Order placement is not possile Order placement onl possile it3 additional actions Order placement possile
Risk assessment:
NO/E: As part o t3e %p6%aliication a*reement controlled s%ppliers are oli *ated to cooperate it3 a cons%ltant appro'ed t3e c%stomer ater receipt o order. 83e costs are paid t3e s%pplier.
Potential assessment:
udit 'istor ! Certiicates
A%dit asis
Res%lt Further processes:
0 (articipants
1. Appointment &mpro'ement (lan:
Lead +%pplier +%pplier E'al%ation E'al%ation
Actions see)&mpro'eme see)&mpro'ement nt pro*ram)
+i*nit%re +%pplier +%pplier , -andidate -andidate
. Poten1ialanalse (P+) als us1ug aus dem 2D 3. 4ragen&atalog 2D 3.0
5uestionnaire potential analsis (P+)
Project 6anagement s t'e project organisation (projectleader) esta;lis'ed and t'e response;ilities in addition 7it' t'e comptetence o t'e projectleader and t'e team mem;ers settled<
"e#uests ! Details mar& 7it' * 83e pro>ect mana*ement is ale to %lill t3e c%stomer re6%irements. A process process to implement implement pro>ect pro>ect mana*ement incl. reso%rceplannin* reso%rceplannin* e?ists. (ermissions (ermissions o pro>ect mana*ers and team memers as ell as t3e or*anisation is deinded and contain all necessar competences or reali@ation. +%ppliers are consistentl inte*rated in t3e pro>ect mana*ement.
re resources planned or t'e project 'andling and 7ill c'anges ;e anounced to t'e customer<
s a projectplan e*isting and veriied 7it' t'e customer<
83e reso%rceplannin* considers c%stomer re6%irements re6%irements re*ardin* t3e contract o t3e pro>ect. A reso%rceplanni reso%rceplannin* n* crossdepartmental crossdepartmental interdiscipli interdisciplinar nar teamB or pro>ect mana*ement mana*ement is implemented. 83e necessar pro>ect %d*et is planned and appro'ed. 83e re6%irements re*ardin* personal 6%aliication and pro'idin* *oods m%st e determined eore e'er pro>ect start and doc%mented in t3e pro>ect plan. 83e in'ol'ed personal reso%rces it3 accordin* 6%aliication are pro'ided departments on time. 83e orect c3an*es m%st e displaed on time and disc%ssed it3 t3e c%stomer eore reali@ation. On c3an*es date scope o de'elopment...B de'elopment...B in t3e pro>ect a 'alidation o t3e reso%rce plannin* possil ad>%stment o demands. 83is relates to c%stomer c3an*es as ell as internal c3an*es or c3an*es s%ppliers. 83e reso%rceplannin* also considers s%contractors. &n partic%lar t3e critical pat3 is considered in t3e reso%rceplannin*.
83e pro>ect plan %lils t3e speciic c%stomer re6%irements. re6%irements. All internal and and c%stomer milestones are completel completel implemented implemented in t3e pro>ect pro>ect plan and are adapted re*%larl on c3an*es.
. Poten1ialanalse (P+) als us1ug aus dem 2D 3. 4ragen&atalog 2D 3.0
5uestionnaire potential analsis (P+)
Project 6anagement s t'e project organisation (projectleader) esta;lis'ed and t'e response;ilities in addition 7it' t'e comptetence o t'e projectleader and t'e team mem;ers settled<
"e#uests ! Details mar& 7it' * 83e pro>ect mana*ement is ale to %lill t3e c%stomer re6%irements. A process process to implement implement pro>ect pro>ect mana*ement incl. reso%rceplannin* reso%rceplannin* e?ists. (ermissions (ermissions o pro>ect mana*ers and team memers as ell as t3e or*anisation is deinded and contain all necessar competences or reali@ation. +%ppliers are consistentl inte*rated in t3e pro>ect mana*ement.
