Varshaphal and Muntha

April 28, 2017 | Author: astrosense | Category: N/A
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Varshaphal and Muntha Varshphal and Muntha

Parashari, Jamini, and Tajik are the three most popular systems of Vedic Astrology. Parashar gives more importance to the planets while Jamini considers the Rashis to be more important. Tajik is mainly used in Prashna Shastra and in Varshaphal. Tajik diverts slightly always from the main stream of the traditional methods and employs newer techniques of Astrology. 'Tajik Neelakanthi', of Acharya Neelakantha, which was composed in the 16th century AD, is the base of Taik Jyotish. This does not mean that Varshaphal and Prashna techniques were not practiced in Vedic Astrology before this. 'Uttar Kalamrit' of Kalidas mentions and describes the computation of Varshaphal dasha which is different from the 'Mudda dasha' of Varshaphal. Apart from this, 'Shat Panchashikha' of Prithyushyas is the established classic of Prashna Shastra, which was composed centuries before 'Tajik Neelakanthi'. Ancient Kairaleeya Jyotish is also well known for considering Prashna to be their main technique. The word Tajik The influence of Greek and Arab culture is clearly seen on the word 'Tajik'. Arrival of the invaders from Western Asia initiated the exchange of culture between India and West Asia. This exchange introduced some newer techniques to our Vedic Astrology. One of these techniques was Tajik. This has been marked as the beginning of Tajik jyotish. Tajik word does not belong to Sanskrit. There are different opinions regarding this issue. Some scholars consider it to be a distorted from of the word 'Jatak'. Another view is that meaning of Tajik is a horse in Turkish and Persian language. The speed of this technique has been compared to that of a horse and for this reason it has been named Tajik. In any case the influence of Mohammedans on this knowledge is very clear. This is also confirmed by the other words of Tajik, namely mudda, muntha, sahams and the names of the Tajik Yogas like Ithasal, Ikkabal, Ishraf, nakta, radda and khallasar etc. Annual Horoscope Moving at the average speed of 1° per day, Sun completes one round of the Zodiac in one year. For casting the annual horoscope we select the time when Sun reaches the longitude of the natal Sun. The horoscope cast for that date and time becomes the annual horoscope and the Varshaphal is decided on the basis of this horoscope. In a similar manner prediction for any year of the person's life can be given on the basis of the annual horoscope. In other words the annual horoscope is based on the longitude of the natal Sun and not on the date and time of birth. This also means that the date, day and time of the annual horoscope is generally different from that of the birth horoscope. Special Characteristics of Tajik Varshaphal The main base of Tajik Jyotish is the Parashari system itself. The same nine planets, twelve houses, twelve Rashis and their traditional significations are used in the Tajik. The new additions are different and are being mentioned here briefly. Muntha

Is the yearly progression of janma Lagna at the rate of one Rashi every year. For example if janma Lagna is Aquarius, then after one year the muntha will fall in Pisces and in Aries in the next year. In this manner after twelve years muntha reaches the Lagna again. Varsha pravesh Varsha pravesh for a certain year takes place when the transit Sun reaches the longitude of the natal Sun that year. Annual horoscope is cast on the basis of the Varsha pravesh. Varshesh / Varsheshwar For every year of life, one planet out of the seven planets from Sun to Saturn is selected as the year lord. That planet is known as the varshesh for that year. He plays an important role in life during that year. Tajik aspects Tajik aspects of planets are totally different from the Parashari aspects. Deeptamsha For Tajik Yogas to form between two planets, their mutual aspects are not enough. They also need to be in the deeptamsha range. The deeptamsha range for all the planets is fixed. Tajik Yoga These Yogas are quite different from the Parashari Yogas. 16 Tajik Yogas are in general practice. Mudda Dasha Three types of varsha dashas are mainly used in Tajik. These are the Vimshottari Mudda, Yogini mudda and the Patyayini mudda dashas. Saham Approximately 40-50 Sahams are calculated for analyzing different areas of life. These become sensitive points and are expressed in terms of Rashis and degrees. Determination of Grahabala Method for calculation of Tajik grahabala is different from the Parashari method. Tri Pataki Vedha Chakra Benefic and malefic vedha to Moon and other planets is noted in this Chakra. Samudra Chakra

