Vocabulary for cat/po/cgl

October 26, 2017 | Author: John David Jackson | Category: Adjective
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After going through this word list you need not wonder for vocabs. Just complete it and keep revising. Complete solution...


Volume – 1 LESSON - 1 SOLUTION - A Synonym Antonym 1. ALIEN ( fons ' kh] i jk; k) (Adj.): foreign, strange, unknown, unfamiliar, exotic (familiar/native) 2. BROOK ( cjnk' r djuk) (Verb): tolerate, put up with, accept, allow, permit (forbid/bar/ban) 3. CONSOLE ( fnykl k ns uk@ l kUrcuk nsuk) (Verb): alleviate, comfort, disburden, relieve, soothe (depress/sadden) 4. CONSPIRE ( "kM~ ;a =k djuk) (Verb): plot plan, intrigue, connive, scheme, contrive (benefit/favour) 5. EDIFICE ( bekjr@ Hkou) (Noun): building, palace, structure, construction, house (hovel/shelter) 6. ELAPSE ( chr t kuk) (Verb): expire, pass, slip away, slide, go, drift, end (stay/keep on) 7. ELEGANT ( [ kc wl w j r@ je. kh; ) (Adj.): graceful, artistic, courtly, genteel, beautiful (ordinary/simple) 8. EXPLOIT ( dkjukek@ [ kkst ) (Noun):deed, feat, heroic act, adventure, daring act (cowardice/fear) 9. IMPERATIVE ( v R ; ko' ; d) (Adj.): necessary compulsory, essential, crucial, vital (unimportant) 10. LEGACY ( i S r `d l a i fÙk) (Noun):inheritance, gift, birthright donation, bequest (no antonym) 11. LURK ( ?kkr djuk@ fNi kuk) (Verb): camouflage, sneak, slink, prowl, hang about (no antonym) 12. PRIMITIVE ( i z kphu@ v kfne) (Adj.): early, old, ancient, prehistoric, archaic, primal, (modem/new) 13. RECOIL ( fi NsgVkuk) (Verb): shrink back, retreat, cower, fade, fall, flinch (persevere) 14. UNIQUE ( v uks [ kk@ v uw Bk) (Adj.): single, sole, rare, unusual, exclusive, distinctive (common/usual) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. DELIVERANCE ( jkgr@ m¼kj) (Noun):rescue, liberation, saving, relief safety, salvage (drown/sink) 2. DELIVERY ( forj. k@ lq iq nZ xh) (Noun):transportation, distribution, conveyance, carriage (no antonym) 3. HUMAN ( ekuo) (Adj.): belonging to and concerning people, mortal (unearthly) 4. HUMANE ( n; kyw ) (Adj.): kind meciful, tender, sympathetic, gentle (in human/cruel) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________




1. ADEQUATE ( i ; kZ Ir) (Adj.): ample, enough, sufficient, plenty, abundant, full. (insufficient/scarce) 2. BLEND ( es y [ kkuk) (Verb): mix together, merge, amalgamate, mingle, unify. (separate/isolate) 3. CALAMlTY ( v ki n@ foi fÙk@ la d V) (Noun):catastrophe, disaster tragedy, misfortune, ruin. (opportunity/boom) 4. CLAMBER ( gkFk i S j dscy pw Bh fua nk djuk) (Verb): defame, decry, derogate, insult, disparage. (compliment/adore 12. STARK ( i w . kZ r% @ fcYdq y) (Adv.): fully, totally, completely, outright, downright. (slightly/a bit) 13. STATELY ( HkO ;@ ' kkunkj@ jkt dh; i zrki h) (Adj.): grand, noble, impressive, lofty, splendid, august. (modest/moderate) 14. WARES ( eky@ l kS nk@ oLrq ] orZ u) (Noun):goods, merchandise, commodities, stuff, things. (no antonym) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. CONCEPTION ( v o/ kj. kk@ la d Yi uk) (Noun):idea, concept, belief, notion, thought, perception. (disbelief/mistrust) 2. CONCESSION ( Nw V@ fjv kl r) (Noun):allowance, discount, settlement, arbitration. (punishment) 3. REPEAL ( fujLr djuk) (Verb): cancel, abolish, end, recall, abrogate, remove. (enact/pass/ratify) 4. REPEL ( ekj Hkxkuk) (Verb): drive back, ward off, deter, prevent, hold off. (attract/invite) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


H.C. Hardwick word meaning LESSON - 5

1. 2.

