Verbio 9.40 - Installation Guide

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[VERBIO 9.40 – INSTALLATION GUIDE] Quick Installation and Maintenance Guide

Document version: 1.9 / released on Oct 28th, 2020

Summary Introduction




Installing Verbio


Installing on Windows platforms


Installing on Linux platforms


Configuring Verbio


Configuring on Windows platforms


Configuring on Linux platforms


Managing Verbio services on Linux platforms Licensing Verbio

17 19

Licensing on Windows platforms


Licensing on Linux platforms


Uninstalling Verbio


Uninstalling on Windows platforms


Uninstalling on Linux platforms


Troubleshooting Windows platforms

22 22

Once licensed, Verbio ASR/TTS does not start.


“Service pending” when starting Verbio Server Configuration Manager.


No license number is shown in the Settings tab of Verbio Server Configuration Manager. 22 MRCP server or client applications cannot connect to Verbio ASR/TTS.


MRCP server does not start.


TTS server does not start when using 16 or 32 kHz speakers.


Linux platforms


Verbiod does not generate a serial number. At startup prints "Serial number = ".


Once licensed, Verbio ASR/TTS does not start.


Library dependencies error: “verbiod: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/”


TTS server does not start when using 16 or 32 kHz speakers.


Support actions Verify services are up and waiting for connections Windows platforms

24 24 24

Linux platforms Get additional start-up information

25 26

Windows platforms


Linux platforms


Enable more detailed logs (ASR/TTS engine)


Windows platforms


Linux platforms


Enable more detailed logs (MRCP engine)


Windows platforms


Linux platforms


Provide licensing information


Windows platforms


Linux platforms


Check installed packages and versions


Windows platforms


Linux platforms


Check OS version and network settings


Windows platforms


Linux platforms


Appendix A – ASR package names


Appendix B – Language identifiers


Appendix C – MRCP configuration parameters


ASR - Automatic Speech Recognition


TTS - Text to Speech


VAD - Voice Activity Detection


Introduction This document is an illustrated quick guide to install Verbio 9.40 version for ASR, TTS, and MRCP packages. In case of any doubts or problems, please visit our support website at​. There you will find the complete user guide and other documentation. If this documentation does not resolve your question or problem, do not hesitate to open a support ticket in the same web portal and our support team will help you as soon as possible. Tested platforms are: ❖ Linux o CentOS 7, 32 and 64 bit o Debian 8, 32 and 64 bit o SLES 12 SP3, 64 bit o Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS, 64 bit ❖ Windows o Windows Server 2003/2008/2012, 64 bit o Windows 7/10, 32 and 64 bit Nevertheless, operating system dependencies are not strong, except when using MRCP. So, except under MRCP scenarios, feel free to try other distributions and versions similar to or newer than those tested.

Contact For more information regarding ​Verbio Technologies​, please contact us at:



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Also, feel free to contact our maintenance & support teams at:

Technical support

Installing Verbio Verbio packages can be downloaded from the customer area at ​ (it is necessary to sign up in order to be able to download the different packages). Before installing an updated or new version of Verbio products, please uninstall all previous packages. You may find additional information in the ​Uninstalling Verbio​ section.

Installing on Windows platforms Before installing Verbio packages on Windows, you need to download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 redistributable packages. A copy of the installation package is available at Verbio Website: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable 32bit (x86): Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable 64bit (x64): You can also download the installation package from Microsoft: Once the redistributable package has been installed, use the following steps to install Verbio: 1. Install the “Engines” package by double VerbioEngines_*-9.XX.YYYYYYYYYY.exe​ installation file. 2. Accept the license agreement and click “Next”.



3. Select the “Start Menu” shortcut name where the software will be located (you may accept the proposed one or select a new one) and click “Next”.

4. Review the installation configuration and click “Install”.

5. A confirmation message will be shown at the end of installation.

6. Repeat the process (in any order) with the ASR & TTS packages you need to install, depending on the languages required (one package per ASR configuration and one package per TTS speaker and frequency). 7. Repeat the process using the ​VerbioMRCPServer-Y.ZZ.exe installation package (only if MRCP protocol will be used to communicate with Verbio ASR and TTS engines).

Installing on Linux platforms 1. Check that your system is up to date a. On CentOS environments: # yum update b. On Debian-based environments: # apt-get update && apt-get upgrade 2. Install system dependencies a. DEB environments: # apt-get install liblapacke libgomp1 uuid-dev b. RPM environments: # yum install lapack libgomp libuuid-devel 3. Install the engine components and base package (the ​verbio-engines package must be installed before any ASR and/or TTS package). a. DEB packages: # dpkg -i libasr3-*.deb # dpkg -i jatagger*.deb # dpkg -i verbio-engines_9.XX.YYYYYYYYYY_*.deb b. RPM packages: # rpm -ivh libasr3-base-*.rpm # rpm -ivh libjatagger-*.rpm # rpm -ivh verbio-engines-9.XX.YYYYYYYYYY-*.rpm 4. Install TTS and/or ASR packages as needed: a. DEB packages: # dpkg -i --force-overwrite verbio-tts-*9.XX.YYYYYYYYYY*.deb # dpkg -i --force-overwrite verbio-asr-*9.XX.YYYYYYYYYY*.deb b. RPM packages: # rpm -ivh verbio-tts-*9.XX.YYYYYYYYYY*.rpm # rpm -ivh verbio-asr-*9.XX.YYYYYYYYYY*.rpm 5. If MRCP server is required, install the following package: a. DEB packages: # dpkg -i verbio-mrcp-cert_9.XX.YYYYYYYYYY*.deb b. RPM packages: # rpm -ivh verbio-mrcp-cert-9.XX.YYYYYYYYYY*.rpm

Configuring Verbio Once installed, it is necessary to configure Verbio ASR & TTS server, and, if installed, Verbio MRCP server.

