Vhdl Image Processing
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First Edition
U. Chuks 6/1/2010
Copyright © 2010 by U. Chuks Cover design by U. Chuks Book design by U. Chuks All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. U. Chuks Visit my page at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/Debarge
Contents Table of Contents Contents............................................................................................ iii Preface ............................................................................................... vi Chapter 1 .......................................................................................... 1 Introduction...................................................................................... 1 1.1 Overview of Digital Image Processing .................................. 1 1.1.1
Application Areas .................................................... 2
1.2 Digital Image Filtering .......................................................... 2 1.2.1 Frequency Domain .......................................................... 2 1.2.2 Spatial Domain ................................................................. 4 1.3 VHDL Development Environment ......................................... 6 1.3.1 Creating a new project in ModelSim .............................. 7 1.3.2 Creating a new project in Xilinx ISE ............................. 14 1.3.3 Image file data in VHDL image processing ................. 18 1.3.4 Notes on VHDL for Image Processing ......................... 20 References................................................................................... 23 Chapter 2 ........................................................................................ 25 Spatial Filter Hardware Architectures ............................................ 25 2.1 Linear Filter Architectures .................................................... 25 2.1.1 Generic Filter architecture ............................................. 28 2.1.2 Separable Filter architecture ......................................... 30 2.1.3 Symmetric Filter Kernel architecture ............................ 32
2.1.4 Quadrant Symmetric Filter architecture ....................... 34 2.2 Non-linear Filter Architectures ............................................. 35 Summary...................................................................................... 35 References................................................................................... 36 Chapter 3 ........................................................................................ 37 Image Reconstruction .................................................................. 37 3.1 Image Demosaicking .......................................................... 37 3.2 VHDL implementation........................................................... 44 3.2.1 Image Selection ............................................................. 49 Summary...................................................................................... 57 References................................................................................... 57 Chapter 4 ......................................................................................... 59 Image Enhancement....................................................................... 59 4.1 Point-based Enhancement................................................... 60 4.1.1 Logarithm Transform ..................................................... 60 4.1.2 Gamma Correction ........................................................ 62 4.1.3 Histogram Clipping ........................................................ 62 4.2 Local/neighbourhood enhancement .................................... 64 4.2.1 Unsharp Masking ........................................................... 64 4.2.2 Logarithmic local adaptive enhancement .................... 65 4.3 Global/Frequency Domain Enhancement ........................... 65 4.3.1 Homomorphic filter......................................................... 66 4.4 VHDL implementation........................................................... 66 Summary...................................................................................... 68 References................................................................................... 68 Chapter 5 ......................................................................................... 70
Image Edge Detection and Smoothing ......................................... 70 5.1 Image edge detection kernels.............................................. 70 5.1.1 Sobel edge filter ............................................................. 71 5.1.2 Prewitt edge filter ........................................................... 72 5.1.3 High Pass Filter.............................................................. 73 5.2 Image Smoothing Filters ...................................................... 74 5.2.1 Mean/Averaging filter..................................................... 75 5.2.2 Gaussian Lowpass filter ................................................ 75 Summary...................................................................................... 77 References................................................................................... 77 Chapter 6 ......................................................................................... 78 Colour Image Conversion............................................................... 78 6.1 Additive colour spaces ......................................................... 78 6.2 Subtractive Colour spaces ................................................... 79 6.3 Video Colour spaces ............................................................ 82 6.4 Non-linear/non-trivial colour spaces .................................... 91 Summary...................................................................................... 95 References................................................................................... 95 Circuit Schematics .......................................................................... 97 Creating Projects/Files in VHDL Environment ............................ 106 VHDL Code ................................................................................... 118 Index............................................................................................... 123
Preface The relative dearth of books regarding the know-how involved in implementing several algorithms in hardware was the motivating factor in writing this book, which was written for those with a prior understanding of image processing fundamentals who may or may not be familiar with programming environments such as MATLAB and VHDL. Thus, the subject is addressed very early on, bypassing the fundamental theories of image processing, which are better covered in several contemporary books given in the references sections in the chapters of this book. By delving into the architectural design and implications of the chosen algorithms, the user is familiarized with the necessary tools to realize an algorithm from theory to software to designing hardware architectures. Though the book does not discuss the vast theoretical mathematical processes underlying image processing, it is hoped that by providing working examples of actual VHDL and MATLAB code and simulation results of the software, that the concepts of practical image processing can be appreciated. This first edition of this book attempts to provide a working aid to readers who wish to use the VHDL hardware description language for implementing image processing algorithms from software.
Chapter 1 Introduction Digital image processing is an extremely broad and ever expanding discipline as more applications, techniques and products utilize digital image capture in some form or the other. From industrial processes like manufacturing to consumer devices like video games and cameras, etc, image processing chips and algorithms have become ubiquitous in everyday life.
