Warhammer Arcane Magic: an Old Grumbler's Rules

January 26, 2017 | Author: Byron Lloyd Harmon | Category: N/A
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Green-Black Minor Lore ..................................................... 19


Green-Black Mighty Lore ................................................... 19

Magic Items .............................................................................3

Green-White Minor Lore ................................................... 20

Magic Item allowance .........................................................3

Green-White Mighty Lore .................................................. 20

-Magic Resistance ...........................................................3

Red-Blue Minor Lore .......................................................... 21

Terms ...................................................................................3 Magic User ......................................................................3 Caster ..............................................................................3 Casting Value ..................................................................3 Threshold .........................................................................3

Red-Blue Mighty Lore ........................................................ 21 Red-Black Minor Lore ........................................................ 22 Red-Black Mighty Lore ...................................................... 22 Red-White Minor Lore ....................................................... 23

Dispeller ..........................................................................3

Red-White Mighty Lore ..................................................... 23

Magic/Power Dice ...........................................................3

Blue-Black Minor Lore ....................................................... 24

Mana ...............................................................................4

Blue-Black Mighty Lore...................................................... 24

Casting Spells .......................................................................4

Blue-White Minor lore ....................................................... 25

Miscast ................................................................................5

Blue-White Mighty Lore .................................................... 25

Dispelling .............................................................................5

White-Black Minor Lore ..................................................... 26

Magical Awareness..............................................................5

White-Black Mighty Lore ................................................... 26

Magic Colors ........................................................................5 Summoned Creatures ..........................................................5 Miscast Table (3D6) .............................................................5 Primary Colors ..........................................................................6 Green Minor Lore .................................................................7 Green Mighty Lore ...............................................................8 Red Minor Lore ....................................................................9 Red Mighty Lore.................................................................10 Blue Minor Lore .................................................................11 Blue Mighty Lore ................................................................12 Black Minor Lore ................................................................13 Black Mighty Lore ..............................................................14 White Minor Lore ...............................................................15 White Mighty Lore .............................................................16 Fusion Lores ...........................................................................17 Green-Red Minor Lore .......................................................17 Green-Red Mighty Lore ......................................................17 Green-Blue Minor Lore ......................................................18 Green-Blue Mighty Lore .....................................................18 Page 2 of 26

Magic Items

Magic Item allowance Magic Items, a character model may have their level x25 points worth of magic items. Additionally, a model may only have a single magic item from each category of magic item, except scrolls which may be carried in abundance.

from magical weapons (these, if saved by magic resistance, count as hits from a mundane weapon, eg a hit resisted from a magical sword would simply be a nonmagical blow using the wielder’s stats). The ward save is equal to the level of the magic resistance. If a unit is targeted with a spell, the spell has no effect if they successfully take a magic resistance save. If a unit would be affected by a spell, and they pass a ward save then they, particularly, are not affected by it.

The categories are: Weapons Armor (warrior heroes only) Enchanted Items Arcane Items (Magic users only) Banners (Standard bearers only) Common Magic Items available to all teams (except dwarves) Sword of Striking: 30 pts +1 to hit, sword Sword of battle: 25pts +1 A, Sword Sword of might: 20pts +1S, Sword Biting Blade: 10pts -1 armor Enchanted Shield: 10pts Shield, 2 coverage Enchanted Large Shield: 15pts (only available to teams that normally have access to large shields) Large Shield with 3 coverage Talisman of protection: 15pts 6+ ward save Dispel Scroll: 25 pts Automatically dispel a single enemy spell Power Stone: 25pts (1 time use) +2 dice to cast a spell Staff of Sorcery: 50 pts +1 to all dispel attempts by this magic user War Banner: 25pts Additional +D6 combat resolution Spell Scroll: 25pts During the pregame casting phase, the magic user may ascribe a single spell he/she knows onto the scroll en lieu of casting a spell before the game. Later, during any magic phase the magic user may activate the scroll, automatically casting the spell at its requisite casting level. Spell scrolls may be dispelled.

-Magic Resistance Units with magic resistance have a cumulative ward save against any magical spells or attacks, including attacks

Terms Magic User Any model capable of casting a spell or having a mana pool

Caster Any model currently casting a spell

Casting Value Refers to the dice result of the mana dice rolled to cast a spell

Threshold Refers to the minimum casting value to successfully cast a spell

Dispeller Any model currently dispelling a spell

Magic/Power Dice Are dice that meted out by the Gm at the beginning of each turn and used to cast or dispel. Each die may only be used once. Magic dice are discarded at the end of each turn.

Summon Summoning spells represent the caster bringing a new entity into the world. They summon a creature(s) or an item to be used at a later time. Summon spells may only be cast during the magic phase. See the magical creatures bestiary for further details. If a summon spell is dispelled immediately the new entity is not placed on the board. Dispelled items or illusions disappear immediately upon dispel. See magical creature bestiary for dispelling summoned creatures in subsequent turns.

Instant A spell that may be cast at any time during any phase. Instant spells must be immediately dispelled or they take effect. Page 3 of 26

Sorcery A spell that may only be cast during the magic phase. The effects of a Sorcery cease at the end of the turn. Sorceries must be immediately dispelled, or they take effect, even if their effect would happen later in the turn.

Channeling A spell that may only be cast during the magic phase, the caster may not cast other spells until he/she ends the channeling spell, suffers a wound or it is dispelled. You opponent may only attempt to dispel a channel spell a single time per turn.

Enchantment Enchantments are auras, or magical incantations that have a lingering affect on a place, weapon, unit, model etc. Enchantments continue to have an effect until ended by their spell caster or dispelled. A single unit may have multiple of the same enchantment but at a cost. Each cumulative enchantment has its casting threshold increased by its threshold. E.G. Crippling Weakness (threshold of 7) is cast once. The second and cumulative time it would be cast on the same unit its new threshold would be 14, and 21 if cast again. This means that it gets harder and harder each time to cast the enchantment. Enchantments must be cast during the magic phase.

Mana The power source of casting spells and dispelling spells Magic comes in 5 different schemas, practices, veins, schools or what have you: red, blue, green, white, and black. The colors and number of colors available to a magic user are largely team specific. There are a number of sub disciplines that are derivatives of the basic five. These sub-disciplines are derived from a primary color and a secondary color. For example a magic user may have white as a primary color and green as a secondary color. This would allow her to use spells from the white spell list and the white-green spell list. A magic user need not take on a secondary or tertiary color.

