W R S With Undertaking: Aiverof Heridetary Ight Know All Men By These Presents

June 23, 2019 | Author: Ferdinand Ramos | Category: Social Institutions, Society, Common Law, Private Law, Government
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WAIVEROF HERIDETARY RIGHTS WITH UNDERTAKING KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: PRESENTS : WE, MARIA DOLORES AGTAY BERNARDO  BERNARDO   and EMMANUEL JOSEPH A. BERNARDO, BERNARDO, of legal age, Filipinos, , and a resident of 16 Manager St, GSIS Village Brgy. Sangandaan, Quezon City, Philippines, subscribing on oath, hereby depose and state that: 1. We are no longer interested over any interest nor to claim any rights

whatsoever over any real and personal property and any other rights, claims and interest including any bank deposit/s with any bank in the Philippines of the deceased Spouses ANACLETO L. BERNARDO  BERNARDO  and ANGELITA V.BERNARDO in our capacity as heirs of WILFREDO V. BERNARDO,  BERNARDO,  deceased, son of the aforementioned deceased spouses. spouses . Copies of the Birth Certificate and Certificate Certificate of Death of WILFREDO V. BERNARDO, BERNARDO, Marriage Contract between WILFREDO V. BERNARDO  BERNARDO  and MARIA DOLORES AGTAY BERNARDO and Birth Certificate of EMMANUEL JOSEPH A. BERNARDO are BERNARDO are hereto attached and marked as Annex A, B, C and D, respectively. 2. We hereby freely and voluntarily waive our rights, share and interests over any real and personal property and any other rights, claims and interest including any bank account/s under the name of the said deceased spouses aforementioned in exchange of ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN THOUSAND (Php 1,897,000.00).

3. We freely GIVE, GIVE, TRANSFER  TRANSFER  and CONVEY, CONVEY, our rights, share and interests over any real property and personal property including any other rights, share ,claims and interest including any bank deposit/s with any bank in the Philippines of the deceased Spouses ANACLETO L. BERNARDO  BERNARDO  and ANGELITA V. BERNARDO in favour of ARNOLD V. BERNARDO, BERNARDO, of legal age, Filipino and with residence at No. 10 Pandi Provincial Road, Barangay San Roque, Pandi , Bulacan to ARNOLD V. BERNARDO  BERNARDO  who paid the aforementioned amount which we voluntary accept, receive and acknowledge upon the signing of this Waiver of Rights with Undertaking; 4. The above-named transferee, transferee,  hereby accepts and receives this waiver made in his favour upon receipt of the said amount; 5. We, Transferors and Transferee hereby affirm that we have voluntarily executed this instrument out of our own free will, without Page 1 of 4

force, intimidation or violence from any person present at the time of execution of this presents, nor anything which somehow may vitiate our individual consent and further authorize the said Transferee to act and sign in our behalf and stead any document/s, papers and the like in relation thereto in order to effect the absolute transfer of Transferors’ share in  the above mentioned real and personal property under TCT No. RT-44761(282210) and TCT No. 97974 both registered at the Register of Deeds of Quezon City including any other rights, claims and bank deposit/s with any bank in the Philippines specifically Account Numbers 12101030-0(Time Deposit, 40100055-1 (Time Deposit), 40100045-1(Savings Deposit) and 11101365-3(Savings Deposit) with PS Bank-Mindanao Avenue Branch of the deceased Spouses ANACLETO L. BERNARDO and ANGELITA V. VIRREY in favour of ARNOLD V. BERNARDO; 6. We, the transferors, have no more claim or demand against anyone, involving any of the property and interest mentioned above.

7. We, the transferors, as well as the transferee herein, are executing this Waiver of Rights with Undertaking with full knowledge of the consequences thereof, and for any legal purpose this instrument may serve. Principals further sayeth naught.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands on this ___ day of ______ 2019, at ________________, Philippines.








Principal -Transferor

With my acceptance:  ________________________ ARNOLD V. BERNARDO Transferee

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES)  _____________________________ ) SS. BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, this ____________day of ________________, personally appeared the following: Name

Proof of Identity

Date/Place Issued

MARIA DOLORES A. BERNARDO EMMANUEL JOSEPH A. BERNARDO ARNOLD V. BERNARDO This instrument, consisting of four (4) page/s, including the page on which this acknowledgment is written, has been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by the concerned parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day, year and place above written.

Notary Public Doc. No. ........; Page No. .......; Book No. .......;

Series of 2019

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WE, MARIA DOLORES AGTAY BERNARDO  (a.k.a Maria Dolores Agtay) and EMMANUEL JOSEPH A. BERNARDO  (a. k.a EJ V. Bernardo), both of legal age, Filipinos, and residing at 16 Manager St, GSIS Village Brgy. Sangandaan, Quezon City, Philippines do hereby acknowledge receipt of the amount of   ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN THOUSAND (Php 1, 897,000.00) as full payment for their rightful shares as legal heirs of WILFREDO V. BERNARDO from the Estate of SPS. ANACLETO V. BERNARDO and ANGELITA V. BERNARDO from ARNOLD V. BERNARDO.



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