VisiMigrate - Lotus Notes to SharePoint (MOSS) Migration

December 3, 2016 | Author: Visionet Systems, Inc. | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Visionet’s VisiMigrate tool provides automated content migration from Lotus Notes to the Microsoft SharePoint plat...


VisiMigrate Lotus Notes® to SharePoint (MOSS)® Migration Visionet’s VisiMigrate tool provides automated content migration from Lotus Notes to the Microsoft SharePoint platform. VisiMigrate offers out-of-the-box functionality to transform content from common Lotus Notes databases such as document repositories, discussions, and tasks to SharePoint Lists, Document Libraries, and more.

Just Sit Back and Relax! Let VisiMigrate do the work

Automated Content Migration VisiMigrate Lite Along with the Enterprise version, Visionet offers a lite version of the VisiMigrate toolset - VisiMigrate Lite – that provides a thin client based solution for Standard Lotus Notes content over-the-web.

Lotus Notes® and MOSS® are registered trade marks of IBM and Microsoft Corporation.

It provides simplified work management features where the users can select the content to be migrated and VisiMigrate does the rest. Users can even filter for documents and data to be migrated in the process.

VisiMigrate Overview

Supported Platforms

Visionet’s VisiMigrate tool provides automated content migration from Lotus Notes to the Microsoft SharePoint platform. VisiMigrate offers out-of-thebox functionality to transform content from common Lotus Notes databases such as document repositories, discussions, and tasks to SharePoint Lists, Document Libraries, and more.

VisiMigrate Lite supports the following Lotus Notes platforms:

Along with the Enterprise version, Visionet offers a lite version of the VisiMigrate toolset - VisiMigrate Lite – that provides a thin client based solution for Standard Lotus Notes content overthe-web. It provides simplified work management features where the users can select the content to be migrated and VisiMigrate does the rest. Users can even filter for documents and data to be migrated in the process.

Lotus Notes/Domino.doc Lotus QuickPlace/Quickr VisiMigrate Lite supports all standard Lotus Notes Content Types and provides automated mapping to compatible SharePoint content types. A brief list of content types is given below:

Users can override the automatically selected SharePoint template for selected Lotus Notes database Job Monitoring Web-based progress and error reporting Automatic restart and recovery

Standard Notes Templates Document Libraries Discussions Task Lists Memo Data Types Text, Rich Text, etc.


VisiMigrate Lite


VisiMigrate Lite is an integrated webbased solution that offers end-to-end migration processing with minimum administrative effort. VisiMigrate Lite provides over-the-web content transformation and migration facilities in a cost effective and efficient fashion. VisiMigrate can connect to a user’s local Lotus Notes environment to analyze content and offers pre-configured SharePoint site and content templates to migrate content to SharePoint.


VisiMigrate allows the user to select and filter available Lotus Notes databases for migration. These selected databases are analyzed and automatically mapped to appropriate SharePoint sites. VisiMigrate automatically creates the target SharePoint site, if one does not exist, or allows the user to select an existing SharePoint target site. The target SharePoint site is extended to accommodate the Lotus Notes document characteristics that do not normally exist in the SharePoint environment. Selected documents and items are extracted from Lotus Notes and are transformed into the SharePoint data formats which are then loaded into the SharePoint site.

for documents/data selection SharePoint site templates selection

Pages Forms Document Response Response To Response Template Name $$Return AuthenticationFa Views Folders

In the case that a migration job fails, VisiMigrate can perform automated error recovery and resume the data transfer to seamlessly complete the migration process.

Front-end Web server Single Web application hosting one or more site collections Site Collection Department Home (top-level Web site) Project A (subsite) Project B (subsite) Document Library Additional site collections, as required

Shared Code Shared Resources Other

Work Management Features VisiMigrate Lite provides simplified work management features where users only have to select the content to be migrated. During the process, users can even filter for documents and data to be migrated while VisiMigrate does the rest. Lotus Notes Content Selection Allows the user to migrate all Lotus Notes database contents or to filter

VisiMigrate Enterprise VisiMigrate Enterprise extends the basic Lotus Notes to SharePoint content migration functions offered by VisiMigrate Lite to include features that require granular control over the data and documents migration process. VisiMigrate Enterprise contains a suite of tools that can be used by IT professionals individually to accomplish an atomic task such as extracting user security information from the Lotus Notes platform, or strung together using a script to automate the steps required for migration.

Architecture VisiMigrate Lotus Notes

Notes Connection Component

Notes Server


Connection Component

Notes Client

Client File Server

SP Connection Component

SP Site

Source/Target Selection

Client MOSS

Notes DB SP Site Collection

Migration Options Customer Mappings

Structure Elements Data Extraction


VisiMigrate Enterprise tools/components are completely installed in the customer’s environment using automated setup. These tools can then be utilized by the IT professionals to define and run content migration jobs in their environment.

VisiMigrate Enterprise features Support Platforms Lotus Notes/Domino.doc Lotus QuickPlace/Quickr Windows File System In addition to Lotus Notes documents and data, the enterprise edition also supports content migration from standard Windows based file servers and

Filtered Data

Job Scheduler

Notes Component Content Selection

Structure Elements

Visi Mapper

Structure Elements

Filtered Data

Filtered Data


User Profiles

network shares. Migration of security information from theses document shares is also supported. Supported Content Types Standard Notes Templates Document Libraries Discussions Task Lists Memo

Customized Notes Templates One of the vexing issues with migrating Lotus Notes content to the SharePoint environment is the existence of customized Lotus Notes databases that either do not use standard Lotus Notes database templates or considerably extend their functionality.

SharePoint Component Site Creation

Data Upload

Security Settings

List/Doc Lib


Client Ad

Such Lotus Notes applications range from small departmental applications that interface with Enterprise transaction systems to organization wide utility applications. Most of these applications are built using the initial version of Lotus Notes and employ legacy technology that is not Internet enabled and often do not make use of the workflow concept. With the advent of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007), the SharePoint Designer tool and the .Net based extensible architecture of SharePoint lends itself to developing user friendly, web-based and workflow enabled applications that can take advantage of the Microsoft toolsets to integrate these applications with the Enterprise transaction systems.

VisiMigrate provides extensive data selection and migration features that allow the users to create and extend SharePoint Lists that will house the transactional data migrated from Lotus Notes and also allows the users to select from available SharePoint form templates so that the user interface components also get migrated to the SharePoint platform. Some custom applications require customized business logic and rich GUI controls to properly offer a usable screen interface to the users. Visionet provides cost effective SharePoint forms customization services to accommodate migration of such complex Lotus Notes applications. Visionet has successfully utilized HTML 2.0 features such as AJAX to offer contemporary user interfaces for legacy Lotus Notes applications that use the full power of native SharePoint applications and contain legacy business logic resulting in easier and cost effective platform migration.

Advanced Work Management Features Role Based Access Allows role definition of system administrators and program operators where systems administrators have the capability to define migration scripts, create form templates and control data mappings between the Lotus Notes and SharePoint platforms, and the operators can only execute migration jobs.

Batch and On-Demand Modes VisiMigrate allows the system administrator to define batch jobs that can be run multiple times based on a schedule. Job specifications allow the administrators to configure data mappings to be used for content migration. VisiMigrate also allows testing and ondemand execution of migration jobs.

Visionet Systems Inc. East Coast Office: 3 Cedarbrook Drive Cranbury, NJ 08512 Phone: 609-452-0700 - Ext: 1116 Fax: 609-655-5232

VSI and the VSI logo are registered trademarks of Visionet Systems Inc. Copyright © 2009 Visionet Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

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