April 18, 2017 | Author: Prof. Madhavan | Category: N/A
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MIND MANAGEMENT Prof. Dr. Madhavan PhD., 0 98860 67232 [email protected]

MIND MANAGEMENT Prof. Dr. Madhavan . P Chairman & Managing Director – Institute of Mind Management

1. Acknowledgement My grateful Thanks to those Saints, Philosophers, Scientists, Doctors, Engineers, Managers & Leaders who lived and living, guided me in making this presentation. My Pranams and gratitude to a 97 year lived Legend Siddhar, Doctor, Philosopher, Scientist Vethathiri Maharishi from South India, who guided me in my life as my Mentor and Guru.

2. Introduction The Philosophy of Globalization and Media Communication in the new millennium demands a proper understanding of Mind management, as this kind of management will lead the word of work and life.

Management is a term broadly used in all areas, more so in Businesses. However it is an integral part of everybody’s life whether it is Personal, Career, Profession, Business, or Service.

It is a situation where one has to take the best decisions or actions among the worst alternatives available. Every minute each one of us is making decisions to act. Or we will be just duplicating decisions made earlier, called Habits in a personal level and Systems in a hyped business level.

Management becomes necessary where the situations are not conducive to get the desired results. Management is redundant where things work like a clock or computer or mathematics. This equally applies to the very life we are living. The best may not be

happening every day in our office, relations or personal life. If yes, are we going to resign the job or divorce the relations or commit suicide? No. We just manage the situation in the best possible manner.

Therefore Management is a continuous process of “R 2 R” – Resources to Results. Results are those we want, desire, retain and achieve. Resources are the 3 M – Man (Mind), Machine (Body) and Materials (Nature). Now, the individuals (people like us) have the responsibility to make the best use of Resources (Mind Body) to achieve the desired Results (Health, Prosperity and Peace).

The mind is the motivation of a human being, his steam, his drive, his ambition and his ultimate destiny. Wonderful faculty that the mind is, has been perplexing since ages as all the scientific advances are continuing to analyze the parameters governing the mind. The future is in the Mind.

Our mind is the consciousness that originates in the brain which manifests itself in thought, memory, perception, feeling, will, imagination, reasoning, intelligence, and applying knowledge.

Our brain is an electro-chemical device, more powerful than any computer yet built by man. Our mind is the mystical result of the brain’s physiological activity. Our brain is self-regulating – absorbing nourishment, manufacturing chemicals, generating electrical impulses and controlling the routing and storage of its input in the most efficient manner possible. Our mind functions only within the parameters we have established for it.

Our thought processes, our emotions and in fact, our very view and perception of our life and the world in which we live is determined solely by the operating parameters we have consciously – or sub-consciously – installed in our “mind”.

Our mind is programmable. Every stimulus that enters our brain affects to some degree, in some manner, the quantity and quality of programming that is taking place – programming that will influence and affect how we will interpret every event or experience that will happen from that moment forth. The type of programming that occurs is up to us. It is our choice – it is our decision. In this paper we will briefly cover the aspects of mind, Its functions and importance in the management of new millinium.

We are all “Born to Win“. But somehow in the process of our life, we have been conditioned to Loose. This conditioning is an indication of our Mind Process.

Success, Satisfaction, Fulfillment are dependants on how we perform in our life. Our life performance is dependant on our Mind Process. More than 80 % of our ailments such as depression, negative feelings, sleeplessness, unable to concentrate, fear of every thing leading to Blood pressure, Diabetes, Arthritis, back pain, heart problems, compulsive over eating, smoking, drinking addictions, feeling life as worthless etc. are attributed to lack of good mental health.

All this are due to - people are not aware ( lack of knowledge ) - people do not care ( lack of preventive actions ) - people do not get care ( lack of facilities )

To Learn, you must be Willing; to get cured, you must be Willing; to serve, you must be Willing; ‘Willing’ is a matter of Mind; Mind must be ready for Body to be Healthy. Hence “ HOLISTIC MIND DEVELOPMENT” – an Education & Training designed and developed by Vethathiri Maharishi and his disciples is offered for the benefit of World Community.