The chart below should act as a general rubric/summary of Mage capabilities Level of caster 1 2 3 4 5

Minor Lore spells 2 2 3 4 5

Mighty Lore spells 0 1 2 3 4

Number of colors available

1 1 2 2 3

Casting Spells At the beginning of the magic phase the Gm rolls 3D6 and each player is allotted that many magic dice. Each player may roll a die for each magic user they control. On a die result that is equal to or below their magic user’s level they gain a magic die. Dice are retained until either used for casting/dispelling or until the next magic phase. To cast a spell a magic user may use dice equal to their magic level +1 or fewer. A spell is successfully cast if the rolled magic dice total plus the caster’s int minus 7 is greater than the threshold of the spell. Eg Xd6+Int-7. Spells are cast in turn order. That is, player A is given an opportunity to cast spells, Player B is given an opportunity after each spell a single chance to dispel the spell. When Player A decides that she/he wishes to stop attempting to cast spells, it is then Player B’s turn to attempt to cast spells and player A’s turn to attempt to dispel them. Double 6’s counts as irresistible force, which means it is automatically cast and may not be dispelled even if the die total was not sufficient. Some spells may be cast before the game begins. In this case the GM initiates a magic phase before units are deployed. If they would be targeted at a friendly model they may target any friendly model regardless of unit or range, it is assumed that the magic user approached them before deployment. Note these spells are cast before deployment takes place. A magic user may attempt to cast each spell only once per turn.

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Miscast If a caster (not dispeller) rolls double 1’s whilst attempting to cast a spell, the spell does not cast. Immediately consult the miscast table to determine what happens.

Dispelling A magic user may attempt to dispel any spell they are made aware of. To dispel a spell a dispeller may roll magic dice in number up to their level +1. If the result is equal to or greater than the casting value of the targeted spell (double 6’s always wins, but must yield to irresistible force,) then it is dispelled and any effects are nullified. Note: a dispeller is not made aware of the casting value of the spell. A single dispel attempt may be made against each spell each turn. A magic user may attempt to counter a dispel using new dice in the same manner that a magic user would dispel a spell. There will be no dispelling of dispels of dispels.

that level for both primary and secondary color. E.g with the above goblin shaman determining which minor spell he/she would have. If there are 6 minor red and 3 minor red-blue spells, these would be put in numerical order and the dice result would correspond to which of these 9 spells the shaman would know. This process would be continued for each minor spell until I had determined all the spells the shaman knew, this would then happen again for mighty spells, if my magic user had access to them.

Illusions Some spells create illusions to deceive the enemy. Illusions abide by the following rules, with some exceptions: 

Illusions disappear if the enemy comes in base contact with them (except the illusion where the caster appears like the enemy)

All illusion spells are Visible, but may only be dispelled if the caster sees them cast or has reason to suspect they are an illusion (eg the illusion pretending to be an enemy casts a visual spell or she/he sees the enemy interact in a peculiar manner)

Illusions do not end if they take damage from ranged or magical attacks. It is assumed that they mimic the damage or casualties, or not if the controlling player so chooses. For example, a player with an illusionary giant super monster might arbitrarily decide to roll a 2+ ward save (even though the creature would not normally have it) to make his opponent extra scared of the monster.

Magical Awareness 

A magic user is aware of any visual (i.e. they can reasonably see the outcome of the spell) spell cast or item used within their LOS.

A magic user is aware of any spell or magical item that is targeted at him/herself or the unit they are with

A magic user is aware of any magic that they come into base contact with (including, but not limited to: magic items, illusions, magic terrain features, magical entities (deamons, undead, ethereal)

Magic Colors Each magic user has a primary color, which determines how they generate their spells. Magic users may have a number of secondary colors. Each army list will have an entry stating which primary and secondary colors are available, primary colors may also be taken as secondary colors. Magic users have access to spells from their primary color and spells that are mixes of their primary color and secondary color, they do not have access to spells of just their secondary color. For example a Night goblin shaman might be primarily red and secondarily blue, this magic user would have access to red spells and red-blue spells but not blue spells. When determining what spells a magic user knows, roll a dX for each spell, where X equals the total number of spells in

Miscast Table (3D6)

3. The Caster is possessed by a Daemon and comes under the control of the GM. 4. A portal to the Chaos Warp Opens up, and the Caster is snatched up by a deamon and quickly pulled into the nether beyond. His/her comrades are not left unscathed, any models adjacent to the caster must pass an i test or take a magical 6S hit -3 armor. The unit gains D3-1 Chaos attributes. 5. A gnarly claw reaches out from the depths of Chaos, striking the caster. She/he takes D3 S4 hits and gains D2 chaos attributes. 6. Slaanesh! Place 6 Daemonettes of Slaanesh all 6” away from the miscaster and equidistant from one another as if forming a circle. 7. Nurgle! Place 7 Plaguebearers in a 7” circle around the caster 8. Khorne! Place 8 Bloodletters in a 8” circle around the caster Page 5 of 26

9. Tzeentch! Place 9 Discs of Tzeentch, all 9” from the caster in a circle 10. The caster now suffers from stupidity and suffers a 2S hit 11. The caster and his/her comrades lose all of their remaining power dice. 12. The caster loses concentration and the GM may choose the target of the spell the wizard was trying to cast. The spell is cast at its threshold value, unless the miscast casting value was higher. 14. The caster must pass a WP test with a -3 modifier to his/her WP or forgets the spell she/he was attempting to cast. 15. The caster’s mind’s eye is stricken by visions of absolute terror. The caster becomes afraid of all units and terrain features (except open ground.) Take a panic test and refer to the “afraid of” rules. 16. The caster must pass a WP test with a -3 modifier to his/her WP or lose an entire magic level 17. The caster is snatched into the realm of Chaos. Remove him or her from play. The caster randomly gains knowledge of

a new spell from their same colors and tiers previously available. Replace the caster as if he/she had failed casting a teleport spell the following turn during the magic phase. She/he may cast and otherwise act as normal that turn. 18. A greater Daemon of Chaos emerges from the warp of Chaos. (Roll a D4 to determine the type of greater daemon, 1. Khorne, 2. Slaanesh 3. Nurgle 4. Tzeentch) Place this Daemon under GM control 4d8” away and scattered centered

on the miscaster.

Primary Colors This set of magic rules attempts to create a singular ruleset for magic. Traditionally in the warhammer world there are 8 main lores of magic representing the 8 winds of magic. But for some reason there are myriad more team specific lores in the game. This seemed contradictory that there would be 8 winds of magic but then other lores outside of them. This new ruleset attempts to bridge that gap creating 5 main lores, and side lores which are combinations of the main 5. The main lores and side lores are largely borrowed from MTG as it would be overly cumbersome to have 8 lores and all of the combination lores in between. If players see fit not to use these lores, we suggest they use 6th ed magic lores allocating a single spell per caster level.

