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“B” GOOD TO YOURSELF During Allergy Season YOUR WAKE UP CALL For Sleep Disorders

Rejuvenate THIS Yourself SPRING Evelyn & Dave’s INSPIRING SUCCESS STORY

10 Essentials

Letter from TriVita’s

for health and wellness The 10 Essentials were created to suit every Wellness Seeker. Taking even small steps in each one will improve your life and wellness in wonderful ways.

THE AGING PROCESS IS A MATTER OF CHOICE! From your body’s point of view, the way you age is largely determined by the choices you make. Biologically your body is in a constant renewing process of making trillions of cells that make up your bones, organs and your entire physical being. Your choices each day determine the health of those new cells being created.

PHYSICAL 1. Breathe Deeply

Deep breathing expels body toxins faster than any other means.

2. Drink Water

Getting enough water provides an instant energy boost – and you may even eat less.

3. Sleep Peacefully

Establishing a bedtime routine will help you sleep longer and more soundly.

4. Eat Nutritiously

Choosing healthy, whole foods minimizes blood sugar swings.

5. Enjoy Activity

An active lifestyle enables every system in your body to work better.

EMOTIONAL 6. Give and Receive Love

Heart-focused, sincere and positive feelings boost the immune system.

7. Be Forgiving

As you let go of negative feelings toward others, you will find greater peace and optimism.

8. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude brings instant joy, builds physical defenses and reduces stress.

9. Develop Acceptance

Practicing acceptance clears your mind of needless anxiety, freeing you to enjoy life.

SPIRITUAL 10. Develop a Relationship with God As your relationship grows, you will enjoy all the blessings of unconditional love.


While you are obviously a very complex being, surprisingly simple influences contribute to your health, well-being and aging process. Nutrients, nurturing and physical activities are the most important decisions you can make! That is why you will find the 10 Essentials listed in every VitaJournal and catalog; they are the foundations for good health. They are simple but profound lifestyle choices! In a study conducted by Dr. Ravussin of the Arizona Pima Indians and the Pima Indians of the Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexico, it was discovered that their ancestors were genetically the same, experienced the same living conditions and had very similar health conditions. But something in the last 100 years has made a significant and troubling difference in the health of today’s Arizona Pima Indians. Over the years, the Arizona Pima Indians have become more sedentary and have seen their fat intake rise to 40%. Much of the fiber has been removed from their diet as processed starches have replaced the high fiber foods their ancestors ate. Over 50% of the Arizona Pima Indians have Diabetes and 95% of those diagnosed with Diabetes are obese and have other related diseases. Conversely, the diet of the Pima Indians of Mexico includes many of the same foods their ancestors ate, and their lifestyle still demands daily physical activity. Less than 10% of the Pima Indians of Mexico have been diagnosed with Diabetes and live a much healthier quality of life.

“Spring is God’s reminder to us of the importance of the choices we make in the renewal and aging process.” This study clearly demonstrates the power of lifestyle choices. The good news I want to bring you today is that your body is biologically structured in a renewal cycle just like many trees and plants. During the fall and winter the leaves die and fall off – only to be replaced in the spring with new leaves. As long as the tree receives the quality and quantity of nutrients and nurturing it needs from the earth, water and sun, it lives healthy to its expected life span. For you, it may seem that aging has brought on health conditions and symptoms that are getting progressively worse. Please take courage in the fact that your body has a renewal process and that the decisions you make today and tomorrow can contribute to your better health. Spring is God’s reminder to us of the importance of the choices we make in the renewal and aging process. At TriVita, our deepest desire and purpose is to offer inspiration, information and the highest quality of supplements that can help contribute to a better quality of life. As you read this VitaJournal, my prayer is that you would be inspired to an aging process that consists of the best choices you can make each day for your health and well-being. Pursue them with passion and purpose.

Michael R. Ellison

March 2008 2008 2 l March

P.S. I’m interested in your opinions and concerns. Email your feedback to [email protected] or mail TriVita, PO Box 13565, Scottsdale, AZ 85267, attention: CEO Care Team.

