VOLVO D24 Engines Repair Manual

May 27, 2016 | Author: latranca | Category: N/A
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Volvo repair manual...


Group21 Engine Crankshaftrear seal,replacement

S. Grankshaftrear seal,replacement Specialtools: 1801,5112,5203,5208

s? Removegearbox/transmission SeeServicemanualsection4 (431. Securestanermotorwith a bolt.


s2 Removepressureplate and driven plate plate Unscrewpressure mounting boltscrosswisea few turnsat a timeto preventwarp.


s3 Removeflywhe€l Automaticgearbox: Removecarrierplate Uselocking sector 5112to prevent ilywheel from mo-


s4 Removecrankshaftrear oil seal Liftout oil sealwith a screwdriver as indicated.


Group21 Engine Crankshaftrearseal.reDlacement

s6 Installnew oil seal Assemble standard handle 1801anddrift5208. S m e a ro i l o n t o s e a l i n gs u r f a c e sa n d l i p s o n s e a l . P l a c es e a lo n d r i f t a n d t a p i n u n t i l d r i f t a b u t sc r a n k s h a f t .

s7 Install f lywheel/carriei plate Flnrheel(manual) andcarrierplate(auto)canonly be Usenew bolts,smeared with sealerP/N277961,9. Torqueboltsto 75 Nm (55ft lbs).Uselockingsector 5112to holdflywheelin position.

s8 Automaticgearbox: Checkinstallationmeasurementot carderplate (To be caffiedout after replacementof carrierptate.)



Placea steelrulerbetweencarrierplateand engine block.Fulershouldrest againstengineto gearbox mounting flangeandshouldrestagainstbothsidesof flange. Turncrankshaft untiloneof holesin carrierplate coancides withsteelruler.Measure "B"with an outside caliperequipped for depthmeasurement. Measured value"B' + thickness of steelrulershould equal'17.2-18.8 mm = 0.667-0.740 in. lf distanceis less than 17.2mm = 0.677in use a spacerwasher(P/N 1257377'0) betweencrankshaftand carrierplate. (i.e.instattarion lf carrierplateis insralled incorrectly js wrong),distance measurement to torqueconve er caiiierwill betoo long.Thismaycausecarfierplateto crackand possiblya noisewhendriving.


Group21 Engine Crankshaftrear seal,replacement


s9 l:i

Installdriven plate Usecentering shaft5203. Turndiscwith hubfacingout,awayfromftywneet.


s10 Install pressureplate Tightenboltscrosswise a fewturnsat a timeto avoid

s11 Installgearbox/tmnsmission Do notforgetto removeboltsecuring starternotor,


Gtoup 21 Engine Vibration damper, remov in g/i nstalIing

T. Vibration damper,removing/installing SDecialtools: 5187. 5188

Notel Different vibration dampersfor D 20 andi. D 24 engines.


D24 T1 Disconnect battery

T2 Jack-upvehicle To prevent spillages whencoolantis drained, raisevehicleat frontrightjackingpoint.Cooanl will thenrun alongsplashguard intodrip pan. Placedrip panbeneathleftsteerinsrod.


f3 Drain coolant Unscrew expansion tankcap. Disconnect lowerradiator hosef romradiator anddrain (Ensine is withouldraintaps).



Group 21 Engine Vibration dam per, removi ng/i nstall i ng

T4 Disconnect: c o o l i n gf a n w i t h s p a c e r6 n d p u l e y - f a n b e l t a n d p o w e r s t e e r i r g p L r m pb e h -

T5 Bemove vibration dampea R e m o v ec e n t e r b o l t . U s e 5 1 8 7t o p r e v e n tp u l e y f f o r n r o t a t i n g ,a n d s o c k e t5 1 8 8t o u n s c r e wb o t s . I t m a y b e n e c e s s a r tyo t u r n e n g i n es i g h t l ys o t h a t 5 ' 1 8 7 r e s t so n f a n b e a r i n g . R e m o v ef o u r i n h e x b o l t s ( 6 m m ) . P u l l o f f v i b r a t i o nd a m p e r .N o t e l C r a n k s h a fgt e a r m a y s o m e t i m e ss t i c kt o v i b r a t i o nd a m p e r .

T6 Installvibrationdamper D a m p e rc a n o n l y b e f i i t e di r o n e w a y . P i no n c r a n k s h a f l g e a r n 1 u s tf i t i n v i b r a t i o nd a m p e r . T o r q u e b o r s t o 2 0 N m 1 1 5f t b s ) .

T7 Install center bolt S m e a r t h r e a d s a n d m a t i n g s L r r f a c ew i t h s e a l e r P / N 277961L U s e w r e n c h 5 1 8 7{ r e s lo n c o o i i n gf a n b e a r i n g ) t oh o l d U s e w r e n c h 5 ' 1 8 8t o t o r q u e c e n t e r b o l t t o 3 5 0 N m ( 2 5 5f t l b s ) . l m p o r t a n r :T o r q u e3 5 0 N m a p p l i e so n l y i f w r e n c h 5 1 8 8 i s | r s e dA . s o t o r q u e w r e n c h m u s t b e i nl i n e w i t hw r e n c h 5188.


Group21 Engine Vibration dam per, removi ng/installing

T8 Install: - c o o l i n gf a n w i t h s p a c e ra n d p u l l e y .T i g h l e n i n gt o r q u e 9 Nm (7ft lbs) - b e l t f o r p o w e r s t e e r i n gp u m p a n d f a n b e t s - fadiator. Connect hoses

{))l T9 Bleeding of cooling system Disconnect upperhosefrom cold siart drip pan beneathhoseand hold hose edgeof expansion tank.



Coolant S i n c ea L r m i n i u mi s u s e d i n t h e e n g i n e s ,a c t i v ec o r r o s i o n p r o l e c t i o ni s n e c e s s a r yi n t h e c o o l a n tt o h e l p p r e v e n r c o r r o s r o no a m a g e . U s e g e n u i n eV o l v o b l u e - g r e e nc o o l a n l t y p e C , d i l u t e d with cle.n water in propo(ions of 50/50.


This mixlure helps to prevent coftosion and irosl damage. a N e v e rf i l l t h e c o o l i n gs y s t e mw i l h w a t e r a l o n e . a T h e c o o l a n ts h o u l d b e c h a n g e dr e g u l a r l ys i n c et h e c o r r o s i o n p r o t e c t i v ea d d i t i v e si n t h e c o o l a n t l o s e their effect in time. N o t e l D o n o t r u n e n g i n ew h e n l e v e lo f c o o a n l a sl o w , s i n c e h i g h l o c a l t e m p e r a t u r e sc a n r e s u l t w h i c h m a v c a u s et h e c y l i n d e .h e a dt o c r a c k .



Group21 Engine Vibration damper, removing/installing

irtt 3(rc rfrrRfY[lrfi rurr *t0 ai otLv^firr or| rfr 0rr srYoorT v0rv0 r4v^rsuTYrc artto wrTN ctr0r|r lrol\to cooullrnPt mdd]wF.

i$rPU0r Lrouror ArrGftvoLvo rc MollrtrALr 0n€ Ar{TrcrL fiPr c

Beplacing coolant A l w a y s u s e t y p e C b l u e - g r e e nc o o a n t . R e m e m b e rt o r e p i a c ed e c a l( P / N1 3 3 1 4 7 3 , 7o)n e x a n s j o nt a n ki f n e c e s Typ€ C blue-s.een coolant A l d i e s e la n d p e t r o l ( 9 a s oi n e ) e n g i n e sm a n u f a c t u r e d s i n c e 1 9 8 2a r e f i l e d w i t h r y p e C c o o t a n t .