Configuring on Windows platforms 1. From the Windows Start menu, go to Start/Verbio/Configuration Manager and run it as Administrator (click right button and select “Run as Administrator”).

2. In the “ASR Configurations” tab select the ASR packages to be started/enabled:

3. In the “TTS Speakers” tab select the TTS packages to be started/enabled:

The “In memory” option should only be used on environments with very low disk speed and ample RAM.

4. The “Engine Licenses” tab will be used later to configure licensing:

5. In the “Settings” tab select the desired TTS sampling frequency to be used if more than one frequency package per speaker has been installed.

6. Once configured, click “Start”. With no licenses installed, the following message is shown:

7. Accept the message, and a console window will appear, showing the serial number and starting Verbio ASR/TTS engine.

8. Once the Verbio ASR & TTS server is started in evaluation mode, a message “Service started” is shown in the console window, and Verbio ASR/TTS is ready to receive requests. Please note that in evaluation mode the semaphore light will remain red even after the server has been successfully started. Only when licensed will the light turn green. Please note that after one hour of evaluation, the console will close and it will be necessary to click “Start” again in order to resume testing. 9. Once Verbio ASR/TTS is running, if MRCP is necessary it may now be configured and started. To do so, from the Windows Start menu go to Start/Verbio/MRCP/Configuration Manager and run it as Administrator (click right button and select “Run as Administrator”).

10. In the “ASR Configurations” tab select the ASR packages to be started/enabled:

11. In the “TTS Speakers” tab select the TTS packages to be started/enabled:

12. In the “Settings” tab select the MRCP client platform that will connect with MRCP server (depending on the protocol used – MRCP version 1 or MRCP version 2). Then, select the signaling ports (typically 554 for MRCPv1 and 5060 for MRCPv2) and the audio ports (RTP


13. Click “Start” and wait until the green light is shown. Note that MRCP server does not need a license, so it starts directly as a Windows Service (like licensed ASR/TTS server installations). Once started, the MRCP server is ready to receive MRCP requests from client IVR platforms.

Configuring on Linux platforms Installation of Linux Verbio packages automatically configures the system to start all the installed ASR and/or TTS packages. If you wish to modify the configuration, you may do so by editing the ​/opt/verbio/config/software-verbio-server​ file. If installed, the MRCP server must be configured editing the /opt/verbio/config/software-verbio-mrcp configuration​ file. The most important parameters are: ❖ ASR_SERVER​: IP address of Verbio ASR server (usually ​ if they share the same server). ❖ ASR_START​: ASR configurations to use (comma-separated values; no spaces). See valid names in ​Appendix A​. ❖ ASR_LANG​: default ASR language to use. See valid names in ​Appendix B​. ❖ ASR_LANGS​: comma-separated list of installed ASR languages ❖ ASR_CONFS​: comma-separated list of installed ASR packages, in the same order as the ASR languages. For example: string ASR_LANGS = "en-us,es-es,es"; string ASR_CONFS = "verbio8k.en-us,,";

❖ TTS_SERVER​: IP address of Verbio TTS server (usually ​ if they share the same server). ❖ TTS_START​: TTS languages to use (comma-separated values; no spaces). See valid names in ​Appendix B​. ❖ IP_ADDRESS​: service local IP address. ❖ EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS​: service external address (for servers behind NAT). ❖ PLATFORM​: select one of the following ones, or leave “​Other​” otherwise. o Aculab​: to interact with Aculab Telephony platforms (MRCPv1 / MRCPv2). o Altitude:​ to interact with Altitude uCI (MRCPv2). o Avaya​: to interact with Avaya Voice Portal and Experience Portal (MRCPv1). o Cisco:​ to interact with Cisco Call Manager (MRCPv1). o EstraVox:​ to interact with Atento EstraVox platform (MRCPv1). o Genesys:​ to interact with Genesys Voice Platform (MRCPv1). o HP OCMP​: to interact with HP OpenCall platform (MRCPv1). o Huawei​: to interact with Huawei IVR platform (MRCPv1). o Interactive​: to interact with Interactive Intelligence platform (MRCPv2). o Syntellect:​ to interact with CT ADE platforms (MRCPv1). o Unimrcp​: to interact with open-source UniMRCP client (MRCPv1 / MRCPv2). o VoiceGenie​: to interact with VoiceGenie speech portal (MRCPv1). ❖ MRCPDIR​: path where Verbio MRCP has been installed (usually /opt/verbio/mrcp/​). ❖ LOGGING_LEVEL​: from ​0​ (no logging) up to ​7​ (debug traces). ❖ LOGGING_DEST​: ​0 (logs are sent to ​/opt/verbio/mrcp/log/​) or ​1 (logs are sent to standard output if ​mrcp2d​ is started in debug mode). ❖ VERSION​: ​1​ for MRCPv1 or ​2​ for MRCPv2. ❖ LOCAL_PORT​: RTSP (for MRCPv1) or SIP (for MRCPv2) incoming port to attend session requests. Usually ​554​ for RTSP or ​5060​ for SIP. ❖ MRCP_PORT​: port for receiving MRCP requests once connection (session) has been established. ❖ RTP_PORT_MIN​: first port of the RTP port range (for receiving voice packets). ❖ RTP_PORT_MAX​: last port of the RTP port range (for receiving voice packets). ❖ MRCP_SET_SESSIONID: ​includes the session ID in the ASR result (value set to 1) or does not include the sessionID (set to 0). If set, the ASR result will appear as “sessionID#sASR_result”.

