Variabili HD

August 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 MASSIMILIANO - VARIABILI    DLL + PLR + PLR [ b rain-mind system] brain-mind [   primary health(care) system PHS -rave psychology RP ]   ]  L(phs –  L(phs  –  digestion –   digestion –  dietary  dietary regimen - psycology/determination) L(rp - awareness/motivation & transference)   transference) L(phs - environment) R(rp - perspective (view) & distraction)  distraction)  CIBO: GUSTO –  GUSTO –  APERTA  APERTA 2.1.2 (colore-tono(cognition)-base) MOTIVAZIONE: 5.1  5.1  SCENA: VALLI –  VALLI –  STRETTO  STRETTO 5.1.5 (colore-tono-base)

VISTA: 6.6

A Variables Reading takes you deeper into your differentiation process. The Variables consist of 4 components that accelerate cellular de-conditioning. After one has been experimenting with and honoring their Type, Strategy and Inner Authority for a  period of time, they will feel an energetic “shift”; a realignment of their underlying frequency to what it is to live according to their TYPE. This provides the str structure ucture and foundation foundation –   –  “glue” –  needed  needed to apply the variables as an intensifying agent. The Variables are based on the genetic architecture of the individual.

The four Variables are:

PHS –  PHS  –  Primary  Primary Health System PHS is a “dietary” regiment that allows the individual to differentiate at the “physical” level. By following your PHS you allow your body to align to its cellular blueprint of optimal well-being and longevity by rebuilding the brain and vital organs at the cellular level. Unlike most diets, fasts, food fads, etc. PHS is not concerned directly with what you eat but more importantly with the conditions / circumstances around how we digest and process food, people and situations. Environment –  Environment  –  (Your Aura’s protective and nourishing “bubble”)  “bubble”)   The correct Environment, which is specific to you as an individual, assures that you are optimally  protecting and nourishing your new frequency. Environment is not a place, rather a condition /


circumstance that best supports your ability to differentiate at the “emotional” level. level.   Your environment needs to be a place you discover through Strategy and Authority.  Authority.  View –  View  –  (How  (How you were intended to see the world) View is all about perspective; how you were designed genetically to “see” the world. It is the t he “frame” that sets the stage for cognition. If you are not seeing what you were intended to see, you will not to  be able to reach the full potential of how you are designed to be conscious. It is differentiation at the “mental” level.  level.  For example, if you have a Color 6, you are designed to see things in a very Personal, almost narcissistic way - but that is what is correct for you. The homogenized world can stigmatize the average person with this kind of view, pressuring you to feel like there is something wrong with you and how you don't see life in the same way others do. It is correct for you not to be conditioned or defined by those you see. However, Personal View people can be easily distracted to see life l ife the way others do, comparing themselves to others, and developing an interest in Power games. games. When Distracted by what is not correct for you, it can  pull you out of your trip to see in a different different way. A certain amount of distraction is healthy when it doesn’t take over your life. The key here is to not get caught up with identifying with the t he Distraction or follow when it leads you away from fulfilling your unique purpose. This Perspective/Distraction Perspective/Distraction dynamic gives you the ability to ground your decisions from a view of the world that is correct for you. It’s an amazing gift - especially helpful to feed your personality consciousness. Seeing from your unique Perspective cultivates a precious and life-changing awareness. Your awareness of when you see clearly as yourself, and when you don't, helps to disempower the Not-Self mind's justifications, rationalizations, and therefore decisions decisions that it wants to make in your life. 

Motivation –  Motivation  –  (How  (How you were intended to be present in the world) Motivation is all about consciousness / awareness; how you were designed genetically to “be” in the world, which is supported by your correct PHS, Environment Env ironment and View. Being fully “awakened” is differentiation at the “spiritual” level.  level.  Once you have discovered the unique way in which you are designed to see the world and know the signposts of when you are distracted, you are ready for the next Transformation. Motivation describes how you are designed to provide your uniqueness to the other when it's correct for you to do so. What pulls you away from living your uniqueness is called Transference. Transference. Like Distraction, Transference is not  bad. You have a binary nature, nature, and you need need these counterbalan counterbalances ces to step into a higher higher level of consciousne consciousness ss which allows you to separate from the mechanics of your Personality to be the witness. When you are the observer of your life movie, you get to experience the magic of what it means to be you. Understanding your correct Motivation and its it s Transference (false resonance) resonance) can provide valuable signposts to help you know if you are on track to fulfill your purpose. Like the dynamic between Perspective and Distraction, Transference Transference just happens, and there's nothing wrong with it. it . But it is important to know when your motivation is transferred transferred,, and that when that is the case, your perspective is distracted - and vice versa. The key here is to cultivate an attunement attunement to the comfort of your vehicle and an awareness of the dynamics in your psychology. When you do this, you can learn to recognize your correct motivation and stop wasting energy when you are in Transferenc Transference. e. For example, when you have a Color 2 motivation, you are someone who is designed to be motivated by Hope. Hope knows when to act or not, when to take responsibility or not, and being able to provide your Hope to others if it's correct for you to do so. However, when you are in Transference, you are forever trying to fix things that are not your responsibility or job to make better. But because you are seeing from the Distracted viewpoint, you don't know what to fix, and your energy is wasted. Depending on your not-self theme, you are then left with a feeling of anger, frustration, bitterness or disappointment.



This arrow has to do with not only how we best digest the food we eat but also how we take in life, how we take in information and how we best learn. LEFT FACING You actively digest life. You enjoy and thrive when there is some kind of consistency and structure to your routines. You naturally take in information in a more logical and precise way. You may be able to recall exact details and memorize information easily. To do lists, calendars, daily rituals, meal  planning and routines work w ork best for f or you because you like to know what the next step is. Ritual and structure will enable you to live you best life. How can you best incorporate these into your daily schedule? What are some rituals you can look forward to integrating? With food, you like to have some sort of routine like breakfast at a certain time ti me everyday or following a specific way of eating. Fasting is not ideal for you, as you need more consistent intake of food to thrive. RIGHT FACING You passively digest life (btw this is not a bad thing!!) Freedom and variety are your best friends! You may notice that following a strict structure is toug tough h for you. This is because you naturally take in information in a fluid way. Which means that instead inste ad of remembering acute details you absorb all of the information about a situation. Maybe its remembering a feeling or deeper meaning instead of what someone actually said. You may not be able to recall or memorize exact details. Sometimes you can even respond with answers that you didn’t even know that you you knew. With food, you don’t need to eat the exact same thing everyday. You also don’t need to eat in the same way all the time. IE if you are craving a few big meals one day and then several small snacks the nest that is totally totall y y fine. Fasting works well with your body!


This arrow has to do with the environments that help you thrive. Environment can be your physical space but also can be your social media, or even your mental space. LEFT FACING This arrow signifies that you enjoy a consistent and structured environment. environment. You flourish when you spend long periods of time in one place, nesting, and getting super cozy and comfortable in your home space. Being in a familiar environment environment brings you much comfort. Having a designated place where you work, sleep, eat are important. Make sure these spaces are designed to feel good to you! This will help improve your productivity. If you have a job that requires you to move around a lot make sure you check in with a constant place to ground your energy (like your car, or visiting the same coffee shop everyday, etc etc) etc ) If you’ve found that travel is tough for you this could be why! This isn’t to say you shouldn’t travel or explore different places. This is more to say that when you do travel take time to get grounded in


the new space. Really immerse yourself yourself in your new environment, environment, unpack and make it feel super comfy, like home. Find a place or space that you love and continue to go back time and time again. a gain. RIGHT FACING You thrive on mixing it up!! Exploring new environments brings you much creativity creativit y and inspiration. Having a set schedule and set place to be is not the best for you (no offices if possible!!) For example I have this in my chart and set up my home office in a different spot (sometimes the dining table, or my desk, or the couch or a coffee shop) every day! The important thing is asking yourself where do I want to go today? Use your intuitive pings to help you decide what feels best. Your truest inspiration comes from travel and exploration. So discovering as many new places will  bring you all kinds of creative inspiration. Feeling stuck? s tuck? Get outside, go for a walk, mix up your environment and see how you feel. If you do work in an office, make sure you leave during the day for your lunch or breaks. Even getting getti ng up from your desk will bring you new energy and motivation. You may also like to move often. (I moved 10 times in 13 years all in LA… I know that’s a lot, but hey I like to mix it up!) Whether thats moving houses, or moving to a new city, state or country…You do you!!! If you feel called to a certain place or space make sure you heed the call.


This arrow has to do with your awareness, how you think, and how you process information LEFT FACING This arrow means that you have strategic awareness and logical mind. You can probably recall information pretty easily. Facts and numbers and patterns are your friend (Do you love Excel? cause I do!!) Can you memorize information easily? I can ca n too! If so you probably take tests well and thrive in the classroom because our current education systems use this ttype ype of memorization. Your thoughts are very fact based and linear. You don’t like ambiguity and may think in a very black and white way.  way.  RIGHT FACING This arrow means that you have receptive awareness and imaginative mind. Instead of just taking in facts, you see beauty in the t he nuance of life. You can ca n see deeper meanings behind things, and you think in an artistic and creative way that many people don’t don’t understand. Your thoughts may be all over the  place, but you understand them. Maybe its the non-linear non non convention, convention, non specific way you you think that makes you particularly creative. Recalling specific facts is difficult for you as is conventional education.


This arrow has to do with perspective and how we manifest! LEFT FACING You have a focused perspective and see the things in a detailed way. The way you best manifest is to call in the specific details detai ls of what you would like in your life. I.E. you would like a white house with


a blue door or a specific make and model of car etc. Its important for you to get very clear about what it is that you want, because once that list is set in motion, you just might get it it.. RIGHT FACING You have a peripheral perspective and see the things in a broad way. When calling in your manifestations it benefits you to be more general. For example if you want a new partner instead of drilling down into the specifics, lean more into the idea of bringing in a new partner and letting universe serve it up. You may find out that what comes through is way better than what you dreamt up for yourself. =======================================================================


They represent variables of tone and color associated with body and mind. They tell you if you’re someone who benefits from routine, if you have an active brain, how you digest life, your unique  perspective, what your best environment is, strongest sense, the motivation motivatio n you are meant to come from, etc...


The top left arrow has to do with how we digest food f ood and the world around us. It is the Primary Healt Health h System in Human Design. Mine is pointed to the left which means I have an Active Brain. It is  processing ALL THE TIME. It’s very busy and it needs nourishment nourishment  so I’m not really one for fasting or skipping meals. Active brains are On. This has nothing to do with the Ajna Center. While I have an Active Brain, I also have an undefined Ajna. This means I’m meant to literally have an open mind.  mind.   Wasting energy trying to get people to see my POV or even have fixed opinions doesn’t serve m e. And this doesn’t come easy. I have an open mind but I also love a good debate (I can most likely thank growing up with a father with a defined Ajna for my conditioning there). But the reality is it wastes a ton of my energy and doesn’t actually feel ver y ver y good. Finding out about my open Ajna felt challenging but also like so much permission to not need to figure it out. With an active brain and an open Ajna it’s not about thinking less, it’s about using my active mind to focus on the things that are most aligned for my highest good (Personal Perspective). Positive thoughts, the topics I’m deeply interested in (Need Motivation), gratitude. We can use the focus to amplify the good.


To dive deeper... I’m HIGH SOUND, the 5th Color Determination in human design which means I digest food (+ life in general) much better with a soundtrack. Validating to all those nights having dinner in front of the TV as a kid.


In general high sound is not about any sound; it’s about the sound that’s right for you. The sound The sound that gets you going and excited and feeling like celebrating life or creating the ideal vibe for learning. l earning. As a Quad left it’s usually music without lyrics because I can’t really reall y focus on more than one thing when when learning. I’ll find myself reading the t he same paragraph for the fourth time. I also have a lot of sensitivity written into my chart. Which means that while sound is good for me a lot of times, most times, I need to be in control of it. Many many years of not living my design resulted in burnout which only amplifies any sensitivity. If i’m working at a coffee shop i can’t always tune out the conversation next to me or the out of alignment music playing. Headphones are a BIG tool for me. And I finally invested in a noise canceling proper pair. I’m I’ m in love and they create so much ease and autonomy when I need it. Even for around the house when my  partner and i aren’t on the same music page.  page. 