SOLUTION - A Synonym AGGRAVATE ( mdl kuk@ cnrj dj nsuk) (Verb): worsen, exasperate, intensify, irritate, ignite. BARTER ( oLrqfofyi i z . kkyh@v nyk& (Verb): exchange, trade, truck, interchange, switch.

cnyk djuk)

Antonym (alleviate/ease) (no antonym)

2. BESTOW ( i z nku@ v fi rZdjuk) (Verb): give, donate, confer, bequeath, present, impart. (withdraw/extract) 4. CITE ( m¼j. k@ gokyk nsuk@ mn`r djuk) (Verb): mention, quote, commend, summon, arraign. (no antonym) 5. DELEGATE ( i fzrfuf/ @ ea My) (Noun): agent envoy, deputy, emissary, representative. (no antonym) 6. DOMESTIC ( i kyrw @ ?kjsy w ) (Adj.): household, pet, homely, family, tame, house. (wild/public/forest) 7. FUGITIVE ( Hkxks M+ k@ iQ jkjh) (Noun): eloper, absconder, refugee, escapee, runaway. (detainee/hostage) 8. GARB ( i ks ' kkd os'k) (Noun): attire, dress, garment, outfit, costume, array. (no antonym) 9. LADEN ( ynk gq v k) (Adj.): loaded, lumpish, lumpy, weighty, heavy, full. (bare/empty) 10. OBLIGATION ( v kHkkj@ nkf; Ro) (Noun): responsibility, bond, liability, commitment, debt. (credit/thanks) 11. OUTSET ( i z kja Hk@ ' kq : v kr) (Noun): beginning, start, commencement, onset, birth. (ending/conclusion) 11. RATIONAL ( rkfdZ d@ foosd i w . kZ ) (Adj.): logical, sensible, reasonable, sound, rational. (illoglcal/irrational) 13. REBUKE ( MkW Vuk@ a iQ Vdkjuk) (Verb): chide, admonish, reprove, reprimand, scold. (praise/applaud) 14. RESOLUTE ( n`xM+ k djuk@ v ucu@ erHksn) (Noun): dispute, disagreement, conflict, quarrelling, (accord/harmony) 2. DISCOURSE ( mi ns ' k@ Hkk"k. k@ i zopu) (Noun): dialogue, lecture, speech, oration, sermon. (no antonym) 3. RETAIN ( ; kn j[ kuk) (Verb): hold, keep, maintain, uphold, save, preserve. (lose/drop/mislay) 4. SUSTAIN( cy i z nku djuk@ t hfor (Verb): help, assist, nourish, feed, support, boost, aid. (sap/weaken/drain)

j[ kuk] cukusj[ kuk)


LESSON - 6 SOLUTION - A Synonym Antonym 1. ADVANTAGEOUS ( ykHknk; d@ ykHkdj) (Adj.): helpful, beneficial, profitable, gainful, useful. (injurious/bad) 2. BALMY ( l q gkouk@ ' kka r h nsuk) (Adj.): warm, pleasant, soft, mild, gentle, temperate. (bitter/chilly/cold) 3. CAMPUS ( fo' o fo| ky; i fjl j) (Noun): a building of a university, a college ground. (no antonym) 4. CATER ( i jks l uk@ Hkst usokyk) (Noun): provide, serve, supply, feed, accommodate. (upset/displease) 5. CURRENCY ( eq nzk) (Noun): money, coin, specie, notes, cash, coinage. (no antonym) 6. ELEVATED ( mR l kgh@ Åa pkbZegRoi w . kZ ) (Adj.): respectable, raised, erect, fine, lifted up, high. (dejected/poor/bad) 7. EVACUATE ( [ kkyh djuk) (Verb): empty, abandon, vacate, clear, expel, leave. (occupy/fill/dwell) 8. GAIT ( dne@ pky&q . M@ fxjksg) (Noun):mass, group, crowd, pack, gang, flock, host. (portion/section) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

