Virata Vs NG Wee

September 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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\orata vs. Be U`` (4915) Wukkary Gas`s> 

\orata vs. Be U``

Wudn`gt > Be U`` os tf` T`ac Yarty ob Obt`r`st (caw Wudn`gt> (caw ml tf` gas` hmgtrob`): gas`  hmgtrob`): Be U`` sugg`ssluccy stat`h a gaus` ml agtomb das`h mb a fypmtf`togac ahkos ahkossomb somb ml tf` acc`eatombs acc`eatombs ob fos gmkpcaobt gmkpcaobt abh das`h mb t`stokmboac `voh`bg` mb r`gmrh: Uobgmrp os coadc` tm Be U`` lmr lrauh: Xf` "sabs r`gmurs`" trabsagtombs gabbmt `x`kpt Uobgmrp lrmk coadocoty lmr favobe d``b mll`r`h ob vomcatomb ml gmkk`rgoac caws: Uobgmrp `beae`h ob tf` sac` ml ubr`eost`r`h s`guroto`s: Uobgmrp os coadc` as a v`bhmr ob dah laotf abh lmr dr`agf ml warrabty: @v`b as ab ae`bt, Uobgmrp gab stocc d` f`ch coadc`: Ymw`r K`re` os bmt coadc` mb lrauh: Ymw`r K`re` os coadc` tm Be U`` das`h mb gmbtragt: \orata os coadc` lmr tf` Yrmkossmry Bmt`s `v`b as ab aggmkkmhatom aggmkk mhatomb b party: Xf` Woh` Aer``k`bts hm bmt dobh tforh parto`s tf`r`tm: \orata os coadc` lmr tf` mdcoeatom mdco eatombs bs ml Ymw`r Ymw`r K`re`: K`re`: P@K-KATA P@K-KATA gabbmt d` f`ch coadc`: coadc`: Coadocoty Coadocoty ml tf` mllog`rs ml Uobgmrp: Uobgmrp: Hakae`s Lagts>> Lagts Be U``, d`obe a vacu`h gco`bt ml U`stkmbt Dabj, was `btog`h dy tf` dabj kabae`r tm kaj` kmb`y pcag`k`bts pcag`k` bts wotf U`stkmbt Obv`stk`bt Gmrpmratomb (Uobgmrp). Xf` aer``k`bt aer``k`bt stopucat`s tfat Uobgmrp sfacc `xt`bh a gr`hot lagocoty mb "d`st `llmrt" dasos abh tfat `v`ry hrawhmwb dy tf` aggr`hot`h dmrrmw`r  sfacc d` `voh`bg`h dy a prmkossmry bmt`. Uobgmrp tf`b sgmuts lmr obv`stmrs woccobe tm prmvoh` tf` lubhs b``h`h dy tf` aggr`hot`h dmrrmw`r. Xf` obv`stmr wfm prmvoh`s tf` lubh os ossu`h a Gmblorkatomb Ahvog` dy Uobgmrp wfogf prmvoh`s tfat tf` sak` sfacc d` "wotfmut r`gmurs` mr coadocoty, r`ac mr gmbtobe`bt, tm" Uobgmrp. Cur`h dy r`pr`s`btatombs tfat tf` admv` "sabs "sabs r`gmurs`" r`gmurs`" trabsagtombs ar` sal`, Be U``, smk`tok` ob 1??6, pcag`h obv`stk`bts tf`r`mb ubh`r aggmubts ob fos mwb bak`, mr ob tfms` ml fos trust``s> Uobgmrp ossu`h Be U`` abh fos trust``s Gmblorkatomb Ahvog`s oblmrkobe tf`k ml tf` oh`btoty ml tf` dmrrmw`r wotf wfmk tf`y w`r` katgf`h. Be U``'s obotoac obotoac obv`stk`bts obv`stk`bts w`r` katgf`h katgf`h wotf Fmttogj Fmchobes Gmrpmratomb Gmrpmratomb (Fmttogj), tf` kanmro kanmroty ty sfar`s ml wfogf was mwb`h dy a Kacaysoab batombac Xab Wro Facok Waah wfm was tf` gmbtrmccobe sfar`mwb`r ml P@K-KATA, wfogf fas sudstabtoac obt`r`sts ob tf` Kaboca Gavot` @xpr`ss Xmccway Yrmn`gt (Gavot`x). Fmttogj was `xt`bh`h `xt`bh`h a gr`hot lagocoty lagocoty wotf a kaxokuk hrawhmwb hrawhmwb ml Y1.0 Doccomb. Doccomb. Xm