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Green Minor Lore

1 Cocoon 3+ Thin spindles of thread and silk shoot out of the caster’s staff/wand/fingertips attempting to ensnare a single opponent. Target an individual model in LOS and within 18”. The caster may target a specific model in Int”. Compare the casting result to the targets 2S +D6, if the casting result is tied or greater the model is bound. Free hacks may be made against the model, the bound model may not take any actions or friendly models may free models equal to half the number of non-cocooned models, the bound model by executing a complex maneuver that automatically passes. The unit may carry the bound model(s) at full rate if there are at least two models for each bound model. Visible, instant.

2 Hunting Spear 4+ The caster calls upon the gods of the hunt materializing a great hunting spear capable of felling most game who dwell in the forest. Mage counts as having a thrown weapon with range 12”, LOS, user strength +2, ap 2 causing D3 wounds and penetrates ranks like a bolt thrower. One time throw. Thrown in any subsequent shooting/stand and fire phase. Visible, summon.

5 Tangling Vines 7+ Vines magically sprout and entangle the target preventing them from moving. Range of 16” Target unit may not move until it has killed the vines, vines have wounds equal to double the casting result and toughness 2, unit hits automatically. Unit benefits from soft cove. If the unit routs, it may continue to make attacks against the vines, but may not move until the vines have all been hacked. In close combat, the player may choose how to allocate attacks, either against the vines or the enemy. Visible, summon.

6 Stampede 15+ The enemy beast rush like a river into their own ranks, drowning all in their path with their feet. Target an enemy cavalry unit within 18” of the caster. Unit takes a Cl test based on the mount’s Cl value. If they fail they immediately rout. The unit may rout through any unit on its way to the nearest table edge/safety. Any unit run through by the cavalry is attacked by each of the mounts that moved through the unit. Sorcery

3 Sleeping Spores 7+ Magical fungal spores erupt from the humus in the forest causing all those nearby to sleep at the most inopportune time. Target a forest within 10”. Every unit within 2D6” of that forest falls asleep for D3 turns known only by GM. Visible, enchantment

4 Murder in the Skies 7+ The Sky is filled with crows that descend upon the enemy picking off weak stragglers. Place a crow swarm(s) within 3” of the caster of total wounds equal to the casting result. The caster may adopt crow form and lead the swarm. Visible when initially cast, summon.

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Green Mighty Lore

1 Magical Coat 7+ The animals are far more attuned to the rhythm of the land than their “rational” and overthinking bipedal cousins. The unit gains a coat of fur based on the season. May be cast before the battle. Visible, summon Winter: Whilst the spell lasts, the caster and the unit he/she is with are immune to any cold/ice/snow spells and effects (except LOS modifiers). This spell is Visible. The unit benefits from a -1 to hit at range if they are in a snow drift. Summer: Whilst the spell lasts, the caster and the unit he/she is with are immune to any light, fire, or heat negative effects. This spell is Visible. Spring: Whilst the spell lasts, the caster and the unit he/she is with are immune to any Plant or water spells or effects (except LOS modifiers). This spell is Visible. Fall: Whilst the spell lasts, the caster and the unit he/she is with are immune to any disease, death, wind, and poison spells and effects (except LOS modifiers). This spell is Visible.

2 Bear Form 8+ The caster is transformed into a bear. Visible, Sorcery.

4 Thorn armor 9+ Ow! That’s pointy! Cast on the caster and the unit he/she is with. Lasts D3 turns known only to the GM. Whenever a model in the unit is struck in hand-to-hand, the striking model takes a 1 Strength hit, toxin S1. Visible, enchantment.

5 Hazy Moor 15+ The Fog of War! Create a fog across the entire battlefield. Each unit must pass an Int test or be within 4” of a terrain piece; otherwise it moves 2DM in a random direction. LOS for all units is reduced to 4”. Lasts D2 turns known only to the GM. Visible summon

6 Wolf’s Instinct 12+ Your forces are imbued with the instinct of the wolf, their eyes fill with the predatory fire of the wolf. They surge forward. Cast on a cavalry, chariot, swarm, or monster within the caster’s awareness 15”. The owner of that unit chooses an enemy unit that would normally be an acceptable target to charge. During the charge phase that unit must declare a charge against the designated unit. The unit may add an additional 2dM to its charge distance. Note that both units are targeted for the purposes of magic user awareness. Not visible. Sorcery

3 Dragon Debate 10+ Dragons and many other beings of great age eagerly enjoy engaging in the back and forth banter of a strong debate May be Cast on a dragon, Chimera, Griffon, Hippogriff, Hydra, Great Stag, Manticore, Lamasu, Taurus or Wyvern within 10” and even close combat. You and the owner of target creature both roll a D6 and add the result to the Int of their respective creature. Whoever’s result is higher wins. A winning creature gains hatred against the caster. If the caster wins, he/she gains control of the beast which turns upon its rider. The rider hits the beast on a +1 though strikes last regardless of initiative order for the first turn. instant Page 8 of 26

Red Minor Lore

1 Fireball 5+ The caster conjures a fireball in his/her hand and flings it at the enemy Place a 1” radius template anywhere within 24” and LOS. Then roll to hit using the caster’s BS including any to hit modifiers. If the Caster’s misses scatter the template in a random direction a number of inches equal to twice how much the caster missed by. Any models under the template (even partially) are hit and take a strength 4 hit. Buildings and flammable targets take D4 hits. Visible, instant.

2 Searing Metal 4+ Heating the metal of the enemy, the caster cooks him/her alive ironically in their own protective gear A single model within the caster’s awareness takes a single hit of strength equal to its total armor thickness, no armor save. Instant.

3 Crushing Grip 4+ The caster snatches an item away from the enemy and snaps it in half or bends it, rendering it useless. Cast upon him/herself. During one following round of combat the caster may make an additional roll to hit at a -1 to hit. If he/she hits she may destroy one known item (including magic items) carried by the target model. Enchantment.

4 Get Back Here! 6+ I wish I could fly. I can’t. So neither shall you! Target a unit of flyers within 24” and LOS. That unit loses flying for the turn and plummets to the ground. (See rules for falling in main rule book) Instant.

5 Provoke 8+ Your caster or the men near him jeer at the enemy provoking them to attack. Target an enemy unit within 12” and LOS. The unit must pass a Cl-2 test or charge during the movement phase if it is within 2M of an enemy or move at least M” directly toward the enemy. If armed with missile weapons, it will use them instead of moving. Visible, Sorcery.

6 Wall of Flame 10+ The caster traces out a line on the ground that blazes aflame. A tall wall of flame thrusts out of the ground. Create a flame wall of length equal to the casting value minus the threshold. The wall must be straight and completely contained within 14”. If the template is placed on a model the model takes a 3 strength hit and the unit is allowed to make an immediate move (not charge) to escape from the wall. No model may end its move on a flame wall. Any model that crosses a wall of flame automatically sustains a 3 strength hit. The move to escape from the wall is then subtracted out of the next movement phase’s movement value of the unit. The wall blocks line of sight in the same manner as skirmishers. Lasts until end of turn. Visible, summon.

