Wake Up Call - Bobi Truther

March 24, 2017 | Author: Ile Milevski | Category: N/A
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WAKE UP CALL Bobi Truther


This novel is dedicated to all people who search for the truth. "Who search for The Truth will find it!"



Welcome dear truth seekers. It is a high time you learned the truth. 'What truth?' you might ask. "Truth does not exist" you would say. But is it true? Could it be that truth does not exist or is it just the fact that you have not found it yet? Truth is unknown. How can you claim that something does not exist if you do not know. You are at the right place at the right time. It is about time you found out the naked and pure truth. The naked truth will not be announced on primetime TV for you; it will not be given to you at any elite university in the world; you will not find it in science nor in one of its scientific areas; you will not find it in any volumes of various different literature. It is time to read this little book; a book like you have never read before. It is time you start thinking by yourself, research, explore, read, view, track, analyze. You have spent enough time sleeping, keeping quiet and fulfilling your material needs and desires; it is enough of you being a selfish slave to money and materialism. What worth is it to you when you will end this wretched materialistic and ordinary life just like millions of other people like you will? Where will you take all your riches, cars, apartments, land, resources, gold, silver and who knows what else?!! It is time to wake up. It is time to learn the truth of most of the events that occurred and are still occurring as we speak; it is time to learn the truth about who really rules the world and how we really put ourselves in this


position to be ruled at. What is it that we should do to save ourselves from this situation? How can we increase our awareness? How can we look truth in the eye and learn to accept the absolute truth? It is time you said 'no' to all the lies you have been told, to all the manipulations you have lived through all your life; it is time to say 'no' to all the illusions in which you have sincerely believed; it is time to drop all those lies and manipulations once and for all and go into eternal oblivion. It is time to get rid once and for all of all these manipulations, lies and deceptions. It is time to remove all those false ideologies, false theories and doctrines that only gave horror, war, famine, and death to mankind. It is time to improve our human life. Time to wake up and accept that we are human beings, that we are moral, good and honest people. Time to wake up, my dear friends. For the first time in our lives and for the first time to begin to live this life of ours as humans should. "Wake up!!!"



I opened my eyes and looked at the sun that was just rising. The sunrise was magnificent. The big yellow ball with a few reddish hues filled the sky and ran into the ocean. I enjoyed the view. I was hanging by my feet. You heard it right, I was dangling upside down from the balcony on the penultimate floor of the skyscraper of my Manhattan apartment. My mouth and my face were bleeding from the beating I took from these two gorillas that broke into my apartment tonight. I was lying on my bed with my laptop propped on my chest chatting to my friends on Facebook. Then I heard it. A strong knock on the front door. I instinctively looked at the clock in the bottom right corner of the laptop. It was three fifty after midnight or early morning, if you'd like. "Hmmm! Who's this knocking so late?" I wondered as I got up from my bed intent on solving this mystery. As I opened the door I got a hard blow on my face. I fell down, sprawled on the floor in front of the door. The man who hit me was a stout man with no hair on his head, but wore a white shirt on and a suit. As I scrambled from the sudden attack, the man did not hesitate to come inside my apartment, seize me by my hands, lift me up and strongly press me against the wall in the hallway. After him came another man with a long blond hair and a large bruise on the right side of his face. While the former kept a tight grip on me, the later began to ask questions. "Weren't you told to shut up, Nick? Why don't you listen, Nick?"


"But I do." "Do not 'but' me, Nick. You were warned once already. Why aren't you listening?" "But I've done nothing." "You haven't done anything? Are you sure? What about Miami, Los Angeles and Chicago? What about all those lectures?" "I have not held any lectures." "Hahahaha! So stupid of you, Nick. You did not held them yourself. You paid and trained others to do it for you. You're the manager. You organized them. How crafty are you, Nick? Crafty or stupid? You wanna play games with us, do you? Think us stupid? What? What are we going to do with you, Nick?' "Nothing! Leave me alone." "Leave him alone?'' The blond one said leering. ''Hear, hear!'' "Yes." "But we did, Nick. We left you alone. But you go on and eat shit about us through that organization of yours. Jack does not like it. Neither do we.'' Fitch, the blond one was saying as he went towards the kitchen, took something I could not see and came back into the living room where the big gorilla dragged me into. "Know my orders, Nick?" Fitch asked. "No,'' I replied. "I was ordered to cut your tongue out.'' "Why?" I asked. ''To stop you from using that filthy mouth of yours, Nick. That's why. No more live appearances on the alternative media, the local television or talk shows of any kind! No more live shows on the net, no more posting videos on youtube or facebook. No more lectures?!!! Do you understand that, Nick?" "No more talking at all!'' Tom added and they both laughed. ''What a fool...'' "But why?" I asked. "I'll show you why." Fitch said. |6

"Noooo!!!" I started screaming. Tom gave me another blow on my head and opened my mouth with both his hands. Fitch held the large knife in his hands that he took from the kitchen and got closer to me. I started screaming loudly and used my legs to kick Fitch with all my strength. He fell over on the sofa but was on his feet again in a moment. "You'll pay for this, Nick." Fitch snarled. I tried with all my might to move Tom away from me but he was such a big and strong gorilla I could not move a muscle. He was strong and he held me tight. Fitch came over, swung his blade, placed it in my mouth and made a small cut on my tongue. Blood, blood flowed out of my mouth. Tom let go of me. I fell on my new Persian carpet in the living room. I bled, spat, cursed, and swore 'fuck!'. I was drenched in blood, tears and boogies. "Grab him again," Fitch ordered Tom. "What for?" asked Tom. "To cut his tongue out, you git!" "Well, didn't you already?" Tom yelled back. "Of course not. I just scratched it," smiled Fitch. "Ah, leave him. He's had enough of it for tonight." "Right! Ok, take him out on the balcony, then." Tom grabbed me by my shoulders and dragged me to the balcony. Fitch produced a rope from somewhere deep in his pocket and tied my legs together. Then both of them raised me over the iron fence and left me dangling from the balcony on the thirty-third floor. "This is your lesson, Nick. In the future listen harder to what we have to say, kapish? Drop all activities! This is our last warning for you and that shitty organization of yours. Don't try to play games with us ever again, Nick.'' Fitch said and spаt at me through the fence and went along with Tom. I screamed for help. I yelled at the top of my voice.


"Heeeeeeelp! Heeeeeelp! Help meeee." At least, I tried. I could not use my voice from all the blood in my mouth. Besides, this was New York, baby. Nobody pays you any attention in here. And it was late. The neighbours probably thought it was some fool or some drunk students screaming at the top of their voices after another of their late night binges. It was such a common thing for them. "Help!'' I yelled again hoping for some kind of a rescue. I tried to call for help in vain. Half an hour had passed since I was beaten, and tied to the fence. I felt exhausted. I lost consciousness and fell into a coma.


IN THE HOSPITAL I woke up. I was lying on a medical bed. I felt my head with my hand and touched the bandages. Over the right side of the temple I could feel a very large bump. Hell, it was pretty big. I pressed and felt it hurt even more. My mouth was also not in the best condition and my tongue was totally swollen and I could barely breathe through the mouth. I tried to remember how I came here, and the last thing I could remember was that I was beaten in my own apartment and tied to the fence. I tried to think how I ended up in here. A neighbor must have seen me, or someone from the building across the street as I was hanging on my head tied to the fence and decided to call the ambulance. They had probably wondered if I was alive or already dead. The ambulance must have arrived then, and the hospital staff managed somehow to extract me from the unpleasant situation I found myself in. I was transferred to the nearest Medical Center in Manhattan. They stopped my bleeding and saved my life. Again. I do not know how I managed to survive this time. Ah, this was not my first beating. I have already been at the receiving end of two or three of those. Somehow, I never learned my lessons! "Are you awake?" Someone asked me. "Yes, I'm awake," I replied. The patient was a man lying on the bed across the room. We were the only ones in there. ''Glad to see your eyes open. Hi, I'm Sam, I'm sorry I can't shake hands now. My right arm is broken and wrapped in a bandage and plaster.'' The man introduced himself with a smile in his eyes.


"Hi, nice to meet you too. I'm Nick. " Sam was a big man with big shoulders. Like any other American, he was talking and mumbling the whole time stopping only to put some snacks into his mouth. As it happened, he was watching a game of American football on television and munching on some chips. Suddenly he jumped out of his bad. "You mother fucker,'' cried Sam. ''You rotten idiot! You can't catch a stupid ball, you stupid idiot. Who let you play in there, who?'' I just smiled. Sam was an avid fan of the New York Giants – the last year's champions. Like never before they were losing. Big time. Sports! The eternal topic. Many people got fooled by it. A lot of money spin in there, big business. But it also manages human lives; people are kept under control. First people are offered a small insignificant entertainment. Then they lose all their free time watching various different sporting events. In between it all, ordinary street thugs who call themselves professionals are celebrated and paid millions of dollars in annual contracts to chase a stupid ball. On top of it, you get nothing but sore throat from all the cursing and screaming you do. Just like Sam demonstrated here. You are encouraged to lose all your negative energy while at it but in fact, the violent behavior of the hooligans and the mutual beatings among fans are glorified. After the match, Sam was nervous. He was cursing and swearing as he climbed back into his bad. "Drop it, Sam,'' I said. ''It's not worth your agitation. Tell me, how did you end up in here? What happen? What do you do?'' "I work construction. I fell off a scaffold from the second floor of the building. A board that was not well attached fell on me, hit me on the back and I fell down on the concrete. I survived, tough. Pure luck!'' "That it is.'' I smiled at him. "It's hard work, Sam. How much do you earn, if I may ask?'' "12 dollars an hour, my brother." | 10

"You do that shit for twelve bucks an hour? You're crazy. That money is not enough to put your shoes on our feet, let alone the helmet.'' I said incredulously. "Hey, brother, if it wasn't for the helmet, I wouldn't be here now." Sam laughed. "When I fell I hit my head on the concrete. See?" "Ha-ha, positive, aren't you?" I replied. "I always look positively at things,'' said Sam sounding a lot more serious now. "It is always good to be positive,'' I said. ''And you should." "What about you, Nick? What's the deal with you? How come you ended up in here too?'' Sam asked me. "Hmm, that's a long story." I said. ''Let's just say I'm a Seeker of Truth." "A Seeker of Truth? What kind of a profession is that?'' Sam asked a little astonished. "To be honest, it's not really a profession,'' I said. ''Started out as a hobby, and then turned into a profession." "And what you do, what are your duties?" "Can't tell. They are a secret. Most of them, anyways. What I can tell you tough is that we are an international organization with a large network of many members around the world." "But you are in charge, you founded the Organization?" "Yes, but it's more like a group of people acting together in many different fields. Some are in the organization, others do their everyday jobs like being doctors, and lawyers, and taxi drivers and various other occupations. Only some are activists who recruit new members." "Is it worth it?" "Financially? Yes. We get our funding through a variety of different ways, as well as from project activities that we perform." "What project activities?" "Well, there are different projects we work on. For example, we hold lectures in major cities all over the world, give lectures on

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different topics at some universities... Things like that. We have established even our own universities. We shoot documentaries and movies. We release DVDs, write and publish books, newspapers and magazines. " "Hmm, and what exactly do you teach people?" "Well, the truth." "The truth?" "Yes, pure truth." "Fine. Anything specific?" "All of it! How does the system we live in function? Who made it that way? Who rules the world? Who invented the money? And many, many other topics and areas that we are interested in. We do research, explore those areas and then share it with other people who want to learn the truth." "Oh, I see. Conspiracy theories?" Sam asked. "Usually, that's the way they want to present us. As conspiracy theories lovers. But trust me, it is not a question for conspiracy theories but a question of pure truth. We seek the truth. Therefore we call ourselves Seekers of truth.'' "Nice. I'm glad to meet you. I like honest people like you, Nick.'' "And I like honest and positive people like you, Sam.'' I replied and looked at him. ''Are you married?" "Yes," Sam said. "Any children?" "Two, a boy and a girl. But what's the truth got to do with children?" "I asked in order to explain it easier. Look here Sam. People have been lied to since they were born for the most elementary things in life. We've been lied to even as children. Unknowingly parents lie to their children for a variety of things thinking that their children are too young and would not understand. For example, when we want to stop the child from... say, playing with a certain toy, or to make the child eat | 12

or for various other reasons, we take to lying and deception in the hope that we might fool the child into doing what we want it to do. We fool them and we fool ourselves thinking it's the best way to make things right. Even from the youngest age we imprint in children the need to lie which they subsequently apply when they grow up. Then we have the kindergarten and the school system. Children learn different stuff some of which is wrong and extremely harmful to them and their future. They learn what the system wants them to know. In simple words, our children are brainwashed with a variety of different materials and are convinced that the world works, when in reality it's the exact opposite. On the street, they see a completely different view on life, they see violent behavior, children beating each other, robberies, drugs, rape, violence and fear. It is everywhere.'' "Yes I know. My son came home once all beaten up by a gang of students from the other class at the school where he studies." "That's what happens when children are encouraged in a violent behavior from an early age. Can't you see, Sam. You were just watching football and it is encouraging violent behavior in children. This game is a rough sport and there are many others as such. Children are made to join various sport clubs in various sports. It should not be allowed. They are encouraged from an early age for violent behavior. You learn that in school and after that you relate it in everyday life.'' "Yes, Nick. You are right. I made my son, Johnny, join the football team at school. All he ever thinks about is that ball. He's failing every other exam there is except sport. And I'm proud of him because he is the best in football." "Well, Sam, you can see it yourself. It's not only sport. Most of the other school subjects are worthless as well. They teach our children algebra, geometry, biology, chemistry as if all children are to become mathematicians, biologists or chemists. Our system stimulates and develops the left hemisphere of the brain and creates people with a leftist point of view, people who will perceive their whole life in that way. Materialism will rule over them. People are interested in how to

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survive, how to earn more money and get things they do not really need in life. Creativity and intuition is asleep because they were never stimulated or developed. Creativity, art, intuition are things that should be thought from an early age if we want to contribute to a healthy formation of people's personalities in order to understand who and what they are. Children from their early age are taught obedience and submission and to listen to the authorities of that system. Every child should observe the rules of conduct and behavior in school. Whenever he wants to answer a question he must raise his hand and then the authority i.e. the teacher will decide which of the children he wants to answer the question. A question may be answered on many different ways. But if a child is creative it will not be afraid to respond using its creative and intuitive processes. On the contrary, if a child does so in our school system today he will be punished with a lower grade if he did not respond the way the teacher thought convenient. In schools children are constantly under the control of the teacher. There is no cooperation between them. Such is our society today, based on struggle and competition. Cheating is punishable and so is cooperation and agreement. Children are taught competition, aggression and selfishness between one another. Discipline must be there after the bell which marks the end of the lesson. Children are programmed what to do during their breaks and lunch time. Most children are detained at school and are rarely taken outside. At the same time they are supervised as if in prison by the school security teams who are paid from our own pockets. Public schools have security teams as well. Children are not taught the spiritual aspects of men. They are not encouraged into positive thinking and behavior. Rather they are taught aggressive behavior in physical education classes, i.e. sport; how to beat an opponent and how to inflict a greater loss. In other cases they are encouraged to be first in the class, selfish, egoistic and not to worry about the student next to you. Even as small children they are taught | 14

obedience and respect for the system whether it is something good or bad. They have no right to an opinion but to listen to what they are told. The rebellious ones are those who are punished. Their creativity is completely destroyed...'' "Someone woke up?" The nurse asked. She entered quietly as we were speaking. I smiled. "Yes, I woke up. How long was I unconscious?'' "About 8 hours." "Eight hours?!" "Yes." "So what time is it now?" "Three in the afternoon." "Three in the afternoon?" I asked. "Yes. Why? " "What do you mean 'why?''' I asked and jumped out of bed. ''I have to go!'' "Go? You can't go anywhere, sir.'' The nurse said as she caught my arm and tried to pull me back in bed. "Yes, I can!'' I said. ''I have to go. I have a lecture at the University of New York at 4 pm." "But sir..." "No sir..." I got up, pulled over my pants, and reached into my pocket. I took out a business card and handed it to Sam. "Sam, when you get out of here give me a call. I have a much better job for you than twelve dollars an hour in construction. The organization needs you." "But ... I didn't even get what you do ... I ...'' "You'll find out soon enough. See you, friend." "See you," Sam said and took the business card. "Bye!" "Bye!"

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I caught a taxi and within twenty minutes I was at the Faculty. There was a big crowd there. It was full of students. As I barely managed to passed through I got into my office where I was met by my assistant Mary. Mary had long black curly hair, a nice complexion and a good figure. My ex-wife, Kate, was very jealous of her, and often reprimanded me how I could work with such a woman who looked more like a top model than an assistant. "Nick," cried Mary. "Where were you all this time? What happened?'' she asked after a careful inspection of me. ''You look awful.'' "Don't ask," I replied. "Hmmh, the same problem again?" "Yes." "Well, how do you intend to have this lecture? They will find out, you know?" "So, what if they do? I've already decided when I started dealing with this thing. I'm bound to have problems and obstacles in my work. But it certainly won't prevent me to continue doing it." I smiled. "You are right. Do you have your presentation ready? I have told the technicians to set it up 15 minutes ago." "Good. The only trouble is, I haven't got it with me. I left it at the apartment. As you can see, I come straight from the hospital.'' "Good Lord, Nick. What happened?!"

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"Well, a part of my tongue and my mouth were cut open. The nice doctors stitched them up at the hospital so they are only a bit swollen now. I can hardly speak, you know.'' "Oh, and I wondered why you sounded like that. I thought you were drinking. Anyways, do not worry. I'll be right beside you if you need my assistance.'' Mary said as she was fumbling with some papers on her desk. She took the laptop and we both headed over to the classroom. It was packed. The classroom was filled to its last place. There were not enough chairs to sit on so people were standing by the walls. They were all here to hear what we had to say. When we walked in together with Mary, I heard a strong applause. I stood on the stage, tapped the microphone and began to speak: “Hello my dear seekers of truth. Today we have gathered here in this place; we, eager seekers of truth from New York and the surrounding cities. Among us there are students, unemployed people, teachers, doctors, researchers, taxi drivers, intellectuals, writers, lawyers, jurists, economists, engineers, mechanics ... All kinds of professions and occupations. For a long time have we lived and worked in this society of ours without ever revolting or protesting about our fundamental human rights and freedoms that are guaranteed to us by our laws and the the Constitution. In reality they do not exist anywhere. Long have we swallowed and kept quiet. We never complained, we did our jobs the best we could, and made no fuss. But, not any more. It is high time we started using the awareness we have to look from a completely different perspective at the social system in which we live in consciously. What is this system all about? As you know, my dear friends, the process of colonization was started by the highly developed western European countries. They colonized almost the entire world know to them back then. After the

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colonization they did not depart from the countries they put under their control. One of the countries that was colonized was our country, America. They claimed that this was a free country, a country which they could freely settle and populate. But the truth is that they came here to conquer the country, to enslave its population and rob its people. They did not stop at that. They committed unspeakable atrocities and an unprecedented genocide against the indigenous Indian population which no history book will ever mention. They concentrated the people and made slaves out of them. They did not stop here. They also brought new people to populate the earth. Thus was created the Union of States of America – the USA. The then ruling colonizing aristocracy set up their own institutions in those conquered countries to govern them; the country became their property and also its people. In such a way they prolonged their rule in their new colonies. In place of a direct rule of their kings and queens, the European monarchies established institutions in the new colonies that prohibited the colonies to declare independence. After long years of suffering, these countries were able to declare independence from their colonizers. Thus were created the 'free' independent states. But those countries which remained colonies of the Queen were never able to became independent and continued to pay large sums of money to the Queen and the English royal family whose true origins are German. The USA still pays the Queen today through the IRS and the social security. The USA is a corporation, the US President is a President of the Corporation and the citizens are the employees of the same corporation. The USA is a British Colony that existed before the Revolutionary War and the British troops did not leave before 1796. During the colonization, a genocide against the indeginous people was carried out in the most cruel and brutal manner all because they had a different skin color. They were placed in special places "ghetto camps" to live like Indians, Aborigines, Blacks and other peoples. | 18

Do you think that today we are free men?" I asked and looked at them, solemn faces staring back at me. "Yes." We heard from the audience. "Yes. But the real answer is NO! Unfortunately, we are not yet free yet. There was slavery before our era when it was legal to sell people as slaves for work. Nothing had changed in the course of the colonialism. By taking on new countries, the colonizers made the conquered people their slaves. Nothing has changed even today. Only the chains are different. People are not free today and they do not enjoy their freedom. We may not have iron chains chained to our legs but nowadays people have to work full hours for the capitalists in their private companies and corporations. Working conditions may have changed but workers are treated as labor, as a commodity suitable for work. One must fully respect the boss and if someone wants to rebel he or she will quickly be shown the door because at the labor party there are many other unemployed ready to take his or hers place. There are thousands and thousands unemployed in the employment bureaus who would gladly accept to work on the same job at even a lower wage than the one before him. Immigration is also open. People from whichever country in the world can come to the USA and earn his living. Because, aren't we the promised land, aren't we the land of freedom? Aren't we a rich country? Are we not all rich? But are we? Are we really rich and free or is it only a myth? . Legally, they do not own anything, they have no right to private property. You think you own a house, a car, an apartment and every year you dutifully pay your taxes? Ha, you think you are free? Fat chance. Wages become lower and lower; there are who work for five dollars an hour or less. Have you ever wondered how can you survive if you make only five dollars an hour? You can not be able to pay the rent, let alone put food on the table and provide for the whole family.

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How free can you be when 35-40% of your salary ends up in paying taxes? That amount of money for medical and social insuarance, this much for pension, or the state or for something else entirely. Where is your salary? Have you ever asked yourselves that question? Where is your freedom? Where are your rights? Maybe you want to take the full amount of the salary at home to your family. But, no. The state says differently. You may not accept it, you may not even like it, but yet, you continue to work for the system, for the state capitalists. Do you not realize that the state is a private corporation?! The truth, my dear. You are slaves to the system! You are not free. You do not even know what is it like to be free. You think to be free is to be able to buy whatever you want from all the products out there on the market? But, do not forget. You are a product of the same market. You are human capital. You can buy any product you want from the supermarket and the companies can buy you for any job available and for any price they like. Is that the freedom you want? Freedom in which money reign? And what about the money? A piece of worthless paper or a simple bank number. See how human life has fallen? See how human life is identified with a piece of worthless paper or a number in the bank computer.? So, my dear, where is human progress here? Can there even be a question of human evolution? The old iron chains fastened to your legs, arms and neck may be long gone, but new and different chains continue to be put on people everywhere around the world today. Each of us is registered under a different identification or social security number. But we are not a number; we are not the first or the last name on that number. 'You need new identification numbers' the government says. People need new identification numbers and passports in order to receive their codes. That code is registered in a large computer. You become their property. Sadly, the madness doesn't stop here. Already many companies require you to have a special chip placed in a card, or stored in your body, on your right hand or the | 20

forehead. You are the company's commodity. That they can control you. That they may know where you are and what you are doing at any particular moment. The monitoring continues and outside your workplace. The microchip placed in your body can say almost anything about you; it can even impose some unfamiliar and artificial way of how you behave and how you think. That is called programming. As mice in laboratories. As you have a mobile phone signal and are connected to a specific mobile operator to be able to talk on your phone, the microchip in your body has your signal. Through that signal they can alert you and control you. They discover your deepest thoughts, desires, attitudes and beliefs. Wake up! Wake up already!!! They know all there is to know about you. You are their product. They possess technology so advanced and so sophisticated that most of us can never imagine. The technology we all think they have is at least thirty to fifty years old. They are in front of you in technology at least for fifty years. In terms of knowledge, the ordinary man cannot even imagine what the corporations and companies know about us. They can affect your mood, induce you to feel the way they want; they can even make you behave and perform something completely different from your previous behavior and common ways that you have. Afterwards you will watch on the news an innocent, peaceful student murder his fellow students and professors at his college and no one will ever wonder who or what had influenced him. It is only possible through programming and mind controlling techniques developed and brought to perfection by the Tavistock Institute and their behavioral research conducted by the CIA, the FBI, the MI5, the MI6 and MOSSAD. Programming is not only done through microchips; it is done through your mobile phones, the Internet, newspapers and of course the greatest medium of programming, the television itself. Programming

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people is deeply involved in the system in almost every country in the world. Education is simply a process of programming people. Religion also. It is not all black, though. Not everything that religion, education and science can offer is wrong. The problem lies elsewhere. Are we aware enough of what is right and what is wrong? Years may pass before we become aware, years... And some still can not wake up by themselves! People today are just dead people; people asleep. They are not any different than when you dream of yourself and you know that you are dreaming. That's the reality. That is you in the real life. Asleep, submissive, controlled, programmed, dead, hollow inside, a robot, a machine, a slave. Your lifetime passes as it was just a second, your whole life you have been empty and hollow from the inside. You have accomplished almost nothing of what you were always dreaming of accomplishing in your lifetime. Life is spent and you have achieved nothing. You have lived life at the wrong place in the wrong way. You have lived unconsciously, someone else had decided the way your life would be and you had agreed. You did not think. You never think. Life runs through, summers and years go by. And you sleep. You sleep forever and you hover around!“ I stopped. I wanted to imprint what I had to say, I wanted them to think of a split second of the things they heard. I took a sip of water, cleared my throat as much as the cut would allow me and I continued. ''You need to wake up from your dream. You need to wake up and start living here and now. Only when you wake up and you are awake no one can put you back to bed again. No one will be able to make you a slave then. Then and only then will you be aware of them and will not let them manipulate you. Then you will discover all the secrets in the world. Only then will you have an insight as to who and why really rules this world. Then there will be no more secrets. | 22

Because then you will know. No one can deceive you anymore or manipulate you.'' Nick finished his speech. He was in pain. His mouth was dry from speaking and he felt his tongue swallow even more. If that was possible. He gathered all his strength to deliver the speech and say what he thought was a right thing to do. When he stopped talking there was a huge applause in the hall. It was so strong that it felt like it shook the whole classroom, the walls and the windows too. ''Thank you.'' Nick said as the applause died down slowly. ''Now let's kindly welcome doctor Freeman who is here with us to capture some very important moments for us. Doctor...'' Doctor Freeman was a tiny black man with a rather long curly hair. That hair of his reminded everyone of Einstein. "Good day, good people," began doctor Freeman. ''I am particularly pleased to see you in such numbers. We have about five thousand people gathered in this rather small room for you. I wish everyone a warm welcome. I'm here with you this evening as I wish to point out a few things I have noticed in my long career as a doctor in my own private practice. Many of you are still unsure what these people are talking about. Is it not just speculation and paranoid assumptions? In the course of many surveys this institute, the faculty and my private practice have conveyed, the results and the evidence are quite different. You are not even aware that you are kept under control, as prisoners in a maximum security facility. What do you think, why do you need passports to travel to another country? Why cannot we travel without them? Are not we free? If people are free then they should not be asked to take out a passport. Why would some countries ask people to provide a visa if they are to enter it? Not only that, you need to specify the exact place where you travel, who you are travelling with, which hotel you are staying in, what is your purpose of going there. You are not free!!! You do not have a free choice. Your choice is made in advance.

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You can choose only what is sold in your supermarket. And here we touch the subject of food. Do you think you are healthy? Your health often depends on the food that enters your body. You are what you eat, right? It is of paramount importance to watch what you eat. But, what is it that you eat, have you ever asked yourselves that? Where do you often buy products for your household? From supermarkets. And supermarkets, ladies and gentlemen have anything but healthy food. What? How? You may ask yourselves. Simply. Supermarkets store and sell products full of various additives, supplements and emulators in order to keep these products "fresh and healthy". But the question is how fresh and healthy are they? You have not asked yourselves why the durability of these products is so great. For example, milk lasts from one month to three months at the supermarket, but fresh milk lasts only a day or two. Why? It is not so for your health, certainly. Supermarket milk is filled with many additives, it is pasteurized. Many more chemicals are added to it not to make it healthy but to make it last longer in order for you to buy it. It's not just milk. Take any kind of sweets, cakes, snacks and many other products you like. They all have various different chemicals, additives and emulators in them. Almost none of the products you can buy in the supermarket are good for your health. As you are aware, meat lost its natural form a long time ago. A sticky toxic substance is added to it in order to increase its look and taste. Color is added too. And all for the sake to make you buy it. Not to mention that most of the time or two thirds of the food products in the supermarket are actually genetically modified food. This food is not healthy in any way. Have you ever wondered how do they raise chickens on the farms whose genetically modified meat you all love to consume? On these farms, chickens have legs bigger than their whole body. Introducing genetically modified food and concentrates these chickens grow so quickly that their bodies could not support their weight. They | 24

could not stand and fall directly on the ground. These creatures are brought to the factories in excruciating pain and half dead they are processed and sent in every supermarket and fast food restaurant in the world. The same can be said about pork and veal. Cattle is fed on genetically modified crop today instead of on pastures. They live in terrible conditions, with a limited space to move, the get allergies because of the inappropriate food they eat, and they get sick with particular diseases, often artificially induced. They are given certain drugs, hormones and injections to increase milk and meat production. They produce milk and meat three times the normal limit. Then the mass slaughterhouses process these millions and millions of innocent animals and send their meat to the supermarkets for you to buy. A handful of companies keep under control all the cattle, pigs and chicken farms in this country and they are the ones who decide what, when and how much is produced. And most importantly, how it is produced. You think that milk, eggs and other products from these genetically modified innocent animals are healthy? How is it possible to be healthy when it is artificially produced? Supermarket have a completely unhealthy food for you to use, dead food. That dry dead modified food enters your body. Once it is consumed it contributes to the appearance of various different kinds of diseases. But it's not your fault. No one taught you any different. Is there a school subject in our educational system that teaches healthy and unhealthy food? There are no such subject just as there are no subject that will teach you how to be happy, how to be free. Education is programmed. You are manipulated to be more easily controlled. The problem is not just with the intake of unhealthy food in your body but with the introduction of dirty water as well. Do you think the tap water you use in your household is clean? Tap water contains higher amounts of chlorine and fluorine which are poisonous chemical elements. They pollute water. They do not clean it for us as they say.

