Vampire the Dark Ages - Clanbook Tremere
January 27, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Vampire the Dark Ages - Clanbook Tremere...
"Do you believe believe the tale tales, s, lady? lady?"" Gera Geraint int de Montfor Montfortt asked as he came to stand beside her at the window. His gaze, like like hers, hers, fastene fastened d on the nearby nearby abb abbey. ey. The The you young ng man, man, ghouled ghoul ed to her service service as an apprentic apprenticee and companion companion since since a few night nightss afte afterr her her arri arriva vall in this this go godf dfor orsa sake ken n part part of England, had helped her secure the tower she now occupied and that served served as the Tremer Tremeree chantr chantry. y. Meerli Meerlinda nda stole stole a glan glance ce at him him fr from om the the come comerr of her her eye. eye. Gera Gerain intt seem seemed ed composed, despite his knowledge of this night's night's importance in his life. life. Such equanimit equanimity y in the face of the elaborate elaborate ritual ritual of exsang exsanguin uinat ation ion and infus infusion ion that that compris comprised ed the the Tremer Tremeree Embrace would stand him in good stead during his first nights as a Caini Cainite. te. Meerlinda Meerlinda had schooled schooled him carefully, carefully, prepa preparing ring him for his his transfo transformat rmation; ion; soon, he would demonstra demonstrate te the degree degree of his attenti attentivene veness ss to her lessons. lessons. Meerlinda Meerlinda shrugged. shrugged. "It matter matterss little little," ," she said. said. "Once, "Once, lon long g bef before ore you were were born, born, I might might have sought diligently for such a treasure, as much to depriv deprivee the Church ofa playthi plaything ng asfor whatever whatever power those bones containe contained. d. But now," she raised her own goblet before her,, in imitat her imitation ion of the the priest priestly ly elevati elevation on of the sacramenta sacramentall chalchalice, "this provides me with all the magical magical nourishment nourishment I requ require. ire."" She handed the goblet to Geraint and turned turned away away from from the winwindow. "Attendto "Attendto your duties, duties, now," she told her appr apprenti entice. ce. "I expect expect you to have resolved any unfinished business business that remains remains to you before before you return return to me. I will will see you you after the midnight midnight candlemar candlemark." k." Geraint Geraint bowed and left the room. A small small desk desk in the the cent center er of the the room room held held a pair pair of opened ope ned scroll scrollss ettt etttte ters, rs, one from from the chant chantry ry at Ceori Ceoriss and the the oth other er fro from m France. France. Meerli Meerlinda nda seate seated d her hersel selff at the desk desk and picked up the first of the missives, sighing as she reread Etrius' Etrius' angled angled script. script. As usual, usual, her fellow Cainite Cainite's 's message message contained contained his customary customary misgivings misgivings about about his woeful state state of unlife. unlife. With the first words, Meerlinda Meerlinda shook her head rue-
fully. fully. Etrius Etrius would never change. change. His horror horror at the price price of I
gaining gaining immortal immortality ity had not lessened lessened with with the passing of of over over a century. century. Neither Neither had his anger at Goratrix, Goratrix, the instigator instigator of the the gra grand nd exp exper erime iment nt that that had transf transform ormed ed the the leade leaders rs of House House T remere remere from mortal mortal magi magi to immorta immortall childr children en of Caine. Her lips lips moved moved as her her eyes eyes passed passed over over the the passag passages es of Etrius' Etrius' letter letter and found the "news" that he dutifully dutifully conveyed conveyed to her. Our master master spends much time in the deep sleep that we have learned to call "torpor." The nightly management of our affairs increasingly increasinglyfalls falls upon my shoulders. I begin to wonder
is for to remain in these just how wise it is f or us to remain these forsaken mountains, like nothing surrounded as we are by hostile hostile forces forces that would like nothing better better than to ssee ee our complete annihilation. annihilation. I speak, speak, of course, course, of the Tzimisce. I fear we have traded our diminishing powers as powers as mortal magi i n a dark and unholy that does not for an insec ure place plac e in unholy society society that to unlock the thaumaturgic welcome welcome us. We work fever feverish ishly ly to unlock to our survival, knowledge so knowledge so vital to our survival, yet our rituals seem paltry paltry in com parison
w it it h
t he he T ru ru e
M ag ag ic ic k
w e h av av e s ac ac ri rif ic ic ed ed
u po po n
t he he a ltlt ar ar
in of our greed. greed. By night, night, we hear the howls howls of the beasts beasts sent sent in search search of us by their voivode voivode masters. masters. By day, we receive n receive noo respite. While we pass the sunlit hours sunlit hours in the tormented the tormented sleep of the mortal servants scour the mountain passes for Dam ned, the Fiends' Fien ds' mortal signs of signs of our resting in this by this by the minions resting places. places. They are joined in the minions of the Church, Church, who send their knights knights again against st us. Only our wards and the inaccessibility inaccessibility of our halls serve serve to prote ct us, and I fear the time will soon will soon come come when even those precautions fail. this pitiful shadow-life My only joy in this pitiful lies in lies in the knowledge that Goratrix no longer haunts these halls. halls. Yet even even that solace is solace is tempered by my fear of what is foul now new inquiries h inquiries his foul intelligen intell igence ce now not far enough pursu es. France Fran ce is not far enough away for my liking . The rest of the letter letter contained contained s ol ic i to u s i n qu i ri e s about Meerl Meerlin inda da's 's own own posi positi tion on and and rerequests quests for news concer concerning ning the world
outside outside Ceoris Ceoris particul particularl arly y with with regard gard to the activi activitie tiess of Goratr Goratrix. ix. Meerlin Meerlinda da smiled smiled and put the scroll scroll aside, aside, turni turning ng her atten attentio tion n to the second second lett letter er.. This This one, one, fr from om Gora Goratr trix ix in his his cha chant ntry ry in France France,, differ differed ed from Etrius' Etrius' communic communicati ation on in seve several ral signifisignificant cant aspe aspect cts. s. Most Most pr promi omine nent nt was was the the auth author or's 's appr approa oach ch to his his existe existence nce.. Rather Rather than than lamenti lamenting ng his change changed d status status,, Goratrix Goratrix glorie gloried d in his his transf transforme ormed d state. state. to have escaped the confines of the You and I are fortunate to have barbarian countryside countryside for mare civilized climes. I have had my fill fill of listening to listening to Etrius' Etrius' constant moaning about "our pitiful pitiful half-life," half-life," as it. You know as well as he cans he cans it. well as I that we have attained a transformost potent imaginings. More than ever, the mation beyond our most its puny breathing world world and its pu ny inhabit inhabitants ants have become become as children's toys in our in our hands. So far So far removed have we grown we grown from their petty that we need no longer trouble ourselves with aught concerns concerns that we beyond beyond the pursuit pursuit of knowledge, knowledge, and the power attendant attendant upon it. A long long self-l self-laud audato atory ry passag passagee follow followed ed in which which Goratr Goratrix ix desc descri ribe bed d his his latest latest alch alchemi emica call expe experi rimen ments ts upon upon his his "toys. "toys."" Meerlinda Meerlinda grimaced grimaced as she read read his words with with gruesome gruesome fascinafascination. Layi Laying ng asid asidee both both scro scroll lls, s, she she sat in cont contemp empla lati tion on
of the the
answ answer erss she she would would insc inscri ribe be to bot both h her her fell fellow ow Tremer Tremere. e. Her Her dist distan ance ce fr om om the hear eart of her clan lan had had no nott less lesseened ned her her
invo involve lvemen mentt in the the on ongoi going ng disp disput utee betwee between n Etrius Etrius and Goratrix Goratrix.. Both still looked looked to her her for advice. advice. And, as usual, usual, cautioni oning ng each each of them them to rememb remember er she would give it - cauti thei theirr common common bloo blood d and and the the bond bondss that that serv served ed to unit unitee them them in the the face face of gro growi wing ng enmi enmity ty from from ou outs tsid idee the the chantri chantries' es' gates. gates. Meerlinda Meerlinda pul pulled led her thoughts thoughts away from th thee contencontentious tiousnes nesss of her fello fellow w elders elders and fasten fastened ed inst instead ead upo upon n more mo re imme immedi diat atee conc concer erns ns:: the the best bestow owal al of the the Embra Embrace ce upon upo n her apprenti apprentice. ce. Focusin Focusing g her conscio consciousne usness ss upon the glyp glyph h she had had plac placed ed over over the the door door to her labo labora rato tory ry,, Meer Meerli lind ndaa scri scried ed the the room room in whic which h Gera Gerain intt even even now now bu busi sied ed himse himself lf with with his his pre prepar parat atio ions ns for tthe he ritual ritual of the the Embrace. Embrace. She watched with approval approval as the young apprenapprentice tice arran arrange ged d the the pewt pewter er bowl bowlss whic which h woul would d be used used to contain con tain his .lifebl .lifeblood. ood. Once, Geraint Geraint paused paused to take take a deep breath, breath, visibl visibly y forcin forcing g himself himself to relieve relieve the tension tension manifest in the taut taut muscles muscles of his neck. His lips moved moved slight slightly, ly, mouth mou thin ing g the the words words of the the oath oath of loyal loyalty ty he would would recit recitee immedi immediate ately ly after after his trans transfo forma rmati tion. on. Meerli Meerlind ndaa nod nodde ded d to hers hersel elff as she she watc watche hed d him him fo forr a few few more minu minute tes. s. Satisfi Satisfied ed with what she saw, saw, she sever severed ed her connectio connection n to the scryi scrying ng dev device ice and returne returned d to the the task task of answe answerin ring g the pleas pleas of bbot oth h Etriu Etriuss and Gorat Goratri rix. x.
Gerai Geraint nt retur returned ned just just as Meerl Meerlind indaa finis finished hed pre pressi ssing ng her her gold gold signe signett ring ring into into the the daub daub of wax wax on the the seco second nd scrol scroll. l. Tomorro Tomorrow, w, one of her retai retainer nerss - not GeraintGeraintwould would see to their their delivery delivery.. "Are you ready?" ready?" she asked her apprentice. apprentice. Gerai Geraint nt no nodd dded. ed. "I am, my lady, lady,"" he replied replied.. "All "All has been been pre prepar pared ed as you have have or order dered ed." ." "Does "Does the though thoughtt of eterna eternall life life pro prove ve dau daunt ntin ing, g, no now w that that you stand stand ready ready to recei receive ve it?" it?" The The appr appren enti tice ce turn turned ed his his face face towa toward rd the the wind window ow.. The The town town of Durh Durham am now now lay lay occl occlud uded ed in the the dark darkne ness ss that that follo followed wed the setti setting ng of the moon. "Why "Why try agai again n for Glast Glastonb onbur ury, y, why sear search ch furth further er for the Sangrea Sangreal, l, when when the the cup of immor immorta tall life life rrest estss here, withi within n my gra grasp sp?" ?" Meerli Meerlinda nda rose. rose. "And "And have have you no fear fear that that this this path path leads leads to your soul's soul's damnatio damnation?" n?" Gera Geraiint smil smiled ed fain faintl tly. y. "You "You offe offerr me eter eterni nity ty in which which to refl reflect ect upo upon n that that qu quest estio ion, n,"" he repli replied. ed. Meerli Meerlinda nda nod nodded ded,, satis satisfi fied. ed. "Then "Then let let us pr proce oceed ed to my sanct sanctum, um, where where you will will drink drink fro from m the the cup of bitt bittererness and and strife, strife, of joy joy and learning. learning. From this night forward, forward, you shall shall stand stand among those who have have embraced the outer outer dark darkne ness ss in pur pursu suit it of the the inne innerr ligh light. t. Toni Tonigh ght, t, thro throug ugh h me, you you become become on onee of the the chil childre dren n of Tremer Tremere. e.""
And Esau Esausa said id
toJa toJaco cob, b,
me, I pray Feed Feed me, pray thee thee,, with with that that same
red POttage.. And Jacob said, Sell me this this day thy birthrig birthright. ht. And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point point to die: and and what what profi profitt shall shall
this birthright do to me? me? And Jacob said, Swea this day; and Swearr to me this he sware sware unto unto him: him: and he sold sold his birthr birthright ight unto Jacob. Jacob.
- Genesis2 Genesis25:3 5:30-3 0-333 This night has seen your birth into the House of the Usurpe Usurper. r. The other other clans clans of the Cainite Cainite descri describe be us thus, thus, for we have have seized seized thei theirr secret secret of life life eter eternal nal and made made it our own. own. We have cut down one of their their mighty mighty ones and put our own founder founder in his his plac place. e. For For this this,, they they hate hate us. us. For this, this, they they seek seek our our destruct destruction. ion. Yet, we survive. survive. Mere survival survival doe doess not con consti stitut tutee the whole whole raison raison d' etre of our our exi exist sten ence ce,,
thou though gh
no, no, far far from from it. it. The The beas beasts ts of the the fiel fieldd
survive, survive, as do the human kine from whose vitae vitae we draw our sustenance sustenance.. Our clan serves serves a loftier loftier purpose, purpose, for we seek to preserve a power that even now diminishes in the world around us.I speak speak ofmagic. ofmagic. For For we are are a clan clan of magi, magi, thoug thoughh the the nature nature of our magic has changed.
Bywill and by magic have we insinuated insinuated ourselves ourselves into into the blood bloodli lines nes of the the Chi Child ldren ren of Cain Caine. e. In descri describin bingg here here our transformation from mortal to immortal, from those bound to the cycles of base reproduction reproduction and fleshly cares to those freed from those concerns by the eternal darkness we have embraced, I make no idle idle or friv frivolou olouss boast. boast. I but present present to you, mychilde, a true true decla declamati mation on of the the means means of our genesi genesiss as a clan of
undyingg wizard undyin wizardss or ffor orme merr wiza wizard rds, s, if the the hars harshh trut truthh be known known.. For For in our our achie achieve veme ment nt of endl endles esss exis existe tenc nce, e, I fear fear we have traded traded away our our birthrig birthright ht as surely surely as we have have seized seized others' others' inherita inheritance nce
of immortalit immortality. y.
