VampireTheMasqueradeCityKit Based on Vornheim-1
October 15, 2017 | Author: vonquixote | Category: N/A
Short Description
A retooling of award-winning D&D supplement 'Vornheim' for Vampire: the Masquerade players. It's a good ...
THE TABLES VAMPIRES The names and clans of the Kindred on the table are inspired by the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle CCG. You can roll d100 once and pick the complete entry, or you can roll d100 once for each column in the table to generate a unique vampire. Adjust results to make sense in your chronicle. You could even choose certain categories (like Clan) and roll for the rest. If you need a specific vampire of a Camarilla clan, chose the Clan and roll d10. Determine stats based on Age Category table, determine Nature and Demeanor based on Nature & Demeanor table. Roll 1d10 for Humanity. Write a short paragraph to rationalize the results and you are ready to go. Clan and bloodline abbreviations: BRU Brujah GAN Gangrel MAL Malkavian
NOS Nosferatu TOR Toreador TRE Tremere
VEN Ventrue ASS Assamites GIO Giovanni
RAV Ravnos SET Setite LAS Lasombra
TZI Tzimisce DOC Daughters of Cacophony CAI Caitiff
AGE CATEGORY The age category table is a way to quickly generate stats. Roll 1d10 or pick result. Simply assign each of the three numbers in Pool to physical, social, and mental dice pools. Trust me, you won’t need more to quickly simulate a vampire. Distribute the numbers listed in the Discipline column to the various disciplines a vampire can know. Assign the highest number to a Clan or Bloodline discipline. Pick the rest or roll randomly. Willpower may vary by one, depending on personality of the vampire. Choose a generation from the given range. If you need to check for frenzy, use half the mental dice pool (rounded up).
Roll once for Nature and once for demeanor.
The table is weighted towards Camarilla disciplines. Note: special bloodline disciplines like Melpominee are not part of the table and should be assigned deliberately.
The district descriptions from “Damnation City” (section “Districts”) distilled into one lean table. To create a city, simply throw 10-20 dice on a blank piece of paper. Each dice shows the location of one district. Roll on the table to determine which district it is. Hunt gives the difficulties of hunting rolls.
The table lists ten sample derangements taken from Vampire: The Masquerade revised and Second Edition.
Either roll once or mix and match to your liking. Might have a vampire owner.
ENCOUNTERS The table blatantly lists the elements from “Damnation City” (section “City of Millions”) in a random table. Use the entries as they are or mix and match them. The names are taken from the story games name project.
TOWN NAMES The table can be used to name a unique city or to name a city district. Assume that there are about 50.000 humans living in a city for each vampire present.
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Clan Age First Name BRU N Donal BRU A Karen BRU E Sir Ralph BRU N Lynn BRU A Hector BRU A Paul BRU N Constanza BRU N Miranda BRU N Uma BRU E Clifton GAN A Zack GAN E Robert GAN N Sophia GAN A Anastasia GAN N Chandler GAN A Sarah GAN A Danielle GAN N Bobby GAN A Camille GAN E Quinton MAL E Jeremy MAL A Ruth MAL A Rachel MAL N David MAL A Gilbert MAL N Sean MAL N Cassandra MAL A Adelaide MAL A Quentin MAL N Lazarus NOS A Tammy NOS E Laurent NOS N Harold NOS A Clarissa NOS E Sergei NOS N Gerard NOS N Benjamin NOS N Gustaphe NOS A Casino NOS A Ellison TOR E Thomas TOR A Sean TOR A Kateline TOR M Michael TOR N Emerson TOR A Bethany TOR N Mariana TOR A Edith TOR A Joaquin TOR A Suzanne
Last Name O’Connor Suadela Hamilton Thompson Sosa Calderone Vinti Sanova Hatch Derrik North Price Watson Grey Hungerford Raines Dieron Lemon Devereux McDonnell Talbot McGinley Brandywine Morgan Duane Rycek Langley Davis King James Walenski De Valois Tanner Steinburgen Voshkov Rafin Rose Brunelle Reeds Humboldt De Lutrius Andrews Nadasdy Luther Wilkshire Ray Gilbert Blount Murietta Kadim