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They do not put fluoride in your toothpaste to make your teeth white and clean. Fluoride is put there in order to control you. There are no peaceful protests on any given subjects. Sick, unhealthy people do not protest. People get dizzy, they can not concentrate, they are chronically tired, they can barely do their job, they get back home and are incapable of doing anything else. It is a classic example of poisoning the population. But it is not only water and soil that is polluted. All the agricultural products are chemically sprayed. By using a variety of different toxic chemicals, pesticides, and insecticides vegetables and fruit is produced today. Powerful corporations have created genetically modified corn, soy, rice, alfalfa and much more. Most of these products have the killer gene i.e. only their genetically modified products can succeed. Everything that is planted near the genetically modified crop dies including the insects. These mutant plants are harmful. But yet, you can find them in almost any artificially manufactured product in your supermarket. The poisonous plants enter you. Also, we have chemical spraying done by airplanes. Just like they spray the fields where they grow our food, these new types of aircraft spraying from huge distances are called chemtrails. Planes emit condensing gases called chemtrails but they disappear within couple of minutes. But what do we do with those chemtrails that last for over five hours, or sometimes for days? They gradually fall to the surface and the water. Research has proven that the soil and water above which such chemtrails have been noticed for a longer period of time had increased number of residues of certain chemical elements such as aluminium, bromide, mercury and other toxic chemicals. They are all harmful and toxic to your health. It all comes down to geo-engineering. You might want to rethink and plant ordinary crops but the ground is already contaminated and it will continue to produce unhealthy crops. This opens the door to a new form of bioengineering and mutation that is conducted on every living organism on earth. | 26

Then slowly you become aware of completely different kinds of diseases increase in human beings. Some of those diseases are brand new and appear for the first time. They are all a direct result of the constant poisoning and pollution of our food, water, soil and air. What do you do when you get sick and infected with a disease? Go to the doctor's. And what does he do? The doctor prescribed some medication for you to consume. More pills and toxins produced by the pharmaceutical companies. Can these toxins heal you? Can they make you healthy again? How healthy can you stay when you add up more toxins and chemicals to the already existing ones in your body? These drugs only increase your disease. They continue it and make you addicted to them. We can call them pain relievers because that is what they are only good at. Medication will not help you heal and get rid of your disease. It makes you addicted to more. The more medication you take the more the toxins increase in your body until they reach a critical condition and you are forced to go under the knife. But you would not go there if you eat healthy food, drink clean water and breathe healthy and clean air. If you showed any symptom of one disease or other it could quickly and easily be healed if only you stick to the healthy food and clean water. Our bodies are a living organism that know how to cure themselves. All they need is clean water, fresh fruit and vegetables and healthy food. A lack of these increases the chance of a disease by a ten fold. This situation of feeding the population with unhealthy food, polluting the soil, the water and the air, and then continuously make use of medication is what someone makes big profits on. Your immune system is weakened even after your birth and it is the society which constantly keeps you in obedience and subservience. You are all programmed from a very early age. Children are born free and loving but it is the society which corrupts them and brings fear into their daily lives. How?

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Through programming. You are all programmed. Or rather drugged. That is why we need awareness. It is through awareness that we can realise that we are being programmed to react a certain way. It is not you. It is the program that responds to your every action. There is a programmed response. People are not free. People are reduced to being robots that can be influenced on different ways depending on the wishes of the programmer. Only when you can dispose of all the influences that they try to put inside your head can you be free and feel the love that rises in your hearts. You can only do that by developing and using your awareness. Until then you are nothing more than mannequins in the great puppet theater of the world that we know today. Wake up!!!" After doctor Freeman's speech many of the attendants received a better understanding of what was truly happening in the world. The applause was certainly an indicator of how well the lecture was accepted. It did not die down easily. And it prompted an open discussion that lasted for about an hour. "There are some people inquiring about you and Doctor Freeman," Mary whispered in my ear through all the commotion. "Yeah, I thought so. I just don't know where to go. Home is not safe anymore.'' I said and looked around me as if I'd recognise those who were asking after me. ''As you see, I was strictly warned not to give any more lectures. I'm afraid I put you and doctor Freeman in danger as well.'' "Because we held the lectures together?" She asked innocently. "Yes, Mary." I responded and looked her in the eyes. "Hmm ... It's that serious, isn't it?" "Yes.'' I said dead serious. "Then we can use my family's summer cottage in Washington DC." Mary said. "Does anyone live there?'' I asked. "No. We only go there on vacations." | 28

"Good. Then let's finish this discussion, get doctor Freeman and go ...'' "Right away?" She asked with a surprised tone of voice. "Yeah, right away!!!"

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The doctor did not want to join us. ''If they wanna get us, they will. No matter where we are. We are all monitored, you know that well enough.'' "Yes. I'm aware of that," I said and smiled. ''But it certainly won't stop us to hold them off for a while. Besides we need to sort out our priorities. That's where you come in. Plus, a little rest won't hurt you.'' "Rest? Why didn't you say so at the beginning. Lead the way.'' Freeman said, laughing. "But in any case, let's turn off our cells. That's the first thing they'll check.'' We all agreed and we turned off the mobile phones. We took Mary's jeep and a few hours later we were in Washington DC. Our first stop was the supermarket. Doctor Freeman smiled. "Some unhealthy food for dinner?" ''There's an organic food store round the corner...'' Mary suggested. "What are we waiting for? Let's go there." I said. Just round the corner we found the local organic store. It was full of fruit and vegetables mainly supplied by the local farmers. There were few people shopping in here and the appearance of the products was not as nice looking as in the supermarket but they were much healthier. We filled our bags and headed over to Mary's summer cottage. Washington DC. (i.e. The Columbia area) was established as a city-state in 1871 with the adoption of the Law of 1871, when the | 30

United States of America (the USA) were officially formed as a corporation under the rule of Washington, which itself is in the service of the City of London. Corporations are headed by a President that is why we believe that the person who holds the largest position of power in the country is the President of the United States. The truth of the matter is that the President is nothing more than a subservient to the central bankers and the transnational corporations (which are themselves controlled by the high Freemasons) who really control this country and make all the necessary maneuvers. Washington DC operates under the system of the Roman law, and completely beyond the limits set by the US Constitution. It should be no surprise that the name Capitol Hill derives from the Roman Capitoline Hill, which was the seat of government for the Roman Empire. Mary's cottage was a small two storey summer home located at the edge of the city. It had two or three rooms on each story which were more than enough to accommodate us. Outside there was a small pool and a garden. When we arrived doctor Freeman did not forget to note that it was a nice little home and sprawled on one of the lounges near the pool. "Glad you like it.'' Maria smiled and sat sat down too. "So? What do we do now?" The doctor asked. "First things first. Are you hungry?" Mary added. "Yes!" We answered at once. "While I make dinner you two relax. Especially you Nick. You had a tough day today.'' Mary said. "Yeah, you do that Mary. Doctor, enjoy the view. I'll go up and grab a few hours sleep. You see, I was rather deprived of it last night.'' I added. A few hours later I heard Mary's voice calling from the kitchen. Dinner was ready. I woke up but it was difficult for me to get out of bed. My whole body ached. I lied for another couple of minutes and

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finally got up and headed downstairs. Mary and the doctor had laid the table already. "Hmm, it smells real good. What's on the menu?" I asked sitting down. "Stuffed peppers with rice, grilled zucchini and a cabbage salad," Mary recited. "Well, let's start. I'm hungry." The doctor said. "Next time I cook," I offered in between bites. ''This is wonderful.'' After lunch we sat in the living room to talk a little bit about our plans. ''So, it won't be easy to continue our work. It's obvious. We have to be careful now.'' I said. "Does that mean we'll have to stop all lectures and trainings to educate as many people as possible?" Freeman asked. "No, of course, not. The lectures will continue. We have enough of lecturers and members in our organization. They can't stop all of us. But still, we need to be extremely careful from now on.'' "We'll have to cancel some of them." "Yeah sure, we'll change locations and terms. They probably know the schedule of our activities. That has to change. The faculties will run the usual curriculum with the exception of one or two subject. I'll have to take those off or they'll close us down. They were very specific in warning me about it. Regular classes will resume only we can't pinpoint the culprits publicly." "They threatened me with death." The doctor said and sounded rather amused. "Yeah, me too. See what they tried to do to me last night.'' I said and pointed to my mouth. "Yes, I see." "Are you better now?" Mary asked me. "Yes, I'm better. Lucky I still have a healthy immune system.'' I laughed. | 32

"Good. We'll continue our lectures at the universities. That's good.'' Freeman added pleased. "Yeah, but for how long?" Mary added. "Until they do us in. We've been at it for a long time. I'm not about to give in. Are you?" I looked at them. Now it was time to decide. Mary shook her head. ''I'm with you,'' she whispered. "So am I.'' The doctor added. ''We are with you. Till the end.'' ''When we started this job, my dear friends, we knew it would be very difficult. We knew that sooner or later we will be challenged in our performance. It's not easy to wake up people who are in a trance. It is difficult to make them see how controlled they are, how all they do is only an automatic mechanical activity to them. They are not conscious of what they are doing, they think, feel, act and work automatically. People are programmed and they are not aware they are.'' "I agree, Nick. We have to continue our activities. But the problem is not that we will point out the main culprits, the elite, the Illuminati and the Freemasonry. I think the problem lies in the fact that once people are aware of the situation they are in, they will know for themselves who is behind it all.'' Mary agreed. "That's true. We don't need to name names yet. It's more important to awake as many people as possible first. Afterwards, it'll be much easier. People will learn how to tell the truth from all the lies out there.'' Ding dong. We heard the doorbell. We all jumped and looked at each other. "Who can it be?" Doctor Freeman asked. "I do not know," Mary said. "How do they know we are here?" I asked looking at them. "Hmm." "I'd better go get it," said Mary agitated. "We'll be right behind you. Just in case." I encouraged her.

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Mary went to the front door and looked through the keyhole. A man dressed in black stood there with a briefcase in his hand. "Do you know him?" I asked her. "No." "Then it's one of them." "They know we're in here. He's seen the car," Freeman said. Sure enough, the car was parked just outside on the driveway. "Well, let's see what he wants," I urged Mary to let him in. Mary opened the door. "Good morning, Miss Mary. I have something for you. Can I come in?" The man said. "And who are you?" "I'm Robert. And I think you know well who sent me." "Well, come on in." Robert went inside and Mary said "these are my two associates from the university, Nick and ..." "There is no need of any introduction. We know very well who they are.'' The man said sternly and entered. We sat in the living room, Robert put the briefcase on the table and said "As you well know, we tried several times to deal with you in a peaceful manner. Were warned you many times without any results. Today, I sit here in front of you to agree your price.'' "Our price?" I asked skeptically. "Mr Nikolovski, everyone has a price. We have successfully persuaded many of the so-called conspiracy theorists like you before. Besides, there aren't many people who believe you. They all think you are crazy.'' "But you know that we are not crazy," reply Doctor Freeman. "Yes, we know. But what's its worth to you? We know how much you earn from all this. That's why we are here. To settle things.'' He said and looked at us. "And how do you intend we do that? We are doctors, professors and scholars. Money is not our only concern.'' | 34

"Money is everyone's concern. Let's see. Each of you ears roughly about 100.000 dollars a year. What do you say, if ... let's see ... I'm to add one more zero to that amount. There is one million dollars in this briefcase,'' he said and pushed it slowly towards us. ''You'll receive the remaining two later depending you fulfill what we ask of you.'' "Do you think three million dollars will be enough for us to quit all the activities of our organization?" Doctor Freeman asked a little offended. "To postpone them.'' Robert added mischievously. ''Who said anything about quitting? We want you to continue your work only to include a few fine details we would tell you to.'' "What do you mean? What is it exactly that you would like us to do for you?'' I asked. "Nothing too difficult for you, I hope. We would email you certain materials that we would like you to include in your lectures about us, the Freemasons. We have only one condition. Never expose anything about Freemasonry before consulting us. Of course, you can continue with your current activities. We have no objections there." "Wait a minute. Wait just a minute. Explain. We can continue what?'' I asked. "You can continue telling the truth to anyone who is willing to listen. The students, the public... The system, how corrupt it is, how it works ... Who initiates financial crisis in the world, who starts wars and some such stuff. The people who sent me here and I are well familiar with your activities and we have no objections there. You do it well. You expose secrets. You reveal them to the public. We are grateful for that.'' "Wait! Have you got some goons named Fitch and Tom in your organization?'' I asked them. ''They visited me this morning, and they weren't gentle.''

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"Fitch and Tom?'' He looked at me puzzled. ''I think you are wrong. We did not send any goons named Fitch and Tom to visit you this morning.'' Roberts replied drily. "They told me not to talk about the pharmaceutical industry anymore. Specifically asked me not to reveal any more secrets about them or they'll be more than pleased to kill me. Or at least, try some worse thing than that.'' "Ha,'' He smiled. ''Such primitives. It does not surprise me.'' "The pharmaceutical corporations earn billions of dollars by selling their toxic products in the form of drugs to the general public," the doctor said indignantly. "Yes, that they do.'' Robert answered. ''What you said in your lectures must have affected them deeply. You tell people how to lead a healthy life, how to use alternative medicine, herbs, grains, fruit, vegetables, tea ... I'm sure they do not like it." "Yes, that's right," the doctor nodded his approval. "But then, who are you?" Mary asked incredulously. "We are the Freemasons, of course. Will you accept our offer?" Robert asked. "This is not a lot of money," the doctor said. "Our company earns a lot more than this and we have a very large membership," I added. "Is your membership greater than the Freemasonry's by any chance?" He added with a trace of a smile. "No, much smaller actually." I said. "In that case, let me make you one last offer. Let's say I add another zero to these three million. Will that suit your needs?'' Robert said and looked at us. ''Thirty million dollars. My last offer, as I said. Will you accept or ...'' "Or what?" I asked. "Either ... or ..." Robert whispered. "Or we will have no other choice ..." "Will you kill us?" Mary asked frightened. | 36

"Only if you choose." Robert answered coldly. We looked at each other. "We have to think about it," I replied. "Sure, but do not think for long. We'll wait for you in the Masonic Temple at the stroke of midnight. Do you know where that is?" Robert asked. "We'll find it out on the net,'' Mary said. "I know where that is," the doctor said unexpectedly. "Good. We'll wait for you at midnight.'' Robert said, got up and was about to leave. "And the briefcase?" I asked. "Mr. X told me to leave it. It'll help you make up your minds easier. In case you don't accept it, bring it with you tonight. Goodbye for now. See you later." "See you," we replied and he went out the door.

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Robert was long gone. We stayed indoors and tried to reach the best decision. We wondered if we should go to the Masonic Temple. However you looked at it, we were not left with a great choice. The briefcase was here which in a way meant we accepted the offer. If we decided not to go, it reminded us that the money inside of it was as good as we had went there and agreed in person. Whatever we did, we were tied to the Freemasons. If by any chance we tried to get away from the city, it wouldn't had made any difference. They would find us wherever we go. That was obvious. As was another thing. We realised we had to go and see them at midnight and return the money. There was no other way. The good doctor took it as a joke and assured the two of us to go ahead, and he would try to help, if, god forbid, anything went wrong. He liked a good joke, the doctor did. There were two things we had to realise. First, these were not the same people who attacked me in my apartment the previous evening. They were sent by the powerful pharmaceutical corporations in order to silence us. Second, there was Robert. His organization was willing to let us continue our work and even pay us on top of it. The Freemasons wanted to pay us! He did not even mention what it was that we weren't supposed to disclose about Freemasonry. "He asked us not to mention them in public. Freemasonry and everything related to it.'' the doctor said. "How are we to work normally if we aren't going to reveal anything about them?'' I asked. "It's impossible." Mary replied.

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"Yes," agreed the doctor. "Our job is exposing the entire system. Education, bankers, governments, health care, science, religion, Illuminati. Freemasonry is certainly a crucial part of it.'' "Yes, but he said he would give us proper materials on Freemasonry, how to conduct our lectures and what to include,'' I said. "Which means, we will work for them and represent Freemasonry in a positive light,'' the doctor said. "What an irony. To work for them? We, who are supposed to be fighting against them?'' I laughed ironically. "The question is, can we trust Robert? Is he really a Freemason?'' Mary asked. "Yes, I've been asking myself the same question. Let's look at it objectively. This guy comes in here with a briefcase full of money. He offers us a large amount of money and then he increases the figure. And then he introduces himself as a Freemason.'' I said. "And he also invites us to the Masonic Temple. What I've learned from my researches is that this temple in Washington DC holds a very important significance to Freemasons. It is the center of the Freemasons in the USA.'' The doctor said. "Did you know that the three most important buildings in Washington DC make the Masonic triangle? The Washington Monument (the obelisk), the White House and the Senate?" "Yes," I heard Mary say. "A triangle is a very important symbol in Freemasonry. It denotes the unholy trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus. The base is the Egyptian Sun God Osiris representing the male principle, Isis the Egyptian Goddess of the Moon representing the feminine principle and the hypotenuse, their son Horus, the product of the male and the female principle. The main streets in Washington DC have been made in a way to form a pentagram star,'' the doctor said, grabbed the map of Washington DC and started to draw all over it. "And do you know which object is located right on top of the pentagram star turned upside down?'' He asked breathlessly.

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"No," Mary whispered. "The White House. The place where the President of the United States rules. He is the commander in chief of all the military force of the country, as well as a commander of NATO and subsequently, the whole world.'' "And did you know that eighteen of our Presidents were Freemasons?" It was my turn to ask them. "We are not sure about the rest," Mary said. ''What about the co-signatories of the Declaration of Independence? Did you know that fifty out of the fifty-six people who signed the Declaration were Freemasons? It is a known fact that only one of them was not a Freemason, and there were no relevant documents to prove the same for the remaining five.'' Doctor Freeman draw the pentagram and the owl on the map of Washington DC and showed it to us. "Notice how the owl is made of the Masonic symbols the rectangle and the compass." "Wow!" We watched with open mouths. "The whole power is concentrated above the pentagram, where stands the all-seeing eye. The eye represents the Masonic Temple. Power is concentrated there. It shows us who truly rules the USA and the world.'' "I knew there was some secret geometry in the construction of the Washington Monument, the White House and the Senate but I did not know this," I replied. "It is more than clear who rules the USA. The Freemasons. The American Civil War and the fight for Independence were conducted by the Freemasons just like the French Revolution. George Washington was a Freemason, as was Thomas Jefferson," I replied. "Almost all the founders were Freemasons. From what I have studied, almost the entire city of Washington DC is built using that sacred masonic geometry. This can also be found in all major European cities, such as: Paris, London and Rome. The most significant buildings are interlinked accurately in a precise angle. It's one of their sacred | 40

secrets and crafts - trying to mimic the sky and the constellations on it. All these objects were made in honor of certain constellations following the example of ancient Rome and other ancient civilizations. Mainly Egypt and Babylon." "You're right, Doctor Freeman. I've particularly noticed that all these important places in Washington are full of statues and objects of various pagan gods and deities," indicated Mary. "Yes, that's another topic. Almost all of the statues in various institutions in Washington DC and other big American cities are pagan. Roman and Egyptian gods and deities," the doctor said. "At the top of the Senate we have got Persephone, the Goddess of the underworld. There are also statues of Jupiter and other gods and deities," he said. "Yes, it's clear the Freemasons worship all these pagan gods and deities which come from Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Druids, and other various secret societies of Freemasonry," I replied. "What about the Pentagon?" Mary asked. "The Pentagon is what stays in the middle when you draw a five pointed star – a pentagram. And we have it as a base of our military force and the police.'' "And what exactly does the Pentagram represent, doctor?" Mary asked him. "It is an ancient symbol used in witchcraft and wizardry. It symbolizes the five elements of which everything is made: earth, wind, fire, water and the spirit that surrounds them," he answered. "A witchcraft symbol?" Mary asked. "Yes, it's used for white magic," he said. "The reversed pentagram is a satanic symbol used by satanists and black witches and magicians as a means to summon demons through black magic. It is a bad and evil symbol and it symbolizes Satan. The satanic pentagram is usually drawn in a circle during these summoning rituals. The demons and the fallen angels which are

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summoned can enter the room where they are summoned to but cannot penetrate the circle.'' "I have some knowledge concerning the pentagram," I interrupted the doctor. "Please, feel free to share it," he encouraged me and smiled. "It is true that the pentagram is an old occult magical symbol. Most of the symbols are very old and are transported through the ancient mystery schools. I am particularly concerned about the fact that the use of this and other magical and witchcraft symbols in today's society is huge. These symbols are everywhere. On flags, coats of arms, in films, music videos, corporate logos and products. They are everywhere around us. People are simply overloaded with the use of these symbols and are not even aware of them. If only people knew the real meaning of these symbols...'' my thought trailed away. "They would have been shocked," Mary added. "Yes, Mary. All these secret societies use these symbols quire skillfully. Symbols can have different meanings. People are being manipulated every day. A lot of magic and witchcraft symbols are used and accepted as symbols of peace, freedom ... of something nice," I said. "That's the truth. People are lied to and manipulated for centuries. I'd like to see you try and prove it otherwise to the masses. They label you a liar and a lunatic for telling them the truth. They think you are crazy and stupid. The truth is those are magical witchcraft religious symbols. No matter what use they are put to, a symbol is a symbol and it always carries its original meaning. The problem is that people do not know the real meaning of the symbols. All secret societies have origins from the Ancient Mystery Schools, or the ancient mysterious religions. They are the ancestors of the modern secret societies which appeared in Babylon and Egypt for the first time as priestly occult magical witchcraft cults." "Its origin comes from Nimrod," I added. | 42

"Nimrod was the first king, a ruler, or the greatest tyrant of the earth. After the great flood he created the first great kingdom of Babylon," continued the doctor. ''Nimrod established in Babylon the most powerful empire of the time. During one of the many sacks of the cities in Asia Minor, he met a prostitute by the name of Semiramis who had an unspeakable beauty. He took her for his wife. Doing so he gave her a great power and she ruled as his equal. During his time the great Tower of Babel was built as a sign of Nimrod's prestige and enormous power. It was the highest tower ever built and he was considered a God because only a God can live in such a high place. The tower was built in the shape of a pyramid with the top made of solid gold which had an opening, like an outpost from where Nimrod could look down on his subjects and his empire. Hence comes the origin of the all-seeing eye which was later taken over by the Egyptians and certainly by the Illuminati and the Freemasons. This occult and magical symbol was later placed on the one dollar bill. You have certainly noticed the pyramid and the all-seeing eye on it, I'm sure of it?'' Asked the doctor and continued. ''Nimrod proclaimed himself a God. He was a great warrior, a ruler and a very skillful hunter, but was killed and torn apart by some wild boars during a hunt in the woods. His body was all torn to pieces when it was found by the army and his wife Semiramis. A great search was made ordered by his wife. Almost every part of his body was found and accounted for except one. The most crucial one, the phallus. The warriors could not find it anywhere. It is assumed that it was taken from the wood and thrown into the sea ...'' "That is a very interesting story," Mary interrupted him. "I won't say it was just a story,'' the doctor smiled and looked at us. "Yes, I have read about it,'' I said. ''There is more to it than just a story. Go on, doctor, continue.'' "Semiramis then performed a magical ritual over her dead husband's body parts. She summoned the demons and the fallen angels

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to help her revive the body of her deceased husband,'' the doctor continued and was again interrupted by Mary. ''She certainly did not do it, did she?'' "Of course, she didn't. Yet, Semiramis invented the story that her husband was the God of the Sun and that his soul returned to the Sun. After some time, Semiramis was impregnated by the Sun God and thus Nimrod was reincarnated into their newborn son Tammuz." "It is considered that Tammuz was Nimrod's reincarnation. That's why Semiramis took their son Tammuz as a husband and ruled the empire of Babylon,'' I added. "Yes, that's right. That was Semiramis excuse to rule. The masses would not have accepted her as a ruler, she was a woman. She had to show them that Nimrod was not dead and that he was reincarnated in the form of his son Tammuz if she wanted to retain her power,'' the doctor said. "And what is the truth here?" Asked Mary. "It is assumed that Semiramis was pregnant but not from Nimrod but mainly by the sexual and the religious orgies she was a part of. Sex orgies were very common those days, they were a way in which people back then worshiped their various pagan gods and deities. Most of them were primarily satanic. Nimrod knew the child was not his and he wanted to kill her and the child. Semiramis learned of his plan to murder her and she cunningly arranged his own murder. It should also be noted that Nimrod and Semiramis had a great rivalry between them. She wanted to rule, the people liked her more and they considered Nimrod a tyrant and a bully.'' "Hmm, does this mean that Babylon was the mother of the first religion as we know it?'' Mary asked intrigued. "Yes, that's right Mary. The first and perhaps the last religion originates from Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. It is interesting that in order to rule, they presented themselves as Gods and the people worshiped them. Semiramis was considered the goddess Ashtoreth and Nimrod the god Molech, and the child was considered the god Baal. | 44

After that, people from different regions and countries who spoke different languages almost all of them had the same gods. Take the Egyptians, for example. Nimrod was Osiris, Semiramis was Isis and the child Tammuz was Horus. From here originates the eye of Osiris / Horus as direct reflection of the great Tower of Babel where the sun god's eye of Nimrod was later replicated in Osiris and his son Horus who was conceived by the god and the mother Semiramis / Isis. It is believed that the son Tammuz / Horus was a reincarnation of the Sun God, the new ruler, the Messiah on earth, the solar child, the son of God. Semiramis is considered the Goddess of Earth which the Sun God impregnated. Semiramis is also the Great Mother, the Goddess of Earth, the Queen of Heaven which was also worshiped in all later religions including Christianity where she is presented as the Virgin Mary. That part of Christianity which is known as Catholics worship the Virgin Mary and seek their salvation through her and the Pope who had proclaimed himself the new Christ i.e. the new Son of God. This is completely opposite to what true Christianity preaches – true belief in Jesus Christ and his teachings as recorded in the Bible, the New Testament and the Gospels. He is the true Son of God who comes to earth and dies to save us from our sins = the Savior. All subsequent gods and goddesses originate from this story, this myth of Nimrod the father, Semiramis the mother and the newborn son Tammuz," the doctor finish. "What do you mean the first and the last religion?'' Mary asked puzzled. ''Do all religions today owe their origin to Nimrod-SemiramisTammuz?" "Yes, Mary. Almost all religions of the past and the present originate from this one, first religion,'' he pointed out. "If we look at the symbols, then we can very clearly infer the meaning of them. Which are the symbols that describe these first gods of the earth?" Asked the doctor. Freeman pulled a book from his bag, showed us a picture and began to explain.

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''Look at the symbols. All of them are taken from the area where the first empire of Nimrod and Semiramis was located. The first symbol is the star. It is a symbol of the newborn son Tammuz. The star has been variably represented throughout history. There are some stars that have eight sides, that's the case here. The pentagram has five. The star or the star son is adored and worshiped in almost every religion. The Morning Star which shines the strongest in the morning east sky is actually Lucifer. The second symbol is the moon, or the half-moon; it is a symbol that represents the first Goddess of the Earth Semiramis. Its impact and worship is present in today's Islam. Allah is represented as the God of the Moon. Before Islam and the Muslim religion, people in various places in Asia Minor and Saudi Arabia had worshiped the God or the Goddess of the Moon. There are a lot of artefacts to support this claim. The symbol of the Moon was worshiped long before the Islam appeared along with its Prophet Mohammed and the Quran. The root is in Babylon and the Goddess of the Moon Semiramis. The third symbol is the sun. Do you understand now?" Doctor Freeman asked and looked at us. "The Sun God,'' I replied. ''The Sun God is the god worshiped all over the world. He is practically worshiped everywhere. He is the supreme God. The one who gives life. There is not a place in the world where it hasn't been worshiped. Isn't the sun the giver of life, the one who lets seeds come to fruition and feed all life on earth? The Sun is the symbol of reproduction. It is a male symbol whereas the Moon is a female one." "That's right, Nick. But where has it all originated from?'' The doctor asked. "From Nimrod," answered Mary. "Yes, Mary. The sun is the symbol which represents the first strongest and most powerful ruler, king Nimrod. That's where this symbol comes from. If we better think about it, all world religions have | 46

worshiped this god and this symbol. And as Nick pointed out, it is a male symbol.'' "So you see that everything is reduced to the worship of these few symbols," the doctor said and wrote down on a piece of paper. Sun-moon-star Nimrod-SEMIRAMIS-Tammuz Osiris-Isis-Horus "This is where it all began from. That's why a lot of religions are nothing more than a manipulation. All of them worship these three identical symbols. Do you want me to show you how these symbols have spread all over the world today in almost every area of our society?'' ''Yes,'' Mary and I whispered together. "Here! Look at this picture. ''The Star or the pentagram is the son Tammuz. The half-moon is the mother Semiramis. The pyramid or the obelisk is the father Nimrod. Now, look out the window, over the car? What do you see?'' He asked. ''The Washington Monument,'' I replied. ''The obelisk, after Nimrod, the Sun God,'' said the doctor. "But why an obelisk?'' "It represents the phallus?" Asked Mary. "That's right, Mary. Nimrod's sexual organ that his wife Semiramis could not find after his murder. It has been assumed that he impregnated her with their son Tammuz before his death and that Tammuz is his father's reincarnation.'' " "Is that why she married her son?'' Asked Mary. "To rule and to justify her rule. They posed as Gods, as immortals. This is the first time reincarnation is mentioned as a way to justify the rule of Semiramis. She was very cunning and she used her brain to present her bastard son as a reincarnation of the Sun God, as Nimrod's son,'' the doctor said. ''Now, imagine this child born out of

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Semiramis and Nimrod. He is considered a God's son but in fact the newborn son Tammuz in none other than Lucifer.'' "Why Lucifer?" Mary asked in shock. "Because Lucifer is represented as a star that was born from the Sun and the Moon by the father Nimrod and the mother Semiramis. The Morning Star, the planet Venus, Sirius = The Star Dog. It is bright, the brightest star in the morning sky and it is born before the new day is born. Lucifer, the son of the morning. Light, intelligence, wisdom, music and beauty. This is the same star that is worshiped in many religions and in all secret societies including the most powerful ones the Freemasonry and the Illuminati," the doctor finished in a triumph leaving us speechless. After a moment's thought he added "It is also very important to note that there are many secret societies and they are all connected." "Connected in what way?'' Mary asked. "All secret societies are connected with each other. The Freemasons are just one of all the secret societies out there. Most of them fall into Freemasonry," I said. "Like the Order of the Eastern Star, De Mollet, The York and The Scottish Order, The Knights Templar, The Rose Croix and all other orders?" The doctor asked me. "Yes, doctor. I'm familiar with all of them and they fall under one name – Masonry," I said. "All of them?" Mary asked. "You heard me right." "But why?" "Because they are all the same,'' I said. ''They all have members who are sworn to secrecy, they all perform certain rituals, move up the ladder in degrees, accept blood oaths in secret and make vows never to speak to anyone what happens inside their temples.''

