Varma class (print).pdf

April 2, 2017 | Author: taiyakes | Category: N/A
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Siddha Applied Science Institute Malaysia

The Organization Pranashakty International

Siddha Applied Science Institute

Siddha Memory Empowerment

Persatuan Siddha Varma Kalai Malaysia

Charity Foundation

Second Lord Murugan Navaphasanam Project

India United States South Africa Canada Australia Khazakstan Uzebikstan Ukraine Russia


Pranashakty Bringing the spiritual excellence of Siddha back to the world

What do we do?

Spirituality is the real you, and hence is a part and parcel of everybody’s life, and there is no escaping it. Pranashakty’s teachings are aimed at making each individual recognize it. Our teachings are hence, •Free of dogma •Religious flavors and •Full of practical modern applications. •Simple and touch the lives of any average human •Draws people from all over the world to Pranashakty to learn siddha science

Pranashakty Bringing the spiritual excellence of Siddha back to the world

Why do we do this? Over these years Pranashakty’s mission and vision was heard all over the world and many responded to it and transformed their lives for good. We recognize our potential for bringing about a better tomorrow both globally and humanity.

•Spirituality touches every aspect of human life including youth. •Worldwide spirituality has become a fast-rising trend •Spirituality is slowly integrating into the social structure and modern trends of human society •It is even influencing socio economic make up.



A revolutionary self help system Empowering people to take care of their own health

Siddha Memory Empowerment

What is Memory Power Your memory is marvelous. In fact, it’s beyond marvelous. It’s capable of achieving breathtaking feats of brilliance. It can work faster than the world’s most powerful computer. It often achieves miracles without you noticing them. Your memory does amazing things even when you’re asleep.

Here are some facts about your own mind-blowing memory capacity: Your brain is made up of one hundred thousand million cells – about the number of seconds since the end of the last ice age. You have more than enough brain power for everything you need. The world’s most powerful computer would take about a hundred years to do what your brain can do in a minute. Your memory is lightening fast, and can carry out many different activities at once.

What you achieve thru SMEP  Improvement in memory function. [LEARN MORE IN A SHORTER TIME]  Increased powers of concentration. [MORE RECEPTIVE]  Heightened creativity. [MORE INNOVATIVE]  Greater sports capabilities. [MORE TALENTED]  Balanced hormones. [MORE HEALTHY].  Balanced use of right and left brain. [BALANCE CHARACTER]  Reduced stress levels and an holistic, well-balanced life

All this with Only.. Increase more then

Power in Just 10

40% Memory

Minutes per Day For 44 Days ONLY

SMEP.. Simple Pranayama

Yoga Asana Sarawati-Nadi-Diksha

Music Siddha Herbal tonic

How the SMEP Works..

Saraswathi Diksha..the core for memory

Some Of The Activities of SMEP here and world wide



  

A system for beauty specifically designed for women to enhance the physical, mental and emotional aspects of beauty. It is originates from the ancient Siddha tradition in Southern India. This methodology heals, cleanses and rejuvenates the body down to the cellular level. This system has a unique “Inner Cell Activation” which will manifest radical inner changes and transformation to the skin and body. It is a natural, safe, and powerful chemical free method to enhancing beauty without the risks associated with conventional forms of beauty therapy.


What is SIDDHA INNER POWER? • Siddha Inner Power is a unique system that not only allows you to access this enormous power sleeping within you but also to use it positively for self-defense, to improve your immune system, to rejuvenate your entire body, for healing and to help prevent aging (The Kayakalpa effect) • It is different from all other systems of Inner Power because it gives you the Aayam Shield -the miraculous Aayam Shield that makes you incorruptible by any negativity

What is AAYAM? 