Disturbance in Mind; Disease in Body – Vethathiri Maharishi. Body is an extension of Mind. Therefore the disturbances in mind at an earlier stage shows up in the body as disease at a later stage. That’s why most of the time it is too late to make any significant corrective measures in the body, but suffer. Why not consider Mind as a Body by itself and start a new approach with the techniques of Vethathiri Maharishi ?



SPACE – Accommodating Force


FORCE – Spinning of space against Space

ANS – Powered by Nature


ENERGY INTELLIGENT – Functional order of Force

Affective BEHAVIOUR Cognitive


CNS – Powered by Self

TIME – Duration of changes G O D

in Force

Corrections if any in the Body, must start with the Mind. Function of a human is body mind related. Human cannot function all by himself without the support of Nature or God. Therefore Human is a complex of 3 M – Man (Mind), Machine (Body) and Materials (Nature). While the Nature belongs entirely to the unknown Almighty Force (many country leaders claim it as their own; look at the way they exploit and pollute it) the Mind and

Body belongs partly to the individuals. Now, the individuals (people like us) have the responsibility to make the best use of Resources (Mind Body) to achieve the desired Results (Health, Prosperity and Peace).

Physics deals with particles; Medicine deals with molecules; Body deals with cells; Cells survive in chemical fluids. Do they all have minds of their own? If not how they can affect the body? Think it over. Physics without mind cannot produce life and human beings with intelligence.

This very life is a gift of God – not our wish or work. Though it is free, we cannot give it up so easily. We learn, think, work, experience and face challenges for satisfaction till we meet the end. The whole process is Life Management – Mind Body Management, whether it is Personal, Career, Profession, Business, or even service.

3. About MIND

Mind first, Body next. Body exists because of Mind. Mind decides Body performs. Mind is the Master & Body is a Slave. Mind has the power of universe; Body is a speck of dust in the universe

Mind is what really matters, Matter doesn’t really matter. Mind is the greatest of greatest and tiniest of tiniest. Speed of Mind surpasses speed of light. Therefore Mind is a powerful converter of energy into mass and vice versa. Do you have the mind to understand mind?

MIND – Speed & frequency Mind interacts with the subatomic particles of Body cells. Cellular malfunction is the start of any disease. While the modern science pursues the secrets of diseases, our ancient wisdom gives us the secrets of health practices. What sciences cannot accomplish, your mind will. Mind is a Miracle machine. Mind @ excited ‘beta’ level interact with material aspects @ lower ‘alpha’ levels interact with psychic aspects @ zero ‘delta’ level interact with Divine aspect. In Chemistry, Elements table show all heavier elements at the bottom and lighter elements at the Top. Mind @ high speeds capture heavier elements, but misses all lighter elements. Mind @ lower speeds can capture lighter elements also. Heavier elements are earthly matters and lighter elements are divinely matters.

MIND – Matter or No Matter Heavy is heavy, but not powerful. Light is light, but most powerful. Take examples of Atoms and Waves. A big bang seemed to have produced the entire Universe. Einstein gave us the relation between matter (mass) and non matter (energy). The big bang has created light and noise (both are no matter). Mostly non matter is the source of matter. Mind is a non matter. It is the source of matter. Map is not the territory. Like wise Body is not the territory. Body is symptom of greater Mind. We cannot measure force, but only its effects. Effects are evidences and not the real. But they show / represent / prove the existence of Real. Search for the Real. Capture it. You will become one with it. This is the very purpose of Life.

MIND - Physics Particle has velocity. But velocity has no meaning without a particle. Is it velocity a shadow of the particle or vice versa? I think particle is a shadow of the velocity. At low speeds materials exist and at high speeds non material (energy) exists. Low speeds cannot become high speeds unaided, but high speeds can become lower naturally. Therefore energy can become matter easily. Matter is to be excited with energy, to become another form of energy and not otherwise. Is this not a fundamental law of Thermodynamics? Intent is therefore what becomes content. Intention is more of mind and content is more of material. Imagination has the ability to bring the Image. Thinking has the ability to bring Things. Mind brings matter to this world.

