Vimsamsa and Spirituality

April 3, 2017 | Author: Aleksey Dobryy | Category: N/A
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Vimsamsa and spirituality I had some materials on the subject and here i am producing the same.Most probably it was written by Sanjay Rath's student Visti larsen. Points to be noted: 1. For our purpose of deciding the source and spiritual strength, our focus is on the Sun. The sun is the Atma, and its strength bestows more Atma-Jnäna (knowledge of the soul) on the native.Whether the native is moving towards this knowledge or away from this knowledge will determine whether the person is spiritual or not. This is seen from the relationship between the Lagna lord and the Sun. Placement of the Sun in trines or quadrants from the Lagna lord is highly conducive towards spirituality or moving on the spiritual path. Other combinations suffer from some flaw, and requires correction. Incase of other combinations, determine if a single planet links the Lagna lord and the Sun, either through aspect, lordship, conjunction, etc. If so, then that planet will bring the spirituality and should be propitiated. Even if the native’s spiritual path is a tough one, the mutual relationship between Jupiter and lagna lord will be conducive for spiritual life, as the native will be guided towards spirituality by a competent Guru.This will however result in the acceptance of a new religion, as the native rejects their birth religion indicated by the Sun.Instead of the lagna lord, if this is analyzed from the chara ätmakäraka, we can understand the native’s inner spirituality. If neither of the above mentioned links exists, there is no reason to enter the native’s Vimsamsa 2. The fifth house reveals what type of spiritual practices interests the native. These can be very dark if an afflicted Venus is associated as Venus is the Guru of the Asura (those who do not follow the laws of the Sun), but there mere association of Jupiter will put the native on the right path and correct their mistakes.Käla Sarpa/Amrita Yoga’s along the fifth house axis can block ones prayers and mantra’s, and tends to cause a lot of dissatisfaction in the native and lead them into wrong practices or generally make them confused or frustrated in life. The nature of the planets in the fifth house or if none †" joined the lord, will indicate the root cause for native’s interest in worshipping. · If the Sun is associated with the fifth house the native worships radiant, father-like, knowledge- giving figures, like Lord Shiva, or the Sun itself.· Moon indicates deities who are motherly, nurturing caring, soothing and give peace and calmness, like Çri Uma/Parvati.· Mars indicates celibate deities, who are endowed with power and weapons which they use to protect and fight.· Mercury indicates deities who are able to assimilate to any surrounding. These forms are curious and joyful in nature and are eager to learn. They are non-violent in nature.· Jupiter indicates deities immersed in knowledge, teachers, and forms which are beyond

physical form.. Venus’ association with the fifth house indicates a desire to worship deities who give blessings in relationships, gives long life, healing and all the luxuries of life, like Çri Lakshmi. · Saturn indicates forms which are immersed in darkness, are lazy or cause ignorance. In such cases the native is advised to worship forms like Nirankara or Narayana, to protect their own intelligence from falling.· Rähu indicates forms which are mysterious in nature, which are highly aggressive and volatile (like snakes); due to their eagerness to battle and which bestow results easily, no matter the cost. In such cases the native is advised to worship Durgatinashinyai or Durga, to ensure they do not follow a wrong path in their worship.· Ketu indicates forms which lack direction or a body of their own, like spirits, deceased individuals, etc. If Ketu is associated with the Sun the graha attains a body and that too from Shiva, hence this is supposed to be the son of Shiva †" Gaëeña. Hence incase of Ketu’s influence people are generally advised to worship Ganesha to ensure that Ketu does not destroy their intelligence and direction in life.Should these grahas be afflicted, the darker side of the deity emerges, whilst Sattvic influences enhance the purer sides of the deities and leads the native towards spirituality and emancipation. 3. Having ascertained the native’s worship, the next step is to analyze the success in doing so, i.e.whether they will be steady in their worship or obstructions will come.The regular prayer or engagement in worship is seen from the Ärüdha of the fifth house. Saturn or Rähu influencing the same causes irregularity in ones worship. Jupiter and Sun will make the native steady and immovable in ones worship. All the above details about the persons preferred deities, the nature of their worship and etc,can be studied from the Räshi. For which purposes the native approaches the deity and the details about who introduced them to this worship and how they perform the worship must be seen from the Vimsamsa.

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