simulated and observed results for runoff at the Alenquer watershed’s outlet for three storms.

The present lack of spatially distributed erosion data for Alenquer and southern Portugal, as well as the difficulty to collect it (Jetten et al., 2003), make the validation of the soil erosion patterns simulated by MEFIDIS impossible. However, Nunes et al. (in press) have shown the capacity of MEFIDIS to reliably simulate erosion patterns in an agricultural watershed (Ganspoel, Belgium). It was therefore assumed in this exercise that the model simulates erosion patterns in a rational way, and consequently it can be used to assess their response to changes in climate conditions (Favis-Mortlock et al., 2001; Morgan and Quinton, 2001). 3.3 Sensitivity of Runoff and Soil Erosion to Climate Change The increased frequency and intensity of precipitation caused by changes in climate patterns has the greatest potential to cause significant changes in runoff and erosion (Martinez-Mena et al., 1998; Salles et al., 2000). The soil moisture before each storm event is also an important factor for runoff and soil erosion, and changes to this property can be responsible for a significant part of catchment response to storm events in Mediterranean catchments (Cerdà, 1998). The MEFIDIS model was applied with two goals: first, to estimate the sensitivity of runoff and erosion to changes in event intensity and antecedent soil moisture in the Alenquer watershed; and second, to analyze the impacts of two climate change scenarios in these variables.


Watershed Models

3.3.1 Sensitivity to Changes in Event Intensity The assessment of the consequences of climate change to event intensity is constrained since most published results refer to changes to total rainfall. Miranda et al. (2002) analyzed several General Circulation Models (GCMs) and scenarios for the Portuguese case, and suggest that, for the case of increased precipitation in the rainy season (September to May), it will fall mostly during extreme events with increased intensity. In the absence of more reliable estimates on the changes to rainfall patterns for southern Portugal, this work assumes that changes in total rainfall will be translated mostly into changes to event intensity. MEFIDIS was used to analyze the response of runoff and erosion to changes in event intensity of −15% to +30%, representing the range of predicted changes in total rainfall for 2090 to 2100 in southern Portugal (Cunha et al., 2002). Changes to soil moisture at the start of each rainfall event from −15% to +30% were also tested, representing the seasonal variability of soil moisture conditions throughout an average year. Five synthetic storms were simulated, representing typical storm characteristics observed in Alenquer during the 1980s and 1990s (de Macedo, 1996) (Figure 12.7). Model analysis focused mainly on three variables: total runoff, peak runoff rates at the outlet, and erosion. Within-watershed erosion and areas with significant erosion (>1 ton/ha) were also analyzed. Model results were measured in sensitivity to change, following Pruski and Nearing (2002), meaning the % change of the variable per % change in storm intensity or initial soil moisture. The results for all simulations are shown in Figure 12.8. Erosion rates appear to be more sensitive to changes in event intensity than total runoff and peak runoff rates. There are significant differences between each simulation (shown as error bars in Figure 12.8); storms with higher rainfall intensity lead to higher sensitivity values than storms with lower intensity. This result indicates that the predicted changes will be more noticeable during the strongest events, i.e., the events more likely to cause flooding and significant erosion problems. Erosion rates are more sensitive to changes in event intensity than withinwatershed erosion. The difference between these two variables represents resedimentation of detached soil within the watershed. Therefore, changes in erosion at the watershed’s outlet are in part due to an increase in the sediment delivery ratio. This result can be explained by the increased connectivity between sediment sources and the watershed’s outlet due to the increase in surface runoff (Favis-Mortlock et al., 2001). Finally, it should be noted that changes in areas with significant erosion are smaller than the changes in both erosion and within-watershed erosion rates. This result indicates that most of the changes to soil erosion rates occur in areas already suffering from significant erosion problems. A similar pattern of results was also found for the response to changes in antecedent soil moisture, although the actual values of sensitivity to change are significantly smaller than those found for changes in rainfall intensity (Figure 12.8). The conclusions stated above are also applicable in this case. These



results also indicate that changes in soil moisture, although less significant than changes in event intensity, are also likely to condition runoff and erosion in Alenquer. 70 60

rainfall (mm)

50 40 30 20 observed storms


synthetic storms 0 0








duration (h)

sensitivity to change (% change per % change in variable)

Figure 12.7 Rainfall and duration for observed storms in Alenquer, and for the synthetic storms used in the current exercise. change in soil moisture


change in event intensity

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 runoff

peak runoff


withinwatershed erosion

area with significant erosion

Figure 12.8 Average results for all tests for the sensitivity to changes in event intensity and initial soil moisture of runoff, peak runoff, erosion, within-watershed erosion, and area with significant erosion; the bars show the maximum and minimum results for the five tests.


Watershed Models

3.3.2 Analysis of Climate Change Scenarios Two climate change scenarios were used in this study as reported by Trigo and Palutikof (2001). They assess changes in seasonal rainfall conditions for 2041 to 2090 in southern Portugal by downscaling the results of two GCM runs: the GG scenario, considering a 1% per year increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations; and the GS scenario, representing the previous scenario plus the addition of the radiative effect of sulfate aerosols. The authors provide a range of predicted changes in rainfall rates per season; Table 12.4 shows the values used in this study. Table 12.4 Scenario Characteristics per Season; Values for Antecedent Soil Moisture Represent the Relative Difference from the Annual Average Antecedent soil moisture SON – September, October, and November DJF – December, January, and February MAM – March, April, and May Annual average (not considering changes in remaining months)

Rainfall intensity Scenario GG

Scenario GS













Table 12.4 shows the high seasonal variability of predicted increases in rainfall. It should be noted that the greater increases are predicted to occur in the DJF season, which is also the peak of the rainy season and when the soil is more saturated with moisture. MEFIDIS simulated the five synthetic storms described above under the three different seasons shown in Table 12.4, considering typical soil moisture conditions in each season. The runoff and erosion caused by these storms were compared with the results when changing event intensity by the values shown in the table. Average annual results were computed considering that extreme events with the characteristics shown in Figure 12.7 have an equal probability of occurrence in the rainy season (September–October–November [SON], December-January-February [DJF], and March–April–May [MAM]), and have no probability of occurring in the remaining months. Figure 12.9 (left) shows the predicted changes caused by both scenarios in runoff, peak runoff, and net erosion. As expected, scenario GS has larger consequences than scenario GG, as the predicted increase in rainfall intensity is larger. It should be noted that even for scenario GG, an increase in event intensity of 5% leads to increases of 14% for peak runoff and 32% for soil erosion, which indicates the potentially significant consequences of small changes in extreme event intensity. The results also show that the sensitivity of Alenquer to changes in event intensity depends on the season where these changes occur. Figure 12.9 (right) shows that runoff, peak runoff, and erosion are more sensitive to changes in



8 7


scenario GG scenario GS


6 5

change (%)

sensitivity to change (% change per % change in event intensity)

event intensity for scenario GG than for scenario GS. This can be explained from the fact that in scenario GG most changes occur in the DJF season, characterized by wetter soil conditions, while in scenario GS changes are distributed in the DJF and MAM seasons, with the latter characterized by drier soil conditions. In other words, changes in event intensity have more severe consequences if they occur when antecedent soil moisture is higher.

4 3

scenario GG scenario GS

40 30 20

2 10

1 0


runof f

peak runof f


rainf all intensity

runof f

peak runof f


Figure 12.9 Average change for runoff, peak runoff, and soil erosion, for two climate change scenarios (left); and sensitivity to change of the same variables for the two scenarios (right).

3.3.3 Discussion and Conclusions While these results represent rough estimates, they indicate that small increases in rainfall intensity could have much larger consequences for runoff, peak runoff rates, and in particular to erosion rates. This high sensitivity to event characteristics was already observed by Puigdefabregas et al. (1999) for Mediterranean watersheds. The sensitivity to changes of event intensity for these parameters is similar to that found by Nearing et al. (in press). These authors performed a similar exercise for two smaller watersheds, but included a large number of runoff and erosion models. The fact that different models showed similar trends in terms of runoff and erosion sensitivity indicates that this response is not merely a consequence of model sensitivity to rainfall intensity. It should also be noted that these results assume constant land use conditions in the Alenquer watershed. However, they indicate that climate change alone could have a significant impact for the occurrence of flooding and for soil loss, especially judging by the two scenarios analyzed in this exercise. Further research is necessary to determine the actual impact of land use changes in runoff and erosion for this watershed, and how land use planning could be used to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change.


Watershed Models

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was funded by the National Board for Scientific and Technological Research (JNICT) and the General-Directorate for the Environment (DGA) under contract no. PEAM/C/84/91. João Nunes acknowledges the support given by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the European Union under Operational Program “Science, Technology, and Innovation” (POCTI), PhD grant ref. SFRH/BD/5059/2001, inserted in the IIIrd Community Support Framework (2000-2006). The authors also wish to thank Mary Nichols of the USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center at Tucson (Arizona, U.S.A.) for providing the data used in this study. REFERENCES Beven, K., Rainfall-Runoff Modelling – The Primer, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 2000. Bittelli, M., Campbell, G.S., and Flury, M., Characterization of particle-size distribution in soils with a fragmentation model, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 63 (4), 782, 1999. Brakensiek, D.L., Estimating the effective capillary pressure in the Green and Ampt infiltration equation, Water Resour. Res., 13 (3), 680, 1977. Braun, P., Molnar, T., and Kleeberg, H.-B., The problem of scaling in grid-related hydrological process modelling. Hydrol. Process., 11, 1219, 1997. Bronstert, A., Niehoff, D., and Bürger, G., Effects of climate and land-use change on storm runoff generation: present knowledge and modelling capabilities, Hydrol. Process., 16, 509, 2002. Cardoso, J.V.J.C., Os Solos de Portugal: sua Classificação, Caracterização e Génese. 1 – A Sul do Rio Tejo. State Secretariat for Agriculture, Directorate-General for Agricultural Services, Lisbon, 1965. Cerdà, A., The influence of geomorphological position and vegetation cover on the erosional and hydrological processes on a Mediterranean hillslope, Hydrol. Process., 12, 661, 1998. Chapra, S.C., Surface Water-Quality Modeling, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997. Chow, V.T., Maidment, D.R., and Mays, L.W., Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988. Chuvieco, E., Fundamentos de Teledetección Espacial, 3rd ed. (revised), RIALP, 1986. Cunha, L.V., Oliveira, R., and Nunes, V., Water resources, in 20th century Portuguese climate and climate scenarios, in Climate Change in Portugal: Scenarios, Impacts and Adaptation Measures, Santos, F.D., Forbes, K., and Moita, R., Eds., Gradiva – Publicações, Lisbon, 2002, 133. de Macedo, M.E.R.Z., Aplicação do Radar Meteorológico na Previsão de Cheias, M. Sc. Thesis in Geophysical Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, 1996.



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CHAPTER 13 BAYMOD: Modeling Irrigated Catchments Using the Streamflow Integral Approach Luke D. Connell, M. Gilfedder, and Russell Mein

Physically based models for catchment flow and solute transport use process descriptions that are solved in a spatially distributed manner to capture spatial structure in parameters, driving variables and flow processes. The numerical methods used to solve these process descriptions require a spatial discretization that serves the dual purposes of representing spatial structures and determining the mathematical accuracy of the process solutions. In many applications the computational burden associated with the spatial discretization has acted as a constraint to its resolution, leading to a coarse discretization and bringing into question the physical relevance of the process solutions (Beven, 1989). The difficulties associated with applying spatially distributed physical models have led to the development of models that exploit physical characteristics of the flow system to introduce simplifications to the deterministic flow descriptions. Some models exploit the predominantly onedimensional (1-D) nature of topographically driven surface flow through the use of flowtubes within which the flow descriptions are 1-D. Other models take a spatially distributed approach but use conceptual descriptions of the flow processes. TOPMODEL uses a spatial discretization based on a digital elevation model with conceptual models for the flow processes (Beven et al., 1984). The objectives with both modeling approaches is to reduce model complexity leading to lower parameter requirements and computational overheads. The evolution of streamflow and salt load within a catchment will be determined by the aggregation throughout the catchment of the local flow and transport processes contributing to the stream. The surface and subsurface processes operating within the subcatchment areas will drive these contributing processes. Wood et al. (1988) showed that, for statistically stationary properties, as catchment size increases catchment outflow tends to average out and approach a constant. However, when there is spatial structure present in parameters the outflow will be a function of the spatial organization (Blöschl et al., 1995). For process descriptions in physically based models to be valid these models must be able to represent the spatial structure in model parameters and processes that exists in the subcatchment areas. An approach to modeling catchment flow has been the division of the catchment into subcatchment areas and the development of model descriptions for these. In TOPMODEL the subcatchments were determined based on areas where the topographic gradient and the contributing area are homogeneous (Beven et al., 1984). In the model of Stagnitti et al. (1992) the catchment was



Watershed Models

divided into hillslope segments where the cross-sectional flow area was allowed to vary with distance down slope. Both of these model catchment streamflow as the cumulative of all subcatchment or hillslope segment representations. In established flood-irrigated catchments shallow saline water tables have led to surface soil salinization and transport of salt into streams. Management of either of these problems needs to take into account the potential impacts management actions could have on the other. An important obstacle to model representation is the sheer scale of the catchments, which can be of the order of 100 km2. The MIKE-SHE spatially distributed physical model has been applied to model flow and transport in an irrigated catchment in New South Wales, Australia (Somaratne et al., 1994). The coarse spatial discretization that was used in this modeling is similar to that used in other modeling studies where the physical relevance of the process solutions has been questioned (Beven, 1989). In flood-irrigated catchments the land surface is divided into irrigation bays, with surface water divides between neighboring bays so that the bays act as mini-catchments (approximately 1 ha in area). The irrigation bays are man-made structures designed with efficient irrigation in mind. As such they have similar, even slopes (a result of laser grading), where overland flow is constrained to being 1-D. Each irrigation bay is connected to a surface drainage system, which in turn flows into the stream network. A physically based model was developed for flow and transport in 1-D hillslopes and tested through application to an irrigation bay (Connell et al., 2001). This model, known as BAYMOD, is used as the fundamental model unit in a catchment description of flow and salt transport in this chapter and is described in the Appendix to this chapter. 1. CATCHMENT MODELING METHODOLOGY This modeling must meet two objectives: assessment of the processes determining on-land salinization and those leading to stream water quality degradation. Since the two are closely linked the management of one problem will have consequences on the other and therefore they must be modeled in an integrated manner. While land salinization can be determined more by local scale flow and transport processes, stream salinization is the result of an aggregation of the local processes throughout a catchment area. In general terms the catchment outflow of water or the mass of a solute, Qc, will be the integral throughout the length of the stream network of the hillslope contributions, that is, Total stream length

Qc =



(hydraulic properties, topo log y, contributing area, etc.) dL (13.1)

where qH is the per unit width hillslope outflow (a function of a range of physical characteristics) into the stream system, and L is the distance along the



stream banks. To obtain the dynamic outflow behavior the stream contributions would have to be routed through the stream network. One option for the evaluation of the integral in Equation (13.1) would be to model the hillslope contributions throughout the catchment. However this would encounter the problems common to other physically based modeling exercises mentioned above, even for the relatively small 2630-ha experimental catchment against which the model will be tested. While hillslope outflow is likely to be a smooth function of the physical properties within the hillslope, these properties can have a heterogeneous spatial distribution within the catchment. This spatial structure determines how hillslopes are connected to their neighbors and the dynamic behavior of catchment outflow is determined by the spatial location of the physical properties along the stream network. However, stream water quality, in particular stream salt load, does not need to be resolved at a fine temporal scale. For most management problems it is the total load of salt leaving a catchment that is of interest and not the daily variation in that load. If the flow and salt load can be lumped in time and that lumping period is significantly greater than the travel time within the catchment, streamflow routing can be ignored. Another simplifying assumption is that the recharge/discharge processes operating within a hillslope predominantly drive groundwater flow within that hillslope. Thus, the connection of the shallow hillslope groundwater system to regional influences operates at a time scale that is only apparent for long duration simulations and is neglected here. Neglecting streamflow routing and assuming groundwater to be primarily flowing in response to influences within the hillslope means that the spatial distribution of the hillslope contributions does not have to be considered. Equation (13.1) can be rewritten as the sum of the streamflow contributions for each soil type (assuming uniform soil type, and one soil type per hillslope), that is, N L s i Q = ∑ ∫ q ([ Soil hydraulic properties ] i , other physical properties) dL C H i =1 o (13.2) where Li is the total stream length for soil hydraulic property i and Ns is the total number of soil types within the catchment area. In the flood-irrigated catchments for which this model was tested the land surface is divided almost entirely into irrigation bays. The 1-D hillslope model described in Connell et al. (2001), known as BAYMOD, is a good representation of flow and transport within these bays where surface flow is constrained to being 1-D and the contributing area and slope do not vary with distance upslope. Figure 13.1 presents the flow processes that operate within irrigation bays and represented by BAYMOD (see the Appendix for more information on this model). However, for many natural catchments the 1-D hillslope model (which can allow for varying contributing areas within the


Watershed Models

yyy ;;; yy y ;  QQ ;; y ; y ; ;;; yyy ;;; ;; yy ;;; yyy ;; yy ;;; yyy y ; yy ;; ;;; ;; yy ;;; yyy ;; yy

hillslope) is likely to be a good approximation of the flow process where flow follows the topographic gradient down to the stream.

;;;;; yyyyy  ;;; QQQ  ;; QQ ;;;; yyyy ;;;;; yyyyy  QQ ;; ;;; QQQ  ;; QQ  ;;; yyy ;;;; yyyy ;;;;; yyyyy ;;; yyy

Figure 13.1. Flow processes within an irrigation bay represented in the BAYMOD model.

Within a soil type there can be a wide distribution of hillslope lengths or, for this application, bay lengths. The bay lengths and the width of each bay (equivalent to stream length) can be measured from aerial photographs and a cumulative frequency distribution (expressed as cumulative bay width) can be derived for bay length. The integral term in Equation (13.2) can be redefined in terms of bay length, N s BL MX ,i

QC = ∑

i =1 BL MN ,i

qB ([ Soil hydraulic property ] i , BL )

df B dBL dBL


where qB is the bay outflow, f B is the distribution of cumulative stream length with respect to bay length, BL is the length of the bay, BLMX,i is the maximum bay length, and BLMN,i is the minimum bay length for soil type i. The calculation of the integral is further simplified by the man-made nature of irrigation bays where slopes are constant and overland flow properties constant within soil types. If the cumulative distribution function, fB, is known and with the bay model used for qB, the integral term in Equation 13.3 can be evaluated numerically, thus defining a distribution model for the catchment outflow. Since the flow within the catchment is lumped in time, Equation 13.3 would be evaluated at the end of each temporal lumping period. Although depending on the behavior of qB with respect to the variables of integration, a simpler approach could be used to calculate the integral. To determine the most efficient approach for the calculation of the integral term in Equation 13.3 a series of bay model simulations were conducted. These analyses involved running the bay model to simulate a period of flow and



transport using as input the one-year climate data sequence and the model parameter set from the model calibration and testing presented in Connell et al. (2001). Table 13.1 presents the variation in drain flow and salt load, normalized by the bay length, for the bay model simulations with respect to the bay length. The bay discretization comprised 19 elements that were adjusted for each simulation in proportion to the changes in the overall bay length. These normalized results show very little variation in the drain flow and salt load with respect to bay length. Table 13.1 also presents the percentage difference in bay averaged root zone salt concentration between the start and end of the simulation with respect to the length of the bay. For bays greater than 160 m in length the change is constant. These results suggest that flow and salt load can be scaled linearly to account for the distribution of bay lengths present in the study area. Thus Equation 13.3 can be simplified to Ns

QC = ∑ qB ([ Soil hydraulic property ] i , BLCi ) i =1



where BLCi is a characteristic bay length (for example the average or median) and Ai is the area covered by a soil property type. Flood irrigation involves applying water in periodic events. The timing of irrigation is based on estimates of the plant water stress, and thus the soil moisture deficit. Another aspect to irrigation management is estimation of the amount of irrigation supply water required to adequately meet the soil moisture deficit but minimize wastage. This involves determining the point during irrigation front advance that irrigation supply should be discontinued (‘shutoff’). This can be difficult to manage since it involves estimating the flow behavior from the time of shut-off onwards. In practice flood irrigation involves losses to the drainage system, and inefficiencies of 10 to 20% are common (Gilfedder et al., 2000a). An important unknown in the simulations is the actual irrigation practice. Records of farmer water orders are available for only a short period of time for the experimental catchment and in any event may not correspond to the times and volumes of irrigation applied to an individual bay. The approach followed here is to define irrigation management criteria that attempt to replicate the irrigation management practice commonly employed by farmers. Thus irrigation supply is a simulated quantity rather than model input, even in the model testing against field observations. In this modeling there are three parameters used: the soil moisture deficit to trigger an irrigation event, SMD, the irrigation supply flow rate, qi, and the distance down the bay of irrigation front advance before supply is discontinued, Ct. Across a catchment the irrigation management criteria will have a distribution of values, a result of the qualitative nature of irrigation management and individual farmer practices. This range of variation in the management


Watershed Models

criteria can be represented by probability distributions and Equation 14.4 modified to include the effect of the range of practices on the catchment outflow, Ns CtU qi ,U SMDU

QC = ∑ ∫

∫ ∫

i =1 CtL qi ,L SMDL

qB ([ Soil hydraulic property] i , BLC,i )



dfq dqi


dfCt A dCt i dCt BLC,i (13.5)

where fSMD, fq, and fCt are the cumulative probability distributions for the soil moisture deficit (in this case assumed to be statistically independent), the supply flow rate, and the cutoff distance. The U and L subscripts in the limits of the integrals in Equation 13.5 are the upper and lower limits for each variable. Table 13.1 Modeled Bay Outflow Volume, Supply Volume, and Salt Load for A 1cm Wide Bay (Normalized by Bay Length). Difference between Initial and Final Average Root Zone Salinity is Also Presented Bay Length (m)

Change in average root zone salt concentration (% of initial) 13.1



























Irrigation supply Drain flow Drain salt load







800000 60 600000 40


Salt mass (g/cm width)

1200000 Water volume (cm3/cm width)

Normalized drain salt mass (g/cm2)




200000 0

0 3

Normalized drain volume (in cm2/cm)







Irrigation soil moisture deficit trigger (cm water)

Figure 13.2 The variation in total irrigation supply volume, drain flow, and salt load for the simulation period with respect to the soil moisture deficit criteria for irrigation scheduling.