Variables are part of a more complicated piece of the Human Design. They are calculated using your  Nodes and and your your Personality/Conscious Sun + Earth and represented by one of the four arrows on your  bodygraph, in this case the bottom left arrow. The Variables Variabl es encompass more specifically speci fically how we are designed to interact with the world and our cognitive potential. When in our correct environment and eating according to our determination we have access to greater clarity. This is determined by frequency. Like everything in the world we are energy, we are emitting a frequency. The more we are aligned with the life we’re meant to live in this incarnation through understanding our Design, following our Strategy + Authority, the more aligned our frequency. As this happens we get access to our cognition that lies below the surface. And the more aligned we are with our true frequency, our authentic self, the easier our life flows because we are tapped ta pped into to our own unique potential. Ra Uru Hu believed our Environment was very important, whether or not where we are is correct for us, is either supporting us or making things more challenging. (Side note: this is also why I love Astro*cartography so much.) Our correct environment helps us find our correct perspective.


Our ideal environment according to our bodygraph shows us the place our energy feels most comfortable and cozy. With environment, we find a way to nourish ourselves outside in. And when we're in our correct environment, we have a healthier aura. There is less resistance which leads to a more easeful and ultimately longer life. As with all of the Variables, there can be a lot of abstract interpretation, therefore it’s important i mportant to experiment and find the meaning that resonates with you, what the environment means uniquely to you and how to embrace elements of it in your life. This may not really come into play until after our first Saturn Return. For kids and folks pre-return it’s great to incorporate elements of their correct environment but it should not be the focus as they are still developing their awareness. If it comes between honoring your Environment as the parent and honoring a young childs, honor yours. But this does not mean we can’t take this wisdom and lean in in the ways that work now for support. For instance if you have a Mountains environment kiddo and a Caves environment kiddo in a two level home, when possible, put the Mountains kid upstairs and give the Caves kid the t he room with only one door.


  Our Environment can be found by looking at the bottom Body/Red Arrow . The number in the yellow circle tells you which Environment (your Color)  and whether the arrow is facing left or right determines if you are a Left or Right Environment. So, the bodygraph above would be Passive Mountains. The number in the green triangle will tell you the Tone, more on that below.            

Caves - Left/Selective, Right/Blending Markets - Left/Internal, Right/External Kitchens - Left/Wet, Right/Dry Mountains - Left/Active, Right/Passive Valleys - Left/Narrow, Right/Wide Shores - Left/Natural, Right/Artificial


LEFT FACING ARROW You can also get some info just by looking at your free chart. If your bottom left arrow points to the left you are more comfortable in a stable environment with some structure and consistency. consiste ncy. It's good for you to find “go to” places you love that you can visit + revisit. You will feel energized in your correct space. Your ideal environment actually calls out action. You are also here to be observed when you're in your correct space. What improvements, changes to your environment, might create a more stable vibe, might ultimately ultimate ly serve how you want to feel there.



If this arrow points to the right then you are more suited to a changing, malleable environment, one that inspires you and feels creative. You would most likely be more comfortable than a left facing with a nomad vibe. It's important for you to listen to your intuition about what feels right for you, when it's time to move, where to, or when even just a rearranging of the furniture will serve you. Think about how you want to feel in your environment and seek that out. You are here to observe and need to feel relaxed in your environment in order to be observant. Absorbing different environments and cultures really serves you as well.

“The moment that you align yourself correctly in terms of what is environmentally correct for you, you immediately, along with the obvious of strategy and authority, are beginning be ginning to align yourself to the correct perspective. We each have a unique way of looking at the world. We each have a unique view. But you cannot take advantage of the unique perspective if i f you’re not in the right place looking at the right things. It’s not going to do you any good. The fact is that perspective is one of the most difficult things to bring to a human being that’s been conditioned, because they’re not in the right  place. They’re not correct. And because of that it’s impossible to really be able to see.” —  Ra   Ra Uru Hu


1. CAVES - Selective (Left) and Blending (Right)

Caves is really about feeling safe. Start to notice when you feel or don’t feel safe in your surroundings, how are you oriented? These are indoor people who usually dream of being outdoors or having a  place in the country but who thrive indoors in cave like environments. It may be about not working in an open office floor plan (if you do, get the cube with your back to the wall), or having your home environment be one you completely control, hosting rather than attending, and/or needing a cocoon like environment to sleep well. You might find the floor of your walk-in closet a cozy place to do some thinking or decompress. Experiment and bring awareness. Selective  = energized by your environment; cool, dim, single entrance, very private about space, choosey about who comes into it. Blending = relaxed by your environment; multiple entrances may be ok, less windows the better but more people and energy can be ok like maybe a basement night club or movie theatre.

2. MARKETS - Internal (Left) + External (Right)

For Market environments it’s all about selection. When When we think of Markets we think business, commerce, information exchanges, online, busy with lots of energy, an urban environment. And all of these things can be true and/or it can be about really knowing what’s right for you. Market folks


are meant to be selective and can be picky AF. They are looking for something specific that resonates. Let them pick where to sit, let them decorate to their desires, let them find places to explore, give them options and allow them to indulge in all the details. Internal - energized by your environment, maybe they work from home office, indoor space, spac e, working online, invite people in from outside world. External - relaxed by your environment, head out into marketplace with specific goals.

3. KITCHENS - Wet (Left) + Dry (Right)

This is really about any creative space where gathering + transformation happens. This could be an actual kitchen (like working from the island) or an art space or recording studio, etc … any place of alchemy. These folks want to be in the “the place to be”. They are comfortable w here everyone is gathering, in places that feel inspiring to them. This can vary depending on your unique interests but creating/having community is vital to your well-being. Wet = energized by your environment, a more humid climate Dry = relaxed by your environment, no to low humidity

4. MOUNTAINS - Active (Left) + Passive (Right)

For these folks it is about elevation, oxygen, and a vantage point; think high rise, seats in the nose  bleeds, an SUV over a Miata. They need solo getaways in nature to tap into their correct perspective. And they need to BREATHE. Mountains folks see the big picture + have expansive viewpoints but they need to get outta town to recalibrate. Similar to a 2/4 it’s often about balancing time in resonant community and retreat. Active = energized by your environment, active environment Passive = needs to be more relaxed + grounded in correct environment

5. VALLEYS - Narrow (Left) + Wide (Right)

This is about being on the ground level, watching and connecting with the world around you and acoustics. These folks are the true people watchers of the world. Like the 5 Line of Sound in Determination they may learn better audibly or take in info better when listening. They need good communication, good flow of information and to foster intimate connections with their community; quality over quantity.


Narrow = energized by their environment, narrow spaces, hallways or alleyway, railroad apartment, narrow streets, places where sound + meaningful connections are close by Wide = relaxed by their environment, more expansive, more partial to natural landscapes and actual valleys, places where you’re taking in sounds that are far away.

6. SHORES - Natural (Left) + Artificial (Right)

Comfortable where there is a transition in landscape or some type of perimeter or boundary they are on or are crossing and returning from. Shores can be nourished by living on the edge of Central Park, getting lost in another world (like an actor or avid fantasy reader), exploring something new or a different culture, spending time gazing or studying the stars. sta rs. Tend to the areas of your home that are thresholds from the outside in like your patio or mudroom. Natural = energized by correct environment, can be time on an actual shore like a lake, ocean, river, stream, beach is especially beneficial or places where there is contrast Artificial = relaxed when in their correct environment, anywhere where there is contrast or a border  between one type of landscape and another (like NW Portland on the edge of Forest Park or the  boundary between NE + SE)

Colore Scena 5: Tips for the ENVIRONMENT of INTIMACY - Foster intimate connections - Get or be a mentor. Pay attention to what acoustics feel nourishing to you. Do you learn better audibly? - Prioritize healthy and open communication in your relationships - Take a roadtrip rather than flying - Find an eco-villoge to loin.  



In addition to “color”, we have six senses associated with both our PHS arrow + our Environment arrow. The Cognition associated with our top to p left (PHS) arrow is ultimately our Spidey-sense and it can be beneficial to bring awareness and focus to it when it comes to all areas of our life. This is our heightened sense, kind of like our superpower. We also have a sense associated associat ed with our Environment arrow which is referred to as our Environment Tone. This gives us additional information about what we need when in our correct environment. These are the 6 tones:            

Smell Taste Outer Vision Inner Vision Feeling Touch

Cognition would be the number in the green triangle under the top left PHS arrow associated Our with our Diet Determination . The Environment Tone would be the number in the green triangle associated with our bottom left Environment arrow. So the above bodygraph would have a number 2 Cognition which is Taste and their Environment Tone would be a 4 which is Inner Vision. The Cognition is obviously more influential but both offer us information.


I figured there was no better time to speak more about the t he Primary Health System in Human Design, your Determination + homogenized diet culture than at the beginning of a new year when we are inundated with plans, protocols, resolution bait hooks, and discounts on courses touted to fix a laundry list of symptoms and/or support weight loss, and said to work for everyone. This is an area I feel comfortable speaking for a couple of reasons. One, nutrition was the first facet of wellness I began to study on my own over 20 years ago and two, in efforts to feel better in my own  body, I have tried most of what’s out there. While Whil e I have recommended personalized pe rsonalized protocols and intuitive eating for awhile, it wasn’t really until I discovered Medical Astrology + Human Design, and began to work with them more meaningfully, that it began to verily sink in. In all areas of our life, there is no one sized fits all. It’s hard not to get excited excite d when you read a testimonial of ssomeone omeone who shares shares the same symptom(s) as you… say you… say this thing, this diet, this protocol, this way of eating, this herbal tea was THE THING that finally “fixed” XYZ. They had tried all the things, but THIS was THE thing.  thing.  


We want to feel better. We not only want to feel better, but we want to feel vital, full of energy. We want to be free of aches and pains. We want to think clearly. We want to have balanced endocrine systems, etc… etc… We want to radiate with well- being. But, it’s unfortunately not always al ways that easy eas y and many folks on the “this cured all” bandwagon are still riding through their honeymoon phase phase because anytime we switch up our diet and it includes eating more whole foods, and less processed foods and sugar, we are going to feel better. In many ways, and for many, it is just that simple (though we can always lean in to differentiation to bring greater well- being).  being). And, for some of us, it’s not. For whatever reason, be it genetics, epigenetics or our cosmic imprint, some of us struggle to find the answers we seek. I think that’s because the keys are written into our Design, not in homogenized ideas, but in the nuance and uniqueness of our own biology. One of my favorite book introductions is the one to Letting Go by David R. Hawkins. It literally literall y made me laugh out loud in resonance. He lists off several pages of how we seek answers outside of ourselves. Not only had I tried much of what he shared but I had certifications in several. When we constantly seek outside, for someone to tell us this is the magic thing that will work for you, will work universally… that will make you thin, happy, heal, cure c ure ______, etc… etc… we are on the wrong path. It doesn’t mean there is not value in many of the answers we find. But ther theree is no panacea and I believe the best guides and tools turn us back to the answers within.

“Once you have been conditioned in this life it’s quite an ordeal to remove that conditioning. It is a step-by-step step-bystep process. We’re so deeply homogenized in the way in which our society operates. Individuality in its purest sense is frowned on by society, in society everybody wants you to go their way, and everybody wants to feel secure because they can operate in a group together. Everybody wants to take those kinds of decisions that have support from others because they’re afraid of the consequences of what might happen if they stand on their own. There is an enormous fear in this life to stand on your own and make your own decisions. Everybody is looking for somebody to guide them, looking for somebody to help them, looking for somebody to tell them what to do.”  do.”    —  Ra  Ra Uru Hu

We want to come back to listening to our bodies and personalizing our wellness journey. The heart of human design is differentiation, it is moving away from the homogenized ideas of right and wrong into a deeper felt sense of individuality. While I still read loads of health books and research because I think there is much to gain from learning about the magic of blue zones, knowing the damaging effects of PUFA’s or reducing inflammation, etc… and I love hearing about new insights… I drink my celery juice in the morning because right now it makes me feel really good and it makes sense to me. I take the things that experientially work for ME and that resonate with my Authority + intuition (while supporting my uniqueness) from all I read and leave the rest. I’d invite you to do the same sa me with this piece. ;) Outside of Human Design (which includes Astrology), there are many ways we can get to a more  personal place in how we support ourselves. Whether it is intuitive eati eating, ng, epigenetics, blood type, Traditional Chinese Medicine, more specialized medical astrology (more to come on this) or Ayurveda. Most doctors today are taught to cut or prescribe. It’s rather heartbreaking to visit most


allopathic doctors and recognize the disparity and complete lack of homeopathic, herbal, holistic or alternative knowledge. Doctors are more likely to give you a prescription than th an tell you to move your  body, meditate, get in sunlight, breath other biomes or ask about your diet. Unless you are visiting the Gyno, most doctors will not even ask about your cycl e which offers key indicators for women’s health. They lack knowledge of a woman’s infradian rhythm or a Projector’s need for something different. Most experiments are only based on male mal e bodies or post menopausal female bodies. I could go on and on and I am not trying to knock Western medicine, it has its place, but doctors used to actually be trained in astrology because of how helpful it was in diagnostics. While we make great innovations, we also seem to step farther back from basics, as well as individualized approaches. There is no better time to learn about how to support yourself. There were many times when I wholeheartedly fought against nourishing my unique imprint and  biology. When I first f irst read The Blood Type Diet I was vegan and I was practically insulted by his recommendations, because as an O Type it was more on the Paleo side. I was already alread y sensitive to soy as well as concerned about the hormonal implications and so I sometimes turned to seitan, a wheat “meat”, for a satisfying alternative when I needed it. It only took a couple of years to develop an intolerance, or rather for it to make itself loudly known. I noticed I was having heart palpitations and anxiety whenever I consumed it and even a week or so following. Instead of rremembering emembering what I read in the Blood Type Diet book, I doubled down with raw veganism (though I did quit gluten). I was deeply steeped in the life food movement, making mock tuna salad from sunflower seeds, buying vegan leather shoes, going to uncooked dinners by my raw chef friend at his trendy warehouse apartment. It wasn’t just a food choice, it became a big part of my identity. I read all the books and watched all the documentaries. I LOVE animals. I have Gate 19 as the only definition in my Root and my sensitivity to animals is pretty profound. But when I went to the doctor a couple years later, wafer thin and complaining of fatigue, autoimmune issues and imbalanced hormones, my bloodwork told a story, one I couldn’t ignore. It was VERY hard for me to go back to eating  animal products. Even now, I still struggle, and I make peace in the ways that I can, focusing on products that are humane + regenerative, practicing gratitude and implementing more nose to tail where I can, and holding fast to the way Indigenous cultures have consumed c onsumed while deeply respecting animals and that sacred relationship.

