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Astro Wah Lai Toi Channel 311 Every Sunday 9 pm, 8 March - 26 April 2009 每星期日晚上九時,3月8日 - 4月26日2009

Walking the Dragons with Joey Yap TV Show 第五集:雍正泰陵 Episode 5 : The Feng Shui of Emperor Yong Zheng’s Tomb 5 April 2009, 9.00 pm

These notes are meant to complement the material and content of the ‘Walking the Dragons with Joey Yap’ TV show on Astro Wah Lai Toi. Use it to help you further understand the principles and techniques explained by Joey during the show. Feel free to print out the notes prior to the show and have them on hand to assist and guide you in understanding the material as you watch the show.

請在觀看‘藏風聚水’電視節目前細讀此筆記。它有助您進一 步了解 Joey 在節目中所提及的各種風水名詞或術語。您也可 以在節目播映前把筆記打印出來以方便了解節目的內容。

The Feng Shui of Shen Yang Food Street 沈陽美食街風水 1.

氣由左流向右 Qi flowing from left to right

右 Right

左 Left 左邊這里的店舖可 以把門口改底一點 ,氣就自然會由對 面流回過來。

氣由左方流入右 方,所以這邊的 的店舖會先收到 氣,生意自然好 過左邊的店舖。

The shops on the left side should attempt to lower the height of their entrances so that Qi can collect in the area, as well as flow easily, from the opposite side.

As the Qi flows from left to right, the shops on the right will automatically receive the Qi first. This is why the business is better for the shops here than the ones located on the left.

2. 反光煞 Glaring Sha

建築物如面對著玻璃或金屬建 築的外牆,會導致在陽光猛烈 時有反光煞的問題。 Buildings with glass or metal sheet facades can often reflect light, especially on a bright sunny day. The buildings can cause problems in terms of Sha Qi by creating what is known as ‘Glare Sha’ for the neighbouring buildings.



All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2009 by Joey Yap.

The Emperor Yong Zheng 雍正

清世宗雍正帝(1678年12月13日—1735年10月8日),姓愛新覺羅,名胤禛,康熙帝 第四子。生於康熙十六年,卒于雍正十三年,死後葬於清西陵中的泰陵。雍正母為康 熙孝恭仁皇后烏雅氏。民間謠傳雍正篡權,更改康熙帝遺詔而繼承皇位。雍正在位時 期,置軍機處加強皇權、火耗歸公與打擊王公官吏腐敗等一系列政策,對康乾盛世的 延續起了重大作用。 The Yong Zheng Emperor (December 13, 1678 - October 8, 1735) was the fourth son of Emperor Kang Xi, and the third Qing emperor to rule over China, from 1722 to 1735. A hard-working ruler, Yong Zheng’s main goal was to create an effective government at minimum expense. Like his father, the Kang Xi Emperor, Yong Zheng used military force in order to preserve the dynasty’s position. Suspected by historians to have usurped the throne, his reign was often called despotic, efficient, and vigorous. Although Yong Zheng’s reign was much shorter than the reigns of both his father, the Kang Xi Emperor, and his son, the Qian Long Emperor, his sudden death was probably brought about by his workload. Yong Zheng continued an era of continued peace and prosperity as he cracked down on corruption and waste, and reformed the financial administration.

清西陵 Western Qing Tombs

崇陵 崇妃陵


泰陵 懷王園寢 昌西陵




阿哥園寢 端王園寢 行宮 公主園寢


昌妃陵 趙公祠


Copyright © 2009 by Joey Yap.

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2009 by Joey Yap.

j o ey y a p . c om


The BaZi Chart for Emperor Yong Zheng 雍正八字

HOUR Direct Officer


Direct Resource Hurting Officer





Yang Water

Yang Fire

Yin Wood

Yang Earth








Yang Wood

Yin Metal

Yang Water

Yang Fire


Earthly Branches




Heavenly Stems



All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2009 by Joey Yap.

The Feng Shui of Emperor Yong Zheng’s Tomb 雍正泰陵 1.

白虎砂長 Long White Tiger

青龍砂短 Short Green Dragon

雍正 Yong Zheng’s Tomb

外水局(關鎖水口) External Water Structure (Locked)

獸蹲向穴 Benovelent Beast Guardians Facing the Meridian Spot


Period Luck 1 一卦運

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2009 by Joey Yap.

j o ey y a p . c om


回到靜安林這裡,你可看到周圍的群巒層疊,羅城緊抱,可真是藏風聚水! You can clearly observe here that Semenyih Memorial Hills is a multiple-layered Spiral City. It is enveloped well by many layers of surrounding mountains, which helps to gather Qi in the area and protect it from strong winds.

Semenyih Memorial Hills 靜安林



All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2009 by Joey Yap.

Feng Shui Tips 風水貼士 1a.