Total water volume (cm3/cm width)


Normalized irrigation supply volume (in cm2/cm)

80 70 60



Irrigation supply Drain volume Drain salt mass


40 30


20 200000 0 20000








0 90000

Irrigation supply rate (cm3/cm)

Figure 13.3 The variation in total irrigation supply volume, drain flow, and salt load for the simulation period with respect to the irrigation supply rate.

To determine the most appropriate method for the evaluation of the integral term in Equation 13.5 a series of simulations were conducted using a sequence of climate data from an irrigation season (described in Connell et al., 2001).



Figure 13.2 presents the cumulative outflow and salt load over the simulation period with respect to the soil moisture deficit at irrigation. Figure 13.3 presents the simulation results with respect to irrigation supply rate and Figure 13.4 with respect to the irrigation supply cutoff distance. The results presented in these figures indicate that the behavior cannot be explained using a simple scaling approach, in contrast to that used for bay length. Therefore the integral term in Equation 13.5 must be evaluated numerically.


100 90

70 60


50 40


30 Irrigation Supply Drain flow Salt load


0 0.4









Salt Mass (g/cm width)




Water Volume (cm /cm width)


20 10 0 0.85

Cutoff distance (proportion of bay length)

Figure 13.4 The variation of total drain water, salt load, and irrigation water supply volume for the simulation period with respect to irrigation supply cut-off distance.

2. DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENTAL CATCHMENT The experimental catchment (known as Drain 14) is a 2630-ha area in northern Victoria, Australia (see Figure 13.5), and is a subcatchment of the Barr Creek catchment, a major contributor of salt load into the River Murray (Gutteridge et al., 1985). This large flood irrigation area is characterized by shallow saline groundwater that has resulted in significant land salinization as well as stream salt load. The experimental catchment is extremely flat and is used for flood irrigation. A system of surface drains has been established for the removal of excess irrigation water and to help alleviate problems of waterlogging. The Barr Creek catchment has been the subject of a number of water and salt balance analyses, some of which have examined the origins of flow and salt within Drain 14 (Gutteridge et al., 1985; Woodland and Hooke, 1993). This work has estimated the origins of drain flow based on flow and salt load measurements at the catchment outlet and using assumptions on the salinity of drain source waters to partition the drain flow. Woodland and Hooke (1993) estimated between 27% and 66% of the yearly drain flow total was the result of irrigation runoff. The observed Drain 14 catchment outflow, salt load, salt concentration at outlet, and irrigation supply are presented in Figure 13.6. The Drain 14 catchment has been the subject of a water management modeling exercise (described in Prathapar et al., 1996), which preceded the work described herein, for which a Geographic Information System (GIS) was established (described in McAllister and Barrs, 1994). The GIS included soil type distribution, land use, and soil salinity layers. The soil types were grouped


Watershed Models

into four categories of hydraulic behavior. This project also involved monitoring of climate and water table behavior at four locations between 1992 to 1993. From several surveys in the Drain 14 catchment, soil and groundwater salinity were strongly correlated to soil type, with the heavier soils exhibiting higher salt concentrations than lighter soils. Catchment outlet Streamflow and salinity Site 212 Site 221

4 km



Site 231

Drain 14 catchment Main drains Groundwater monitoring

Site 244

location Barr Creek & Drain 14

Figure 13.5 A map showing layout of the Drain 14 boundary, the main drainage system, and the location of groundwater monitoring sites.

A detailed field experiment was conducted on an irrigation bay from 1995 to 1997 (described in Gilfedder et al., 2000a,b) as part of work which lead to the development of the model described in this chapter. At this site located in the north of the Drain 14 catchment, climate and a range of flow and transport processes were monitored. This information was used to test the flow and transport model. Dairying is the predominant form of land use within Drain 14, where pasture is maintained throughout summer using irrigation, a practice known as perennial pasture. Another (albeit minor) pasture management practice in Drain 14 is annual pasture, which involves roughly three irrigations each year. Aerial photographs of the Drain 14 catchment were visually analyzed to determine the probability distributions of irrigation bay dimensions with respect to soil type and land use. Table 13.2 presents a summary of these results with respect to the soil hydraulic types and pasture management practice. The bay widths presented in this table are the sums of individual bays. 80% of the land area of the catchment is under irrigation with 93% of that as perennial pasture.



In Drain 14 irrigation water is supplied to the channel system in response to a farmer’s water order. Actual water use is measured using Dethridge wheels (water meters) for water meter areas that tend to cover a number of irrigation bays. The water meters are read at the end of each irrigation season and the total irrigation supply determined. For the 1992-1993 irrigation season there were on average 11 water orders per water meter area and for 1993-1994 13 water orders per water meter area. The irrigation season for this area typically starts in August and ends in May.

Water Volume (ML/month)

3500 3000 Stream flow


Irrigation Supply

2000 1500 1000 500














Salt Concentration (g/L)

Salt Mass (tonnes/month)











Figure 13.6 Water volumes entering the Drain 14 catchment as irrigation supply and leaving as streamflow (top); salinity of stream water with the total salt mass at the Drain 14 catchment outlet (bottom).

Gilfedder et al. (2000b) found that over an irrigation season, salt load in overland runoff from an irrigation bay in Drain 14 was close to a balance with that supplied to the bay in the irrigation supply water. In Table 13.3 the ratio of salt mass in irrigation water supplied to the Drain 14 catchment to the salt mass in drain water at the catchment outlet is presented for three years. Comparing this with the near 1:1 result of Gilfedder shows that significant quantities of salt are entering the drain system through groundwater seepage, rather than as surface runoff from irrigation bays. This groundwater seepage will be directly related to the water table elevations, since this determines the gradient in the groundwater system to the drain. Groundwater elevation is the result of the surface water balance and groundwater throughflow. In low topographic gradients the groundwater flow rates are low and the surface water balance will be the dominant influence on the groundwater elevation. Groundwater seepage into the main drains was modeled using the bay model with a near drain representation that includes the effect of the deep drains.


Watershed Models

3. CATCHMENT APPLICATION 3.1 Model Construction 3.1.1 Numerical Integration The evaluation of catchment flow and salt load using Equation 13.5 involves evaluating the integral term in this equation numerically. The procedure used for the numerical integration was the Gauss-Legendre method as implemented in Numerical Recipes routine gauleg (Press et al., 1992). This routine calculates the abscissas and weights for user-defined numbers of points and integration intervals. Using four-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature to calculate the 3-D integral in Equation 13.5 involves 64 bay model simulations at each time interval. The time step size used in the bay model realizations was 24 hours outside rainfall and irrigation events and 4 hours during these. The catchment integral was calculated at 30-day intervals using the cumulative flows and salt loads from the bay realizations. Table 13.2 Statistics of Irrigation Physical Characteristics in the Drain 14 Catchment Soil




index 4

(cm/hr) 0.05







(length in m) (area in ha) Total Bay Width Area Mean Bay Length Total Bay Width Area Rep. Bay Length Total Bay Width Area Rep. Bay Length Total Bay Width Area Rep. Bay Length

Perennial Pasture (PP)

Annual Pasture

8060 168.41 208.9

1481 37.86 255.6

26660.5 603.3 226.3 22176 517.99 233.6 29568.5 642.19 217.2

1582 35.77 226.1 241 7.8 323.8 226 2.632 116.5

Land Use PP (no Water Meter data)

Summer Active

Total (ha)

0 0

162 3.42 211.1


519 8.27 159.3 357 9.391 263.1 954 15.02 157.4

582 11.1 190.7 135 2.7 200 571 9.2 161.1




Table 13.3 The Salt Export Ratio for Drain 14: Irrigation Supply Salt Input vs. Stream Salt Load Year 1994 1995 1996

Salt mass in streamflow (tonnes) 13992.8 18506.4 16253.6

Salt mass in irrigation water (tonnes) 1259.3 1665.6 1462.8

Ratio of export to import 12.96 9.86 10.12

3.1.2 Bay Model Design Following the approach described above the flow and salt load from the four soil types within the catchment area were represented by Equation 13.5. The bay slopes were 1:750 and drain flow and salt load were scaled linearly with



respect to bay length (the bay length used in the simulations was 200 m) and multiplied by the area for each soil type to derive the net contribution. Initial estimates for other parameters, such as overland flow properties, moisture retention properties, and the connection between subsurface salt and surface waters, were taken from the irrigation bay calibration data set presented in Connell et al. (2001). Some of these initial estimates were then adjusted in the calibration to improve agreement with observations. Saturated hydraulic conductivities were taken from Poulton (1996). A distinction was made between the bays that were adjacent to the deep drains within the catchment (essentially the main drain, which runs through the catchment) and the shallow farm drains that connect most irrigation bays to the regional drainage system. This was required to represent the significant groundwater contribution to the catchment outflow, a result of several deep drains that intersect the water table. Four bays represented this groundwater contribution, one for each soil type, with a deep drain intercepting the water table at the toe of each bay. The direct seepage was calculated by scaling each bay contribution by the drain length within each soil type determined through calibration. This approach assumed that the drains are linear structures where groundwater flow is lateral and 1-D to the drain. The irrigation management criteria used for the four bays were the mean of the distributions derived below. 3.2 Model Calibration 3.2.1 Probability Distributions for Irrigation Management Criteria Equation 13.5 requires probability distributions for the irrigation management criteria. Direct measurement of these would be prohibitively labor intensive since the actual irrigation practices for a statistically valid population of farmers would have to be measured over time. However, information is available on irrigation practice in the form of irrigation water orders. These are the farmer’s estimate of how much water will be used to irrigate a water meter area (which may comprise several irrigation bays) and are placed a few days in advance of actual irrigation. Due to losses and imprecision in the supply system the volume supplied is not necessarily equivalent to the original water order. While the water meters record the cumulative supply for the water meter areas these are read only at the end of an irrigation season. An improved estimate of the irrigation practice with time can be obtained by reconciling the water orders with the measured season totals of supply, to provide approximate timing of irrigation events and the estimated volume supplied. For the 1992/1993 irrigation season Poulton et al. (1996) reconciled water order data for the Drain 14 catchment with the water meter season totals. The 1992/1993 water order data for the Drain 14 catchment was first converted to supply volumes per event per hectare and number of orders per water meter area for the irrigation season. Small event supply volumes ( 0.2S (15.2) P + 0.8S = 0; P ≤ 0.2S where P is the precipitation amount in inches and S is the abstraction potential calculated as: 1000 S= − 10 (15.3) CN where CN is the NRCS Curve number, an indicator of the rainfall abstractions of infiltration and surface storage as affected by land use, hydrologic soil group, and antecedent moisture. Details on the method and its use are included in Haan et al. (1994). Values for Curve Number are summarized in tables for varying land uses for hydrologic soil groups A to D in Haan et al. (1994, Appendix 3C). Hydrologic soil groups for most soil series are given in Haan et al. (1994, Appendix 3B) and in SCS TR-55 (SCS, 1975, 1986). CN values are generally tabulated for antecedent moisture condition two (AMC II), average conditions. To convert to dry or wet, AMC I and III, respectively, the values for AMC II are multiplied by a conversion factor that is dependent on the curve number for AMC II, CNII, or:

CN I =

4.2 CN II ; 10 − 0.058 CN II


32 CN II 10 − 0.13 CN II


Peak discharge, qp, from a watershed is calculated in IDEAL by the SCS TR-55 (SCS, 1975, 1986) model, or: q p = qu AQF (15.5) where A is area, Q is runoff volume given by Equation 15.2, F is a pond factor (Haan et al., 1994), and qu is so-called unit peak discharge given by:

log(qu ) = C0 + C1 log tc + C2 (log tc ) 2 (15.6) where C0, C1, and C2 are constants dependent on the ratio of 0.2S/P and tc is time of concentration. The model predicts values of the constants using regression equations developed from tabular values in NRCS. The times of concentration for the two areas are user inputs. Procedures for estimating tc are given in Haan et al. (1994) and other standard hydrology texts. 2. SEDIMENT

Sediment yield is generated differently for the pervious and impervious areas. For the pervious areas, the Williams’ Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) is used. For the impervious areas, an Event Mean Concentration (EMC) for total suspended solids is used. For both areas, it is necessary to develop an estimate of particle size distribution and the percent of clay in the sediment. For the pervious area, the Chemicals, Runoff, and Erosion


Watershed Models

from Agricultural Management Systems (CREAMS) model is used for eroded size distribution and percent clay. For the impervious areas, the size distribution used is based on data from the National Urban Runoff program. Table 15.1 Precipitation Values for Greenville-Spartanburg Airport Storm No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8, 9, & 10 11 12 Precip Amount 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, & 0.25 0.75 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 9.5 10.5 (in) 8.5 Prob. Of 0.7748 0.1305 0.0737 0.0152 0.0044 0.0012 0 0.0002 0 Precipitation Season (D = Dormant, Growing Dormant G = Growing) Probability of 0.665426 0.334574 Season Antecedent Antecedent Moisture Moisture (AMC) 1 2 3 1 2 3 (AMC) 1 2 (I = Dry, II = (I = Dry, II = Avg., III = Wet) Avg., III = Wet) Probability of Probability of 0.801 0.100 0.099 0.534 0.222 0.245 0.801 0.100 AMC AMC Values for all the probabilities are contained in the spreadsheet for Greenville-Spartanburg Airport, South Carolina. An input page is available in the model for the user to input values for their location.

2.1 Sediment Yield from Pervious Area – MUSLE Using data from watersheds ranging from 2.7 to 4380 acres, Williams (1977) developed the MUSLE to predict sediment yield, or: YP = 95 ( Q q p )


{K }a { LS}a {CP}a


where YP is sediment yield in pounds, Q is runoff in inches, qp is peak discharge in cfs, and { K }a { LS }a {CP}a are soil erosion parameters of erodibility (K), length-slope (LS), and cover-practice (CP). With the exception of LS, the erosion parameters are input by the model user. A detailed discussion of the parameters is given in Chapter 8 of Haan et al. (1994) and values for inputs are given there. The LS factor is calculated by the model based on input values for average slope and slope length for the watersheds. Typical ranges for the other parameters are given in Table 15.2. 2.2 Sediment Yield from Impervious Connected and Impervious Unconnected Areas Sediment yield from impervious areas directly connected to drains, Yi, is given by event mean concentrations and runoff volume, or: Yi = (TSS EMC )( QA ) Const


IDEAL: Integrated Design and Evaluation Assessment of Loadings Model 365

where TSSEMC is the event mean concentration for TSS, Q is given by Equation 15.2, A is watershed area in acres, and Const is a constant for proper unit conversion. EMCs for the local area can be estimated as a first trial from the National Urban Runoff Program as well as other reports. It is highly recommended, however, that EMC values be collected for TSSEMC in the local area to validate and improve the values being used. Table 15.2 Range of Erosion Parameters for Equation 15.7

Soil Erodibility K Cover Factor – C Practice Factor – P

.05 – 0.5 .001 – 1.0 .05-1.0

2.3 Eroded Sediment Size Distribution for Pervious Areas The eroded size distribution for pervious areas is defined from the parent matrix material composition/fractions using the CREAMS model (Foster et al., 1985, Haan et al., 1994). The relationships developed predict the percent of primary clay, silt, and sand as well as the percent of large and small aggregates. Representative diameters for each are also predicted. Inputs needed for the model are fractions of clay, silt, and sand in the parent material. 2.4 Impervious Areas Connected to Drain and Unconnected to Drain Particle size distributions for material in the impervious areas are based on information from the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) data base, as shown in Table 15.3 (Schueler and Lugbill, 1990). The numbers represent averages from the data base and are expected to vary between regions. Averages should be taken only as a first estimate until local data are taken to improve prediction accuracy. Values in Table 15.3 are included as a default in the IDEAL model, but can be modified by the user based on local data. It is assumed that all the sediment is in primary particles and was blown in by the wind, or if aggregates did somehow make their way to the impervious areas, they were crushed by vehicle or foot traffic. This would be a conservative assumption in terms of water quality as aggregates would settle faster than primary particles and because it will be assumed, as discussed later, that there are no clay particles in the silt and sand size range since there are no aggregates. 2.5 Clay Fraction Knowledge of the mass of clay fraction is important to predicting water quality and is therefore a parameter that must be predicted. The CREAMS model, which is used to predict composition of eroded sediment (Foster et al., 1985), also contains relationships to predict the fraction of clay on a mass basis for each of the particle classes. The relationships are given in Table 15.4. Using the information in Table 15.4, the yield of clay-sized particles, YCP, and active clay, YAC, is given by:


Watershed Models

YAC = YCP − ∑ M S


where Fj is the fraction of particles in size range j, FCj is the fraction of particles in size range j that are clay sized, and SMS is the mass of pollutant particulates that are clay sized. The concentration of active clay, CAC, can be calculated by dividing the yield of active clay by the runoff volume. Table 15.3 Diameters and Settling Velocities for Total Suspended Sediment (TSS) from Impervious Areas (after Schueler and Lugbill, 1990)

Particle Class

Clay Silt Sand Small Aggregates Large Aggregates

Diameter (mm)

0.002 0.01 0.2 0.03 0.3

Settling Velocity (ft/hr) 0.040 1.012 228.9 NA NA

Fraction of Particles

0.06 0.16 0.78 0 0

Table 15.4 Fraction of Clay within Particle Classes in CREAMS Model (after Foster et al., 1985)

Particle Class Clay (CFcl) Silt (CFsi) Sand (CFsa) Small Aggregates (CFsg) Large Aggregates (CFlg)

Fraction of Mass That Is Clay 1.00 0 0 Ocl /(Ocl+Osi) Ocl-Fcl-FsgCFsi

3. NUTRIENTS 3.1 Yield Equations Nutrients considered in the model are limited to total phosphorus and total nitrogen. The loadings of nutrients are based on EMCs defined for different land uses. Each EMC is assumed to be distributed among that sorbed on the active clay and the dissolved phase with the distribution defined by an empirical isotherm. Yield is calculated by: YN = ( N EMC )( QA ) Const ;

YP = ( PEMC )( QA ) Const


where YN and YP are yield of nitrogen and phosphorus in lbs, NEMC and PEMC are EMCs for nitrogen and phosphorus, Q is runoff volume, A is watershed area, and Const is a constant needed to convert units. Event Mean Concentrations can

IDEAL: Integrated Design and Evaluation Assessment of Loadings Model 367

be initially defined from national averages and other data bases in regions similar to the area being modeled. An example is given in Table 15.5. The user is required to input an appropriate EMC for either nitrogen or phosphorus. Local data collection is encouraged to develop more accurate information. 3.2 Partitioning Between the Dissolved and Sorbed Phase with Isotherms Isotherms are utilized to distribute the total concentration of a nutrient between the liquid and adsorbed phases. Actual values for the isotherms are determined experimentally in the laboratory and are plots of concentration on the solid phase (ug/gm sediment) versus concentration in the dissolved phase (mg/l) for a given nutrient. Isotherms are typically curvilinear relationships, but have been simplified using the linear form, given by:


CNS ≤ CNS ,max ;


CPS ≤ CPS ,max (15.11)

where CNS and CPS are the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus on the solid phase, CNL and CPL are concentrations in the liquid phase, KN and KP are the linear isotherm constants, and CS,max is the maximum value for Cs. User input is required for K and CS,max for both nitrogen and phosphorus. This should be based on an actual isotherm for the given soil. Examples, based on laboratory analysis, are given in Table 15.6 for Greenville, South Carolina. By using the isotherm approach, the EMCs for nitrogen and phosphorus can be partitioned between dissolved and sorbed phases and the yield of both phases calculated. For nitrogen, this can be written as: CNDD =

N EMC K N N EMC ; CNDS = C AC K N Const DS + 1 C AC K N Const DS + 1


where CNDD and CNDS and concentrations of dissolved nitrogen and sorbed nitrogen and ConstDS is a constant. Similar equations can be written for phosphorus. The mass yield of dissolved and sorbed nitrogen, YNDD and YNDS, can be written as: YNDD = CNDD QAConst



Similar equations can be written for phosphorus. 4. BACTERIA

Bacteria considered in the model will be referred to as reference bacteria as it would be very difficult to consider all types of bacteria individually. In the current application, E. coli are considered to be the reference. The loading of bacteria, like nutrients, is based on EMC. The EMC is assumed to be distributed between the active clay and the dissolved phase with the distribution defined by an empirical isotherm. The actual loading is given by:


Watershed Models

YB = ( BEMC )( QA ) Const


where YB is the yield of bacteria, BEMC is the EMCs for bacteria, Q is runoff volume, A is watershed area, and Const is a constant needed to convert units. The event mean concentration was defined from a national data base reported by Schueler and Holland (2000). The values are derived from a Center for Watershed Protection data base and are summarized in Table 15.5 based on land use. Local data collection is encouraged to develop more accurate information. Isotherms for bacteria, following the concept of nutrient isotherms, are utilized to distribute the total concentration of bacteria between the liquid and adsorbed phases. Actual values for the isotherms are determined experimentally in the laboratory and are plots of concentration on the solid phase (number/gm sediment) versus concentration in the dissolved phase (number/100 ml) for a given nutrient. Example EMC and isotherm information is given in Table 15.6. Table 15.5 Typical Event Mean Concentrations

NEMC (mg/l) 1.69

PEMC (mg/l) 0.10

BEMC (number/100ml) 100

Low density residential




Medium density residential




High density residential




Industrial and commercial




Land Use Forest


Some of the terms related to vegetated filter strips (VFS) are not widely understood. The terms vegetated filter strip, buffer strip, and vegetated swale are often used interchangeably, but are actually very different practices. Space does not allow a detailed description of the differences, but it is important to note that the current version of IDEAL only considers VFS. Vegetated or bioswales and other low-impact development practices will be in the version currently under development and scheduled for release in summer of 2005. Routines involved in computing the effectiveness of VFS include hydraulic routing, sediment routing, nutrient routing, and bacteria routing. Each of these will be discussed along with information on inputs. 5.1 Hydraulic Routing Routing of the flow volume through the filter involves determining the infiltration volume, and subtracting that from the inflow volume to obtain the outflow volume. Although infiltration rate varies during a storm, a first

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approximation is made by assuming a constant rate. Typical infiltration rates for various soils can be found in Haan et al. (1994). To determine infiltration volume, flow duration through the filter must be known and can be approximated by assuming a triangular hydrograph. With this approximation and knowing peak inflow rate and runoff volume, the hydrograph time base (storm flow time) becomes: tb =