Please, do not modify other parameters than those described above unless Verbio’s support teams asks for it. Example: # -= mrcp2d configuration file =# string ASR_SERVER = ""; string ASR_START = ",verbio8k.en-us";

string ASR_LANG = "es,en-us"; string ASR_LANGS = "en-us,es-es,es"; string ASR_CONFS = "verbio8k.en-us,,"; string TTS_SERVER = ""; string TTS_START = "es-ar,en-us,pt-br"; string PLATFORM = "Other"; string MRCPDIR = "/opt/verbio/mrcp"; string IP_ADDRESS = ""; string EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS = ""; int LOGGING_LEVEL = 7; int LOGGING_DEST = 0; int VERSION = 1; int LOCAL_PORT = 554; int MRCP_PORT = 32416; int RTP_PORT_MIN = 6000; int RTP_PORT_MAX = 8000; string TTS_SERVER_STATUS = "1"; string ASR_SERVER_STATUS = "1"; string NORMALIZATION = "/opt/verbio/data/Tts/ttscnf.txt"; string CLS_CONF = ""; string CLS_LANG = ""; string CLS_SERVER = ""; string CLS_RULES = ""; string NLP_DICTIONARY = ""; string NLP_TEMPLATE = ""; string CSR_MODEL = ""; int USE_INTENT_SERVICE = 0; string INTENT_SERVICE_URIS = ""; string MRCP_MASK_EXTENSIONS = ""; string EXPAND_RULES = ""; int MRCP_SET_SESSIONID = 0;

Managing Verbio services on Linux platforms Verbio services (​verbiod​ and m ​ rcp2d​) are managed via systemd service manager. Once installed, configured, and licensed, the Verbio server (​verbiod​) can be started using the following command: # systemctl start verbiod If the Verbio MRCP server is installed and configured in the system, it can be started using the following command: # systemctl start mrcp2d

Note​: Due to service dependency configuration setup, if Verbio ASR/TTS is licensed (see Licensing Verbio section) and the MRCP server is correctly configured, both servers (ASR/TTS and MRCP) are started together when executing the command above. The same applies when starting the ​verbiod​ service. Status of the services can be obtained using the following commands: $ systemctl status verbiod $ systemctl status mrcp2d Note​: in unprivileged Linux Docker containers systemd is not available. Instead, you can start the services like this: # /opt/verbio/ # Wait for verbiod to finish starting and listen at its port. # /opt/verbio/mrcp/ The startup logs of the services can be obtained using the ​journalctl tool (which allows to query log records generated by systemd): $ journalctl -n 10 -u verbiod $ journalctl -n 10 -u mrcp2d Note​: in unprivileged Linux Docker containers systemd’s journald is not available. Check the proper logs​ instead. Note​: for systemctl commands to work, the Verbio server (​verbiod​) must be configured with a valid license. Warning​: if a license for verbiod service is not available, we can still test the system using the evaluation mode. In this mode, services need to be manually managed. To start the ​verbiod​ in evaluation mode, execute: # /opt/verbio/ -e In evaluation mode the server will remain active for 60 minutes. After this period of time, it will automatically stop. If more testing needs to be done, it must be started again. In evaluation mode 2 processing channels are available for testing. Attempting to use more than 2 channels at the same time will lead to a “​NO LICENSE​” error on the client application side. If the MRCP server is also installed, it needs to be executed using the following command (when using verbiod in evaluation mode): # /opt/verbio/mrcp/

Licensing Verbio Once installed, configured, and started in evaluation mode, licenses may be requested.

Licensing on Windows platforms 1. In order to get a license file, send the contents of the field “​Verbio VoxServer Serial Number​” in the “Settings” tab of the Verbio Server Configuration Manager to the Verbio technical support staff. 2. Copy your license file (provided by technical support staff) to $INSTALLDIR/Verbio/Verbio Engines/lic/​. 3. Copy your license code (provided by the technical support staff) in the “Internet Code” field, in the “Engine Licenses” tab of the Verbio Server Configuration Manager and click the “Update” button located at right. Please, notice that, when using an Internet license, Internet connection should be permanently available to validate the license periodically (connection to port 443 at “​​” is required).

Licensing on Linux platforms 1. In order to get a license file, execute the following command, and send its output to Verbio technical support staff. # /opt/verbio/ -d 2. Copy your license file (provided by the technical support staff) to ​/opt/verbio/lic/​: # cp /path/to/FILE.LIC /opt/verbio/lic/ 3. Configure your license code (provided by technical support staff) in /opt/verbio/config/software-verbio-server​: string VERIFICATION_CODE = "XXXXXXX-YYYYYYYYY-……."; Please, notice that, when using and Internet license, Internet connection should be permanently available to validate the license periodically (connection to port 443 at “​​” is required).

Uninstalling Verbio Please, mind that, as opposed to the installation process, when uninstalling Verbio ​the last module to be uninstalled must be the “Engines” module​. All the other packages may be uninstalled previously in any order.

Uninstalling on Windows platforms You may find all installed packages under the “Uninstall software” section of the operating system (consult specific O.S. instructions for more information). All packages will be grouped under the “Verbio Technologies S.L.” editor column.

