Viewpoint 2 Workbook

December 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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OJIC@F OIB]  \CZ KEE@ OI]E @E YLJHN] w . .


2= Wsyicnfnay 






Pejts - Wrnar`ss icbrts 


F`ssne B Arboobr Bvnjljea `p`ttjne 2 B

Inopf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s wjtc tc` wnrls je tc` mnx. Ps` `bic wnrl bt `bst nei` bo





2 Jo ffnwea e e oy smfeas ntst`ps `yr` wnrdea cbrl r tc`r l`ar``s bel enw , tnn J =. Oy inwnrd`r inwnrd`r s s tcedea bmnut bmnut a`ttea b l``et l``et knm - bs J ^  Q` mntc tced ts ts to` r b ibr``r icbea` 9 Jv` bfwbys fnv`l fnv`l e`w `xp``ei`s `xp``ei`s bel bel e`w bl`etur`s bl`etur`s mut oy m`st r`el  Yc` pr`h`s tn stby bt cno` bel r`bl bmnut ntc`r p`npf`s blv`etu`s ous`uo> J cbv`et s``e t y`t mut oy `el   Yc` sbl ts bobzea bobzea

Hnr `xbopf`; J'v` lne` b fnt nh nh trbv`jea brnuel tc` wnrfl, wnrfl , mut oy mrntc`r m rntc`r cbse't.

Pejt 2; B ar`b r`bl


F`ssne M Xnibmufby Hvrjt` ds B

]`bl tc` mfna pnst. Ijrif` tc` m`st nptjne tn inopf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s


Bs be `f`o`etbry sicnn `bic`r, J bfwbys try tn cjed mbid n oy nwe sicnnf lbys m`hnr` J cbel nu be bssaeo`et.  m`fj`v` cbt w` br`e't kust t`bicjea dls r`bljea nr obtc, nr si`ei` si`e i` - w`'r` t`bicjea c`o c`o fj` sdjs. C`r` js ne` o`onr nh oy sicnnf lbys cbt r`bfy a`ts ynur c`bl brnuel J stjids je oy oj o jel el.. Je tc` nuc arbl`, oy t`bic`r tnl us n pid nur bvnrj` pn`o bel f`bre jt my c`bt J fns` ynur trbje nh tcnuact Cne`sty J let e obey urc arl`r tct `v`e cv`  bvrt` `o Mut  c` ]` Hrt tc` pn`o bel bf nh b sull`e  kust Mjric`s, wcic s r`by nea. \c`r`  wbs, r`bly tn r`it` tc` rnz`. Jt wbs ne tc` tjp nh oy tneau` J t wbs m`ynel o`, mut  ust inulet r`o`om`r cnw j sbr`l. @v`etubfy  r`o`om`r`l bel bel r`it`l tc` wcnf` pn`. Bel v` r`o`om`r`l t `v`r sjei`  ibe r`it` cbt pn`o nlby ino` tn arjs wjtc J n tc` tn nh oy c`bl  denw oy sul`es lne r`by s`` tc` njet J ino` tn oje nh r`itea pn`t `sp`ijby  c`y ibe't obd` c`bl nr tbjfs nh J stjid je tc`jr ojel wcb c`y br` sbyjea Cnw`v`r  h`` jd` J r`by f`bre`l my c`b J ant sno`tcjea nu nh tcbt bitvjy wc`e J wbs e sicnn Bt c` to` J wbs `rr`l mu wtc `bic e`w pn`o  r`t`l r`t`l   abe`l b mj onr` inehjl`ei`.  oby cbv` m``e b rnuac sbr, mut oy nurtc arbl` `bic`r uwjjeay pbv`l tc` wby nr oy ibr``r. @v`e w`e J fns` oy trbje nh tcnuact J s`` tc` jet J cbv` en `br sbelea e rne nh b ibss enw

B yu


nopf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s wjtc nr nwe j`bs

f. Jt's m`ynel o` wcy ^ ^   = Yno`jea b rby id e oy oy el s- s-  9 bwbys ino` tn oel w`e  ed bnu y ilnnl. Z`s, sno`tjo`s ` nf A``d ta`j`s ` tc` pfys J fjd` onst

= B Lj ynu ` \n Dff b Onidjeamjrl je @eafjs ifss M En, nu pnh`ss sj w` w`` suppns` tn ` \n Dff b Onidjmjrl, mut `e w` je't  v` tjo` 9



e`v` ` tt issji, e J'v`  Z`, tt snues ann J'v` e`v` J 'v` fwys wet` n ` tt env`f w`` supns` tn M Q` ` jt je nu fjt`tu` ifss  h`w y`s an Q`f, itufy, w` w`` supns` ` jt, mut J wi` t` onvj` jest` jest` B  Znu j \t's eey eey \`` ` sn oey onvj`s nh t` ifssjis enwys Mut usuffy J net wti t` onvj` uetjf `  ` J'v` ` t` mnnd, nr t f`st J ty ent tn wti t` onvj` uetjf J'v` ` t` mnnd Psuffy t` mnnds ` m`tt` t d` rbt `itbtjes. N J M Z` J v` tn sy J usuffy p`h` t` onvj` Be}y, td` v` sno` Yd`sp`` pfys, tnn J tjed J v` onst nh js pfys C``, td` tt Yd`sp`` pf, ]no`n bel Kufj`t n Cbof` Znu ie mnnw mnt pfys jh j h ynu jd` J np` Cbof`t n`se't ajv` ynu ejato`s, tcnua! B ND \eds B

Bmnut ynu

I Qcbt djels nh mnnds ln ynu r`bl> Qcn js ynur hbvnrjt` butcnr> Ln ynu fjd bff nh cjs nr

c`r mnnds> Cbs ynur tbst` je mnnds icbea`l nvr icbea`l nvr tc` y`brs>

Pejt f; B ar`bt ar`bt b bl l


F`ssne i Inev`rsbtjne strbt`aj`s


Inopf`t` tc` inev`rsbtjne. Ps` tc` v`rms je tc` mnx bel bll tc` uxjfjbry v`rms ln nr ln`s tn bll `opcbsjs.

bpprijbt \bobb Ibrnfjeb








Yn, Irnje, cnw ln ynu jd ynur -rlr> 2 ent cvjea tn irry Q, J cv tn sy J mnns eyonr. Bel J cv ouic onr rnno je oy pur tct tct s r sur  enw. J j oje tnn Mut jt ^=  mjt stra, ynu en ent turejea tc pas Js yurs e nlr ne> Fj, js jt je mid el wcjt> 9  lrei  \j ne's je innr el jt spijy j ynur rljea oazjes el stu <  ew ne ituy Mut ynu enw wct  jd mst>  J rue Nc, yc J mt J nut n tcjeas tn rl wce Jo trvjea J ie kust lnwenl snotcea


J enw  cv tn sy tcnuac, J cvet aurl au rl nut  tc eitjnes ne t yt J  ^^^^  tcy inul m sr tn evjat Fj  lt  mnn tc ntcr ly wce  ws ust tryjea tn mnnr snotcje


Zn at usl tn jt snne enuac M

Inopf`t` tc` nev`rsbtjne wjtc `bic`r



Bmnut ynu


jh sn


jh ent.

ND, iss annl uid wjtc ynur pprs el roomr j ynu qunt no snones wnrd, 2 tc rreis oust m iiurt pejzl el at  nwr arl ,  ynu m pejzl Po, ie J rrei etret mnas e oy ppr> Bel ^^^  wct s tc inrrit w tn ln tct> 9 Zn oy, mut je oy vjw sjopy rsttjea ne mnaars jls js  wd pnjetss tcjea tn ln J wet tn s vjlei tct ynu y nu cv inesutl inesutl r utcnrjts Bs <  ynu el  tn tc sinel qustjne, ln ynu cv tc ina sty aujl> 0 ynu ie iiss jt ne oy wmsjt rreijea rrei jea jerotjne tcr wmsjt

Inopf`t` tc` nev`rsbtjnes wjtc jh sn, jh en, nr wrjt` tc` buxjfjbry v`rms ln nr ln`s tn bll `opcbsjs wc`r` pnssjmf` \c`e besw`r wjtc ynur nwe ehnrobtjne







Ln ynu s snij olj sjts  nt> Be Bel , wct ln yu us us tco r r>> Zs, J spel  nt n tjo ne snij ol sjts, iticea up wjtc ews Bel B el  rl  nt n mas, tnn Mnas ry ajv vryne vry ne  icei n xprss tcjr pnjet n vjw. Oy jel kust kust sumojttl  stnry stnr y tn  pumjscr Ycs cnpjea tcy tc y pumjsc jt mut ^^^ mut ^^^  sc cv tn el entcr wy tn at jt pumjscl Bey tcnuact> Q sc inul pumjsc jt crs neje J oe jt t  jtt nrt, mut jt wnrds r sno utcnrs

Pejt 2; B ar`bt `bl


]`bljea jea Lf Lfss Wn Wntry try Yo - HBR HBRss F`ssne L ]`bl B Wr`pr` Qcbt ln ynu denw bmnut n`ty sfbos> Ic`id t` stbt`o`et ynu tcjed s tu`. \c`e `bl tc` w`mst` bel ic` id i  d ynu besw`

2 \c`y br` ene-iop ene-iop`tjtjv`. `tjtjv`. ^^  = \c` \c`yy br` r ph`ssef ph`ssef w` w`r r e  ^^  9 `y iome` iome` c` t`et t`et  wjea p`ty p`ty bel `roa ^^  7






Inetbit P

Qt\ H, n EA Init tc h ti 2 = 9 sfbo> Qcy>

= Qc Qcbt bt icbrbit`rjstjis icbr bit`rjstjis ln ynu tcjed b p`rsne e``ls e``ls tn m` suii`ssuf bt b pn`try pn`try sfb>

Pejt 2; B ar`bt r`bl


Fjs Fjst` t`e ejea `xtrb

B ynuea env`fjst

m`ino` b pumfjsc`l butcnr. Qcjic tcr`` tcjeas wnufl ynu try tn ln> B Jobaje` ynu wbet tn m`ino`

^ Ybrt my wrjjea b fna ne c` Je`re`  \ry n pumfjsc b snry je b sicnnf nr sl`e e`wspbp`r.   `el b wrj`r's wnrdscnp

 W`rro b b pn`ry sfbo  Y`fh-pumfjsc be `mnnd  \ry n a`t bii`p`l n b wrj`rs ine``ei`  \bd` \bd` b ir`bjv` wrjje ifbss.  Ycbr` ynur ynur jl`bs r b nnd wjc ynur j`els  sd `sbmfjsc`l bucnrs n `lj ynur nrd. M Q Fjst`e tn tc` rbljn jet`rvj`w wjtc ]`m`iib Kbidsne Ic`id () tc` tcjeas hrno @x`rijs` B tcbt sc` trj`l lnjea tn a`t pumfjsc`l I

 Fjst` Fjst`e e babje Br` tc` s`et`ei`s tr` nr hbfs`Qrjt`\ nr H

2. = 9

=. Qjff tc` bmjfjy r p`npf` p`npf` n pufjsc tc`jr nwe `nnds o`be onr` onr` ar`b nnds a`jea pumfjsc`l nr wjff j o`be onr` ueje`r`sjea mnnds my mbl bucnrs>

Enw inopf`t` tc` Pejt 2 Wrnar`ss icb ne pba` :3.

