Viet Lai Cau Nang Cao

September 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. I don't think the television's likely to blow up at any minute. likelihood => There is little likelihood that the television will blow up at any time. 2. This car only cost me five hundred pounds. picked => I picked this car u up p for only five five hundred pounds. 3. omeone paid five thousands pounds for the paintin!. went => The paintin! went for five thousands pounds. ". #e have made neither a profit nor a loss this year. even => #e have broken even this year. $. In 1%& pro!rams be!an to be transmitted in colours. advent => 1%& saw the advent of the transmission of pro!rams in color color.. &. I find (arold's behavior )uite incomprehensibl incomprehensible. e. loss => I find myself at a loss to comprehend (arold's behavior. behavior. . The severity of the punishment bore no relation to the seriousness of the crime. proportion => The punishment w was as out of propor proportion tion to the cri crime. me. *. I'm afraid our problems are +ust be!innin!. iceberg => These problems of ours are +ust the tip of the icebe iceber!. r!. %. In the area, Thailand is much better than all other countries in football. => In the area, Thailand is head and shoulders above all other countries in football 1-. Thomas was not !iven details of the company's new pro+ect. Dark  => Thomas was kept in the dark about th thee company's new p pro+ects. ro+ects. 11. I was too scare to tell him what I really thou!ht. lacked => I lacked the/ ccoura!e oura!e to tell him what I really thou!ht. thou!ht. 12. The police ended the fi!htin! between the two !an!s by arrestin! the leaders. stop => The police put a stop to the fi!htin! between the two !an!s by arrestin! the leaders. 13. Travellin! Travellin! alone is not +ust a matter of takin! a !ood !uidebook with you. more => There is more to travellin travellin! ! alone than takin! a !ood !uide book with you. 1". The way he took everythin! she did for !ranted really annoyed her .  0/ => The way he took everythin! she did ffor or !ranted really put her back up . 1$. he was so an4ious while the results were read out. 056T( / => he held her brea breath th while the resul results ts were read out . 1&. The house shouldn't be left unlocked for any reason .  78 789T 9T / => 7n no account : 9o 9ott on any account sh should ould the house be le left ft unlocked . 1.  hu!e investment has been put into the field of solar;electricity.  I9 They invest a bi! fund : sum of money into the field of solar; electricity. 1*. lice was not a confident person, and that was why she was so shy. => lice's shyness was due to  a:her / lack o off confidence.


1%. #hen I started work, I was so ine4perienced that I couldn't send a fa4. 86 => I didn't have any clue about how to send a fa4 when I started work. 2-. #hat you have been sayin! is )uite irrelevant. 06I6 => #hat you have been sayin! is beside the point. 21. ?lease stop critici@in! everybodyA 7#9 => ?lease stop runnin! everybody down. 22. #e #e don't e4pect that the missin! climbers have survived. (7 => #e don't hold out much hope for the missin! climbers. 23. (elen's report is rather unclear in places. I9B => (elen's report seems to be lackin! in clarity in places. 2". 6verybody in the audience stood to applaud the actor's performance. T9I9B => The actor was !iven a standin! ovation for his performance. 2$. Ta4payers Ta4payers had to pay the cost of the privati@ation plan. C77T => Ta4payers had to foot the bill for the privati@ation plan. 2&. The fact that he will never race a!ain is somethin! he cannot accept. T65D => (e cannot come to terms with the fact that he will never race a!ain. 2.  !overnment leaked thestory storyfrom to the world press. offi #I9 => The world pressofficial !ot wind of the a !overnment official. cial. 2*. 0uildin! societies will have to !uard a!ainst their rivals. 856 => 0uildin! societies will not be able to rest on their laurels. 2%. (e is becomin! )uite famous as an interviewer. 9D6 => (e is makin! )uite a name for himself as an interviewer. 3-. (e makes sure that he isn't associated with policies he disa!rees with. IT96 => (e makes sure that/ he distances himself from policies he disa!rees with. 31. I really don't know what you're talkin! about. CI9T6T => thebein! faintest idea fairly. what you're 32. II don't feel I have am not treated 5# talkin! about. => I feel I am !ettin! : bein! !iven a raw deal. 33. omeone paid five thousand pounds for the paintin!. #69T => The paintin! went for five thousand pounds. 3". Eou can walk to the station easily from the hotel. IT96 => The station is with within in easy walkin! distance distance of the hotel. 3$. ?auline isn't one of the people who know the secret. 79 => ?auline hasn't been let in on the secret. 3&. #e #e don't e4pect that the missin! climbers have survived. (7 => #e don't hold out much hope for the missin! climbers. 3. Eou must accept the fact that she has left you. T65D => Eou must come to terms with the fact that she has left you. 3*. (e was not !iven details of the company's new plans. 5  => It was kept in the dark about the company's new plans.