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Red Mighty Lore

1 Fissure 5+

two units may immediately fight another round of combat. Not Visible. Sorcery.

The caster splits the earth before him, creating a massive fissure. The fissure extends the casting value minus the threshold inches in a straight line in LOS from the caster. Any model touched by the fissure must take an i test. Any model that fails plummets to their death. Any following turns the fissure remains in play as an impassable obstacle. The fissure may be dispelled and closed back up. Any building section touched by the fissure collapses. Visible, Sorcery.

4 Rain of Fire 8+

2 Corrosion 9+

5 Ember Gust 8+

The Caster causes the enemies battle gear to rust at an extraordinary rate. Target a unit within 24” and LOS. In D3 turns known only to the GM each article of armor loses 1 thickness, and any weapons become improvised in addition to their normal rules, unless they are made of stone, gold, or wood (Shields). Additionally, cavalry are further affected by -2 movement, and -1 Ld to represent the stirrups and bit rusting apart. Chariots and War machines are destroyed once the effect takes place. Visible, Sorcery.

A storm of small embers flows across the battle field, singeing exposed flesh and causing soldiers to cover their eyes. Choose a direction. Any model within twice the difference of the casting value minus the threshold inches, takes a 1S hit with a 5+ hide save (noting directionality of shields). Additionally, any model facing against the wind suffers from a minus 1 to hit. Visible, Sorcery.

3 Rampage 8+

Fire descends from the sky obliterating many of those in its path. The Caster summons fire so numerous it fills the sky. Place X 1” radius templates in the same location and within 24” and LOS, scattering each 2DX” where X equals the casting value minus the threshold. Any model partially covered takes a 3St hit. Any model directly under the center of a template takes a 6S hit causing D3 wounds. Visible. Sorcery.

6 Burning Hatred 9+ Target a unit within the caster’s awareness 18”. That unit gains hatred of a foe of your choice and fire attacks. Visible, Instant.

Your soldiers unleash their fury and bloodlust upon the enemy, driving themselves further then normally possible and driving the enemy back if they have the nerve to survive the initial onslaught Cast on a unit within Ld”. If in the following close combat phase that unit wins a combat and the opposing unit does not break, the Page 10 of 26

Blue Minor Lore

1 Crushing Wave 7+ The caster causes the nearby water to rise and come crashing down upon the nearby enemy. Place a square template of X” width and 2X” length that causes strength X hits with no armor save, where X equals the casting result minus the threshold to a maximum of 5. The template must be placed such that the entire longer side is touching or in a water terrain feature. The water feature that the wave comes from must be in LOS and 8”of the caster. Visible. Instant.

2 Teleport 5+ Woomp! Gone… Poomf! Back. If cast successfully, you may place the mage anywhere on the board within his/her LOS, including base contact with the enemy (the caster and the enemy roll a D6 and add it to their i whoever is highest counts as charging and may strike first.) If unsuccessful/dispelled or miscast, scatter the position of the mage with a scatter die and a D20. Visible. Instant.

3 Twitch 3+ The caster produces a series of short but distracting twitches in the enemy ranks. Target unit, within 36” and LOS of the caster, counts as having moved during its next turn. Not Visible.

4 Thinking Out Loud 7+

back of units but must inform the GM of any movement and loses LOS when not in the front. May be cast before the battle. 2. Enemy: The Caster takes on the appearance of the enemy. The illusion lasts until the caster visibly harms the enemy or the illusion is dispelled. Otherwise, the enemy may not target the caster. An enemy magic user must be able to see the caster and pass an Int test first before attempting to dispell the illusion. If cast before the battle the caster may deploy in the enemies army in a manner comparable to an assassin. 3. Self: the caster summons two illusions of her/himself placed in base contact that are indistinguishable from the caster. Only the Player and the Gm know which one is the caster. Or the three versions of the caster are deployed before the battle if the spell is cast before the battle. 4. Same: cast before the battle, up to three characters have the same appearance. The illusions are removed when they are dispelled or the enemy comes into physical contact with them

6 War Gills 7+ Gills flap open on the necks of your warriors and they are able to breath underwater. Target the caster and/or the unit he/she is with. The unit may breathe underwater or foreign atmospheres for the next D8 turns known by the GM starting when the unit enters water. May be cast before the battle. Not Visible, until the unit walks underwater. Enchantment.

Everyone’s minds are filled with the ceaseless mind banter of the caster Every model/unit within 2int” suffers from stupidity.

5 Illusionary Disguise 7+ Sorcery. Choose one of the follow options 1. Other: The Caster takes on the appearance of any other model in its respective army. The Illusion ends if the caster comes in base contact with the enemy. For all intents and purposes the caster causes any psychological reactions due to his/her appearance like the creature he/she is copying e.g. fear. The caster may hide in the Page 11 of 26

Blue Mighty Lore

1 Illusionary Forces 10+ Sorcery. Choose one of the follow 1. New forces: Create 10 times the casting value minus the threshold points worth of illusionary troops available to your army. E.G. a casting value of 16 would yield an illusionary unit of 20 3pt goblins. May be cast before the battle and deployed as if a normal unit (can’t be advance force unless the mage is in an advance force). Or placed within 3” of the caster. 2. Duplicate: Create an illusionary copy of a regiment in your army within 6” of the Caster. Place the new illusions and the former regiment such that both occupy roughly half of the original units foot print. Write down or tell the GM which unit is the illusion and which is the original unit (the original models could become the illusion.) Is Visible and may be cast before the game (in which case they can be deployed separately).

2 Illusionary Terrain 9+ May be cast before the battle. You may have the GM place an additional piece of terrain of your choice where you see fit while setting up the table or during the game within 6” of the caster. The illusion disappears if dispelled or a model comes into base contact with it. Terrain choices may not have a foot print greater than 1’x1’ unless they are a river in which case they are limited to a single quadrant of the table. Sorcery.

3 Lord of Rain 7+ Click! Nothing. Fredrick’s powder failed to ignite and the advancing elves were but paces away. Target any location within the caster’s awareness. Any unit with a majority of its models within X” of that location is affected. X=Casting result-threshold. Affected units act as if they were encumbered by an additional armor save, additionally they have a -1 to hit with all ranged weapons and a non-cumulative 1 for black powder weapons this lasts for the rest of the game as the powder is permanently moist. Units also suffer from a -1 Initiative until out of the rain. The spell also creates shade and alleviates the effects of hot weather within the area. Visible. Channel.

4 Mental Duel 7+ Target a magic user that your caster is aware of. Both magic users fight a duel substituting the following stats Magic level for WS, Int for S, WP for T, and magic level for W. The mages alternate striking blows in initiative order until one of them emerges victorious. The loser of the duel loses their magical capabilities, the victor walks away with whatever magical powers were not destroyed in the duel. Instant.

