Vinuya Vs Executive Secretary

September 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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VINUYA VS EXECUTIVE SECRETARY G.R. No. 162230, April 28, 2010 (Justciable & Politcal Questons) FACTS:

Pettoners, members of he MALAYA MALAYA LOLAS, a nonsoc!, non"ro# or$ani%aton re$isere 'ih he S, esablishe for he "ur"ose of "ro*iin$ ai o he *ictms of ra"e b+ Ja"anese miliar+ forces in he Phili""ines urin$ he Secon orl since -../, he+ ha*e a""roache he 0ecut*e 1e"armen hrou$h he 1OJ, 12A,ar, anclaim OS3, ha re4uestn$ assisance in #lin$ a claim a$ains he Ja"anese o5cials an miliar+ o5cers 'ho orere he esablishmen of he 6comfor 'omen7 satons in he Phili""ines8 9u o5cials of he 0ecut*e 1e"armen ecline o assis he "ettoners, an oo! he "ositon ha he ini*iual claims of he comfor 'omen for com"ensaton ha alrea+ been full+ sats#e b+ Ja"ans com"liance 'ih he San 2rancisco Peace ;rea+ of -.
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