Waiting For Godot.pdf
May 29, 2018 | Author: الفرح ليس مهنتي | Category: N/A
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Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett ���� �������� ���� ����������� ����� (��� ������ ����)
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)ulti#le Choice 0< The t"o main characters in @Waiting @Waiting for Godot@ Godot@ are =a> )stragon =a> )stragon and Lucky/ Lucky/ =b> The =b> The 9oy and Lucky/ =c> PoAAo =c> PoAAo and Lucky/ =d> )stragon =d> )stragon and Kladimir/ Kladimir/ 2< The main characte characters rs call each other other =a> Gogo =a> Gogo and ,idi/ =b> PoAAo =b> PoAAo and Lucky/ =c> Boy =c> Boy and Lucky/ =d> )stragon =d> )stragon and Kladimir/ Kladimir/ 3< When &ct I o#ens; o#ens; +stragon +stragon is =a> sleep/ =a> sleep/ =b> Trying =b> Trying to pull his 9oot off/ =c> *aking =c> *aking castles in the dirt/ =d> Staring =d> Staring off into space/ 4< The t"o main characte characters rs in the #lay are "aiting "aiting for =a> PoAAo/ =a> PoAAo/ =b> Godot/ =b> Godot/ =c> the =c> the Boy/ =d> Lucky/ =d> Lucky/ 5< &ct I starts "ith a meandering con!ersation bet"een the t"o t"o main characters "ho talk about a !ariety of sub'ects< sub'ects< They do AT talk about =a> Going =a> Going to merica/ =b> Places =b> Places they ha(e 9een! like the )iffel Tower/ =c> The =c> The Bi9le/ =d> Their =d> Their pain/ 6< Se!eral times during the beginning of the first act; ?ladimir ?ladimir kee#s taking off and #utting back on his =a> Glasses/ =a> Glasses/ =b> Shirt/ =b> Shirt/ =c> &at/ =c> &at/ =d> Shoes/ =d> Shoes/
)ulti#le Choice 0< The t"o main characters in @Waiting @Waiting for Godot@ Godot@ are =a> )stragon =a> )stragon and Lucky/ Lucky/ =b> The =b> The 9oy and Lucky/ =c> PoAAo =c> PoAAo and Lucky/ =d> )stragon =d> )stragon and Kladimir/ Kladimir/ 2< The main characte characters rs call each other other =a> Gogo =a> Gogo and ,idi/ =b> PoAAo =b> PoAAo and Lucky/ =c> Boy =c> Boy and Lucky/ =d> )stragon =d> )stragon and Kladimir/ Kladimir/ 3< When &ct I o#ens; o#ens; +stragon +stragon is =a> sleep/ =a> sleep/ =b> Trying =b> Trying to pull his 9oot off/ =c> *aking =c> *aking castles in the dirt/ =d> Staring =d> Staring off into space/ 4< The t"o main characte characters rs in the #lay are "aiting "aiting for =a> PoAAo/ =a> PoAAo/ =b> Godot/ =b> Godot/ =c> the =c> the Boy/ =d> Lucky/ =d> Lucky/ 5< &ct I starts "ith a meandering con!ersation bet"een the t"o t"o main characters "ho talk about a !ariety of sub'ects< sub'ects< They do AT talk about =a> Going =a> Going to merica/ =b> Places =b> Places they ha(e 9een! like the )iffel Tower/ =c> The =c> The Bi9le/ =d> Their =d> Their pain/ 6< Se!eral times during the beginning of the first act; ?ladimir ?ladimir kee#s taking off and #utting back on his =a> Glasses/ =a> Glasses/ =b> Shirt/ =b> Shirt/ =c> &at/ =c> &at/ =d> Shoes/ =d> Shoes/
7< &t times throughout the #lay #lay;; both +stragon and ?ladimir talk talk about lea!ing the #lace "here they are "aiting; but they do not< Why not =a> The =a> The are happy in this place/ =b> They =b> They are watching all the people walking 9y/ =c> They =c> They are looking for money/ =d> They =d> They are waiting for Godot/ 8< (uring the course of the #lay; #lay; +stragon and ?ladimir encounter t"o #eo#le #eo#le "ho are tra!eling together; Po$$o and Lucky< It is clear that =a> PoAAo =a> PoAAo ser(es Lucky and is dependent on him/ =b> PoAAo =b> PoAAo and Lucky are friends tra(eling together/ =c> Lucky =c> Lucky ser(es PoAAo and is dependent on him/ =d> PoAAo =d> PoAAo and Lucky Cust met/ 9< What is the most significant significant thing on the stage It It is talked about se!eral times during the #lay< =a> Some =a> Some rocks/ =b> Park =b> Park 9enches/ =c> The =c> The dirt/ =d> The =d> The tree/ 0< &t the !ery beginning of &ct I; ?ladimir enters the the stage "here he finds +stragon< ?ladimir asks him "here he s#ent the night< +stragon tells him he s#ent the night =a> n =a> n a 9ench/ =b> %n =b> %n a ditch/ =c> %n =c> %n the park/ =d> t =d> t the &oliday %nn/ 00< What does +stragon tell ?ladimir ?ladimir ha##ened to him during the night night =a> &e =a> &e watched the stars all night/ =b> &e =b> &e slept soundly and well/ =c> &e =c> &e found some money and clothes/ =d> &e =d> &e was 9eaten/ 02< (uring one of the the conser!ations about the Bible; ?ladimir ?ladimir tells +stragon he should ha!e been a =a> Poet/ =a> Poet/ =b> Lawyer/ =b> Lawyer/ =c> ,octor/ =c> ,octor/ =d> Politician/ =d> Politician/