710 Fill coolant C a p a c i t y :D 2 0 = 8 . 1 l i l e r s ( 8 . 6U S D 2 4 = 9 . 3 l i t e r s( 9 . 8U S F l u s hc o o l i n gs y s t e m b e f o r ea d d i n g n e w c o o l a n t ,s e e G r o u p 2 6 C o o l i n gS y s t e m . S e t d a s h b o a r dl - e a t e rc o n n o l I o m a \ . T L r n o r e n g i n e a n d w a r m - u p f o r 5 m i n u t e s .A d d c o o l a n t d u r i n g t h i s l i m e . C o n n e c th o s et o c o l d s t a r td e v i c e .F i l l c o o l a n tr o m o u t h o f e x p a n s i o nt a n k ( a b o v e m a x ) a n d s c r e w o n


Group21 Engine Engine mounts, replacement

U. Enginemounts,replacement D iferent brackets for mu nLal and automat c gearboxes

U1 Rearenginemount(gearboxmount) N e c e s s a rtyo r e m o v eg e a r b o xm e m b e rt o r e m o v er e a r G e a r b o xm u s t b e u n o a d e dw i t h a j a c k d u r i n g r e p l a c e -

,r))a U2 Frontenginemount


U n l o a de n g i n em o u n t sw n h l i f t t o o l s5 0 3 3( 2 x ) , 5 0 0 5 a n d 5115.

U3 Left side T o r e p l a c er u b b e r p a d : r e m o v e e n g i n e f i r o u n t w n h u p p e ra n d r o w e rb r a c k e r s .


I e


Right side T o r e p l a c er u b b e rp a d : r e m o v eu p p e r b r a c k e d l ,,uruDb e r p a d t o g e t h e . ,d o n o t r e m o v et o w e r b r a c k e r . Do not lighten upper nul for rubberpad t]nti engine mounl is positioned.


Group21 Engine Removingengine

V. Removingengine OperationsV1-7 Special tools: 2810, 5185,5186 Ensineandgearboxremovedas a unit

v1 Removeenginesplashguard anddraincoolant

v2 Remove/disconnecti r 2

positive lead from battery b o n n e t( h o o d )


e x p a n s i o nt a n k c a p


lower radiaior hose from radiator

Auto {operation 5)l 5 o i l p i p e f r o m o i c o o l e r . H o l d c o n n e c t o r so n o i c o o e r w i l h a w r e n c h . t f a c c i d e n i ay s a c k e n e d , t o r q u e i o 6 N m ( 4 . 5f t t b s ) 6

u p p e r r a d i a t o rh o s e f r o m e n g i n e


h o s e st o € x p a n s i o nt a n k a t r a d i t o r




h o s e sf r o m h e a t e rc o n t r o l v a l v e

1 0 h o s ef r o m v a c u u m p u m p -


Group21 Engine Removing engine

v3 Remove/disconnect A

c o n n e c i o rf r o m c l l p o n b u l k h e a dl f i r e w a )


t h r o t t l ec a b L ef r o m p ! l l e y a n d b r a c k e t

F u e l l i n ec o n n e c t i o n s (C E below)i B l o w - ce a n , d i s c o n n e c a t n d p l u g e n d s t o p r e v e n td r r t entering fuel system C s u p p l y i n e f r o m f u e l i i l t e r - r e t u r nl i n e i r o m n j e c tion pump (atclamp) E p a L e a l a v f o r p r a h e a l i r g s v s r P T0 1 F n o 1 o . D i s c o n n e c tw i r e l r o n r j u n c i i o n b o x . D i s c o n f e c l b l a c kw i r e a n d s m a I r e d w i r e f r o m r e l a y .U n s c r e w r e t a i n i n gs c r e w sf r o m r e l a y . r e m o v ep o w e r s t e e r i n gp u m p l f o m e n g i n e :s a c k en and remove drive belt from purnp. Bemove p r f p s i r L b r a r \ e _o ' r d , L p p o r \t r o y l r o 1 F 1 g . T i e p u m p t o c h a s s i st o p r e v e n ld a m a g et o h o s e s . c o o l i n gf a n w i t h s p a c e r p u l e ya n df a n b e l t s b e I f o r p o w e r s i e e r i n gp u m p .

i)t a rta

v4 Remove/disconnect 2

c r a n k c a s eb r e a t h e rh o s e


air filier cove.and hoses a i e f n a t o rw i r i n g h a r n e s s : d l s c o n n e cvt o t a 9 € r e g ua i o r ( o r a t e r n a l o r ) . R e m o v er e l a i n i n gs c . e w s f o r w i r i n g h a r n e s so n w h e e a r c h a n d p a c e h a r n e s so n e n g i n e .

V e h i c l e sf o r S w e d e n :



T - s e a ru n i t o n b u l k h e a d( f r e w a l l )


e x h a u s tp i p ef r o m f r o n t e x h a u s lb r a n c hp i p el D 2 0 hasonly 1 man fold).

;a il



Group21 Engine Removing engine

v5 Drain engineoil lnstallplug.nd washerafterdrainingoil.

- enginemountretainingboltsfrom frontaxtecrossLeftenginemount:removenursfromfrontaxte cross, Rightenginemountiremovelowernuifromrub-


Removinge n g i n e v6


C s

=-€> {"F -'-2"


Remove/disconnect - f r o n t e x h a u s tp i p e c l a m p s - d i s c o n n e c el x h a u s tp i p e c o u p l i n g .R e m o v ef r o n t e x - ( m a n u a l )c l u t c h c a b l ea n d g e a r ! e v e r - ( a u t o )s e l e c t o rc o n t r o lf r o m s e a r b o x / l r a n s ms s i o n s p e e d o m e t e cr a b l e - g e a r b o xc f o s s m e m b e rP . o s i t i o na j a c k b e n e a t hg e a F - d i s c o n n e cw t iring.

0 (f V7 (atfront)and5r86(arrear). Useliftinstools2801,5185 Liftengineenoughlo unloadleftenginemount. Rertrove enginemount. Removejack beneathsearbox,stidepu ey unit for wardsand lifi our engine.


Gtoup21 Engine Removing engine

X. Removingengine Operationsx1-3 SpeciaI tools: 2810, 5185,5186 E n g i n ea n d g e a r b o xi n s t a l l e da s a u n i t

x1 Positionengine Uselift tools2810,51a5(atfront)and5186(al read. Positionrightsiderubbermounton ower bracket.

x2 Installleft enginemount P l a c em o u n t o n f r o n t a x l e c r o s s m e m b e ra n d t i g h t e n

x3 Place a jack beneath gearbox padatgearleveriscorrectMakesure thatrubberfoam Insenwiringintopassenger compartmeni. gearboxuntillevel. Jack-up

Remove lifling tools Lowerengineand removetools.



Group21 Engine Removing engine

x5 Installgear lever P l a c eq e a r l e v e ri n h o u s i n g . P r e s sp l a s t i cc o l l a ra n d r u b b e rr i n g i n t o p o s i t i o n l.n s t a l l l o c k r i n g . R e c o n n e cw l aring. I n s t a l lb r a c k e tf o r r e v e r s eg e a r d e t e n t .D o n o t t i g h t e n screws atthis stage since bracketmust be adjusted at a

(0 X6 Install nuts tor engine mounts Leftmount:nutsin fiontaxlecrossmember. R i g h tm o u n t : l o w e r n u l o n r u b b e r p a d .

x7 Installgearboxcrossmember

x8 Installon gearbox: _ g e a r l e v e r .l M a k es u r e t h a t b u s h i n g sa n d O j i n g a r e c o ( e c l l y i n s t a l l e dI.n s e ng e a r e v e li n y o k e ,f i t p i n a n d t i s h t e n s c r e w ( A l l e nk e y 4 m r n ) , s e e i n s e t - p r o p e l l e rs h a f t .A l w a y s u s e n e w n u t s a n d b o l t s s p e e d o m e t ecr a b l e .S w e d e n :w i r e m u s t b e s e a l e da t g e a r b o x t oc o n f o r mt o t a x r e g u l a t i o n s( k i l o m e r e r t a x a ,



Group21 Engine Removing engine

X9 Connectclutch cableand install return spring I n s e r tc a b l e t h f o u g h f l y w h e e l c a s i n g a n d c o n n e c tt o l n s t a l lr u b b e r b u f f e r a n d v i b r a t i o nd a m p e r o n c a b l e , m a k i n gs u r e t h a t b u f f e r i s f a c i n g r i g h t w a y . C o n n e c tr e t u r ns P r i n g . A d j u s t p l a y = 1 - 3 m m . ( 0 . 0 4 - 0 . 1 2i n )

a A0tomatic gearbox

x10 Attach gear selector to gearbox



xl1 pipe Installlront exhaust Forstrainjree installation, instrucrions mustbe fol 1

S l a c k e nt w o r e t a i n i n g b o l t s h o l d i n g b r a c k e t t o gearbortransmission


Attach front exhaust pipe fingef tight. Use new


Tightennuts and bolts holdingexhaustpipe to


T i g h t e nb o l t h o l d i n gf r o n t p i p e t o b r a c k e t


T i g h t e nb o l t s h o l d i n g b r a c k e t o g e a r b o x


T i g h t e nc l a m p a t e x h a u s tp i p e j o i n t .


