VRIL Generator Manual 3rd Edition 2009
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Manual for the VRIL Generator
T he Pr ac t ic e a nd Use of t he VR IL C u r r e nt
Third Edition copyright Onelight.com Publishing 2009
"your freedom, our goal"
Onelight.com Publishing copyright 2009
...people are looking for a path from their mortal capacity to that of infinite immortal capacity. The VRIL Generator provides a link, a bridge, the conduit to a reality of higher supernatural awareness, victory over self, a tap-able source to the infinite supply of positive energy - the very current that directs and moves the planet Earth on its path through the universe, the center of the universe’s fulcrum.
The magnetic energy that is revealed through the power of the connection of the VRIL Generator raises the electrical current of the body’s norm to a higher frequency allowing the user to experience levels of exaltation and wisdom. The energy, the light energy coming into the body through the use of the VRIL Generator enlivens the constitution and awakens the cellular activity, consistently opening the body to higher and higher levels of the VRIL power. VRIL power is the essence of hidden energy in each in everyone. It is the Shakti, the Kundalini refined, the essence of Mother Earth - Gaia. The Doorway to Shiva.
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VRIL may best be described as the ever active power of Mother Earth, the Kundalini that is created as she spins around the Sun. This VRIL energy is active in each individual who is grounded in the Earth.
The line of force of VRIL begins at 50 miles beneath the Earth’s surface. Once one enters into this current located at the 50 mile mark VRIL is readily available, one bathes in it. In order to receive this current while living on the surface of the planet the practitioner must meditate on this 50 mile mark as well as the latent VRIL in their human body. Once this energy is brought into the body, the Practitioner will determine its presence as ever active or requiring more concentration to bring up. Holding the VRIL Generator activates the inner current pulling into the human psi vehicle the electromagnetic charge from the planet.
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By the simple contact of the three fingers and thumb of the hand on the VRIL Generator a transformer coil, an electrical connection is formed. This transformer cycles and recycles life giving light energy (VRIL) into the human body, awakening, realigning, balancing, re-tuning and healing the physical at the deep chemical and atomic levels. Through continual contact with the VRIL Generator the amperage of light energy is increased over and over again. The body human and the VRIL Generator coordinate a frequency that harmonizes with the user, and allows the user to enter realms once undiscovered. These realms we describe as the Subterranean Kingdoms of Light, deep in the Crystalline Grid surrounding the Earth’s Core. Wherein lays the Supreme Center of Self, which coordinates, controls and inspires life throughout the planet and to the Central Sun, center of All Self Awareness in Immortal Consciousness. The Doorway to Immortal Consciousness, One with Shiva, the multi-dimensional states. This contact of the three fingers and thumb is amplified by the practice of deep breathing and concentration of the body on the Third Eye Chakra. Also with the use of the practices described in the following pages. Good Journey and Peace to You Onelight.com Publishing
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You are holding in your hand an ancient and very distinct tool left to residents of the surface of this planet, given by the enlightened Agarthian Masters of the Inner Earth following a great upheavel of the surface planetary grid. How it works is some thing of a mystery; for those who have had insight into its design it may be described as a portal 'opener' to the Infinite. For the one whose heart is direct and purely convicted to its use, many divine energies of various levels are awakened by the VRIL Practitioner. believe to practice, practice to receive, receive and master
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Here are several goals which the VRIL Practitioner may wish to choose to accomplish on their journey with the divine tool, the VRIL Generator:
1) receive High VRIL Energy: body healing attunement, strengthening of soul empowerment, identity with the higher self 2) look into and enter places inside the Earth realizing the Crystalline Grid, visit other planets and distant stars as well as other heavenly bodies, and other dimensions: through awakening the powers of the use of astral projection, lucid dreaming, remote viewing 3) understanding, and being able to experience and master Hyperspace Travel and Time Travel 4) experience Teleportation and understand Transmigration 5) realize/receive Immortal Consciousness - Chakra spinning, opening of the Immortal Crown
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Imagine you are there and you will go there. In a moment you will be there, or if you wish you can command the flyover- over to the place you wish to be. Prior to your journey, close your eyes and allow the movie to reveal itse;f. What you thought was only the makings of the mind becomes that which is known as the Divine Imagine. The Earth’s Mind, the Earth’s One Mind Grid will be, is one with your personal mind. Purify your center of concentration with sustained thought on the place you wish to enter, to visit. For the one whose heart is pure, no place in this universe remains hidden to them.