03< What does +stragon remember about the Bible =a> The temples/ =b> The maps and pretty colors/ =c> *oses and the Ten "ommandments/ =d> ,escriptions of the desert/ 04< ?ladimir and +stragon talk about the crucifiion of Desus and the different !ie"s of the four +!angelists "ho record that e!ent< What is the to#ic that is described differently bet"een the four +!angelists =a> They disagree a9out what esus was wearing on that day/ =b> They disagree a9out the weather on the day of the crucifi#ion/ =c> The record different people who came to watch/ =d> They ha(e conflicting (iews of the role of the thie(es/ 05< (uring their initial con!ersation in the first act; "hat does +stragon tell ?ladimir is unbuttoned =a> The 9uttons on his shirt/ =b> The 9uttons on his fly/ =c> The 9uttons on his shoes/ =d> The 9uttons on his pocket/ 06< (uring the first #art of &ct I; ?ladimir kee#s looking for something that he doesnEt find in "hat =a> The tree/ =b> &is hat/ =c> &is shoes/ =d> The dirt/ 07< (uring the first #art of &ct I; +stragon kee#s looking for something that he doesnEt find in "hat =a> &is hat/ =b> &is shoes/ =c> The tree/ =d> The sky/ 08< &ccording to the #layEs notes; the action begins =a> n a country road in the e(ening/ =b> n a country road in the afternoon/ =c> %n a park in the e(ening/ =d> %n a park in the morning/
09< (uring the course of the #lay; +stragon asks ?ladimir if he is sure they are "aiting in the right s#ot< In &ct I; in res#onse to +stragonEs concern; ?ladimir reminds him they "ere told to "ait by the =a> Tree/ =b> $ater fountain/ =c> Park/ =d> Bench/ 2< Se!eral times during the #lay; the tree on stage is the sub'ect of con!ersation< In the first act; ?ladimir identifies the tree as a=an> =a> ak/ =b> *agnolia/ =c> Pecan/ =d> $illow/ 20< When +stragon and ?ladimir first discuss the tree; they notice it is =a> Bare/ =b> Full of lea(es/ =c> Full of fruit/ =d> Badly splintered/ 22< (uring their discussion about "hen Godot is su##osed to come; ?ladimir and +stragon are certain about =a> $here he is coming from/ =b> -othing/ =c> The time he is coming/ =d> The day he is coming/ 23< ?ladimir looks for a note about "hen Godot is to come in =a> &is pockets/ =b> &is hat/ =c> )stragon's pockets/ =d> &is shoes/ 24< (uring the beginning of the first act; "hile ?ladimir is #acing back and forth; +stragon =a> ,raws pictures in the dirt/ =b> $alks around the tree/ =c> )ats an apple/ =d> Falls asleep/
068< ?ladimir asks the boy if )r< Godot has a beard< The boy tells him that he does and that it is =a> Red/ =b> Black/ =c> $hite/ =d> Brown/ 069< What does ?ladimir ask the boy to tell )r< Godot on the second da y =a> That Kladimir and )stragon will wait as long as he wants them to/ =b> That he saw Kladimir/ =c> That Kladimir and )stragon will wait in a different place tomorrow/ =d> That Kladimir and )stragon are tired of waiting/ 07< To"ard the end of the second act; +stragon "akes u# and "ants to lea!e the #lace< ?ladimir tells him they canEt because they =a> re waiting for Godot/ =b> &a(e no place to go/ =c> re too tired and hungry to go anywhere/ =d> -eed to wait for PoAAo and Lucky/ 070< +stragon reali$es it is too late for Godot to come by the end of the second day< ?ladimir agrees because it is =a> Time to sleep/ =b> Raining/ =c> Snowing/ =d> -ight/ 072< For the second time in the #lay; +stragon and ?ladimir talk about hanging themsel!es on the tree; but they canEt because they =a> &ad cut down the tree/ =b> -eed to wait for Godot/ =c> Should go to sleep instead/ =d> ,on't ha(e any rope/ 073< Considering the #ossibility that they might ha !e trouble hanging themsel!es; +stragon says that ?ladimir could hang onto his legs< ?ladimir asks him =a> %f he is sure that would work/ =b> %f he is really certain he wants to do this/ =c> $ho would hang onto his 0Kladimir's1 legs/ =d> %f he thinks the tree can hold them 9oth/
074< In &ct II; +stragon and ?ladimir can find nothing that "ill "ork as a ro#e if they "ant to hang themsel!es; and they decide that tomorro" they "ill =a> Find PoAAo and take his rope/ =b> Find another way to do themsel(es in/ =c> "ut the tree down anyway/ =d> Bring a good piece of rope/ 075< Finally; to"ard the end of the #lay; ?ladimir tells +stragon they "ill hang themsel!es tomorro" unless =a> The 9oy comes 9ack/ =b> Godot comes/ =c> They find enough money to li(e 9etter/ =d> Lucky and PoAAo come 9ack/ 076< ?ladimir tells +stragon; at the end of the second act; that if Godot comes; =a> &e will cut down the tree/ =b> They will 9e wealthy/ =c> They will 9e sa(ed/ =d> They will tell him it was rude of him not to come 9efore/ 077< The last thing that ?ladimir tells +stragon to do is =a> Pull up his pants/ =b> Tie his shoes/ =c> Put his shoes on/ =d> Pull down his pants/ 078< &t the end of the #lay; "hen ?ladimir and +stragon decide to lea!e; " here do they go =a> They do not mo(e/ =b> They search for the closest town/ =c> They go west/ =d> They go east/ 079< The second time the boy messenger comes; "hen ?ladimir asks the boy about his brother; the boy says his brother is =a> ,ead =b> way on a long trip/ =c> -o longer working for *r/ Godot/ =d> Sick/