s`gur` tf` cmab, Wur`tysfop Wur`tysf op Aer``k`bts w`r` `x`gut`h dy Cuos Nuab \orata abh Facok Waah. A Xforh Yarty T`ac @stat` Kmrteae` was acsm `x`gut`h dy tf` Batombac Wt``c Gmrpmratomb (BWG). Fmttogj luccy avaoc`h ml tf` cmab lagocoty, dut ot h`lauct`h ob payobe wf`b tf` Asoab lobabgoac grosos strugj. As a r`suct, Uobgmrp loc`h a gmcc`gtomb suot aeaobst Fmttogj, Facok Waah, abh BWG lmr tf` r`payk`bt ml tf` cmab. A Urot ml Yr`cokobary Attagfk`bt was tf`b ossu`h aeaobst Facok Waah's prmp`rto`s, wfogf obgcuh`h tf` ass`ts ml P@K-KATA. \orata mll`r`h tm euarabt`` tf` lucc payk`bt ml tf` cmab, `kdmho`h ob tf` Nucy 45, 1??? K`kmrabhuk ml   Aer``k`bt (KMA) d`tw``b fok abh Uobgmrp. Ob a W`ttc`k` W `ttc`k`bt bt Aer``k`bt, Aer``k`bt , Facok Waah aer``h tm pay PWH1 Koccomb tm Uobgmrp ob satoslagtomb ml acc gcaoks ubh`r tf` Wur`ty Aer``k`bt. As a r`suct, tf` Urot ml   Attagfk`bt mv`r mv `r tf` ass`ts ml P@K-KATA was hossmcv`h. Xf`r`alt`r, Xf`r`al t`r, Uobgmrp Uobg mrp `x`gut`h a Uaov`r abh Quotgcaok ob lavmr ml \orata, r`c`asobe tf` catt`r lrmk aby mdcoeatomb arosobe lrmk tf` KMA, `xg`pt lmr fos mdcoeatomb tm trabsl`r 89% `quoty ml P@K H`v`cmpk`bt Yfocoppob Yfocoppob`s, `s, Obg. (PYHO) abh 89% 89% ml PYHO's PYHO's | Yae` 1 ml 14


obt`r`st ob tf` tmccway prmn`gt tm Uobgmrp. Uf`b Be U`` gmblrmbt`h Uobgmrp admut tf` status ml fos obv`stk`bts. Uobgmrp assur`h fok tfat tf` cmss`s cmss` s lrmk tf` Fmttogj aggmubt wocc d` adsmrd`h adsmrd`h dy tf` gmkpaby abh tfat fos obv`stk`bts obv`stk`bts wmuch d` trabsl`rr`h obst`ah tm a b`w dmrrmw`r aggmubt‘ Ymw`r K`re` Gmrpmratomb (Ymw`r K`re`), wfms` kanmroty stmgjfmch`r os \orata. Uobgmrp, ob a dmarh k``tobe, apprmv`h tf` ossuabg` ml a gr`hot cob` tm Ymw`r K`re` lmr Y1.7 Doccomb. Xfos was cat`r obgr`as`h tm Y4.0 Doccomb. Ymw`r K`re` ossu`h Yrmkossmry Bmt`s ob lavmr ml Uobgmrp lmr `agf hrawhmwb. Uobgmrp, ob turb, ossu`h Gmblorkatomb Ahvog`s tm Be U`` abh fos trust``s. Mut ml tf` tmtac hrawb akmubt, Y417,4?9,819.7< was smurg`h lrmk Be U``'s kmb`y pcag`k`bts. Pbjbmwb tm Be U``, fmw`v`r, Pbjbmwb fmw`v`r, ahhotomba ahhotombacc gmbtragts gmbtragts (Woh` Aer``k`b Aer``k`bts) ts) w`r` coj`wos` coj`wos` `x`gut`h `x`gut`h dy Uobgmrp abh Ymw`r K`re` adsmcvobe Ymw`r K`re` ml coadocoty as r`earhs tf` Yrmkossmry Bmt`s ot ossu`h. Dy vortu` ml tf`s` gmbtragts, Uobgmrp was adc` tm assoeb ots roefts tm tf` ubgmcc`gt`h ubgmcc`gt`h Fmttogj mdcoeatombs abh fmch Ymw`r K`re` pap`rs obst`ah. Fmw`v`r, tfos acsm k`abt tfat ol Ymw`r K`re` suds`qu`btcy suds`qu`btcy h`laucts ob tf` payk`bt ml ots mdcoeatombs, ot wmuch r`lus`, as ot hoh ob lagt r`lus`, payk`bt tm ots obv`stmrs. H`spot` r`p`at`h h`kabhs, Be U`` was bmt adc` tm gmcc`gt Ymw`r K`re`'s mutstabhobe mdcoeatomb ubh`r  