Pejt 2; B ar`bt ar`bt `bl


F`sne B

Arboobr Blljea jehnrobtne t enues

B ]`pfbi` tc` uel`rfje`l r`fbtjv` ifbus`s wjtc ntc`r typ`s nh pcrbs`s. Yo`tjo`s onr`  tbe ne` besw`r js pnssjmf`

NEFJE@ W]XIZ; B A`e`rbtnebf


M   y Lr Kbe` \nobs

]iety J cb oy sninfny ifbss b be btif bmnut nefe prbiy be siuy. Je oy npne, nefe pby s b tnpi tcbt scnuf m tbde 2 y snusfy \c J nt be e ifbss pn tn tc tnpi J tcnuct stuets wnuf m sups tn sin cnw brsrs ibt bs  bic inesu tcbt b mbs ne btb = tc cb cb inffit inff it9 n pnus picbss n pnuit sbics J betipbt tcbt tcy wnuf m stum tn fb

tcbt bkuse t sttes wcic b ne t biinuet3 pns b ses nh sit ce J bsd to cnw tcy wnu f bmnut beno pnpf wcn f bnue bn ue t wnf: we bff tc pcntns be nt psnebf enobtne ne snib etwnde sts, obey nh


bn pnabo b   bc  cotc n b c bmnut   27 n no dywns e ynucb obfs n tnntbt tcbt e tn wn • Hn oy stuets bse Cnw, tn oy sus, tc stut psne eobne s snoce tcbt ibe m wcn b e o ifbss  ent so bt f ineie scb 2• M y tc e nh tc ifbss J ineifu tcbt bmnut nefe nefe pbiy be sit Je J e t, sno oy suets' ws ne nefe siuty w yt 8 ebtnebf bf  tcbt suets sue ts wn w w  en num numtt cne cn e tn bu  bentc xbpf nh tc ebtne ent tcbt t s snotos mei tn s sts me tcns wcn  up tc 1 bsets tcbt b it tt t tn t ticenfny be tcns wcn et es be ±etsts Obey nh oy stuets sb 0


Bmnut J yn

2 ²n m` "dI!




: 7

9 =    ce o osss  (r) es bs e r re re ricss  soce (fo) (fo )   c e es  r   (eoe)>  B   ee ee  s ee ee ss  o  sc  rsef eroe c rsrs> Qc r c e> Pejt =; \`icenfnay


F`ssne M Xnibmufbry Inopnuel blk`itjv`s B Inopf`t` tc` mfna pnst wjtc tc` `xpr`ssjnes je tc` mnx. \c`r` js ne` `xtrb `xpr`ssjne -nlnl fo-nnfl

 spl

no-nndl fs-o

sfhf sf-pnwl

e   �   , �


Ay vit

Jo su` ynu'v` cbl tcs sbo` `xp`rj`ei`; Znu pfbe b vbibtjne, mut ynu `el p wnrdjea lurjea ynur tjo` nhh. Znu brrjv` J

tn el ynurs`fh stuid  be

rnno jest`bl nh `eknyjea

tc` hr`sc br bel trnpjibf t`op`rbtur`s ne tc` m`bc. Znu ``f nmfjbt`l tn besw`r `objfs m`ibus` yn cbv` bii`ss tn tc` cnt`fs =  ^^^^

Jet`re`t Bl kust wc`e ynu ebffy tcjed ynu br` hr``


ynur mnss ob`s b ^9 r`qu`st! Annlmy` vbibtjne Ynuel bojfjbr>

\ t  tc!

J cbv` wnrd`l lurjea ne` tnn obey vbibtjnes. Y tcjs

y`br J l`ijl`l tn an inopf`t`fy in opf`t`fy fnw-t`ic J stby`l je b mueabfnw ne tc` m`bc. \c`r` wbs en Jet`re`t nr i`ff `rvji` `rvji` J w`et je tc` suoo`r mut tc` rnno wbs < ^

wtc tc` s`b mr``z`s tcnuac tc` np`e np` e wjelnws c` wbt`r wbt`r `bt`r 0 ,

 n c` c` scnw`r scnw`r wbs wbs

wcjic js p`r`it hr b pfbi` tcbt js sueey onst

nh tc` y`br c`s` br` tru` `xbopf`s nh 1

J bt` l`fjijnus



o`bfs pr`pbr`l my tc` nw`rs c`y w`r`

bebstji! Yn e`xt to` ynu b` pfbeejea b vbibtjne n fnwt`ic bel a`t bwby rno jt bff.

-   -  M Inopf`t` tc` ljsiussjne wjtc tc` `xpr`ssjnes je tc` mnx \c`r` js ne` `xtrb `xpr`ssjne mn-






ND 's d sno qsns no  l. Zs, s ws n qsn>


Po, s  n n n   nmn  n n nnds d   psn, m s J

Wrnh`ssnr Qnob

sn  n ws> Q  s pn w  n od  knms s onso sn w s nmns = ls Q ln o   n  o qs s 9  p  d n sd, w n ssom nmns,   ws w s sns> J o ln pnp nl o   nw ppnss>

BJ y


J lpls n  sno Q s  n d s pnmos  n.


Bl w mn  ns n   nmn> Ln    n  n n > >


B, w sn m wnd n  nl nmn  s ^<

iust no-mujft rnmnt Qcbt wnufl jt m` fjd`>Qnufl jt m` cuobe-fjd`>  Jobaje` ynu inufl cbv` b iustno-mujft @e`ray`hjij`et>Qcbt fbmnsbvjea icn icnr`s r`s wnufl jt ln>Qrt`  pbrbarbpc Pejt =; \`icenfnay


Arboobr Inmjejea jl`s F`s F`ssne sne M B Inopf`t` tc` bjif` wjtc tc` inekuitjnes mntc . bel, `jtc`r  n e`jtc`r . . en bel ent nefy   mut bfsn Yno`tjo`s tc`r` js onr` tcbe ne` inrr`it besw` OKYLS] Ij\

 3 su m`a  ` hrs usjm` jy j ` r, d s Osr Ijy F` 22 `s  21 21 dj``s  s` h mu Lm j ` P`  @jr`s, Osr I s

ja`  m`  ``y urm `vjr` \` y s     r`` `ay su`s ^^^ j  r`  zs` `ay I`qu`y ^^^^ ^^^^  2



s`r  qj` u` sj hu`s  `rs  ` `r s  ` jy jjs I I sja` `   rvj`  `y hrs h j ]`sj`s  d d` rjv`r`ss ``j v`js  u s `r s` Osr y s ajv` y `s ru  am`  ` hr  a` susjm y ` sjas j `ja ``ay`hj` jvja s`s 0




M ]`wrjt` tc` s`et`ei`s usjea tc` inkueitjnes je pbr`etc`s`s

 blb  f ne ticenfnib eenbtneJ n lbw ne ne blnebf Bi ZZ  n" V�±  V bictt.(en ne .  bn) "" +             "   V               =  lb t   nb pnw wf   tn eb .Qel o wff b  l (nc . .l) l)  9 Mfnib bt wf nt  tcnw wb.elbf wbt wf bn ent  cn bwb (t en en)-----   ----  ----       ----   s c` ND> Zbc. beuf, sc`s ` bel en e` fs` wbs jvnfv`l. jvnfv`l . W J , sc`  wbs tbfea ne c`r c`r cbls`` c`bls` bel ljjea bt c` bo tjo` tjo` Y`  J  ant lbi`l l c b `` n tc` jl` nh tc` nl.


Zu r` jllea!  v` tnl c`r b jffjn jo`   en b anl jl`b tn j` bel fd e ` pcne bt tc sb` jo`. @`e jh sc  `bre c `bls`.

Xjitnrb Zbrb


±tnrb Zbbc


ynu denw. J dew 'v` ' v` n c`r cbt ojtbsdjea s      lbarnus lbarnus `e  `e r` lra   J  sc ljlet fjs`e tn jtc` n` nh us Q`ff   J au`ss ent Mu n denw denw cnw sn` p`f`   `y  J  jd  tc`j  . \u` Fuidjfy Fuidjf y s le't a`t c  J  sc` sc`ff f`be c`r f`se o tcjs.  o`be, c` bt pnssjmy pnss jmy jed jts ND tn tn lj` bl tbd e tc pe` pe` b` nlby!

M Inopf`t` tc` inev`rsbtjne wjtc tc` `xpr`ssjnes je tc` mnx Ps` ne` `xpr`ssjne twji` bt sy B M B



u J u


 n





Po yn dnw w` cbv` b t`st tnonrrn jact> Zn ^^^ ^^^ 2 m` lye bl txtea  c` sbo jo` c tcjs s ncja  nul ^=  wt X tn bel tf inei`tt`. 9 a`t beycea n` Y`nuy> Jh J w`` ynu   cb nt b prnm`o    o`be, yu ln n ynu cno`wnd cno`wnd fjd` tcs vry ly ln ynu> bel  ^ 0  s``o n n `` ``r w`e Q`f, `b Outbsja kust wns r o` bel ^  n s`v`b tcea bt ei` is n on` tcbe  au`ss js pnsjmf. Mt iiljea n be btif`  `b, p`pf` 1 n` tca b b tjo t bsn sbl b ynu scnufl wnd e  ffy qut nno  wjtcnut by by lstrbitjes. 8

Inopf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s wjtc ynr nwe jl`bs .  ib ib pnssj pnssjfy fy bel ^^^^ ^^^^ b tc so jo  l`bfy, wc`e  bo uyja uyja J--------- . J cd  j p`etbfy ba`rnus n^^^^^^^ n ^^^^^^^  N b W`np` el t `bs`r tn mnrrnw b pret mnnd rno tc` fmrbry N m Jt's ic`bp`r.  i mntc b bel m 9 Qcbt s tc` preipf` preipf` tcbt s lrvea lrvea inopb`s inopb`s tn inesl`r avea avea `r`bl`rs bwby> N b \c`y ibe obd` onr` one`y my s`ffea `mnnds tcbe tcbe my s`ffea tc` `r`blea l`v�;`s N m. \`y wbet r`bl`rs wtc fnw`r eino`s eino`s tn r`bl onr`. N i \`y ibe `esur` tcbt iustno`rs wff e`v`r muy pret mnnds babe. > N b. \c`y br` m`inoea sn `bsy tn np`rbt` tcbt beyne` ibe us` ne` N m \` br` bttrbitea bttrbit ea b wl`r bul`ei` bul`ei` m`ibus` onr` `mnnds br` m`ea pumfsc`l pumfsc`l N i \`r nw inst o`bes `v`ryn` ibe cbv` bii`ss tn erobtne. Bmnut yn

@ ]`b Bw tc qutn wtc ynu nw nn

 Qcbt ll ynu el nst et`r`stea bmnut bmnut tc` brtif`> Ll beytcea surprs` ynu>

=. Js tc` erobtne e tc` brtif` bfsn tru` bmnut p`npf` ynu denw> Je wcbt wby>

9. L nu pr`h`r `r`bl`rs `r`bl`rs nr pret pret mnnds> mnnds> Qcy Qcy>>

Pejt =; \`icenfnay


Qrjtjea a Qrjtje B

L`sirjmjea abpcs, icbs, bel tbmf`s

Fnnd bt tc` tbmf`. \c`e ijrif` tc` m`st nptjnes tn inopf`t` tc` bjif` Jet`re`t bii`ss my ba bel fnibtjne =722 Pejt`l Ytbt`s nh Bo`rjb I`ess Lbtb

Ba` 23 tn 9< y`brs nl  tn  y`rs nl  y`brs nl bl nv`r

\f uf .  0

B co .  00

B d .1 0.: .

B icf   fm 0.: :.: .8

  snws J bnt`l r     J    bnt`l r J b ` s``   ,  p  0  0     J J    bs nob`l tn J s scnwe

 0.0 p     00 e nobrjsne J  netrbst tn    p, 0.: p         J      K    0  0       J  , nt`l r J j nobrjsn tn             p  pp    M Inpf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s bmnut tc` tbm` bmnv` usjea tc` `xpr`ssjnes je tc` mnx Ps` ibpjtbf f`tt`rs w`r` `i`ssbry

nt` s   s``  stbt`s

 nsn wt j ntbst  ``s`t`

.   ^   pp        J .   p, s 00           .  C,   00     p p                8 p     ' ' p  J    p p    pp   J     p 0  0 . 0  ,           J     8  k   q q      p  J    I

@le Inrr`it tc` ojstb`s \c`r` js ne` `rrnr je `bi s`et`ei`

.         p     pp  p p  . .  ,       p p   0 p      pp. .       J ,  p  .     W J   F Wk, - -      p ,  , p p          p . 0. J  p,    p   ";'     p p        - p.  8       p,     pp    J J   p  . L

Qrjt` b r`pn ne tc` tbmf` je x`rijs` B Ps` `xpr`ssjnes hnr l`sirjmjea bel inpbrjea jenrbtjne

Pejt =; \`icnfnay


Fjs Fjstt`e `ejjea `xtrb

\c` cbzbrls nh `-wbst`

B Hnr `bic tnpji m`fnw, p`ljit ne` hbit tcbt ynu wnufl `xp`it  tn c`b bmnut je b lniuo`etby bmnut `-wbst` (nfl `f`itneji `qjpo`et tcbt js tcnwe bwby).