In Human Design, Diet/Determination is less about what you eat (though there is an advocacy for whole foods), and more about the conditions or circumstances. Ra called food the “great “great homogenizing agent”. We often don’t realize the impact of physical conditioning, we tend to think of it more in psychological terms not from the basic needs of things like sleep + nutrition (which Ra considered our greatest conditioning factors). “It is “It is an extraordinary thing to see. And it is interesting to understand that it is through food that the limitation of humanity, the present limitation of humanity is simply maintained. In other words, the inability of humanity to be able to break out of being bei ng the homogenized herd, and it begins with food.”  —  Ra  Ra Uru Hu



Determination is about the correct, aligned digestive process for each of us. Not eating according to your Determination (which requires your exact birth time) is effectively homogenizing your digestive system. Following the right Diet leads to differentiated brain function and helps you to absorb the correct nutrition that you need, improving mental function and potential, which aids in bringing out your uniqueness. Additionally it strengthens your sensory abilities including your heightened intuitive sense of Cognition. While Cognition may be your strongest sense, you may have increased access to others through your Tones and Gates. For instance, Gate 44 is the Gate of Smell, so even if you do not have a Smell Cognition, if you have a defined Gate 44, you still have consistent clairolfactance ingress. There are 6 regimens with dualities. The first 3 have conditions and the lower 3 have circumstances, which are in essence related to the environment in which you eat.   Moving through evolutionarily, the higher in number, the more sophisticated the digestive di gestive system (which does not make one better than the other).            

1st Color - APPETITE (Alternating / Consecutive) - foundational, primitive, simple, one thing t hing at a time 2nd Color- TASTE (Open / Closed) - picky, habitual/repetitive, changes seasonally 3rd Color - THIRST (Hot / Cold) - the temperature of what you are consuming 4th Color - TOUCH (Calm / Nervous) - the energy of your environment 5th Color - SOUND (High / Low) - the volume of your experience 6th Color - LIGHT (Direct / Indirect) - the t he most sophisticated + sensitive, rela related ted to sunlight

One of the things I love to consider is how the Colors relate to each other. For instance Taste is a 2nd Color Determination, and so is a Markets Environment. Environment . Think about how those relate to each other to,, and help you better understand, the when it comes to specificity. And, how that might relate to Possibility Perspective or Hope Motivation. relat e to security, consider how Motivation. Notice how all 1st Colors relate all 5th Colors might be supported by the power of sound, etc... LITTLES

While I obviously love Human Design for everyone, beginning early can save a lot of suffering and deconditioning down the road. This is something we can and should start as part of conscious  parenting. Diet is BIG conditioning and there are simple ways wa ys to lean in. i n. While Whil e Environment may not become so important until after your first Saturn Return, Determination is something we can support from the beginning to help with brain development and cognitive abilities, in addition to honoring their Aura’s, getting them into their bodies, and helping them recognize and cultivate their Strategy + Authority. Ra often gives the example of breast feeding a Cold Thirst kid. It seems like such a simple way to support your child’s development but is actually conditioning them and most likely creating digestive upset. Another example would be trying to get a Nervous Touch kid to sit


do down wn and be quiet while they eat. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, I always recommend supporting and leaning in in the ways we can. And, on a side note, I personally include Environment in all children’s readings. How helpful it is to know that a Caves environment kid needs feelings of safety, that building forts with them is a great support, and having teachers put them at the back of the room so they can’t be snuck s nuck up on will aid in their feelings of security and encourage focus + presence. However, when it comes to supporting a parents environment or young child, it can be more important for the adult at that time.


T his hi s iiss no nott just a ab bout fe fee eliling ng goo good d in o our ur bodi es b but ut a alilign gnii ng wi th o our ur i ntuitio ntuiti on.  Learning about and integrating your Determination, as well as following your Strategy + Authority, results in heightened awareness + perception which helps us to align al ign with the correct choices + paths in llife ife for our highest good.


Left Variable

Let us start with the strategic focused way. We shall explore the type of brain system this is. Everything rooted in the strategic way is all about two things - Survival and what kind of strategies,  plans, and agendas does the human mind mind has to create and plan in order to ensure that. Dependant on others for development. Easily distracted. Not designed to grasp feeling like an authority. Has limited access to storage. st orage. Measures things in order to come u up p with its concepts. Very linked to the Ajna. Closed off and limited to what is taken in as the mind is narrowly focused on tomorrow. Can be easier to deal with as the primary influence is on survival, food. Making its way through the world, and competing on the mental plane. They are very intuitive and instinctual. Very linked to smell and taste. Obsessed with controlling life. Stores bits and pieces of information it can use in its formulas and agendas but this is limited. As it is not capable of storing everything. Everything is focused and dealing with mostly logic. Busy active mind. Facts Orientated and can  jump to conclusions as it has such a narrow focus and it is not able to see the bigger picture. Facts Orientated. Measures differences. Rooted in Interpretation etc. Stores Formulas for how sounds react when connected which lead to a formula of interpretation based on memory. Based on bits and pieces as opposed to not a stored whole.

When it comes to your Human Design experiment this is a really big part to get to grips with because as a strategic variable, your being and your whole process will be totally different to those who have the right variable. They are like chalk and cheese and it is important to remember this. Everything you do is going to take time to digest. it will be bit by bit. You will find it is best to start slow and to actually find YOUR focus. This is very important because it is very easy to be overwhelmed. Another thing about a strategic variable is that you are deeply linked to our seven centered ancestors. We have inherited all of their stuff. This is a deeply strategic world we li live ve in but times are changing and more right variable beings are being born now. In fact, the split happened around 1871 when the right beings started to be born. Their whole process is different.


Right Variable

The Right receptive vehicle.

In one of my other pages I created I talked about the Left Variable now we are going to look at its complete Opposite the Right Variable which coincidentally that's what my design is. PRR DRR. So let us look at its traits and this is all about the brain system and the way our form operates. But one thing to bear in mind if your not-self you might not be doing some of the things below and always also take into account how unique each right variable is in their design... So these are really keynotes and I'm sure you will resonate to a good few I know I do...not just a few I may add... * The right variable is a Receptive thinker and it all about the abstract and experiences. Takes in and a nd absorbs everything even though it has no clue that's what it is doing. * Absorbs sensory phenomena. Emotional Mind and more connected to the emotional experiential feelings. Doesn't Need Proof although that is not true for everyone's design… design… as a defined ego 1/3, triple split I do need proof. * Allies draw our depth and often the being has no idea exactly exactl y what their own depth is. * Hard to draw out their own memories by themself finds it hard to remember things until someone comes along and pulls it right ri ght out of you. Moving away from Left conditioning/humanness to a point of equilibrium. * Loses ability to absorb when paying attention and acts on thoughts. All about frequency. Brain stores sound formula's like pixels.

The right mind cant be homogenized as much as a left variable. It connected to the Head center. Stores data but doesn't interpret or identify with conscious Penta Yet! * Struggling to find balance, before balancing comes in 2027 Parents, get nervous and condition child to be strategic. Conditioning to left strategic thinking makes you nervous. * Has a special way of dealing with the solar plexus motor, more comfortable in their own shoes as the mind is attached to the emotional. Interested in the other... only works with the other. * The feeling is a synthesis of many kinds of feelings 41-30. A cognitive sensory experience that seems to have no purpose or sense of why! * Righties can sense when you draw "it" "it " out it is true. Have to deeply live authority to be Rave. Trust in the perfection of the now and trust your vehicle to guide you. * Strategy and Inner Authority is much more liberating liberati ng for rights. Genetically connected to the theme of surrendering and is more easily attained. The passenger pass enger has no strategy as in the mind mi nd personality crystal. This is all the black in your chart.


* Has no Future, only stores the past. This is the ingredient for purpose, so no action needed. Natural to pay attention to the body. * If you trust your own Inner Authority and be in that space then your body will take care of tomorrow. The mind doesn't interfere with the thought process by trying to act. Has access to non conceptualized Source material.

So with all the above, bear in mind that when you are entering into your own human design experiment, it is really important as right beings that you really do dive into your PHS... We live in a very strategic strat egic world and as right beings, we’ve got to find our own way of navigating on this plane. As the right variable, we are defined by who is in our life not what we do... so in essence, it is important that we find those people who are correct for us in this life... those who will draw from our deep well and let us see our own magic... so that we can feel good about ourself.

Welcome To The Senses Did you know we all got a unique way in which our mind interprets what we sense in others. others . I decided to create this page because in all the years of studying my own design I was starting to see a common theme appearing. So this page can help you to fine-tune things in your chart a bit more. Everything I see no matter where I look in a Human Design Chart it all points to our powerful senses. So let's begin and I think the easiest way is to look at numbers. Everywhere in a chart, you will see numbers. Each gate has a substructure and what that means is, it has a line a color a tone, and a base. So those themes always run in a formula of numbers 1-6. So, this is what I believe will help you when you really start to dive into this more. So it can help you unlock those powerful senses... so without further ado let us look at all six s ix senses of Smell Taste Outer Vision Inner I decided to create this page  because in all the years of studying my own design I was starting to see a common theme app appearing. earing. So this page can help you to fine-tune things in your chart a bit more. Everything I see no matter where I look in a Human Design Chart it all points to our powerful senses. So let's begin and I think the easiest way is to look at numbers. Everywhere in a chart, you will see numbers. Each gate has a substructure and what that means is, it has a line a color a tone, and a base. So those themes always run in a formula of numbers 1-6. So, this is what I believe will help you when you really start to dive into this more. So it can help you unlock those powerful senses... so without further ado let's explore all of them.



SMELL Fear, Insecurity. Researching and Investigating, taking things into your body slowly one bit at a time. Liking to be in your own safe space. There is a splenic intuitive nature to you also as your well being & your survival is very important its a powerful drive in you why you need to get to the bottom of things. Also, one is linked to breathing and specifically breathing in and out through your nose hence why smell is the strong sense here. Interested in truth and facts. Also, one can also be looked at as more towards the left strategic way as its lower trigram and it's rooted in splenic intelligence. So you might find you want to come up with some kinds of strategies, now interestingly I am digressing here, I am the all right variable, but I am not a rave as Ra quite correctly said even us rights ri ghts got left parts to us. So I can resonate with being logical as I see the left can be that way. I also got logical channels and gates so figures!

TASTE Hope, what's possible as, in things that others can't see, things that come naturally to you need to be called out of you. Again the theme of liking to be left alone, the hermit in the cave. Spirituality but not necessarily being spiritual yourself.  Not interested in truth and facts. Being open to certain things but also at the same time being closed off to. Like the one being splenic, the two also is about breathing but this time through the mouth as opposed to nose... hence the sense of taste.  Now a two is not always logical especially when it comes to profile they might have a logic channel  but that doesn't mean the body wants to accept that logic. I have been observing this with a friend and can see that her … weird thing is she does have a fully logical channel but it's on the personality so that seems se ems to make a difference.

