Verified Letter Request for Cancellation of Encumbrance from the Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) under Section 4, Ru...
(DATE) The Register Register of Deeds Deeds Angeles City Sir: Pursuant to the provision of Section 8 of Presidential Decree !o" #$%&' respectfully reuest for the cancellation of the annotation of the legal encu*+rance appearing on the acco*panying Transfer Certi,cate of Title !os" -.$/%-#%--.0#&' -.$/%-#%--%%. and -.$/%-#%--%%$ of the Register of Deeds of Angeles City' relative to the lia+ilities or contingent clai*s of any heirs' creditors or other persons 1ho *ight +e deprived of la1ful participation as i*posed +y Rule 0.' Section .' of the Rules of Court' in as *uch as the t1o (%) year period has already e2pired 1ithout any+ody having presented any clai* 1hatsoever in relation thereto" The undersigned is the registered o1ner of the lots covered +y the su+3ect titles and it is su+*itted that said annotation *ay no1 +e cancelled so as to free or release said title of the su+3ect lien or encu*+rance" 4ence' it is reuested that this petition +e favora+ly acted upon +y your good o5ce" 6ery truly yours' 777777777777777 777777777777777777777 777777 Registered 1ner +efore *e this 7777777777777777 7777777777777777777777 777777 at 777777777777777 77777777777777777777' 77777' +y a5ant 1ho e2hi+ited e2hi+ited to *e her (Government Issued ID)' issued in 7777777777777777 77777777777777777777777 77777777777777 7777777 and and valid until until 77777777777777 7777777777777777777777 7777777777" 77" SUBSCRIBED
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