2QA Const2θ qp


where tb is hydrograph time base, Q is runoff volume, A is watershed area, qp is peak discharge flowing into the filter, and Const2 is a constant to correct for units. The potential infiltration volume is then: Vi = ir tb Af


where ir is infiltration rate. This volume also carries chemicals and sediment with it into the soil matrix. Table 15.6 Suggested Isotherm Values for Greenville County, South Carolina

Chemical Nitrogen Phosphorus Indicator Bacteria

K (µg/g/mg/l) or #/g/#/100 ml 32 190 7.74E+09

CS,max (µg/g) or #/100 ml 925 925 1.00E+07

The impact of rain falling on a filter must also be accounted for in the calculation of outflow volume. This impact can be accounted for by subtracting the average rainfall rate in from the infiltration rate, ir, in Equation 15.6 to obtain: dP (15.17) Vinf − prec = (ir − )tb Af dt where dP/dt is precipitation rate. A first estimate of precipitation rate would be to divide rainfall amount by time base defined in Equation 15.15. Although the actual duration of rainfall is greater than tb, average intensities during runoff will be better represented using tb, rather than actual duration of rainfall. Abstraction from runoff volume, as defined by Equation 15.17, is used to predict outflow rate from the vegetated filter strip. Outflow volume, Qo, is Q – Vinf-prec and peak outflow rate is: Q q po = q p o (15.18) Q


Watershed Models

Equation 15.18 is based on the assumption that the time base of the hydrograph does not change during the flow through the VFS. Average flow rate, qa, through the filter is given by:

qa =

q p + q po



This average value is used to determine flow velocity, which is required to compute sediment transport and settling in the filter strip. 5.2 Flow Velocities The impact of a vegetated filter strip depends on whether or not the vegetation is submerged. For vegetative filter strips, it is assumed that depth of flow does not exceed height of vegetation and that the cross-section is a wide rectangular shape with uniform sheet flow. In calculations of velocity, discharge per unit width is used, defined by: qw = qT / W


where qw is flow rate per unit width, qT is total flow rate through the filter, and W is the width of the filter perpendicular to the mean flow direction. Using an analogy of flow through a rectangular channel with a width equal to grass spacing, qw can be translated into a flow depth through Manning’s equation and continuity, or: qw = d f V =

 d f Ss  Const8 Const8 d f R 2 / 3 S 1/ 2 = df   n n  S s + 2d f 


S 1/ 2


where V is velocity, df is flow depth, n is a calibrated Manning’s roughness for each vegetative type, R is hydraulic radius, Ss is spacing of grass media, and Const8 is included to allow for different units. W, Ss, and n are input parameters for each VFS. Since Equation 15.21 is implicit in df, a trial and error solution is required in IDEAL. Information for these parameters is given in Table 15.7. No other input values are needed to do the sediment, nutrient, or bacteria routing. Velocity equations presented above are only valid if the vegetation remains erect. If the grass will not remain erect, flow velocity will need to be decreased by making the filter strip wider. If the vegetation is grass that is routinely mowed and on relatively flat, i.e., less than 5% slopes, vegetation is generally expected to remain erect unless flow becomes concentrated. 5.3 Sediment Routing Sediment in VFS is trapped by settling as well as by infiltration of sediment into the soil matrix. The relationship used for trapping by settling is the KY Grassfil model (Hayes et al., 1984) and is based on the assumption that trapping

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efficiency for a given particle class with settling velocity, Vs, is proportional to the number of times a particle can settle to the bottom as it flows through the filter and inversely proportional to the Reynolds number, or:

Tr = exp  −.00105 Re0.82 N −f 0.91 


where Tr is trapping efficiency, Re is the Reynolds number given by: Re =




ν is kinematic viscosity, Rs is the spacing hydraulic given by: Rs =

d f Ss S s + 2d f


and Nf is the number of times a particle can settle from the water surface to the bottom as it travels through the filter. This would equal the time to travel through the filter of flow length, Lf, divided by the time for a particle to settle to the bottom of the filter, or: Nf =

Lf V Vd f


Total trapping efficiency, TEi, is the combination of settling as well as infiltration, and is predicted by: TEi =

 if  Mi = Tr ,i 1 +  ≤ 1.0 Yi  Vs ,i 


Table 15.7 Example of Hydraulic Input Information for Vegetative Filtersa


Retardance Class Unmowed/ Mowed

Stiffness MEI Unmowed/ Mowed N/m2 Tall Fescue B/D 0.63 0.056 20/0.1 Ryegrass B/D 0.67 0.056 20/0.1 Bermuda B&C/D 0.54 0.074 9/0.1 Bluegrass C/D 0.64 0.056 5/0.1 Buffalograss D/D 0.60 0.056 0.1/0.1 a For additional information consult Haan et al. (1994), Table 9.10. Spacing (in)

Calibrated Manning’s n

Type Stand

Good Good Good Good Good


Watershed Models

It is important to also keep track of mass of clay fraction trapped. By using the fraction of a given particle class that is clay, calculated from relationships in the CREAMS equations (Foster et al., 1985), the mass of clay trapped and discharged is also calculated. Mass of clay trapped and discharged is used to determine trapping and discharge of nutrients and bacteria. Sediment discharged for each size class is given by: YD i = YT Fi (1 − TEi )


where TEi is the sum of the fraction trapped by settling and infiltration for each particle class given by Equation 15.26, and the total sediment discharged in kg (lbs) is: 5


i =1

i =1

YD = ∑ YD i =YT ∑ Fi (1 − TEi )


Trapping efficiency for all particles combined is given by: 5

TE = ∑ Fi TEi


i =1

The mass of TSS in any effluent size class j,YD,j, is given by Equation 15.27. The fraction of discharged sediment in a given size range, FD,j, is thus: FD , j =

Fj (1 − TE j ) 5

∑ (1 − TE j )


j =1

The mass of trapped and mass of discharged clay-sized particles, respectively, are given by: 5

M CP ,T = YT ∑ Fj FCP , j TE j


j =1

and: 5

YCP , D = YT ∑ F j FCP , j (1 − TE j )


j =1

where the subscript T stands for trapped and D stands for discharged. In the right hand side of the equation, all parameters are for inflow to the VFS. Mass of active clay discharged is given by: YAC , D = YCP , D − ∑ M SD , j


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where Σ MSD,j is mass of settleable particulates in nutrients and pollutants that are discharged. ΣMSD,j will be discussed in a subsequent section. Finally, the trapping efficiency for active clay is given by: 5


M CP ,T − ∑ M ST , j j =1

YT ∑ Fj FCP , j − ∑ M S inf


where ΣMST,j is mass of settleable particulates in nutrients and pollutants that are trapped, and ΣMSinf,j is mass of settleable particulates in nutrients and pollutants in pond inflow. 5.4 Chemical Pollutant Routing Chemicals in the dissolved state are assumed to be conservative. For VFS and the majority of chemicals, this is a reasonable assumption. Therefore, the trapping that occurs results from settling of the settleable component of the chemicals, referred to as particulate chemicals, and trapping of chemicals sorbed on active clay particles. Trapping of chemicals in VFS can occur as a result of settling of particulate or settleable fraction of the chemicals washed or eroded from the watershed. These chemicals, as indicated earlier, can be assumed to be part of clay-sized fractions and trapping of the particles is assumed to be calculated the same as for clay particles. The procedures will be illustrated with nitrogen. Relationships for other pollutants are similar. If FNPj is the fraction of clay-sized particles in size class j that are nitrogen particulates, that is, settleable particles, then the total mass of nitrogen particulates in VFS inflow for a given pollutant, FNPj, is given by: 5

M NS = YT ∑ Fj FC j FNP , j


j =1

If the fraction of the EMC for nitrogen that is particulates is defined as FNPSS and FNPj is assumed to be constant across all particle classes (that is, the clay component of the aggregates as well as the clay-sized fraction), then FNPj can be calculated by: FNPj =

FN PSS N EMC QT const 5

YT ∑ Fj FC j


j =1

Using Equations 15.35 and 15.36 along with trapping efficiency defined by Equation 15.26, the masses of particulate nitrogen trapped and discharged, MNPT and MNPD, are given by:


Watershed Models


M NPT = YT ∑ Fj FC j FNP , j TE j ; j =1


M NPD = YT ∑ Fj FC j FNP , j (1 − TE j )


j =1

The EMC for nitrogen, minus the particulates, is divided between the dissolved and sorbed phases by isotherms, as shown by Equations 15.11 through 15.13. The amount of the sorbed nitrogen mass trapped, MNST, and discharged, MNSD, can be calculated by: M NST = 10 −5 CNDS YAC TE AC ;

M NSD = 10 −5 CNDS YAC ( 1 − TE AC )


Similar relationships can be written for phosphorus and other pollutants. Dissolved nitrogen is assumed to be conservative, therefore, the concentration will not change as flow goes through the filter strip. There will be a loss of mass, however, due to infiltration. The dissolved mass of nitrogen trapped, MNDDT, and that discharged from the filter strip, MNDDD can be given by: M NDDT = YNDD

Q − Qo Q ; M NDDD = YNDD o Q Q


5.5 Bacteria Trapping in VFS Bacteria are trapped or die due to several phenomena, settling on the active phase of clay-sized sediment, infiltration into the soil matrix, natural mortality, and by light penetration into the water. In the VFS, it is assumed that natural mortality and light penetration are small and that trapping is due primarily to settling. The approach to trapping is identical in concept to that of the nutrients. An isotherm is developed and the trapping is determined by the isotherm relationships, essentially identical to those discussed under nutrients. 6. DRY DETENTION POND BMPS

A dry detention pond is one that has no permanent pool, thus the pond will drain completely between events by an outlet located at the bottom of the pond. Calculation of trapping in a pond requires that the flow be routed hydraulically through the reservoir and the peak stage and peak discharge calculated. This routing requires information on pond geometry and outlets. Flow routing is followed by routing of sediment through the reservoir and then the routing of nutrients and bacteria. 6.1 Pond Geometry and Outlets Pond geometry refers to the stage area and stage storage relationships. Stage area is defined by the model using a power function for the stage-area relationship:

AP = a1 H b1


IDEAL: Integrated Design and Evaluation Assessment of Loadings Model 375

where AP is the area of the pond corresponding to stage H, and a1 and b1 are constants determined by the model. To determine the constants a1 and b1, two input stage and area pairs are required to be entered into the spreadsheet. The upper value is the stage of the emergency spillway or in its absence, the uppermost outlet crest. Several pond outlet types may be used individually or in combination. The first type is a drop inlet spillway, defined by a riser and a barrel. A low flow orifice may be included on the riser itself, to be used to dewater the pond below the riser of the drop inlet. Another type of outlet is a weir outlet, which can be located at any point. Finally, an emergency spillway can also be specified. The flow from an emergency spillway is treated as a broad-crested weir. 6.2 Stage Discharge Equations Flow from a drop inlet spillway is treated as weir, orifice, or pipe flow. As the water level rises above the crest of the riser, flow is determined from:  Ap 2 gH ' 3 q = Min Cw Lw H 2 ; Cor Aor 2 gH ; 1 + K e + Kb + K c Lp 

  


where q is flow rate at any head H, Cw is a weir flow coefficient, Lw is length of the weir (the circumference of the riser), H is head or difference in elevation between the water level and crest of the riser, Cor is orifice coefficient, Aor is area of the orifice, g is acceleration due to gravity, and H is head on the outlet, Ap is area of the pipe, Ke is entrance loss coefficient, Kb is bend loss coefficient, Kc is friction loss coefficient, Lp is length of the pipe, and H’ is head on the pipe, given by: H ' = H + ∆H (15.42) where H is head on the pipe and ∆H is distance from the crest of the riser to a point 0.6 Dr above the invert of the barrel outlet. 6.3 Hydraulic Routing of Flow through Reservoir The sediment component of the model requires that peak stage and peak outflow be computed. This normally is determined by routing, using the equation: dS = qi − qo (15.43) dt where S is storage (a function of stage), qi is inflow rate, and qo is outflow rate. The routing equation can be simplified for spreadsheet application if a triangular approximation to the inflow and outflow hydrographs is assumed. In this case, the maximum storage volume is given by:

S max =

q pi − q po 2




Watershed Models

where Smax is maximum storage, qpi and qpo are peak inflow and outflow rates, respectively, and tbi is the time base of the inflow hydrograph. Based on the triangular hydrograph assumption, tbi can be calculated by: tbi =

2Q q pi


where Q is the runoff volume. Since qpo and Smax are both functions of maximum head, Hmax, Equations 15.44 and 15.45 can be solved for Hmax, but the solution is trial and error. A routine for converging on the solution is built into the pond hydraulics routine. 6.4 Sediment Routing Routing of sediment is based on trapping efficiency. The model calculates trapping efficiency for each particle class using the overflow rate concept or the EPA model (Driscoll et al., 1986), or: −β

 1 Vs APA  V A (15.46) TEi = si PA or 1 − 1 +  q po  β q po  where Vsi is settling velocity for particle class I, APA is average area of the pond during inflow, qpo is peak discharge during the storm, and β is pond inefficiency parameter which ranges from 1 to 5 for most ponds. The average area is calculated as the average of the area at the crest of the principal spillway and the area corresponding to maximum stage during the storm. Total mass trapped, MTTSS, during the storm is given by: 5



i =1

where MTSS is mass of TSS, TET is total efficiency including all size fractions, TEi is trapping efficiency for fraction i, and Fj is fraction of the TSS represented by fraction i. Mass of clay trapped is: 5

MTC = M TSS ∑ TEi Fi CFi


i =1

where CFi is fraction of the mass in a given fraction that is clay. Equations used are those in Table 15.4. To predict effluent, TEi is replaced in Equations 15.47 and 15.48 with (1-TE). No additional inputs are needed beyond hydraulic and geometric information to predict trapping in a dry detention reservoir. 6.5 Nutrients Nutrient trapping follows the same procedure as for the VFS except trapping efficiency is given by Equation 15.46 and infiltration is assumed to be zero. The inflow mass to the pond is translated into a concentration by dividing by the inflow volume of water. The mass of nutrient trapped is then calculated based on the isotherm approach. Knowing the mass of the active fraction of sediment that is trapped and the value of the isotherm for that nutrient, the

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trapping of each nutrient is calculated. Dissolved chemicals are assumed to be conservative. For dry detention reservoirs and the majority of chemicals, this is a reasonable assumption. Therefore, trapping results from deposition of the settleable component of the chemicals, referred to as particulate chemicals, and trapping of chemicals sorbed on active clay particles. 6.6 Bacteria The bacteria model used was explained by Chapra (1997). Bacteria are trapped or killed due to three different processes: • • •

Settling of soil particles with the attached bacteria to the pond bed, Natural mortality that occurs in the pond, or Exposure to light which penetrates the pond.

Each of these processes is considered in the model. The total number of bacteria flowing into the pond is translated into a concentration by dividing by the inflow volume of water. The number of bacteria trapped is then calculated based on the isotherm approach. Of course, instead of using concentration in mg/g, and mg/l, the concentrations are number/g and number/100 ml. The death rate due to natural mortality, Mr,n (day-1), is calculated by: M r , n = (0.8 + 0.006 Psw )1.07T − 20


where Psw is the percent of sea water and T is the temperature in ºC. Light penetration is calculated by Beer’s law and combined with a death rate constant for light mortality to calculate the death rate due to light exposure, or: αI (15.50) M r ,l = o (1 − e ke H ) ke H where α is the death rate constant for light mortality, Io is the incoming light above the pond (langleys/day), ke is the light extinction coefficient (1/ft), and H is pond depth (ft). The light extinction coefficient, ke is a function of the TSS and calculated from: ke = 0.55 CTSS


where CTSS is the concentration of TSS (mg/l). 7. WET DETENTION POND BMPS

A wet detention pond has a permanent pool, thus the lowest outlet is not at the bottom of the pond. Calculation of trapping in a pond during storm flow is the same as that for dry detention. The only difference between the two models is that some of the storm flow resides in the permanent pool after the storm flow


Watershed Models

has ceased and settling and attenuation of bacteria continue between storms in the permanent pool for the wet detention. Conversely, all of the flow is discharged with dry detention. The only additional variable required for wet detention, other than changing the stage area and outlet structure information, is the average period between rainfall events and the coefficient of variation of flows. These values are set in the model for the South Carolina piedmont, thus no additional input is needed, but will need to be input for other locations. Sediment is assumed to continue settling and removed for each particle class at a rate equal to the settling velocity times for the pond area, or: RRs , w,i = Vs ,i AL const


where RRs,w,I is the removal rate of sediment particle (volume/time) class i with a settling velocity of Vs,I, AL is the area of the pond corresponding to the lowest outlet, and const is a constant to correct for the appropriate time interval. Equation 15.52 could be used with the interarrival time between storms to calculate total removal of sediment if the interarrival time was constant However, interarrival time is a stochastic variable, which complicates computation. The EPA (Driscoll et al., 1986) developed a graphical procedure for considering interarrival time that incorporates the coefficient of variation of flows to determine a trapping efficiency. The procedure is incorporated into IDEAL by developing nonlinear regression equations for each curve on the graph. The graphical procedure is described in detail in Haan et al. (1994) and Driscoll et al. (1986). The reader is referred to these sources for details. At the end of storm flow, concentration of nutrients in outflow is assumed to be the same as that in the water remaining in the pond. Using the mass of clay trapped in wet detention, the mass of nutrient trapped is then calculated based on the isotherm approach. No additional inputs are required to calculate trapping in wet detention. As with nutrients, concentration of bacteria in outflow is assumed to be the same as the water remaining in the pond. Using the mass of clay trapped in wet detention, the number of bacteria trapped by settling is then calculated based on the isotherm approach. Mortality of bacteria due to natural mortality and light penetration is given by Equations 15.49, 15.50, and 15.51. No additional inputs are required to calculate bacterial trapping and mortality in wet detention. REFERENCES Barfield, B.J. and Hayes, J.C., Design of grass waterways for channel stabilization and sediment filtration, Handbook of Engineering in Agriculture, Vol. II, Soil and Water Engineering, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1988. Chapra, S. C., Surface Water Quality Modeling, McGraw Hill, New York, 1997. Dillaha, T., Sherrad, J., and Lee, D., Long-term effectiveness of vegetative buffer strips. Water Environ. Technol. 1:418-421. 1989.

IDEAL: Integrated Design and Evaluation Assessment of Loadings Model 379

Driscoll, E. D., DiToro, D., Gaboury, D., and Shelly, P., Methodology for analysis of detention basins for control of urban runoff quality. Report No. EPA 440/5-87=01 (NTIS No. PB87-116562), USS. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 1986. Foster, G. R., Young, R. A., and Neibling, W. H., Sediment composition for nonpoint source pollution analyses, Transactions ASAE, 28(1):133-146, 1985. Haan, C. T., Barfield, B. J., and Hayes, J. C., Design Hydrology and Sedimentology for Small Catchments, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1994. Hayes, J. C., Barfield, B. J., and Barnhisel, R. I., Performance of grass filters under laboratory and field conditions, Transactions ASAE, 27(5):1321-1331, 1984. SCDHEC, South Carolina Stormwater and Sediment Control Handbook for Land Disturbance Activities, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Columbia, SC, 1996. Schueler, T. R. and Lugbill, J., Performance of current sediment control measures at Maryland construction sites, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 90, 1990. Schueler, T.R. and Holland, H. K., The practice of watershed protection – Article 17, Center for Watershed Protection, 8391 Main Street, Ellicott City, MD 21043, 2000. Soil Conservation Service (SCS), Hydrology, Sect. 4, Soil Conservation National Engineering Handbook, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, DC., 1972, 1973. Soil Conservation Service (SCS), A method for estimating volume and rate of runoff in small watersheds, SCS-TP-149, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, DC, 1975, 1986. Soil Conservation Service (SCS), Urban hydrology for small watersheds, SCS TR-55, U.S, Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, DC, 1975, 1986.

CHAPTER 16 SEDIMOT III Model Bill J. Barfield, J.C. Hayes, E. Stevens, S.L. Harp, and A. Fogle

Sedimentology by Distributed Modeling Techniques – Version III, (SEDIMOT III) is a model developed to predict runoff and sediment loadings from watersheds in transition from undisturbed to disturbed conditions and to evaluate the impact of storm water and sediment structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) on the loading. The model makes calculations for a single storm based on user inputs of precipitation and watershed characteristics. Model structure is based on subwatersheds draining to structures which are summing points for the total watershed. Structures drain down branches which are summed at junctions. Drainage below junctions continues to aggregate flows and sediment until flow reaches the watershed outlet. Runoff is calculated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) curve numbers which account for all abstractions and hydrographs by the unit hydrograph approach based on a gamma function shape with modifications for land use based on a peak rate factor. Flow is routed down channels using the Muskingum method, modified for either Muskingum-Cunge or Att-Kin. Sediment yield is predicted using a routine known as SLOSS which divides the subwatershed into cascading planes. Erosion is divided into rill and interrill components following procedures developed for the Chemicals and Runoff in Agricultural Management Systems (CREAMS) model. Transport capacity from each of the cascading plans is calculated by the Yang stream-power relationship and used to determine sediment load moving downstream. Sediment in channels is either deposited or transported. Detachment in channels is calculated using the shear excess method with channel shape determined by equilibrium relationships, calculated from the DYRT model of Storm et al., 1990. A variety of BMPs can be evaluated with SEDIMOT III including wet or dry ponds with a variety of outlet structures such as drop inlets, separate orifices, culverts (multiple), trickle tubes, rock fill outlets, and open channel outlets (with or without a control section). Sediment trapping in ponds is calculated with either the plug flow model of Deposition Performance of Sediment in Trap Structures (DEPOSITS) or the completely stirred tank reactors (CSTRS) model. In addition to the standard predictions of peak discharge, sediment trapping, and sediment discharge, the model also predicts discharge settleable solids to determine if the proposed structure meets a design objective.



