Watchtower: School For Kingdom Evangelizers Office Guidelines, October 2014

December 25, 2018 | Author: sirjsslut | Category: N/A
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School For Kingdom Evangelizers Office Guidelines, October 2014...



Copyright 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania School for Kingdom Evangelizers O ffic e Guidelines English ( skeog ( skeog-E -E

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1. HOST/ HOST/GU GUEST EST BRANC BRANCHE HES S !ost Branches Branches """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""1 #$est Branches Branches """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""

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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""" 1-2 3. SELECTI SELECTING NG A SUITABLE SUITABLE LOCATIO LOCATION N """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4. APPLI APPLICA CATIO TION N PRO PROCE CESS SS Processing &''lications """"""""""""""" """""""" """"""""""""""" """"""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """"""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """"""""1- 1- Sched$ling Sched$ling )lasses """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""" 10-12 " *nvitation +etters +etters """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""" 1%-14 5. OBSERVERS OBSERVERS AND INSTRUC INSTRUCTOR TORS S ,bservers ,bservers """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""" 1-2  &''ointent of *nst r$ctors """"" """"""""""""""""" """""""" """""""""""""""" """"""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """"""""""""" """"" %-4  &din Enrollent for .ield * nstr$ctors """" """"""""""""""" """""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """"""""""""""" """"""""""


*nstr$ctors &rrival at and e'art$re .ro the School +ocation """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""3 3 *nstr$ctors *nstr$ctors &ssignents &ssignents """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-1 """""""""""""""""-11 1 S$bstit$te *nstr$ctors *nstr$ctors """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" """" 12 6. CURRICULU CURRICULUM M AND AUDIOVISUAL AUDIOVISUAL PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATIONS )$rric$l$ )$rric$l$ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""" 1-%  &$diovis$al Presentations """""""""""""""" """""""" """"""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """"""""""""""" """"""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """"""""""""""" """"""""" 4" 7. ADDITIO ADDITIONAL NAL THEOC THEOCRATI RATIC C ACTIVITI ACTIVITIES ES WHILE ATTENDING SCHOOL  &ccoodations and )ongregation ) ongregation &ssignents """""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""" """""""""""""" """"""


 &ttendance at Bethel .aily .a ily S'irit$al Progras """""""""" "" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""" """"


. ALLOWAN ALLOWANCE CES S AND AND CRED CREDIT IT St$dents St$dents &llowances &llowances """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" """" 1 *nstr *nstr$ct $ctor ors s &llo &llowan wances ces and and Per Perso sona nall E'en E'enses ses """""" """"""""" """""" """""" """""" """""" """""" """""

2-4 2-4

 &llowances for S'ecial S'eci al .$ll-Tie Servants """"""""" "" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """"""""""""""" """"""""""" """


 &$toobile E'ense &cco$nt &c co$nt (&E& )redit "" """"""""""""""" """""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""" """""""

Persona Personall E'ense E'ense &cco$nt &cco$nt (PE& )redit )redit """""""""""" """"""""""""""""" """""""""" """""""""" """"""""" """"""""" """""""""" """""""" """


Pioneer Pioneer !o$r )redit """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""" -10 "" !. PREPARIN PREPARING G FOR THE THE GRADUATI GRADUATION ON PROGR PROGRAM AM 6en$e for #rad$ation #rad$ation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""" 1 *ss$ing Tic7ets """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""" 2 Branch 8e'resentative 8e'resentative &ttending &ttending """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"" % Social Social #ather #athering ing for for St$dent St$dents s and .aily .aily """"""""" """""""""""""" """""""""" """"""""" """"""""" """""""""" """""""""" """"""""" """"

Table of )ontents


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1. 1. STUDE STUDENT NT EVALU EVALUATI ATION ONS S (&-2 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""" 1-2 S7ills 9$estionnaire (&-2

School for :ingdo Evangeli;ers Peranent 8ecord

(#-2 #-22 """" """"""% ""%

eter eterini ining ng &ssigne &ssignents nts for #rad$a #rad$ates tes """"""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""" """""""""" """""""""" """""""""" """"""""" """"


