VINSUN Infra Engineering: ERP on Premise or on Cloud
Q1. What are the pros and cons associated with each of the options being evaluated by VINSUN? !ollowing are the pros associated with Bluechip on Premise " • • • •
#luechip$s %&' on pre(ise solution see(ed to be versatile. It suited the co(pany$s need. #luechip had a trac) record record of successful i(ple(entation. It also had various custo(i*ation options to produce a product that include only the re+uired re+uired (odule.
!ollowing are the cons associated with Bluechip on Premise" • •
It was costly .It e,ceeded the annual I- budget of VINSUN. It oered functions such as /,ed asset (anage(ent and 0eet (anage(ent which the co(pany didn$t re+uire in near future -he deploy(ent cost which which a(ounted to &s 234333 was too high.
!ollowing are the pros associated with Codeautomations ERP on Premise " •
-he cost of server 5 bac)up bac)up server provided provided by code auto(ation was 637 less than that of #luechip server. 8ost of %&' application softwar s oftware e provided by codeauto(ation was 27 less than that of provide by #luechip.
!ollowing are the cons associated with Codeautomations ERP on Premise" •
It was a startup co(pany 5 lac) of e,perience was 9ve point since a s(all (ista)e could :eopardi*e his entire invest(ent
!ollowing are the pros associated with Codeautomations ERP on Cloud" • • •
%&' on cloud would be accessible fro( anywhere through the internet. !le,ibility !le,ibility to wor) fro( virtually any location. ;n balance sheet 4cloud see(s to be less costly
!ollowing are the cons associated with Codeautomations ERP on Cloud"
ost of the users of VINSUN were not technology savvy so it was dicult tas)s to shift to a new syste(. -hey were not sure of i(ple(enting the %&' syste( successfully. 're(ise %&' syste( is (ore secure as co(pared to %&' on cloud syste(.
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