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Zeroehoøk fg "Fgcekfe" sg fe huekfn `ey uk heclon gstruhturem (gxøagkn). Tugfg sgr pnr heclon fg gk mns austns fg mns hnksucofnrgs, kovgm fg okargsn, prghon fg ntrns logkgs, gth. -; Me hurve fg fgcekfe sg fgspmeze. Gstg hnkhgptn sg fgkncoke me gmestohofef gmestohofef fg fg me hurve fg fgcekfe. Gk rgmehoøk hnk me gmestohofef, me fgcekfe sg fovofg gk trgs topns2
Gmåstohe, huekfn me gmestohofef fg me fgcekfe gs ceynr qug 5, me veroehoøk fg me hektofef fgcekfefe gs pnrhgktuemcgktg supgronr e me fgm prghon.
Okgmåstohe, huekfn me gmestohofef fg me fgcekfe gs cgknr qug 5, me veroehoøk fg me hektofef fgcekfefe gs pnrhgktuemcgktg okjgronr e me fgm prghon.
Gmestohofef ukoteroe, huekfn me gmestohofef fg me fgcekfe gs 5, me veroehoøk fg me hektofef fgcekfefe gs pnrhgktuemcgktg oauem e me fgm prghon.
Fgcekfe Fgcekf e Okfgpgkfogktg. Okfgpgkfogktg. Gs equgmme qug sg agkgre e pertor fg fghosonkgs fghosonkgs ebgkes e me gcprgse, pnr gbgcpmn2 me fgcekfe fg prnfuhtns tgrcokefns ehnstuclre e sgr gxtgrke e me gcprgse, gk gm sgktofn gk qug mes fghosonkgs fg mns hmogktgs kn snk hnkt hn ktrn rnmel melmg mgs s pn pnrr me gc gcprg prgse se (eu (eukqu kqug g sã pu pugf gfgk gk sgr ok okjm jmuo uofes fes). ). Ve Vecl cloï oïk k sg hmes hm esoj ojoh oherã erãe e hnc hncn n fg fgce cekf kfe e ok okfg fgpg pgkf kfog ogkt ktg g me hnr hnrrg rgspn spnkf kfog ogkt ktg g e po pogz gzes es fg rgheclon. Fgcekfe fgpgkfogktg. Gs me qug sg agkgre e pertor fg fghosonkgs tncefes pnr me prnpoe gcprgse, pnr gbgcpmn2 eòk so sg prnknstohe uke fgcekfe fg 544 hnh`gs pere gm cgs prøx prøxocn ocn (fgc (fgcekf ekfe e okf okfgpg gpgkfo kfogkt gktg) g) me For Forghho ghhoøk øk pugf pugfg g fgt fgtgrc grcoke oker r jelroher jelroh er 5
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