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"And now the most important thing,'' the doctor smiled. "The most important thing is the illumination. That comes at the highest levels of initiation into these secret societies. Only those members who reach the highest degrees in their secret societies are enlightened i.e. illuminated." "They are the Illuminati?" Mary asked. "Yes they are the Illuminati, the enlightened ones," I said. ''Now, let's get back to the connection between Freemasonry and the Illuminati. It is a very great and important connection,'' the doctor continued. ''For starters, it is a great conspiracy. Whenever one mentions conspiracy it often has something to do with the Illuminati. It is assumed that the most powerful economic, political, military, and religious group is the secret society called the Illuminati. They have control over all areas in today's society. This was the way from the dawn of civilization until today. These are the people involved in the secret religious, economic, political societies, groups and sects known by various names. Since ancient time there was the Order of the Dragon, the Order of the Beast, the Order of the Serpent, the Order of the Quest and many other different sects in Iran, India, Babylon, Egypt, Greece. Then there were the Pharisees and the Essenes during the period when the Bible was written, and later there were the Gnosticism and their different sects. The Elders of Zion, the Knights Templar, The Rose Croix and the Freemasons, the Jesuits and the Bavarian Illuminati

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and many other secret societies and sects. They had always ruled the world since ancient times until today. Their members occupy the most important political, military, religious, and economic positions in every country in the world. They are called the Illuminati because those who reach the highest levels are called the Illuminated ones, the enlightened.'' "And what exactly is the Illumination, the enlightenment?" asked Mary. ''It is the connection with light. To receive light i.e. to receive Lucifer. They say Lucifer is a God and they worship him as one. In order to receive light they have to come into contact with their god Lucifer. And when they come in contact with him, they associate with him and a handful of that light enters them and they become part of that force. They become part of the power, of the energy, of their god Lucifer. That's what illumination is in most of these sects and religions. Then they claim they are Gods, the illuminated, the enlightened ones.'' "Do they really have special powers?'' Mary asked a little frightened. "Of course they have special powers. An external force enters their bodies. But it's not their own power. It's the power of the force they have received within them.'' "What do you mean?'' Mary interrupted him. "Demons, fallen angels, evil spirits,'' the doctor continued. ''There is a distinct hierarchy and various entities in the kingdom of God. Lucifer is one of those fallen angels. He was anointed cherub disobedient and he rebelled. He wanted to be the main God, so God threw him out of Heaven, out of the Kingdom of God. He was extremely proud because God had made him the fairest, the wisest and the most talented. The Bible correctly states that Lucifer was thrown out of Heaven with one third of the angels and when that happened he was called Satan. There is also a hierarchy of the Satan and the angels who joined him. During this process of illumination, the enlightened one receives demons and fallen angels into his body. The Illuminated | 50

has certain powers and can do some things like levitate and not eat anything and yet not die, to feed through energy and to communicate with other fallen angels and demons. The Illuminated one loses all sense of himself and demons enter his body because he is the one who calls them in the first place.'' "In fact, it is all the work of the Satan?" "Of course, Mary. The Bible states it pretty well. The Satan can transform into a bright angel. The Illuminati receive the light of Lucifer,'' the doctor said. "So Lucifer is in fact the Satan?" "Yes. Lucifer was one of the principal high-ranking angels of God. He wanted to be God, although he was only a creation of God like all the rest of us. Lucifer fell from heaven into the material world and earth where he rules till this day through these secret societies. After being banished from Heaven his name is known as Satan, the devil, the dragon or the snake. These are his synonyms so people on earth worship and serve him. If people do not worship God, then they worship Lucifer / Satan. You cannot serve two masters at the same time. The choice is entirely ours because only we, the humans, possess free will." "Does that mean that by receiving light and illumination we actually receive the spirit of the Satan?" Mary said. "Yes, the poor creatures call it enlightenment,'' the doctor said earnestly. ''One may achieve the high level of consciousness and alertness but in return one has to receive and accept the force of Lucifer i.e. Satan. That reflects their life in the most damaging way because to choose Lucifer or the Satan is to choose the path of death. On the contrary, the path of life is the way of God and his son Jesus Christ.'' There was an uneasy silence among ourselves as we all entered the train of our thought. After a moment, I breathed a sigh of relief and said, ''Let's get back to Freemasonry now. There are rumors that the thirteen richest families in the world are all Illuminati including the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Morgans.''

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"There are many different conspiracy theories about the Illuminati. One of them is that the thirteen richest Illuminati families are: Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rothschild, Russell, Rockefeller and Van Duyn," the doctor said. "Yet, there are other theories which state that the Illuminati are only the Zionists, a small group of people the majority of which are Jewish and inter-related. Others believe that the Illuminati are not entirely Jewish and the majority of them are Caucasians of the western European countries and the USA. There is yet another belief that the Illuminati are the so called black nobility, the royal houses that share the same hereditary blood line and marry among themselves. These are almost all the royal families today who are blood related and have the same roots from antiquity through Babylon, Egypt and Rome. It is a proven fact that all European royal families are blood connected and originate from the same place. Of course, they call themselves kings, queens, princes and princesses,'' replied the doctor. "It should also be emphasized that in 1776 Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit and a university Doctor of Theology created the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Order was established upon the instructions of Rothschild which were the main financiers of Weishaupt,'' he added. "So Rothschild provided the needed financial support in order to create the Illuminati?'' Mary asked. "Yes, they gave the money and as well as some other royal families. For example the royal family of Hesse Kassel and Prince Karl of Hesse-Cassel," the doctor said. "Hmm, this makes matters much clearer. That's how Adam Weishaupt managed in such a short period of time, we are talking about a two, three years period of time here, to collect almost three thousand brightest and most talented people across Germany and Europe. In the end, the Rothschild's did their job nicely,'' I added. "Nick's right. Without the finances of the richest European families nothing would have come out of it. Of course, they did not consider themselves a part of the Freemasonry in the beginning but they | 52

joined ranks with them much later on. When they did join, they took the highest ranks and ran the organization. When the Bavarian authorities found documents about their conspiracy to overthrow all the monarchies and governments of Europe and Christianity itself, the Bavarian government banned the Bavarian Illuminati on its territory," the doctor said. "Which was not the end of the Order, I assume,'' Mary added and smiled. "Of course not. They managed to deeply infiltrate in Freemasonry and other secret societies and continued to operate under different names. They infiltrated Freemasonry through the Righteous Group and the Jacobean League clubs,'' he confirmed. "To think that some thought that was the end of the Illuminati ...'' I added. "To think so is naïve. How could they have been destroyed when all their goals were achieved through the course of history?'' the doctor smiled. "Which goals?" "The revolutions. All revolutions were made by The Illuminati, Freemasonry. The French Revolution, Revolutions in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, American civil war and later the Russian Revolution. They won every fight against every European royal family, governments and monarchies. They have the actual power in all those countries. If they don't, they initiate wars and they usually win them. They quenched the Church. The Catholic Church and the Pope are defeated by the Illuminati and their chief Mason Napoleon. Then they infiltrate the Catholic Church and every other church there is. At a certain period of time they were known under the name of Communism and the Communists. They were the same revolutionaries who showed the people how to fight for their own rights. Once they established the Communism in their countries, everyone who opposed them was either murdered or sent into concentration or labor camps.'' "What exactly is the purpose of the Illuminati?'' asked Mary.

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"The main goals of the Illuminati were the rejection of all the world's monarchies or governments and their patriotism. They wanted to eliminate private property and inheritance, destroy the traditional way of family life, eradicate all religion, especially Christianity which they realized through Communism,'' the doctor said. ''It is believed that the Bavarian Illuminati were actually a terrorist organization that wanted to rule and to destroy the old system. They wanted to establish a new system which they will rule themselves. First, they initiated all the revolutions and brainwashed the future youth. Then, in one half of the world they established the Communism where they destroyed the Church and the faith in God and his son Jesus Christ. In the other half of the world they introduced Capitalism where they owned the world's capital, all the factories and finances where people were used as slave labor.'' "Are these actually the first Illuminati that are mention in history?'' asked Mary. "No, these are the Bavarian Illuminati," the doctor replied. ''There were many different secret societies, groups, and sects throughout history who held the name of Illuminati. Some of them are the Illuminati of Spain, the Alumbrados, a secret society which was the vanguard of the Jesuits and later the Bavarian Illuminati. The Illuminati of Spain existed in the fourteenth century around the year 1492. These were mainly a Gnostic sect that combined Eastern mysticism with monotheism and the Mystery Religions. Through them they wanted to achieve illumination or enlightenment. The Alumbrados were a part of the black nobility who believed the human soul could evolve to a degree of perfection. They believe that when it reaches the position of perfection and union with God a man can get away with any kind of immoral and sinful act without any repercussions to the soul. This doctrine of Evolution and reaching a higher level of Conscience is very similar if not identical to the New Age Movement´s Theosophist beliefs on a human´s ability to achieve "Christ Consciousness" and become a "Super-Man". Illuminist was also a name for a Babylonian Mysticism | 54

in which initiated members of this religion claimed to be Illuminated and in possession of an "Inner Light" meaning that they had "Consciousness" that they were "God-Men". Gnosticism and Eastern Mysticism teaches that its members are "Gods in the making" and that Lucifer is the one that makes us realize the "God within us" and evolve this into our full potential as his name means "Morning Star" and "The Illuminated One", this doctrine which is nearly identical in all Secret Societies called the Illuminati. "And what happened to those Spanish Illuminati?" '' Ignatius of Loyola was one of their members. He fought for them severely but after he was injured he dedicated himself to reading occult and Catholic literature while recuperating. He was arrested by the Pope's Inquisition and was made to abandon the Illuminati and place all his trust in the Pope and the Catholic Church. He established the military Order of the Jesuits in 1534 and managed to integrate a part of the Spanish Illuminati members into the Jesuits Order. Jesuits were considered a secret society and a personal Military Order of the Pope. But the truth is that the Pope had no control over them. It was the other way around. The Pope was under their control. The Jesuits' commander was known as the Black Pope. Their activity was very strong in those "dark" times of the Middle Ages, when their main task was to destroy every opponent of the Pope and the Catholic Church. Their influence was considerably reduced and even died out after 1773 when the Pope and the other European monarchies banned them from existence. During the 19th and the 20th centuries they were marginalized and they gradually lost their power just like the Catholic Church. Nowadays their impact is not very considerable, and they primarily obey the orders from the higher instances of power. In 1773 Pope Clement XIV Suppressed the Jesuit Order because the Monarchs of Europe wanted to gain control of Revenues and Trade that the Jesuit Order had control and Pope Clement XIV gave in to the pressure of the European Monarchs for Political reasons which would later on cost him his life.''

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Were the Jesuits the same as Bavarian Illuminati? No they were not. There are some conspiracies that claim that the Bavarian Illuminati were the continuation of the Jesuits. But that it’s not true because Adam Weishaupt was very careful the members of Illuminati to avoid as plague Jesuits and Catholic Christians. "What happen to the Bavarian Illuminati?'' asked Mary. The Bavarian Illuminati were completely uncovered by the German authorities in Bavaria and were outlawed. All the premises and documents they owned were confiscated. It all happened after a very misfortunate event. A very high ranking official of the organization was struck by lightning during a trip in France carrying some very important documents. They revealed the Illuminati's plans to overthrow every government and religion there was in the world. The Order was banned and most of its members were arrested. Some of them managed to escape to France, infiltrate in Freemasonry and become part of the French Grand Lodge.'' "So actually Robert wasn't lying when he said he was sent by the Freemasonry Illuminati?" asked Mary. "Apparently he didn't," the doctor said. "So, once we are sure that the source is correct, we discover that they want us to visit their most important temple and offer us some serious cash on top of it,'' the doctor added. "Well, looking at things from this point of view, the Illuminati might not be as bad as we suspected them. They are only Freemasons from the highest order. Plus, I've always been drawn to all these eastern religions that offer illumination and enlightenment,'' Mary added cheerfully. "Are you planning of joining them by any chance?'' the doctor asked her and raised an eyebrow. "I won't deny it doesn't sound tempting,'' she said and smiled. ''Besides, I could do with the money. I still haven't paid out the apartment in New York and it's as sure as hell we can use some extra cash for the organization.'' | 56

"Hmm! You sound like you've already made up your mind, Mary,'' I looked at her a little puzzled. "It's not as if we've got any other choice, is there? They'll kill us all if we refuse,'' Mary said drily. "It's just that, if we accept this money we'll have to play by their rules. Besides, aren't we supposed to be fighting against them? They offer us a lot of money, and all of a sudden you two look like you're having some second thoughts,'' I said a bit angrily. I don't know if I was angry or just a little upset over all the things that were going on. "We're just trying to get to the bottom of this thing. What do you think we should do?'' the doctor asked me. "I think we should find a way to not accept the money. We should play the same card. We don't have to reveal anything about them to the public, yet, we don't have to accept cash for doing so,'' I said though I knew it was a lame plan. "It is now that I understand why so many famous conspiracy theorists manipulate people. They never tell the full truth. It was always a matter of what they were paid not to tell openly to the public then. They are paid to bring fear to the masses, a third world war, hunger, diseases, the doomed 2012, the second coming of Christ, the end of the world, aliens, reptiles as rulers of the world and the thirteen royal houses which have reptilian blue blood... It does sound scary and it's all a manipulation, a way of controlling people," I added bitterly. I did not want all my work to come down to this. "You are right, Nick. These so-called Truth Seekers are paid to spread fear. I must admit, they do their job perfectly,'' the doctor added. "If we accept the offer we won't be any different," I replied. "But, we'll be alive,'' the doctor said and smiled mischievously. ''It's too late now, anyways. We don't have much time. We won't be able to get away even if we wanted too. They'll find us sooner or later. Sooner rather than later, judging by what happened here. How on earth did they find us so quickly?'' asked the doctor.

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"I'm sure nobody followed us on the road. I've noticed otherwise. There were no cars parked on the street either. I think nobody has followed us here from New York,'' Mary said. "Yet, they knew we were here," he said again. "We do have our coded ID cards and driving licenses with us. That's how they knew. They could easily find us through them. We didn't even have to use our computers or cell phones.'' "Exactly, John!'' I exclaimed. ''And the road cameras, of course. Almost every city's equipped with cameras. The cameras must have recorded our leaving New York,'' I said. "Yes, of course, Nick. Those cameras record everything. That's how they detect traffic offences. We are under surveillance 24/7. Just like the Big Brother,'' the doctor said and smiled again. "The Big Brother is watching us," Mary said. "And, by the way, who are exactly the Illuminati nowadays?'' she added in an undertone. Doctor Freeman cleared his throat and said "today's Illuminati are all the enlightened members of these secret societies that offer illumination. They are the freemasons with the highest levels of illumination, the thirteen richest Illuminati families, the black nobility, the Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, the Council 13, the Foreign Relations Center.

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Around midnight the three of us headed over to the Masonic temple. There was a full moon on the sky so besides the darkness we could make out almost anything. It took us about a fifteen minutes' drive to get there. It wasn't a particularly big temple. At the front door it had a lot of typical masonic symbols that the doctor was quick to notice. ''Of course they are masonic. That's where we're going, aren't we?'' I smiled. Dr. Freeman pointed out the compass and the rectangle and the large all-seeing eye. There were also several sculptures and sphinxes in front of the Temple we could not make out clearly. Some Egyptian gods or demons, perhaps. "What's all this about,'' I asked him rather irritably. ''We know where we are going.'' "Yes,'' the doctor said. ''We should be careful, just in case." From the inside, it looked like every other typical Masonic Lodge but still it felt wrong. The floor was made like a chess board – black and white which symbolized duality: black and white, day - night, male - female, the good and the bad. A typical masonic building. On the walls there were carved figures everywhere. They looked like angels at first but when we better looked at them they were actually demons. A large altar stood at one end of the hall and a Christ-like figure on top of it. Except this one was black. It represented some of the demons, we were sure of it, perhaps the Satan itself. Lucifer. On the altar there stood a luciferian Bible with a compass and a rectangle. "You are here,'' we heard a voice.

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"Yes, we are here.'' A man dressed all in black slowly approached us. It was Robert. "I'll inform Mr X of your arrival," Robert said and left the room. Within minutes another man entered in a black mantle and a gold facial mask. "Welcome. I am Mister X, the Grand Master of Freemasonry, a 33 degree freemason," the man said in a deep voice. "Thank you,'' I replied even though we were not at all glad to be there. "Concerning our proposal,'' he began slowly and added, ''Do you accept?'' "We've been discussing this for a long time and we decided it would be for the best to return the money. We do not need it,'' I said quietly. Mary handed the briefcase over to Mister X. He nodded his head to Robert who took the briefcase instead of him. "So, you do not want the money. What do we do now?'' he asked looking at us. "We have come to a conclusion not to disclose publicly anything we might discover about Freemasonry,'' the doctor spoke for the first time. "Too bad. It goes against our expectations," Mr. X said and smiled. "What do you mean by that?'' I asked him puzzled. ''We were discussing you in public, we were trying to expose you. Doesn't that bother you? Robert said that we shouldn't speak about Freemasonry'' "Why should it? Robert told you to speak about Freemasonry but what we tell you to speak about it. All you did was recruit more people for us. The more people talked about us, the more conspiracy theories there were, the bigger our reputation. And membership. You'd be surprised how much our membership increased in the last decade. | 60

People respect us more than they respect you or some conspiracy theorists. They trust us more,'' he added with a smile. "That's true. Though we want to protect them from you,'' I said. "Protect them from us? Do you honestly have any idea who you are protecting at the first place?'' he said sounding rather arrogant and pompous. ''People are like sheep. They must be guided in order to be useful. If you let sheep do their own way, without a shepherd, would they know what they were doing?'' "Of course not," I said indignantly. "People want to be controlled. People want to be slaves. Do you know why?'' he asked. "Why?" the doctor asked back. "That's how evolved they are. Their consciousness is not developed enough. In fact, it's not developed at all. According to their level of consciousness, they perceive themselves as just ordinary workers. They are asleep. They have never been awake. They were born asleep and they die asleep. Do you think you are the one to wake them up?'' "We try.'' "Hahaha! You try!'' he laughed. ''You are wasting your time. No one can ever wake them up.'' "Are you sure Mr. X?" "More than sure. It's impossible to wake up a large group of people. An individual may occasionally wake up from the dream called life, leave the matrix and see the reality. If a large group of people were to do it, it would lead to an imbalance in nature. It is simply not possible.'' "I think I understand your point. I have considered that topic myself,'' I said. ''But nobody listened to me.'' "Jesus was awakened. Buddha was awakened. Allah as well. But for a large group of people to do so is almost impossible,'' he said. We were all silent for a moment.

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"It is as I said. People cannot be aware,'' he said dismissively. Then... ''Let's waste no more time. Are you absolutely sure you do not want the money?'' "Well ...'' Mary muttered. ''If it's up to me, I'd take it. I do have some debts to pay out, you see,'' She said. "Mary, we discussed this at your place. You agreed,'' the doctor said exasperated. "Yes, but I don't see any point in refusing them. They do offer it to us freely. Anyways, we do cooperate with them nicely. They aren't that bad... Freemasons aren't,'' she said a matter of factly. "Not so bad?'' exclaimed the doctor. ''Mary, you let them brainwash you!!'' "I'll take my part, sir," she said and stumbled. ''I mean Mr X, sir...'' "Damn you Mary! This is an awkward situation you are putting us in!'' "What about you, Mr Freeman?" asked Mr X. "I do not want any money. I've saved enough in my career. I'm old now. No, why would I need any more money than I already have?'' he said and looked at Mr X. "And you, Nick?" "No" I replied quickly. "I do not want any masonic money." "Good. Mary is the only one to accept her share of the money. Ms Mary, please follow Robert to the room on your right. He'll give you your share as agreed and fill you in all the details you need to know and what have you to do in the future'' Mr X said and turned to us again as they walked out of the room. "Okey," Mary said and went into the room with Robert. During that time we talked with Mr X. "You think you can buy us off," I asked. "Why not? People are a commodity. Everything can be bought or sold. Everyone has a price,'' he smiled. | 62

"Yes. I expect that's the case with ordinary people, the sheep in the herd who have not waken up already. Not us, though. Doctor Freeman and I are awake,'' I said. "Are you sure you are awake," smiled Mr X. He sounded as he was making fun of us. "Well, you can't but us with money,'' the doctor replied and smiled. "Maybe I can't,'' he smiled. ''With money. But, perhaps I can buy you with some knowledge?'' "What kind of knowledge?" I asked. "An old knowledge, an ancient knowledge," he said. "Hmmm. Okay, we might learn something,'' I said. ''Whose knowledge is this?'' "The knowledge of the Ancient Mystery Schools." "Is that knowledge a part of Freemasonry or have you explored it yourself?'' asked the doctor. "Yes, it is a part of our teachings. But you know, all those ancient mystery schools came before Freemasonry even existed. All of those ancient teachings were incorporated into Freemasonry,'' he added. "Are you actually saying that all those ancient schools of witchcraft and magic were actually masonic? How can all the old masters, artists, poets like Plato, Aristotle or Caesar be Freemasons?'' the doctor asked with a little irony in his voice. It was obvious he could not believe what he was hearing. "I told you,'' he repeated. ''All those ancient schools were a vanguard of Freemasonry. Today Freemasonry is identical with those ancient schools." "Yes, but those schools were known under different names. They existed 3000 or 4000 years before Freemasonry was even thought of. Freemasonry did not exist back then and to claim otherwise is an utter nonsense,'' I interrupted. ''You can't label all those people who lived back then as freemasons.''

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"The initiation stages that each member passes through are exactly the same with the teachings of those ancient mystery schools. From today's point of view, we would like to refer to them as Freemasons even though they did not call themselves by that name,'' he said. "According to you, the same can be argued for the Illuminati as well, can't it? That they also originated from those schools,'' the doctor noted. "Well, of course,'' he said. ''You know, those schools were known under different names throughout history but their principles and teachings were the same. I can assure you their existence continued to this day.'' "Does that mean that the words Freemasons, Illuminati and conspiracy theorists should be the one and same thing?'' "You can put it like that if you so wished,'' he said rather indignantly. ''I have to note, though, that I'm pleased to finally converse with people who are aware of some things in these matters,'' he added as an undertone. "We are also glad to be able to clarify some things,'' I added. "Yet, you go to extremes,'' the doctor interjected. ''You claim that Nimrod was a Freemason and consequently, that one of the sons of Noah were also Freemasons. The next thing you'll say is that Adam was a Freemason himself!'' "Adam was the first Freemason," Mr X said coldly. "Oh, come off it,'' the doctor smiled cynically. "How dare you contradict me?'' MR X said angrily. ''Easy,'' the doctor said and smiled. ''Take the great Freemason Albert Pike. He said so himself. Don't you remember that Pike was quoted saying that Freemasons were deliberately lied to since the beginning. New initiation members were told that certain signs and symbols carried certain meanings only to be taught differently as they advanced in the hierarchy. Sometimes I wonder if Freemasonry is | 64

nothing more than an onion or a cabbage. Whenever you peel off a layer you are told a different story that denies the already existing one.'' I looked at the doctor incredulously. I could not believe my ears. He was talking to this man as he was another student of his. The good doctor had probably forgotten that this particular man could order our deaths with a single nod of his head. "That's just one method of teaching our new members. They increase their knowledge as they climb up the ladder in Freemasonry. We cannot immediately disclose our secrets to newcomers and members we cannot trust from the beginning. Surely, you agree with that,'' he said calmly. "But you deliberately lie and mislead them. New knowledge contradicts the old one in everything you teach.'' "Adam carries a special meaning. That's why we consider him the first Freemason. Let me explain how that story goes,'' he said and continued. "We believe that man is the product of evolution, not the product of an alien race nor a creation of God. Man has originated from apes after many years when their spine erected and they began to walk on two legs instead of jumping on branches in search of food as monkeys. Over time, their brain developed as well and it helped their progress in their search of food and the use of tools. In short, people started to think. Natural selection helped people survive until this day. Naturally, over time some people stood out from the masses with their brains and their acquired knowledge. They passed it to those more unfortunate in using their brains. They taught them how easier to find food, make their shelters... They taught them how to survive. People started using a variety of stone and wooden tools and objects. Over time they discovered fire. Those people who had a little more knowledge than your average person became priests. They ruled, of course, because whenever there was a problem to solve, people would go to them and they always had good advice for the benefit of the whole community. Those were the ones who ruled at the beginning. Throughout history, of course, many kings and queens have come and

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gone but priests are the ones who stayed the longest. They were the wisest and the most knowledgeable. It's the same today. In most secret societies nowadays, and this was the case throughout the whole of our history, those who ruled were the priests. Not emperors, kings or queens. The priests were the ones that chose who would hold that title for a little while but they remained unchangeable. It's the same today. You are educated men, look around you. Your government and your Heads of State are nothing more than puppets ordered around by those with a higher knowledge, controlled by the members of the secret societies, dictated by those same members what and how are they to govern.'' "We could certainly agree with some of that,'' the doctor said and smiled. ''I have come to similar results in my studies. Yet, it does not mean that that's exactly true.'' "What do you mean, it's not exactly true?" he asked. ''Just because you believe a certain thing does not make it true,'' the doctor added. ''For example, let's consider that theory of evolution you are so fond of and which you have forced and taught at every school and university in this world. That theory is a complete fabrication. It is a lie,'' the doctor said and looked at him defiantly. ''Even after two hundred years, darwinists and evolutionists had not produced a single evidence that would substantiate this contradictory and fantastic theory of billion of years of evolution of the Earth, animals and man. There is not one shred of evidence of any kind of mutation in all fossil records in the world that prove the fact that a single species had evolved from another. If there was some evidence of these mutations we would have found them in the fossil records after the Great Flood. Fossil records could not have formed naturally over a period of billion and billion of years. Earth is not that old. If it was, all the oceans would long have been cover in sand from natural erosion. The truth is that the theory of evolution is just an ordinary masonic fabrication. Earth is not as old as it had been assumed. Natural selection is unable to develop any higher species. Life cannot arise | 66

from nothing. Living matter does not arise from dead matter. All apes that man is supposed to originate from are just that, a fabrication. All those fossils of humanoids are either assembled of human bones or ape bones. There is no such thing as a cross species between humans and apes.'' "You do not believe in evolution, doctor Freeman?" Mr X said after a considerably lengthy silence. "Absolutely not,'' said the doctor. ''And why hide in the first place? Why don't you come out and tell the world the truth that in reality Charles Darwin was nothing more than a Freemason who simply invented the theory of evolution using some old records of his grandfather who was also a Freemason?'' "A point well made, doctor Freeman,'' Mr X said. ''Still, you cannot deny the fact that the most important artists, poets, and scientists were Freemasons.'' "Finally, the truth,'' the doctor smiled. ''What children learn at school today is what what Freemason wrote, said or invented. Why is it that people who had wonderful ideas and discoveries, people who wrote books and presented different views to those of yours have been marginalized only because they were not a part of your organization?'' "We are the ones who move the world forward today,'' he said. ''We are the philosophers, the scientists; we have the intelligence, the mind... We are the society, the enlightened who rule the world.'' "Why do you do that for?" asked the doctor again. He posed quite a challenge to this mysterious person in a mask standing in front of us. "To educate or to brainwash the youth at schools? To separate them from the truth of the Bible? To impose on them this fictional theory of evolution when what they really should be learning about is the Bible and the faith in God!'' "We wouldn't do that,'' he interrupted.

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The doctor smiled a genuine smile. "That's exactly what you are doing, Mr X. But, excuse me. Let's get back to the subject of Adam. How is it exactly that you consider him a Freemason?'' "Well, that goes as far back as the Garden of Eden,'' began Mr X. ''Adam and Eve were kept prisoners there in total ignorance by an unjust and unruly God. They were released from their chains by Lucifer who acted through his agent Satan disguised as a snake. He used his intellect in setting them free. Through the use of intellect humans can reach perfection. They can become Gods. That was Satan's promise to Eve. He told her that if she ate from the tree of knowledge, all knowledge would be available to her and she would become a goddess. Satan deceived Eve.'' "Yes, but God specifically ordered Adam and Eve not to eat from the forbidden tree or they would die. You know, they already had perfection,'' I said. "Biblical history is incorrect. After they ate from the tree, God asked them to return to him but they went in hiding because they received the knowledge and the intellect. They were naked. They were ashamed of it. They covered themselves with fig leaves. That is where the apron we wear originates from. He received the intellect and he knew he had to cover himself. We use an apron in memory of Adam as the first Freemason,'' Mr X concluded. "Well, that's the way you see things. However, this belief of yours is nothing more than a luciferian doctrine and philosophy which is completely contradictory to the Holy Scriptures and therefore I consider it incorrect,'' I replied. "That's what we are doing, Mr Nikolovski, sharing information about Freemasonry and it is my belief that it is identical to the ancient mystery schools," he said. "And where did the first mystery schools appear?'' I asked him not giving up that easily. "In ancient Babylon. All of today's secret societies and brotherhoods originated from there. On the territory of what is known | 68

today to be Asia Minor. From there, they spread to every corner in the world, to ancient Egypt and ancient Macedonia and later in the Roman Empire,'' he added. ''You surely know this?'' "Of course,'' I quickly added. ''But, what exactly is this knowledge, in your opinion?'' "They had great knowledge which they carefully kept among themselves. They used it to rule over other people, to hold them in obedience and to exploit them for their own needs. These members of the brotherhoods were considered to be the first priests. They were the right hand of every ancient king or ruler who controlled the masses with their help.'' "As you have already mentioned,'' I added. ''What else did these schools of mysteries teach?'' "That a man is not his body only. A man possesses a soul, " he said. "We know," I said quietly. "That each of us can learn to know oneself,'' he went on. "The same thing eastern religions and psychology offer us today,'' I was quick to point out. "Primarily, we are spiritual beings." "Yes, and ..." "And ... Man can reach perfection." "Illumination, you mean?" "You know?" Mr X asked astonished. "Of course, we know. Why else are we here for at the first place?'' I replied increduously. "To connect with the Great Architect." "Well, I think this is the point where we do not share the same belief," the doctor added. "Why not?" "We think a connection can be accomplished only with God, not with the Great Architect of the Universe." "We consider it the same thing," he said.