OUTER VISION Desire seeing things in great detail, it's a bit like a still camera that you click click on the images that you see then look at all the pixels, patterns, and details to see what that all means to you and if you need to do something with that information or not. Bonds made and broken, so in other words, letting go of that which does not serve se rve you is not healthy for you in other words you could say those bad habits you been holding onto and giving authority to. It is a trial and error process that leads to discovery. Treading into the unknown territory of our very minds. Being attuned to life. Robustness, mutation, and transformation are more themes too. Now colors 13 are what Hd refers to as personal traits... really all about your own process and not really interested in the other … deeply involved and locked into your own personal destiny. There is also an aspect of seeing power and manipulation and domination. It's a line that can see those kinda traits in life.


INNER VISION  Need and as far as the sense goes well its a bit different to outer vision this is more like a movie camera and unlike the still camera that th at clicks click on each image it sees, s ees, this is taking in and watching the movie then waiting for the still, then when it sees it its click and then that piece is stored for a later date. Maybe something to do with the information later or not. Brotherhood sisterhood. Community network, family, and support. Also a very fixed rigid way to this number. Having a perspective to see above and beyond things, being calm and maybe sometimes nervous too around people and information. There can also be what I will say as a double agent, on one hand, is an open friendly loving aspect and on the other is the opposite... mean and nasty and not open to being one or other as it is constantly shifting. There is a neediness to this number too and it's interested in truth and facts. It's looking to see what it can offer others and at the same time see what others can offer it.

FEELING Guilt the sense here is feeling. fee ling. This is also deeply linked to sound very acoustic and those sounds and how they make you feel that's powerful and you feel things deeply. There is a projection to a number five where ever it is. If the projection is not met then there is what Ra called to be burnt at the stake. Things with this number are to be universal and practical and workable and solid. Not some possibility of what could be more a probability with a fixed outcome. More realistic. There is seduction also to this number and the power to condition universally so unlike the number four this is more a world stage as opposed to the local community hall with the local 100 villagers. But universal with the power to change strangers. Guilt is a theme too as is fixing things. So with the 5 and all the sounds and what you hear is very important for your gate of tone or color etc in your chart. This number can also be seen as a messenger, savior all kinds of words that point to something  being said to fix etc.

TOUCH Innocence and the sense here is touch and how powerful that is. The role model the fool on the hill... observation... light, shades, contrasts are powerful aspects of this number too. The light li ght spectrum and the information we take in are more vast than we sometimes can imagine. You could say this number has selfishness to it but in a good way as it's about not really wanting to  be involved in things unless approached. It can also have great wisdom to it through the fact it does withdraw and observes but you got to ask it. It's not here to be any leader its like the sage on the hill... go seek and ask but you might not always like what you hear... it innocent and to maintain innocence it has to be withdrawn... it's kinda alien in a sense too as it can be soo different to what society thinks it should be or how society the not-self mind measures things fitting things into boxes and labeling them.



In our Human Design chart, we see this term sense. Now that can be a little confusing to some people. What it essentially means is, this is how you see those people who are in your environment who come into your aura. It's how your body interprets their frequency. It is how your body and mind will feel and react and sense. Some of us need people who feel secure some of us are uncertain and some of us will judge others to accept or reject them too. Many combinations and ways of feeling, sensing, interpreting, etc. There are six different aspects to t o the term sense and I will give you a brief description  below and I say Brief because there are many layers to them. And because we are all unique and individual we are all going to have different experiences in how these get expressed. So let's get started. The first three are all to do with the left variable, so very focused and strategic and based on your survival and each of these categories is linked to a physical-biological sense.

Sense One Security This is the first sense, you could say the foundation, and it is linked to the sense of Smell. Now the way I see this is that this is all about how you view those people who come into your aura. This is how I experience my view which happens to be judgment. j udgment. So anyway a question for you. How secure do they feel to you? Is there fear here? How do they smell to you? Because this is in the spleen area it is all about survival. So quite primitive in a way. So, what would you have to do in order to fee feell safe around these people in fact. This is also an instant intuitive hit if I can put it tthat hat way.  Now another aspect of this is your your actual mind. This is a mind that needs needs to feel secure. It It needs solid information, things are black and white to it and it will come up with strategies in order to feel secure. Amazingly too this kind of mind has the ability to gather all the it and then bring it into a concept to be explained to others which will lead to some kind of recognition.

Sense Two Uncertainty This is linked to taste and is also linked to the spleen area and this is all about being uncertain about the other and about life etc. So, a question I have is how do they taste to you? You could look at that as okay how do their words taste to you for example. It is interesting if you were to have a few people witness the same thing each one would have a different way of telling the story. So, this uncertainty uncertai nty in you is a powerful drive. Being uncertain and embracing that, knowing in time certainty will come. You might have to wait for a little but it will come. Plus to add, are you able to pick up the uncertainty uncertaint y in others, because who is to say it is i s always you who is uncertain!  Now when it comes to your physical physical mind there is also another another aspect to all this...the uncertainty can see what others can't and actually take advantage of that. There is that curiosity in the uncertainty to find and grasp something new that others can’t it and it is also a two theme so it’s a natural skill etc.


So it's interesting to break these aspects down and see what your own experiences show you...and well as a generator it will help you with those people you are responding to.

Sense Three Action This is now moving away from the spleen area and entering into the Ajna/mind side. This is linked to outer vision. It is a very focused seeing and what it sees in the environment and those people who come to you. What you see in them visually what can be done with all that. t hat. What kind of action needs to be taken for example. What can be benefited and gained from it? Now  because it is Ajna center it also means you're the kind of person who needs some kind of mental stimulation. So is the other stimulating enough for you. But for the most part what is the visual showing you with the other. And how will that ultimately have your body responding with its energy or not. When it comes to your mind it is active, it is busy seeing those anomalies that break the patterns it can also get bored easily wondering what what to do etc. So as much as it needs mental stimulation it does need mental vacations so it can rest and in that space clarity and inspiration can come. So it is interesting to observe your mind...

Sense Four Meditation Again we are in the Ajna center but we are moving now to the right variable. So this is no longer linked to survival. We are in new territory. This is a little different from the action. This is all about a calm meditative mind as opposed to an active one. It also needs mental stimulation but requires  periods of rest so it can go back to experience to revisit it. There is nothing to do with what you see in the other, other than taking in the experience and storing it, and letting it be pulled from you at a later date. So a quite relaxed chilled mind, as opposed to an active, focused one. So those people who come into your aura... how are they looking to you and over time, what have you noticed when your mind is calm and reflective and does its periodic rests. At times you do need a break from mental activity. To add also and I know this so well and I can see the link with these sense keynotes and cognition. So with my inner vision, it sits in the Ajna binary and this binary oh boy we will experience a deep shattering to separate the passenger from the illusion and just sit in the back seat as a passenger... It is powerful to go through that I can tell you! To have this not thinking mind that ignores and doesn't interfere with its thought process... this can really lead to being a great influence and resource.

Sense Five Judgement This is my sense. So I got a good insight into how it works. Now we are totally in the right fixed territory and moved away from the Ajna center to the solar plexus. We are now dealing with feelings and sounds in order for us to make a good judgment.


We need to feel people out and tune in to how they sound to us. We have powerful judgmental minds. It is deeply linked to guilt, fixing, changing things through what our mind judges. Also as a judgment mind oh boy do we create an edge to things. People can get quite triggered at times. Love me or dislike me that's the trip with this kind of mind.  Now, as far fa r as my mind goes I can cut through the manipulation of the t he mind and that's in the other and cut to the chase and get to my own internal library to retr retrieve ieve the past experiences with people so I can make my judgments... My mind has to go over things a bit before it reaches its conclusions. A deeply aware mind of the emotional plane we live in. It's Funny to think I have an open solar Ple Plexus xus so apparently, no feelings of my own as some wanted me to believe which I never did... now I know why!

Sense Six Acceptance This is like judgment in a way but is slightly sli ghtly different this is all about touch. How people touch you. Touch can be a physical thing. If you touch their skin what do you get. The skin is really important too. If their skin feels good to you will you be more accepting of them. then the opposite if the skin is not right for you then you could well reject them. It's cyclical in it's nature like judgment, so time is needed to be impacted by how your body is touched by them or not over time. A lady who did one of my classes in the past said skin was super important to her... had to really fe feel el right to her when she touched it... so yeah interesting stuff! Now, as far as the mind goes with the sense of acceptance well it's quite amazing actually. Being able to fully accept one another... I mean being really pure about Judgement...pure awareness of acceptance, here is some magic for you... and this is words from Ra Uru Hu himself. 'Think about this accepting that one can leave one's aloneness to lose oneself into a larger whole at the physic psychological plane where we are cut of by the way wa y the neocortex operates'... You know as Ra said when we get to rightness we are entering into sci-fi land...



So there are six different ways we are uniquely designed to take in food, etc. Some are what is termed left fixed and some are right fixed. fix ed. Okay so let us take a look at what Determination means. In Human Design we have a very deep body of knowledge called the Primary Primar y Health System and this is key for us all to follow and lets us see exactly exact ly how our unique Inner Authority Works. Now it doesn't matter what type you are, a Generator, Manifesting Generator Projector, Manifestor or Reflector. The formula is still the same across the board. Determination is another word for Diet and The Psychology of Your Brain System. It's all about how we nourish our body, our brain, how life and people nourish us, how information also has that effect on us. Now it is good to look at this from a few different angles and as I said, this is not just food we are talking about, this is life, people, places, so many levels to this. So let's take a closer look…  look…  This is all from my own perspective, my words which are based on my own observations and experiences with Determination. So let's dig a little deeper now. Before I get into this remember this comes from the design sun earth in i n your chart as opposed to the personality which Ra termed Motivation which is conscious. On the design side it's unconscious... so no access to it unless it's pointed out to you then awareness can kick in. Before I begin to get into the first one I need to tell you that determination colors 1-3 represent a very primitive rigid digestive system. So you really need to be focused and very particular about what you put into your body. So let's start with Number One. By the way, I have color-coded the different determinations and showed you which binary they sit is. So hopefully makes it a bit easier to digest. Determination One & Two Splenic Binary. Survival. Smell Taste. Intuition Determination Three & Four Ajna Binary. Outer & Inner Vision. Mental Health Determination Five & Six Solar Plexus. Intuition Through Feeling & Touch

Consecutive / Alternating Theme: Primitive Digestive System Rigid One Ingredient At A Time. Smell Being very militant with this. Now life and people could be looked at at the same. Taking in one bit at a time... piece by piece letting let ting it digest fully before you move onto the next one. Plus add to the mix your sense of smell. Being very selective about what goes in your mouth ultimately affects your own health and survival. ** In terms of food here it is all about keeping things simple. Bland not too spicy. Now what is interesting to me is now I am in my Kiron return I am being influenced by Consecutive and wow have I ever noticed how sensitive my digestive system really is... what my body really loves and this is just an example here... it loves boiled potatoes with a little bit of salt and some cabbage and carrots. ** As far as the brain system is concerned, this being a one theme, it is about survival and it is linked to the spleen. So to piece this all together what have you got here... Your survival needs, taking


nourishment into your body has to be very selective, rigid even-paced... piece by piece digest it then move onto the next piece. What's coming to me as I write this, is that this will help your spleen's intuitive capacity to inform your sacral center with its use of energy... what and whom can Plug-In.

Closed / Open Theme: Primitive Rigid Locally Produced Food Picky With Ingredient. Taste. All about being open or closed off to certain foods or not. Again very simple ingredients as this is also a very primitive digestive system. So in life, there will be things you are literally closed off to or open to. Taking those things, people etc into your body so you can digest them. This is deeply linked to taste so what flavors do you experience in your mouth? I have been told by some who have this determination that eating locally produced and in-season foods are good for them. So what your body is open to so it can narrow it down, to what it is closed off to and then the opposite of closed off, not open to certain things... so a very rigid routine.

Hot / Cold Theme: Primitive All About Temperature Regulation. Visual Presentation. Outer Vision. This is all about the temperature of the food you take into your body. So whether that be hot or cold... and your body will be fine tuned to that set temperature. Think about life and people and what are you hot and cold to. What heats your body up to make it feel good? What cools your body down to make it feel good? This is also linked to vision. So what do you see? Does it feel good to nourish your body with that or not? Another aspect to this is also the fact that this is a bit more adventurous than the first two above. This is verging into being creative with food and because it's linked to your vision, then how the plate of food looks to you will be important as well as the overall temperature of it. Plus, this kind of determination is also about the extremes the body goes to in order to maintain its temperature. For example you could eat some food that's more on the warm side to then drink something cold afterward which would then regulates your system... system... I would be curious to hear your thoughts on this... I am wondering if this kind of determination likes to be in the limelight limel ight too. I say this because this is my opposite motivation as I am indirect light and the spotlight being seen in center stage is totally not my thing. I cannot stand that.