Think Think back back on the exq exquis uisite ite ago agony ny of you yourr Embrace Embrace.. When the last last of you yourr blood blood flowed flowed from from you yourr veins veins and the first drops drops of my vita vitaee burn burned ed thei theirr way way into the the core core of your your being being,, you you pass passed ed into into a stat statee of dyin dyingg - not not deat deathh ouou ouourr livi living ng fle flesh sh transf transform ormed ed into into immorta immortall matter matter.. You scream screamed ed as someth something ing inside inside you shattered. shattered. That That momen momentt
of frag fragmen menta tati tion on
and and the the slow, slow, agon agoniz izin ingg
feelin feelingg of dissip dissipati ation on that that ensued ensued signif signified ied the incorpor incorporati ation on of magic magic into into you yourr very essen essence ce even even as it herald heralded ed the death death cry of
your wizard your wizardly ly power. power. From From a potent potential ial worker worker of magi magick, ck, you you became, became, inst instead ead,, a magica magicall crea creatu ture re in essentia, essentia, no longer lon ger able able to comman commandd the forces forces or harne harness ss the the elemenelemental myster mysteries ies of the the world. world. Inste Instead, ad, you have have become become one of those those mysteries. mysteries. Our Our tran transf sfor ormat matio ionn lies lies at the the hear heartt of our our prese present nt dilemma. Byinfusing ourselves with the vis that now entwines itself itself with our blood, blood, we have set ourselves ourselves apart from nature. nature. . As mortal magi, we ate from from the tree of knowledge knowledge and tried tried to content content ourselves ourselves with the slow absorpti absorption on of its its fruit. fruit. As Cainites, Cainites, we have swallowed swallowed the forb forbidden idden seeds of immortalimmortality, ity, and now now the the whole whole of eter eterni nity ty open openss befo before re us like like a gaping gaping chasm into the abyss of the unknown. Knowledge Knowledge has gained gained a pungency pungency far beyond beyond our mortal expectati expectations. ons. Yet, Yet, we suffe sufferr from our sacri sacrifi fice ce of mortal mortalit ity. y. UnderUnderstand, stand, my childe childe,, that that our choi choice ce was an irrevo irrevocab cable le one. one. The The step stepss we hav havee taken aken cann cannot ot be ret retra race ced; d; they hey have have change changedd us for foreve ever. r. I fear fear that what what we have have lost lost can never never ret return urn to us, us, and and that hat the pat path we hav havee chos chosen en to walk, walk, which which you now now tread along alongsi side de us, leads leads only only deeper deeper into into the the eter eterna nall nigh nightt in whi which ch we must must dwell. dwell. Stil Still, l, we must must embrace embrace that that darkne darkness, ss, for for with without out it, it, we have have not nothin hing. g.
THE THE PURP PURPOS OSE E OF KNOWLEDGE In becomi becoming ng immort immortal, al, we have have had to redis rediscov cover er how to use our magic. magic. The ways ways of mort mortal al wizar wizards ds no long longer er avai availl us. us. In trans ransfo form rmin ingg our our natu nature re,, we hav havee lost lost the capaci capacity ty to perf perform orm those those magical magical charms charms and ritual ritualss that that once once serv served ed to impos imposee our our will will upon upon the the natu natura rall worl world. d. Inst Instea eadd of harn harnes essi sing ng the the emana emanati tion onss of magic magic,, we must must plac placee that that yoke yoke upon upon ours oursel elve ves, s, uti utilizi lizing ng our our vita vitaee to repl replac acee our our vanis vanishe hedd power power.. When When you you learn learn to see see the the halo which surround surroundss all living living creatures, creatures, you will find that that we exude exude a radian radiance ce of bril brilli liant ant scinti scintill llae ae that that marks marks the disper dispersal sal of magic magic throug throughou houtt our corp corpora orall bod bodies ies.. As indiv individ idua uals ls and and as a clan clan,, we str striv ivee to master master the the know knowle ledg dgee of our our newfou newfound nd metho methods ds of magic magic,, which which we call call Thaumat Thaumaturg urgy. y. Alread Already, y, we have have learn learned ed to ddupl uplica icate te much of what we lost lost in becomi becoming ng immort immortal al.. We can onl onlyy hope hope that that the the rest rest will fol follo low w from from dili dilige gent nt purs pursui uitt and and expe experi rimen menta tati tion on.. Now Now that that we exis existt outs outsid idee the the boun bounddarie ariess of morta mortall fles flesh, h, the the cons constr trai aint ntss that that inhi inhibi bite tedd us as humans humans no longer longer exerci exercise se contr control ol over over our acti actions ons
Apart Apart fr from om recov recover ering ing our our knowled knowledge ge of magic magic and compr comprehe ehend nding ing our our new state state of existe existenc nce, e, our cclan lan seeks seeks to est estab abli lish sh fo forr us a plac placee in the Cain Cainit itee hier hierar arch chy. y. The The process of self-transfor self-transformation mation began in 1022, 1022, when Goratrix prod produce uced d the elixir elixir which which initia initiated ted our our chang changee fr from om mormortals to immortal immortals. s. Since Since that time, we hav havee had to conduct conduct furt fu rthe herr dissem dissemina inatio tion n of our our vampir vampiric ic gift gift und under er con condi di-tions tions of utmost utmost secrecy. secrecy. Not all members members of House House Tremere Tremere havee as yet hav yet underg undergon onee our our transf transfor ormat matio ion. n. Furth Further, er, thos thosee other other hous houses es of the the Order Order of Herm Hermes es who know or har harbor bor susp suspici icion onss of our our great great exp exper erime iment nt gr grow ow increa increasin singly gly anantagonist tagonistic ic toward toward us. We dare not flaunt flaunt our achieve achievement ment outside out side our own house, house, lest those those who were were once our fello fellow w wizards wizards cond condemn emn us out out of ignor ignorance ance.. We canno cannott maint maintain ain our our pret pretens ensee of human humanity ity indef indefiinitel nitely, y, howev however er,, and to that that end end we hav havee intens intensif ified ied our our effo effort rtss to compl complete ete the the trans transfo forma rmatio tion n of all all the member memberss of Hous Housee Trem Tremer ere. e. Unti Untill that that time time,, and and perh perhap apss even even beyon bey ond, d, we must must adh adher eree to a rigid rigid cod codee of loy loyalt alty y among among ourselv our selves es and obedienc obediencee to our our elders. elders. Only in this this fashion fashion can we prote protect ct our secre secrets ts and purs pursue ue our our goals goals witho without ut distu disturb rban ance. ce. Unlike Unlike the the other other Caini Cainite te clans clans,, we know know the valu valuee of pre prese sent ntin ing g ou ours rsel elve vess as a disci discipl plin ined ed,, unif unifie iedd force. In like like manner, manner, we must must stay ever ever alert alert to the the dan danger gerss from from our superna supernatura turall enemies. enemies. The other Cainites Cainites refer refer to to us as "Usur "Usurper pers," s," and the term term hol holds ds some some truth. truth. We hav havee claimed claimed for our ourselv selves es a birthr birthright ight not original originally ly intended intended for us, and have dared dared to set ourselve ourselvess as equals equals among among the Child Childre ren n of Caine. Caine. Clan Clan Tzimis Tzimisce ce despis despises es us fo forr steal stealing ing their their vitae vitae in ord order er to effect effect our transf transforma ormation tion and for our expan exp ansio sion n into into the lands lands of Easter Eastern n Eur Europ ope, e, over over which which they they once once held held sway sway.. That That ou ourr sear search ch fo forr th thee secr secret et of immortali immortality ty req requir uired ed the sacrifi sacrifice ce of one of their their elders elders -
in addition addition to a brace of our own acolyte acolytess - has caused an
irre irrecon concil cilabl ablee rift rift betwee between n our our clan and theirs theirs.. Furt Furthe her, r, on once ce we dis disco cove vere red d that that Cain Cainit ites es dwel dwelle ledd within within a highl highly y struc structur tured ed societ society y her heret etof ofor oree unk unkno nown wn to us, us, we reali realize zed d the the nece necess ssit ity y to estab establi lish sh ours oursel elve vess as a bloo bloodl dlin inee equa equall to tho those se of tthe he othe otherr vamp vampir ires es.. Thus Thus,, Tremere Tremere took into himself himself the power and and generat generation ion of the Antedi Antediluv luvian ian Saulo Saulot. t. We did did not not anticip anticipate ate the the scorn scorn and hosti hostili lity ty that that would would be insti instigat gated ed by that that action action.. Was Tremer Tremere' e'ss Amara Amaranth nth of ofSau Saulot lot a mistak mistakee in terms terms of ou ourr surv surviv ival al as Cain Cainit ites es?? You You need need not not answ answer er that that quest question ion immedi immediate ately ly,, my child childe. e. In part part,, it serv serves es a rherhetori torica call pu purp rpos ose. e. Ever Every y acti action on we hav havee take taken n sinc sincee that that fatef fateful ul nig night ht bears bears questio questioni ning ng with with reg regar ard d to its unf unfor oreeseen seen con conseq sequen uences ces.. Our enemie enemiess beset beset us on all sides sides and and from from all quarte quarters. rs. We exist exist because because of our cauti caution on and our deter determin minati ation on;; iron ironica ically lly,, our our willin willingn gness ess to un unde dert rtake ake risks risks also contrib contributes utes to our our contin continued ued surviv survival. al.
THE SEARC SEARCH H FOR FOR ACCEPTANCE As we move farther away from our mortal colleagues, we grow more intimately bound up in Cainite society. Notice that I do do not refer refer to it as the the "society "society of the the Damned," Damned," as I hav havee hear heard d
othe otherr
vamp vampir ires es
desc descri ribe be
thei theirr stat statee
and, and, inde indeed ed,,
as my
friend and fellow Council Council member Etrius so so often pronounces it. Heretic Heretical al tho though ugh it may be, I believe believe that God reserves reserves His judgment judgm ent for m ortals, ortal s, and for m ortals ortal s alone. alone . We have become beco me something different. different. As important important as any any of our our other other pur pursuit suits, s, the gaining gaining of acceptanc acceptancee by our our co-equals co-equals looms looms as one of our most immediate diate con concer cerns ns.. Once Once we existe existed d as a hous housee of magi magi among among other houses. Now Now we form a clan of Cainites Cainites within a society society of dis dispar parate ate and often often quarr quarreli eling ng clans clans.. Tho Though ugh the oth other er Cainites Cainites call us Usurper Usurpers, s, they cannot cannot deny our existenc existence. e. Already Already we have formed formed a few few allianc alliances es with those those Cainites Cainites who despise despise our Tzimisce Tzimisce enemies. enemies. No doub doubtt any clan who approaches us believes that it acts out of self-interest; for now, we must must content content our ourselv selves es with allowing allowing them to continue' continue' their their delus delusion ion.. Wrest Wresting ing a place place fo forr oursel ourselves ves within within the hierarchy hierarchy of vampires counts counts as but the first step step in a larger and more ambitious process. process.
THE THE ATTA ATTAIN INME MENT NT OF POWE POWER R We aspi aspire re to more more than than mere mere accep accepta tanc nce. e. With With the the advantag advantages es gran granted ted to usby our uniq unique ue thaumatu thaumaturgi rgical cal ability, ability, Clan T remere remere possesses possesses the potentia potentiall to gain gain domin dominance ance over its Cainite brothers brothers and sisters. Despite our relative relative youth as a clan, clan, we coun countt among among our number number some of of the the most agile agile and resourc resourceful eful minds in Cainite Cainite society. society. The The other other clans clans hav havee grown gro wn set in their ways. ways. Moreover Moreover,, their their own petty con concern cernss over ancient ancient rivalries rivalries prevent them from assembling assembling a unified force force to oppose our ascensio ascension n to power among among their their ran ranks. ks. Our clan structure provides the necessary stability for our campaign campaign to increas increasee our sstand tanding ing and authorit authority y within within the fractio fractious us shadow shadow realm of Cainite Cainite gove governan rnance. ce. This aspiraaspiration, tion, of cour course, se, must remain remain occluded occluded from from the minds minds of any who might might oppo oppose se us. The The obsta obstacle cless that that con confr fron ontt us seem seem fo formi rmida dable ble,, as did did the pr pros ospec pectt of unlo unlocki cking ng the the secre secrett to immor immortal talit ity; y; yet we succeed succeeded ed in our first first quest. quest. I have have no doubt that we shall likewise prove prove successful successful in attaining attaining our, rightful rightful place of leadership leadership within the world of the the unliving. unliving.
As a clan of usurper usurpers, s, Clan Clan T remere remere must carve carve out its own realms of power and influence, taking territory and establishing our presence where we may. As magi, we once held claim to many villages in Eastern Eastern Europe and Transylvania. Transylvania. Here we constru constructed cted schools schools of learning learning that served served as our chantries chantries..
Unfortunately, Unfortunately, our presence in those those lands of wild and and powerful magic magic aroused aroused the ire of the vampires vampires of Clan Clan Tzimisce. Tzimisce. Raids by these undying ones and by other other supernatural supernatural creatures resulted in the loss of many of our strongholds. strongholds. Now, only a few remain. As magic magic dimini diminish shed ed throu through ghout out much much of the the world world,, House Tremere sought an ingress into Eastern Europe. There we found places where magic still flourished, flourished, albeit in strange strange and often often incom incompre prehen hensi sibl blee for forms. ms. Stil Still, l, it enabl enabled ed us to to conti con tinu nuee to harv harvest est the the vis we foun found d so necess necessary ary for the continu continuati ation on of our abiliti abilities. es. Now that that we have have freed freed ourselves ourselves from the dependen dependency cy on such external external sources of of magic, needing needing only the blood of common mortals to resuscitate resuscitate our own internal internal magic, Clan T remere possesses the capability of expanding expanding its borders and establi establishi shing ng enclaves enclaves throughout throughout the known known world. world. Tremere Tremere himse himself lf has has or order dered ed our disp dispers ersal al in order order to assert assert our presence presence in as many countries countries as possib possible. le. In this way, we force the other clans to recognize our existence existence and givee ourselve giv ourselvess the abilit ability y to present present our case to some of the vampires more likely to ally with us against a common enemy. In add addit itio ion, n, by locat locatin ing g our elders elders in variou variouss par parts ts of th thee world, world, we can decrease decrease the likeli likelihood hood that any single single attack attack by our our enemi enemies es can can depr depriv ivee us of oour ur mo most st pote potent nt clan clan members.
Despite Despite attacks attacks by the Tzimisce, Tzimisce, we still still consider consider the land landss arou around nd the the Carp Carpat athi hian anss ou ourr pr prim imar ary y ho home me.. The The fortr fortress ess Ceoris Ceoris,, gre great atest est of our our chan chantr tries ies and home to the the founder foun der of our clan, clan, lies lies deep within within the mountain mountain fastness fastness.. As rivals rivals of the Tzimisce Tzimisce threaten threaten the voivodes' hold hold on the region, region, among them the Eastern Eastern lord lordss of Clan Ventrue Ventrue and agents agents of the Toreador Toreador and Brujah clans, clans, we find it poss possibl iblee to reassert reassert ourselves ourselves though tho ugh in secrecy secrecy in some of the emerging emerging cities. cities. In Prague Prague and Krakow, Krakow, where where uni univers versiti ities es rise rise as centers centers of learnin learning g for mortal mortals, s, we have have establi established shed incon inconsp spicu icuou ouss chant chantri ries es and offer offer ddis iscre crete te alli allianc ances es with with non-- Tzimisc non Tzimiscee vampires. vampires. In the the cities of the Siebenburg Siebenburg and in Roman Romania ia,, we exte extend nd our prese presence nce as well. well. For us, us, th thee long lon g nights nights of occupat occupation ion are un underwa derway y
In Poland Poland and Lithuan Lithuania, ia, a few Tremere Tremere out outpost postss now rise, rise, feed feedin ing g on the vital vitalit ity y of the the pag pagan an popul populati ation onss of these these regions. regions. Although Although the Tzimisce Tzimisce still still hold sway over these these realms, realms, oth other er clans clans beside our own own have have succeede succeeded d in conte con test stin ing g the the Fiend Fiends' s' claim claim to the the land. land.