1. Select any of the ASR / TTS / MRCP packages installed (except the “Engines“ package) and click Uninstall. 2. Click OK when prompted for confirming the uninstall process:

3. You should receive a confirmation message at the end of the uninstallation process:

4. Proceed with the other packages, leaving the “Engines” packages for last.

Uninstalling on Linux platforms 1. You may find all installed packages using the following commands: a. DEB packages: # dpkg --get-selections | grep verbio | grep -v deinstall | grep -o '^\S\+' b. RPM packages: # rpm -qa | grep verbio 2. Uninstall any of the ASR / TTS / MRCP packages installed (leave “Engines“ package for last) a. DEB packages: # apt-get remove --purge verbio-tts-* (if any) # apt-get remove --purge verbio-asr-* (if any) # apt-get remove --purge verbio-mrcp (if exists) # apt-get remove --purge verbio-clients (if exists) # apt-get remove --purge jatagger* # apt-get remove --purge libasr3-* # apt-get remove --purge verbio-engines b. RPM packages: # rpm -e verbio-tts-* (if any) # rpm -e verbio-asr-* (if any) # rpm -e verbio-mrcp (if exists) # rpm -e verbio-clients (if exists) # rpm -e libjatagger-* # rpm -e libasr3-base-* # rpm -e verbio-engines

Troubleshooting This section contains some known situations where the behavior of the software may differ from the expected and how to fix them.

Windows platforms 1. Once licensed, Verbio ASR/TTS does not start. If you are using the Internet license mechanism, validate that the host can connect to “​​” at port 443. You can verify the connection is correct by accessing this URL:​. You should receive a message saying ‘Connection established to’. If the server is behind a web proxy, try using the ​HTTPS_PROXY​ environment variable. o If username and password are not required, then assign it the following contents: https://PROXY_IP:PROXY_PORT o If username and password are required, then assign it the following contents: https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@PROXY_IP:PROXY_PORT

2. “Service pending” when starting ​Verbio Server Configuration Manager.​ 3. No license number is shown in the ​Settings tab of ​Verbio Server Configuration Manager​. Both issues usually occur when Verbio Server Configuration Manager is not started as Administrator. To do so, right click on it and select “Run as Administator”.

4. MRCP server or client applications cannot connect to Verbio ASR/TTS. Check your firewall and disable it if necessary. Verbio ASR/TTS listens on port 8765 by default.

5. MRCP server does not start. This may be due to missing parameters in the Windows registry. After configuring it for the first time, always start and stop “Verbio MRCP“ server through Windows Control Panel/Services applet.

6. TTS server does not start when using 16 or 32 kHz speakers. Check that “Select the desired frequency” from “Settings” tab in Verbio Server Configuration Manager contains 16000 or 32000.

Linux platforms 1. Verbiod does not generate a serial number. At startup prints "Serial number = ". Make sure ​/opt/verbio/pid/​ exists and Verbio has read and write permissions on it. Also make sure the ​FORCED_LICENSING_DEVICE field in the /opt/verbio/config/software-verbio-server file is set to the name of your network interface.

2. Once licensed, Verbio ASR/TTS does not start. If you are using the Internet license mechanism, validate that the host can connect to “​​” at port 443. You can verify the connection is correct by accessing this URL:​. You should receive a message saying ‘Connection established to’. If the server is behind a web proxy, try using the ​HTTPS_PROXY​ environment variable. o If username and password are not required, then assign it the following contents: https://PROXY_IP:PROXY_PORT o If username and password are required, then assign it the following contents: https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@PROXY_IP:PROXY_PORT Remember to export the variable (​export HTTPS_PROXY​) before trying to starting the Verbio server again. The export and the command to start the server must be on the same console and session. If problems persist, try the following: ● Run: ​# hostname ● Edit ​/etc/hosts​ file and add the following line if not already there: And try to start the server again.

2. Library dependencies error: “​verbiod: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/​” SELinux prevents ​verbiod​ from loading some dynamic libraries. Try the following: # chcon -t texrel_shlib_t /usr/lib/

3. TTS server does not start when using 16 or 32 kHz speakers. Ensure the ​FREQUENCY​ field in the ​/opt/verbio/config/software-verbio-server​ file is properly configured: string FREQUENCY = "16000"; # Or 32000 for 32 kHz speakers.

Support actions This section contains a summary of all the tasks to be done in order to collect information to analyze the reasons of a bad behavior of Verbio’s components. Before proceeding with the following steps, please read the “​Troubleshooting​” section above to discard some known issues.

1. Verify services are up and waiting for connections Windows platforms ●

Check if the process “​voxsrv.exe​” is running (see Task Manager):

Check if the process “​voxsrv.exe​” is listening on port 8765 (default). From a command line, run as Administrator: netstat -a -b -n -p TCP Expected output should contain the following information (amongst others): TCP LISTENING [voxsrv.exe] ● If MRCP gateway is used, verify that process “​mrcp2srv.exe​” is running (see Task Manager). 1 ● If MRCP gateway is used, verify that process “​mrcp2srv.exe​” is listening on port 554 (default for MRCP v1) or 5060 (default for MRCP v2). From a command line, run as Administrator: netstat -a -b -n -p TCP Expected output should contain the following information (amongst others): TCP LISTENING [mrcp2srv.exe] NOTE​: Listening IP address is network configuration-dependent. Check your configuration.

Default port can be configured in “Settings” tab on Verbio MRCP Configuration Manager (see Local SIP/RTSP Port​ field above in section “​Configuring Windows Platform​”). 1

Linux platforms ●

Check if process “​verbiod​” is running. From a command line, run: # ps aux | grep verbiod Expected output should contain the following information (amongst others): root 5296 1.7 2.8 468316 111868 ? Ssl 15:33 0:01 /opt/verbio/bin/verbiod ● Check if process “​verbiod​” is listening on port 8765 (default). From a command line, run: # netstat -tapun | grep verbiod | grep LISTEN Expected output should contain the following information: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 5296/verbiod ● If MRCP gateway is used, verify that process “​mrcp2d​” is running. From a command line, run: # ps aux | grep mrcp2d Expected output should contain the following information (amongst others): root 5323 0.2 0.3 43044 15024 ? Ssl 15:33 0:02 /opt/verbio/mrcp/mrcp_x86/mrcp2d ● If MRCP gateway is used, verify that process “​mrcp2d​” is listening on port 554 (default for MRCP v1) or 5060 (default for MRCP v2). From a command line, run: # netstat -tapun | grep mrcp2d | grep LISTEN Expected output should contain the following information (amongst others): tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2735/mrcp2d NOTE​: Listening IP address is network configuration-dependent. Check your configuration.