3%. top critici@in! everybodyA own/ => top runnin! everybody 7#9. "-. Terry has +ust insured her life. out/ => Terry has +ust taken 78T insurance on her life. "1. In the end it was discovered that Foe was the thief. 78T/ => it turned 78T that Foe was the thief. "2. I need a calculator to arrive at the total. 78T/ => I need a calculator to work 78T the total. "3. I met your friend avid the other day. I9T7/ => I ran I9T7 your friend avid the other day. "". I think you've been overchar!ed, old sonA 7CC/ => I think you've been ripped 7CC, old son. "$. I think we should increase the pressure on her to resi!n. 8?/ => I think we should step 8? the pressure on her to resi!n. "&. I won't allow swearin! in my classroom C75/ => I won't stand C75 swearin! in my classroom. ". The company was bou!ht up by a lar!e multinational. 7 The company was taken 7 It embarrasses her when people tell her how beautiful she is. $-. on't you remember anythin! about your lifetime in ondon as a childG 5676TI79/ => (aven't you had any recollection of your lifetime in ondon as a childG $1. ny correspondence from the anberra office must be dealt with before other matters.?5I75 matters.?5I75ITE/. ITE/. => ny correspondence correspondence from the anberra office must take priority be !iven priority/ over other matters. $2. I advise you not to believe what you read in the papers about me. 56I96/. => I advise you not to place any reliance on what you read in the papers about me. $3. HI don't mind where the money !oes as lon! as the people are the real  beneficiariesH.DTT65/  beneficiariesH.D TT65/ => HIt doesn't matter where the money !oes as lon! as the people are real  beneficiariesH. $". ritics are hopin! the new director can brin! some postive chan!es into the Crench film industry. breath => ritics are hopin! the new director can breathe life into the Crench film industry. $$. The terrorists attack on the apital Trade enter was very much like the 11;% attack on the #T7 buildin!. carbon


=> The terrorist attack on the apital trade entre was carbon copy of the 11;% attack on the #T7 buildin!. $&. It is very difficult to !ive the e4act value of a table like this, but it's  probably worth about about $---. figure => It is very difficult to put a fi!ure: !ive ane4act fi!ure on a table like this,  but it's probably worth about $$---. --. $. Cive boys on a motorbike at the speed of &-mph is very likely to end up in hospital. receipt => Cive boys on a motorbike at the speed of &-m &-mph ph is a receipt for disaster. disaster. $*. etectives had stopped workin! on the (ornsey murders case three years  previously.. book   previously => etectives had close closed d the book on the ( (ornsey ornsey murder ca case se three years  previously..  previously $%. (e is very !ood at cookin! spa!hetti. dab => (e is a dab hand at cookin!. &-. #e #e all want to make him realise that he is not as important as he thinks. si@e => #e all want to cut him down to si@e. &1. (e really disappointed me when breakin! the promise to help me out. teeth => (e really kicked me in the teeth when breakin! the promise to help me out. &2. (e died, havin! nothin! of his own. name => (e died with not nothin! hin! to his name: ha havin! vin! nothin! to h his is name: without anythin! to his name. &3. (ave a look at this picture. It may help you to remember somethin!. jog => (ave a look at this picture. It may help to +o! your memory. &". Dotorists are +ammin! the streets as they slow down to see the wall  paintin!s. hold up => Dotorists are causin!: cause hold up as they slow down to see the wall

