Waste management KOCdrain system

December 22, 2016 | Author: Kaliyamoorthy Samiayya | Category: N/A
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Waste storage, disposal procedure - gravity system KOC...


Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System


6 7 8 9

SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................4 REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................................5 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................5 RESPONSIBILITIES..................................................................................................................5 5.1 SITE MANAGER....................................................................................................................6 5.2 DEPUTY SITE MANAGER.......................................................................................................6 5.3 SITE EH&S MANAGER ........................................................................................................6 5.4 SUBCONTRACTOR’S EH&S MANAGER’S & RELEVANT ORGANIZATIONS..................................6 5.5 CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS.................................................................................................6 5.6 EH&S ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR ...............................................................................7 5.7 SUBCONTRACTOR SUPERVISORS .........................................................................................7 5.8 CRAFT LABOR......................................................................................................................7 METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................7 NON COMPLIANCE..................................................................................................................8 PREMISE...................................................................................................................................8 8.1 GENERAL PHILOSOPHY.........................................................................................................8 WASTE MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................................8 9.1 WASTE MINIMISATION ..........................................................................................................8 9.2 WASTE COLLECTION............................................................................................................8 9.3 WASTE STORAGE ................................................................................................................9


Methodology for storing waste.................................................................................... 9

10 DESIGN/SPECIFICATIONS OF WASTE STORAGE AREAS............................................10 10.1 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE AREA SPEC FOR CONSTRUCTION................................10 10.2 HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE AREA GENERAL SPEC FOR CONSTRUCTION.........................11 11 HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE METHODS ..................................................................12 12 WASTE TRANSPORT.........................................................................................................13

12.1.1 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 14 15 16 17 17.1

SITE & TEMPORARY SITE EXIT MANIFEST .................................................... 13

WASTE DISPOSAL.............................................................................................................13 NON HAZARDOUS ..............................................................................................................13 SEWAGE TREATMENT ........................................................................................................13 HAZARDOUS WASTE ..........................................................................................................14 RECYCLING OF WASTE....................................................................................................14 CONFIRMATION AND AUDIT ............................................................................................14 APPENDIX (ENV MATERIAL GATE PASS) ......................................................................14 ATTACHMENT....................................................................................................................15 HAZARDOUS & NON HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE AREAS.................................................15

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System

This document describes the Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure to be used by

GS and all SUBCONTRACTORS during the preparation and construction of all process plants, general facilities, storage and handling facilities, utilities and other services. This procedure is specific to the construction, pre-commissioning and demobilization phases of this SITE and TEMPORARY SITE. This GS Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure shall encompass: • • • •

GS All Subcontractors engaged on the SITE and TEMPORARY SITE Vendors and suppliers as defined within the work scope. OWNER. (KOC)

This GS Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure applies to: • The SITE • The TEMPORARY SITE. This GS Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure shall be distributed to all organisations engaged in the works at SITE and TEMPORARY SITE. Specifically the procedure addresses the following types of waste such as: • • • • • • •

Food Waste. Scrap Metal. Paper and cardboard. Wood waste Concrete (wet and dry) Plastic Glass

The procedure also applies to hazardous waste such as: • • • • • • • • • •

Fuel Oil Oily rags Radiographic waste. Biomedical waste. Chemicals. Chemical Containers Paint & Paint containers. Sewage. Batteries. Contaminated spoil.

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008

Client: KOC

Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System



For terms and definitions of general use refer to the Project Terms and definitions specific of the current scope are the following: SITE:

Refers to the area of the Installation of Gravity drain System in GC’s 17,27 & 28 Project SITE within KOC.


Refers to the remote facility operated by GS in support of the SITE


means the entity engaged to perform the Construction/ (precommissioning) activities (Work).

Engineering Controls:

Engineering controls are incorporated into a work activity or test during engineering and/or procedural development. Such controls may consist of, but are not limited to physical barriers, catch basins, and chemical resistant and/or oil proof liners.

Field Controls:

Field controls are implemented during construction and commissioning activities and include: awareness training, pre-work planning, detailed job/system walk-down, spill/release prevention and containment measures, and the proper performance of all identified and necessary work prerequisites and precautions when working with hazardous materials, chemicals, and agents or where there is the potential for spilling or releasing same.


Any uncontrolled spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, dumping, or disposing of materials to the environment. This includes releases onto the land, into ground or surface waters or into ambient air.

