Varnada Lagna

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Varnada Lagna (your karma yoga) Written by Visti Larsen Saturday, 04 October 2008 21:20   

Dear K. Lakshman, Namaskar. Heres answering your query on the topic of Varada Lagna. Vara means color, caste or the single syllable of a word or mantra. As a sound syllable it refers to the origin of our 

creation, namely sound itself of which the first sound was aum. Sound manifests in the Akaa or ether element, followed by the creation of the Vyu or air element, which again is followed by the Agni or fire element. At this stage light and therefore also color emanated. This then resulted in the creation of Jala or water which gave sustenance and finally Prthvi or earth which brought about the solid surfaces and therefore also food. Da means to give but also refers to the upadea or advise given by Brahma to the three gana of Deva, Manushya

and Rakshasa when they asked to know their birth purpose. Brahma answered da to all of them, of which the Manushya interpreted this as dna meaning to give as a means to overcome their excess personal greed. The Deva interpreted this as dama meaning to suppress or tame as a means to suppress their excessive desire to entertain themselves. The Rakshasa interpreted this as day meaning sympathy, compassion or pity, as a means to overcome the mercilessness they expressed towards other beings. There are two methods of calculating Varada Lagna. One is based on degrees and the other is based on signs. Both methods follow the same steps, but can reveal different results if the combined result of the Lagna and Hora Lagna exceeds 30 degrees. d egrees. The calculation of Varada Lagna is based on the Hor Lagna (sustenance/food) and the Lagna (self). The signs of  the two, viz.: Hor Lagna and Lagna being odd or even will decide the method of counting.  If either is in an odd sign then count from Aries regularly to the sign occupied by Lagna/ Hor Lagna. Example: If  Hor Lagna is placed in Sagittarius then counting forward from Aries we get Sagittarius as being the ninth sign from  Aries.  If either is in an even sign then count from Pisces in reverse to the sign occupied by Lagna/ Hor Lagna. Example: If  Hor Lagna is placed in Scorpio, then counting in reverse from Pisces to Scorpio we get Scorpio as being the fifth sign from Pisces. The next step is adding the two results.  If the two of Hora lagna and Lagna are both in signs of same oddity then merely adding the two gives the result. Example: for Lagna in Cancer (9th from Pisces) and Hor Lagna in Virgo (7th from Pisces), then since both are in even signs the addition of 9+7 gives the result of 16. Remove multiples of 12 to get the exact sign-number as 4.  If the two of Hor lagna and Lagna are both in signs of different oddity then finding the different between the two gives the result. Example: for Lagna in Leo (5th from Aries) and Hor Lagna in Scorpio (5th from Pisces), then since both are in signs of different oddity the difference of 5-5 gives the result of 0 which is the equivalent of the number 12.

 Note that the final result will always be an even number. This result is then counted from Aries in forward order if the Lagna is in an odd sign to attain the Varada Lagna. If  the Lagna is in an even sign then counting the result from Pisces in reverse order gives the Varada Lagna. Example: For the result of 12 for Lagna in Cancer count to the twelfth sign in reverse from Pisces, i.e. Aries. This is applied to all the houses from Lagna and Hor Lagna to calculate the Varada of each house. Note that the Varada lagna will always occupy a sign of different oddity than that of the Lagna. But, if you add or  deduct the degrees of the Lagna and Hor Lagna to attain the Varada lagna, then this can change. Upadea: The Varada Lagna is responsible for sustaining the Lagna as it gives food to the Lagna. The two work in pairs where the Lagna acts and the Varada sustains the acts of the Lagna. Therefore whichever oddity the Lagna has, the Varada Lagna has to be that of a different oddity working as a balance to the Lagna. Interpretation The Varada Lagna doesn¶t show abilities or sources of income, instead it shows the color or mood you will occupy as a means to sustain yourself in society. There are four main Vara which are meant to uphold dharma. Therefore it is from dharma that one finds a purpose and performs karma, and the four main Vara are actually the four feet of  the cow or Kmadhenu which uphold the Veda. karmaru vara sjan hoici karmara ca na nahi kicci| - Sri Acyuta Dasa, vara sahit Translation: Vara has evolved from Karma and other than Karma nothing else exists. The various Vara are indicated by the four types of signs, viz.: Fiery, Watery, Airy and Earthy signs. The Kshatriya belong to the Fiery signs. The Brahmins belong to the Watery signs. The Vaishya belong to the Earthy signs whilst the Shudra belong to the Airy signs. The Vara of the airy and earthy signs is sometimes reversed due to reasons of  supply and demand caused by the two types of Vara, but for the purpose of using the Varada lagna we will use the list as given. The planets also indicate Vara. Sun & Mars denote the Kshatriyas. Jupiter & Venus indicate the Brahmins. Moon & Mercury indicate the Vaishyas, whilst Saturn indicates the Shudras. The nodes go against the norms of soceity as well as the Varna. Example: Sri Achyuta Dasa Date: January 30, 1510 Time: 21:58:37 Time Zone: 5:43:20 (East of GMT) Place: 85 E 50 00, 20 N 30 00 Cuttack, India 1. The Lagna is in Virgo - an even sign, hence counting from Pisces in reverse to Virgo we get the 7th sign. 2. The Hor Lagna is in Taurus another even sign, hence counting from Pisces in reverse to Taurus we get the 11th sign. 3. 7+11 is 18. 4. As Lagna was an even sign, we must reckon this result in reverse from Virgo. The 18th sign is equal to the 6th sign (18-12=6) hence the 6th sign in reverse from Pisces must be found. This is Libra, which is the position of the