Carsforsweden xl2 Attach T-gearunit to bulkhead(firewall)



Group21 Engine Removing engine

x13 Connectalternatotwiring harness Reconnectvoltage regulator. A t t a c hc l a m p o n w h e e l a r c h .

x14 lnstall air filter cover air inlet hoseand breatherhoseto valve Reconnect inlethosemustpointtowardsmaniNotethatarrowon fold as indicated,otherwisehosemay be compressed

xl5 Install drive bells and cooling fan P l a c ep o w e r s t e e r i n gp u m p b e l l o n v i b r a t i o nd a m p e r . I n s t a l l f a nb e l t s a n d p u l l e y Install cooling fan with spacer. Torque to 9 Nm (6 5 ft lbs). T e n s i o nf a n b e l t s . l t s h o u l d b e p o s s i b l e t od e p r e s sb e l t 5-10 mm on run between fan and alternator, see fig

x16 Installpowe. steeringpump and belt Negativeleadfrom batteryshouldbe connected to lowerfrontretaining boltfor pumpmountingbracket. Tensionfan shouldbe possibleto depressbelt in) in centerof run between fan and F10 mm (0.2-0.4

x17 Connectrelayfor preheating system C o n n e c tb l a c kw i r e t o t e r m i n a l8 6 o n r e l a ya n d r e d w i r e t o t e r m i n a l8 5 . Attach relay to washer reservoir mounting bracket. R e c o n n e cwt i r i n g t o j u n c t i o n b o x . Secure wires with clamps and reconnect battery-


Group21 Engine Removing engine

x18 Reconnectluel lines Makesurethatdirt doesnot enterfuel system.

x19 Reconnectplug on bulkhead(tirewall) S e c u r ep l u g w i t h c l i p .

x20 Reconnect: - hoses to heater control valve - h o s et o v a c u u m p u m p

x21 lnstall radiatorand connecthoses




x22 Connectoil pipesto oil cooler U s e a w r e n c h l o h o l d c o n n e c t o r co n o i l c o o l e r . T i g h t e n i n gt o r q u e C a p n u t s 3 0 N m ( 2 2f t t b s ) O i l c o o l e rc o n n e c t i o n s6 N m { 4 . 5f t l b s ) .


Group21 Engine Bemovingengine

lnstall bonnet/hood Connect washerhose,



x25 Adiust blacketfor reversegear detent. lnstall rubbergaite. Engagefirstgear.Ad,ustclearancebetweengeartever and detentbrackerto0.5-1.5mm (0.020-0.060 in). Use a feelergauge. Tightenretainingbolts. Recheckclearancein s€condgear, Installrubbergairerboot.

Automaticgeatbox Check/rdiusigeaaselector '1.

CheckthatclearancebetweenpositionD and stop is approximatelysameas from 2 to stop. 2. Adjust by alteringlength of controt rod if neces, Roughadiustment:turn adjusrerat re6r of rod FineadiustmentI turn serraredsteeve(maxvisibte threadlenslh= 35 mm). hcreasingrod lengthreducesctearancein position D, and increasesclearancein posjtion2. After adiusrment:move tever to posirion I and thento positionP.Repeatcheckaccordingto stage 1.


Group 21 Engine Removing engine

x27 Add engine oil C a p a c i t yi n c u d i n g o i l f i l l e r : D 2 0 = 6 l i t r e s { 6 . 3U S q u a d s ) D 2 4 = 7 l i t r e s { 7 . 4U S q u a d s ) O u a i t y : a c c o r d i n gt o A P l , m i n c C ( o i l s w i r h d e s i g n a ' l i o r s S L / C CS . L/CDS . l / C Cd r d S r / C D, J l ' i r l - s e q L r e . V i s c o s i l ys, e e a d j a c e n td i a g r a m . N o t e l S A E l 5 W 5 0 o r S A E2 0 W 5 0 o i l s a r e r e c o m m e n dedioruseinextremedrivingconditionswhichinvolve h i g h o i l c o n s u m p l i o na n d h i g h o i l i e m p e r a t u r e se . g . m o u n t a i nd r i v i n g w i t h f r e q u e n t d e c e l e r a t i o n o s r fast m o t o r w a Yc i r i v i n g .( N o t e h o w e v e rt h e l o w e r t e m p e r a


x28 BleedingoI cooling system Disconnect upperhosefrom cold startclevice. P ace drip pan beneathhoseand ho d hoselevelwith top edgeoi expansion tank.


Coolant S i n c ea l u m i n i u m i s u s e d i n t h e e n g l n e s ,a c t i v ec o r r o , s i o n p r o t e c t i o ni s n e c e s s a r yi n t h e c o o l a n tt o h e l p p r e v e n rc o r o s o n o s m a g e . U s e g e n u i n eV o l v o b l u e g r e e n c o o a n l t y p e C , d i l u t e d w i l h c l e a nw a l e r i n p r o p o r l i o n so i 5 0 / 5 0 . This mixlure helps to prevent corosion and frost


a N e v e rf i t h e c o o l n g s y s t e mw i t h w a t e r a l o n e . a T h e c o o l E n ts h o u d b e c h a n g e dr e g u l a r ys i n c et h e c o r r o s i o np r o t e c t i v ea c l d i t i v e si n t h e c o o l a n t o s e t h e i r e f f e c ti n i h e t i m e . N o t e lD o n o t r o n e n s i n ew h e nl e v e o i c o o l a . li s l o w s r n c e h 9 h l o c al e m p e r a t u r e s cf6ens u r w h i c hm a y c a u s e t h e ci n y.


i, I

Group21 Engine Removtngengine oftcrrAL firv isx! rYPc $ rArYL

trr$flLr Ain iurr Mrofli Dftv^nr|.ocHar 0rr v0rr$ 0 . v a r s ur ' r c AIt.


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Gtoup23 Fuelsystem Prcheatingsystem 1981

AO. Preheatingsystem 1981

With efiect trom 1981-hodels:

Blocklng felay discontinued since new c o n t r o l ! n h i n c o r p o r a r e sa s w i t c h w h i c h d i s e n g a g e sg l o w p u g s a f t e r e n 9 i n e n a r l , even if contro unii malfunctions.


rl)'rL I

{r I

{ul i,l

T u r n s l g n a l sa n d h a z a r dw a r n i n g l i g h l s


A T e h p e r a r u f eg a ! g e s e n d e r B F u e v a l v e ( s o l e n o i dv a l v e ) C I n d l c a t o rl a m p s ( i n s t r u m e n t s l


E G ow pllg G C o n n e c t i o np a n e l a n d s e r v c e o u t p L t


Group23 Fuelsystem Prehealingsystem1981


@-*" BLY"\7V


, /

Group 25 lntake and exhaust

Group25 Intakeand exhaustsystems

Contents Intake/exhaust systems. pipeandsilence Exhaust



Operation APl-z ...................... Aa'l .....................