Particular Habit Able to eat food and keep it down for considerable time Possesses a very strong mind and an iron will to succeed Likes to watch video-taped sunrises Has a strong phobia of snakes because one killed his sister Aggressively defends his hunting grounds Was a ghoul for some time before his embrace Collects shoes of her female victims Possesses as the rebellious wife of a mobster Likes to visit fetish parties Amateur astronomer A master of the Animalism discipline Belongs to a Gehenna cult within the Camarilla Likes to participate in blood hunts Is a very skilled investigator and private eye Is immune to the blond bond Secretly antitribu & a very skilled and lightning fast combatant Is a perceptive academic schooled in a variety of topics Likes to take unnecessary risks Is an accomplished burglar Secretly an archon recruiting for an attack on the Sabbat Ex-priest holds sermons on the 13th floor of a skyscraper A master of Obfuscate, rarely seen Likes to masquerade as a living statue Is able to feel and hear dead people Spouts prophecies about Gehenna Heralds the coming of a vampire called “Leandro” Has no permanent haven, roams the streets and gutters Has somehow mastered the path of Weather Control Called “The Colonel”, civil war veteran Popular news anchor at a local TV station Seeks knowledge about a torpid elder called “Akhenaten” Desperately tries to uphold his Humanity, but failing Can’t really stomach killing Holds court in the sewers among the vermin Constantly watching and cataloging Likes a scandal and spreads it far and wide Likes to spread news from other domains to Nosferatu Collects puppy dogs Belongs to a Gehenna cult within the Camarilla Secretly member of a cult worshipping Lilith the Dark Mother Doesn’t have any artistic talent at all, but trying hard An Elysium regular well-versed in its affairs A sculptor who adds blood of the models to her statues The eldest Toreador in the city, but not the Primogen He is third attempt of his Sire to create a Childe A celebrated thespian whose plays always sell out quickly Has never killed for blood Likes to flirt and seduce, then love them and leave them Likes to perform music and song at Elysium Has a small chapel in her haven, collects icons of St. Mary
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Position and influence Weak and pathetic Influential harpy Idealist who protects the anarchs Is an avant-garde fashion designer Leads a gang called “Cold Dawn” His ghuls control the airport Angry anarch Connected to local mob Considered an expendable asset Rebellious primogen Has ties to the local zoo Primogen of questionable allegiance Works as enforcer for the prince Works as enforcer for the prince Gay rights activist Owns big share in livestock industry Well respected at university Connected to fire brigades Knows all the fences in the city Considerable influence in the military Connected with Catholic church Primogen in absentia Controls a cosmetics company Works as enforcer for the prince On the run from the prince Connected to illegal poker games Speaks with rats on a first name basis Chief of police is her secret lover Member of re-enactment societies Practically owns the local media Converses by letter w/archaeologists Independent primogen Haunts homeless shelters Connected to construction companies Knows a lot about what’s going down Is a member of the harpies Is a respected member of SchreckNET Skims money off illegal dog fighting Backs the dockworkers union Works as a dancer in a local strip club Loyal primogen Practically owns the rack Knows all her male models intimately Master of the harpies Well-off business man Best buddy of various renown actors She’s everybody’s darling and fool Followed by a string of ex-lovers Controls a chain of music stores Controls nunneries & convents