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"No, that's a lie,'' I replied. "We can talk openly now, can't we?'' I asked doubtfully. ''Of course. I appreciate the fact you are open to communication,'' he said and encouraged me. ''Please, go on.'' ''You believe in Lucifer. That is what it all comes down to. You have adored him and referred to him by many different names throughout history and one of them is the Grand Architect of the Universe - GAOTU." ''How do you know all this?" Asked Mr X uneasily. "From the great masters of Freemasonry and their books, of course. Albert Pike, Mackey, Manly P. Hall ... Read them all, analyzed them all ...'' I let my sentence finish in mid air. "Good," reply Mr X. ''However, we do not belief in God, we only fulfill certain common rituals and customs." "What? Didn't you just say the connection can only be made through God?'' I protested. "For us, God is an eternal omnipresent energy. It is not an independent matter outside our world, but closely connected and related to us. God is ever present. He is the entire universal energy of the endless universe." Hmmm! The doctor and I looked at each other and smiled. "What did you mean when you said you connected to that energy through God?'' "It is an act of enlightenment, of illumination. It is the understanding of who and what we are. Only members of the highest degrees of Freemasonry can reach it," he said. "What do you mean by that? Anyone else studying these matters can do the same through various different ways, I gather?'' the doctor asked. "No,'' he said firmly. ''This is where Freemasonry differs from science and other religions. Enlightenment can only be experienced during specific masonic rituals in masonic temples and other places specifically constructed for that purpose." | 70

"Well, so be it if you say so,'' the doctor said a little sardonically. ''However, we cannot trust your words so easily. We are well aware that there are multiple truths to it. There is the so-called visible Freemasonry i.e. general teachings of Freemasonry and its symbols for the lower levels of membership. The higher you go up the ladder the same symbols have entirely different meanings and they gain and increase in significance. Only the highest members of Freemasonry know the entire truth and the true meaning of the symbols and rituals and whom and how they serve. In other words, you lie through your teeth not only your membership but even more the ordinary man who is not a part of your organization.'' At that moment the door of the room to our right opened and Mary and Robert walked out of it. "You're done with the instructions I assume, Robert?" Asked Mr X. "Yes, Mr X." "Good,'' he added. ''Be so kind as to escort the lady to her car.'' "What about us?'' asked the doctor as I noticed him tremble a little in the dark. "You will come with me." "Where?" we asked at the same time. "Let's not waste more time than necessary. You'll see soon enough ..." "See what?" "I'll take you to witness one of our usual masonic rituals in the Valley," he added. Silence. None of us said a word. "Goodbye,'' Mary broke the silence. ''And good luck!" "I'll come with you, Mary. I need to get up early tomorrow and get ready for my lectures. Maybe some other time, gentlemen,'' said the doctor gently and got himself out of another tight corner. He was pretty good at that.

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"Damn you! You let me down again. I really wanted to witness one of their rituals,'' I said a little surprised that I was not afraid of their offer. I was excited. "Well, goodbye to you two,'' Mr X said and looked at me. ''You can still come with me, Mr Nick. We'll loan you some clothes you need to put on for the ritual. Then Robert will take us to the Valley.''

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Once I put on the black robe and the golden mask on my face, we got into the car and drove off. It was only the four of us, Mr X, Robert, the driver and I so I used the opportunity to ask him a few questions. I doubted I'd get a chance like this again. "Are you, the Illuminati, the same as every other human being?'' I asked him. "What do you mean are we the same? Isn't it obvious?'' "I meant that you are all blood related. Is that true? You have married among yourselves for centuries,'' I added. "Yes, that's true for the Illuminati. Our marriages are closely related,'' he answered. "But has it got anything to do with a special bloodline that you've tried to sustain throughout the centuries?'' I asked him again. ''Many conspiracy theorists have claimed that the Illuminati carry an alien blood line in their veins. That deep down in history aliens mated with earth girls or so has it been claimed.'' "Hmh. I know what it is you wanna ask me, but no, there is no alien blood line in us. These kind of things were set forth to manipulate and confuse the public. Yet, it is true that we are the elite and marriages occur just among ourselves,'' he added. "So, there's nothing alien in you?'' I confirmed rather disappointedly. Another conspiracy theory just went down the drains. "That's a myth. It was placed in the media when we saw all the fascination UFOs and aliens held in the public eye. There's never been anything more than that. Therefore, the theory that all human beings

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were created by aliens and that we are a hybrid nation is a pure fabrication," he said and smiled. "And you are not reptiles, are you?'' I smiled. "Haha, that's rubbish. Of course, it was all carefully planned. Many of those truth seekers out there were just like you. Once they accepted our offer, which you refused this evening, they are more than willing to spread all of those bombastic and rather stupid theories and manipulations,'' he smiled back at me. "What they do actually is spread misinformation about you?" I said. "Yes. There's a lot of truth out there as well but the manipulation is bigger. We like it that way. The bigger they are, the bigger the fear the public has of us.'' "But why?" "We prepare them. It is just one of the stages." "Which stages?" "There are special stages human beings should go through. Just like our members climbing the ladder in our organization. People have to be prepared to accept us better. There are films, documentaries, books and lectures that talk about us. All the bestsellers in the movie and the publishing business have something to do with the secret societies. They are full with manipulations that are carefully placed there. The general public knows literally nothing of what we truly represent. It's all a lie and a perception. Even members in the lower ranks of Freemasonry know nothing,'' he added. "I've noticed all these themes and elements, symbols and signs in the music videos and the movies. They are mainly Gnostic, occult, esoteric and magical; masonic if I may call them like that,'' I added. "Well noticed, Mr Nick." "You said you were preparing? Preparing for what exactly? The New World Order and the World Government?" "Yes, of course. That is the reason why this is so important,'' he said. | 74

The car stopped. We'd been driving for about an hour. We were outside of the city, in, what looked like, a wood. We went out and walked towards the woods. There was a little stream and a small bridge across it. We stood on it and observed the surroundings for a moment. There was an owl like stone on the other side of the stream which was in the center. All around it, in a circle, stood many other big stones. And in front of the stones there was a large group of people. Half of them were dressed in black robes and the other half in red. They all wore masks and were arranged in a perfect circle. In the middle was the Grand Master with a red cap on his head and a golden mask. He held a golden rod in his hand which emitted smoke from the top. He hit the ground with it periodically. On the side, there were a few other people who sang some dark occult songs. Even then I noticed a dead body, or maybe it was a dummy, of a man lying in the center of the circle. I couldn't see well in the dark but I think his face was rotten and decomposed. He was dead. I shuddered. Mr X looked at me. I opened my mouth as if to speak but I was more than stunned. Mr X put his finger to his mouth and warned me not to say a word. I obeyed. The whole circle of people was covered in smoke. They were all like in a trance. During the ritual, the Grand Master appeared to increase his energy. I could not bare look at it more and turned around. Mr X nodded and we both headed towards the car. "What is it that you don't understand, Mr. Nick?" he asked me on our way back. "I think I understand everything." "What was that?" he asked coldly. "It was a spirit summoning ritual,'' I said drily. "Close enough, but no. It was an angel summoning ritual,'' he answered. "Of fallen angels, you mean?'' I asked. ''Of demons?''

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"Exactly." "And why do you do it? What benefit have you of things like that?" I asked rather disgusted. ''Look here, Nick. We do not summon them to only give them our energy. We summon them in order to use them to our benefit.'' "What?'' I asked surprised. ''You can control demons?'' "Well, of course. Why else would we waste our time in rituals like this?'' he asked as if offended. "You consider yourselves masters of demons?" "Something like that. They are only our slaves." "And I thought human beings were your slaves," I said with some disdain. "We consider human beings to be nothing more than a farm to us. We use their energy as food for the demons. That's how we bribe them, that's how we are able to use them,'' he said. "Use them for what?'' I asked confused. "To rule." "But you already rule the world!" I said incredulously. "This is not the only world there is, Nick. We want to rule them all.'' I was left speechless with my mouth open. "The question now is, of course,'' he began again and there was some coldness in his voice. ''what to do with you. It is obvious you did not enjoy the sight very much.'' ''No, I don't like this kind of magical rituals, no. You, the Freemasons and the Illuminati are the same thing actually. You are all satanists practising these satanic rituals. On top of it, you parade as a benevolent and moral humanitarian organization that provides grants for the benefit of mankind," I added bitterly. "We are not a religion," reply Mr X. "What do you mean, you are not a religion?'' I asked. ''You have a temple, it has an altar, you practise these religious ceremonies and rituals. You think we are so stupid that we hadn't done our homework? | 76

You require of your members to sign oaths in blood when they enter different levels in Freemasonry.'' "What of that?'' "It's the opposite of what the Bible teaches us to do. It is forbidden to swear blood oaths to anyone, and particularly more so to God. What you do is practise something completely different to the Bible, the New Testament and the Law of God. Why do you even bother hold a Bible in your hands is what I do not understand. You do not believe in it or anything that is said, either. You break God's commandments.'' "I agree to disagree,'' he said slyly. ''Christians are welcomed to join our ranks as many other religions are. Only atheists are those we do not accept.'' "That's because you want to attract Christians and all good people from other religions and turn them to evil in Freemasonry. You want to connect them to all these different pagan gods and deities you worship in Freemasonry, and above all, you want them to obey and support Lucifer when they reach the highest level. It is only then that the greatest secret of Freemasonry is discovered and it's the worship of Satan or as you'd like to refer to him, Lucifer,'' I added energetically. ''And that is what Freemasonry is and nothing more.'' "What about you, Nick? What do you think that Freemasonry really is?'' he asked me. "Freemasonry is a sect which drew its origin from the Canaans and the Edomites and the other pagan gods at the time when the Israelites leave Egypt lead by Moses. It is these people who worshiped these pagan gods contrary to the one God of the Israelites of the Bible and the true God. Afterwards, they worshiped Molech, Ashtoreth and Baal in Babylon. That's why they persecuted the Jews and enslaved them. Later, when one of these Israelite tribes returned to Judea and Jerusalem they carried with them the tradition and the rituals of the worship of these pagan gods. Instead to worship God, the Torah and the God's prophets, there arose new sects of the pharisees who

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worshiped the Talmud and the Cabala which are nothing more than a sum of all eastern mysticisms and teachings. They accepted these teachings that were contrary to the teachings of God in the Torah and the Bible and later the New Testament and the truth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.'' "Yes, but weren't we talking about Freemasonry?" asked Mr X. ''Freemasonry is just a new secret society, an extension of all previous secret societies, an extension of the teachings of the Pharisees and the Edenites, the Gnostics, the Knights Templar and the Rosen Croix. Their foundations are the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud and the Cabala. The Bible you have in your temple is nothing more than a hebrew, Judean Bible that holds no place for the New Testament and Jesus Christ. The Cabala and the Talmud are completely opposite from the truth in the New Testament of the Bible. A truth they do not want the world to know. They do not want the world to be saved. Your Freemasonry is nothing more than the worship of pagan gods and goddesses and submitting your soul and your loyalty to Satan who is actually Lucifer that you so worship, as I said before,'' I added. ''One more thing, the protractor and the compass represent the union of the male and the female concept, they are the cult of fertility and reproduction that was worshiped by the Canaanites, Edomites and the Babylonians. It is a cult of fertility, of the phallus and the generic force of the male sexual organ which is represented by the letter G made between the compass and the protractor. All the obelisks that you have erected in Washington and the other major cities in the world originate from Egypt and ancient Babylon. Do you remember the story when Semiramis searched for Nimrod's phallus and was unable to find it thus erected a monument in his honor and proclaimed him the Sun God who impregnated her with Tammuz?'' "So what if we worship the male sexual organ?'' he asked again. "Nothing,'' I said cynically. ''Just that it's an occult, magical, ritualistic worship of the Satan or Lucifer. It is completely contrary and disrespectful to the worship of God. All these various pagan gods and | 78

goddesses are only a representation of Satan. When you pray and when you worship them, Mr X, what you do is you actually surrender all your life force to Satan or Lucifer and the fallen angels who sometimes transform and look bright and shiny to you.'' "You are disgusting, Nick. That's not what Freemasonry is, you damn idiot,'' he cried. ''Yes, I'm disgusting and you worship the male and the female reproductive organs represented by the symbols of the compass and the rectangle. I really doubt who is the more disgusting one. What you do is you praise and worship the sexual act itself,'' I added. "Yes, we do. So would you like to join us now? Would you like to be a part of Freemasonry?" Mr X said and looked at me. "To join a perverse sex cult? Why would I want to do that?'' I asked. "We are a highly ethical group of people, Mr Nick. We do not discuss religion or politics. We discuss business. We help our brothers in their businesses. We are the most powerful organization, the richest capitalists, businessmen and bankers. We care for our brothers and their progress. You'll be rich, you'll have a lot of money and power. You'll have prestige and a high position in society. We'll change your life. Forget all the stupidity you just mentioned. Let go of it. Come and join us.'' "And where will my soul go after I join your satanic sect?" "Where you want it to go. Our souls are free after death!'' he added. "Yeah, I get it. Spiritualism. You want me to surrender my soul to Satan or Lucifer. That will never happen. We only have one life, Mr X, and a material life it is, but I would not renounce my soul and my salvation. No, never,'' I said firmly. "Alright then. It is your choice. But remember, everything you saw, everything you heard this evening must stay between ourselves. If you talk to anyone about this and share it to the public you know what we must do,'' he said sternly. It was a threat. A loud and clear one.

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"I know!" I whispered. "Driver, stop the car!" cried Mr X. "Here ends our transportation, Mr Nick. See you some other time. Better yet, hope we never see each other again,'' he added in an undertone. "Yeah, right,'' I said. ''Goodbye!'' I left the car and closed the door behind me.

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It was dark, but there was a faint light from the full moon. I was left alone on the highway. The surrounding forest was thick and dark. It looked scary. I stood for a while where I was and in reality, I had no idea of it. It was the middle of the night and I had no way of knowing where exactly I was or how far it was to the nearest hotel. I decided to hitchhike a ride back to the city. It made more sense than to call Mary or Doctor Freeman and ask them to fetch me in the dead of the night. A few cars passed me by but none had the courage to pick me up. I started walking. Better that than to stay on one place for too long. After a while the police car on patrol passed by and stopped beside me. The policeman opened the window on the right side. "Sir, will you please show me you’re ID?'' he asked and looked at me suspiciously. ''Not a problem,'' I said and put my hand in my back pocket. It was empty. I looked in every pocket I had but it wasn't there. In a moment I remembered that I was beaten, almost died, ended up in a hospital, went straight to the university and then to Washington DC. I didn't really have the time to look for my wallet. It was probably in my apartment in New York. "I must've forgotten my wallet at home,'' I replied. "You'd forgotten your wallet,'' he repeated obviously amusing himself. "And what are you doing here exactly at this time of night?'' Hmm, what was I to answer to that? ''My car broke down,'' I lied.

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"Your car broke down?'' he repeated again. ''Where is your car? Where did you leave it?'' "A few miles up that way," I said and pointed aimlessly up the road. "Sir, I just came down from there. I saw no car.'' "I pushed it out of the road," I tried my luck again. "How far was that?" "I don't know. Maybe couple of miles back.'' "Did you hitch-hike your way here?'' "No, I walked,'' I said honestly. "Sir, you've got to come to the station with me. I'm sorry but those are the rules. Hitchhiking is not allowed in this state. There aren't any stoppers here. Besides, we'll have to determine your identity. You don't have your ID on you.'' "But why? What have I done?" I asked confused. "I don't know what you've done, sir. We'll have to determine that,'' he said as he walked out of his car and helped me inside it. After a while we arrived in the police station. They asked for my name and took me into the interrogation room. They left me alone for a few minutes. Half an hour passed when the same policeman returned with what looked like his superior. A commander, at least. He was tall, strong and fair. He started questioning me. "Mr. Nikolovski, will you please tell us what you were doing alone so late on the highway?'' he began. "I've already told you.'' "We checked. There was no broken car close to the place where my colleague found you. Why don't you tell us the truth?'' he asked me again. "The truth?" "Yes, the truth." "You can't handle the truth,'' I said quietly. "We are here to decide that.'' "Yes, but you won't believe me." | 82

"Try us ..." "Okay,'' I said and breathed out. ''A car left me on the highway.'' "When?" "About half an hour before your colleague picked me up." "So, you were left there?" "Yes." "By whom?" "An acquaintance." "What's his name?" "I don't know." "How can you not know? What were you doing there? Where were you going?'' "Getting back to Washington DC." "And this man left you just like that?'' he asked doubtfully. "Yes." "Where was this place? When you started out?" "Someplace in the woods. I don't know where exactly." "Do you know the name of that place by any chance?" "No." "And what did it look like?" "It was a thick oak forest. There was a stream and a little bridge.'' "Hmm, that's pretty far from where we found you." "Yes. They drove me back and left me on the highway where you found me,'' I said. "Why were you there?" "I was invited to attend." "To attend what? What man is this? What's his name?'' "I don't know his real name. They call him Mr X.'' The officers looked at each other. ''Mr X? Who is this man? What does he do?'' "I don't know. He told me that he was a member of the Illuminati. A Grand Master, a 33rd level of Freemasonry,'' I said and looked at them both.

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"An Illuminati member? A Grand Master?'' they repeated. "Yes." "You've gotta be kidding me, Mr. Nikolovski. Mason?'' "And what exactly were you doing in that place? What happened there?" "They performed a religious ritual." "Are you crazy? What are you talking about? Freemasons, Illuminati? It's utter rubbish. They don't exist,'' the commander cried. "Of course they exist. I was there. I witnessed their ritual,'' I said. "What kind of a ritual? What were they doing there? " "Summoning spirits, demons," I said calmly. The officers laughed. "You are such a comedian, Mr. Nikolovski," the commander said. "I told you won't believe me if I told you the truth. That's why I said my car had broken down. I wanted to avoid giving such answers. I realize it's hard to believe what I've just said,'' I said quietly and looked at them. "Hmm,'' murmured the commander. He looked me in the eyes and slapped me. "You obviously want to make a fool out of me.'' "No, I have no such intention." "What do you do, Mr. Nikolovski?" he asked me. "I am a researcher, teacher and a lecturer." "And what is it that you research?" "I research different kinds of phenomena, groups, organizations ... All those who place lies and manipulate the public, just like the Illuminati and the Freemasons." "Hmm, a conspiracy theorist?" "People have called us that but personally I prefer the term truth seekers.'' "It that some kind of an organization?" "Yeah, something like that. Similar to an NGO.'' "And you are the President of this organization?" | 84

"I am the President but there are more who run and manage it,'' I said. "Aha,'' he said skeptically. ''And what are you looking for here in this town?" ''The previous night I had a break in my apartment in New York, I was badly beaten and taken to the hospital. Later, I found out that those were some guys hired by the pharmaceutical corporations. Afterwards, my assistant and I came here with another university doctor. We thought we were safer here. Our lives were in danger,'' I answered him truthfully. "But why were those people after you?" he asked. ''Because of the truth we are trying to tell through our lectures, media presentations, our newspapers and books. The food that we eat from the supermarket is harmful to our health. It contains various different additives and toxic substances which were genetically modified. It is hazardous to use and causes various chronic diseases, heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Almost all diseases are a product of the bad food we eat. Our job is to tell people the truth, to make them aware. We want to make people realize that organic food, fruit and vegetables is what actually makes us healthy. These powerful corporations only want to make a profit. They are beginning to be on the losing side of things because people become more and more aware by the day,'' I said. "And what's that got to do with the pharmaceutical companies?" the commander asked. "These companies earn big money when people eat bad food high in additives, emulators, toxins, and chemicals. People start to have a weaker immune system and are more likely to get sick. And when they get sick they use the 'drugs' these companies make. These drugs are nothing more than another set of toxins which make people even sicker. They do not cure, they weaken the body even more. So people become more and more dependent on drugs which eventually have no effect on the disease itself. People take them because they are addicted, nothing

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more. They create zombie people with no feelings and emotions and no health. Of course, there is big money at stake here. We teach people how to lead a healthy life, how to produce and how to use healthy food and diet. We teach them the advantages of alternative medicine which is contrary to what the pharmaceutical companies place on the market,'' I finished. "Hmm, okay, Mr Nikolovski. Enough of that,'' he added and I knew he had something more on me. I could see it in his eyes. ''Tell me,'' he continued, ''how come you have been continually arrested in different countries?'' ''Am I under arrest?'' I asked suspiciously. ''Relax, Mr Nikolovski. No one said anything about that. We are just having a conversation. Will you please answer my question.'' "Okay,'' I said and went through my hair with my hand. ''I have participated in many peaceful protests. The police have often arrested me for no apparent reason. It is every citizen's right to assembly or participates in peaceful protests. Those are disrespected exactly from people like you.'' "And what have you done?" "I've done nothing. I've either participated in those protests or made a speech in front of other peaceful protesters. That's what they arrested me for,'' I said. "Who did you protest against?'' he persisted. "The Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the leaders of G8 and G12 ..." "So, you are a protester and an anarchist?" he concluded. "Please, how on earth did you conclude that? I'm just a man fighting for his rights and for the rights of other people who do not have them and they should. I've done nothing more,'' I insisted. "But you protest?" he repeated. "I protest. That is my right but it makes no sense to call me an anarchist," I said. "What country do you come from?" | 86

"Macedonia." "Macedonia? Where is that?" "Europe, the Balkan Peninsula." "Do you have a green card?" "No, I do not." "Do you have a visa?" he asked harshly. "Yes, I come with visa," I answered. "You have come with visa, but are you allowed to stay here in the US?" "I am." ''We'll have to check this. Also, I'd ask you to give me your assistant's phone number. She needs to come here and attest you are the person whom you claim to be,'' the commander said. Once I told them the number, the two officers went out of the room. I was left alone for another twenty minutes when they got back and told me that my assistant confirmed my story and they were sure I was telling the truth. "Ah, great," I smiled. "Unfortunately though, we'll have to keep you here until noon the next day which will give us enough time to determine whether you are a legal resident in the United States," the commander added with a glint in his eyes. They led me out of the interrogation room and placed me in one of their prison cells.

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IN PRISON I was so tired that as soon as I entered the cell, I fell like a corpse on the bed and slept like a log. I was exhausted. Betrayed by friends, left alone in the lurch. They told me they would have to hold me until noon to let me go. I woke up around 10 am. I was not sure if they'll release me or keep me still. They had certainly checked all there was to check about me. I shared the cell with another inmate. He was a tall, big man. There was a scar on the right cheek of his face. "Hi, I'm Nick," I told him. "Hi, Nick. I'm James," he introduced himself. "How are you?" "Good. You?" "Well, I managed to grab a little sleep." "Why are you here?" he asked me. "I don't know. I was stopped at the highway and they booked me in,'' I said. "You did nothing?'' "No, I just forgot my ID,'' I added. "I see. They'll let you out soon enough.'' "I hope so," I smiled. ''And why are you here?'' "Ah,'' the man breathed out. ''That's a long story.'' "We have all the time in the world,'' I smiled. ''We are not in any hurry.'' "I was set up and imprisoned for illegal cultivation of crops on my farm." "Marijuana, opium?" | 88

"Ha, I knew you'd say that. People look at me, see a black man and immediately think I'm in the narcotics business,'' he smiled bitterly. "Yeah, that's the first thing that crossed my mind,'' I said honestly. "But no. I’m a farmer, I grew corn and cereals on my farm.'' "What's the problem then? They are legal, aren't they?'' I asked surprised. "Yes, they are allowed," he said quietly. "They are allowed but the seed must be paid every year." "You didn't pay?" "Yeah, I paid it the year before and I produced that kind of corn.'' "Corn?" "Yes." "Genetically modified corn? The terminator gene?" "Yes. That kind of corn," he added. "How did you manage to plant the next year? Did you keep some of the seed?'' "No, I planted a different kind of corn, my corn. I knew I had to pay for the GM corn so I decided to grow my own,'' he said. "But how did they catch you?'' "I was planted some genetically modified corn on my fields without my permission. Then they sent the officials and I got sued by the giant GMOs.'' "Is that what's been going on these days,'' I said even though I shouldn't have been surprised. People like that were ready to do anything. "It's not just me. I saw on TV some other farmers framed as well. They closed their farms, bankrupted them and put them in jail'' he added. "Did you go bankrupt?"

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"Yes. I took a credit to increase my farm production. After this lawsuit, I was stripped of the whole production, the farm, and the house I own." "But that was not enough, I assume." "No,'' he said bitterly. ''The amount of money I was to pay for the lawsuit was enormous. Consequently, I could not repay the banks in the specified period of time and the interest grew more and more. Finally, I went bankrupt and ended up in here.'' "That's awful what happened to you and to all the rest of the farmers out there who try to produce healthy, organic food. There's just no way out of it, is there?'' I said. ''They want us to buy all the food from the supermarkets which is not healthy and filled with genetically modified organisms. That food is dead food, it's damaging for the health of ordinary people. There are fewer and fewer people who produce healthy and organic food and place it on the market. Each state adopts rigorous laws that bans the production of healthy, organic food even only for domestic purposes. The jurisdiction of the local government is increased and they are allowed to regulate every food production in the country. We can't grow anything even in our own back yards. They fine us big money or put us in prison if we do.'' "Yes, I was required to buy their seed every year and to place on the market only those products grown by their seed. Organic production is nowhere to be placed,'' he said. "They control us the way they see it fit and then go to extremes and tell the world we are the biggest democracy there is. They treat us like animals. The best way to rule a nation is to rule through food. Who governs food has control over the people as well. " "Unfortunately,'' James agreed with me. ''Look what happened to me and my search of justice. Are you from around here yourself?''. ''I've lived in the USA for a number of years but I'm not from around here. I'm from Macedonia, a small country in the south of Europe. I came here as a student because the economic situation was very bad in my country and it was hard to find work,'' I told him. | 90

"What kept you here?" "Money and work at the beginning. I worked multiple jobs and earned some good money. At one of those places I met my wife Kate. After a year of fooling around we decided to get married. Nine months later we had our son Brandon,'' I said calmly. "You have a wife and son. That's great,'' James smiled. "It's been almost three years that I don't," I said in a small voice. "What do you mean you don't? You just said you had a wife and a son,'' he looked at me confused. "I had but not anymore,'' I looked at him. ''My little son Brandon died when he was only eleven months old. We couldn't celebrate his first birthday. After a while, Kate and I got a divorce, she moved to another city and we lost contact.'' "What happened to Brandon?" "Brandon died from the multiple vaccines the system placed on him while he was still a small baby. He took more than ten vaccines during those ten months. They said they protected him from diseases. Yeah, right,'' I said and went through my hair with my hand. ''He was a perfectly healthy boy to go in there and take them but went back home sick. He took the last vaccine very badly. Worse than the previous ones. He had a fever, the temperature went sky high, we could do nothing to put it under control. My wife and I decided to take him to the hospital and ask for some help. It was not meant to be. My baby boy died on the way there. He died in my wife's arms as she was holding him. The hospital only pronounced him dead.'' There was silence. After a little while James asked me again ''how did you know it was from the vaccines?'' ''When the hospital told us they couldn't do anything for my son, I started screaming, yelling and smashing everything there was in the hallway. Before they called in the security a doctor passing by took pity on me, tried to calm me and dragged me into his office. There he showed me his research which confirmed that vaccines are harmful to humans because they contain substances that are not supposed to be

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there. Substances like formaldehyde, mercury and aluminum, phenol, methanol, acetone, glycerin, antifreeze, MSG and many other toxins. Then the organic remains from different kinds of animals: monkeys, cows, chickens, sheep, pigs, dogs and etc. They are all mixed with blood and the infectious animal viruses that cause cancer in human beings. Vaccines also contain aborted human fetus cells, mutated human viruses, bacteria, genetically modified organisms, DNA from other animals and so forth. They cause people to receive encephalitis, meningitis, several types of infections, allergies, colds, autism, blindness, deafness, paralysis, epilepsy, auto immune disease, organ damage, the chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as the weakening of the immune system. Vaccines are supposed to strengthen the immune system, but every human being reacts differently to all these ingredients. There were cases where people directly died from them and other cases where people had consequences all their lives due to the vaccine they took as children. It hasn't been proven yet that vaccines help strengthen and improve the immune system in humans. On the contrary, it weakens it and makes people catch the disease they were vaccinated against.'' "You want to say that during vaccination people actually caught the disease they were vaccinated against?'' he said surprised. "Yes, that's correct,'' I told him. ''The doctor I mentioned, doctor Freeman eventually became my best friend. Together we founded our organization as a way to inform people and tell them the truth about many things that happen in our world today. We conducted tests and researches and found out that many children got diabetes as a result of the vaccines they received. We proved that the percentage of vaccinated children against a certain disease who later became ill of that disease were greater than those children that were not vaccinated in the first place. Parents in the USA are bound by law to vaccinate their children against twenty-five different diseases by the time they turn five years of age. That's a lot compared to the five or six we received as children.'' | 92

"And what exactly is their purpose for doing this?'' he asked revolted. ''They want to increase the percentage of people who are sick so that they'll buy the so-called drugs the pharmaceutical companies produce. The irony in all this is that those drugs do not make people healthier. They only become more and more addicted and sicker. But the money is great, I guess. It's a big business.'' "Yeah, now I realize. It's a shame how our system works,'' he added. ''This perfectly fits their depopulation policy. They don't care about people, they want half of the population on earth dead. They pretty much achieve it too through the health system, the vaccinations and the policy of how many children are enough to a family. There are many countries that allow only one child per family. They give the rules, we follow.'' "In short, they are playing God, aren't they?'' "That's exactly what they are doing, James. Playing God. But not for long, I hope. That's why we are here, to awaken as many people as possible and put an end to all the crimes they committed against humanity,'' I said. While I was talking to James, one of the officers entered and asked me to go with him. I said goodbye to James and I was led to the same interrogation room as last night. "Mr Nikolovski, we checked all the documentation we have on you and we found out that your stay in the US is illegal. Your visa had expired almost a year and a half ago. You have no visa, no papers, much less a green card. You've been working illegally since then,'' the commander said and looked at me. "I'm under contract to the faculty and our organization is a nonprofitable organization." "However, when we saw these things we decided to call the Immigration office," he continued not paying any attention to what I said.