Page 161 162

l Group25lntakeand exhaustsystems Inta ke m an ifo Id/exh aust m an i fo Id

AP. Intakemanifold/exhaust manifold

Sealing ring between intake manilold and intake hose Introduced July 1981. Sealingringis usedto preventoil leakage from intake manifold- hoseconnection. It canalsobe fittedto vehiclesmanufactured before J u l y1 9 8 1 . Note!Intakemanifoldmatingsudacemustbecleaned beforeinstallinsseal.(P/N1257809 2).

Intake manitold a Allenscrew= 6 mm a Turngasketwith greensidefacingcylinderhead a Tightenins torque25 Nm (18ft. lbs.) Arrowon intakemanifoldhosemust poinrrowards manifoldotherwise crankcase breather hosemaycon, tactbonner(hood).

Exhaustmanitold Always usenewnutswheninstatting manifotd. a Tightening torque25Nm(18ft. lbs.)


6rouD2S lntakeand exhaustsvstem Exhaust system

AR. Exhaustsystem S t i f f e n i n sp i p e( o n l y o n e a r l y2 4 5m o d e l s )


Installing complete exhaust system Followinstructions below to ensurestressJreeina Newsealsshouldbe usedthroughoutwhen installstallationof exhaustsyst€m rngnewexhaustsystems. 1.i Slacken two bolts securingmountingbracketto aSteelsealsinflexiblejoinlandexhaustbranchp pe gearboxtransmission, needonly be replaced it damaged. 2. Positionfront pipe and tightennuts and bottsior a Exhaustpipes must be insertedapprox.40 mm (1.6in) in silencers frontpipe- branchpipe. 3. Tightenretaining betweenexhaustpipeand bodyshould boltsfor mountingbracket-front a Clearance not be iessthan 20 mm (0.8in). Rearsilenceris marked"lN". 4. Tighten two bolts securing mounting bracketto gearboxtransmission. 5-Aligncompleteexhauslsystem. 6. Tightenclampsjoining pipes. silencersto joint. 7. Tightennutsat fiont pipe 8. Ensurethatexhaustsystemcannotstrikebody,adjust if necessary.

Group 26 C;.joting systetil


Group26 Goolingsystem Contents Coolingsystem,tesiing, Coo'ant,gen€ral Thermostat, rep1acement,.....,.,.,.,.,...,.,...,.,.......... Coolanl(waterlpump,replacemsnt ...................

3, \


Oporation ASI AT1 AT2_9 ATM2 AU2 AVl-23

Pag. 164 '164 165 167 168 168 169

Group 26 Cooling system Testihg, coolant

AS. Coolingsystem testing as1 Connecttesl bump b6twe6nffidiator and oxpansion tank as shown adiacent. Increasepre$ure and checkopening pressureol expansiontank cap.Also ch€cl tor leakag€. Openinspressure:Type1:6F-85kPa{9.12psi}.Type2 '1982)r100kPa(14 psi). {introducedsprins Pfessure should remain constant for at least 30

AT. Coolant ATl Siocealuminiumis us€d in the €ngines,activecorrosion protectionis nec€ssaryin the coolantto helppreventcorrosiondamage. lJs€genuineVolvoblue-green cool6nttypeC,dilutedwith cleanwater in proportions of 50/50.This mixture helosto Dreventcorrosionand frost damage.Neverfillthe coolingsystemwlth water alone.The coolantsholld be chang€dr€gularlysince the corrosionDrotactiveadditivesin the coolantlose their effectin timo.

,@ rEr

NotelDo not run 6ngin6wh€nlevelofcoolanlis low sincehigh localt€mp€raturescan resultwhich may cau6ethe cylinderheadto crack.

siyon. r[

oirc ft rlly^isu IYpc li plfy[D ryrsysrr*rT

io.i iiliiiiii-iia

iuii iiiri i[oii-viiiil'du

nLto*m euuiii rroffi-liiuiiTii y&n mortcTE0 rq rrf


u uL

c iiiiiiifvsrri-E

R0ur{0 wttl] HAtrtvr

Topping.up cooling sFtem Use same tvDe ol coolant a6 befor6. Do not mix differenttvoes of coolants. Replacing cool.nt Alwrys usetyp€ C blue-greencoolant.Rememberto replacedecal (P/N 1331473-71 on exp6nsiontank if


Gtoup 26 Cooling systefi Coolant, replacement

Roplacing coolant Coolingsystem need not be ftushedwhen reptacjng type B coolant(blue)withtype C lbtue,green,, srnce thesecoolants canbe mixed. However,sincetype A(red)andtypeC (btue,sreen) are not mixableit is necessary lo ftushcootingsystem priortofillingtypeC cootant. Describedbeloware two differentmethodsfor orarnjngcoolant,(1)wilhftushingand {2)withoutflushing. priorto fillingtypeC cootant.

(1) Drainingcoolantwithout flushing cooling system

AT2 Disconnectbaltery ground lead AT3 Jack-upvehicle T o p r e v e n ts p i l l a g e sw h e n c o o l a n t i s d r a i n e d , r a i s e v e h i c l ea t f r o n t r i g h t j a c k i n g p o i n t . C o o t a n tw i t h e n r u n a l o n g s p l a s h g u a r di n t o d r i p p a n . P l a c ed r i p p a n b e n e a t hl e f t s t e e r i n gr o d .


AT4 Drain coolant {Nodraintapson engine) Unscrew expansion tankcap. Disconnect lower radiatorhose from radiatorand

Filling S e eA T l F 1 2 .


Group 26 Cooling system Coolant, replacement

Coolant, Eplacement Draining.nd llushing cooling system


Dralncoolingsystem Pl6cedrip pan beneath left sido of enginebehind splashgu6rd. Disconnect lower radiator hose from thermostat nousrng, Disconnect hoses from heater control valve {on firewall).Pointlower hose down.


4T6 Flush er(pansiontank clean

AT7 Flush engine clean Connectupperheaterhose(at rearltotap andflush engineuntil clearwater appearsat lower (heater) hose,Contidue to flushtorafurther2 minutes.


Group26 Coolingsystem Coolant,replacement AT8 Flush heater clean Setheatercontrolsto MAXheat. Connect upperpipeto tapandflushuntilclearwater appears fromlowerpipe.

AT9 Reconnectall hoses W a t e r h o s e f r o m t h e r m o s t a th o u s i n gi s c o n n e c t e dt o l o w e r p i p e o n h e a t e rc o n t r o l v a l v e .

Filling ATlO Bleedingof cooling system Disconnect upperhosefrom cold startdevice.Place drip pan beneathhoseand hold hoselevelwith top levelof expansion tank.

AT11 Fill coolant Capacity: D 20 = a.1litres(8.6USqua(s) D 24 = 9.3litres(9.8UScua s). Set dashboardheatercontrolto MAX. Add coolant throughexpansion tankcap. only type c {blue-green} coolantis to be used. Turnon engineand warm-upfor 5 minutes.(Expansiontankcapremoved). Add coolantduringthistime. Connecthose to cold start device.Fill coolantto mouthof expansion tank {abovemax}and screwon capagain.

oircrr||{Ytv^rsuryr N^i 4fy[0 xyrsysr$4rT ih riosr-

a'" aurTrto fN Dftv^TrffocNrNorL ;ilgo01",llll"_1T.Y";'**, 'norfcTfor0 ,.r

voLvo cool rr iyft c.cooirrc sii;-E roe ur rui 40rrDurF H^!f {^rfR rr0 !^1. v0rvo

ifilnr ff L0ur0rANn6lLwoLvo a4 c v^r8Ll JLSoUA?pal vrc irort €^u Morlt fi{lcrL rYPrc

AT12 Replace decal AttachnewtypeC decalto expansion tank.

Group 26 Cooling system Thomostat

AU. Thermostat

AUl Replacement - replace thermostatandseal - arrowonthermostatmustPointuP


- "87'C+ Emm



Testing lf nec€ssary testthermostatin hotw€tet Thermostat should: - startto op6nat 87'C{188fF) -be lully open at 102"C{216"F}. Min openinggap = 8 mm{0.3in).