Distinguishing Feature Constantly looks afraid Black hair worn in a pony tail Startling blue eyes Hair dyed in red and black Menacing and tough look Has a nervous cough Wears skintight black leather Multiple piercings Wears red velvet jacket Hands are deformed talons Has a red moustache Wears leather on skin Slanted yellow eyes Unkempt blonde hair Spider tattoo on right shoulder Strangely long arms Wears glasses and a frown Dark gleaming eyes Protean flight form is a raven Strong muscles and dark hair Blood-flecked clothes Always wears a cowboy hat Rarely moves Doesn’t like to talk Unclean and unshaven Milky white skin Thin and waiflike Booming voice Old confederate uniform Wrinkled tanned skin Khaki pants and light blouse Smells like a newly dug grave Usually cries blood red tears Covered in filth and oval Constantly eyeing a PC Always smokes a pipe Surrounded by buzzing flies Stinks and looks disgusting Wears exactly one clog Worms crawl in his body Immaculately dressed Walks with a limp Disheveled Impossibly thin and angular Dressed in suit and tie Simple black dress & blue hair Looks wide-eyed & surprised Never alone A guitar always handy A rosary in her hands
Relation to next person… Childe of… Works for… Worried about... Puppet of… Has rivalry with… Frequently employs… Jealous of… Childe of… Betrayed… to (11) Was assaulted by… Childe of… Sire of… A student of… Frequently employs... Childe of… Jealous of… Allied with… Seeks aid from… Seeks vengeance against… Was insulted by… Sire of… Has rivalry with… Sire of… Worried about… Served by… Jealous of… Childe of… Schemes with… Annoys… Is suspicious of… Jealous of… Trusts only… A student of… Childe of… Is suspicious of… Has rivalry with… Irritates… Works for… Childe of… Blackmails… Sire of… Lusts after… A student of… Sire of… Jealous of… Worried about… Childe of… Owes favor to… Allied with… Schemes with…
# 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00
Age A A E E A N A N N A E A A E A N N A E N N N N N N N N A A A A E A E A N A N E E A E E A A A N N N A
First Name Miguel Jing Hector Lucas Gabrielle Sabine Gerald Kyoko Elisabetta Andrew Joseph Elena Victorine Mary Anne Beth Jackson Victor Violette Timothy Emerson Solomon Lisa Sandra Alex Eddie Dan Iris Aimee Harlan Delilah Leila Cameron Carmine Rafaele Guillaume Cristobal Luna Brian Ivan Marion Ezmeralda Marla Celine Arnulf Hadrian Hester Piotr Sarah Juan Evan
Last Name Cordovera Wei Trelane Halton Di Righetti Lafitte Windham Shinsegawa Romano Stuart Di Giacomo Gutierrez Lafourcade Blair Malcolm Asher Donaldson Prentiss Crowley Bridges Grey Noble White Wilkins Gaines Murdock Bennett Laroux Graves Monroe Monroe Delgado Ghiberti Giovanni Giovanni Giovanni Giovanni Thompson Krenyenko French Dobrescu Kenyon Chevalier Jormungandr Garrick Reed Andreikov Brandon Cali Rogers
Particular Habit Has delved into knowledge forbidden to his Clan Studies the history of witchcraft and knows Verbena Believes in the code of chivalry & gentlemanly behavior Regent of the local chantry Skilled ritualist and right hand woman of the regent Has erased all electronic traces of her existence Secretly chronicles and records all Kindred events Secretly poses as Mother Goddess of a local blood cult Endlessly fascinated by fire and the Lure of Flames Speaks lots and lots of different languages fluently Devil worshipper heads a satanic cult & handsomely rewarded Intently studies the history and customs of the Camarilla Collects artifacts of Kindred history and legend Advocates the path to Golconda to worthy Kindred Has fought countless times against the Sabbat The picture perfect Ventrue, the poster boy for the clan Takes any opportunity to advance in the ranks of the clan Requires the blood of heroin addicts Comes and goes as he pleases with no fear of the Lupines Secretly member of a cult worshipping Lilith the Dark Mother Runs a clinic for the poor Wakes up as soon as the sun sets She’s got really bad luck hunting, and it’s contagious Doesn’t get the concept of “Masquerade” Plagued by nightmares of his embrace, hates vampires Secretly member of a cult worshipping Lilith the Dark Mother Her birth was a sign of approaching Gehenna Secretly obsessed with a young tenor His singing is the most lovely you have ever heard Secretly member of a cult worshipping Lilith the Dark Mother antitribu; is clandestinely looking for Noddist lore antitribu; popular with adulteresses Recently returned from Africa with harrowing tales Has a complete eidetic and photographic memory Collects state and Kindred secrets Young and inexperienced, noses around