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"They have already arrived,'' the commander said and sent one of his officers to show them in. They arrived shortly afterwards ad introduced themselves as officers of the Immigration office. "We've been looking for you for quite some time Mr Nikolovski,'' one of them said. "For a while?'' I asked sarcastically. ''Why didn't you look for me at my apartment where I live?'' "We couldn't locate your whereabouts,'' he continued. ''The commander here informed us and we arrived immediately.'' "How come you couldn't locate me when my address and my phone number are public records?'' I asked again. I knew I was being set up. ''As my driver's license and ID are.'' "We couldn't but here we are now. Mr Nikolovski, you visa had long before expired. You do not have a green card. How did you intend to stay in our country with no legal documents?'' he asked me again. "What? What's the number of the immigrants in the US? Do you know that? If you arrested and deported all of them who's going to do the dirty job for you?'' I asked. "We don't know the precise figure but there are many,'' the other one answered quietly. "Why me? What have I done? Have I done any particular crime during my stay? Haven't I paid my taxes on time? I'm an academic citizen, I have a PhD and work at the university,'' I said. "Yes, you are a distinguished professor, but sir, you do not have any documents. You're not allowed to stay if you do not have documents. You have paid your taxes on time. The police will attest for the rest,'' he said. "Well, Mr Nikolovski, you are not as innocent as you'd like us to think,'' the commander said. ''You have been arrested in the US three times so far and six more times in other countries.'' "Do you know why I've been arrested?" | 94

"You posed a threat to other people's safety and security. You harassed them. You have been characterized as an anarchist protester,'' he said. "Does this country have the right to freedom of association and the right to protest for the civil rights and liberties?" "Yes, it has." "Apparently not. I have been arrested for participating in various rallies and demonstrations just fighting for my rights and the rights for every other citizen." "But so many times? You've surely done something that prompted your arrest?'' he insisted. "I've done nothing more than appear in those places where the Grand Elite, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission or the G8 hold their meetings. Many times I had not even appeared because the police had held me on the airport before I even managed to leave it. Or the hotels where I'd stayed. They'd come and ask me questions. Eventually they'd put me under arrest just because I was there, close enough to the meetings of the Illuminati elite. The police had never had anything against me. You can check. I was usually released after the meetings were over. Yet, sometimes, they held me and interrogated me. Even been beaten on a few occasions.'' "Mr Nikolovski, as far as we are concerned you are a free man. We have nothing to hold you on any more. However, I leave you in the hands of the Immigration office. They'd know the best what to do with you,'' the commander said and held his hand to me. I shook his hand and smiled ironically, ''Thank you for the nice welcome here, commander. I hope we never have to see each other again.'' "I hope not too,'' the commander smiled. ''Goodbye.'' Before we left for New York, I asked the gentlemen from the Immigration office to stop by Mary's place. I had to pick up something. Not that it was very important, I just wanted to see doctor Freeman one last time. They agreed.

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When the doctor saw me entering through the door, he became a little frantic "What happened to you," he asked me immediately. ''I was so worried about you. Where were you? I thought the worst has happened...'' "It's a long story. It has to wait for some other time,'' I smiled happy to see him all right. I shortly explained who these guys were and told him we were going back to New York and that I was getting deported. "Deported?'' he asked astonished. "You heard me right,'' I said. "Hmm, this is a set up, don't you see?'' he yelled. ''The Illuminati set him up.'' "I don't think this is an accident either,'' I said. ''First the police, now the immigration. In the same day? It can't be a coincidence.'' "You've been set up,'' he said again. "Listen to me Freeman. There's no one else I could leave the organization to. You know well everyone in the management can be bought easily at any time. Now that I'm not here, you are responsible for it, understand. We'll stay in touch. Do not forget to organize the scheduled lectures in the major US cities as planned but push those forwards for a day or two. You'll have a lot of work but I hope you'll manage. You know the lecturers and you take my place. Keep Mary away, give her one lecture and watch closely what she has to say. Ban her access to all our documents. She is not to be trusted anymore,'' I told him as quickly and as quietly as I could. ''Here,'' I said and carefully passed him a key. ''This is the key from the desk in my office. All the evidence materials we have are there. Take them with you and put them somewhere safe. Do not trust anyone else. And remember, you are the only one I can trust now,'' I said and looked at him in the eyes. The good doctor nodded and looked me back. "Good. Everything will be all right, Nick. I promise,'' he whispered. At that moment Mary entered the room. | 96

"Nick, you are here. I was just getting ready to get down there and bring you back home,'' she said with a broad smile on her face. I smiled. "Thank you, Mary, but you shouldn't bother. I have to go anyways.'' "Where to?" she asked. "New York." "Let's go together. Doctor Freeman and I have to get back to work,'' she said. "You can take my teaching post now, don't worry,'' I said and looked at her in the eyes. "What? What are you talking about?" "Everything is going according to plan, isn't it?" "Plan? What plan?" asked Mary. "We both know it, Mary," I said. ''Goodbye for now." "Goodbye, Nick."

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The goons from the Immigration office escorted me back to my apartment in New York. I needed to pick up some clothes and other things from there. I called my landlord to tell him I was leaving as well as some friends from the organization and the dean at the faculty. Once I managed to gather my luggage we left to the JFK airport. They were so nice as to buy me the plane ticket. I was so grateful, I thought ironically. I had a flight to London where I had to change planes and continue to Sofia in Bulgaria. The customs officers put the black seal in my passport and I boarded the plane. There were three seats in my isle. I sat on the third further from the window. A guy sat next to me and a young woman next to him, close to the window. I assumed she was his wife or girlfriend. I tried to relax and enjoy the flight. It was a long flight and I like long flights. I'm not afraid of flying. During lunch I had a chance to get a little closer to them. It was pretty tight so I offered to call the flight attendant for them every time they needed something. I liked calling her. She was a beautiful tall brunette with her hair tied back in a ponytail. The girl who sat next to the window liked to watch the sky outside. After a while she said, "What a nice view. It looks like planes make their own clouds when they pass by.'' "Yeah, it does,'' comment her partner. I could not resist. I had to join their conversation. "The view might be good but some of them can cause cancer,'' I said and waited for their reaction. They both looked stunned. "How can planes cause cancer? Isn't it just exhaust fumes?'' the man said. | 98

''Easily enough if they are chemtrails,'' I said. ''Chemtrails is what some planes emit into the atmosphere. They last for hours and do not disappear into the sky for a few minutes like contrails does. Whereas, simple exhaust fumes dissolve into the air within ten to fifteen minutes.'' "Are you sure about this?" "Yes, we have specifically studied them. Chemtrails are emitted mainly by unmarked planes, military ones. They do not have scheduled flights, you won't find their logs anywhere. Those white trails take up a huge space in the sky and they gradually dissolve into the air,'' I said. "And why would anyone do something like that?" ''Geoengineering is carried out by many well-known multinational companies. It's in their benefit to sprinkle the population with a variety of toxic gases mainly barium, aluminum, aluminum oxide, chromium, nickel, and bacteria. They also emit genetically modified organisms. A group of scientists from my faculty discovered genetically engineered fungi, infected red blood cells, pathogens and cylindrical worm eggs in these fibers.'' "And they cause cancer?" the girl asked. "Yes, chemtrails are only one of the reasons for the increased number of cancer occurrences due to the weaker immune system. These fungi that we discovered weaken the immune system in humans because they are fed with nutrients needed by our immune system. Aluminum, for example, causes breast cancer and Alzheimer disease. Barium causes cardiac abnormalities, tremors, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, paralysis, etc. All these harmful elements that I've just mentioned cause various diseases and are the main reason for them.'' "Yes but why would someone do something like that?'' ''In order to destroy the production of healthy organic food and increase the production of poisonous genetically modified food in its place which is very harmful for human consumption. Also it contributes to the increased occurrence of these diseases and many others. Furthermore, when the population is sick and has a weaker

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immune system they visit the doctor more often and the same doctor prescribes yet another dose of medication and drugs that are toxic and harmful to the body,'' I added and waited for their reaction. "Yeah, right. I'm a doctor. I do not prescribe harmful drugs to my patients!" the young man said energetically. "Are you sure? Tell me, what exactly are all those pills and tablets you prescribe to your patients? They are nothing more than toxins,'' I insisted. "No, these are medicine," he said defensively. "No, they are not medicine. They are toxins and poisons promoted by the large pharmaceutical companies. And you as well as all other doctors, who were aware of this or not, are responsible for it.'' "Why are we responsible for it?" "Because we are accomplices," I added. ''Answer me this, who heals people?'' "We cure people, doctors," he said. "Yeah, right,'' I said and smiled. ''What are you, are you healers, do you possess bio-energy to heal people?'' "We might not be healers but we have cured billions of people,'' he said indignantly. "Come off it, sir,'' I said. ''Personally, I assure you, you haven't healed anyone. The human body has its own ability to cure. The medicine you prescribe i.e. the toxins the pharmaceutical companies produce do nothing more than make people even sicker. They do not cure. They worsen their situation.'' "What did you mean when you said, the human body can cure itself,'' he asked me puzzled. "It's simple. People are what they eat and what they drink. In short, what we consume and put into our mouths. If a person is ill then it is most often the product of the person's unhealthy and improper diet. If that person changes what he eats or drinks, his body will heal itself. If not, the disease will not only increase but it'll bring other diseases in succession and the person eventually dies.'' | 100

"And what kind of a diet is healthy and what's not?" "It's simple. Fresh food, fresh fruit and vegetables, juices and clean water is sufficient for a normal and healthy life,'' I said. "You doctors, you only deceive man that there is no cure for cancer, no cure for AIDS, or for any other particular disease. That's not true. Many people have cured these incurable diseases simply by eating healthy food. There are special diets, Gerson therapy, hemp oil, graviola, B 17 vitamin, the use of various teas and drinks from various herbs that successfully treat all these diseases." "Yeah, that's alternative medicine that can only poison people," the young doctor pointed out. "Of course, if one uses them in excess and does not follow the rules. Everything is poison used excessively. Shouldn't you as doctors, study these particular herbs and plants that can heal a human body? That's what you should be taught in at school. We shouldn't accept laws that ban the production and the distribution of herbs and plants that can heal a man's life. It doesn't suit the pharmaceutical companies, of course. They like nothing more than to continue poisoning people with a variety of different toxins disgusted as a cure." "Here you are right, I agree with you,'' the man said. ''Physicians have to increase their knowledge in alternative medicine if they want to help more people.'' "Yes, but unfortunately, you are a long way away from that path. Do you agree that the excessive use of medicine from any particular pharmaceutical company has contributed towards the increase of a certain disease, and weakened the immune system in human beings?'' I asked him again. "Yes, there are those kinds of consequences, unfortunately but they are not many and that harmful," "Doctor, why are you so inclined into defending them? How can you say they are not harmful? They are pure toxins. They do not dissolve in the human body. They remain pure toxins even there,'' I said.

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"All right, but we need much more research to prove your thesis,'' the doctor said not giving in so easily. "Oh, but doctor, there's been research done for years on matters of such importance. Thousands and thousands of them. But the reality is that the truth is still kept away from the general population. People to this day blindly believe that they can be cured but all you do is alleviate the pain and call it a cure. It's not a recovery. That's only the placebo effect. If you remove the pain, the disease still remains, it's not cured. You have not cured the cause of it, it's still in the human body. One needs to eliminate the cause in order to cure the disease. And if you only treat the disease, well then, you only postpone it and make way for another one. They appear mainly because of our unhealthy lifestyles. So better face it, doctor. You have not cured anyone. They had cured themselves.'' "What are you talking about? I have cured thousands and thousands of patients,'' the young doctor protested. "Are you sure it was you, doctor? Maybe the body cured itself. It knows its way,'' I added. "Yes but I helped in the process." "Really?'' I asked sarcastically. ''Tell me, why is it that most people who were admitted in the hospitals for a treatment ended up dead? Aren't hospitals the one place where people should be healed? Why do they pose as the biggest mortuaries to this day instead? Why don't you heal all people?'' I asked and looked at him. "It's impossible to heal all people. It's God's fault. He decides who lives and who dies,'' the doctor said. "Yeah, right. Now you blame God,'' I said and smiled. ''You are the ones who insisted vaccines be made compulsory and you won, you are the ones who agreed to administer over twenty-five different vaccines to our children until the age of five. Those same vaccines filled with genetically manipulative materials that violate the immune system of children from an early age. All you want to do with them is create a larger number of patients as possible and milk their money | 102

away from them. That's all you care about, money. You prescribe patients different toxins but you never cure them, you only make them more addictive and they come back for more. You destroy the immune system of people and make them dependant on the toxic medicine you prescribe. And you do it just for the money. To enrich the pharmaceutical companies with billions and billions of dollars. They are the richest bastards in this world,'' I added bitterly. "Why would we do that for? Just for the money?'' "No, to control people,'' I answered back. "To control people? You must be out of your mind!'' he said shocked. "See here, doctor, you think people are free but I know for a fact they aren't. You may think they can do whatever they want to but I know they can't. You may think people are free to make their own decisions but I know they can't either. You see, people are slaves. Slaves to the system be it capitalism or communism. Regardless of the system, people are slaves. People are not free to think even. Someone else in this way or another influenced them to think in a certain way. Someone else tells them how to think, how to act. People have been brainwashed, programmed to think, act and behave a certain way. In order to achieve that you need an unhealthy population, people who are constantly ill and dependent on medication, people with a weaker immune system. The easiest way to achieve that is through polluting the air, the soil, the water and the food. Everything that a healthy human body needs. That's what the pharmaceutical companies do through their toxic drugs and medicine. It is their purpose to make the population unable to think with their own head but to make them weak, emotionless and incapable of anything more than the poor jobs they do from dawn till dusk. Because if people are healthy and if they think with their own heads, they will soon realize they had been lied to, manipulated and controlled. They would realize they were slaves. And then they will wake up. They'll be free. They won't be animals as they are now and they'll lead a decent human life. They will learn the

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TRUTH and it will set them free. They'll give up the system, they will go out of the matrix. That's the only way to be free. It can only happen if people increase their awareness of what is happening around them and fight. Only through awareness can we achieve freedom. There is no other way. In order to do that, doctor, we need healthy people. That's why we are having this conversation at the first place, aren't we?'' I asked looking at them.

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They did not like what they heard. They called the flight attendant and asked to be given different places. Unfortunately, there was only one other unoccupied seat. I smiled and agreed to go there and leave them to their ignorance. In a few hours we landed at Heathrow in London. I had almost a three hours break and then I was supposed to board the plane that went to Sofia in Bulgaria. I decided to try my luck and see if I could pass the customs and leave the airport. I did not regret it. The passport controller let me go and in a few moments I was outside in the chilly London air. I took the bus to London. I was still surprised the customs let me off the hook so easily that I wondered what was I to do next. I decided to go to the nearest hotel and have a good night's sleep. Things would seem brighter in the morning. I would make my decision then. I booked a hotel, had a hot shower and crashed for the night. The following morning I woke up around ten in the morning. I went down to the hotel restaurant to have some breakfast. I was starving. During my meal I had a chance to browse through some of the morning papers. I did not have a very high opinion of them. All the information was fabricated there, a typical example of the manipulation of ordinary people. Journalists have no honesty in their work, they do not come to any information by themselves. There are five or six major news agencies in the world who place the same information in every newspaper or TV station in the world. News processed in the same way. Lies, lies and only lies.

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This time they wrote about some new crisis facing the US which might disintegrate the biggest and the most powerful country in the world. Whether a financial one or some other, they did not specify. "Hmm, as usual,'' I said to myself. The TV was on and I managed to see a part of it. They reported on the wedding of Prince William and Kate once more, how wonderful it was and some such stuff. It's been a few months since the wedding now, but the interest obviously did not come down. ''Crap,''' I thought. Suddenly, a blond girl approached my table, smiled and asked me before I had a chance to blink. "Excuse me, sir. Is this seat taken?'' I looked around. All the tables were taken. People were either having breakfast or drinking their morning tea. "Please, sit down," I said and waved with my hand. "Thank you,'' she smiled as she sat down. ''My name is Svetlana but you can call me Lana." "Hi, I'm Nick,'' I said and we shook hands. The waiter was with us in a second, she ordered her breakfast and joined me watching the wedding. She was full of energy and very enthusiastic about it. "You like it a lot, don't you?'' I said and nodded towards the TV. ''The wedding?'' "Yes, it is very beautiful," she replied. "Well, enjoy it then." "You won't watch it?'' she asked. "No. I'm not from around here." "And where are you from?" "I came from the US." "What? They didn't air it there?'' she asked surprised. "They did but I don't like watching television much. Even less a royal wedding,'' I added. "Why don't you like it? Because it's the royal family?'' | 106

"Yeah, that's about it. I don't like the royals in particular and all their titles and positions like princes and princesses, barons, earls, knights, dukes and duchesses and all that different shit,'' I said. "Oh, my!'' she said exasperated. ''I don't know anyone who doesn't like the royal family, sir. This is the English culture, their way of life. We are in England and we should respect it.'' "Yeah, the English tradition and culture that holds half the world." "No, sir, they have no power now or as much money as they used to have. They were once very rich and very powerful. Now they have the Prime Minister,'' she said. "And what is the Prime Minister if not a puppet to serve a particular function?'' I asked. ''They are members of the secret societies, mainly the Freemasons in almost every country in the world. They say and they do what they are told to, otherwise, they do nothing.'' "Sir, this is the royalty family we are talking about. Have some respect," she added half angrily. "Respect?'' I repeated and laughed loudly. ''They are the modern parasites. They have money come to them from all sides, yet, they've never worked a single day in their lives. You are a young lady, Lana and you believe their crap. Look around yourself, feel free to use the internet and do some research on the Queen. You might get surprised. You'll discover that the Queen is the chief member in various secret societies and organizations, mainly the Freemasonry. The US, Canada and Australia and many other colonies are still under her control as they were during colonialism. Do they pay taxes, have you wondered? They get their money mainly through drug trafficking. Anyways, I'm not here to discuss them. Here's breakfast,'' I added and smiled. ''Let's eat.'' "Yeah, let's eat, Mr. Nick. You look all mysterious to me with that goatee you have there,'' she teased. "Yeah, I like it,'' I smiled and scratched on it. ''I like to have it on for some special occasions." We started breakfast. I ordered us a glass of red wine.

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"Sir, how come you don't watch TV?'' she asked me with her mouth full. "Because it is not real." "Not real?" "Yes, it's an illusion. It shows unrealistic things. It shows mostly lies about anything and everything. It manipulates people." "How can one manipulate people?" "Easily. They brainwash people. People are programmed to believe everything they hear on the news. What the news says is usually not true. They report an event the way they see fit. They want to impose a particular view on people. They abuse everything and present it to satisfy their needs,'' I said. "And who are 'they'?'' she asked naively. "The media owners. A few owners own almost all the TV channels you watch. Why do we need a thousand different channels when in reality they belong to a few TV networks? All they show are entertainment programs filled with sex, violence, murders, fear and terror. Let's not forget money,'' I added and smiled. ''No, there is nothing good on TV nowadays.'' "What about the educational programs?'' "Those programs are only there to twist the facts. They spread lies in order to control people.'' "Why would anyone want to programmed people?" "In order to control them, to keep them in submission and obedience. They make people what they want them to be.'' "But didn't we live in a free democratic society?" "Ha! A free democratic society? We are not free. The media tells us what is relative, they tell us what to think, they create the public opinion. They tell us what to do, they offer us solutions and we accept them without thinking. They tell us how to behave, what to wear, what to buy, what to eat, what's fashionable at the moment, how to speak, how to think... They programmed us." "But how is that possible?" she asked astonished. | 108

"Why do you think it is called a television program?" I asked her. "Because it programs people. Television is a global hypnosis. Various scholars have conducted a lot of research on this topic and they'd concluded that during the time we watch TV we are actually hypnotized. We enter into a specific state similar to the one a person enters when he meditates; a kind of a state of half awareness. It's the same as we've been hypnotized by a hypnotist. That way all that is shown on TV enters our mind subconsciously. When we are in that dream like state 95% of our brain is on a subconscious level and only 5 % is conscious. All the information they place enters our subconscious level and our mind keeps it there for a longer period of time. We are not even aware of it. The advertising industry achieves such a huge success mainly thanks to this kind of hypnosis. Not to mention the little hidden messages that are constantly placed in almost all major films and music videos. After a while, those messages are openly presented to the public and the public soaks them up as a sponge.'' "Wow, I didn't realize it was so awful,'' she added. "Maybe you didn't but it is. I might even say it's worse. Television is used to control people. The media owners and the big corporations place the message they want to tell the public in their TV programs and they deliver. That's the way they put thoughts and ideas into people's minds. They control people, they tell them how to think, how to act and how to achieve their 'desires' which in reality is exactly what the bigwigs want them to be. Casual viewers are programmed, they have been brainwashed. They absorb what is shown on television and all the hidden messages unconsciously because they are not aware of them. Then they place them in their subconscious. Here we come to the large number of symbols that the powerful corporations use and which are occult Illuminati symbolism. All Hollywood films, music videos and television shows are filled with Masonic symbolism. It's the common man who is not aware and that cannot see it. But they exist. Often these symbols have magical connotation and they hypnotize people. The viewer is in a state of trance and his eyes soak up everything they

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see on the screen. The consciousness is asleep. People think they control what they see but they do not know how to read the symbols. The language of the Illuminati is through the symbols. When you come to the answer that all TV screens are flooded with occult symbols, most people want to defend the actors, the singers, and the media personalities that it was not their fault, that they were forced to do it. People try to convince themselves that those symbols are normal and good and nothing bad can come out of them. That's what ignorance does to people. That's what they were programmed to think. They consider all these occult, magical, satanic, Masonic and illuminati symbols as normal. Among the most frequent illuminati symbols is the Egyptian pyramid with the all-seeing eye of Horus / Lucifer at the top of the pyramid and the symbol of the sun which represents the illumination of this group of people who aspire to reach the Illuminati. Then there is the obelisk as a symbol of the Sun God Osiris who is his turn is the phallus or the male principle. Among the many symbols are the various types of stars represented as Lucifer or the Morning Star and, of course, the planet Venus. There are also the satanic symbols that actively represent the worship of Satan. They are all members of these satanic, magic and witchcraft cults. Let's take, for example, the satanic symbol of the two horns. It is the devil's sign and means Hail Satan or I love you Satan. Or the seemingly innocent sign of OK which we all take for granted but in reality it marks the 666 number of the beast of the Revelation from the Bible. This sign in particular is embedded everywhere in our society. We can find it on almost every product and it also appears everywhere on TV. There is a very large number of symbols that appear on television. Most important are the ones that are practiced by the famous media people, actors, singer, politicians ... You name it. All of them. They make all these hand symbols in order to recognize themselves among the other members of Freemasonry and at the same time they cast spells upon the ordinary viewers who are hypnotized and in a trans,'' I finished. There was a silence. Maybe I scared her, I don't | 110

know. To make up for it I added quickly: ''I was just thinking to take a walk. Would you like to join me?'' ''It'll be my pleasure,'' she said and smiled. ''Well, then, let's go!''

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Once we finished breakfast we went for a walk. The weather was neither very sunny nor very cloudy, but it was pleasant for a walk. There was a slow breeze blowing our hair. The city was beautiful. It had great architecture, old buildings, monuments ... There were tourists everywhere. And cameras, of course. They recorded everything. London is the one of the cities with the most CCTV cameras on every corner. We passed near the Buckingham Palace which was magnificent and grandiose. Lana wanted to take some pictures of it so I had to participate. It was a pleasure, I had to say. ''Where are you from?'' I asked her. ''I'm from Ukraine. This is my first time in London,'' she said. "And what do you do?'' "I'm a model." "Oh, a nice job you have there,'' I smiled. "Thank you." Our walk took us closer to the main financial center of London. We passed by the Bank of England and some other major banks in London and the world. ''Did you know that this is the financial center of the world?" I asked her. "No, I didn't know it was the center of the world, but it sure is the financial center of England,'' she said happily. "No, it's not." "What do you mean it's not? London is located in England, the United Kingdom," she looked at me doubtfully. | 112

"Yes, but this is neither London's nor the UK's. Central London is an independent state within a state. It is called the State of the City of London. It is a private corporation." "I didn't know that. Can you explain it a bit further?'' "London became a sovereign state in 1694 when King William III privatized the Bank of England and gave it to the bankers," I began only to be interrupted. "Yes, I've heard of those few families. Were the Rothschilds one of them?'' "Yes, of course they are one of those families,'' I said surprised she even knew the name. ''In 1820 Nathan Rothschild overthrew the English Stock Exchange and the Bank of England took control. Today the City of London is a powerful world financial center filled with all the richest banks, Bank of England, Bank of London, the Stock exchange, and all major British banks. Of course, there are the US banks as well, just like the richest insurance companies and the richest stock exchanges. They are all located here, in the City. This makes the City of London the most powerful city in the world and it belongs in the hands of a few powerful families. London is also the center of all the Masonic Lodges in the world. And we know that the Freemasons are among the most powerful people in the world,'' I finished and took a deep breath. ''Now, consider this,'' I continued, ''the City of London, Vatican City and the City of Columbia (in the center of Washington DC) are three independent countries within a country. They make up the Empire City. They do not pay taxes to any particular country because they have special laws that separate them from other countries. They have their own flag, postal services, radio and television stations as well as their own police and army. The City of London has the financial control over all the world's economy, the Vatican has the religious control over the world and Colombia has the military control. Together they make up the unholy trinity which has the form of an Egyptian pyramid that we can see on the one-dollar bill in the US. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation and is in the hands of

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a few illuminati families. They own the colony i.e. the USA in debt and under the Queen. They are a private corporation, as I said, owned by the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, Kuhn and Loeb, J.P.Morgan, Rockefeller, Israel Sieff and other bankers. The fact is that the USA is a corporation controlled by London, by the Crown which is not the British Monarchy as many believe but rather a private corporation. It is a city within London known simply as The City or The Square Mile. It has its own mayor, its own laws, courts, flag, police and the newspaper. It is the heart of the global financial system. Many people realize that there is this mysterious situation in which an alleged democratic and self-governing nation is actually controlled against the will of the people. That is a clear indication that there must be some powerful and well-financed occult secret organization that plans things in advance and directs the world. This secret organization is popularly referred to as the international financiers, the banking cartel or 'The Crown Corporation'. The Crown is the British royal dynasty with the Queen. The Crown is a private corporation of the city state of London, it has its own council of twelve members who rule the corporation under a mayor who is called "the Lord Mayor." This Council together with him make thirteen. This Council of thirteen members include representatives from the world's wealthiest illuminati families. They are like a ring and they include the Rothschild, the Oppenheimer, the Warburg and the Shift families. These families and their descendants run the London Crown Corporation. They keep control of all the countries that belong to the Crown as well as its colonies like Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The British Prime Minister is only an obedient servant of these ruling families. "Are the Rothschilds one of the thirteen families as some conspiracy theorists claim?" "Yes, of course. But they are not only thirteen. That number is slightly higher," I said. "Are they all Jews?" she asked. | 114

''Most of them are but not all. All those stories that these modern Jews are the same from the Bible are false. These powerful banking families are Zionists. It doesn't matter if you are Jewish or not because it is a newly created artificial nation and if you look at today's Israelis and who they really are we reach a conclusion that most of them are actually Ashkenazy Jews and some of them Khazars who once lived in the areas that are now known as Poland and some of the former Soviet republics.'' "Well, I didn't know that one." "Another thing that many researchers try to push forward is the fact that many of these wealthiest people in the world have actually been here for a very long time, since the Knights Templar or as some say even old Sumeria.'' "Oh, yes, I've heard of that. They advocate that people are hybrids and were not created by God but by the reptiles known as the Anunnaki. They claim that people actually originated from the Anunnaki,'' she said. "I'm glad you mentioned this. I didn't know that a model is interested in things like these,'' I added and smiled. "Yeah, I am. My ex-boyfriend in Ukraine thought me these things. He too was interested in stuff like that,'' she smiled. "Anyways, as you mentioned above, those who claim that mankind originated from these Anunnaki reptiles are paid manipulators who pose as independent researchers. They are paid to spread lies and to denounce all others who want to really reach the truth. Those kinds of things have never existed. Neither has their planet Nibiru. No Anunnaki had ever come to Earth and mated with earthlings. A man is a man. Man was made a man, he did not originate from apes. Nor from any other alien creature. Just like cats originated from cats, dogs from dogs and so on. No one's ever proven Darwin's theory yet. It's just a bunch of lies. God created man. The name itself bothers them, not to mention that they have to accept it. That's why they spread lies, that's why they claim we have extraterrestrial origins and various other lies.

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It all comes down to the fact that some people like to manipulate others and hold them in bondage.'' "The relationship of man with God is incredibly invaluable for everyone. We'll talk some other time about this. I'll explain it better then,'' I said. "It's all those people who want to rule over others who are bothered by this and create lies in order to keep man in everlasting slavery. Don't you know that the same thing applies to all those royal families that are supposed to be related by blood all through the long years of mankind and that they were the ones who ruled mankind through history until today? That the same royal families are connected through Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Macedonia, Rome, Byzantium and nowadays. That's all a lie. There are no such connections. All these rulers and civilizations were different,'' I stopped to catch some breath. "Well, thank you for all you eager explanation, Nick,'' she said and smiled sweetly. ''But I need to go to the bank and withdraw some money. Will you come with me?'' "Ah, money!'' I smiled. ''The things we do for money ... Let's go. I need some money too.'' We went to the Bank of England. "Do you know when was the Bank of England established?'' I asked her while we were waiting. "I don't know. The 20th century?'' she asked casually. "No, actually, it was created in the 17th century as the first private central bank - the Bank of England." "Ok, it's our turn now.'' "Good." Once we took what we needed from the bank we continued our walk. ''Do you happen to know how money was created?'' I asked her. "No, but I bet you do,'' she teased. "Come one, tell me.'' ''The history of money began a long time ago but let me explain how the idea of money came about first. So, the idea to put money into circulation instead of goods had come a long time ago from ancient Babylon, Persia and Egypt. Those people were neither landowners nor | 116

rulers but skillful magicians who sold tricks to people. They used a variety of different tricks to sell illusion to people. Do you remember those street tricksters who lure people to guess the little ball under three different matchboxes? These were the same. And it all happened in Babylon during the reign of Nimrod. During that time people started borrowing and lending money which they had to return with interest. Jews began using this system when they were in captivity and they brought it back to Jerusalem. Later, Jesus was a great opponent of this practice so he prosecuted all these money lenders and banished them from the temple of God, his father. These magicians realized that people can easily be lied to so they began to actively practice these illusionary crafts, usually with cards and numbers. Then those men came together and formed groups and presented themselves as clerical religious teachers who traveled as educators, doctors and prophets and offered people a cure for their soul and body. These tricks were later brought to Europe after the fall of Alexandria where for centuries before there were various different educational companies, who formed some kind of fraternities. These brotherhoods spread in Rome and later to the whole of Europe. They exchanged some knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, geometry, alchemy for gold. They proclaimed their knowledge a great mystery that only their members knew about and they passed it through the centuries in the form of the Cabala, an ancient teaching from Babylon and Egypt. They sold this so-called teaching to all the naïve rulers of Europe claiming the teachings were valuable astrological prophecies and wisdom. In reality, they were nothing more than lies.''