In this

issue Bananas – this amazing, tasty wonder fruit is a natural remedy for many health conditions. 14

10 Foundational Values

4 Rejuvenate Yourself this Spring!

1. Physician-Formulated Supplements

Our physicians use their extensive health and nutrition knowledge to create proprietary TriVita supplements based on the latest scientific research and the health and wellness concerns of our Members.

Healthy tips to cleanse your own body.

6 B-12 Update with Dr. Conard

Exciting news! – Learn about B-12’s allergy fighting success.

2. Patented Absorption Systems

Unlike other supplements that can be difficult to absorb, TriVita supplements are developed for maximum absorption and effect.

10 How To Get a Good Night’s Rest Eight tips to ensure a sound sleep.

Discover ways to reduce allergy symtoms.


12 Tips to Downsize Your Portion Size

Time to downsize, lose weight and feel great every day.

16 Refer TriVita Products

and Earn Great Rewards

Receive $25 Gift Cards and cash rewards, its so easy!

18 The Value of You

Everything has a price tag – or does it?

21 Keep Your Eye On “Low” Vision Just because there’s so much on your plate doesn’t mean you have to eat it . 12

Learn how you can keep this life-changing condition from dimming your joys in life.

22 Put a Little “Spring” Into

Your Step and Golf Swing Fabulous ways to ease into activity after a long winter layoff

Find answers to your sleep problems and wake up feeling refreshed every morning.


3. Controlled Laboratory Studies

Signature products from TriVita undergo medical studies and trials at accredited universities and medical centers to ensure their effectiveness.

4. Purest Natural Ingredients

TriVita uses the highest-quality essential nutrients available to create effective, body-friendly formulas without mood altering stimulants or harmful chemicals.

5. Pharmaceutical-Grade Quality

We voluntarily adhere to the strict manufacturing guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

6. Third-Party Testing and Certification In addition to our own quality control, we commission third-party testing and research to guarantee that our products are full potency and meet all regulatory standards.

7. Quality-Controlled Packaging and Production

Safety is a top priority in our packaging and manufacturing; we inspect each product at least 10 times and use two safety seals per package on all ingestible products to guarantee safety, freshness and product potency.

8. Dedicated to Product Innovation

TriVita’s commitment to science is a driving force behind our superior quality products, from formulation to production. Led by our Chief Science Officer and renowned nutraceutical pioneers, we put the utmost care into creating products that deliver positive and lifelong wellness experiences for our Members.

9. Medical Advisory Board

TriVita’s advisory panel of Board Certified physicians provide us with the latest information on scientific developments and testing methods.

10. Complete Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

We promise to provide the best customer experience possible and offer a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on all of our products. Our natural products are food based. If you have any food based allergies, please read the labels.


TriVita’s Non-Acidic Vitamin C Powerful immune system support and much more! It helps: • Fight free radicals that contribute to illness • Assist in normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol • Speed wound recovery and aid in healing • Support production and use of antibodies that fight illness • Detoxify alcohol, pesticides, smoke and pollution.

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Vitamin C Flush This can help get rid of buildups in your lymph system. For details, visit, click on “Health Articles” and select the January 2008 VitaJournal. People who have done the Vitamin C flush report more energy and a better sense of well-being. 4 l March 2008

Your Way to Health This year, give your body a spring cleaning – from the inside out

Member $19.99 Redeem with 200 VitaPoints

Vitamin C Pack

Spring Clean It’s time for spring cleaning! But before you reach for the dust rags and disinfectants, think about this: the most important thing you can “clean” is your own body. This doesn’t mean an extra long shower, but a spring cleaning from the inside out. It’s easier than it sounds; plus, no buckets or scrub brushes required.

Breathe deeply

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to “clean” your body; up to 75% of all body toxins are released through your lungs. Deep breathing also helps stimulate your immune system by supporting the lymphatic system. What exactly is the lymph system? It’s an important part of your immune system that is made up of vessels, organs, nodes and ducts. When toxins build up in the lymph system, it can lead to conditions such as allergies and autoimmune disorders. So it makes sense to put deep breathing near the top of your “spring cleaning” to-do list. Take a few minutes each day to consciously breathe

deeply. Not only will it help you detoxify and stimulate your immune system, but it can also help relieve stress. Here’s a deep breathing exercise to get you started: • Lie flat on your back with your knees up, or sit comfortably in a chair. Place one hand on your abdomen just above your navel and the other hand on your chest. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on expanding your abdomen as you inhale. Your chest should rise only a little and only at the top of your breath. • Slowly count up to four as you inhale and again as you exhale. Fill your lungs, hold your breath for a moment and then exhale. Repeat this as you count up to six while inhaling, and again as you exhale. • Continue breathing deeply. When you feel comfortable, extend your breath count: Eight counts as you inhale through your nose and eight counts as you exhale.

