Xmgt as Ucdaf Jaec Fkgfmanh Mkw tk eujeajj tmc prk`ascs ke ykur lartm fmgrt. Mkw tk tgfbjc ykur wcgbncss gnd `gxa`azc ykur strcnhtms Mkw dad kur gnfacnt sccrs javc g jaec ke eujeajj`cnt gnd fkntcnt`cnt At as gjj glkut hkanh lgfb tk kur rkkts gnd kur skurfc/fcntcr. skurfc/fcntcr. - @kst ke tmc prkljc`s wc grc egfanh as lcfgusc wc mgvc `kvcd gwgy erk` kur fcntcr.. \c-gjahnanh kurscjvcs watm krahan gnd watm ngturc fcntcr
Vahnafgnfc ke \atugjs At wkrbs kn tmc sultjc jcvcj - tgbcs ta`c. Cvcry ratugj wmcn dknc watm sanfcraty gnd trust ekr g pcrakd ke ta`c watm dasfapjanc wajj havc at‑s eruats. At fmgnhcs kur fkrc DNG gnd gjtcrs kur pgtm ke gftakn kvcr ta`c.
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