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After the lovely walk through the center of London, we returned to the hotel. Before we went our separate ways she invited me to a private party in a mansion on the outskirts of London. ''There's this good party at the mansion this night. A lot of influential people from the business sector will be there as well as the elite from the fashion world. You can come if you'd like. You'll meet some new people,'' she said. I did not want to miss an offer like this so I accepted it immediately. She told me to be ready at nine and wait for her in the lobby. I went to my room to have a little rest. I needed to figure out what to do next. To go back to the USA was impossible. The customs won't even put me on the flight back there and it was possible they'd try to deport me back to Macedonia again. To go back there? What would I possibly do in Macedonia now after all those years? I won't be able to have any influence from there too. The struggle had to continue from here, from London, the center of the financial world. I had a few friends here and some associates from the organization. Here, we could do something and not sit with our arms crossed. As I was thinking, the phone rang. I wondered who it could be. I looked at the phone. It was Mary. Hmm, what did she want now? "Hi Nick." "Hello Mary." "How are you, are you okay?" "I'm fine." "Where are you now?" Hmm, silence. I was contemplating my answer. | 118

"In a hotel,'' I said. "Did you arrive back in Macedonia? Which city are you in now?" "I'm in London, Mary. What's up? Why are you calling me?" "You need to meet some members of the organization there. Call Mark and Sam. See what you can do together,'' she said quickly. "Why? Is it urgent?'' "Yes, Nick. There are some big protests there tomorrow.'' "What protests?" "Protests against the system. Against the capitalism, the bankers ... You know, against anyone we've tried to disclose until now. We're going to fight them tomorrow.'' "Who told you that? Who organizes these things?" "A lot of NGOs have joined forces. Many truth seekers and awakened people support the protests. We are connected with people around the world, we have people in England. We were called at the last minute." "This is not the Freemasons doing, is it?'' I asked skeptically. "No, we were informed by a non-governmental organization that is one of the greatest fighters for human rights in America. I heard it direct from the President of their organization yesterday. They offered their support as well as some financial support for the activists. It's all up to us now. Find our collaborators there and support the protests tomorrow,'' she said. "Okay, Mary, I'll call them. Thanks for telling me,'' I said and hung up. I immediately phoned Mark. I told him where to meet me tomorrow at one in the afternoon and how many to take with him. We would not miss the protests. I finally managed to take a shower and a little rest. I put on some fresh clothes, tried to manage my wild hair and went down in the lobby. I sat down, ordered a double whiskey and decided to wait for Lana. Fifteen minutes went by and Lana appeared with three other

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girls. She introduced me with them and asked me to join her. I agreed. We climbed in the white Cadillac waiting for us in front of the hotel. It even had a private chauffeur. I imagined it was from their agency. "And where exactly are we going?" I asked. "In a mansion near London. Relax Nick. Don't worry, we don't bite,'' she replied with a smile on her lips. "Okay." Lana opened a bottle of champagne. It was good. ''What are we celebrating?'' I asked. "Does it matter?'' they asked and giggled. "No, not at all. I'm surrounded by beautiful girls, what more do I need?'' I smiled. After some time we arrived in the castle. It was a classic old English mansion. Beautiful architecture, well maintained, luxurious. I assumed it belonged to a wealthy businessman. The driver stopped in front of the castle. The parking lot was filled with luxurious and expensive cars. The elite was here, it was obvious. The English jet set. As we entered the castle we were greeted by some fellows dressed in black with masks on their faces. We were given masks as well. They were compulsory. "I didn't know it was a maskenball?" I murmured. Why do these people always give me masks wherever I go? What are they afraid of? Lana explained it was more interesting that way, people were more relaxed and they were having more fun. Once we put the masks on we entered the great hall of the castle. We were served some drinks and there was an open buffet to grab a bite or two. After a while, the classical music stopped and the host of the party addressed us. He was a great billionaire from the fashion business, one of the biggest brands in the world. He thanked us for | 120

being there and told us to enjoy the fun. Then he introduced the small cat walk with the words ''Let's the fun begin!'' We heard drums. A few girls came down from the second floor. They were dressed beautifully and they began to strut their stuff on the improvised cat walk. They walked in a perfect circle in front of us. In the middle of it, there was a man in a red outfit with a golden facial mask. In his right hand he held a golden stick with two snakes engraved from the sides and a cone on the top. In his left hand he held a lamp which omitted some incense. Hmm, is this what I think it is? Is this a religious ritual? Oh my God, we are all a part of it. We heard the piano playing and the choir wailing some creepy music. After a few laps, the girls started throwing off the clothes from their body. One piece at the time until they were all naked in front of us. Except for the masks they wore on their faces. They did not come off like their clothes. They threw their panties to the public. The public, of course, accepted it with admiration. Hmm, interesting. I picked up another double whiskey from the passing waiter. ''I've obviously come to the right place,'' I joked. "Of course you did," said Lana who stood next to me. Deep down I considered this unprecedented kitsch and bad taste, but I kept my thoughts to myself. The girls danced in a circle while the priest was sanctifies them in a negative way. He would stand in front of one girl and hit the ground with his stick. Then the girl would arise and kiss the girl next to her and so on. When they finished the ritual one by one the girls headed to the guests. They chose a guest with a beautiful mask which were quite elaborate, kissed them on the mouth and led them slowly to the second or the third floor of the castle.

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Afterwards, there was a small auction. I thought they were auctioning off clothes at first, but I was apparently wrong. Lana and her beautiful friends were among the other girls who were being auctioned off. "Auctioned?'' I asked shocked. "Yes, auctioned,'' replied one of the girls with a smile. The presenter announced the auction and bidding flew from everywhere. "$ 1000, $ 1500. 2000 dollars from me." "$ 2000 once, $ 2000 twice ..." "2500," said a balding gentleman standing in the front. "3000," a girl with a crazy hairdo cried out. I watched and could not believe my eyes. People are not livestock to be sold on the market. ''Why are they buying these girls?'' I asked. ''For themselves,'' explained one of the girls that came with us. "You mean, they are sold to another agency?'' "No, they are sold for sex.'' "Sex?" "Yes, what's wrong with it? You are here to have some fun, aren't you?'' "What do you mean, what's wrong with it? Tell sell them like they are whores." The girl slapped me on the face. People turned and stared at us. "Oh, we have a new gentleman here," the presenter said. "Come here, sir. Please, come here to the stage.'' I looked at him surprised. I gestured with my hand towards myself and murmured ''you want me to come there?'' ''Yes, you, sir. Please,'' he said and reached his hand towards me. I had no choice but obey. ''And, has anyone any offers for this gentleman over here, ladies and gentlemen,'' the presenter turned to them immediately. I didn't even | 122

realize what was going on when the bidding began. They were bidding me off. "1000," said the boldly old man from before. "2500," said an elderly lady. "3000," said Lana. "5000," offered another gentleman in black. "5500," Lana yelled again. "10.000," the old man blurred out. "11.000," Lana said. "21.000," said the older lady again. "21.000 once, 21.000 twice, 21.000... Sold to the lady in the red dress,'' the presenter said and pushed me off the stage. Wow, I pursed my lips but I was boiling from the inside. The auction continued with the rest of the girls. They were all on sale there. I was forced to leave with the old lady and go to the second floor. We were one of the first couples there. We could choose where to have sex. Boy, I was not up to having sex at the moment. "Hi, I'm Matilda,'' the old lady smiled broadly so I could see the artificial jaw in her mouth. "I'm Nick," I said coldly. I would have laughed if I did not want to cry at the moment. I asked her if she was thirsty and went to grab us something to drink. I nodded to the barman and asked him to give me something to, you know... He said he had it but it would cost me additional five hundred dollars. ''Sold,'' I said. I took the tranquilizer and put it in the old lady's drink. There was no way I was having sex with her today. We took a booth in the end. It was quieter there and not very light. I let her caress me between my legs as she took off my shirt and started kissing me. Her hands were on my pants unbuttoning them when her head fell on my lap and she was dead unconscious. ''Right on time,'' I smiled.

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I sat there quietly for a while and drank my whiskey. I tried to look around what was happening. People were having sex all around me, left and right, in the boots, on tables, chairs, on the floor ... On the top and the bottom, from the front and the back ... Two or three or more. Sex everywhere. Orgies in its abundance. They switched partners. All the girls who danced in the circle with the priest were fucked multiple times by different partners. There were men doing it among themselves, women too. All they were missing were some animals to complete the picture. Disgusting!!! A girls with a peacock mask approached me and asked if I was having fun. ''Oh, yeah,'' I answered ironically. ''The time of my life.'' ''How come your partner is unconscious then?'' she smiled. ''Could not stand the ecstasy,'' I replied wryly. "I'd really like to see if you'd have the same effect on me,'' she said and leaned closer to me. She bent down and grabbed my crotch. She caressed it and reached down in my pants. She put it in her mouth and started sucking gently on it. I leaned back and enjoyed the pleasure the little one offered. She was pleasuring me for about half an hour. She wanted me to come in her mouth. Fuck, I had to fulfill her desire.

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The next day I woke up around 11 in the morning in an unfamiliar room. I wondered where I was and if I was still in the castle. I didn't know what had happened to me. I didn't remember anything. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and entered the room. "Good morning, Sir." "Good morning." "This is your breakfast." "I haven't ordered any breakfast," I said. "Maybe you haven't but Miss Lana did it for you,'' he smiled and put the tray on the nearby table. ''Where am I?" I asked. "At the hotel. You haven't checked out yet.'' "But this is not my room." "As it usually happens. Our guests have the uncanny tendency to end up in different rooms. Especially in those of the beautiful, young ladies,'' he added. "So, am I in Lana's room?'' "Bingo!!! Yes, sir, you are in Lana's room. Now please, eat up while it's still hot,'' he said and was about to leave. ''Goodbye, Mr. Nikolovski.'' "See you." I sat down to my breakfast and wondered how I ended up here yesterday? I could not remember much. I remembered the party in the castle, the blow job I got from that beautiful girl and then I remembered

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walking through the place looking around. Then, I woke up here. Alive and kicking, as far as I could tell and in Lana's hotel room. After breakfast I called Mark and asked him to come along with Sam. We needed to talk about the protests. I had enough time for a quick shower and half an hour later they were here. We embraced. We hadn't seen each other for a long time. ''So how are things going,'' I asked getting down to business at once. We had no time to waste. "Everything's fine,'' Mark said. "How many activists did you call and how many of them confirmed their participation?" Sam looked at a list of people and said: "We called around 2500 activists from all over England. A thousand of them mostly from London and the surrounding area confirmed they'll be here around noon.'' "Does this mean it's going to be a huge protest?'' "The largest ever,'' said Mark and smiled excitedly. ''It's high time we changed the system.'' "Change the system?" I asked bewildered. "It's time capitalism and the big corporations went down the history books,'' he repeated again. "But they are not the real problem," I protested. "But they hold all the money. They exploit workers through low paid labor,'' Mark insisted. "Yes, but you want to destroy the system and capitalism?" "Yes." "The English government?" "Yes, it should bear the whole responsibility." "Wait just a minute. And which system do you want to put in place of capitalism?'' "New era, new system where everyone will have more rights to work, to live. Better system better living conditions." "But what's the name of this system?" | 126

"Post capitalism," he said. "There's no such system as post capitalism. It's not by any chance a new system of brotherhood, equality and freedom?" "It's a system for the equal treatment of all people,'' replied Sam. ''We need to distribute resources and capital equally. All people should be equal.'' "It sure does sound like socialism to me,'' I said. ''No, come on. It's a new system entirely. Technology rules there, technocracy. More attention will be paid to renewable energy sources and less to the resources we already have.'' "Do all these people know what they are fighting about? Do they want a new system?'' I asked. "We'll have to go and see,'' Mark said and smiled. "Well then, what are we waiting for," I said and jumped off my bad. "Do you have all the banners?" "Yes, in the van,'' Sam said. ''Let's go.'' "Let's go." Fifteen minutes later we were in the center of London. These were surely the biggest protests in the history of England ever. There were several million people on the streets. Some shouted "Down with the government." Others shouted "down bankers." Others "death to corporations." It was a mass. "Do any of these people have any idea why they're here?'' I asked surprised. "Obviously they don't,'' Mark shouted back at me. I could hardly hear him from all the noise and shouting. I thought these people were awaken. But no!!! They knew nothing. There were all these kinds of people on the streets. Thugs, fans, activists, NGOs, people from the opposition, the homeless, women, people of all races and classes. It was a mess and a confusion.

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People had no idea why they were here. The police tried to separate us by groups. Our group was to move a few blocks down the street. We did as we were told. The group obeyed the police. There were even white marks on the road telling people where they were supposed to go. A policeman nearby was explaining a woman that she couldn't cross the white line. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Weren't these free and peaceful protests? The police told us where to go and what to do. We moved a few blocks away and we ended up protesting in front of a supermarket not the government, a bank or in front of a big corporation. "What kind of protests are these?'' I shouted. At one end, there were people protesting against the powerful corporations. They stated that the capital was in the hands of only one percent of the people while the rest of them were ordinary working men. They wanted to change this way of capital distribution. At the other end, they were protesting against the bankers. Money is nothing. Bankers lie to ordinary people and tell them money is valuable. Instead, money is worthless. It's just a piece of colored paper. On top of it our own country does not produce its own money. What kind of a country that is when it does not make its own money? Our country buys money from these large private corporations and the government pays an interest to them. That way they increase our debt. The largest countries become more and more indebted and the vicious circle never ends. Yet, others protested against the lack of work. Everyone should have the right to work. Companies should not be closed down and relocated to the underdeveloped countries. They should remain here and people should work. Others were against emigration. They shouted that the government should put an end to migration and should deport all immigrants back to their third world countries. They didn't want immigrants to lower the labor market and reduce the wage prices. | 128

Some protested against the government. They wanted to abolish it. All government folks cared about were their salaries and allowances. They did not care for the ordinary citizen. They wanted the opposition party to get back to power when in reality they were all the same and made no difference. Some were against the police violence. They wanted to stop it because a week ago a citizen was killed by a police officer and actually, it was the main reason for these protests. There were also some thugs and hooligans who started breaking things all over the place. They started burning cars, breaking down stores, looting. The police returned by force and fighting ensued. They arrested and detained part of the violent protesters. We were separated to an irrelevant location. There were several leaders in the group and what they said the group did. When one of them shouted out a single word everyone else repeated it. It seemed like this whole thing was a farce. A set up thing. And it was. A big set up. The protesters did as they were told. They did everything their leaders told them to do. It was noticeable from afar. On top of it all, everywhere around us there were secret agents who arrested any individual that stood out from the group that he or she should be in. I went in the other direction to get out of the group. A cop pulled me back and told me I could not pass. I protested but he paid me no attention. On the other side there were those who burned, tugged and looted. That was where the main protests were. On this side, the rest of us were ordered not to move. We could not get out. There was a big crowd pushing and pulling in all directions. The police didn't go and attend to those who beat, burned, smashed and stole. The police stayed with us and told us where we were supposed to move and how to protest. It was all a big joke. ''You motherfuckers,'' I yelled back at them. ''Why don't you go and stop the bullies you sons of beaches and let us do our jobs here!''

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Their response was to push and order us to walk in twos and peacefully leave the protests. After a couple of hours we managed to walk away and head back towards the hotel. Holly cow, what was all this about? Motherfucker, we could hardly walk away from it with Sam. Mark stayed in the other group. I texted him to join us in the hotel when he finally managed to get away from it all. I explained Sam the protests were all a set up, it was all planned in advance. Somehow we managed to get back to our hotel. ''What do you mean a set up?'' Sam asked. "Didn't you notice there were several leaders in every group?'' I insisted. "Someone's got to lead," he said. "Yes, but they were all well-equipped, they were connected in some way. I think I saw them wearing hidden mikes on them. They dictated the pace of the rally.'' "Yeah, I saw that too." "All of them shouted out the slogans and the crowd repeated as hypnotized,'' I said. "That's true. Everyone did what they were told,'' Sam finally agreed. We were in my hotel room and the TV was on. We could see the thugs and the vandals who burned, smashed, looted and destroyed everything in their way without any obstruction from the police. It was a chaos. "Don't you see, Sam?" I told him and pointed to the TV. ''This whole circus was a setup, it was organized by them. What we saw was all a part of a plan. I've seen and read materials how protests like these are organized. This is the same way they did it in the countries of the Middle East, in Egypt and Libya. The same thing happened in former Yugoslavia under the Milosevic regime. Soros sponsored an organization in Belgrade called “OTPOR”. Soros organized these kinds of protests and revolutions around the world.'' | 130

"I know Soros did those kinds of things but I'm not familiar with anyone else,'' Sam said. "Maybe you are not but I am. The leaders of these protests have been paid by Soros and they've been paid well. Some of the members of the organizations participating in these so-called protests were also paid." "We were paid,'' Sam said and looked at me. "What?'' "Didn't Mary tell you?'' "Tell me what exactly? She told me some funding was provided but she didn't say we were paid up,'' I said surprised. "Those of us who are up in the organization will receive a certain amount of money. Some activists will receive up to a hundred pounds a day actually,'' Sam said and looked at me. He expected me to jump on him or something. I knew what it was all about. ''Alright if that's how you want to play it,'' I murmured, picked up the phone and called Mary. "Yes. Hi, Nick! Aren't you at the protests?" "Hello Mary,'' I said. ''Just returned from the there.'' "Why did you come back? Are they over?'' she asked eagerly. "Don't you watch the news? See for yourself if you can call them protests,'' I said angrily. "What happened?" "A group of thugs began smashing and burning all over London. I'm watching this on the news as we speak,'' I said. "Well, you should have stayed to the end," she murmured. "Stay to the end? Were you planning on getting us killed or arrested?'' I yelled back at her. "But Nick." "Don't you but me,'' I screamed back at her. ''Was this your idea of framing me? These protests were set up Mary!'' "No, they weren't set up,'' she said quickly.

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"Who funded the protests, Mary? Who gave you the money?'' I screamed back at her. "I've already told you yesterday. An NGO," she said. "Wasn't that Soros by any chance?'' I retorted. Silence. She didn't know what to say. "I know everything, I heard everything, I saw everything!'' I yelled. ''Goodbye Mary and don't you ever call me back again!'' I screamed at her and slammed the phone.

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Let's go back now and see what happened to doctor Freeman since I left the States. The last time I saw him was in Mary's summer home outside Washington DC. I asked him then to take control of the organization into his own hands and not trust Mary because she agreed to accept the money from the Freemasons. I gave him the keys from my apartment's office and the New York University to remove all the documentation before anyone else did so. For example, the police, the CIA, the FBI, the big pharmaceutical companies or who knew who else. "I'll try but I'm not sure if they'll listen to me. You were the driving force behind the organization,'' he said uncertainly. "They will,'' I assured him, "you know almost everything that I know. You'll find your way through it.'' Once I left, the doctor and Mary went back to New York a few hours later. The following afternoon doctor Freeman went to my university office and tried to collect all the books and documents I have left there. He entered the office to find it in a state of a mess. All the drawers had been broken into, left empty or taken out if their rightful places. All there was left were a few pens, some duct tape and a pair of sunglasses. He hadn't been sure who made the mess but there were a few names that he knew might be powerful enough to do it. He walked around the campus putting his thoughts in order. He happened to walk by a classroom where he saw Mary teaching a lecture. She saw him and came out to talk to him. "Doctor Freeman, what are you doing here?"

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"I came to pick up some books Nick had left. He gave me the keys to his office.'' "I see,'' she said. ''And did you?'' "Mary, stop playing these games, please. The office was upside down, there was nothing in there,'' the doctor said and looked at her in the eye. "Oh, but I haven't noticed. I didn't go to the office this morning, I came here straight.'' "Aren't you supposed to be his assistant?'' the doctor reproached her. "I was but now that he's gone I'm taking over the lectures,'' she said dryly. "What do you mean?'' "I'm the new lecturer here. I'm Nick's new replacement.'' "My God, Mary, have mercy,'' the doctor whispered. "I have all the mercy in the world, doctor but I've also got a child at home who needs food on the table. What am I supposed to do?'' "Apparently nothing. Go on, I don't want to interrupt you. I'm out of here,'' the doctor said bitterly and left. "Okay. See you at the meeting tonight at eight then,'' she said as she turned to leave. "What meeting?'' he asked surprised. "The organization is having a meeting tonight. It was agreed yesterday,'' she said turning back to him again. "What is this? Why wasn't I informed?'' he asked angrily. "Well, I don't know. You were supposed to,'' she added. "Hmm, all right. Bye.'' "See you," she said and left. Hmm, there was something fishy there. Mary made things going for her. She had already taken Nick's place not only at the NYU but in the organization as well, the doctor thought. There was nothing else for him to do so he decided to head to my apartment. The same situation met him there. The door of the | 134

apartment was cracked and the inside was a mess. Somebody had done a thorough search of it. Nothing was where it was supposed to be. Everything was upturned, the beds and the armchairs were cut through. Someone was obviously looking for something. The doctor tried to find the documents, all the audio and video materials I had been collecting for years, but again nothing. He found nothing. They had been taken by the same culprit who had broken into my office. He was on his way out when a neighbor passed him by. The doctor decided to ask him a few questions, he might learn something. "Good day, sir. Do you happen to know who did this?'' "I don't know. Some big guys in suits. They flashed their FBI badges and tore apart the apartment,'' he said. "Hmm, that's it then,'' the doctor murmured. "And do you know where Nick is? Has he been arrested?" "No, Nick was deported back to his country." "His country? Isn't this his country?" he asked surprised. "No, he is from a small country in Europe, Macedonia. He was deported yesterday,'' the doctor told him. "And what did he do?" he asked again. "It beats me. You don't have to do anything in this country to give them a particular reason. He probably didn't have the proper documents.'' "Oh, that's better,'' the neighbor sounded relieved. ''He was nice. Nick was a good guy, a good buddy. We used to hang around a beer or two.'' "Yeah, he liked to hang around with friends. A bit unusual for people round here.'' "We used to spend more time together when he was married. We and our girls but something broke in him after the divorce. He wasn't the same ever since,'' the neighbor said nostalgically. "Yes I know what you mean. But I gotta run now. Thanks for the info,'' the doctor said and left. "Hey, you didn't tell me your name!'' he cried out after me.

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"I'm Doctor Freeman. A personal friend." "See you." "See you," the doctor said and left. That same evening the doctor came to the meeting. There were a few new members. Mary, of course acted as the leader of the group and began explaining the plans for the future of the organization. She was sure that the main preoccupation of that year should be the protests. She wanted to organize protests that we all had to participate in. Protests against capitalism, against the corporations, against the bankers or to protest about the increase of human rights and freedoms. The doctor could not stand the charade, so he raised his hand and asked ''what about protests against Freemasons and Illuminati? What about protests against all members of the secret societies?'' Mary looked a little confused but added smoothly ''it goes without saying. That's what all these bankers and capitalists are.'' "Then why don't we protest against them? Why all this charade against artificial creations like communism, socialism or capitalism?'' "I already told you doctor Freeman, that's the one and the same thing.'' ''No, it's not Mary. We need to be loud and outspoken against them. We need to expose their names, their families. Those people should be placed under arrest and thrown to jail, they are the ones who lie and manipulate ordinary people, they are the ones who make wars and genocide of innocent people around the world. That's what protesting is all about. And it should be loud and clear against them.'' ''Why would we want to protest against Illuminati and Freemasons,'' a guy asked. ''They don't exist.'' "And who are you, sir? I don't think I know you. Are you here for the first time? Have you been a member or something? Who invited you to this meeting and who gave you the right to speak? And who on earth are you to spread such misinformation?'' the doctor raised his voice. ''For your information, we are a serious organization, sir and | 136

we have a well documented case of their conspiracy and the threat they pose.'' "They do not exist anymore,'' the same guy said again. ''They existed a long time ago in Bavaria but the officials there banned them. End of discussion,'' he finished arrogantly. "Does anyone here know who this guy is?'' the doctor said and looked all round them. ''All these new faces? Does anyone know them?'' Everyone was quiet. The doctor looked around them again and slowly one of the senior members murmured, ''no'' and he shook his head. There were a few more negative murmurs. "Then I will ask these gentlemen to please leave this meeting,'' the doctor said. "I called them in to help me with the protests. There's a lot to do, John. Forgive them if they are not up to speed with all the details,'' Mary interrupted. "I won't forgive them Mary, their place's not here,'' the doctor said angrily. ''Out!'' he yelled and pointed to the door. ''Out! Get out of this room.'' The new guys looked at him. It seemed as if they were about to argue with him, but the look on Mary's face told them not to. They walked out peacefully. The real meeting started after they went out. New strategies were agreed, new plans made and schedules of where and when new lectures would be held. They dropped all protests for the time being. People needed to be awaken first. Then they would protest.

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Mary disagreed and continued to work as she considered it fit. She organized and participated in many protests around the world. She and the doctor did not see eye to eye for a time being so he concentrated on his work. He dedicated all his time on working at the hospital and treating patients. One day a patient of his forgot what looked like a promotional leaflet. He picked it up. It promoted peace of mind, spiritual energy, yoga and meditation. The doctor was shocked to find out that those lectures and courses took place at the same faculty where I used to teach and was then taken over by Mary. He could not believe his eyes when he saw that the main organizer of this was his own organization and he had no idea of what was going on. He immediately decided to go over there himself, face Mary and get to the bottom of things. He was a little late to arrive to the faculty due to the traffic jam but when he finally pushed the door and entered the classroom he stopped in his tracks in shock. There was no trace of the benches, of former students learning something. All of them were sat in a circle on their yoga pants and were meditating or practicing yoga among other things. Mary was one of the instructors. The other two were either Hindus or Buddhists gurus. The doctor could not or did not want to tell which. "Good day," the doctor cleared his throat loudly. "Good day," they all repeated back in a single tone. "What is this Mary?" "A lecture on yoga and transcendental meditation." | 138

"Yoga and transcendental meditation?" "Yes." "Are you out of your mind, Mary?" "Please, John,'' she said sarcastically. ''You are a doctor for crying out loud. We are doing nothing wrong here. All they are trying to do is stay fit and healthy or recover from various diseases, develop spirituality and so on.'' ''Ha!'' he laughed in her face. "Health, spiritual peace, spirituality? Are you crazy, Mary? Health through the use of religious Hindu-Buddhist practices?" "Yes, it is a new way of raising awareness in order to achieve new levels of consciousness. To connect to God." "Yes, to connect to God, Mary but which God?" ''Well, you know, doctor,'' she continued in a mock voice. ''God is energy and everything around us is energy. We only connect with it through practicing yoga and transcendental meditation. We open the chakras so that the universal divine energy can enter us and help us recover from our illness.'' "Mary, have you read the New Testament? Have you read the Bible?" "I don't know. As a teenager perhaps.'' "Then you should know that God is not energy." "But he is. God is the universe, the force. We just practice certain exercises and techniques to connect with him. I see no problem with the Bible here nor with God, and honestly neither should you,'' she said irritably. "There is a problem, Mary. Whatever it is that you are saying is simply not true. God is not energy. God is not a force. When you do all these techniques of meditation and yoga what you actually do is connect to something else which is not God.'' "What we connect to is energy, we are all energy, we are all one. We are one with God. We are together with God. We are God, " Mary exclaimed.

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"Really? Are you really a God, Mary? What you're practicing here is pantheism, that God is inside all things. God is not in everything. Just because God is the creator of all things it does not mean that God is in everything. Let's take for an example the dog house you've just made for your puppy. You might've made it but you are not it. It's just like God. He is the creator, but it doesn't mean that he is inside it as well. We are all a creation of God, but we aren't God itself.'' "The whole matter is energy. Everything around us is energy. All that we can see, the universe, the planets ... It's all energy that deferred only in vibrations. All things are energy with a different vibe," Mary insisted. "Have you ever heard of a spiritual world? Everything is not just a matter. God is a spirit not a matter." "We all have the same consciousness, we are all one. We are connected with God by birth, God is in each of us, we are God," Mary said. "You are wrong,'' the doctor smiled. ''All things do not have the same kind of consciousness. There are different types of consciousness because there are different levels of consciousness. You do not have the same level of awareness with the monkey, or the worm or the fish. These are all different levels of consciousness. The highest possible level of consciousness is God. His consciousness is inconceivable for us because our level of awareness is much lower than his." "Yes, but yoga and meditation has helped many people, doctor. Different researches have confirmed this. Many people have cured different diseases through the practice of yoga.'' ''But they are all temporary cures, Mary,'' the doctor said desperately. ''After a short period of time, the disease usually returns. I know because I have personally participated in these studies and the results are disappointing. That's what happens when someone practices these various types of yoga and meditation. A large percentage of individuals who have gone mad and are placed in psychiatric | 140

institutions are beyond any kind of help mainly because they tried to practice yoga and meditation. And do you know why this happens?'' "No, why?" ''Because through yoga and meditation people want to achieve a higher level of consciousness for which they are not ready. You get lost. What is your goal? You want to clear and to empty your brain of all thoughts, desires, passions and needs. The aim is to concentrate on your breathing, or at a certain point in space, or to recite various mantras calling Hindu gods and goddesses through the world of OHM ... What you are actually doing is you willingly open your chakras and it is very bad because chakras are the defense mechanism of your body.'' "A defense mechanism from what?" asked one of the gurus. "From different spiritual entities. All is not matter as you might think.'' "Yes, but that's only your guardian angel," he repeated. "Oh, call them whatever you like. Guardian angels, heavenly teachers, gods, ancient gods ... or whatever but the truth is they are only demons, fallen angels. When your chakras open and you clear your mind, you remove your desires, passions and needs and you summon demons through the practice of yoga and meditation and all their techniques. Then you become obsessed by one or a group of demons that most of you will not be able to withstand. So, while you are trying to get to a higher form of consciousness and enter a higher level of it,'' the doctor stated and continued slowly ''what you are actually doing is lose your own awareness and enter a state of schizophrenia that one can hardly come out of. Of course, your body gets obsessed. That's the truth.'' "Hmm, but we have the power of creation. We have the power to treat and cure ourselves if only we discover our inner self," added the other guru. "Everyone has their own body and their own immune system. Sometimes it only takes healthy food, clean water and fresh air. Our body has the power to recover itself from a disease. All those

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treatments with bio-energy and stuff like that is simply connecting and getting in touch with these impure forces, demons and fallen angels. Many people seduce you with it and rip you off. All I can say is that treatment does more damage to you and your body than actually cure it. It is short lived. However it is, it's not through God and the Holy Spirit. A true recovery can be reached by HIM only and nobody else.''

