Vickys Friend Affidavit Edited

August 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines) City of Zamboanga-----------) S.S x--------------------------------------x

AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAV IT OF O F WITNESS ELIZABETH BETH F. COLA COLANGCO NGCO, sing I, ELIZA single le,, of le lega gall ag age, e, Fili Filipi pino no,, an and d i ith th

!e !esi side denc ncee an and d po post stal al ad add! d!es esssduly at Zo Zone ne ", #a #a!a !ang ngay ay $a Pa Pa%, %, Za Zamb mboa oang ngaala, Ci City ty,, Philippines, afte! ha&ing been so!n to an oath in acco!dance ith the do he!eby and depose and say' ". (hat I am cu cu!!entl !!ently y o!in o!ing g as a sales saleslady lady at th thee *CC +al +alll de Zambo Zamboanga anga in #a #a!a !ang ngay ay Ca Cami mino no,, Zam Zambo boan anga ga Ci City ty fo! fo! mo mo!e !e th than an fou! fou! ) ) mo mont nths hs al!eady / . (h a t I  n no Victoria “Vicky” Duterte, because she is a childhood f!iend and e applied togethe! in *CC de Zamboanga and e!e accepted as salesladies assigned in the Cosmetics Section 0. (hat I consi conside! de! my myself self tto o be a close f!ien f!iend d of Victoria “Vicky” Duterte and that e sha!e a loto!ofmatte!s t!aits inofcommon including gossips the hea hea!t !t e can say anything to each othe!  Victo ctoria ria “V “Vic icky ky” ” Dut Dutert ertee app!o . (hat about to months ag ago o, Vi app!oached ached me du!ing ou! b!ea time, looing sad and st!essed. Containing he! tea!s, she info!med me that Rod!igo Pe!e% b!oe up ith he! fo! anothe! oman. I felt so!!y fo! my f!iend and comfo!ted he! because I no ho much she lo&ed Rod!igo, ho is f!om ou! #a!angay $a Pa% and I am a itness to thei! sto!y

1. 2fte! she sstopp topped ed c!ying c!ying,, I notice noticed d that he he!! faced tu!n tu!ned ed sou! an and d ang!y an and d she decla!e decla!ed d “Punyeta le, tiene le kumigo dia. Despues de todo, hende le  puede keda alegre.” alegre.” 3o 3o!!ied !!ied and conce!ned, I ased he! hat she meant and she 4ust laughed off and !epli !eplied ed “Cosa ya gat tu, hende man kuntigo puede ase broma?” 2nd broma?” 2nd so I sh!ugged off he! !ema!s and continued ith my o! 5. (ha (hatt o on n 6une 6une "" "",, / /7"5 7"5,, Victoria “Vicky” Duterte came up to me du!ing ou!   b!ea time and told me “tiene ya iyo plano pakilaya kun Rodrigo manda  sinti duele. Mira lang gat le.” It did not mae any sense to me hat she meant. I ased he! ho ill she mae Rod!igo #. Pe!e% pay but she 4ust smiled and shoed me a hite pode! in t!anspa!ent sachet, hich she said she got it f!om a f!iend 8. (hat on 6une ", /7"5, I as shoced to hea! the nes f!om !om the neig ne ighb hbou ou!h !hoo ood d that that Vi Victor ctoria ia “V “Vick icky” y” Dute Duterte rte  as alleg allegedl edly y !ap !aped ed by o!ri"o B. #ere$


9. (ha (hatt I exe execut cutee this this 2f 2ffid fida&i a&itt to attes attestt to the t!u t!uthf thfuln ulness ess of the fo!e fo!egoi going ng facts. A%%ia&t %urt'er (ayet' &au"'t

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