Versant Test 1

May 3, 2018 | Author: Sathyam Joshi | Category: N/A
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 Of cours course, e, I’ll I’ll read read in a dier dierent ent way when I am reading reading a book book for for at e s t . W h e n I a m r e a d i n g f o r e n j o y m e n t , I m a y s k i p s o m e o f t h e details. I may not tend tend to memori memorize ze the the detail details. s. ow owe!e e!er, r, when when I amreadi ng fo r a te st, I’ ll rea d with full intent and try to remember allthe details. I’ll try to memorize as much as I can. "

Who is the best teacher for a child - a family mem b e r o r s o m e o n e o u t s i d e t h e f a m i l y. P l e a s e e x p l a i n  I guess no one can understand your children better than you. #o, af a m i l y m e m b e r w i l l b e a b e t t e r t e a c h e r f o r y o u r c h i l d t h a n a n outsider. outsider. I think the children will will trust a family member more th an outsider. outsider. $his will gi!e the parents a chance to connect better withtheir withtheir children. children. %dditionally, a family member can obser!e the childall the time. "

When taking a trip to a new location, do you like to have aguide to lead you around or do you prefer to explore on your own? Please Explain  I would would like like to e&plor e&plore e the new place place on my own. $his will will make make suret suret h a t t h e r e i s no bo dy to di st ur b me . I c an ta ke my ow n ti me an d enjoy the place. $his will add to my e&citement e&citement as guided tour tendsto be planned and time bound. I can rela&, stay, and enjoy the placeas much as I can if I don’t ha!e a guide with me. " f you had the choice, would you choose to live for !" months ina very warm location or a very cold location? Why? Explain.  I would choose a colder place to stay if gi!en a choice. I think I’ll enjoy njoy a colder colder place place more more than a warme warmerr place. place. I can continu continue e withmy rou ti ne li ke e&erc e&ercisi ising ng e!en e!en in in a cold colder er place. place. % warmer warmer plac placete ete nd s to be mo re fa ta l fo r us . In a co ld er pl ac e, yo u ca n si mp ly choose to be at home and enjoy dierent things with your family. " #o you think that it is easier that to learn new sub$ects by yourself or is it better to have a teacher help you with a n e w sub$ect? sub$ect? Please Please explain. explain.  It is much easier to learn a new subject with the help of a te ac he r. $here are are many ad!antag ad!antages es of ha!ing ha!ing a teacher teacher ' (rst, (rst, a teachercan teachercan ac t as guide to lead you to success. #econd, the teacher cane&plain the comple& subject in a !ery easy way. % teacher will teachthe subject in the easiest way possible by gi!ing so me rea li st ic e&le.

" When children are arguing or %ghting, what is the best way fora p a r e n t t o d e a l w i t h t h i s c o n & i c t ? # e s c r i b e y o u r w a y o f thinking .   $here are few things that a parent can do in such scenario. $hep a r e n t s h o u l d c a l m d o w n ( r s t a n d s h o u l d p a y m o r e a t t e n t i o n towards his child feelings. )arent should make sure that argumentc o m e s t o a n e n d ( r s t . W h e n t h e s i t u a t i o n b e c o m e s m o r e manageable, parent should try to con!ince his child. )arent shouldproject himself as a friend of their child. $his way, they will connectmore with their children. " #o you think it is possible that some children t urn out bad no matter what their parents do? Please explain.  Well, in some cases this is really true. $here are many parents whodo all the *right* things. $hey are present, attenti!e, caring, andencouraging. owe!er, their children will turn out bad. % childp ersonality depends on m any factors like hereditary a n d e n ! i r o n m e nt a l . # o , o n l y p a re n t ’ s e  o r t s a re n o t e n o u g h t o determine how the children will turn out. " #o you think television has had a positive or negative e'ect onfamily life? Please explain.   $+ has both negati!e as well as positi!e eects on family life. Itbrings a !ariety of entertainment to your bedroom. It has pro!ed tobe great babysitter, time(ller, and a substitute for friend. On theother hand, $+ has longterm negati!e eect on your health andmental stress le!el. It may cause an increase in the !iolence le!el. " #o you like playing more in individual or in team sports? Pleaseexplain .  I like to play team sports. I share lots of happiness with my teammates while playing. It teaches me a great deal of team work andcoordination. It also teaches me how to make strategy and how toe&ecute them. When we win, we ha!e a bunch of guys to celebrateand when we lose, there are people who can consol each other. " (iven a choic e, woul d you l ike to li ve in a lar ge city or sma ll town, please explain.  I would like li!e in a large city. % big city has many facilities. $hepublic transportation used to be !ery good in the big city. #econdly, youha!e access of best schools and best parks in the city. $hirdly, youha!e lots of shoppi ng m alls and hang out place where you can spend your leisure time.

" )ike *++ years ago the established truth was the earth is &at now that has been changed. What can you say about this?  Well, it is an established fact that the earth is actually round and-at. $he - at ea rth th eory is mai nly co nsisten t with some p hrase inuran and /ible. owe!er, scientist has numerous pro!e that earthis a c t u a l l y ro u n d . 0 u r i n g a p a r t i a l e c l i p s e , t h e c u r ! e o f e a r t h i s c l ea rl y ! is ib le o n t he sun. $his pro!es that 1arth is round and not-at. " What is your greatest achievement?  2y greatest achie!ement till date is when I manage to mo!e from aindi medium school to an 1nglish medium school. Initially, I had a!ery tough time to c o m p r e h e n d t h e l e c t u r e i n t h e c l a s s . 3 a t e r , I i m pro !e d m y ! oc ab ul ar y and started getting those lectures. %fterfew months, it was like a routine for me. " #o you prefer to see a movie at a theatre with a group o f people or would you later watch a %lm at home on a television?(ive reasons.  I would lo!e to watch a mo!ie in a theatre. 4othing can beat t h ee & p e r i e n c e o f l a r g e s c r e e n , g o o d s o u n d s y s t e m , a n d a g r e a t ambience. Watching a mo!ie in theatre is fun(lled e&perience. 5ougo ou t, me et your frien ds, ha!e a nice time, and watch the mo!ie . O!erall, it’s a great e&perience to watch a mo!ie in a theater. " #o you prefer to eat meals in your home or outside your home?Please explain.  1ating your meal at home is healthier than eating at food stalls orrestaurants. $he outside food may be too much spicy or too muchoily which is not good f or hea lth. $ he ho me me al is certai nly m ore hygienic than outside food. 2eal at home is also less e&pensi!e thanha!ing a meal at a restaurant. 1ating at home can sa!e your life. " #o you like to read children books? Explain your answer.   5es I do like reading children books. 6eading a children book is af u n . $ h e s t o r i e s te nd to be in sp ir at io na l an d on e ca n le arn fe wlessons from them. $he language is a !ery easy and you can read ata great pace. 7hildren books are great source of entertainment andthey can help you to rela&. " People have friend for many di'erent reasons. What ualitiesshould a person have for you to choose that person as a friend?

 % person who likes me and respects me will make a good friend./esides, I would also want him to be honest. % person whom I cantru st im pl ic it ly would make a good friend. I would like to see aperson who stands by me in my ba d da ys as my fr ie nd . % go od friend always stays connected with you and be ready to help yo

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