Feel the air leave your body and imagine all of the toxins going with it. Try to spend at least five minutes a day breathing deeply.

Drink up!

Water is essential for everything your body does including nutrient absorption, blood flow and breathing. And, it’s absolutely critical for cleaning your body: water is used by your colon and kidneys as part of the detoxification and digestive processes. Use the simple formula below to find out how much water you should drink: Your weight in pounds


Ounces of water per day

Example: A 150-pound person would need to drink about 75 ounces of water per day. 150 ÷ 2 = 75 ounces

Try to drink water early in the day and remember to drink extra water when you’re exercising and if you’re outdoors during warmer months.

Eat a balanced, high-fiber diet

In order for your body to properly cleanse itself of pollutants, you need to eat a balanced, healthful diet. It’s especially important to eat a diet high in fiber (at least 30 grams per day), as fiber helps with the digestive and cleansing process. Impurities attach to fiber and are expelled from the body. The good news is that a healthful diet, complete with plenty of fruits and vegetables, not only provides the fiber you need, but it also includes many essential nutrients. Get started today with these fiber-rich foods: • Bran cereal • Pinto beans • Lima beans • Navy beans • Kidney beans • Black beans • Lentils

• Peas • Brussels sprouts • Apples • Blackberries • Pears • Garbanzo beans • Black-eyed peas • Split peas. Important note: Sometimes it can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need from your food. That’s where adding high-quality supplements to your daily routine can help. Many supplements on the market aren’t even absorbed by your body; they simply pass through. High-quality supplements like TriVita’s VitaDaily AM/PM, Daily Men and Daily Women are made with whole food concentrates that your body recognizes as food – which means they are easily absorbed, and your body can make good use of the nutrients.

Give your emotions a little “elbow grease”

Emotional “cleansing” is just as important as physical cleansing to a healthy and happy life. If you’re holding a grudge, refusing to forgive someone for something they did in the past, you could be harming your health. Studies have shown that people who learn to forgive have healthier, happier lives. Grudge-holding has been linked to poor immune system health, depression, anxiety and physical pain. As part of your cleaning, try to forgive those who have offended you. If you find forgiveness difficult, just acknowledging that you’re holding a grudge can be a good first step.

Have some good “clean” fun

We all know that exercise is a critical part of good health. What you may not know is that exercise is one of the best ways to get your lymph system moving – and that helps stimulate the immune system. The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports recommends that adults get 30 minutes of activity five or more days a week. If your schedule doesn’t allow for 30 minutes of exercise, you can break up your activity into three 10-minute segments throughout the day. To make exercise more fun, find a workout “buddy.” You’ll get to socialize and exercise at the same time – both of which contribute to good health. Change up your routine to help keep exercise fun – and to keep yourself motivated:

Rejuvenate yourself this spring with some internal spring cleaning; there’s no better way to throw off Old Man Winter and experience increased health and wellness!

• Brisk walking • Hiking • Water aerobics • Swimming • Bike riding • Dancing • Pilates.

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VitaDaily provides a true day and night nutritional foundation: • AM Formula provides the vitamins and amino acids for all-day energy and stamina • PM Formula provides minerals, amino acids and enzymes you need to support rejuvenating sleep and body repair.

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B-12 update


can reduce allergy symptoms by as much as


Scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth

Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.

Exciting news about B-12’s natural allergy-fighting success

by Dr. Scott Conard, M.D.