in Clan affairs Steals and collects clothes of the recently deceased Has no fixed haven, crashes with his “friends” Will go to great lengths to protect his mortal kin Collects fangs of the vampires she has destroyed Secretly heads a local coven of Bahari vampires High priestess of the local Setite temple Keeps an eye on the various Archons & Alastors in the city An accomplished blood sorcerer Keeper of the local Setite temple Lasombra pack leader wants to defect to the Camarilla Tzimisce priest and accomplished flesh crafter antitribu waiting to kick off the big crusade antitribu afraid of striking to early antitribu working as a contract killer on the side
# 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00
Position and influence Director of local state penitentiary Connected to the occult underground An influential elder of the city Loyal primogen Is mistress of both state senators Influential in local hacker circles Has infiltrated the local branch of FBI Young harpy eager to prove herself Works as interrogator for clan & city Archon assigned to the city Prince of the City Respected historian Controls the local museums Subtle influence, rarely felt Runs a dojo in Chinatown Controls local business & industry Influence felt in city hall Trusted right hand of the prince Independent primogen Skims money of the stock exchange Connected to hospitals & ambulances Rowdy anarch leader Haunts the outskirts of the city Wanted serial killer “Eddie who?” Knows other cultists Living on the streets and on the run Controls opera houses Vies for control of opera houses Operates a temple to Cybele (Lilith) Owns a large chemical plant Influences the wives of great men Connected to underground slave trade Leads the Giovanni household Influences government conspiracies Connected to morgues across the city Heads large industrial holding co. Knows local gangs and muscle Head of the gypsy caravan Alastor secretly hunting an anathema Advices fortunetellers Controls drug cartel Archon secretly assigned to city Poses as well-known Egyptologist Influences gourmet restaurants Has some influence with merchants Confessor to the state governor Has started a Hispanic gang Connection to meat packing industry Hired gun for local mob
Distinguishing Feature Wears hooded black cowl Silver streak in her hair Leather harness and Mohawk Hawkish looks & braided hair Blue and red pant suit An iPad always in reach White hair & blood red mask Always flutters her fan Constantly plays with a zippo Scarface Always smiles knowingly Black leather collar Long purple dress Aloof & surrounded by cats Wants to be left alone Black business suit & black tie Blonde with black moustache Blue dress with red bodice Beige jacket & blue jeans Large ring with red ruby A white doctor’s coat White dress w/turban Anemic and anorexic Dressed like a movie vampire You just can’t remember Long hair & leather jacket A crescent shaped birthmark Short red hair, short dress Anorexic and half naked Blonde Mohawk Homely looking lass Unbuttoned shirt Boyish looks Piercing gaze Black hat and mirror shades Ugly brute Wears widow’s weeds Bratty Upright and dignified Black bodice and blue jeans A bright red bandana Greenish skin & yellow eyes Egyptian jewelry Black latex shirt Constantly smokes cigarettes Top hat & skintight leather Glowing red eyes Black hair with red streaks White T-shirt flecked w/blood Embraced as a child
Relation to next person… A student of… Has rivalry with… Worried about… Trusts only… Sire of… Thrall of… Blackmails… Allied with… Childe of… Blackmails… Sire of… Has rivalry with… A student of… Worried about… Sire of… Schemes with… Childe of… Owes favor to… Has undue influence on… Trying to manipulate… Seeks aid from… Allied with… Was assaulted by… Thrall of… Trying to manipulate… Sire of… Owes favor to… Has rivalry with… Lusts after… Mortal sister of… Toady of… Only … can help me. Right hand of… Sire of… Worried about… Student of… Blackmailed by… Embraced by… Has rivalry with… A student of… Thrall of… Has rivalry with… A student of… Sire of… Suspects the truth about… Has rivalry with… Allied with… Annoyed by… Curious about… Regnant of… (01)