LESSON - 18 SOLUTION - A Synonym Antonym 1. CONFER ( i jke' kZdjuk@ l ykg) (Verb): talk, deliberate, discuss, debate, converse. (no antonym) 2. CONFER ( i z nku djuk@ nsuk) (Verb): award, present, give, grant, bestow, honor, gift, (retrieve/regain). 3. CONSTITUTION ( l a fo/ ku) (Noun):charter, bill, statute, set of laws, ruling, decree, (no antonym) 4. CONSTITUTION ( ' kjhj dh cukoV) (Noun):health, make up, disposition, nature, ability. (no antonym) 5. CRITICAL ( ukt q d) (Adj.): serious, dangerous, grave, perilous, risky, unsafe. (safe/protected) 6. CRITICAL ( egR oi w . kZ ) (Adj.): vital, crucial, key, important, essential, decisive. (insignificant) 7. DISCRETION ( l ko/ kuh) (Noun):prudence, good judgment, maturity, acumen. (imprudence) 8. DISCRETION ( foos d@ l e>cw >) (Noun):freedom of choice, option, preference, will. (dependency) 9. DISTINGUISH ( Hks n fn[ kkuk@ i gpkuuk) (Verb): differentiate, discriminate, perceive, recognize. (compile/compose) 10. DISTINGUISH ( fof' k"Vrk i z kIr djuk) (Verb): set apart, single out, characterize, classify, mark. (equal/match) 11. INVOLVED ( v a r xzZ Lr@ cq j sdkeksaesa (Adj.): concerned, occupied, drawn in, caught up, (carefree/relaxed)

' kkehy gksuk)

12. INVOLVED ( t fVy) (Adj.): complicated, complex, intricate, tangled, difficult. (simple/easy) 13. QUARRY ( ejk gq v k f' kdkj) (Noun): prey, victim, target, hurt, sufferer, casualty, fate. (hunter/seeker) 14. QUARRY ( [ knku@ i RFkj dk kuk) CONCLUSIVE ( fu. kkZ ; d) DELVE ( [ kks t djuk) DIGRESS ( HkVd t kuk) DISINTEGRATE ( fo?kfVr gkst kuk) EMANCIPATE ( Lok/ hu djuk) FACETIOUS ( et kdh; k) FELON ( v i jk/ h) GALVANIZED ( O ; Lr djuk) IMPASSIVE ( ' kka r@ / hj) INFLUX ( v xeu) INNATE ( LokHkkfod) IRKSOME ( d"Vnk; d) OCCULT ( rka f=kd) PRECLUDE ( fuokj. k djuk) PROJECTILE ( v L=k) PURVEYOR ( jl n&i z ca / d) REVOKE ( jí djuk) TRITE ( f?kl k&fi Vk)

Synonym (Adj.): sharp, bitter, pungent, unpleasant. (Verb): allay, ease, alleviate, lessen, soften, (Adj.): decisive, convincing, certain, final, (Verb): look into, probe, search, explore, (Verb): deviate, wander, stray, ramble, (Verb): crumble, collapse, fragment, split, (Verb): liberate, set free, release, unfetter, (Adj.): teasing, humourous, insincere, (Noun):criminal, murderer, offender, thief, (Adj.): active, functional, operational, (Adj.): cool, unemotional, aloof, deadpan, (Noun):arrival, flood, incursion, entry, (Adj.): inborn, natural, inherent, intrinsic, (Adj.): tiresome, irksome, wearing, tedious, (Adj.): supernatural, paranormal, mystic, (Verb): prevent, stop, rule out, exclude, (Noun):bullet, shot, pallet, shell, cartridge, (Noun):supplier, source, teller, vendor, (Verb): cancel, repeal, invalidate, withdraw, (Adj.): hackneyed, banal, unoriginal,

Antonym (no antonym) (risky/harmful/damaging) (revived/recharged/active) (continue/remain/persist) (admirable/worthy/superb) (bold/smart/brash/brazen) (minion/nonentity) (lazy/inactive/lethargic) (shy/timid/reserved/quiet) (clumsiness/awkwardness) (agree/accept/concur) (no antonym) (conservative/miserly) (plain/bare/natural/pure) (attentive/thoughtful) (no antonym) (apathy/unconcern/ennui) (kindness/sympathy/pity) (respectful/reverent/polite) (determine/resolve/settle)



Antonym (pleasant/soft/light/gentle (trouble/stimulate/incite) (feeble/vain/weak/frail) (skim over/scan/gloss) (obey/stick to/stand by) (integrate/gather/combine) (enslave/bind/enchain) (serious/grave/somber) (no antonym) (ineffective/fruitless/vain) (sensitive/active/aware) (departure/exit/exodus) (artificial/synthetic/mock) (pleasant/appealing) (natural/normal/usual) (permit/allow/sanction) (no antonym) (consumer/shopper/user) (maintain/uphold/keep) (innovative/original/novel)

H.C. Hardwick word meaning LESSON - 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

