Folder (Level 1): the VULCAN or!s"ace# hich is a directory on the file syste$ of the co$"uter% &his folder contains ty"ically files used in a "roject% &he ty"es of files or s"ecifications are auto$atically organi'ed into sub(folders )irtual by VULCAN Design File (Level 2) is the database file by VULCAN definition% &his file contains design data or CAD created during the "roject% Layers (Level 3): &hey are the largest grou"ing in the classification design% *n VULCAN should alays define a default layer to or! on it% &his layer is called current +Current layer,% A design file can contain one or $ore layers% Object (Level 4): &hese are co$"ressed se-uential data entities% For e.a$"le/ a line +a se-uential set of connected "oints,# a "olygon +a closed line,# or a grou" of disconnected "oints% A layer could contain one or $ore objects% Point (Level 5): &he s$allest unit of co$"ressed data coordinates of .# y# '% An Objects could contain one or $ore "oints%
Hierarchical structure
Launcher indo
0D $odeler
Database $anager Plotter +ya rly,
Vulcan 1hub2
List of recent or! areas
*n general# use 3 or!s"ace "er "roject &o use Vulcan# create a or! area using 4rose * reco$$end sa)ing in US4 !ey% O"en 5n)isage once the or! area is defined
4y default# this indo ill o"en e)ery ti$e 5n)isage runs% &here is an o"tion to load a Vulcan "roject by default%
Start file na$e/ Na$e of "roject
Prefi./ ritten before design files for internal organi'ation
5n)iron$ent "refi./ just use so$ething different fro$ "roject "refi. +by con)ention,
5nter coordinates of "roject% &his affects $ostly default 'oo$ and )ie% *n general# use larger than needed%
&his creates the first design file +%dgd,
6ints for file $anage$ent/ •
6a)e 3 design file "er "ur"ose% 5./ sur)ey# short(ter$ "lanning# geology# drill(blast "atterns# etc% *f $any "eo"le are using Vulcan# 1"ersonal2 %dgd could be useful% &ry to a)oid redundancy as $uch as "ossible% 6a)e a single layer in a single "lace%
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