L i` pcne`s be inoput`rs; Jmy l W ± flh, ".  inesuo`r inesuo`rss wcn u ``itrnejis ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^   ni`bes brnue tc` wnr;^^^^ wnr;^^^^  pnssj` c`btc prn`os; prn`os;^      `evjrneo`etb prn`os; prn`os; ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ 

 bejobs be jr jrs s-  -                           r`ii `iijea; jea;-                         M o Fjst`e tn tc` lniuo`etby Ic`id tc` tnpjis je @x`ijs`  tcbt b` ljsiuss`l I

7 Fjst`e babje ` tc` s`et`ei`s s`et`ei`s t` n hbfs`> Qjt` \ n 

2 Onst inesuo`rs inesuo`rs denw wcbt cbpp`es cbpp`es tn tc`jr i` pcne`s pcne`s be bptnps wc`e wc`e tc` jsi jsibr br tc`o ^ tc`o ^ = B tc` pnssj` pnssj` c`bt c`bt bea`rs no `wbst` `wbst` br` denwe  9 @wbst @wbst`` js n`e scjpp` scjpp` tn r`iijea i`et`rs je `v`npjea `v`npjea inuetrj`s be tbd`e bpbrt bpbrt  ^ ^  Cnw obe obe inoput`rs inoput`rs n`s tc` PY tcrnw bwb `v`r `br>     Cnw ouic `wbst` js r`pnrt` bs `jea r`ii` enw> ^

Bmnutynu J

 n nw w ouic `wb` `wb` an` n be `bc      esw` tc` qu`stjnes wjtc ynu npjejnes

 Qcbt n nu tcjed ``itrnejis inopbej`s ibe n tn jojt tc` bonuet n `wbs` prnui`>

 Qcbt n nu tcjed inuetrj`s ibe nr scnu scnu n tn `b wjtc tc` jssu` jssu` n `wbst`>

Enw inopf`t` tc` Pejt = Wrnar`ss icb ne pba` :3.

Pejt =; =; \`icnfnay


F`ssne F`ssn e B Arboobr Fjedjea `v`ets B Inopf`t` tc` inev`rsbtjne wjtc tc` pbjijpf`s je tc` mnx.

m`brjea Obrd


arnwjea up

cbvjea wnrrj`l

ent m`jea


J lne't uel`rtbel wcy oy j`el e``l tn r`pfbi` tc`jr i`f pcne` bel tbmf`t bel 2 je nrt tu ``ry y`br. J `be, `b e, nr t nh b pnnr fy fy,, J wb tbuact e``r tn p`el one`y jh J llet bmnfut`fy cb` tn = Z`bc, mut tc`r` b fnt nh nijbf pr`ur` tc`` lby J o`be, b no`ne` wcn mnuact mnuact ur e`w i`ff pcne` e tcr`` y`br, J bo nmjnufy tntbffy


ebmf` tn r`t r` t tc` pr`ur` 9 bmf` tn bnrl inetbet uparbl`, J kut try tn m` cbppy wtc wcbt Q`ff, J cb` < e Mut ynu inufl bnrl jt h ynu ynu l`ijl`l jt wb b prjnrty prj nrty J be


jel cnw ouic ouic p`npf` u` t`icenfnay ynu cb` tn d``p p e no` nm. nm . 0 bmnut jt r no` tjo`, J` enw l`il`l J lnet `bc J denw. ut


ibr` jh oy tu fnnd b fjttf` nfl cjne`l cjne`l J rbtc`r p`el y ne`y ne ntc`r tcea. M ]`wt` tc` bf` y `pfbea tc` uel`fje`l uel`fje`l wnl wjtc pbjpf` fbu` L`f`t` uee``by wnl bel bll puetubtne jh e``l`l

Ln ynu h``f h``f pr`sur`l tn muy tc` fbt`st abla`ts> J ino` hno b hbo tcbt llet cbv` b nt nh on` sn J inulet cbv` b tc` tces  wbet`l Bs b t``eb`r J nht`e h`t `ombrbss`l m`ibus`  e`v`r cbl tc` sbo` s`Etn]; cne` bs o hrjels.  lnet h`` tcbt wby beyonr`

Ebbfj` Yc`be,

"J ar`w up je b fnw-t`ic cno`, bel J e`v`r h`t tc` e``l tn cbv` b tc` bt`st t`icenny. \c`s` lbys  jv` je b Pev`rsj Brobeln Fnp`z, H]`sCOBE, `evjrneo`et sn J h`` ouic onr` r`ssu` n d`` u. Bel ynu denw den w wcbt> M`ibus`  lne't wbet tn nnd jd` o tntb m`cel tc` to`s y`st`lby J w`et nut bel s`et b hnue` ne b e`w cne`!

J'o b inoouejibtjnes obknr sn  e``l tn muy c` bt`st cne`s bl`ts bs `ti Jv` tcnuact bmnut  KPEJ] bel Jv` stn`l wnrje bmnut b tc` one`y Jo s`elje J tcjed nh jt bs be `luibtne `x`es`

Icea-c`` Wbrd

In±,e� e  � hn  {BkVy ²m" i e 2   fn fn ;  ;  ne`y 2 vj' m B  ;` 2


mo � s

Bmnut ' yn

w l.


ew`  tc` qu`tne hno tc` bjf` wjtc ynu nwe ehnobtne

Pejt 9; Yni`y Yn i`y


F`ssne M Arboobr Blljea `pcsjs B

Ijrif` tc` m`st nptjnes tn inopf`t` c` bjif` ne b w`msjt` hnr ynuea `etr`pr`e`urs

Bs b ynuea `etr`pr``ur, J'v` cbl tn hbi` obey icbff`ea`s. \c` hjst wbs tn inevjei` p`np` tcbt  e``l`l ;7 lnp nut nh inff`a` je nl` tn stb oy oy nw musje`ss O b`ets w`` u J  ups`t tcbt w` mbr`fy snd` hn onetcs @v`e J Ne oy m`st h`el tcnuact t wbs b mbl l`b J hjbffy `bfjz`l tcbt e J `v`e J inufl obd` tc` l`ijsjne bel sn  w`et bc`bl wtc oy bes c` s`inel icbff`ea` wbs tn hje tjo` hn b snib jh` Muljea b muse`ss hno tc` arnuel up wbs  J  cbl wnrd tcbt J ljle't e J `v` cbv` tc` `e`ay tn n nut hnr inh`` wtc h`els B lj``et sn nh icbff`ea` ibo` hrn tc` hbit tcbt J wbs  J u ynuea sjei` sno` nh oy pnt`etjbf ij`ets ljle't tcjed J wbs nfl `enuac tn tbd` ne u J e b cua` r`snesjmjfjty J r`o`om` ne` nh tc`o sbyea "Znu'r` e J `v`e b inff`a` dl - cnw ibe ynu pnssjmfy pnssjmfy m`

rueejea b inopbey>" ]`obds fjd` tcbt w`r` u J  ljsinubajea tcbt  wnel`r`l bt tj`s jh  cbl obl` tc` wnea l`isjne Ptjobt`fy tcnuac  wbs kust u J  inoott`l tn mujljea b suii`sshuf musje`ss tcbt J `hus`l tn ajv` up

M ]`wrjt` `bic pbjr nh s`et`ei`s bs b jeaf` s`et`ei`, usjea L`f`t` uee`i`ssbry wnrls bel bll pueitubtjne jh e``l`l

sn .. tcbt nr suic



2 Ytbrtjea Ytbrtjea ±b e`w knm js n`e b str`ssf `xp`rj`ei`. `xp`rj`ei`. @v`e tc` onst s`fh-inel`et s`fh-inel`et p`rsne ibe a`t e`rvnus `f-i t v ²  ` f-i  l Yh Ooh " `w )nm ±,s i c{2 'p,i t J

= F`brejea e`w e`w sdjfs ibe m` m` b v`ry `obeljea `obeljea tbs E`w `opfny``s n`e h``f nv` nv`rwc`fo`l rwc`fo`l

9 @opny``s br` n`e `ombrrbss`l bmnut ent denwjea denwjea sno`tcjea Bs b r`suft, tc`y'r` bbjl bbjl tn bsd r c`fp


=. Ln ynu tcjed fjeaujst fjeaujstss scnufl scnufl m` wnrrj`l bmnt e`w wnrls `et`rea `et`rea tc` f`xjine> f`xjine> Qcy nr wcy ent>

9 Qcb Qcbtt e`w wnrls cbv` `et`r`l ynur fbeauba` bs b r`suft nh tc` Jet`re`t bel snibf `lb>

Pejt 9; Yni`ty


Fjst`ejea `xtrb

]`sjstea ]`sjste a snibf pr`ssur` pr`ssur`s s

B Obti c tc` wnrls wn rls bel l`hjejtjnes. Qrjt` tc` f`t`r s b-`

2. = 9. Qrjt` Qrjt` \nr H

 = 9


Pejt 0; Wnar`ss


F`ssne i Inev`rsbtjn Inev`rsbtjne e strbt`aj`s B Ijrif` tc` inrr`it `xpr`ssnes tn inopf`t` tc` inev`rsbtne.





 tcjed jts bfwbys sijebtea tn r`bl bmnut tc` r`s`bric tcbs anjea ne. o`be,   b  J  p  b by. t kust s``s jd` `v`rytcjea `v`r ytcjea si`etjsts n `bs tn sno` mr`btcrnuac. Q`ff, y J  iby  `be,  b   by; J   p  b b tc`y'v` s`et mjffjns mjffjns tryjea try jea tn iur` iu r` tc` inone inf.  `e, y`s, ynu ibe tbd` o`ljije`, mut jt ln`set iur` ynur inf nr stn ynu no a`ttjea a`tt jea ne`.\ p  b b  by J K  r`s`bric ln`set bfwbys f`bl tn sno`tcjea us`uf. u s`uf. Oby  J K  Mut jts stff wnrtc lnea.  `be,   b  J  by   b     tcbt ynu net r`bffy nw jh ynur` anjea a njea tn b` rnar`ss uetjf ynu bituby n t` r`s`bric.bts r`s`bric.bts kust tc` wby t s. Z`b.  au`ss tc`r` js en wby tn dnw.

M Obtic tc` s`t`ei`s bel r`spnes`s Qrt` tc` f``rs b-` \c`r` s ne` ne ` `xtrb r`spnes` r`spnes`

2 Ln ynu tcjed tcjed wnrf `bi` `bi` js nssj nssjmf`> mf`> ^^  = et ynu tjed b fnt nh one`y cbs m``e m``e inf`t`fy wbst`l ne uee`i`ssbry uee`i`ssbry `libf r`s`bric je r`i`et y`brs>  9  tcje tcjedd or` r`s`bric `nrt scn scnuf uf m` ut jetn stuyjea tc` ni`bes.Q` inufl f`bre b fnt n tcbt ^^   . us` tc` bff tc` tjo`. Q`ff, tc` ev`etnr wbs tryjea tr yjea tn obd` b strnea afu`, afu `, be ` tcnuact c`l c` l jf`.Mut, jt tres nut tcbt c`l c` l ir`bt`l sn`tcjea us`uf us`uf.. Yn jt wbset b wbst` nh tj`.    net den.... den....cbts cbts ent sbvjea fjv`s tcnuac js jt>

Y`pcbe el`b `pbe el`b

0.W`ejiffje sbv`s fv`s, bel tcbt wbs jsinv`r`l my biijl`et. Pejt 0; 



Jehnrojne hfnw Wut tc` a pbt `v`ts  tc` l`v`p`t  pbp` t icaib l`.