Varada Lagna. Libra is a Shudra sign hence we may infer that Sri Achyuta Dasa was given Shudra -type work, i.e. service, physical labour, arranging amenities for worship, etc. He has stated in his works that whilst his grandfather was a Kshatriya, his father was occupying the Shudra caste as appointed by the Mahaganapati at the time. The lord of Varada lagna is Venus and is placed in a watery sign indicating that he would change to Brahmin-work, and would enjoy a lot of  happiness from the exaltation of the same. Venus is unconjoined hence it alone will indicate the type of Brahmin work. Among Brahmins Venus indicates consultants and advisors, i.e. like astrologers, therapists, doctors, etc., whilst Jupiter indicates teachers, singers, actors, etc. Hence Sri Achyuta Dasa would have been involved in a consultant related profession. He was a very renowned Jyotisha for the heads of Orissa. Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²www: @: [email protected] Last Updated on Monday, 09 February 2009 22:47



Written by Visti Larsen Saturday, 04 October 2008 21:17

Posted in the Srijagannath Gurukul forum -

Svati wrote: > > Hare Rama krsna > Dear Vistiji, > i remember from one of the lectures by Sanjayji, where he made a difference in two kind of researches where one is based on collection of data and other a theoretical approach . The first methodology was more an Approach of  Rahu , while the other be more of Mercury . Am i right in my interpretation >? >

> Also Firstly You mentioned to check Amk and varnada Lagna . Do we check this in Rasi chart or D-10 chart. Secondly here is a chart of a Professor who is working as in the universty over 30 years . she has over 30 students who have done research under her guidance. Although i see her 10th lord of rashi in 3rd house in D-10 conjunct the 10th lord Jupiter of D-10. Would that not make her at receiving end rather than Giving end ! > mercury is in her 2nd house of d-10, while Moon and Rahu in lagna, does this justify for her being professor and head of dept in psychology! > looking forward for your views ! >professor 

>Date: April 19, 1952 >Time: 3:46:00 pm >Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) >Place: 74 E 02 00, 26 N 39 00 > Merta, India > Swati > Thanks for Your time and space !   

Dear Svati and SK, Namaskar  The provided chart: professor  Date: April 19, 1952 Time: 3:46:00 pm Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 74 E 02 00, 26 N 39 00 Merta, India We can use all points and principles in all divisional charts, but we must expect that they show different things in each division. The rasi is our primary concern for us to see how exactly events affect us on a physical and gross level. We get the gross understanding of life from the rasi and an accurate analysis of the rasi can make up for a lot in predictive  jyotish.



Varnada lagna shows the dharma you do to sustain yourself. Venus and Jupiter are brahmana¶s as are the watery signs. So see if Venus and/or Jupiter associate with the eleventh house/lord from Varnada lagna, or the planets associated are in watery signs. Specifically for teachers Jupiter is important whilst Venus is important for personal consultants. Further, check the ninth lords (of rasi) sign in Shastyamsa for the actual dharma of life. In the chart you have provided, the Varnada lagna is in Taurus. The lord of Taurus is Venus itself and can therefore show that she was born in a family who leaned towards the consulting line. Venus is placed in the eleventh therefrom in Pisces it promotes that this is in the academical line of teaching and consulting.