11. ASSIGNMEN ASSIGNMENT T LETTERS LETTERS AND AND CERTIFI CERTIFICATE CATES S  &ssignent +etters for f or #rad$ates """"""" """"""""""""""""" """""""" """""""""""""""" """"""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""" 1 )ertificates )ertificates """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""" 2 "" +etter +etter .ro .ro !ost Branch Branch and )ash #ift """"""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""" """""""""" """""""""" """""""""" """""""""" """""""""" """""


&? and >B? instr$ctors will recoend to the host branch whether or not an observer @$aliDes to be an instr$ctor" *f the instr$ str$ct ctor ors s fee feell tha thatt an an obs obser erve verA rA tho$ tho$gh gh havi having ng the the 'ot 'oten enti tial al to bebecoe an instr$ctorA still needs ore trainingA the host branch co$ld recoend to the Teaching )oittee that the observer be assigned to sh share in in teaching a cl class as as a th third instr$ctor" *n this rare circ$stanceA the >&? and >B? instr$ctors wo$ld recoend a sched$le dividing the c$rric$l$ aong the three instr$ctors" The host host bran branch ch ay ay giv give e a'' a''ro rova vall to this this adG$ adG$st sted ed sche sched$ d$le le show showin ing g the lessons that the >)? instr$ctor wo$ld be assigned to teach" ,nce the the cla class ss ter ter has has end ended edAA the the >&? >&? and and >B? >B? inst instr$ r$ct ctor ors s sho sho$l $ld d s$b s$b-it a deDnite recoendation recoendation to the Branch )oittee indicating whether or not they feel the third brother sho$ld be a''ointed as a reg$lar class instr$ctor" *n t$rnA the Branch )oittee will forward the instr$ instr$cto ctors rs reco recoe enda ndatio tions ns along along with with their their own coe coents nts to the Teaching )oittee for Dnal a''roval"

 A!!OINTMENT OF INSTRUCTORS reviewing the recoendations recoendations and observations observations of the %"  &fter reviewing Branch )oittee and the instr$cto ctorsA the Teaching )oittee will deterine if the observers can be a''roved to serve as instr$ctors" The host branch will then select two instr$ctors fro those a''roved by the Teaching )oittee to teach each class" 4" .or instr$ctors who are circ$it overseersA the branch oce will arrange for s$bstit$tes to care for their circ$its while they are teaching the school"

 ADMIN ENROLLMENT FOR FIELD INSTRUCTORS /" *n cases where a circ$it overseer will serve as a Deld instr$ctor  for a 'eriod of ore than three onthsA his enrollent code sho$ld be changed to >.*? andA if arriedA his wifes enrollent code sho$ld be changed to >*W"? Tho$gh s$ch an adG$stent is adeA brothers will reain as a''ointed circ$it overseers" *f the instr$ctor  will be away fro his circ$it assignent for ore than three onthsA


)ha'ter /

, BSE86E8S &= *=ST8H)T,8S an a''ointed circ$it overseer sho$ld be $sed to cover the brothers assignent" 5" *t ay 'rove hel'f$l to sched$le classes in s$ch a way that each set of instr$ctors will Dnish at diIerent ties" This a7es it easier  for the Service e'artent to ret$rn the instr$ctors to the circ$it wor7 in a grad$al fashion" " *n cases where a circ$it overseer will serve as a Deld instr$ctor fo for a 'eriod of of le less th than th three o onthsA it wi will no not be be ne necessary to ch change hi his en enrollent co code" .or th these sh shorter 'e 'eriodsA a s$ s$bstit$te circ$it overseer ay be $sed to care for the circ$it assignent" The s$bstit$te circ$it overseer will not be given the >.)? enrollent code"

INSTRUCTORS9 ARRIVAL AT AND DE!ARTURE FROM THE SCHOOL LOCATION assignent to 3" e'ending on the distance fro an instr$ctors assignent the school school locat location ionAA the branch branch oce oce sho$ sho$ld ld allow allow eno$gh eno$gh tie tie for  for  hi to to ar arrive rive at the the sc schoo hool by eit eithe herr S$n S$nd day eve evening ning or Event &? instr$ctor as early as 'ossible b$t no later than the fo$rth or Dfth wee7 of  the school ter" This will allow hi tie to follow thro$gh with assigning the 'arts that are to be handled by local brothers" 2" The grad$ation 'rogra wo$ld norally begin at 10C00 a"" !owe !oweve verrA de'e de'end ndiing on loca ocal ci circ$ c$stan stance cesA sA the the br branch anch oc ce e ay ay decide to begin the 'rogra earlier or later" The a$dience sho$ld be infored of the grad$ates assignents at the grad$ation 'rogra"

