Virtual Realities
Short Description
Virtual reality is an artifcial environment that is created with sotware and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belie and accepts it as a real environment. On a computer, virtual reality is primarily experienced through two o the fve senses: sight and sound. The simplest orm o virtual reality is a 3! image that can be explored interactively at a personal computer, usually by manipulating "eys or the mouse so that the content o the image moves in some direction or #ooms in or out. $ore sophisticated e%orts involve such approaches as wraparound display screens, actual rooms augmented with wearable computers, and haptics devices that let you eel the display images.
&irtual reality can be divided into: The simulation o a real environment or training and education. The development o an imagined environment or a game or interactive story. • •
FlickerFadeGone by Carljoe Javier
Summary •
A seven year old lile !oy "as "al#in$ do"n %e sree "i% %is &a%er "en in %rou$% %e aisles o& an ar'ade &ull o& !oys %un'%in$ over %e ma'%ines a((in$ a"ay a %e !uons and s"in$in$ )oysi'#s* %eir !odies "isin$ on ea'% o& %e $ames+ r%y%ms %ey are (layin$, -is &a%er (lays s(a'e invaders* !u %e died .ui'#ly, -is &a%er (u in a ne" .uarer* !u %e died a$ain* %en ano%er se o& $ame, On %is las $ame* %e 'oin slo )ammed, So* %is &a%er "en o %e sore #ee(er,
T%e sore#ee(er "ore a nylon ne'#la'e and #eys %an$in$ on i, T%e sore#ee(er a#e %e ne'#la'e o/ and (u %e #ey ino %e %ole and 01* %e ma'%ine sared u( a$ain, -e 'ould sill remem!er %e ma'%ine and "%a %e &el "%en %e $ame sared, T%e man 'onrols all %e $ames* (o"er and (leasure o %is %and or on %a ne'#la'e "i% #eys, T%e only %in$ %e 'ouldn+ remem!er "as "%a %e man loo#ed li#e, T%en* %e !oy used o dream o& disa((earin$, -e2s &a'in$ %e mirror and ryin$ o disa((ear, Firs* %e used o sare a %is re3e'ion a %e mirror and %en %e ima$ine %a %is re3e'ion disa((ears, T%a %e "as no lon$er %ere,
For %is mo%er 'au$% %im sarin$ a %e mirror alone* as#s %im "%y is %e doin$ %a, T%en* %e e1(lains %e reason "%y as %is mo%er $ra!s %is ear and (ull %im ou o& %e %ouse and en'oura$e %im o min$le "i% %e #ids ouside %a are in realiy are loud* ro"dy and rou$%, 4e'ause o& %e "ay %e #ids rea %im* %e &ound %is sel& as some!ody inside %e loud ma'%ines o& %e ar'ade, -e &el %e $lim(se o& %im as a real (erson in %e ele'roni' "orld,
W%en %e res o& %is &amily mi$raed* %e dro((ed ou o& s'%ool and sared "or# as %e s%o(#ee(er o& %e ar'ade, -e !e'ame %e maser o& %e #ey %e %ad !een lon$in$ &or sin'e %is 0rs visi o %e ar'ade, -e lived a li&e 'enered in %e ar'ade saion unil %e me %is 56rin'ess Toadsool7, S%e is a usual ar'ade visior %a $oes every Sunday "i% %er &amily, S%e "as %e reason "%y %e $uy "as !rou$% !a'# o %e "orld, -e '%an$ed %is (ers(e'ive a!ou !ein$ a su(er%ero no only inside %ose loud ma'%ines !u %e (ossi!iliy o& (orrayin$ i in
T%is y(i'al Friday 'ame* and 6rin'ess Toadsool o$e%er "i% %is &riends 'ame, An in'iden %a((ened inside %e ar'ade "%ere %e !oy "i% 6rin'ess Toadsool* also #no"n as Kin$ Koo(a in %e !oys (ers(e'ive* sared 'allin$ %e $irl s8(9d* a "ase o& ime* and a misa#e o %un$ ou "i%, A %e same momen* %e saved %e (rin'ess !y $ra!!in$ Kin$ Koo(a+s 'ollar and leadin$ %im ou o& %e ar'ade, T%e $irl %an#ed %im,
A&er %a day* %e did no (lay $ames, On Sunday* %e $irl "en in "i% %er !ro%ers, T%e !oy &el disa((oined as %e $irl did no even noi'e and remem!er %is $ood deed las ime "%en %e "as 01in$ %e ma'%ine "%ere %e $irl is (layin$, -e &el so do"n and alone and %in# %a (eo(le only noi'e %im !e'ause o& %e #ey %e+s "earin$ %a %as %e 'a(a!iliy in 01in$ %ose slo ma'%ines in %e ar'ade, 4y %is %e realied %a %e #ey is %is (ersonaliy !e'ause (eo(le only a((roa'% %im "%en %ey needed urn o& %e #ey li#e "%a %e remem!ered "%en %e "as youn$* %e only remem!ered %e #ey !u no %e %older;(erson "%o+s o"nin$ i,