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In the early evening there was a knock on my hotel room. I wasn't expecting anyone so I kind of unwillingly went to answer it. Lana stood in front of me when I opened the door. "Hi Nick," she said feebly and innocently. "Hi Lana. You are back?" "Yes, I'm back,'' she added. ''I wanted to check how you were doing.'' "I don't know,'' I said truthfully. ''Come on in.'' Lana came in and sat on the bed. She looked very uneasy. ''Nice of you to come check on me,'' I said and looked at her. She immediately began apologizing. ''I couldn't stay with you even if I wanted to. I had a scheduled photo shoot for today.'' "It's okay,'' I said quietly. ''But what actually happened yesterday?" "What do you mean? Don't you remember? You were there,'' she said and looked at me. "I was there, but I don't remember. At least not everything,'' I added. "How much do you remember?" "I remember that old hag fainting on my lap, the beautiful girl afterwards,'' I said and smiled involuntarily. ''and I know I tried to take a walk through the castle and see for myself what was going on ...'' "And ..."

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"And I know I took a glass of something from a passing waiter but I don't really remember anything after it,'' I said quietly. Lana looked distressed. She breathed out loudly. "Nick, I'm sorry I took you there. I shouldn’t have asked you to come with us,'' she said, covered her face in her hands and started crying. I looked at her. "Why? Why are you blaming yourself? It wasn't your fault,'' I said reassuringly. "I shouldn't have listened to them." "Listen to whom?'' I asked surprised. "The people from my Agency." "From your agency? How do they know who I am?'' "I don't know but they were here when you arrived,'' she said quietly. ''They made me come down to the lobby and have breakfast with you.'' "But why did those from the agency do that?" "They were having a meeting with one of the Rothschilds here.'' "And?" "He told them to invite you to his castle." "His castle? So the mansion was really a Rothschilds castle?'' "Yes." "And what happened there?" "I don't know exactly, but I can guess." "Guess what? Tell me, Lana?'' I asked, took her by her shoulders and shook her a little. "You were drugged just like you drugged the old lady ...'' she began. I "Yes but she fainted immediately in front of me." "She was an old woman, Nick. You are a young man. It took longer for it to kick in,'' she said. "And what happened then?" I asked fretting over her answer. "They took you to one of the rooms and they took advantage of you.'' | 144

"Took advantage of me?" I repeated not believing my ears. "They sexually took advantage of you,'' she added in a small voice. "Aaaaaaaaaaa,'' I screamed. ''The bastards, those stinky old perverts, the Rothschilds ...'' I caught myself pacing up and down the room. ''They disgust me,'' I was saying when there was another knock on the door. This time it was Sam and Mark. "Ah disgusted with me." "At that moment, a knock on the door. I opened and I saw Sam and Mark with him. " "You managed to take him out of the police station?'' I asked as I let them in. ''Yeah, they let him go easily this time around,'' Sam smiled with a broad grin on his face. "Lana, will you please get back to your room. I've got some things to take care of with these guys here. I'll look you up if I need you,'' I said seeing her off to the door. ''The bastards will pay for what they did to me,'' I whispered in her ear as she was leaving. She just smiled and left the room. ''You were lucky Mark,'' I turned to him. "Yeah, but still, they had nothing on me. There were a few protesters smashing things up where I stood so the police picked us all up,'' Mark said grinning. "Okay, that's all over now. There's something else we need to do,'' I said and looked at them. "What? More protests?'' "Sam probably told you about them,'' I continued. "That they were a set up? A farce?" "Yes." "Well, I kind of thought it was like that. There were many agents among the protesters shouting orders,'' he said. "So you've noticed?" "I noticed."

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"So, what's this new thing?'' Sam asked excitedly. "I think we stop dealing with protests and irrelevant things like that. I say we strike at the head,'' I said and looked at them. "At the head?'' they both asked surprised. "Yes, the head. Who holds all the strings from the top of the pyramid?" I asked. "The Illuminati," said Sam. "The Zionists," said Mark. "Yes, but who is on the top above the Illuminati and the Zionists?" "Lucifer, Satan, the Devil?" Sam said. "Yes, that's quite true. Above the pyramid is his all-seeing eye, but it is in the spiritual sphere. I am talking about the material. Who is just below him in the matters of the state?'' I asked them. "Well, the Illuminati as I said,'' Sam repeated again. "Who controls the Illuminati?" "The Pope, the Vatican," said Mark. "No, the Pope is just a clown." "Who then?" Mark said. "Ah, you guys know nothing," I said irritated. ''Think!'' "Oh, I know. The bankers,'' said Sam. "Close enough. But which ones exactly?'' "The wealthiest of them, of course. The richest families are all members of the Illuminati.'' "They founded the Illuminati by founding Adam Weishaupt.'' "Sam, you're on the right track," I said. "The Rothschilds!'' exclaimed Mark. I took a deep breath. "Yes, that's the answer I was looking for." "What do you want to do with them? Kill them?'' "No!" "Then what? Set a car bomb, assassinate them?''" "No, they are a huge family. We can't blow them up.'' "Then who? Which one of them should we kill? " | 146

"Come on, guys, who said anything about killing anyone?'' I said and smiled. "Well, didn't you just say you wanted to strike at the head?'' Sam asked surprised. "Yes, I didn't say to shoot them,'' I continued. ''Well try and tame the head, use it the way we want to run the world, the economy, the everyday politics. We'll you them to live our lives the way life should be. Not in slavery. It's time we set ourselves free. It's time we threw all the chains from our hands and feet, time to say goodbye to all the taxes and interests the bankers take from us. It's time to be free. This is not something we can do through protests and demonstrations that we don't even know who we protest against. This can only be done through the Rothschilds.'' "You know they won't agree, don't you?" Mark asked me doubtfully. "What if you go and talk to them?'' Sam said. ''Is that the plan? They created this society such as we know it today. It'll be impossible to simply go there and tell them otherwise. They won't change their minds just for the better of mankind.'' "Okay, then what do you think? What should we do with the Rothschilds?" I asked them. ''I'm not sure,'' Mark said. ''You want to arrest them? We can't do that. The police and all the army are on their side. They are above the law. It's not the same as with other people. They have special privileges. They live where they want, go where they want; they don't bother with visas and stuff like that. Of course, they've never paid taxes in their lives and no one can tell for certain the amount of money they've got in the world simply because they print the money in the first place. They can print as much as they want, borrow it to any government in the world and then collect the interest that comes from our own pockets. How can you possibly change that? How can we capture all of the Rothschilds?'' "Who said all of them?"

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"Then who?" asked Mark. "Well, just one." "Just one?" repeated Sam. "Yes, the one person who makes all the decisions,'' I said. "And who is he?" I smiled. "Who, in your opinion, plays the central figure in a family as large as theirs?'' I asked. "The eldest son," said Mark. "Mark, the eldest son theory applies only when the oldest member of the family dies. Then all the legacy is taken over by the eldest son. But before that happens, the most important and the most responsible role is carried out by the oldest member of the family, the oldest Rothschild. He is the one who is responsible for all the decision making, he is the one all the other members of the family have to consult if they want a particular matter done,'' I said and looked at them. "Yes, that's the oldest member of the Rothschild family,'' Mark cried out. "Yes, that's it,'' Sam said. ''He is the one we should take out.'' "Take out? Have you been listening to me all this time?'' I yelled at them. ''We won't kill him. We'll kidnap him and force him to do what we want and what we tell him. We'll make him do things so that the Rothschilds will lose the current control they have over the monetary system in the world.'' "Good,'' Sam said after a little silence. ''I like the idea. I think it's great. There's just one tiny problem. Where is he? How do we know where he lives? He might be in Germany, France or Switzerland.'' "I was at his place yesterday,'' I said quietly. "What? You were there, at the Rothschilds place? What are you talking about? You've just arrived here,'' Mark said surprised. "I was invited to a private party at the Rothschilds castle yesterday. Lana invited me and we went there with some other girls. I didn't know it was his yesterday but now I know,'' I told them. | 148

"You know where it is?" "I saw everything when I walked in there. I know where it is, I know how to get there, I know all about the security and the protection it's got. Everything. All we need to do is meet him in front of the gate, enter the grounds as his quests and stay with him until we tell him what and how he is to force the stock market to lose their long acquired wealth which amounts to more than half the global one." "How on earth are you going to do all this?'' one of them asked astonished. "You'll see,'' I said reassuringly. ''I know some experts that I intend to bring over to the castle. Besides, the plan is already wellshaped and ready. I did it with a certain friend of mine from America." "Which friend from America?" asked Sam. "Doctor Freeman."

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Once I called the doctor he caught the first plane and came straight to London. We told him how to come to the castle at once. In the meantime we arranged how to enter the castle. We used Lana and her connection to achieve the purpose. After what happened at that party she was happy to help. Lana performed her part to the fullest. Scantily dressed in a mini skirt and a considerably deep neckline, she managed to present us as members of the model agency who were having an appointment with Mr. Rothschild in order to organize an upcoming party. Once we sat down and were served coffee and some biscuits, Sam and Mark drew out the gun and pointed it to the head of the eldest and most influential Rothschild. "What is this?" he asked surprised. "Nothing special,'' I answered. ''From now on you play by our rules.'' Mark and Sam made sure the security was disarmed and properly taken care of. We kept the old Rothschild and his stuff close to us. They also disconnected all the phones and removed the mobiles and other gadgets. There was only one line left in the castle. That was the one old Rothschild should use to communicate with his sons and grandsons. All communication was mainly done through him. While we were waiting for the good doctor to fly in from the States and take up the specific steps needed to overthrow the Rothschilds and the world from their clutches, I told Rothschild to inform his sons to stop all military actions and unrests in every country of the world. | 150

He dutifully informed his sons. A miracle. For twenty-four hours there was peace in the world. All military conflict was suspended until farther notice. And all through the power of one phone call. The Rothschilds were that powerful. "Well, Mr. Rothschild,'' I said as we were killing time until doctor Freeman joined us, ''as you can see for yourself, the time or your reign over the world has come to its end. Many would say it was impossible to do it, the Illuminati are everywhere, they can't be penetrated. But as you can see, the four of us managed to come here today sir, and we managed to get you. If we can do it, everyone else can. Which proves one thing only. With a proper desire man can do anything. So, if we have a desire to stop this conspiracy that's been going on through centuries, we can. If we want to dispose of the socalled rulers of the world, then we can do it also. Let me ask you this, do you consider it true that the ordinary people like to be ruled, to be governed?'' "Of course, they want to be ruled,'' he said sternly. ''Let's assume, just for the humor of it, you manage to dispose of the Rothschilds and the other thirteen Illuminati families. What happens then? Have you ever wondered Nick, if there's ever going to be a change? Ordinary people would like to be ruled again, they would like to have others reach their decisions for them. That's just the natural cause of events. You cannot stop it. Are you going to be the one, Nick? Are you going to rule the world?'' "Rule the world?" "Yes, will you rule? See here Nick, I think you are perfectly aware of this whole manipulation. Ever since the creation of man and his first association in the community, someone had to rule that community. It was either a king, a ruler, the clergy, the wisest people, the philosophers, the scientists, or the bankers today... There was always someone to rule the world. Do you really think that if you

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remove these thirteen most powerful families in the world, no one is going to rule?" "There will be attempts by other people to take over." "So you see, it is quite natural,'' he said and smiled. ''But, tell me, are you thirsty? Let's order one of those beautiful French wines and talk some more over it.'' "If you insist,'' I smiled back. Soon, we were served from the best French wine. I looked at him. He showed no signs of fear. The old goat acted as if nothing had happened, he drank and made a toast as if he wouldn't be the one who'd lose almost all of his immense wealth and power until the end of the week. "Well, let's get some things straight here,'' I continued. ''You are a Jew and your family is Jewish as are most of the Illuminati families. Is this whole conspiracy actually Jewish?" "You mean the whole of it? All those who rule around the world? Of course, it's not,'' he said. "No, I meant the top, the elite. Those of you who are at the top of the pyramid in the material world?" "Not all. Let's say that some of us are of Jewish origin. But not all are it’s the man who belong to the Ancient Mystery Schools who meet in secret and decide how to rule the world. And they belong to all different races all deferent nationalities, all different religions but in secret they are all members of brotherhoods and deferent secret societies" ''Are the Jews today the same as those from the Bible?" "Well, we have retained much as its stated in the Bible," he added. "I wanted to ask you whether the Israeli people of Jacob that are described in the Bible are the same as the today’s Jews of Israel?'' "No, not entirely." "So you identify with one of the tribes of Jacob, in the present case with Judas and in honor of him you call yourselves Judean (Jews)?" | 152

"Yes, today's Jews originate from ancient Judea, as part of one of the Israelite tribes, Judah,'' explained Rothschild. "And what about the area called Judea? Do not all residents of that area considered themselves Jews? Yes, some of them were from the tribe of Judah, but there also lived other tribes who had nothing to do with the Israelite tribe of but were known as the Canaanites and the Edomites?'' "It's true that all the residents of the area Judea called themselves Jews as is true the fact that not all of them part of the Israeli tribe known as Judah,'' he said. "Are today's Jews strictly a part of the tribe of Judah and residents of the country of Judea?" "I can tell you for certain that all the dwellers of Judea were called Judah (Jews) whether they were or were not of the tribe of Judah." "I see,'' I said rather ironically. ''What about the fact that most of the inhabitants of Judea were actually the Canaanites and the Edomites and that those who belonged to the tribe of Judah were conquered by the Babylonians and taken in captivity to Babylon in 597 BCE. How many of the people of Judah i.e. Jews were actually in Judea at that period?'' "Probably very little while they were in captivity in Babylon." "So those inhabitants of Judea who back then and up to this day considered themselves to be part of Judah i.e. Jews genetically resemble very little the original Israeli tribe of Judah?'' I asked and looked at him. "Oh, but you do surprise men Mr Nikolovski. How did you came about that information? It's a still little known fact today,'' he said looking at me. "Through a lot of research, Mr Rothschild. Many, many researchers through the years,'' I smiled. ''Now, let's get to the main topic of religion and Jews. What is your religion Mr Rothschild, and what is that of the Jews?" "My own religion?" asked the old Rothschild.

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"Yes, your religion personally and that of the Jewish people?" "I and the others around me consider me a God." "You consider yourself a God?" "Yes." "That's the same what the members of the New Age religion think,'' I said a bit surprised. "Yes,'' he said and looked at me. ''Why does that make you surprised Mr. Nikolovski?'' "That you do not speak the same as the Bible speaks but you still consider yourself a Jew." "It's quite normal." "Normal?" I asked. "The Bible is not a Jewish book but a book of all the twelve tribes of Israel. We recognize only the four books of Moses in the Bible." "And the New Testament?" I asked. "What New Testament? There's only an Old Testament between God and the people of Israel." "But you did not even consider yourselves a part of the people of Israel?" "We do to a certain point." "Oh, I get it. You are not but you consider yourselves to be," I said sarcastically. ''And what about the New Testament?" "We do not see the New Testament as a truthful record." "And Jesus Christ?" "Jesus was an ordinary man, he wasn't anything special. The Jewish people have never considered or acknowledged him to be anything more than an ordinary man. He was not the Messiah, he was not a king of Israel nor a priest of the Levites. He is not the Israeli Messiah. The Israeli Messiah is the one who will rule the people of Israel, who will be a unifying king and ruler," reply Rothschild. "So you personally and the Jewish people do not recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God?" | 154

"God has no sons. It is blasphemy to God to claim that he had a son. Jesus was just a prophet." "Oh, do you see the connection with Islam here or it's only me,'' I said. "I don't have to see it, I know it,'' Rothschild said coldly. "Let's get back a little bit. The religion of the Jews? What is it?" "Today, the religion of the Jews is Judaism. It is the Talmud, that the traditions of the elders of the Pharisees and scribes." "Yes, I have noticed Mr. Rothschild. To be a Jew nowadays one must accept Judaism as their religion. Everyone who practices Judaism today is a Jew," I said. "It was one of the conditions to enter Israel. All Jews have to meet that requirement, and only those who practice Judaism are considered Jews. You can become a Jew only through your mother's line or through the acceptance of Judaism." "So you are in Judaism?" "Yes, I am a Jew." "Then why did you say earlier that you were a God?'' I asked him again. "See, you have the wrong idea about Jews and Judaism, Mr Nikolovski,'' he said and smiled sweetly at me. ''Tell me please, what is the holy book of the Jews?'' "The Bible," I answered. "You are wrong again, Mr. Nikolovski. Didn't I just tell you that the Bible is not a Jewish book?'' he asked. "Whose is it then?" I persisted. "Of the Hebrews, The Israelites and of the twelve tribes of Israel. We just talked about it. I told you that we are Jews not Hebrews, did I not? We were members of just one of the tribes, the tribe of Judah and we were residents of Judea which was taken to captivity to Babylon and then managed to get back to Judea again. When we got back to

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Judea though, we brought the Cabala with us from Babylon in 538 BCE.'' "Yeah, and Babylon was a pagan place at that time." "Not only a pagan place, but a place where various deities and gods were worshiped. A place where there was witchcraft and sorcery, where spells were performed and spirits summoned, a place of animal and human sacrifice, of mysticism and other practices," he said. "All those practices were opposite of what was practiced by the tribes of Israel and their God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob," I said. "Yes, and do you want to know what happened next?" "Yes, and I can guess that the witchcraft, the sorcery, and the mysticism practiced by the Babylonian priests were taken back to Judea in the form of the Cabala and the Talmud – the human law.'' "Yes, that's right,'' he looked impressed by what I had to say. ''All the knowledge we had acquired through the centuries comes from the Cabbala that we had brought back from Babylon. The ignorant, of course, believe that the Cabala is a form of Jewish mysticism but in reality it is not. It was taken and brought to Judea from Babylon.'' "But this is not the end of the story, is it?'' I asked. ''What about the Jews and the Bible?'' "Well, today's Jews are actually those who returned back to Judea and Jerusalem from Babylon and adopted and introduced their practices from there. They had to include the old writings of the Hebrews somehow, so they wrote the Talmud and introduced the human laws and practices. The Jewish holy books are the Talmud and the Zohar of Cabala. Christians think it's the Bible but it's not. Poor Christians, they are so miserable,'' he added as an afterthought. "And they are completely contrary to Christianity?" "Of course they are. The Talmud and the Cabala are contrary to the Bible and the New Testament. Oh, if only Christians knew what the Talmud said of Jesus Christ they would go insane,'' he added and smiled. | 156

"Which means you have lied to people all this time?'' I asked. "We haven't lied to anyone. We believe in it." "I meant Jesus Christ," I said. "Oh, yes, we are openly against Christ,'' Rothschild said. ''Christians do not know it. They are thought that he is a Jew. That is a complete lie.'' "Oh, now I get it. Both the world and the Jews function through the Talmud and the Cabala.'' "Yes, you are right. That is quite true.'' "During the many years of research I have done I have discovered that the core of all the secret societies that had ever existed from Before Christ until today is the Cabala. From the Pharisees, the Essenes, and the various different sects of Gnosticism, the Knights Templar, the Jesuits, the Rosicrucian, the Freemasons and the Illuminati the core and the base of all this secret societies from history is found in the teachings and doctrines of Cabala. "Yes, exactly so," answered Rothschild. "Now I see why you consider yourself a God. The Jewish mysticism of the Cabala teaches you that." "See how easy and how simple it is when you know these things, Mr Nikolovski," he smiled. "Yes, but the majority of people do not know it," I said. "They don't know it because they have never tried to discover the answers,'' he said. "So the conspiracy is not just from you, Mr. Rothschild?" "Come on, who I am in all this? There are thousands and thousands of years of history and secret societies that existed and some of them still exist today," he cried out. "And what exactly is the secret of all these secret societies, Mr. Rothschild?" I asked him straight. ''Do you know it?'' "Well, of course I know it. The secret is the “how to rule”, to govern people. That's why there are all these secret societies. And they are secret because they cause horrendous and inappropriate things

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to happen, things that should not be disclosed to the public," he said calmly. "Yeah, I'm aware of some of them,'' I added ironically. ''Do some of these things include private parties where you sexually exploit people like you exploited me yesterday?'' "Oh, so that's what this is all about?'' "For this and for the sake of humanity,'' I said simply. ''It is high time we put an end to this conspiracy and to all these secret societies." Someone rang the doorbell. The servant opened the door and in came doctor Freeman.

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DOCTOR FREEMAN COMES IN LONDON Doctor Freeman came to London in order to take matters into his own hands. The first thing he did was hug me and smile, "It’s good to see again." "It is good that we are alive and healthy," I replied and smiled. "Where is Rothschild?" He asked me immediately. "Please come with us to the second floor." As he entered the door of the spacious room, Rothschild was seated on one side of the enormous bed and he looked as he expected some sort of a greeting from the doctor. Maybe he expected to be greeted in one of their masonic ways. It took us all by surprise when instead the doctor walked right up to him and slapped him hard on the cheek. Rothschild fell from the bed on which he sat. "You dirty bastard," yelled the doctor to his face as i struggled to pull the doctor away from him before he did some major incident. Besides, we needed the old man alive and kicking, not dead. "You dirty bastard, what do you want to do? A genocide over mankind?'' the doctor said angrily. ''I have some questions for you.'' He took the nearby chair, perched it in front of the old man and started asking questions. "I want your full explanation on the depopulation policy you've been conducting all over the world,'' the doctor asked. "What specifically would you like to know," the old man asked kindly. "Do you think we are overpopulated?" "We are overpopulated," replied Rothschild. "And what did you try to do about it?"

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"Control of the population,'' he said. ''We try to take control over the birth rate in most countries." "How do you do it?" "Through special health policies,'' he began and breathed out. ''By the one-child-per-family policy, through forced sterilization of certain population and through the specific spread of viruses and diseases." "Why? Who gave you the right to decide how many children people have? Who let you decide who lives and who dies?'' the doctor repeated again. "Well, we rule the world,'' he said coldly and looked at us. ''We decide.'' "Really? And who are you? God?'' the doctor laughed ironically. "Yes, I am God," Rothschild said firmly. "God?'' repeated the doctor and before I had a chance to react he slapped the old man again. ''Stop this luciferian ballshit. Nick and I are well aware of your luciferian philosophy and doctrine.'' "We know it's a pure lie," I added. ''We know that.'' "Do you know that's a complete lie?'' the doctor asked. ''You fabricated all that overpopulation thing, it is not true.'' "You are wrong,'' the old man said and looked at him. ''We really are overpopulated. When you better look at it, it's impossible for every person on this planet to have the same living conditions. People are expendable just like they spend a lot of resources in their everyday lives. Have you any idea how much oil is consumed on daily bases, doctor Freeman? How much firewood and gas and everything else? We have too many people and all of them wish for the same thing – better living conditions. If we are to provide them all with these conveniences all the world's resources will soon be over. The fewer the people the better the living conditions for everybody.'' "So you intentionally perform genocide over people just because you put it in your head that we are too many on this planet?'' | 160

"That's true. We want to reduce their numbers." "Just like you wrote on the stone monument in Georgia, isn't it? Your ideal number is only five hundred million people on this planet.'' "Georgia Guidestones. Yes, we consider that to be an ideal figure,'' he said quietly. "This means you enter the field of eugenics here,'' the doctor interrupted. ''Let's see Rothschild, there are seven billion people on Earth at this very moment. If we are to settle them all, let's say, only in Australia, all seven billion of them would still lead a normal life. So your theory of overpopulation breaks down easily. There are some countries that have a larger population but there are others that have a very small population. You cannot claim that there are too many people in the world today. Even if there are, who gave you the right to decide who lives and who dies as i said. And how on earth do you pan to eliminate the remaining six and a half billion people in the first place so that you can rule over the rest?'' "There are various methods, doctor,'' Rothschild said. ''Wars are one of the methods. You are aware that we are at the doorstep of World War III, aren't you? You know there are many open military conflicts through out the world, then there is hunger and poverty just like in Africa and some other low-developed countries of the third world. We also spread different kinds of viruses, bacteria and diseases. We plan to have a massive extinction of a large number of people in the near future.'' "Now you mentioned viruses and diseases, would you please confirm your principle purpose of injecting vaccines to young children because I sure as hell know it is not to strengthen the immune system,'' the doctor said ironically. "Mainly through vaccines we transmit and spread various diseases,'' he said. ''We weaken the body so it is prone to more diseases.'' "And what's the ultimate goal of vaccination?"

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"It increases death in the population. Some of them act quickly while others may take a longer period of time but their main goal is the same, increase death percentage in the world's population,'' he answered without a trace of regret. "What about contaminated food, genetically modified food full of aspartame, accessories, emulators, msg, and various chemicals?" "Well, of course it affects the human body as vaccines do. They weaken the immune system and make it more susceptible to diseases, it reduces life expectancy in people and makes them visit the doctor more other than not. When they go there doctors prescribe identical chemicals and toxins which further decline the health of humans. It suits the pharmaceutical companies well. The truth about medicine, health and the pharmaceutical companies is that they want to have more sick people than healthy so they can sell their toxic products. As a doctor, I'm sure you are aware of this.'' "Yes, I'm aware of it but most doctors aren't. What about water pollution? First directly from the factories and then deliberately through fluoridation and chlorination? It has its stake as well." "Just like chemtrails and toxic chemicals emitted in the air,'' I added. "It's the same pollution everywhere. That's our agenda. Fewer people a better life for the rest of us who survive to tell the tale. We carry out a mass depopulation policy through polluting the air, the drinking water, food and everything else that you need for a normal life. Through the introduction of these various types of toxins in the human body, we weaken their immune system, they cannot think rationally or carry out any major protests. People become docile and obedient to the system. It's easier to control people when they are in the minority and when they eat contaminated food, drink contaminated water and breath polluted air. Yes, we can easily control and rule over them." "And what are our chances of survival?" "Quite small, I have to admit. Those who rebel will be imprisoned in our labor camps where they will be drugged and used as | 162

labor. Those who may want to confront us and the New World Order will be killed,'' he said and looked at us meaningfully. That was what was awaiting us, I thought with a shudder. ''The brightest and the awakened," he added sternly. "And what is the ultimate goal of those that survive?'' I asked Mr Rothschild again. "A human change. Humans will not be the same as they used to be or as they are today. We will create transhumanism. A new kind of man. A synthesis between man and robot." "In other words, a human slave. Dead men. Zombies. Obedient people monitored 24/7. You'll know what they eat, drink, what they do, buy, how they spend their money and their energy, what they do in the privacy of their homes. And you'll achieve all this by implanting microchips in the human body,'' I said disgusted. "Bravo,'' Rothschild said and clapped his hands in mock irony. ''Yes, absolutely. By implanting microchips in their right arms and brains what we actually do is make human robots. All transactions will take place through them like when you go to the supermarket, or the bank, when you go to the doctor's or to work and when you simply stay in the comfort of your own home. By these microchips we will follow you everywhere. They have a GPRS system installed in them and are connected to satellites. We'll be able to track people wherever they are. Microchips will tell us people's deepest thoughts, how they think, what they'll think next and how to put an end to destructive behaviour. Because everything comes from a single thought. And we can control it. We can impose a particular opinion in people, change their attitudes, make them do something even though they won't be aware that someone else is causing them to react that way..." "A total control?" I interrupted him totally shocked. "A complete control over people and their minds,'' he said slowly. "Control of the mind, body and soul?" "Exactly."

