ran as a representative in the 1st District of Negros Oriental. Beca Becaus use e of this, this, her her oppon opponent ent,, Paras Paras and some some other other conce concern rned ed citiz citizens ens filed filed disqualification disqualification cases cases against Limkaichong. Limkaichong. he! alleged that Limkaichong Limkaichong "as not a natural #orn citizen of the Philippines Philippines #ecause "hen she "as #orn her father "as still a $hinese and and that her mother, mother, lost her %ilipino %ilipino citizenship #! virtue virtue of her marriage to Limkaichong&s Limkaichong&s father. During the pendenc! of the case against Limkaichong Limkaichong #efore the $O'(L($, $O'(L($, (lection da! came and votes "ere cast. )esults came in and Limkaichong "on "on over over her her rival rival Para Paras. s. $O'( $O'(L( L($ $ after after due due heari hearing ng decla declare red d Limka Limkaich ichon ong g as disqualified. disqualified. %e" da!s after the counting of votes, $O'(L($ declared declared Limkaichong as a disqu disqual alifi ified ed cand candida idate te.. On the the follo" follo"ing ing da!s da!s ho"ev ho"ever er,, not" not"ith ithst stan andin ding g their their procl proclama amatio tion n disqu disqual alif! if!ing ing Limka Limkaic icho hong, ng, the $O'( $O'(L( L($ $ issue issued d a proc proclam lamati ation on announcing Limkaichong as the "inner of the recentl! conducted elections. his is in compliance "ith )esolution No. *+- adopting the polic!guidelines of not suspending the proclamation of "inning candidates "ith pending disqualification cases "hich shall #e "ithout pre/udice to the continuation of the hearing and resolution of the involved cases. Paras countered the proclamation and she filed a petition #efore the $O'(L($. Limkaich Limkaichong ong asailed Paras& petition petition arguing arguing that since she is no" the proclaimed proclaimed "inner, it should #e the 0)( "hich has the /urisdiction over the matter and not the $O'(L($. $O'(L($ agreed "ith Limkaichong. ISSUE: hether
or not Limkaichong is qualified to hold an office in the )epu#lic of the
Philippines. )eco )ecord rds s disc disclo lose se that that Limk Limkai aich chon ong g "as "as #orn #orn in Duma Dumagu guet ete e $it! $it! on Nove Novem#e m#err 2, 1232 1232.. he he govern governing ing la" is the the citize citizens nship hip provisi provision on of the 1243 1243 $onstitution. he 0)(, therefore, correctl! relied on the presumption of validit! of the 5ul! 2, 1236 and 7eptem#er -1, 1232 Orders of the $ourt of %irst 8nstance 9$%8: Negros Oriental, "hich granted the petition and declared 5ulio 7! a naturalized %ilipino a#sent an! evidence to the contrar!. )espondent Limkaichong falls under the categor! of those persons "hose fathers are citizens of the Philippines. 97ection 194:, ;rticle 8, and ran as a candidate and "as elected as 'a!or of La Li#ertad, Negros Oriental in -++>. hese are positive acts of election of Philippine citizenship. he case of 8n re? %lorencio 'allare, elucidates ho" election of citizenship is manifested in actions indu#ita#l! sho"ing a definite choice. e note that respondent had informall! RULING:
elected citizenship after 5anuar! 16, 1264 during "hich time the 1264 $onstitution considered as citizens of the Philippines all those "ho elect citizenship in accordance "ith the 1243 $onstitution. he present petition filed #!
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