08< When the boy comes to"ard the end of the second act; ?ladimir asks him if he has seen anybody< The boy tells him =a> &e wasn't paying attention/ =b> That there were many people on the road/ =c> &e saw two people tra(eling together/ =d> &e has seen no one/
)ulti#le Choice ey 0/ , 2/ 3/ B 4/ B 5/ 6/ " 7/ , 8/ " 9/ , 0/ B 00/ , 02/ 03/ B 04/ , 05/ B 06/ B 07/ B 08/ 09/ 2/ ,
40/ B 42/ " 43/ , 44/ 45/ 46/ , 47/ , 48/ " 49/ B 5/ B 50/ 52/ 53/ B 54/ 55/ , 56/ B 57/ " 58/ B 59/ B 6/ ,
80/ , 82/ 83/ B 84/ " 85/ , 86/ " 87/ , 88/ 89/ " 9/ 90/ , 92/ , 93/ 94/ , 95/ B 96/ " 97/ B 98/ B 99/ 0/
020/ 022/ , 023/ 024/ B 025/ " 026/ B 027/ B 028/ , 029/ 03/ " 030/ " 032/ , 033/ 034/ B 035/ 036/ B 037/ B 038/ B 039/ B 04/ B
20/ 22/ B 23/ 24/ , 25/ " 26/ " 27/ " 28/ " 29/ B 3/ , 30/ " 32/ 33/ " 34/ 35/ , 36/ , 37/ B 38/ 39/ B 4/ B
60/ B 62/ , 63/ " 64/ , 65/ " 66/ " 67/ 68/ B 69/ 7/ 70/ , 72/ 73/ " 74/ B 75/ 76/ 77/ B 78/ 79/ , 8/ "
00/ 02/ 03/ , 04/ , 05/ 06/ " 07/ B 08/ 09/ " 00/ " 000/ " 002/ , 003/ " 004/ , 005/ , 006/ B 007/ 008/ 009/ B 02/
040/ , 042/ , 043/ " 044/ " 045/ 046/ " 047/ , 048/ " 049/ , 05/ " 050/ 052/ 053/ , 054/ " 055/ " 056/ " 057/ , 058/ 059/ " 06/ B
060/ , 062/ B 063/ 064/ , 065/ B 066/ B 067/ B 068/ " 069/ B 07/ 070/ , 072/ , 073/ " 074/ , 075/ B 076/ " 077/ 078/ 079/ , 08/ ,
Short &ns"er *uestions 0< The t"o main characters in @Waiting for Godot@ are
2< The main characters call each other
3< When &ct I o#ens; +stragon is
4< The t"o main characters in the #lay are "aiting for
5< &ct I starts "ith a meandering con!ersation bet"een the t"o main characters "ho talk about a !ariety of sub'ects< They do AT talk about
6< Se!eral times during the beginning of the first act; ?ladimir kee#s taking off and #utting back on his
7< &t times throughout the #lay; both +stragon and ?ladimir talk about lea!ing the #lace "here they are "aiting; but they do not< Why not
8< (uring the course of the #lay; +stragon and ?ladimir encounter t"o #eo#le "ho are tra!eling together; Po$$o and Lucky< It is clear that
9< What is the most significant thing on the stage It is talked about se!eral times during the #lay<
0< &t the !ery beginning of &ct I; ?ladimir enters the stage "here he finds +stragon< ?ladimir asks him "here he s#ent the night< +stragon tells him he s#ent the night
00< What does +stragon tell ?ladimir ha##ened to him during the night
02< (uring one of the conser!ations about the Bible; ?ladimir tells +stragon he should ha!e been a
03< What does +stragon remember about the Bible
04< ?ladimir and +stragon talk about the crucifiion of Desus and the different !ie"s of the four +!angelists "ho record that e!ent< What is the to#ic that is described differently bet"een the four +!angelists
05< (uring their initial con!ersation in the first act; "hat does +stragon tell ?ladimir is unbuttoned
06< (uring the first #art of &ct I; ?ladimir kee#s looking for something that he doesnEt find in "hat
07< (uring the first #art of &ct I; +stragon kee#s looking for something that he doesnEt find in "hat
08< &ccording to the #layEs notes; the action begins
09< (uring the course of the #lay; +stragon asks ?ladimir if he is sure they are "aiting in the right s#ot< In &ct I; in res#onse to +stragonEs concern; ?ladimir reminds him they "ere told to "ait by the
2< Se!eral times during the #lay; the tree on stage is the sub'ect of con!ersation< In the first act; ?ladimir identifies the tree as a=an>
20< When +stragon and ?ladimir first discuss the tree; they notice it is
22< (uring their discussion about "hen Godot is su##osed to come; ?ladimir and +stragon are certain about
23< ?ladimir looks for a note about "hen Godot is to come in
24< (uring the beginning of the first act; "hile ?ladimir is #acing back and forth; +stragon
25< In the first act; after +stragon falls aslee#; ?ladimir
065< ?ladimir asks the boy in &ct II if he is the same boy "ho came yesterday< The boy tells him
066< What does the boy tell ?ladimir about )r< Godot on the second day
067< In &ct II; ?ladimir asks the boy "hat )r< Godot does< The boy tells him that )r< Godot
068< ?ladimir asks the boy if )r< Godot has a beard< The boy tells him that he does and that it is
069< What does ?ladimir ask the boy to tell )r< Godot on the second da y
07< To"ard the end of the second act; +stragon "akes u# and "ants to lea!e the #lace< ?ladimir tells him they canEt because they
070< +stragon reali$es it is too late for Godot to come by the end of the second day< ?ladimir agrees because it is
072< For the second time in the #lay; +stragon and ?ladimir talk about hanging themsel!es on the tree; but they canEt because they
073< Considering the #ossibility that they might ha !e trouble hanging themsel!es; +stragon says that ?ladimir could hang onto his legs< ?ladimir asks him