Samudra Chakra is studied for a quick and brief analysis of Varshaphal. From the above given information it must have become clear that the analysis of Varshaphal is quite different from the Parashari analysis. However it is necessary to remember that the annual horoscope is an extension and an application of the birth horoscope and is fully influenced by the Yogas, dashas and the transit situation of the birth horoscope. Just as transit of planets can only deliver the results which are promised in the horoscope, similarly annual horoscope can only ensure those results which are originally promised in the horoscope. For example if a child is not promised in the horoscope then even if the annual horoscope gives strong indications of child birth, the child will not be conceived or delivered. For this reason it becomes necessary to analyze the annual horoscope along with the birth horoscope. Though both are analyzed in different ways, Varshaphal has its own importance. By observing the Tajik Yogas, Mudda dashas and the sahams, it is possible to successfully predict the events of the year and to give accurate answers related to any area of life. Muntha The scholars feel that the word Muntha is a distortion of the Persian word 'Intiha' which means the limit or the end. Intiha got distorted to mintiha, then to Mintha, to munthaha and finally became muntha. Muntha is a very special aspect of Tajik Jyotish. In reality it is the progression of Janma Lagna. In the birth year, muntha is placed in the Lagna, the next year it moves to the second house and the next year to the third house. In this manner it passes through all the houses in twelve years. In the thirteenth year it comes back to the Lagna. Calculation of the Muntha There are two methods of determining the position of muntha in the annual horoscope house wise and Rashi wise. Rule 1 House wise (Completed years +1) ÷ 12 Take the remainder and count that number of houses starting from Lagna. Muntha will be situated in that house. E.g. If the remainder is 5 then muntha will be placed in the fifth house from Lagna. Rule 2 Rashi wise (Completed years + Rashi of Janma Lagna) ÷ 12 Take the remainder. Rashi of that number will become the muntha. Example horoscope ÷ Calculation of Muntha

Rule 1 (33+1) ÷ 12; Remainder is 10. From the Janma Lagna Aquarius, the 10th house is Scorpio. Muntha for 2006 will be in the 10th house. Rule 2 (33+11) ÷ 12; Remainder is 8. So Scorpio Rashi will become the muntha for 2006. In this manner both the methods are yielding the same result. Results of the Muntha The house occupied by muntha gets specially activated that year and the person gets the auspicious or inauspicious results related to that house during the year. Best muntha : In the 9, 10, 11th houses Auspicious muntha : In the 1, 2, 3, 5th houses Inauspicious muntha : In the 6, 8, 12th houses. Poor muntha : In the 4, 7th houses. First House Muntha in the first house produces auspicious results. It gives good health, professional progress, fame, honour and Bhagya enhancement. If the Lagna is in movable Rashis (1, 4, 7, 10 signs) then there will be a possibility of changes in profession and change of residence. Second House Produces honour, fame, success, professional progress, gain of wealth and prosperity, good food, entertainment and varied kinds of gains. Third House Good relations and gains from brothers and from friends. Enhancement of courage, success, fame, gains and victory over enemies and opponents. Fourth House Lack of mental peace, discord in the family, ill health and trouble from the government. Fifth House Auspicious results regarding education and children, religious tendencies, progress, happiness and co-operation from