-e (layed a$ain* "aied unil %e "as alone, -is &a'e !e$an &adin$ a"ay "aied unil i %ad disa((eared, T%e mornin$ 'ame* %e $uard sa" %e $un %an$in$ &rom is ar'ade ma'%ine and also %e $uard sa" %e 'o(y o& %e ar'ade+s maser #ey, Even %e o"ner doesn+ remem!ered "%a %e !oy loo#ed li#e, T%e ar'ade+s o"ner re(la'ed one o& %e ma'%ine !e'ause i "ouldn+ a''e( o#ens and %e dis(lay &ollo"in$ a disin' r%y%m: !an$* !an$* !an$* reload, T%is "as a'ually %is r%y%m* %is o"n r%y%m %e made only on %is mind,
Analysis 'lic"er 'ade (one concentrated on a boy)s story that has been addicted to arcade or video games. This story is about see"ing our comort #one with someone or something. *t +ust chanced that that boy ound that someone, his comort #one into an arcade game or video games. The arcade became the boy)s world where he can ft in, a place where he can easily extend his wings and y with no uncertainties, a place where in he can passionately articulate his sel with no rules and limitations, a place he can command everything what he wants. -s i he went into another aspect, an aspect wherein he is so potent and he is the boss, an aspect di%erent rom the dimension o reality. e en+oyed every moment he had on playing those video games, because it is his perect time to unwind, to escape rom the reality and to be ree rom the stress and problems he has on the real world. e elt enormous and /somebody0 every time he plays those video games because it)s the opposite o the reality, the reality wherein he elt small to this big world, as i nobody cares or him, nobody could notice him. e1s li"e a thin air passing through us. e eels invisible and worthless. That1s why the world o arcade is very important to him, because or him, it)s the only thing that he had. The moral o this story is that it)s not bad that sometimes in our lie that we dream to live in a antasy world, we are considering ourselves to be a princess living in a wonderul
ow is &irtual 4eality depicted on the story5
Ans"er: •
In %e sory* 5Fli'#erFade?one7 !y @arl)oe avier* al#s a $amer+s (oin o& vie", I s%o"s %o" &anasies di/ers &rom %e realiy, In %e sory* virual realiy* "%en %e !oy realied %a "%a %e dream in %e 5virual realiy7 "ill never !e'ome real, -e realied %a "%en %e #ne" %a (eo(le never really #ne" %im a all* %e "as #no"n as %e $uy "%o %old %e #eys* o 0nd %e )ammed 'oins in %e $amin$ ma'%ines, I al#s a!ou %o" virual realiy a/e's a (erson on %o" %e so'ialies "i% o%er (eo(le* %a video $ames are no $ood &or (eo(le !e'ause i s%a(es our mind o !elieve %a %e 5&anasy7 "orld is %e 5real7 "orld, T%e !oy realied %a %e $ra(%i' "orld "as no &or %im* %a %e s%ould sar 01in$ %is li&e and so'ialie "i% o%er (eo(le* so %e didn+ 'ome !a'# o %e ar'ade,
ow technology 6i.e. video games7 a%ects the thin"ing and behavior o the youth5
Ans"er: Videos has a lot of advantages and disadvantages that a person can get. How it will help and not help a person behavior especially in socializing with other people. dvantages! •
Helps a person a person thinks creative ways to achieve one"s goal in the ga#e or solve puzzles and other proble#s in short bursts. Helps i#prove a person"s analytical thinking. Helps a person i#prove his hand$eye coordination% &nd #otor and spatial skills. Helps a person in #ultitasking% si#ultaneous tracking of #any shifting variables and #anaging #ultiple objectives. '#proves a person"s perseverance% wherein a person never gives up% keeps on trying until he succeeds. 't helps a person to i#prove his or her #e#ory% especially in #e#orizing codes or places while playing in the ga#e.
,isadvantages! •
person is introduced to violence% which a ga#e contains. 't #akes a person behave e#phatically.
person is isolated% worsening his ability to socialize
person tends to be aggressive.
Videos ga#es teaches children the wrong values.
Ga#es confuses people the sense of r eality fro# fantasy.
-ad eects on children"s health that leads to obesity% skeletal disorders% and etc. Children is vulnerable to bad language and bad behaviors showed in the ga#es ddiction
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