Calm / Nervous Theme: Advanced Digestive System. Circumstances Your Body Is In. Inner Vision. Good to Prepare Your Own Food Also So how then do you take life and people in, do you need to be calm to digest them? So with this color, it's about your body being calm or nervous. So an environments that demand that. So with this color, it's about your body being calm or nervous. So environments that demand that. So how then do you take life and people in, do you need to be calm to digest them? Do you need to be nervous and then the question is, how do they affect you? Do some people make you calm or make you nervous? This determination is also linked to inner vision so in other words your own little Inner Maia. So you taking things in deeply over time. Time is needed to digest life l ife and food. There is also another aspect to this. The circumstances your body is in when you are eating the food. As for color 4, you have the ability to demand a calm or nervous environment around the dinner table. Perhaps needing silence so you can be calm or action and noise so you can be more on edge, nervous. Amazing how these machines operate. One lady whom I spoke with loved to move around when eating... so being active and not sitting still... being still made her uncomfortable. I also believe touching your food and preparing your own food is good for you also.

High / Low Theme: Advanced Digestive System. Circumstances Your Body Is In. Sound & Feeling Good to Prepare Your Own Food Also This all about sounds your body is around when it digests its it s food… so the specific sounds your body resonates with and only you can know how that feels. It could be High or Low sounds the tones its a musical music al scale really reall y and your body knows which note note feels good to you. It could be any of these A, A#/Bb, B, C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, and G#/Ab... worth exploring! Then look at life, look at people... how do they sound to you? How does life sound to you do you need specifics sounds to be playing around you when your taking in information, worth looking at. This is deeply acoustic so sounds, what you are hearing. Do those sounds make you feel things. Can you tell by the taste of food if it was made from love or not what can c an you feel about the food the place the staff etc. Many many layers to this and only you can really know.

Direct/Indirect Light Theme: Advanced Digestive System. Circumstances Your Body Is In. Light Touch Good to Prepare Your Own Food Also. This is all about the light being in suitable light that the body feels good in so indirect artificial light or natural bright daylight. The shades the contrasts so with life and people taking it all in the right kind of light.


Do people light you up… or dim you down. Does life have that effect too? t oo? Everything is in contrast so worth exploring this perspective. This is all about touch so what contrasts in life touch you deeply to light you up etc. Many ways to look and think about this. Another aspect of indirect light is the fact we got more passive bodies as a lot of our energy is going to what we see, the visual. We are known as the watchers and take in a lot of information from the light field. A good thing to do when it comes to food is to be able to cook our own food so we can touch it. Know exactly what is in the food before we eat it. I personally love to do just that and if I go out for a meal which isn't often I like to be able if i f possible to see the kitchen and the chef, see how they the y look and feel to me. Plus I have also noticed the fact that because this determination is a watcher vehicle I find myself that I tend to be able to see what is hidden. I can tell what behind the words people say, etc. it came to me one day when i was watching this tv show called shadow Hunters… and boy did that ever hit me… as that is what I do...  do...  I bring things in the darkness to the light to be seen. See that right right there is contrast! So anyway... many ways to deconstruct this and it's a good idea to journal what you observe with yourself and other people and how your body is nourished by b y information etc.


This is a huge part of our design. It is actually our strongest sense. Most people because they are not understanding their designs correctly their cognition becomes a little dormant. To be living correctly in this life is a bit of a process and when we are not in that space and the not-self mind is running the show then everything becomes so loud to us that it silences out our most powerful sense. Not only don't we hear it we don't even trust it. To be following your Inner Authority means to really go within. So the question is how do you unlock your cognition. Well as we know when we come into this body of knowledge we are told to follow your Strategy and Your Inner Authority.  Now depending on what type you are, it will depend on the strate strategy. gy. For example, as a Generator, I have a defined sacral center. So my m y Strategy is to Respond. My aura allows me to do just that. Because Becaus e it is open, it surrounds everything. It is like a black hole where things naturally are drawn to it like a magnet. So that is my strategy and now I got to uncover my Inner Authority. So let us dive in and take a look at it. So to free ourselves from that we need to follow a little strategy here which is you could say is 6 vital steps. These are needed to help you align your body and live a more Natural Healthy Life. So you need to understand the following. In my case, it is my Sacral Center the life-giving energy of the  planet. It It is a powerful center. But what many people do not seem to grasp is there is a whole structure of deep senses that guide it.


The sacral center is here to give life to things. Give its energy, the question is are we giving energy to the correct things or not. Now an uninformed sacral center is not good. The mind will love that. I will jump on that. So as you can above we got six different cognitions, six-strong powerful senses that guide our surface authority whatever that happens to be, so let's l et's take a closer look at those. I decided to go a little deeper with you so you can gain a better understanding of these senses and where they are in the bodygraph. I feel it is good to consider breaking them in sections where number one and two is what Ra referred to as the Splenic Binary... three and four the Ajna Binary and five and six the Solar Plexus Binary... These are truly powerful and also remember this is DESIGN we are dealing with... the unconscious we have no access to but we can be aware of it through our interactions with others and what they tell us, show us, etc... So let's dive into these a bit more! Smell & Taste deal with the Splenic Binary. Survival Intuitive Instincts. Outer & Inner Vision deal with the Ajna Binary. Mental concepts. Feeling & Touch deal with the Solar Plexus Binary. Emotional Intuition.

SMELL Okay, we have Splenic Binary here which is routed in survival and the spleen. We are, as it says, dealing with smell and this is not just about a physical smell (although that is a part of it) there are deep layers to all this. One person I spoke to recently said smell has many layers for her... So for example sometimes you can smell when things are off with people as the saying goes you can smell a rat as an example. However your body decodes smell, if this is your cognition it is guiding your sacral center. The smell is linked to the splenic system... so your immune defenses & your intuition. Basically what you can start to develop is a really reall y good intuitive moment-by-moment alertness. Your focus is always on the ball if it is not distracted that is, to the environment it is in. You could visualize it like a wild animal in the African planes... super sensitive to movement, predators, etc and that wildlife can smell things coming to them. The fear kicks in and they can take themself of to safety.

TASTE So taste splenic binary here so routed in survival and the spleen. Again many layers to this one too. How things taste to you physically and mentally. One person who did one of my classes, said she could literally taste someone's breath, taste their words, etc. A question I have for you is how does your life taste to you? Does it appeal to your taste? When it comes to your sacral center what have you a taste for, that could be a really good experiment for you, helping to really see if what life is coming to you does indeed have the right taste for you. I'm just putting this out to you to ponder. Plus I’ve got to wonder if there is an aspect to taste where it is closed to certain things or open to another, so in a way quite rigid.


Does it also have the ability to be able to get a taste for things for example, the ability to see what others can't if that makes sense? Seeing a possibility of what could be! Again this is also splenic  binary so survival is the theme again, but but it is centered all around taste.

OUTER VISION This has been described as a very focused kind of seeing, that wants to take some kinda action with what it is homing in on. It has been described as your eyes being like a still camera. It's taking those shots clicking all those details at that moment. Then doing something with those images you have seen. Now, this is more of a focused way to see. It's all about patterns... what is working what is not. More strategic. The visual in everything will be important to your sacral center for example as to what it will give its energy to. When we come to the Ajna Binary we are entering into the mind itself and how it sees the world it lives in so outer vision is the Maia you are seeing, in your own unique way of course. Plus Outer Vision is also linked to the right eye. Things need to be aesthetically pleasing too and the depth you see color etc. I know someone who has this as their cognition and it is amazing how they can get down to the pixels in images that are shown on the tv for example.

INNER VISION This happens to be mine so what I can share with you guys is this... It's a seeing that is not focused. It's all relaxed. It is literally seeing over time. Again it's in the Ajna center and it's to see what the Maia could possibly be. I find I can get lost in i n my own little world... so absorbed and flowing. I can't put my mind under pressure it has to t o be relaxed. So it is like having a relaxed gaze. No purpose to it till it sees the full picture then things can be done. It is also about taking time out mentally mentall y from things. Having those rest periods. In those periods I can go back to revisit an experience and be able to take it in more. It's like little  bites at a time you you could say... say... those little snippets… and each snippet slowly starts to reveal more of the bigger picture. Once I have gone back a few times or enough I soon see the actual image. ima ge. So in a way its like watching a movie taking it all in but waiting for the still... and once I see the still I log it away in the filing cabinet for a later date when it will be pulled from me to revisit.

FEELING This is a really interesting one. In the solar plexus area... so yes about what you feel. How you feel around people. But a big thing with this one is, feeling f eeling is linked to sound. Now think about what you


actually hear, then see how it feels to you. How do those tones and sounds feel and what insights do you get from them? I also see from people I know with this cognition it's like they are almost getting insights into things that haven't actually happened but will be happening. So it goes real deep and it is an awareness in the way that we are intuitive, but unlike the spleen with it's smell and taste t aste this is feeling f eeling and sounds tones etc.  Now although this is not my cognition I can relate rela te to it i t through having tone 5 Judgement and Guilt motivation. I can get a sense from people's words what they are not telling me, what they want to hide etc... Not that they are being bad or anything, but people with hold information for different reasons. So again many layers to this.

TOUCH This is similar to feeling because to touch something you are feeling it, but it is different. Feeling is linked to sound. So that is the difference. But this cognition is all about being able to touch something or be touched by something or someone. Some describe it as having the touch of god! So I have a question... does life touch you? Ra Uru Hu said this was venturing into Sci Fi area when it comes to Inner Vision Feeling and Touch. So when you touch something your getting information from it. There are so many layers to this. I will also go as far as to say this cognition needs time. It's cyclical and so it needs to reflect and compare the contrasts in things. I also see se e this as being the observer. Taking a back seat and watching things and people. The role model in a way and not really wanting to be involved. But the potential there within you to have people come to you as an advisor etc.

If it is time for you really discover more about your PHS all those powerful senses then I offer the Advanced Readings... You can read more about them by clicking on the box below. **Please Note ** This is very specialised knowledge and does require you to know what time you were born at because the different aspects of your PHS can change every 20 mins…  mins… 


ENVIRONMENT (PHS (PHS bottom left) left)

In a Human Design chart, we have an area ar ea called PHS which is short for Primary Health System, your  body's internal wellbeing center. cente r. This to me is actually how your Inner authority is made up. All of these components. So, let's take a closer look. The first thing to know is that we have a left fixed and right fixed environment. With the left fixed it is about being very focused and strategic looking at those patterns and seeing what action you can take by what you have seen with your active mind. Plus, there is also more tension involved as the left is all about survival in these forms. And it is a more active body too, so needing a bit more movement and action, etc. The right fixed environment is the total opposite of that. It is about being relaxed, flowing and taking it all in like a sponge and having it pulled out of you at a lat later er date. You’ve got to be able to be relaxed and have no tension. Now the important thing to really consider about this topic is that the environment is not just about a physical place, it is really about those connections your going to meet who are there for you in some way and vice versa.   What you’ve also got is that the environment is split into two parts... Numbers 1, 2, 3, and known as Hardscape, and 4, 5, 6 are known as Landscape. Now Hardscape is the built-up urban city area and the Landscape can be more of the countryside, mountains, etc. But bear in mind a city can become a Landscape too... for example a mountain person could live on the t he 15th floor of an apartment apart ment building, higher up less oxygen. There is a whole other way to look at the environment from a spiritual aspect too, within you is also the environment. You are it taking it with you wherever you go. All is within after all. So, without further ado, let's take a look at these. I write in my own words as much as possible as how I understand them from my own experiences.

Environment One - Caves - Selective / Blending actuall y Okay, so this is the first one. What this represents is a place where you can feel secure. This is actually my environment. I am a homebody if I can put it that way. I love the security my home gives me. It's comfortable and I control who comes in it. I'm really picky about that. I also have come to realize isn’t about having one door in. I honestly honestl y don't  buy into that. I remember reading a cave could be a car and well confusion hit me about a car it has more than one door!!! so I soon dismissed that one. I honestly don't buy into that. I rem remember ember reading a cave could be a car and well confusion hit me about a car it has more than one door!!! so I soon dismissed that one.  Now another aspect to this is also about how secure the people feel to you. I think that makes all the difference. Also, you and I can live anywhere. I read we are built for cities, well some may well be  but for me personally having indirect light as my design color determination my body is really sensitive to frequencies etc, and auras. I'm always tense in the heart of a city, I can never wait to leave it. I do live in a city but it's not near the heart of it... But it iiss still built up.