 paintin!. &$. (e is becomin! )uite famous as an interviewer. interviewer. name => (e is makin! )uite/ a name for himself as an interviewer. interviewer. &&. ocial scientists find it hard to acceptthat the fall in the birth rate is responsble for the old a!e of our society. resistance => There is resistance amon! social scientists to the idea that the fall in the  birth rate is responsible responsible for the old a!e of our soci society ety.. &. 6very possible effort was made by the orphana!e to find the boy's  parents. stone => The orphana!e left no stone unturned in their attempt to find the boy's  parents. &*. The minister !ave no precise fi!ures about the casualities. go into => The Dinister didn't !o into details about the casualities. &%. The new musical has deli!hted theatre audiences throu!hout the country country.. storm


=> The new musical has taken theatre audiences by storm. -. They've been ar!uin! about the motorway e4tension for years. bone => The proposed motorway e4tension has been a bone of contention for years. 1. Dy father doesn't approve of my borrowin! so much money from a  person like Fohn. view => Dy father takes a dim view of borrowin! so much money from a person like Fohn. 2. I like her a lot. affection => I have a lot of affection for her. 3. Eou look as if somethin! unpleasant has happened to you. wars => Eou look as if you have been in the wars. ". It's brillian film. ; I lau!hed uncontrolably all throu!h the way. head => It's a brilliant film; I lauh!ed my head off all the waythrou!h. $. he finds !rammar e4ercies e4tremely borin!. stiff  => Brammar e4cercises bore me stiff. &. I'll have to wait before I know whether he'll keep his promise or not. remains => It remains to be seen whether he'll keep his promise or not. . (e mind couldn't function normally normally.. straight => (e was was so so worried worried that that his he couldn't tthink hink strai!ht. *. They'll cause a lot of trouble. cat => They will put the cat amon! the pi!eons. %. ome people say that there's hardly any difference between love and hate. line => ome people say that there's a thin line between love and hate. *-. he can buy anythin! she wants ; he's very rich. rolling => he can buy anythin! she wants ; she is rollin! in money. *1.  rise in temperature in the ne4t century seems likely. chance => There is a reasonable/ chanc chancee that there will be a rise in temperature in the *2. ne4t Eou century. must accept the fact that she has left you. resign => Eou must res!in yourself to the fact that she has left you. *3. I +ust didn't know what to say. lost => I was lost for words. *". They arrived at the station with only a minute to spare. nick  => They arrived at the station in the nick of time. *$. They sent him to prison for three years. sentenced => (e was sentenced to three years in prison: three years imprisonment. *&. I don't intend to tell you my plans. intention => I have no intention of tellin! you my plans. *. Tim looks nothin! like his father. take => Tim doesn't take after his father at all. **. (e watched videos all day. entire => (e spent the entire day watchin! videos.


*%. I don't think she likes doin! other people's work for them. objects => I think she ob+ects to doin! other people's work for them. %-. I didn't a!ree with the idea. favor => I wasn't favor of the idea. %1. Teachin! doesn't suit her. cut => he isn't really cut out for teachin!. %2. I never thou!ht of !oin! by train. occur => It never occurred to me to !o by train that I could !o by train/.: The thou!ht of !oin! by train never occurred to me. %3. (e is very likely to come. probability => In all probability he will come is comin!/.: There is a hi!h: distinct: stron! probability that he will come is comin!/. %". The cause of the e4plosion is still unknown. caused => #hat caused the e4lposion is still unknown. : It is unknown nobody knows/ what caused the e4plosion. %$. The train is $ minutes late in leavin!. due => The train was due to leave $ minutes a!o. %&. The rain was comin! down in torrent. dogs => It was rainin! cats and do!s. %. 7r!anic ve!etables ve!etables are are said said to to do be wonders health. wonders => 7r!anic for one's health. %*. (e is determined to become a doctor. heart => (is heart is set on becomin! a doctor: (e has set his heart on becomin! a doctor. %%. Dary !ot married without her parents' knowled!e. unaware => Dary's parents were unaware of her marria!e. 1--. Fohn spent all his time workin!. devoted => Fohn is devoted to his work.

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