AAYAM is an ancient metaphysical energy that represents the metaphysical Iron in the human energetic structure. It has protective, rejuvenating (kayakalpa), magnetic and healing properties Aayam energy is naturally present in everybody. It is released from its store during an activation process known only to a few masters This released Aayam energy creates a shield around the person who has received this secret activation and protects him/her from all harm The immense power of this Aayam can be utilised for total body, mind and spirit rejuvenation as well as self defence


Instructor and Course Lead Varma Assan Sri Pranaji (Manimaran) BA (UKM), Dip.Varma and Yoga (Ind) Founder And Spiritual Guru Pranashakty International Chairman Siddha Applied Science Institute President Persatuan Siddha Varma Kalai Malaysia Founder: Siddha Memory Empowerment Founder Siddha Inner Power and Siddha Inner Beauty Advisor Karunai Charity Foundation International Assistant Instructor Sri .Pranaraj (Thiyakarajan) Dip. Sport Science (USM) President Academic Karate Penang (6th Dan) Vice President Persatuan Siddha varma Kalai Malaysia Assitant Instructor Uthaya Kumar (Thr /Astro) President Pranashakty Foundation

Series - Unit 1 Introduction to siddha and varma principles and history introduction on 12 padu varmam and 96 thodu varmam Intoduction to varma adangal murai Series - Unit 2


Introduction 10 varmam point, its effect and application practical on treatment for Athritis shoulder pain ankle pain carpal tunnel syndrome TMJ (temporo-mandibular joints)

Series - Unit 3

Introduction 10 varmam point, its effect and application Practical on treatment for Sinusitis, migraine and head related diseases eye diseases digestive system treatment sore throats seizure disorder


Series - Unit 4 Introduction 10 varmam point, its effect and application Introduction on Prana energy treatment and Vasi yoga Practical on treatment, to straighten crooked back bone to align any bone with energy Healing using energy

Series - Unit 5 Introduction 10 varmam point, its effect and application Practical treatment for non surgical treament for back pain frozen shoulder astma and heart disease nausea/motion sickness elevated heart rate


Series - Unit 6 Introduction 10 varmam point, its effect and application Basics of Nokku varmam, practical training and application

Series - Unit 7 Introduction 10 varmam point, its effect and application Understanding amirtha kalai and visha kalai Practical treatment for sexual disorder treatmen anxiety/insomania menstrual cramps


Series - Unit 8 Introduction 10 varmam point, its effect and application Introduction to Siddha Medicine Fundamentals of Siddha Medicine Simple internal and external remedies in Varma Kalai Basic Diagnostic (Nadi nool) Basic herbal treatment

Series - Unit 10 Introduction 10 varmam point, its effect and application Introduction to Varmam Massage Pinda Suthi Varmam Massage Inner Beauty Massage Series - Unit 11 Siddha Kayakalpha Training


Series - Unit 12 And 13 Practical on preparing siddha herbal remedies for 20 type common disease Series - Unit 14 & 15 Learning management to run an therapy center or spa Practical Training and final Evaluation leading to Diploma Certification

•South-Indian Origin •Agathiyar and his 18 disciples perfected this art •Taught in Tamil, the then language of SouthIndians. •Now predominantly practiced in Tamilnadu and Kerala. •Kept hidden as a secret during British rule. •Most original palm leaves lost during the disappearance of Kumari Kandam


India is the mother of all spiritual systems. Like a mother she gave everything whether asked or snatched. If Lord Siva and Parvathy are the originators and what they taught is Siddha, then everything originated from Siddha.     

From medicine to varmam the 18 siddhars have taught culturally modified Siddha at different parts of the world. Ugi Muni (Unani), Bogar (TCM, Tao Tec Ching) The Mayans Bodhidharman Tibetan medicine Siddha was a global phenomenon rather than a local phenomenon


•Destroyed many varmam schools and Asans •Forced asans to go into exile and keep knowledge secret •Modified new palm leaf scripts to contain extra warnings and threats of karma to prevent students from openly teaching or disseminating knowledge • temporary TURNS PERMANENT •After british rule varmani’s continued following SECRECY •For personal gains •Frauds claimed anything from everything to be varmam •Incomplete learning and hasty practice

WHAT IS VARMAM The Prana that traverses the body in the form of two crisscrossing sine waves intersect each other giving rise to Varmam points or the vital points which present all over the body located along the pathways of dasa naadi, dasa vayu, sharam to give rise to 108 varmam points.  