Mithra Mithrass and the Ventr Ventrue ue con contro troll much much of Eng Engla land, nd, although tho ugh the Toreador contest contest them vig vigorou orously sly in a few few areas areas outside outside London. In the city itself, itself, we have acquired a few allies who may yet ease the way for our entrance into Cainite Cainite society
Although Although the ancient ancient prince prince of Londo London n has no love love for for our clan, clan, we have have managed - as you well know - to make a few inro inroads ads.. Here Here in Durham, Durham, far from from the inte interf rfer erenc encee of Mithras and those who hold G lastonbury, lastonbury, we hope to stay far enough away from the affairsof London to pursue our interest interestss in peace peace and gather the strength strength that that we heed to expand expand our influen influence. ce. Eventual Eventually, ly, we hope hope to spread spread into into Scotlan Scotland d and Ireland, Ireland, taking advantage advantage of the residualpagan residualpagan magic that still permeates those outlying lands.
The merchant merchant cities cities of nort northern hern Italy Italy exist exist in constant constant rivalr rivalry y with each other, in both the mortal mortal and the Cainite Cainite real realms. ms. We hav havee taken taken adv advant antage age of that that fact fact to establ establish ish chantries chantries in a few of these cities, hoping to remain unnoticed unnoticed until until such time as we can afford to to act openly. Though most Cainites Cainites avoid the Papal States, some of our more adventurous memb member erss have have atte attemp mpte tedd to make make cont contac acts ts amon amongg the the Nosferat Nosferatu, u, who are rumored rumored to have access access to to many of the the undergro unde rground und librar libraries ies of the Eternal Eternal City. City. The acquisi acquisitio tionn of knowle kno wledge dge necess necessar aryy to our gre great at work makes makes the the risk risk of positioning positioning ourselves in Rome, though great, worth worth taking.
FRANCE The Toreador hold nearly nearly uncontest uncontested ed swayover most of the lands lands ofFrance outside of the region region of Brittany, Brittany, where the Norman Ventrue maintain supremacy. Nevertheless, Nevertheless, we have found that the new universities universities springing up in Paris and some of the other growing cities provide us with ideal locations for building building chantries. Tremere has sent Goratrix Goratrix to oversee oversee the the expansio expansion n of our clan's clan's intere interests sts in Caesar' Caesar'ss Gallia. His resourcefulness- along with his Gargoyleservitors - should prove useful in protecting protecting our new French French chantries. chantries.
your own elder brother brother in blood
has has the the dist distin inct ctio ionn of act actin ingg as bot bothh ou ourr emis emissa sary ry to Constanti Constantinopl noplee and our ag agent ent to the lands held held by the forces forces of Islam. Islam. My latest latest communion communion with him info informs rms me that that he has made progress in in his discussions discussions with the Cainite Trinity Trinity who rule that that magni magnifi fice cent nt cente centerr of civ civil iliz izat ation ion.. He has has receive eivedd permi ermisssion sion to est establ ablish a chan hantry wit within Constanti Constantinopl nople. e. He has also embarked embarked upon a sear search ch for one one of our more rebellious rebellious childer who conceals herself somewhere somewhere within the city. His report that one of the Salubri lies secreted secreted in Constantinople Constantinople gives us cause for concern, since we cannot afford to allow any ofSaulot's ofSaulot's line to remain remain active to conspire against us.
In the lands controll controlled ed by the the Turks and the Arabs, we must walk carefully carefully and inconspicuously. inconspicuously. Although our allies allies among the Cappadocians Cappadocians may allow allow us passage through lands they control control,, the venerati veneration on in which which many local local Cainite Cainitess hold Saulot's Saulot's children children makes makes an open presence presence diff difficul icultt to sustain.
In the land land of German Germany, y, we stand stand to gain gain one of our our stronges strongestt spheres spheres of influenc influence, e, due to the intercl interclan an rivalry rivalry among among Ventr Ventrue, ue, Lasomb Lasombra ra and Toreado Toreador. r. In exchang exchangee for certain certain tokens of assistance, assistance, we have had promise of support clandestine - negofrom the Ventrue. Ventrue. The ongoi ongoing ng - and clandestine tiations tiations between A shram, one of our clan's most subtle agents, agents, and the VentrueJurge VentrueJurgenn von Verden have helped helped us to insinuinsinuate ourselves ourselves in the duchies of Saxony, Silesia and Pomerania. We have accept accepted ed the the inv invit itat ation ion of Austr Austria ia's 's Ventr Ventrue ue to establ establis ishh a chant chantry ry in Vienna Vienna.. Alrea Already, dy, it shows shows signs signs of becoming one of our our most productive productive centers of research. research.
prefe, to dwell prefe, dwell in solitar solitaryy havens, we find our strength strength in numbers. numbers. As mages, we lived, lived, for the most part, part, apart from the world, secure in our our chantries. chantries. There There we cond conducte uctedd our magical magical experime experiments nts and passed on our knowledge knowledge to our acolytes acolytes.. The communal communal nature nature of our existence existence helped us form a bond of loyalty loyalty to to one another and made our house strong. We continue continue with the practic practicee of residing residing in chantri chantries, es, both for our protection protection and for the the benefits we gain gain from the the society society of others others like like ourselves. ourselves. In those chantri chantries es that that still still
IBERIA Insofa Insofarr as we can can surmis surmise, e, the the Christ Christia ian n kin kingdo gdoms ms of Castile and Leon, now combined into one state, fall under the domin dom inion ion of the the Lasomb Lasombra ra and Bruja Brujah h clans clans.. Althou Although gh we have chantries in Toledo and Santiago, we take great pains to conceal conceal our presence presence lest we run afou afoull of the the strength strength of the Church Church in these these lands In the southern southern lands lands of the the Almohad Almohad Empire, Empire, we have only just begun to insert ourselves. The Assamite presence in this land of the Moors makes us exercise the greatest caution in our endea endeavors vors there. there. Neverthe Nevertheless less,, we cannot cannot igno ignore re the prospect of studying the w orks of the Islamic scholars, scholars, many of them welt-versed in occult learnin .
In the south south of France, France, both Tour Tourss and Marseille Marseilless hold promise for the growth of our clan. Marseilles, in particular, offers many advantages for us. Lacking a prince and governed by Cainite Cainite trading trading intere interests, sts, the port city city provides provides us with ampl amplee spac spacee in which which to mane maneuv uver er,, prov provid ided ed we do no nott confl con flic ictt with with the the mercan mercanti tile le aims aims of the Ventrue Ventrue and and the the Lasombra.
contain contai n human human magi, magi, we strive strive to keep keep the truth truth of our natu natures res hidden hidden until until such such time time as we can complet completee the transfor transformat mation ion'' of all members members of House House Tremer Tremere. e. We, theref therefore ore,, mov movee quietl quietlyy among among our ignor ignorant ant mortal mortal collea colleague guess les,t les,t they they discover discover our secr secret et befo before re we have have had had time time to admi admini nist ster er ,
all of them. them.
the the Embra Embrace ce to
Our newer chantries
such as our own here here in Durham Durham
need need mainta maintain in no such pret pretens ense. e. You hav havee kno known wn of my vampiric vampiric state state since since your first first draught draught of my vitae. vitae. The mortal mortal servan servants ts and retaine retainers rs who keep keep watch watch ove overr us duri during ng the dayli day light ght hou hours rs belie believe ve what we condi conditi tion on them them to believe believe.. Our transformat transformation ion has given given us an astonish astonishing ing control control over the limited limited minds of our human human servitors servitors.. Within Within the safety safety of our chantr chantrie ies, s, we pursu pursuee as many many interest interestss as there there are childe childerr of Tremere. Tremere. Each of us has her , own research research into into the nature of our change changed d magic. magic. You have seen the the thaumaturgi thaumaturgicc experime experiments nts that I have conducte conducted d in my own laborat laboratory ory and have have helped dispose dispose of of my failures failures (and (and in some cases, of my successes successes as well). Each chantry strives to make some contr contribut ibution ion to our clan's clan's growing storeho storehouse use of occult knowledge. Most chantries chantries house a library library of scrolls scrolls and and tomes collect lected ed du duri ring ng ou ourr days days as magi of House House Trem Tremer ere. e. More More recently, we have acquired other valuable books and writings from our dealings with other clans or through the efforts of the intrep intrepid id Celest Celestyn, yn, whose whose exp exploi loits ts hav havee achie achieved ved an almos almostt legendary legendary status among our elders. elders. In particular particular,, his written written accounts accounts of his conta contacts cts with the Tzimisce Tzimisce have provided provided us with much material material on our enemy enemy and proven proven advantag advantageous eous in helpin helping g us to to combat them.
While a few few of our chantrie chantriess resemble resemble fortresses fortresses or monasteries asteries,, thus affo affordin rding g us with with a formidabl formidablee array array of physical physical defenses, some chantries the smallerones use magical ward wardss to rend render er them them un unno noti tice ceab able le and and to pr prov ovid idee pr proo oof f against discovery and intrusion. In some cities, cities, we disguise disguise our chantri chantries es as herbalist herbalists' s' shops, while while in other other places places we must conte con tent nt our oursel selves ves with inh inhabi abiti ting ng the cataco catacomb mb chambe chambers rs beneath beneath a gh ghoule ouled d chirurgeo chirurgeon's n's or alchemis alchemist's t's establi establishment shment.. Even our largest largest chantries seldom hold more than two or three of our clan, clan, but such numbers numbers are enough to give us a venue venue for expansion. Although Although I cannot cannot divulge divulge to you the the location locationss of all our chantrie chantries, s, I may may mention mention a few of the the most prominent prominent and intriguing ones.
CEORIS Once Once the the hear heartt of our our Herm Hermet etic ic Orde Orderr of magi magi,, Ceor Ceoris is now now occu occupi pies es a cent centra rall posi positi tion on fo forr our our clian clian.. Dee Deep p with within in the the Carp Carpat athi hian ans, s, its its sto stone ne wall wallss steep steeped ed in the the magic magic of the the land land itself itself,, the fortress fortress has surviv survived ed wave wave after after wave wave of assaul assaultt fro from m the the Tzimi Tzimisc scee and and thei theirr minio minions ns,, as well well as fr from om othe otherr supe superrnatu natura rall enemi enemies es that that haunt haunt thos thosee desola desolate te mou mount ntai ains ns.. I cann cannot ot yet yet speak speak to you you of the the defe defens nses es that that pr prot otec ectt Ceor Ceoris is,, exce except pt to state state that both both magical magical and phys physica icall pro protec tectio tions ns exist exist and that that they they have have serv served ed to ddet eter er thos thosee who woul would d come come ther theree unin unin--
vite vited. d. Were Were I to attemp attemptt to breach breach the the wards wards that that surro surround und Ceoris Ceoris without without the expr express ess permissi permission on of itS itS resident residents, s, I fear fear that that even I would meet with an unhap unhappy py fate. fate. From From his his sanc sanctu tum m in the the bo bowe wels ls of Ceoris Ceoris,, Gorat Goratri rixx discover discovered ed the means means of our transfor transformati mation. on. There, There, too, he created the Gargoyles, who served to turn the tide in our war again against st the the T zimis zimisce. ce. You You have have und undoub oubte tedl dly y not notic iced ed the the crea creatur turee who perches perches hig high h atop atop this this tower tower - a gift gift from from Goratrix Goratrix to make make certai certain n that I was not without without guar guardian dianss here in Durham. Durham. I will speak speak more of it - and those like it atater. Our foun founder der now sleeps in Ceoris, Ceoris, or so I belie believe. ve. Etrius, Etrius, one of the orig origina inall seven seven who underwent underwent the ritual of change change along along with Tremere, Tremere, serves serves as the unceasin unceasing g guar guardian dian of our clan's clan's Antedil Antediluvia uvian. n. Even in his torpid torpid state, Tremere Tremere still still exerc exercise isess a compel compelli ling ng pre presen sence ce throug throughou houtt the clan; clan; his his efforts efforts serve serve as a model model for our our own personal personal achieveme achievements nts as well as as for for our attainmen attainments ts as a lineage lineage.. DURHAM
This This chant chantry, ry, as you you kno know, w, lies lies just just outsid outsidee the the city city of Durham, within sight of the cathedral that houses some of the holiest holiest relics relics this isle isle offers. offers. The tower we occupy occupy has been heree since her since Roman times times.. I have have fou found nd it suffi suffici cient ent for oour ur current needs, in particular particular because of its underground chambers and and the passageway passageway our our servants servants have just completed completed.. Upon my arrival arrival here, I saw to the setting setting of the magical magical wards of Durham Tower as well as the strengthening strengthening of the fortifications already in place. Here we are are far enough enough away from Prince Prince Mithras' Mithras' cour courtt in Lond London on that that we do do not thre threat aten en him him un undu duly ly with with ou ourr presen pre sence. ce. I have have heard heard that that he does not not take take kindly kindly to our presence presence.. That is something something I hope to change, once we have have establi established shed our right to this small plot of ground. ground. And if this this place place fails, fails, there there will always always be another another - this this green green and pleasant land contains an abundance of suitable homes for us. Legends Legends claim claim that the bones of the sainted sainted Cuthbert Cuthbert are here, here, as are the long long-los -lostt Lindisf Lindisfarne arne Gospels. Gospels. There are the usual tales of pagan magics and standing stones as well, though you'll find those anywhere in England that two rocks are piled on one another. Certainly, Certainly, magical energies still course through through the ground ground her here, e, fed fed by the belie belieff of tthe he pop popul ulace ace and the encour encourage agemen mentt of tthe he mon monks. ks. The ove overwh rwhel elmin ming g aur auraa of magic that permeates this ancient land, sacred sacred to both pagans and Christia Christians, ns, reminds reminds me of the magical magical resonanc resonancee present present throughout large parts of Transylvania. Transylvania. Ceori Ceoriss rose rose to pro promin minenc encee due to its its proxi proximit mity y to the magic magic-r -ric ich h soil soil of Easte Eastern rn Eur Europe ope;; I have have hop hopes es that that our Durham Durham chantry chantry will, will, in time, absorb absorb some of the the perv pervasiv asivee emanat emanatio ions ns of m magi agicc that surrou surround nd it. it. Althou Although gh we can can no longer long er imbue imbue ourselve ourselvess with the vis of the the land, land, its mystica mysticall energies - I believe believe - assist assist in in our thau thaumat maturg urgica icall end endeav eavors ors and experimen experiments ts and seep into into the blood of the the mortals mortals upon whom we feed. feed.
PARIS Once head of the the chantry chantry at Ceori Ceoris, s, Goratrix Goratrix now leads leads our spearhead in France. France. His chantry in Paris, so I hear, lies not far from the university university district district there. Goratrix and his followfollowers have constructed constructed an underground underground labyrinth labyrinth that serves to dissuade unwanted unwanted visitors. visitors. H is Gargoyles Gargoyles act as guards guards and defender defenders, s, in addition addition to serving serving as his his spies throug throughout hout the city. The Paris Paris chant chantry ry shoul should d pro prove ve one of our stron stronge gest st centers centers of schola scholarly rly research research,, as I am am certain certain that Goratrix Goratrix himself himself spends most of his evenings evenings in his laboratori laboratories. es. His continui continuing ng efforts efforts in in studying studying the vampiric vampiric form have have increased our knowledge of what we have become. VIENNA The Vienna Vienna chantry chantry has only only recentl recently y come into into existexistence. Invited to the city by the Ventrue in order order to help help them strengt strengthen hen their their hold on the region, region, we have establishe established d a small but thriving thriving community ofT remere near the heart of the city. city. Although Although I have have few detail detailss as to to the defenses defenses of the the Vienna Vienna chantry chantry overseen by Etrius Etrius himself, himself, I am told much effo effort rt has has gone into into conceal concealing ing its locat location ion from the other other Cainite Cainitess of the city. city. Reports Reports have come to me that that the chantry's chantry's library library rivals rivals the one in Ceoris. Ceoris.