Watershed Models

1. RATIONALE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SEDIMOT II SEDIMOT II was developed to predict the hydrology and sedimentology of small watersheds where channel erosion was not assumed to be significant. Included in SEDIMOT II was the ability to predict sediment deposition in structures that impounded water. At the time of development, algorithms for predicting deposition were limited to reservoirs where density currents were not a problem, to vegetative filter strips, and to check dams formed by porous rock fill. These algorithms were included in the model. The hydraulics component of the rockfill was suspect and not experimentally validated. Sedimentation procedures in the three different models were dramatically different. Although SEDIMOT II and its derivatives have been widely used, there has been a continuing need to extend the hydraulics component to different types of structures and to utilize consistent principles of sedimentation. An additional problem with SEDIMOT II was the instability which occurred with small structures when outflow rates approached inflow rates. There was a need to improve the routing procedure and make it more robust. In addition, the model was routinely being used where concentrated flow erosion could be a problem. Since the routine did not consider channel erosion, there was a probability of significant error associated with the predictions. Finally, the user was allowed to model erosion with either a Modified Universal Soil Loss type relationship or use a process based model of erosion and deposition known as SLOSS. There was a need for a consistent procedure. To solve these three problems, four major enhancements were made to SEDIMOT II. The resulting model is known as SEDIMOT III, Version 1. The four enhancements are (1) replacement of the Puls reservoir routing method with an adaptive time step numerical routing procedure and inclusion of several more options for discharge structures, (2) incorporation of an erosion/deposition model that allows calculation of erosion/deposition in channels throughout the watershed, (3) production of output data files that contain the parameters required for design aid construction, and (4) development of front end algorithms that allow multiple model simulations with a variety of input data, but requiring minimal user interfacing. In addition, the erosion-sediment-transport component was modified to only allow use of SLOSS to route sediment through all channels and watersheds. This chapter gives details on the changes made in SEDIMOT II to result in SEDIMOT III, Version 1. The reader is referred to the original SEDIMOT II document (Wilson et al., 1982) for other details on the original model. 2. DETAILS OF RESERVOIR HYDRAULICS 2.1 Introduction The hydraulics portion of SEDIMOT III is a modification of the WEPP Surface Impoundment Element (WEPPSIE) developed for the Water Erosion



Prediction Project watershed model (Lindley et al., 1992, 1993). The WEPPSIE model includes five sections: a front end interface, daily input, hydraulic simulation, sedimentation simulation, and daily output. Only the hydraulic simulation and front end interface are used in SEDIMOT III. The front end interface is run only once at the beginning of a simulation. Within the front end interface, the coefficients of continuous stage-discharge relationships are determined from information entered by the user, describing each outflow structure present in a given impoundment. The user can enter information on one or more of the following possible structures: 1. Drop spillway 2. Perforated riser 3. Two sets of identical culverts 4. Emergency spillway or open channel 5. Rock fill check dam 6. Filter fence or a straw bale check dam The user also has the option of entering a discrete stage-discharge relationship. For structures that are too hydraulically complex to allow for a direct solution of outflow for a given stage, the coefficients for continuous, directly solvable equations are developed using nonlinear regression. The coefficients for continuous stage-area and stage-length equations are also developed in the front end interface. 2.2 Hydraulic Routing The hydraulic simulation section of the impoundment element performs a direct numerical integration of an expression of continuity. An adaptive time step is utilized which increases the time step when inflow and outflow rates are relatively constant. A temporary file of the predicted outflow hydrograph including time, stage, and outflow at each time step included in the integration is created. In this chapter, the hydraulic routing procedure is first discussed. Next, the stage-discharge and stage-area relationships developed in the front end interface routing are described in detail. Much of the detail is taken from Lindley et al. (1994). The hydraulic component of SEDIMOT III functions on the five types of impoundments described earlier. To determine the hydraulic routing, the impoundment element utilizes the principle of continuity including functional stage-area and stage-discharge relationships. The outflow, Qo, depends upon the type of outlet structure and its dimensions. Given the type and size of the outlet structure, Qo is functionally related to the difference between water surface stage and the inlet stage of the outlet structure, called the driving head, or:


Watershed Models

Q o = f Q o(h)


The functional relationship is also dependent upon the water surface stage. In some impoundments, more than one outlet structure is utilized, as in the case of a traditional reservoir with a drop-inlet spillway and an emergency spillway. In this case, the functional relationship in Equation 16.1 takes one form when there is flow only through the drop spillway, and another form when there is also flow through the emergency spillway. In this chapter, an outflow regime is defined as the range of water surface stages in which the functional relationship in Equation 16.1 takes on a certain form. When the functional relationship in Equation 16.1 changes form, as in the case when flow changes from flowing only through a drop-inlet to flowing through both a drop-inlet spillway and an emergency spillway, the flow is said to have transitioned from one outflow regime to another. The reservoir area, A, is also related to the stage of the water surface, h, depending upon the topography of the impoundment, or: A = f A(h) (16.2) A detailed discussion on how the functional relationship between area and stage is developed is presented in the stage-area relationship section of this chapter. Inserting Equations. 16.1 and 16.2 into a continuity relationship, the change in head becomes dh Q i - f Q o(h) (16.3) = dt f A(h) where the continuity expression given in Equation 16.3 shows that the change in stage over time is entirely related to the inflow rate, Qi, and stage. The hydraulic routing procedure utilized involves the performance of a direct numerical integration of the continuity expression. To get a new stage point, given the current stage point, Equation 16.3 must be integrated over time with the proper stage-discharge relationship. From the new stage, the new outflow can be determined with the stage-discharge relationship. As the numerical integration proceeds over time, the outflow hydrograph is formed. To integrate the continuity expression, a classical fourth-order Runge-Kutta numerical integration is employed which has been adapted from Press et al. (1986). For a given time step, the new head, hnew, is calculated from four separate estimates of dh/dt, the differential change in stage with respect to time given in Equation 16.3. First, dh/dt is evaluated at the current time and stage, at two trial midpoints, and then at a trial endpoint. This approach gives an error term on the order of ∆t5. All computations begin at an initial time step referred to as the minimum time step. At the beginning and end of inflow, and when flow transitions from one outflow regime to another, the time step is set to the initial “minimum value.” To increase the speed of the Runge-Kutta numerical integration procedure, an adaptive step size has also been incorporated from Press et al.



(1986). This adaptive step size procedure increases or decreases the time step, ∆t, based on the rate at which the outflow and inflow rates are changing until the error in the prediction of hnew is just below a maximum acceptable error. 2.3 Stage-Discharge Relationships Stage-discharge relationships are developed from information the user enters about each outflow structure incorporated into a given impoundment. To save time, the front end interface is utilized to develop coefficients for directly solvable continuous outflow functions for each possible outflow structure. This is done once at the beginning of a simulation and is not repeated. For structures such as drop-inlet spillways, culverts, rock fill check dams, filter fence, and straw bale check dams, explicit stage-discharge functions can be developed directly from the dimensions of the outflow structure entered by the user. For structures with more complex stage-discharge relationships that require iterative solutions for discharge of a given stage, regression equations are utilized as stage-discharge relationships. SEDIMOT III can function with any combination of the following outlet structures: drop inlet-spillway, perforated riser, two sets of identical culverts, emergency spillway or open channel, rock fill check dam, filter fence or a straw bale check dam, or the user can enter a discrete stage-discharge relationship. Thus, the outflow function, fQo(h), used in the continuity expression must be defined for the entire range of possible water surface stages for any combination of possible outlet structures. In order to cover all the possibilities, fQo(h) is a summation of the outflow contributions from each possible outlet structure. If a structure is not present, or if the water surface stage is below the inlet of the structure, then the contribution of that outlet structure to the total outflow is zero. If there is flow through one or more outlet structures, the flows are summed to yield the total outflow. Each of the possible outlet structures has at least two possible flow regimes: no flow (when the structure is not present or the water surface stage is below the outlet structure stage) or flow (when there is outflow through the structure). The porous structures (including rock fill, filter fence, and straw bales) have three possible flow regimes: no flow, flow through the structure, and flow overtopping the structure. Flow is said to transition from one flow regime to another. These transitions occur at specific water surface stages for each structure. Thus, as the water surface stage rises or falls through a transition, the outflow function, fQo(h), must change. If more than one outlet structure is present, the transitions for each structure must be combined together. Consider the case of a large farm pond with a culvert outlet for small flows, a drop spillway for large storms, and an emergency spillway to prevent breaching of the dam. Each structure has a transition from no flow to flow at a different stage. The overall outflow function must reflect all three transitions. At the beginning of the SEDIMOT III simulation, the front end interface subroutine is executed. This routine develops the stage-discharge relationship


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for all possible structures. The user enters data on which structures are present and their respective dimensions. From this information, the front end interface develops the stage-discharge relationship for all possible water surface stages. Equations used in developing the stage-discharge relationships are discussed in the following section. 2.3.1 Drop-Inlet Spillway A drop-inlet spillway is a common outflow structure used in farm ponds and sediment detention basins. It consists of a vertical riser connected to a horizontal or nearly horizontal barrel. The drop spillway has two possible outflow regimes: no flow and flow. If the water surface stage is below the stage of the riser opening, the outflow is zero. Conversely, flow through a drop spillway does occur when the water surface stage is above the riser inlet. The outflow rate is determined by assuming weir flow, orifice flow, and pipe flow control. The outflow rate is the minimum of the three possible controlling flows. 2.3.2 Perforated Riser Perforated risers are often used as outlet structures for small impoundments and terrace outlet systems. A perforated riser is similar to a drop inlet in that both employ a riser that empties into a subsurface conduit. The perforated riser includes slots along the riser to allow complete drainage of the terrace. A bottom orifice plate is sometimes included to limit flow to the subsurface conduit located below the slots. The perforated riser has three possible outflow regimes: no flow, flow through the side slots, and flow submerging the perforated riser. If the water surface stage is below the stage of the bottom of the slots, the outflow is zero. When the water surface stage moves above the stage at the bottom of the slots, water begins to flow through the riser. Flow can be controlled by either the slots (slot flow), the orifice plate located below the slots (orifice flow), or by the subsurface conduit flowing in full pipe flow (pipe flow). The outflow rate is determined by computing the slot flow, orifice flow, and pipe flow and then taking the minimum controlling flow. 2.3.3 Culverts Culverts and trickle tube spillways can be used as outlet structures for sediment basins. Culverts are also used to control flows under roadways, which often result in ponding upstream of the culvert, forming an impoundment. In SEDIMOT III, culverts have two possible flow regimes: no flow and flow. If the water surface stage is below the stage of the culvert inlet, the outflow is zero. Otherwise, there is flow through the culvert. The determination of outflow through the culvert is based upon the Fish Habitat Assessment (FHA) (1985) report on culvert hydraulics. The outflow through the culvert is determined by computing outflow if the inlet is unsubmerged, the inlet is submerged, and if the culvert is flowing under full pipe flow. The outflow is the minimum controlling flow.



In practice it is common for engineers to use two or more identical culverts to route channels under roadways. It is also possible for engineers to utilize two culverts of different shapes, sizes, or at different elevations. To accommodate these situations, the impoundment element allows the user to specify two different sets of any number of identical culverts. 2.3.4 Emergency Spillways and Open Channels In many reservoirs and sedimentation basins, emergency spillways are used to route the excess runoff from very large storm events that cannot be routed through the principal spillway in order to keep the excess flow from overtopping and breaching an earthen dam. Sometimes an open channel forms the only outlet structure. Emergency spillways and open channel outlet structures have two possible flow regimes: either no flow or flow. If the water surface stage is below the stage of the open channel inlet, the outflow is zero. For computational efficiency, flow through an open channel is determined with a fourth-order polynomial expression: Q open channel = A + B H + CH 2 + D H 3 + EH 4


where H is the driving head (water surface stage — stage of the open channel inlet) and A, B, C, D, and E are coefficients unique to the user-defined, open channel outlet. A stage-discharge relationship computed with the steady-state standard step method (Fogle and Barfield, 1992; Chow, 1959) is utilized with regression routines in the frontend interface to compute the coefficients A, B, C, D, and E for a given user-defined open channel outlet. 2.3.5 Rock Fill Check Dams Construction, mining, and silviculture operations need inexpensive temporary sediment controls. Porous rock fill check dams provide an inexpensive, easily constructed solution. A porous rock fill check dam is simply a pile of rocks obstructing the free flow of sediment-laden water. Frequently a rock fill check dam is constructed with a coarse sand or fine gravel layer in order to trap the most sediment. A porous rock fill check dam has three possible outflow regimes: no flow, flow through the rock, or flow overtopping the structure and flow through the rock fill. If the water surface stage is below the stage of the rock fill inlet, the outflow is zero. Flow begins when the water surface stage rises above the stage of the rock fill inlet. Flow through the rock fill is determined using a numerical adaptation of the graphical method developed by Haan et al. (1994), or:


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 dH  Q rock fill = wd rf    a dl 



where wdrf is the width of the rock fill, dH is the head loss through the rock fill, dl is the length of the rock fill, and a and b are coefficients. Regression equations were developed for the constants a and b using the Haan et al. (1994) graphs. 2.3.6 Filter Fence and Straw Bale Check Dams Check dams can also be constructed with straw bales or filter fence. Both straw bale and filter fence check dams provide inexpensive, easily constructed sediment trapping structures. The discharge through a filter fence or straw bale check dam is dependent upon the porosity of the check dam, the flow stage, the cross-sectional flow area, and the size distribution and concentration of incoming sediment. A filter fence or straw bale check dam has three possible outflow regimes: no flow, flow through the filter, or flow overtopping the structure and flow through it. Although SEDIMOT III will compute flow overtopping a filter fence or a straw bale check dam, in reality most filter fence or straw bale check dams will wash out under such large flows. If the water surface stage is below the stage of the filter fence or straw bales inlet, the outflow is zero. Flow begins when the water surface stage rises above the stage of the check dam inlet. The slurry flow rate can be utilized to compute the flow through a straw bale or a filter fence check dam by assuming a rectangular cross section. When flow overtops a straw bale check dam, the flow over the top of the straw bales is modeled as a broad crested weir and added to the flow through the straw bales. When the flow overtops a filter fence or a straw bale check dam, the structure will probably wash out. Filter fence and straw bale check dams are designed to filter low flows and should not see water surface stages greater than 0.2 to 0.4 m. It is assumed that proper maintenance is utilized to promptly repair any damaged check dam. When choosing slurry flow rates, the user should consider the effects of sediment-laden water and clogging, which usually result in lower slurry flow rates as compared to clear water. 2.3.7 User-Defined Stage-Discharge Relationship A user-defined stage-discharge relationship is utilized when a structure is encountered that is not included in the user interface. When using a userdefined stage-discharge relationship, two flow regimes are possible. When the water surface stage is below the user-defined stage at which flow starts, the outflow is zero. When the water surface stage is above the stage at which flow starts, flow is computed according to the fourth-order polynomial given in Equation 16.4. To determine the coefficients of Equation 16.4, the user enters as many stage-discharge points as possible (at least 15). Regression routines (Press et



al., 1986) are then utilized to determine the coefficients in Equation 16.4. Fifteen points are recommended to ensure that the stage-discharge relationship predicted by the fourth-order regression has no unexpected dips. Further, those fifteen points should be fairly evenly spaced within the range of possible stages. For computational efficiency, the user-defined stage-discharge relationship utilizes the same fourth-order polynomial function used for emergency spillway/open channel flow. 2.3.8 Overall Outflow Expression The total outflow is simply the summation of the outflow contribution of every possible structure, making it feasible to have any combination of the possible outflow structures on a given impoundment. If a structure is not present or the water surface stage is below an outlet structure’s inlet stage, its contribution to the total outflow is zero. If the water surface stage is above an outlet structure’s inlet stage, it contributes to the total outflow. The total outflow is determined by summing the contributions of each possible outlet structure considering the relationship of the stage to the transition stages for each of the possible outlet structures. The total outflow is determined with the following expression: Q total = Q drop spillway + Q perforated riser + Q culvert set 1 + Q culvert set 2 + Q emergency spillway, open channel, user defined


+ Q rock fill + Q filter fence, straw bale

2.4 Stage-Area Relationship The stage-area relationship, fA(h), utilized in the continuity expression, Equation 16.3, is in the form of a power function as recommended by Laflen (1972) and Haan and Johnson (1967). The functional relationship between area and stage is given in the following expression: A = f A(h) = a + b h c


where h is the stage and a, b, and c are coefficients. To determine the coefficients in Equation 16.7, the user enters as many stage-area points as possible (at least 10), and regression routines are used to determine the coefficients a, b, and c. A minimum of 10 points are recommended to ensure that the stage-area relationship predicted by the power function provides a reasonable estimation of the actual stage-area relationship. 3. CONCENTRATED FLOW EROSION MODEL 3.1 Introduction to Channel Erosion and Foster and Lane Model Concentrated flow channels develop from the concentration of overland flow, where interrill and rill sediment is transported, and eroded material


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detached from within the channel itself. Soil detachment in concentrated flow channels results from excessive shear forces produced by concentrated flow, sidewall sloughing, and head cut advancement. Head cut advancement, due to its complexity and the lack of available physically based models, is neglected in SEDIMOT III. Vertical sidewall sloughing is assumed to occur on rectangular channels during lateral expansion. Rectangular channel cross sections are assumed in order to incorporate the Foster and Lane channel erosion model (Foster, 1982). The basic structure of the model, as used in SEDIMOT III, is that of DYRT (Storm et al., 1990). The Foster and Lane channel erosion model (Foster and Lane, 1983; Foster, 1982; Foster et al., 1980; Lane and Foster, 1980) was originally incorporated into CREAMS for describing ephemeral gully growth in a tilled agricultural field. The model assumes a steady-state flow rate, separating channel development into two distinct stages. During the initial stage the channel bottom erodes uniformly downward at a width dependent upon flow rate and soil properties. If flow conditions remain constant, an equilibrium width is achieved. During the second stage of development when the channel bottom reaches a nonerodible layer, the channel expands laterally causing sidewall sloughing. This lateral expansion continues until a final width is reached, after which soil detachment ceases. Their model estimates the maximum potential erosion; therefore, the effects of sediment load and transport capacity must be accounted for. 3.2 Stage 1 Development: Erodible Channel Bottom During the initial stage of channel erosion, the channel bottom erodes downward at a constant rate. For a constant flow rate, the channel shape is assumed to reach an equilibrium width if the nonerodible layer is deep enough. From the initial point of channel detachment, this equilibrium width is assumed. 3.2.1 Detachment Rate The rate of potential channel detachment is assumed to be based on shear excess, written as (Foster, 1982): D rc = K r (τ - τ c )



where Dre is the maximum potential channel detachment rate per unit channel length and width (kg/m2/s), Kr is a soil erodibility factor for channel flow (s/m), τ is the shear stress acting at a point along the channel boundary (Pa), τc is the soil’s critical tractive force (Pa), and β is a constant. The shear stress distribution along the channel boundary must be known. In order to develop explicit channel growth relationships, a shear stress distribution is assumed. 3.2.2. Equilibrium Channel Characteristics For a constant flow rate, the channel is assumed to have a rectangular cross section with an equilibrium width. Prior to reaching a nonerodible layer, the



channel bottom is assumed to have a parabolic shape, which is assumed to move vertically downward at a uniform rate, thereby implying that the vertical erosion vector, Dm, is constant along the channel bottom. Using this assumption and a symmetrical shear distribution, Foster and Lane (1980) developed normalized relationships for the channel equilibrium characteristics. The Foster and Lane model, described previously, assumes steady-state flow conditions. Therefore, during flow rate changes their steady-state erosion model is not applicable. To reconcile this problem, a procedure was developed to represent channel geometry and detachment rates during this transitional phase using the DYRT model of Storm et al. (1990). 3.3 Sediment Load and Transport Capacity Interactions Meyer and Monke (1965) observed that the potential detachment rate does not describe actual detachment since it neglects the interaction between sediment and transport capacity. Foster and Meyer (1972a, 1975) proposed that rill detachment and deposition are proportional to the difference between transport capacity of the flow and sediment load: Dr = C1

( T c + qs / W )


where C1 is a first-order reaction coefficient (m−1), Tc is the transport capacity of the flow (kg/s/m rill width), qs is the actual sediment load (kg/s), and W is channel width (m). 3.3.1 Detachment Limiting Case For the detachment limiting case when transport capacity exceeds sediment load, Foster and Meyer (1972a, 1975) rearranged Equation 16.9 to get: q /W Dr + s =1 C 1T c Tc


Foster and Meyer (1972a) then proposed that the maximum potential detachment rate, Drc, is proportional to the transport capacity, such that:

D rc = C 1T c


where C1 must be less than or equal to zero. Substituting Equation 16.11 into Equation 16.10 yields: D r q s /W + =1 D rc Tc

and rearranging yields:



Watershed Models

 q s /W  D r = D rc 1  Tc  


 q s /W  E r = E rc 1  Tc  



Equation 16.14 is only used to determine the actual channel bed detachment, and does not alter the rate of side wall sloughing resulting from lateral channel expansion during stage 2 development and transitional flow conditions when Qt+∆τ > Qt. Equation 16.12 indicates that when the sediment load, qs, equals zero, channel detachment, Dr, equals the detachment rate capacity, Drc. Conversely, when Dr equals zero, the sediment load equals the transport capacity, Tc. It is important to note, however, that the actual detachment rate Er is bounded by Tc qs/W, the maximum transport capacity available for detachment. These concepts are conceptually justified by the stream power concept (Foster and Meyer, 1972a). Any specified flow contains a finite amount of energy which may be used for detaching and/or transporting soil particles. The Dr/Drc term in Equation 16.12 represents the relative amount of energy expended on soil detachment, and the term qs/Tc indicates the relative amount of energy expended on sediment transport. The sum of these two terms equal unity, or the total relative available energy. 3.3.2 Transport Limiting Case: Deposition Effects For transport limiting flow, deposition of eroded sediment has a major impact on sediment yield. Deposition occurs when the flow does not contain sufficient energy to transport eroded sediment, which results from either a decrease in transport capacity or an influx of additional sediment. Deposition of eroded sediment is a selective process, varying with particle size distribution. Coarser particles are more likely to deposit due to their higher settling velocity (Foster, 1982). For discrete quiescent settling, the settling velocity of an individual particle may be determined using Stokes’ law, written as (Haan et al., 1994): V s=

1 18

 d 2g   ν ( S g - 1)   


where Vs is particle settling velocity (m/s), d is particle diameter (m), g is acceleration of gravity (m/s2), v is kinematic viscosity (m2/s), and Sg is particle specific gravity. Equation 16.15 is only valid up to a Reynolds number, Re, up to 0.5 (Haan et al., 1994), which is given by:



Re =

V sd



In addition, Equation 16.15 assumes spherical particles settling in turbulent free water. Other factors governing settling velocity of discrete particles are: particle shape, aggregation, turbulence, and flocculation (Haan et al., 1994). When the Reynolds number exceeds 0.5, Wilson et al. (1982) developed the following equation for settling velocity of spherical particles with a Sg of 2.65 in water: log 10 ( 100 V s ) = - 0.34246272log 10(1000 d)