Hazardous Material:

Hazardous materials include petroleum-based materials, paints, solvents, chemicals and their dilutions in water, and by-products of chemical reactions from commissioning activities. Care must also be taken of materials labeled as non-hazardous on the MSDS but constituting a pollutant if released to certain environments (e.g., mineral oil released to surface waters).


Not complying or conforming with, and/or adhering to stated or written Project, regulatory, legal, or contractual obligations and/or requirements. Non-compliance may result from a nonconforming action or, in some instances, lack of action when action is required.

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System

Responsible Person (RP): The SITE person directly responsible for a given task and/or activity.


EH&S Plan (Environmental Management Plan)

4 PURPOSE The purpose of the Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure is to provide a mechanism whereby all the portable equipment broadly described in the scope, undergo a verifiable inspection process which ensures equipment meets the minimum standards of the project. The objectives of the procedure are: 


To ensure that Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure brought onto the SITE or TEMPORARY SITE are in good condition on entry, and remain in good condition for the duration of their use. To ensure that personnel carrying out the work of Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal are assured of the safety of the apparatus in use. By association with the requirement for inspection, ensure that supervision is aware of the methods of Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal used in the work. To ensure that there is a traceable and auditable record of the inspection and that a responsible person has undertaken the inspection work. To provide process, which ensures that inspection has been completed, and ensure that Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure is safe and in a fully operational condition.

5 RESPONSIBILITIES In support of the SITE and TEMPORARY SITE Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure the positions identified within section 5 shall have responsibility for: (Note: Depending on size of contract the manager position indicated will be assumed by nominated Officer / Supervisor for the intent of the procedure).

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System

5.1 SITE MANAGER The Site Manager shall display personal commitment to the EH&S Management System through obvious site actions related to the safety of the personnel on the project, and through support of the SITE EH& S Manager. He Shall:  Ensure that the requirements of the Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure are adhered to on SITE & TEMPORARY SITE. 5.2 DEPUTY SITE MANAGER The Deputy Site Manager(May be a Site Engineer) shall display personal commitment to the EH&S Management System through obvious site actions related to the safety of the personnel on the project, and through support of the SITE EH& S Manager (May be a Safety Officer). He Shall: • Ensure that the requirements of the Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure are adhered to on SITE & TEMPORARY SITE. 5.3 SITE EH&S MANAGER (Safety Officer) The SITE EH&S Manager shall:  Shall ensure the implementation and adherence to this Waste Collection, Storage and • Disposal Procedure report violations and/or noncompliance issues to project management for immediate corrective action.  Assist the Site Manager in the general supervision of the EH&S program.  Audit and control of due implementation of the Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure  Conduct frequent inspection on site, related to the Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure and direct appropriate corrective action.  Prepare inspection reports for the Site Manager for his review and action.  Ensure the requirements of the Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure are cascaded to vendors and subcontractors. 5.4 SUBCONTRACTOR’S EH&S MANAGER’S & RELEVANT ORGANIZATIONS Shall ensure that all employees adhere to the requirements of this Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure and take immediate corrective actions in case of unsafe situations noted during inspections. In particular subcontractors are to ensure their compliance with the Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure 5.5 CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS The Construction Manager shall:  Assist the SITE Manager in planning and implementing the EH&S Program  Ensure that the GS EH&S Plan is implemented at the SITE & TEMPORARY SITE.  He shall ensure that the Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure is implemented at the SITE & TEMPORARY SITE.

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System

5.6 EH&S ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR Environmental activities coordination and monitoring is performed mainly through the EH&S Environmental Coordinator.(May be Supervisor). The EH&S Environmental Coordinator reports to the Site EH&S Manager. The EH&S Environmental Coordinator shall:  Participate in monitoring the environmental related activities including auditing, sampling and inspection.  Inspect the construction area daily for environmentally related matters.  Participate in the investigation of all environmentally related incidents, accidents and near misses.  Take action and report immediately to the SITE EH&S Manager in case of serious occurrence with potential environmental impact.  Advise in the field for any problem related to the environment for all the personnel.  To participate to the toolbox meeting held by the foremen and support them during this activity where environmental considerations are to be discussed.  To verify on daily basis the correct use of PPE by all the personnel involved in environmental management processes.  To participate in the EH&S& Security coordination meeting  To ensure that materials are segregated properly.  To ensure that waste material is segregated in storage, is not allowed to accumulate to excessive levels and is disposed of according to the Waste Management Plan and Gate • Security requirements for manifest. 5.7 SUBCONTRACTOR SUPERVISORS The subcontractor Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that portable rigging and lifting equipment being used under their supervision have been inspected and certified in compliance with this Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure. 5.8 CRAFT LABOR Craft labor is responsible for adherence to the instructions of supervision where their activity is involving any materials identified within this Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure.