LITHUANIA Perhaps Perhaps the strangest strangest of our chantri chantries es lies lies nnear ear the outskirts skirts of Riga. Riga. Since Since its forma formatio tion n shortly shortly before Tremere formali form alized zed our clan thro through ugh his assimila assimilatio tion n of Saulot Saulot's 's essenc sence, e, the Riga Riga chan chantr try y has has pref prefer erre red d to re rema maiin onl only perip per ipher heral ally ly con connec necte ted d to the rest rest of our our clan. clan. We hav havee received received minimal communication from the Tremere of Riga, who hint that that they they have discover discovered ed a way way to extrac extractt latent latent power from from the land itself itself.. This This goes against against everythi everything ng we currentl curr ently y know about our state. state. Effo Efforts rts to compel compel them them to elabo elabora rate te on thei theirr findi findings ngs hav havee pro proved ved unsucc unsuccess essfu ful. l. My personal belief belief is that the Lithuanian Lithuanian Tremere walk a dangerous path, path, which which may lead lead them outside outside the auspice auspicess of oour ur clan.
THE THE TI TIES ES OF BLOO BLOOD D I must now speak to you of the strength of our blood and how we use it it to bind us to one one another and to the leaders leaders of the clan. clan. Along Along with with the draught draught of my my own vita vitae, e, which which brought you into your new existence, you also took into your bodyy a mixture bod mixture of the the blo blood od of the the member memberss of the the Inner Inner Council. Tomorrow evening, upon rising, you will repeat this process, thus thus bringing you to the edge of confirming confirming a Blood Oath to the clan's clan's elders elders - myself included. I hope this does not dismay you. We require it of all newly Embraced Tremere for several reasons. reasons. Our existence at this this moment - and for the foreseeablefuture - relies on our ability ability to exert exert a unifie unifiedd presence presence in the face of those those who oppose opp ose us. That That we must enforce enforce such such a pre predis dispos posit itio ion n of
loyalty upon you reflects reflects the depth of the precautions we must take to preserve the secret of our existence. Our best childer understand this need; our worst feel feel "insulted" "insulted" by the the lack of trust. trust. I have no doubt doubtss that we will will number number you among among the former, however. The current war for survival against mortal and immortal foes demands that we cleave to one another. The world views us as as the the mon monst sters ers that that we are; are; other other Cainit Cainites es view view us as intruders. We have no allies save each other, and we must do everything everything in our power to excise any hint hint of betrayal betrayal from ouf ranks ranks.. You bear bear within within you the mysti mystica call remin reminder der of your your kinship with those who first crossed over into the forbidden garden ofthe undying. Consider your draughts an oath offealty rather than a link link in a chain chain of servitude. servitude. We all have m asters. Yours are the elders of Clan Tremere.
SIRE SIRE AND AND CHIL CHILDE DE Blood binds you not only to your clan, but to your sire as well. In most clans, so far as we have discovered, discovered, the bond that exists exists betwee betweenn a new new Cainite Cainite and her creator creator resemble resembless the relationship relationship between parent and child. This This holds true for our clan, clan, as well. well. More than that that primal primal bond, however, are the the other other ties ties formed by the passing passing of my bl blood ood into into your body. body. Just as a fledgling fledgling wizard serves serves a term of apprenticeshi apprenticeshipp under his master, master, so, too, too, does your your education education into into the ways of our our clan fall to me to oversee. oversee. You have become my apprentic apprenticee in thaumaturgical thaumaturgical magics, and my legacy for the continuation continuation of our clan. Do you feel this this connectio connection? n? Once you learn learn the means, you may commune commune with me at any time time and at any distance, distance, merely through the enactment of a simple ritual. ritual. Our common blood enables this magic.
THE ORGANIZ ORGANIZATI ATION ON OF CLAN TREMERE We observe a rigid hierarchy hierarchy within our clan for a number of reasons. We draw from from our experience experience as a house of magi the importance importance of maintaining maintaining a stable order order of prominence. The lines of instruction instruction pass from elder to younger, from the more experienced experienced to the less knowledgeable. knowledgeable. This pyramidal structure gives us a strength strength and harmony of form. At the apex of our clan clan stands Tremere himself. Just below below him in authority authority are the members of the Inner Council, those of us who who first first experie experienced nced the vampiric vampiric transfor transformati mation. on. All clan clan policie policiess come from this level level of authorit authority; y; Tremere Tremere has weighti weightier er matters matters to attend attend to. Below Below that that are the the chantry chantry heads, who instruct those within their chantries and passdown the decisions of the Inner Council. For the most part, those those of us whose blood is stronge strongerr exercise exercise power over those who are weaker. weaker. Most Cainites agree that that this this is the establis established hed orde orderr of our kind. kind. Within Within our clan clan,, howeve however, r, stron strongg blood blood alone alone doe doess not const constit itut utee the sole sole criter criterion ion for authorit authority. y. The most potent potent in blood blood are also, also, in
, most cases, cases, the most knowled knowledgeab geable. le. The possessi possession on of of know I edge and its attendant power sustains sustains our right right to guide those with lesser expertise. Since Since we fight fight a war for surviva survival, l, we must con consid sider er ourselves as an army of sorts. sorts. This lends additional justifica, tion tion to our need need for for leaders leaders and follow followers ers.. Thus, we have have derive der ived d our our pr prese esent nt struct structur uree as the best best means means possib possible le whereby we may defend ourselves from outside attack.
CONCER CONC ERNI NING NG OU OUR R NATURE There There remains remains much to impart to you with with regard to to our natur naturee as Cainit Cainites. es. You must must for forgiv givee me fo forr a momenta momentary ry expression of my personal bitterness in this matter. Unlike the clans who trace their beginnings to the early reaches of time, unprepar epared ed in we came to this state of being as neophytes - unpr many ways for the restrictions of our unlife unlife and untutored in the powers we possessed. Our road to self-knowledge self-knowledge has taken more than than a centu century ry of study study and experimen experimentati tation, on, often often at great great cost. cost. Other Cainites Cainites have been loath loath to assist assist us. For decades, we labored under many misconceptions. We have had to struggle struggle for every every scrap of informati information on we now possess about our heritage, heritage, our strengths, strengths, our weaknesses and lour limitatio limitations. ns. Remember Remember that, that, and you you will never feel feel the temptatio temptation n to open open your yourself self to to anyone anyone outside outside our clan. clan. We stand alone on the fringes of the darkness, illuminated only bbyy the light created by our own efforts. efforts. IIff we bloody our hands by our quest quest for enlig enlighten htenment, ment, it is because because our enemies enemies have forced forced us into a battle battle we did did not begin. begin.
We have yet to comprehend comprehend fully how our transformation transformation affects our inability inability to tolerate certain items or our reactions to certain natural phenomena. phenomena. The vampiric condition expresses itself in a variety of ways among individuals within our clan. Some of us recoil from the symbols of faith, while others find that crosses and saintly saintly images have little effect on them them unless wielded wielded by those those of righ righteou teouss ferv fervor. or. In the Carpathia Carpathians, ns, the peasants use garlic to ward ward their homes from Cainite intrusion; intrusion; in some cases, but not in all, this precaution precaution proves successful. successful. Some Some Trem Tremer eree have have disc discov over ered ed they they are are un unab able le to cros crosss running water. Others, like myself, have no difficulty difficulty negotiating even the swiftest streams. The nature nature of our resting resting places also remains remains a topic topic of study. In the beginning, beginning, we imitated the habits of the captive Cainites Cainites we studied, studied, sleeping sleeping in crypts crypts or digging digging graves graves for ourselves in the grounds beneath our chantries. chantries. Now we know know that such practices are not necessary, and that we only need conceal ourselves completely from the rays of the sun in order to survive survive the harsh harsh hour hourss of daylight daylight.. Neverthel Nevertheless, ess, some of us still persist in these morbid habits, whether out of fear or out of a necessity necessity to remind themselves themselves of their their closeness closeness to the world of the dead.
Besides making him equal to the other clans' Antedilu, vian vian fo found unders ers,, Tremer Tremere' e'ss incor incorpo porat ratio ionn of the the essenc essencee of Saulot Saulot also pro provide vided d him with that ancient ancient one's one's knowledge knowledge of the ways of Cainites. Cainites. Thus, Thus, we have corrected corrected many of our early notions about ourselves. There exist two explanations of the origins of Cainites - one which identifi identifies es us with the cursed cursed descendan descendants ts of the murd murderer erer of Abel and one which proclaims proc laims us as the bastard bastard children children of Lilit Lilith, h, Adam's Adam's exiled exiled first consort and the mother of all witches. From time to time, T remere remere has hinted hinted of yet a third third orig origin in of the race of vampires vampires coming coming fr from om somewh somewher eree in the East, East, but refus refuses es fur furthe therr elaboration. From our our own experimen experiments, ts, we have have learned learned to beware beware both sun and flame, but immersion immersion in water has no adverse adverse effect upon us. We need not slay those upon whom we feed, though w e must take precautions precautions to ensure that our vessels do not remember what has transpired or that, ifthey do, that they keep silent on the matter. We have still not solved the mystery of why a wooden stake through through the heart only immobilizes, but does not not destroy, destroy, us. Experi Experiments ments with both living living and nonliving wooden weapons have proven inconclusive. inconclusive.
While other Cainites content themselves with survival survival or sate their their ambitions with dreams of political power, weTremere find the need to formulate a precise understanding understanding of the cause of our supernatural supernatural state. Our wizardly tradition compels us to pursue pur sue the secret secretss of our our und undead ead natur naturee reg regard ardles lesss of the conseq con sequen uences ces.. As a resul result, t, most most of us us have have ado adopte pted d one of several theories theories concerning our nature. Some members of our clan believe that the vagaries of our existence stem from alchemical impurities engendered during the Embrace, when the sire's blood fuses with the dying body of the childe. Imbu Imbuing ing the initial initial vitae vitae fed to to a childe childe with tinctures and infusions and then studying the resulting eccentricities has led to ambiguous and inconclusive inconclusive observations. observations. The transmuta transmutation tional al pro process cess from from human human to Cainit Cainitee seems to defy many of the known laws of material transformation. transformation. Another group, led by Celestyn - when he isnot engaged in his explorator exploratory y endeavor endeavorss has attem attempte pted d to link link the variations that exist among us with astrological significance, plotting plotting the conjunctio conjunctions ns and oppositi oppositions ons of the stars at the hour of a new Tremer Tremere's e's Embrace. Embrace. The conv convictio iction n that our exclusive attachment attachment to the night proves our connection with the starry firmament firmament seems to offer some promise of providing answers to why we differ from one another in small ways. By the pr preci ecise se calcul calculati ation onss of the con conste stella llatio tions' ns' mov movemen ements ts througho thro ughout ut the heavens, the proponents proponents of stellar stellar attractio attraction n hope to ascertain why some of us awaken as soon as the sun has has set while others remain in slumber until the first stars appear or until until the rising rising of the the moon.
A third third school school of thou thought ght seeks seeks to measure measure the pre preci cise se
some similarity similarity in my own mind to the miracle of transubstan-
A third third school school of thou thought ght seeks seeks to measure measure the pre preci cise se bala balanc ncee of bodi bodily ly hu humo mour urss at the time time of th thee Embra Embrace ce,, searchin searching g for corr correspon espondence dencess between between an ov overab erabundan undance ce of one of the the four elemental elemental fluids fluids and its expressio expression n within within the Cainite Cainite temperamen temperament. t. Thus, an imbala imbalance nce of choleric choleric humour resul results ts in a predis predispos posit itio ion n towar toward d the con condit dition ion kno known wn as frenzy, fren zy, while while an over overly ly sanguine sanguine individua individuall suffers suffers from an excessiv excessivee need for blood blood.. Those individu individuals als with an excess excess of phlegma phl egmati ticc humo humours urs often often req requir uiree lon longer ger per period iodss of rest rest,, while while their melanchol melancholic ic counterpa counterparts rts succumb succumb more easily to torpor. One gro group up examines examines our separ separati ation on from from the natura naturall orderr of life. orde life. By passing passing through through the state of death death without without the departur departuree of our souls souls to to the place place of judgment, judgment, these these "natu"naturalists ralists"" believe that our removal removal from the proc processes esses of life, life, death death and the afterli afterlife fe is responsib responsible le for our aversion aversion to the sun sun as well well as our our extr extrem emee trep trepid idat atio ion n in the pres presen ence ce of flame. flame. Proponents Proponents of this this theory theory have yet to explain explain why the the air, water water and earth do not not affect affect us so other elements - air, adversely as fire.
My own particul particular ar intere interests sts lie toward the mystical mystical experienc experi encee of our trans transmut mutat ation ion.. It is no coinci coinciden dence ce that that Trem Tremer eree chos chosee to send send me to the Isle Isle of of Brit Britai ain n and and that that I elec elected ted to attemp attemptt to establ establish ish a chan chantr try y near near the reputed reputed resting resting place of the Holy Grail. Grail. The ingesti ingestion on of the blood of our Cainite Cainite ancestor ancestorss and our resulti resulting ng transfor transformati mation on bear
some similarity similarity in my own mind to the miracle of transubstantiat tiatio ion n curr curren entl tly y un unde derr disp disput utee by Chur Church ch theo theolo logi gian ans. s. Whether Whether this this means means that that we have have trans transgre gresse ssed d or fulf fulfil ille ledd divine divine law, that is is the the substance substance of my research research.. I must also also mention mention those those among us who firmly firmly believe believe that we have embraced embraced the Devil's Devil's worksby becoming becoming Cainites. Cainites. These diaboli diabolists sts activel actively y engage engage in all manner manner of barbarism barbarism and exercis exercisee their their basest basest instinc instincts ts toward toward humanity. humanity. They They contend contend that, that, since since we have have transfor transformed med ourselves ourselves into into minionss of Hell, ion Hell, our true true voc vocat atio ion n lies lies in the pro proli lifer ferat ation ion of damnable damnable actions. actions. I fear for what might result result if these these debased debased members members of our clan clan gain ascendancy ascendancy within within our ranks. ranks.