1.1 Overview of Digital Image Processing Image processing can be performed in certain domains using: Point (pixel-by-pixel) processing operations. Local /neighbourhood/window mask operations. Global processing operations. A list of the areas of digital image processing includes but is not limited to: Image Acquisition and Reconstruction Image Enhancement Image Restoration Geometric Transformations and Image Registration Colour Image Processing Image Compression Morphological Image Processing Image Segmentation Object and Pattern Recognition For the purposes of this book we shall focus on the areas of
Introduction Image Reconstruction, Enhancement and Colour Image Processing and the VHDL implementation of selected algorithms from these areas.
1.1.1 Application Areas
Image Reconstruction and Enhancement techniques are used in digital cameras, photography, TV and computer vision chips. Colour Image and Video Enhancement is used in digital video, photography, medical imaging, remote sensing and forensic investigation. Colour Image processing involves colour segmentation, detection, recognition and feature extraction.
1.2 Digital Image Filtering Digital image filtering is a very powerful and vital area of image processing, with convolution as the fundamental and underlying mathematical operation that underpins the process makes filtering one of the most important and studied topics in digital signal and image processing. Digital image filtering can be performed in the Frequency, Spatial or Wavelet domain and operating in any of these domains requires a domain transformation or changing the representation of a signal or image into a form in which it is easier to visualize and/or modify the particular aspect of the signal one wishes to analyze, observe or improve upon.
1.2.1 Frequency Domain Filtering in the frequency domain involves transforming an image into a representation of its spectral components and then using a frequency filter to modify and alter the image 2
Introduction by passing a particular frequency and suppressing or eliminating other unwanted frequency components. This frequency transform can involve the famous Fourier Transform or Cosine Transform. Other frequency transforms also exist in the literature but these are the most popular. The (Discrete) Fourier transform is another core component in digital image processing and signal analysis. The transform is built on the premise that complex signals can be formed from fundamental and basic signals when combined together spectrally. For a discrete image function, of M ×N dimensions with spatial coordinates, x and y, the DFT transform is given as; (1.2.1-1) And its inverse transform back to the spatial domain is; (1.2.1-2) Where is the discrete image function in the frequency domain with frequency coordinates, u and v, and j is the imaginary component. The basic steps involved in frequency domain processing are shown in Figure 1.2.1(i).
Frequency Domain Filter
Fourier Transform
Inverse Fourier Transform
Figure 1.2.1(i) - Fundamental steps of frequency domain filtering
Introduction The frequency domain is more intuitive due to the transformation of the spatial image information to frequency-dependent information. The frequency transformation makes it is easier to analyze image features across a range of frequencies. Figure 1.2.1(ii) illustrates the frequency transformation of the spatial information inherent in an image.
(a) (b) Figure 1.2.1(ii) – (a) Image in spatial domain (b) Image in frequency domain
1.2.2 Spatial Domain Spatial domain processing operates on signals in two dimensional space or higher, e.g. grayscale, colour and MRI images. Spatial domain image processing can be point-based, neighbourhood/kernel/mask or global processing operations. The spatial domain mask filtering involves convolving a small spatial filter kernel or mask around a local region of the image, performing the task repeatedly until the entire image is processed. Linear spatial filtering processes each pixel as a linear combination of the surrounding, adjacent neighbourhood pixels while non-linear spatial filtering uses statistical, set theory or logical if-else operations to process 4
Introduction each pixel in an image. Examples include the median and variance filters used in image restoration. Figure 1.2.2(i) show the basics of spatial domain processing where is the input image and is the processed output image. Ii ( x, y)
Filter Function
Io(x, y)
Figure 1.2.2(i) - Basic steps in spatial domain filtering
Spatial domain filtering is highly favoured in hardware image processing filtering implementations due to the practical feasibility of employing it in real-time industrial processes. Figure 1.2.2(ii) shows the plots of a frequency response of the filter and the spatial domain equivalent for high and low pass filters.
(c) (d) Figure 1.2.2(ii) – Low-pass filter in the (a) frequency domain (b) spatial domain and High-pass filter in the (c) frequency domain (d) spatial domain
Introduction This gives an idea of the span of the spatial domain filter kernels relative to their frequency domain counterpart. Since a lot of the algorithms in this book involve spatial domain filtering techniques and their implementation in hardware description languages (HDLs), emphasis will be placed on spatial domain processing throughout the book.