5 Spatial Distortion 6+ The world around the caster becomes warped and distorted, distances widening and shortening. This spell has an effect radius equal to the casting value minus the threshold. Any distance measurement that passes through this radius of affect is randomized Roll a die with sides equal to twice the measured distance within the realm of influence to determine its distorted distance. Visible, Channel o Declare charge, then roll to determine the new move distance of the unit o Movement, roll to determine the distance traveled of the unit o Warmachines with guessed distances have their guess distance randomized in this fashion as well. Scatter and bounce distances are also distorted. o Missile spells, declare all targets, then roll to determine the range of their weapons o Casting distances are also randomized after declaring and after possible dispelling.

6 Realize 20+ Target an illusion within the caster’s awareness and LOS. It ceases to be an illusion and is treated as a material version of itself. Illusions of a spell caster become physical having the same stats as the caster but not his/her knowledge of spells. If the illusion is a magic user with the illusion as another creature, that magic user becomes that creature with its respective stats but may not cast spells. Not Visible, Enchantment.

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Black Minor Lore

1 Vermintide 5+ Rats! Summon a swarm of rats within 3” of the caster with total wounds equal to the casting value minus the threshold. Visible while casting. Summon.

2 Possession 7+ The caster temporarily weakens the boundaries between worlds allowing a spirit from beyond the grave to attempt to enter an unsuspecting foe. Target a model within 12”. The model takes a Wp test, rolled by the Gm in secret. If the model fails it comes under the control of the GM. The possession is not known to the model’s owner unless it falls within the 6” of their magic user. Not Visible. Sorcery.

3 Crippling Weakness 7+ The caster saps the strength out of the enemy. Target an enemy unit within12” and LOS, that unit loses 1 Strength for D2 turns known by the GM. Is Visible. Enchanment.

of the graveyard take a panic test as if they were afraid of skeletons. The number of skeletons raised cannot exceed an unannounced and predetermined number by the GM. Visible. The skeletons may be dispelled at a later time, destroying them. Summon. Roll a D6 to determine the skeletons’ gear (and any further skeletons raised from this same graveyard.) 1 Improvised weapon 2 Handweapon 3 short bow, improvised weapon 4 hand weapon shield 5 light armor or shield, pike, halberd, or spear 6 heavy armor, large shield, morning star

6 Chill of fear 9+ The unit’s minds are wracked by fear and uncertainty, their once optimistic spirits feel a chill course through them. Target unit within 16” and LOS. The unit must take a WP test. If they pass all is well. If they fail, every unit causes fear to them. Where they already cause fear, they cause fear 3”. Not Visible. Enchantment.

4 Death! 4+ The mage brings sudden and unavoidable death upon a single unfortunate soul. Target an enemy unit with the caster’s awareness and LOS. One model, randomized as per shooting must pass a WP - (Caster’s WP -7) test or die. No armor saves allowed. This spell can only target cavalry or smaller models. Visible. Instant.

5 Replenish the Ranks 7+ Rather than let them rest in peace, the caster assembles the dead anew to fight again. Cast on an undead regiment, it regains the casting value minus the threshold wounds, but may not exceed its original number.Visible. Alternatively it may be cast upon a graveyard. Place the casting value minus the threshold skeletons within the graveyard in the following turn. Models that would normally be caused fear by skeletons and within 4” Page 13 of 26

Black Mighty Lore

1 Agonizing Memory 9+ The caster makes the deaths of their comrades linger on the enemies’ minds. Target a unit within the caster’s awareness and in hand-to-hand combat. The unit must pass a WP or when determining combat resolution, include any wounds the unit had suffered throughout the span of the game. Not Visible. Sorcery.

5 Day of the Living Dead 14+ Everywhere around them on the battlefield where a soldier was struck down, they soon arose again. Any man sized model that dies this turn(excluding undead models) is immediately replaced by a zombie with the equivalent gear. Where able, they form into units. Where two or more regiments are fighting, place the zombies on the flank of the opposing regiment. This spell continues until dispelled. Not Visible until a model rises from the dead. Channel.

2 Hand of Dust 9+ Death isn’t the end. Target a single model within 16”. Each player rolls a die. If the caster wins the model suffers the difference in the results wounds but may not gain wounds. If the model dies it is replaced by a wraith. The caster and the target take a WP test. Compare how much either passed or failed their test, he/she who did the best gains control of the wraith. In the event of a tie the model retains control of itself. Visible. Sorcery.

6 Reaping Scythe 5+ The Caster conjures a large magical scythe to appear in his/her hands. The scythe may be used once in a round of combat. In combat the caster may automatically cause one hit against each enemy in base contact as if from a great weapon. Visible. Summon

3 Power Of Darkness 5+ Grabbing the quivering soldier next to her “You are more useful to me dead than alive.” The caster can inflict any number of wounds on him/herself and/or the unit he/she is with. The caster gains Xd2 magic dice. Where X equals the number of wounds inflicted on the caster and the unit. Can cause panic. Undead models killed in this fashion made not be returned with Replenish the ranks. Visible. Instant.

4 Cursed Knowledge 4+ The caster’s mind is rent open; knowledge entering from sources unknown but at a terrible cost. Choose a spell that the caster knows, remove that spell from the caster’s knowledge, then roll to determine the new spell (from amongst the lores already available to the caster,) it can’t be the same one that was just removed nor one that is already known. The caster takes a 5 Strength hit. Not Visible. Does not cause instant death. Sorcery.

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White Minor Lore

1 Judgment 4+ Woe unto ye, vile beasts! Cast on an enemy unit within the caster’s awareness. That unit counts as Chaotic evil. Not Visible. Instant.

2 New Covenant 5+ And verily it was so. None could reverse it. The next spell cast by the caster that has remains in play effects cannot be dispelled in subsequent turns. Not Visible. Instant.

3 Hearth and Hold 7+ The caster instills a sense of discipline and duty allowing them to hold their ground. Target the caster and the unit he/she is with may reroll the next panic test that they fail; against chaotic enemies they automatically pass. Additionally the unit will maintain ranks, even if charged in the flank or otherwise unformed. Not Visible. Sorcery.

4 Blessing 7+ The target unit gets +1 to hit in melee and +1 when rolling to wound, against chaotic or evil beings. Not Visible. Multiples of this spell have no additive effect. May be cast before the game. Enchantment.

5 Hammer of Righteousness 5+ Cast upon the caster himself, a glowing gavel of steel manifests in her/his hands (great weapon). The Caster bashes the foe, striking their very moral fiber. Any model struck by the caster must past a Ld test or die. If they pass, roll to wound as normal. Is Visible. Summon.

6 Shield of Chivalry 7+ A knight has no greater protection than his own resolve… that and a sturdy shield. Cast on the caster and the unit he is with. They gain a 5+ ward save against ranged weapons so long as they have a shield. Visible. Enchantment.