I find as a cave person I have an invisible barrier in front of me. I do not like anyone stepping into my space. That annoys me. The boundary line is there so do not step over it. Also, the smell comes into this also too. I feel it's coming from my 1/3 profile with 9 first lines, I do smell a lot... Bad cave, bad smell. I often pick up all kinds of smells where I live. Plus look at what tone you are cognition wise... i’m inner vision… so whoever comes into the cave that I control... I take them in deeply... I learn much from the experience... and I need to be flowing and relaxed and passive. This is important to remember... if your environment is Left Fixed or Right.

Environment Two - Markets - Internal/External This is an interesting one. To me, this is all about doing the business of some sort or having things come to you so you can give energy to it, life to it. Now it could be the services you offer and also the fact you're investigating a market place itself.  Now internal markets could be also looked at. For example, the internet is a great tool to use to research the global marketplace and all can all be done from your home. So In other words being industrious... this is what the markets and kitchens are all about. There is no need to go out into the physical external market place. Now if you are a walking market then all the skills in you will at some point be recognized and people will find you come to you for your support services you offer etc. Also, external markets can mean you being in and around a marketplace where there is a lot going on, its very visual and appealing to you. Then you can also look at this as internal processes going on within you I see this as we are a walking environment and wherever we go it goes. These vehicles, after all, are the environment our soul/ spirit is living in. Also, consider taste here. How is the environment e nvironment tasting to you? What about the people in your internal markets?

Environment Three - Kitchens - Wet/Dry This is a place that's all about transformation and the quality of the air as in a moist air compared to dry air. So this kind of environment requires changes to be taking place within you and others. And the the air quality comes into it. The Wet aspect could signify something like a steam room… the dry could be like a sauna. So now let's look at that as in places... so, for example, there are some  places in the world where the climate is moist… more rain, a bit bit more damp and other climates where it is drier, with a dry heat. Then we look at the activity going on within the place. When it says kitchens to me, it's signifying that air quality, an oven (take out comma after oven) for example, is a dry heat. And this is not to say sa y we should all be living and working in a kitchen. I also wonder here about the visual aspect of this. All these different environments are also linked to our senses... All these different environments are also linked to our senses...our cognition and our variable...Plus this all really has to be deconstructed and see what your own experiences have been showing you.


Plus here is another aspect of this environment it is all about transformation. A place where some kind of action is taking place, mutation, etc. The people in the environment are super important to those possible connections and how they affect you. Environment is really about the people you come into contact with as well as the physical traits to them. Plus is also al so signifies being industrious in some way!

Environment Four - Mountains - Active/Passive This is an interesting environment which is all about the oxygen levels. Bodies are designed for different levels of oxygen intake and we know the higher up we are the less supply we have and some  people really need this.  Now that doesn't mean to say we’ve got got to live up a physical mountain. In fact, the elevation is a big theme too. When you are on a higher level you get to view what's down below you. It gives you a different perspective. perspective. So, a high riser can be a mountain also. One person I spoke with felt like ‘okay so if at a meeting I stand up I can see everyone below me making it a better observer position’.  position’.  So, looking at that from our psychology and wellbeing, how are those around you spiritually? are they as aware as you are? Are they on your level or are they below you? Can they climb up that mountain with you or are they not yet ready? To me, this is a bit of an opportunist role in i n taking those you meet in your network to new ne w levels of awareness or not…  not…  

Environment Five - Valleys - Wide / Narrow This kind of environment is linked to the sound. This is a place where you are going to be able to hear things. Now we all know when you live in a small place sound travels around fast. fast . If something happens many people in a short space of time get to know about it. Gossip travels fast. So, this kind of environment could be all about this. Plus bear in mind that the environment is all about the people you meet. Here are more aspects to contemplate too. It is good to live on the ground floor as well this because it is all about sound and having sound above you. Most beautiful valleys are occupied by big cities that are situated on big rivers. Ra Uru Hu had to say about it. He said the valley is soaked with distraction, acoustic propaganda, advertising and slogans. Words are important for you also like lyrics of a song... I can really resonate to that with the few 5 theme's I have in my chart.

Environment Six - Shores - Natural / Artificial This environment is about water. But it's not just water, a big theme here is contrasts. So, the contrast  between a city and the countryside for example. A contrast in people, life, etc. So many contrasts to can be seen all around. It is a 6 theme so there will be observing a lot l ot here too and the question I have is does the environment and the people touch you in a certain way? The energy to the place etc?


We know the environment for us is really important because it is about those connections we are going to encounter where there can be opportunities etc. from this kind of perspective. And so, if we are the environment within then what contrasts do you see in yourself? ===

So as I was saying above I like to look at this from the spiritual perspective too. To do this look at your Design North Node as that is where your environment sits. Notice where it is as in which center and gate. So If I use myself as an example, my cave is my defined ego and sits in gate 21 in a 1st line... with a 1st color and 4th tone... so to break that down some more... I deal with taking people in deeply and digesting them bit by bit over time. How they smell and feel to me is i s important also. So I’ve got to control who comes into my m y heart/cave. So the funny thing is, way before Human Design came into my life, I always kind of knew I literally literall y lived from my heart. So, to bring the spiritual and physical together... My body needs physical shelter so that's the home I live in. My cave, my secure private space where I can retreat to when I need to. My cave shows me those people I need in this life and who also need me and so these are the beings I can give some heart & sacral energy to... I can fix fi x them (personality color 5 Motivation Guilt) or at least have the opportunity to meet those strangers who's life lif e I can change.


VIEW (RP bottom right)

 In Human Design there are six different views and to me and this is how I personally see them. This is the way our mind formulates the world we live in. The View becomes the foundation of how the mind creates concepts.  Now take ta ke me, for example, I have a tone 3 power view. So I am here to see who has power who doesn't, keep a score of things, and see who the winners and losers are. This is so true for me I see it so well. Now with all these views they can transfer and go to their harmonic so s o in my case, that would  be personal. So without any further ado Lets sample these different views more.

View One Survival This is the first view tone one linked to the sense of smell and this is what you are here to see in the world. Mind you you will only see this way if you're operating your vehicle correctly. It is a very fixed way to see when you're correct. So if you see the following this is a good sign you really deconditioning yourself and following your inner authority. People with their insecurities, their fears their stress their striving, their ambition their rage, etc. You are seeing all kinds of things. And what you are seeing is all the things to do with one's survival on this planet.

View Two Possibility So moving on we now tone 2 possibility and this one is linked to the sense of taste. This view is all about what could be possible. Seeing what others can't, mind you it doesn't mean to say it will actually  be Possible. But it is for a better word that t hat the hope is there that things this and that can be possible. This is a gift to be able to recognize what hasn't appeared yet, to be ready for it and another important aspect is the fact that it is your ability to be able to see the possibilities possibili ties is what inspires your mind.

View Three Power I love this view as it is my view and it is linked to the sense of outer vision. I am able to see who is winning who is losing who is trying to manipulate and dominate and miss-use their power and sometimes its a fake power they the y think they got. But I'm onto all that. I keep score of this. I monitor things. Not the prettiest of worlds out there when I see this way because it is very much a dog eat dog world I see. I could be watching a game show for example and watching the contestants and I can get a sense of the winner, I can just see it and when they do win I'm all excited lol! I can also see who needs power and well this is really useful given my generator aura and sacral center, the power hub itself.  itself.  


View Four Want This view is all about connections those people who got something to offer you and you also got something to offer them. The opportunities that come with all that. Those truthful pieces of information you gather etc. So in a way, you could call it the people's View. Its how your mind is designed to see those people that are around you. This view has a knack for knowing people really well and what it is they want. So the gift of seeing things in people like for example their potentials, capabilities, expectations and their intentions. And people with this view recognize an opportunity when they meet the right person. They do know who is useful or not.

View Five Probability Okay, so this view is way different to Possibility. This is all about knowing a fixed outcome. How things will unfold as opposed to how they could unfold. It is more structured st ructured and solid. The possibility has no place here. This is not about waiting for what is new and hasn't happened and also not sure if it would work etc  because it is just a possibility. This is all about something already in existence that works and is something that is practically workable not broken or anything and can be shared with others.

View Six Personal So now we come to the personal View. This is how it sounds your view of how you see things t hings in the world. It's not interested in other views. This is your own little bubble world. We know that their job is about perfection, completion and, most of all, realizing the fullest potential and maintaining the highest possible standards. The Japanese expression, the Zen expression neti, neti; not this, not that —  that  —  is  is the essence of 6-ness. It different. perfection of thethey 6 is are thatcapable it is neither pulled to this orthematic that. Also, bein is is not here to The be influenced. But of influencing, the inthe the6th lineline of being trust,g leadership role model etc. So really is a very personal view.


MOTIVATION (RP top right)

Out of all the different study areas of Human Design I have to say this is my favorite topic. Before I found this knowledge I was aware even though I had no idea at the time I was aware, I was seeing how people were being motivated. The mind is very powerful and well you will soon see just how true that is! When looking at Motivation we are dealing with the personality. When it comes to the Design it is called Determination. But both are a powerful drive and affect our very mind and its psychology... As Ra Uru Hu said: "I look at motivation and I see it as the deepest challenge that is there for anyone who is trying to complete the holistic process of transformation & awakening... The personality is always a lways a dilema!" Welcome to Motivation. This is one of 6 Topics I want to cover in what Human Design calls your Primary Healthcare System. This is a huge part to digest and it is really the deep mechanics of how these vehicles we have use of operate, and how when we understand and align with them, we can then be healthier. There are six topics that fall under PHS, and all are equally important to grasp  because they are what literally makes up your INNER AUTHORITY. AUTHORITY. Think for a moment and visualize your Sacral Center as a flower that is visible above the soil. BUT at one time that flower was a seed s eed and that seed had to be correctl correctly y nourished. So it needed good solid soil, its starting foundation. Then some nutrients were added and good healthy water and sun etc to help it grow into the beautiful flower that you see. So with us, the flower will not grow if the seed is not nourished properly because we know everything is connected. So your Sacral center has to rely on its nourishment and that nourishment comes in 6 shapes. Once the team is all on the same page and informing one another with all the right nutrients needed then the flower on the surface knows that it has all the information it needs to remain healthy and alive and plugged in knowing exactly where energy is needed. So without further ado let us begin with the first nutrient for your seed so it can a healthy flower. Now is what I consider priority number one component andbecome that is Motivation. As you canpersonally see abovethis there are six unique ways our minds are designed to conceptualize and digest information and ultimately express what has been processed to other beings. This is the key to your success in how you can align your inner intelligence, those t hose deep and powerful  biological senses that reside within you. It is amazing amaz ing to unlock them and really strengthen them t hem so you can then live out the life you are supposed to. We all have a purpose in this life. Many of us have strayed from that. Below I will give a brief description of each motivation. Oh and just to mention this is referring to your personality Sun and Earth. On the Design, it is called Determination. Both in my opinion, this is what Primary Health System is. It's all pointing to the health and psychology of your mind and brain system. Let's Look At These 6 Motivations in a bit more detail!


Fear Mind Smell Spleen Intuition Being able to smell out your surroundings. This kind of mind is all about getting to the bottom of things to find that one piece of truth that can help you to ensure your own survival, the people in your life, situations life presents to you. Knowing that the people there are of equal footing. No need for Leaders or Masters here. This teaches you how to be healthy and secure all done through your own researching.

Hope Mind Taste Spleen Intuition This kind of mind is all about waiting and being in hope. Knowing what to wait for and in turn trusting in the waiting that you will in time get what you want. There is no need to try to push things or fix things. It never works when you do that. You are here to t o allow others to be hopeful too. Lift them up inspire them with your hope. you're seeing what could be possible, things others can't see... but that all takes place in the waiting wait ing and not springing into action to fix!

Desire Mind Outer Vision Ajna This kind of mind is all about your own desires for change. For example, you see someone change their life for the better and you're like wow. How can I do that? You're also about action and being a leader if I can say that. People will follow you and the examples of your life change. Plus you get locked into things, this fire that fuels you. There is a lot more to all this too for example it is linked to outer vision.

 Need Mind Inner Vision Ajna So this kind of mind is the opposite of fear. This is all about narrowing things down to what you actually need in this life. It is here to be a master of o f your life. You know exactly what you need to do.  No need to be in survival mode and fear, no need to hoard having this and that just in case of the what if's. Plus also really important to have the right connections in your life… tho se correct people. Let your inner world be your guide.

Guilt Mind Feeling Sound Solar Plexus This kind of mind is all about fixing things. Here to get our face into things. Take action. If we do not fix things and instead do nothing as in being in hope guilt soon kicks in. It is a powerful urge and


drive in us to fix. We are here to make the call, we’re messengers, heretics. People project things on us all the time. It's quite a thing to witness. witness . Plus our biggest thing we fix is the mind. And we have a real gift of having a deep impact on strangers.