)ha'ter 12

) !&PTE8 T !*8TEE=

A')%- G-"")&( MATERIAL NEEDED B THE BRANCH OFFICE terA a class 'hoto and a co'y 1"  &t the concl$sion of each school terA of the grad$ation 'rogra with the naes of the brothers who delivered the vario$s 'arts sho$ld be forwarded to the host branch to be 'laced in the class file"

MATERIAL NEEDED B THE SERVICE COMMITTEE terA the host branch sho$ld sho$ld 2"  &t the concl$sion of each school terA send a co'y of the grad$ation 'rogra to the Service )oittee" )oittee" The 'rogra sho$ld indicate the naes of the brothers who delivered the vario$s 'arts" *n additionA a class 'rofile sho$ld be 'rovided that indicates the class n$berA the locationA the enrollent dateA the the grad grad$a $ati tion on date dateAA the the lang lang$a $age geAA the the tota totall n$ n$ber ber of of st$ st$de dent nts s in in the act$ act$al al clas classA sA and a brea7d brea7down own of of that that total total n$b n$ber er of st$d st$dent ents s into the n$ber of arried co$'lesA the n$ber of single brothersA and and th the n$ n$ber ber of sin single gle sist sister ers s in the clas class" s" The hos host br branc anch ay ay also incl$de any o$tstanding e'eriences relative to the st$dents who attended the school"

!OSTGRADUATION EVALUATION !ROGRAM %" The Service e'artent will onitor and eval$ate the 'rogress of grad$ates who serve as te'orary s'ecial 'ioneers and any reg$lar 'ioneers who have good 'otential for an assignent in s'ecial f$ll-tie serviceA with the ece'tion of those who are over /0 years old" The Bible School #rad$ates for in the &din Persons od$le ay ay be $sed $sed to trac trac7 7 grad grad$a $ate tes" s" This his ann ann$a $all ren renew ewal al can can con conti tin$ n$e e $' to a ai$ of three years" *f a grad$ate is assigned as a s'ecial 'ioneerA a circ$it overseerA a BetheliteA or a field issionary d$ring this three-year 'eriodA he will no longer be trac7ed"

yearA the S-24 S-24 or S-24 S-24 for letter letter will will be be $sed $sed to re4" ,nce a yearA @$est that the circ$it overseer fill o$t a "ersonal #ualifications Report  (S (S-%25 on on gr grad$ates se serving in in hi his ci circ$it" The Th Theocratic Schools es7 will review the "ersonal the "ersonal #ualifications Report! along Report!  along with the s$''leentary letter 'rovided by the circ$it overseer" The Theocratic Schools es7 will then generate fro &din the School  the School  for Kingdom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation Report  ( Report  (S S-2/4 for   each each co$' co$'le le or sing single le 'ers 'erson onAA fill fillin ing g o$t o$t the the n$ n$be bere red d @$e @$est stio ions ns based on the coents fo$nd in the "ersonal the "ersonal #ualifications Re port (s. the School for King/" The Theocratic Schools es7 will forward the School dom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation Report  to Report  to the service des7" The The ser servi vice ce des7 des7 will will revi review ew the the re' re'or ortt and and 'rov 'rovid ide e the their ir co coents and recoendation in the a''ro'riate section" *f neededA )ha'ter 1%