074< In &ct II; +stragon and ?ladimir can find nothing that "ill "ork as a ro#e if they "ant to hang themsel!es; and they decide that tomorro" they "ill
075< Finally; to"ard the end of the #lay; ?ladimir tells +stragon they "ill hang themsel!es tomorro" unless
076< ?ladimir tells +stragon; at the end of the second act; that if Godot comes;
077< The last thing that ?ladimir tells +stragon to do is
078< &t the end of the #lay; "hen ?ladimir and +stragon decide to lea!e; " here do they go
079< The second time the boy messenger comes; "hen ?ladimir asks the boy about his brother; the boy says his brother is
08< When the boy comes to"ard the end of the second act; ?ladimir asks him if he has seen anybody< The boy tells him
Short &ns"er *uestions ey 0< The t"o main characters in @Waiting for Godot@ are )stragon and Kladimir/
2< The main characters call each other Gogo and ,idi/
3< When &ct I o#ens; +stragon is Trying to pull his 9oot off/
4< The t"o main characters in the #lay are "aiting for Godot/
5< &ct I starts "ith a meandering con!ersation bet"een the t"o main characters "ho talk about a !ariety of sub'ects< They do AT talk about Going to merica/
6< Se!eral times during the beginning of the first act; ?ladimir kee#s taking off and #utting back on his &at/
7< &t times throughout the #lay; both +stragon and ?ladimir talk about lea!ing the #lace "here they are "aiting; but they do not< Why not They are waiting for Godot/
8< (uring the course of the #lay; +stragon and ?ladimir encounter t"o #eo#le "ho are tra!eling together; Po$$o and Lucky< It is clear that Lucky ser(es PoAAo and is dependent on him/
9< What is the most significant thing on the stage It is talked about se!eral times during the #lay< The tree/
0< &t the !ery beginning of &ct I; ?ladimir enters the stage "here he finds +stragon< ?ladimir asks him "here he s#ent the night< +stragon tells him he s#ent the night %n a ditch/
00< What does +stragon tell ?ladimir ha##ened to him during the night &e was 9eaten/
02< (uring one of the conser!ations about the Bible; ?ladimir tells +stragon he should ha!e been a Poet/
03< What does +stragon remember about the Bible The maps and pretty colors/
04< ?ladimir and +stragon talk about the crucifiion of Desus and the different !ie"s of the four +!angelists "ho record that e!ent< What is the to#ic that is described differently bet"een the four +!angelists They ha(e conflicting (iews of the role of the thie(es/
05< (uring their initial con!ersation in the first act; "hat does +stragon tell ?ladimir is unbuttoned The 9uttons on his fly/
06< (uring the first #art of &ct I; ?ladimir kee#s looking for something that he doesnEt find in "hat &is hat/
07< (uring the first #art of &ct I; +stragon kee#s looking for something that he doesnEt find in "hat &is shoes/
08< &ccording to the #layEs notes; the action begins n a country road in the e(ening/
09< (uring the course of the #lay; +stragon asks ?ladimir if he is sure they are "aiting in the right s#ot< In &ct I; in res#onse to +stragonEs concern; ?ladimir reminds him they "ere told to "ait by the Tree/
2< Se!eral times during the #lay; the tree on stage is the sub'ect of con!ersation< In the first act; ?ladimir identifies the tree as a=an> $illow/
20< When +stragon and ?ladimir first discuss the tree; they notice it is Bare/
22< (uring their discussion about "hen Godot is su##osed to come; ?ladimir and +stragon are certain about -othing/
23< ?ladimir looks for a note about "hen Godot is to come in &is pockets/
24< (uring the beginning of the first act; "hile ?ladimir is #acing back and forth; +stragon Falls asleep/
25< In the first act; after +stragon falls aslee#; ?ladimir $akes him up a9ruptly/
062< What does +stragon say he "as dreaming of "hen ?ladimir "oke him u# in &ct II That he was happy/
063< &fter Po$$o and Lucky lea!e in &ct II; ?ladimir "onders if Po$$o $as really 9lind/
064< When he arri!es for the second time; "ho does the boy refer to ?ladimir as *r/ l9ert/
065< ?ladimir asks the boy in &ct II if he is the same boy "ho came yesterday< The boy tells him &e is not and has ne(er 9een there/
066< What does the boy tell ?ladimir about )r< Godot on the second day That *r/ Godot can not come tonight 9ut will come tomorrow without fail/
067< In &ct II; ?ladimir asks the boy "hat )r< Godot does< The boy tells him that )r< Godot ,oes nothing/
068< ?ladimir asks the boy if )r< Godot has a beard< The boy tells him that he does and that it is $hite/
069< What does ?ladimir ask the boy to tell )r< Godot on the second da y That he saw Kladimir/
07< To"ard the end of the second act; +stragon "akes u# and "ants to lea!e the #lace< ?ladimir tells him they canEt because they re waiting for Godot/
070< +stragon reali$es it is too late for Godot to come by the end of the second day< ?ladimir agrees because it is -ight/
