Virtual I_O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh_perl scripting
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Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
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December 7, 2010 12:54 pm
Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands by admin in AIX
Initialize the LPAR Configuration : # mkgencfg -o init [OS] Software Management :
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To display VIO Server level:
NIM SSH Printing filesystem
# ioslevel
login Error
To update the IOS software:
backup mksysb HACMP lvm LDAP ODM
command NPIV debug jfs2
# updateios –dev /update -
To installs a new filesets (mainly used for TL updates):
powerha Oracle Boot VIO network Remove GPFS recovery SEA Shell CDE VG paging-space
# updateios –dev /cd0 -install -accept
security NFS Migration restore
performance IBM AIX tcpip process WPAR NIC
To commit all applied :
# updateios –commit
# backupios –cd /dev/cd1 -udf
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To take the OS backup in a tape drive :
To rejects all uncommitted updates : # updateios –reject To clean all incomplete pieces of the previous installation : # updateios –clean To remove a fileset : # updateios –remove fileset_name To take the OS backup in a CD ROM : # backupios –cd /dev/cd1 -cdformat To take the OS backup in a DVD-RAM :
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# backupios –tape /dev/rmt0 Just verifies the backup available in a tape : # backupios –tape /dev/rmt0 -verify Generates backup to a file. No user VGs are -nosvg back’d up : # backupios –file /opt/file1 To display the underlying AIX OS version : # oem_platform_level[22-Jan-11 9:46:52 PM]
Recent Posts Getting Status Information about an HACMP Cluster 6 Expect Script Examples to learn expect. IBM General Parallel File System – an Overview Working with MPIO, SDDPCM, SDD and SAN boot Enabling WebSphere Application Server applications for PowerHA Smart Assist Clean Up Alternate Disk Volume
Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
To open a non-restricted root shell : # oem_setup_env This shell is used mainly for the installation of vendor software such as device drivers. Remote Management : To enable remote_management using NIM master : # remote_management nim1 To disable remote management : # remote_management –disable License Management: To display the current license :
Group Encrypted Files and Permission Modes Checking Stale Partitions During LVM Mirror Operation Upgrading to HMC v7r3.5 from lower versions of HMC v7 Remotely ldd command error ‘Cannot find’ is missing shared library name Can LDAP users use ‘newgrp’ command to switch to a different primary group? A regular user can ssh but is unable to sftp into an AIX machine Enhanced HMC Password Policies Oracle Database Cross Platform Migration to AIX What are the maximum distances for various FC speeds and cable media?
# license –view To accept the license :
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# license –accept To view if the license has been accepted : # license Software Management: To list all the installed software : # lssw To list all the installed software and their history # lssw –hist Management of Virtual Terminals: To open a virtual terminal for partition with id 2 : # mkvt –id To close a virtual terminal for a partition with id 2 : # rmvt –id 2 Device Management: To change the attribute of a device permanently. # chdev -dev scsi0 -attr -perm Sometimes it reboots the system if perm is used To disable the path between hdisk1 and scsi0 : # chpath -dev hdisk1 -pdev scsi0 -op disable To configures the devices in the VIO server : # cfgdev To configures the devices attached to scsi0 adapter : # cfgdev –dev To unconfigure the cd-rom device : # rmdev –dev cd0 To unconfigure scsi adapter and its child devices : # rmdev –recursive –dev scsi1 To unconfigures the children of pci1 but not the PCI bus pci1 : # rmdev –pdev pci1[22-Jan-11 9:46:52 PM]
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Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