^    

b. m. i l. `   h L

Wbp`robjea niiurr`l je Icjeb. Brbmjbes sumstjtut`l sumstjtut`l fje`e m`rs r r wnnl. Ifby tbmf`ts br` us`l my tc` Yuo`rjbes. c` prjetjea pr`ss js jev`et`l je A`robey. A`robey. @ayptjbes @ayptjb es ir`bt`l ir`bt`l sc``ts sc``ts nh pbpyrus W`npf` ljsinv`r`l ibv` wbffs ibv` wbffs w`r` b annl pfbi` r lrbwjeas

] n j B` tc` s`t`i`s tu` s`t`i`s tu`  bs`,  s tc` bt t av` av`  tc` bi`> Qt` \ H  EA I`t tc` bs` s`t`i`s

2 Ibv` pbjetjeas pbjetjeas lrbwe lrbwe my `brfy p`npf` p`npf` cbv` cbv` m``e uel bff bff nv`r tc` wnrfl ^  = Yuo` Yuo`rjbes rjbes us`l us`l ifby tbmf`ts tbmf`ts r wrjtjea brnue brnuel l 9777MI@.  9. Bt ne` ne` tjo`, tr`` f`bv`s f`bv`s bel tr`` tr`` mbrd w`r` trj`l trj`l bs b surhi` r wrjtjea.   > Qcy> Qcy> 2 Qcjic stba` je tc` l`v`fnpo`et nh pbp`r ln ynu tcjed wbs onst jopnrtbet

= Cnw ln ynu tcjed tc` jev`etjne jev`etjne nh tc` prjetjea pr`ss icbea`l tc` inurs` nh cuobe l`v`fnpo`et bel cjstnry>

9 Qcbt ln ynu tcjed tcjed js tc` tur` tur` nh  nh pbp`r> Ln ynu tcjed tcjed pbp`r wjff m`ino` nmsnf`t`>

Pejt 0; Wrnar`ss Wrnar`ss


Fjst st`e `ejea jea `xtrb Fj

E`w bpps

B Fnnd bt tc` pcntn. Qcjic nh tc`s` bpps br` ynu hbojfjbr wjtc Qcbt ntc`r bpps ln ynu us`> Cnw n`e ln ynu us` tc`o> Inopf`t` tc` icb

s` ouftpf` tjo`s b lby Ps` ni` nr twji` b lby Ps` b h`w jo`s b w``d Ps` niibsjnebfy; E`v`r us` M Q Fjst`e tn tc` inev`rsbtjne. Irif` tc` inrr`it nptjn tn inopf`t` `bic s`et`ei` . W`` scnws Bscb Bscb b ousi bpp cb b c`y mnc wb m c c`y `y mn mnc c cb` = W W`` `` o`n o`nss b n` l`b  b b  bpp m n l`bs l`bs  bpps 9 Bscb Bscb o` o`n ns s b n` l`b   b bpp bpp

m wn l`bs  bpps bpps

i B Bsscb ln`s' nw bmnu i n l`bs l`bs  bpps bpps i n l`bs  bpps bpps

l jsst>



Onst musje`s musje`ss`s s`s d``p ne-st` r`inrls bl hf`s (mntc (m ntc cbrlinpy bel `f`itrneji) tcbt br` `ss`etjb tn enrob np`rbtnes. Yno` Yn o` mse`ss`s bfs stnr` rbw obt`rjbfs obt`rjbfs bel prnluit ev`etnry \c` fnss nh `ss`etjb r`inrls h`s, bel ntc`r obt`rjbfs lurea b lsbst`r s inoonepbi` bel ibe ent nefy bll tn ynr lboba` insts mut bfsn l`fby ynur r`ture tn enrob np`rbtnes. \c` nea`r ynur muse`ss s ent np`rbtea np`rb tea tc` onr` d`f d`fyy ynu br` tn fns` istno`rs istno` rs p`robe`ety tn ynr inop`ttnrs. n r`li` ynr vufe`rbmjy l`t`roe` wcic r`inrls hf`s bel obt`rbs br` onst opnrtbet4 opnrt bet4 inesjl inesjl`r `r c`jr vfe`rbmjft vfe`rbmjftyy tn lboba` lurjea lhh`r`et typ`s nh lsbst lsbst`rs `rs (suic bs hfnnls crribe`s bel `brcqubd`s) be tbd` st`ps tn prnt`it tc`o eiulea tc` hnfnwea; • ]bjsea inopt`r inopt`rss bmnv` tc` tc` hfnn f`v` f`v` bel onvea tc`o bwby bwby hrno fbra` fbra` welnws Onvje Onvjea c`b c`bvy bel hrba hrbajf` nmk nmk`its `its n nw n sc` sc`v`s •• Ytnr Ytnrea eaa vj vjtbf tbfvy lniuo lniuo`ets `etsjf`(pfbes (pfb es f`bf pbp`r pbp`rs s v`s `ti) e b s`iur` nhhsjt nhhsjt`` fnibtjne • ]`abrfy mbidea p vtbf `f`itrnji hf`s (suic bs mfjea bel pbyn r`inrls bel iustno`r sts) bel stnrea mbidup inp`s e b s`iur` hhst` fnibtne • Y`iurj Y`iurjea ea `qjpo`et `qjpo`et tcb inul ov` ov` nr hbff lurjea be `brtcqubd` `brtcqubd` • Wrnr n currjib urrjibee`s `s inv`r nr prnt`t vjtbf lnio`ets bel ``itribf `qupo`et hrno pnt`tjbf wel lrjv`e rbe wcic oby mr``ic tc` mujflja `ev`fnp` tcrnuac wjelnws lnnrs nr rnnh syst`os J


D``p tc`s` pnes je ojel wc`e prntitea ynur msje`ss r`inrls bel ev`etnry • Obd` sr` sr` yn br` bwbr` nh nh tc` ltbjs nh ynur hnnl esrbei` bel ntc`r cbzbrl esurbei` esurbei` pnfji`s pnfji`s sp`ihibffy wcjic t`os bel inet`ts br` inv`r`l inv`r`l bel uel`r wcbt ineltjnes. Hnr `xbo` h ynu cbv` b cno` mse`ss yn oby e``l tn hfnnl esurbei` pnfij`s b cno` pniy bel b s`pbrbt` muse`ss pnfiy l`p`elea ne tc` p`ri`etb` nh tc` tntbf sqbr` hnntba` nh ynur cnus` tcbt js l`vnt`l tn mse`ss s` Ic`id wtc ynur esrbei` ba`et h ynu cbv` q`stjnes bmnt bey nh ynur nfi`s • Qc`e yn l`ethy l`ethy `qupo`et sus`pt sus`ptm` m` tn tn lboba` lboba` inesjl`r tc` tc` nibtne nh tc` tc` `qup`et Hnr `xbopf` `qupo`e e`br b cnt wt`r tbed nr pp`s inul m` lboba`l h tc` pjp`s murst lurea be `brtcqubd` bel `qjpo`et e`br bra` welnws inul m` lboba`l lurjea curribe`s • Bssjae ljsbs ljsbst`r t`r ojtabtne ltj`s tn ynr `opny``s. `opny``s. Hnr `xbop` sno` `opfny``s inul ` r`spnesmf` r`spnesmf` hnr s`iurea s`iur ea snrba` mes bel ntc`rs hnr mbidjea p inopt`r h`s bel l`fjv`rjea inp`s inp`s tn b s`iur` fnibtne • Zn oby oby wbet tn tn inesl`r cbvje cbvjeaa ntc`r nhhi`s nhhi`s nh ynur inopbey nr b inetrb inetrbitnr itnr p`rhnro p`rhnro sno` bloestrb bloe strbtv` tv` lt`s suic bs objt objtbejea bejea pbyrn r`inrls nr prnvl prnvlea ea iustno`r s`rvi`. • @stjo @stjobt` bt` tc` inst nh r`pbrjea r`pbrjea nr rpbi rpbijea jea `bic `ss`etjbf pj`i` nh `qujpo`et `qujpo`et e ynur musje`ss Znur `sttobt`s wff c`p ynu bss`ss ynur vfe`rbmj `s vfe`rbmjfty fty bel nius ynur `hhnrts • Hnr mntc jesrb jesrbei` ei` bel tbx purpns`s ynu scnfl objetbje objetbje wrtt`e bel pcntnarbpcji pcntnarbpcji ev`etnrs nh b opnrtbet obt`rjb obt` rjbss bel `qupo`et \c` ev`etnry scnufl scnu fl m` stnr`l je b sbh`ty l`pnst mnx nr ntc`r s`iur` nibtne. • W`rnljibfy `vbbt` `vbbt` tc` muflea ev`np` tn obd` obd` sur` sur` tcbt wjel bel wbt` wbt`rr br` ent bmf` tn p`e`trbt` tc` mljea. Ln r`aufbr obet`ebi` bel r`pbrs tn obetbe tc` str`eatc nh tc` mujflje `ev`np` YNP]I@; P.Y L`pbto`et nh Cno`fbel Cno`fbel Y`iurjty± H@OB

Pejt 8; Mus`ss stul`s


I c`id ynur elstbeljea  ()   w   q.

2 ` onst s`rnus ines`qu`ei` nh ent m`ea pr`pbr`l r b ebturbf lsbst`r s tcbt .  ^ b ynur input`r `qupo`et `qupo`et b b a`t lboba`l  ^ m ynu oby fns` muse`ss   i ynu oby oby fns` ynur pbyrnf r`inrls = \c` suaa`stnes br` lvl`l etn tn s`itnes tcbt nutfe` .  b tceas tn ln l n m`r` be `o`ra`eiy bel tceas tn ln b`r be `o`ra`eiy  m suaa`stnes r muse`ss nwe`rs bel suaa`stns r muse`ss `opfny``s  i cnw tn prnt`it tc` onst opnrtbet tceas bel suaa`stnes r ntc`r bitnes tn tbd` 9 c` brtif` suaa`sts tcbt pr`ibutnebry bitnes e``l tn m` tbd`e    b nei`  m y`brfy  ^ i r`aufbrfy L

Bmnut ynu

]`bl hn jeh`e Q     f   > O   w  pmmf 

2 ]bs` ]bs` inoput`rs bmnv` fnnl f`v`f   = Onv` c`b bel bel baf` `qupo`e `qupo`ett tn fnw  sc`fv`s   9 ]`aufbrfy mbid up u p `f`itrnei f`s   Qcy>

= Qcic nh tc` sua`stjnes ln ynu tced br` onst liuf r musje`ss`s tn ffnw>

Qcic suaa`stjns inufl inufl ynu us` tn prnt`it ynur nwe p`rsnebf p `rsnebf pss`ssnes e tc` ibs` nh  9Qcic 9 b lsbst`r>

Pejt 8; Muse`ss stul`s


Qrjtea B

B r`pn bebfyzjea b prnmf`o

Inopf`t` tc` r`pn wjtc tc` `xpr`ssjnes je tc` mnx. \c`e ijrif` tc` inrr`it onlbf Inopf v`rms tn inopf`t` c` s`et`ei`s Ne` r`bsne  tcjs \js js pnssjm m`ibus`

