VAWC Complaint

March 15, 2019 | Author: Michelle Vale Cruz | Category: Restraining Order, Social Institutions, Society, Justice, Crime & Justice
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Republic of the Philippines Fourth Judicial Region Regional Trial Court  Branch XVI  Cavite City

MICHELLE MICHELL E A !A !ALE CR"# CR "# Complainant,

$ versus $ Co%plaint for& !iolation of RA '()( !iolence Against *o%en and their  Children LA+# AI,A+ L -LI!E.   Respondent  /$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/

COMPLAINT – AFFIDAVIT I0 MICHELLE A !A !ALE CR"#0 single0 of legal age0 Filipino0 1ith residence at (23 .alcedo .t0 .an Antonio0 Cavite City0 after having been duly s1orn in accordance 1ith la10 hereby depose and state& 4HA4 5 I a% the sa%e person person 1ho is is the co%plain co%plainant ant in the the instant instant case6 ( 4he respond respondent ent and I 1ere 1ere colleg collegee s1eethea s1eethearts rts for %ore than three three years 7 -n Marc March h (30 (30 (8580 8580 our our thir third d anni nnivers versar ary y and and righ rightt after fter our  our  graduation0 1e both decided to live together in the house 1hich his  parents bought for hi% located at (23 .alcedo .t0 .an Antonio0 Antonio0 Cavite City 2 After being being live$in live$in partner partnerss for %ore than than five years0 years0 1e 1ere 1ere blessed blessed 1ith t1o 1onderful 9ids0 Lance Alden !C -lives aged 20 and Mish Aveline Aveline !C !C -lives -li ves aged ag ed ( : 4he 4he firs firstt five five year yearss of our our co%% co%%on on$l $la1 a1 rela relati tion onsh ship ip have have been been har% har%on onio ious us He 1as 1as a grea greatt prov provid ider er for for his his fa%i fa%ily ly He sho1 sho1ed ed nothing but being a loving and caring %an

) Ho1e Ho1eve verr0 thin things gs chan change ged d star starti ting ng July July ('0 ('0 (85: (85:00 1hen 1hen he 1as 1as ter% ter%in inat ated ed fro% fro% the the fir% fir% 1here 1here he 1as 1as 1or9 1or9in ing g .inc .incee then then00 he  beca%e ;obless and depressed Putang ina =ayarin na na%an?@ Hindi na natapos ang %ga babayaran na yan@B His response shoc9ed %e because I have never heard %y co%%on$la1 husband cursed li9e that no1ing hi% since college0 I 9no1 that he does not curse not use bad 1ords especially in front of our children ' -n .epte%ber .epte%ber (80 (85:0 (85:0 around around 58&88 58&88 p%0 he arrived arrived ho%e ho%e drun9 drun9 I offered hi% dinner Ho1ever0 1hen he found out that our food 1as only fish and vegetables0 he 1as enraged He said0 >Dulay?@ Dulay lang ang ipapa9ain %o sa 9in? Ana9 ng puta@ Paano na%an a9o %ag9a9aroon ng gana %aghanap ng trabaho niyan 9ung hindi %o 9o  pa9a9ainin nang %aayos? *a *ala la 9ang silbi@B After he uttered those 1ords0 he thre1 the plates and the food in %y face He even poured the glass of 1ater on %y face 58 -n .epte%ber ((0 (85:0 I 1ent to %y %others house and as9ed for  %oney for the pay%ent of electricity bills After such0 I paid our bills and 1ent ho%e *hen %y husband arrived ho%e0 I infor%ed hi% that I 1as able to pay the bills by borro1ing %oney fro% %y %other 4his angered hi% again In front of our 9ids0 he grabbed %y ar% and  pressed %y face and told %e0 >Pinapa%u9ha %o ba sa a9ing 1ala a9ong 91entang a%a?@ Putang ina 9ang babae 9a@B He proceeded to hit %e in the face causing %e to lose %y consciousness 55 *ith our savings gradually deteriorating and %y husband still ;obless0 I decided to apply for 1or9 I infor%ed %y husband of %y plan but he 1as silent about it 5(-n -ctober (:0 (85:0 I infor%ed hi% that I got accepted as a call center agent in 4eleperfor%ance Mall of Asia and 1as about to start %y training the ne/t 1ee9 Ever since0 he stopped loo9ing for ;obs and stayed ho%e 57 +ove%ber (0 (85:0 I started %y ;ob as a call center agent My shift 1as fro% (&88p% to 58&88p% *hen I arrived ho%e fro% 1or90 I found hi% drin9ing 1ith his college friends in our garden He then approached %e and punched %e in the sto%ach0 in front of his friends

and our children He proceeded in accusing %e that I have a para%our I re%e%ber hi% saying0 >I9a1 hayup 9a +apa9alandi %o talagang  babae 9a Dabing$gabi na ngayon 9a lang u%u1i .inong lala9e %o0 tang ina 9a?@B His college friends and our children tried to stop hi%  but he even pushed our son a1ay causing Lance to fall and sustain %inor in;uries I 1as then rushed to the nearest clinic to treat %y 1ounds and contusions 52 -n +ove%ber 5:0 (85:0 %y birthday0 I 1ent to %y %other and conf confes esse sed d to her 1hat hat the the resp respo onde ndent has been een doi doing to %e "n9no1ingly0 %y %other tal9ed to respondent about it *hen I 1ent ho%e that night0 the respondent pulled %y hair and pressed %y face against the 1all He said0 >Hayup 9a@ Magsusu%bong 9a pa sa nanay %o?B 5: -n +ove%ber (80 (85:0 right after %y shift0 I arrived ho%e early and noticed so%e bruises to %y sons legs I as9ed hi% ho1 he sustained the% My son started crying I as9ed hi% 1ho did that to hi% and he said0 >.i Papa poB 1hile crying 5) .ince I could could not bear his hitting any%ore0 any%ore0 I decided decided to %ove to %y %others place together 1ith %y children 5
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