EXPERIMENTS Thro Throug ugh h alch alchem emic ical al and and magi magica call expe experi rime ment ntat atio ion, n, we have have incr increa ease sed d both both our our kno knowl wled edge ge of our our pla place ce in the the worl worldd and our abilit ability y to defe defend nd our oursel selves ves.. Do nnot ot be afra afraid id to use use your your keen keen mind mind in the pursu pursuit it of occult occult und unders erstan tandin ding. g. Had Goratrix Goratrix not not dare dared d to comb combin inee the the esse essenc nces es of Gang Gangre rel, l, Nosf Nosfer erat atu u and and T zimisc zimiscee Cainites Cainites into into a mystica mysticall amalgam, amalgam, we would would not now cont contro roll the the Garg Gargoy oyle less who so ably ably inte interp rpos osee thems themsel elve vess bebetwee tween n us and and our our fo foes es.. In add addit itio ion n to the the work work of Gora Goratr trix ix,, othe otherr Trem Tremer eree are are engage eng aged d in studyi studying ng the effects effects of our vi vitae tae upo upon n mortals mortals;; so far, far, we hav havee learne learned d its effica efficacio ciousn usness ess in pro promoti moting ng rapid rapid healing healing of near-f near-fata atall wounds wounds and its retard retardati ation on
of the aging aging process process in
our ghou ghoull servants servants.. You your yourself selfbene benefit fited ed for many years years from the life-prolonging life-prolonging essence of my blood before I bestowed bestowed the Embrace upon you. My most most recent recent exp experi erimen ments ts hav havee to do with with,, no nott the the nature nature of our vita vitae, e, but rather rather the bestial bestial transfor transformati mation on that overwhelms us when we succumb to frenzy. Tests that I have performed perf ormed upon the few Gangrel Gangrel I have have been able able to capture capture have enabled m e to to understand, understand, in part, the odd metamorphosis that results from their losses of control. control. It is my hope that by provoking my current subject into repeated bouts of fury, I can determine determine the stage at which a Cainite ceases to resemble resemble anythin any thing g remotely remotely human and gives gives hherse erself lf over entirely entirely to her bestial bestial inner inner nature. nature. So far, I have been unab unable le to reverse reverse the process, but all knowledge - even the awareness of one's failures has its uses. One area of exper experiment imentati ation on fills fills me with trepidat trepidation ion;; only my trust in you allows me to mention mention its existence. existence. There are some some T remere who seek to discover discover what effect our our Cainite Cainite nature nature has upon upon summoned summoned spirits spirits.. As human magi, magi, we had strong strong prohibiti prohibitions ons as to to the nature nature of spirit spiritss we could could command mand and and the the cond condit itiions ons unde underr whic which h they they migh mightt be summoned. We do not know if our altered state of being has affected our ability to make compacts with creatures from the spirit spirit realm. realm. Unfortun Unfortunatel ately, y, I susp suspect ect that some members members of our clan clan hav havee decid decided ed to test test our influen influence ce ov over er infer inferna nall spirit spirits. s. I believ believee that that the idea idea of summo summoni ning ng and bindi binding ng demo demons ns does does not not appe appeal al to you. you. See See that that it cont contin inue uess to exercise exercise no pull upo upon n you yourr inq inquis uisiti itive ve mind. mind. Your own inclinations inclinations will undoubt undoubtedly edly draw you you toward toward experiments of your own devising. devising. For the time being, I shall shall act as your your instru instructo ctorr in the the pro prope perr pro proced cedure ures, s, in order order to bring bring you to the the poi point nt at which which yo you u may pursue pursue your your own theor theorie iess witho without ut my cons constan tantt super supervi visi sion. on. Above Above all, all, you must learn learn to exercise exercise caution caution bot both h in cho choosi osing ng your ex experi peri-mental subjects and in disposing disposing of the remains of your studies. studies. The monks of the nearby abbey believe us to be a community of cclo lois iste tered red schol scholars ars and, and, thus thus,, do not interf interfere ere with with us. us. I desir desiree that that this this situ situat atio ion n con conti tinu nues, es, so that that ou ourr work may proceed without without interruption. interruption.
FINAL EXHO EXHO RTAT RTATIIO NS The hour grows late; the darkness of the night will soon givee way to false giv false dawn, dawn, at which time we must make our way below below grou ground. nd. Your exil exilee from the sunlit sunlit world world begins with this day's day's dawning. dawning. Do not give in to the temptation, however great, great, to test the truth truth of your susce suscepti ptibil bility ity to the sun. With the passing passing of time, time, if you are fortunat fortunate, e, you may forget forget your longing for the sun's warmth and the garish colors colors of the day. Learn to content content you yoursel rselff instead instead with passing passing your your nights nights in such such a fever fever of stu study dy and learni learning ng that that the the comin coming g of day brings brin gs only thou thought ghtss of repose. repose.
Neve Neverr fo forg rget et that that we dwel dwelll among among thos thosee who who woul would d destr destroy oy us. Until Until we have have compl complet eted ed the the trans transfor format matio ion n of the rest of House House Tremere, Tremere, we canno cannott affo afford rd th thee smallest smallest hint of our our secret secret to fil filte terr to the the othe otherr Hermet Hermetic ic hous houses. es. Yet, Yet, at the the same same time, time, we must must not Embrace Embrace too too many many of our kin kind d with withou outt the mean meanss to ensur ensuree thei theirr surv surviv ival al.. I cann cannot ot cauti caution on you ttoo oo much abo about ut our bele beleagu aguere ered d state state.. Here in England, we do not experience the constant sense of peril that our clanmates in Eastern Europe feel, yet we must maintain our vvigilance igilance.. We prefer to to provoke provoke as few conflicts conflicts as possible. possible. It is enough that the Tzimisce, Nosferatu and Gangrel desire our destruction; we do not need to add other clans to the ranks of our our foes. Our prospects for for achieving achieving acceptance in a land not dominated by our enemies gives us some some latitude; we must, must, therefo therefore, re, make the best best use of our our relativ relativee securit security y to further our advancement without antagonizing other other elements of Cainite society. We cultivate cultivate the appearance appearance of suppli supplicant cantss among those those clan clanss who who fall fall prey prey to flatt flatter ery; y; amon among g thos thosee who who valu valuee learni learning ng,, we assume assume our most most schol scholarl arly y mien; mien; to the dile diletttante tantes, s, we strive strive to emphas emphasiz izee our our aesth aestheti eticc sensi sensibi bili liti ties es.. Those Tho se who seek seek politi political cal power power need need to see us as worthy worthy support supporters ers of their their ambition ambitions. s. To the mortal mortal world, world, we must must appear - when when we appea appearr at all all-- as schol scholars ars,, pedant pedantss and reclu recluse ses. s. If this this diss dissemb embli ling ng stri strikes kes you you as decept deceptiv ivee and furtive, furt ive, keep in mind that that in being being false to to others, others, we remain remain true to ourselves. Usurpers they may call us, but we only take what we deem deem is our rightful rightful por portio tion n of etern eternity ity.. Tomo Tomorr rrow ow even evenin ing, g, afte afterr yo you u have have part partak aken en on once ce more mo re of the the elde elders rs'' vita vitaee and and thus thus ente entere red d fu full lly y into into the the comm commun unio ion n of blo blood od,, I will will begi begin n yo your ur inst instru ruct ctiion in thau thaumat matur urgi gica call magic magic,, alon along g with with the the othe otherr abil abilit itie iess ininnate nate to our our clan. clan. We will also also seek seek to deter determin minee wheth whether er you you poss posses esss any any aver aversi sion onss or repu repuls lsio ions ns to garl garlic ic,, holy holy symb symbol olss or othe otherr obje object ctss so tha thatt you you may know know what what,, if anythin anything, g, you must avoid. avoid. The proc process ess of find finding ing vessels vessels to satisfy satisfy your your hung hunger er for blood blood will grow grow easier easier as you learn to separ separat atee you yours rself elf from the kine kine upo upon n whom whom you feed. feed. In time, time, you yourr gr growi owing ng powers powers will will act as pro proof of to you of the the dist distanc ancee you you ha have ve come come fro from m your mortal mortal life. life. For now; now; rest rest content content in the the knowl knowledg edgee that that you you hhave ave succe success ssful fully ly passe passed d your your first first nigh nightt among among the the und undyi ying ng.. From From now now on, on, in an endl endles esss pr proc oces essi sion on of nigh nights ts,, your your exis existtence ence belo belong ngss no nott to God God or the the Devi Devill or even even to yoursel you rself, f, but to all of us who dared to abandon abandon the carefull carefully y tende tended d gar garden den of hum humani anity ty for the the limit limitle less ss vist vistaa of etereternity nity.. No long longer er must must you dwell dwell in terro terrorr of that that which which you you canno cannott compr comprehe ehend. nd. In becomi becoming ng one one of the the Usurpers Usurpers,, you you havee become hav become the the terro terrorr that that othe others rs canno cannott fatho fathom. m. This This is your your lega legacy cy,, bequ bequea eath thed ed to you, you, thro throug ugh h the the gift gift of my bloo blood, d, by Tremer Tremeree himse himself. lf. May you you pro prove ve worth worthy y of the the trus trustt that that has been been place placed d in you you this this nigh night. t.
Unlik Unlikee the other other Caini Cainite te clans clans of the the Dark Dark Medie Medieval val period, period, the T remere remere cannot call call upon upon millenni millenniaa of history history and experience to guide them through the complexities ofsurvival in a world grown grown suddenly unfamiliar unfamiliar and perilous. perilous. They have had to learn learn throug through h tria triall and error error how to cope cope with with the dangers dang ers created created by ttheir heir transfo transformat rmation. ion. The Usurpers' Usurpers' relarelative tive youth youth as a clan clan has resulte resulted d in a curious curious mixtur mixturee of naivete naivete and and inve invent ntiv iven enes ess. s. Alth Althou ough gh it has has lear learne ned d much much abou aboutt Cainit Cainitee natur naturee since since 102 1022, 2, Clan Clan Tremer Tremere' e'ss kno knowle wledge dge of Cainit Cainitee socie society ty and the the fine fine poi point ntss of va vampi mpiri ricc exist existenc encee remains remains incomple incomplete. te. In some insta instances nces the Tremere Tremere commit commit howling howling errors errors of etiq etiquett uettee and tactics; tactics; in others others gain advanadvantage from from unique unique and creative creative solutio solutions ns in situat situations ions where other other Cainite Cainites' s' response responsess are bound bound by the the shackle shackless of ttradi radi-tion. Above everythi everything ng else hang hangss a sense sense of urgency. urgency. Clan Tremere' Tremere'ss genesis genesis as vampi vampires res has embroiled embroiled it in a bloody conflict conflict with several clans, clans, most notably the T zimisce, whose blood formed the basis of the elixir elixir that allowed the wizards to become become Cainite Cainites. s. Clan Tremere' Tremere'ss penchant penchant for experime experimenta nta-tion tion on captured captured Cainite Cainitess has also arou aroused sed the anger anger of both both the Gangrel and Nosferatu, Nosferatu, the Usurpers' favorite favorite subjects for magical magical and alchemica alchemicall research research.. Furthermo Furthermore, re, the danger of the vampires' vampires' discover discovery y by the other other houses houses of mages mages within within the Order of Hermes Hermes (with (with which House T remere remere still still remains remains affili affiliate ated) d) grows nigh nightly tly.. The Tremere Tremere realiz realizee that they cannot maintai maintain n their their ruse indef indefini initel tely, y, and thus frantica frantically lly seek to complete complete the transfor transformati mation on of all the magi within within their their house. house. Within Within five five years, years, in 1202, the scandal scandal of the house's vampirism will rock wizardly society. society. As a result, result, the T remere will will be decla declared red anath anathema ema and targe targete ted d for for dest destruc ructi tion on by most of their former fellow magi. An aura of resignat resignation ion also permeate permeatess the House of the Usurpe Usurper. r. Havin Having g embar embarked ked on their their fata fatall journ journey ey into into the realm realm of unde undeath, ath, the T remere remere see no recours recoursee but to make make the best of their their decision decision.. Nightly, Nightly, the horr horror or of thei theirr existen existence ce y th
impresse impressess itself itself upon upon the Usurpers, Usurpers, impelli impelling ng them to delve even deeper deeper into their their damnation damnation in oorder rder to under understa stand nd its demands demands in hopes hopes of over overcomi coming ng them. them.
THE CO MPLEAT TREMERE (SELECTION) The need to swell swell their their rank rankss in orde orderr to incre increase ase their their chances chances for survival survival has led led the Tremere Tremere to begin begin an activ activee search search for prom promisi ising ng recruit recruits. s. The Usurpers Usurpers still still give prio priorrity ity to those hose mo mort rtal al mage magess alre alread ady y with within in their heir rank ranks, s, marki marking ng them them as primar primary y candi candidat dates es for the the Embrac Embrace, e, but there there are simply simply not enough enough mortal mortal magi remaini remaining ng within within the house for this this to be anyt anythin hing g mor moree than than a short short-t -ter erm m soluti solution. on. As the the clan clan exp expand andss out outwar ward d fr from om their their stron stronggho hold ld in Ceor Ceoris is,, afte afterr Trem Tremer ere' e'ss diab diable leri riee of Sau Saulo lot, t, the the Usurp Usurper erss have have un unde dert rtak aken en a conc concer erte ted d effo effort rt to ffin ind d and and Embrace Embrace other other likely likely individu individuals. als. Mortals with with a strong interest interest in magic, magic, alchemy, academics academics or astrologyattrac astrologyattractt the Tremere. Tremere. The Usurpers frequently frequently choose promising candidates candidates as "apprentic "apprentices," es," leading these talented mortals mortals to believe believe that they they have embarked embarked on a study of of the the occult arts. After a suitable period period of training, training, which sometimes inclu includes des making making the the app appre rent ntic icee into into a ghoul servant servant of he herr master, the candidate receives the Embrace. The Tremere have also recogniz recognized ed the need to include include skill skilled ed warri warriors ors and dipl diploma omats ts among among thei theirr num number ber,, and havee thus hav thus Embrace Embraced d veter veteran an soldi soldier erss and individ individual ualss with with highl highly y dev devel elope oped d skill skillss fo forr nego negoti tiat atio ion n and etiqu etiquet ette te.. Occasio casional nally ly,, the the Tremer Tremeree select select mortal mortalss con connec necte ted d to the the Chur Church ch in oord rder er to gain gain infl influe uenc ncee with within in that that po powe werf rful ul insti institu tuti tion, on, but the the lasomb lasombra ra and Tor Torea eador dor jeal jealous ously ly weed weed these these Usurpe Usurpers rs out out.. ti
illi illi
THE EMBRACE For the the Trem Tremer ere, e, the the Embra Embrace ce take takess the the fo form rm of an init initia iati tion on rite rite,, surr surrou ound ndin ing g the the pr proc oces esss of tran transf sfor orma ma-tion tion with the trapp trapping ingss of ritua rituall magic magic.. By maint maintain ainin ing g the the chara charade de of an adva advanc nced ed occu occult lt ritu ritual al,, the the Usurpe Usurpers rs
may may thus thus enti entice ce even even the most most unwil unwilli ling ng memb member erss of House House Trem Tremer eree into into the the vampi vampiri ricc fo fold ld.. In Ceor Ceoris is,, where where many many unco unconv nver erte ted d memb member erss of the the hous housee stil stilll resi reside de,, mor mortal magi magi target geted for the the chan hange are summ summon oned ed with withou outt warn warnin ing g into nto the the pr pres esen ence ce of one one of the the In Inne nerr Coun Counci cill. In Info form rmed ed that that they they have have been been chos chosen en to ununderg dergo o a un uniiqu quee ritual of ad advanc vancem emen entt, these hese hu huma man n wiza wizard rdss usua usuall lly y submi submitt will willin ingl gly y to the the biza bizarr rree ritu ritual al of bloo bloodd-dr drai aini ning ng and and force forced d infu infusi sion on of thei theirr sire sires' s' vita vitae. e. The The fled fledgl glin ing g Cain Cainit itee real realiz izes es the the true true impl implic icat atio ions ns of her her tran transf sfor orma mati tion on on only ly when when it is too too late late.. While While a few few tran transf sfor orme med d magi magi reb rebel el agai agains nstt thei theirr chan change ged d circ circum um-stances, m os ost of t he hem quickly adapt to their new part pa rtic icul ular arly ly afte afterr they they have been been plac placed ed existence twotwo-th thir irds ds of the the way way unde underr the the bo bond ndss of a Bloo Blood d Oath Oath to the elde elders rs of the the clan clan.. Rath Rather er than than allo allowi wing ng her her chil childe de to fee feed d dire direct ctlly fr from om her her vein veins, s, a Trem Tremer eree sire sire usua usuallly firs firstt dr drai ains ns her her bloo blood d into into a go gobl blet et and and fo forc rces es her her chil childe de to dr drin ink k fr from om it. it. This This pract practic icee bo both th enha enhanc nces es the the ri ritu tual alis isti ticc aspe aspect ct of the Embrace Embrace and re-en re-enact actss the cerem ceremony ony of the the founde founders' rs' or orig igin inal al trans ransfo form rmat atio ion. n. At leas leastt two two and and some somettimes imes moree draugh mor draughts ts of blood blood are thus thus fed fed to the the new Tremer Tremere. e. The The first go gob blet cont contai ains ns on onlly the sire sire''s vit vitae, ae, thu huss esta establ blis ishi hing ng the the all all-imp -impor orta tant nt bond bond betw betwee een n sire sire and and chi childe. de. The The seco second nd go gobl bleet, ho howe weve ver, r, also cont contai ain ns a dr drop op or two two of the the mixe mixed d bloo blood d of the the clan clan elde elders rs.. The The
fledg fledgli ling ng Tremer Tremeree recei receives ves a second second infusi infusion on of founde founders' rs' vitae vitae (but not her her sire' sire's) s) on the the evenin evening g follo followin wing g the the Embrace, brace, bringing bringing the childe childe to the verg vergee of a Blood Blood Oath Oath to the founders of the clan. A Trem Tremer eree who desi desire ress to Embra Embrace ce a morta mortall usua usuall llyy makes extens extensive ive preparati preparations ons befo before re doing so including secu securi ring ng the the nece necess ssar ary y mixt mixtur uree of bloo blood d from from the the clan clan's 's founde fou nders. rs. Speci Special al cou couri riers ers,, kno known wn as "redc "redcaps aps," ," serve serve the Order Order of Herm Hermes es (incl (includi uding ng House House Tremer Tremere) e) by trave traveli ling ng from chantr chantry y to chantry, chantry, deliveri delivering ng messages messages and and transpor transportting valuab valuable le items items for their their maste masters. rs. Occasio Occasional nally ly,, these these servitor servitors' s' duties duties include include deliveri delivering ng a vial vial of preciou preciouss liquid liquid (found (fo unders ers'' vitae) vitae) to cert certai ain n chantr chantrie ies. s. At oth other er times times,, this this respon responsib sibil ilit ity y goe goess to trust trusted ed gho ghoul ul servan servants ts or to recent recent neonates neonates (and their their unsuspect unsuspecting ing coterie coteries). s).