 

Is the term for vital point Is a junction where more than two nadi’s meet  With junction of bone and bone, bone and ligaments/ tendons, bone and muscles A point where prana accumulates naturally Prana booster/ transformer Called the lock of siva

CLASSIFICATION OF VARMAM Varmams have been classified based on the type of pressure needed to injure,  Paduvarmam (varmam due to injury),  Thodu varmam (by touch)  Thattu varmam (by blows)  Thaduvu varmam (by massage)  Nakku varmam (by licking) and  Nokku (by staring). The widely used and recognised ones are the,  12 Paduvarmam’s and  96Thoduvarmam’s

Classification Thodu Varmam Padu Varmam Total

96 12 108

According to Humoral classification Classification Number of Points Vata Varmam (Wind) 65 Pitta Varmam (Bile) 24 Kapha Varmam (Phlegm) 6 Concealed Varmam 12 Total 107

Locations  Thasai

– Muscle  Asthi – Bone  Sandhi – Bone Joints  Dhamani – Aterial  Shira- Veins  Snayu- Nerve

Padu Varmam A Forceful blow on the spot, in accordance to the amount of force used in the blow, causes the following reactions:  Unconsciousness,  Incapacitation,  Permanent disability of organ or limb, or  Death.

Thodu Varmam Thodu in Tamil means “to touch”. So this is more of a touch, although with some pressure exerted on the spots. The effects of thodu varmam, inclusive of but not limited to:  unconsciousness  temporary disability of limb/organ  delayed antagonistic body reactions, disease, death  Thrusting, prodding, or pinching with the fingers performs this type of action.

Thattu Varmam Thattu in Tamil means rapping, clapping or tapping. This type of action is performed by tapping with a certain amount of force like a simple slap with the palm or finger tap, rapping with fingers or knuckles. To put it simply , it is a percussive or drumbeat type of action.  Effects include:  disorientation  sensory loss  sudden sharp pain leading to immobility  If used in certain spots with excessive rapping force, can cause instant unconsciousness with future health problems, organ failure and even death in extreme cases at certain spots.

THE 12 PADUVARMAM POINTS 1. Thilartha kaalam - Centre of the eyebrow 2. 3.

Natchathira kaalam – near the lateral end of the orbit of the eye Chevi kuthi kaalam – back of the ear lobule (on the stylo mastoid foramen) 4. Uchi Padhappam – in the vertex of the skull 5. Kannadi kaalam – in the centre of the nose 6. Koombu varmam – Bottom of the sternum 7. Urumi kaalam – 4 fingers above the umbilicus 8. Athi churukki kaalam – Just above the hip near superior iliac spine 9. Mooladhara varmam – in coccyx 10. Kallidai kaalam – centre of the testis for men, centre of clitoris for women 11. Thummi kaalam – inter clavicular notch 12. Adappa kaalam – below armpit


Pulli is a single point

Chevi Kutthi Varmam

 Varma

Kaalam represents a group of points along a particular nadi, usually associated with amrutha kalai flow  E.g.

Chevi Kutthi Kaalam


are varmam point (s) used in revival of a varmam injury.  Adangal techniques or adangal murai are used as antagonistic methods  It is effective only on an emergency mode and should be applied within 18-24 hours of varmam injury depending on the varmam affected.  Adangal murai itself will cause minor varmam injury to the adnagla points and hence should be followed up with internal medicines

Adangal Points There are 54 adangal points and out of which 12-16 are majorly used and effective for almost all varmam impacts

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

8. 9.

10. 11.


Pothi Madal Chevikuthi Kai Kavuli Kaal Kavuli Uchi adangal-1 Uchi Adangal-2 Keel Adhara Manipura Ullam Kaal Njangana Poruthu Amritha Nilai Ull Madai (Only for Women)

VARMAM SELF MASSAGE These are points on the body that can be stimulated on a daily basis to enable smooth prana flow and thereby improve health and on a long term prevent many diseases

NAME Location Stimulation Pressure Repetitions Uses Image

UCCHI KUZHI VARMAM Located slightly in front of the central axis of the body on the crown. Stimulate using three fingers together: index, middle and ring. Medium Five times clockwise and then counter clockwise, followed by five times rubbing from side to side. Stimulating this varmam will fill your entire body with energy and all the nerves in the body will be activated.

NAME Location Stimulation

Thilarntha Kaalam Located in-between the eyebrows. Stimulate using the vel mudrai (middle finger entwined with the index finger) in an upward thrusting manner.