Management of Virtual/Shared Devices: To create a virtual target device that maps lv20 as a virtual disk for a client partition hosted by the vhost0 virtual server adapter : # mkvdev -vdev lv20 -vadapter vhost0 Same as above except here hdisk is used instead of a logical volume : # mkvdev -vdev hdisk6 -vadapter vhost2 To create a SEA that maps the physical Ethernet adapter ent4 as a virtual adapter for the client partitions served by the virtual Ethernet adapters ent6 and ent7, using ent6 as the default adapter and 8 as the default id : # mkvdev -sea ent4 -vadapter ent6,ent7 -default ent6 -defaultid 8 To remove a virtual target device vtscsi9 along with its backing lv : # rmvdev –vdev vtscsi9 – To remove all virtual target device associated with backing device lv001 : # rmvdev –vdev lv001 To remove a specific virtual target device : # rmvdev –vtd vtscsi10 List Device Mapping: To list all virtual target devices and backing devices mapped to virtual server adapter vhost2 : # lsmap -vadapter vhost2 To list SEA and physical device mapped to virtual Ethernet Adapter ent4 : # lsmap -vadapter ent4 –net To list all virtual target devices and backing devices where backing devices are of type LV : # lsmap -all -type lv To list all network mapping : # lsmap –all –net How to list Devices : To display all the devices : # lsdev To display all the virtual devices : # lsdev –virtual To display all the virtual adapters : # lsdev –type adapter –virtual To display all the slots : # lsdev –slot s To display all the adapters : # lsdev –type adapter Few other device types: disk, lv, optical, tape, tty To list all physical Ethernet adapters and Etherchannel available for creating a SEA : # lsdev –type ent4sea[22-Jan-11 9:46:52 PM]
Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
To list all virtual Ethernet adapters available for creating a SEA : # lsdev –type ven4sea To list all adapters over which ip address can be configured : # lsdev –type ent4ip To display parent device of a device : # lsdev –dev hdisk0 – To list disks names and physical location alone : # lsdev -type disk -field name physloc Logical Volume Manager : Volume Group To create a vg on hdisk1 : # mkvg -vg newvg hdisk1 To drain I/O’s for a vg and suspends future I/O’s : # chvg -suspend vg03 To resume normal I/O operations for a vg : # chvg -resume vg03 Unlock a VG if left in a locked state by abnormal termination of another lvm operation : # chvg -unlock vg03 To add a physical volume to a volume group : # extendvg vg3 hdisk3 To remove a PV from a VG : # reducevg vg01 hdisk1 To remove a PV and all residing LVs from a VG with no confirmation : # reducevg –rmlv –f vg01 To activate a vg : # activatevg vg03 To deactivate a vg : # deactivatevg vg03 To mirror the VIO Server’s rootvg to hdisk4 and reboots VIO Server : # mirrorios –force hdisk4 To mirror the VIO Server’s rootvg to hdisk4 but don’t reboot the server : # mirrorios –defer hdisk4 To remove the rootvg mirror from hdisk4 : # unmirrorios hdisk4 To import a VG from hdisk07 : # importvg –vg vg001 hdisk07 To export a VG : # exportvg vg3 Note: Volume Group containing a paging space can’t be exported To sync a VG : # syncvg –vg vg01[22-Jan-11 9:46:52 PM]
Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
To sync a LV : # syncvg –lv lv001 To sync a PV : # syncvg –pv hdisk4 hdisk5 To redefine a VG based on the VGDA from hdisk04 : # redefvg –dev hdisk04 Logical Volume : To create a logical volume of size 1MB in vg01 : # mklv –lv lv001 vg01 1M hdisk1 To create a logical volume with mirror in place in vg01 of size 1GB : # mklv –mirror vg01 1G To extend an LV by 3MB : # extendlv lv01 3M To extend an LV by 1GB with space taken from hdisk5 : # extendlv lv01 1G hdisk5 To remove a logical volume : # rmlv lv05 To display the properties of a logical volume : # lslv lv03 To display info about LV by Physical volume : # lslv –pv lv03 To display LVs that can be used as backing devices : # lslv –free To make a copy for lv01 in hdisk03 : # mklvcopy lv01 hdisk03 To remove lv01’s copy from hdisk03 : # rmlvcopy lv01 hdisk03 To copy the contents of lv01 to lv02 : # cplv lv01 lv02 To copy the contents of lv01 to a new lv in vg01 : # cplv –vg vg01 lv01 To change the name of oldlv to newlv : # chlv –lv newlv oldlv Physical Volume To display all physical volumes in the system : # lspv To display the status and characteristics of hdisk03 : # lspv hdisk03 To list all the available PVs used as virtual SCSI backing devices : # lspv –avail To list PVs that can be used as virtual SCSI backing devices and are not currently a backing device :[22-Jan-11 9:46:52 PM]
Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
# lspv –free To move physical partitions from hdisk1 to hdisk2 : # migratepv hdisk1 hdisk2 To move physical partitions in lv01 from hdisk1 to hdisk2 : # migratepv –lv lv01 hdisk1 hdisk2 Storage Pool Management: To create storage pool “client_data” using hdisk3 hdisk4 hdisk3 and hdisk4 : # mksp -f client_data To set client_data storage pool as default : # chsp –default client_data To list all storage pools : # lssp To list the default storage pool : # lssp –default To list the backing device in rootvg storage pool : # lssp –bd –sp rootvg To attach a storage from a storage pool to a Virtual SCSI adapter: # mkbdsp -bd lv001 -vadapter vthost2 -tn vtscsi9 To removes storage from a Virtual SCSI adapter, and removes the backing device : # rmbdsp –bd lv001 To remove storage from a Virtual SCSI adapter, And makes sure backing device is not deleted : # rmbdsp –bd lv001 -savebd To removes storage from a Virtual SCSI adapter, and removes the backing device : # rmbdsp –vtd vtscsi9 To removes storage from a Virtual SCSI adapter. and makes sure backing device is not deleted : # rmbdsp –vtd vtscsi8 -savebd Network Configuration : TCP/IP Configation: To configure tcpip on a network interface : # mktcpip -hostname sys01vio2 -inetaddr -interface en2 netmask -gateway -nsrvdomain start To display the stored tcp/ip configuration in the system : # lstcpip –stored To display ethernet adapters on the system : # lstcpip –adapters To display the system hostname : # lstcpip –hostname To display DNS name servers in search order and domain name :[22-Jan-11 9:46:52 PM]
Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
# lstcpip –namesrv To display the routing table : # lstcpip –routtable To display routing table in numeric output instead of hostname : # lsctpip –num –routtable To display all the open inet sockets : # lstcpip –sockets –family inet To display the status of all configured interfaces : # lstcpip –state To remove all TCP/IP configuration : # rmtcpip –all To unconfigure tcpip in en0: # rmtcpip –interface en0 To cleanup static routing table : # rmtcpip –f -routing To remove IP information from en0 after reboot : # rmtcpip –f –interface en0 -nextboot To remove DNS information and clears the hosts file : # rmcpip –namesrv Managing IP address-to-host name Mapping Entries: To add IP address-to-host name mapping entry : # hostmap -addr -host alpha To list all IP address-to-host name mapping entries : # hostmap –ls To delete the IP address-to-host name mapping entry : # hostmap-rm Managing Network Services: To enable all the network services : # startnetsvc ALL To enable the telnet daemon : # startnetsvc telnet To enable the ftp daemon : # startnetsvc ftp To enable the ssh daemon : # startnetsvc ssh To enable the ldap daemon : # startnetsvc ldap To enable the cimserver daemon : # startnetsvc cimserver To enable the xntpd daemon : # startnetsvc xntpd To send CLI tracing details to the system log :[22-Jan-11 9:46:52 PM]
Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
# startnetsvc tracelog To send system error to the system log : # startnetsvc errorlog To disable all the network services :
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# stopnetsvc ALL To disable the telnet daemon : # stopnetsvc telnet To disable the ftp daemon : # stopnetsvc ftp To disable the ssh daemon : # stopnetsvc ssh To disable the ldap daemon : # stopnetsvc ldap To disable the cimserver daemon : # stopnetsvc cimserver To disable the xntpd daemon :
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stopnetsvc xntpd To stop sending CLI tracing details to system log : # stopnetsvc tracelog To stop sending system error log to the system log :[22-Jan-11 9:46:52 PM]
Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