Each Each newl newly y Embra Embrace ced d Trem Tremer eree fo form rmal ally ly swear swearss an oath oath of loy loyal alty ty to Trem Tremer ere, e, the the elde elders rs,, her her sire sire and her clan. clan. Conducted Conducted either either duri during ng the ritual ritual of transfor transformati mation on itsel itselff or shor shortl tly y there thereaft after, er, this this compli complica cated ted oath oath carri carries es with with it a mystic mystical al compul compulsio sion n that that makes makes it a diffi difficul cultt one to break. Alth Althou ough gh the Trem Tremer eree occa occasi sion onal ally ly reso resort rt to the the "battle "battlefie field ld Embrace" Embrace" in circu circumstan mstances ces which require spontanei taneity, ty, ind indivi ividua duals ls so trans transfor formed med recei receive ve the founder founders' s' vita vitaee and and fo form rmal ally ly swear swear their their oath oathss of lo loya yalt lty y as soo soonn afterwar afterward d as possibl possible. e.
UNIQUE UNIQUE BLOO BLOODLI DLINE' NE' In Lit Lithu huan ania ia,, Clan Clan Trem Tremer eree has has tran transf sfor orme med d itse itself lf into into a uni unique que blo bloodl odline ine.. Since Since it sepa separa rate ted d itse itself lf from from the main main bran branch ch of th thee Trem Tremer eree befo before re the the clan clan fo foun unde derr diabler diablerize ized d Saulot Saulot and solidified solidified his place place as an Antedilu Antedilu-vian, vian, this this cadet cadet blo bloodl odline ine has diver diverged ged fr from om its par parent ent in several several signif significa icant nt ways.
Taking Taking their their name from from the the Lithuanian Lithuanian god T elyavel, elyavel, the pr prote otect ctor or of tthe he dead, dead, the Treme Tremere re of Lit Lithua huania nia for form m an exclusively exclusively pagan branch branch of their clan. Unable Unable to recover from from the origi original nal horr horror or of tthei heirr tran transfo sforma rmati tion on into into Cainit Cainites, es, a smallgroup of new Tremere left Ceoris purportedly to assist in the spread spread of their new clan's influence influence in the world. In reality, reality, they desir desired ed only to search for some some means of rever reversing sing the catastrophic catastrophic change they had undergone. undergone. In the wilds wilds of Lithua Lithuania nia,, these these Tremer Tremeree disco discove vere red d a refugeamong refugeamong the pagan pagan population population,, who sawthem as incarnaincarnations tions of Telyavel Telyavel (or Kaleval) Kaleval) and welcomed the newcomer newcomerss into their midst as priests and shamans. Discarding the name "Tremer "Tremere," e," these Cainites Cainites began began referr referring ing to themselv themselves es as Telyavs, reserving their former clan name only for blessedly rare interactions interactions with chantries chantries outside Lithuania. Lithuania. In add additi ition, on, the Telyav Telyavss sense sensed d a mystica mysticall emanat emanation ion from from tthe he land, land, one which which per permea meate ted d the soil, soil, fore forest stss and and animals. animals. They learned learned fro from m their their pagan pagan followers followers that that this "emanat "emanation" ion" came from the Siela, the part of the spirit that remai remains ns bound bound to the the world world afte afterr death death and also also inhabi inhabits ts animals, plants and even stones. Excited by this discovery, discovery, the Telya Telyavs vs soon soon dev develo eloped ped a Thauma Thaumatur turgic gical al Path Path based based on combining their vitae with soil, the sap of trees or the blood of anima animals, ls, producin producing g a var variet iety y of effec effects. ts. In addit additio ion, n, their their deliberate deliberate closeness closeness to the vis-rich vis-rich soil itself enables them to draw dra w upon upon the metamorph metamorphic ic aspects aspects of their their Tzimisce Tzimisce blood. blood. Unlike Unlike their their colleag colleagues ues elsewhe elsewhere re in Europe, Europe, who pref prefer er to distan distance ce themselve themselvess fro from m mortals mortals and condu conduct ct their their busibusiness ness in secret secret,, Telyav Telyavss ope opera rate te ope openly nly among among the pag pagan an populati popu lation on of Lithuani Lithuania. a. Their Their nocturna nocturnall habits habits and sangui sangui-nary tastes tastes seem utterly appropriate appropriate for their their roles as servants of the protector protector of the dead. dead. While they do insist on keeping keeping their their chantri chantries' es' location locationss secret, secret, they move about in human society with relative relative freedom. Though the T elyavelic elyavelic T remere are no closer to restoring restoring their their original original humanity humanity than they were were when they first first sepaseparated rated themselves themselves from their their par parent ent clan, clan, they have have managed managed to attain attain a compensat compensatory ory sense sense of conn connect ection ion with the living living world. world. By assumin assuming g the duties duties of priests priests and shamans, shamans, they have also carved out for themselves a place in pagan society as a bridg bridgee between between the living living and the dead.
Sobriquet Sobriquet:: Shepherds Shepherds Appear Appearanc ance: e: Unlike Unlike most most Treme Tremere re else elsewhe where re in the the Dark Medieva Medievall world, world, the Telyavelic Telyavelic Tremere Tremere actively actively Embrac bracee wome women, n, seei seeing ng them them as emb embod odim imen ents ts of the the dark dark mother mother-go -godde ddess ss figur figures es of local local pagani paganism. sm. Althou Although gh the majority of this this group is still male, male, nearly a third third isfemale, and many of these these were Embraced Embraced in middle age. Eschewi Eschewing ng the somber somber clothi clothing ng of thei theirr more more schol scholarl arlyy parent parent clan, clan, the Telyavs Telyavs dress to to fit in with the local local population population,, adopting adopting either the dress of the common folk or the robes and symbols of their their newly newly adopted adopted patron patron deity. deity. Haven: Haven: The majority majority of Telyavs Telyavs occupy a chantry chantry near Riga. Rig a. Situat Situated ed in a copse copse of trees trees atop atop a sacre sacredd hill hill,, this this chantry chantry remains remains one of the the clan's clan's best-kept best-kept secrets secrets.. While other other Tremere Tremere know that it exists, exists, only only the Telyavs Telyavs know of its its locati location. on. A few other other chantr chantrie iess of this this bloodli bloodline ne exist exist throughout Lithuania and Poland. Poland. Occasionall Occasionally, y, a lone T elyav dwells dwells among her pagan pagan followers followers,, protected protected by ghouls. ghouls. In additio additionn to th their eir chantries, chantries, Telyavel Telyavelic ic Tremere Tremere often often have secon secondar daryy homes, homes, which which also also serve serve as shri shrines nes for pagan pagan worship. Backgr Backgroun ound: d: Candi Candidat dates es for the the Embrac Embracee must must come from from the the rank rankss of paga pagans ns.. Many Many of them them are are prie priest stss and and priestesses priestesses of the old religion. Lithuania has become a battlebattleground between between the pagan tribes tribes and the the Christian Christian Order of the Sword, Sword, so a few few Telyavs also come come from warrior warrior stock. stock. Character Character Creation Creation:: T elyaveli elyavelicc T remere remere generall generallyy have shamanic or druidic concepts. As in their parent clan, Mental Attribut Attributes es and Knowledges Knowledges assume assume primary primary importance importance in most cases, cases, although although a warrior warrior may emphasize emphasize Physical Physical Attribute tributess and Talents. Talents. Natures Natures and Demeanors Demeanors usually usually reflect reflect the Telyav Telyavs' s' pagan pagan out outloo look. k. Backgr Backgroun ounds ds inclu include de Allie Alliess (thei (theirr mortal mortal pagan pagan follo follower wers) s) and Inf Influe luence nce.. Most Most often often they they foll follow ow eith either er the the Road Road of the the Beas Beastt or the the Road Road of Humanity. Discipl Disciplines ines:: Auspex, Auspex, Presence Presence,, Thaumaturg Thaumaturgyy Weakne Weakness sses es:: Telyav Telyaveli elicc Tremer Tremeree find find it diffi difficul cultt to counteract the effects effects of True Faith or the display of Christian Christian holy symbols. Difficulties Difficulties to resist frenzy are two higher than usual when confronted by an enemy who uses her True Faith as a defense, and Telyavs recoil from the sight of the cross or other other symbols symbols of of the the Christian Christian faith. faith. Organi Organizat zatio ion: n: The Tremere Tremere of Lithua Lithuania nia adhere adhere to a modified pyramid. Each generation drinks twice of the blood of the previous generation, thus bringing bringing them to the the verge of forming a Blood Oath Oath with their sires' generation. Typically, a nu number mber of Telyavs Telyavs gather together together to overse overseee the Embrace Embrace of a new new member, member, thus ensuring ensuring a suffic sufficient ient supply supply of elder elder blood blo od to establi establish sh the hierar hierarchi chical cal bon bondd betwee betweenn genera genera-tions. Dest Destin iny: y: The The Tely Telyav avel elic ic Trem Tremer eree cont contin inue ue to exist exist unti untill the the 16th 16th centu century ry,, when when the the unio unionn of Lith Lithua uani niaa and and Poland Poland results results in the the triumph triumph of the Christian Christian religio religionn over
paga pagani nism sm.. Hunt Hunted ed by the the Church Church,, they they are even eventu tual ally ly wipe wipedd out in a grand grand confl conflagr agrat ation ion that that destr destroys oys their their main main chant chantry ry and most most of its its membe members rs.. Withi Withinn a few few year years, s, the the remai remainin ningg T elyav elyavss are captu capture redd and destr destroye oyedd by the the Inq Inqui uisi siti tion on and the armie armiess of the new Christ Christia iann stat state. e. Quote: The Earth and all that dwells within and uponit expose theirsecrets theirsecrets tome. Through the power of my blood, blood, I becomeall things.
NEW TRAI RAITS MERITS AND AN D FLAWS NATURAL NATURAL VICISSITUDE(5 VICISSITUDE(5 PT. MERIT) You have "inherited" more of your clan's stolen T zimisce blood than most of your clanmate clanmatess and have thus become become something something of a throwback to your "parent" clan. You may, therefore, therefore, choose Vicissitude, situde, rathe ratherr than Dominate, Dominate, as a clan Discipl Discipline. ine. Improving Improving your rating at Vicissitude, Vicissitude, however, may present difficulties. difficulties. Unless you can locate another another T remere remere willing willing and able to teach teach you furt further her mastery of Vicissitude's Vicissitude's higher levels, you must seek further further instruction from the Tzimisce (most likely through through coercion).
FALSE FALSE THIRD THIRD EYE (4 PT. FLAw FLAw)) For reasons reasons unkno unknown wn to you or your sire, sire, your Embrace Embrace left left you with with the impri imprint nt of a thir thirdd eye upo uponn you yourr forehe forehead. ad. This This remin reminder der of Tremer Tremere' e'ss diabl diabler erie ie of Saulo Saulott rende renders rs you both both an embarr embarrass assmen mentt to othe otherr member memberss of you yourr clan clan and a figur figuree of distr distrust ust to all all exce except pt those those who know you you.. The "thi "third rd eye" eye" does not not open open or func functi tion on.. Unle Unless ss you you conc concea eall it unde underr a hood hood or beneat beneathh you yourr hair, hair, the the stigm stigmaa is obv obvio ious us to all all who who see you. you. All All Socia Sociall roll rollss are at + 2 diffi difficul culty ty whenev whenever er you inter interact act with with any Cainites Cainites other other than your coterie coterie or closest closest allies. allies. Attempt Attempting ing to pass as a Salubri Salubri is not advisabl advisable. e.