+ 0.98912185 log 10 (1000 d)+1.146128


To account for varying specific gravity, the settling velocity, Vs, is multiplied by the ratio (Sg - 1)/2.65. Foster and Meyer (1972a, 1975) proposed that deposition could be described by Equation 16.9, which states that Dr = C1(Tc - qs/W). During deposition, the coefficient C1 varies with particle size. To date, there are no validated relationships describing the phenomena. However, based on results by Einstein (1968), Foster and Huggins (1977), and Davis (1978), Foster (1982) proposed that C1 for channelized flow could be represented by: C1=

Vs q


Substituting Equation 16.18 into Equation 16.9 yields: Vs (16.19) ( T c - q s /W ) q Recalling that Dr is the deposition rate per unit rill width and length (kg/m2/s), the deposition rate per unit length, Er (kg/m/s), may be written as: Dr =


Vs X q

( T c - q s /W )



where L is the total rill length (m), and VsX/q represents the fraction of deposited sediment at a distance X downstream. 3.4 Transport Capacity Most current sediment transport theory was developed for streamflow conditions. However, Alonso et al. (1981) found that the Yalin equation (1977) was appropriate to use on the transport of light materials in streamflow, and a


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range of particle sizes and densities in shallow flow typically encountered in field conditions. Therefore, the Yalin transport equation was selected to evaluate the transport capacity of channel flow. Yalin (1963) developed a bed load transport model for cohesionless grains of equal size over a movable bed. The model was developed based on dimensional analysis and the mechanics of average grain motion for uniform turbulent flow with a laminar sublayer not exceeding the bed roughness. Yalin (1977) presented the model as a series of equations developed for uniform particle sizes. To predict transport capacity for a sediment mixture, Foster and Meyer (1972b) modified the Yalin equation by distributing the flow’s total transport capacity among the available sediment based on flow characteristics and particle size and density. The Yalin equation (Yalin, 1963) was developed by assuming the number of particles in transport was proportional to δ. Hence, Foster and Meyer (1972b) assumed, for a sediment mixture, that the number of particles of type i were proportional to δi. The total δ for the sediment mixture, T, was found by summing all δi s, such that: n

T = ∑δ i



where n was the number of particle types. For sediment particles of type i in a mixture, the number of transported particles, [Ne]i , is:

[ Ne]i = N i δ i

(16.22) T where Ni is the total number of particles of type i for a uniform material. The dimensionless transport rate φ was assumed proportional to the number of transported particles, such that:

[φ c ] = φ i δ i

(16.23) T where [φc]i is the effective m for particle type i in the mixture and φi is the φ for particle type i with uniform material. The potential transport capacity for particle type i in a mixture, Tcpi, was defined as: (16.24) T cpi = [φ c ]i S gi d i ρ wτ The transport capacity of each particle class was assumed to be represented by Equation 16.24 only if available sediment in all particle classes was in excess or deficit. When there was excess transport capacity in a particle class and a deficit in another, the transport capacity was shifted in order to use all existing transport capacity. 4. EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS An illustration of the application of SEDIMOT III was made for two construction watersheds using impoundments with a variety of outlet structures. A summary of watershed characteristics is given in Table 16.1. The



impoundments utilized and their characteristics are summarized in Table 16.2. A 24-hr NRCS Type 2 storm of six inches was used as model input. Table 16.1 Characteristics of Example Watersheds Watershed




































Table 16.2 Characteristics of Impoundments Code







1.25 ft drop



20 ft wide rock



inlet, pond


spillway, 0.2 ft

area 2A.

dia, 5 ft thick, 4 ft high, pond area 2 A


1.25 ft drop


inlet, pond



20 ft wide rock


spillway, 0.2 ft

area 4A


dia, 5 ft thick, 4 ft high, pond area is 4A


2.00 ft drop


inlet, pond 3.00 ft drop

Straw bale dike,


20 ft wide, 1.5 ft

area 4A DI,3.0,4A


high. Large

inlet, pond area 4A

A variety of impoundments were applied to the watersheds to illustrate some of the computational capability of SEDIMOT III. The output of different types of impoundments should not be compared directly. This exercise simply illustrates some of the kinds of structures that can be evaluated. Example results are shown in Figure 16.1 where trapping efficiency is plotted as the bar chart for each structure type and the ratio of peak discharge to surface area (modified overflow rate) is the solid line. Trends follow what one would expect, with trapping efficiency decreasing for a given reservoir as the modified overflow rate increases. In interpreting the results, it should be remembered that the watershed for the structure with the straw bale outlet is only 10 ac compared to 200 ac for the larger watershed.


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5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The structure of the channel erosion model for SEDIMOT III is presented. The model follows the DYRT model of Storm et al. (1990). It accounts for potential channel detachment, deposition in channels, channel geometry, transport capacity of the flow, and the interaction between sediment load and transport capacity. The structure of the erosion model is based on the steadystate continuity equation, which is numerically approximated using finite difference methods. Channel erosion and geometry are based on the steady-state erosion model of Foster and Lane (1983). In addition, a procedure accounts for transitional flow rates. For detachment limiting conditions the interaction between transport capacity and sediment load is accounted for using the Foster and Meyer (1972a) approach. Transport limiting flow conditions with deposition are based on overflow rate concepts, and is approximated using an expression presented by Foster (1982). Finally, transport capacity for rill flow is approximated using the modified Yalin equation (Foster and Meyer, 1972b).











0 SB


Peak Discharge/Sfc Area (fph)




DI ,1 .2 5, 2A DI ,1 .2 5, 4A DI ,2 .0 0, 4A DI ,3 .0 0 RK ,4A ,0 .2 RK ,2 A ,0 .2 ,4 A

Trapping Efficiency (%)


STRUCTURE ID Figure 16.1 Trapping efficiency predictions for structures described in Table 16.2.

SEDIMOT III continues to evolve in response to requests from design engineers and regulatory authorities. For example, scale is a critical issue in any watershed for which water quality is being modeled. A particularly difficult aspect for watershed managers is to determine the impacts of Best Management Practices (BMPs), which are often small structures. Often their benefits are lost because of their size. SEDIMOT III’s code is currently being modified to calculate eroded size distributions and active clay in order to allow calculation of phosphorus loadings and trappings. A model structure for watershed orders



higher than two is being developed along with explicit equations for sediment and phosphorus trapping using the simulated dataset. For years, design engineers have asked for a new input/output interface for SEDIMOT III in order to make the model more intuitive, allow geographic data to be easily input, and include more BMPs, improve connectivity, and incorporate low impact development. Efforts are underway to convert portions of SEDIMOT III which use command line FORTRAN code into a .NET program with graphical user interface (GUI) and graphical outputs. Planned efforts include moving toward an option having a geographical information system (GIS) integrated with the model to assist in input/output. REFERENCES Alonso, C.V., Neibling, W.H., and Foster, G.R., Estimating sediment transport capacity in watershed modeling, Trans. ASAE, 24(5), 1211-1220, 17, 1981. Chow, V.T., Open Channel Hydraulics. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959. Davis, S.S., Deposition of nonuniform sediment by overland flow on concave slopes. M. S. Thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 137, 1978. Einstein, H.A., Deposition of suspended particles in a gravel bed, Proc. ASCE, 94(HY5), 1197, 1968. Federal Highway Administration, Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts, HydraulicDesign Series No 5. Report No. FHA-IP-85-15, FHA, Washington, D.C., 1985. Fogle, A.W. and Barfield, B.J., Channel-A Model of Channel Erosion by Shear, Scour, and Channel Headwall Propagation: Part 1 Model Development, Research Report No. 186, University of Kentucky, Water Resources Research Institute, Lexington, KY, 1992. Foster, G.R., Modeling the erosion process, in: C.T. Haan and H.P. Johnson (eds.), Hydrologic Modeling of Small Watersheds, Monograph No. 5, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI, 1982. Foster, G.R. and Huggins, L.F., Deposition of sediment by overland flow on concave slopes, In: Soil Erosion Prediction and Control, Special publication No. 21, Soil Conservation Society of America, Ankeny, IA, 1977. Foster, G.R. and Lane, L.J., Erosion by concentrated flow in farm fields, in: Proceedings of the D. B. Simons Symposium on Erosion and Sedimentation, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO., 9.65, 1983. Foster, G.R., Lane, L.J., Nowlin, J.D., Lalen, J.M., and Young, R.A., A model to estimate sediment yield from field-sized areas: Development of model, Chapter 3 in: CREAMS — A Field Scale Model for Chemicals, Runoff, and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems, Volume I: Model Documentation, USDA-SEA, Conservation Report No. 26, 36, 1980. Foster, G.R. and Meyer, L.D., A closed form soil erosion equation for upland areas, Chapter 12 in: Shen, H.W. (ed.), Sedimentation (Einstein), Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO, 1972a.


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Foster, G.R. and Meyer, L.D., Transport of soil particles by shallow flow, Trans. ASAE, 15(1), 99, 1972b. Foster, G.R. and Meyer, L.D., Mathematical simulation of upland erosion by fundamental erosion mechanics, in: Present and Prospective Technology for Predicting Sediment Yields and Sources, ARS-S-40, USDA-ARS, Oxford, MS, 285, 1975. Haan, C.T., Barfield, B.J., and Hayes, J.C., Design Hydrology and Sedimentology for Small Catchments, Academic Press, New York, 1994. Haan, C.T. and Johnson, H.P., Geometrical Properties of Depressions in North-Central Iowa, Iowa State J. of Sci., 42(2), 149, 1967. Laflen, J.M., Simulation of Sedimentation in Tile-Outlet Terraces, PhD Dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 1972. Lane, L.J. and Foster, G.R., Concentrated flow relationships, Chapter 11 in : CREAMS — A Field Scale Model for Chemicals, Runoff, and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems, Volume III: Supporting Documentation. USDA-SEA, Conservation Report No. 26, 474, 1980. Lindley, M.R., Barfield, B.J., and Wilson, B.N., WEPP Surface Impoundment Element: Model description, Chapter in WEPP Model Documentation, In Preparation, 1994. Lindley, M.R., Barfield, B.J., Wilson, B.N., and Laflen, J.M., WEPP Surface Impoundment Element: Farm Pond Sedimentation, Paper No. 932108. Presented at ASAE Meeting, Spokane, WA, 1993. Lindley, M.R., Barfield, B.J., Wilson, B.N., and Laflen, J.M., Surface Impoundment Element For WEPP: Farm Pond Hydraulics, Paper No. 922643, Presented at ASAE Meeting, Nashville, TN, 1992. Meyer, L.D. and Monke, E.J., Mechanics of soil erosion by rainfall and overland flow, Trans. ASAE, 8(4), 572, 580, 1965. Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., and Flannery, B.P., Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN: The Art of Scientific Computing, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, 1986. Storm, D.E., Barfield, B.J., and Ormsbee, L.E., Hydrology and sedimentology of dynamic rill networks, Vol I: A. Introduction and Overview, and B. Erosion Model Development, Research Report no. 178, Water Resources Research Institute, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 1990. Wilson, B.N., Barfield, B.J., and Moore, I.D., SEDIMOT II: A Simulation Model of the Hydrology and Sedimentology of Surface Mined Lands, Part I: Modeling Techniques, University of Kentucky Agricultural Engineering Department, Final Report of EPA Project KY01212, 1982. Yalin, M.S., An expression for bed-load transportation, Proc. ASCE, 89(HY3), 21, 1963. Yalin, M.S., Mechanics of Sediment Transport, 2nd ed, Peragamon Press, 298, Oxford, 1977.

Section 6: Agricultural Watershed Models

CHAPTER 17 The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation Keith E. Saxton and Patrick H. Willey

The SPAW (Soil-Plant-Air-Water) computer model simulates the daily hydrologic water budgets of agricultural landscapes by two connected routines, one for farm fields and a second for impoundments such as wetland ponds, lagoons, or reservoirs. Climate, soil, and vegetation data files for field and pond projects are selected from those prepared and stored with a system of interactive screens. Various combinations of the data files readily represent multiple landscape and ponding variations. Field hydrology is represented by: (1) daily climatic descriptions of rainfall, temperature, and evaporation; (2) a soil profile of interacting layers each with unique water-holding characteristics; (3) annual crop growth with management options for rotations, irrigation, and fertilization. The simulation estimates a daily vertical, one-dimensional water budget depth of all major hydrologic processes such as runoff, infiltration, evapotranspiration, soil water profiles, and percolation. Water volumes are estimated by budget depths times the associated field area. Pond hydrology simulations provide water budgets by multiple input and depletion processes for impoundments which have agricultural fields or operations as their water source. Data input and selection of previously defined data files are by graphical screens with both tabular and graphical results. Typical applications include analyses of wetland inundation duration and frequency, wastewater storage designs, and reliability of water supply reservoirs. The objective of the SPAW model was to understand and predict agricultural hydrology and its interactions with soils and crop production without undue burden of computation time or input details. This required continual vigilance of the many choices required for the representation of each physical, chemical, and biological process to achieve a “reasonable” and “balanced” approximation of the real world with numerical solutions. Over the development period, both the model and the method of data input with system descriptors have evolved for improved accuracy, extended applications, and ease of use. The program documentation includes theory, data requirements, example applications, and operational details. The model results have been corroborated through research data, workshops, and application evaluations. The SPAW-Field model is a daily vertical water budget of an agricultural field, provided the field can be considered, for practical purposes, spatially uniform in soil, crop, and climate. These considerations will limit the definition of a “field” depending on the local conditions and the intended simulation



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accuracy. For many typical cases, the simulation will represent a typical farm field of tens to a few hundred acres growing a single crop with insignificant variations of soil water characteristics or field management. In other cases, a single farm field may need to be divided into separate simulation regions because of distinct and significant differences of soil or crop characteristics. These definitions and divisions will depend on the accuracy required; however, users soon gain enough experience through alternative solutions to guide these choices. Since the field model has no infiltration time distribution less than daily and no flow routing, it is generally not applicable for large watershed hydrologic analyses. However, it can be utilized for water budgets of agricultural watersheds composed of multiple farm fields, each simulated separately and the results combined. The combined field concept to represent a watershed is used as an input source for the pond simulations. With no streamflow routing there are no channel descriptors included. Daily runoff is estimated as an equivalent depth over the simulation field by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/ Soil Conservation Services’ SCS Curve Number method. The SPAW-Pond model simulates the water budget of an inundated depression or constructed impoundment. The water supply to the inundated area is estimated runoff from one or more previously simulated fields, plus, if applicable, that from external sources such as an off-site pump or flush water from an animal housing facility. Pond climatic data are provided from that input to the field simulation. Additional features are included such as outlet pipe discharge, drawdown pumps, irrigation supply demands, and water tables to allow for a wide variety of pond situations described as wetlands, small ponds, water supply reservoirs, lagoons, or seasonal waterfowl ponds. Basic interactions of soil chemicals such as nitrogen and salinity with soil water and crop production are included. The chemistry is represented in daily budget form, thus does not include interactions and minor processes which occur within soil and crop environments. These budgets are useful as a screening tool to define potential effects and hazards related to the chemical inputs and dispositions for situations often encountered in agricultural hydrologic analyses. 1. HYDROLOGIC SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES Simulating the hydrologic budget of an agricultural field or pond requires defining the hydrologic system and associated processes. The field budget utilizes a one-dimensional vertical system beginning above the plant canopy and proceeding downward through the soil profile to a depth sufficient to represent the complete root penetration and subsurface hydrologic processes (lateral soil water flow is not simulated). The pond hydrologic system is an impoundment with external inputs from a watershed or supplemental water sources and outflow by spillways, pumps, and seepage. The following schematics illustrate the field and pond hydrologic systems and major processes.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


1.1 Field Hydrology The principal hydrologic processes in the SPAW-Field model are depicted in Figure 17.1 by a schematic of the vertical budget of an agricultural field: • Precipitation: Daily observed totals, although snow accumulation and snowmelt are estimated when air temperature is included. Applied irrigation water is a supplement without runoff. • Runoff: Computed by the USDA/SCS Curve Number method as a percent of daily rainfall from parameters of soil type, antecedent soil moisture, vegetation, surface conditions, and frozen soil. No stream routing is provided. Observed runoff can be substituted or compared to simulated values. • Infiltration: A daily amount based on rainfall minus estimated runoff and stored in the uppermost soil layers as available capacity permits. • Evapotranspiration: Combined daily estimates of plant transpiration, direct soil surface evaporation, and interception evaporation estimated from a daily atmospheric potential evaporation reduced by the plant and soil water status. The potential evaporation input data may be estimated by one of several methods such as the Penman and/or Monteith equation, daily pan evaporation, temperature or radiation methods, or mean annual evaporation distributed by months and monthly mean daily. • Redistribution: within the soil profile: Infiltrated water is moved between soil layers by a Darcy tension-conductivity method to provide both downward and upward flow estimates. Soil water holding characteristics of tension and conductivity are estimated from soil textures and organic matter and adjusted for density, gravel, and salinity. Observed soil moisture can be substituted or compared to simulated values. • Percolation: Water leaving the bottom layer of the described soil profile. Percolated water is considered to be temporarily stored in an “image” layer just below the profile and is upward retrievable. Upward percolation (negative) is considered for cases of groundwater occurrence. • Deep drainage: to groundwater or interflow occurs when the image layer achieves near saturation and additional percolation occurs. • Chemical applications and redistributions: Nitrogen and salinity chemicals are budgeted with plant uptake and soil water transport interactions to estimate soil layer quantities, soil water concentrations, and percolation. 1.2 Pond Hydrology The principle hydrologic processes considered in the SPAW-Pond model are depicted in Figure 17.2 by a schematic of the inflows, withdrawals, and losses. A depth-area table describes the ponded area plus specific depths above the pond bottom for permanent storage, pump inlets, pipe outlet, and the emergency spillway outlet. Each of these depths provides operational limits of the various budgeting processes such as the pumps, pipe outlet, or irrigation water.


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Figure 17.1 Hydrologic processes within the SPAW-Field system of an agricultural field.

• Watershed inflow: Daily water supplied to the pond by watershed runoff comprised of one or more fields that have had runoff estimated by a SPAWField simulation. • Subsurface inflow: Daily water supplied to the pond by a percentage of the estimated watershed field deep drainage. • Pond inflow: Outflows from an upstream pond estimated by a prior pond simulation. • Side Slope Runoff: Runoff from pond side-slopes above the current water level. • External input: Water supplied to the pond from a source other than a watershed such as an off-stream pump or an animal housing flush system. An optional pump control by specified upper and lower pond depth limits provides hydrologic-based decisions.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


• Rainfall: That precipitation falling directly on the pond water surface. • Evaporation: Daily water surface evaporation estimated as the potential of the climatic data. • Infiltration: An infiltrated water depth into the pond bottom soil as it is initially inundated. • Seepage: A constant daily seepage rate beneath the inundated area (positive), or upward groundwater seepage into the pond due to external high water levels (negative). • Outlet Pipe: Daily discharge of a pipe outlet having a specified crest elevation above the pond bottom and a stage-discharge relationship for depths above the crest. Crest heights may be varied over time for seasonal water depth management. • Spillway overflow: An unregulated daily discharge from the uppermost spillway or outlet when inflow exceeds pond storage. • Supply pump: A daily amount pumped from the pond for designated periods and rates with a specified inlet depth for various water supply needs. • Drawdown pump: A daily amount withdrawn from the pond for designated periods and rates for storage management with a specified inlet depth. An optional pump control by specified upper and lower pond depth limits provides hydrologic-based decisions. • Irrigation demand: A daily irrigation amount supplied by the pond to one or more fields previously defined by a SPAW-Field water budget simulation with irrigation for each field if pond water is above a specified inlet depth. • Water Table: A time-varying water table depth external to the pond such as a nearby waterway or river which may supply water to the pond each year by negative seepage. • Permanent Pool: Depths between the lowest outlet pipe or structure intake and the pond bottom. • Active Pool: Depths between lowest pipe or structure intake and pipe outlet crest elevation. • Flood Pool: Depths between pipe outlet crest elevation and spillway elevation. 1.3 Example Applications The SPAW water budget model can be adapted to a wide variety of hydrologic analyses within the constraints of the programmed processes and data available. Some example applications for agricultural fields and ponds would be: • Evaluating the daily status of available crop water under rainfall or irrigation regimes. • Estimating runoff and seepage from agricultural fields. • Scheduling irrigation or defining irrigation requirements. • Assessing deep seepage of field water and chemicals which may contribute to water and nutrient losses.


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• Defining depths, frequency, and durations of agricultural wetland inundations. • Design and performance evaluation of agricultural ponds, lagoons, and reservoirs for water supply, waste management, and water management. • Estimating soil nitrogen or salinity budgets and concentrations for crop production and salinity hazard.

Figure 17.2 Hydrologic processes within the SPAW-Pond system of an agricultural impoundment.