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White Mighty Lore

1 Restoring Natural Law 10+ The caster restores the immediate area around him to its natural state. Dispel any spell affects within the casting value minus the threshold inches of the caster. All chaos and undead models in the radius take a S2 Hit no armor save. Visible. Sorcery.

2 Dutiful Sacrifice 8+ The caster is able to impart volition to the soldiers to do what they have to, for the sake of the greater good. You may cast this spell on a unit within 6” of the caster. The next time the unit would flee, voluntarily withdraw or rout, 2D4 or less if you desire, random models remain and fight the enemy, buying time for their comrades’ safe retreat. Not Visible. Instant.

3 Heavenly Banner 10+ A standard descends from above into the destined models hands. Cast on a single non-monster rank and file model in base contact with the caster excluding him/herself. The Banner generates light illuminating everything in LOS of the unit with a 360 LOS. The Model and the unit he/she is with causes fear to Chaotic and evil enemies. In close combat any evil or chaotic model in base contact with the bearer hits on a -1 due to the intense light. As soon as the model bearing the banner perishes, the banner vanishes. This spell may be cast before the battle. For all of intents and purposes this banner acts as the army’s battle standard, if your army already has a battle standard, it becomes a regular standard with magical properties if it has them and regains being the army’s battle standard when the other standard is dispelled or the other bearer dies. Only one heavenly banner may be in play at a time. Summon

opponent gains victory points instead. Visible. Instant.

5 Angelic Assault 12+ Cast on the caster and/or the unit he/she is with. That unit sprouts translucent wings, every model in the unit gains a fly speed equal to the greatest Ld in the unit (including modifiers that would put it over 10.) Additionally the unit gains a 6+ ward save and hate chaos and undead models. The unit does not resort to skirmishing. At the beginning of each compulsory phase the unit must pass a Ld test or the effect ends. Visible. Enchantment

6 Saving Grace 12+ The caster strives with all his ability to save the lives of his comrades. Calling upon divine intervention to divert blades, dash arrows from the sky and toss aside magical missile. During the following turn, the casting value minus the threshold wounds are discounted from the unit the caster is in. That is, if a model were to be killed and removed as a casualty instead that model stays alive and may make attacks back as normal. Such prevented wounds do not count toward combat resolution. Not Visible until a model is saved in the above fashion. Channel.

4 Light of Oblivion 6+ What giant? Target a single model within the Casters’ awareness. Remove that model as a casualty. You gain no victory points for its removal, your Page 16 of 26

Fusion Lores Green-Red Minor Lore

1 Move Through stone 5+ The Caster begins to magically scoop his/her way through solid stone, each wave of his/her hand making the stone vanish. The caster may move at half rate through any earth/sand/stone feature, leaving a model sized path through it. The caster may dispel the spell at will, killing any model in a tunnel he/she created. This spell may be cast before the battle, allowing the caster to enter the field underground. Underground movement need not be made known to the opponent, but must be shared with the GM. Cavalry cannot go into the tunnel. Not Visible, until the caster begins to move through stone. Enchantment.

2 Head-butt 4+ Thunk! Ow! Target a single model within 24” of the caster. That model takes a S5 hit with no armor Save. The Caster takes a S3 hit no armor save. Not Visible. Instant

3 Innate Strength 8+ Cast on an enemy unit 16” of the caster and LOS. Each model is attacked by a ghostly appearance making a single attack at the base WS and S of the Caster’s race’s base values. Visible. Sorcery

Green-Red Mighty Lore

1 Surging forward 8+ Get em!! Every unit within the casting value minus the threshold inches immediately moves 2DM toward the nearest enemy regiment ignoring maneuver penalties. Any regiment that makes it into base contact with an enemy counts as having charged. This spell is Visible. Sorcery

2 Stomping Tantrum 13+ The Caster channels his/her childlike destruction to break things, stomping the ground in mimicry of the spell’s intent. Place a 1” radius template anywhere within a unit within caster’s LOS. Every model touched by the template takes a S6 hit. Such is the concussive nature of the stomp that the unit loses 2i and 2M for the remainder of the turn. After each stomp has been resolved, roll a die. 1-2, the caster has become over enthused with his/her stomping and crushed the wrong thing, the enemy places a mighty stomp wherever they like within LOS of the Caster and not on top of him. The Stomping then ceases and the mage loses 1 Ld due to his/her embarrassment. 3, the caster stops and gets bored. 4-6, you may place another stomp and then roll again. Sorcery, the spell becomes visible after the first stomp

3 Advance of stone 4+ Cast on any rocky feature within 8” of the caster. Move the feature in any direction such that its displacement equals the casting value minus the threshold square inches. To determine displacement measure the dimension of the terrain piece that is tangent to the direction it is being moved, round this number down to the nearest inch. Then move the terrain piece in the direction it is being moved until the tangent measurement times the distance moved equals the casting value minus the threshold. Any model in the feature’s path must pass an i test or take a hit equal to the total distance moved. Visible. Instant

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Green-Blue Minor Lore

1 Flood Plain 6+ The floods weren’t meant to come for another 3 months. The caster causes one water feature within 6 inches to rise and flood the surrounding land. Any model within 4” of the water feature moves at half rate and loses ranks due to slipping in the mud or wading. The flooding and mud lasts for D6 turns known to the GM. Visible. Enchantment

2 Engulfing Fog 8+ The caster conjures the thickest pocket of fog she/he can. Eyesight is nebulous at best. Place a 6” radius fog on the caster. The fog completely blocks LOS. Any unit completely within the fog suffers from stupidity. Any unit that routs within the fog takes double free hacks due to the added chaos and flees in a random direction out of the fog. Units may move to engage within the fog, but may not charge. Visible. Channeling

may move as normal(but are march blocked) and make attacks against the pixies. Pixies stay engaged with the target unit at all costs. In the event that the target unit breaks, the Pixies get bored and are removed from play. Visible, Summon

3 Split in Two 7+ Cast on a single model within 12” of the caster. The model is magically split into two smaller versions of itself. Replace the target model with two smaller copies each with stats equal to half the original model rounded up except movement which remains unchanged. Chariots become two chariots, splitting the unmodified crew evenly onto each along with the animals; place each on a giant platform. War machines become two smaller war machines each with half the range and strength. Models on giant platforms are replaced with two troll platforms. Models on troll platforms go to orc platforms. Cavalry to orc platforms. Orc platforms to man platforms. Man platforms are unchanged. Swarms stay on troll platforms and retain their original wounds. In duels both halves may accept the challenge together. Is Visible. Sorcery.

