Visual Storytelling Techniques

April 29, 2017 | Author: billie03 | Category: N/A
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Filmmaking: camera movement and film production...


Visual Visual Storytelling Storytelling For Web: Web: Tips And Techniques 

STORYTELL!" In every culture all around the world, storytelling is how people connect with one • another. State-of-the-art technology will change, but state-of-the-heart storytelling will always be the same.  –Sid Ganis, President President of the Academy Academy of otion Picture Picture A!S, A!S, "#th Academy Awards $%%& •

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'hroughout the history, storytelling storytelling has been an important communication tool in  building a community. community. In every culture all around the world, storytelling is how people connect with one another. 'he forms of stories and the media have changed with the shift in digital technologies. And the role of visual messages in the communication process e(panded. 'oday, 'oday, everybody everybody is a potential filmma)er on web than)s to poc)etmedia.

*. Poc)etmedia means + everyone is a communicator, a filmma)er, a ournalist, a content creator, a community organier, a rabble rouser, a message disrupter, a salesperson, a mar)eter, a broadcaster, a narrowcaster./  – 0anson 0osein 1irector - 23 1igital asters 1egreeIndependent 1egreeIndependent filmma)er  

4. Storytelling process Pre-production 5planning6 Production 5shooting6 Post-production 5editing6 

7. #re$production %planning& a)e a research about your topic • 'ranslate thoughts into words • 'ry to write one8two sentences logline for your story, 5a '9 guide description6 3hat is the goal of your story: ;bectives: 'ry to ma)e an outline of your story 3ho is the audience: 3hat is the medium 5distribution channel8s6: 3hat ma)es this story an interesting story: Are there any legal issues or ethical considerations: • ist some possible introduction and endings for your story that will ma)e the audience react the way that you would li)e

&. #roduction %shooting& 'O(#OSTO!

In visual arts, composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements in a wor). It is the organiation of the elements of art according to the principles of art. 5
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