072< For the second time in the #lay; +stragon and ?ladimir talk about hanging themsel!es on the tree; but they canEt because they ,on't ha(e any rope/
073< Considering the #ossibility that they might ha !e trouble hanging themsel!es; +stragon says that ?ladimir could hang onto his legs< ?ladimir asks him $ho would hang onto his 0Kladimir's1 legs/
074< In &ct II; +stragon and ?ladimir can find nothing that "ill "ork as a ro#e if they "ant to hang themsel!es; and they decide that tomorro" they "ill Bring a good piece of rope/
075< Finally; to"ard the end of the #lay; ?ladimir tells +stragon they "ill hang themsel!es tomorro" unless Godot comes/
076< ?ladimir tells +stragon; at the end of the second act; that if Godot comes; They will 9e sa(ed/
077< The last thing that ?ladimir tells +stragon to do is Pull up his pants/
078< &t the end of the #lay; "hen ?ladimir and +stragon decide to lea!e; " here do they go They do not mo(e/
079< The second time the boy messenger comes; "hen ?ladimir asks the boy about his brother; the boy says his brother is Sick/
08< When the boy comes to"ard the end of the second act; ?ladimir asks him if he has seen anybody< The boy tells him &e has seen no one/
Short +ssay *uestions 0< Who are the fi!e characters in @Waiting for Godot@
2< ?ladimir asks +stragon if he has e!er read the Bible< What does +stragon tell him
3< The set is !ery bare "ith the ece#tion of one significant thing< What is it; and "hy do you think Beckett used this #articular thing
4< What is the theme that is carried throughout the #lay and ob!ious from the beginning What does this theme mean to you
5< +stragon is closely associated "ith a #articular #ro#< What is that #ro# Why do you think Beckett chose that #ro# and "hat does it contribute to the #lay
6< ?ladimir is closely associated "ith a #articular #ro#< What is that #ro# Why do you think Beckett chose that #ro# and "hat does it contribute to the #lay
7< f all the kind of trees there are; Beckett chose "hat kind of tree Why do you think he chose that #articular ty#e of tree<
8< +stragon and ?ladimir freuently fall aslee# throughout the #lay< Why do you think Beckett uses that as a thread throughout the #lay<
9< &fter +stragon and ?ladimir talk about the tree; +stragon falls aslee#< -e is abru#tly a"akened by ?ladimir< When he tries to tell ?ladimir about a dream he "as ha!ing; ?ladimir is adamant that he not talk about it< Why do you think ?ladimir is so !ehement in his reaction
0< -o" does the idea of hanging and +stragon and ?ladimirEs inability to come u# "ith a "orkable #lan contribute to the atmos#here of the #lay
00< In &ct I; +stragon and ?ladimir ha!e a long con!ersation about "aiting for Godot and their hel#lessness< Finally; +stragon eclaims he is hungry% What food does ?ladimir offer +stragon; and "hat food does he actually #roduce Why might Beckett chose these #articular foods
02< +stragon and ?ladimir talk about the crucifiion of Christ and; later; about offering a #rayer or su##lication to Godot< Why might Beckett re!eal this !ague connection bet"een God and Godot
5< +stragon and ?ladimir kee# discussing "hether they should hel# Po$$o "hile Po$$o kee#s re#eating his #leas for hel#< (o +stragon and ?ladimir finally agree to res#ond to Po$$oEs reuests for hel# Why or "hy not
50< &fter +stragon and ?ladimir hel# Po$$o get u# in &ct II; Po$$o asks them if they are his friends< -o" do +stragon and ?ladimir res#ond
52< Po$$o "ants to rouse Lucky and suggests that someone go and kick him to get his attention< +stragon is reluctant to a##roach him because the last time he did; Lucky kicked him< What does ?ladimir tell +stragon
53< -o" does +stragon react in &ct II "hen he decided to kick Lucky and ended u# hurting his foot in the #rocess
54< In &ct II; Po$$o finally decides that he and Lucky must lea!e< ?ladimir asks Po$$o if Lucky can sing for them before he and Lucky lea!e< What does Po$$o tell ?ladimir
55< To"ard the end of &ct II; after Po$$o and Lucky lea!e; the boy returns< ?ladimir asks the boy if he recogni$es him< -o" does the boy res#ond
56< ?ladimir asks the boy "hat )r< Godot does< -o" does the boy res#ond
57< ?ladimir asks the boy if )r< Godot has a beard and "hat color it is< -o" does the boy res#ond
58< Before the boy lea!es at the end of &ct II; "hat does ?ladimir ask him to do
59< +stragon and ?ladimir talk about the tree again in &ct II and the #ossibility of hanging themsel!es< They reali$e they need ro#e< What do they consider as a #ossible solution; and "hat is the #roblem "ith that
6< What are +stragon and ?ladimir doing "hen the #lay finally ends
Short +ssay *uestions ey 0< Who are the fi!e characters in @Waiting for Godot@ The fi(e characters in $aiting for Godot! are )stragon! Kladimir! PoAAo! Lucky! and the 9oy/