Group26 Coolingsystem Coolant(water)pump


AV. Coolant(water) pump, replacement SpeciaI tools : 5187, 5188,5 197


AV1 Disconnectbattery ground lead AV2 Jack-up vehicle To preventspillagesu/hencoolantis drained,raise vehicleat front rightjackingpoint.Coolantwill then intodriPpan run alongsplashguard Placedrip panbeneathleftsteeringrod.

AV3 Draincoolant {Nodraintapson ensine) lJnscrew expansion tankcap. D i s c o n n e clto w e r r a d i a t o rh o s ef r o m r a d i a t o r .D i s c o n n e c t l o w e r h o s e f r o m t h e r m o s t a tf o r c o l d s t a r t d e v i c e

Remove c o o l i n g f a n w i t h s p a c e ra n d p u l l e y f a n b e l t s a n d p o w e r s t e e r i n gp u m p b e l t front timing gearcover.


Group26 Coolingsystem Coolant lwater) pump

AV5 Removevibrationdamper center bolt Use5187to prevenlpul ey from rotating,andwrench 5188to unscrewbolt. lt may be necessary to turn enq ne slightlyso Iha(5187restson lan oearing.




AV6 Turnengineapprox.1/4turn anliclockwise Usew.ench 5187.



B y t u r n i n ge n g i n ea n t i c l o c k w i s es,l a c ki n b e l tw i l l m o v e i o d r i v i n g s i d e , m a k i n g i l e a s i e rt o r e m o v ea n d i n s t a



AV7 Removevibrationdamper Remove 4 bolts(arrowed). Allenkey6 mm. Pulloff vibration gearmay damper. Notecrankshaft sometimes stickto vibration dampe.

{ rli

AV8 Removelowertiming gearcover

{ril I

I AV9 Detachmounting bracketlor coolinglan and alternatorand placeon one side pressbracket Remove mounting bolts(arrowed)and


Group 26 Cooling system Coolant(waterpump)

AVl0 Mark position ol timing geal belt Mark belt,camshaftsprocketand crankshaftgear. Markin frontof a cog.Alsoidenrifyoutsideandtop" sideof gearbelt.

lmportant Belt must be titted in exactly same position as found otherwisevalves may contact pistons and causeseriousenginedamage.

AV11 Remove gear beli Slackencoolant pump mounting bolts and belt. Coolantmay leakwhen boltsareslackened. Lift off belt.

AVl2 Removecoolant pump Remove coverpanelandretaining boltsfor coolant pump, pump,Takecare Movepaneltoonesideandremove AV13 Clean Clean contact surface forpumponcylinder block. 0ry offcoolant fromcylinder block,gearetc. 171

Group 26 Cooling system Coolant lwater) pump

AV14 Inslall new coolant pump Greasenew O-ringand placeit on pump.Do not use permatexor other types of sealers. Movecoverplateto one side and mount pump on engine.Pumpretainingboltsshould only be attached looselyat thlsstage.




Install: - c o v e r p l a t e r e t a i n i n gb o l t s , - m o L n l i n g b a c k e tf o r c o o l i n g f a n d l r e r n a t o r .

AV16 Installgearbelt Make sure thai belt is fitted in exactly same position as before A l i g n i d e n t i f i c a t i o nm a r k s o n b e l t ,c a m s h a f ts p r o c k e t and crankshafg t ear. I t i s e x t . e m e l yi m p o n a n t t h a t b e l t is fitted in exactly s a m e p o s i t i o na s b e f o r e . Tension belt by moving coolant pump (by hand). T i g h t e np u m p m o u n t i n g b o l t s .


{rrlI {r

Group26 Coolingsystem Coolantlwater)pump

AV17 Install lower timing gear cover and vibration oamper Dampercan only be fitted in one way. Pin on c r a n k s h a f gt e a r m L r s tf i t i n v i b r a t i o n d a m p e r . T o . q u e i n h e x b o l t sr o 2 0 N m { 1 5 f r b s ) .

AV18 Install center bolts


Smearthreadsand matingsurfacewith sealerP/N 271961-9. Usewrench5187{reston coolinsfan journal)ro hotd vibrationdamper.use wrench5188to torquecentre bolt1o350Nm (255ft lbs). lmportant!Torque350Nmappliesonlyifwrench5188 is used.Also torquewrench must be in line wrrn wrench 5184.



io l

Set belt tension Turnengineapprox.1/4turn anticlockwise. Adjusi t e n s i o nb y m o v i n g c o o l a n t p u m p . U s e g a u g e 5 1 9 7t o c h e c kt e n s i o n . A t t a c h g a u g e t o b e l t a n d s e t t o 1 2 . 5 u n i t s .S t r e t c hb e l t u n t i l m a r k o n g a u g e p l u n g e ri s f t u s h D e p r e s sb e l t s t r o n g l y w i t h h a n d a n d r e c h e c k / a d j u s t

AV2O lnstall: - front timing gearcover - c o o l i n g f a n w i t h s p a c e ra n d p u l l e y .T o r q u e b o l t s t o 9 Nm (7ft lbs). - b e t f o ' p o w e r s t F e r : r gp u n p a r d t a n b e t s - radiator Connecl hoses (also hose to cotd srart

Group26 Coolingsystem Coolant(watet)pump

AV21 Bleedingof cooling system Place Disconnect upperhosefromcoldstartdevice. drippanbeneath hoseandholdhoselevelwithtop edgeof expansion tank.

AV22 Fill coolant Capacityi D 20 = 8.1litres(8.6US quarts) D 24 = 9.3litres(9.8US quarts). Set dashboard heatercontrolto MAX. Add coolant throughexpansion tankcap.OnlytypeC (blue'gr€en) coolantis to be used. Turnon engineandwarm-upfor 5 minutes.{Expansiontankcapremoved). Addcoolantduringthistime. Connecthose io cold start device.Fill coolantto mouthof expansion tank (abovemax)and screwon capagain,

rLsYsT!tr^RrRosr IYPc ^hParYtro \rol-iro oFrcrrriYrvrTsra nLr -30"cIfi$IYLIARtrRullrr!r$ $ oft v srYooAr l/loLvro co0LrNI r0r uPYIAAR0un0\{trN[^rf r^

L ^rrcn voLl/o r$ru 0r Lrour0r -r0.[ i rui $r rourrs^]soN lvft ir0flt au fior( ^rrc[Lrw c

AV23 Replacedecal A t t a c hn e w t y p e C d e c a lt o e x p a n s i o nt a n k .



Group27 Enginecontrcls

Group27 Enginecontrols

Gontents Enginecontrols, adjustment

Oporation AX1-S

Group 27 Engine controls


AX. Enginecontrols,adjustment

AXl Disconnect cold start devico lf engine is cold. cold start device must be disconnectedpriorto sd,ustingenginecontrols. Slackenscrew1.Pushlever fo rward and rotat€sleeve 90'. Notel Do notturn screw2, otherwis€itwillbe necess" ary to removecold start deviceand r€set it on a tesl


Disconnectlink rod from lever on iniection pump AX3 Adiust throttl€ cable Turncablenut until cableis taul.Positionof throttle drum mustnot be affected,drum mustcontactidle stop.

AX4 Checktull thlottlc position Depressacceleratorpedalto floor. Throttledrum shouldconlactfull throttlestop.


Group27 Enginecontrcls Engi ne contro ls, adju stment

Autontatio transmission, Adiust kick-down cable pedaltofloor, Cableshould move Depressaccelerator approx,52mm (2.05in)betweenidleandfullthrottle Dositions. Csbl€ should be taut in idle position. Distancebetweenclip on cableand nut shouldbe 0,25-1.0mm (0.01-0.04in).

Reconnectlink rod to levei AX7 Adiust link rod, full throttle position Turnthrottledrumto fullthrottleposition. Adiustlengthof linkrodso that pumplevercontacts adjustment screwIor fastidle,

Adiustlink rod,idle position Releasedrum so lhat it contactsidle stop. Adjust link rod balljoint so that injectionpump lever contactsidlo (low) adjustmentscrew.