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"Very well Mr. Rothschild, now let's see what we are going to do with your money,'' said the doctor after a little break. What Rothschild said about the total control of people made our mouths go dry? It was hard to stomach even to us, the awakened. The poor souls had no idea what was in store for them. "My money?" he asked doubtfully. "Well, since you acquired it by fraud, lies and manipulations it is about time you gave them up. You bankers... you think you are the Stock market. You lend money to countries and its people pay triple the interest they should give back. And conveniently, there is not enough currency on the market to repay the loans because you are the ones who print money in the first place. You control the stock market, the major multinational corporations and capitalists and if an independent player wants to join the game you simply throw him out. When you feel like it you create an artificial inflation, people lose their savings, you increase the prices of products, throw countries into bankruptcy, and make people slaves of debt. You gained all that wealth through frauds and manipulations just like the Mafia. But, they are one of yours, aren't they?'' the doctor said and took in a deep breath. '' You need to give that money back to the people immediately. By giving it to us, we'll make sure there's enough of it for everyone. There will be no more hunger in Africa and other countries of the third world. You won't be able to organize more of your fictional wars and become even richer because every country in war withdraws money from you in order to buy more weapons. This is the end. We'll destroy the Federal Reserve’s and your Central Banks through which you control every | 164

single country in the world with the exception of two or three of them. This is the end of your empire, Mr. Rothschild and the end of your family and that of the other twelve major Illuminati families.'' "And how exactly do you plan to do this?'' he asked smiling. "Simply, you'll donate all your money to our organization.'' "Do you want to steal my money?'' he said. ''I'm afraid you can't do that.'' "What do you mean we can't do that?'' I asked. "Because that money belongs to my whole family and my family is closely related to all other Illuminati and Royal families in Europe. So, in order to get the money you'll need to bring me down as well as all the other international bankers and the families that rule the world. How do you intend to do that?'' he asked. "Simply, by putting down the head of the family,'' I told him. "And you are the head of the family, Mr. Rothschild, are you not?'' asked the doctor. "Yes, you can put it like that. I'm the richest and the most powerful ... My word is certainly heard but..." "But what?" I asked. "That's why we've got the Council of Thirteen.'' "The Council of Thirteen? What kind of a Council is that Mr Rothschild?" I asked. "The Council of the thirteen other Illuminati families of course. Haven't you heard about it?'' he mocked us. "Of course we know all about it,'' I said indignantly. ''We just like to hear your side of the story.'' "It means that I don't rule by myself,'' the old man said. ''All the decisions are reached unanimously; decisions on such issues like money, the economy and so forth.'' "Yes, but you are the most influential there?" "Yes, I am the most influential but I need a good explanation and a final report to present to the Council so that the thirteen richest

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families can reach the decision together. As I could gather, you'd like to see us all go bankrupt,'' he added. "Who said we want you all go bankrupt?" "Didn't you just tell me you wanted all my money?'' he asked in surprise. "Yes, your money. It is quite sufficient to control the entire economy,'' I told him. ''That way we'll control the stock market and easily get rid of the other twelve Illuminati families. Not through the Council of Thirteen.'' "Oh, so you only want my money?" "Yes, Mr. Rothschild. I think your money will be quite enough since you practically own half of the entire world's wealth,'' replied the doctor. "Ah, but then, there's another problem here,'' he sighted. "What kind of a problem?" "It is not my money." "And whose is it if it's not yours Mr. Rothschild?" I asked. "The money belongs to the Pope, the Vatican and the Catholic Church." "The Pope, the Vatican and the Catholic Church?" I cried out loudly. "Yes, I just manage it. The Pope controls the whole world through the Catholic Church. That has been the case for centuries, since the Middle Ages until today." "Listen up, Rothschild you have the money and I don't care where it is. All I know is that people invest in your banks all over the world. You control all Central banks in every country in the world except in Cuba, Korea and Iran. They are all under your control. You approve the amount that will be printed, you amount of money in circulation. By approving loans with high interest rates to governments all over the world you, you occupy those countries and you hold people in slavery. I don't give a shit who gave you what amount. I bet the Catholic Church and the Pope have deposited quite a lot of it in your | 166

banks. All I care about is your money, all that you have in every bank you own, the entire property, all mineral resources you own, oil and gas ... Everything. That's what I care about. And you are going to leave all that to our organization. Then it's our turn to sort things out once and for all. We'll liberate every country of its debts it has to you and to all your banks. We'll allow each country to have an independent currency, to print it themselves, to have their own free market for export and import ... Each country will decide for the stability of their currency and not you, the bankers who exploited people for far too long. And we'll do it all with your money. We'll liberate people from bondage and paying unreasonable sums of taxes. People will be free, Mr. Rothschild," I told him. "Ah, you mean, you want all my wealth?'' he said sarcastically. ''What about the Jesuits?'' "What about them?" "They control the Vatican and the Pope, they are the secret squad of the Pope under the leadership of the Black Pope who controls this world. You may not know, but they control us the Rothschilds and they surely have the Council of Thirteen under their thumbs.'' "for crying out loud, get a grip man,'' I yelled at him not believing him. "Hmm, Mr. Rothschild, are you trying to change the subject by any chance?'' the doctor said. "No, I'm just trying to point it out for you that the top of the chain, or the conspiracy as you'd like to refer to it, is the Pope, the Jesuits and the Black Pope,'' he said calmly. "And you are innocent, aren't you Mr. Rothschild?" I asked. "In my humble opinion, I just think you need to start from the top if you'd like to change anything in this world.'' he said and looked at us. ''And, they are the top.'' At that moment, my mobile started ringing. "Hi, Nick. How are you?" I heard Mary's voice when I answered it. She called again.

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"Fine, Mary. What do you want?'' "I've just arrived in Rome, Nick," she said. "What are you doing there?'' "I'm here for the protests,'' she said. "Who protests?" "Here in the Vatican against the Pope and the Catholic Church." "Not you too Mary,'' I said. "Why are you so against that? There are other people who want to protest against them, Nick. It's not just me. That's why I'm calling you. We need more people. Please, organize something with Mark and Sam, take a group of activists and catch the first flight to Rome. This is going to be huge.'' "Since when have you a problem with Christianity, Mary?" "Since forever,'' she said sharply. ''I'm enough of them. All kinds of religions. All they do is wag more wars. It's time we said goodbye to Christianity.'' "Oh, is that your opinion now? Has it got something to do with your association with the Freemasons, not to mention the money you took from them,'' I added ironically. "For your information, Nick, they are an honorable and a charitable organization. They practice some very high moral standards.'' "Oh, yeah, I bet they are. What about all that yoga and meditation crap you've been teaching in my stead lately? Aren't they religions or they don't classify as such?'' "That is contrary to Christianity. We need to destroy Christianity. If we destroy all religions we'll be united as one." "Isn't this the so-called New Age religion?" I asked Mary. "Of course, that is an ancient knowledge that existed since the beginning of humanity and civilization." "And from the Garden of Eden, right?" "Since the creation of the world." | 168

"And from Lucifer and his lie who managed to trick Adam and Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge promising them they will become Gods afterwards,'' I added. "Well, maybe not exactly as you put it but approximately so,'' she said and smiled. "Well, Mary it's just another big lie that you had unfortunately fallen for. Lucifer / Satan / snake made fools out of every one of you. And it's all lies and manipulations. Lucifer stole your immortality and people became mortal instead. Because God specifically told them once they tried from the tree of knowledge, people will acknowledge good and evil and they will die. There will be no eternal life after death for them.'' "What's your point, Nick?" "My point is you've accepted the luciferian doctrine and philosophy, Mary. The same way Eve was deceived. The same way the ancient mystery schools of magic and witchcraft have accepted it. Ever since Ancient Babylon, Egypt and Greece these secret societies spread this luciferian doctrine. Their priests had control over kings and kingdoms since before our time and they do so until today in countries where kings and emperors had been replaced by parliaments, presidents, prime ministers and governments. These secret societies had stood the test of time since the Babylonian Brotherhood, the Egyptian Hermetic Schools and through the Cabala which came from Babylon. These secret societies functioned back then and were spread over by the help of the Pharisees, the Essenes, the Knights Templars, the Elders of Zion, the Gnostics and their secret societies, through the Freemasonry and thousands other smaller secret societies that enter within them. Then the Illuminati, the Skull and Bones, Scroll and Keys all up to the Catholic Church and its secret military organizations such as the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Columbus," I told her. ''So don't take me for a fool Mary and tell me you're fighting against Christianity, the Catholic Church and the Pope when in reality they are at the very top of these ancient mystery schools of magic and

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witchcraft originating from ancient Babylon. It is a lie that the Catholic Church fought against witches and burned them in the Middle Ages. The Inquisition existed but it was directed against Christians, against true Christians, my dear Mary. The Catholic Church since its very inception was just an extended arm of those mystery and secret societies that existed before. It presents itself as Christian and but in reality persecutes and kills Christians. That is the truth. The naked truth, the truth that you obviously are not aware of. As you are not aware of all those other lies about the Knights Templar headed by De Molay. The Church did not murder them. It was just a rumor and a lie spread by the Pope. The French king did it not because they were filthy rich but because they openly worshiped Baphomet and through him Lucifer and the Satan and offered human sacrifices through magic and witchcraft. The French king was in debt to the Knights Templar who were the first modern bankers. With their money the first universities were built that used to brainwash the future intelligence of each country and then use them for their own sinister purposes. They built large Gnostic cathedrals that had nothing to do with Christianity and the Catholic Church. Instead, the Church collaborated with the Knights Templar during the time of the crusades. They were one and the same thing. The Catholic Church was the head of these mysterious schools of magic and witchcraft," I said and breathed out. "And what you are telling me here is that you going to fight against the Catholic Church and the Pope? Are you sure, Mary?" I asked her again. "Yes, I am. As a matter of fact we are going to burn the Sistine Chapel today," she said. I laughed. "Really? I'd like to see the irony of that. Secret societies burning down the centre of their secret societies? It'll be a sight to see,'' I smiled. "What are you smiling about, Nick?'' the doctor asked me. "Mary is in Rome. She'll organize a protest and will burn down the Sistine Chapel, the Pope and the Catholic Church." | 170

"Ha-ha,'' laughed the doctor too. ''These New Age morons are really that. Morons. They want to burn down the center of their new age teachings. They must be totally crazy." "They are bluffing, John. That's all they are doing,'' I told him. ''I'm one hundred percent sure they won't do it. It's all their fault, all of this including this old bastard sitting here in front of us.'' "Anyways, Mary,'' I turned to her once again. ''You're no longer the leader of our organization. Doctor Freeman and I have taken things into our own hands. We've informed our activists not to take part in any fictional protests sponsored by the Illuminati and the Freemasons. Have a good and pleasant day in Rome, Mary,'' I finished the conversation with Mary and put the phone down. "Oh, and take down the Pope for me,'' smiled the doctor. "This is utter madness. They protest against the Catholic Church and actually they work for it." "What's so bad about the Catholic Church? I thought it had to do with Jesus and the salvation," Mark asked. "Yes, the salvation but by whom? The Pope is considered to be the Christ on Earth. They worship the Virgin Mary but not as the mother of Jesus but as the Babylonian Goddess Semiramis and teach that salvation comes through her rather than through Jesus," I said. "Their Virgin Mary is the same Semiramis of Babylon. The Mother of whores and prostitutes, also known as the Queen of Heaven, worshiped by various peoples and cultures as the great mother goddess, Isis in Egypt, Aphrodite, Venus and thousands of other titles and names depending on which country it is. It is the unholy trinity of Babylon. Semiramis, Nimrod and Tammuz and in Egypt Isis, Osiris and Horus. She is the Goddess they worship and the Bible refers to her as THE MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND WHORES. And the centre of it all is the Catholic Church and the Pope. Certainly, there are many things that are not as they should be in the Catholic Church but we don't have time for all that

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right now. Some other time I'll tell you something more of it,'' the doctor said. "The New Agers morons refer to it as Mother Earth, or the Great Mother," I added. "Oh, leave the Pope. We'll deal with him later. Let's go back to our Mr. Rothschild here. Where were we?" I asked. "The Pope, of course,'' the old man said. ''He's the one in control of all the secret societies. Go to him and he'll give you all the money you need. Bring down the Pope and the Catholic Church and the problem is solved.'' "Just like that?'' I said ironically. ''But aren't you the Pope's private bankers? You took all the money he owns from his. You defeated him through your other member of Freemasonry, Napoleon himself. So the Illuminati managed to defeat the Catholic Church and infiltrate in it. So that the Vatican and the Catholic Church are just a puppet now used by Illuminati and Freemasonry and the Pope is the main mystery clown controlled by you who offers solutions to all problems lately and wants to unite all the world's different religions that have a different path to God but actually worship Lucifer / Satan. He wants to help create the New Age Religion i.e. One World Religion which is a pure luciferian doctrine and philosophy,” I replied. "That can't do,'' the doctor added coldly.

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"Well, Mr Rothschild, will you please explain it to us what do you plan to do with the world you rule?" the doctor asked him. "What do you mean?" "I mean what are your plans?'' "We want to make a New World Order." "I see. And what's so wrong with the old one? For example, what's wrong with this?" "Capitalism is yesterday's news as is socialism." "Maybe you'd like fascism like Hitler?" "It was already done for the World War II. There are other plans now.'' "Would you be so kind as to elaborate them?'' the doctor asked filled with sarcasm. "Well, i imagine the two of you know why we had the First and Second World War?" "Why, the result is always evident at the end of the war. After the First World War the League of Nations was formed and after the World War II the United Nations," I replied. "Exactly, Nick. Anything else?'' "Well, the two world wars were led in order to indebted countries even more than they were. They borrowed money from you. And you generously sponsored both the Antanta and the Fascist Axis. So your family and the likes of you came out even richer at the end of the wars than you were when they started,'' I said. "True, but there's just one more thing ..."

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"The creation of Israel. The Rothschilds are the ones who created Israel." "Very well, Mr. Nikolovski. That's what we gained from the two world wars. We defeated most countries both economically and militarily and then forced them to join the United Nations under our command. So, I'm quite at liberty to say that we actually we live under the New World Order as we speak.,'' he said and looked at me. "Then you went on and started wars almost against all countries in the world where you did not have the power over their natural resources like precious minerals, oil, gas and water. It was just an excuse for you to destroy the The Twin Towers in New York, wasn't it? It was a job well one in cooperation with the US government, the CIA and the FBI and the Israeli Mossad. It helped increase the fear of terrorism in the American people and it was all done in the training centers of the CIA where you skillfully planned your next offensives against the Islamic countries like Iraq, Libya and later in Iran. Of course, the USA had always had the support of NATO and the UN in all of these military actions,'' the doctor said. "And want do you want to achieve with it?" I asked. "Simply, New World Order, where the rule is of the law and not of the jungle." "You've conquered almost the entire world,'' I said. ''Why those countries in particular?'' "What are we, Mr Nikolovski?'' Rothschild asked and looked at me. "Bankers,'' I said. ''Of course, you want to manage all the banks in those countries." "Those were the countries whose Central Banks didn't belong to the Rothschilds," replied the doctor. "Exactly doctor Freeman,'' he said and smiled. ''We only wish to establish our banks in every country in the world." "Are there any other countries you don't have any banks in?'' I asked. | 174

"Just three: Iran, North Korea and Cuba." "Is that the plan? A new War in Iran?" "Yes, there's going to be a new war in Iran until the end of this year.'' "And that's just it?" "Well, the situation with Iran is quite complicated at the moment,'' the old man said heavily. ''China and Russia are supplied with Irans oil. If we attack Iran we are certain they'll join the conflict.'' war." "Can this be the beginning of the Third World War?" "Yes, of course, that's the plan for the next few years. We shouldn't forget North Korea and Cuba and the many military conflicts that are always present in the Palestine and Israel. That would be the beginning of the Third World War." "So you plan to have a third world war?" "Yes. This war will have enormous human casualties. It'll be fought both with biological and nuclear weapons. This war will completely destroy all these countries economically, financially, militarily and in any other way.'' "Who's going to fight this war?'' I asked. "The plan is to have the USA, Israel and every other European country and NATO members on one side and the Islamic world along with China and Russia on the other. Christians against Muslims. We'll create an artificial interreligious conflict and make them destroy each other. Christianity is a peaceful religion, Mr Nikolovski but radical Muslim fundamentalists will start killing off Christians for no other reason than for not being a Muslim which is in accordance with their holy book the Quran. Christianity will be left with no other choice but to join the conflict.'' "And what will happen then?" "Well, the plan is to kill off as many innocent people as possible. Christians and Muslims will try exterminate each other. Other countries will be brought down by unrests artificially created by

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the anarchists and the atheists, protestants. They will only bring great chaos and anarchy, they'll kill people on the streets, rape, plunder, torture and beat many innocent people,'' he said quietly. "What will you achieve by this war?'' the doctor asked. "A New World Order. It will be the long awaited peace after the war. After the chaos there comes peace. We will abolish all states and nations and all people will live together in peace. People from around the world will accept the peace and the New World Order unanimously. New World Order with him. Order from the Chaos is a famous Masonic motto that I am sure you are well aware of. We will establish a One World Government, One World State everywhere. And One World Religion headed by the Antichrist that will be universally accepted as their Messiah. They will all expect the Messiah, the Savior. In Judaism Jews expect their Messiah who will be the Antichrist. They've never accepted Jesus Christ as the true Messiah and Savior so they will accept the Antichrist with open arms. In Islam Muslims expect the Mahdi who is also the Antichrist. The New Age worshipers expect Maitreya who is also the Antichrist. The Buddhists and the Hindus expect the reincarnation of their spiritual leader, Buddha or Krishna. Christians in most denominations expect the second coming of Christ, many of them are deceived that he would rule the country paying no attention to the Bible and the words of Jesus Christ that his kingdom is not on earth but a spiritual kingdom of God. They too will accept the Antichrist thinking that he was Jesus Christ. All religions will accept him. The Antichrist. He will be of Jewish origin, and will be possessed by the spirit of Lucifer / Satan so that will be able to perform various miracles." ''It is the new era of humanity?" "Yes, the new era of Aquarius. The new golden age that will come after the artificially created Third World War and the genocide of mankind. Afterwards, we'll establish a totalitarian fascist-communist world government." "And he is actually the Antichrist of the Bible?" | 176

"Yes, that's him. That's the Antichrist the Jews have been waiting for, because, let's face it, they along with all other people from this world members of secret societies are the ones who want to make the New World Order. So doesn't this make you, Rothschild, the head of this Illuminati conspiracy?" I asked. "You can put it like that, yes. We are one of the most richest Illuminati families, most of us are Jews but not all. We are luciferians Illuminati families that want to create the New World Order. Rothschild said. "Wait a minute, let's make this clear. You consider yourself a Jew and a Illuminati yet you have no sympathy for the ordinary Jewish people Mr Rothschild?" I asked. "They are ordinary Jewish people just like everybody else and we are the rulers. They are none of our concern,'' he said coldly. "Just like you sacrificed them in the Second World War when you wanted to move them all to Israel. Those who did not want to go there, you left them in the Nazi camps to die. You did everything you could to create the state of Israel so that you can easily rule the Islamic world and through it the world in general,'' I finished. "I see,'' the doctor said. ''But why Israel and the Jews? Why there and not anywhere else?'' "You must be aware that that's the place we want to rebuild the Temple of Solomon again. That's the main goal of Judaism, Freemasonry and the Illuminati,'' he said. "You want to rebuild the Temple of Solomon?'' I asked surprised. ''Yes, we'll rule the world from there and worship the new Messiah, the Antichrist, the Messiah and the New World Order.'' "Has it got anything to do with the Hebrews of the Bible?" "You know that they broke every vows ever made to God before our era, even when they were taken to Babylon in captivity. Then they returned with their written laws, the Babylonian Talmud and they accepted the Babylonian mysticism the Kabbalah."

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"Do you know that you have already broken your vows to your God of the Old Testament? You want to restore the traditions and the laws of Moses, which he had and those of the tribes of Israel. And they do not apply. Like sacrificial offerings to God. That was abolished with the coming of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the Savior of all people, whether Jews or not. The Salvation of Christ is for all people. And you all want to neglect the New Testament?" I asked. "What New Testament? There is no New Testament. Who is Jesus Christ? He is not the Messiah of the Jewish people. We Jews, we do not recognize the Son of God. God has no son,'' Rothschild said angrily. "Perhaps your current God has no son? Perhaps you worship Satan / Lucifer?" the doctor asked him. "That's why you are all into this Freemasonry, Illuminati and Templars shit. You don't want to rebuild the Temple of Solomon, you want to build a temple for Lucifer where you can worship him and the Antichrist.'' "Yes, that's where we are going to rule from,'' the old man said defiantly. ''My own son will be the Messiah, a Rothschild and he will rule the world.'' "Yeah, sure,'' I replied sarcastically. "Call your son and tell him to come to the castle,'' I passed him the mobile. ''In the meantime, you and I are going to go to the Bank of England where you'll transfer all your money and wealth to our organization.'' I got ready while he called and invited his son over to the castle. Sam and I were supposed to go with him to the Bank of England. Doctor Freeman and Mark stayed in the castle awaiting the other member of the Rothschild family.

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Old Rothschild, Sam and I entered his bank. The employees immediately started cooing all over us. "Welcome Mr. Rothschild. What we can do for you?" "I want all my ownership documents brought into my office. These are my quests,'' he said when the clerk looked at us suspiciously. ''They'll come with me.'' "As you wish, sir,'' the clerk said and retreated. "It may take more than half an hour while we bring all the necessary documents, sir,'' he pointed out. "I'm aware of that. I know they are many so would you please bring them over one by one. We'll go down to business immediately. I need to transfer all my money, and property to their organization,'' the old man said. "Very well, sir,'' the clerk answered as all color drained from his face. ''You settle down comfortably and we'll take care of everything.'' During that time while the bank employees passed all the necessary documentation to the old Rothschild, the Rothschild castle was surrounded within twenty minutes after we left. The local sheriff took the big mike and told everyone in the castle to get out of it. ''The castle is surrounded. We do not want any problems. Please, come out with your hands in the air,'' the voice of the police spread through the castle as ice. Doctor Freeman and Mark looked at each other. Mark inspected his gun and gave it to the doctor. He then put some bullets in his own. "Are they full?'' the doctor asked.

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"Both,'' Mark replied. ''What are we going to do?'' "I don't know. This is a serious. They can come in here every moment,'' the doctor said. "Yes, but they said they won't shoot if we surrender,'' Mark added. "Yes, and they also told us to get out of the castle," the doctor said. "What's there for us to do, Freeman?" Mark asked again. "Let's get the maids and the butler out of here. There's no point of innocent people dying,'' the doctor said. Mark agreed and as he was letting the stuff walk out the main door he told them if asked to tell the police that Mr. Rothschild was not in the castle and that there was only one person in there who was a guest of his. They did as they were told and they left the castle. The police of course was not satisfied with this and they addressed those in the caste to give up and not to put their lives in any more unnecessary danger. "They won't give up, doctor? What should we do?'' Mark asked. "I think you better go out there and give yourself up, Mark. I don't want you to end up dead. As for me, I'm old and tired. I don't want to finish the reminder of my life in prison or questioned in the police station. I don't want to do any more harm to Nick and the entire organization. Nick will soon take control over the Rothschilds wealth and he'll know how to rightfully use it in order to establish peace and prosperity to all people. Someone has to sacrifice for that,'' the good, old doctor said and made his farewell with Mark. In the next few minutes, Mark went out of the castle with his hands high in the air. When he reached them, the sheriff slapped him hard on the face and put him down on the ground. ''Stinking bastard. You are just a child. What were you thinking breaking into the Rothschild's castle, you get,'' he spit at him and kicked him in the gut. | 180

They put him in the police van and took him down to the station as the sheriff deployed two groups of officers into the castle to investigate. In the meantime, the doctor hid under the Rothschild's bed, covered himself up in some blankets and left a small hole around his eyes to see if anyone entered the room. The officers began the search all over the castle. Meanwhile, as the old Rothschild was signing off his entire property to Nick and his organization Nick's mobile rang. ''Yes,'' I answered. "Nick, we've been surrounded by the police,'' I heard the doctor whisper. "What, when?" I asked terrified. "They are searching the castle as we speak,'' he said. "Are you ok?" "I asked Mark and the stuff to surrender, I'm hid ..." I heard a shot. "Freeman, Freeman? Freeman? Are you there?" I shouted in my phone. "Goodbye, Nick. Get out of the bank and fight to the end for the good of all mankind," he yelled back the last words in the phone as he nodded his head and let the phone slip off his hand. When the officer bent over the doctor there was another shot from his gun. The officer fell on the floor. There were bullets flying everywhere. The doctor was dead. They went over his phone and it took them no time to discover who he had talked to and where. Within fifteen minutes they were in the bank looking at the dead body of the old Rothschild lying on the floor. "What happened?'' the police questioned one of the employees. "As he was signing off the ownership he got a heart attack,'' the man said. "Immediately?'' the police asked.

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"No, during the last piece of paper,'' the clerk said again. ''He could not stand to lose his whole family's wealth and sign it off to somebody else.'' "Somebody else? Someone else was here? Who was that? Where is he now?" "He left about ten minutes ago." "Where did he go?" the sheriff asked angrily. "I don't know. He got up and left." "And the old Rothschild?" "What about him? He is dead. We are waiting for the ambulance to arrive,'' he said as they heard the sirens from the street. ''Here it is.'' The old Rothschild was examined and was concluded to be dead. The police immediately stopped all the traffic in the city. All exits from the city were blocked. Planes, trains, the subway ... London had never been blocked like this before. The entire world's media ran the same breaking news. Rothschild robbed by terrorists. Rothschild is dead. CCTV footage of Nick and Sam entering the bank circulated the internet and the media. It was convenient. It only showed that they peacefully entered the bank and signed the papers. Nothing more. But, who asked for that footage? As soon as Nick and Sam left the bank they took a taxi to the Heathrow airport. Within ten minutes all traffic was stopped so they found themselves in a jam halfway to the airport. They did not want to wait in the car, so they paid up the taxi driver and told him not to give them away. "I can do with some rest,'' he grinned at them. ''The money and the traffic jam will do me good.'' They left him and headed towards a nearby house.

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It was not meant to be. A police helicopter intercepted them on their way there. We were told not to stop and not to move or they'd shoot. We waited for them to touch the ground and arrest us, but they landed a little further from us. Sam and I started to run towards the house. They began to shoot and hit me in the leg. Sam came back to help me. He grabbed me by the arms, heaved me over the shoulder and together we continued towards the house. Officers were calling after us to stop. We continued and did not obey. We somehow managed to reach the porch of the house. The police fired again and they hit Sam in the back. He fell forwards. I grabbed him and dragged him into the house breaking the glass door on my way in. I put him down on the ground. I could see that he was dead. There was blood running from his mouth. I checked and assured myself that his heart had stopped beating. I pulled out my gun and did not want to give up easily. I used it when the police approached. I shot two of them. And they fired again. Shoot when approached officers. Shot 2 of them. And they fired. The last thing I remember was the pain from the bullet in my right shoulder. I passed out and everything went black.

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As we have already seen, doctor Freeman and Sam were killed by police. Mark gave himself up and was later brutally beaten and interrogated. Since he surrendered himself voluntarily and due to some extenuating circumstances, he was sentenced to fifty years imprisonment without the possibility of parole. He later died in prison under suspicious circumstances. It was officially reported that he died from his injuries but some are not sure of it. Was it really a suicide or murder? There was no one to tell us that. Of course, more information on him was unattainable. Lana was captured as well, but they had nothing on her. She based her defense that she knew nothing of their plan but was forced into helping them enter the castle. She was sentenced to six months in prison and was later released. Mary took over the organization. She returned Rothschild's money and property and was given 0.5 percent of all the wealth. She infiltrated Masonic, Illuminati and New Age members into the organization and they all worked together to create the New World Order and prepare the world for the coming of their Messiah – the Antichrist in the new age of the Aquarius. She married Mr. X and had two children with him. They never did a day's honest work till the rest of their lives and enjoyed the money they received from the Rothschilds. I was sentenced to life in prison and extradited to Macedonia. When I was caught I had two gunshot wounds in my left leg and right shoulder. After some medical treatments I managed to move my | 184

right arm in a few months time. My left leg was stiff. I could not move it. I was taken to prison in Macedonia. The conditions there were awful. Prisoners often made fun of me, they called me names such as the conspiracy theorist or the crippled one. They laughed that I wanted to save the world but in reality I couldn't move on my own. They spit at me and insulted me. The media pointed their fingers at me and labeled me a threat to society. The same society I worked all my life to try and pull it out of the restraints of the people who ruled it inside out. I wanted people to have a dignified life, not to be lied to or manipulated as they always were and as they are today. The guards beat me, and did not give me to eat properly. I did not receive any treatment in their hands. When I was sick they only gave me a few pills of aspirin or andol. I never managed to recover my health. I caught a lung disease. I was forbidden to speak to anyone. I was placed in a solitary confinement. Sometimes they'd let me walk in the prison yard. It wasn't walking. I could not walk any more. I dragged myself like a dog. Sometimes tears come to my eyes and sometimes not. But despite all these things I was left with a clean soul. I got to the bottom of thing. I found the truth and the truth set me free. When no one spoke to me, when everyone gave up on me, when I was left alone in solitary confinement, when I fell as low as the worms on the ground and was half-naked, sick, dirty, disabled, shoved, sworn at and beaten, tortured and spat upon, my soul remained clean and pure. I was reborn in that small solitary confinement. My soul was pure and I recognized Jesus Christ, for my Savior. When this entire material world gave up on me, here was Jesus Christ that calmed me down, stroked me on my head and gave me strength and will to live. Here in my solitary confinement I prayed daily to God's Son Jesus Christ and his father God. I prayed, repented my sins and asked for forgiveness from the tiniest to the largest. There I fully accepted the

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Savior as I had previously read in the Bible. When I started reading the Bible for the first time it was out of curiosity and disbelief. But here, I asked the guards to please send a priest to read me the Gospel of Luke for the last time. The guards shouted "he's crazy." I was not crazy. On the contrary, I was conscious because in those moments when my Christian priest read the Gospel of Luke from the New Testament I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believed in the New Testament, in God and in his son Jesus Christ who gave his life for all of us to find our salvation through him. The Son of God who was sent to earth by his father to give his innocent life and die on a cross. Previously he was tortured, spat upon, cursed and humiliated. On the cross, he was stabbed with a spear and bled to death. Satan rejoiced as did all other manipulated malicious servants of Satan and sinners. They rejoiced the death of God's Son, Jesus Christ not knowing that by the innocent blood Jesus shed on the cross he redeemed all people of their sins and dies for them. Yes, but the truth does not end here. Jesus was placed in a tomb, it was sealed and Roman guards were placed in front of it. Within three days, Jesus Christ the Son of God rose from the dead, and took his rightful place at the right side of his Father, our God. He is part of God and part of the holy trinity: God, our father; Jesus Christ, his son and the Holy Spirit. In this way Satan was defeated and God offered Salvation and Eternal life in the kingdom of God to all people who accept the Gospel, repent their sins and place our true believes in Jesus Christ our Savior. Since all men are sinners. No one can fulfill the law of God by themselves from beginning to end because people can only be saved through faith. Salvation comes only through faith, strong and firm faith in God's Son Jesus Christ, our Savior, through our faith in the New Testament and the Holy Gospel. Only through faith each of you can be saved just as I was saved. I was saved because I believed. | 186

And when you believe you become a new man, a man reborn, the Holy Spirit will enter you and you will be aware of all the things you had done. The person who has received the Holy Spirit has truly received Jesus Christ as his Savior and in every respect becomes God's new man, a newborn Christian. It is a personal relationship between you and your Savior, Jesus Christ, between you and God. No church or religion can give that to you. That is what Salvation is, Repentance for all our sins, and the belief in Jesus Christ and God. Salvation and eternal life of which Jesus Christ spoke are a free gift to everyone. All you need to do is repent and believe. Based on your faith and repentance, God gives the free gift of eternal life in the kingdom of God. I received salvation, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I found the Absolute Truth, I fell in on the ground in my solitary confinement and reached the Heavens where I was embraced by my Savior Jesus Christ, the son of God who spoke to me: ''I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to God my Father except through me."

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