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By the word we move mountains to ourselves. By calling a name of a place, the comforting spirit of the divine a portal is opened to us. All who is kind, in friendship, is available to the one who asks. Ask endearingly and the kind spirits will welcome you into their homes and temples which are eternally sacred to them.
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64 megahertz = human 64 megahertz = earth Vibrate with the Frequency of Earth and Experience Freedom from Fear
Until one has a true breakthrough into the mystery of life one can be assaulted by doubt. Many of these doubts have no application in reality, they are simply the power of the mind trying to strengthen itself. In order for the mind to succeed in concentrating on the goal, one needs to follow a practice of holding the mind firm, by that, concentrating on the third eye. The meaning of this, will come over time for the beginner. self suggestion- hypnosis - applying and exhausting the critical facility - relaxation
Center the mind on creative thinking, creative viewing, concentrate on the third eye.
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The opening to the VRIL has been amazing to say the least, and I have been studying it from the perceptions of the inner travel into the atoms I have perused for many years now. I call what you are doing "sliding", only I do it into the atoms to seek the method of over unity powering that nature uses to keep the atoms as stand alone self powering devices that never stop, and always correct when acted on from outside. I have also used my "sliding" through the earth grid system to visit other areas during weather operations, and helping in the bringing of rain at times with others engaged in this work with mother earth energy.
The VRIL is the secret of the Neutron to be exact, from my own perceptions. I have searched for it for some time. It has the only tempic field resonance with 5 segments. Being an odd number this is quite unique. It matches the Egyptian rod of Ra in vibration and probably best experienced at length of 150 mm. http://magnetism.fateback.com/Matrix.htm
My first experience with it was years back now, and documented here the technical observations. Now the VRIL opening from your work has answered a great many of my questions at to operation of the atom, the pieces are falling into place. It is this overlap of our study that totally captivated me, as we have a system to chart and compile much data on manipulation of these frequencies. -David Lowrance (March 1, 2009)
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The World Around You - The Solid 3D Kingdom The Worlds of the Imagination The Worlds of Infinity – Beyond the Imagination or Reality
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The Deepest Point We have accessed is the 650 mile mark beneath the Aegean Sea in the place called Porthologos, home of Mikos, there giants range 14-22 feet in stature. Astral journeys to other locations as described in the schematic above are as follows: 1) beneath southern Spain 150 miles, 10 foot giants and their communities observed
2) 450 mile depth - at an angle along the path trajectory through Northern Italy then beneath Switzerland, several times over 2 years; Agartha revealed at the 450 mile distance as exalted beyond all civilizations
3) the geological crystal grid accessed at the 100 mile mark beneath Northern Brazil – and in the same period of a week discovered an opening leading to the 60 mile deep Global Network, which connects the Earth through a subterranean tunnel system running on pure VRIL. This is a very expansive, very engaging and encouraging energy current. Great freedom is realized once one accesses this energy current. The ability to travel through the globe using this subterranean network is truly overwhelming. 4) from a surface portal of 50 miles near Amundsen’s camp in the Antarctica, passing an Atlantean territory at the 100 mile mark, and then to a depth of 200 miles into the Earth, there viewed the hall of Giant Kings mirroring the 12 leading sacred divine cultures throughout the planet. I then walked through the Hallway of the 12 Giant Kings and came to the gateway of the Kingdom of the Gods below the Antarctica leading into the Hollow Earth. I say now as I said 10 years ago, the true entrance to the Hollow Earth Paradise, begins at the 200 mile mark.
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Astral Projecting into the Earth, Technical Application
For those of you who are seeking to project your awake astral vision into the earth and thus get a view in the depths, through eyes as wide open as one can hold them, localizing the line of descent into the subterranean earth and creating the necessary tell marks, is the first preparation.
How one views the Inner Earth objectively before the journey, establishes and forms the clearest frequency for the ongoing vision of the journey. The mind must reach a strong electromagnetic frequency and one’s astral body must enter into a deep submission of the electromagnetic vibration, before propelling into the Earth substratum and immerse into the VRIL current of Nature’s Empowering Grace. The conviction and will to submit to this strong electromagnetic vibration must be maintained for a sufficient length of time to enable the target to be reached.