SOLUTION - A Synonym AESTHETIC ( l q : fpl Ei Uu) (Adj.): autistic, visual, creative, inventive, BREVITY ( l a f{kIrrk) (Noun):shortness, briefness, conciseness, CONCUR ( l ger gks uk) (Verb): agree, assent, accept, acquiesce, CRUCIAL ( fu. kkZ ; d) (Adj.): vital, critical, important, decisive, DECORUM ( f' k"Vkpkj) (Noun):modesty, good behaviour, etiquette, DEMONSTRATIVE ( Hkkoi z n' kZ d ) (Adj.): affectionate, loving, warm, friendly, DEVOLVE ( dsft Eesi M+ uk) (Verb): decentralize, delegate, transfer, DILEMMA ( v l ea tl) (Noun):quandary, problem, predicament, DISCONSOLATE ( fujk' k) (Adj.): unhappy, sad, dejected, gloomy, EPIGRAM ( l w fDr@ pq Vdq y k) (Noun):rhyme, witticism, saying, axiom, FASTIDIOUS ( rq udfet kt ) (Adj.): hard, refined, particular, delicate, IMMATERIAL ( fujkdj@ rq PN) (Adj.): unrelated, unimportant, irrelevant, IMPOSITION ( Hkkj) (Noun):burden, trouble, annoyance, load, IMPROMPTU ( fcuk rS ; kjh dk Hkk"k. k) (Adj.): extempore, unprepared, unplanned, INFUSE ( l sHkj ns uk) (Verb): inspire, encourage, instill, inculcate, INSATIABLE ( v rks "k. kh; ) (Adj.): greedy, avid, voracious, gluttonous, QUAFF ( i huk) (Verb): drink, imbibe, sip, slurp, swallow, REQUISITION ( eka x&i =k) (Noun):request, demand, application, STRAPPING ( rxM+ k) (Adj.): robust, muscular, strong, stalwart, WREAK ( mrkjuk@ Fkksiuk) (Verb): inflict, harm, impose, exact, cause,

Antonym (dull/unimaginative/bland) (length/extent/span) (disagree/refuse/resist) (trivial/minor/trifling) (abandon/recklessness) (unfriendly/reserved/rude) (centralize/maintain/keep) (resolution/solution) (content /happy/satisfied) (no antonym) (relaxed/calm/lenient) (relevant/related/germane) (serenity/comfort/rest) (prepared/designed/ready) (defuse/release/placate) (poor/little/weak/feeble) (ejaculate/throw out/pour) (donation/grant/gift) (delicate/weak/flimsy) (help/oblige/soothe/calm)

LESSON - 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

SOLUTION - A ADDICTED ( v knh) ANNUITY ( okf"kZ d Hk`fr) CARRION ( l M+ k xyk eka l) CONVERSANT ( i fjfpr) DISILLUSIONED ( fujk' k) FALLACY ( Hkz kedrk) INSIDIOUS ( ?kkrd) INTUITION ( v a r KkZ u) OBEISANCE ( i z . kke@ l Rdkj) OLFACTORY ( ?kz k. ksfUnz;@ lw ?kusdh) a ONSLAUGHT ( v kØe. k@ i zgkj) PRECEDENCE ( Js "Brk) PROSAIC ( uhjl @ ' kq "d) PSYCHIC ( v ykS fdd@ ekufl d) RENAISSANCE ( i q ut hZ ou) RESIDUE ( v o' ks "k) SALUTARY ( fgrdkjh) STERLING ( mÙke@ [ kjk) VOLUMINOUS ( w Bh dl e) REDOUBTABLE ( nq t sZ t@ Hk; kud) TORTUOUS ( Vs w Bk nkok djuk) BANAL ( rq PN) DERELICTION ( pw d@ yki jokgh) EGREGIOUS ( ?kks j@ i Ddk) EUPHEMISM ( ea xyHkk"kh) EXPLETIVE ( v i ' kC n@ xkyh) FISSION ( fo[ ka Mu) INDEMNIFY ( {kfri w frZdjuk) INTRANSIGENT ( dV~ Vj@ nq j kxzgh) LAMBENT ( f>yfeyk) MACABRE ( fodjky@ chHkRl ) MULCT ( t q j ekuk yxkuk) ORTHOGRAPHY ( orZ uh) OSTRACIZE ( fuokZ fl r djuk) PROLIX ( v frfoLr`r ) PSEUDONYM ( Ñrduke) QUINTESSENCE ( l kjrR o) REGURGITATE ( mxyuk) STERTOROUS ( [ kjkZ Vsnkj) VIVIPAROUS ( l t ho&i z t d)