2. Get additional start-up information In case of problems starting services, additional information can be collected using the “Start-up Trace” option.

Windows platforms ● ● ●

Select “Start-up Trace” option in the “Logging Service Manager” section in the Settings tab of Verbio Server Configuration Manager. Restart the service using “stop” and “start” buttons located at the bottom of the window. Start-up information will be stored in the “​$INSTALLDIR/Verbio/Verbio Engines/log/verbiomsg.log​” file.

Linux platforms ●

Configure ​/opt/verbio/config/software-verbio-server​ file as follows: # vim /opt/verbio/config/software-verbio-server

# Verbio trace (print startup info) # (trace will be send to /var/log/verbiod.log) # int VERBIO_TRACE = 1; ● Restart the service using the instructions about Linux configuration (see above). ● Start-up information will be stored in ​/opt/verbio/log/log/verbiod.log​ file. NOTE​: Additional start-up information may be gathered using “​strace​” command: # strace /opt/verbio/ -d &> strace.log When using this option, additional information will be stored in the ​strace.log​ file.

3. Enable more detailed logs (ASR/TTS engine) By default, no detailed information is gathered in order to minimize the impact of CPU and disk usage in production environments. Nevertheless, additional information can be collected modifying the default configuration.

Windows platforms ●

Select “Function Level” drop-down option in the “Logging Service Manager” section in the Settings tab of Verbio Server Configuration Manager.

● ●

Restart the service using “stop” and “start” buttons located at the bottom of the window. Log information will be stored in “​$INSTALLDIR/Verbio/Verbio Engines/log/verbiomsg.log​” file. NOTE​: “Detail level” option should only be selected when Verbio’s technical team explicitly requests it.

Linux platforms ●

● ●

Configure ​/opt/verbio/config/software-verbio-server​ file as follows: # vim /opt/verbio/config/software-verbio-server # Available levels (high to low): # - "Detail level" # - "Function level" # - "Connection level" # string LOGGING_LEVEL = "Function level" Restart the service using the instructions about Linux configuration (see above). Log information will be stored in the ​/opt/verbio/log/verbiod.log​ file.

NOTE​: “Detail level” option should only be selected when Verbio’s technical team explicitly requests it.

4. Enable more detailed logs (MRCP engine) By default, no detailed information is gathered in order to minimize the impact of CPU and disk usage in production environments. Nevertheless, additional information can be collected modifying the default configuration.

Windows platforms ●

Select “Debug” drop-down option in the “Logging Level” section in the Settings tab of Verbio MRCP Configuration Manager.

● ●

Restart the service using “stop” and “start” buttons located at the bottom of the window. Additional information will be stored in “​$INSTALLDIR/Verbio/Verbio MRCP Server/log/​” directory. o mrcp2srvXXXXX.log will contain all the MRCP messages exchanged between Verbio MRCP and the IVR platform (MRCP client side). “​XXXXXX​” will increase when necessary in order to avoid huge text files. o verbioplugin.YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm.log will contain traces about the MRCP server. A new file will be created after restarting MRCP server (using the time information to create the file name).

Linux platforms ●

Configure ​/opt/verbio/mrcp/param1/software-verbio-mrcp​ file as follows: # vim /opt/verbio/mrcp/param1/software-verbio-mrcp int LOGGING_LEVEL = 7; From 0 (no log) to 7 (Debug level)

● ●

Restart the service using the instructions about Linux configuration (see above). Additional information will be stored in ​/opt/verbio/mrcp/log/​ directory. o mrcp2srvXXXXX.log will contain all the MRCP messages exchanged between Verbio MRCP and the IVR platform (MRCP client side). “​XXXXXX​” will increase when necessary in order to avoid huge text files. o verbioplugin.YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm.log will contain traces about the MRCP server. A new file will be created after restarting MRCP server (using the time information to create the file name).

5. Provide licensing information In case of problems starting services, proceed as follows in order to detect licensing issues.

Windows platforms ●

Validate that all installed and active package are licensed. To do so, navigate “ASR Configurations”, “TTS Speakers” and “Engine Licenses” tabs from Verbio Server Configuration Manager and verify all “active” packages are licensed:

NOTE​: in case of USB licensing mode, consult the field “Maintenance period remaining, in days” to be sure the USB license has not expired. o -1​: no USB attached o 0​: no time limits o Expired​: USB license has expired o Positive number​: number of days remaining If USB key is used, then it is necessary to consult the USB serial number, in the “Settings” tab:

● -1​: no USB attached ● Positive number​: USB Serial Number In case of file licensing (with Internet connection), the following information is required: ● Contents of the ​$INSTALLDIR/Verbio/Verbio Engines/lic/​ directory. ● $INSTALLDIR/Verbio/Verbio Engines/log/verbiourl.log ● Internet validation code, in the Engine Licenses tab:

Linux platforms Depending on the licensing mode (file or USB key), license information is located in different places. To consult the licensing mode, run from a command line as root user: # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/verbio/lib/ # verbiolicupdater If no USB is attached or it is not properly configured (typically, ​usbdaemon not running), the expected output is: # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/verbio/lib/ # verbiolicupdater Serial Number:I9179D39 Verbio Serial Number (installation dependent) Is your usb key attached to this computer? *** ERROR: Hardware key not detected *** On the other hand, if USB is attached, the expected output should be similar to: Serial Number:I8585CFF Verbio Serial Number (installation dependent) * Key detected * Info: -

