Virtual Realities

February 3, 2019 | Author: Yzzabel Denise L. Tolentino | Category: Virtual Reality, Reality, Technology, Computing And Information Technology, Leisure
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Short Description





Virtual reality is an artifcial environment that is created with sotware and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belie and accepts it as a real environment. On a computer, virtual reality is primarily experienced through two o the fve senses: sight and sound.  The simplest orm o virtual reality is a 3! image that can be explored interactively at a personal computer, usually by manipulating "eys or the mouse so that the content o the image moves in some direction or #ooms in or out. $ore sophisticated e%orts involve such approaches as wraparound display screens, actual rooms augmented with wearable computers, and haptics devices that let you eel the display images.

&irtual reality can be divided into:  The simulation o a real environment or training and education.  The development o an imagined environment or a game or interactive story. • •



FlickerFadeGone by Carljoe Javier

Summary •

 A seven year old lile !oy "as "al#in$ do"n %e sree "i% %is &a%er "en in %rou$% %e aisles o& an ar'ade &ull o& !oys %un'%in$ over %e ma'%ines a((in$ a"ay a %e !uons and s"in$in$ )oysi'#s* %eir !odies "isin$ on ea'% o& %e $ames+ r%y%ms %ey are (layin$, -is &a%er (lays s(a'e invaders* !u %e died .ui'#ly, -is &a%er (u in a ne" .uarer* !u %e died a$ain* %en ano%er se o& $ame, On %is las $ame* %e 'oin slo  )ammed, So* %is &a%er "en o %e sore #ee(er,

T%e sore#ee(er "ore a nylon ne'#la'e and #eys %an$in$ on i, T%e sore#ee(er a#e %e ne'#la'e o/ and (u %e #ey ino %e %ole and 01* %e ma'%ine sared u( a$ain, -e 'ould sill remem!er %e ma'%ine and "%a %e &el "%en %e $ame sared, T%e man 'onrols all %e $ames* (o"er and (leasure o %is %and or on %a ne'#la'e "i% #eys, T%e only %in$ %e 'ouldn+ remem!er "as "%a %e man loo#ed li#e, T%en* %e !oy used o dream o& disa((earin$, -e2s &a'in$ %e mirror and ryin$ o disa((ear, Firs* %e used o sare a %is re3e'ion a %e mirror and %en %e ima$ine %a %is re3e'ion disa((ears, T%a %e "as no lon$er %ere,

For %is mo%er 'au$% %im sarin$ a %e mirror alone* as#s %im "%y is %e doin$ %a, T%en* %e e1(lains %e reason "%y as %is mo%er $ra!s %is ear and (ull %im ou o& %e %ouse and en'oura$e %im o min$le "i% %e #ids ouside %a are in realiy are loud* ro"dy and rou$%, 4e'ause o& %e "ay %e #ids rea %im* %e &ound %is sel& as some!ody inside %e loud ma'%ines o& %e ar'ade, -e &el %e $lim(se o& %im as a real (erson in %e ele'roni' "orld,

W%en %e res o& %is &amily mi$raed* %e dro((ed ou o& s'%ool and sared "or# as %e s%o(#ee(er o& %e ar'ade, -e !e'ame %e maser o& %e #ey %e %ad !een lon$in$ &or sin'e %is 0rs visi o %e ar'ade, -e lived a li&e 'enered in %e ar'ade saion unil %e me %is 56rin'ess Toadsool7, S%e is a usual ar'ade visior %a $oes every Sunday "i% %er &amily, S%e "as %e reason "%y %e $uy "as !rou$% !a'# o %e "orld, -e '%an$ed %is (ers(e'ive a!ou !ein$ a su(er%ero no only inside %ose loud ma'%ines !u %e (ossi!iliy o& (orrayin$ i in

T%is y(i'al Friday 'ame* and 6rin'ess Toadsool o$e%er "i% %is &riends 'ame, An in'iden %a((ened inside %e ar'ade "%ere %e !oy "i% 6rin'ess Toadsool* also #no"n as Kin$ Koo(a in %e !oys (ers(e'ive* sared 'allin$ %e $irl s8(9d* a "ase o& ime* and a misa#e o %un$ ou "i%, A %e same momen* %e saved %e (rin'ess !y $ra!!in$ Kin$ Koo(a+s 'ollar and leadin$ %im ou o& %e ar'ade, T%e $irl %an#ed %im,