 & .TE8 #8&H&T*,= the Theocratic Schools es7 ay add 'ertinent coents coents in the a''ro'riate section of the re'ort" the School for King5" The Theocratic Schools es7 will forward the School dom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation eport  along  along with any recoendation oendation to two ebers of the Branch )oittee" *f the grad$ate is showing good 'otentialA he ay be retained in the eval$ation 'rogra" 'rogra" The Branch Branch )oi )oittee ttee can etend etend a te'orar te'orary y s'ecial s'ecial 'ioneer a''ointent for another year" reviewA the Service e'artent e'artent will write an en"  &fter each reviewA co$raging letter of a''reciation to each single brotherA single sisterA or arried arried co$'le co$'le and co$n co$nicate icate how how they will will contin$e contin$e to be $sed in the 'ostgrad$ation eval$ation 'rogra" The School for  Kingdom Evangelizers Annual Evaluation eport4 the eport4  the 1ersonal   1ersonal  +uali5cations +uali5cations eport4 and eport4 and the letter of a''reciation sho$ld be retained in the grad$ates electronic 'eranent Dle" 3" *f it is deterined that a grad$ate sho$ld no longer be considered for s'ecial f$ll-tie service or he discontin$es f$ll-tie serviceA he wo$ld no longer be trac7ed $nder the 'ostgrad$ation eval$ation 'rogra and the electronic 'eranent Dle sho$ld be ar7ed as inactive" The Service e'artent sho$ld send a letter (S-2% or S-244 than7ing the grad$ate for his service and letting hi 7now that he is no longer $nder the 'ostgrad$ation eval$ation 'rogra" Please note that altho$gh the letters have for n$bers for oce $seA the n$bers sho$ld not a''ear on the letters theselves" " *f a circ$it overseer feels that a greater need eists elsewhere in his circ$itA he ay wish to recoend a change in congregation assi assign gne ent nt for for a gra grad$ d$at ate" e" The The Ser Servi vice ce e'a e'art rte ent nt ay ay con consi side der  r  s$ch s$ch reco reco en enda dati tion ons" s" !owe !oweve verA rA circ circ$i $itt ove overs rsee eers rs do not not hav have e the the a$th $thorit ority y to rea reassig ssign n grad$ ad$ates ates"" &ll cong congrregat egatiion assi assign gn ents ents for  for  grad$ates in the 'ostgrad$ation eval$ation 'rogra coe fro the branch oce"

CIRCUIT TRAINING recoend a 10" *f the instr$ctors or other traveling overseers recoend grad$ate for training in the circ$it wor7 and the Branch )oittee agrees after reviewing the Application the Application to Attend the School S chool for  Kingdom Evangelizers (#-3A Evangelizers (#-3A the School the School for Kingdom Evangelizers 1ermanent ecord  (#-22A  (#-22A and the @$aliDcations o$tlined in "ravelin "raveling Overseer Guidelines4 the Guidelines4 the grad$ate co$ld be assigned as a te'orary s'ecial 'ioneer in his hoe congregationA 'ending circ$it training" *t wo$ld wo$ld not be advisabl advisable e to anno$nce anno$nce at the the grad$atio grad$ation n that he will be receiving circ$it training" The branch oce ay wish to have the recoended brother Dll o$t a +uestionnaire a +uestionnaire for 1rospective Su%stitute Circuit Overseer  (S-%24"  (S-%24" When the @$estionnaire is ret$rned ret$rnedAA it sho$l sho$ld d be eained eained for inforat inforation ion regardin regarding g health health

)ha'ter 1%

 & .TE8 #8&H&T*,= sit$ sit$at atio ions nsAA 'rev 'revio io$s $s disc disci' i'li line neAA or othe otherr li liitin iting g fac facto tors rs that that ay ay not not have have bee been n 7now 7nown" n" This This wil willl give give the the Ser Servi vice ce e' e'ar art ten entt tie tie to review the @$aliDcations of the grad$ate andA if a''ro'riateA recoend hi to the Branch )oittee for circ$it training" *f the Bran Branch ch )o oitte ittee e a''r a''rov oves es the trai traini nin ngA the the Se Service vice e'a e'arrtent ent will select an e'erienced circ$it overseer to handle the ten-wee7 training 'rogra as o$tlined belowC :ee?( 1"2 The 1"2 The grad$ate will observe the circ$it overseer" :ee? - The - The grad$ate will serve a congregation while the circ$it overseer observes and gives co$nsel" :ee?( 4"@ The 4"@ The grad$ate will serve congregations by hiself" :ee?  Th  The e grad$ate wi will observe the circ$it ov overseerA share in cond$cting eetings for service and the 'ioneer eetingA and give one of the service tal7s" :ee? 10 The 10 The grad$ate will serve a congregation while the circ$it overseer observes and gives co$nsel"