Serial number: 1067 USB serial number Has maintenance: 0 Maintenance: 0 Maintenance expired: 0 Maintenance date: 24112 Max words: 0 Max words date: 24112

----------------------------------------------------------------| If you are updating your key, please use the following command: | | ./verbiolicupdater [options] | | Options: | | -w update word number. | | -m update maintenance date. | | -f update key licence. | --------------------------------------------------------------------- License info ----511 2 ________________________ Additionally, the following information should be gathered: ● Contents of the ​/opt/verbio/lic/​ directory

● ●

/opt/verbio/log/verbiourl.log​ file VERIFICATION_CODE string in ​/opt/verbio/config/software-verbio-server file: string VERIFICATION_CODE = "IB56B498-20120127-092225-8A8E9BD8C002C85A76B10D32E144B462D961F";

6. Check installed packages and versions It is important all installed packages belong to the same version and revision 9.XX.

Windows platforms Consult Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs in order to find Verbio installed packages. Order by Editor makes easy to locate all Verbio packages.

Linux platforms ●

RPM packages. From a command line, run: # rpm -qa | grep verbio

DEB packages. From a command line, run: # dpkg --get-selections | grep verbio | grep -v deinstall | grep -o '^\S\+'

7. Check OS version and network settings Information about OS version and network settings may be important, especially for Linux environments. In case of problems, the following information should be provided:

Windows platforms ●

Check My Computer - right click – Properties:

In order to get network configuration information, from a command line, run as Administrator: ipconfig /all Expected output should contain the following similar information (amongst others): Configuración IP de Windows Nombre de host. . . . . . . . . : Sufijo DNS principal . . . . . : Tipo de nodo. . . . . . . . . . : Enrutamiento IP habilitado. . . : Proxy WINS habilitado . . . . . :

Islandia mixto no no

Adaptador de Ethernet Conexión de área local* 24: Estado de los medios. . . . . . . . . . . : medios desconectados Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. . : Descripción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Juniper Network Connect Virtual Adapter Dirección física. . . . . . . . . . . . . : 00-FF-80-A6-CD-0B DHCP habilitado . . . . . . . . . . . . . : sí Configuración automática habilitada . . . : sí Adaptador de Ethernet Conexión de área local 5: Estado de los medios. . . . . . . . . . Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. Descripción . . . . . . . . . . . . Client Virtual Adapter Dirección física. . . . . . . . . . . . DHCP habilitado . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuración automática habilitada . .

. : medios desconectados . : . . . : Stonesoft IPsec VPN . : 02-00-00-00-01-00 . : no . : sí

Adaptador de Ethernet Conexión de área local* 12: Estado de los medios. . . . . . . . . . Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. Descripción . . . . . . . . . . . . Network Adapter For Endpoint VPN Client Dirección física. . . . . . . . . . . . DHCP habilitado . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuración automática habilitada . .

. : medios desconectados . : . . . : Check Point Virtual . : 54-18-D9-36-06-26 . : sí . : sí

Adaptador de Ethernet Conexión de área local 3: Estado de los medios. . . . . . . . . . Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. Descripción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dirección física. . . . . . . . . . . . DHCP habilitado . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuración automática habilitada . .

. . . . . .

: : : : : :

medios desconectados TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 40-1F-AF-6B-5D-94 sí sí

Adaptador de LAN inalámbrica Conexión de red inalámbrica 3: Estado de los medios. . . . . . . . . . . : medios desconectados

Sufijo DNS específico para la conexión. Descripción . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miniport Adapter #2 Dirección física. . . . . . . . . . . . DHCP habilitado . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuración automática habilitada . .

. : . . : Microsoft Virtual WiFi . : 0E-8B-FD-EC-0F-D6 . : sí . : sí

Linux platforms In order to get hardware and software information, the following commands should be run from a command line, as a root user: ● Get software information: # cat /etc/*release* # uname -a ● Get hardware information: # cat /proc/cpuinfo # cat /proc/meminfo

Appendix A – ASR package names ASR package Spanish Spanish & Catalan Spanish & Basque Spanish & Galician Spanish & Catalan & Basque & Galician Spanish 16 KHz (multimedia) Catalan 16 KHz (multimedia) Catalan 16 KHz (CSR) French Portuguese Portuguese Brazilian Argentinian Spanish Chilean Spanish Colombian Spanish Mexican Spanish Venezuelan Spanish Spanish (8 KHz DNN) Spanish (16 KHz DNN) US English (8 KHz DNN) US English (16 KHz DNN) Portuguese Brazilian (8 KHz DNN)

ASR package configuration ID es es_ca es_eu es_ga es_ca_eu_ga es16k ca16k eca16k fr pt pt-br es-ar es-cl es-co es-mx es-ve verbio8k.en-us verbio16k.en-us

Appendix B – Language identifiers Language Moroccan Arabian2 Spanish Catalan Valencian Basque Galician3 US English French Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese American (US) Spanish Argentinian Spanish Peruvian Spanish Chilean Spanish4 Colombian Spanish5 Mexican Spanish Venezuelan Spanish Japanese


Language ID ar-ma es ca ca-va eu ga en-us fr pt pt-br es-us es-ar es-pe es-cl es-co es-mx es-ve ja

As of this writing, Verbio 9.XX series does not include Moroccan Arabian TTS speakers. As of this writing, Verbio 9.XX series does not include Galician TTS speakers. 4 As of this writing, Verbio 9.XX series does not include Chilean TTS speakers. 5 As of this writing, Verbio 9.XX series does not include Colombian TTS speakers. 3

Appendix C – MRCP configuration parameters The following set of tables describe parameters used to configure the MRCP service using mrcpvXsrv.cfg files (where X stands for the MRCP protocol version):