# stopnetsvc errorlog To display the status of ftp network service : # lsnetsvc ftp Managing DNS, Domain and Search Order Entries: To add a domain entry : # cfgnamesrv -add -dname To add a name server entry : # cfgnamesrv –add -ipaddr To display all the DNS entries : # cfgnamesrv -ls Network Tuning Parameters: To display the maximum size of the mbuf pool : # optimizenet –get thewall To set a machine as internet work router over TCP/IP networks : # optimizenet –set ipforwarding=1 To display information on udp_recvspace : # optimizenet –h udp_recvspace Network Monitoring: To display all the statistics, including the device- specific statistics : # entstat ent0 To reset all the statistics back to their initial values : # entstat –reset ent0 To display the route to a particular host : # traceroute System Monitoring : To display the summary of current system activity : # sysstat To display the system statistics : # topas System Management Commands: To halt the operating system : # shutdown To halt the operating system forcibly : # shutdown –force To reboot the vio server : # shutdown –restart To invalidate the boot list for service mode : # bootlist -mode service –rm To display the boot list for service mode : # bootlist -mode service –ls To set the boot list for normal mode : # bootlist –more normal hdisk0[22-Jan-11 9:46:52 PM]
Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
To display the complete detailed error report : # errlog –ls To remove all the error log entries : # errlog –rm 0 To remove the error log entries older than 5 days : # errlog –rm 5 To change the system date and time : # chdate -day 12 -month 10 -year 2004 -hour 16 -minute 30 To change the language for the entire system to French Canadian : # chlang -lang fr_CA To display available languages : # chlang –ls To perform hardware problem determination and maintenance : # diagmenu To generate report on microcode levels of all the devices : # invscout –report To display the vpd survey of the partition : # invscout –vpd To append the current MOTD [Message Of The Day] : # motd –append “Message” To overwrite MOTD : # motd –overwrite -file filename To do the initial configuration of VIO Server : # cfgassist It is like configuration assitant in AIX. To do filesystem scan : # fsck /dev/lv01 To display exported (nfs) directories on a remote server : # showmount hostname To start system dump on the primary device : # startsysdump To display continuous disk report on disk1 at 2sec interval : # viostat -disk disk1 2 To display adapter throughput reports : # viostat –adapter To display system and adapter throughput reports : # viostat –sys –adapter To gather system info and to store it in the floppy disk : # snap -general -dev /dev/rfd0 To display microcode levels of all devices : # lsfware –all Managing Agents:[22-Jan-11 9:46:52 PM]
Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
To start an agent : # startsvc agent_name To stop an agent: # stopsvc agent_name To display an agent’s configuration information : # lssvc agent_name To display all the available agents : # lssvc To display the attributes associated with ITSM_base agent : # cfgsvc –ls ITM_base To display the ITM_base agent ssh public key : # cfgsvc -key ITM_base User Management: To create a user : # mkuser To change an attribute of a user : # chuser To display the properties of a user : # lsuser To remove a user from the system : # rmuser To set/reset password for a user : # passwd Security Commands: To display all failed logins : # lsfailedlogin To display the contents of global command log : # lsgcl To displays high system settings : # viosecure -level high To apply all of the high system settings to the system : # viosecure -level high –apply To displays the current system settings : # viosecure –view To allow IP activity on the ftp-data, ftp, ssh, www, https, rmc, and cimon ports, and to deny other IP activity : # viosecure –firewall on To enable IP activity on all ports : # viosecure –firewall off To display the list of allowed ports : # viosecure -firewall view tags: command, VIOS, Virtual-I/O-Server
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Virtual I/O Server(VIOS) useful commands « AIX Solaris HPUX UNIX Linux system storage administration ksh/perl scripting
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