tf` Gmblorkatomb Ahvog`s. Xfos prmkpt`h Be U`` tm obstotut` a Gmkpcaobt lmr Wuk ml Kmb`y wotf Hakae`s d`lmr` tf` TXG. Be U` acc`e`h tfat Ymw`r K`re`'s h`lauct was ob`votadc` lrmk tf` v`ry start sobg` ot mbcy fah sudsgrod`h gapotac ml Y75.0 K ml wfogf mbcy Y?.750 K os agtuaccy paoh up. F` tf`b attrodut`h attrod ut`h ermss b`ecoe`bg`, b`ecoe`bg`, ol bmt lrauh abh dah laotf, mb tf` part ml Uobgmrp Uobgmrp abh ots hor`gtmrs hor`gtmrs lmr  apprmvobe Ymw`r K`re`'s gr`hot cob` appcogatomb. Uobgmrp ahkott`h tfat ot drmj`r`h Ymw`r K`re` Yrmkossmry Bmt`s tm obv`stmrs tfrmuef "sabs "sabs r`gmurs`" r`gmurs`" trabsagtombs. Ot gmbt`bh`h, fmw`v`r, tfat ots mbcy rmc` was tm katgf ab obv`stmr wotf gmrpmrat` dmrrmw`rs abh, f`bg`, assuk`h bm coadocoty lmr tf` kmbo`s tfat Be U`` cmab`h tm Ymw`r K`re`. Xf` TXG, rucobe ob lavmr ml Be U``, lmubh tfat Uobgmrp abh Ymw`r K`re` gmccuh`h tm h`lrauh Be U`` ml fos obv`stk`bts, abh tfat tf` "sabs "sabs r`gmurs`" r`gmurs`" trabsagtombs trabsagtombs w`r` us`h tm gmbg`a gmbg`acc Uobgmrp's hor`gt dmrrmwobe. Xf` TXG lurtf`r lmubh gmkp`ccobe b``h tm po`rg` tfrmuef tf` s`parat` nurohogac p`rsmbacoty ml  Ymw`r K`re` sobg` \orata `x`rgos`h gmkpc`t` gmbtrmc tf`r`ml. Wokocarcy, tf` s`parat` nurohogac p`rsmbacoty ml P@K-KATA was po`rg`h po`rg`h tm r`agf tf` occ`eac occ`eac prmg``hs prmg``hs ml tf` lubhs smurg`h smurg`h lrmk tf` h`lrauh`h h`lrauh`h obv`stmrs. Mb app`ac, tf` Gmurt ml App`acs (GA) upf`ch tf` lobhobes ml tf` TXG, obgcuhobe tfat Be U`` os a r`ac party ob obt`r`st abh tfat tf` Gmkpcaobt stat`h a gaus` ml agtomb h`spot` tf` kmb`y pcag`k`bts d`obe kah` ubh`r tf` bak` ml Be U``'s trust``s. F`bg`, tf` pr`s`bt gmbsmcohat`h p`totombs. \orata abh P@K-KATA gcaok tfat tf`r` os bm dasos ob okpcogatobe tf`k ob tf` sgf`k` tm h`lrauh Be U`` abh tf` mtf`r obv`stmrs sobg` tf`r` was bm provoty ml  gmbtragt d`tw``b tf`k. Xf` prmpro`ty ml po`rgobe tf` gmrpmrat` v`oc os acsm gfacc`be`h dy p`totomb`rs. F`ch>> F`ch O. Yrmg`hurac Ossu`s Be U`` os tf` T`ac Yarty ob Obt`r`st (caw (caw ml tf` gas` hmgtrob`) gas` hmgtrob`) h`l`bh`h h`h ob tf` bak` ml tf`  r`ac party ob 1. As a e`b`rac ruc`, ruc`, `v`ry `v`ry agtomb kust d` prms`gut` prms`gut`h h mr h`l`b | Yae` 4 ml 14


obt`r`st.Z69[ W`gtomb obt`r`st.Z69[ W`gtomb 4, Tuc` 7 ml tf` Tuc`s ml Gmurt h`lob`s a r`ac party ob obt`r`st obt`r`st as "tf` party wfm stabhs tm d` d`b`lot`h mr obnur`h dy tf` nuhek`bt ob tf` suot, mr tf` party `btotc`h tm tf` avaocs ml tf` suot  suot .. " 4. Xf` prmg`hurac ossu` mb wf`tf`r mr bmt Be U`` os tf` r`ac party ob obt`r`st fah acr`ahy d``b r`smcv`h dy tf` Wupr`k` Gmurt wf`b ot sustaob`h tf` TXG abh tf` GA wf`b tf`y ruc`h tfat Be U`` fah tf` c`eac p`rsmbacoty tm loc` tf` Gmkpcaobt tm r`gmv`r fos obv`stk`bts. Xf` r`smcutombs fah acr`ahy attaob`h lobacoty abh gmuch bm cmbe`r d` kmholo`h. Gmbgmkotabtcy, tf` parto`s ar` darr`h lrmk r`-raosobe tf` ossu`s s`ttc`h tf`r`ob, pursuabt tm tf` caw ml tf` gas` hmgtrob`. gas` hmgtrob`. 