Bentc` pnssjmf` `bsne tcbt Jt oby bfsn m` b `suft nh

Jt js enw ne` y`br sjei` w` fbueic`l nur inopbey w`msjt`, bel tc` r`suts cbv` ent  m``e bs annl bs w` cbl cnp`l. B fnt nh pnt`etjb iustno`rs vjsjt tc` sjt` mut tc`y s``o  tn `bv` m`hnr`  vj`wjea bey nh tc` prnluits tcbt w` nhh`r ^ 2 oby m` tc` l`sjae nh tc` w`msjt`. \c` rst pba` tcbt p`np` s`` js v`ry inehusjea bel  /  nhh`r tnn obey icnji`s Bs b r`sut, iustno`rs  /  ent tbd` tc` tjo` tn aur` nut cnw tn ebvjabt` tn ntc`r pbrts nh tc` sjt` Q` inufl snfv` tcjs jh w` cbl b sjop`r l`sjae ^


p`n` v` tc` jt` sn qujid  /   m` tcbt jt jse't ulbt`l bel

r`hr`sc`l nht`e `enuac Entcjea Ent cjea puts iustno`rs nhh onr` tcbe l`bl l`bl fjeds bel nut-nlbt` jenr jen r obtjn obtjne e Q`    pfbe tn uplbt tc` sjt` ne b w``dfy mbsjs Bentc`r prnm`o tn bllr`ss js tcbt iustno`rs hr`u`ey ln ent inop`t` tc` nrl`rjea 9

prni`ss onv` tn tc` e`xt pba`

jt js ljhiuft tn el tc` muttne ynu e``l tn ifjid ne je nrl`r tn <

 tc` inopfjibt`l "ic`iut pba` wc`r` p`npf`

cbv` ljsinv`r`l ljsinv `r`l tcbt jt  /  m` ljhiut tn obd` icbea`s je tc` nrl`r. Iustno`rs  t`f us tcbt prnmf`o prnmf`os s fj` tc`s`  /  m` hrustrbt hrustrbtjea jea bel l`t`r p`npf` hrno inopf`tjea tc`jr nrl`r \cjs scnufl m` x`l bs snne bs pnssjmf`, mut je tc` o`betjo`, w`  /  jst nur pcne` euom`r onr` prnoje`ety ne tc` pba` Jt wj tbd` sno` tjo`  tn x bf bf  nh tc`s` prnm`os, mut jt  /  m` blvjsbmf` bl vjsbmf` tn a`t stbrt`l rjact bw bwby by Bey  w` obd`  /  cbv` be joo`ljbt` jopbit ne neje` sb`s nh n h nur prnluits icbea`s w` icbea`s


]`wrjt` tc` s`ine s`et`ei`s onr` hnrobffy wjtc tc` `xp`ssjnes ajv`e je pbr`et�'`s Obd` bey tc`r e`i`ssbry icbea`s 2. Nu w`msjt` n`e sib`s p`npf` n Obm` jts tc` v` inpjibt`l l`sjae (js ob m` b `sut n . ) = Nu iustno`s n`e lne't inop`t` tc`j nl`s.ts nl`s. ts v` iesjea tn an tcnuac tc` nl`jea pni`s (Ne` `bsne  tcjs ojact m`  ) 9 W`npf` a`t v` ustbt` ne nu w`msjt`.bm` jts m`ibus` m`ibus` n bff t` `b fjeds be nut-nlbt` jebtjne (B pnssjmf` ibus` inu m` .)


@ Inrr`it tc` ojstbd`s Ne` s`et`ei` js inrr`it  J nu nu w`msjt` cbl b m`tt` l`sjae, p`np` ibe ebvjabt` tcnuac jt on` `bsj `bsj = W`npf` t`f us tbt tc` b` usjea u e`w w`msjt` bel tc` inul el tcje tcjeas as on` `bsjf 9 J kust ljsinv``l b a`bt a`bt w`msjt` wc`` nu inufl n` n` nls no b nv` tc` wnfl wnfl Ic`id (X) tc` mnx`s.

Ibe ynu tcjed nh ntc`r tnpjis>

L @opfny`` cnstjjty  Fn prnluitjvty L Mnss-`pfny`` Mnss-`pfny`` r`btjnescjps M

 Hbi`tni` inooub L ob ob inr`spnelei` L Wrnmf`os wtc tc` mnttno j`

Fjst`e tn b r`inrljea nh b trbjejea inurs` ne wnrdpfbi` 2 ojsinoouejibtjne Ic`id (X) tc` obje obje ibus` nh ojsinoouejibtjne tc` trbje`r hnius`s ne

 . \a   oa oa bf Lm. Pa  wa o h oe   E a  a a a  L   df I

2 Fjst`e babje Ijrif` tc` m`st nptjnes tn inopf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s

2 Bna   d, d, oon oon  e   ^     f fp  dn n aa   ff           a = Ba   r t ea h o       dw  n   n osba  r rp p  tn      t t  9 Y   o ot otn n s ei` `is `is   q q    if if it itn n  n    d d   st st x x a a h oa ^^ ^^  =   a t tc  tct   oet    c > > Q  w t> ^ Q ^     � � 9 C  `   o w > Q   d d a  > ^^^^^ ^^^^^ 

Pejtt 8; Mus`ss sul Pej

Enw inopf`t` tc` Pejt 8 Wrnar`ss icb ne pba` ::.


F`ssne B Arboobr Cypntc`sjzjea B

]`wrjt` tc` ]`wrjt`  tc` s`et`ei`s w wjtc jtc tc` uel`rfje`l tc` uel`rfje`l

jh ifbus`s.

Ps` tc` wnrls nr struitur`s av`e

Jh ynu bsd e pbr`t bmnut tc` icbf`ea`s nh b e`w mbm, (o`btv`) ' c` n sc` wjf cbv` stn`s tn t` O cusmbel bel J b` en lhh``et O cusmbel ws st e bw sicnn wc`e w` cbl nu hst icfl. Jh w` cbl denwe (Cbl) = cnw lhhiut t wnul m`  e  ew  e  w wu v w  ue  w` et`es` bel nur lbuct` bs nht`e sid tc` hst h`w onetcs sn w` w`` mntc `xcbust`l Jh w` ll t be (Q``) 9, w` wnul m` m`tt` `b`l Bt tct to` J let denw o e`w ontc`-ew ontc`-ew wcn v`l e`bm v` w` h J cbl m``e (bl) < `ss sc J oct oct cbv` bsd`l c` hn c` c` Ne` lb sc` cb`e`l tn i wc`e mntc tc` mbm bel J w`` sid Y` ibo` n` e 27 oeut`s 27 oeut`s tnl o` tn n tn m`l bel tnnd ib` nh tc` mbm uetf  h`ft m`tt` J wbs sn bt`hu Bht` tct  sd`l ` hn c` b nt \c` `ssne hn e`w b`ets s tcs; Bsd hn c` h nu e``l t h nu nu lnet tc`ws`) 0, tcns` hst onetcs onetcs ob m` on` lhhiut tce e`i`ssb

h   �    �


 Bsd


pO`² Wmnh  I`M` I`M` n  iw mmy, l ` n ` w±e  +n± `   n `.

=-� 9.     

M Pesirbo Pesirbomf` mf` tc` s`et`ei`s.

2 ln J suii`ssu inupf`s inupf`s J js J Qbt J tbfd bmnut tc`jr prnmf`os = tc` suii`ss suii`ss nr jfur` jfur` nh nur r`fbtjnescjp r`fbtjnescjp J Cnw J c`fps l`t`roje` J ynu inoouejibt`

9 ibe `bsj `bsjfy fy m`ino m`ino`` J Cnw obey nurs J b prnmf`o J ynu wnrd je b w``d

=. Cnw cbs onl`re fj b`it`l b`it`l ojfy ljee`rs je ynur iuftur`> iuftur`>

Pejt 1; ]`fbnescps


Qrjtjea B

Qrjtjea b. obabzje` bjif`

Ijrif` tc` Ijrif`  tc` m`st nptjnes tn t n inopf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s. Je tc` fbs twn l`ibl`s, l`ibl`s, t`icenfnay bs blvbei`l je b euom`r nh J b ar`bt l`bf nh wbys w` inule' bv` jobaje`l. Q` ibe en d``p d``p je nuic w hj`els bel r`fbtjv`s bff bnuel ` afnm` wjc `bs` bel nh`e b h`w J fjttf` ins My sjopfy pns pnstjea tjea stbus uplbt`s uplbt`s bel e`w pntns nefje`, b h`w J b wjl` vbrj`ty nh p`npf` - hrno nu biqubebei`s n nu n u ifns`s hj`els - ibe `i`jv` joo`ljb` uplb`s ne nu fjv`s Ne` wnufl wnufl tcjed b suic jestbetbe`nus inoouejibjne wnufl f`bl tn J `hh`it ifns` stnea` r`fbjnesjps. Cnw`v` Cnw`v ` `s`bi `s`bi`s `s cbv` ljsinv``l tbt t` anwtc anwt c je snibf o`ljb cbs `suft`l je J n ar`b` jsnfbtjne bel fne`fje`ss hnr b ar`bt l`bf nh J obey p`npf` Hnr sno` p`npf` sjopfy cbvjea b fn nh nefje` hj`els cbs fjttf` J h`w `hh`i ne t`j s`es` nh h``fjea inee`i`l n `  ` p`npf` je c`j fjv`s Bs b fbra` bonuet nh J s`v`rbf `s`bi`s bv` en`l enjea ibe `pfbi` ` pnw` nh hbi`tnhbi` inoouejibtjne wcjic cbs b rbea` nh J b fbra` bonuet nh pn pnsjjv` sjjv` `hh`is `hh`is ne nu w`ffm w`ffm`jea `jea

M Inopf`t` Inopf`t` tc`  tc` blvji` infuoe wjtc tc` `xpr`ssjnes je tc` mnx





`suft je


2 \`r` br` strbt`aj`s tcbt ib c`fp p`npf` objtbj b stbmf` bel fbstjea = mbsji ruf`s ibe bffnw ynur r`fbtjnscjp tn prnsp`r. r`fbtjnscjp. Yjopfy ffnwja b 9 tn b s`s` nh trust wcjic js Hjrst, ynu scnufl bfwbys ` cn`st bs tcjs js `ss`tjbf < nh p`npf` ln't r`bfjz` r bff r`fbtjnscjps. E`xt jt js `i`ssbry tn m` fnybf. B  tcbt scbrja ynur rj`ls s`ir`ts nr tbfdjea bmnut tc`o m`cjl tc`jr mbids ib ^0

s`rjnus prnmf`os jbffy m` sur` tn m` a`e`rnus je ynur hrj`elscjp. Bvnjl B vnjl s`fsce`ss wcjic  8  tc` jopr`ssjn jopr`ssjn tcbt ynu nefy ibr` bmnut bmnut ynurs`fh.  @a Inrr`it tc` `rrnr je `bic s`et`ei`

2   Pejt 1; ]`fbtnescps


Fjs st`e t`ejea jea `xtrb Fj

]`fbtjnescjp ]` fbtjnescjp trnumf`s trnumf`s

B ]`bl tc` r`fbtjnescjp pnmf`os tcbt p`npf` ojact tbfd bmnut ne be blvji` rbljn scnw. Qrjt` twn Qrjt`  twn onr` pnssjmf pnssjmf prnmf`os ` ib`r ...  2 cs cs  lj ssste L =   mnss wcn's uptmf uptmf L 9 e' e' elsel  ssn  rjt` rjt` \ nr H   Man s me me ptea ptea py pycnnay cnnay  o ce       =. Yfys ss onnl  uepl   9  an lvs lvs Yfy n n n d  mnss jj jjo o psfy psfy     prnmf`os> Qcy nr cy ent>  Yfy Yfy;;             ;            ^     bo ^ Enw inopf`t` tc` Pejt 1 Wrnar`ss icb ne pba` 277.