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The formula for technical entry and reentry in practice, which has worked for me in the past, many times:
1 Prepare your mindset and physical acumen as one of vigilance. Think expansively, one is inheriting their rightful kingdom again, taking back immortal territory loss through ignorance, time and lack of practice. Think in terms of what will bring about the most powerful current right now, in this space. Ask for it. Ask the Universe, one’s God, the Mother Earth, the Stars, the hidden light energies, the many angelic beings one holds in high esteem residing in the Earth, the Ethers, Infinity. Vibrate with the Gods! 2 Decide first on a primary tell mark to visit, and the length of distance from point A to B taking you across a predetermined distance in the Interior of the Earth. One may wish to follow a sacred established portal point A on the surface that leads into the subsurface to point B. Seek out and decide on an identifiable ancient surface ruin such as Machu Picchu, or the Egyptian Pyramids or a mountain such as Mt. Olympus or Mt. Kailash. All of these will allow for easier and sacred access. Determine that your point of entry presents itself which is good and sacred that you, the Traveler, can own. Decide on the entry point, the length or distance into the Earth, the point of study – the tell mark. This equates success as a completed form first in your mind, prior to taking the journey, then later as you are in the journey itself. I advise not to travel near or into quarantined areas of military installations or places that have identifiable energy signals of ‘negative acting’ human secret societies or other species. I claim there is no human genetic research occurring below the 40 mile mark (that is not to say there are no large Atlantean colonies/territories at the 100-200 mile distance).
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3 Long view the general area on the surface and then into the depths. The Interior Traveler will use long-viewing (remote) to pre-determine their route. Decide on which are the more harmonious routes and places beneath the surface to go. Usually the sacred surface temple will offer a natural light grid passage into the Earth. Still many of these temples have been abandoned and dark energies have taken over in time. One may study the histories of these temples using the embodied Akashic Records of our human Immortal DNA.
4 A point of depth. Decide on a point that will register how deep you plan to go. Gather up energy for your journey over a period of time, how long that may be. One can determine this by feeling in their gut (solar disc) the measure of their present sacred ability, appraise their accessible chi energy, then recharge or charge this up. In the period prior to the journey whether it be days, a week or for a month, or even several months (what ever is needed) gather energy and repeat to yourself over and over ‘I am going to this (identifiable) tell mark’. Once one initiates the practice of flying into the Earth the frequencies will be revealed in that region, there are energy signatures throughout the planet globally at levels that can be ascertained, which also align geographical locations to the inner Crystalline Light Grid. There are several stages one experiences, which reflect the frequencies of those who live in the substratum of the Earth. Though there is a global model, there are subcultural differences, like we have on the surface. In fact the subterranean pedigree is directly reflected in the modulations of the surface Earth cultures. The character of the fire of Our Lineage is directly reflected in the fire of the Inner Earth. Whether we view this as 3d density modulation or powerfully increased frequencies, our causal behavior is influenced by the alchemical VRIL fire processing which exists beneath our feet, a fire which is always ongoing in the many energy shifting sheaths of Mother Earth.
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Until there is a shift in your personal solar plexus, an awakening of the inner VRIL/Kundalini, an evoked projection does not occur, unless one is in covenant of strength of a friend or shaman who accesses their ‘solar disc’ naturally and spontaneously.
5 Remain steadfast in repeating to yourself these words “I will astral project to this (identified) tell mark”. Such as I will go 10 miles or I will go 50 miles beneath the surface. Set the stage for your point of endurance. As you learn to drift about the various places inside the Earth your abilities will dramatically change; as you work with Mother Earth, the planet will give you great electrical energy through Her crystalline grid. She will empower You. There is an exchange at a high frequency. One senses a dramatic unfolding of super natural potent-ial energy, which will reveal itself as invincible, a stable firm reality. Once one enters into this matrix the empowerment takes one beyond the crest of mortal functioning and into the one-at-one immortal state. A sense of native or indigenous propensity for the subterranean surroundings; the Traveler will bliss out, bathe in the nectar of the light energy unfolding. This is a natural event. Once the first saturation of light filling energy is experienced, the journey to go further must be decided on. Some times these journeys will take place years apart or one can have several trips in one month, depending on one’s needs. One must decide when they are ready and willing to go to the next tell mark. Or be satisfied with where they are at, how far they have come, which in itself can be a very great distance and adaptation to the change of a light bearing being. There is no jurisdiction in how far one can go. It is a decision made reflecting as to how much sacred energy one has to go deeper into the Earth. From the Surface at the Equator to the very Center point of the planet there is a straight line of 4,000 miles. In this space we have our own mental dream, our mental capability, our ability to measure, and then we have the absolute measurement and texture of the Interior to realize. Due to response and high reaction to sidereal dimensions, cloistered frequency interventions, an astral observation of the physical terrain projectory of the Interior of the Earth to the very center of the Earth is rarely if ever realized. Emotionally the mortal Human is to easily distracted, energy empowered; there is insufficient glue to keep the Traveler on course. Unless one has absolute resolution in the conviction of determinism to make this journey, the trip is short winded. There has to be a higher transmission one receives and is resolute with. This Transmission must inspire and thus enable the Traveler to go to their next journey. VRIL GENERATOR MANUAL
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The ability to travel into the Earth requires the eager and enthusiastic preparation and continued practice by those who seek out this path of experience. Resistance due to fear, over anticipation of results, blocks or densities which screw humans to the Surface of the Earth, will be burned away by the continued resilience of the determined Traveler. We are at a time in our lives, where we are sufficiently free to view our natural god given supernatural abilities to go far places. The Astral Traveler today will become the Teleporter of tomorrow. Good Journey. Towards the Immortal Crown.