Recent studies show that Vitamin B-12 can help with allergies In past “B-12 Updates,” I’ve talked about how well TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid works for many different purposes: everything from weight loss to stress reduction, digestive and immune system health, mood enhancement and long-term energy. Now, just in time for the spring season, I want to talk about B-12’s success with seasonal allergies. I’m sure many of you are starting to sniffle, sneeze and suffer from itchy, watery eyes. It’s sad that so many of you are suffering through this glorious spring season filled with renewed growth and warmer temperatures. Sure, the drug stores are filled with over-thecounter and prescription allergy medicines. However, many of them aren’t really effective, because they don’t get to the root of many allergies. Plus, the side effects for many of 6 l March 2008

these medications can be pretty serious. While pollen, mold, dust and animal dander are common triggers for allergies, I’d like to discuss a hidden cause for allergies: stress. Yes, stress. People who are under intense stress tend to have more allergy problems. A recent study confirms that. Children who had severe allergies were temporarily moved from their own homes to a group home setting where they had the opportunity to “de-stress.” They were then exposed to dust and many substances that would normally cause a strong allergic reaction. Researchers observed a minimal allergic reaction. Several other studies have not only made the connection between B-12 and stress, but have suggested that Vitamin B-12 could help reduce seasonal allergies. For example in a recent clinical study, a group of seasonal allergy sufferers spent up to six weeks taking massive amounts of B-12 through sublingual delivery, just like TriVita’s Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid.

The results were impressive

as severe in the B-12 group as in the placebo group. Researchers stated, “The effects were comparible to Claritin. B-12 is also much safer.” Better yet, people who were taking B-12 didn’t have the tired, draggy feeling so common with antihistamine allergy medications. Another study found that B-12 taken at an increased dose can help protect against asthmatics from reacting to food with sulfites. The secret to Vitamin B-12’s allergy fighting success seems to be in its ability to re-tune the immune system. That’s what allergies are – immune malfunctions – and the problem seems to be getting worse and worse. In fact, allergies are now twice as common as they were a generation ago, afflicting more than 50 million North Americans. If you’d like to test the effectiveness of Vitamin B-12 with your own allergies, I suggest you take one TriVita Sublingual B-12 tablet, twice or three times daily throughout allergy season. I think you’ll be breathing easier in no time.

Many of the worse symptoms – sneezing, congestion and itchy, runny nose – were half

What makes TriVita’s Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid so unique? TriVita’s original, patented Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid is absorbed under your tongue, allowing B vitamins to be absorbed quickly and directly into your bloodstream for MAXIMUM ABSORPTION. How one TriVita Member and her husband learned about the value and effectiveness of Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid... the hard way! Betty and her husband are long-time TriVita Sublingual B-12 fans. She started taking TriVita’s B-12 in 2002 to help with generalized anxiety and chronic pain. Her husband suffered from the blues and heart palpitations and was unhappy with the anti-depressants he was taking. “B-12 helped me feel much better and gave my husband a greater sense of well-being,” Betty said.

Dr. Libby’s Original Patented Formula Why have satisfied customers purchased over 10 million boxes of Dr. Alfred Libby’s original, patented formula – Sublingual B-12?

Results show – it works!

They live on a fixed income and like so many of us were looking for ways to cut costs. So, they decided to buy a cheaper sublingual B-12 product from a general health store. “We thought this B-12 supplement would work just as well as TriVita’s formula,” Betty said. “Boy, were we wrong! After taking the store-bought B-12 formula for several months I was starting to get my old restless blue mood back, and my husband’s heart palpitations returned. We then realized that the cheaper B-12 brand just wasn’t working.”

“We found out that two products that claim to be the same aren’t always equal.”

Betty and her husband are now back on TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 and they are happy to report that they’re both feeling fine. “Now I’m sure TriVita’s B-12 works,” Betty remarks. “We found out that two products that claim to be the same aren’t always equal.”


TriVita’s original, patented Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid melts under your tongue, allowing B vitamins to be absorbed quickly and directly into your bloodstream.

Dr. Conard responds:


Other inferior B-12 supplements are poorly absorbed through the digestive system, providing little value and minimal health benefits.

We have heard this story many times. You see, it isn’t just about ingredients on a product label. The nutrients in TriVita’s Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid are perfectly balanced so they help each other create more energy. The sublingual tablet is crafted to give you maximum absorption. The biotin and other supporting nutrients help detoxify the system and clear the way for B-12 to create energy. Don’t be fooled by inferior B-12 brands. TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 may not be the cheapest product on the market, but it is certainly the best. TriVita manufactures to pharmaceutical standards to give you the most effective sublingual tablets available. Betty and her husband found out the hard way about the difference in quality between TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 and the “pretenders.” Don’t learn the hard way; stay with the one that works: TriVita’s original, patented Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid.