Pressure Repetitions Uses

Medium Five times Stimulating this varmam will balance your sinus cavities, stimulate the flow of amritham (divine nectar), and helps to improve brain function.


Palla Varmam NAME Location

Located 2 finger breadths below the ribs.


Stimulate using the three fingers together: index, middle and ring.

Pressure Repetitions

Medium Five times clockwise, and then counter clockwise followed by five times rubbing side to side.


Stimulating this varmam balances the gastrointestinal tract, internal organs and sexual organs.



Kai Kavali Varmam


Located inside the web of the palm: inside the V-shape between the thumb and the index finger and in the deep end of the V shape.


Stimulate using three fingers together: index, middle and ring.




Five times clockwise, and then counter clockwise followed by five times rubbing side to side.


Stimulating this varmam has a tremendous effect on neuromuscular activity, the respiratory system, the nervous system, and the body's thermo stasis. Influences hand and arm up to the shoulder region.



Mani Bandha Varmam


Located in the wrist below and between the mounts formed by the thumb (venus mount) and the lunar area.


Stimulate using the tip of the thumb.




Five times clockwise, and then counter clockwise, followed by five times rubbing from side to side.


Stimulating this varmam is good for the cardiovascular system, gastric refluxes, cervical vertebrae, and rheumatic and arthritic pains.


NAME Location Stimulation Pressure Repetitions Uses


Vasa Mutti Kaalam This is a set of varmam points located on the proximal end of the arm, just below the crease formed by the elbow joint. Stimulate using the entire index finger in a rubbing motion. Medium Seven times rubbing up and down Stimulating this will control body temperature, lung function, cures catarrh (disorder of inflammation of the mucous membranes in one of the airways or cavities of the body), and gives nervous strength.

NAME Location

Nabhi Varmam Located at the umbilicus.


Stimulated using the three fingers of both palms joined together.

Pressure Repetitions

Medium Five times clockwise, and then counter clockwise, followed by five times sideways rubbing. Stimulating this area will promote increased pranic flow.

Uses Image

Aamai Varmam NAME Location Stimulation

Pressure Repetitions Uses Image

Located one chahn (the length between tips of the stretched thumb and little finger) below the hip joint in the centre of the thigh. Stimulated using three fingers together: index, middle and ring.

Medium Five times clockwise, and then counter clockwise, followed by five times rubbing side to side. Stimulating this varmam will improve pancreatic function and is a powerful pranic booster.

NAME Location Stimulation Pressure Repetitions Uses Image

Aani Varmam Located seven fingers' breadth from the knee joint inside the thigh. Stimulated using three fingers together: index, middle and ring. Medium Five times clockwise, and then counter clockwise, followed by five times rubbing side to side. Stimulation will improve the skin's health and function, and increase lower abdomen, appendix, sexual, and testis health.

NAME Location Stimulation Pressure Repetitions Uses Image

Kanda Kaal Varmam Located at the insertion of the calf muscle on the legs. Stimulated using three fingers together: index, middle and ring. Medium Five times clockwise, and then counter clockwise, followed by five times rubbing side to side. Stimulation will rejuvenate heart and cardiac vessels, and improve circulation.

NAME Location Stimulation Pressure Repetitions

Uses Image

Kaal Kavili Varmam Located four fingers' breadths below the ankle joint in a line connecting the web between the big toe and the second toe. Stimulated using the index finger. Medium Five times clockwise, and then counter clockwise, followed by five times rubbing side to side. Stimulation will detox liver, improve neuromuscular and nervous system function, regulate blood pressure, and cure delirium.

NAME Location Stimulation Pressure Repetitions Uses Image

Ullam Kaal Varmam Located on the sole, at the base of the mount formed by the big toe. Stimulated by striking with the palm. Medium Five times clockwise, and then counter clockwise, followed by five times rubbing side to side. Stimulation boosts prana flow in the body.

NAME Location Stimulation Pressure Repetitions

Uses Image

Pithu Kaay Varmam Located in the lumbar region on both sides of the body in level with the first lumbar vertebrae. Stimulated using the thumb. Medium Five times clockwise, and then counter clockwise, followed by five times rubbing side to side. Stimulating this varmam improves kidney health and strengthens the nephrons. It will also help improve lumbar health.


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