2< ?ladimir asks +stragon if he has e!er read the Bible< What does +stragon tell him )stragon tells him that he remem9ers the pretty! colored pictures and that the ,ead Sea was a pale 9lue/
3< The set is !ery bare "ith the ece#tion of one significant thing< What is it; and "hy do you think Beckett used this #articular thing The only significant thing on the stage is a 9are tree/ $hile a tree is useful as a prop! Beckett may ha(e 9een making a statement a9out the ;ualities of a tree like the potential for life! e(en when it is 9are! and the shelter it offers/ %t is also the the prop that makes it possi9le for )stragon and Kladimir to consider hanging themsel(es/ The reasons Beckett may ha(e used a 9are tree are more a matter of opinion and will (ary from student to student/
4< What is the theme that is carried throughout the #lay and ob!ious from the beginning What does this theme mean to you The theme is that of waiting/ %n some ways! this play is almost like a symphony/ The composer wanders from and em9ellishes on the theme 9ut always returns to the pure form/ %t is the thread that holds the whole garment together/ %t is the tie that 9inds/ The idea will mean something different to each student/
5< +stragon is closely associated "ith a #articular #ro#< What is that #ro# Why do you think Beckett chose that #ro# and "hat does it contribute to the #lay The prop associated with )stragon is his 9oots/ The reasons Beckett may ha(e used
the 9oots and what they contri9ute to the play are more a matter of opinion and will (ary from student to student/ Some of the reasons include: 21 $alking pro(ides mo9ility and a certain sense of freedom/ The fact that )stragon has trou9le walking contri9utes to his ina9ility to make changes in his life/ 61 %n the play! the 9oots are ine#plica9ly replaced with a pair that fits/ Someone outside of the circle of )stragon's life is changing the path of his life 9y making his walking more comforta9le/
6< ?ladimir is closely associated "ith a #articular #ro#< What is that #ro# Why do you think Beckett chose that #ro# and "hat does it contribute to the #lay ll four of the maCor characters share some traits as e#emplified 9y the fact that they all wear 9owlers/ 9owler was a (ery common hat at one time which may 9e the reason that Beckett chose that kind of hat/ $hile all four characters wear the same kind of hat! it is Kladimir that works with his and Lucky's hat in the second act/
7< f all the kind of trees there are; Beckett chose "hat kind of tree Why do you think he chose that #articular ty#e of tree< The tree is identified as a weeping willow/ The reason Beckett chose that kind of tree should ha(e something to do with the fact it is a weeping willow/ Beckett may ha(e left the tree 9are to make the point that there are no more tears to 9e shed/ nswers will (ary from student to student/
8< +stragon and ?ladimir freuently fall aslee# throughout the #lay< Why do you think Beckett uses that as a thread throughout the #lay< The answers will from student to student 9ut should ha(e something to do with escape! the e#haustion of waiting! or 9oredom/
9< &fter +stragon and ?ladimir talk about the tree; +stragon falls aslee#< -e is abru#tly a"akened by ?ladimir< When he tries to tell ?ladimir about a dream he "as ha!ing; ?ladimir is adamant that he not talk about it< Why do you think ?ladimir is so !ehement in his reaction %t is possi9le that Kladimir is Cealous that )stragon can escape to his dreams/ %t is also possi9le that talking a9out dreaming might lead them to think a9out the circumstances of their li(es/ The answers will (ary from student to student/
0< -o" does the idea of hanging and +stragon and ?ladimirEs inability to come u# "ith a "orkable #lan contribute to the atmos#here of the #lay $hile answers will (ary from student to student! responses should include thoughts a9out the notion that )stragon and Kladimir can't e(en escape their li(es 9y suicide/
00< In &ct I; +stragon and ?ladimir ha!e a long con!ersation about "aiting for Godot and their hel#lessness< Finally; +stragon eclaims he is hungry% What food does ?ladimir offer +stragon; and "hat food does he actually #roduce Why might Beckett chose these #articular foods Kladimir initially offers a carrot 9ut produces a turnip/ &e apologiAes to )stragon and finally finds a carrot/ These are foods that might ha(e 9een dug up from the ground! so there is no reason to 9elie(e they ha(e money to 9uy food/ %t is o9(ious they need to eat to stay ali(e! 9ut Beckett makes it clear that they only ha(e the minimum/