No more Painful and Expensive B-12 shots.

By placing our B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid supplement under your tongue, TriVita Sublingual B-12 is directly absorbed into your bloodstream where it can be used quickly. • Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid absorbs through the veins under your tongue for fast B vitamin delivery. • After age 40, your ability to absorb B vitamins begins to diminish. • Your brain needs B vitamins to function properly. • If you are deficient in B vitamins, you could be aging prematurely and become more susceptible to disease.

Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid B-12 Flavors: Original Berry, Cinnamon, Strawberry, Variety Pack





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Note: We suggest 3 tablets a day for 10 to 14 days. From day 11 (or 15) to 30, take at least one to two tablets daily. Most people take one in the morning and one in the afternoon to maintain and enjoy that feeling of endless energy every day!

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SIMPLE STRATEGIES to de-stress your spring home cleaning

It’s the perfect time to unclutter your mind and make your home shine Now that springtime is here, days are getting longer and warmer. What a great time for a spring clean-out. And we’re not just talking about your home. If your house is filled with clutter, then what is your mind filled with? Chances are, you’re not feeling too serene. • Do you have large amounts of objects, documents or possessions lying around your house? • Do you have a hard time parting with things and letting go? • Do you tend to be easily distracted, lose concentration or have poor time management skills?

People who have suffered an emotional trauma or brain injury often find housecleaning to be a difficult task. Depression, attention deficit disorder, chronic pain and grief can also prevent people from getting organized. The most extreme form of disorganization is called hoarding, which some experts believe is a mental illness. Compulsive hoarding is when clutter overtakes living, dining and sleeping spaces and actually harms the person’s quality of life.

Here are a few spring cleaning tips that will help you get started on the right foot: • Before you start, gather up all the cleaning supplies and tools you’ll need. • Make a list – write down everything you want to accomplish.

If you’re nodding “yes,” you can put yourself in the “chronically disorganized” category. Getting organized is important for both mind and body. An organized house reduces risks for falls, helps get rid of germs and makes it easer to find important things like your health supplements, exercise gear or tools. Many of us are blind to house clutter when we’re home by ourselves, but panic whenever company is expected. What do many of us end up doing? We go out and buy a carload of bins and organizers that merely rearrange the mess.

• Are you the type of person who likes to clean your home one room at a time? Then don’t leave until you’re done with that room. The satisfaction of seeing one room sparkle will be well worth the effort.

Most experts agree that disorganization isn’t just a house problem, it’s a people problem. In simple terms, messy people need to change their behavior. Excessive clutter and disorganization may also be a symptom of a larger health problem.

• Don’t be afraid to “chuck it” and donate unused items to your favorite charity.

8 l March 2008

• Start at the top of your house or individual room and work your way down. • Dust before vacuuming or cleaning the floor. Try feather or lamb’s wool dusters, especially extendable ones for reaching above window and door casings.

• Play some upbeat music to stay energized.

Now’s the time to organize for tax time.

Let’s face it – dealing with taxes is a chore. If you add disorganization to the mix then you’ll be faced with a serious headache. Here are simple suggestions to get organized and spare you some stress before filing your 2007 return. • Create files for all your tax-related papers; use well-labeled folders or accordion files. • Once you get your filing system in place, use it! Make sure you file any new paperwork you receive as soon as you get it. That way you won’t lose it and all your documents will be in one spot when it’s filing time. • If you itemize expenses or charitable contributions, make sure you keep receipts organized and stored according to category. • Archive your past tax returns with all the supporting documents for the past seven years in one place. That will make it easy to refer back if you need it. And who knows, you might even be rewarded with a sizeable refund! Keeping your tax-related papers organized will help reduce stress, decrease chances of errors on your return and maybe even save you money. Just a little simple organizing and preparation will make the whole process much easier.

How mentally organized are you?

