Vickys Friend Affidavit Edited
August 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines) City of Zamboanga-----------) S.S x--------------------------------------x
AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAV IT OF O F WITNESS ELIZABETH BETH F. COLA COLANGCO NGCO, sing I, ELIZA single le,, of le lega gall ag age, e, Fili Filipi pino no,, an and d i ith th
!e !esi side denc ncee an and d po post stal al ad add! d!es esssduly at Zo Zone ne ", #a #a!a !ang ngay ay $a Pa Pa%, %, Za Zamb mboa oang ngaala, Ci City ty,, Philippines, afte! ha&ing been so!n to an oath in acco!dance ith the do he!eby and depose and say' ". (hat I am cu cu!!entl !!ently y o!in o!ing g as a sales saleslady lady at th thee *CC +al +alll de Zambo Zamboanga anga in #a #a!a !ang ngay ay Ca Cami mino no,, Zam Zambo boan anga ga Ci City ty fo! fo! mo mo!e !e th than an fou! fou! ) ) mo mont nths hs al!eady / . (h a t I n no Victoria “Vicky” Duterte, because she is a childhood f!iend and e applied togethe! in *CC de Zamboanga and e!e accepted as salesladies assigned in the Cosmetics Section 0. (hat I consi conside! de! my myself self tto o be a close f!ien f!iend d of Victoria “Vicky” Duterte and that e sha!e a loto!ofmatte!s t!aits inofcommon including gossips the hea hea!t !t e can say anything to each othe! Victo ctoria ria “V “Vic icky ky” ” Dut Dutert ertee app!o . (hat about to months ag ago o, Vi app!oached ached me du!ing ou! b!ea time, looing sad and st!essed. Containing he! tea!s, she info!med me that Rod!igo Pe!e% b!oe up ith he! fo! anothe! oman. I felt so!!y fo! my f!iend and comfo!ted he! because I no ho much she lo&ed Rod!igo, ho is f!om ou! #a!angay $a Pa% and I am a itness to thei! sto!y
1. 2fte! she sstopp topped ed c!ying c!ying,, I notice noticed d that he he!! faced tu!n tu!ned ed sou! an and d ang!y an and d she decla!e decla!ed d “Punyeta le, tiene le kumigo dia. Despues de todo, hende le puede keda alegre.” alegre.” 3o 3o!!ied !!ied and conce!ned, I ased he! hat she meant and she 4ust laughed off and !epli !eplied ed “Cosa ya gat tu, hende man kuntigo puede ase broma?” 2nd broma?” 2nd so I sh!ugged off he! !ema!s and continued ith my o! 5. (ha (hatt o on n 6une 6une "" "",, / /7"5 7"5,, Victoria “Vicky” Duterte came up to me du!ing ou! b!ea time and told me “tiene ya iyo plano pakilaya kun Rodrigo manda sinti duele. Mira lang gat le.” It did not mae any sense to me hat she meant. I ased he! ho ill she mae Rod!igo #. Pe!e% pay but she 4ust smiled and shoed me a hite pode! in t!anspa!ent sachet, hich she said she got it f!om a f!iend 8. (hat on 6une ", /7"5, I as shoced to hea! the nes f!om !om the neig ne ighb hbou ou!h !hoo ood d that that Vi Victor ctoria ia “V “Vick icky” y” Dute Duterte rte as alleg allegedl edly y !ap !aped ed by o!ri"o B. #ere$
9. (ha (hatt I exe execut cutee this this 2f 2ffid fida&i a&itt to attes attestt to the t!u t!uthf thfuln ulness ess of the fo!e fo!egoi going ng facts. A%%ia&t %urt'er (ayet' &au"'t
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