P A T H (N O N SIELANIC) The war betwee between n the the Treme Tremere re and the the Tzimisc Tzimiscee in Easte Eastern rn Europ Eur opee of ofte ten n invo involv lved ed mor moree than than combat combat betwe between en Caini Cainite tes. s. Both Usurpers Usurpers and Fiends Fiends pit mortal mortal armies armies against against one another another on the battl battlefi efiel eld d and and in sieg siegee warfar warfare. e. The The necess necessit ity y of mainmaintain tainin ing g and and movi moving ng troo troops ps and and supp suppli lies es from from on onee plac placee to anoth ano ther er in a timel timely y fash fashio ion n led led to the the dev devel elop opmen mentt of a fo form rm of Thauma Thaumatu turg rgy y to ass assis istt in rap rapid id trans transpo port rtat atio ion. n. This This path path last lastss unti untill the the 19th 19th centur century, y, when when scient scientif ific ic disc discov over erie iess enabl enablee the the inve invent ntio ion n of steam steam-p -powe owered red trave travell (such (such as the the rail railro road) ad),, thus thus making making this this form of Thaumatu Thaumaturgy rgy obsolet obsolete. e.
WAY WAY OF PASS PASSAG AGE E This This Path Path allo allows ws the thaumat thaumatur urgi gist st to endo endow w swift swifter er than than norma normall mov moveme ement nt and and,, in some some cases cases,, incre increase ased d end endur uranc ancee to obje object ctss or creat creatur ures es othe otherr than than himse himself lf.. Thu Thus, s, hors horses es can run run fast faster er and fart farther her,, and draft draft anima animals ls can pull pull wagon wagonss and siege siege machi machines nes at gre great ater er speed speedss and for lon longer ger per perio iods ds of time. time.
Syste System: m: In add addit itio ion n to the the stand standar ard d exp expen endi ditu ture re of bloo blood d and a Willp Willpowe owerr roll roll,, the the playe playerr roll rollss Manipu Manipula lati tion on + Animal Animal Ken (diffic (difficult ulty y 7) and spends spends an additi additiona onall Willpo Willpower wer point point for each Attribut Attributee the vampire vampire wishes wishes to affect affect.. Only one roll roll needs needs to be made made regard regardles lesss of whether whether or not not the vampire vampire is affecti affecting ng a moun mount's t's speed speed or endu enduran rance ce or both. both. The numb number er of success successes es determi determines nes the number of day dayss (24 hours hours)) the effects effects last. Note that that this this is no nott usef useful ul in comb combat at.. Alth Althou ough gh the the moun mountt move movess faster faster,, the rider rider does not not benefit benefit from from this this with extra extra actions actions and, in fact, fact, may find find the increas increased ed speed speed of his mount mount a detrim detriment ent to succe success ssfu full combat combat maneuv maneuver ers. s. Rapid Rapid trave travell from from one one place place to another another remains remains the primary primary focus focus of this this power. power. This power does not not act as an alter alternat nativ ivee to Cel Celeri erity ty or Forti Fortitu tude de and and canno cannott be used on human humans, s, Cainite Cainitess or othe otherr supern supernatur aturals als.. No indi indivi vidu dual al descr descrip ipti tion onss are are necess necessary ary for for each each leve levell of this this Path, since the effects effects remai remain n consist consistent ent;; only only the number number of indi indivi vidu dual alss or obj object ectss affec affected ted incre increase asess as the the thau thaumat matur urgi gist st gain gainss mast master ery y of the the Path Path.. The The Stor Storyt ytel elle lerr may may modi modify fy the the followi following ng effects effects to allo allow w for combi combinat nation ionss of ridden ridden moun mounts ts and those those used used to pull pull wagons. wagons.
* ** *** **** *****
One moun mountt Up to six moun mounts ts or one laden laden wagon wagon Up to 12 mounts mounts or four supply supply wagons Up to 24 mounts or eight eight supply supply wagons or one siege machine Up to 48 mounts mounts or 16 supply supply wagons or four siege machines
PATHS PATHS CSIE CSIELAN LANIC IC)) Utilizi Utilizing ng the power of the Siela, or the the animisti animisticc spirit spirit late latent nt in the earth earth,, stones stones,, plants plants and animal animals, s, the T remer remeree of Lithu Lithuani aniaa hav havee dev devise ised d a pair pair of Thauma Thaumatur turgic gical al Paths Paths that that allow allow them to assume assume aspect aspectss (an (and d in some some cases, cases, the the forms) of animate animate or inani inanimate mate objects. objects. Based on shamani shamanicc pract pra ctic ices, es, these these Paths Paths combin combinee aspec aspects ts of bot both h nature nature-- and spiri spiritt-bas based ed magic magic.. Some Treme Tremere re out outsi side de Lithua Lithuania nia believ lievee thi this Pat Path to be an of offs fsho hoot ot of koldunic sorc sorcery ery,, a provi pro vince nce of the Tzimisc Tzimisce, e, and look look upon tho those se who pracpractice tice the Sielani Sielanicc Paths Paths with with suspi suspicio cion n and distr distrust ust.. Tel Telyave yavellic Tre Tremere mere alway ways lear earn one of the the two Siel Sielan anic ic Path Pathss as the theiir pr prim imar ary y Thau Thauma matturgi urgica call Pat Path. Othe Otherr Trem Tremer eree may may lear learn n eith either er Path Path by stud studyi ying ng with with a Tely Telyav avel elic ic Trem Tremer ere. e. Non-T Non-Tre reme mere re may may also also lea learn rn this this Pat Path, pr prov oviided ded they alre alread ady y pos possess sess know knowlledge edge of Thau Thauma matu turg rgy y and and can conv convin ince ce a Tely Telyav avel elic ic Treme Tremere re to teach teach it to to them.
The Sielanic Sielanic Paths disappear disappear with the extincti extinction on of the T elyaveli elyavelicc Tremere Tremere blood bloodlin line; e; with the resurgence resurgence of paganpaganism in 20th-ce 20th-centur ntury y Lithuani Lithuania, a, a few Cainite Cainitess there there attempt attempt to red redisc iscove overr the the lost lost princi principle pless of Siel Sielani anicc Thauma Thaumatur turgy gy based based on incomplete incomplete and sketchy sketchy records. records.
W O R L D 'S 'S
B L O O D CSIELANIC) This This power power allo allows ws the vampir vampiree to become become par partt of the the natura naturall world world that surrou surrounds nds her her,, par partak taking ing of th thee abili abiliti ties es inherent in the earth, trees, rocks rocks and life forms of any ground to which which she has attune attuned d herself. herself. While While most practit practitione ioners rs of this this Path Path regul regularl arly y use it within within their their "ho "home" me" tert tertii torie tories, s, a simpl simplee ritu ritual al (see (see below) below) enable enabless the the charac character ter to attun attunee herself to any plot of ground provided she has sufficient time in which to do so. This This Path Path occasi occasiona onall lly y requi requires res the vampir vampiree to inges ingestt some some rather rather fou foull concoc concocti tions ons of her her own blood mixed mixed with with animal animal bloo blood, d, soil, soil, even leaves leaves and grass. grass. It remains remains a continual tinual mystery mystery (particula (particularly rly to those outside outside the Telyavel Telyavelic ic circ circles les)) how the pra pract ctit itio ioner nerss of this this Path can drink drink these these mixtures without promptly heaving them. Some T elyavs claim that study of of the the Path prepares prepares one for such necessitie necessities, s, while
others posit others posit that that a for form m of tran transub subst stant antia iati tion, on, such such as that that which is said to change the bread and wine during during Mass, is at work. Whatever Whatever the reason, the T elyavs elyavs continue continue to swallow swallow and work their their magic without without difficul difficulty. ty. Note: Note: Siel Sielan anic ic Thauma Thaumatu turg rgyy is not not qui quite te trad tradit itio iona nall Thaumaturgy. Thaumaturgy. As a result, result, it uses the same roll roll as the normal Discipline except when specificallystated otherwise.
* EYES EYES OF THE THE EARTH EARTH The vampir vampiree "sees" "sees" everyt everythin hingg that that goes goes on on within within 10 miles miles of her haven (or shr shrine ine)) by uti utili lizin zingg the spiri spirits ts of the the grass grass and and othe otherr plan plants ts,, tree trees, s, rocks rocks and and anim animal alss in the the vici vicini nity ty.. Thus Thus,, a T elya elyave veli licc T remer remeree dwell dwellin ingg with within in her her chan chantr tryy may know know insta instant ntly ly of the approa approach ch of worshi worshippe ppers rs or str strang angers ers.. In addiaddition, tion, she can also view events events transpi transpiring ring within within the range ofher attunemen attunement. t. Such visions visions do not come with handy handy explanati explanations, ons, though though.. No sound sound comes comes through through,, and unless unless the T elyav elyaveli elicc can read read lips lips,, she cann cannot ot kno know w anythi anything ng that that isbeing said said in a spiedspieduponn locati upo location. on. Furthe Further, r, if the sorcerer sorcerer wishes wishes to keep track track of a parti particul cular ar person person as he trave travels, ls, and if she views him for lon longer ger than one night, she must must locate him once again after after each each broken contact contact (to (to sleep sleep or perfor perform m oth other er actio actions, ns, for exampl example) e).. Syste System: m: The vampir vampiree ing ingest estss an infu infusio sionn of her own own vitae vitae mixe mixedd with with soi soil, gras grasss shoo shoots ts,,
leav leaves es,, ani animal mal
feat eather hers
crea creatture ures). s).
(or bloo bloodd
succ succes esse sess achi achiev eved ed
from thes hese
on the the Wil Willpow lpower er
durati dur ation on of the subseq subsequen uentt
The The
fur and and bird bird numb number er
roll roll det determi ermine ness
of the the
"eart "earth-s h-sigh ight. t.""
1 success
o n e tu rn
2 succ succes esse sess
one one hou hourr
3 succ succes esse sess
one one nigh nightt
4 succ succes esse sess
one one week week
5 succ succes esse sess
one one mont monthh
* * ROOTS OF POWER This This abili ability ty enable enabless the Siela Sielanic nic practi practiti tione onerr to draw draw upon upon the the powe powerr late latent nt in the the eart earthh itse itself lf to enha enhanc ncee her her own physical physical abili abiliti ties es
so lon longg as she she remai remains ns
in con conta tact ct
with with the soil. soil. Syst System em:: The The vampi vampire re expe expend ndss a bloo bloodd poin pointt by cutcutting the soles soles ooff her feet and letting letting her blood soak into into the nake nakedd eart earth. h. The The numbe numberr of succ succes esse sess gain gained ed from from the the Willpo Willpower wer roll roll determ determine iness the number number of poi points nts the vampire can can add to her her Physical Physical Attribut Attributes. es. No single Attribu Attribute te may be be raised raised above above 5. For For exampl example, e, three three succes successe sess allow allow the charac characte terr to add add one one point each each to Streng Strength, th, Dexteri Dexterity ty and and Stam Stamiina, na, thre threee poin points ts to any anyon onee Attr Attrib ibut ute, e, or two two poin points ts to one one Attri Attribu bute te and and one one poin pointt to a sec secon ond. d. The The durati dur ation on of this this effect effect is one scene, scene, and the effect effect covers covers an area area of approx approxima imate tely ly 50 feet feet around around the vampir vampire' e'ss origioriginal posi positi tion on (i.e (i.e., ., where where the Cainit Cainite's e's blo blood od first first touc touched hed the soil). soil).
* * *
The vampire vampire uses uses this this abili ability ty to seek refuge refuge withi withinn the living wood of trees. Thus, he is able to encase his body within any tree tree that that stand standss inside inside his his realm realm of attune attunement ment.. In this this fashion, fashion, he may conceal conceal his presence presence from enemies. enemies. His aura blends blends with that of the tree in such a way that increase increasess by two the difficulty difficulty of detecting detecting his presence presence through through Soulsight Soulsight.. In addition, addition, the character character may use any Discipline Discipliness and abilities abilities not dependent on physical physical gestures gestures that he possesses; possesses; although the vampire can "see" "see" his surroun surroundings dings,, he cannot make eye contact contact with specific specific creat creatures ures,, so any any power which which requires requires meeti meeting ng the the vict victim im's 's gaze gaze does does not func functi tion. on. Shoul Shouldd the the vampire vampire enter enter a tree tree to avoid the coming dawn, he isprotected isprotected from the sun so long long as he stays within within the tree. tree. If the tree is chopped down, the vampire suffers five levels of damage and isforced out of the trunk; setting setting the tree afire infli inflicts cts the same amount of aggrava aggravated ted damage. damage. System: The vampire drinks a mixture of blood and treesap prior to the player expending expending a blood point and making a Willpower roll. A single success allows the vampire to remain inside inside a tree for one turn; two succes successesextend sesextend the duration duration for an entire scene. Three or more successes allow the vampire to maintain maintain his positi position on within within a singl singlee tree for up to to 24 hours. When the time limit limit expires, expires, the tree eject ejectss the vampire. vampire.
* * * *
This This power power give the the Sielan Sielanic ic practi practiti tione onerr the power power to assume the shape of any animal that exists within her domain and, in some cases, to change from one animal form to another. The vampire vampire gains all all the physical attribut attributes es and skills skills of the chosen creature, although she retains her undead nature in all forms. While transfor transformed, med, the vampire vampire may use use any any mental Discipli Disciplines nes she possesses, possesses, as well well as other powers the StoryStoryteller teller considers considers reasonable reasonable within within the limitat limitations ions of her form. The ability ability lasts lasts from moonrise moonrise to moonrise. moonrise. System: System: The vampire vampire mixes her own blood blood with that of an anim animal al and and drin drinks ks it, it, then expe expend ndss thre threee bloo bloodd poin points ts to activate activate the power. Each Each success on a Willpowe Willpowerr roll (diffi(difficulty 7) grants the character the ability to shift into one animal' form. Thus, three successes enable the vampire to assume the shape of a deer for swift swift travel travel,, then transfor transform m into a fish fish to conc concea eall hers hersel elff and and move move about about easi easily ly under under wate water, r, and, and, finally, take on the form of a bird to fly to safety.
The vampir vampiree uses uses this this power power to transf transform orm himsel himselff into into what resembles resembles a stone stone dolmen. As such such he can withstan withstandd the rigors rigors of daylight daylight and is immune to flame. In addition, addition, he can even even move about in a very very limite limitedd fashio fashion. n. The legen legends ds of stones that walk and move about during the night come from the practice practice of this potent potent art. Syst System: em: The The vampi vampire re expe expends nds thre threee blood blood poin points ts by allowing his blood to drain onto a boulder, at which point he assumes assumes the boulder's rough shape and consistency. consistency. The num-
ber of success successes es gained gained on the Willpower Willpower roll roll (diffi (difficult cultyy 7) determines determines how long he may remain remain in his his stone form. The features features of the vampire become indisti indistinct, nct, taking taking on a semisemicarved aspect with barely discernible facial features and body parts. parts. Nevertheles Nevertheless, s, his eyes, eyes, ears, mouth and appendages all function function normally, normally, except that the difficu difficulty lty for for all physical physical actions actions are increased increased by two and movement is at one-fourt one-fourthh normal rate. 1 success 1 tu r n 2 succ succes esse sess 3 succ succes esse sess
1 scen scenee 1 hour hour
4 succ succes esse sess 1 nigh nightt 5 succ succes esse sess 1 week week 6+ successes successes 1 month These durations durations represent represent the maximum time limit; limit; the vampire vampire may abort abort the effect effect earlier earlier if he wishes.