Innocence Mind Touch Solar Plexus This is the kinda mind that doesn't want to be involved. It just wants to do its own thing. You could say that it is a way of being. When I say that I mean this is a journey all about you and you being selfish and that's not a negative. But it's important because this is your own personal journey and you come first. You are not here to really motivate or change others. Just to be here and observe it all, what this life is all about. In a way, it's being disconnected. Yet you also by your innocent ways inspire others becoming a role model for them.

 Now in case you are wondering if this really is super important... Well, take a look at the image on the left. This is what Ra had to say about transference and as you can see in the image, these are some of the effects of what transference does to your body. By the way, this is just a word to describe when your motivation is not where it should be. So all those descriptions of the motivations above I have given in my own words is just a very very basic description. There are deep deep layers to them. What it all  points to is the fact most of humanity is not not correctly motivated and as such it causes us deep mental anxiety and physical problems that will surface in the well-being of our bodies.

 MOTII V A TI ON F  MOT FOR ORCE CE S The motivation forces are a very deep subject to cover so I will take my time and do it step by step. So to give you an idea and paint the picture for you we got to start with our Personality Crystals.  In Human Design when you look at your Body Graph you can see all the Black gates and channels and all the planets. What we are going to explore is your Sun / Earth. Now you may or may not know that each gate in your chart has a powerful set of senses below it which are its informants or guides if you like and that all serve a purpose for you as in how the gate is going to operate which ultimately leads to who and what to give your life force energy to or not! A huge part of what human design calls your INNER AUTHORITY... the best guide you will ever have!


 Now back to the Personality Crystal it gives out a frequency or signal if you like. It is very specific too and once that signal is sent out it goes to what Human Design Calls the Magnetic Monopole. Now  from my understanding and the way I see this t his is... the Magnetic Monopole is like a magnet and one  part of that sits in our G Center. The other end is somewhere out in space. Ra Uru Hu was not sure where that was but has a presumption it might be around the planet Saturn. So think about this for a moment we got two magnets and we know that when they face together they attract and will naturally want to come together... so here is the other thing and this to me is why it is vital we understand our mechanics and start to really tune into this intelligence we got built-in. So  frequency and signal your monopole monopole emits its signal and guess what at the other end of the monopole monopole is the Motivation Forces.  Now, these are personality crystal bundles and they are fine-tuned to specific frequencies and  signals... they are basically consciousness fields and over the history of humanity we have named them... not to say that is their correct names but that's what we do as human beings we name and label things. But essentially they are fields of consciousness these personality crystal bundles in mass bundles hovering in our space in some cases...some of the other bundles of crystals of consciousness come from the earth's core.  Here is what Ra said about them… them… this is his words here. "Now the vast majority of crystals of consciousness never get to incarnate. Never ever get to incarnate, and the basic nature that is, the basic dynamic of all crystals out of form is that t hat they bundle. That is their dynamic. Now when you're looking at design crystals they bundle together into one enormous bundle, enormous only in the sense of numbers. And remember when I am talking about design crystals that are out of manifestation I'm not just talking about humans I am talking about the design crystals of everything including every grain of sand. There are a lot of design crystals and there is an enormous amount when you consider that the replenishment of every cell of every living thing on this planet that is going on all the time that there is this cycle of design crystals coming from within the earth and going into manifestation all the time. The numbers are beyond our imagination.”  imagination.”   If you want to t o find out more and read a lot more depth on their thei r cosmology then I got a book on the  free resources on this website. the Human way notDesign to put fear youtobut these motivation forces are as real as you page and me. In fact, this isBywhy was in able come into the world. Ra Uru  Hu had his encounter with the design crystal bundle… what he called the voice... voice ... you will discover more of that later but for now... So if you are ready now to see what we have named these motivation  forces! Let's start with the foundation and the first colour colour motivation force.

The first color Motivation is called Fear. Fear. The force that goes goes with that is what what mankind has called  ANGELS. Colour Personality Motivations are numbered one to six and numbers 1-3 are what is referred to as lower trigram… so basically, a motivation that's here to assist YOU i n your life journey / personal destiny. So the Angels they respond to Fear and they will assist you with that. They along with the color motivation hope and desire live in what we call the astral plane so they can interact with your aura... just as another human being can.


Also Once they receive your signal they will be with you all the time. ti me. So let's look more at Angels... so if this is your motivation force and they are around you, you will smell them, usually a sweetsmelling aroma. They will assist you in helping you to take away the fears you feel. Usually, that will involve investigating things. Finding your solid foundation looking for those answers. Looking for those people in some kinda group where there are no leaders or followers... everyone ever yone on equal footing. They will drive you quite literally to getting answers so your fear can go away... Ra called it like a happy pill kinda experience. But the real deal... this kinda encounter is powerful and well you got to make sure that what you are attracting is correct for you and that an Angel stopping by is not a transferred motivational force. That would be really re ally unhealthy for you. Ra seemed to think that if this happens you will not be able to get rid of them but I think we can when we truly trul y understand how this all works.

The Second Colour Motivation is called Hope. The force that goes with this motivation is what we call DEMONS. Oh, boy does that word ever trigger people. But this is the force and it has a very specific job to do. It is basically here to get you what you want. It is like li ke the old man in the cave waiting for wondering if he will be called and the demon consciousness field fi eld needs you to be alone and in your own aura so you can have contact. To know when the demon is around you can taste it... that taste in your mouth. It will tell you what you got to do in order to get what you want. BUT you must not tell others... there is always a price to pay if you open your mouth… you then got to go chasing what the demon promised you it would give you... so best to t o keep it to yourself... And remember this is deeply personal, a motivation force just for you... not for others. Also, the demon consciousness field is responsible for spirituality. However, there are demon forces attaching themself to people who are in transference... why things are so messed up. This is a not-self world we live in... not many correct beings. Another thing about the demon forces is it crans you up it gets you moving… oh boy have I witnessed this with people I know who are color 2... I have to be honest as the guilt motivation in the past that really triggered me... But now I understand what's going on it makes it a little easier.

The Third Colour Motivation is called Desire. The force that goes with this motivation is what we call the GHOSTS. So the ghost has its specific job of whispering in your ear on how to make money on this material  plane. The sense linked to this is Outer Vision... so in other words, Ghosts Ghosts can be seen. Again deeply  personal. it is a powerful powerful drive that locks you into things to take action and the ghost will help you in who can help you to make money... we all need people after all... It is a material world we live l ive in and Ra was saying the forces do love money too… something to think about... I tell you you this  this world is not what it seems. Anyway, I digress there so back to the ghost. The ghost can also help you to be able to see differently. See what others can't and it is also about like the 3rd line theme... trial and error...  bumping into things...what things...what works and doesnt... etc.


When you are really operating your vehicle correctly and are aligned to the correct forces it stops transference and that is so important and the colors 1... 2... 3 are with you for life... so make sure they are correct for you...We know our personality crystal does not sit in the body... Ra described it as a  passenger... the design crystal is the vehicle and the magnetic ma gnetic monopole is the driver... so here is a force that climbs in the back seat of the limo with the passenger... So this is just some little insights here... how each of these forces plays out for you will really reall y depend too on your design… your type... your incarnation cross, etc... So the next section is what Ra referred to as Upper Trigram. Motivation forces of 4...5...6 these are consciousness fields that come from the center of the earth what Ra called the Design Bundle Crystals. So they are basically here not for me as I am a color 5 but for me to be able to help others... So they don't get to sit in the limo 24/7 like colors 1-3. So let's begin with the first one.

The Four Colour Motivation is called Need. The force that goes with this motivation is what we call the GODS. So this force is linked to Inner Vision. So the gods come to you once. Give you their message and then go and be off with you. This is according to Ra, but I challenge this as a color 5 I have contact on and of with the entity… I know it is not in my limo... But it seems to come around when I need it... So anyway let's look more at the Gods... So the God's purpose is to help you see what is needed and one thing that involves is the fear of tomorrow. The Gods will let you see there is nothing to concern yourself with. Now the gods are linked to Inner vision so what that means is they will come to you in the dream realm... According to Ra only once... myself I disagree like I was saying s aying above about the entity. Now the gods are all about having a motivation that is here for others... Colour 5 is the same and 6 too... although it operates a bit differently as you will read soon. By the way, I will be creating a new page on the godheads and this is an area I am now deeply studying and fascinated by. Hd covers many territories and is a mini bible in a way. The Gods are also about your local community... networking etc. It's having influence with friends and family associates and people who generally know you. So they carry great power in that respect  but they are limited to that environment. Earth is the focus focus of them. It's funny to think we got angels and gods... one deals with taking away your fears the other deal with what you need to do to help others and not to worry about tomorrow. I find it quite funny that Jesus said ...don't worry about tomorrow as tomorrow can worry about itself... so perfect that!

The Fith Colour Motivation is called Guilt. The force that goes with this motivation is what we call the ENTITY. So this force is linked to Feeling. This is actually my motivation force. So this is dealing with the energy of guilt which also means here to fix things. The entity assists me in this letting me feel who can be fixed… what should or could be fixed and if it indeed can be. It comes through feeling and I should mention in order for colors 4 and 5 to make contact with you you needed a third party. That


can come in the form of an animal... plant or bird. I think it is due to the frequency they give of and how our body is able to handle that energy. So you get a feeling it's around and for me I got a little deal going on with my entity... I told it to find a way that I was comfortable, with. It did and what it feels like to me is the sensation you would get if you had a hat on for hours and then you take it off... But somehow you still feel like it was there even though it is not... so it's a light pressure of feeling two hands on my head. Now as I mentioned above the color 5 entity can come to me as and when it pleases... it will never be in my back seat 24/7 and I'm okay with that. The other thing about the entity is projection. This is something I got to deal with all the time in fact it is more so than say a 5th line profile. Ra actually said he got the keynotes for profiles from these 6 color motivation forces. Many people don't realize this. So projection and the feeling of guilt. The Entity force teaches me to be practical to find a way that is simple and can  be used by people and one thing in fixing is this is really about healing the mind. I have found a lot in my life people don't like change and do not want to go within to explore themself. I also see with many people that when they meet us color five entity fixers... they don't always like us as we create an edge to things and I get the impression i mpression subconsciously they know we can fix them... so they stay away from us… try to guilt us, us, etc. We have our deepest impact on the stranger. We carry carr y a seduction to us and it is quite powerful when I look back in my life those strangers whom I have met a couple of times and they told me I had literally changed their lives... It's lives...  It's a very satisfying feeling for me as a Generator... Oh and before I forget the Entity force is not interested in Earth. This is the solar system… this is beyond the earthly plane.  plane.   This is why the impact of this motivation force is much bigger and wider than the Gods… which wh ich are deeply locked into the earth plane. This deals with  beyond the veil. But it's harder for us as well due to projection, paranoia, suspicion, etc. etc. Ra  Ra said in his book   this dysfunctional infection of transference rules. It “Because you see, the tribe rules. The 4 rules –  this rules. It rules. I know that the gods are small and the entities are great. But on this plane, the gods are great and the entities are small and it just has to do with our perception and our consciousness.”   So that's what I experience with my Entity. Entit y.

The Sixth Colour Motivation is called Innocence. The force that goes with this motivation is what we call the ALIEN. As the name suggests this motivation force is dealing with Innocence. So not wanting to be involved. Wanting to do its own thing... leave me alone whilst I live my perfection... whilst I live my m y bliss. This way of being is alien to many as many are not living as themself. They instead live how others want them to live. This force is all about you being selfish. People can be real triggered by that word. But as 6th colors, you have to be this is your life your movie your trip. I see color six as being connected to the source... that expansion to creation plugged in.  No agenda no motive just being and in being oneself. Living authentically authenticall y you then become a role model for others. It's like the fool on the hill although he is no fool… he has been on that hill and has  been observing what's been going on below. If you can find him and ask him what he sees he can really tell you with great details. But you got to go looking for him... he will not come looking for you. I also see in the observation you see the contrasts in everything. You can see what is hidden in


the shadows your light can expose it. So the alien motivation force is quite something. It is linked to touch. So what touches you can be many layers. Not just the physical. I can relate to this in a way with my indirect light determination. So these forces are in my opinion our helpers. If this is your motivation in this life and you are lucky enough to meet them they can really assist us... Now meeting them is another trip and trip  and I will create a  page in time about that as it's quite a process involved.  But the main thing, for now, is Motivation affects our psychology. And it is very important we live it out and align ourselves to the correct forces. It's important our personality crystal omits the right  frequency and to make sure the right force is i s in your y our back seat with you if your a 1-3 1 -3 color and the 4-6 come and go when they want to... they are not designed to sit with you 24/7. When I create the next page about the forces and encounter and education I shall share with you MY encounter with my force which is the Entity and how I was triggered by the ghost and my educator for life is the gods... its fascinating stuff and I am so glad I found HD as well before I thought I was going mad.