the government. Sixth House Physical or mental ailments, lack of mental peace, harm and losses due to enemies, thefts, debts and losses in business or in profession. Seventh House Troubles and diseases for the life partner, professional losses, setback to name and fame, and useless journeys. Eighth House Vices (bad habits), diseases, accidents, loss of wealth and loss of prestige, fear and long useless journeys. Ninth House Bhagyodaya, sudden unexpected gains, favour from the government, domestic happiness and cooperation. Tenth House Attainment of high position, promotions, cooperation from the government, fame and good deeds. Eleventh House Success in all ventures, gains in all areas, financial gains, enhancement of name fame and good fortune and good health. Twelfth House Poor health, loss of wealth, useless expenditure and journeys, change of place, failures and sleep disorders. Results of the Planetary influences on Muntha When Muntha is placed in the Rashi of some planet or is occupied or aspected by the same planet or by more planets, then it produces certain results. These are being described below: Sun When muntha is placed in Leo Rashi or is occupied or aspected by sun, it provides favour from the government, promotions in a government job, gains from father, friendship with the elite and favours and gains from them, success in elections and similar results. However if Muntha is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, then adverse results related to the same will be got. Moon If Moon is strong then good health, physical and mental happiness, enhancement of honour and fame, comforts,

virtuous mentality and conduct will get promoted. If Moon is weak and afflicted then adverse results will be got in the same areas. Mars Ailments related to Mars, accidents, operations, quarrels, loss of money and excessive expenditure will be produced. If Mars is strong and is under benefic influence, then there will be courage, enthusiasm, victory over opponents and successful operations (surgeries). Mercury Auspicious events like marriage, success in media or communication related jobs, education, progress in business, friendship with women and sudden unexpected gains. If Mercury is afflicted or is under the influence of Malefics, then there can be obstructions in these same results and there will be a possibility of losses. Jupiter Birth of a child or gain of happiness, education, finding a guru, gain of money, fortune, name, fame, government favour and association with the high and mighty. Generally auspicious results will be got. Venus Blessings of goddess Lakshmi, acquisition of articles of luxury and enjoyment, purchase of vehicles, wedding, happiness from women and other happy events. Afflicted Venus could lead the person towards vices, dishonour and downfall. Saturn Saturn placed in muntha produces physical and mental misery, excessive expenditure, losses, lack of success in all ventures and can almost make the person abandon his home. Rahu/Ketu Also have an adverse effect on muntha like Saturn. They lead the person on the path of blame and disrepute, dishonour, failure and downfall. This can also result in the death in case of an elderly person. Some scholars feel that Rahu gives good results in the beginning of the year and bad towards the end while Ketu gives bad results in the beginning and good results towards the end. It is also said that muntha is auspicious in the mouth of Rahu and inauspicious in his tail. Rahu being retrograde enters the Rashi from the end so in the annual horoscope the angular distance between Rahu's degree and end of the Rashi is Rahu's mouth and rest of the Rashi is his tail. Munthas longitude is calculated and its placement is seen. Other Considerations If malefic planets like Saturn and Mars as the Varshesh are placed in muntha good results are produced.

Influence of lords of Trik houses (6, 8, 12) on muntha in the form of placement or inimical aspect is harmful. If Munthesh (Muntha lord) is debilitated or retrograde or placed in inimical Rashi or in Paap Kartari, then it reduces the benefic effects of a good muntha. Munthesh The Rashi lord of Muntha is called the Munthesh. Full results of Muntha can be got only when Munthesh is strong and is also well placed in good houses in the Varsh Kundali. In other words to know the results of muntha it is also necessary to notice the condition of the Munthesh. Some scholars are of the opinion that the Munthesh produces auspicious results only in those houses which are considered auspicious for muntha i.e. 9, 10, 11 and 1, 2, 3, 5 houses. Other scholars feel that as per the Parashari method Munthesh would be well placed in the Kendra’s and Trikona i.e. 1, 4, 7, 10, 5, 9. Apart from this, the placement of Munthesh in its own Rashi or exaltation Rashi is also praised. Even in this case its placement in 6,8,12 houses is considered inauspicious. However placement of Munthesh in 4 and 7 houses is not considered bad even though these houses are not praised for the placement of Muntha. When is the result of Muntha Got? The general results of muntha are felt throughout the year, but its special results are got in the Mudda dasha of the Munthesh. Some scholars feel that these are got in the month denoted by the number of the house in which muntha is placed. Apart from this the good or bad results are also got in the dasha of the planet who is influencing the muntha most strongly. Report Abuse