Readiust link rod RepeatoperaiionsX6 and X7 until 0.3 mm {0.012in) clearancois obtainedbetweenthrottle drum and full throttleand idle stoos. Reconnectcoldstart deviceas applicable,


lndex Op€ration Page Blsfc-sEtting6ngin.,,.,.,,.,.,..,..,.,.,.,,.,.,..,.,.. C1-21 22 f ront..................................... - - -.............. 01-27 , . , . , , , , . , . . , . ,P. ,1. .-,2. 1

a1 8a

r € m o w 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M . . .1. -. .1.1. . . . . . . . .7. .1. i m r a 1 | a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N ..1 . .-. 2. .7. . . . . . . . . . . . insrall€rion measurement ,.,,.,----, -,, 58 104 Co|dstartdwie......................................... AM1-2 155 C o m p r e s s i o n t e s t , . , . , , . , , . , . , . , , . , , . , , , , . , . , , . , . , , . , . , ,1A71 - 1 0

Opsralion Glowpluss.................................................. AN1-AO1 rdfe6poodsdllsinont................................Ax8

Pago 156 177

9 e n e r a 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3. .1. . A D 1 a l t i t u d e a d j u s t m e n t U S A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1 D322 '133 s€ttins....................................................... AO3-14 c11-20 24 136 .lriv€b€lt,rcplac€m€nt............................. AEl-14 r e m o v a 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .A. .F. .l .- -1.1. . . . . . . .1. 4 . .0. . inst6llarion,.,..,.,,.,.,.,,.,.,,.,,,,.,..,.,..,.,,.,.,,.,., AG1-17 143

15 malfunctions........................--...............A K'll2 remova1........................---....................1 . 45K2H i n s t a 1 1 a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .K. .7. -. .9. . . . . . . .1. 5 . .2. . rephcement...-...........................-.............. AV'l-23 169 reconditioning AL1-10 I 53 andtesting.................-..... g s n € r a 1 , , , . , . , , , , . , , , , . , , , , , , . , , . , . , , . , , , , . , . , , . , . , , . , . ,1,6. ,4. , A T 1 l n t a k . m a n i f o l d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .6A0P 1 K i c k - d o w n c a b | e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. .7A7X 5 drainins..................................................... AT2-4 168 d l a i n i n 9 a n d f | o s h i n 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1T656- 9 ii11in9.........................................-...........-... 1A7 AT10-12 c h e c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .2. 4 ..21 . e l i e f v a l v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2. .42 3 AS1 lBt lestins,.,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,,,,.,.,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,,.,.,..,.,.,, O i f p u m p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 2. .4. 2 2 coolant....,.,.,..,.,.,.,,.,.,....,.,..,.,.,,,,,,.,.,..,.,.,, AT1-12 164 Preheatins AN1-AO1 156 thefmostat,,.:,...,.,,.,.,.,..,.,....,.,,,,.,.,.,,,,.,.,.., AUl-2 168 {wirinsdiasrans).................... coo1antpump............................................ AV1-23 169 Pllotbsarlns{in crankshaft) r e p l a c e m e n t . , . . . . , . , , . , . . , . . . . . . , , . , . . . . , . , . . , . , , . , . , , .9, 4 .O1-7 tront ,.r,.,..,.,....,.,..,.,.,..,...,..,.,,.,.,....,.,..,.,.,., R1-21 96 Bemovinsengine....................................... V1-7 111 .....................s1-11 103 S i f s n c o E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 6 . .2. A R i unscrewin9.-....-......-....-............................ 32 O17 differenttypes.,..........,.....-..............-....-.... - - - . . . . 126 9 e n e . a.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - .A- -A- 1 t i g h t € n i n 9 , , , , . , . , . . , . , . , , . , . , , . . . . - . . . . -H . .8. , . . . . . - . . . . . .4A ... c h e c k i n 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M . .2. .-.1. .0. . . . . . . .126 .... r€1i9h16nin9,,,,.,.,,.,.,,.,,,,.,..,.,,.,,,,.,.,,.,.,,.,., J1-3 57 12 Specia1toob,,,,.,.,,.,,,,.,,.,.,.. Cylind€rheadsa3ket.................................. H3 45,46 3 Specilic.tions.................-........................... 43 Swirlch.mboB........................................... G6 r € m o v € 1 , . , , , , . , , , , . , . , , . , . . , . , . . . - . . . . . .o. .1. -. .2. . . . . . . . . . .28 -... i n s p o c t i o n . , . , , . , . , . . , . , , . , , , , . , . . , . , , . , ,0, 2 , .0, . , . . , . , , . , . 32 ,,, AS1 164 Tsiting coolingsy.tsm .............................. o v e f i a u 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F . .1. .-.2. .1. . . . . . . . .36 ... i n s t a 1 1 a t i o n . . . , . , . . , . , . , , , , , , , . , . . , . , , .H, ,1. ,-.3. ,8. , . . . . , . ,45 ,,,. r e p l a c e m e n t . , , , , . , . , , . , . . , . , , , , . , . , , . , .A, ,U. ,1. , , , , . , , , , .168 ,,. t e s t i n 9 , , . , . , . , , . , , . , . , . , , . , . . , . , , . , . , , , , . ,A. ,U, .2, , . , . , . , , . ,1.6, ,8. remov6l/insiallation.,.,.......,---,.,..,.,.,,... AH1-3 148 r6p14cemeni,,.,..,.,..,.,,.,..,............-............. 149 AJl-10 t € n s i o n , . , . , , . , , , , . , . . , . , . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. 8 .,K1-E Engh. . ,6, 0 L1-35 r e m o v 6 l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1. .1. V 1 - 7 r e p l a c e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . , . . . - . . , ,A. ,E. ,1. -, ,1.4, . , . . , 1 36 i n s t a 1 1 . t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .X. .1. -3. .3. . . . . . . .1. .1. .4. V a l v e c l 6 a r a n @ , a d i u r t m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 -1191 Ersin..@nlrols.......................................... AX1-9 176 [email protected],.,,.,.,,.,..,.,,.,.,,,,.,.,,.,,,,,, 811 21 E n g i n e , i n s t a | | a t i o n . , , , , . , . . , . , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .1. 1 x1 4-33 110 f r o n t , . , . . , . , . , . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -U- 2 - -4- - - , - . . . . 1 1 0 Ensin6oil,filter...........................-..............Y1-2 123 Exhruatmsnifo|d....................................... APz 161 E x h . G r p i p e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .8. 1. . . . . . . . . . . 162 .. Fue|fi|ter..................................................... AC1-2 130 AAl-10 126 smokedensity....-.........-............-............... i d fe s p e e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A . .B . .l.-.6. . . . . . . . .1. .2. 9 fue1fi|ter...............................-A - -C - -'.l .-.2. . . . . . . .1 3 0 i n j a c t i o n p u m p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .D. .1. .- .A. .G. .1. .4. 1. .3 1 deliv€rypip€s.............-.............................. AH1-AJ10 148 injectofs........................-........................-.. AK'l-ALl0 15'l c o l d s t a r t d e v i c e . . - , , . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .N. .1. -. .2. . . . . . . 1. .5 6 prehe6ting system,.,..,.,,.,.,,......,,,..,-,,...,,.. AN1-AO1 156 Fuflthrottl€adiustomont.......-........,,,........Ax7 177 r e p l a c e m e n t . . . . - , , . . . , . . . - , . . . - . . . . - . .A - .E. .1. - .1. 4 . .'.1. -3,6. . . . . 't78

c l e a r a n c € , g u i d s - v a l v € . , . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . F3l6 replacement,.....-..-....-..............,.,.,..,.,,.,.3 , .7, F H o i 1 s e a 1 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. 2. . . . G 4 .eplacement...,.....,.,.,,.,....,..,.,..,.......,,....,.. F13-21 39 s n d i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . .3. 8F F 1 2 insp€ction...........-,----,-......................F5 37 V.fvostsmsoals................. G4 42 typss'.'.-'.-'.-'.-'.---'.,,,.,..,.,..,.,,.,.,,, G3 42 '19 cleahnce,adjustm€nt..................-..-....-... B1*B'l'l c | e a r a n c e , 9 u i d e . v a 1 v e . . . . . . . . . . . . .F . .1. . . . . , . , . . . . . .36 s i n d i n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F . .9. .-.1. .2. . . . . . . . .3a .. remowl,'insta118tion,,.,.,.,,.,,,,.,,.,.,,.,,,,.,.,,. T1-10


1 9 7 H 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. .N. .I.-.A . .O . . l. . . . .'156 .. 1 9 8 1 - , , , , . , . , , , , . , . , , . , , , , . , . . , . , . . , . , , , , .A, ,O . , . , , . , . , , . , .154 ,,.,.