6 METHODOLOGY The purpose of this Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure is to identify the methods to be adopted in the field in order to satisfactorily manage the collection storage and ultimate disposal of the various categories of waste streams which will be produced on the Gravity Drain System Project. The Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure combines elements of the WMP and the Spill Prevention and Response Plan and sets out the basic rules for execution that shall be applied to the SITE and TEMPORARY SITE. In particular it identifies the manner in which awareness, compliance, inspections, audit and correction, if required, shall be performed.

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System

• This document shall advises the safe handling and disposal methods for all liquid and solid hazardous and non hazardous wastes generated during the execution of the project.

 This document identifies the monitoring methods for waste disposal for the SITE and TEMPORARY SITE through initiation construction and reinstatement. GS shall periodically and regularly audit the subcontractor’s waste collection, segregation, disposal contractor, disposal locations and manifesting.  This document identifies the Spills Prevention and Response Procedure as the document identifying actions to be taken in the event of an environmental incident involving, land, air or water.

7 NON COMPLIANCE Any subcontractor who fails to comply with the requirements of this procedure may be liable for the costs incurred in the subsequent remedial actions that may occur as a result of non compliance. This will include payment of any legal costs, fines and compensation claims incurred by GS through the subcontractor’s incorrect, unsafe or illegal activity.

8 PREMISE 8.1 GENERAL PHILOSOPHY The Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure is based upon these principles:  A preference for waste minimization in the first instance by careful management of materials, re-use and recycling of material where possible.  Coherent waste management via systems to classify, segregate, store and track the movement of different wastes.  Environmentally responsible permanent solutions for the various classes of wastes.

9 WASTE MANAGEMENT 9.1 WASTE MINIMISATION  A primary objective of a subcontractor’s waste re-use/recycling program is to identify and utilize materials having a potential beneficial use to the subcontractor.  All waste should be reviewed to maximize the reclamation or recovery of materials through on-site processes or with outside Vendors and Suppliers.  After all reclamation options have been investigated, reuse of the materials will be evaluated. Reuse may be in the same, alternate or downgraded service. 9.2 WASTE COLLECTION  Risk assessment on waste collection is carried out.  Waste collection points shall be identified throughout the SITE and TEMPORARY SITE.  Collection of waste is undertaken by personnel trained in the identification of waste types.

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System

Hazardous and non-hazardous wastes will be collected separately.  Properly identified equipment for the collection and transportation of waste is identified.  Personnel are provided with the correct apparel and PPE for the task.  Transportation of waste to external disposal locations is undertaken by licensed waste disposal contractors.  Waste is only permitted to leave the SITE or TEMPORARY SITE when accompanied by a properly completed ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIAL EXIT GATE PASS. Subcontractors shall undertake a waste segregation exercise involving sorting and separating waste on the basis of its characteristics. Waste materials shall be segregated at source by providing colored and/or marked with universal symbols or writing English, bins for storing the waste may be identified as follows: • • • • • • •

Red: Green: Brown: Blue: RED: Yellow: Metal Bin

Hazardous wastes Food Refuse Plastics Glass Bio Medical Wastes (with bio marking) Paper and Cardboard. Metals

The various bins shall be placed in the SITE and TEMPORARY SITE offices, mess centers, clinics. A sufficient number of bins shall be placed for each type of waste at waste collection points, depending on the variety and quantity of the wastes expected from the location. No waste collection bin shall be allowed to overflow before it is emptied, and waste storage receptacles shall

Name of Waste 1. 2.

Domestic Garbage Scarp metal

3 4

Paper/Cardboards Wooden Waste


Waste Concrete


Plastic Waste


Electrical Waste

8 9

Radiography Chemical waste Waste paints


Clinical Waste

11 12

Batteries Oily waste

Storage Method Store in closed waste bin Store in designated scrap yard Store in waste bins Store in designated scrap yard Store in designated storage area Store in waste bins Store in designated storage area Store in labeled & sealed container Store in a manufacturer’s container Store in labeled & sealed container Store in container Store in labeled & sealed container at designated hazardous storage area.

Disposal Method Incineration / Land filling

Reuse/Recycle/Incineration Reuse Reuse/Land filling Recycle/Impervious land filling Reuse/Impervious landfill Recycle/Incineration[based on nature of waste] Impervious landfill Incineration/Impervious land filling Reuse/Impervious land filling Incineration/Impervious land filling


Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System


Waste oil/Grease

Store in labeled & sealed hazardous storage area.