W10 1-4 5-7 8-9 10 W100
Age Category Neonate (N) Ancilla (A) Elder (E) Methuselah (M)
01-03 04-06 07-09 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-30 31-33 34-36 37-39 40-42 43-45 46-48 49-51 52-54 55-57 58-60 61-63 64-66 67-69 70-72 73-75 76-78 79-81 82-84
Nature & Demeanor Architect Autocrat Bon Vivant Bravo Caregiver Celebrant Child Competitor Conformist Conniver Curmudgeon Dabbler Deviant Director Enigma Fanatic Gallant Judge Loner Martyr Masochist Monster Pedagogue Penitent Perfectionist Rebel Rogue Sadist
85-87 88-90 91-93 94-96 97-99 00
Survivor Thrill-Seeker Traditionalist Trickster Visionary Derangement
Pools 7/5/3 9/6/4 10/7/5 12/8/6
Disciplines 3/2 4/3/2 5/4/4/3 7/5/5/4/3
Willpower 7 8 9 10
Generation 15th-10th 9th-7th 5th-7th 4th-5th
Short Description You build something of lasting value. You need control. Unlife is for pleasure. Might makes right. Everyone needs nurturing. Your cause is your purpose. Won’t somebody be there for you? You must be the best. You follow and assist. Others exist for your benefit. Everything has its flaws. You have no focus beyond the moment You exist for no one’s pleasure but your own. You oversee what must be done. You are as mysterious to yourself as to others The cause is all that matters. You’re not the showstopper, you’re the show! The truth is out there. You make your own way. You suffer for the greater good. Pain reminds you that you still exist. You’re Damned, so act like it! You save others through knowledge. Unlife is a curse to atone for. You strive for an unattainable goal. You follow no one’s rules. You first. You like to see others suffer as you have suffered Nothing can keep you down. The rush is all that matters. As it has always been, so it must be. Laughter dims the pain. Something exists beyond all this. Roll on the next table then roll again.
W100 01-08 09-16 17-20 21-24 25-34 35-42 43-46 47-54 55-57 58-65 66-73 74-81 82-85 86-89 90-97 98-00
Discipline Auspex Celerity Chimerstry Dementation Dominate Fortitude Necromancy Obfuscate Obtenebration Potence Presence Protean Quietus Serpentis Thaumaturgy Vicissitude
W10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Derangement Bulimia Fugue Hysteria Manic-Depression Megalomania Obsession Overcompensation Paranoia Perfection Regression
© 2011 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Requiem, The World of Darkness, and Vampire: The Eternal Struggle are registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. The Book of Nod, The Revelations of the Dark Mother, The Ercyies Fragments, and Damnation City are trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein are copyrighted by CCP hf. For more information visit
# First Name Last Name McEwen 01-02 Shawn Maxson 03-04 Dora 05-06 07-08 09-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-42 43-44 45-46 47-48 49-50 51-52 53-54 55-56 57-58 59-60 61-62 63-64 65-66 67-68 69-70 71-72 73-74 75-76 77-78 79-80 81-82 83-84 85-86 87-88 89-90 91-92 93-94 95-96 97-98 99-00
Billy Kristi Martin Gina Allen Thelma Ryan Cathy Terry Kay Eric Stella Gregory Emma William Pamela Martin Debbie Raymond Angela William Beth Russell Kayla Bryan Emily Curtis Jenny Stephen Virginia Joshua Signe Jack Joselyn Nathanael Wai Lindsay Dania Credrick Alysha Broderick Rebecca Christopher Latisha Ezequiel Sherilin Gaston Katherine
Nolen Grasso Twomey Bates Crossley Reeves Dillman Addis Collard McCrory Pinkard Lattimore Mangrum Fredericks Harkness Pino Blaylock Brodeur Magnuson Shockey Fontenot Michell Raphael Brandon Murdock Erdman Zander Hamill Deanda Roman Shoemaker Nalty Oakes Frawkins Bryum Minehan Persch Araneo Greto Acevedo Alfredo Mesmer Crookston Neddo Haggis Fonteneau Conolly Simmond