Pejt 1; ]`fbnescps ]`fbnescps

tn ps  F`ssne B Arboobr ]`hjea tn B Inopf`t` tc` bjif`. Ps` tc` v`rms ajv`e bel p`it jehjejtjv`s Yno` v`rms br` pbssjv`

(wnufl fjd` J o``t) Obrtje Futc`r Djea, Kr. tc` Bo`rjibe if`rayobe bel bel snijbf snijbf bitjvst C` ^ (wjl`fy idenwf`la` J blvbei`) ijvjf racts racts je Bo`rjibe snij`ty tcrnac cs prnarbo prn arbo h enevnf`et enevnf`et ivjf ljsnm`lj`ei` ljsnm`lj`e i` B mrffbet inooejibtnr inooejib tnr cs ons bt-rbiso sp``ic, 9 "J cbv` cbv` b lr`bo l`fjv`r`l ne Buaust =3, 2:89 (sbl J `stbmfsc) c bs ne` nh tc` ar`bt`st nrbtnrs je Bo`ribe cjstnry Je t`ros nh ineir`t` icbea`, cs obe f`abiy (inesl`r J m`) tc` pbssea nh tc` Ijvf ]acts Bit nh 2:83, wcic prncmjt`l rbibf ljsirjojebtne je tc` PY Cs wnrd 0 ^ (bfsn denw J efu`ei`) tc` Mfbid Inesijnse`ss Onv`o`et wcic 8 (s``o J cbv`) act r ivjf racts e Yntc Bjib Cjs fjh` i`rtbjefy be opbit ne tc` B o`ribe p`npf` Cuelr`ls nh str``s cbv` m``e ebo`l ebo`l e cs cnenr bel c` wff bfwbys m` i`f`mrbt`l i`f`mrbt`l ne tc` tcr Onelby nh beubry beub ry  Obrrte Ftc`r Dea r Lby Ob ^




M ]`wrjt` tc` s`et`ei`s sn tc`y obd` s`es` my blljea b p``it p``it jehjejtv`

2 Obey cub cube e racts bitjvsts wnufl fj` tn ljsiuss pbssjv` r`sjstbei` w wtc tc Obcbtob Obcbtob Abelcj = Biinrl Biinrljea jea tn tn Enstrb  Enstrblbous, lbous, tc` sxt``etc sxt``etc i`etury i`etury prnpc`t, pr npc`t, tc` wnrfl js suppns`l tn ino` in o` tn be `el ne L`i`m`r L`i`m`r =2st, =2st, =72= 9 Yjr sbbi E`wtne's 831 wnr w nr Obtcobtjib Obtcobtjibff Wreijpf`s Wreijpf`s nh Ebturbf Wcfnsn Wcfnsnpcy pcy s sbjl tn fby tc` uelbtjnes r onst nh ifbssjbf o`icbeis Qcy Qcy>> = Qc Qcnn js bienwf`la`l bienwf`la`l tn cbv` m``e b jefu`e jefu`etjbf tjbf f`bl`r je ynur inuetry> Qcy>

Pejjt 3; Cjstnry Pe


F`ssn F`ssne e M Xnibmufbry Jev`etjnes tcbt icbea`l tc wnrfl

B ]`pfbi` tc` wnrls je mnfl wjtc wnrls hrno tc` mnx wjtc sjojfbr o`bejeas. bppbr`et






 sjaejibet


 2",  sn tn nms`rv` ^ ^  l``p

Xbiijebtjnes tn stnp tc` sr`bl nh ljs`bs` cbv` `suft`l je ibea`s tn nu qubjty nh jh`. Btcnuac tc` m`e`hjts b` bel ent joo`lbt`y  vbiijebtjne ibopbjaes cbv` bl b

nmvjnus 9 9 0

< ^

ouic `ss bel inul `sut je tc`

neanjea nespjunus anmf

8 , 1

jopbit ne pumji c`bt Wnjn cbs `ino`  hn `xbop`, bel `ecbei`l vbiijebtjne `nts `blibtjne nh obey ljs`bs`s

M Ijri` tc` inrr`it wnrls tn inop`t` c` bjif` Jt s`l t m` ey tc` `t` wc l r`bl, mt tc` ev`ete h tc` pretea pr`ss e 2 e`r`sea> >  >

. n nu ed  s wnrw` wnrw` n pursu` b br``r br``r e `eae``rea> y  y nr wcy en>

P : @`` @``j j `s


F`ssne M Xnibmufbry

Jeir`ljmf` h`bts

B ]`pfbi` tc` wnrls e mnfl wjtc `xpr`sjnes hrno tc` mnx tcbt cbv` cb v` sjojfbr o`bejeas.

bc`bl n si`luf` bss`omf`l

insri`l l`fby`l

`r`i`l   b snr snr jo` bo` bo`

jsbff`l ob`v`r`l


J`` `a``a k`s 2. ` @ypbe Wyrbol n Azb, w br` nv`r Oti t a el jl Qjt t  -

.  i 

\`icenfna wne't r`pfi` ff kns, ut jt o ir`t` sno` ue`sjrf` kns \`icenfnajif icea` js iusjea iusjea  afn afnff `ir`s` je oj-f`v`f kns kns Inoput`rs r` jeir`sjeaf njea kns w` tcnuact ne cuobes cuobes inuf n. Inoput`rs el rnnts r`et r`pfijea cjac nr nwsjff` knms nef oj-f`v` kns

2 W Wa apc pcss =< =< ^ = W Wa apc pcss 0: 0: ^

9 Wapcs  7 

Pejt :; @eae``rea wnel`s


Fjs Fjstt`e `ejea jea `xtrb B

Obtic tc` wnrls bel tc`jr l`hjejtjnes. Qrjt` tc` f``rs b-l

. tc tc`` inbs inbstt ^  =. b rjv rjv`r `r l`f l`ftb tb   9. stnro sura` mbrrj mbrrj`rs, `rs, s`b wbffs ljd`s  

bv  ua

Bht`r onetcs nh mjtt`r struaaf`, tc` tjl` tjl ` enw s``os tn J je tc` ijvjf wbr. Nv`r tc` fbst w w``ds nppnsjtjne ri`s bpp`br tn J tc` arnuel tc`y fnst fbst wje`r. H urtc`ronr` jet`rebtjnebf p`bi` mrn`rs w`r` sbj tn J b rjtjbf pnjet je p`b` e`antjbtnes Yje` brrjjea je E`w Znr ne Yueby r`pr`s`etbtv`s no bff pbrt`s br` sbjl tn J b `bs`r` bar``o`et. Wnfjtjbf bebfysts m`fj`v` tcbt prjnr tn J tc` bfds tc` pr`sjl`et pr`sjl`et  r nutsjl` nutsjl` ojfjtbry bssjtbei` bssjt bei` mut c` js ew ron` tn  J b pnw`-scbrje bar``o` bar``o`et et wjtc tc` ppnsjtjne.

 ura bv  raba  rabja  rbja  rba


 aba aba lra by bv la aba   la u buby lrja


nopf`t` tc` e`ws mrj`h wjtc inetjes jehjejtj` hnros nh tc` `rms j`e

Wnssjmf stulet tujtjne jeirbss

\cnusbels nh stul`ets w`r` sbj ^ 2 (pr`pbr`) r mbl e`ws bc`bl nh be `xp`it`l beenue`o`et nh be jer`bs` je tujtjne `s Pjv`rsjty nijbfs bel b r`pr`s`etbtjv` mnbl nh stu`ets = wjff ljsiuss tcjs ljvjsjv` jssu` r twn lbys my ojlejact tnejact t nejact wcjc w cjc js tc` bar`` l`bfje` r be bar``o`et. L`spjt` L`spjt ` sno` `brfy sjaes nh be bar``o`et cnp`s cnp` s nh r`bcjea b noprnojs` < 9 en bpp`br l`) Ytul`et f`bl`rs cbv` wbre`l wbre` l tcbt stul`ets wnufl tbd` bitjne Ybrb Hnffy b pnfjtjibf sj`ei` obknr cbl tcjs tn sby; "J l`jl`l tn sdjp ifbss`s bel scnw 0 ent fjst`e tn oy uppnrt tn tc` mnbrl nh stul`ets. \c` ue`rsjty butcnrjtj`s s``o us r`` `lubtjne js js sno`tcjea J r`bffy m`fj`v` je. \`esjnes \`esjnes je nff`a` tnwes tnw es br` sbjl 8 jer`bs` sjei` tc` stbrt nh tc` tujtjne jsussjnes bel b el pnfj` br` sbj   1 onejtnr tc` sjtubtjne ifns`fy


]`wrjt` tc` e`rje` `rms B tc` `rms j`e e s` inetjens jehjejtj` hnros. jehjejtj`  hnros. Yno`tjo`s tc`r` js onr` tce ne` pnssjm` esw`r   rst's bt rns rns br rj js rtjn bbj. bbj . sb = Cns n n b bstj b` bv rn  t bsr br�t. br�t. bbr 9.  j rns`tnr js nsjrj b btjn bbjst nrrt  I@s btr tjs br. br. t Ijrif tc inrrit vrms. Biinrljea tn tc` brtif`, Qcy  e`wspbp`rs lyjea,  tc` blv`e nh \X bel rbljn, boneast ntc`r tcjeas,  / br`  tn mfbo` r tc` l`ifje l`ifje` ` nh e`wspbp`rs. My tc` ojl-tw`etj`tc i`etur onst p`npf` inesjl`r`l tcbt mr`bdjea e`ws

wbs / w`r`  pr`s`et`l onr` `hhjij `hhjij`etfy `etfy my tc`s` e`w o`ljb bel tcjs bpp`bf`l tn blv`rtjs`rs r`suftjea je b fnss nh r`v`eu` hnr e`wspbp`rs Yjei`  tc` rjs` nh tc` Jet`re`t, hr`` in`et cbs / cbv`  m`ino` tc` pr`lnojebet nefje` e`ws onl`f  b strbt`aji strbt`aji `rrnr wcjic uenrtuebt`fy cbs / cbv` fnst e`wspbp`rs ojffjnes je pnt`etjbf r`v`eu` Hjebff b euom`r nh r`i`et l`v`fnpo`ets js / br` blljea tn e`wspbp`rs' wn`s Wrjet bel neje` e`wspbp`r ifbssjh`ls struaaf` / struaaf`s  tn inop`t` wjtc Irbjsfjst, bel  tc` `inenoji lnweture nh r`i`et tjo`s cbs / cbv` ri`l pbp`rs tn iut int`et bel fy p`npf` nhh \c` butcnr nh tc` brtjif` ineiul`s / ineiful`  my wnel`rjea wc`tc`r icbrajea hnr nefje` pbp`rs inufl sumsjljz` tc` prjet v`rsjnes nr wc`tc`r prje pbp`rs wjff ljsbpp`br inopf`t`f


Iopft tc seteis wjtc b inrrit hnro nh tc vrms ajve

 c` r`v`eu` pnt`etjbf nh tc` e`ws w`mst`s w`mst`s ^ ent if`bfy ul`stnnl wc`e tc` Jet`e`t st `o`a`l (m`) =. Je fe` wtc tc` t`el bt tcbt tjo`, nefje` e`ws pnvjl`l  `` nh icbra` (m (m`) tn jeiful` 9 \nlb tc` euom` euom` nh e`ws pnvjl`s wjtc wjtc be Jet`e Jet`e`t `t p`s`ei` sobff nibf pbp`s (anw) (m`) I

@ Inrrit tc seteis \cr oby m onr tcbe ne rrnr je bc ne

2 c` euom` nh mfnas tcbt bebfz`s bebfz`s tc` e`ws cbv` anwe luea tc` pbst v` `bs  c` bonuet nh spbo tcbt tcbt bjv`s e o emnx s``o tn m` jei`bsea jei`bsea 9 c` onst `xijtjea `xijtjea nppntuetj`s nppntuetj`s  sno`ne` wcn cbs m``e m``e tbje`l bs b `pnt` js je nefe` e`ws Qrjt` tc` f``rs b-h.

2 =. 9. Qrjt` be jl`b \c`e fjst`e bel ic`id ynur au`ss

Oy au`ss I

\c` tnpji js

Q Fjst`e babje Ijrif` tc` m`st nptjne tn inopf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s

 bL Ajo tcjeds eds jt js js      m knuebjsts `obj  bel ntc` i eb ebtu tub bff biinuets  ue uAjon` e`tcjn` ib tcj  ue ue bvnjlbm` tn cbid jetn `obj bel = C` tcjeds tcbt knuebjsts e``l tn   b m` on` ib`hu m `abje pumji suppnt i `a `aubt ubt`` tc`o tc`oss`fv`s 9 Objne OiIb tcjeds tc` `sut n u`s bel `aubtjnes `aubtjnes je knuebjso knuebjso oby o`be ^  b a`bt` sn snijb ic icbea` m m`tt` ` `pntjea i wneal wnealnjea njea wne't m` `pnt` `pnt`  Qcji Qcjic c jeobtjne p`s`et`l j tc` l`mbt` l`mbt` wnul ynu jd` tn denw on` bmnut> Qcy> 9 \cjed nh be be `xbop` n be `tcjib `tcjib lj`oob tcbt b knuebjst knuebjst ojact i`

E ft t Pejt 27 Wrnar`ss icb  b 

Pejt 27; Iurr`e `v`ets


F`ssne B Arboobr \fdjea mnut tc` hutu` B Inopf`t` tc` mna pnst wjtc inrr`it hnros nh tc`

m` tn

`xpr`ssjnes bel tc v`rms ajv`e.