 A&er %a day* %e did no (lay $ames, On Sunday* %e $irl "en in "i% %er !ro%ers, T%e !oy &el disa((oined as %e $irl did no even noi'e and remem!er %is $ood deed las ime "%en %e "as 01in$ %e ma'%ine "%ere %e $irl is (layin$, -e &el so do"n and alone and %in# %a (eo(le only noi'e %im !e'ause o& %e #ey %e+s "earin$ %a %as %e 'a(a!iliy in 01in$ %ose slo ma'%ines in %e ar'ade, 4y %is %e realied %a %e #ey is %is (ersonaliy !e'ause (eo(le only a((roa'% %im "%en %ey needed urn o& %e #ey li#e "%a %e remem!ered "%en %e "as youn$* %e only remem!ered %e #ey !u no %e %older;(erson "%o+s o"nin$ i,

  -e (layed a$ain* "aied unil %e "as alone, -is &a'e !e$an &adin$ a"ay "aied unil i %ad disa((eared, T%e mornin$ 'ame* %e $uard sa" %e $un %an$in$ &rom is ar'ade ma'%ine and also %e $uard sa" %e 'o(y o& %e ar'ade+s maser #ey, Even %e o"ner doesn+ remem!ered "%a %e !oy loo#ed li#e, T%e ar'ade+s o"ner re(la'ed one o& %e ma'%ine !e'ause i "ouldn+ a''e( o#ens and %e dis(lay &ollo"in$ a disin' r%y%m: !an$* !an$* !an$* reload, T%is "as a'ually %is r%y%m* %is o"n r%y%m %e made only on %is mind,

 Analysis 'lic"er 'ade (one concentrated on a boy)s story that has been addicted to arcade or video games. This story is about see"ing our comort #one with someone or something. *t  +ust chanced that that boy ound that someone, his comort #one into an arcade game or video games.  The arcade became the boy)s world where he can ft in, a place where he can easily extend his wings and y with no uncertainties, a place where in he can passionately articulate his sel with no rules and limitations, a place he can command everything what he wants. -s i he went into another aspect, an aspect wherein he is so potent and he is the boss, an aspect di%erent rom the dimension o reality. e en+oyed every moment he had on playing those video games, because it is his perect time to unwind, to escape rom the reality and to be ree rom the stress and problems he has on the real world. e elt enormous and /somebody0 every time he plays those video games because it)s the opposite o the reality, the reality wherein he elt small to this big world, as i nobody cares or him, nobody could notice him. e1s li"e a thin air passing through us. e eels invisible and worthless. That1s why the world o arcade is very important to him, because or him, it)s the only thing that he had.  The moral o this story is that it)s not bad that sometimes in our lie that we dream to live in a antasy world, we are considering ourselves to be a princess living in a wonderul


ow is &irtual 4eality depicted on the story5

 Ans"er: •

In %e sory* 5Fli'#erFade?one7 !y @arl)oe avier* al#s a $amer+s (oin o&  vie", I s%o"s %o" &anasies di/ers &rom %e realiy, In %e sory* virual realiy* "%en %e !oy realied %a "%a %e dream in %e 5virual realiy7 "ill never !e'ome real, -e realied %a "%en %e #ne" %a (eo(le never really #ne" %im a all* %e "as #no"n as %e $uy "%o %old %e #eys* o 0nd %e )ammed 'oins in %e $amin$ ma'%ines, I al#s a!ou %o" virual realiy a/e's a (erson on %o" %e so'ialies "i% o%er (eo(le* %a video $ames are no $ood &or (eo(le !e'ause i s%a(es our mind o !elieve %a %e 5&anasy7 "orld is %e 5real7 "orld, T%e !oy realied %a %e $ra(%i' "orld "as no &or %im* %a %e s%ould sar 01in$ %is li&e and so'ialie "i% o%er (eo(le* so %e didn+ 'ome !a'# o %e ar'ade,


ow technology 6i.e. video games7 a%ects the thin"ing and behavior o the youth5

 Ans"er: Videos has a lot of advantages and disadvantages that a person can get. How it will help and not help a person behavior especially in socializing with other people. dvantages! •

Helps a person a person thinks creative ways to achieve one"s goal in the ga#e or solve puzzles and other proble#s in short bursts. Helps i#prove a person"s analytical thinking. Helps a person i#prove his hand$eye coordination% &nd #otor and spatial skills. Helps a person in #ultitasking% si#ultaneous tracking of #any shifting variables and #anaging #ultiple objectives. '#proves a person"s perseverance% wherein a person never gives up% keeps on trying until he succeeds. 't helps a person to i#prove his or her #e#ory% especially in #e#orizing codes or places while playing in the ga#e.

,isadvantages! •

 person is introduced to violence% which a ga#e contains. 't #akes a person behave e#phatically.

 person is isolated% worsening his ability to socialize

 person tends to be aggressive.

Videos ga#es teaches children the wrong values.

Ga#es confuses people the sense of r eality fro# fantasy.

-ad eects on children"s health that leads to obesity% skeletal disorders% and etc. Children is vulnerable to bad language and bad behaviors showed in the ga#es ddiction

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