Who s/he is A rookie vagrant A bitter televangelist An awed tourist A student journalist A rookie cop An off-duty bartender An amateur film maker A raucous bachelorette An abused intern A vending-machine stoker A noisy break-dancer A harmonica playing cowgirl An aging punk A distracted commuter Bored convenience store clerk An unhappy couple A helpful mechanic A nervous emo-kid Overweight clerk An optimistic refugee A beaten nihilistic vagrant A girl in vampire get-up A self-made mogul A watchful vigilante A valiant skater A nurse in bloodstained scrubs A dandy out of time A naïve starlet A stalwart cancer survivor A smoking barista Young lover(s) A proud mother with toddler A vain aging dude with bad hair A street interviewer A karate kid A drunken trucker A late-night celebrant A sob story A wrecked and drugged pledge A vibrant actress rehearsing A fake security guard A busy major domo A fretful sorcerer An unfortunate epileptic A cranky charlatan A greedy panhandler A broken down has-been all-star A field researcher A clumsy waiter A jittery promoter
What s/he wants To find his way home Venture capital for the next big project Know his way around An important artifact Someone to follow A way to sell black market goods Just to make ends meet A one-night stand The next meal Security and stability in his life A fix of his favorite drug A misplaced heirloom To get clean from drugs A new job The next adrenaline rush A cab A child of his own to raise To stop this nose bleed Discredit a rival Money for money’s sake Sweet oblivion Someone to believe her dark story To be married To kill vampires His friends’ approval A meal that doesn’t taste like hell A protégé Someone to share a secret with To keep up with his peer group To get over an ex-lover A place to call home The respect of others An alibi for a heinous crime The latest gossip A fight Make amends and seek forgiveness The object of his infatuation A safe haven for a couple of days To break his streak of bad luck To get this song out her head To find his missing sister Another chance at a botched job More time to experience life Another host body A following for his cult To make them pay To learn more To find out the real story A better paycheck A better life
# District 01-04 Airport 05-08 Bus Station 09-12 Chemical Plant 13-16 Chinatown 17-20 City Courts/ City Hall 21-24 Corporate Sector 25-28 Fashion Circuit 29-32 Financial Sector 33-36 Gallery Circuit 37-40 Harbor 41-44 Industrial Works 45-48 Little Italy 49-52 Media Sector 53-56 Medical Center 57-60 Mercantile Sector 61-64 Metro Underground 65-68 Museum 69-72 Nightclub Circuit 73-76 Nobility Hill 77-80 Power Plant 81-84 Projects 85-88 Sewer 89-92 Slums 93-96 Synagogue 97-00 Theater Circuit
Description Hunt Constant roar of airplanes, reasonably modern, transit point of 7 international and national flight traffic Smells of stale diesel fumes, has seen better days, surrounded by grey 5 concrete bus depots Dilapidated steel drums, decades out of code, overly large rats lurk 5 between the factory buildings Brilliant red, gold and yellows on the main street, clustered small run6 down buildings in the backstreets Marble buildings evocative of classical architecture, wide streets with 6 flowerbeds and shady trees Sleek, modern skyscrapers crowd the skyline, clean streets, constant 6 bustling of people Decades old buildings, aggressively modernized, home to prestigious 6 and exclusive clothiers Abundant skyscrapers, people in formal business attire, talking in 6 earpieces, hailing cabs & hurrying to meetings Twisting streets, aristocratic & staid galleries on the outside, avant4 garde galleries, bistro & nightclubs inside Smells of sea & brine, dockworkers & crewmen are everywhere, ships 5 are constantly loaded & unloaded Factory buildings of varying age, some nightclubs, steady commotion 5 of heavy machinery, cheap housing Three-story houses crowded close together, a mix of English and 7 Italian conversation, smells of food Broad & squat structures, broadcast antenna everywhere, small patches 6 of well tended lawn, staffed till late at night Modern buildings in marble, gold and leather, only the wealthy can 5 afford treatment here Aging brownstone buildings, boutique stores, bookstores & 6 newsstands line the streets, small park in the middle Narrow passages, steep escalators open into wide platforms, jumble of 5 various train lines crossing Badly in need of repair, half completed renovation project, a whole 5 wing closed due to water damage Whole street lined with bars and nightclubs, even a strip