Biinrljea tn tc` w`btc`r r`pnrt, bentc`r trnpibf iyifne` (m` J strjd`) tc` snutc`re P.Y inbst tcjs w``d s`v`r` hnns (m` bmnut  cjt) Q`st`re @urnp` bl tc` c`bt wb` pbaujea Bustrbb ^ (m` s`t  inetjeu`).W`rcbps jd` o` ynu'r` wnel`rjea h b tc` lbba` bel l`truitjne hrno hnnls tnrebln`s bel `brtqubd`s (m` s`t  niiur)  r`aubry irnss tc` afnm`J ljl sno` r`s`bric bl bs hbr bs  ibe t` onst `xp`rts `xp`rts bttrjmut` btt rjmut` nur nur icbajea icbajea w`btc`r pbttres tn anmb wbrea Yn` 2






n tc` sby jt (m` s`t  icbea`) n tc` (m` ebturbff mnuel `v`ry cbpp`e) bt`r m`ibus` nur ijbt` `wsnne`r jfjnenry`brs W`rcbps tbs tu` mut jh tc` `vjrne`etbjsts br` inrr`it ijobt` icbea` bel ebturb lsbst`rs (m` bitubfy s`t  jet`esjhy) m`ibus` nh b tc` kued w` pt pt jetn tc` btonspc`r`C btonspc`r` C .sn .sn wcbt djel nh w`rl (m` bmnut  ct) ynur br`b> `rsneby  tced jts tj` t� an ar``e t.  www..2r  www 2rF Fbe ub ub `ino `ino

8 ^


3 

a   

M nop`t` tc` s`et`ei`s wjtc wjtc inrr`it hnros nh tc`

m` tn `xpr`ssjnes ajv`e

2. h `xtrbt`rr`strjbfs `xtrbt`rr`strjbfs `xjst, `xjst, wcbt wnul cbpp`e jh tc`y (m) ture tc`jr btt`etjne tn nur pbe`t> Lnnosby`r r`aubrfy ibjo tcbt bj`es ^ ^

(m` mnuel) jevbl` @brtc  bel w` cuobes wj cbv` tn l`h`el nur pbe`t! = Cnw ouic jopnrtbei` ibe ne` bttbc tn tc` sjxt``etc-i`etury wrjtjeas wrjtjeas nh Enstrblbous> Jh ynu m`j`v` cjs cjs fnw`rs c` pr`ljt`l tcbt Hrbei` (`) uel`ran b `vnutjne je tc` 1:7s Hnrtuebt`y cjs pr`ljitjne tcbt ijvjjzbtjne    (m`) ino` tn be `el je =7= cbs m``e prnv`e wrnea 9 Yno Yno`` sij`etjsts sij`etjsts sby sby nur arbelicjlre arbelicjlre (m` mnuel) `xprj`ei` s`v`r` nl scnrtba`s jh tc` pnpubtjne (m`) inetjeu` arnwjea bt iurr`et rbt`s \`y `stjobt` tcbt cuobejty ust scrjed twntcjrls my ojli`etury j w` w`    (m`) bvnj bvnjl l spjrbjea nl prji`s bel obssjv` stbrvbtjn Bmnut ynu

esw`r tc` qu`stjnes wjtc jehnrobtjne tcbt js tru` hnr ynu


 Qcbt `v`ets br` bmnut tn cbpp`e je je ynur ijty nr nr tnwe>

= Qcbt js tc` w`btc`r je ynur br`b jdy jdy bel ent jd`y tn ln bt tcjs tjo` nh y`r>

9 Qcbt djels nh icb`ea`s br` tc` p`p` je ynur inuetry mnuel tn `xp`rj`ei je je tc` e`xt h`w onetcs>

Pejt 22; Js j r`bf> r`bf>


F`ssne M Xnibmufbry Jljnos bel pcrbsbf v`rms wtc


B Obtic tc` wnrls je mnfl wjtc tc` `xpr`ssjnes je tc` mnx tcbt cbv` b sjojfbr o`bejea. Qrjt` tc` f``rs b-h \c`r` js ne` `xtrb `xpr`ssjne

e   �   

b. tue b mjel `y` (n snocje snocjea) a) m tu ture re lnw lnwee i. tu ture re nut nut l ture (sno`t (sno`tcjea) cjea) brnuel brnuel ` u ure re tn  trjea  trjea pnjet

� F`

f '      b`  v  b s` y   v     ^^ =     u v  `  h h E       ^  9 @     v q -    k v v  a`  d d C k    pz, 7  !


Q,   v  C   d       vl mr    a  J d  w  d      vl       v m  -    iu iu       J m    aa           h Y    ^   ^       h  \   r el     8 ND  K Z     w  v 1



u 


   

K D Qw J b  ! Y,  


Ps` sjx n tc`


`xpr`ssjnes je tc` f`ssne tn wrjt` s`et`ei`s tcbt cbv` o`bejea nr yn.

!. ^ ^    =. ^ ^  

9      ^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^  ^^^   ^^^^^^^^^^ ^  ^^^^^^^^^^ ^  ^ ^  


F`ssn F`ssne e M  B

Arboob   Jehntjne hnius Arboob

Inopf`t` tc` mfna pnst wjtc pbssjv` nr bitjv` hnros nh tc` v`rms ajv`e.

Br` ynu sno`ne` wcn l`s`rv`s fjd`



(`inaejz`) nr stbyjea tru` tn ynur lr`bos> J'l

(pfbi`) e tcbt ibt`anry, mut Jv` m`ino` onr` mnrea bel inev`etnebf tcbe

J nraebffy pfbee`l! Hnr Hnr tc` fbst y`br nr sn, oy ojel bpp`brs


(tbd` nv`r) my onrtaba`

pbyo`ets bel ntc`r hebeibf wnrrj`s. Ent nefy tcbt, mut fh` cbs antt`e antt`e sn musy bel  ibet bvnjl < ^

(ibtic up) e o``teas bel trbi kbos.  cbv` b hrj`el, tcnuac, wcn s``os

0 ^

(bicj`v`) tc` fh` c` bfwbys wbet` wbet` Enmnly inufl `v`r

cjo tcbt tn b ee`-tnhv` ee`-tnhv`knm knm wbs tc` wby tn an En sjr C`l rbtc`r m`bic ibme tn wrjt`, surh, bel mr`btc` je tc` hr`sc bjr. C` C ` sbys sbys jts ent wnrtc

8 1


(f`bv`) bfne` je cjs 3


ojs`rbmf` my b r`aufbr knm C`s kust sae`l b fuirbtv` mnn l`bf, be nr tcbt c` r`bffy l`s`rv`s : ^    .

(r`sp`it) C`s obl` jt bel c`s bvnl`l ^ ^ (hnri` (hnri`)) tn pnstpne` pnstpn e` tc`

annl fjh` fjh` Cn Cnw w obey p`npf` ibe sby tcbt>


]`wrjt` tc` s`et`ei`s usjea b pbssjv` hn nh tc` uel`rfje`l v`rms Ytb wjtc tc` w ajve. o`tjos tc j or tcbe ne` i`it besw`

 J wbe wbett p`npf p`npf`` tn r`o`om`r o`  tc` ijt nrd J ln je tc` inoouej. J fd` + +     £7 £7 ² ±y  2  ±,   " y = O abeon abeonc` c` tbuc tbuc o` tn tn bp`ijbt` c` ee sj` nh fjh` f jh`

`o`om` ^  9 JO @eafs ^ `i` bs jrf fbm`fl o` t ifbss inwe `i` inwe  le' ced  ``v`-  ``v`-  J w J qubt` B;    R     b` b`r r lv lv J v` J Qcb J m` J nlb> J nufl J n e pnp` B    R 9  n nr r J n wb J Cn J nufl J n ` / fh`> J   on` J pnb`l R  

P 2;   r


F`ssne i Inev`rsbtjne strbt`aj`s B Inopf`t` tc` iev`rsbtjnes wjc tc `xpr`ssjn e c` mn.

m` nn cbppy bmnu

ln`se s rac wc o`

cbs en annl

ln`se' s``o rac

Jo e iormf` wc

cb wnufl m` oy inei`re


J cbv` b `el wcn ln`s b fn nh nefje` lbea Mu cs prnf` se burb` b kus ^ ^   n n o`. M Q`, J ced s ND n `opcbsz` c` m`s pbrs nh ynur p`rsneb mut  pnpf wcn  n ce d cr n nr cr   Oy hr`el wrn` cb c` wnrds e c` c`b`r mu c` us cbs b i`beea knm knm c`r`. Bel cs prn` pur` s s bmnu 27 y`brs nfl! M Jh  w`r` o`, J wnule  cb J bssuo` c`s sf nndea B `f y`bc c` s



Oy h`el Yu` bsd`l o` nv`r nv`r n c`r e`w cnus` mu J sbl J wbs musy babe, wcc se bubfy ru`. J denw  mu J kus nule ` be cnur e

rbi Js nn ml ynu lne s`` `bc nc`r ouc enw cb sc` sc`s onv`l. Znuf `el up fnsea nuc Q`ff, ^ ^ B Z`bc ` prnmf`o s, e`c`r nh us fd`s lrvea e rb cb sno`cea ` cb be a` e c` wby nh b  Ansc J annl h`elscp M

M ]`wrjt` tc` r`spns` c  o`,  sno p`pf` `i 2 B Znu denw wcb a`s o`> c`e c `e p`nf` sby c`y c` yr` anea n a` mbi n ynu bmnu sno`cea, bel c`y lne \n "I


Z`bc  cbs rul`, mu sno` p`npf` ced cbs p`rh`ify p`rh`i fy e`

= B J sf cbv`e m``e pbl r sno` wnrd J ll r b snwbr` nopbey fbs onec @v`ry o` J

bf, c`y sby oy c`ids e c` ob M

J lne ce cbs rac. `y prnmbmfy ced s s enrob

9  e n oy el  wy  c  c  n y c  ne cr wy   dnw c e  Bmnut ynu

Z`bc, en. Qcb `fs` ln`s sc` f` bmn> J ced cbs bsn be ssu`

 Ii` Ii` t` in`it npjnes n inop`` t` nev`rsbnes Yno`o` mnc b` nrrit \c` w` ynu nwe r`spnes`s n  ajea ajea ynur jejes   y r`el bsd`l o` nu ne lb`, mu J lne h``f cb wby bmnu co. J be ` co cb cnuac.   ` J \ ` cb wnufl m` nn n n es`esv` ln e sby sno`cea, c` oac ce ynur` e`r`s`l   i` J \ o`. M Mu h ynu lne

=  y rnnoob` abv` o` no` n n c`r snr`s n r`bl bel c`yr` `rrm`  suppns` J nul `f c`r c`yr` ar`b mu  ` `` a J   `    o`be, sc`s cnpea n m` b wr`r ne` lby M En,  `  a J    a, `c`r \ ` J o   ,  s``os d` sc` e``ls e``ls sno` sno` nesruv` nesru v` rso rso J o sur` sc`f bppr`b` cb

Pejt 2; Js   r`bf>



]`bl h l`tbjf Br c seeis ru n hs, nr s c ehnrone en ave e c ri> Qr \  nr EA. Inrri c hs seis

2 B s`inel, `brfj`r v`rsjne nh tc` Oneb Fjsb wbs s`ir`tfy d`pt je b Ywjss mbed r Qcjic ne`s ljle't>

= Qcbt e`w tcjeas bmnut brt ljl ynu f`be no tc` brtjif`>

Pejt 2; Js j r`bf>


Fjst`ejea Fjst`ejea `xtrb

Hbd` r`suo`s

B Fnnd bt tc` fjst nh tcjea tcjeass tcbt sno` p`npf` cbv` m``e denwe tn t n hbfsjhy ne rsuos bel knm bppfjibtjnes. Qrjt` tcr`` onr` tcjeas Wtubl`fpb W`eo (000) 000.0000 Ke^Y•?p n


M` b pnluiv` t`bo `bl` cbt n`s c` inopbey hnwbl W]NHYYNEBF W]NHYYNEB F @SW]EI;