Amatyakaraka The amatyakaraka works quite differently and shows karma yoga. The Amatyakaraka takes the responsibility of  feeding the Atmakaraka and therefore shows whom the Atma is dependant on in this birth. The specific form which feeds the atma is the Palana Devata (sixth from amatyakaraka in navamsa) and is the form of the mother (moon). In Jyotish to understand the mother/moon better we must understand the udu dasas. Specifically the Vimshottari dasa relates to our sustenance in soceity and community and should be used for reference. Here a cycle of dependency needs to be understood and if we count in order beginning from Krittka nakshatra, in

modules of three, we get the following order of lordships: 1st



Moon Mars


Jupiter Saturn

Mercury Ketu



With this we get three working-classes of society. The upper class ruled by the politicians (sun), business men (mercury) and organized crime or unions (rahu). The middle class ruled by public servants (moon), teachers and instructors (jupiter) and the priests and mystics (Ketu). The lower class are the blue-collar workers, or those who have to exert brawns rather than brains (Saturn), the security force including police and military (Mars) and the entertainment sector who wish to attract and capture the minds of the public (Venus). These class-divisions do not speak of the financial standing of those in them. Now, as a start you can expect to find that the natives amatyakaraka is associated with one of the three grahas indicating the working-class of the native. I.e. in the chart supplied Mars is the amatyakaraka and receives the rasi dristi of both Moon and Ketu which belong to the middle class and academical sector. Coming to the dependencies we can refine our understanding of the chart. A politician (Sun) is dependent on the unions (used to be organized crime - Rahu) to get votes. Therefore to be a politician one needs Rahu associated with  Amatyakaraka - not Sun. Similarly businessmen (Mercury) depend on the laws made by the politicians (Sun) and therefore Sun has to be associated with the Amatyakaraka of a good businessmen. Knowing this you can draw a triangular dependency diagram.

Sanyasis (Ketu) will have Moon associated with their Amatyakaraka, public servants (Moon) will have Jupiter  associated with their Amatyakaraka and finally teachers (Jupiter) will have Ketu associated with their amatyakaraka as per this principle. In the attached chart of the professor, we did indeed find Ketu having rasi dristi on the Amatyakaraka promoting the academical profession. Raja-sambandha yoga: If the tenth house/lord or the Atmakaraka associates with the Amatyakaraka then the native will associate with the topmost people in their field and be succesful in this.  Authors comment: Check if a graha is associated with both the Amatyakaraka and the Atmakaraka/Tenth house. The profession of that graha as outlined above will surely give success. In the given chart Ketu is having Rasi dristi on the Amatyakaraka and is in kendra to the Atmakaraka (variation of  rajasambandha yoga) ensuring that success will come in the academical field.

Dasamsa In the chart you have given, if you add 44 seconds to the birth time she would be a teacher in a long-term profession due to Jupiter in the second house. Moon and Rahu in Jupiters signs can indicate the nature of her teaching. Rema Menon wrote: > > Hare Rama krishna, > Namaste Vistiji, > > Here is a chart of a tenured Full Professor in an US > University for the last 27 years. > Date: July 19, 1946 > Time: 3:57:35 pm > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) > Place: 78 E 37 00, 30 N 09 00 > Devaprayag, India > > Thanks, > Rema   

Dear Rema, Namaskar  Before approaching the Dasamsa chart, two factors namely the Amatyakaraka and the Varnada Lagna should be perused to see 1) those whom the native depends on to do their work and therefore also the field of work; 2) the varna or dharma that the person must uphold in their work. Through the above we should be able to fine tune that the native is working within the academical field (amk) and acts as a guide/consultant to people (varnada lagna). You will see more work on these important factors in the future. Date: July 19, 1946 Time: 3:57:35 pm Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 78 E 37 00, 30 N 09 00 Devaprayag, India Now, in the dasamsa check to see if service is dominating or business. No planets are in sixth or seventh yet the sixth lord is in Lagna. Now see if Sun (public service) or Venus (private sector) are stronger. Sun is exalted in the fifth house showing that work in public sector will dominate, but Venus in the lagna shows that the native will prefer to involve himself in work for private companies. Next check the arthatrikona to see what the native will do in these sectors. The planets in the arthatrikona will show long term professions held for a considerable amount of time. Rahu is in the tenth in Virgo showing research and development. Its placed in a mercurial sign showing that this can be either in the educational field or economics. Jupiter is in the second house and aspects Rahu in the tenth confirming that this is focused on teaching and consulting where his primary work will be. The debility of Jupiter is good for finances but nor for stress levels.

I hope this helps. Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen Last Updated on Monday, 09 February 2009 22:07

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