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15 :20 pm Feb 25, 2011

Important Role of Sahams in Varshaphala / Annual Chart Varshaphala or Annual horoscope or Tajika Shastra is one of the three systems of Jyotish Shastra. It delineates the results based on the Solar Return. A horoscope is drawn for the movement (time) in a solar year for a native / nation when the Sun attains the same longitude as it had at the time of birth. This chart is known as Varsha-Kundali or the Annual Chart. Special Features of the Annual Horoscope : An Annual chart is valid for one year, and this one year is further divided into periods and subperiods. The aspects are peculiar and are different from Parashara System. These are:

(i) Friendly Aspects – Very friendly – 5/9 Semi friendly – 3/11 (ii) Inimical Aspects – Open inimical – 1/7 Secret inimical – 4/10 (iii) Neutral Aspects – 2, 12, 6, 8 Saturn and Mercury are treated as feminine planets; others being the same as that of Parashar. Based on the strength and aspects, a planet will attain the lordship of the year and influences in general all the events during that year. Specific to annual horoscope are the sixteen Tajika yogas, Muntha, Tripathki Chart and the Sahams. SAHAMS: As per Dr. B.V. Raman these are special points signifying important events in life. There are numerous sahams but all are not relevant during the year. The relevant sahams are picked up at the appropriate age except Punya Saham and this should be studied for all the years as it throws light in all the years. Annual Chart is a subsidiary chart to Birth Chart and derives its strength from the latter. What is indicated in the Birth Chart will be given to the native through the appropriate Annual Chart. Hence Annual Chart is dependable for accurate timing of major life events such as marriage, child birth and profession in a concerned year. In the succeeding pages an attempt has been made to establish the relationship between Natal Chart with the appropriate annual chart with a specific reference to Vivaha Saham (marriage saham) and Punya Saham. As the marriage is one of the milestones in any ones life across the globe, this area has been chosen. Marriage basically means bringing together two bodies along with their souls to live together with adjustments and continue the natural process of procreation for the continuance of human race. Analysis of one hundred Natal and annual horoscopes has been carried out on the broad parameters listed below: (i) Promise in the Natal Horoscope has been analyzed from Ascendant, Chandra Lagna, Surya Lagna with their respective 7th houses from these three and Venus. (ii) Appropriate Dasha System (Vimshottari) (iii) The Transits of Saturn and Jupiter (iv) The promises in the Annual Chart (v) Role of Sahams – Vivah and Punya Sahams. Sahams are the sensitive points of the annual horoscope. These are worked out by the manipulation of longitudes of the planets, with the longitude of the Lagan Sahams yields specific result in a year.

Here the scope is restricted to Vivaha & Punya sahams, as the study of all sahams is very vast and is not relevant to the specific point under consideration. Basically the annual chart has been scrutinized for establishing the relation of marriage saham with relevant annual chart. (a) Punya Saham (Fortunes and Auspiciousness) The calculation formula is if Varsha Pravesh occurs during: (i) Day – Moon – Sun + Ascendant (ii) Night – Sun – Moon + Ascendant Punya Saham provides a protective shield to the native during the year. It promotes happiness, auspicious ceremonies and gains of wealth, provided if the Saham is strong. Alternatively it yields bad results in a weak condition. (b) Vivaha Saham (Saham for Marriage) The calculation formula is Venus – Saturn + Ascendant Same for both Day & Night Varsha Pravesha. This Saham throws light on the prospects of marriage in a particular year of the native at appropriate socio-economic backgrounds. (c) Assessment of strength of the Saham : A saham will be strong, if the saham lord is exalted and posited in own house in the Annual Chart. Besides if the Saham is associated with benefic planets in a benefic house and with year lord the Saham will become strong. If the Saham lord aspects its own saham, conjoins with benefic planets and aspects lagna or relevant house with high Panchavargiya bala (more than 5 units) then the saham is considered as strong. Otherwise the saham is weak and does not yield good result. Based on the above parameters, one case has been explained below. Case Study: (i) Promises in the Natal Chart : (a) Ascendant is virgo and its lord Mercury is in the house of cancer with 12th lord Sun. Ascendant rises in Hasta Nakastara whose lord is Moon. Mercury, the Lagna Lord and also 10th lord is in its own Nakshtra, becomes yogakaraka for the chart. He is in retrograde condition. The Seventh house is Pisces from lagna whose lord Jupiter in 2nd House (family), in his own Nakshtra. Lagna lord and seventh lords are well disposed and