1.3 VHDL Development Environment VHDL is one of the languages for describing the behaviour of digital hardware devices and highly complex circuits such as FPGAs, ASICs and CPLDs. In other words, it is called a hardware description language (HDL) and others include ADA and Verilog, which is the other commonly-used HDL. VHDL is preferred because of its open source nature in that it is freely available and has a lot of user input and support helping to improve and develop the language further. There has been three or four language revisions of VHDL since its inception in the 80s, and have varying syntax rules. Tools for hardware development with VHDL include such popular software such as ModelSim for simulation and Xilinx ISE tools and Leonardo Spectrum for complete circuit design and development. With software environments like MathWorks MATLAB and Microsoft Visual Studio, image processing algorithms and theory can now be much more easily implemented and verified in software before being rolled out into physical, digital hardware. We will be using the Xilinx software and ModelSim software for Xilinx devices for the purposes of this book.
1.3.1 Creating a new project in ModelSim Before proceeding, ModelSim software from Mentor Graphics must be installed and enabled. Free ModelSim software can be downloaded from internet sites like Xilinx website or other sources. The one used for this example is a much earlier version of ModelSim (version 6.0a) tailored for Xilinx devices. Once ModelSim is installed, run it and the window like the one in Figure 1.3.1(i) should appear.
Figure 1.3.1(i) – ModelSim starting window
Close the welcome page and click on File, select New -> Project as shown in Figure 1.3.1(ii). Click on the Project option and a dialog box appears as shown in Figure 1.3.1(iii). You can then enter the project name. However we would select an appropriate location to 7
Introduction store all project files to have a more organized work folder. Thus, click on Browse and the dialog box shown in Figure 1.3.1(iv) appears. Now we can navigate to an appropriate folder or create one if it doesn‟t exist. In this case, a previously created folder called „colour space converters‟ was created to store the project files. Clicking „OK‟ returns us to the „Create a New Project‟ dialog box and now we name the project as „Colour space converters‟ and click „OK‟.
Figure 1.3.1(ii) – Creating a new project in ModelSim
Introduction A small window appears for us to add a new or existing file as shown in Appendix B, Figure B1. Since we would like to add a new file for illustrative purposes, we create a file called „example_file‟ as in Figure B3 and it appears on the left hand side workspace as depicted in Figure B4. Then we add existing files by clicking the „Add Existing File‟ and navigate to the relevant files and select them as shown in Figure B5. They now appear alongside the newly created file as shown in Figure B6. The rest of the process is easy to follow. For further instruction on doing this, refer to Appendix B or the Xilinx sources listed at the end of the chapter. Now these files can be compiled before simulation as shown in the subsequent figures. Successful compilation is indicated by messages in green colours while a failed compilation messages are in red and will indicate the errors and the location of those errors like all smart debugging editors for software code development. Any errors are located and corrected and the files recompiled until there are no more syntax errors.
Figure 1.3.1(iii) – Creating a new project
Once there are no more errors, the simulation of the files can begin. Clicking on the simulation tab will open up a window to select the files to be simulated. However, you must create a test bench file for simulation before running any simulation. A test bench file is simply a test file to evaluate your designed system to verify its correct functionality. You can choose to add several more windows to view the ports and signals in your design.
Figure 1.3.1(iv) – Changing directory for new project
The newly created file is empty upon inspection, thus we have to add some code to the blank file. We start with including and importing the standard IEEE libraries needed as shown in Figure 1.3.1(v) at the top of the blank file. library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; Figure 1.3.1(v) – Adding libraries
Introduction The “IEEE.std_logic_1164” and the “IEEE.std_logic_arith” are the standard logic and the standard logic arithmetic libraries, which are the minimum libraries needed for any VHDL logic design since they contain all the necessary logic functions. With that done, the next step would be to add the architecture of the system we would like to describe in this example file. Thus, the block diagram for the design we are going to implement in VHDL is shown in Figure 1.3.1(vi). clk rst input_port
Figure 1.3.1(vi) – Top level system description of example_file
This leads to the top level architecture description in VHDL code shown in Figure 1.3.1(vii). ----TOP SYSTEM LEVEL DESCRIPTION----entity example_file is port ( ---the collection of all input and output ports in top level Clk : in std_logic; ---clock for synchronization rst : in std_logic; ---reset signals for new data input_port : in bit; ---input port output_port : out bit ---output port ); end example_file; Figure 1.3.1(vii) – VHDL code for black box description of example_file
Introduction The code in Figure 1.3.1(vii) is the textual or code description of the black box diagram shown in Figure 1.3.1(vi). The next step is to detail the actual operation of the system and the relationship between the input and output ports and this operation of the system is shown in the VHDL code in Figure 1.3.1(viii). ---architecture and behaviour of TOP SYSTEM LEVEL DESCRIPTION in more detail architecture behaviour of example_file is ---list signals which connect input to output ports here ---for example signal intermediate_port : bit := '0'; -initialize to zero begin ---start process(clk, rst) --process which is triggered by clock or reset pin begin if rst = '0' then --reset all output ports intermediate_port
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