the te ten-wee7 tr training 'e 'eriodA the ci circ$it ov overseer  11" .ollowing th will send a 1ersonal +uali5cations +uali5cations eport  (S  (S-%25 to the branch oceA giving his observations and recoendations as to the brothers 'ros'ects for the circ$it wor7" *f all re'orts are 'ositiveA he can be recoended to the #overning Body for a''ointent as a circ$it overseer"

 ASSIGNMENT TO ANOTHER COUNTR  12" *f the instr$ctors or circ$it overseer recoend a grad$ate to serve as a Deld issionary and the Branch )oittee )oittee agrees after reviewing the Application the Application to Attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (#-3 Evangelizers (#-3 and the School the School for Kingdom Evangelizers 1ermanent ecord  (#-22A  (#-22A then the grad$ate sho$ld be eval$ated for a ti tie aft afte er gr grad$ ad$ati ationA onA 'e 'erha rha's a ye year or soA soA as a te te'ora orary s'ec s'ecia iall 'ioneer in an area of need within the branch territory" (%o c %o ch ha'" 5 'ars" 3-101 *f he had been serving as a s'ecial 'ioneer 'rior to attending the School for :ingdo Evangeli;ersA then he wo$ld contin$e as as a s'ecial 'i 'ioneer af after gr grad$ation" ThereafterA if th the br branch oce feels that he ay @$alify to serve as a Deld issionary in anothe otherr lan landA dA they they sho sho$l $ld d as7 as7 hi hi to to co' co'le lete te a +uestionnaire a +uestionnaire for  1rospective $ield 'issionar(  (S-214"  (S-214" The co'leted @$estionnaire along with a n$bered letter sho$ld be s$bitted to the Service )oitteeA e'lainin e'laining g in detail the @$aliDcationsA lang$age abilitiesA citi;enshi'A and bac7gro$nd of the individ$al" The Service )oit)oittee will then decide whether or not to a''oint hi as a Deld issionary and assign hi to another co$ntry"

)ha'ter 1%

) !&PTE8 . ,H8TEE=

O% F$%* STUDENT FILES 1" Each branch oce sho$ld create an electronic Dle for each single brotherA s brotherA single ingle sister , or or arried co$'le serving in their territory and attending a class of the School for :ingdo Evangeli;ers" The Dle wo$ld incl$de each st$dents a''lication (#-3, (#-3, the the School   School  for Kingdom Evangelizers 1ermanent ecord  (#-22A  (#-22A and a co'y of  the assignent letter (S-22 or S-2%1"

CLASS FILES 2" The host branch sho$ld create an electronic Dle for each class" This class Dle sho$ld contain a co'y of any corres'ondence relative relative to the class as well as co'ies of the a''lications (#-3 of st$dents who coe fro other branches"

CLASS !HOTO 'hoto oto is is ta7 ta7e en of of th the cl class assA a co' co'y y sh sho$l o$ld be be '$t '$t into the the %" *f a 'h class Dle" Do 'ot (e'. t*e #*oto to t*e Ser7%ce Co33%ttee8 *f  Co33%ttee8  *f  the #overning Body has a need for it in the f$t$reA a re@$est will be ade to the host branch"

)ha'ter 14

I(%:  A   Acco33o.&t%o'(

-1 1

inforing circ$it overseers of s'ecific needs


inviting @$alified individ$als to a''ly

 A.3%' class 'rofile


creating classes


enrollent for field instr$ctors School for Kingdom Evangelizers An (S-2/4 nual Evaluation Report  (S st$dent entry

/C/A 

4C%A / recoending instr$ctors


selecting observers


st$dents allowances




4C10L 10C1

trac7ing grad$ates


 A$$o)&'ce( distrib$tion to st$dents





4  14

Cert%,%c&te ,or t*e Sc*oo$ ,or K%'+.o3 E7&'+e$%er(
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