club present, 4 gothics, ravers and eurotrash walk the street Well-lit streets, Tudor-style manors that look down on the city from 8 high hills, everything is clean and orderly Scattered cluster of buildings surrounded by high chain-link fence with 6 gaps, some buildings on verge of collapse High rise apartment buildings in need of repair, streets are narrow, 4 playgrounds scattered in the run-down area Wide & slimy concrete tunnels, aluminum walkways, water drips from 7 overhead, rats & roaches are at home here Crumbling buildings exist in the shadows of bridges and overpasses, 1 4 in 10 structures looks to be derelict Very modern single-story building, artfully illuminated streets 8 surrounded by cluster of Victorian-style homes Row of aging but grand & imposing theaters line the streets, people are 4 wearing slightly threadbare top hats & evening gowns
W10 Name
Heavy Metal
Discotheque 80ies Pop
Mandarin Loft
Top 20
Pop & Rock
Town Name Springs City Vista Rock Point Valley Haven Hill Charles Heights City
Important Feature
Other Notes
Toreador Ventrue Brujah Brujah Nosferatu Gangrel Tremere Toreador Ventrue Tremere Tremere
Abita Rose Garden Archer Tower Loyola University Hot Springs St. Mary’s Cathedral Plantation Homes East Harbor Artists’ Community Old Southern gentry Oil refineries Heavy industry
56-60 New
Historical city center
61-65 Oak
66-70 Old 71-75 Pearl
Jefferson Gangrel River Toreador
Pre-historic burial mounds Civil War Memorial Pearl River Museum
Site of recent world expo Influential financial district Contested by Clan Tremere State Capitol Seat of Catholic Archbishopric A bit behind the times Busy transportation hub Nice vacation spot Sprawling slums Site of largest chantry in the region Recently wrested from Ventrue control Clan Toreador firmly aligned with Clan Brujah Site of secret Tremere research
01-05 06-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55
76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-00
Town Name Abita Archer Bayou Calico Church Cotton East Jordan Lake Lockport Morgan
Drink of choice Notes Dance floor is a mosh pit, crowd is loud Hard liquor and rowdy, has been closed down once Posh club, carters to the 30-something Wine crowd, modern interior GLBT-friendly, mixed crowd of all ages, Cheap cocktails cheap cocktails Exclusive hang-out for the rich kids that Expensive fancy themselves daring, strict door cocktails policy Edwardian goth welcome, cyber-goths Absinth less so, good place to find blood dolls Imported Asian Faux Chinese trappings, run by Asians, drinks expensive, carters to the in-crowd Western bar, square dancing, loud and Beer boisterous, carters to blue collar workers Gay nightclub, extensive labyrinth under Sweet cocktails the dance floor, cabins can be rented Hang-out for alternative kids & emos, Sodas small dance floor Lesbian hang-out, has been the scene of Beer a hate-crime, doorkeepers are tough mamas.
Port Saint Turkey Wallace West
Allen Francis Creek Ridge Monroe
Ventrue Toreador Malkavian Ventrue Ventrue
Historical harbor Benedictine nunnery Blackwood Asylum Military base Monroe Business School
Under attack by the Sabbat Largest collection of Amerindian artifacts Large overseas port High crime rates Economy based entirely around base Center of Ventrue influence
# 1
Mild Punishments Forced servitude to the wronged Kindred for a year and a day 2 Menial labor (running errands, street cleaning) 3 Displayed in the stocks at Elysium 4 Loss of title (temporarily or permanently) 5 Temporary exile from the domain 6 Stripping of debts or boons 7 Removal of retainers (either assigned to other Kindred or killed outright) 8 Loss of domain 9 Offender must drink the blood of the prince 10 Two mild punishments
Severe Punishments Offender must drink the blood of the prince twice Temporary exile from the domain Stripping of debts or boons Removal of retainers (killed outright) Loss of domain Permanent loss of title Destruction of the vampire by staking him out for the sun Destruction of (unreleased) progeny Permanent exile Forcible donation of blood to Tremere chantry
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