re resources planned or t'e project 'andling and 7ill c'anges ;e anounced to t'e customer<
s a projectplan e*isting and veriied 7it' t'e customer<
83e reso%rceplannin* considers c%stomer re6%irements re6%irements re*ardin* t3e contract o t3e pro>ect. A reso%rceplanni reso%rceplannin* n* crossdepartmental crossdepartmental interdiscipli interdisciplinar nar teamB or pro>ect mana*ement mana*ement is implemented. 83e necessar pro>ect %d*et is planned and appro'ed. 83e re6%irements re*ardin* personal 6%aliication and pro'idin* *oods m%st e determined eore e'er pro>ect start and doc%mented in t3e pro>ect plan. 83e in'ol'ed personal reso%rces it3 accordin* 6%aliication are pro'ided departments on time. 83e orect c3an*es m%st e displaed on time and disc%ssed it3 t3e c%stomer eore reali@ation. On c3an*es date scope o de'elopment...B de'elopment...B in t3e pro>ect a 'alidation o t3e reso%rce plannin* possil ad>%stment o demands. 83is relates to c%stomer c3an*es as ell as internal c3an*es or c3an*es s%ppliers. 83e reso%rceplannin* also considers s%contractors. &n partic%lar t3e critical pat3 is considered in t3e reso%rceplannin*.
83e pro>ect plan %lils t3e speciic c%stomer re6%irements. re6%irements. All internal and and c%stomer milestones are completel completel implemented implemented in t3e pro>ect pro>ect plan and are adapted re*%larl on c3an*es.
. Poten1ialanalse Poten1ialanalse (P+) als us1ug aus dem 2D 3. 4ragen&atalog c an*es o e pro ec p a n e n e rn rna comm %n %n ca on s ens%re a e ne ma n* list. -3an*es 3ic3 are not released t3e c%stomer are disc%ssed it3 t3e c%stomer. 83e pro>ect plan considers critical scope o deli'er. 83e critical pat3 arises rom t3e pro>ect plan. 8o t3e deined milestones in t3e pro>ect plan a re'ie is carried o%t it3 t3e 'eriication 3et3er all planned acti'ities are carried o%t and t3e re6%ired mat%rit le'el is reac3ed.
83e c3an*e mana*ement o t3e pro>ect %lils t3e speciic c%stomer re6%irements. 83e easiilit c3ec< o c3an*es is carried o%t and doc%mented. -3an*es are indicated on time and disc%ssed it3 t3e c%stomers. All c3an*es are doc%mented it3 t3e 3elp 3elp o a deined process. C c3an*es 3ic3 inl%ence t3e prod%ct 6%alit si*niicantl t3e ris< m%st e 'al%ed it3 t3e c%stomer. 83e s%ppliers critical scope o deli'erB deli'erB are acti'el inte*rated &n t3e c3an*e mana*ement. 83e moment or c3an*e stops is deined and .+.9
Production analsis Process-nput s t'e project transer rom t'e development to t'e serial process regulated !start up securing)<
re products and components appropriatel stored and are t'e
A process or t3e 3andin* o'er o t3e responsiilit eteen de'elopin* team and prod%ction m%st e deined re*%lated. Ceore t3e irst deli'er %nder series condition an internal prod%ction process release and a prod%ct release m%st e a'ailale it3 all re6%ested doc%ments. 83e ((; proced%re s3o%ld pro'e eore + O( t3at a*reed re6%irements in drain*s and speciications are %lilled. 83e inis3ed ((; pro'es t3at c%stomer re6%irements speciications and ot3er re6%irements e.*. las norms...B are %nderstood correctl and are applied. 83ereore t3e ((; is t3e inal 'eriication o t3e prod%ct prod%ction and transportplannin* process and leads it3 positi'e res%lt to series release. 83e re6%irements to release t3e series p3ase are a*reed it3 t3e c%stomer. A proced%re to ens%re t3e t3e start%pr%n m%st e descried and installed to s3orten t3e 3i*3 r%n p3ase and to ens%re a ro%st prod%ction process. A start%pr%napproac3 m%st e carried o%t or all ne parts and c3an*ed parts 3ic3 re6%ire initial samplin*. A prod%ction test accordin* to c%stomer re6%irements is carried o%t and e'al%ated positi'e. $ecessar actions d%e to t3e prod%ction test are perormed in time. eans o prod%tion , ne parts are sampled positi'e. A process to de'elop process , prod%ct;EA %rt3er is deined and re*%lated. ac3ine capailit tests ;HB are pro'ed or all rele'ant c3aracteristics. (ro'ided tools inspection and meas%rin* e6%ipment are a'ailale in t3e necessar amo%nt.
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