MIND - Energy People say ‘Seeing is Believing’. On the other hand if you are able to Believe then you will be able to See. Thus ‘Believing is the beginning of seeing things in real’. Believing is also called faith. To believe is to Think, Feel, Visualise, Talk, Walk, in what you believe.

Beliefs create Biology. Self affirmations (sankalpas) are good examples. If you think you can, you can and if you think you can’t, you can’t. Everything has a source – Almighty. This is considered to be the source of energy, conserving all energies. It progressively transforms into Mind energy, Nuclear energy, Atomic energy, Molecular energy, Matter energy, Bio energy, Sensuous energy, Intelligence energy, Emotional energy, Intellectual energy and back to Mind energy to the Source of energy. Mind, thus is closer to the Almighty – the source of all energies.

MIND – Suffer or Joy Body has taken the beatings of the past. They create experiences. Mind is interpreting the past experiences to the present state as perceptions. The Universe holds the future based on your needs / expectations. Thus the past (if negative) is drag on our future. Therefore we need to break away from the “Habitual Thinking patterns” of suffering & sorrow. It is time to change to “Freedom of positive uplifting thoughts” of Joy & Happiness. Think, Feel, Talk & Walk towards Joy & Happiness of future. Immense possibilities exist. Choose one, even a miracle. Agitation to Mind Body accelerates ageing. Relaxation to Mind Body makes you younger. Meditation is a wonderful Tool for Relaxation Awareness. It is one of the best to get the results you want.

MIND – Thoughts Mind in totality is Almighty. Mind in fractions are called in many ways as Thoughts, Ideas, Feelings, Emotions, Creative, Critical, foolish, Analytical, Abstract, Positive, Negative, Constructive, Jumping, Monkey etc. As defined by Vethathiri Maharishi, following are the 10 steps that form one set of Mind. 1. Feeling; 2. Need; 3. Zeal; 4. Action; 5. Result; 6. Enjoy; 7. Experience; 8. Research; 9. Realisation and 10. Conclusion. Mind is built up with past / present experiences & future expectations Thoughts are a major part of mind. Thoughts reflect mind. Analysis of Thoughts is the beginning of cleansing the mind. Changing to 6 virtues forms the Mind’s life style. Wishing well (Blessings) for others, nurtures the mind. Meditation practices aligns the mind to Almighty. The Life game now starts with: Keep well, Love all, Empathy all, Serve all and Live well.

VAY (Vethathirian Astanga Yoga) for MBM For a better Mind Body Management, the following 8 steps will be useful. 1. SIMPEX KAY

( Simplified Physical Exercises and Kaya kalpa )


( Mind Meditation Practices )


( Introspection )


( Blessings to all including enemies )


( Change from 6 vices to 6 virtues )


( Understand Magnetism )


( Understand Science of God the Gravity )


( Learn, Love, Live and Serve )

5. Summary 1. Body is an extension of Mind. Mind is an extension of Almighty. Almighty is you. 2. Almighty has blessed us with energies of Body & Mind, for Happy, Purposeful & Satisfactory life. 3. Mastering Mind is a process of Life management. 4. Fix your expected Results for achievement in Life. 5. Make the best of your Body Mind Resources. 6. Upkeep Body energy for Elasticity, Life energy for fluidity, thro’ Exercises & Kaya Kalpa. 7. Align Mind energy for Connectivity with Almighty thro’ Meditation. 8. Banish your bad habits thro’ Introspection & 6 virtues. 9. Strengthen your Body Mind thro’ Learning, Loving & Serving. 10. Realise the Greatness in you and become ONE with it. “May the Whole World enjoy Prosperity, Happiness, Wisdom and Peace”. P.S. Your comments are most welcome. email: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prof. Dr. Madhavan, CMD of Institute of Mind Management, Advisor / Consultant / Trainer for Corporate Institutes. . Basically a mechanical engineer with management specializations and has a honorary Doctorate in Holistic Management.

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