7. Xf` caw ml tf` gas` hmgtrob` gas` hmgtrob` appco`s  appco`s ob a sotuatomb wf`r` ab app`ccat` gmurt fas kah` a rucobe mb a qu`stomb mb app`ac abh tf`r`alt`r r`kabhs tf` gas` tm tf` cmw`r gmurt lmr lurtf`r prmg``hobes: tf` qu`stomb qu`st omb s`ttc`h dy tf` app`ccat` app`ccat` gmurt d`gmk`s d`gmk`s tf` caw ml tf` gas` at gas`  at tf` cmw`r gmurt abh ob aby suds`qu`bt suds` qu`bt app`ac. Ot k`abs tfat wfat`v`r os orr`vm orr`vmgadcy gadcy `stadcosf`h `stadcosf`h as tf` gmbtrmccobe gmbtrmccobe c`eac ruc` mr  h`gosomb d`tw``b d`tw``b tf` sak` parto`s ob tf` sak` gas` gmbtobu`s tm d` tf` t f` caw ml tf` gas`, wf`tf`r gmrr`gt mb e`b`rac probgopc`s probgopc`s mr bmt, sm cmbe as tf` lagts mb wfogf tf` c`eac ruc` mr h`gosomb h`gosomb was pr`hogat`h gmbtobu` tm d` tf` lagts ml tf` gas` d`lmr` tf` gmurt. 8. Ot os obgmbs`qu`btoac tfat tf` ossu` raos`h ob E.T. Bm. 1 – Xf`r` Xf`r` os bm sudstabtoac hostobgtomb d`tw``b ab app`ac abh a Y`totomb lmr G`rtomraro  wf`b  wf`b ot gmk`s tm tf` appcogatomb ml tf` Hmgtrob` ml tf` Caw ml tf` Gas`. Xf` hmgtrob` os lmubh`h mb tf` pmcogy ml `bhobe cotoeatomb. Xf` hmgtrob` os b`g`ssary tm `badc` tf` app`ccat` gmurt tm p`rlmrk ots huto`s satoslagtmrocy abh `llogo`btcy, wfogf wmuch d` okpmssodc` ol  a qu`stomb mbg` gmbsoh`r`h abh h`goh`h dy ot w`r` tm d` cotoeat`h ab`w ob tf` sak` gas` upmb aby abh `v`ry suds`qu`bt app`ac.‛ Be U`` sugg`ssl sugg`ssluccy uccy stat`h stat`h a gaus` gaus` ml agtomb agtomb das`h das`h mb a fypmtf` fypmtf`toga togacc ahkosso ahkossomb mb ml tf` acc`eatombs ob fos gmkpcaobt abh das`h mb t`stokmboac `voh`bg` mb r`gmrh 0. Ot os fmrbdmmj hmgtrob` tfat wf`b tf` allorkatov` h`l`bs` ml hoskossac os ermubh`h mb tf` laocur` tm stat` a gaus` gaus` ml agtomb, a rucobe rucobe tf`r`mb sfmuch sfmuch d` das`h mb tf` lagts acc`e`h acc`e`h ob tf` gmkpcaobt. gmkpcaobt. Mtf`rwos` stat`h, wf`tf`r wf`tf`r mr bmt Be U`` sugg`ssluccy sugg`ssluccy stat`h a gaus` ml agtomb r`quor`s fypmtf`togaccy fypmtf`togaccy ahkottobe abh sgrutobozobe tf` acc`eatombs ob fos Gmkpcaobt. Ob tf` Gmkpcaobt, Be U`` fas gc`arcy av`rr`h tfat f` pcag`h smk` ml fos kmb`y pcag`k`bts ob tf` bak`s ml mtf`r p`rsmbs abh tfat saoh p`rsmbs f`ch tf` saoh kmb`y pcag`k`bts ob trust lmr fok. Uotf sugf acc`eatom acc`eatomb b ml mwb`rsfop ml tf` lubhs, Be U`` os gc`arcy tf` r`ac party ob obt`r`st as f` os tf` agtuac obnur`h party ob tf` laoc`h obv`stk`bt abh stabhs tm d` d`b`lot`h mr obnur`h dy tf` nuhek`bt ob tf` obstabt gas`.
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