3 Tortoise Form 7+ The slow and steady survive the war. Cast on the Caster and the unit he/she is with. The unit moves at 1/2 rate, gains +3 armor coverage of shield thickness but loses 4i. Visible. Enchantment Green-Blue Mighty Lore

1 Howling Wind 8+ A fierce howling wind swooshes around the caster. Any ranged weapon of S3 or less passing through a 6” radius of the caster suffers a -2 to hit. All units within the radius don’t benefit from musicians as the wind drowns out the noise. Visible.Instant. Negates the effects of fog within the 6” radius.

2 Mischievous Pixies 8+ Cast on an enemy unit within 18” of the Caster. Place the casting value minus the threshold pixies in base contact with the target unit. For the first round the pixies count as having charged. Considering their nuisance like presence, a unit fighting pixies Page 18 of 26

Green-Black Minor Lore

1 Pestilent breath 8+ Place the breath template at the mouth of the caster covering as many foes as possible. Any model even partially covered, is hit. Any model hit has a 2S toxin. Visible Sorcery

2 Black Mold 7+ Target a wooden target (most buildings, chariots, warmachines, treemen etc) within 24” and LOS, it must pass a WP test (buildings and warmachines have a wp of 0, and automatically fail) or becomes T4. If it is a building, every turn each model in it takes a 1S hit no armor save from breathing in the spores. The GM need not mention the source. Not Visible, Enchantment

3 Flies and stench 6+ Target a friendly unit within the caster’s awareness and 12”. Enemies striking the regiment in hand to hand suffers a -1 to hit modifier. The flies stick around for D2 turns until swarming a carcass or otherwise leaving. Visible.Enchantment

Green-Black Mighty Lore

1 Whither 10+ Cast on an enemy unit within 18”. That unit loses 1T for D3 turns known by the GM. Visible, Enchantment

2 Plague Wind 14+ Target an enemy unit within 15” of the caster. That unit takes 7, 3 strength hits no armor save. Place as many wounds worth of beasts of Nurgle as the unit suffers on the same side as the caster. The regiment may make one round of free hacks against the beasts unless they panic. Visible. Sorcery

3 Plague 12+ Cast on an enemy model within 12 inches. That model takes a single S6 hit no armor save. If that model suffers a wound the next closest model within 4” (including friendly models) then takes a S6 hit no armor save. Repeat this process until a model does not take a wound. No model can be targeted more than once by plague in a single game. Visible. Sorcery.

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Green-White Minor Lore

Green-White Mighty Lore

1 Immunity to poison 6+

1 Field of Wild Flowers 7+

Target the caster and/or the unit he/she is with. That unit is immune to poison and plague effects. Not Visible. Enchantment.

The Caster causes a field of small wild flowers to bloom reminding your forces of the good that yet remains in the world. Select an 8” diameter portion of the map devoid of any terrain. Any model/unit of good or order disposition in the region gains +1 Ld, Cl, and Wp and is immune to fear. Visible. Enchantment

2 Jaunty Tune 5+ The musician begins to play a lively tune brightening the grim visages of your men, lightening their step. Target a musician in base contact. The unit with the musician gains +1M, +1 Cl and +1 Ld. Visible without LOS due to noise, Enchantment

2 Nature’s serenity 8+ Cast on the caster and the unit he/she is with. In the following close combat phase the unit gains a rank bonus for each natural terrain feature within 14”. Not Visible. Sorcery.

3 Life Celebration 7+ Cast on a single model in 18” of the Caster. If successfully cast the effect lasts for the duration of the game unless dispelled. If the model dies the opponent is not awarded victory points. May be cast before the battle. Not Visible.Enchantment.

3 Object’s impermanence 14+ Target a non-living entity(building, war machine, magic item, mundane gear, chariot, etc) within LOS of the caster and awareness. Destroy that entity. Visible. Sorcery

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Red-Blue Minor Lore

1 Brink 6+ All other spells have their threshold reduced by 2. Including enemy spells until dispelled. Not Visible, until a wizard becomes aware of it because he/she casts a spell when they otherwise would not be able to. Multiples of this spell have no effect. Channel.

2 Gibberish 7+ Declare a target. The caster begins to babble and mutter random noises. The caster casts a random spell, chosen at random from amongst all spells. Not Visible. Sorcery

3 Counter-Intuition 8+

2 Wavering Loyalty 10+ Target an enemy allied or mercenary unit. That unit changes allegiance for the remainder of the turn. Visible. Sorcery

3 Hurricane 14+ The map is engulfed in a massive twisting hurricane. All move values are halved. All fires are put out. Black powder weapons get wet and suffer a -1 to hit for the remainder of the game but may not misfire. Flyers take a Wp test. If they pass they are able to land. If they fail they take a D6 S hit and scatter where they land with a D20. No flying may take place whilst the hurricane lasts. No missile fire below strength 5 may take place. All buildings take a S7 hit every turn. The Hurricane lasts for D4 Turns known by the GM. Visible Channel

Cast on a unit within 12” of the caster any rolls to hit or wound either at range or in close combat are reversed. That is, misses become hits and hits become misses. Not Visible until something weird happens. Sorcery.

Red-Blue Mighty Lore

1 Warping Touch of Tzeentch 12+ Cast on a unit within 12” and LOS of caster. The unit takes 9 WP tests. For each failed test a model is replaced with a chaos horror under the control of the GM. The regiment may make 1 round of free hacks against the new horrors as they take form assuming they don’t panic. Visible. Sorcery.

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Red-Black Minor Lore

1 Ravaging Havoc 6+ Target a friendly unit within 12” of the general and the caster. That unit gains hatred of the enemy and +1A. Each turn, during the magic phase, each model in that unit takes a S2 hit with no armor save. This spell may not be willingly ended, but must be dispelled. Visible. Enchantment

2 Rend Head 6+ Cast upon the mage him/herself. In the following close combat phase the caster may attempt to rip the head off of his/her opponent. The caster strikes with a -2i modifier with his/her bare hands (-2 to hit) and makes a single attack. If the attack lands it deals a S7 hit with heroic killing blow and no armor save. If the model takes a wound it is killed outright. Not Visible. Enchantment

3 Warp Lightning 9+

placed directly over the caster. Creatures of evil or chaotic disposition take a S1 hit no armor save, and suffer a -1 to hit and initiative. Creatures of good or neutral disposition suffer a S2 hit no armor save and a -1 to hit, initiative, and Leadership and Coolness. Visible Sorcery

2 Dread 8+ Cast upon the caster and the unit he/she is with. The unit gains fear. If they already caused fear, then they gain +6” to their fear radius. Visible Enchantment

3 Flesh Rending 8+ Target a unit within 8” but not the one the caster is in. Each model in that unit takes a S2 no armor save hit. In the next close combat phase, that unit may reroll any failed to wound rolls. The unit causes fear and has autofrenzy until end of turn. Visible Enchantment