Recycle/Impervious land filling


Other Chemical Waste

Store in labeled & sealed container at designated

Impervious land filling storage area



Collect in impervious collection tanks

Sewage Treatment facility



Each subcontractor shall maintain Waste Storage Areas at SITE and TEMPORARY SITE in a manner that ensures the safe, secure, and environmentally protective storage of materials placed therein. Each Waste Storage Area as a minimum shall be separated in two distinct areas: one dedicated to Non-Hazardous Wastes and the other to Hazardous Waste. 10.1 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE AREA SPEC FOR CONSTRUCTION The following describes the general specifications for the design of the Non-Hazardous Waste storage area.  A non hazardous waste storage area shall be designed with bays to completely contain the anticipated types and quantities of non-hazardous wastes.  If the waste is not segregated at source, then the waste may be segregated in the area of the storage areas.  In the event that waste is to be segregated OFF SITE or TEMPORARY SITE, then the licensed waste disposal contractor shall segregate at the licensed location prior to onward dispersal for recycling.  Bays shall be color coded as identified in this document.  It shall possess a sign bearing the following expressions in English, "Non-Hazardous Waste Storage Area" "No Smoking" "Authorized Personnel Only" Appropriate type(s) and numbers of fire extinguishers will be provided. Maintenance activities will be overseen by the subcontractor concerned. This maintenance will include:  Replacement of facility signage.  Collection of any waste that has escaped/leaked from containers, including appropriate clean-up when required.  Replacement of worn or faded signage.  Repair of damaged or broken storage bays.  Movement of incorrectly placed waste containers to the correct location. 10.2 HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE AREA GENERAL SPEC FOR CONSTRUCTION The following describes the general specifications to be considered regarding the design and operation of Hazardous Waste Storage Areas. Hazardous waste storage areas will be designed to:  Contain the anticipated types and quantities of wastes.  Accommodate the anticipated types of waste containers.  Permit the proper segregation of incompatible/reactive materials.

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System

The base/floor of a hazardous waste storage area can consist of a concrete slab, an earthen pad, a metal catch pan, or some type of pre-manufactured secondary containment device. If an earthen pad is used, it must be underlain by an impermeable liner composed of a suitable synthetic material of appropriate thickness; The base/floor of a hazardous waste storage area must:  Be designed to support, and not be damaged by, the weight of a full inventory of wastebearing containers and of any equipment or vehicles that may operate within the confines of the area.  Be of sufficient height above grade so as to prevent storm-water run-off from entering the area.  Include a continuous curb, earthen bund, or some other structure so as to provide complete containment in the event of a spill. The size/height of the perimeter liquid containment structure (e.g., curb, bund) must be calculated so as to provide containment of 10% of the total liquid volume of all stored containers or 110% of the volume of the single largest liquid container, whichever is greater.  Include ramped entrance and egress points for personnel or forklift access; be sloped to a drainage collection trench or sump. All hazardous waste storage areas must possess:  An appropriately sized cover or roof manufactured or constructed of a suitable material so as to inhibit the contact of seasonal rainfall with waste-bearing containers.  A perimeter security fence equipped with a lockable gate/roof or some other suitable security assurance structure/device. • Appropriate fire-fighting devices (e.g., appropriate type(s) and numbers of fire extinguishers).  Suitable spill response capability (i.e., appropriate type(s) and quantities of spill response and clean-up equipment).



Hazardous liquid waste shall be stored in a manner that provides secondary containment for containers to prevent overflow if ruptured or from the ingress of water. Subcontractors shall provide sufficient numbers of appropriate types of containers in order to ensure the adequate collection, segregation, and storage of hazardous wastes. Hazardous wastes must be protected from sources of ignition or reaction including but not limited to: open flames, smoking, cutting and welding torches/equipment, hot surfaces, frictional heat, sparks (static, electrical, or mechanical), spontaneous ignition (e.g. from heat-producing chemical reactions), and radiant heat. Containers for hazardous wastes must be manufactured of a material of a suitable type and thickness in relation to the capacity of the container and the types of hazardous wastes that will be placed in them. Hazardous wastes must be stored in containers that are in good condition (i.e., containers that will provide complete, long-term waste containment [e.g., no severe rusting, holes, dents, cracks, or other types of structural defects]) Hazardous waste must be stored in containers that are compatible with the waste in question. Hazardous waste-bearing containers must be kept closed or covered.