It takes time to learn new skills and strategies to become more mentally organized. Hopefully this quiz will help! Check the items that apply to you. Cluttered living areas

Multiple projects begun but not finished

Storage areas filled to capacity

Inability to find things

Do not use household calendars

Have to rent additional storage space for excess possessions

Stressful household environment Missing important household documents

If you checked three or more statements; congratulations. You’re aware that you have an organization problem and you’re ready to do something about it. Just be patient. No one becomes organized overnight.

Often late, leaving household for work or errands due to misplaced items or distractions

See page 8 for helpful ways to organize your home.

Have a difficult time completing household tasks such as laundry, housecleaning and yard work

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Regain the joy of sleep Promote a zestful healthy body


hen was the last time you had a good night’s sleep? If you need to search your memory for the answer, it may be time to find answers to your sleep problem. Research continues to show that sleep does a lot more than relieve tiredness. It can go a long way toward keeping us healthy, energized and free of illness. The more we learn about sleep, the more we recognize how important it is to the quality of our lives.

Time changes all – including your sleep needs

As we age and go through different life stages, our sleep needs also change. Babies need about 16 hours of sleep daily, while teenagers require an average of about 9 hours. For most adults, between 7-9 hours does the trick. While older adults tend to need as much sleep as when they were younger, they also tend to sleep more lightly and for shorter periods. One estimate is that about half of everyone over age 65 often has sleeping problems. We don’t know if this is a normal part of aging, or whether it stems from health issues. One thing is clear: not getting enough sleep is dangerous. Studies show that drivers who are sleep-deprived perform as badly on the road as those who are intoxicated – in some cases, worse!

Sleep, Diabetes and other diseases

A new study from the University of Chicago Medical Center surprised sleep scientists. It found that when people didn’t get enough “deep sleep” for three nights in a row, it had the same effect on their blood sugar as gaining 20-30 pounds. Their risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes was raised. Before this, it was thought that just the hours spent sleeping – not the quality of sleep – affected the risk of developing Diabetes. This could be a “wake-up call” for the 40 million people who have constant, on-going sleep disorders, and for the other 20 million who have trouble sleeping from time to time. There are so many other health problems connected to sleep troubles that the old saying 10 l March 2008

“You snooze, you lose” could be turned around: “If you don’t snooze, you lose.” Sleep plays a big role in all these conditions and diseases: • Heart disease • Stroke • Asthma • Epilepsy • Depression • Schizophrenia • Alzheimer’s Disease • Flu • Infections

Disorders that disrupt sleep

Sometimes, sleep itself is the root of disorders. Doctors have tallied up over 70 different

How well are you sleeping? • It should take between five and 15 minutes to fall asleep. If you fall asleep faster, you’re probably sleep deprived. • If it takes between 15 and 30 minutes to fall asleep you’re probably over-stimulated and under too much stress. • More than 30 minutes to fall asleep? Consider seeing your health care professional. • If you wake once during the night and go back to sleep quickly, that’s okay. • If you wake up and stay awake, it could be a sign that your blood sugar is unbalanced. • Sleep is supposed to be refreshing. If you wake up feeling hungry, you probably had a good night’s sleep. • If it takes longer than 30 minutes to start thinking about breakfast, you may not be sleeping well. If hours pass after waking before you feel hungry, your sleep quality is very poor.

Eight tips for sound sleep When counting sheep just doesn’t cut it, experts suggest these eight steps to help you get a good night’s sleep: 1. Set your sleep schedule. Try to go to bed at the same time each night, and rise at the same time each morning. Tinkering with this schedule can bring on insomnia. Even sleeping late on weekends can disrupt your sleep during the week, making it harder to wake up on time and stay alert during your day.