Onelight.com Publishing (C) 2009
Accessing the VRIL Current, Time Travel, Acting on the Natural Resource Time travel is attainable through the raising of the VRIL current and seeking out a place in the timeline of histories.
In deep meditation, many secrets are found. The Deity of Light and Harmony is within, the light substance, always awakening the inner VRIL fire - Kundalini.
The numerous energy lines that flow through a Time sequence reveals there is only one current with numerous modulations of one current. Singling out the energy field that best determines what one is seeking allows for – manifests, the practical insert or doorway. A doorway, which the practitioner can enter, once compressing and then decompressing, and therefore expanding consciousness through by the force of magnetic VRIL Will. This practice naturally unfolds effectively by engagement into the light circuitry that runs along the Time Continuum. Once dormant in ourselves, the ability to move through Time is a natural resource in which the dedicated practitioner of VRIL can develop successfully and use for their own practical enjoyment, satisfied study and personal sense of well being.
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For many the journey into the unknown process of Time Travel is too much of an unknown, of many veils – partitions; too far unseen and out of reach. There are those who wish not to apply the natural awakening power of VRIL transportation as they are not as yet aware of the organic electrical frequency in their carriage of transport, which is their own physical Immortal frequency. Everyone can Time Travel, though engaging is often deterred as this process is ladened with confining thoughts, even contempt and aversion to. As in - any great theme of beauty, dreaded darkness seeks to undermine its (as yet), incalculable powers.
Like the many positive processes we magnetically engage in, Time Travel offers a high reward. One can go back through Time and view a distinctive moment in history, walk through the streets of Victorian London or Ancient Rome; view strange happenings and unsolved mysteries. Great happenings and inspiring events can be experienced first hand, many times over. Through visiting a location several times from various reference points, an assassination may be viewed as to what really occurred, or the plans for a major conspiracy and following corresponding events can be seen as they are acted upon and unfold. One’s ability to travel ‘freer’ is determined by the loft and command they have through their powers of concentration and integration: enacting, establishing, stabilizing and sustaining the original VRIL Light power. All have the innate power of Time Travel within. Focusing on freeing this power, is the goal.
By the strengthening of the mind with the developing heightened focus, and by releasing the VRIL current through the light activated heart, the potential to move through Time is realized as the volition of deeper VRIL energy is released. With this supportive energy One will be mobilized into a distinct location, receiving the encouragement to act in that location. Seeing, smelling, feeling, are available by choice at will. Awakening the VRIL Light Force, is the key manifestation. After this, the secret to Time Travel is revealed.
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Cavern Areas in the United States VRIL GENERATOR MANUAL
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After a good state of relaxation is achieved with whatever method you choose, sit down comfortably and easily, it isn't necessary to take a perfect Yoga posture.
In actual practice, the body will take natural and spontaneous postures and movements. It is important that the coccyx be free and not constrained, like a little mobile tail. Relax the spine with slight lateral arching movements. Eyes open. 180° gaze fixed and not focused; keep the inner gaze knowingly open to 360°. (Inner gaze i.e. Internal Listening which means look, feel, touch etc. as it is made up by the external five senses brought in the interior, brought back on the plane of elements, colors and syllables fused into non dual Listening). Inhale through the nose, expanding in the mind the OM syllable (the clear awareness of self).
Deep and strong inhalation, expanding chest and spine.
At the end of inhalation, with full lungs, hold your breath with ease, expanding in your mind the continuous and prolonged sound A (integration between subject and object). VRIL GENERATOR MANUAL
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In these brief moments of suspension, before exhaling, apply absolute attention to the "here and now, feel the Presence that manifests itself, springing from the void of all forms, of all energies, of all thoughts internal and external.