Synonym (Verb): (Adj.): (Noun): (Adj.): (Noun): (Noun): (Noun): (Verb): (Adj.): (Adj.): (Adj.): (Verb): (Noun): (Verb): (Adj.): (Noun): (Noun): (Verb): (Adj.): (Adj.):

claim, assert, state, emphasize dull, boring, ordinary, trivial, usual negligence, recklessness, neglect extremely bad, dreadful, terrible. an indirect word that people often use. curse, oath, invective, criticism, the breaking of a bond between two atoms, pay, cover, recompense, reimburse, obstinate, stubborn, obdurate, rigid, flickering, radiant, entertaining, gruesome, hop-id, morbid, chilling, fine, charge, penalize, punish, the system of spelling in a language, exclude, banish, ignore, snub, verbose, long-winded, rambling, alias, fictitious name, false name, epitome, embodiment, image, take out, throw out, dump, chuck, noisy, raucous, boisterous, loud, producing live babies from its body,

Antonym (disclaim/deny/reject) (interesting/motivating) (attention/care/awareness) (superb/excellent/terrific) (no antonym) (bless/praise/exalt) (fusion/union/mixture) (receive/obtain/collect) (flexible/submissive) (dim/dull/faint/not bright) (pleasant/nice/lovely) (reward/recompense) (no antonym) (include/comprise) (concise/brief/succinct) (read name) (no antonym) (swallow/gulp/consume) (quiet/calm/peaceful/soft) (oviparous)


H.C. Hardwick word meaning LESSON - 7 SOLUTION - A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 18 19. 20.

ATAVISTIC ( i o wZ t kuq : i) AUTOPSY ( ' ko&i jh{kk) BELLICOSE ( yM+ kdw ) CASTIGATE ( i Q Vdkjuk) COGNOMEN ( mi uke) COMATOSE ( fuf"Ø; ) DEROGATORY ( v i ekut ud) EFFETE ( v ' kDr@ t h. kZ ) GRATUITY ( mi nku@ i fjnku) HOLOCAUST ( foèoa l) JOCOSE ( fouks nkRed) LACHRYMOSE ( v Jq e; ) LISSOME ( yphyk@ iQ j rhyk) q LOQUACIOUS ( xIi h) MINATORY ( / edh&Hkjk) PERQUISITE ( v uq y kHk) PLATITUDE ( uhjl ckr) RECRUDESCENCE ( i q u i zd ksi) SALUBRIOUS ( LokLF; o/ Z d) STULTIFY ( fl ¼ djuk)

Synonym (Adj): natural, innate, instinctive, inborn, (Noun): post-mortem, investigation, inquest, (Adj.): belligerent, aggressive, warlike, (Verb): criticize, condemn, denounce, slam, (Noun): family name, surname, name, (Adj): unconscious, lifeless, cataleptic, (Adj.): disparaging, insulting, belittling, (Adj.): weak, womanish, feeble, ineffectual, (Noun): tip, money, compensation, help, (Noun): destruction, devastation, damage, (Adj.): humorous; funny, hilarious, witty, (Adj.): tearful, weepy, sobbing, emotional, (Adj.): agile, lithe, nimble, lively, sprightly. (Adj.): talkative, wordy, garrulous, voluble, (Adj.): threatening, hostile, unfriendly, (Noun): perk, bonus, benefit, advantage, (Noun): cliche, axiom, maxim, platitude, (Noun): recurrence, reappearance, echo, (Adj.): decent, polite, suitable, virtuous, (Verb): prove, confirm, demonstrate, verify,

Antonym (rare/artificial/learned) (no antonym) (friendly/peaceful/calm) (commend/praise/extol) (no antonym) (lively/awake/energetic) (complimentary/kind) (macho/manly/strong) (no antonym) (construction/formation) (serious/solemn/grave) (happy/pleased/glad) (dull/boring/unattractive) (taciturn/reticent/silent) (friendly/affable/jovial) disadvantage/loss) (no antonym) (no antonym) (rude/discourteous) (disprove/invalidate)

LESSON - 8 SOLUTION - A 1 2 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

ABSCOND ( i Q jkj gksuk) CONTUMACIOUS ( v D[ kM+ @ gBh) DURESS ( ckè; rk@ ncko) EXPUNGE ( gVkuk@ feVkuk) EXPURGATE ( i fj' kks / u djuk) EXTIRPATE ( feVk ns uk@ gjk nsuk) IMPINGE ( Vdjkuk) IMPUGN ( i z frokn djuk) IMPUTE ( Fkks i uk@ ekM+ &i Q d djuk) a w GENUFLECTION ( t kuq ueu) IRASCIBLE ( Øks / h@ mxz) MIASMA ( fo"kkDr ok"i ) NECROMANCY ( t knw &Vksuk) OBLATION ( p
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