sleeping problems, and estimate that they cost a whopping $16 billion in medical treatment each year. While many of these disorders are rare, there are four that affect millions of people: Insomnia. Can’t get to sleep or stay asleep? It happens to almost everyone from time to time. When it goes on for long periods of time, though, insomnia can pose a serious health threat. Sleeping pills may work for a few weeks, but in the long run they can actually disrupt natural sleep. And, prescription pills can create dependency. Sleep apnea. Often, loud snoring, obesity and daytime sleepiness are the symptoms of this disorder. It commonly occurs because of excess fat bearing down on the windpipe. The result: breathing is interrupted during sleep; the sufferer frequently snorts or gasps. Long-term, it can lead to heart attacks and stroke. Restless Legs Syndrome. Older people especially tend to have the unpleasant feelings of crawling or tingling in their legs and feet that come with this disorder. It runs in families: the urge to move can be constant, even at night, resulting in insomnia. Narcolepsy. It’s serious: people with this disorder can suddenly, frequently fall right to sleep, even while working or driving, for up to 30 minutes or longer. Even with enough nighttime sleep, sufferers can have these “sleep attacks,” which tend to be inherited, or sometimes occur after brain damage from injury or disease.

Snoring could indicate serious health issues

Snoring may be caused by structural defects in the sinus cavity, allergies or even nasal 1-800-991-7116

polyps. However, snoring is usually caused by obesity. According to many sleep experts, snoring is related to the problem of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is an early warning sign of Type 2 Diabetes. Therefore, snoring may be the first sign of movement toward Type 2 Diabetes. A frightening aspect of snoring is that you get much less oxygen in your bloodstream. Less available oxygen means that your brain is being deprived of oxygen. People who snore lose I.Q. points every year until the problem is corrected. So, if you feel unable to concentrate, or if your memory is failing, check to see if you are snoring. If you are, then by all means find out why! Treat the cause of this problem immediately. If snoring is caused by obesity, reduce your body fat. Snoring may also be a sign of sleep apnea – discussed previously in this article. Sleep apnea can seriously disrupt the quality of sleep. People with chronic untreated sleep apnea may also develop hypertension and heart disease.

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2. Exercise. So vital to all-around health, physical activity also helps promote restful sleep. Be careful not to work out close to bedtime, though; try to exercise several hours before bedtime. 3. Downplay drugs. Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol can all harm sleep. So watch your consumption of coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, caffeinated teas and some pain relievers. Nicotine withdrawal tends to wake smokers up in the early morning, and alcohol robs you of deep sleep. 4. Wind down. Before going to bed, a soothing ritual – like reading, taking a warm bath or listening to calming music – can be a signal to your brain and body that sleep time is almost here. 5. Get in sync with sunlight. If possible, wake up around the time the sun does (or close to it). This helps your internal body clock reset itself every day. Alternately, use very bright lights when you wake. 6. Can’t sleep? Don’t. If sleep won’t come, don’t try to force it by lying in bed awake. Pick up a book, go watch TV, do something else until you feel tired. Sleeplessness can feed on itself, so don’t worry: go do something. 7. Get comfy. Room temperature that’s too hot or too cold can interrupt sleep or make it tough to fall asleep, so keep your bedroom at a comfortable setting. 8. Still stuck? Get help. If you have persistent problems sleeping, or you always feel tired during the day, then it may be time to see a health care professional. With so many health issues connected to sleep, it’s important not to ignore continuing slumber troubles. VITAJOURNAL l 11


Portion Increasing Size Your Size?


How “portion distortion” overfills our plates; tips to downsize, lose weight, feel great A lot has changed in the last 20 years. In 1988, CDs out-sold vinyl records for the first time... the Dodgers crunched the Oakland A’s in the World Series... and the blueberry muffin you ate one morning was less than one-third the size of today’s version. There’s no question that portion sizes have grown in recent years, and along with them, our waistlines and the health problems that excess weight brings. Since March is National Nutrition Month, it’s a good time to look back at some dramatic examples of just how distorted our portions have become: 20 Years Ago Portion



3” diameter





Spaghetti w/ meatballs

1 cup sauce 3 small meatballs



6.5 ounces


Blueberry muffin

1.5 ounces


Today Portion



6” diameter





Spaghetti w/ meatballs

2 cups sauce 3 large meatballs



20 ounces


Blueberry muffin

5 ounces


Clearly, what we think of as a “normal” portion has gotten bigger and bigger, and it’s one reason so many of us are overweight or obese. When a main dish in a restaurant feeds two or three people, or a “single” snack bag of chips actually holds several servings, no wonder we drag around extra pounds. 12 l March 2008

Dietitians offer these handy cues for realistic serving sizes of popular foods. Remember, each of these food items is one serving:


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