02< +stragon and ?ladimir talk about the crucifiion of Christ and; later; about offering a #rayer or su##lication to Godot< Why might Beckett re!eal this !ague connection bet"een God and Godot Beckett was not only interested in answers 9ut in ;uestions as well/ &ere! it is possi9le that he raises ;uestions a9out mankind's wait for God in the person of esus/// or Godot. That doesn't mean that Beckett is stating the Godot is God 9ut that Beckett and the reader can ask that ;uestion/
03< Briefly describe the relationshi# bet"een Lucky and Po$$o< PoAAo is wealthy! and Lucky is his ser(ant/ PoAAo is e#tremely a9usi(e and Lucky makes no effort to protect himself/ Regardless of what PoAAo demands of Lucky! Lucky o9eys his master without complaint/
04< -o" do Po$$o and Lucky first enter the stage and "hy do you think Beckett creates their characters this "ay Lucky enters first/ &e has a rope around his neck/ PoAAo is holding the other end of the rope/ &e pulls on the rope to drag Lucky 9ack e(en though it has left Lucky with a sore on his neck from the rope/ The image e(oked is of a master and his poorly treated dog/
5< +stragon and ?ladimir kee# discussing "hether they should hel# Po$$o "hile Po$$o kee#s re#eating his #leas for hel#< (o +stragon and ?ladimir finally agree to res#ond to Po$$oEs reuests for hel# Why or "hy not )(entually! )stragon and Kladimir help PoAAo get up 9ecause they decide it is the right thing to do/
50< &fter +stragon and ?ladimir hel# Po$$o get u# in &ct II; Po$$o asks them if they are his friends< -o" do +stragon and ?ladimir res#ond )stragon and Kladimir tell PoAAo that they must 9e friends 9ecause they helped him up/
52< Po$$o "ants to rouse Lucky and suggests that someone go and kick him to get his attention< +stragon is reluctant to a##roach him because the last time he did; Lucky kicked him< What does ?ladimir tell +stragon Kladimir tells )stragon that this is his chance for re(enge/ &e also tells him to make sure Lucky is still ali(e 9ecause it isn't worth wasting his time and effort if he is dead/
53< -o" does +stragon react in &ct II "hen he decided to kick Lucky and ended u# hurting his foot in the #rocess )stragon curses and 9lames Lucky for the fact that he hurt his foot/
54< In &ct II; Po$$o finally decides that he and Lucky must lea!e< ?ladimir asks Po$$o if Lucky can sing for them before he and Lucky lea!e< What does Po$$o tell ?ladimir PoAAo reminds Kladimir that Lucky is mute and can not make a sound! so he can not sing/
55< To"ard the end of &ct II; after Po$$o and Lucky lea!e; the boy returns< ?ladimir asks the boy if he recogni$es him< -o" does the boy res#ond The 9oy tells him he does not recogniAe him and that it is the first time he has come there/
56< ?ladimir asks the boy "hat )r< Godot does< -o" does the boy res#ond The 9oy tells him that *r/ Godot does nothing/
57< ?ladimir asks the boy if )r< Godot has a beard and "hat color it is< -o" does the boy res#ond The 9oy tells Kladimir that *r/ Godot has a 9eard and that it is white/
58< Before the boy lea!es at the end of &ct II; "hat does ?ladimir ask him to do Kladimir asks the 9oy to tell *r/ Godot that he has seen Kladimir/
59< +stragon and ?ladimir talk about the tree again in &ct II and the #ossibility of hanging themsel!es< They reali$e they need ro#e< What do they consider as a #ossible solution; and "hat is the #roblem "ith that )stragon and Kladimir discuss using the cord that holds up )stragon's pants! 9ut it is not strong enough and 9reaks when they pull on it/
6< What are +stragon and ?ladimir doing "hen the #lay finally ends They are still talking a9out going! 9ut end up waiting for Godot/
+ssay To#ics +ssay To#ic 0 ,escri9e each character 9y creating a picture with words/ "oncentrate on picking the 9est words to descri9e each character/ Think of words that show how the characters are 9oth different and similar to each other/ %n other words! what traits do the y share! and what traits are uni;ue to each character.
+ssay To#ic 2 Samuel Beckett's play! $aiting for Godot! is considered part of the Theater of the 9surd/ Theater of the 9surd writers Coined e#istential 0relating to e#istence1 philosophy with dramatic action and characters to show how a9surd life could 9e/ Find at least three e#amples of a9surd actions or dialogue! descri9e the e#amples! and e#plain why you think they show the a9surdity of life/
+ssay To#ic 3 Hse words to paint a picture of the setting of the play/ Talk a9out how this setting contri9utes to the message Samuel Becket is trying to send to the reader/ There is little mention of lighting and sound! 9ut descri9e how you think lighting and sound could enhance the feeling of the play/ ,escri9e how you would design the set! lighting! and sound if you were directing this play/
+ssay To#ic 4 *any lines of dialogue consist of single words or (ery 9rief sentences/ &ow does this approach to dialogue affect the mood of the play! and what does it tell you a9out the characters! especially )stragon and Kladimir.