Fault treing

FaultTracing Dieselenginesarebasically ruggedin designand are designedfor long s€rvicelife.

Analysisof exhaustsmokewill provideusefulinformation on determiningfuel relatedproblems.

Exceptduringmajorov€rhaul,most servicingis confin€dto the tuel system.



Summaryof fauhsymptomsand reasons..... , ExamDles of taults - H e a ws m o k e a f t € cr o l ds t a r t . , . . . , . . , , . . , . . - Enginedoesnot stan -Engine c a n n obt es t o p p e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Engine6tartsto smokeandclattershoavilyaftsrrsplacingfu€l injoc'tionpump - Engineclattersheavilyafterreplacingor repairinginjectorsor fuel deiiverypipes Excessivesmok€ - Blacksmoke - Whitesmoke. - Bluesmoke

A1 A1 A1 A1 M A2 A2 A3

Cold start device. Fault tracing pr€-heating(glow plug)system - C o m p l e ct eh e c ok f p r e - h e a t isnygs t e m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F T l - F T 5 -Specificfaultcases. basedon complete FT6-FT14 ch€ck,..,......,........ - lndicator lightilluminates whenengine is warm ..... ....... ... ... FT15 -Wiring diagrams

t€ Ar0 A11-A14

Fault tracing - Summary-

Summaryof fault symptomsand reasons according to: Thefaultsvmptomsare listednumerically -likely occurance, easein checkingand logicalsequence. EXAMPLE: Undereachsymptomarea groupof No.1wouldbethefirstitemto check, numbersthenNo.2 andso on, SYmptoms untilthe (Batte $aner, etc., rs starter,erc.J system(Banery, NOTE:Startrng S tautthas [--T--J--T--a good in condition to be assumed

l""T*./ I /"1/ I

,M l/,!1-/ lfle, krkl'lglf,,ffi /i ;{

1 2 8


6 5

2 1

3 3 7 I '10 2


6 1 12 4 7


5 4


I 1


5 8

1 6



11 9 3 6 6

I 8 4 1',I 1 0 6

7 8 1



12 6 2 5

4 I

2 4 5 4

Flel system Fuelvalve(stoppingvalve)inthe injectionpump betweenfuel tankand pump) Injectionpumpsucksair (leakage pump and deliverypipesor between lealage Fuel {leakage otherexternalfuel leaks) lce or paraffinin fuel linesor fuel filter(wintertime) Injectiontimingincorrect Pre-heating system(seewiringdiagrams).

Fuellinesblocked Faultyinjectors Mix up o{ hollowscrewsin pumpfor feedand returnlines Incorrectly adjustedfor highalt;tude pump bracketloose/damaged Injection lncorrectlow idlesetting Incorrecthighidlesetting Returnlineblocked Otherfaults

3 2 2 11 5



4 1l 7 12 8 1o


2 Coldstartdevice I 1 0 Faultyinjectionpump water) 6 Fuel{ilterblocked(draincondensation

7 10


Rels ons for laults


6 1 3


13 7 14 8 3 2

Enginemountsloose/damaged Air cleanerblocked Exhaustsystemblocked Incorrectaccelerator controlsetting Enginemechanicalfaults Incorrect oil viscosityfor coldtemperatures low/uneven Compression Incofiectvalveclearance Water leakage Highoil consumption



Fault tracing -Examples of faults-

Examplesof faults Heavysmoke after cold start Poorfuel quality. Checkthe cold start device by checkingidle speeo, ldlespeedshouldbe approx.200rpm higher with coldengine.ldlespeedat normaloperating temperature shouldbe 800rpm. At normal operatingtemperature. the cotd start lever should not touch the lever on the injectionpump. After settinglow idlespeed,the automaticidle increasedevicemust be checkedand adjusted it necessary.The gap betweencontrol lever and ball stud should be 12.7mm(0.5") as

Cold start device

Enginecannot be stopped

Thefuelvalve (stoppingvalve)in the injection pumpdoesnot is a solenoidvalve. Increasemomentarjly to high enginespeed and try againto switch offthe start key.lf this doesnot helD: -Vehicles with manurl transmission: Engage3rd or 4th gear, depressthe brake pedatand releasethe clutchpedal. -Vehicles with automatictransmission. Usethe emergencystop lever on the injection pump,seeill. below.

Emergencystop level


Enginedoes not start

Checkthe fuel valve (stoppingvalve) in the injectionpump.No fuelwill reachthe injectors if the valve does not open (listenfor audibie clickl. Thevoltageat the tuelvalvesolenoidmustbe a t l e a s t 1 0 v o l t s t o o p e n t h e v a l v e ,a n d minimumI voltsto remainopen(startetmotor engaged).

Enginestarts to smoke and clatter heavily after replacingfuel iniection pump The injectionpump might be incorrectlytimed or assembled(distributorplunger 180. reCheck basic injection timing. lf correct, try anotherinjectionpump.

Engineclatters heavily (soundslike bearingfailure) after replacingirepairing iniectors or fuel delivery pipes

An injectormight have jammed open. The combustionis out of control when acceleratIng.

Loosenthe cap nutsto one injectorat a time. The compressionpressurewill revealvisible bubblesat the cap nut ot a stuckinjector, Note: Cleancap nuts beforeloosening

Fauhtmcia Excesgvesnoke

Excessivesmoke White oxhaustsmokg(cont.)

NOTE: canalsobecausedby waWhiteexhaustsmoke ter leaksintotheexhaustsystemorcylinderhead. Possible causesfor whitesmoke: - Pre-heating system{glowplugs}notoperating. - Low compressonpressure, digselsmokeis usuallycausedby Excessive combustion. incomplete may be enginecondition,fuel or fuel Rgasons iniectionequipmgnt.Drivingand traflic conditionsmay alsocontribute.Frequentacceleralion in citytrafficwillcauselargequantitesof exhaust gases.

- Low operatingtemperature. - Defectiveinjectors. - Lateinjectiontiming. -Water leakage(cylinderheadgasketl. - Coldstartdevicenot operating.





dieselsmokeafter cold start may be Excessive causeoby poorflrel quality or defectivecold start oevrce.

Bluesmoke Blacksmoke Causedby too muchfuel.Thecarboncontentin Causes the exhaustgasesbecomesnoticeable. may be: - Poorfuel quality. - Dirtyair cleaner(insufficient air supply). - Excessiveiniection. - Worn injectors.

Causedby incomplete combustionandcontents fuel particles. oJ condensed oilconsumption. Canalsobecausedby excessive Possible causesIor bluesmoke: - Lateinjectiontiming. - Delectiveinjectors. - Heatshieldunderinjectordamagedor missing. - High{uelconsumption. - Low operatingtemperature.


- lncorrectf!el. - Low compressDn pressure, - Considerable in exhaustsystem backpressure {clogging).