ASR - Automatic Speech Recognition Parameter fetch_timeout

max_fetches fetch_interval ot_timeout


Description Maximum time in milliseconds allowed to download files over HTTP (grammar files usually). If this value gets surpassed, the download process will be interrupted and an error will be returned. Maximum number of retries to fetch the files over HTTP. Time interval in milliseconds between fetch retries. Maximum time allowed in milliseconds for the Transparent Operator to return the classification result in case that Verbio returns a classification score below ​ot_score p ​ arameter. In case that the Transparent Operator doesn’t respond in time, Verbio’s classification result will be returned as the final classification result. Classification score threshold used as reference to decide if the classification process should be handled by the Transparent Operator. This parameter should be set as part of the integration

Values Default: 200 (ms). Any value in milliseconds depending on the network and the files location. It’s highly recommended that the files are located in the same network to improve the download process. Default: 2. Default: 200 (ms). Default: 200 (ms).

Default: 0 (no OT - the classification process is handled by Verbio entirely). Values between 0 and 100.



session_dir [Deprecated] confidence_threshold


process and studied carefully. If the cache is enabled, indicate the folder where the used grammars are located.

Minimum grammar’s file size in KB allowed to be loaded on cache, in order to prevent them from being compiled each time that gets used. This way, small grammar files with less compiling process time won’t be loaded on cache, otherwise the maximum number of grammars on cache could be reached and that would deteriorate Verbio’s performance. Directory that contains sessions data (XMLs, WAVs...). Confidence Index’s minimum value returned by Verbio engine in order to consider the result as valid. If the score is below Confidence Index, then the recognition result will be “NOMATCH”. The lower the value, the more permissive is the system. If the platform interacting with Verbio engine has its own error handling strategy, it’s advised to set the value to 0. Signal’s minimum value that triggers the recognition

Default: “/cache”. The directory could be a relative path to the Verbio MRCP Server or its main server absolute path. Default: 200 (KB).

Default: same one set for save_directory p ​ arameter. Default: 0. Values from 0 to 100.

Default: 50. Values from 0 to 100.

egine’s voice detector to process the voice samples.





The higher the value, the more sensible is the voice detector (the sample process will be triggered easier). To make the system more noise robust, set this parameter lower. Number of alternative results returned by the recognition process. Maximum silence time (in milliseconds) that the recognition engine waits for the user to start talking before ending the recognition process. If the recognition engine doesn’t receive any input during this period of time, the result will be “NOINPUT”. Maximum time (in milliseconds) that the recognition process can last. Once the elapsed time overpasses this value, the recognition engine stops processing samples and returns the result obtained until that instant. Maximum silence time (in milliseconds) since the user stops talking until the recognition process delivers the result, in case that there is an available result. In order to speed up the recognition engine response, in cases where the answer is not a result of words concatenation, the use of smaller values is advised. When the system is working with long responses, this

Default: 1. Values from 1 to 25. Default: 2000 (2 seconds).

Default: 10000 (10 seconds).

Default: 1000 (1 second).




value should be increased to give the user the chance to pause briefly while is given the requests response. Verbio’s recognition engine relays on speech_incomplete_timeout parameter to end the recognition process instead of this parameter’s value. Maximum silence time (in milliseconds) since the user stops talking until the recognition process delivers the result, in cases where the result may not be available yet. In order to speed up the recognition engine response, in cases where the answer is not a result of words concatenation, the use of smaller values is advised. When the system is working with long responses, this value should be increased to give the user the chance to pause briefly while is given the requests response. Maximum time (in milliseconds) between DTMF tones pulses that the system waits until it is considered that digit information input is over. Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a DTMF tone response can last. As soon as the response duration exceeds this value, digits recollection process stops and only the digits recollected until that

Default: 1000 (1 second).

Default: 2000 (2 second).

Default: 10000 (10 seconds).








moment are taken into account. Digit set to be pressed to finish the digit collection process. This parameter should be left blank in case that digit collection is ended due timeout instead of key pressing. Default recognition language.

Enables or disable users response’s recording.

Directory that contains sessions data (XMLs, WAVs...). Root of the URL used to access audio files saved at the web server. Apache is used to access the directories containing the audio files. Indicates the character encoding of the returned result (UFT8 or ISO).

Temporary folder where the grammar files transformation algorithm processes the conversion of

Default: “” (blank - no ending digit set). Values are any of these: 0123456789.

Default: “es” for Spanish (Spain). “es” for Spanish (Spain). “ca” for Catalan. “eu” for Basque. “ga” for Galician. “pt” for Portuguese (Portugal). “pt-br” for Portuguese (Brazil). “fr” for French (France). “en-us” for English (USA). “es-mx” for Spanish (Mexico). “es-ar” for Spanish (Argentina). Default: 0. 0 to disable audio recordings. 1 to enable recordings. Default: “/opt/verbio/mrcp/audios”. Default: blank. If a web server is provided, set this parameter with the URI or IP address of the server. Default: 0. O for ISO. 1 for UTF8. This parameter should be tweaked during the integration process. Default: /opt/Verbio/temp


use_speedvsaccuracy_as_re cognition_timeout

clean_zombie_sessions_time out


XML files to ABNF and stores the temporary files created during the conversion. Requires read and write privileges on the specified folder for the verbio application user. Resulting ABNF grammar will be moved to the corresponding grammar files folder. Label that identifies the variable that contains the value from an XML grammar file. Enables or disables speedvsaccuracy​ variable to be used to set recognition_timeout o ​ n platforms that doesn’t support the use of this parameter (e.g. Cisco platforms). The platform should send the right ​speedvsaccuracy value so that when it gets multiplied by the factor the result is an adequate value for ​recognition_timeout parameter. Time in seconds that a session can remain inactive before being forced to shut down, in order to release blocked licenses. Number of consecutive RTP packets unreceived necessary to consider not receiving samples as receiving a silence. This allows the channel shot down in environments where the silences signaling is distinct of the usual codecs.