2. FIELD DATA AND METHODS Each major hydrologic process in the field and pond environment is simulated individually, then combined to develop daily water budgets for the system components. Each process requires specific descriptions of the physical parameters and influencing variables followed by appropriate fixed and dynamic data inputs. This approach is similar to that first outlined by Saxton et al., 1974a, 1974b, and similar to that of other models (Feddes et al., 1980; Malone et al., 2001). The following summarizes the major hydrologic input data and processes. 2.1 Field Data Field input data are in three general categories of climate, soils, and crops. The climatic data are those from a climatic data base and regional estimates.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


Soils data are interpretations from soil profile descriptions of those typical of the simulated field. Crop data are annual descriptions of locally observed crop growth parameters. The crop data are supplemented by management options such as rotations, irrigation, and nitrogen fertilizer chemicals. The data input files are recorded and assembled via a series of data input screens with the exception of observed climatic data files which are manually copied to a directory. Each screen saves a unique data file in the computer directory such as daily climate, soil profiles, and individual crop growth parameters which then become selectable for subsequent simulations. These saved data files provide the user an opportunity to describe data unique to the study region for individual crops, soils, and climates. These files may be accessed in later simulations in various combinations as fields and pond descriptions require, thus minimizing input duplication. New files can be created by copying and modifying existing files. 2.1.1 Climatic Data Field water budgets are significantly dependent on the climatic inputs of precipitation and potential evaporation which control water input and evapotranspiration (ET) the largest depletion process. Climatic data are input in three categories: (1) historic measured climatic data for the local region, (2) default daily potential evaporation values by monthly estimates, and (3) selected data pertinent to a specific location. The historic climatic data files are copied into a SPAW directory from external sources while the default and location files are created by input screens. Climatic files of measured data can be obtained in text form from usual sources such as National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Climatic Data Center or the USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Water and Climate Center. Other techniques may be used if necessary (Osborne et al., 1982). These files must contain daily precipitation data. Daily max/min temperatures and potential evaporation are optional. The required data file header and format are specified in the program HELP menu. Daily precipitation generally dominates the accuracy of field water budgets, thus it is imperative that these data be correct and appropriate to the field location. A screening tool is provided to review and edit the climatic data for unusual and missing values. Snow accumulation and melt become important in cold climates by delaying the infiltration of precipitation. Most climatic data files do not distinguish the form of precipitation being either rain or snow, thus air temperature data are used to estimate snow accumulation and melt to provide an approximate daily distribution of available water to the infiltration process. Calibration parameters are included to adjust for local variations. A daily estimate for potential evapotranspiration (PET) is required for simulation each day, either from observed or estimated data. Daily measurements or estimates are input by copying to the climatic data file. It is often the case that daily PET data are incomplete or not available. To meet the need for a daily estimate for periods of missing data, a default data set of mean


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monthly daily values is input with monthly adjustment coefficients appropriate to the estimating method and region. A common approach is to apportion apply annual pan evaporation to each month and include a monthly pan-to-PET coefficient. Estimating mean monthly daily values by an energy-based method such as Penman-Monteith or regional “lake” evaporation would allow coefficient values near 1.0 (Farnsworth et al., 1982; Saxton and McGuinness, 1982; Jensen et al., 1990). For a specific field analysis, the applicable location climatic and default PET files previously defined are selected and adjusted if necessary. The model will use daily PET values from the climatic data file if available, but if some, or perhaps all, daily values of PET are not available, monthly mean daily values will be substituted from the default PET file as needed to provide a complete array of daily values for each simulation period. 2.1.2 Soil Profile The soil profile is described by incremented layers and water characteristic curves for each layer. Except for the upper and lower boundary, the layers should reflect the soil profile changes plus provide an incremented soil water profile to allow appropriate calculations and definitions. Usually, smaller increments (4 to 8 inches) are used in the first 2 or 3 feet below the surface, then 12 to 18-inch increments thereafter. Thinner layers are not warranted and cause excessive computations while large layers provide excessively broad averages. The upper and lower boundary conditions for the one-dimensional Darcy flow equation have been added to the segmented soil profile as “evaporative” and “image” layers, respectively. A set of operational rules are provided for each of these layers. While somewhat arbitrary, they provide useful values to the overall water budgeting processes and are linked with the downward and upward Darcy conductivity estimates. The upper boundary (evaporative) layer is considered to be a very thin layer (1.0 inch) which rapidly dries with no resistance as in stage-1 soil water evaporation. It rewets to near saturation by precipitation and dries to a percentage near air dry. The lower boundary (image) layer is specified below the last soil layer with water characteristics the same as the last layer and a specified thickness. This layer controls deep percolation or upward-flowing water back to the profile. When the water content of the image layer exceeds a specified percentage of its field capacity, water is cascaded downward to become groundwater recharge and is lost from the control volume. If the last real layer becomes drier than the image layer, water is conducted upward from the image layer into the profile; thus it serves as a temporary profile water storage. Soil water tension and conductivity relationships with moisture are used to define the water capacity and redistribution of each layer. Since these data are often difficult to acquire without laboratory analyses, an estimating routine is included based on soil texture and organic matter, with adjustments for density, gravel, and salinity. This texture-based method is described in the section on soil water redistribution and is included within the model as a stand-alone module.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


2.1.3 Crop Growth Plant growth is a very important contributor to hydrologic budgeting through the evapotranspiration effects. Rather than include a plant growth routine to estimate the annual growth characteristics from plant and environment parameters, we chose to provide manual descriptions for the plant growth based on local knowledge of average growth descriptions for major crops (Wild, 1988). This approach has proven easy to apply, and sufficient to achieve expected hydrologic accuracies. The annual crop growth is described by three annual distributions of plant canopy, greenness, and rooting depth. A fourth curve, yield susceptibility, defines the relative impact of annual crop water stress on grain yields when correlated with observed grain yields. For simulations involving nitrogen budgets, the annual nitrogen uptake distribution is included in the crop definitions. Crops growing over the end of the calendar year require two years of definitions. Multiple-year crop rotations are developed by selecting the cropping sequence in the “management” screen. It is useful to see all of the crop descriptive graphs on the same time axes to assure they correspond at selected dates such as planting and harvest. The input screen provides this graph as shown for the corn example in Figure 17.3. Percent crop canopy cover represents that portion of the daily potential ET effectively impinging on the plant and not on the soil. It is essentially the percentage of average daily soil surface effectively protected from solar radiation. An annual distribution is described by date-percentage data points throughout the calendar year for daily linear interpolation. The full simulation period must be included for periods less than a full year, and the complete calendar year must be described for multiple year simulations. Residue, green crop or some combination are included in the canopy percentage. Canopy values can be derived by measurements or visual estimates of soil shading. The model is not highly sensitive to these values, and seasonal distributions of even fast-growing crops provide reasonable results. Measured leaf area index (LAI) is a common measured descriptor which can readily be related to canopy cover by a relationship which shows near full canopy for an LAI value of about 3.0. A percentage of the described canopy which is green and will readily transpire is entered as Date-Percentage data points. A newly emerging plant canopy over a bare soil would have a Greenness of 100%. A canopy of residue would have a Greenness of 0% unless it had some green weed growth interspersed. As canopies mature or decline due to disease or water stress, they no longer freely transpire, even if soil water is available. These conditions are represented by a declining “greenness” percentage even though the canopy may maintain its stature. The canopy times greenness value approximates the more familiar “crop coefficient” used in many evaporative calculations. An actively growing canopy generally has an effective rooting system whose maximum depth moves downward at about the same rate as the top growth (canopy) increases. The maximum root depth throughout the calendar year is described as Date-Depth data points. The rooting density and


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effectiveness for water uptake is partitioned for each 25% of the maximum depth by the 40-30-20-10 percentage as the maximum depths are interpolated between the input data points. While relatively simple, additional detail about root descriptions is generally difficult to measure or describe (Wild, 1988).

Figure 17.3 Example corn (maize) crop description curves for a calendar year.

The maximum rooting depths and seasonal patterns are quite subject to plant and soil profile characteristics, and local knowledge is often the best guide for hydrologic simulations. Significant year-to-year rooting variations may occur due to water tables, rainfall patterns, and so on, and these can be represented if adequate data are available. However, these data would not be applicable to multiyear simulations. 2.1.4 Crop Management Management of typical agricultural crops affecting water budgeting most often involve crop rotations. Irrigation and fertilizer application may be options. The management screen provides these parameters for a specific field. Crop rotations for a field are selected to be in a fixed rotation listed in an annual order and selected from the crop files previously defined. Crop growth characteristics for each selected crop will have been previously described and filed by the crop input screen. Multiyear simulations require each crop to be

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


described for the complete calendar year. Crop rotations are cycled in the order selected and repeated as needed to complete the full simulation period. Daily irrigation water is budgeted very similarly to precipitation. The inputs are either of known irrigation amounts and dates or criteria are provided for the model to determine the time and amount of irrigation water. The irrigation options include ten methods to determine when to irrigate and six to determine how much water to apply as described in Table 17.1 (Field et al., 1988). Fertilization is an important part of modern crop production and often poses questions related to water management. Daily nitrogen budgeting is included as an option. While not a fully rigorous treatment of chemical budgeting, methods are included to provide nitrogen and salinity budgets within the soil-plant system and interactions with the simulated water budget and transport. The methods are similar to those described by Saxton et al. (1977, 1992b), Burwell et al. (1976), and Malone et al. (2001). Fertilizer applications for each of the crops in the rotation are listed by date of application, amount, and type. The chemical budgets are for nitrogen fertilizers of nitrate or ammonia form. Release of NO3 nitrogen from decaying organic matter and residues is estimated. The salinity budgets provide estimated chemical quantities, profile distributions, and leaching. This method focuses on water interactions and does not include chemical-soil solute exchanges. 2.1.5 Observed Data It is often useful to include initial or measured data for the simulated variables such as runoff, soil water, or one of the chemical species. These optional input data by soil profile layers include: soil water, runoff, salinity, nitrate-N, ammonium-N, and negative ion chemical tracer (like nitrate without plant uptake, e.g., Cl, Br). The simulation output includes these data used as either a comparison with simulated values or to reset the simulation to be equal to the input data such as for initialization. Standard tabled curve numbers for daily runoff estimates are shown based on the selected soil and crop parameters, or an alternative set of curve numbers can be manually entered. 2.2 Field Methods The major hydrologic processes within the vertical field water budget are represented by interconnected routines, rates, and volumes. The following summarizes those processes most influential in the daily budgets. Detailed equations and variables are generally not included here, but the model contains several additional detailed HELP documents which provide more detail and references. 2.2.1 Runoff The USDA/SCS Runoff Curve Number (SCS-CN) method is used to estimate the percentage of precipitation which becomes runoff, or conversely that which infiltrates. Average curve numbers are determined by the model from tabulated values of the SCS-CN method (Rawls et al., 1992; Heggen, 1996; USDA-NRCS, 1997) using entries of land use, treatment, hydrologic conditions


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(crop condition), and hydrologic soil class. The applied curve numbers for a field can be manually modified by entering values in the Field simulation screen, thus providing an option to calibrate runoff and infiltration volumes. With only daily precipitation and infiltration estimates, there is no subdaily time distribution of runoff for short-term hydrographs or stream routing. Table 17.1: Irrigation Time and Depth Options

______________________________________________________ Time Options for Irrigation: 1. Fixed interval: Irrigation occurs on an established initial date and at the userdefined interval in days thereafter. 2. Fixed dates: Irrigation occurs on user-defined dates. 3. Root zone depletion: Irrigation occurs when the soil moisture within the root zone exceeds a user-defined depletion. 4. Soil profile depletion: Irrigation occurs when the soil moisture within the total soil profile is depleted below a user-defined limit. 5. Soil water tension at a specified depth: Irrigation occurs when calculated soil moisture tension in a selected layer exceeds a user-defined value. 6. Soil water tension in root zone: Irrigation occurs when calculated soil moisture tension weighted by root distribution exceeds a user-defined value. 7. Accumulated PET: Irrigation occurs when the calculated accumulation of potential evapotranspiration since the previous irrigation exceeds a user-defined value. 8. Accumulated AET: Irrigation occurs when the calculated accumulation of actual evapotranspiration since the previous irrigation exceeds a user-defined value. 9. Vegetative stress index (moving average): Irrigation occurs when the moving average of the daily vegetative stress index exceeds a user-defined value. 10.Yield reduction index (moving average): Irrigation occurs when the moving average of the daily yield reduction index exceeds a user-defined value. Depth Options for Irrigation: 1. Fixed depth: A fixed depth of water applied at each irrigation. 2. Specified depths: A user-defined depth of water applied for each irrigation. 3. Refill the root zone: A water depth to set the simulated soil moisture level in the root zone to a user-defined percent of field capacity. 4. Refill the total soil profile: A water depth to set the simulated soil moisture level in the total profile to a user-defined percentage of field capacity. 5. Accumulated PET: A water depth of a user-defined percent of the potential evapotranspiration accumulated since the previous irrigation. 6. Accumulated AET: A water depth of a user-defined percent of the actual evapotranspiration accumulated since the previous irrigation.

______________________________________________________ The published average annual crop curve numbers are modified daily in the model by annual crop canopy and antecedent moisture. The canopy adjustment varies the crop curve numbers upward to equal fallow conditions for no canopy downward an equal amount for full crop cover. Antecedent moisture adjust-

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


ments for wet and dry conditions (conditions I and III, compared to average wetness, condition II) are estimated from the simulated soil water in the upper soil (layer no. 2). If the moisture of layer 2 is below 60% of field capacity, antecedent condition I is applied; if the moisture of layer 2 is above field capacity, antecedent condition III is applied. No user option is provided for these limits. Soil freezing significantly restricts infiltration for increased runoff (Fox, 1992). Freezing depths are estimated by air temperature data using methods similar to those reported by Jumikis (1966, 1997). Runoff during frozen soil periods is estimated as 90% of available precipitation, assuming some minor infiltration may yet occur. 2.2.2 Infiltration Daily infiltration is estimated as precipitation minus runoff, with runoff estimated either by the SCS-CN routine, or by observed runoff values if provided. While the estimated infiltration is not given a time distribution less than daily, it is computationally divided into subdaily time steps used for the water profile redistribution and cascaded to successive deeper layers until adequate storage is achieved. All further redistribution is by the Darcian soil moisture redistribution routine. Should the entire profile reach 90% saturation due to exceptional rains or restrictive soil layers, additional runoff is estimated. 2.2.3 Potential ET The concept and definition of PET is not universal among hydrologists and other scientists. However, most agree that the maximum, or potential, largely depends upon the energy available for the liquid-to-vapor phase change, and that this energy source is primarily solar radiation. PET for irrigation-related estimates are often defined as that water lost from a well-watered reference crop such as grass or alfalfa. However practical, this partially confounds the values with some plant and surface characteristics. Methods based on radiation or radiation plus air properties have been the most widely used for short-term estimates such as Penman or Jensen-Haise (Saxton, 1971; Shuttleworth, 1992). These are largely defined by atmospheric variables with minimal surface influence. Pan evaporation is an indirect, standardized method of estimating PET with appropriate coefficients. It is generally available for most regions either as daily measurements or monthly and annual means. Large body lake evaporation is a similar approach with minimal coefficient requirements. PET for the SPAW model may be externally obtained from any one of the several meteorological methods with appropriate coefficients. 2.2.4 Actual ET The vapor transport of water back into the atmosphere by actual evapotranspiration (AET) is estimated by beginning with daily atmospheric PET, then estimating and combining the major AET components: interception evaporation, soil water evaporation, and plant transpiration. This approach


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assumes that the PET is primarily an atmospheric determined value which provides evaporative energy, either radiated or conducted, to a partially wetted surface. The challenge is to evaluate the opportunity of this energy to interact with the various surfaces depending on their current status of wetness and resistance of water to their surface. Energy not utilized in the process of evaporation is available for other uses, largely heating of the near-surface air mass. Figure 17.4 provides the computation schematic for the daily estimate of AET obtained by the summation of its components (Saxton et al., 1974a, 1974b). AET is then subtracted from the corresponding source and soil layers. Interception evaporation is removed from the interception storage, soil water evaporation from the first and/or second soil layer (the first layer is the thin evaporation layer, the second layer can absorb from lower layers), and transpiration from the appropriate soil layers containing roots and moisture. Interception water is free water on plant and soil surfaces which readily evaporates with minimal surface interaction or vapor resistance. Therefore, the PET value is reduced by the amount of interception evaporation before plant and soil water evaporation are computed. Interception is specified as a storage depth with a constant maximum capacity which represents a potential interception. This storage is filled by precipitation and sprinkler irrigation, and depleted by PET. Defining a potential interception is not obvious. Few data are available and the concept is somewhat nebulous. Each plant canopy has some ability to intercept water and prevent that portion of the precipitation from becoming infiltration or runoff. Surface residues and the uppermost soil surface similarly will wet and dry (not to be confused with depressional storage or soil water evaporation). Limited data suggest that 0.10 inch is a nominal interception amount for mature agricultural crops (Shuttleworth, 1992). Plant interception varies over the crop year with the canopy cover percentage. Soil surfaces without the waxy surfaces of most leaves would likely have half this amount. Interception can accumulate to become a significant proportion of the water budget since 30 or 40 precipitation events are common in many agricultural climates, which then results in some 3.0 to 5.0 inches of interception evaporation as one component of perhaps 25 to 30 inches of annual AET. The rate and quantity of evaporation from the upper soil layers is a complicated process of drying and upward water conductivity affected by soil characteristics, tillage, and environmental interactions. Energy and water availability largely dominate the process. This evaporation is not to be confused with that considered as intercepted soil surface water or that in depressional storage which is most often infiltrated. Soil water evaporation is represented by defining a thin (1.0 inch) upper boundary layer (evaporation layer) of the soil profile. This upper boundary layer has all of the same functions as other layers (except no roots), plus the water is readily evaporated and limited only by that portion of the PET not intercepted by an overlying plant canopy. The lower limit of soil water content in the evaporative layer is approximately air dry.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


Figure 17.4 Computation schematic for estimating actual ET before soil moisture withdrawal and soil water redistribution.

Upward water movement from the second layer into the evaporation boundary layer and its evaporation is estimated by a modified Darcy equation using a reduced unsaturated conductivity rate for the current soil water content. The reduced conductivity is a small percentage (~5%) of the liquid estimate and represents the fact that the conductivity is largely vapor flow rather than liquid. This method approximates the traditional observed three-stage drying process. Soil surface evaporation can accumulate to several inches over a year depending on the crop canopy, precipitation distribution, and PET. For dry soil conditions with a partial canopy, there is some portion of the radiation energy (i.e. the PET) which impinges on the soil surface that is not utilized in water evaporation which heats the soil, air, and canopy. It is assumed that a part of this unused soil surface energy is “recaptured” by the partial


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canopy as added potential transpiration. A canopy value of 60% is set at full capture. Well-watered, vigorous crops will transpire at nearly the rate demanded by the atmospheric conditions (i.e. the PET), but as their water supply becomes limited, physical and biological controls begin to limit the rate of transpiration. It is apparent that plant transpiration is a function of both atmospheric evaporative demand and plant available soil water. Plants have unique abilities to control water flow rates within their vascular system and through stomatal action. They make soil water available by root extension and by creating competitive water pressure within their membranes to cause gradients and water flow. A simplified approach based on atmospheric demand and plant available water has been programmed. The curves of Figure 17.5 provide a relationship between plant available soil water, defined by the range from wilting point to field capacity, and the ratio of actual transpiration to potential transpiration. The general shape of the curves is based on those derived by Denmead and Shaw (1960, 1962) in controlled small lysimeter studies of corn. These curves express the effect that actual plant transpiration will decrease from potential transpiration in a quite nonlinear pattern as plant available water is decreased. The curves representing different levels of PET indicate that for a given level of plant available water, the plant will transpire a greater percentage of PET when PET is low than when PET is high. The curves are applied independently to each defined soil layer in proportion to the percent roots present, thus plant transpiration is estimated as the combined effect of PET, root density distribution, and soil water content, and distribution. For well-watered agricultural crops, transpiration can be 15-25 in/yr depending on crop characteristics, growth period, and atmospheric demand. Crops with water stress often exhibit significantly less transpiration and reduced yields. The distribution of transpiration over the crop year is variable depending on the crop growth and soil water availability. Plant roots play a very important role in the connection between evaporative demand at the leaf surfaces and plant available soil water. The dynamic root growth of agricultural crops is particularly influential as the roots penetrate new soil mass and water source. Established plants such as perennial grass also continually grow new roots, but in a less dramatic seasonal pattern (Feddes and Rijtema, 1972). A time-varying root effect is represented by estimating the maximum root depth distribution over the crop growing season. The depth-density distribution is proportioned in the traditional 40-30-20-10 percentage for each 25% of maximum depth downward from the soil surface. Root density is proportionally assigned to each soil layer which then becomes the potential for transpiration water uptake. The simulation of root water abstraction is not highly sensitive to the rooting description partially because of compensation by soil water redistribution. If root uptake is overestimated for a specific layer, that layer

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


becomes dryer than expected; but the redistribution calculation moves water from adjacent moist layers, thus a compensation of processes.

Figure 17.5 Actual over potential transpiration as a function of plant available water and daily PET.

While this model’s focus is on hydrologic water budgets of agricultural fields, crop plants play a major role in the water budgeting and if impacted by water stress will have reduced growth and yields. It is a logical extension to estimate the magnitude of transpiration-related water stress and its effects on grain yields, with more minor effects on growth and phenology. Daily plant stress was defined as: Stress = 1 - (AT /PT) where AT = Actual transpiration and PT = Potential transpiration By defining AT/PT for each soil layer, the total plant stress is obtained as the root-weighted average of all active soil layers. This provides a weighted estimate of daily crop stress based on PET, profile soil water availability, and root density distribution. Accumulative plant stress over the growing season will impact grain yields; however, it is well documented that water stress affects grain yields more severely if it occurs during the fruiting period than during the vegetative phase (Denmead and Shaw, 1960). To represent this relative water stress susceptibility in time and among crops, relative susceptibility relationships as shown for corn and soybeans in Figure 17.6 are used to weight each day’s stress over the growing season. This susceptibility pattern is described by arbitrary weighting


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values of 0.00 to 0.50 entered as date-susceptibility values over the calendar year. These data are optional and have no effect on the simulated water budgets. They are only used for analyses of water stress impacts on grain yields. 2.2.5 Soil Water Redistribution Soil water is continuously moving in response to pressure gradients caused by capillary and gravimetric forces unique to each soil element according to its pore structure, water content, chemicals, and other minor effects. This water redistribution within the soil profile plays a significant role in the water profile development, up or down percolation, and plant water abstraction. It is a very necessary process to be computed for realistic simulations of AET and soil water, although one of the more difficult processes to represent because of the data requirements and mathematical solutions. A simplified finite difference form of the Darcy equation for vertical water flow up or down between the specified soil layers has been included. The Darcy equation may be expressed as:

q = k (θ )

[h(θ ) + Z ] (t ) Z

where: q = estimated water flow per time step across layer boundaries, cm k(θ) = mean unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of the two layers being considered as a function of their respective water contents, cm/hr h(θ) = matric potential head difference between the two layers being considered as a function of their respective water contents, cm Z = distance between the layer midpoints, cm t = time, hrs θ = water content, cm3/cm3 While many solutions are available for the Darcy equation (or Richards equation) which use sophisticated numerical analysis techniques, a simplified method of forward differencing was programmed. Variable time steps are defined according to a maximum allowed change of soil water tension per time step. The objective was to minimize the computations, yet provide reasonable redistribution estimates and computational stability over long simulation periods and over the full range of soil water content of agricultural soils. The pressure and conductivity relationships as a function of moisture content are the most difficult to obtain and input into the model for the redistribution solutions. Measured values of these relationships are very seldom available for hydrologic study sites, yet it is important to use curves that approximate the water-holding characteristics of the soil layers. There are numerous estimating methods in the literature for various curve parameters, but many require at least some field or laboratory data (Hillel, 1998). An estimating method for soil water-holding characteristics has been developed and included. The technique is a set of generalized equations which

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


describe soil tension and conductivity relationships versus moisture content as a function of sand and clay textures and organic matter (Rawls et al., 1982; 1992; 1998; Saxton et al., 1986). A revised set of equations were more recently derived by correlation of a very large USDA/NRCS dataset (1720 A-horizon samples) assembled to provide continuous curve estimates from wilting point (1500 kPa) to saturation (0 kPa) (Saxton and Rawls, 2004). A programmed texture triangle as an input screen as shown in Figure 17.8 provides ready solutions to the equations and values for the layer definitions of the model soil profile. Corn


Figure 17.6 Example yield susceptibility curves for corn and soybeans. (Sudar et al., 1981.)