This This path path disa disapp ppea ears rs with with the the demi demise se of the the T elya elyave veli licc bloodline bloodline,, though though it is rumored rumored to have become become subsumed subsumed as part of Dark Dark ThaumatU ThaumatUrgy rgy and other other Infern Infernal al Discip Disciplin lines es (see (see Dark Dark Ages Ages Compani Companion on for more more inform informati ation) on).. on dealin dealingg with with the souls souls of of
the the dead dead,, see Wrai Wraith th:: The The Obli Oblivi vion on and and Vampi Vampire re:: Ages, specific specifically ally pp. 255-258) 255-258)
The The Dark Dark
The vampir vampiree can view view the ghosts ghosts of the dead dead that that inhabi inhabitt the area area upon upon which she focuse focusess her atten attentio tion. n. In add additi ition, on, she
can determine the general attitude attitude of these wraiths. wraiths. Relatives of a pers person on who has recent recently ly died died often often seek seek out the the local local shaman to ask whether the soul of the departed seems content or if it needs propitiating in some fashion. fashion. System: System: The vampir vampiree must expen expendd a bloo bloodd poi point nt and conc concen entr trat atee on a speci specifi ficc area. area. The play player er then makes makes a Willpower roll. A single success allows the vampire to detect the presence of any wraiths (or Spectres) in the vicinity of her concentrat concentration. ion. More successes successes allow allow her to determi determine ne details details about the ghost's attitude.
With With this this power power,, the the vampi vampire re can can banis banishh host hostil ilee ghos ghosts ts from from a desi design gnat ated ed area area,, such such as the the home home of a rela relati tive ve of the the angry ang ry wraith. wraith. In some some cases, cases, the banish banishmen mentt is only only tempor temporary ary or is attend attendant ant on the the perfo performa rmance nce appeas app easee the ghost. ghost.
The The vampi vampire re can can command command any any ghost ghost that that she she can see see to to obey her. With With this power, the practit practitione ionerr may receive receive answers answers to question questionss within within the ghost's ghost's realm realm of awareness awareness or require require the soul to deliver deliver a message message to someone someone else. else. Additi Additional onalsimpl simplee tasks fall fall withi withinn the paramet parameters ers of this this power, power, althou although gh the vampire vampire cannot cannot compel compel the ghost ghost to do anyt anythin hingg that that requir requires es a materi material al . form to accomplish. System System:: The vampire vampire must must first first use See the the Dead Dead to loca locate te
Through Through this power, power, the Siela Sielanic nic practitio practitioner ner reaches reaches across across the border border betwee betweenn life life and death, death, using using her own unlivin unlivingg bod bodyy as a conduit conduit for contact contact with the world of the the dead. In additio addition, n, at more more advanced advanced levels levels of this path, path, the sorcerer sorcerer is able to touch touch the essenc essencee ofTely ofTelyave avell himsel himself. f.
(Note: (Note: For more more inform informati ation on
System: The vampire must first locate the angry wraith (through (through the use of See the Dead). His player then then spends spends a blood blood point and rolls rolls the the character's character's Willpower. Willpower. The number of succes successes ses obta obtain ined ed determ determine iness the the number number of ho hours urs the the banished banished ghost remains remains away from the the designated designated location location (a house, house, a ggrave, rave, etc.). etc.). The vampire vampire can determine determine if certain certain actions actions need to be taken taken to ensure ensure the permanent permanent repulsi repulsion on of the ghost through a second Willpower roll (difficulty (difficulty 8); only a single single success is necessary necessary for the vampire vampire to ask the ghost ghost what must be done to satisfy satisfy it. it.
of some some action action intend intended ed
a desirabl desirablee ghost. ghost. Then comes a conteste contestedd Willpower Willpower roll against against the wraith wraith (most ghosts have have 5 Willpower) Willpower).. For each success success the the Cainit Cainitee achiev achieves es ove overr the success successes es scored scored by the wraith, wraith, the ghos ghostt answ answer erss one one ques questi tion on or perf perfor orms ms one one acti action on at the the command command of the sorcerer sorcerer..
* * * * ARMY OF SoULS The Siel Sielanic anic practiti practitioner oner uses this this power to raise raise a specspectral tral troop troop to act as defend defenders ers or to delive deliverr warni warnings ngs to her enemies. enemies. These ghosts ghosts appear as ether ethereal eal images of warriors warriors long dead. Although Although the tattered tattered images cannot 'materiali 'materialize ze complet completely ely in the phy physic sical al world world,, they they can use their their own powers to hurl objects or frighten away attackers. attackers. System: This power costs two blood points and demands a Willpowe Willpowerr roll roll (diffi (difficul culty ty 7). 7). The number number of succes successes ses determi determines nes how many ghosts ghosts (mindl (mindless ess shell shellss of the the dead, dead, called called Drones) the Cainite Cainite can summon. The ghosts ghosts return return to thei theirr rest rest at the the end end of the the nigh nightt upon upon which which they they were were summoned.
This This power power enab enable less the the vampi vampire re to cros crosss physi physica call llyy the the barrier barrier between the world of the living and the world of the dead and enter enter the Underw Underworl orldd (or Shadow Shadowlan lands) ds) for a brief brief perio periodd of time. time. While While she is in this this dark and barren barren realm, realm, she appea appears rs to its its deni denizen zenss as a partic particula ularly rly solid solid wraith. wraith. She can intera interact ct with with wraith wraithss freely freely while while in their their realm, realm, althou although gh she has has no control control over how how they will regard regard her. Any combat combat that ensues ensues causes real real dama damage ge to both both the the sorc sorcer erer er and and her her wrai wraith thly ly foe. foe. Siel Sielan anic ic practiti practitioners oners who functio functionn as priests priests sometimes sometimes use this abili ability ty to tran transp spor ortt morta mortals ls into into the the Under Underwo worl rldd initiati initiation on ritUal. ritUal.
as part part of a sha shaman manic ic
Syst System em:: This This powe powerr cost costss thre threee bloo bloodd poin points ts and and two two Willpower, Willpower, and require requiress a Willpower Willpower roll (diffi (difficult cultyy 8). A single single success success allows allows the the Cainite Cainite to penetrat penetratee the Shroud Shroud and enter enter the
Underwo Underworl rld. d. Thr Three ee succes successes ses enab enable le her to take ano anoth ther er pers person on along along with with her. her. The The sorc sorcer erer er may may remai remain n in the the Underworld until dawn forces her to leave, until she flees, or she is driv driven en out by its residen residents. ts. This power does not not allow allow travel into the deeper Underworld.
SIELANIC SIELANIC RITUALS RITUALS BECOME BECOME ONE ONE WITH WITH THE LAND LAND (LEVEL (LEVEL ONE RITUA RITUAL) L) This This ritua rituall enable enabless the the Siela Sielanic nic caste casterr to att attune une her her-self to a specific specific plot of ground ground;; the area covered covered may not exce exceed ed 10 squa square re mile miless bu butt may may be less less than than that that.. The The cast caster er comb combin ines es her her own bloo blood d with with seve severa rall hand handfu fuls ls of earth earth from from the land land she wishes wishes to claim. claim. By cov coveri ering ng her body bod y with with this this mixtu mixture re bef before ore goi going ng to sleep sleep for the the day day,, the vampir vampiree is able able to absorb absorb the the essenc essencee of the the land land into into hersel her self. f. Therea Thereafte fter, r, she is able able to enact enact the powers of the the Path Path of the the Wor World ld's 's Bloo Bloodd with within in the the area area design designat ated ed before bef ore the the enact enactmen mentt of the ritual ritual.. Whenev Whenever er a Sielan Sielanic ic pract pra ctit itio ioner ner reloc relocat ates es or trave travels ls to anot another her place, place, she may attune attune herself herself to her new locati location on in the same fashion. fashion. She may onl only y be attun attuned ed to one place place at a time, time, altho although ugh she may ren renew ew lapse lapsed d attun attuneme ements nts by rep repeat eating ing the the ritu ritual al.. Syste System: m: The vampire vampire combin combines es her bblo lood od with some natura naturall substa substance nce (such (such as animal animal blo blood, od, tree tree sap or soil) soil) to effe effect ct the desir desired ed resul result. t. After After the ing ingest estion ion this this mixmixture, ture, the next step step is the the exp expend endit iture ure of two bloo blood d poi points nts and and a Will Willpo powe werr ro roll ll (d (dif iffi ficu cult lty y 7). 7). The nu numbe mberr of sucsuccesse cessess ddete etermi rmines nes the durati duration, on, inte intensi nsity ty or ran range ge of the desired effect. SoUL SoULOF OFTH THE E RITUAL)
This This extrem extremely ely powerf powerful ul ritual ritual grants grants the caster caster an almost almost complet completee identi identific ficati ation on with with his domain. domain. He become becomess "on "onee with the the land land"" and, and, throug through h this this inti intimat matee conn connec ecti tion on,, inst instan antl tly y knows of anything anything that threatens threatens the land or its creatures. creatures. He can tell tell if somethi something ng is wrong wrong with with the soil soil (and thus thus give give advice advice on how how to amel amelio iora rate te the the prob proble lem) m).. Addi Additi tion onal ally ly,, he kn know owss the the locati location on of any host hostile ile forces forces,, can predict predict weathe weatherr patter patterns ns that that affe affect ct his domai domain, n, and and can can exer exerci cise se subt subtle le cont contro roll over over the the features features of the land itself. itself. He He can cause trees to move slightly to obscur obscuree paths paths throug through h forest forests, s, change change the course course of streams streams or widen widen them them to make make crossi crossing ng diffic difficult ult or cause cause bou boulde lders rs to rise rise out of the earth earth to bloc block k a moun mountai tain n pass. pass. System: System: The caster caster buries buries himself in a grave near near the center of his domain, domain, remaining remaining within within the earth for one full day. Upon arising arising the following following evening, evening, he imbibes imbibes an infusion infusion of his blood combi combine nedd with with the the soil soil in in whic which h he has has lain lain,, thus thus unit unitin ing g his his essenc essencee with with that that of the land. Period Periodic ic exp expend enditu itures res of blood blood (eig (eight ht bloo bloodd poin points ts per per week) week) can can maint maintai ain n the the conn connec ecti tion on indefinite indefinitely. ly. If a week passes passes without without the caster spilling spilling his blood into into the groun ground, d, the connec connectio tion n
breaks breaks;; the caster caster must repea repeatt
the ritual to reestablish his tie with the land. The Storyteller) should assistthe player in determining the precise precise manifestations manifestations of th this is ability ability so that that its uses don't don't wreak undue undue havoc on the story. TO U CH CH FIVE FIVE
T H E P R O T E C T O R 'S
This ritual links the caster's mind with that ofT elyavel, the the pr prot otec ecto torr of the the dead dead.. Thi This abil abiliity is only only used used in extr extrem emee circ circums umsta tanc nces es,, such such as when when an invad invadin ingg army army threat threatens ens the protec protecte tedd realm realm of the sorcerer sorcerer.. By dra drawin wingg upon the essence essence of this this ancient ancient being, being, the vampire vampire is able to enh enhanc ancee her Physi Physical cal and Menta Mentall Attri Attribut butes es and gai gains ns access access to powers powers beyond her normal abiliti abilities. es. System: System: The vampire spends spends one hour in meditat meditation, ion, focusi foc using ng her though thoughts ts upo uponn establ establish ishing ing con conta tact ct with with the mind mind of T elyav elyavel el.. The Cainit Cainite' e'ss player player then exp expend endss five five blood blo od poi points nts and makes makes a Willpo Willpower wer roll roll (diff (diffic icult ultyy 9). A single single success puts her in contact contact with the mind ofT elyavel. elyavel. The The cast caster er imme immedi diat atel elyy gain gainss 10 dice dice to allo allott to he herr Physical Physical or Mental Attributes Attributes in any combinati combination, on, thou though gh she she may may not incr increa ease se any any Attr Attrib ibut utee beyo beyond nd its its norm normal al maxi maximum mum.. In addi additi tion on,, all all he herr Disc Discip ipli line ness fu func ncti tion on as if she had one additi additiona onall level level in them, them, includ including ing enabli enabling ng her to use powers she has has not yet mastered. mastered. The ritual ritual also conf confer erss up upon on the the vampi vampire re the the abil abilit ityy to rem remai ainn awak awakee durin dur ingg day dayli light ght hou hours rs and pro provid vides es some immun immunit ityy fr from om sunl sunlig ight ht,, pr prov ovid ided ed the the cast caster er do does es not dire direct ctly ly expo expose se herself herself to the sun's rays (i.e. (i.e.,, she must remain remain in tthe he shade or under under some sort sort of cov cover er). ). This This abili ability ty lasts lasts from from one moonri moo nrise se to th thee nex next. t. No succes successes ses means means that that the caster caster fails fails in her attempt attempt to touch touch the death death god's mind. mind. A botch botch mean meanss that that the the vamp vampir iree take takess five five leve levels ls of agg aggra rava vate tedd damage damage (whic (whichh she may atte attempt mpt to soak soak). ). In addi additi tion, on, the vampi vampire re may acqui acquire re a per perman manent ent Derang Derangeme ement nt (un (unle less ss her player is successful successful in a Willpower Willpower roll) roll) from touching touching the the god god's 's mind too closel closelyy withou withoutt recei receivi ving ng his his favor. favor.
NEW NEW BACK BACKGR GROU OUND ND FAMILIAR Although your Embrace Embrace has deprived deprived you of the ability to function func tion as a magus, magus, it did not break the bond you had had with your familiar. familiar. This bound spirit may take the form of any small animal, animal, such as a cat, cat, raven, raven, mouse, frog frog or ot other her creature creature normally normally associat associated ed with magi or or witches. witches. Conversel Conversely, y, the famil familia iarr may appea appearr as a homun homuncul culus us or mannik mannikin. in. Large Large animals animals (hor (horses, ses, goats, bears and the like) like) as well well as magica magicall creatures (such as dragons) are not available as familiars. The number of poin points ts you put into purchasing purchasing your famili familiar ar indiindicates cates its relativ relativee power. Only Only Tremere Tremere characte characters rs who were magi before receiving the Embrace may take this Background. Although Although it no longer longer acts precise precisely ly as a magi's magi's familiar familiar might, your bound spirit still performs simple tasks and minor
made upon initially initially binding it to your service, however, so you must must adh adhere ere to those those terms terms in order order to keep its favor favor.. The benefi ben efits ts pur purcha chased sed at each level level include include all all the one oness fro from m lower levels. Your familiar performs minor services but does * not risk itself for you. Your familiar familiar acts as an early early warning warning to alert alert ** you of the presence presence of intruders intruders,, but does not prevent them from enterin entering g your haven. haven. Your familia familiarr can perform perform fairly fairly complica complicated ted ** * tasks and act as a messenger for you. It also attempts attempts to deter hostile hostile creature creaturess from entering entering your haven, haven, although although it does not confront confront them directly. directly. Your familiar has developed a true fondness for **** you despit despitee you yourr unl unliv iving ing state state and your lack lack of st stand andard ard magic. It not only acts as an assistant (within the limits of its form),, it may incur form) incur minor risks risks to to its own material material form in orderr to protect orde protect you from from harm. Your familiar has a very strong bond with you ***** and serves serves you as fait faithful hfully ly as any any retainer retainer sworn to you by Blood Oath.
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