+ssay To#ic 5 $hy are )stragon and Kladimir waiting for Godot. $hat do you think they want. $hy do you think they keep waiting. %magine you ha(e come across )stragon and Kladimir who ha(e told you they are waiting for Godot/ Based on what you know after reading the play! would you wait. $hy or why not.
This ;uiA consists of ? multiple choice and ? short answer ;uestions through ct 6! Pages ?457/
)ulti#le Choice *uestions 0< +stragon reali$es it is too late for Godot to come by the end of the second day< ?ladimir agrees because it is =a> Raining/ =b> -ight/ =c> Snowing/ =d> Time to sleep/ 2< In &ct II; +stragon and ?ladimir can find nothing that "ill "ork as a ro#e if they "ant to hang themsel!es; and they decide that tomorro" they "ill =a> Find another way to do themsel(es in/ =b> Bring a good piece of rope/ =c> "ut the tree down anyway/ =d> Find PoAAo and take his rope/ 3< What is different about Po$$o and Lucky "hen they return the net day =a> Lucky is the landowner and PoAAo is his 9eaten ser(ant/ =b> PoAAo is 9lind and Lucky is mute/ =c> PoAAo is 9lind and Lucky has the whip to 9eat him/ =d> PoAAo can't walk and Lucky has to carry him/ 4< (uring a con!ersation in &ct I; +stragon says he is hungry< ?ladimir offers him =a> drink/ =b> "hocolate and cookies/ =c> potato/ =d> Turnips and carrots/ 5< &s &ct I is ending; the boy tells +stragon and ?ladimir that )r< Godot "ill not come to see them today; =a> nd he will not 9e a9le to come to see them for some weeks/ =b> But he will surely come tomorrow/ =c> Because he has no intention of e(er coming/ =d> Because he has already seen them/
Short &ns"er *uestions 0< In &ct I; "hen +stragon and ?ladimir are telling Po$$o about the fact they are "aiting for Godot; Po$$o tells them he "ould be
2< When Lucky comes on stage for the first time; he is
3< -o" many #eo#le does +stragon tells ?ladimir beat him u#
4< What does +stragon remember about the Bible
5< &ccording to Po$$o; Lucky calls the #erformance he gi!es at the end of &ct I
)ulti#le Choice *uestions ey 0/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/
B B B , B
Short &ns"er *uestions ey 0< In &ct I; "hen +stragon and ?ladimir are telling Po$$o about the fact they are "aiting for Godot; Po$$o tells them he "ould be &appy to meet Godot 9ecause he likes meeting new people/
2< When Lucky comes on stage for the first time; he is "arrying many parcels and packages/
3< -o" many #eo#le does +stragon tells ?ladimir beat him u# 27/
4< What does +stragon remember about the Bible The maps and pretty colors/
5< &ccording to Po$$o; Lucky calls the #erformance he gi!es at the end of &ct I The -et/
This test consists of ? short answer ;uestions and 2 0of E1 essay topics/
Short &ns"er *uestions 0< In &ct II; +stragon remembers some of the things that ha##ened the day before including:
2< Finally; to"ard the end of the #lay; ?ladimir tells +stragon they "ill hang themsel!es tomorro" unless
3< ?ladimir reali$es +stragon has been beaten again and tells him he "ouldnEt ha!e let @them@ beat +stragon because he "ould
4< ?ladimir tells +stragon; at the end of the second act; that if Godot comes;
5< &fter +stragon and ?ladimir hel# Po$$o stand u# in &ct II; Po$$o asks +stragon and ?ladimir if they are friends of his< They tell him
+ssay To#ics +ssay To#ic 0 $hy do you think Beckett created the characters of PoAAo and Lucky the way he did. ,o you feel that other characters would ha(e worked 9etter. For instance! PoAAo and Lucky are Cust as locked in their li(es and una9le to change as )stragon and Kladimir/ $ould characters who were happy! contented! and successful made Beckett's mes sage stronger 9ecause of the contrast. $hy do you feel the way you do.
+ssay To#ic 2 *any lines of dialogue consist of single words or (ery 9rief sentences/ &ow does this approach to dialogue affect the mood of the play! and what does it tell you a9out the characters! especially )stragon and Kladimir.
+ssay To#ic 3 Both Kladimir and )stragon suffer from constant pain/ $h y may Beckett ha(e gi(en them each a chronic condition that constantly occupied their attention. PoAAo and Lucky also ha(e pain in their li(es although! in the first act! it is different from the chronic conditions suffered 9y Kladimir and )stragon/ Then! in the second act! PoAAo is afflicted with a condition that causes him a different kind of pain/ &ow does Beckett use pain as a theme running throughout the play. &ow does this theme contri9ute to Beckett's o(erall message.
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