Refinery Objectives The yield e can o!"ain #ro$ cr%de oil de&end' on "he origin o# "he cr%de( For in'"ance) #or an *Ara!ian Ligh"+ cr%de) #ro$ Sa%di Ara!ia) e ha,e) a" "he o%"le" o# "he r%de .i'"illa"ion ni") 5 o# ga') 20 o# ga'oline) 0 o# ero'ene and die'el and 35 o# hea,y c%"'( 4%") "he'e yield' o!"ained a" "he o%"le" o# "he . do no" corre'&ond "o "he $are" de$and #or #inal &rod%c"'(
I# e co$&are "he cr%de yield' and "he #inal $are" de$and') in E%ro&e) e can o!'er,e "ha" e ha,e a lac o# die'el) e" #%el and ga'oline( And a large e7ce'' o# hea,y &rod%c"'( Le"8' 'ee no ho a re#inery can 'ol,e "hi' &ro!le$) and "ry "o $a"ch "he $are" de$and'( The idea i' "o "ran'#or$ "he hea,y &rod%c"' reco,ered a" "he !o""o$ o# "he . in"o ligh"er &rod%c"') according "o "he $are" de$and( For "ha") e #eed "he 9ac%%$ .i'"illa"ion ni" :9.; i"h "he a"$o'&heric re'id%e( 4y doing "ha") e reco,er a ,ac%%$ di'"illa"e) i"h a car!on n%$!er !e"een 25 and 50) and) a" "he !o""o$) a ,ac%%$ re'id%e) i"h a car!on n%$!er higher "han 5 0( The ,ac%%$ di'"illa"e i' "rea"ed in a Fl%id a"aly"ic racer called F) or in a .i'"illa"e hydrocracer) called .
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