A bolt of warp energy shoots out of the caster’s outstretched arm, striking the target with malevolent energy. Target an enemy unit within 28” and LOS. That unit suffers D6 S5 hits and gains D3-1 chaos attributes. The caster, having the warp energy course through them also gets mutated gaining an automatic chaos attribute. Visible. Instant. Red-Black Mighty Lore

1 Cloud of Ash 8+ A cloud of ash and noxious fumes spews forth from the caster’s staff. Create a template of radius equal to the casting value minus the threshold inches Page 22 of 26

Red-White Minor Lore

Red-White Mighty Lore

1 Funeral Pyre 9+

1 Curse of Arrow Attraction 6+

Cast on a hero model within Ld” of the caster. When that model dies, each model in base contact takes a S3 flaming hit. The enemy scores no victory points for the model’s death. May be cast before the game. Not Visible. Enchantment

All arrows (bolt throwers, crossbows, repeating crossbows, bows etc) that could pass with in x” of the afflicted unit are redirected against the afflicted unit. Roll to hit as if shooting the original target. X equals the casting value minus the threshold. Remains in play until dispelled. The spell is only Visible once its effects take place. Enchantment

2 Forked Lightning 6+ The spell creates a strength hit equal to the casting value minus the threshold. You may divide up the total S into “bolts (must be plural)” of any value. Determine the closest enemy models in the same number as there are bolts and 18” and LOS. Randomly allocate the bolts amongst the targets. Where there are fewer valid targets than bolts, randomly allocate the extra bolts amongst targets already hit. There is no armor save against the forked lightning. Visible. Instant Example: casting value of 16, results in a total strength of 10. The caster decides to divide this into two bolts, one of S7 and the other S3. These two bolts are randomized between the two closest enemy models.

2 Parry and Riposte 8+ Cast on a friendly unit within 12” of both the caster and the General. In the following close combat phase, for each attack directed at a model in the unit that misses, that model may make a free attack. Not Visible.Sorcery

3 Flames of the Phoenix 9+ Target an enemy unit within18”. That unit takes the casting value minus the threshold S3 hits each turn until the spell is ended by the caster or dispelled. The caster may not cast any other spells while this spell remains in effect. Visible. Channel

3 Steel of the Forge 6+ Target a friendly unit within Ld” that unit gains additional light armor. Multiples of this spell stack and contribute to encumbrance. Visible. Enchantment

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Blue-Black Minor Lore

Blue-Black Mighty Lore

1 Torpor Dust 4+

1 Delicious excruciations 14+

The caster summons a handful of lethargy inducing dust. Treat this as a thrown weapon with range 2” that may always stand and fire without penalty. Rather than inflicting harm, this dust reduces the target’s strength, initiative and WS by D3(to a min. of 1). May target specific models without penalty. Not Visible. Summon

Some people delight in every experience of life, even the prospect of certain death. Target unit within the caster’s awreness and LOS immediately becomes unbreakable until end of turn. Not Visible. Enchantment

2 Glacial barrier 9+ 2 Freeze Water 5+ Target a water feature in base contact with the caster. The water feature now becomes open ground, except that any unit wishing to cross it must pass an I test or treat it as difficult terrain and becomes unformed. Models swimming or walking in the feature when it is frozen must pass an S test or perish attempting to break out of the ice. Visible. Enchantment

3 Interrogation 5+ Target a single model the caster is aware of. That model takes a S3 hit no armor and must pass a WP test or truthfully answer 1 question. Only lvl 3 or higher models have knowledge about things outside of their regiment. Not Visible. Sorcery

Place a wall of ice of length and wounds equal to the casting value minus the threshold inches. The wall has 6 toughness and is destroyed if it takes a single wound from a flaming weapon. Must be placed in LOS and awareness. It blocks line of sight. Visible. Summon

3 Ice Storm 9+ Target a point within LOS and 12” determine the target point before rolling to cast. Every model within the casting value minus the threshold inches takes a 2S hit, loses 1 Bs for the turn, and limits LOS to 10”. Flyers in the radius are grounded and must walk. Visible. Sorcery

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Blue-White Minor lore

Blue-White Mighty Lore

1 Walk between worlds 5+

1 Drain Magic 12+

The caster becomes ethereal until the end of the turn, able to pass through obstacles without penalty. Visible. Enchantment

Target a magic user, daemon, ethereal, or undead model in the caster’s awareness. That model must pass a WP test or have all of its magical energies rent from its form. Magic users failing lose all of their casting abilities. Daemons, ethereal and undead creatures are killed flat out. Visible. Sorcery.

2 The Great Fisher’s Net 9+ Cast on a single unit within 8” of the Caster. The Caster casts a vast semi-ethereal net over the unit, entangling them. The unit may not move during the movement phase and loses D3 Ws to a min of 1. Visible. Sorcery.

3 Portent of Insight 9+ The Caster’s mind’s eye fills with visions of possibilities of the future. You gain the casting value minus the threshold re-rolls this turn within Ld”. Not Visible. Alternatively, this spell may also be used to ascertain specific information known by the GM about the future, especially the duration of a spell or weather effects. Sorcery.

2 Fortune 17+ Target the Caster and the unit he/she is with. That unit becomes exceptionally lucky. You may reroll each die result once relating to models in that unit. Stays in play. Not Visible until rerolls take place and a wizard is aware of the models affected. Enchantment

3 Desperate Plea 14+ Your caster Pleads for the salvation of his/her cause. You may only cast this spell when the majority of your army has perished and your enemy outnumbers you. If successfully cast you may cast any white or blue-white spell as if it were cast from anywhere upon the board, this latter spell cannot be dispelled. For calculating the new spell’s casting value, apply the casting value from this spell. Not Visible. Sorcery.

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White-Black Minor Lore

White-Black Mighty Lore

1 Haunt 7+

1 Edict of Control 10+

Target a building within LOS of the caster. Place D4 ghosts that are bound to the premises of the building but will attack any living creature that enters. Not Visible. Summon

Name a spell, that spell may not be cast so long as Edict of Control remains in play. Visible. Enchantment (Note that casting multiples of this spell suffers from the cumulative casting cost)

2 Censor thoughts 9+

2 Blood for Blood 8+

Target a wizard within 10”. Target magic user reveals his/her spell repertoire, choose one spell to be removed until end of turn. Not Visible. Instant

Sacrifice X models in the unit the caster is in. Target unit 12” and LOS suffers the same number of wounds. Visible. Sorcery

3 Will to Command 8+

3 Zone of Nullification 11+

Target a spirit or daemon within the awareness of the caster. The caster and the daemon roll a D6 and add the result to their WP. If the caster is higher he/she gains control of the spirit/daemon for a number of turns equal the difference in results. Not Visible. Sorcery.

All magic within X” is nullified and all models within that radius are immune to magic, where X equals the casting value minus the threshold. Visible. Channeling.

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