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System

The Hazardous Waste Storage Area shall contain a manifest identifying each type of content in a manner that facilitates the safe and proper handling, storage, and treatment/disposal of the contained waste. The information appearing on a storage area manifest shall as a minimum be English, with the following information.       

Nature of the waste (i.e., Hazardous Waste) Name of the waste. Composition and physical state (solid, liquid, sludge) of the waste. Name of the activity and/or location that generated the waste. Specific disposition of the contained waste (e.g. land filling or incineration). Date the waste-bearing container was placed into storage. Location of the Material Safety Data Sheet.

12 WASTE TRANSPORT The main objective is to ensure that waste is delivered to the intended destination without any safety or environmental incidents. Therefore the transportation of wastes will involve specific, designated vehicles, or vehicles that have been adequately adapted to ensure the safe transport of wastes.GS advise that the transportation of any construction waste to authorised locations in Kuwait is only to be executed by contractors holding a valid applicable local licence to enter and place the waste inside the facility be it landfill, liquid waste, hazardous or non hazardous. At all times the GS subcontractor responsible to GS is responsible for the off-site transport and delivery of waste to their intended final destination for treatment without any safety or environmental incidents. 12.1.1 SITE & TEMPORARY SITE EXIT MANIFEST Product of the SITE and TEMPORARY SITE identified as waste material for disposal shall not be permitted to leave either location unless the PRODUCER OF THE WASTE has completed the Waste Material Exit Manifest, and written agreement that the disposal or treatment site will receive the consignment. 13


13.1 NON HAZARDOUS Non hazardous wastes shall be taken by a licensed contractor and disposed of to a Kuwait Municipality landfill site such as the:    

Municipality Incinerator, Wafra Road off Highway 30 on road 306. Landfill at Wafra Road (as above) th Ring Road West. Landfill on 7 Mina Abdullah Hazardous & Non Hazardous landfill waste disposal area.

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Client: KOC

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008 Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System

13.2 SEWAGE TREATMENT Sewage waste shall be contained. No sceptic tank facility is to be utilised. Sewage shall be taken by licensed contractor to a Kuwait EPA approved Sewage Treatment Facility such as the one which is located near Shuaiba. 7 kilometres South of the convergence of the South bound Highway 30 & 40. Or alternately to an Kuwait EPA approved sewage soak such as is located on Road 70. 13.3 HAZARDOUS WASTE Hazardous waste, including hazardous waste/contaminated containers shall be taken by licensed contractor and disposed of to the Shuaiba Solid Waste Reception Centre located in the Shuaiba West industrial area 11, on road MA-4



Where appropriate to the type of waste generated, it shall be sent to a licensed waste recycling location. Segregation of recyclable waste shall be performed at that location. GS shall periodically audit the waste recycling contractor operations to ensure recycling is undertaken correctly. The OWNER shall be invited to the audits.



GS methodology for confirming compliance of subcontractors with this Waste Collection, Storage and Disposal Procedure shall be through the process of Audit  GS shall require pre-registration of transporter & disposal locations. License numbers are required to be provided to GS prior to use.  GS shall retain all ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIAL EXIT MANIFEST.

Gulf Spic Trading & Contracting W.L.L.

Doc. No: GS / HSE / SOP-1 / Dated May, 2008

Client: KOC

Rev. No: 1

Project: Gravity Drain System






Type of Waste: Organic



Waste Producer: Area of Storage: Generation Period: Waste Description Food wastes Scrap metal Paper, cardboards… Wooden waste Waste concrete, brick, etc Empty Metal drums Plastic wastes Tires

Glass wastes Digested sanitary sewage sludge Used PPE Others Waste: Other Waste :



PART-B Waste Description Radiography chemical wastes Lab wastes (acids, alkalis, solvents) Waste paints and paint tins Clinical wastes Batteries Oily wastes (oil filter, contaminated soil, oily soaked clothes, etc) Waste oils - grease Other chemical wastes


Activated carbon wastes Septic waste

Insulation waste Empty chemical drums Other waste: PART-C Method of Waste Treatment Aboveground contained storage Sold Sewage water treatment plant or pit. Recycled Pit storage Incineration Other storage Land fill Impervious fill Location of Waste Disposal ( Name & Address): Kuwait EPA License: PART-D Authorized Waste Transporter Waste Transporter:

Vehicle Number:

Driver’s Name:

Producer Authorized Signature :

Name :

Signature :


Mobile No.



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