Forms energies and thoughts, free from acceptance and rejection, illuminated by the Conscious Pure Presence, reveal their devoid nature and, fading in their apparent manifestation, they become integrated in the Original Consciousness of Being. Without forcing the suspension, in accord with your own physical balance, and internal pressures, expire through the mouth expanding in your mind the syllable HUNG (the void of subject and object).
Expire deeply and, without suspension at the end of expiration, inhale again following the same procedure.
The crystal clear consciousness, just like a reflecting pure mirror, will recognize between subject and object, between interior and exterior, the non dual nature perfectly integrated in the one and only universal substance.
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The Pure Presence is the infinite without space nor time, the moment you fix in the center of your consciousness and expands as pure expression of the void.
Both in the suspension phase and in the two breathing phases, the body may spontaneously express movements, postures and gestures (Mudra and Kriya) accompanying the different phases of the practice.
These are of a natural deep knowledge flowing, freed by the Kundalini ascension and not bound by filters of rationality a virtual mind; they express the power signs and the original descent to which the applicant belongs.
All the bodies are involved in these movements; they spring spontaneously and produce arising and overwhelming waves of relaxation, of ecstatic joy and elevation.
Onelight.com Publishing (C) 2009
The Initiation is Direct and Instantaneous in the Act of the Recognition of the Original Mind
The opening of dimensional doors depends upon two factors, one external consisting in a no-time phenomenon produced by our own technology, the other internal based upon the level of consciousness, of activation of the pineal gland, and the recovering of the primeval condition that each one of you must attain to become fully conscious and capable to get through the dimensional doors opened by us at the right time and place.
The VRIL Generator must to be felt as part of one's energy; a good advice is to keep confidence, care and particular devotion to it. Keep it guarded and when not in use in a sacred private place, that no one can handle it. For the tool collects the memory and can have the memory shifted with another’s use. The Vajra is a complete tool and an expression of the one's completeness, it is the perfection of the original mind. In the practice it is held as expression of the one's energy, of the one's power, as integral part of the one's body. The VRIL Generator moves the streams of energy in the body, generating natural and spontaneous positions and gestures, during the practice. It can be held in the right hand to activate the dimension of the Wisdom-Wit, in the left hand to activate the Power of the Void, or in both the hands to pronounce the Sacred Syllables.
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Power of Wisdom, Will: hold the Vajra according to its axis that must be connected to the palm chakra of the hand, becoming a radiant extension of the body, of the energy and power (Photo 1) The Power of Void: hold the Vajra in the central sphere with the two central fingers (Photo 2) The Power of Word:
hold the Vajra with both hands (Photo 3)
photos on next page
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OM is the clear awareness of self.
HRIH is the wholesomeness of passion without attachment. HA is the great joy of encounter of I and other. HUM is the void of subject and object.
PHAT is deliverance from the illusion of duality.
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AHAM is the true nature of consciousness. A means the source without beginning.
HA means the syllable of the endless feeling.
M means the indivisibility of source and feeling. AHAM is the union of compassion and void, it burns and disperses the illusion of duality, revealing the I as the self of divinity.
Onelight.com Publishing (C) 2009
Common Thoughts and Questions on VRIL Can a person share the VRIL Generator with another person, or group of people? - Two people or group who share the same spiritual path may use the same VRIL Generator.
What is the VRIL Generator made of ? - Bronze and brass.
Where does it come from? - Nepal.
Who makes it? - Nepal Artisans.
Who originally gave humanity the VRIL Generator and why? - The Elders of Agartha in order to enlighten humans of the surface, return to the original will: VRIL. VRIL GENERATOR MANUAL
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Are there dark entities around the VRIL? - Dark or immature spirits are always around. True VRIL removes such spirits, who are still in slumber, from the practitioner.
Can I astral travel quicker if I use the VRIL Generator? - The VRIL Generator will assist in your ability to focus and receive quicker, greater amounts of energy, thus enabling the user to more efficiently enter into the astral streams. Effort in usage always equates results.
Will I be able to have telepathic communication with people in the Subterranean Kingdoms through the power of VRIL? - VRIL is central in the essence of energy inside the Earth’s Interior. With a full heart all communications are opened to anyone, anywhere, in the universe, of which the underlying force is VRIL. The VRIL Generator helps remove the resistance between two parties and helps strengthen alliance in communication. This is a very high level of communicating. Very pure will.
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What measure of VRIL do I have? - There is a measure of VRIL in all living things. The greater it becomes, the more one is able to accomplish and become an immortal, or better stated, become increasingly aware of their immortal innate consciousness. The original state.
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