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  Radianza (colore determinazione dieta) / Cervello (tono dieta determinazione/cognizione) = 2 (genuinità/gusto chiuso => mercato-possibilità-speranza) / 1 (attivo/odore)

Connettività (colore ambiente) / Ambiente (tono ambiente) = 5 (civilizzazione/valle stretta-suono) / 1 (endogeno) Mente (colore motivazione) / Preoccupazione (tono motivazione) = 5 (strategica/colpa (forza=entità)) / 1 (fondazione)

Prospettiva (colore vista) / Approccio (tono vista) = 6 (periferica/personale) / 6 (onnicomprensivo)



Radianza (colore determinazione) / Cervello (tono determinazione) = 3  (realismo/sete freddo  => cucine-potere-desiderio) / 4 (passivo/inner vision=visione panoramica)  panoramica)   Connettività (colore ambiente) / Ambiente (tono ambiente) = 1 (interazione/caverna mista) / 4 (esogeno) Mente (colore motivazione) / Preoccupazione (tono motivazione) = 5 (ricettiva/colpa (forza=entità)) / 2 (armonia)

Prospettiva (colore vista) / Approccio (tono vista) = 2 (focalizzata/possibilità) / 6 (onnicomprensivo)


Advanced Readings with Kumud 

(In the last 6 years before he died in March 2011, Ra (the founder of Human Design). intensively taught advanced classes about the architectural structures below the surface of the chart. It was my  great good fortune and privilege to be a participant in those classes.) Advanced readings involve analyzing information that is called –  called –  substructure.  substructure. It can be looked at in an Advanced Imaging chart which shows attributes of the t he cognitive architecture (base, tone and color) that bring differentiated nuance to the final expression on the surface at the line level. A foundation reading deals with the surface mechanics, and the surface is the place where life is  played out. Understanding the nature of those those mechanics and experimenting experimenting with the decision making that aligns you to the form principle is always alwa ys at the core of the HD journey. However there is incredible information below the line that can support the journey of differentiation. It always helps the mind to be educated in just how unique you are actually designed to be. The substructure information is very specifically about the cognitive capacity that is the gift that your unique vehicle carries, both physically and mentally. mentall y. In fact it amounts to a combination of cognitive ability that can be looked in 4 different areas in a chart. Two on the body consciousness side (Design) and two on the personality side. The FOUR TRANSFORMATIONS are the STARTING POINT for working with the substructure in the advanced session work. That is why in this website they have their own ‘page’. ‘page’. There is another  page for continuing advanced session work that is less central c entral (though not less powerful) to the four transformations information.

======================================================================= Variable - PLR DLL

For this Variable it is important to correctly nourish your active Left brain, as your awareness depends on healthy brain functioning to provide tools for self-reflected consciousness at the t he personality level.


This is essential in order to avoid problems with metabolism or heightened stress levels and anxiety. Learn from Ra how you can live a healthy life by understanding your nature, moving into your signature and finding what is correct for you. =======================================================================


PRIMARY HEALTH SYSTEM –  SYSTEM –  PHS  PHS is about how we are genetically designed to digest food and take in the nutrients that support the uniqueness of our form and in particular our cognitive differentiated brain function. (this is about how to eat, rather than what to eat). The digestive wiring can be seen in the Color. The 5 keynotes are: Appetite, Appetite , Taste, Thirst, Touch, Sound and Light Below the Color is the Tone, this indicates the main cognition the brain is works with. We have all of them but there is one, that is the t he specialization that is inherent in our desi design. gn.


The 5 keynotes are: Smell, taste, outer and inner vision, feeling and touch The PHS eating involves the transformation of the body and brain. Once this is in process, there are three other readings possible. These involve information on the variables attributes - Environment, Motivation and View. ENVIRONMENT READINGS

ENVIRONMENT - this is reading, where there is information in the chart concerning the environment that is most supportive to the unique life. In the end it is related to longevity since it is the place where you meet the least resistance on the body. Color indicates the categories - Caves, Markets, Ma rkets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys and Shores Tone indicates the cognition within the environment - Smell, taste, outer and inner i nner vision, feeling and touch VIEW: PERSPECTIVE READINGS

VIEW - once we are in the right environment, then there is the question of what we are designed to  be looking looking at. This is known as the view, or the perspective. It is information about the frame through which the mind is designed to take in information. Color - Survival, Possibility, Power, Wanting, Probability, Personal Tone - fear, uncertainty, action, meditation, judgment, acceptance These are obviously very cryptic categories and there is a lot to say about what exactly is involved. There is a dualistic component since to see in one way must involve the reference of seeing within a spectrum of a polarity. The information points to the correct proportion of our ‘true seeing’ out weighing our ‘distracted seeing’  seeing’   WHAT IS DISTRACTION? Follow up sessions deal with Distraction. Distracti on. Distraction is the terminology used to understand how easily easi ly the mind will see in the opposite polarity from how it designed to take in the world. It must be able to see in that opposite way to some extent but not make a home there. When the conceptualizing is  based on the distracted view thenever distortion theself thinking process. Watching this this is a knack that takes time and deconstructs deeperhappens layers ofinnot habitual thinking. AWARENESS: MOTIVATION READING

Motivation is used in Human Design terminology to describe how the mind is designed to think. Our mind's are designed to be aware in a very specific frame. Color - Fear, Hope, Desire, Need, Guilt, or Innocence Tone - fear, uncertainty, action, meditation, judgment, acceptance Again these are very cryptic words that need to be de-coded in a reading so that they are meaningful. me aningful.  None of them have a negative connotation. connotation. WHAT IS MOTIVATION TRANSFERENCE? Follow up sessions work with Motivation Color Transference. This is Human Design terminology for how the mind can be pulled from the motivation it is designed to think from, to t o the exact opposite.


This is a very interesting tool, not for trying to 'do' something to change the way we think, but that there is a specific mechanic observable. It is a device to allow standing back from the thinking and watching. Anything that can help us dis-identify with thinking our mind is in charge of running the life is an amazing tool.

Underlying Mechanics Behind Substructure Binary Consciousness, the Magnetic Monopole and a little quantum phsyics   Base –   –  entry  entry frequency (micro second accuracy birth time needed for working with base) Tone  –  –  inner  inner frequency, the architectural information concerning the potential cognitive gifts for the unique life. Color  –  –  exit  exit frequency, messenger of tonal information that gets captured by MM. Magnetic Monopole  captures the exit frequencies of design and personality color to create the holistic body-mind life. The MM captures a transferred color without the message of tone (unique cognitive gifts) when the decision making is not aligned to the form. The CHAIN of possibilities from 5 bases, 6 tones and 6 colors, brings specific nuance to surface line. UNDERLYING MECHANICS BEHIND SUBSTRUCTURE

There are two dark matter crystals that filter the t he neutrino stream: one for the body intelligence (design) and the other for personality mind. The exit frequency (called color) of the neutrino stream as it passes through these crystals is captured by the Magnetic Monopole and the illusion of separation as a of  body and mind consciousness (atomic in nature) is created.


TRANSFERENCE When ‘mind over matter’ not-self not -self thinking rules the life, the Magnetic Monopole captures what is called the transferred color. That means the information of the inner frequency carrying the true cogntive gifts (tone) for the unique consciousness does not get transmitted by the color. The result is is a very topsy turvy world where value sructures are dominated by thinking that is not grounded in real  perception. CAPTURE FREQUENCY Decision making from strategy and authority involves surrendering to the form principle. That allows for the MM to capture the correct color frequency from the design crystal. On the personality side it is more tricky because of the nature of duality. The conditioning to use the mind to run the life developed the habit of familiarity and attachment to the transferred color quality. Developing awareness of the dualistic polarity between the qualtiy of the true color and transferred color (using the knowledge color transference mechancs) allows for that habit to be seen for what it is. It is the seeing without interfering that accesses the passenger consciousness that frees the mind of the  preference. Then the mechanism of the mind will naturally find a balance, where there is a resting in the color carrying the underlying cognition with occasional movement to the transferred color just for reference. ======================================================================

Base, Tone and Colour

Beneath the Line level there are three more levels of detailed information within the Human Design System. Here we find the source of much of the profund wisdom taught through Rave Psychology, Primary Health System, Holistic Analysis and Variable. The neutrino stream creates three different frequencies as it passes through the crystals of consciousness that are the hubs for our material existence e xistence on this plane - Base, Tone and Colour.

There are six colours. This is the exit frequency as the neutrinos pass up towards the surface line level. Colour is the hidden motivation within us. It can be described as the medium by which our tonal frequency is delivered to the surface and as such is the frequency most likely to transfer to it's opposite 'Not-self' manifestation. Knowing what the true colour predisposition is one can tell through the way someone speaks or lives their life whether they are operating in the Not-self Not -self or not and when and how.


As a diagnostic then for what can go wrong in the physical or mental life colour harmonics or dissonance is a major signpost. It can even show who is important to have in your aura and who can  be a potential problem. As always though, it is through the following of one’ one’ss strategy and authority that is paramount in living one’ one’ss greatest potential. ======================================================================

An Introduction to Hexagram Line Substructure: Color


"Very few people have a connection to this system at a level below the Hexagram line. Below the line is where the science is —  is —  the  the verification of Human Design at its deepest dee pest level." Ra Uru Hu

Would you like to dive below the Line to discover when you are operating correctly, and when you aren’t?   aren’t? Color you a powerful tool to help you life live to asayourself, stay healthy, and take your Human Designgives experiment and the experience of your deeper level. l evel. Why should you care about your Color? The benefits are many. It can make your life easier by helping you understand how best to feed and care for your body, and what qualities of the environments you frequent are most nourishing to you. How do you see the world differently? How are you best motivated to take action? Color describes the neutrino expression from being filtered by your Personality and Design cr crystals ystals —  it is what determines the secret codes to unlock your highest potential in terms of your physical health and psychology.

The Substructure of the Hexagram Lines Underneath the level of all hexagram Lines, the Human Design System describes further nuances of each Gate  —  labeled   labeled Color, Tone, and Base. Each Line of every one of your Gates carries has a ‘substructure’ —   containing containing one of six Colors, further differentiating those colors to one of six Tones and below that, one of five Bases.

Primary Health System (the Design) 1. Dietary Regimen 2. Environment

Health problems seen in the symptoms of a body that isn't functioning at its optimum can be encouraged back into alignment using Strategy and Authority, then looking below the line to the Design Crystal, at the Color level.


Color exiting the Crystal correctly or not can either eit her bring you towards or away from what is right for your body. This leads you to take in the nourishment for your body on the inside or outside that either supports your differentiation or homogenizes you. The ‘transference’  ‘transference’  shows what you’ll be attracted to that has the power to homogenize you.

Rave Psychology (the Personality) 3. Perspective (View) 4. Motivation

Color transference is called “distraction” when it happens in the Personality Crystal, leading you to  be motivated to action incorrectly or distorted in your your perception. One of the most exciting and fascinating things to witness in your experiment is when you get to that  place of actually catching yourself in transference/distraction, because it leads to the passenger being aware of whether actions are correct, and to awareness of the helplessness of being consciousness in form. It’s an alert to the mind that something is “off” that is subtle yet profound, and it’s then that Ra tells us to ask ourselves “Who’s watching?” This brings us in touch with being the witness, the  passenger in our bodies, watching the movie of of our lives. Again, first before experimenting with this information: be correct at the surface before moving down  below the surface of the line, and you’ll find this depth of the knowledge much richer and more rewarding.

Time to Live Awake We have the techniques to realize our differentiated uniqueness, to witness life as an awake being. We have the potential to be aware filters of the th e neutrino field flowing through us. Everyone alive now is here with the possibility of experiencing that neutrino field when it filters through our Crystals as authentic, unique, individuated and empowered inner truth. Experiencing your own self-reflected consciousness in form is quite a thing to witness. To discover your personal truth, experiment with your Strategy and Authority, and if that leads you to Color, explore the Four Transformations. Find out for yourself what it's like to journey j ourney a path that is only yours to tread. You’re not here to be b e copied: with no footprints to follow, no one to car carry ry you,  you,  and leaving no trace, your journey is a grand adventure, and you’re its sole primary witness. We are all of us alone on this journey, waking up individually, one person at a time. Enjoy your movie!




























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