火星 Fire Star 三角形的建築物未必一定不好,除非斜度太高而又尖銳就會 造成問題。 Triangle-shaped buildings are not bad as such, but their interiors should not be too narrow as then the Qi will not be able to gather there. Sharp, steep roofs are considered to have a strong Fire element.

土星 Earth Star 平坦穩定的方形建築物屬土,最適合學府和住家。 此外,在這裡做生意也是不錯的選擇。 A square-shaped building is considered to have the Earth element. As such, it would be good to utilise a building with such a roof for homes and businesses as it denotes a sense of stability and solidity.


1d. 3.

4. 1.



上述的建築形並不會引起任何問題,因為它們個自 都在不同的屋頂下。 A building shaped as above will technically not cause any problems in the long run. The inhabitants of a building complex such as this will not face any internal problems as they are under a different roof for each block.



L形屋子是十分不好的風水。如果將屋子間隔成兩個部分,這 樣屋子看起來就會變成兩間方形屋子,這就不成問題了。 An L-shaped building is generally not very good. However, if the roofs are separated, then there are two blocks of building which will not be a problem.

金星 Metal Star 圓形建築物屬於金星所以並不成問題。 Metal Star buildings will generally not be a problem for the inhabitants, as the Metal Star would make them prosperous.

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2009 by Joey Yap.

j o ey y a p . c om


Feng Shui Tips 風水貼士 2.


The Lonely Mountain Formation


這種樓宇如果太靠近山,當氣沖下來,有個洞就可通氣了。可是如在平地,那就會 形成穿心煞,住在裡面的人就會感覺不安定,甚至會導致家庭分裂。如真要選住這 種樓宇,選擇在洞下半部的單位還算穩定,在橫兩邊也還可以。在上面的單位就很 不穩定了。 If this type of building is located near a mountain, the gap in the building will allow the Qi that rapidly rushes down to go through, and this is fine. If the building is located on flat land, having this gap in the middle is not good, as it will create ‘Piercing Heart Sha.’ Residents in this building will have unstable relations with each other, and families may fall apart. If one has no choice to but to live here, choose the lower level as it is still stable.


Not stable


Not affected

穩定 Stable

4. 白虎

White Tiger

樓宇後方無靠山,左右方和前方的樓宇又不能把它包圍著,因此,這種高層建築將 承受周圍的風煞。 The taller building is generally not in a very good position, as it has no support from any other buildings around to protect it. As such, it will be affected by very strong Wind Sha.


Geen Dragon

這種三合院就像人造青龍白虎,可是中間卻空了像個‘凶‘字。所以最好把它分成 三個屋頂成為三間屋子,那就不成問題了。 This type of house has a man-made Green Dragon and White Tiger formation, but has a missing sector. As such, it would be better to section off the house into areas with three separate roofs because then it would be considered to be three different buildings, and would be unaffected.

Consultation with Joey Yap 服務咨詢: Need to consult a professional practitioner? Book an appointment with Joey or any of our consultants for safe, effective results. 我們的專業風水服務包括以下: • Yin Feng Shui 陰宅風水服務 • Feng Shui 陽宅風水服務 • BaZi 八字服務 • Date Selection 擇日服務 19-3, The Boulevard, Mid Valley City, 59200, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. YAP GLOBAL CONSULTING


Tel : +603-2284-1213 | Fax : +603-2284-2213 | Email : [email protected]


All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2009 by Joey Yap.

Joey’s First-Ever Live Seminar in Cantonese!

14th June 2009 (Sun) 10am - 5pm Plenary Hall, KL Convention Centre. In conjunction with Astro Wah Lai Toi’s New TV Show, ‘Walking The Dragons with Joey Yap’ Premieres March 8th 2009

Get your tickets today! Tel : +603-2284 8080 | Email : [email protected]


Become the Ultimate Practitioner in 4 Days! Your Chance to Study Personally with Joey Yap!

Millions of people in over 30 countries can’t be wrong! Join one of our most acclaimed and recognised Feng Shui and BaZi (Astrology) trainers in the world, Joey Yap, for four days of life-changing transformative lessons. You will never approach your life the same way again. The Feng Shui Mastery Series (Extended Version) and BaZi Mastery Series (Extended Version) hits Kuala Lumpur in April and May 2009, and it promises to be an electrifying, inspiring event that will give you the chance to experience the life you’ve always wanted. Give yourself the opportunity to immerse yourself in the time-tested and powerful techniques of Classical Feng Shui and BaZi under the guidance of a world-class educator! • Revolutionise your approach to life – let go of the old and stale in favour of the fresh and new! • Learn potent, effective techniques in Feng Shui and BaZi as used by Joey Yap himself to great success • Understand the role of Destiny and Luck, and learn to take control of the part YOU play in your life

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

April 25 - 28, 2009

May 1 - 4, 2009

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