The soil water characteristic equations are valid within a range of soil textures approximately 0-60% clay content and 0-95% sand content. Adjustments to the solutions have been added to include the effects of bulk


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density, gravel, and salinity (Tanji, 1990). This methodology is incorporated in the model and is also available as a stand-alone program. Access to the texture triangle screen is by the icon before the sand percentage in the soil screen. The HELP menu of the texture triangle screen provides additional information and references.

Figure 17.7 Correlations of computed annual crop water stress index with grain yields in rainfed fields. (Sudar et al., 1981; Saxton et al., 1992b.)

3. POND DATA AND METHODS Water budgets for various types of impoundments can be simulated by using appropriate descriptors and data. The schematic of Figure 17.2 indicates the various processes and options, not all of which need to be represented in each pond case. Three types of inundated areas are typical examples. The hydrology of wetland impoundments whose inputs are largely from agricultural landscapes, constructed lagoons for storing runoff and waste from confined animal feedlots and housing, and small ponds or reservoirs used for water storage. Each of these examples requires a set of physical and hydrologic data. 3.1 Physical Description A Pond Project requires describing the physical and hydrologic parameters of the impoundment to be simulated. A series of tabs is provided on the Pond Project input screen for parameters such as depths, depth-area, seepage rate, and outlet pipe rating.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


Figure 17.8 Texture triangle data screen to estimate soil water-holding characteristics.

An infiltration amount into the dry pond bottom is estimated based on soil characteristics. This water depth must be satisfied before any inundation will occur, thus preventing ponding with small events. A constant seepage rate below the saturated ponded soil is specified based on the soil and geologic setting. The infiltration and seepage areas vary as the impoundment fills or empties. No evapotranspiration is estimated for the fringe area of the wetted perimeter. The physical size and shape of the impoundment is defined by depth-area values incremented from the pond bottom to above the maximum spillway. Depths are specified with reference to the bottom. These values for natural ponds or wetlands can be estimated from topographic elevation maps while constructed ponds have more uniform and known dimensions. An outlet pipe may be specified at an elevation less than the uppermost spillway outlet having a crest elevation and a stage-discharge flow rate above that depth. This outlet pipe could be one of many configurations from typical outlet weirs with pipes through the dam fill material, simple outflow drop box control structures, and tile drains from wetlands. The crest elevation can be changed over a calendar year to accommodate situations such as variable drop box board changes to create seasonal ponding control. 3.2 Sinks and Sources The pond watershed is represented by selecting one to several previously simulated Field Projects with an associated size and deep drainage (interflow)


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percentage captured by the pond. Direct precipitation and evaporation of the pond surface are transferred from the last watershed field selected. Runoff from the exposed pond banks is added. An external water supply is programmable to represent a variety of inputs ranging from an offsite supply pump to wash water from animal housing or product processing. This daily influx is specified for selected periods and rates. The inflow can be program controlled with specified upper and lower depth limits to estimate water inputs required to maintain the set water volumes. Irrigated fields may be considered for water withdrawal with an outlet or pump having a specific inlet depth. The amount and schedule of these withdrawals depend on the irrigated field having been previously simulated with an irrigation schedule option. A field size and irrigation efficiency are specified. Irrigation water is removed from the impoundment if available above the outlet depth, and any lack of required water is documented as an irrigation deficit. Several pumping options may be selected to remove ponded water. A supply pump will remove water for daily applications such as stock water supply by specifying an inlet depth, operation periods and rates. Any specified pumping not met due to low water levels is documented as a deficit to evaluate the reliability for the intended purpose. A drawdown pump may be specified for water level control in systems such as wastewater storage lagoons. By defined intake elevation, operational periods, and discharge rates, the water is removed to an external site such as an irrigated disposal field. An option of program-determined pond level control can be set such that pumping begins at a set upper level and stops at a lower level. Both manual and automatic pumping options assist with the selection of pump size and operation periods to meet water level requirements. Water may influx from external groundwater such as a nearby seasonal river rise. Groundwater levels relative to the pond bottom determined from an external data source are input to estimate upward seepage into the pond at the specified pond seepage rate until the pond and water table depths are equal. As the groundwater levels go below the pond elevation, seepage out of the pond resumes. The rate of seepage is controlled by the pond seepage rate. Impoundments may occur in a sequence with those downstream receiving water from those upstream such as sequential settling and storage ponds. These inputs are made with sequential simulations beginning with the one uppermost. A percent of each upstream outflow is specified as inflow to allow for flow losses or divisions. 4. SIMULATIONS AND RESULTS Simulations for either a Field or Pond Project begins by selecting either an existing project file or creating a new file from the Project menu. Projects are filed by Location/Field or Location/Pond to provide a readily accessible directory. Each Field project file is completed by selecting previously defined location climate, field management, and soil data files appropriate to that field. In addition, any observed data are entered, the runoff curve numbers reviewed or

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


changed, output files selected, and simulation dates specified within those of the climatic data. New or existing Pond Project files are defined from selected tabs of the input screen. Only those options appropriate to the current impoundment need be completed. At least one previously simulated Field must be selected to provide runoff and climatic data. A minimum set of depths and depth-area values are required. The simulation period within the dates of the watershed data and selected output files are specified. Each field and pond simulation begins with the assimilation of input data from the selected previously defined files and the project input screen. This data file is written and used as the principal input data to the model. It can be reviewed for input assurance, or manually modified and rerun by advanced users using the “Options/Manual Run” menu. Each Field or Pond simulation generates a set of selected output files available directly after the simulation under the View menu. These can also be reopened at any later time by again selecting the Project Field or Pond screen. Each field output file is labeled with user information, simulation dates, and complete file descriptions followed by labeled variables. Pond output tables provide user information, simulation dates, file information, plus the descriptive data of the simulated impoundment. Budget summaries for time periods of annual, monthly, and daily are provided. Average data for each time period (annual, monthly, or daily) are shown at the end of each summary table. Each output table is compatible with word processing or spread sheet programs (tab delineated) to be viewed, edited, printed, or analyzed. For wetland hydrologic analyses, results are a summary of inundation periods, defined as individual periods when separated by one or more days of dry pond. A statistical summary of the inundation periods for the entire simulated period is provided at the end of the report. This shows the percentage of years the inundation periods met the criteria of wetland hydrology by each 10% of the maximum pond depth. Pond summaries also include depth durations as the number of days the pond depths equaled or exceeded the indicated depths in 10% increments of the maximum depth. An optional detailed field hydrology report contains one of three levels of budgeting output which can be selected for simulation accuracy assurance or error analyses. The “Minimum” level shows only daily totals, “Medium” provides budgets for each soil layer, and “Maximum” provides soil water movement each delta time increment for each soil layer. These “detailed” files should be selected with caution since they can become very large for long simulation periods. A graph routine is provided to visually view daily hydrologic values within the field and pond budgets. Daily and accumulative values for most variables are selectable. Soil water and chemical values are graphed by total profile, each soil layer, or a combined graph of all layers under the label “Stack”. The pond graph is similar to that of the field with both daily and accumulative variable values over each calendar year. The time period of the graph is selectable by months


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(1-24) and years. The graphs can be saved using the “File/Save As” option with the results written in the directory “Program Files/Microsoft Office”. 5. CALIBRATION AND SENSITIVITY Simulation results are achieved by combining the products of several hydrologic processes, each of which has been developed from research results and physical understanding. Thus, calibrating the model consists of identifying the appropriate parameters and coefficients for each of these processes. Each input has a method to estimate values based on experience and data to assure a solution within expected hydrologic accuracy. For those cases when results need to be altered to better represent measured data or experienced estimates, calibrations can be accomplished by identifying which of the several hydrologic processes will impact the values being evaluated. An overview of the input screens provides a suite of the parameter and data choices which might be altered. Field examples would be the evaporation pan coefficients, runoff curve numbers, soil water-holding characteristics, and crop growth descriptors. Pond parameters may also need to be justified such as seepage and dry bottom infiltration. Precipitation and evaporation data and parameters have the most influence on water balance computations with variations caused by location, elevation, or local anomalies. Adjustment factors are available to modify observed precipitation, temperature, and evaporation data. Evaporation coefficients are generally more stable over time and space than other climatic data and thus easier to effectively define. Runoff estimates by the curve number method is one of the more empirical process representations. Standard tabled estimates of the curve number values are derived, but these can be replaced by manual estimates. Even after calibration, significant deviations of daily runoff and infiltration from actual values can be expected, but averages over longer periods can generally be adequately calibrated. The impact of soil and plant descriptors and parameters is generally less sensitive than those climactically related. While both soil and plant impacts are very important, their representation is often easier to document; thus, with less sensitivity, they are also less likely to require significant calibration for broadscale water budgets. An exception would be those analyses focused on crop production in which both soil water and crop parameters become increasingly important. 6. CORROBORATION OF RESULTS Establishing the utility and accuracy of a hydrologic model varies with the focus of the model and the analytical intent. The SPAW model is most useful for those water budgets involving agricultural soils and crops, thus significant effort has been given to these descriptions and representations. Most analyses using

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


the model would include field runoff, soil water, and pond budgets, thus assurances of these estimates becomes important. Estimating runoff by the USDA/SCS curve number method is based on the long-term datasets used in its derivation, thus it is best representative of annual streamflow volumes. The original datasets were from the Great Plains region of the central U.S., thus it best represents summer convective rainfall events. A transect study from Western Kansas to Eastern Missouri (Saxton and Bluhm, 1982) showed reasonably good agreement of the estimated annual runoff for regions with annual precipitation ranging from some 10 to 40 inches. Of particular importance are the soil water profile dynamics over time. Simulated soil water has been extensively compared with measured data in a wide range of climate, soil, and crop combinations. Most of the soil moisture measurements have been by the neutron probe method supplemented by surface samples. Figure 17.9 shows a comparison of observed and predicted soil water by soil layers with the model initialized the first measurement of each year. The model has been extensively tested on agricultural crops such as corn, soybeans, brome grass, and wheat (Sudar et. al., 1981; DeJong and Zentner, 1985; Saxton, 1985, 1989; Saxton and Bluhm, 1982; Saxton et al., 1974a, 1974b, 1992a, 1992b). Additional applications have shown similar results for other dryland crops such as sorghum and pearl millet (Omer et al., 1988; Rao and Saxton, 1995; Rao et al., 1997). Several studies for irrigated conditions showed good agreement of measured and estimated soil moisture for scheduling and economic analyses (Field et al., 1988; Bernardo et al., 1988a, 1988b). Some calibration is recommended wherever possible. The calibration technique found most useful is to compare measured and observed soil water. This is not a complete calibration since AET and percolation are not included. Only lysimeter data would provide this complete dataset such as that described by Maticic et al. (1992a, 1992b). Time distribution of soil water data usually suggests which model parameters or representations need adjustment. Early experience with the model will generally suggest which parameters are changeable for calibration and what processes each will affect. Estimating soil chemical interactions with water and plant activity has been estimated and compared with measured data (Saxton et al., 1977, 1992a; Burwell et al., 1976). While these have not been extensive studies, their reasonable budgets and concentrations lend credibility to the approach. Applications of the POND model have ranged from determining wetland inundation frequencies, sizing stock watering ponds for minimal deficiencies, sizing wastewater lagoons and associated pumping capacities, and the long-term levels of wildlife ponds (Saxton and Willey, 1999, 2004). With the many operational inputs included in the pond model, simulations can be achieved for many pond types. Similar to the field hydrology, pond hydrology is generally best understood by analyzing pond states and processes over times of days and years. The tabled and graphical outputs provide many analytical opportunities. Recent evaluations of pond budgets for wastewater storage pond design was presented by Moffitt et al. (2003) and Moffitt and Wilson (2004). Figure 17.10 shows measured and simulated wastewater pond depths over a three year period.


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Figure 17.9 Observed and simulated soil water for three crop years with corn in Western Iowa. (Sudar et al., 1981.)

105.0 100.0 95.0

Waste Elev., Ft.

90.0 85.0

CN=98 SPAW Results 4/6/2002







80.0 10/6/1998

Pond Elevation, Ft

Figure 1 Dairy 1 Pond Elevations

CN=95 SPAW Results

Date of Measurement

Figure 17.10 Simulated and measured wastewater storage pond depths. (Moffitt and Wilson, 2004.)

7. EXAMPLE WATER BUDGETS Example results by SPAW simulations demonstrate several typical applications of the field and pond water budgets. Only limited graphical results are shown, although each simulation produced the full suite of tabular and graphical results, usually over a multiyear period. The examples show results for fields of rainfed and irrigated cropping plus wetland and storage ponds.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


7.1 Rainfed Cropping Soil water in rainfed cropping is subject to the amount and time of precipitation. The example shown in Figure 17.11 demonstrates the daily variation of soil water distributions by soil layers over a cropping season. Periods of rainfall replenish the profile followed by periods of evapotranspiration depletion. The moisture “stack” shows total soil profile water accumulated by soil layers (thickness times %v) for each day. 7.2 Irrigated Cropping Supplemental crop water by irrigation involves significant expense and time. Irrigation decisions are often based on limited data or judgment information about the plant-soil-climate system. In some cases, water loss and excessive chemical leaching may result. Using water budget results such as the example shown in Figure 17.12 can assist to optimize water requirements, plant responses, and water efficiencies. The simulation was based on irrigation dates “model-determined” at 40% root zone depletion and irrigated depths of two inches. 7.3 Wastewater Storage Pond Designing wastewater storage ponds for systems such as confined animal housing or feed lots involves defining pond dimensions and drawdown pump rates and frequencies to adequately contain the expected hydrologic inputs plus supplemental water contributed by the farming operations. A Pond simulation assesses each of the inputs and discharges on a daily basis to provide a realistic water budget including spillway outflows. By testing multiple dimensions, pump sizes, and operations, designs are readily evaluated for under- or overspecifications. An example result of pond simulation is shown in Figure 17.13. The pond was 10 ft deep, had a 1.0-ac bottom, was 1.5 ac at spillway stage, and no outlet pipe or seepage. Input water was a continuous 5 gal/min (24-hr average) from an animal housing flush facility, runoff from a 5-acre pasture/lot, plus direct precipitation. A drawdown pump was operated 10 days continuously at 100 gpm three periods of the year beginning April 15, July 15, and October 15. The pond hydrologic performance over time involves many variables related to the pond dimensions, local climate, input water, and management. 7.4 Wetland Hydrology An example analysis for a ponded wetland within a corn field in the vicinity of Jonesboro, AR was simulated for 30 continuous years using rainfall data from the USDA/NRCS climate center (AR3734), with an annual evaporation of 53 inches, a well-drained silt-loam soil, and a continuous corn crop. The wetland pond had a maximum depth of 6.0 ft before uncontrolled spillage, an area of 1.0 ac at 0.0 depth, and a maximum area of 7.5 ac at the 6.0-ft depth. A moderately high seepage rate of 1.0 in/day was assumed, and the corn field drainage area was 50 ac.


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Figure 17.11 Daily precipitation and soil water by soil layers for a rainfed corn field in Eastern South Dakota.

Figure 17.12 Simulated soil water budgets for irrigated corn.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


Figure 17.13 Example daily water budget of a wastewater storage pond for an animal housing facility and adjacent lot with drawdown pump operated three times per year.

The subsequent daily inundation simulations provided annual distributions of ponded depths as shown for 1991 in Figure 17.14. A summary and analyses routine provided wetland statistics according to the inundation criteria of being inundated a specified number of days within the “wetland” growing period of the year for more than 50% of the years. For this example, a ponded depth of approximately 2.4 ft with an associated area of about 2.0 acres was defined to meet the hydrology component of wetland criteria. 8. OPTIONS AND ENHANCEMENTS Several features have been incorporated which extend the model capability or provide options for user preferences. Each user completes identifying information, multiple users can use the same program and data files, and each output file identifies the current user. Several choices of units allow corresponding values with those most familiar, for example, English or metric units for graphing and the soil water characteristics; gravel percentages by weight or volume. At the time of installation, several options are available for loading part or all model components and a directory choice, although default values are suggested for unfamiliar users. Choices are available for program display


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features of file selection and display preferences. The soil water characteristic graph has two scales and unit options.

Precipitation (cm/day)

15 10 5 0

Runoff 3 (m /day)

20000 15000 10000 5000 0

Depth (m)

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0


Feb Mar

Apr May Jun Jul

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Date Figure 17.14 Daily rainfall, watershed runoff, and inundation depth for a wetland during 1991 near Jonesboro, Arkansas.

For advanced users, a “manual run” option is available to run an existing “input data” file generated by the Field or Pond Project screens. This is useful if the usual data values need to be manually modified to better represent the desired simulation. Obviously this requires extreme care in format and value selection to avoid invalid data input. 9. CURRENT MODEL STATUS This model, like most, was achieved by being developed, modified, supplemented, tested, and revised. New versions are developed just as new models of manufactured machines are brought to the market. While the SPAW model has been developed over several years and iterations to achieve a stage of

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


correctness and utility, users would be advised to check the Web site (http://hydrolab.arsusda.gov/SPAW/index.htm) or correspond with the authors and supporting agencies before extending new applications. The field hydrology components have been quite well developed and tested. Some exceptions are the frozen soil predictions and its impact on the infiltration and snow accumulation and melt routines that have had several “reality” checks but not extensive verification. Additions to the lower soil boundary to represent varying drainage and groundwater possibilities beyond the verified “welldrained” case have more recently been added and as a result are not as thoroughly tested. Many pond water budgets have been verified or evaluated by experienced hydrologists. Daily budget components are continually balanced and verified for mathematical correctness. Even so, as with any multiple variable simulation, a possibility always remains for an undetected error or interaction; thus each user must be hydrologically cognizant of their results and implications. The nitrogen and salinity budgets have not had extensive field verification. While we believe these methods will provide reasonable estimates, they should be used cautiously as a screening tool or verified with observed data. The authors and sponsoring agencies would be very appreciative to be notified of any detected errors or irregularities in any of the modules or applications. 10. INSTALLATION AND AVAILABILITY The default model installation places the model and all data files in the disk directory “Program Files/SPAW Hydrology/SPAW”. This is a fixed directory format and requires no user knowledge or interference once loaded. The only user interaction generally expected is to copy the climatic data files into the directory “SPAW/Database/Climates/Data”. All generated files by either the data screens or Field and Pond simulations can be found in this directory location. The model will readily perform on a modern PC computer running Microsoft Windows 95 or newer, 486/Pentium or similar processor, and a moderate size hard drive. Memory should be least 256 MB of RAM plus adequate hard disk space for Project results. It is suggested not to simultaneously run additional programs to avoid memory conflicts. A mousedriven screen pointer is most convenient to quickly operate the screens, although keyboard controls are available for most functions. Typical run times for a 30year simulation on a 1000-Hz processor are about 1.0 min for the field and 0.5 min for the pond. General information about the SPAW model and latest versions can be found at the following Web site: http://hydrolab.arsusda.gov/SPAW/Index.htm. You will be asked to “register” prior to downloading the program files to provide contact opportunity for up-dates and corrections as needed. The program and example data files are available on CDs by request to the contact personnel.