XW nh Jet`ebtnebf Yb`s hnr Bio` Ynlb. ei Ebtjneb Yb`s Obeba` Obeba` tnr Wcy Ynlb, Jei Lsti Yb`s Obeba` t Wcfy Ynlb, ei Yb`sbe hn Wcfy Ynlb Jei

=72-Iur`ef 7777 ::3

L iurr`et knm tjtf` L iurr`et sbfbry sbfbry L lbt` nh mjrtc  `luibtjne  p`rjnls nh ue`opfnyo`et  r`bsne r f`bvjea b knm  r`h`r`ei`s




Q Fjst`e tn tc` jet`rvj`w bmnut hbfs` jehnrobtjne ne rsuos Ic`id (v) tc` jt`os bmnv` tcbt tc` p`npf` tbfd bmnut 


Fjst`e babje Ic`id tc` inrr`it besw`rs besw`rs tn tc` qu`stjnes 2 Qcbt br` ynu fjd`fy fjd`fy tn el ne onst ruos>  b. `xbaa`rbtjnes L m. fs` nm l`sirjptjnes = Cnw ibe ibe obeba`rs pr`v`et t`jr t`jr inobej`s inobej`s rno wbs wbstjea tjea tjo` bel one`y L b. my ent jet`rvj`wjea suspjijnus suspjijnus ieljlbt`s  m my lnjea lnjea pcne` jet`rvj`ws 9. Qcbt obd`s Ybrbc Ybrbc Fjo m`ino` m`ino` suspjijnus> suspjijnus>  b knm l`sirjptjnes tcbt lne't obti sdjffs bel `xp`rj`ei` L m. ue`xpfbje`l p`rjnls nh ue`opfyo`et L b `y ifbjo tn cbv` btt`el`l pr`tjajnus sinnfs

 m. `y fjst l`ar``s tcbt t`y cbv`'t bitubffy inopf`t`l 0. Qcbt ibe suaa`st suaa`st d` wnrd `xp`rj`ei`> `xp`rj`ei`> L b. ibeljl ibeljlbt`s bt`s fjstjea inopbej`s wjtc t`icejibf t `icejibf ebo`s L m ibeljl ibeljlbt`s bt`s fjstjea inopbej`s wjc ueusubf bllr`ss`s

8 Cnw ln`s Ybrbc jo ic`id sbfbry jerobtjne  b. Yc` bsds bppfjibets tn prnvjl` t`jr fbst tbx tbx r`ture. bppfjibets tn prnvjl` t`jr fbst pbyic`id.  m. Yc` bsds bppfjibets 1. Qcbt wbrejea ln`s ln`s s` s` ajv` bmnut bmnut r`hr`ei`s r`hr`ei`s bs r`h`r`ei`s  b. Yno` ibeljlbt`s fjst r`fbtjv`s bs L m. Yno` ibeljlbt`s ibeljlbt`s wrjt` tc`jr nw r`h`r`ei`s. r`h`r`ei`s. Bmnut yu


L Qcbt ln ynu tcjed bmnut pujea pujea hbfs` jhnrobtjne ne b su> nopf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s wt ynur nwe vj`ws

2. \n o` ^ ^             =. J'o e ent nt inortbmf` inortbmf` wjtc         9 - -            bt wnufl m` oy inei`re inei`re

Pejt 2; Js t r`bf>

Enw inopf`t` tc` Pejt 22 Wrnar`ss icb ne pba` 27.


T`ssne T`ssn e B Arboobr Inpf`x sjtutjn sjtutjnes es el `v`ets B


Wt  tc` wnrls j e mnfl jtn tc` inrr`it nrl`r tn inop`t` tc` s`et`i`s je tc` `obj


J lrnv` up tn E`w Znrd tn vst oy n fbst w``d`el.  wbs djl nh tr`l, mut mu t  d`w o` J  hrnt   hrnt r`fbxjea J tn J wnule't J sc` J djly J tbd` =  tn s`` nh tc` \X Bs  `xp`it`l, ne J sc` J jesjst`l J us J anjea b Mrnblwby scnw hnffnw`l scnw  hnffnw`l my b bf bt b hbiy r`stburbt! t wb hu bftcnuac `ekny J ljle't   tcrnuac s`v`r r`l acts n tc` wby tn tc` lrjvja J  J c`r  tc`btr  cbl't r`bfz`l cnw uic `r `y`sact cbl l`t`rnrbt`l bl  cbl tn `xpr`ss bmnut J ibusjea J oy J inei`res J c`r ^ b s`rnus biil`t t wbs qt` 0 b lhhut n`t bitubfy c`r J fndjea J  / r`o`om`r 2



strbat bc`bl bl nt sbya bytca. Hnr tc` hrst t` wjtc J ` J w`r` J a`ttjea J c`r J nfl bl tc` pfibtns pfibtns nh tcbt hnr tc` twn nh us. l`bja 8


]`bl tc` r`st nh tc` `objf ]`wrjt` tc` mnl pbs nh tc` s`et`ei`s wjtc be nmk`it bel be -jea hnr.

J tcd tc` lrva stubtn bfnw`l y n tn tbd iblly bmnut tcas. Yc` sbl sc` sn hbr bwby. Bsn sc` ljle't fd` c` hbi cb J fv`l "² ± I � llt  trust biinutbts bl sc` bst inohnrtbm` wjtc tc` hbit tcbt tc`y t c`y cbl`l = ^ c`r hbi`s. Yc` wbt`l us t v` ifns`r bl sc` wbt`l 2

` tn fnnd bht`r c`r biinuts hrn nw n  au`ss tcs wbs mnul tn cbpp` bt sn` pn mut t wbs stff b scnid. Oy ntc`rs bfwbys m`` b ma m`j`v` je tc` jl`b tcbt p`np` l`p`l`t bl  r`ib tcbt sc` bbys sbjl scnul m`  tbt  scnufl bfwbys tcd tcd hnr ys`fh  cbt` tn jesjst tcbt sc` 9



scnufl ajv` up tc` ibr    0 0 mut J au`ss au `ss w`r` nva nva ntn b `w

stba  fh` wc`r`  cbv` tn aul` c`r.


Bmnut y

Inpf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s tn bd` tc` tr` hnr ynu Ps` be jehnrbtjne.

-ea hnr

bel by ntc`r

2 Qc`e J wbs wbs arnwje up, J r`o`om`r oy ontc`r------   =. Je oy npene, pbr`ts scnfl bwbys jesjst ne tcjr iclr`e ^ ^    9 J'o b ar`b m``v`r e p`npf`         

Pejt 2=;



F`ssne M Xnibmufbry B

Wcrbsbf Wcrbs bf v`rms

Ijrif` t Ijrif`  tc c inrrit pcrbsbf vrms tn inopt tc beilnt.

M`wbr` nh nh ine brtjsts ne ibssj`l bl w`msjt`s!  `bre`l tcbt bst suoo`r suoo`r wc`e  us`l tc` et`re`t tn fnnd r b r b e`w bpbrto`et ` prji` n tc` ne`    J       - b r`envbt`l r`envbt`l n - s``o`l v`ry r`bsnebm`, j tc` upsibf` e`jacmnrcnnl wbs beytcjea n   J  . Cnw`v`r Cnw`v`r tcbt ljle't strjd` o` bs suspjijnu bel  rusc`l tn put lnwe b l`pnsjt B h`w lbys bt`r tc` bl wb stj up jstjea tc` bpbrto`et bs "bvbbm`  r`by nu c   J         pnj u

=7 / 9mr- HF M

       J   tc` "ba`et's `xpbebtjne ` sbjl c`l rantt`e cjs cjs pbsswnrl tn tc` w`msjt w`msjt`` sn c` inule't tbd` tc` bl lnwe Qcbt eby     J   wbs sno`ne` brrjvjea tn vj`w tc` bpbrto`et wcj`  wbs o`burjea o`burjea jt r e`w hrejtur` Nh inurs` my tc`e tc` ba`et cbl cbl ljsbpp`br`l wjtc tc` l`pnsjts n s`v`rb ebjv` t`ebets  au`ss jt    J   tc` nl sbyjea; h jt s``os tnn annl tn m` tru` jt prnmbmy js M

n n pt c ste wtc  vrm (e tc inrrit hnro) hrno mnx B mnx B l  wnrl hrno mnx M

 








  


2. Oy mnyrj`el stbrt`l s``jea sno`ne` `fs` cbt ^ cjo ^ cjo  ^ wbs wbs c`r  c`r pcntn je js wb`t = o bwbys wbry n  p`np` wcn try tn ynu     qujid on`yobdjea sic`o`s `brejea b jvjea 9 Lr`bojea up wbys wbys tn sibo p`np` jset tc` tc` m`st wby tn tn ynu bel ibrry ne wjtc ynur jh` @pfbje

= Yno` ljiut sjtubtjnes br` br` `bsj`r tn put put m`cjel ynu tcbe tcbe ntc`rs Ajv` ynur ynur npjejne

9 \je \jed d nh be `bop` wc`r` wc`r` b nt n p`np` w`r` tbd`e je my sno`ne` nr sn`tcjea

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F`ss F`ssne ne M


]`h`rrjea ]` h`rrjea tn p`npf` bel tcjeas tcjeas

B Inopf`t` tc` bjif` ne jl`etjty tc` wjtc bpprnprbt` prnenues. Yno`tjo`s tc`r` js onr` tcbe ne` inrr`it besw`


Q jd` tn jd` tn d``p je tnuic Vvjtc n sijb etwnrdjea sjt`s, mut br` w` prt` pr t`itea itea ^= babest tc` lba`rs nh jl`etjty t`> Be neje` "pns`r inul m` usa yur pctns bel ntcr robtje tn s`t up b d` prnf` bel tc`e pr`s`etjea ^9 r < tn ntcrs bs ynu. Je suic suic b sjtubtje, ynu oby uewjttjeay el  spr`bljea strj`s n`r l  tc` t`t, cjic so m`j`bm` mibus` tc`y jeiul` pbusjm` jerobtje bmnut bmnut ynur j`els. 0

t's m` m` jl` r`prt`l cnw pns`rs tbd p`p` je my sttjea up i``mjty prn`s. \cy \c y bl 8 tcjr xit`l bj` s tc` scbr` p`rsnb robtjne wjtc . Pertubt`y j ynu l j tcs ioprnos`l stubtje stubtje,, ynu oby ljsin`r lj sin`r tcbt tcas jd` lrj`rs jies`s bl `` irljt ibrls br` m`jea ssu`l  yr ebo` 1

Yo`tjo`s ynur sijb e`twnrd � jset s`iur` `enuac Yn Y n cw ln`s ne an : babst pnsrs> pnsrs > W`np` ir`bt` rjsds m pnstjea p nstjea pcntns tcbt br bmut sbaubrla 27 ,

lwenblbm` lwe nblbm` bl my scbrjea ssj` l`tjs bmnut bmnut  jd` tc`r bllr`ss bllr`ss bel lbt h h mjrtc. \n m` e tc` sb sjl` obd obd`` sur  sur`` tcbt ynur sijb s ijb e`twndjea pr` ibe ib e ney m` biiss`l m trust`l j`els 3 Inopf`t` tc` s`et`ei`s wjtc bpprnprjbt` prnenues Yno`tjo`s tc`r` js onr` tcbe ne` inrr`it besw`r

2    n                            =       9 I              e ey Ajv` A jv` ynur npjejne bel jeiful` prnenues hrno tc` f`ssne je ynur besw`r

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M Wrpc` Qjt t euom nh t bab ext tn bi lsijtjne.

2. Wbr`ets cbv` fnea hft tcbt tc`y cbv` en efu`ei` nv`r nv`r tc` ri`s n ebtur` tcbt inetrf inetrf tc`jr icflr`e ^  =. Q cbt pbr`ets cbv` m`f`v`l m`f`v`l tn m` ebt` ebt` l`r`ei`s l`r`ei`s m`tw``e m`tw``e mnys bel arfs wbs uel tn tn m` re r erl my tr, e mfn.  9. Icfl Icflr`e r`e m`ino` m`ino` b prnluit n wcbt s `xp`it` `xp`it`l l n tc`o.   Qrt`\ nr H

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