CAUTION low smokelevel,it may of the generally Because be tholght possibleto increaseengineperforthe air-fuelmixture manceby enrichening

White smoke Occursmainlyduringcold starterand is caused smokeconsistsof fuelsupply.The by insufficient Thecombustionspeed fuel particles. condensed is low andthe fuel particleshavelongertime to condense. (cont.l


However,prolongedexcessiveenrichmentwill poweroutputandwill in fact cause not increase enginewear. increased unnecessary willsharplyin_ Moderatefuelmixtureenrichment and combustion temperatures creaseexhausl powergain. pressures withoutanycorresponding


rl I

Fault traciw


Ma]functions Oneor sevoralofthefollowingmalfunctions can occur: -One or severalcylindersknock NOTE:Do not confusowith bearingclatter. Checkinjectoroperation. - Overheated enging. - Reducedpoweroutput. - Unevenidle. - Blackexhaustsmoke. - Highfuel consumption.

Checkinginiector operation 1. Rln the engineat increased idlespeed. 2. Loosenthecapnutsattheinjectorqoneat a time. paperroundthe injectorstopreWrapabsorbing ventluel spill, lfthe idlespeodremainsstable or if knockingdisappears, the fault mightbe: - defectiveinjector - defectiveheatshield - leakingdeliverypipe Forfurthertest,removethe injectorsandtest in a test machane.


Fauftnaciry Coldstdt'tdevice

Cold start device

Thecold start devicec€nonly be t€stedon a test benchtogether with tho injectionpump A simple op€rationtest can be performedwathout removingthe cold start devicafrom the €ngine. signs of cold start devicemalfunction: - Cold €ngjnehard to start. - Enginedoes not start at tempgraturesbelow -10'C = 14'F. - Blue-whit€exhaustgas€s.

Operation ch€ck

check idle speedcold and at normaloperating temperature. 1. With cold engine,below 2O'C = 7O'F. engine idlespeedshouldbe approx 95o rpm (2Oorpm morethanwarm). temperaWith enginewarmal normaloperatang ture: - Engineidlespeedshouldbe 750 rpm. - The cold start devicelevershouldclearleveron injectionpump.

Diesel engine -Prc-heating system-

Pre-heatingsyste Basicoperationof system: -The systemis switched on whenthestartkeyisturnedto drivingpositionll).Thepre-heating time dependson coolanttemperatures. Thedashboard indicatorlightwill stayon approx.: 1980MODELS 45 secondsat -2O'C = 4'F. 25 secondsat 0'C : 32'F. 15 secondsat +20'C = 68'F. 0 s e c o n dast + 5 0 ' C = 1 1 2 "F .

1 9 8 1& O N seconds 9 at 20'C = 4'F. 6 secondsat 0" C : 32'F. 4 secondsat +20" c = 68" F. 0 secondsat +50' c : '112'F.

-The glowplugsremainONapprox.20 seconds aftertheindicator lighthasgoneoutfor1980models and aoorox.7secondsfor 1981and or,.


-Ihe glowplugsareONwhenthestartermotoroperates. Theglowplugsarecutoutwhentheengine startsand the stan key is turned backto positionll. -To repeata start;ngattempt,the startkey must be turned backto positionI to switchon the preheatingsystem.


-The systemalsocomprises a blocking rclayon 1980models, on 1981andon thisfunction is partofthe will interruptthe electrical circuitbetween thecontrolunitandtherelayfortheglow plugswhenthe alternator stanscharging.

Faulttracingpre-heating(glow plug)system Relerto the wiringdiagramsat rearof manualduringfaulttracing.Thepre-heating systemis an electrica I systemandthewiringdiagrams arenecessaryto understand andcorrectlytrouble-shootthe pre-heatrng system.


Completecheck of pre-heatingsystem Engineshould be cold (max.40'C = 100.F) when starting the system check.

lfthepre-heating systemshutsOFF,tirstturn

startkeyto intermediateposition(l),then to driving position 1ll)to obtain a new cut-in


((l FTl Connecta test lamp acrossglow plug terminaland ground.

Fault thcing 4low plug system-

Ffz Checkfunction of test lamp and indicator light (on instrurnent panel in vehicle) CASEA Indicstorlight OUI Test light OUT. -lndicatesfailure at the controlunit.SeeFT6.


CASEB Indicatorlight ON. Tesr light OUT. -lndicates failureat the glow plug relay.Soe FI8.


Indicatorlight OUT. Te3t light ON. -lndicates failure at temperaturesender or control unit. See FTl3. Indlcatorlight ON, Test light ON. -Proceed on FT3,ne) .

Fn| CheckON-time for indicator light and test light. Turnstartkeyto intermediate position0)and

then to driving position (ll). ON-time for indicatorlight should be accordingto coolant temperaturg,see diagram. Forenginespriorto 1981Testlight at glow plug terminals should remain ON for approx. 20 secondsaft€r indicator light is OUT. For engines1981and ohwardthe test lightshould rcmain ON for approx.7 seconds. ON.tlmo incorect (too shortli Try a new control unit, lf ON-tim€ still is too short,try a new temperSturesender. ON-time @roct: Proceodon FT4, next.


-Glow plug system-

FT4 Check operation with starter motor operating Testlightshouldilluminate. indicatingvoltageat the glow plugs. voltage terminal 50

Test light OUT: Starter motor engaged,use the test lamp to checkvoltageat terminal50 (blueyellowwire)of the controlunit, Voltage: Indicates a faultycontrolunit. No voltagel Indicatesopen circuit betweenconnectorand (Connector locatedundercarpetnextto control panelle{t support). Test light ON: Proceedon FT5,next.

Ft5 Check glow piugs. one by one Startkeyin positionO. Removethe barbetweentheglowplugterminals. Connectthe test light acrossbatteryPLUSand one glow plug at a time to checkthat current passesthroughthe glow Plugs. Light OUTat one or mo.e glow plugsi Indicates faultyglow plug. Light ON SystemcheckedOK.

End of completo system check

Fault tacing - Glow plug sysEm -

FT2, case A Testlightand indicatorlightshouldilluminate. Indicatorlight OUT. T€st light OUT. - lndicatesJailureat the controlunit. Firstcheckthat cut-inperiodhasnot expiredor is too high. that coolanttemperature

FT6 Checkvoltageat terminal 15 of the controlunit (do not disconnect to test). Blue-redwire.Usetest lampto shouldilluminate. (,

No voltage: lndicates opencircuitbetweenfuseboxandcontrol unrt, Voltage Proceedto FT7,next.



Checkgroundterminal31 of the controlunit Blackwire. Connecttest lamp acrossbattery PLUS(or fuse box PLUSterminalland terminal 31 of the controlunit. Testlighl shouldilluminate. No voltag€r Indicates fault in groundconnection. Voltage: Indicates controlunit failure. vollageterminal86

FT2, case B Indicatorlight ON. Test light OUT. Indicates {ailureat the glow plugrelay.

FT8 Checkvoltageat terminal86 of the glow plug relay Yellowwire. Usetest lampto shouldilluminate. Voltage: Connectthe test lampacrossbatteryPLUSand relaygroundterminal(blackwire).Thetest light shouldilluminate. Voltag€:lndicatesfaultyglow plugrelay. incorrectgroundconnec No voltagg: Indicates t|on. No voltage Proceedto FTg,next.

f (


Faufttaciw - Glowplug syslem-

FT9 Check voltage at terminal G of the control unit Bluewire.Usetest lampto checkvoltage.Test lightshouldilluminate. No voltage: Indicates a faultycontrolunit. Volt.go Proceedon FTlq next. voltagelerminal30

FTl O Check voltage at terminal 30 of the blockingrelay(1980only) Bluewirc. Use test lamp to checkfor voltage. Testlightshouldilluminate. No voltage Indicates opencircuitinwirebetweencontrctunrr and blockingrelay. Voltage: Proceedon FT11, next.

FT11 Check voltage at terminal 87 ol the blockingrelay(1!|80only) Yellow wire. Use test lamp to checkvoltage. Testlightshouldilluminate. Voltage: Indicatesopencircuitin wire betlveenblockino relayand glow plugrelay. No voltage Glod
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