Watershed Models

This program was developed through the support of the U.S. Department of Agriculture agencies of Agricultural Research Service and Natural Resource Conservation Service (formerly Soil Conservation Service) and is publicly available. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is required for use or distribution; however, this software is provided “as-is,” without any expressed or implied warranty or accuracy. User training and support are provided by the agencies to their staff. Additional support can be requested from the authors or their representatives. 11. SUMMARY The agricultural hydrology model, SPAW, consists of two linked routines, a daily vertical water budget of an agricultural field, and a daily impoundment water budget. The field model input includes daily climate data, annual crop definitions, and a layered soil profile with individual tension-conductivity soil water characteristics. The ponding routine utilizes the climatic data and runoff estimates from one or more previously simulated farm fields, physical descriptions of depth-area, pipe and pump flow rates, and process parameters. The pond simulations may be applied to shallow wetlands, small ponds, or constructed lagoons and reservoirs. Outputs include annual, monthly, or daily hydrologic budgets, graphics, and wetland statistics. The SPAW model and documentation are publicly available by contacting the authors or their associated agencies. REFERENCES Bernardo, D.J., N.K. Whittlesey, K.E. Saxton, K.E. and D.L. Bassett, 1988a. Valuing irrigation water: A simulation/mathematical programming approach. Am. Water Res. Assoc. Water Res. Bull. 24(1):149-157. Bernardo, D.J., N.K. Whittlesey, K.E. Saxton, K. E. and D.L. Bassett, D. L. 1988b. Irrigation optimization under limited water supply. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. 31(3):712-719. Burwell, R.E., G.E. Schuman, K.E. Saxton, and H.G. Heinemann. 1976. Nitrogen in subsurface discharge from agricultural watersheds. J. Environ. Qual. 5(3):325-329. Cordery, I. and A.G. Graham. 1989. Forecasting wheat yields using a water budget model. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 40:715-728 DeJong, R. and R.P. Zentner. 1985. Assessment of the SPAW model for semi-arid growing conditions with minimal local calibration. Agric. Water Manage. 10(1985):3146. Denmead, O.T. and R.H. Shaw. 1960. The effects of soil moisture stress at different stages of growth on the development and yield of corn. Agron. J. 52:272-274. Denmead, O.T. and R.H. Shaw. 1962. Availability of soil water to plants as affected by soil moisture content and meteorological conditions. Agron. J. 45:385-390.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


Dewit, C.T. 1958. Transpiration and crop yields. Institute of Biological and Chemical Research on Field Crops and Herbage, Wageningen, The Netherlands, VerseLandbouwk, onder 2. No. 64,65 Gravenhage. Farnsworth, R.K., E.S. Thompson, and E.L. Peck. 1982. Evaporation atlas for the contiguous 48 United States. N.O.A.A. Tech. Report NWS 33. Washington, D.C. Feddes, R.A. and P.E. Rijtema. 1972. Water withdrawals by plant roots. Tech. Bulleting 83, Institute for Land and Water Management Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 59 pp. Feddes, R.A., G.P. Wind, and L.L.M. van Wijk. 1980. Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Systems. Chapt. III, In: Research Digest, E.W. Schierbeek (Ed.), Tech. Bull. No 117, Instituut Voor Cultuurtechniek en waterhuishouding, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Field, J.G., L.G. James, D.L. Bassett, and K.E. Saxton. 1988. An analysis of irrigation scheduling methods for corn. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. 31(2):508-512. Fox, J.D. 1992. Incorporating freeze-thaw calculation into a water balance model. Water Res. Res. 28(9):2229-2244. Heggen, R.J. (Ed.). 1996. Infiltration, Chapter 3 in Hydrology Handbook, Amer. Soc. Civil Engr., New York. pp. 75-124. Hillel, D. 1998. Environmental Soil Physics. Academic Press, San Diego. pp. 771. Jensen, M.E., R.D. Burman, and R.G. Allen (Eds.). 1990. Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements. Amer. Soc. Civil Engr., New York. pp. 332 . Jumikis, A.R. 1966. Frost Penetration Depth in Soil, Chapter 6, In: Thermal Soil Mechanics. Rutgers University Press, Piscataway, NJ. Jumikis, A.R. 1997. Thermal Geotechnics. Rutgers University Press, Piscataway, NJ. pp. 375. Malone, R.W., L. Ma, R.D. Wauchope, L.R. Ahuja, K.W. Rojas, R.C. Warner, and M.E. Byers. 2001. Water transport modeling using RZWQM. Paper No. 012131, Proc. ASAE Inter. Meeting, Sacramento, CA., July 30-Aug. 1, 2001. Maticic, B., L. Avbelj, M. Feges, and K.E. Saxton. 1992a. Water management and nitrogen yield fertilization effects on sugar beets and nitrate and nitrite. Proc. International Winter Meeting of ASAE, Chicago, IL. Dec. 1992. Paper No. 92-8003. Maticic, B., M. Feges, and K.E. Saxton. 1992b. Comparing measured and simulated daily water balance of a grass covered lysimeter. ICID Bull., 41(2), 163-172. Moffitt, D.C., B. Wilson, and P. Willey. 2003. Evaluating the design and management of waste storage ponds receiving lot runoff. Paper No. 034129, ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, July 27-30, 2003. Moffitt, D.C. and B. Wilson. 2004. Evaluating the design and management of waste storage ponds, Part II. Paper No. 044072, ASAE Annual International Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 1-4, 2004. Omer, M.A., K.E. Saxton, and D.L. Bassett. 1988. Optimum sorghum planting dates in Western Sudan by simulated water budgets. Agric. Water Manage. 13:33-48.


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Osborn, H.B., L.J. Lane, C.W. Richardson, and M. Molnau. 1982. Precipitation. Chapter 3: In Hydrologic Modeling of Small Watersheds. ASAE monograph No. 5, C.T. Hahn, H.P. Johnson, and D.L. Brakensiek (Eds.). Rao, A.S. and K.E. Saxton. 1995. Analysis of soil water and water stress for pearl millet in an Indian arid region using the SPAW model. Ind. J. Arid Environ. 29:155-167. Rao, A.S., N.L. Joshi, and K.E. Saxton. 1997. Monitoring of productivity and crop water stress of pearl millet using SPAW. IAHS Fifth Scientific Assembly, Rabat, Morocco, April 23-May 3, 1997. Rawls, W.J., D.L. Brakensiek, and K.E. Saxton. 1982. Soil water characteristics. Trans. ASAE 25(5):1316-1328. Rawls, W.J., L.R. Ahuja, D.L. Brakensiek, and A. Shirmohammadi. 1992. Infiltration and soil water movement. Chapter. 5 In: Handbook of Hydrology, D.R. Maidment (Ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 5.1-5.51. Rawls, W.J., D. Gimenez, and R. Grossman. 1998. Use of soil texture, bulk density and slope of the water retention curve to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity. Trans. ASAE 41(4):983-988. Saxton, K.E. 1971. Sensitivity analyses of the combination evapotranspiration equation. Agric. Meteorol. 15:343-353. Saxton, K.E. 1985. Soil water hydrology: Simulation for water balance computations. IAHS Pub. No. 148, pp. 47-59. Saxton, K.E. 1989. Models for predicting water and energy relationships in soils under limited rainfall conditions. Proc. Inter. Symp. on Managing Sandy Soils, Jodhpur, India, Feb. 6-10, 1989. Saxton, K.E. and G.C. Bluhm. 1982. Regional prediction of crop water stress by soil water budgets and climatic demand. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. 25(1):105-110. Saxton, K.E. and J.L. McGuinness. 1982. Evapotranspiration. In: C.T. Haan, H.P. Johnson, and D.L. Brakensiek (eds.) Hydrologic modeling of Small Watersheds. Monograph of Am. Soc. Agric. Engr. No. 5, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. pp. 229-273. Saxton, K.E. and P.H. Willey. 1999. Agricultural Wetland and Pond Hydrologic Calculations Using the SPAW-II Model. Paper No. 992030, Proc., Amer. Soc. Agric. Eng. Meeting, Toronto, ON, July 18-21, 1999. Saxton, K.E. and P.H. Willey. 2004. Agricultural Wetland and Pond Hydrologic Analyses Using the SPAW model. Proc. Self-Sustaining Solutions for Streams, Watersheds and Wetlands Conf., Amer. Soc. Agric. Engr., Sept. 12-15, 2004, St. Paul, MN. Saxton, K.E. and W.J. Rawls. 2004. Soil water characteristic estimates by texture and organic matter for hydrologic solutions. Proc., Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. International Conference, Seattle, WA, Nov. 1-3, 2004. Saxton, K.E., H.P. Johnson, and R.H. Shaw. 1974a. Modeling evapotranspiration and soil moisture. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. 17(4):673-677. Saxton, K.E., H.P. Johnson, and R.H. Shaw. 1974b. Watershed evapotranspiration estimated by the combination method. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. 17(4):668-672.

The SPAW Model for Agricultural Field and Pond Hydrologic Simulation


Saxton, K.E., G.E. Schuman, and R.E. Burwell. 1977. Modeling nitrate movement and dissipation in fertilized soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 41(2):265-271. Saxton, K.E., W.J. Rawls, J.S. Romberger, and R.I. Papendick. 1986. Estimating generalized soil water characteristics from texture. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50(4):1031-1036. Saxton, K.E., C.O. Stockle, and G.C. Bluhm. 1992a. Soil water and nitrate budgets with the enhanced SPAW model. Proc. Am. Water Res. Assoc., Nov. 1-5, 1992, Reno, NV. pp. 269-270. Saxton, K.E., M.A. Porter, and T.A. McMahon. 1992b. Climatic impacts on dryland winter wheat yields by daily soil water and crop stress simulations. Agric. Forest Meteorol. 58(1992):177-192. Shuttleworth, W.J. 1992. Evaporation. Chapter 4 In: Handbook of Hydrology, D.R. Maidment (Ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 4.1- 4.53 Sudar, R.A., K.E. Saxton, and R.G. Spomer. 1981. A predictive model of water stress in corn and soybeans. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. 24(1):97-102. Tanji, K.K. 1990. Agricultural Salinity Assessment and Management. Amer. Soc. Civil Engr, New York, 619 pp. USDA-NRCS. 1997. Part 630, Hydrology, National Engineering Handbook. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. Wild, A. (Ed.). 1988. Russell’s soil conditions and plant growth. John Wiley & Sons. New York. pp. 991.

CHAPTER 18 The APEX Model Jimmy R. Williams and R. C. Izaurralde

The Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) model was developed for use in whole farm/small watershed management. The model was constructed to evaluate various land management strategies considering sustainability, erosion (wind, sheet, and channel), economics, water supply and quality, soil quality, plant competition, weather, and pests. Management capabilities include irrigation, drainage, furrow diking, buffer strips, terraces, waterways, fertilization, manure management, lagoons, reservoirs, crop rotation and selection, pesticide application, grazing, and tillage. Besides these farm management functions, APEX can be used in evaluating the effects of global climate/CO2 changes; designing environmentally safe, economic landfill sites; designing biomass production systems for energy; and other spin-off applications. The model operates on a daily time step (some processes are simulated with hourly or less time steps) and is capable of simulating hundreds of years if necessary. Farms may be subdivided into fields, soil types, landscape positions, or any other desirable configuration. 1. BACKGROUND The individual field simulation component of APEX is taken from the Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model, which was developed in the early 1980’s to assess the effect of erosion on productivity (Williams et al., 1984). Various components from Chemicals, Runoff and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems (CREAMS) (Knisel, 1980) and Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins (SWRRB) (Williams et al., 1985) were used in developing Environmental Policy Impact Calculator (EPIC), and the Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management System (GLEAMS) (Leonard, et al., 1987) pesticide component was added later. Since the 1985 National Rural Community Assistance (RCA) application (Putman et al., 1988), the model has been expanded and refined to allow simulation of many processes important in agricultural management (Sharpley and Williams, 1990; Williams, 1995). The drainage area considered by EPIC is generally a field-size area, up to about 100 ha, where weather, soils, and management systems are assumed to be homogeneous. The major components in EPIC are weather simulation, hydrology, erosion-sedimentation, nutrient cycling, pesticide fate, crop growth, soil temperature, tillage, economics, and plant environment control. Although EPIC operates on a daily time step, the optional Green and Ampt infiltration equation simulates rainfall excess rates at shorter time intervals (0.1 h). The



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model offers options for simulating several other processes — five potential evapotranspiration (PET) equations, six erosion/sediment yield equations, two peak runoff rate equations, and so on. EPIC can be used to compare management systems and their effects on nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, pesticides, and sediment. The management components that can be changed are crop rotations, tillage operations, irrigation scheduling, drainage, furrow diking, liming, grazing, tree pruning, thinning, and harvest, manure handling, and nutrient and pesticide application rates and timing. The APEX model was developed to extend the EPIC model capabilities to whole farms and small watersheds. In addition to the EPIC functions, APEX has components for routing water, sediment, nutrients, and pesticides across complex landscapes and channel systems to the watershed outlet. APEX also has groundwater and reservoir components. A watershed can be subdivided as much as necessary to assure that each subarea is relatively homogeneous in terms of soil, land use, management, and weather. The routing mechanisms provide for evaluation of interactions between subareas involving surface runoff, return flow, sediment deposition and degradation, nutrient transport, and groundwater flow. Water quality in terms of nitrogen (ammonium, nitrate, and organic), phosphorus (soluble and adsorbed/mineral and organic), and pesticides concentrations may be estimated for each subarea and at the watershed outlet. Commercial fertilizer or manure may be applied at any rate and depth on specified dates or automatically. The GLEAMS pesticide model is used to estimate pesticide fate considering runoff, leaching, sediment transport, and decay. Because of routing and subdividing there is no limit on watershed size. The major uses of APEX have been dairy manure management to maintain water quality in Erath and Hopkins counties, Texas (Flowers et al., 1996) and a national study to assess the effectiveness of filter strips in controlling sediment and other pollutants (Arnold et al., 1998). APEX has its own databases for weather simulation, soils, crops, tillage, fertilizer, and pesticides. Convenient interfaces are supplied for assembling inputs and interpreting outputs. The purpose here is to fully describe the APEX model beginning with the subarea component followed by routing, reservoir, groundwater, grazing, manure management, and feedlot dust emission and distribution components. The components are fully described because the model has been revised and expanded beyond the latest report (Williams et al., 2000). 2. THE SUBAREA COMPONENT 2.1 Weather The weather variables necessary for driving the APEX model are daily precipitation, maximum and minimum air temperature, and solar radiation. If the Penman methods are used to estimate potential evaporation, wind speed and relative humidity are also required. Of course, wind speed is also needed when wind-induced erosion or dust emission and distribution are simulated. If daily precipitation, air temperature, and solar radiation data are available, they can be input directly into APEX. Rainfall and temperature data are available for many

The APEX Model


areas of the United States, but solar radiation, relative humidity, and wind data are scarce. Even rainfall and temperature data may not be adequate for the longterm APEX simulation (100 years+). Thus, APEX provides options for simulating various combinations of the five weather variables. The weather input options include: (1) All five variables generated. Precipitation may be simulated uniformly over the watershed or spatially distributed. (2) All variables input. Inputs may come from one weather station to represent the entire watershed or from several stations each representing certain subareas. (3) Some variables generated and others input. In this case precipitation must always be input. For options 2 and 3 missing input data are generated. Descriptions of the models used for generating precipitation, temperature, radiation, relative humidity, and wind follow. 2.1.1 Precipitation Point Rainfall The APEX precipitation model developed by Nicks (1974) is a first-order Markov chain model. Thus, input for the model must include monthly probabilities of receiving precipitation. On any given day, the input must include information as to whether the previous day was dry or wet. A random number (0-1) is generated and compared with the appropriate wet-dry probability. If the random number is less than or equal to the wet-dry probability, precipitation occurs on that day. Random numbers greater than the wet-dry probability give no precipitation. Since the wet-dry state of the first day is established, the process can be repeated for the next day and so on throughout the simulation period. When a precipitation event occurs, the amount is generated from a skewed normal daily precipitation distribution. If the standard deviation and skew coefficient are not available, the model simulates daily rainfall by using a modified exponential distribution. The modified exponential is usually a satisfactory substitute and requires only the monthly mean daily rainfall as input. Daily precipitation is partitioned between rainfall and snowfall. If the average of mean daily air temperature (TX) and surface layer soil temperature [STMP(1)] is 0oC or below, the precipitation is snowfall, otherwise it is rainfall. If wet-dry probabilities are not available, the average monthly number of rainy days may be substituted. The probability of a wet day (PW) is calculated directly from the number of wet days. The probability of a wet day after a dry day [P(W|D)] can be estimated as a fraction (ranging from 0.6 to 0.9) of PW. The probability of a wet day following a wet day can be calculated directly using the fraction and P(W|D).


Watershed Models Spatially Distributed Rainfall The spatial rainfall generator is provided for larger watershed applications or for areas with steep rainfall gradients. A box is formed outside the watershed with dimensions that extend a distance equal to the watershed width on the east and west sides and equal to the length on the north and south sides (assuming a north-south length orientation). These large dimensions assure that generated storm centers are completely random with respect to all subareas (with smaller dimensions more storm centers occur in subareas near the center of the watershed). Storm centers are generated within the box using uniform random numbers for placement along the x and y coordinates. Monthly weather generator parameters for up to ten stations may be input along with the fraction of the watershed they represent. The fractions are used to form a cumulative probability distribution. Each time a storm occurs one set of weather parameters is chosen randomly from the cumulative distribution to generate the storm rainfall. Rainfall for each subarea is simulated using the equation RFj=NSA*RF*ZTPj*TDST/SUM








where RF is the storm center rainfall in mm, NSA is the number of subareas in the watershed, XCT and YCT are the x and y coordinates of the subarea centroids, ZTP is the subarea rainfall weighting factor that accounts for rainfall duration, distance between the subarea centroid and storm center and rainfall gradient, BXCT is the rate of change in annual rainfall from east to west in mm km-1, BYCT is the rate of change in annual rainfall from south to north in mm km-1, D is the distance between the subarea centroid and the storm center in km, DUR is the storm duration in h, TDST is a deviate drawn from a triangular distribution ranging between 0.8 and 1.2, SUM is the summation of ZTP for all subareas, and j is the subarea number. Equation 18.1 provides wider distributions for long-duration storms, higher rainfall for subareas near the storm center, rainfall gradient correction, and a random component. NSA and SUM are used to normalize the ZTP factors to preserve long-term mean rainfall. 2.1.2 Air Temperature and Solar Radiation The model developed by Richardson (1981) was selected for use in APEX because it simulates temperature and radiation, which are mutually correlated with rainfall. The residuals of daily maximum and minimum air temperature and solar radiation are generated from a multivariate normal distribution. The multivariate generation model used implies that the residuals of maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and solar radiation are normally distributed and that the serial correlation of each variable may be described by a first-order

The APEX Model


linear autoregressive model. Details of the multivariate generation model were described by Richardson (1981). The dependence structure of daily maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and solar radiation was described by Richardson (1982). The temperature model requires monthly means of maximum and minimum temperatures and their standard deviations as inputs. If the standard deviations are not available, the long-term observed extreme monthly minimums and maximums may be substituted. The model estimates standard deviation as 0.25 of the difference between the extreme and the mean for each month. The solar radiation model uses the extreme approach exclusively. Thus, only the monthly means of daily solar radiation are required as inputs. The standard deviation of daily solar radiation is estimated as ¼ of the difference between the maximum and the mean monthly values. Maximum temperature and solar radiation tend to be lower on rainy days. Thus, it is necessary to adjust the mean maximum temperature and solar radiation downward for simulating rainy day conditions. For TMX this is accomplished by assuming that wet day values are less than dry day values by some fraction of TMX-TMN: TWMX=TDMX-b2*(TMX-TMN)


where TWMX is the daily mean maximum temperature for wet days in ºC, TDMX is the daily mean maximum temperature for dry days in ºC, b2 is a scaling factor ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, TMX is the daily mean maximum temperature, and TMN is the daily mean minimum temperature. Choosing b2 = 1.0 provides highest deviations on wet days and b2 = 0.0 ignores the wet day effect. Observed data indicate that b2 usually lies between 0.5 and 1.0. Since Equation 18.2 gives lower mean maximum temperature values for wet days, a companion equation is necessary to slightly increase mean maximum temperature for dry days. TDMX=TMX+b2*(TMX-TMN)*NWD/ND


where NWD is the number of wet days in a month and ND is the number of days in a month. Equations 18.2 and 18.3 were developed considering continuity to guarantee that the long-term simulated value for mean maximum temperature agrees with the input value. The method of adjusting solar radiation for wet and dry days is similar to that of adjusting maximum temperature. 2.1.3 Wind The original EPIC wind model (Richardson and Wright, 1984) simulated mean daily wind speed and daily direction. The new APEX wind erosion model, WECS (Wind Erosion Continuous Simulation), requires wind speed distribution


Watershed Models

within the day and the dominant direction. Daily wind speed distribution is simulated using the modified exponential equation u10=a1*U10*(-ln(f))a2


where u10 is the wind speed at f fraction of the day, U10 is the mean wind speed for the day, and a1 and a2 are parameters. Equation 18.4 is an expression of wind speed probabilities rather than wind speed as a function of time during the day. The daily time distribution of wind speed is not required because all other APEX components operate on a daily time step. Experimental work with data from Bushland, Texas and Temple, Texas indicates that 0.1 < a2 < 0.6. Values of a2 are generated daily from a triangular distribution with base ranging from 0.1 to 0.6 and peak at 0.35. The value of a1 is computed to assure that the mean wind speed U10 is preserved. The mean daily wind speed is simulated using the modified exponential equation U10=bw1*U10mo*(-ln(rnd))bw2


where U10mo is the mean wind speed for month mo, rnd is a random number, bw2 is a parameter for month mo, and bw1 is calculated directly to assure that the mean monthly wind speed U10mo is preserved. Experimental work with data from Bushland, TX and Temple, TX indicates that bw2 is approximately 0.3. Wind direction expressed as radians from north in a clockwise direction is generated from an empirical distribution specific for each location. The empirical distribution is simply the cumulative probability distribution of wind direction. The “Climatic Atlas of the United States” (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1968) gives monthly percentages of wind from each of 16 directions. Thus, to estimate wind direction for any day, the model draws a uniformly distributed random number and locates its position on the appropriate monthly cumulative probability distribution. 2.1.4 Relative Humidity The relative humidity model simulates daily average relative humidity from the monthly average by using a triangular distribution. As with temperature and radiation, the mean daily relative humidity is adjusted to account for wet- and dry-day effects. If relative humidity data are not available, dew point temperature may be substituted and APEX estimates the monthly mean relative humidity using Equations 18.6 and 18.6a. If dew point temperature is not available APEX estimates monthly mean relative humidity using the equation RH=0.9-0.8*X1/(X1+exp(5.12-0.127*X1) X1=TMX-TMN


The APEX Model


where TMX and TMN are monthly means in ºC. Equation 18.6 was derived assuming that relative humidity varies inversely with temperature variations (Hargreaves and Samani, 1985). 2.2 Hydrology 2.2.1 Rainfall Interception Rainfall interception by plant canopy is estimated with the equation RFI=RIMX*(1.0-exp(-bi*sqrt(TAGP*SMLA)))


where RFI is the intercepted rainfall in mm, RIMX is the maximum possible intercepted rainfall for an event in mm, TAGP is the above-ground plant material in t ha-1, SMLA is the leaf area index of the plant stand, and bi is a constant (approximately 0.1). Equation 18.7 is constructed for general operation on a variety of land uses including cropland, pastureland, range, and forestland. When rainfall exceeds interception, the excess falls to the soil surface. 2.2.2 Surface Runoff The runoff model simulates surface runoff volumes and peak runoff rates, given daily rainfall amounts. Two methods are provided for estimating runoff volume — a modification of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number technique (U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA], Soil Conservation Service, 1972) and the Green and Ampt infiltration equation (Green and Ampt, 1911). The curve number technique was selected for use because (a) it is reliable and has been used for many years in the United States; (b) it is computationally efficient; (c) the required inputs are generally available; and (d) it relates runoff to soil type, land use, and management practices. The use of readily available daily rainfall data is a particularly important attribute of the curve number technique because for many locations, rainfall data with time increments of less than 1 day are not available. Also, rainfall data manipulations and runoff computations are more efficient for data taken daily than at shorter intervals. One of the major criticisms of the curve number method is its failure to account for rainfall intensity. Thus, the Green and Ampt method is offered as an option. Daily rainfall is distributed exponentially with parameters generated stochastically to provide rainfall rates needed for Green and Ampt. There are two options for estimating the peak runoff rate — the modified Rational formula and the SCS TR-55 method (USDA-SCS, 1986). A stochastic element is included in the Rational equation to allow realistic simulation of peak runoff rates, given only daily rainfall and monthly rainfall intensity. Runoff Volume A. The SCS curve number method Surface runoff is predicted for daily rainfall by using the SCS curve number equation (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1972):


Watershed Models

Q=(RFV-0.2*s)2/(RFV+0.8*s); RFV>0.2*s Q=0.0;


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