bestows marital happiness to the native. (b) Chandra Lagna is Taurus. Moon exalted and is in Rohini Nakhstra. The seventh house from here is Scorpio whose lord Mars aspects his own house which is a good condition for marriage. From Chandra lagna Saturn is yogakaraka. © Surya Lagna : Sun is in cancer with lagna lord and is in Pushya Nakashtra. The seventh house is Capricorn whose lord Saturn aspects his own house from retrograde state. The 7th house from here is also strong. (d) Navamsha lagna is Gemini and its lord Mercury is in 9th house aspected by Jupiter. (e) The natural Vivaha Karaka Venus is with Mars in 12th house of Rasi chart and ensures marital happiness to the native. The natural Karka Venus in this place is good and hailed by all classical writers. From three lagans the following are the influencing factors for giving the marriage to the native. Mercury / Jupiter Venus / Mars Moon / Saturn and the planets posited in Lagna / 7th house i.e. Rahu / Ketu. (ii) Dasha Sequences : Rahu : M.D. (From June, 1975) Mercury A.D. (From June, 1983 to December, 1985). Saturn P.D. (From June, 1983 to December, 1985) (a) Maha Dasha Lord Rahu is in lagna aspecting 7th house of Pisces. Rahu is benefic to the native as he is in his own house (Virgo). His disposition is Mercury a Yogakaraka to the chart who is in eleventh house of gains which is a good and natural time for marriage. (b) The Antardasha lord is Mercury which is lagna lord and 10th lord (Yogakaraka) posited in eleventh house of gains, favors’ physical comforts with financial gains. It indicates marital happiness. Saturn the Pratyantara dasha lord is placed 4th from M.D. lord and in 4th house qualified for giving the marriage to the native. (iii) Role of Transits as on 27.11.1985 i.e. Date of Marriage (a) Saturn is in Scorpio, the 7th house from Natal Moon, cleared the marriage. (b) Jupiter transiting in Capricorn aspecting Chandra lagna and lagna blessed the marriage. Transiting Mars directly aspects the 7th house from lagna. Besides, Sun, Mercury and Saturn are in 7th house from Janma Rasi Moon is on the Natal position on the date of marriage. All the celestial Gods blessed the auspicious event of the native.

Promises in the Annual Chart The static significations of Natal chart will be expressed through annual chart. The native’s annual chart for 1985-1986 has been drawn below. Here Tajik aspects has been followed: Chart Varsha Kundali : Ascendant is Taurus whose lord Venus in 2nd house, aspected by Mercury; Saturn and Moon. The seventh lord Mars aspects his own house. The Navamsha Lagna is Leo aspected by its own lord Sun. The seventh lord of Navamsha Saturn also aspects his own house. The Mudda Dasha operating is Rahu and Moon at the time of marriage. The year lord is Mercury who is in 4th house of annual chart aspecting 7th house of varsha kundali. He is auspicious and ensures free flow of results. Muntha is in Scorpio in the 7th house and aspected by its lord Mars, favorable for marriage. (v) Role of Sahams : (a) Punya Saham is in Scorpio, whose lord Mars from 3rd house glances his saham, strengthens the Saham of the annual chart. Punya Saham itself in 7th house is a very auspicious position in the annual chart for marriage. (b) Vivaham Saham : It is positioned in 9th house, i.e. Capricorn Saturn and Vivaha Saham lord aspects his saham from 6th house. Mars, the 7th lord and Saturn the VIvaha Saham lord are in ithasals yoga. Mercury, the year lord aspects the Vivaha saham and its lord, the vivaha saham is disposed in an auspicious way during the year. 5. The celestial Gods cleared and blessed the auspicious event of the native on 27.11.1985

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