Default: “out.user”.

Default: 0. 1 to enable the speedvsaccuracy v​ ariable. In order to get a recognition_timeout o ​ f 20 seconds, the platform should send ​speedvsaccuracy ​ value of 0.2.

Default: 300 (5 minutes).

Default: 50.

maxtime_missing_rtp_packet s


Time in milliseconds that Default: 2000. packets considered as silences can be accumulated before closing recognition process. Maximum time (in Default: 5000 (5 seconds). milliseconds) that the recognition process with masked grammar files (used for personal and sensitive information).

TTS - Text to Speech Parameter fetch_timeout



Description Maximum time in milliseconds allowed to download files over HTTP (grammar files usually). If this value gets surpassed, the download process will be interrupted and an error will be returned. Desired voice synthesizer’s speaker age. If the provider has speakers with different ages, this set can be implemented through this parameter. Otherwise default speaker’s voice age will be applied. Desired voice synthesizer’s speaker gender. If the provider has speakers with different gender, this set can be implemented through this parameter. Otherwise default speaker’s voice gender will be applied.

Values Default: 200 (ms). Any value in milliseconds depending on the network and the files location. It’s highly recommended that the files are located in the same network to improve the download process. Default: “middle”. Values are: “child” for a childish voice. “younger” for a young voice. “middle” for an adult voice. “older” for an old voice. Default: “male”. Values are: “male” for a male’s voice. “female” for a female’s voice.


In case that speaker’s name is known (defined by the synthesis engine provider), it can be set directly using this parameter, without specifying further information about age, gender, etc.

Default: “carlos”.


Speaker’s voice tone.


Speaker’s playback speed.


Speaker’s playback volume.


Default recognition language.


Enables or disables users response’s recording.

Default: -1 (doesn’t change speakers default value). Default: -1 (doesn’t change speakers default value). Default: -1 (doesn’t change speakers default value). Default: “es” for Spanish (Spain). “es” for Spanish (Spain). “ca” for Catalan. “eu” for Basque. “ga” for Galician. “pt” for Portuguese (Portugal). “pt-br” for Portuguese (Brazil). “fr” for French (France). “en-us” for English (USA). “es-mx” for Spanish (Mexico). “es-ar” for Spanish (Argentina). Default: 0.


Only for code ​debugging purposes. Enables or disables the usage of previously synthesized texts to save computational resources needed for this process. Avoids synthesizing static texts that are frequently used like the open question’s welcome message.

Consult Verbio Server Configuration Manager, under TTS Speakers tab there is a list of available speakers.

0 to disable audio recordings. 1 to enable recordings. Default: 0. 0 any new request will be synthesized via Verbio’s engine and will be sent to the client that requested the audio. 1 will use audio files stored in the folder set in cache_directory ​parameter referenced by the MD5 checksum of the synthesized text.



Time in hours that the WAV file can remain stored at cache_directory’​ s directory taking the last read time as reference. Once this time passes by, the file will be removed by the clean up process. Path to the directory where the WAV files referenced by the MD5 of the synthesized text will be stored.

Default: 24.

Default: “/opt/verbio/mrcp/tts”.

VAD - Voice Activity Detection Parameter frame_len



Description Length in samples of each audio block resulting from the fragmentation of the input signal before being processed. The higher the block size, the less computational cost, but also less precision detecting the instant of voice reception initiation. Length in samples of the window used for processing each block resulting from the fragmentation of the audio input signal to analyze. The higher the block size, the less computational cost, but also less precision detecting the instant of voice reception initiation. This parameter’s value can’t be higher than ​frame_len’​ s value, being habitual that both share the same value. Minimum silence time, in milliseconds, to determine that there was voice

Values Default: 512

Default: 512

Default: 180





detected in previous samples. Smaller silence intervals will be considered as they are part of previous samples. Depending on the use intended for VAD, this value can be used to fragment the signal in voice fragments more or less wide. Minimum duration, in milliseconds, of a voice segment to be considered as so by the VAD. This way, noise is avoided, but may lead to numerous false alarms. Reference threshold from which the signal processing begins to determinate if next samples correspond to voice or not. Below this threshold the signal is considered as silence, so depending on the environment (more or less noisy), this value modification will adjust the voice detection to the most precise way possible. Second reference threshold (together with ​low_factor)​ to determine if the received signal corresponds to voice or not. Voice detector requires that both thresholds are surpassed to determine that voice has been received. This value has to be always higher than ​low_factor​’s value. Threshold that determines, once voice is detected, if signal received below is still being a voice signal. If it’s not, starts counting the maximum silence time

Default: 120

Default: 2.5

Default: 4.5

Default: 0.8





(​sil_req_ms)​ that can be part of a voice fragment. Second threshold (together with ​final_factor)​ that manages the end of voice detection once it’s detected. If, once voice is detected, the signal level is below final_factor a ​ nd the time specified by ​sil_req_ms ​has not elapsed, it can come back to voice’s state as long as the signal level is higher than the value specified by this parameter. If this occurs, the ​sil_req_ms counter starts again. Minimum value for the internal threshold that manages the voice detection. Minimum value of the signal’s amplitude to analyze. If the signal’s amplitude doesn’t surpass this value, for detection purposes the engine will work with the minimum value for that sound fragment. Maximum value of the signal’s amplitude to analyze. If the signal’s amplitude surpasses this value, for detection purposes the engine will work with the maximum value for that sound fragment.

Default: 2.5

Default: 500

Default: 50

Default: 200

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